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Internship Report

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A Training Report On

Basic programming and functioning of machine

and simulation on CNC & VMC” In SEALEXCEL

Duration: 5th JUNE, 2021 to 13th AUGAST, 2021.

6 days a Week.

I feel immense pleasure in submitting this report

on “ Basic programming and functioning of
machine and simulation on CNC & VMC” In
SEALEXCEL INDIA PVT. LTD ”. Submitting this
project, we avail this opportunity to express our
gratitude to all those who helped and guided us in
completing task successfully. Heading the list with
our honourable Professor Mr. Sudhir Thakre as a
Coordinator who is the beginner of our inspiration.
We would also like to thank our Manager and
Advisor Mr. Shafique Kadaya for his ardour in
inciting the subject of his valuable suggestion.
We owe our deep gratitude and also very thankful
to our Mentor Mrs. Mily Jashank who has proved
to be more than just a mere guide to us. Apart
from bringing to us what can be joy of successful
completion of this project was only possible by his
guidance and cooperation without which this work
would never have been completed.
Finally, we wish to express our deep sense of
respect and gratitude to each and every staff
member who has helped us in many ways and also
our parents who have always borne with us in any
critical conditions and to all other, for sparing
their time and helping us for completion of this
project in whatever way they could.
During the 5 weeks of industrial training Mr. Shafique Chief
Manager of SEALEXCEL INDIA PVT. LTD supervised me to
accomplish overall manufacturing process on vertical
milling machine (VMC), which included study about
operations,controller,programming etc. Throughout my
industrial training, I able to run vertical milling machine,
taking offset although able to understand the coding
language. Besides, I learn and experience new things, which
never taught in lecture. In order to complete the industrial
training, Mechanical engineer student should undergo one-
month practical training in a related field. During one
month training, I received an opportunity to learn the
operations done on VMC and try to make own idea and
program. Also learns to improve communication skill, learn
to be more disciplined and punctual. On the other hand, as
a trainee, a good attitude is necessary in order to follow and
complete the instruction given from the supervisor .lastly,
within this one-month period I had attained uncountable
knowledge and experience.
Chapter.1 Introduction to the Industry

SEALEXCEL (INDIA) PVT.LTD. A fast growing manufacturing
company of repute having More than 2 decades of experience and
expertise in manufacturing high quality Fittings and Valves suitable
for Instrumentation, CNG, LNG, Hydraulic and Pneumatic

Three well equipped modern manufacturing plant with highly

motivated team of employees and up to date technology assisting
us to produce world class consistent and reliable quality Fittings
and Valves.
Design, Research & Development
SEALEXCEL’S latest Cad/Cam system, testing facilities and
proficient in-house team of R & D allows us to design the products

to perfection and ensure highest standard of quality, reliability,

consistency and excellence.

Upgradation of our manufacturing techniques and infrastructure at

regular intervals helps us to anticipate future industrial

requirements and keeps us at the forefront as manufacturers of

world class consistent and reliable quality products.

Our manufacturing expertise and capability combined with modern

manufacturing facility with latest cutting edge machineries ensure

consistent quality and high performance products.

SEALEXCEL® has total quality management culture from the

incoming traceable high quality raw material to finish products

ensuring our commitment to efficient and high quality products

compatible with ISO 9001:2015, PED 97/23/EC and ATEX 94/9/EC.

With strictly controlled quality checks at all stages and by

continuous improvements in our products, process and systems

ensure customer receives our product with zero defect.

We also have in-house product performance testing facilities

including helium leak detection and Hydro-statics Burst pressure

test to check and verify the maximum safety and reliability of our

products in deep vacuum and high pressure applications.

Our products are in line with international specification

requirements in quality, safety, consistency and reliability apart

from the competitive price as our products are type approved to

ECE R110, ISO 15500, ASTM F1387-99 (2012), BS 4368 Part 4:1984,
MSS-SP-99(2010) ARAI and helium leak test etc.

