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Grade 4 DLL English 4 q4 Week 8

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School: Grade Level: IV

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Tim: (Week 8) Quarter: 4th Quarter

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

March 13, 2017 March 14, 2017 March 15, 2017 March 16, 2017 March 17, 2017
A. CONTENT STANDARDS OL – The learner demonstrates V - The learner demonstrates an RC –The learner demonstrates SS – The learner demonstrates G – The learner demonstrates a
understanding of verbal cues for understanding that word understanding of various an understanding of library command of the conventions of
clear expression of ideas meaning can be derived from linguistics nodes to comprehend skills to research on a variety of standard English grammar and
LC – the learner demonstrates an different sources various texts topics usage when writing or speaking
understanding of the elements of The learner demonstrates an ORF – The learner demonstrates WC – the learner demonstrates
literary and informational texts understanding that words are an understanding that English is an understanding of the
for comprehension composed of different parts and stress-timed language to achieve importance of using varied
their meaning changes accuracy and automaticity sources of information to
depending on context support writing
A – The learner demonstrates an
understanding of verbal and
nonverbal elements of
communication to respond back

B. PERFORMANCE OL – The learner efficiently V – The learner uses different RC – The learner uses knowledge SS – The learner uses library G – The learner speaks and
STANDARDS delivers oral presentations resources to find word meaning of text types to correctly skills to gather appropriate and writes using good command of
LC – The learner identifies story The learner uses strategies to distinguish literary from relevant information the conventions of standard
perspectives and text elements decode the meaning of words informational text WC- The learner uses varied
A – The learner uses ORF- The learner reads aloud sources of information to
paralanguage and nonverbal cues text with accuracy, automaticity, support writing
to respond appropriately and prosody

