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Prolog Tutorial

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A Prolog Compendium

Marc Bezem
Department of Informatics, University of Bergen
P.O. Box 7800, N-5020 Bergen, Norway
November 1, 2010
1 Introduction
1.1 Algorithm = Logic + Control
Logic programming (LP) and functional programming (FP) are based on a clear
separation between what has to be computed and how this should be done. LP
and FP are examples of the so-called declarative style of programming. Ideally,
a program in a declarative language is just a specication of what has to be com-
puted. The actual implementation is left implicit and depends on the execution
model of the language. These execution models are built-in in the interpreter
or compiler of the language. For LP this has been formulated most clearly by
Kowalski [1]:
algorithm = logic + control
= what + how
For FP the execution model is the evaluation strategy such as innermost (eager)
evaluation. Another strategy in FP is outermost (lazy) evaluation. Most common
is a combination of dierent strategies. For LP we will describe the execution
model in detail in Section 3.1.
Examples of imperative languages are C, Pascal, C++ and Java. Imperative
programming (IP) is based on a dierent paradigm. In an imperative language
the focus is on how something is computed. The what is often left implicit, or in
the best case expressed in the comments. The execution model of an imperative
language is based on the machine state. (The state of a machine can be dened
by the values in all its memory. This includes the program counter and may even
include the part of the memory where the program is stored.) An imperative
program is a sequence of instructions successively changing the state of the ma-
chine. Assignment is therefore the most fundamental instruction of imperative
languages. Assignment is absent in pure LP and FP, because they have other
ways of dealing with values.
Let us illustrate the dierence between declarative and imperative by an ex-
ample. Assume we want to test whether a boolean function p takes value true
on 0..99. The following imperative piece of code implements this test:
bool test(){
int i = 0;
// missing comment 1.
while (i < 100 && !p(i)) i = i+1;
// missing comment 2.
return i < 100;
// missing comment 3.
This piece of code only describes how something is tested. What actually is
tested is not made explicit. Of course we can blame the programmer for not
writing comments. The following comments would help, one before and one after
the loop:
//1. invariant: i <= 100 and not p(j) for all 0 <= j < i
//2. postcondition: invariant and (i >= 100 or p(i))
The postcondition implies that the conditional returns the desired boolean value,
something which should be made explicit in another comment:
//3. if i < 100 then p(i), else not p(j) for all 0 <= j < i = 100
However, all this logic is not part of the code. In contrast, in a declarative setting
one would like to write:
bool test = exists i in 0..99 {p(i)}; // in Haskell: any p [0..99]
This makes clear what actually should be tested and leaves the how to the exe-
cution model of the language.
Declarative style should provide language support for constructs like exists.
A language with a primitive EXISTS is the database query languages SQL. Database
query languages are good examples of declarative languages. But also certain
webforms can be viewed as programs in a declarative language. People shopping
on the web specify an order, and do not care about how the order actually is
In IP, a program is essentially a sequence of state-changing instructions. In
pure FP, a program is a set of denitions of functions. In pure LP, a program is
a set of denitions of predicates. The LP execution model is answering queries
about these predicates in a specic way, explained in Section 3.1. An important
dierence between FP and LP is that evaluating an expression in FP leads to at
most one value, whereas there can be more than one answer to a query. Some
queries do have a unique answer, but other questions have no answer at all . . .
In the following table we sum up the dierences between IP, LP and FP.
program execution model result
IP instructions changing machine states nal state
FP functions evaluating expressions 1 value
LP predicates answering queries 0 answers
Object orientation (OO) is a dierent aspect of programming. OO can be applied
to all three of IP (e.g., Java), FP (Ocaml), LP (LOOP).
1.2 Getting Started
We propose to use SWI-Prolog, which is available for most
platforms. On the Linux computers of the UiB, SWI-Prolog is launched by the
command pl. This command launches an interactive interpreter:
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, 64 bits, Version 5.7.11)
Copyright (c) 1990-2009 University of Amsterdam.
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Please visit for details.
For help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word).
Here ?- is the Prolog-prompt. After this prompt we can type our query. However,
as we did not load a program yet, we can only ask questions about built-in
predicates. Lets try some and see what happens. We enter queries after the
prompt and show Prologs response on the next line(s).
?- true.
Here we asked Prolog whether true holds, and Prolog conrms on the next line
that this is indeed the case. We say that the query succeeds. After having
answered the query, Prolog is willing to answer a new one. This is expressed by
the new prompt showing up, but also by the full stop after the answer. From
now on we do not show the new prompt in our examples.
Dually can we ask whether false holds, which Prolog denies on the next line.
We say that the query fails:
?- false.
So Prolog knows the two boolean values by their names true and false (also:
fail). Since Prolog knows conjunction , (logical and) as well as disjunction
; (logical or), we can actually query boolean expressions such as:
?- true,(false;true).
?- (false;true),false.
Some built-ins have side-eects, for example:
?- write(hello).
The unary predicate write holds for any argument and has as side-eect that
it writes its argument to standard output. Here the argument hello is written.
The fact that the query succeeds is again expressed by true. Writing a newline
is done by nl. Here comes something more complicated:
?- write(hello),false,nl,write(great);nl,write(world).