Testing Facilities
We have In-house Testing Facilities to check, verify and confirm the
guarantee of high quality, reliability, consistency, performance with
safety norms for our products.
 Hydro Static Proof Pressure Test
 Pneumatic Proof Pressure Test.
 Pressure Impulse and Vibration Test.
 Burst Pressure Test.
 Helium leak Test.
 Temperature Cycling Test.
 Rotary Flex Test.
 Flexure and Fatigue Test.
 Make and Remake Test.
Chapter 2. Types of major
equipment/instruments/ machines use in
industry with their specification
approximate cost and specific use and their
routine maintenance


 Machine-based manufacturing is the process of

removing layers of material from a workpiece with the

use of machine tools to produce the desired product or

part. It is divided into several categories: manual vs.

CNC, three-axis vs. five-axis, and vertical vs. horizontal.

Each process version has its own set of benefits and
drawbacks, making it suited for various manufacturing


Evolving from the numerical control (NC) machining

process which utilized punched tape cards, CNC

machining is a manufacturing process which

utilizes computerized controls to operate and manipulate

machine and cutting tools to shape stock material—e.g.,

metal, plastic, wood, foam, composite, etc.—into custom

parts and designs. While the CNC machining process
offers various capabilities and operations, the fundamental

principles of the process remain largely the same

throughout all of them. The basic CNC machining process

includes the following stages:

 Designing the CAD model

 Converting the CAD file to a CNC program

 Preparing the CNC machine

 Executing the machining operation

A lathe machine is a machine tool that removes the

undesired material from a rotating workpiece in the form

of chips with the help of a tool that is traversed across the

work and can be feed deep into the work.

It one of the most versatile and widely used machine tools

all over the world.

Chapter 3. Manufacturing
processes along with production
planning and control methods.

Now,We are going to discuss about how to

manufacture the product on VMC,Actually this is
what I learn from Industry, Hope I could explain
it in a better way.

To understand the manufacturing process you

must have to aware about the function of
controller without that you cant able to run the
machine so here I am not going to explain the
controller system, but during the discussion of
manufacturing process I will clarify the codes
and the command which is necessary. So,
basically there are three things which is
extremely important during manufacturing
process ………

i. Taking Offset

ii. Programming the Machine

iii. Quality Control

How to take Offset

First take the machine in zero return position.

Procedure: select the mode (REF) + select the Axis
(x,y,z,4,5) and click on Axis+

Now, first we have to make the tool at the centre

position of work piece, so to select the centre take
the offset to the work piece.
Place the work piece and make the tool touch to
the side face of the work piece of axis (y+or x+) and
make all axis zero, take the tool upward in z-
direction without making any change, Again take
the tool to the exact opposite side of the axis where
you make all axis zero, touch the tool to that side of
work piece again make all axis zero before that you
you can observe the travelling size of tool in
position option while touching the tool to the work
piece take the offset side axis value and divide it by
2 now consider that value and take the tool to that
value and go to the offset option, select one of the
offset (54,55,56 etc) and make X or Y zero according
to your offset (x0.0) (y0.0)
Here, the offset procedure for z-axis

First take the tool on the workpiece and touch the

tool on the working face of workpiece select the
offset option and enter input+c in Geometric Offset.

Here we are done with the offset now we will

discuss about Programming.

How to Program the Machine

Before bringing the program to you I would like to discuss

some of G-code and M-code.


G21:Input in MM G90: Absolute programming

G20: Input in Inch G91: Incremental


Goo: Positioning (Rapid G17: Xp Yp Plane selection

Traverse) G18: Zp Xp Plane


G01: Linear interpolation

(Cutting Feed) G43: Tool length


G44: Tool length

G73: Peek drilling cycle

G80: Canned cycle cancel

G40: Cutter Compensation G98: Canned cycle :return

to (cancel)
initial level

G41: Cutter Compensation

G49: Tool length
Compensation G42: Cutter Compensation


G54: Workpiece Coordinate

System (WCS) 1 Selection

Offset No.G54,G55,G56 etc


M01: Optional Stop

M03: Spindle Start

M05: Spindle Stop

M06: Tool Station Selection

M07: Coolant from tool

M08: Coolant from pipes

M09: Coolant stop

M30: Program End and Rewind

 Here is the boring program may be its enough to

understand it.


