The Winding Ohmmeter of the RMO-TW series RMO-TW instrument can perform a simple,
is designed for winding resistance measurement quick and reliable transformer on-load tap
of inductive objects. The RMO-TW instrument is changer verification. This instrument enables
based on the state of the art technology, using measurements of a winding resistance in every
the most advanced switch mode technology tap position of an on-load tap changer without
available today. The RMO-TW instrument is discharging between the tests. Problems with
accurate (0,1%), powerful (up to 50 A) and switching of the OLTC, such as interruption, can
lightweight. It generates a true DC ripple free be detected with these measurements.
current with automatically regulated
measurement and discharging circuit.
The list of the instrument application includes:
Heat Run test, which enables obtaining the Hot Spot temperature along with resistance graph during
the cooling process
B-RXX0TW-303-EN, 2016-10-25
Connecting RMO-TW to Transformer Resistance Testing in Multiple Tap
The RMO-TW has three separate resistance
Changer Positions
measurement channels, which enable The winding resistance of all tap changer
simultaneous measurement of the primary, positions in one phase can be measured as part
secondary and tertiary winding on the same of a single test, without discharging between
phase, as presented in the figure above. This measurements. Different test modes are
significantly speeds up the measurement and provided for on-load tap changers (OLTC) and
reduces the total transformer testing time. At the de-energized tap changers (DETC). The
same time, by saturating the magnetic core instrument detects interruptions during the
through the HV and LV windings the stabilization operation of on-load tap changers and produces
time and subsequently the total testing time is a warning message to the operator.
reduced even more.
DV-Win Software
Simultaneous Three-Channel Winding
The DV-Win application software enables
Resistance Measurement
control and observation of the test process, as
The RMO-TW injects the current with a voltage well as saving and analyzing the results on a
value as high as 55 V. This ensures that the PC. It provides a test report, arranged in a
magnetic core is saturated quickly and duration selectable form as an Excel spreadsheet, PDF,
of the test is as short as possible. The three Word, or ASCII format. The software provides
independent channels enable simultaneous additional OLTC (tap changer) verification
testing of three windings in series – primary, option by recording the test current during the
secondary and tertiary windings. There is transition. The standard interface is USB.
enough memory within the RMO-TW instrument RS232 is optional.
to store 1 000 measurements. All
measurements are time and date stamped.
Heat Run Test Application
The instrument is equipped with thermal and
overcurrent protection. The RMO-TW has very The DV-Win application software has an
high ability to cancel electrostatic and additional Heat Run temperature/resistance
electromagnetic interference that exists in HV extrapolation feature. After the transformer
electric fields. It is achieved by a proprietary heating is switched off, the RMO-TW is
B-RXX0TW-303-EN, 2016-10-25
Technical Data Computer Interface
Winding Resistance Measurement USB
Test currents: Optional: RS232
5 mA – 10 A DC for RMO10TW
5 mA – 20 A DC for RMO20TW Warranty
5 mA – 30 A DC for RMO30TW Three years
5 mA – 50 A DC for RMO50TW
Output voltage: up to 55 V DC Environmental Conditions
Measurement range: 0,1 μΩ - 10 kΩ Operating temperature:
Typical accuracy: - 10 ºC to + 55 ºC / + 14 ºF to + 131 ºF
±(0,1% rdg + 0,1% F.S.) for 0,1 μΩ-1,999 kΩ range Storage & transportation:
±(0,2% rdg + 0,1% F.S.) for 2 kΩ - 10 kΩ range - 40 ºC to + 70 ºC / - 40 ºF to + 158 ºF
Humidity 5 % - 95 % relative humidity,
Resolution non condensing
0,1 μΩ – 999,9 μΩ: 0,1 μΩ
1,000 mΩ – 9,999 mΩ: 1 μΩ Dimensions and Weight
10,00 mΩ – 99,99 mΩ: 10 μΩ Device Weight Dimensions (WxHxD)
100,0 mΩ – 999,9 mΩ: 0,1 mΩ RMO10TW 7.5 kg / 198 x 255 x 380 mm
RMO20TW 16.5 lbs 7.8 x 10.0 x 15.0 in
1,000 Ω – 9,999 Ω: 1 mΩ
RMO30TW 8.5 kg / 198 x 255 x 380 mm
10,00 Ω - 99,99 Ω: 10 mΩ
RMO50TW 18.7 lbs 7.8 x 10.0 x 15.0 in
100,0 Ω – 999,9 Ω: 0,1 Ω
1,000 kΩ – 9,999 kΩ: 1 Ω Mains Power Supply
Connection according to IEC/EN60320-1;
Data Storage
UL498, CSA 22.2
1 000 internal memory positions
Mains supply: 90 V - 264 V AC
All specifications herein are valid at ambient temperature of + 25 °C and recommended accessories.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Specifications are valid if the instrument is used with the recommended set of accessories.
Current and Sense cables with TTA clamps Voltage Sense cables with TTA clamps
Order Info
Instrument with Included accessories Article No
Winding Ohmmeter RMO-TW
DV-Win PC software including USB cable
Mains Power cable
Ground (PE) cable
Recommended Article No
Current cables 2 x 10 m 10 mm2 (32.8 ft, 7 AWG) and Sense cables 2 x 10 m
(32.8 ft) with TTA clamps*
Current cables 2 x 10 m 2,5 mm2 (32.8 ft, 13 AWG) and Sense cables 2 x 10
m (32.8 ft) with TTA clamps**
Sense cables 2 x 10 m (32.8 ft) with TTA clamps S2-10-02BPWC
Current connection cable 1 x 5 m 10 mm2 (16.4 ft, 7 AWG) with TTA clamps* CX-05-102XWC
Current connection cable 1 x 5 m 6 mm2 (16.4 ft, 9 AWG) with TTA clamps** CX-05-062XWC
Transport case HARD-CASE-ME
*Recommended for RMO30TW and RMO50TW
** Recommended for RMO10TW and RMO20TW
Optional Article No
Test shunt 150 A / 150 mV SHUNT-150-MK
Thermal printer 80 mm (3.15 in) (built-in) PRINT-080-00
Cable plastic case – small size CABLE-CAS-01
Cable plastic case – medium size CABLE-CAS-02
Cable bag CABLE-BAG-00
Current cables 2 x 15 m 10 mm2 (49.2 ft, 7 AWG) and Sense cables 2 x 15 m
(49.2 ft) with TTA clamps
Current cables 2 x 15 m 2,5 mm2 (49.2 ft, 13 AWG) and Sense cables 2 x 15
m (49.2 ft) with TTA clamps
Current cables 2 x 20 m 16 mm2 (65.6 ft, 5 AWG) and Sense cables 2 x 20 m
(65.6 ft) with TTA clamps
Current cables 2 x 20 m 2,5 mm2 (65.6 ft, 13 AWG) and Sense cables 2 x 20
m (65.6 ft) with TTA clamps
Sense cables 2 x 15 m (49.2 ft) with TTA clamps S2-15-02BPWC
Sense cables 2 x 20 m (65.6 ft) with TTA clamps S2-20-02BPWC
Current connection cable 1 x 12 m 10 mm2 (39.4 ft, 5 AWG) with TTA clamps CX-12-102XWC
Current connection cable 1 x 12m 6 mm2 (39.4.4 ft, 9 AWG) with TTA clamps CX-12-062XWC
PT100 temperature indicator TI-000-PT100
B-RXX0TW-303-EN, 2016-10-25