How come? First, , and ; are executed from left to right and ; has lower
precedence than ,. This means that rst write(hello) is executed to true
writing hello. Then false is executed, which means that the left-hand side
of the disjunction fails, skipping nl,write(great). However, the right-hand of
the disjunction succeeds, writing world on a new line. The query as a whole
succeeds. It is possible that both sides of a disjunction are true. Lets see what
happens then:
?- write(hello);write(world).
Note that the Prolog prompt is not showing up here and that true is not followed
by a full stop. This indicates that the query has succeeded, but that Prolog has
not explored all possibilities for the query to succeed. If you are not interested in
possible alternatives, press the return key and a full stop is written after which
the Prolog prompt will appear. It may be interesting, however, to ask for possible
alternatives. To see the next alternative, type ; and it will show up, if it exists.
Here this would lead to writing world and succeeding denitively:
?- write(hello);write(world).
true ;
Exercise 1.1 Try the following queries and explain what happens. For under-
standing the side-eects it is important to know that (sub)expressions are exe-
cuted up to the point where their truth value is determined, but not any further.
?- false,halt.
?- write(hello);write(great);write(world).
?- (write(hello);write(great)),false,write(world).
?- (write(hello);write(great)),false;write(world).
1.3 Getting Help and Stopping
To open a help-window during a Prolog session, enter the query help. To get
help on a specic topic, predicate or operator xyz, enter the query help(xyz).
For example, help(trace) gives tracing possibilities. To stop a Prolog execution
without leaving the interpreter, press (repeatedly) Ctrl-C:
[forced] Action (h for help) ?
Hereafter one has several options, such as:
h for help, which shows all options;
a for abort, which interrupts the answering of the current query;
e for exit, which terminates the whole Prolog session denitively.
In UNIX systems like Linux, when you run a program from the command line,
Ctrl-C is (almost always) the interrupt key. Other platforms have other ways of
interrupting processes, typically an interrupt-button in a GUI.
Special predicates are listing and halt. The former lists your program
(may be dierent from your intention). Executing halt will terminate the Prolog
session immediately:
?- halt.
[nmimb@ii122127 pl]$
In the above case we are back at a (customized) Linux-prompt.
1.4 Program Example
In the previous section we have used Prolog without loading a program and our
queries involved only built-ins. In Prolog, like in LP in general, a program is a
denition of a set of predicates. Loading a program can be seen as extending the
knowledge of the Prolog interpreter with the predicates dened in the program.
For example, a program, an ordinary text-le in the current directory
can be loaded in this way:
?- consult(./ % Loading a program
The program in the text-le reads as follows:
man(Haakon VII).
man(Olav V).
man(Harald V).
parent(Haakon VII,Olav V).
parent(Maud,Olav V).
parent(Olav V,Harald V).
parent(Martha,Harald V).
parent(Harald V,Haakon).
father(X,Y):- parent(X,Y), man(X).
mother(X,Y):- parent(X,Y), woman(X).
The above program denes ve predicates, two unary predicates man/1 and
woman/1 and three binary ones: parent/2, father/2 and mother/2.
The unary
predicates describe part of the Norwegian royal family by gender. The binary
predicate parent describes the parent-child relationships. The predicates man,
woman and parent are dened by listing so-called facts, like tuples in a database.
The predicates father, mother, are dened by the last two so-called rules in
the program. The rst of these rules can be phrased as: for every X and Y, X is
the father of Y if X is a parent of Y and X is a man. The rules can be viewed
Any string is turned into a Prolog constant by putting it between apostrophes: ....
Commenting out the remaining part of a line is done by %... In-line comments as in C:
The extension /n behind a predicate name expresses the arity of the predicate. The same
name can be used with dierent arities for dierent predicates.
as dening new facts from old ones. For example, the rst rule combines the
facts man(Harald V) and parent(Harald V,Haakon) into the new fact
father(Harald V,Haakon). Note that the rule has been applied taking
Harald V for X and Haakon for Y. Here X and Y are variables and Harald
V and Haakon are constants. In Prolog, variables start with a capital. This is
precisely the reason why the constants Harald V and Haakon are quoted: if
not, they would be taken as variables.
The facts and rules are called program clauses, or clauses for short. Queries
are also called goal clauses or goals for short. Answering a query is also called
solving a goal. Lets query the program above:
?- woman(W).
W = Maud
In program clauses, variables are universally quantied (for every). In goal
clauses, variables are existentially quantied (there exists).
The above query
asks: is there a W such that woman(W) holds? Prolog answers this question on
the basis of the program. The answer W = Maud means yes, woman(W) holds
for W = Maud. So the answer is more informative than just true, we also get
information about the variable. A more precise way of paraphrasing the query
above is therefore: for which W do we have woman(W)?. Note that we do not
get a full stop after the answer, nor a Prolog prompt, which means that there
may be alternative answers. These show up by typing ;, which results in all
four expected answers:
?- woman(W).
W = Maud ;
W = Martha ;
W = Sonja ;
W = Mette-Marit.
The last answer ends by a full stop and the Prolog prompt appears. One could
wish these answers to be written without any interaction. This can be done in
various ways in Prolog. One way is by a so-called failure driven loop:
?- woman(W),write(W),nl,fail.
In order to understand what happens we must use what we learned in the
previous section. The whole query is a conjunction, which is executed from left to
Universal and existential quantication have been explained in MNF130.
right. First, woman(W) is executed, binding W to Maud, while three alternative
answers have to wait. Since woman(W),write(W) share the same variable W,
the next term to be executed is write(Maud), which succeeds writing Maud
(without the quotes). The next term is nl, which succeeds with the side-eect of