C. LEARNING COMPETENCIES/ LC – Identify cause-and-effect V- Identify meaning of words RC- Identify cause-and-effect SS- Use a glossary to get the G – Use simple sentence:
OBJECTIVES (Write the LC Code relationship with suffixes –ly and -y relationship meaning of words simple subject + compound
for each) EN4LC-IVh-2.16 EN4V-IVh-46 EN4RC-IVh-2.16 EN4G-IVh-21 predicate
OL – State the effects of a given A-Browse and read books for ORF- Read grade-level texts with EN4G-IVh-24
cause learning or for pleasure 118 words correct words per WC-Write 5 – 6 sentence
EN4OL-IVh-27 EN4A-IVh-32 minute EN4F-IVh- 1.13 paragraph about a given topic
- Identifying Cause-and-Effect -Identifying Meaning of Words - Identifying Cause and Effect -Using a Glossary to Get the - Using Simple Sentence
Relationship with Suffixes –ly and –y Relationship Meaning of Words -Writing 5-6 Sentence
-Stating the Effects of a Given -Browsing and Reading Books for -Reading Grade-Level Texts with Paragraph About a Given Topic
Cause Learning or for Pleasure 118 Words Correct Words per (Publishing)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages TG pp. 244- 248 TG p. 434 - 435 TG pp. 244 - 248 TG pp. 374 - 375 TG pp.428 - 429
2. Learner’s Materials Pages LM pp. 258-262 LM pp. 421-423 LM pp.258 - 262 LM p.274, 361 - 365 LM pp. 417
3. Textbook Pages Soaring High With Reading 4
4. Additional Materials from
Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Pictures, Chart, PPTx, foldables, Pictures, Chart, PPT, task cards, Pictures, Chart, PPTx, foldables Pictures, Chart, PPTx, foldables, Chart, PPTx, foldables
text for generalizarion foldables, dictionary dictionary or book with glossary
A. Reviewing the previous lesson Do you have dreams in your life? Let the pupils read the words Do you have dreams in your Do you know what a glossary Recall about simple sentences
or presenting the new lesson What is your dream when you that the teacher will flash. life? What is your dream when is? Where can you find a with simple subject and simple
grow up? Call pupils to answer. Orderly properly meaningfully you grow up? Call pupils to glossary? In what part of the predicate.
Gracefully carefully easily answer. book? Let the pupils make their own
Rainy sunny cloudy breezy etc. sentences with compound
subjects and simple predicate.
B. Establishing a purpose for the How did Eduardo intend to Ask: What did you notice about How did Eduardo intend to A glossary is a small dictionary Show pictures to class. Ask: Can
lesson become rich? Tell: We will find the group of words? How do they become rich? Tell: We will find usually found at the back of the you make
out in the story the teacher will end? What letters are added to out in the story that we are going book. It gives the meaning and
tell. the root words? to read. pronunciation of words used in
the selection. These are entry
words which are alphabetically
arranged. sentences using simple subject
and compound predicate?
The children are reading and
standing in class.
The members of the group are
singing and standing in the
C. Presenting examples/instances Unlocking of difficulties Present the words on LM p. 421 Unlocking of difficulties Present a glossary to pupils. Present sentences to class.
of the new lesson Basi spilled over dream Find Out and Learn Basi spilled over dream advertisement(ad’ver tiz The pupils are dancing and
Let the pupils listen the teacher What o you notice about the Let the pupils read the story. mant)- a public notice to call singing in the program.
will read. EDUARDO’S DREAM on words? EDUARDO’S DREAM on LM p. 258 attention to a product Which is the simple subject?
LM p. 258 What kind of words are in the aft(aft)- the rear of a ship Which is the compound
first box? Second box? aspen (as,pen)- a type of predicate?
popular tree
audience (o,deans)- a formal
meeting with people
D. Discussing new concepts and Let the pupils answer the Let the pupils notice that the Let the pupils answer the Where can you see an aft? Discussion about simple
practicing new skills #1 questions on LM p. 259. Talk first group of words ends in –ly questions on LM p. 259. Talk To whom do you address your sentences with simple subject
About It. ( 1 – 6 ) and the second group of words About It. ( 1 – 6 ) speech? and compound predicate.
Discuss about cause and effect ends in –y. The letters –ly and –y Discuss about cause and effect What do you call someone Tell the pupils that these
relationship. are suffixes. relationship. great? sentences can be used in
The cause brings out an event Explain to pupils that the root The cause brings out an event When you place a commercial, writing a paragraph about a
called its result. The result is also words in the first column are called its result. The result is also what do you call such? certain topic.
called an effect. adjectives. By adding –ly the called an effect. Can you name an example of
The cause effect relationship adjectives become adverbs. The cause effect relationship popular tree?
describes something that The root words in the second describes something that
happens and why it happens. column are nouns. By adding –y, happens and why it happens.
The cause is the reason and the nouns becomes adjectives. The cause is the reason and
the effect is the result of an the effect is the result of an
event. event.
E. Discussing new concepts and Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice
practicing new skills #2 Get a partner and ask the Let the group answer the Get a partner and ask the Let the group do the following. Each group will write a
following questions. Let the following. following questions. Let the Group I – Do Find Out and paragraph using simple
pupils listen to the teacher. Group I – what can you do easily? pupils listen to the teacher. Learn on LM p. 361 sentences with simple subjects
Why do you go to school? Group II – what can you do Why do you go to school? and compound predicate.
Why do you take a bath every patiently? Why do you take a bath every Group II – Do Try and Learn. Group I – write about your
day? Group III –what can you do day? Refer to LM p. 362 ( 1 – 5 ). favorite pet
Why do you water the plants? loudly? Why do you water the plants? Group II – your unforgettable
Why do you wear warm clothes Group IV – what can you do Why do you wear warm clothes Group III- Refer to LM pp. 364 – trip
during the month of December? slowly? during the month of December? 365 ( 1 – 10 ) Group III – your precious gift
Why do you stay at home during Group V – what can you do Why do you stay at home during from a friend
a typhoon? clearly? a typhoon? Group IV – your hobbies
Refer to LM p. 423.
F. Developing mastery Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice
(Leads to Formative Assessment Look at each pair of pictures. Say Use the following in sentences. Let the pupils do Find Out and This is a glossary. Answer the Let the pupils do Learn Some
3) something about them. Identify Be guided with the pictures Learn on LM pp. 259 – 260. questions afterwards. More on LM p. 417. Use simple
the cause and the effect. Sadly Look at each pair of pictures. Say echo – a sound wave that is sentences with simple subject
something about them. Identify reflected when it hits a high and compound predicate.
the cause and the effect. ( 1 – 5 ) obstacle such as hill
erosion – the process by
which the uppermost part of
the soil is washed away by
attentively wind or water
sunny fertilized egg- a very small
cell in the mother’s womb
from which a baby develops
fog – a cloud that lie near
the ground
friction- the rubbing of two
things together which
produces heat
Which word will produce heat
and fire?
What do you mean by echo?
What is a fertilized egg?
What is a cloud that lie near the
G. Finding practical application of Listen to this. Use the following words in Read the situation. Do this in pairs. Make a paragraph using simple
concepts and skills in daily living Andrew got perfect score in Sentences. The children must eat nutritious fax- n. facsimile; a machine used
the test because he studied his Sunny foods every day so that they will to send or receive facsimile
lessons very well. Gloomy become strong and healthy. communication
Which is the cause/ Which is the Patiently Which is the cause? Which is the fierce –adj. Violently hostile or
effect? Religiously effect? aggressive in temperament,
Chilly Let the pupils do Learn Some More given to fighting or killing
stormy on LM p. 262 ( 1 – 5 ) fossil- n. Remnants; traces or
remains of organisms in the past
glisten- v. To give off sparkling subject and compound predicate.
What term refers to the remains
in the past?
What do you mean by fierce?
What is used to receive