M98 P7001 L2 (SUB PROGRAM)
M98 P8000 L2 (SUB PROGRAM)


O7001(SP-1040 @ 22.30 MM BORE)(14.0 MM PRAMET
G91G02 I-6.75 Z-0.3


EXAMPLE I = (18.1) - (12.0) / 2 = 3.05

• For Positive cutting side
X = (Distance from reference point + I)

• For Negative cutting side

X = (Distance from reference point - I)


If we have to Bore the work piece we should select the “Z”

through which we can select the depth of cut per round

and then select the “L” value (L Indicate the number of

rotation of tool during working stroke while cutting the

work piece), Now if we have to Bore the work piece about

20 mm and we select the “Z” value as 1.5 mm then we

should have to choose “L” as “L14” due to this we get a

boring depth 21.00 mm to solve this problem we start the

working from 1 mm up so we select the Z size from

original program Z-1.0.

Practically : L = Boring size / Z value ( cutting depth per

round )
Chapter 4. Testing of Raw Materials,
Components and Finished Projects
along with quality assurance

 Importance of Testing of Raw Material

Raw materials testing ensures that the raw materials

used in pharmaceutical products are suitable for their

intended use. Conducting raw materials analysis using

appropriate test methods and successfully meeting the

challenges of such testing can prevent costly production

problems and delays.

SEALEXCEL has total quality management culture

from the incoming high quality heat code traceable raw

material to finish products ensuring our commitment to

efficient and high quality products compatible with ISO

9001 : 2008, PED 97/23/EC, and ATEX 94/9/EC. This is
achieved by continuous improving the products, process
and systems.

At every stage, we have controlled quality checks so that

all our supplies reaches to our customers with zero defect

ISO 9001 : 2015

Certificate No. 277097-2018-AQ-IND-RvA
SEALEXCEL has been found to conform to the Quality Management
System Standard : ISO 9001 : 2015
This certificate is valid for the following scope :



Chapter 5. Major Material handling product

(lifts, cranes, slings, pulleys, jacks, conveyor
belts, etc.) and material handling

 Automatic Material Loading

The manual handling of heavy and cumbersome
sheet material on to and off flatbed CNC routing
machines has always been an issue. Sheets of
material are easily damaged whilst being loaded
on to the machine bed and completed pieces are
also prone to damage as they are being removed
from the machine.

In day-to-day production, operator fatigue and

injury, due to manual handling, are major
concerns and a solution needed to be found.

The Multicam material loading system incorporates

 an automatic indexing scissor lift

 automatic material loading arm
 automatic material squaring
One or all of these solutions, coupled with
automatic offloading and conveyor table provide a
solution to the issues of safe and efficient material

 Automatic Material Unloading

Once the job is cut it needs to be removed from
the machine bed. Having operators manually
unload can lead to damage of the finished
product, operator fatigue and can be especially
difficult on large machines or in difficult

The material unloading arm moves finished

components on to the offloading conveyor

The Multicam material unloading system


 an automatic unloading arm

 automatic bed cleaning system
 offloading conveyor

One or all of these solutions, coupled with

automatic loading and indexing lifter table
provide a solution to the issues of safe and
efficient material handling.

Another market where handling can be applied to

improve safety & productivity is the building
material industry, e.g., handling of large purlins
and sheet steel products. These products are often
heavy and difficult to manage manually or with
cranes & other manually operated lifting
Chapter 6. Special Challenges
Experiences encountered
During the training.

1. Dealing With Change

Organizational change is challenging and more common

than ever. Dealing with changes due to mergers,
acquisitions, technology, budgets, and staffing is the top
challenge cited by Learning and Development (L&D)

2. Developing Leaders

Many work environments are faced with leadership

development challenges. It is crucial for organizations to
develop leaders in every level—from the front lines to the
CEO—to support its success.

3. Engaging Learners

L&D professionals must communicate the value of

learning and development. Too often, other urgent tasks
or priorities seem to win out. It’s a challenge to get
learners to attend, actively participate, and follow-

4. Delivering Consistent Training

When a company is global or geographically dispersed,

it increases the difficulty of providing consistent
training. The most common challenges of training and
development include geographic limitations, increased
costs, language barriers, translation issues, and virtual
training needs.

5. Tracking Skills Application

Discovering the “stickiness,” or sustainability of a

training program is challenging at best. L&D
professionals must find and implement an effective way
to ensure skills are learned and applied in the real work

6. Improving Learning Effectiveness

Training learners effectively is important. There are so

many topics to cover and many require unique delivery
methods in order for solid skill development to occur. It
is important to ask the right questions and identify the
desired outcomes when planning each training session.

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