a new line. Finally, the fourth term fails. The query as a whole hasnt failed yet,
as there are still alternative answers to woman(W). These altenatives are processed
in the same way as the rst alternative, leading to the output as shown above.
Thereafter the query nally fails, as signalled by false. Of course Prolog has
other ways of generating all answers to a query, for example, by collecting them
in a list.
A familiar mistake is illusterated by the following example:
?- parent(W,Sonja),write(W),nl,fail.
Haakon VII
Olav V
Harald V
If the intention was to ask for the parents of Sonja, the query is wrong. The
query actually writes all persons who occur in the rst argument of the relation
parent/2. The reason is that Prolog takes unquoted words beginning with a
capital letter as variable names, and we forgot to quote Sonja. Even quotes
cannot prevent the next surprise:
?- parent(W,Sonja). % Use quotes!
Why should we have expected this negative answer? Of course everyone has
parents, but not everyone has royal parents. The answer is given with respect to
the program and the program did not specify any parent for Sonja.
More complicated queries can easily be conceived. The following query asks
for Haakons royal grandmother:
?- parent(X,Haakon),mother(Y,X).
X = Harald V,
Y = Martha
This answer is correct, but the Prolog prompt is missing indicating there may
be alternatives. Could this be the other grandmother? No, typing ; re-
sults in false. How come? There are two answers to parent(X,Haakon):
X = Harald V and X = Sonja. The rst answer is used above, with Y =
Martha for the rst grandmother. At that moment Prolog is aware of a possible
alternative for X and oers the user to further explore this alternative. However,
Prolog is unaware of the fact that the alternative X = Sonja will lead to a
subquery mother(Y,Sonja) which fails. Prolog only discovers this after being
asked to explore the second alternative, which results in false.
Exercise 1.2 Extend the program with denitions for predicates
son/2 and daughter/2. Test your program with a query asking for the grandson
of Haakon VII.
2 Prolog Syntax
In UNIX systems, when you run a program from the command line you can
interrupt it by pressing a key. You can nd out which keys have special functions
like that by entering stty -a at the shell prompt. The one you want here is called
intr and it is almost always Ctrl-C.
2.1 Basic Syntax
Here is a basic syntax of a subset of Prolog (with examples after %):
<const> ::= <number> | <name> % -3 12 c Maud
<term> ::= <const> | <var> | <name>(<terms>) % Maud cons(Y,nil)
<terms> ::= <term> | <terms>,<term>
<atom> ::= <name> | <name>(<terms>). % true son(Maud,X)
<atoms> ::= <atom> | <atoms>,<atom>
<fact> ::= <atom>. % help(help).
<goal> ::= <atoms>.
<rule> ::= <atom>:- <atoms>. % p(X):- q,r(X,Y).
The lexical categories <number>, <name> and <var> are assumed to be known.
An atom in the above sense is an atomic formula in rst-order logic. Terminology
may vary a bit, the category <name> is often dened as atom in the syntactic
sense. Note that a fact is just an atom followed by a full stop and that the body
of a rule is the same as a goal, that is, a sequence of one or more atoms followed
by a full stop. Well try not to be pedantic in our notation and terminology.
Exercise 2.1 Extend the syntax of Prolog above with a left-associative operator
; for <atoms>, with lower precedence than , (include parentheses).
Exercise 2.2 Parse some rules and goals from Section 1.21.4 with the extended
syntax from the previous exercise.
Exercise 2.3 Extend the extended syntax of Prolog from the previous exercise
with a unary operator \+ with highest priority.
2.2 Unication
Unication means making terms identical by substitution. In LP, unication is
used to determine how a program clause could be used to nd a solution to a
goal clause. Unication is not always possible. For example, the terms X and
f(X) cannot be unied: any substitution for X in f(X) will result in a longer
term than X itself. A unication algorithm decides whether unication is possible
and, if so, returns a unifying substitution (a unier). We start by dening what
a substitution is. We use the usual notation x, y, z, x
, . . . for variables, a, b, c
for constants, f, g, h for functions, and t, s, t
, . . . for rst-order terms. First-
order terms are constructed from constants and variables by (iterated) function
application. This construction is described by the non-terminal <term> in the
grammar in Section 2.1.
Denition 2.1 A substitution is a nite set of equations of the form x
= t
where the variables on the left are distinct. Notation: = {x
= t
, . . . , x
= t
The equations x
= t
in the substitution are called the bindings of the variables.
Application of the substitution on a term t is the simultaneous replacement of
all occurrences of x
in t by t
. The resulting term will be denoted by (t).
As an example of substitution, consider = {x=f(x, y), y=c}, t = g(h(x, y), x),
then (t) = g(h(f(x, y), c), f(x, y)), ((t)) = g(h(f(f(x, y), c), c), f(f(x, y), c)).
Denition 2.2 A unication problem is a nite set of equations of the form
= t
. Notation: E = {s
= t
, . . . , s
= t
}. A solution of a unication problem
E is a substitution such that (s
) and (t
) are identical, for all 1 i n. In
that case is called a unier of E. A set of equations E = {x
= t
, . . . , x
= t
is said to be in solved form if each variable x
occurs exactly once in E. In that
case E is a substitution itself and moreover a unier of itself. It is even a so-
called most general unier (mgu): any other unier can be obtained by further
substitution of the variables possibly occurring in the t
We follow the (very readable) treatment of unication by Martelli and Mon-
tanari [4, Algorithm 1 on p.251].
This is their simplest algorithm, but not the
most ecient. It proceeds by transforming the unication problem, in a way not
changing the set of uniers, until a solved form is reached. If there is no unier,
the algorithm detects this and halts.
There are two important transformation steps in the algorithm. The rst
breaks down compound terms and the second substitutes a term for a variable:
1. Replace the equation f(s
, . . . , s
) = f(t
, . . . , t
) by s
= t
, . . . , s
= t
The special case n = 0 amounts to deleting c = c for a constant c.
Notations vary. In [4], the application of a substitution to a term t is denoted by t

