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Gen M | 2022

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Bara Imaji | 1
Gen M | 2022 Gen M | 2022

According to The Royal Islamic Strategic
Studies Center (2022), the world’s Muslim
population is estimated at 1.93 billion
people. That number is equivalent to 22%
of the total world population which is
estimated at 8.94 billion people.

Indonesia occupies the first position

as the country with the largest Muslim
population in the world. There are 231.06
million Indonesians who are Muslim or
equivalent to 86.7% of the total population
in Indonesia.

With the large number of Muslim

population in the world, there will be more
Muslims and they will also become the
younger part of the world. Therefore, it is
particularly important to pay attention to
the Muslim generation or Generation M. @baraimajiofficial

@baraimaji Bara Imaji

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Gen M | 2022 Gen M | 2022

of content

01 04 07
Introduction The facts about Conclusion
Gen M

02 15 57

02 05
What is Gen M? The behavior about
Gen M

06 20

Gen M treats:
Study Case
what should you
12 44
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Gen M | 2022 Gen M | 2022

What is

GEN M? Chapter 1:
What is Gen M?

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Muslims are the World

Religious Group
Estimated percent change in population size, 2015-2050

Generation M :
The affluent Muslims
Muslims changing 70%
the world

Generation M:
Young Muslims
Generation M are muslim 34%
Changing the World millennials, the global generation
by Shelina Janmohamed
born in the past 30 years.
Generation M has “one over-
riding characteristic, which is that
they believe that being faithful
and living a modern life go hand
in hand, and there is absolutely
no contradiction between the
two. The demographics depict an Research Center, there will be 2.8
extraordinary trajectory. billion Muslims globally, more than a
They are a tech-savvy, self- quarter of the world’s population.
empowered, youthful group In 2010, there were 1.6 billion
who believe that their identity Muslims in the world, a figure
encompasses both faith and forecast to grow by 73% in the next
modernity. four decades – more than double
the general rate of growth.
Source : Pew Research Center Demographic Projection.
By 2050, according to the Pew Methodology for details. “The Changing Global Religious
8 | Bara Imaji Bara Imaji | 9
Gen M | 2022 Gen M | 2022

Indonesia: The country Data Reportal Digital in

with the largest Indonesia 2021
Muslim population
in the world

There were 170.0 million There were 170.0 million

In June 2021 Indonesia’s population is 272.23 social media users in social media users in
million people Indonesia (January, 2021) Indonesia (January, 2021)

A total of 236.53 million (86.88%) of Indonesia’s

population is Muslim

Indonesia is the country with the largest population

in 2021

Most-used social media

platforms in Indonesia: Time spent using social
Youtube, Whatsapp, media 3H 14M
66.07 million people aged 0-14 Instagram, Facebook,
years Twitter.
185.34 million people (68.75%)
aged 14-64 years

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Generation M
Treats :
What shoud
you know

Chapter 2:
Generation M Treats:
What should you know

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Generation M Treats : Urban Muslim

What you should know Millennial Character

01 Age 02 Fashion Confidence

The Muslim Millennial Generation was Having a simple, fashionable, elegant
Confident, dare to express
born in the period 1980 – 2000. without covering up his identity as a
According to data by BPS RI, the Muslim.
opinions, and do not hesitate
population that can be categorized as to debate in public.
Muslim Millennials ranges in the age
group of 15-34 years.

Desire to get
03 Critical 04 quickly and instant Think outside the box, rich in
ideas and notion, and able to
communicate ideas brilliantly.
This generation tends to be more This generation likes fast and instant
critical and active because they see things such as online shopping,
many fast-paced and instant social reading news, or ordering food online.
phenomena through social media.

Individuals who are good at
socializing, especially in the
Quite active on
05 social media communities they follow, they
are also active on the internet.

The Muslim millennial generation

cannot be separated from
smartphones. Because they are quite
active on social media.

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Gen M | 2022

The Facts
About Gen M
Gen M | 2022

Chapter 3:
The Facts
about Gen M

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Gen M | 2022 Gen M | 2022

The western companies are

becoming increasingly interested
in Muslim market.

The Facts Halal marketing had a positive

influence on purchase intention.

About Gen M
However, it can be backfire
because some customers might
think that the promotion is just a

uslim consumer are Yuswohady (Marketing Expert)
distributed across more said the boom in non-food
than 65 countries and brands introducing halal certified
70% of muslims worlwide choose products was a strategy to win
halal products, both food and the heart of the huge muslim
equipment. market.

