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Internal Resistance - Physics

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Xll A
I NAKUL. M of std Xll A Amrita Vidyalayam, Trivandrum
like to thank our principal Brahmacharini SINI mam for
giving us encouragement in the preparation of this

I extent my sincere gratitude to most

respectful physics teacher miss Sindu R Pillai for giving
me valuable suggestion and advise for completing my work
in a successful manner.

I would like thank my parents for all the

help and encouragement that they gave to me throughout
my work

I would like thank my classmates for all the

help and support.

Above all would like to thank the God for the

blessing that helped me complete as well as present my
project successfully.

In today's busy lifestyle an irreplaceable object of
superficial importance is the cell or battery. Battery was
discovered in 1799 by Alessandro Volta. Battery or cell is
also known as voltaic cell. It has been of utmost
importance since as it gives us the chance to transport
small amount of electricity.

Cell-source of electric current

A cell is a device used as a source of electric current in

various electrical experiments. When a cell is connected
across a conductor (electric circuit) then it maintained a
potential difference between its ends, to provide a supply
of electrical current continuous.

A cell has two electrodes, namely anode (positively

charged) and cathode (negatively charged). They are
immersed in an electrolytic solution. Through the
solutions, the electrodes exchange electrons with

Potential difference of anode = v-(v<0)

Potential difference of cathode = v-

When connected in open circuit

Potential difference of cell V = V+-(-V-) = V*+V-

This difference is known as electro motive force or Emf

of cell denoted by

є =V++V-

When the current flows through the electrolyte, a finite

resistance, r is offered by the electrolyte. This is called
internal resistance

We know

є =V++V-

R is finite and l = 0

The potential difference of a cell in closed circuit or

terminal potential difference is

V=[(V+)+(V-)] -Ir

= єo- lr

In practical calculations internal resistance is very small

and can be neglected

Ie; є >> Ir
We know

V=IR (ohm's law)

V = єo- lr

On comparing

I= єo/(r+R)

The maximum current that can be drawn is when R=0

Therefore, Imax = єo/r

The cell can be classified into two:

1. Primary cell

2. Secondary cell

Primary cell
Its discovery and modification stated since Alessandro

These are electrochemical cell which supply electrical

energy direct from the chemical reaction inside them.
These cell cannot be recharged
These are cheap to start with but in the long run, they
prove to be costly as their components are consumed and
have to be replaced

Common primary cell are

i. Leclanche cell

ii. Daniel cell

iii. Leclanche dry cell

1. Container-Glass vessel

2. Electrolyte Strong Ammonium Chloride (NH4CL)

1. Container-copper vessel

2. Electrolyte - Dilute sulphuric acid (H₂SO) or

acidulated zinc sulphate (ZnSo.) solution.

3. Depolariser- Saturated copper sulphate (CuSO4)


4. Electrode-

i. Negative electrode is amalgamated zinc rod

immersed In electrolyte taken in a porous pot.

ii. Positive electrode is copper vessel itself

containing depolarizer.
1.Container-Zinc cup

2. Electrolyte-moist paste of ammonium chloride(NH4CL)

containing some zinc chloride (ZnCl2) contained in zinc cup

3.Depolariser-MnO2 and powdered charcoal wrapped in

porous cloth. The charcoal is used to increase the


i. Negative electrode is zinc cup itself

containing electrolyte.

ii. Positive electrode is carbon rod

immersed in polarizer packed in porous cloth
Secondary cell
It was discovered in 1859 by Gaston Plante a French

These supply electrical energy indirectly first they are

charged to store electrical energy as chemical energy.
when. used, they give electrical energy from the stored
energy. since they stored or accumulate energy, they are
also called storage cells or accumulators.

These are costly to start with but in the long run they
prove to be cheap as their components are not be
replaced. They are simply recharged at nominal cost.