2. Let x = t be an equation with x a variable and t any term not containing
x. Let be the substitution {x = t} The set of equations is transformed
by replacing all equations s = s

other than x = t by (s) = (s

). Note
that it allowed that t is a variable dierent from x. After this step the only
occurrence of x in the set of equations is on the left of the equation x = t.
The transformations 1 and 2 transform a set of equations into an equivalent set
of equations [4, Theorem 2.1 and 2.2]. In other words, they do not change the
set of uniers.
We now describe a non-deterministic unication algorithm in detail. Given
a set of equations, perform any of the following steps until none of them applies
(halt with success) or non-uniability is detected (halt with failure):
(ee) Erase any equation of the form x = x.
(sw) Replace any equation of the form t = x with t not a variable by x = t.
(tr) Apply term reduction to any equation of the form s = t with s and t starting
with the same function symbol.
(hf) Halt with failure if there is an equation of the form s = t with s and t
starting with dierent function symbols.
(su) Apply substitution with any equation of the form x = t where x does not
occur in t but does occur in another equation in the set.
(oc) Halt with failure if there is an equation of the form x = t where x occurs
in t but x = t.
The step in point (oc) above is called the occur-check. If none of the steps (ee)
(oc) apply, then the set of equations must be in solved form and hence its own
unier. Since the steps (ee), (sw), (tr) and (su) transform the set of equations into
an equivalent one, the solved form is a unier of the original set of equations. For
the same reason, the original unication problem is not solvable if the algorithm
halts in step (hf) or (oc). Hence the algorithm is correct when it terminates, and
termination is proved in [4, Theorem 2.3].
Example 2.3 We present six runs of the unication algorithm, with all steps
named. As the algorithm is non-deterministic, alternative steps may be possible.
The last two runs show that even the solved forms may be dierent. However,
the solved forms are harmless variants in such cases.
1. {f(a, x) = f(y, b)}
{a = y, x = b}
{x = b, y = a} solved form
2. {f(a, x) = f(x, b)}
{a = x, x = b}
{x = a, x = b}

{x = a, a = b}
3. {f(a, f(b, x)) = f(x, y)}
{a = x, f(b, x) = y}
{x = a, f(b, x) = y}

{x = a, f(b, a) = y}
{x = a, y = f(b, a)} solved form
4. {f(x, x) = f(y, g(y))}
{x = y, x = g(y)}
{x = y, y = g(y)}
5. {x = y, y = z, z = x}
{x = y, y = z, z = y}
{x = z, y = z, z = z}

{x = z, y = z} solved form
6. {x = y, y = z, z = x}
{x = y, y = x, z = x}
{x = y, y = y, z = y}

{x = y, z = y} solved form
It should be said the occur-check can make the unication algorithm ine-
cient. For this reason many Prolog systems leave out the occur-check by default.
This rarely leads to errors, but care has to be taken in using unication for theo-
rem proving and type inference. There is usually a correct unication algorithm
in the library:
?- unify_with_occurs_check(X,f(X)). % correct unification in SWIPL
Exercise 2.4 Apply the unication algorithm to the following problems. In the
last two, H,T are variables, [] is a constant and [.|.] a binary function.
1. {f(x, x) = f(y, a)}
2. {f(z) = y, g(y) = x, h(x) = z}
3. {f(z, z) = y, g(y, y) = x}
4. {f(x, h(x), y) = f(g(z), u, z), g(y) = x}
5. {member(a,[a|[b|[]]]) = member(H,[H|T])}
6. {member(b,[a|[b|[]]]) = member(H,[H|T])}
3 Prolog Semantics
Generally speaking, an operational semantics (execution model) describes how
a program is executed. A declarative semantics describes what is computed. In
terms of the slogan Algorithm = Logic + Control, the declarative semantics is
the logic and the operational semantics the control.
3.1 Operational Semantics
In order to formally describe the execution model we rst dene a tree for every
logic program P and goal G. This tree is a labeled, ordered tree with a root.
The nodes of the tree are labelled with goals and the label of the root is G. The
outgoing edges of each inner node correspond to program clauses whose head
can be unied with the leftmost atom in the goal. These outgoing edges are
annotated by the program clause and the unier applied. Application means
here that the rst atom in the goal is replaced by the atoms in the body of the
program clause, after which the unier is applied to the whole new goal. In the
special case that the program clause is a fact the rst atom in the goal is deleted
before applying the unier. Note that the atoms in a goal may share variables.
This is an important form of data ow, and is the reason that the unier must
be applied to all atoms in the goal. Outgoing edges are ordered from left to right
in the order of appearance of the corresponding program clause in P.
The situation of an inner node can thus be depicted in this way:
, . . . , A
program clause, f.e.
H : B
, . . . , B
mgu {A
= H}

program clause,
f.e. fact F

mgu {A
= F}

, . . . , B
, A
, . . . , A
. . .

