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TRIMOAD, Aeitheat/ Morais b> a Metrobank ye. CA 194 SCRA 109 Ante aeeieed ane Bole tevebel des ated pire igee tn beers SY ———_2 1979 ore Eoherols Gomez opareel 07 craunt ate Goleker tenigge omc! eb ___ pit 60. heey sonorte ttnlizg to), 297, tea.87 tetioen Sire 45. te Wy 1 9 Fe — Sa ee rect by rs Cachye, (etre of tae tetage 4 copanited! 10 Hea oon t fn Metrtont Cyn brevets Mey were Cent for cleonrng tb Wefrobantir srmzpa/ ythiw, Glas Cacho Hae mee tenra/ folorepey 4 brevet tpyoreting te chesrarnce . dccoreliygly, Fomeee ae tot abt te arth —$~ frre tie accoonp Hamer, beng exaypein te pam Cache inguin, te pelifore chet 1 ates Gallon Gavinge 1 antrarnas, ieltr Lenipgt tet eb fe Miche — 8 fihel of 966, 000.00 isn free prormaciting Ur then, Mhyy) allannd Gomes 16 rks Miheclrenelr colttig P1102 Se0.t0 to tel, On Tily 6 194 Aether Hf Stel Galton Crigge Pel St op He Aerronte here olithanire) and clewangbelo re there pre the lathe te eeich they, oye leh the KIC ome) the Cf rebeof Om fv gf Baten Corie _ —_ 7 Titles _ MbcHtet- op wat tae fratary Nerrant trelecl doe te Ye Hey table mefrimnnt: Mb! ees Aap are pagott prove a portiabe fund whch it Pra) Set. the irdbioton yp Ferd St ar the Bore of fhe peypan! mates the crcl ar pramite 1 pay ‘rot wncech iting” are errant toeeniel vet ot vonage title, the trgptow an Wee 6 yt Fe We ae Lo the cape ap tov, flat te: bof on ondlem or promie (fay eet 94a Hedar pond 1 rop oncendifrural, Furdier mare, Hefretankt confeyfioe tat pncbceig thee perry eal Caninge. armed tft geminemn 9 octordance nit, 5 Go ye Bre le at owoftmable, the tory lan) coer tf g jatle fetapypy warrant. fis Cthlats vroberenon) (te guaranfy foie genic bol oangy > chee. 2} faim Ar fhe pot fierer i , ‘Yvictory Scanned with amSconne GEIS mp _cA 106m 553 fect: rine mpuntinte poe Mache erecuped 1 ne clck orgie npncy tt fr. ermmebion mite te taane- gran bed th tor by te latter, The hecho ere teapot 4% route Lagocea,. thi, a. patie] of lone! co-owned fy Ue mortgagor poetve —__§ tt girwet ac 4 cecdiniy por the loan. A pronninry note neg ole created. by te $$ 001 thebing Mar jot ard 6 laggy Cebit! a aera nf welecreh The kagatca gpouiee cxeculed ot tepungp oor of mal eye” bet Ht rep = ———_rlie_20e_ be the peitore of the warigayre Co apply iy) fhe toneltitn of We page debe oreelared! the prgparfy ond! Caused! fe be bifel of ain ayehitn Hie pi Ache fel a eorepfern) th which [he CL of Gueton Gly Hbpditea Me fule be cefeblite a cavie of action [tah rat however reverted by fhe CA. Lteves wooo __ Whe ler» taf fe prob troy tole ond the dewalt of marigegee art tegofta= ——___ Se thafmente = = Aoliig ¢ = 4. Me clcunpant clo rot campy mite the foortts teguine fe be canoer ety ental bee. | of tek hie L081 becatite Vtg ore rejlter poyable fo orcten ___ tor fi bearer, (te rope Mt pyjoble fe 0 ypeyfted party le obit, Abtent He _ aporeiad legate, the prottiont of jet Me. 2257 pod tefogoly, Gore tore thal be afforded, tiiteedd ty the povittone¢¢ (tee Ct! ea ofea! $$ _gpsaal lent on mortgages. (hit taing teeel (te aii of Gott partis. ae the parone of Mte 49 of the Mile th infrrabfe oe Scanned with amScanne Lozano _ vt. Marhirze: Wo sce4 323 octe: conatihetonality 9 the daweing Chee las on Op Lt ve the tob lite trite cate ap bar the petition mer proyght bet by the preaccelion o lhe offence re __ che the ene lat, fhe dfandonse im thee ottre tran! to leche the Inprma ise —_&% the groune! that there are Ho ofjerant Corrany|(fed witte he Leni being Uhreee. ___ Sbtitnel Lieve! Atefher or ref BP tt tv conv pi tira! CO Mo. the grorarmen of the efforts ponte unater OP Lette tre oc/ of miatigf Aittigg a Anctiltty check 07 a cheek tap ir cltttriced opin Wit prttedlohieny £7 fa paymend, ated rey ter-paymiunt of or obligohite whith foe ley punithee. the lan) te tof tnferated or