Muslim conusmer’s brain present

cognitive reactions to halal and
non-halal product even without
the halal label.

Muslim consumer are willing Yuswohady

to pay more for halal product Marketing Expert
that are properly ensured and

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Chapter 4:
The behavior
of Gen M

The Behavior
of Gen M

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How Exactly
Muslim Lifestyle
is created!
Al-Qur’an, Hadits,
Prophet’s Guidance,

The Behavior
Islamic sharia

of Gen M GEN M

For Muslims, the halal lifestyle

is important because it affects
Islamic sharia. In the halal Islamic Market &
lifestyle, there are elements Halal Market
of health, safety and security,
prosperity and human dignity.

The term halal lifestyle is not

intended for restrictions or
coercion, but to reintroduce the
teachings of Allah from the point
of view of sharia which has been
stated in the Qur’an and hadith.
(Eko Putra Boediman, 2017)

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01. 02.
Spiritualistic Ethical

Muslim According to this pillar, businesses

should guide themselves in conduct
and practice by the principles of
Islam when targeting the Muslim
While catering to Muslims,
companies should consider Ethics to
be of essential value. Thus, corrupt
business practices such as cheating
community. and lying should be clearly shunned.

03. 04.
Humanistic Realistic

Halal According to this pillar, companies

should show concern towards the
environment and society while
According to this pillar, businesses
should guide themselves in conduct
and practice by the principles of

selling products to the Muslims. This Islam when targeting the Muslim
would increase the reputation of community.
the respective company among the
society. On the other hand, these
firms could gain loyal consumers
and respect.

Muslims presents a huge global Muslim businessmen. The following

market for halal products and measures present a winning
services and since Muslims in approach for the halal business
general adhere strongly to religious industry to gain competitive
principles and are increasingly advantage in this promising and

The Four
particular and sensitive over the lucrative market.
halalness of their lifestyle, especially (Awang, Abdul-Rahim et al. 2014)
food, the prospect for halal market
is enormous. Muslims represent an estimated 23%

Therefore, to tap into the vast

opportunity which the halal
industry presents, several aspects
of the global population or about 1.8
billion consumers with an average
growth rate of 3% per annum. (Dar,
Azmi et al. 2013)
Major Pillars
concerning the halal concept must
be taken into by all, including non-

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Gen M | 2022 Gen M | 2022

of the Halal
Although the term halal has never
attracted as much attention as in
recent times, today, wherever there
are Muslim consumers whose tastes
and preferences are governed by
halal rules on food specification, a
halal food market exists.

Muslims in Indonesia have a
Every Muslim must ensure positive awareness and attitude
that what they eat comes towards halal products which
from a halal source. This causes motivation to buy and
direct people around them to
does not mean only to check
buy halal products, this is also
the ingredients, but also
based on the belief that halal
to ensure that the whole

process is in accordance
with Shariah principles.
(Zakaria 2008)
products are in accordance
with Islamic law.
(Mukhtar and Muhammad, 2012)

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of the Halal
Although the term halal has
Segments of the
never attracted as much
Halal Market attention as in recent times,
today, wherever there are
Muslim consumers whose Halal food products are not

26 %
tastes and preferences are confined to meat and poultry,

11 governed by halal rules on including other food items such

Pharmaceuticals as confectionary, canned and
food specification, a halal food
frozen food, dairy produce,
market exists. bakery products, organic food,
beverages and herbal products.

Another growing sector of foods

Halal Market is substitutes for products that
traditionally contain non-halal
(haram) ingredients such as
Halal Industry : Key Challenges and pork gelatine or alcohol. These
Opportunities products, which include yogurt,
(Hussein Elasrag) biscuits, and chocolates, are now
being modified so that they can

61 % be marketed as halal.