, . . . , A
In the rightmost branch we have exemplied the possibility that a program clause
is a fact, that is, there is no body B
, . . . , B
. This is the only way a child
(subgoal) can be smaller (in terms of number of atoms) than the parent. This
is important, since for solving a goal we need to solve all atoms in the goal.
There are two kinds of leaves in the tree. First, it is possible that in the
picture above no program clause can be applied to A
. In that case the goal
, . . . , A
fails. The node has no children and is called a failure leaf. The other
possibility is that there is no A
because the goal is empty. A node labeled with
a empty goal (notation : 2) is called a success leaf.
In this way the whole search tree is dened for any program P and goal G.
Prolog traverses this tree depth-rst from left to right (backtracking) until a
success leaf is found. If so, the composition of all the substitutions on the path to
the root, restricted to the variables occurring in the original goal, is returned. If
the whole tree has been traversed without success, failure is reported. Note that
there is a clear possibility for non-termination if the tree has an innite path.
Example 3.1 Consider program and goal father(X,Haakon).
The search tree is depicted in Figure 1 on page 26, with p abbreviating parent.
The binding F=Harald V is returned.
Example 3.2 Consider the goal p(X) and the following program P:
p(f(f(X))):- p(X).
We must rst deal with a subtlety that hitherto has been ignored. Note that
the variable X occurs both in the goal and in the second program clause. This
would prevent unication of the goal with the head of the second program clause.
However, the two occurrences of the variable X are in dierent scopes. The goal
is asking the question: for which X can we infer p(X)? The second program
clause represents the knowledge: for all X we have p(f(f(X))) if we have p(X).
In both cases the variable could be renamed without changing the question nor
the knowledge represented. Since the goal is given by the user, Prolog silently
renames variables in program clauses. Here is (part of) the tree:
{X = c}

))) : p(X
{X = f(f(X

2 p(X
= c}

))) : p(X
= f(f(X

2 p(X


. . .
In this case the tree is innite. The success leaves represent all positive answers
to the query p(X). The answers are given as substitutions for X computed by
composing all mgus along the path from the success leaf to the root. In the tree
above this means X = c for the rst success leaf found, X = f(f(c)) for the
second, and so on. In general, the answers are of the form X = f
(c) for any
even natural number n.
Exercise 3.1 Consider the following program and the goal q(X).
p(f(f(X))):- p(X).
q(X):- p(f(X)).
Draw the search tree and verify the answer(s) with Prolog Hint: trace,q(X).
Exercise 3.2 Consider the program and the following goal:
Draw the search tree and verify the answer(s) with Prolog.
3.2 Declarative Semantics
For the practice of Prolog programming, the operational semantics from the pre-
vious section is most important.
However, given the theoretical ideal of LP we
will describe in this section the declarative semantics of a logic program P. This
takes two steps: rst we dene variable-free terms and variable-free atoms, then
we dene the variable-free atoms implied by the program. We restrict attention
to programs consisting of clauses dened by the basic syntax in Section 2.1 and
not involving predicates from the library (built-ins). We assume that goals do
not introduce new names.
A variable-free term in the context of P is a special case of a rst-order term as
described by the non-terminal <term> in the grammar in Section 2.1. The extra
requirements are that the term does not contain variables and that all names
(constants and functions) occur in P. A variable-free atom in the context of P
is as described by the non-terminal <atom> in the grammar in Section 2.1, with
the extra requirement that all terms in <terms> are variable-free and all names
(constants, functions and predicates) occur in P.
Example 3.3 In the context of the program in Example 3.2, the variable-free
terms are c, f(c), f(f(c)), . . . and the variable-free atoms are p(c), p(f(c)), p(f(f(c))), . . ..
Note that there are innitely many variable-free terms and atoms in this case.
Programs are nite, so without functions there can only be nitely many variable-
free atoms, as is the case in the following example.
Example 3.4 In the context of, the variable-free terms are:
Martha Mette-Marit Maud Sonja
Haakon VII Olav V Harald V Haakon
Studying the declarative semantics could be postponed till after the next chapter on the
pragmatics of Prolog.
There are eight variable-free atoms with each of the unary predicates man/1 and
woman/1. There are 64 variable-free atoms with each of the binary predicates
parent/2, father/2, mother/2.
The last example shows that not all variable-free atoms are true. We are in
particular interested in those variable-free atoms that are implied by the program
P. These are collected in an iterative way. We rst give an informal description.
Start by collecting all variable-free atoms that are instances of facts in P. Then
apply the rules of P to see if this extends the set of variable-free atoms collected
so far. Iterate this process until no more variable-free atoms can be obtained. It
it possible that we need innitely many iterations, but also in that case the set
of variable-free atoms becomes saturated in the sense that no more variable-free
atoms can be obtained by applying the rules.
Now we give a more formal description. By induction we dene an increasing
sequence of sets P
of variable-free atoms that are implied by P. Let P
be the
set of all variable-free instances of facts in P. Assume P
has been constructed
(i 1). Let P
consist of all variable-free atoms in P
plus all atoms A such
that there exists a variable-free instance A : B
, . . . , B
of a rule in P such
that B
, . . . , B
are all in P
. Dene P

