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Seminar 2

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Seminar 2

1) The phoneme is a minimal abstract linguistic unit realized in speech in the

form of speech sounds opposable to other phonemes of the same language in
order to distinguish the meaning of morphemes and words.
2) The truly materialistic view of the phoneme was first proposed by an
outstanding linguist L.V. Shcherba and supported by V.A. Vassilyev and
other phoneticians. According to it the phoneme is viewed as a functional,
material and abstract unit, which performs three functions: distinctive,
constitutive and recognitive.
3) According to this definition the phoneme is a unity of three aspects:
material, abstract and functional.
4) Distinctive. E.g., sleeper — sleepy; bath — path, light — like; He was heard
badly — He was hurt badly. Constitutive. E.g., cap [khæph] / [khæp] — the
loss of plosion in the final phoneme [p] doesn’t bring any change of
meaning. Recognitive. E.g., take it — tape it — the difference in two
phrases is understood by two different phonemes.
5) The term ‘phoneme’ means sounds of speech used in their contrastive sense
whereas the term ‘allophone’ is used for non- contrastive sounds
representing variants of a definite phoneme. The articulatory features
characteristic of the invariant are called distinctive (relevant). They can be
extracted when opposing to each other in the same phonetic context
phonemes with a difference in one articulatory feature which brings changes
in meaning. The articulatory features which do not serve to distinguish
meaning are called non-distinctive (irrelevant). They are observed within the
allophones of a certain phoneme. For example, the opposition of an aspi-
rated [kh] to a non-aspirated one in the same phonetic context does not
distinguish meaning (back).
6) There are two types of non-distinctive features:
— incidental (redundant) features (aspiration of voiceless plosives, presence
of voice in voiced consonants, length of vowels, etc.);
— indispensable(concomitant)features(tensenessoflongmonoph- thongs,
checked character of stressed short vowels, lip rounding of back vowels,
7) There are two types of allophones: principal and subsidiary. If an allophone
retains the typical articulatory characteristics of the phoneme, it is called a
principal allophone. But when certain changes happen in the articulation of
an allophone under the influence of the phonetic environment, an allophone
is called subsidiary.
8) Still all the allophones retain the invariant of phoneme [d] and possess its
three basic articulatory features: they are forelingual lenis stops.
The actual realization of allophones in the speech chain is exercised through
phones. The relationships between the phoneme as an ideal combination of
articulatory features, the allophone as its variant and the phone as a concrete
speech sound may be illustrated in the following scheme:
Phoneme—-allophone—-stylistic variation; dialectal variation; individual
9) If an allophone is replaced by an allophone of a different phoneme the
mistake is called phonological, because it affects the meaning of words. For
example, the change of a vowel phoneme of the word beat into a more open,
more advanced and not diphthongized one creates another word bit:
[bi:t] vs. [bıt].
If an allophone of the phoneme is replaced by another allophone of the same
phoneme the mistake is called phonetic, because the meaning of the word
does not change. For instance, the absence of aspiration in the word pit does
not create any meaningful variations:
[phıt] / [pıt].
Language teachers should guide the students in order not to admit
phonological mistakes. Phonetic mistakes are possible; nevertheless lan-
guage learners are advised not to make them, because in this case the degree
of foreign accent may be an obstacle to listener’s perception.
10) Transcription is the system of phonetic notation organized as a set of
symbols representing speech sounds. There are two types of transcription:
— the first is broad(phonemic) transcription,which provides special symbols
for all the phonemes of a language;
— the second is narrow (allophonic) transcription, which suggests special
symbols adding some information about the articulatory activity of
particular allophonic features.
11) a) The psychological view regards the phoneme as an ideal ‘mental
image’ that the speaker bears in mind when pronouncing allophonic vari-
ants. The speech realization of a target phoneme deviates from the ideal
because of the individual peculiarities of the speaker’s articulating organs
and the influence of neighbouring sounds.
b) The functional view doesn’t take into consideration the actually
pronounced speech sounds and regards the phoneme as the minimal sound
unit by which meanings can be differentiated. According to it only dis-
tinctive features of the phoneme make sense, while non-distinctive ones
should be extracted.
c) The abstract view regards phonemes as units which are independent of
speech sounds. The acoustic and physiological properties are associated with
purely abstract phonemes. It is stated that there exist archiphonemes
representing types of units completely independent of any phonetic
properties which are higher than the phoneme.
d) The physical view regards the phoneme as a family of related sounds that
have phonetic similarity and do not occur in the same phonetic context. This
conception was proposed by D. Jones and shared by B. Bloch and G. Trager.
The lack of this approach is that it studies the phoneme from the point of
view of its articulatory characteristics only without any regard to its
functional aspects.
e) materialistic view originated by L.V. Shcherba, the founder of Leningrad
phonological school, the phoneme is defined as a real, independent
distinctive unit which has its material manifestation in the form of
allophones. The number of allophones is much greater than the number of
phonemes proper and they are incapable of differentiating the meaning. This
theory was developed by V.A. Vassilyev, who regarded the phoneme as a
dialectical unity of functional, material and abstract aspects, which performs
constitutive, distinctive and recognitive functions.

12) There are two main methods of phonological investigation: the distributional
method and the semantic method, but they get different interpretation in modern

I. According to the distributional method phonemes of any language are discovered

by rigid classification of all the sounds pronounced by native speakers according to
the following laws of phonemic and allophonic distribution:

— allophones of different phoneme soccurin the same phonetic context and their
distribution is contrastive;

— allophones of the same phoneme(s)never occurin the same phonetic context,

their distribution is complementary and the choice depends on phonetic
environment. The semantic method is based on the functional rule that phonemes
can distinguish words and morphemes when opposed to one another. It consists in
the systemic substitution of one sound for another in the same phonetic context in
order to find cases in which such a replacement leads to the change of meaning.
This procedure is called the com- mutation test and it helps to establish minimal
oppositional pairs of words and word-forms presenting different meaning.
13) Thus the distributional method doesn’t get a wide acknowledgement
in our home linguistics, because the distinctive function of the phoneme
is underestimated.
14) The semantic method is widely used in Russian and foreign linguis-
tics, as it attaches great significance to meaning and concerns both articu-
latory and functional characteristics of phonemes.
15) N.S. Trubetzkoy has worked out the classification of phonological
oppositions which is based on the number of distinctive features. It con-
cerns only relevant (distinctive) features of phonemes.
1. A single phonological opposition is established on the basis of a sin-
gle difference in the articulation of two speech sounds. For example, the
opposed phonemes in the minimal pair ‘pen — ben’ possess some
common features (occlusive, labial) and one differentiating feature (fortis
vs. lenis).
2. A double phonological opposition marks two differences in the ar-
ticulation and presents a sum of two single oppositions. For istance, the
minimal pair ‘pen — den’ presents one common feature (occlu- sive) and
two differentiating feature (labial vs. lingual, voiceless- fortis vs. voiced-
3. A triple phonological opposition has three articulatory differences,
presenting a sum of three single oppositions. For example, there are three
differentiating features in the minimal pair ‘pen — then’ (occlusive vs.
constrictive, labial vs. dental, voiceless-fortis vs. voiced- lenis).

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