The picture will guide you.

H. Making generalizations of The cause is an action or an event The root words like slow, quick, loud The cause is an action or an event The glossary is a part of a book If a sentence is composed of a
concepts and skills in daily living that makes something happen. An are adjectives. By adding –ly, the that makes something happen. An which lists key words found in the simple subject and a simple
effect is something that happens as a adjectives become adverbs (these effect is something that happens as a book. predicate, it is called a SIMPLE
result of the action. indicate how an action happened or result of the action. The entry word in a glossary are SENTENCE.
Cause is the reason and the effect is is done. Cause is the reason and the effect is arranged in alphabetical order. If there are two subjects, it is called
the result of an event. A cause-effect The root words like chill, fog, mist the result of an event. A cause-effect Some glossaries include the a compound subject.
relationship describes something are nouns. By adding –y, the nouns relationship describes something pronunciation of words. If there is a compound subject and
that happens and why it happens.. becomes adjectives (these indicate that happens and why it happens.. It is usually found on the last page simple predicate, it is still a SIMPLE
having or like something). of a book. SENTENCE.
I. Evaluating learning Directions: Listen to the statements Directions: Read each sentence. Directions: Complete the following Directions: Read the glossary Directions: Look at the pictures
the teacher will read then supply the Choose from the box the correct sentences by writing the letter of the entry. Answer the questions that below. Use simple subject and a
missing phrases to complete the word to complete the sentences. correct cause for each effect. Refer follow. compound predicate for the
thought. Refer to LM p. 422. to LM pp. 261 – 262 ( 1 – 5 ) attendant-n. waiter; servant pictures.
1.The audience could not hear the (1–5) brigade- n. subdivision of army
message of the speaker exile – v. expel; deport
because_________________. implement- v. carry out
2. the group of girls finished their limb- n. a large branch of a tree
task in 30 minutes 1. What is the first word in the list?
because________________. 2. How many definitions were
3._______________ because she ate given for the word exile?
a lot of chocolates. 3. What does implement mean?
4. _______________ so the teacher 4. What word means a large branch
will be very happy. of a tree?
5. the school ground is clean because 5. How many syllables are there in
_________________. the word “limb”?

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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