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DLL Week 3 English Quarter 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Palawan
Coron Inland District

School Guadalupe Elementary School Grade Level III

Teacher Arian P. de Guzman Learning Area ENGLISH
Grades 1 to 12 Daily Teaching Dates Week 3-November 21-25,2022 Quarter 2nd
Lesson Log
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of familiar sight and irregularly spelled Demonstrates understanding of grammatical structures of English to be able to
words for automatic recognition communicate effectively in oral and written forms
B. Performance Uses familiar sight and irregularly -spelled words in meaningful oral Proficiency in constructing grammatically correct sentences in varied theme-based oral
Standards and written tasks and written activities
C. Learning Identifying Verbs To form the past, present, and future forms of regular verbs; and use the past, present, and future form Learners will be able to
Competency Code EN3G –Iia-c- 3 of regular verbs in sentences (EN3G-IId-f-3.2; EN3G-IIe-f- answer the assessment
with 80% accuracy
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Module 2 Module 2 Module 2

Barangay Guadalupe, Coron, Palawan

From LR Portal
B. Other Learning Worksheets, visual aids, Worksheets, visual aids, Worksheets, visual aids, Activity sheets
Resources flashcards flashcards flashcards
A. Review 1. Review: Directions: Read the poem, “Our Match the action words in Review on the past lessons. A. Direction: Write the
Lights! Camera! Action! Vacation.” Encircle the verbs column A with the picture that correct form of the verb
used in the poem. Write your shows the action in column B. based on time of action in
answer on a separate sheet of Write your answer on a separate each sentence.
paper sheet of paper. 1. He ________ (walk) the
B. Establishing 1. Drill Name the action in the pictures Read the story below and Read the story below. Then, streets alone last night.
Purpose and write them on a separate answer the questions that answer the questions on a 2. My mother _________
Reciting a poem with gestures (A sheet of paper. follow. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. (attend) the barangay
drill on action words) separate sheet of paper. 1. What do you think will assembly on Minimum
“Kit, My Cat” By: Junrey C. happen next? Health Standards this coming
TWO COZY HOMES Colas 2. What is the possible ending Sunday.
(adapted) A. Comprehension Questions: for the story? Here are possible 3. Mang Juan _________
1. Who is Kit? endings for the story. (feed) his pigs early every
Two cozy homes 2. How old is Kit? 1. People will start proper morning.
(put fists on table) 3. What did the writer like to do waste disposal. 4. Before every periodical
Stand upon a hill with Kit after doing an 2. People are going to suffer exam, Lea and Rosa
(lift left hand over right assignment? from their wrong practice of __________ (study) together
hand) waste disposal. at the coffee shop.
Here lives Jack What have you observed? 5. We __________
Here lives Jill What verbs are used? (cooperate) to the pre-
emptive evacuation notice of
When they had breakfast the barangay as a preparation
(extended two fingers, for the coming typhoon.
forefingers and middle finger) B. Directions: Write a
They go out to play (move sentence using the time
forward extending fingers rapidly) expression given and the
They run verb that is enclosed in the
They jump parenthesis. Observe the
(lift both left and right correct tense of the verb.
arms) 1. last night (dance)
And they swing all day 2. everyday (eat)

Barangay Guadalupe, Coron, Palawan

. (swing arms back and 3. tomorrow (climb)
. forth) 4. an hour ago (talk)
. When the sun goes down 5. next week (start)
They go in to stay
(bring fingers within fist)
Here rests Jack
(cover left fist with right

C. Presenting Let us read the selection about Ask: What time do you go to Directions: Fill in the correct Read the story below.
Examples basketball. school? What do you do, so you word taken from the story to Comprehension Questions
Original File Submitted and won’t be late? complete the sentence. Write Directions: Encircle the letter
Formatted by DepEd Club Read the story below and answer your answer on a separate sheet of the correct answer.
Member - visit for the questions that follow on a of paper. “Change Will Start With Me”
more separate sheet of paper 1. He ______ rat away from our by Crissel Joy Ann M. Angon
house. Write it on a separate sheet of
2. He never _______. paper.
3. He also ________ and 1. Who is the main character in
_______ towards me. the story?
a. People b. Rico c. Mom
D. Discussing New What sports is talked about in the Direction: Answer the following  Verbs are words that indicate You have learned the use of
Concepts and selection? questions. actions. simple present and simple past
predicting new skills How is it played? 1. What is the text about?  The simple present tense of the tense. Now, let’s take a look at
Q1 How many players are there in a 2. Why is Slick late for school? verb is used to express habits, the simple future tense. Simple
team? 3. What are the things that Slick general truths, repeated actions future tense describes an action
What are the duties of a coach? has to do as a result of not or unchanging situations, that will happen in the future. It
What does a player do? listening to his father? emotions, and wishes, to give is the verb tense that is used to
4. Are you like Slick? Why? Why instructions or directions, and to talk about things that haven’t
not? express fixed arrangements, happened yet.
present or future.
E. Discussing New A. Read the following sentences Activity A.1 Time markers can be used in
Concepts and taken from the story, “Fast Supply the missing Verb! telling future actions. The
Predicting New Skills Forward.” Directions: Supply the following are examples of time
Q2/Guided Practice 1. He played with his friends in appropriate action in the simple markers.
the yard. present tense to complete the 1. today
2. They talked until dinner time. sentence 2. day after tomorrow