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& Health Product

The main concern among Halal Industry : Key Challenges and

Muslims is the use of non- Opportunities

compliant substances such (Hussein Elasrag)

as animal derivatives and
animal-based gelatines in these cfm?abstract_id=2735417

Gen M will pay attention to health
products, especially medicines
to ensure that these products do
not contain non-halal ingredients
such as gelatin from pigs, or non-
original animals (not genuine in
the sense of experimental results. The emerging halal cosmetic in conformity with Sharia
It could also be in the sense of and personal care market is seen requirements.
a cow barking or the result of by analysts as next in line for
tortured animals ) because in growth after the lucrative halal Interestingly, halal cosmetics has
Islamic teachings, as we know we food sector. The main driver also gained momentum amongst
are not allowed to hurt animals. for this huge demand in halal modern consumers who are eco-
Even during the sacrifice we cosmetics and beauty products ethical conscious and are willing to
should not hurt the animal. stems from the demographic of pay a premium for organic, natural
young, religiously conscious, and and earthy cosmetics products to
dynamic professional Muslim suit their modern lifestyle.
population. In the scope of halal
cosmetics, the concept covers
critical aspects of production such Halal Industry : Key Challenges and
as halal ingredients and usage of
(Hussein Elasrag)
permissible substances which must
be manufactured, stored, packaged
and delivered cfm?abstract_id=2735417
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*Fashion Halal fashion is more dominantly

loved by women or commonly
called Muslimah. Today’s women
are very concerned about their
dress style so that at this time
they have more awareness of
their image and social identity,
and this awareness affects their
consumption patterns, one of
which is in terms of fashion
consumption patterns.

Over time, a new fashion trend

emerged called Halal Fashion
which is already very well known
in the world’s Fashion Industry.
Many fashion houses today are
Muslim friendly.

Come along with the times, The majority of Muslim countries In short, halal fashion, halal
various fashion trends that exist today such as Indonesia have lifestyle, and self-identity are
in society are growing. given a lot of flexibility to women interrelated. With fashion trends,
Fashion is an inseparable part to express their personality an individual will change his
of appearance for daily style in through dressing with various lifestyle to follow trends and halal
carrying out of all activities. styles and accessories in it. fashion can be used as a Muslim’s
Not to be outdone, Muslims
indirectly make a trend of Muslim Islam basically does not forbid if
dress or what is often called Halal a woman wants to look beautiful
Fashion where they wear clothes and charming by doing mix and
according to Islamic sharia. match in their fashion. However,
as a Muslimah, women still have
to pay attention to the fashion
models worn, such as covering
their aurat (body parts required
by Islam to be covered) perfectly
and not being overly decorated.

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*Travel & Consumption of

Tourism Halal Products in
Halal tourism has recently
gained popularity, and recently
Indonesia by Gen M
becoming a new phenomenon in
the general tourism industry. It
refers to tourism products that
provide hospitality services in
accordance with Islamic beliefs
and practices. This involves
serving halal food, having
separate swimming pools, spa Tourism Pharmaceutical Media
and leisure activities for men
and women, alcohol free dining USD 11 USD 5 USD 10
Billion Billion Billion
areas, prayer facilities, and even
women-only space on the beach
with Islamic swimming etiquette.

#1 #3 #2

#5 #4 #2

Food Fashion Cosmetic

USD 173 USD 21 USD 4
Billion Billion Billion

Indonesia’s ranking compared to other Islamic countries.

Halal Industry : Key Challenges and
Opportunities Global Islamic Report 2019 - 2020
(Hussein Elasrag)

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Food: Preference Fashion: Indonesian

for Halal Food and Consumers Spend USD 20
billion on Muslim fashion
Beverage is 98.8% products (2019)
• The survey results show that the
level of public awareness of halal
01 Cluster 1 01 Cluster 1 fashion is high, which is 89.2%.

• Indonesian consumers spend

halal label/halal
Quality Price USD 20 billion on Muslim fashion
product products (2019).
• The large number of Muslim
population and the development of
1 the Muslim generation population
1 Quality Comfort when
affect the prospects and trends of
Muslim fashion in the future.

02 Cluster 2 02 Cluster 2 03 Cluster 3

• The survey results show that
Packaging consumer preferences in choosing
halal food and beverages are very Basic needs/
covering aurat
Guaranteed halal
Company rating ingredients and
high, at 96.8%. Muslim fashion trends
Brand/Designer process
• The hygiene factor also has a high
percentage, which is 96.2%. TM

2 • This shows that there is an


opportunity for the development
of the halal food sector and the 2 3
challenge of maintaining this level of
preference. Recommendations

Preferences in choosing food and beverage Preferences in choosing food and beverage
products Global Islamic Report 2019 -2020 products Global Islamic Report 2019 -2020

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Travel: Awareness of Muslim Cosmetic: Preference for