. Then P

is saturated in the
sense that no more variable-free atoms can be obtained by applying rules from
P. This can be seen as follows. Let A : B
, . . . , B
be a variable-free instance
of a rule in P such that B
, . . . , B
are in P

. Then there exist i

, . . . , i
such that B
for all 1 j n. Let m = max(i
, . . . , i
), then B
all 1 j n. Hence A P
and hence A P

The set P

dened above is the declarative semantics of P. It is called the

minimal Herbrand model and gives a precise description of the predicates dened
by P. It can be shown that P

consists exactly of all variable-free atoms implied

by P (implied in the sense of logical consequence). Ideally, one has that the
operational semantics in the previous section and the declarative semantics in
this section agree completely. This can be shown to be the case for LP in general
with breadth-rst search for success leaves in the trees in Section 3.1. However,
for eciency reasons Prolog searches depth-rst, and leaves out the occur-check
in the unication algorithm. Consequently, the operational semantics of Prolog
is not always in perfect agreement with the declarative semantics, see the next
example. We do have perfect agreement, however, for the program
and for the program in Example 3.2. In general, it is important to be aware of
what the predicates in your program mean declaratively.
Example 3.5 Recall the program in Example 3.3 and interchange the two pro-
gram clauses to get the following program P:
p(f(f(X))):- p(X).
Changing the order of the program clauses has no eect on the declarative seman-
tics, which is for both programs P