Barangay Guadalupe, Coron, Palawan

. 3. He cleaned the clock which 3. this morning/afternoon
. chimed ten times. 4. next week/month/year
. 5. tonight
6. tomorrow
F. Developing A. In a separate sheet of paper, Write the correct form of the Complete the given sentences
Mastery (Leads to write the correct past tense of the verb inside the parenthesis. Do it with the correct form of verbs
Formative verb inside the parenthesis to on a separate sheet of paper. inside the parenthesis. Write
Assessment) complete the sentence. 1. Mariel (drink) her milk before your answer on a separate sheet
1. My mother (cook) dinner for going to bed. of paper.
us yesterday. 2. Leah and Angelica (swim) 1. Sooner or later, people
2. He (smile) at me an hour ago. every morning. __________ the consequences
3. I love how he (paint) on the 3. My cat (run) very fast. of their actions. (realize)
wall the other day.
G. Finding practical Choose and encircle the correct B. Give the past tense of the verb Let us see what you can do. A. Look at the picture below and
application of form of the verb in the as shown in the picture. Using Directions: Read the poem. predict what will happen next.
concepts and skills in parentheses. past tense of the verb, make a Underline the verbs used. Give at least 5 predictions and
daily living sentence based on the picture. “Household Chores” observe the use of the proper
1.Kathy’s father (work, works) in tense of the verb. Do this on a
a bakery. separate sheet of paper.
2.Every Saturday, Father (let, lets)
Kathy choose from the different
baking products.
3.This time, Katie (choose,
chooses) a muffin.
4.Aldo and Kevin, Katie’s
brothers, (enjoy, enjoys) eating
ensaymada and brownies every
5.Mang Anong, the janitor, (start,
starts) working early in the library
every morning.

H. Making What is verbs? 1. What is a verb? What is Actions in the simple A. What is a simple future
generalization and 2. When do you use the past tense present tense? tense? B
Abstraction about the of the verb? B. How do you write
lesson 3. How do you form the past verbs in the simple

Barangay Guadalupe, Coron, Palawan

. tense of regular verbs? future tense?
. C. What words are used to
. introduce the verbs in
the simple future
I. Evaluating Choose the correct form of the Last week, Lolo Tasyo invited Underline the correct verb to Complete the sentences in the
Learning verb inside the parentheses. Write Ana to visit his farm. Can you tell complete the sentence. Do this paragraph below with verbs in
your answer on your paper. what Ana did on the farm based on a separate sheet of paper. the simple future tense. Write
1.I (carry, carries) my books in a on the pictures? Write your 1. Jimmy (play, plays) sipa very your answer on a separate sheet
knapsack. sentences on a separate sheet of well. of paper. “Rico is an advocate
2.Mr. De Leon (wish, wishes) to paper. Remember to use the past 2. Anne (brush, brushes) her of proper waste disposal. He
speak to you. tense of the verb. teeth every day. _____ 1. (write) a letter to the
3.The nurse (treat, treats) our 3. The cows (eat, eats) the grass. Office of the Mayor about his
injuries very gently. proposal on conducting
4.They (answer, answers) their test seminar-workshop in different
carefully. barangays of their town next
5. Fr. Peter (celebrate, celebrates) week.
mass at 6:00 every morning.
J. Additional activities Write a 4-to 5-sentence paragraph Ask a member of your family Let’s check on what you have How do you foresee your
for application or that tells how your family with this question. learned. Directions: Make at life15 years from now? Be
remediation members help each other at home What did you do last summer least five sentences about what creative and widen your
every day. Remember to use the vacation? Write a paragraph you do in school every day. aspirations as you journey to
correct form of the verb. based on their answers on a Write the sentences on a the road of the future. Write at
separate sheet of paper. separate sheet of paper. least 5 sentences using either
Remember to use past tense of Remember to use the simple “will + base form of the verb”
the verb. present form of the verb. or “am + going to + base form
of the verb” on a separate sheet
of paper.
A. No. of Learners
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who

Barangay Guadalupe, Coron, Palawan

require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I use/
discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by: ARIAN P. DE GUZMAN

Grade 3 Adviser
School Head

Barangay Guadalupe, Coron, Palawan


Barangay Guadalupe, Coron, Palawan


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