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Hi John,

There are so many deliciously tempting opportunities to

respond, created by your kind review - offering me such
indulgence to further decorate my earlier disclosure of my
literary project so long in gestation. 
I will begin here with just this one of those many portals: 

“Would your novel be about a sinister conspiracy to take over

the world, or would it be a stirring war cry to activate a new
political movement.”

Firstly perhaps it's best that I dwell for a moment on the

meaning I myself intend by the use of the root word: "theo" in

I imagine that there was a time when our most ancient human
ancestors hadn’t yet realized the concept or idea (Platonic
form) of “God” and that there must have been a first human
and a first time that someone experienced the abstract idea of
the possible existence of a personal divine being existing
external to themselves, although I also imagine that such a
person might have previously experienced sublime states of
existence that would qualify as enlightened, blissful, divine -
states of supreme well being. 

I expect that the sustainable theotropic culture that the

revolutionary vanguard and lead character of “the novella”
is/are depicted as cultivating, is quite secular and quite
agnostic with regard to the imaginary Judeo-Christian “God”
existing as a soer of “person” (conscious entity) who is
immortal, infinite, omniscient, omnipotent and omniscient.
Like Einstein and Spinoza have shown, divinity is a adjective
that describes teleological fulfillment of the motto of the
ancient Greek founders of our Euro-Hellenic culture – gnothi
seaton (know yourself).

Suffice it to say a “novel … about a sinister conspiracy to take

over the world” is not on the cards for me. Au contraire.

However, “a stirring war cry to activate a new … movement” …

is much more like the plot of the autobiographical hybrid e-
work of fiction I have in mind. I hesitate to take possession
here of the word “political”, mostly because I understand
politics as but a small fragment of “culture”, where “culture” is
used to signify the mutant human cohort that came into
existence after Thales first decided that autonomous empirical
(scientific) observations of reality, as it is, are far superior and
more effective than simply investing faith in the verbal and
written claims of traditional authority figures.

This is in keeping with the way in which the mutant scientific

culture of Thales was described in Edmund Husserl’s 1935
Vienna/Prague Lectures on the “Crisis of European Man” just
before the Nazi’s were getting ready to send him to Auschwitz
to shut him up for good.

Regarding your astute observation that:

“Maybe such a culture already exists, as many independent

organisations/cultures such as save-the-children, smith-family,
world vision, mercy ships, dr w/o borders etc etc. many of
which my family has financially supported.

I hope you would not want to replace these noble bodies by

navel-gazing philosophers – or does ‘teleological’ cancel this
Like you say - maybe such a culture already exists. However it
sure seems as if the culture of the “new (civilized) humanity” is
still engaged in the perennial 2500 year culture-war (since
Thales) with the parasitic traditionalist hyper-predatory
ancestral culture who remain content with self-extinction. Yet
they seem quite determined to continue the Darwinian struggle
for life until we all go down together.

Please be assured there is no sense in which I’d want to see

navel-gazing pseudo-philosophers replace the existing new
humanity formed by those noble organizations.

I will make an honest effort to respond fully to the other

issues, you’ve raised in your very welcome message.

Kind regards


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