Friendly Tourism by 86% Halal Cosmetics and Drugs
Shows 93%

• According to The State of Global • Indonesia is the country with the

Islamic Economy Report 2019-2020, 2nd largest consumption of halal
01 Cluster 1 halal tourism is the sector with the 01 Cluster 1 cosmetics worth USD 4 billion.
fifth largest economic value after
finance, food, fashion, and media. • For halal pharmaceutical products,
Guaranteed There is a halal
Services and
facilities halal raw label
Indonesia’s consumption reaches
security during
tourist trips • The level of public awareness of materials USD 5 billion, or ranks 4th in the
Muslim-friendly tourism is high, at world.
• Interest in halal pharmaceutical
1 • That way, special added value is
needed, such as guaranteeing the 1 and cosmetic products is supported
by public awareness of the need for
safety and comfort of travel as a halal cosmetics and pharmaceutical
Ease of accessing
communication determinant of halal tourism. products with a high number, which
is 93%.

02 Cluster 2 03 Cluster 3 02 Cluster 2 03 Cluster 3

The number of restaurants The total costs incurred by

consumers in visiting tourist
that sell halal food destinations
There are no non-halal Quality Beauty expert advice
activities around tourist The accessibility of Complete
attractions $ tourist destinations information in the

2 3 2 3
The quality The number of
of places of tourist destinations Health Brand
worship. and recreational (vaccine) Image

Preferences in choosing food and beverage Preferences in choosing food and beverage
products Global Islamic Report 2019 -2020 products Global Islamic Report 2019 -2020

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Gen M | 2022 Gen M | 2022

Media and Recreation: Media Behaviors: Gen M spends more

time on WhatsApp, Instagram, and
Preference for Media Facebook
Awareness and
Recreation of 84.6% • Gen M’s habit of spending more
time on WhatsApp, Instagram, and
Facebook using mobile devices. Gen
M is also more likely to watch online
videos and watch TV.
01 Cluster 1
• In addition, during Ramadan
Television or
Apps both online/ there are Gen M contributions
offline as a guide for a
radio that reminds
prayer times
Muslim via WhatsApp, Instagram, and
Facebook by using the provided
features, such as exchanging
messages, using special Ramadan-
themed stickers, and Instagram Live.

TV programs
with Islamic
themes • Consumer preferences for halal Shopping Behaviors: Gen M Get Shopping
products/services show that
consumers have awareness of halal Inspiration through Facebook, Instagram and
media and recreation by 84.6%. E-Commerce
02 Cluster 2
• Muslim consumer spending is
Reading trusted media
projected to increase in 2030 to • 73% of Gen M get inspired to shop
reach USD 309 billion with the through digital platforms.
Television programs
for family events
assumption that the Compounded
Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is 5.8% • 69% of Gen M get inspired to shop
while using their smartphone.
• In this way, opportunities for halal
products/services in media and • 56% of new Gen M get inspired to
2 $
recreation are projected to increase
significantly in the future.
shop when they’re in the store.

Costs incurred
to access
Preferences in choosing food and beverage
products Global Islamic Report 2019 -2020

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Chapter 5:
Study Case


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Nabawi Herbal Ibu Hebat Berusaha

• The focus of this community itself

consists of parenting, spiritual,
business and finance taught by

• Founded in April 2021

Total Instagram followers so far have
reached 152k followers.

• Until now, the members who

have joined are almost 8 thousand
Nabawi Herbal is a distributor
that engaged in the health sector,
feedback from consumers who
consume it has also proven to be
quite effective and feel the benefits This community was born as a
of Nabawi Herbal products. form of concern for mutual support
between productive women so
Teuku Wisnu as Brand Ambassador that they can rise together from
also participated in disseminating the effects of the pandemic on the
the benefits of Nabawi Herbal economy.
products with interesting content
on social media. Until now, Nabawi Since the launch of this community,
Herbal has spread in several big many women have joined. The
cities in Indonesia. community was initiated directly by
Shireen Sungkar, Zaskia Sungkar
and Laudya Cynthia Bella.

Nabawi Herbal also has 69% of Gen M get

The total followers inspired to shop Not
a spotify account with of Nabawi Herbal’s
Lifestyle and Health only in the Offline Store,
Instagram are 45.5k Nabawi Herbal also has
discussions being the main followers
themes. an E-Commerce store at
Shopee and Tokopedia.