= {p(f
(c)) | even n 0}. (By convention,
(c) is c.) However, the query p(X) leads to an ugly error here:
?- p(X).
ERROR: Out of local stack
Exception: (246,060) p(_G984214) ?
What has happened is that, by interchanging the two program clauses, the left-
right ordering of the search tree in Example 3.2 is reversed. This means that all
success leaves now are on the right of the innite path in the tree. As the tree
is traversed depth-rst, from left to right, no solutions are found. At the same
time internal nodes are stacked and stacked, leading to stack overow.
Exercise 3.3 Determine the declarative semantics of the program
and verify your result with the following Prolog queries:
?- man(X).
?- woman(X).
?- parent(X,Y).
?- father(X,Y).
?- mother(X,Y).
4 Prolog Pragmatics
4.1 Programming Techniques
4.1.1 Generate-and-test
The built-in predicate between/3 on integers is dened by:
between(N1,N2,N3) iff N1 <= N3 <= N2
It can also be used to generate integers in the third argument:
?- between(-1,2,X).
X = -1 ;
X = 0 ;
X = 1 ;
X = 2.
This makes it possible to implement the test from Section 1, whether or not a
boolean function p takes value true on 0..99:
exists:- between(0,99,X), p(X).
This is an example of a technique called generate-and-test. In its general form
it works as follows. Assume we want to test whether there exists an element in
some given domain that has some given property. One solution is to split this
problem in two parts, one for generating elements of the domain and one for
testing whether such an element has the desired property. In order to do this we
need two predicates, which we call domain/1 and property/1 and we write:
test:- domain(X), property(X).
The technique becomes more interesting when the predicates have more param-
eters. For example, with two parameters it takes this form:
test(Par1,Par2):- domain(Par1,Par2,X), property(Par1,Par2,X).
Many problems can be cast in this form. Before we can give more examples we
introduce lists and recursion in Prolog in the next section.
4.1.2 Recursion
Like in Haskell, a list in Prolog is either empty or is constructed from a head
element and a tail list. The empty list in Prolog is denoted by [] and for extending
a list with a head (: in Haskell) Prolog uses the inx binary function [.|.].
This leads to rather cumbersome notations for lists, such as [a|[b|[c|[]]]] (cf.
a:b:c:nil in Haskell). Fortunately there are convenient shorthands dened by
[H1,...,Hn|Tail]=[H1|[H2,...,Hn|Tail]], [H1,...,Hn]=[H1,...,Hn|[]]
This makes it possible to write the above example as [a,b,c]. It makes it also
possible to write [a,b,c|D] as a pattern matching any list starting with a,b,c.
An element occurs in a list if and only if it is the head or occurs in the tail.
This leads to the following recursive denition of a predicate member/2:
member(Head,[ X |Tail]):- member(Head,Tail).
Logically these clauses are ne, but Prolog gives a useful warning when loading
the above two clauses (warnings can be ignored, errors cannot):
Warning: Singleton variables: [Tail]
Warning: Singleton variables: [X]
This warns us that that the program contains variables that occur only once in
their clause.
The fact that the second clause contains the variable Tail even
twice does not change this fact, since variables in dierent clauses have dierent
scopes. When a variable occurs only once in a clause, the only thing it does
is matching a corresponding term in a goal, without doing something with the
binding. This means that the name of the variable does not play a role. Prolog
encourages in such cases the use of anonymous variables (wildcards):
Such a warning is extremely useful in cases where a variable name has been mistyped.
member(Head,[_|Tail]):- member(Head,Tail).
The fact that member occurs in the body of the second clause makes the denition
of this predicate recursive. Like in Haskell [2], recursion is the basic mechanism
for looping.
Exercise 4.1 Draw the search trees for the following goals and verify the answers
with Prolog.
Using the predicate member/2 we can apply the generate-and-test technique
for testing whether two lists have overlap:
overlap(List1,List2):- member(Elt,List1), member(Elt,List2).
This example demonstrates that the same predicate member/2 can be used both
for generating candidates (members of the rst list) and for testing (whether
these candidates occur in the second list).
Exercise 4.2 Draw the search trees for the following goals and verify the answers
with Prolog.
Appending two lists yields a uniquely dened third list. If the rst list is empty,
the third list equals the second. Otherwise the rst list has a head and a tail,
and appending is done at the tail after which the head can be added. This leads
to the following recursive predicate append:
append([H|T],L,[H|TL]):- append(T,L,TL).
Clearly, append/3 is functional in the sense that the third argument is a function
of the rst two arguments. However, the formulation of append as a predicate
has the unexpected use illustrated in the second goal in the next exercise. In a
predicate, the roles of arguments as input or output need not be xed.
Exercise 4.3 Find all solutions to append([a,b],[c],L) and append(L1,L2,[a,b,c]).
Draw the search trees and verify the answers with Prolog.
The last exercise shows that append can be used to compute prexes and suxes.
This is made explicit by:
prefix(Prefix,L):- append(Prefix,_,L).
suffix(Suffix,L):- append(_,Suffix,L).
4.1.3 Accumulators
Reversing a list can be done recursively as follows. If the list is empty, there is
nothing to be done. If the list consists of a head and a tail, reverse the tail and
append the head as a the one-element list. The following Prolog program does
the job:
naive_rev([H|T],RevTH):- naive_rev(T,RevT), append(RevT,[H],RevTH).
However, this program is very inecient, see the following exercise.
Exercise 4.4 Draw the search trees for the goal reverse([a,b,c],L). Test the
following goals with Prolog and compare the timings:
The reason for the ineciency of reverse is that appending an element to the
end of a list is linear in the length of the list, and reverse does this a linear
number of times. As a consequence, reverse takes time quadratic in the length
of the list, whereas linear time should be sucient. Clearly, a more ecient way
of reversing a list is desirable. It seems natural to go through the list and stack
the elements we meet on our way. When meeting the end of the list, the stack can
be emtied in the reverse order. This is the way it would be done in IP, but that
would require a stack in memory, changing state at each step. (In IP, reversing a
doubly linked list can be done in constant time by interchanging the pointers to
the begin and the end of the list!) In LP and FP we do not have state, but we
have recursion (implemented by using a stack) and parameters. A rst attempt
to use these would result in:
stack([],Stack):- write(stack: ), write(Stack),nl.
stack([H|T],SoFar):- stack(T,[H|SoFar]).
The search trees for a goal such as stack([a,b,c],[]) is simple and linear, with
subsequent subgoals stack([b,c],[a]), stack([c],[b,a]), stack([],[c,b,a]).
Building a stack in the second argument seems ne:
stack: [c, b, a]
But how to get out the reversed list? For this we need to give the predicate an
extra argument which is simply passed to the recursive call and which returns
the result in the base case. This leads to:
reverse(L,RevL):- revapp(L,[],RevL).
revapp([H|T],Accumulator,Output):- revapp(T,[H|Accumulator],Output).
The extra (middle) argument of revapp is called an accumulator, as it so to say
accumulates the result. Note that revapp actually appends the second list to
the reversed rst list. It is instructive to closely compare revapp with append by
using the same variable names:
append([H|T],L,[H|TL]) :- append(T,L,TL).
revapp([H|T],L,RevTHL) :- revapp(T,[H|L],RevTHL).
The predicate append has to remember H until the recursive call returns and the