cleagree! [0 were a okbfor Le pag tet te _ SA the flrith of te fan tt 18 probabif emcter frre Aamchirae, FOC we ching @f monthee clnckt amo! ping (hem sn crreylostivn fy cetuiton, @ cbwck tha bil of exctenge dronn on a dant ond, on clemond, Unlike a promityy Wife a cHtck Hof a mere wnolerfelcieg pay on anranh of mong, I 10 on order aotdrared fea bank ard Porthos gf 2 lypreimbabie Heer tee choner Cec func om ch polit gpotheh Abin the check Wt Sreaty, Lyf oveen ehetore poymetl ypine lie prin [ate fo Be bone. here fe Lheryfore on cletauet af Canfornty or direrence fat We Arctrtmment pill be peed upon pricanselr for tab tasty clrtoke trove become woly aa nude ae anmnne yy bo apy : ; ” come tobe perceives! at conreniiod ¢oseriteer for corres n amnenesi/ 4 preven! trannes tate, The bap tm fordlapinr sf fects poregpiivor It an. lence. Ay procbice ftaryfory rendting fe ataray that Conjpetence etwvtl ke cefurnd forit ca ant, create brave or frase cirelat 4 boning Wvictory Scand with amscannee Pacheco vi. CA. S77 Pye 27- Gat Facte’ - = Ln 1709 pebiomer geouire Pocheco obfeirwe! a [oar fore hoe Viierc feb. __ Ming te Pa; 000.20 4/ Joi takereh ponent, fr fomalde Vitae reguh eo hewn bo ligue an omdlafea! check at euttferre of (te hon Nhl aliegeaty Will trol be prttenttal to the fants Mie. vieenad pntiched (traf fhe cprecte be 1: _ teal a0 formal iy cep te Beng Mopormaed fy the felitonee thal Howth bonte _ acmant to loyger bea! ary fonale. ft tote] Mit. Peed /tiyed! 6 entafe/ ___ bec, hue the pephioinre nur} ab'e fo tefffe fhe remorning P15, 000 _ in fark balonce, Mie. Prachecs, tntrepeo! fip Are. Viewnaie ancl ther Clough. __ te, pote abte on He checle a0 evreseine of [oer lef els lednerg fhe poe. Listens Neve nippntad [b weetie_4 Lemond fetter iyfocmagy [tein teat fhe eet thy Datred neve secéanped for pagwn/: tut net ithevemd be fo cave} elonye Jive_catee of etfofa rece fife! | opel Hewat wire bearer COS be impor men, a _ L&E! Lt a Whehier or trop phe clock bee fie cletrefer of Wegsprobilily, fee A check bee the character of Mezeliobilify anal af Le Fase fare 2 cnenphee an etl af trelebhed nese. Ay muhal egerenent of te fe . chee Lhe Wigyliotte clemoter of 0 chat my b# woine/ otro! fhe :rie cmrint Iu be trae! Omphy ot Poy of obligation. (hare comma} b¢ ob __on the part oy the obliges, prlitonene tetany becouse ftey ageeed mite tie @- Ayee af the ime of Ine ttrience arel, poiotig Ae chects frat Pre pame all wp be encethpel or previnfed (The ban fe, M per otturance of foe fee ar, the clmoty are rating Bit eurleene of Me batt oF beecnity loerey be Lee_of and for tie fame portore 20 q_promiteyy wfe. fy Lier Ott Coven anf, Phy, Me checker be: woere eudlame a! heteb fea ttt, Wvictory Scanned with amScanne PAL_ve. CA ~ 181 teng S57 ——_Prtee reaporrctend duel an Commer 0 cornplorn] ogotnah petitioner PM. = 0 te AL of omit, The tod coun} rerdlited 4 jurtgerart tn fart of far ___ 2 orchenc PME A pay fr clameagar 4/ gga | trktect Mon Sroyght /h (ie CA fre apne te appetite aot gfiried the choiriee bt machiftd te comge Pus cca.ce plas 85,000.00 at srteengy t fe. [en pel a Wopste sr lcsmoten = attr lef aug ataic! dee Leet of ren Mpls to apora! fr thar. taken, Be ——picgenmnt became Aisa/ ano! ereeetory, The pre] courd Mipec! Ute onster of Cre Cuftowr In pryor of far ene! not heferme! fo Lely berg Emile teyee, [arm Veal fir The jtpuarne 6a nw | of Greate, where Mie jefgenmner] renenret re ah yfred! Gif Fara. PAL fittd an sppocriten ¢hatiog Peal tf oleh par Ht obigehomr a erttenced ty Cath Vovchare agree! ancl recdiedl by Reet Lemty obese hiyer obtiondled anol Citypetareal a Tave: - _ _ Z Mb hee or tof payment of yjodyement fo the Smsfenrin fing appre ot ah oko conchrotr entirfactivn af jualge mem —_= Leliag: d Ma. Urckr- opcti wetter the fod gemran !ohbfor 2 Ae aniyyl cheyle be sale! ogywrent [o celeaguin Lhe. je