Secondary cells supply more current for a long time than

primary cells at the same voltage. It is because the
internal resistance of secondary cells is less than the
internal resistance of the primary cells

Common secondary cell are

1. Lead-Acid accumulator

2. Nickel-Iron accumulator

It is also called lead sulphuric acid cell

1.Container-A glass or Bakelite case

2. Electrolyte- Dilute sulphuric acid (H₂SO)

3.Electrodes these consist of alternately parallel grind

Like plates of lead dioxide PbO2 (oxidized from PbO)
which form positive electrode and spongy lead PbO which
forms negative electrodes.

These alternate plates are insulated from each other by

porous separators made of wood, rubber, plastic or glass
Nickel-Iron Accumulator
It is also called nife (Ni-Fe) cell 1. Container - Steel
vessel (nickelled cold-rolled sheet steel box welded at
the seams)

2. Electrolyte - 20 percent solution of KOH with 1

percent lithium hydroxide having specific gravity 1.19
(Lithium hydroxide increases capacity of the cell by
about 10%)

3. Electrodes –

i. The negative electrode consists perforated

nickelled steel grides filled initially with iron oxide and a
trace of yellow mercury oxide (which increases both the
conductivity and the capacity of the cell).

ii. The positive electrode consists of perforated

nickelled steel tubes filled initially with alternate layers
of nickel hydroxide and metallic nickel in thin flakes, to
make it conducting

The container has a number of such electrode pair

pockets assembled inside it.

To study various factors on which the internal resistance

or Emf of a cell depends

A potentiometer a battery eliminator, two way keys, a

rheostat of low resistance, a galvanometer, a high
resistance, an ammeter, a cell (leclanche cell or Daniel
cell),a jockey, a set square connecting wires, water bath,
thermometer, burner, tripod stand, wire gauze etc.
The internal resistance of a cell is the resistance
offered by the electrolyte to the flow of ions. The
internal resistance of a cell:

 Is directly proportional to distance between the

 electrode
 Inversely proportional to the facing surface area of
 electrodes in electrolyte
 Decrease with increase in temperature of
 Inversely proportional to concentration of

The internal resistance of a cell is given by


Where L1 and L2 are the balancing length without

resistance and with resistance (shunt), respectively and R

is the shunt resistance in parallel with the given cell

Step -1

1.Draw the circuit diagram showing the scheme of


2.To test the correctness of the connections. (Insert the

plug in the key K1 and note the ammeter reading. Taking
out 2000 ohm resistance plug from the resistance box.
Place the jockey first at the end P of the wire and then
at the end Q if the galvanometer shows deflection in the
opposite directions in the two cases, the connections are

3. Without inserting the plug in the key K2 adjust the

rheostat so that a null point is obtained on the fourth
wire of potentiometer

4.Insert the 2000 ohm plug back in its position in

resistance box and by slightly adjusting the jockey near
the previously obtained position of null point, obtain the
null point position accurately using a set square

5.measure the balancing length 11 between this point and

the end P of the wire

6.take out the 2000 ohm plug again from the resistance
box R.B. Introduce the plugs in keys K1 as well as in key
K2. Take out a small resistance from the RB introduce
plugs in the key Kt as well as in key K2 take out a small
resistance (1-52) from the resistance box R connected in
parallel with cell.

7.slide the jockey along the potentiometer wire and

obtain null point

8. Insert 2000 ohm plug back in its position in RB and if

necessary make further adjustment for sharp null point.

9. Measure the balancing length 12 from end P.

10. Remove the plug key at K1 and K2. Wait for some
times and for the same value of current (as shown by the
ammeter), repeat the step 7.

11. Repeat the observations for different values of R

repeating each observation twice.

12.Calculate the internal resistance of cell by using the

above relation for r


To see the effect of distance between the electrodes on

internal resistance keeping the other factors constant,
very the separation between the electrodes and measure
the internal resistance in each case.

Draw a graph showing the separation between the

electrode and the internal resistance


To see the effect of the area (size) of electrode in

electrolyte on internal resistance keeping the other
factor constant, increase area of electrodes in
electrolyte by dipping them into electrolyte and measure
the internal resistance of cell in each. Plot the graph
between the two.