list [H|TL] can be constructed. The predicate revapp doesnt have to do anything
after the recursive call. The latter type of recursion is called tail recursion and
can be implemented more eciently without stacking recursive calls.
Exercise 4.5 Test the following goals with Prolog and compare the timings:
time( reverse([a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a],L)).
4.1.4 Arithmetic
Prolog has the usual arithmetical operators +, -, *, /, besides //, mod for
integer division and remainder. Arithmetical equality and disequality are de-
noted by =:= and =\=, respectively. Inequalities in Prolog can be expressed by
>, <, =<, >=. All these can only be evaluated if all operands evaluate to a
number. None of these operators/relations gives the possibility to evaluate an
arithmic expression and bind a variable to the result. It is exactly this what the
operator is/2 does. For example, the query X=1+1, Y is 2*X binds X to 1+1
and Y to 4. Note that = denotes uniability and not equality.
Exercise 4.6 Test the following ve goals with Prolog:
1+1 = 2 X = 1+1 X is 1+1 0*X = 0 0*X =:= 0
4.1.5 Cut, Negation-as-Failure
The cut is an operational device in Prolog that prunes the search tree. The cut
is denoted by ! and is true, but passing it has as side-eect that specic parts
of the search tree are cut out.
For example, try the query member(a,[a,b,a]). This query succeeds two
times, and thereafter considers the alternative member(a,[]) before it nally fails
(draw the search-tree!). Assume we are interested in a test whether an element
occurs in a list, but not in alternative occurrences. Consider this program:
membership(H,[H|_]):- !.
membership(H,[_|T]):- membership(H,T).
The eect of the cut in the rst clause is that the second clause is not used
for searching for other occurrences when the cut has been passed. We get the
following behaviour:
?- membership(a,[a,b,a]).
In general, the side-eect of passing a cut is that all remaining alternatives to
atoms left of it, including the head of the clause, are discarded from the search
tree. When backtracking arrives at the cut, control jumps to the caller of the head
of the clause (dicult!). A so-called green cut prunes parts of the search tree in
which no solutions are found. In contrast, a red cut possibly discards solutions.
The cut above is a red cut, discarding solutions that we are not interested in.
The following example is the use of a red cut to approximate the negation of a
notp(X):- p(X), !, fail.
This example of a red cut is called negation-as-failure. The query notp(t) fails if
p(t) succeeds. Furthermore, notp(t) succeeds if p(t) terminates with failure.
Note that the query notp(t) does not terminate if p(t) does not terminate. This
form of negation based on nite failure is Prologs built-in negation operator \+.
An example of the use of a green cut can be found at the end of the next section.
4.2 Data structures
4.2.1 Terms as data structures
One way of viewing predicates is as tables of a relational database (without
explicit names of the attributes). The name of the table is the name of the
predicate. A tuple in a table corresponds to a variable-free atom:
In general, tuples can be represented as xed-length argument lists. Functions
make it possible to represent data structures whose size is not known beforehand.
The best known such data structure, both in LP and FP, is the list. Lists are rep-
resented by means of a binary function and a constant. In Prolog, standard lists
use [.|.] and [] and list notation is right-associative (e.g., [a|[b|[c|[]]]]). It
would be possible to dene lists in a left-associative way (e.g., [[[[]|c]|b]|a]).
The right-associative standard clearly favours left-to-right reading and supports
easy extension of lists on the left.
One may argue that lists do not exploit the full potential of a binary func-
tion, which makes it possible to represent binary trees in a natural way (e.g.,
[[]|[[[]|[]]|[]]]). If we only use the constant [], such representations have
only form and no place for content. Using dierent constants, we can at least
have content in the leaves of the binary tree (e.g., [a|[[b|c]|d]]). It is therefore
natural to look at ternary functions to represent binary labelled trees, inspired
by the Haskell type:
data Tree a = Nil | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
Here Nil represents the empty tree and Node is a ternary function for combining
two subtrees below a new labelled root. For example, we have the following values
of type Tree Int
Of course, the verbose representation Node(2,Nil,Nil) of a leaf could be pre-
vented by a constructor Leaf a instead of Nil, in particular if no representation
of the empty tree is needed.
Exercise 4.7 Draw the abstract syntax trees of:
It is only a little step to change the syntax to Prolog and to write a predicate for
testing whether a term occurs in a tree:
member(E,node(_,Left,_):- member(E,Left).
member(E,node(_,_,Right):- member(E,Right)
Search trees have the property that in any node the label is larger than any label
in the left subtree and smaller that any label in the right subtree. If a search tree
is balanced, that is, left and right subtrees have more or less the same number of
nodes, binary search is faster:
membership(E,node(E,_,_):- !.
membership(E,node(X,Left,_):- E<X, !, membership(E,Left).
membership(E,node(X,_,Right):- E>X, membership(E,Right).
The cuts are green cuts here, provided the tree is a search tree.
4.2.2 Open data structures
Open data structures are data structures with holes. If you keep track of the
holes, you can ll them and thereby extending the data structure. If the extension
itself has a hole, it can again be extended. In Prolog, a hole is represented by a
variable. Open data structures are rst-order terms with variables, as opposed to
variable-free or closed terms. The dierence with the is made clear by comparing
the following two:
closed list: [a,b,c|[]] open list: [a,b,c|X]
Where the closed list has [], the open list has a variable. To extend the closed
list, one has to replace [] by some list. The only way to reach [] is to go through
the whole rst list. This is basically what append does. To extend the open list,
one has to replace X by some list. This can be done by simply binding X to the
new list, but it requires having direct access to the variable X.
The following nice example is from [3], based on an problem of Dijkstra, called
the Dutch national ag problem. Assume we have a list of objects that are either
red, white or blue. These objects should be sorted in the following way: rst the
red objects, then the white objects and nally the blue objects.
Exercise 4.8 Given the predicates red/1, white/1, blue/1, write a predi-
cate dnf1/4 such that a call dnf1(Objects,Reds, Whites, Blues) sorts the
list Objects in the lists Reds, Whites, Blues.
The solution to the above exercise allows us to solve the Dutch national ag
problem in the following way:
dnf1(Objects,Reds, Whites, Blues),
It is the use of append which makes this solution less ecient. Using open lists, [3]
gives a solution which is more ecient (and close to Dijkstras original solution):
Exercise 4.9 Examine carefully what happens when we query flag after having
added the following clauses:
colour(r,red). colour(w,white). colour(b,blue).
flag :- trace, dnf2([r,w,b,r,w,b,b,r,r,w,w],_).
This text has greatly benetted from comments and suggestions by John Fisher,
Dag Hovland and Richard OKeefe.
[1] R. Kowalski. Algorithm = Logic + Control. CACM 22(7):424436, 1979.
[2] G. Hutton. Programming in Haskell. CUP, 2007.
[3] R.A. OKeefe. The Craft of Prolog. The MIT Press, 1990.
[4] A. Martelli and H. Montanari. An Ecient Unication Algorithm. ACM
Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 4(2):258282, 1982.
father(X,Y):- p(X,Y),man(X)

p(Harald V,Haakon)
{F=Harald V}

man(Harald V)
man(Harald V)

Figure 1: Seach tree for and goal father(X,Haakon).

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