yenemel Oh by Hastie te ere are amatont In the cate af bor which campel 0 clipe! Gwe iors tinea rege liob fe tecsryneced Only 0 Pitti fife for mney ond tf wets, —_ ie ok ling of tact om fretawnrent clots wot by eff gerrafe Acinic wheter 0 manger Check 0 erolinapy check [> 2p ype ter cep, andl am yffer of 6 cbeck lit pyymend of 4 altel pt mt a tab rc. of prumant anal mpg be rfid Lectgpl hy Mie 0ofsee or. Cherlin, Oe __ —___oeivery o¢ chechr cloet tpt bbiga hate Werle 0 pier meen! Mt obfgetin th taf talipyrtohed ane remarae tuyprrtole! unt) Ce poy. —tamel by comurarns(. cleaned at aatvaly Cealtpeot —__________ VWvicrory Scanned with amScanne Calfey ue. A £1 _écpg A facts _— on varie olafee in 190% cfefanclanf secunyy bork Mnged Certieasar = Tone leper 10)_tn payor of ene Age] lela Ont_ with on gagregale amass? of 1,140, c00.00, The C1d_ were cleliteirol fy Lela One fs the pelipriver at Poyrnente for foe | Precldche prrchronee!. In Moroh 196: Lela Crue tnforvned Me bnatreger of Rertring dant bef framch frat the Cale! clod neve [eth Met / reel proceotirs LB0 typlaceintnt CD were (Me. __ eo! flair, by the came moult be objfalncl 4 tore frome Rove? bank col tem —_Cleal_a_ bend op Aongymnen of Dime Depsop barrerotetaig tb Ue Bon UL Ge the Cal hey green tee) the Clb chelarec! lath by Dela Cree egy reg Ho Mey. og Mere trawl! ao Reon fre prrctreree mode fy oe lafar, Dela Cnet fart we. ee ee ut tr bdebfe the feptovet> objtohh a | Tone: = _— ' he flere or typ tie Cle ate man-regetiode _ Aig: — Me. The Cibo reep fhe teguiremente ¢ Land for tragatisbytity, Tire aragee whe are b¢ rypapsle fo the bearer of fhe obemente on for leaf moffer ato. 7 Seever mgy be foe bearer of (he ime af prectntoend he Irgetiatylify or row fyi of 211 treteaiimnd wt desernebetel prem [he neaiig, fale eo toe face_gf the trebywen) (beeyfe Sn_carafichion of 2 bi Or ra, he Seakifion of Lhe fact 10 fe Len tiol, yt it com be Negely acer faring Hite Crument 12 rgge tiated (f° Shani petri freer sue porwr th aren (rn Mote Orman nex ap fe conrsitte fhe _troryferse the fuloler (heres. In He pretedt coe bate tet flere wae ne neta ley (nthe Cente gba prangfer of a [egal Are sc c1Or Here the aktgy Phereal only at Becurnty for Lhe Precbet of - Lr. Qala One Cotldl af fee met cvctinte pebener only ap Lobe of fan ‘victory ‘Scanned with amScanne HEBC vs. CLE Gk. do. 100018" June Y £014. = Facto: BBCi pntepr. chenty manta Pt pepe andor frye crtendy, accoute Kabra 2 nrerragecl fy MEE thonygle trohestonn gen Dogg etchant watiygee Leki) $$ —___& wie. femvan fe trepe chetomi meprages, Shey proteome leven? fae = Ar anamley b PSH W.10 anol #56 2 WR IO repcliely. Be Hen ie — Metre! Art toby Ab. 182-99 had trofrchswe f adtubet inne abroad! on Phe ton _ggemen ey frele lake! 1 the (6 mt trvelieg feral trangpee. are rat Bigfict fe O87. This prompohed Mie h fife for a refed bed nate rep ache? y the O08. Te CA tobe 1h frsor of pebitoner tot not revered fy Te — Lene: Vietiir or tof the chectront metager ace Mgofpobe (tfrimnM’ oo foliig ¢ —— Me. Tey codtel tot be corgprlerrd gy table tretramente 00 Mey lock [he protore Lagetiotitly, whit pe [he abity A be tompeprel aml Hap Hit Geel heck awk renapar are ovr meeeimect = 9 He Lrenectin Covrtieppy of Me chal debby of Che timechr. clint peyert) Local or foray cormengy Co ootrt to the Millpyec* aval "ankirnes 30 Bich jhe the Bet! of arvouns of He —_ heat bent | fhe electra’ nacimager are taal tywred by Hee Dave pyp: clit t e_ Bypleted channen of a bit of Sectange) thy ole tot eaten adr Umagot tr af arate be poy a fer7 Ceneuls in trig eat [he paywriend WP Gypcapea! 4 cine pieer a gece poral or ascannt 9 Lhe teehee cliente; enol, Higy are tof fag bk 10 order or hooray ty} to 2 gp x Omi. Thi, ehot Lettie mehagel ae re) Ale of exchange. ‘Wvictory Scand with amscannee

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