To see the effect of temperature of electrolyte on the

Internal resistance by keeping other factors constant.
Keeping the primary cell in water bath to heat the
electrolyte. Determine the internal resistance at various
temperatures. Plot the graph between the two.


To see the effect of concentration (nature) of

electrolyte on internal resistance by keeping the other
factors constant, decrease the concentration of
electrolyte by adding the distilled water and determine
the internal resistance of cell in each case. Plot the graph
Between the two.


(A). Internal resistance of cell

Least count of ammeter: =25mA

Zero correction in ammeter=0A

Emf of the driving cell E = 4V

Emf of the standard cell (leclanche or daniell cell)

E=1.1 V

Internal resistance of cell as determined in step 1

Table for internal resistance for step 1 Ammeter Position of null point(cm) Shunt R=[(L1-L2)/L1]R

Reading resistance
(mA) With R(L1) Without R(Ω)
(B).To study the effect of separation between the

Emf of the cell E =1.1V

Area of the electrolyte =11.22 cm²


Table for effect of separation between

electrode for step 2 Separation Balancing Balancing R=[(L1-L2)/L1]R R/d
between length with length
electrodes shunt(cm) without

It is observed that internal resistance increases with

increase in separation between the electrodes

(c). Effect of area of electrode

Emf of cell E=11V

Distance between the electrodes = 20m

Temperature of the electrolyte = 30°C

Table for the effect of electrodes Area f the Balancing Balancing Resistance R=[(L1-L2)/L1]R

electrodes length(L2)cm length(L2)cm RΩ

It is observed from the above table that internal

resistance of the cell decrease as the area of electrode
dipped into the cell is increased and vice verse

(D). Effect of temperature of electrolyte on the internal


Emf of cell E-1.1v

Distance between electrode = 20m

Area of electrode A-11.220m²

Table for the effect of temperature Temperature L1 L2 Resistance R=[(L1-L2)/L1]R
(T)˚C RΩ
IT is observed that from the above table that the
internal resistance of a cell decrease with increase in
temperature and vice versa.

(E). Effect of concentration

Emf of cell-1.1V

Distance between electrode =20m

Area of electrode = 11.22cm

Table for effect of concentration

S. Concentration Resistance Shunt R=[(L1-L2)/L1]R

no (mol/cm3 resistance
With shunt Without

It is observed from the above table that the internal

resistance of a cell decrease with increase in
concentration of the electrolyte and vice-verse.

1. The Emf of a cell is constant E = 2.26v

2. The internal resistance of a cell is directly

proportional to the separation between.

3. The internal resistance of a cell is inversely

proportional to the area of the electrode dipped in

4. The internal resistance of a cell is inversely

proportional to the temperature of the electrolyte

5. The internal resistance of a cell is inversely

proportional to the concentration of electrolyte.

1.The connections should be neat, clean and tight

2. The plugs should be introduce in the keys only when

the observations are to be taken.

3. The positive poles of the battery 6 and cells Band 62

should, all be connected to the terminal at the zero of
the wirts

4. The jockey key should not be rubbed along the wire.

It should touch the wire gently.

5 The ammeter reading should remain constant for a

particular set of observations. If necessary, adjust the
rheostat for this purpose

6.The Emf of the battery should be greater than the

Emf's the either of the two cells.

7.Some high resistance plug should always be taken out

from resistance box before the jockey is moved along
the wire.

8. The Emf of the battery should be greater than that of

the cell.
9.For one set of observations the ammeter reading
should remain constant

10. Current should be pass for short time only, while

finding the null point.

11. rheostat should be adjusted so that initial null point

lies on last wire of potentiometer.
Source of error

 The auxiliary battery may not be fully charged.

 The potentiometer wire may not be of uniform cross

section and material density throughout its length.

 End resistance may not be zero.


In this project we have seen the invention of cell,

different types of cell, the difference of emf, internal
resistance and terminal potential Difference. We have
also analyzed the factions on which internal resistance
depends upon.

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