Sco Gold-1
Sco Gold-1
Sco Gold-1
July 30 2020
PURITY – 96%
SHIPMENT: The Shipment will be carried OUt by a Skycargo Operated by EmirateS AirlinES
PROCEDURES AND TERMS OF PAYMENT: Seller and b Uyer Shall enter into a contractUal
agreement for the SalES and PUrchaSe of Gold Dore BarS aS prEScribES above. Upon approval by
both partiES Of the contract, Seller IS Obliged to SUbmit SKR for bUyer’Sattention and acceptance.
Within 24 hoUrS Of accepting the SKR, bUyer IS expected to ISSUe a Standard MT 799 blocked
FUndS, or SBLC MT 760 or MT 103/72 and E Scrow AccoUnt alSO acpeted by Swift into the Seller’S
Financier’S Bank. Upon confirmation of thIS inStrUment by Seller Financier bank, Seller Shall Ship
Gold Dore BarS aS prEScribed above to bUyer’S dEStination refinery within Six (6) Banking Day S
of confirmation of iSSUed MT 799 or SBLC MT 760 or MT 103/72 or EScrow AccoUnt .Total payment
of Gold will only be effected 6 day S. Only after bUyer refinery haS ISSUed aSSay report confirming
the qUality of Gold . DetailS Of thIS tranSaction Shall be capTUred in a contract if thIS Offer IS