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Bumi Essential Oil Sasha Indonesia

Pandemic Covid-19 causes people Sasha is a toothpaste made from

to make healthier shopping real Siwak (bundle of young twigs
choices. Bumi Essential Oil is or roots used to clean teeth), lemon,
an aromatherapy that serves to and salt. Siwak contains ingredients
neutralize various disorders of to protect oral teeth from bacteria
insomnia, colds, allergies, and as well as lemon and salt to make
others. In addition, aromatherapy teeth look whiter.
can also be used to calm the mind.
As a Toothpaste Brand, Sasha
Zaskia Sungkar, Shireen Sungkar, Indonesia was able to compete • After the first advertisement
and Laudya Cynthia Bella as Brand with its competitors after airing an was broadcast in 2019, Sasha’s
Ambassador this brand can be advertisement on television starring Toothpaste Products became known
trusted with the benefits contained • Anyone can be a part of selling Teuku Wisnu and Shireen Sungkar to the public and began to sell a lot
in it. Bumi Essential Oils by becoming a as well as a Brand Ambassador. on E-Commerce such as Lazada and
Distributor or Reseller. Shopee.

• There are already 18 distributors • Sasha is also active in promoting

in different cities as part of Bumi its products on social media such as
Essential Oils family. Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook.

• Bumi Essential Oils is a part of • After the ad was broadcast,

the community which is initiated by Toothpaste Products also became
Shireen Sungkar, Zaskia Sungkar, the top 5 ranks of toothpaste
and Laudya Cynthia Bella. The Grand Launching of Sasha Toothpaste products in Indonesia.
Products was attended by a number of well-known
artists such as Teuku Wisnu, Shireen Sungkar, Dewi
Sandra and Arie Untung, as well as 7,000 hijabers

Then, they will continue to be committed to In product packaging, Sasha Toothpaste Products
making Sasha a Halal Brand that can and has also innovate in the form of sachets which makes
quality to be used by the community. this product unique from its competitors.

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Malang Strudel Surabaya Patata

Strudel is a type of layered pastry “Patata” these words are taken from
with a filling that is usually sweet. the Spanish language which means
It became very popular in Europe. potato. As the name suggests, the
Inspired from there, Strudel was basic ingredients for this typical
made with Indonesian flavors which Surabaya local authentic cake are
has 4 kinds of menus, namely also made of potatoes.
Malang strudel premium, regular,
Malang 0 Strudel, and Malang This business is also directly
strudel toaster. supervised by Oki Setiana Dewi and
Ria Ricis.
With the tagline “Oleh-oleh Khas
Malang” (nikmat, lezat, dan halal), There are also various variants of
this cake is exclusively sold only in Surabaya Patata, such as Cheese
Malang, East Java. Patata, Nutella Patata, Black Patata,
Green Tea Papata, Banana Peanut
Patata, Tiramisu Patata.
• At the beginning of the pandemic,
Patata Cake was the first launched
Malang Strudel had experienced a decline
by Oki Setiana Dewi and Ria Ricis, The Surabaya Patata sales strategy is to drive the
in turnover of up to -/+90% but in July promotions both offline and online using ride-
at Dharmahusada No. 187, Mojo, hailing services, such as Gojek and Grab.
2021 it increased again to >600%
Gubeng, Surabaya.
The selection of Outlets was opened
• By located in Malang, which has good
for the first time in Surabaya
quality of apples, Malang Strudel with the • In addition to promoting through
because this city is the 2nd largest
Apple variant has become the Best Seller social media and making various
city after DKI Jakarta which is
products purchased by customers. promotions, Surabaya Patata
visited by the community, and
therefore local authentic cakes are also uses an advertisement, with
mandatory things that must be the jingle method to create a
• Malang Strudel received various awards characteristic and branding for the
brought back to their hometown.
from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Surabaya Patata Brand.
Economy of Indonesia, such as The
best creative digital activation for city
• Surabaya Patata Inspired by Oki
branding, the most creative digitalization
Setiana Dewi’s best friend, namely
for any branding.
Teuku Wisnu who has successfully
managed a souvenir business from
• Until now, Malang Strudel has got 155k
Malang Strudel
Instagram followers and become one of
the best selling cakes.
• Surabaya Patata’s Instagram
followers are 191k.

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Zoya Fashion Sebar Qurban

Zoya is an Indonesian Muslim brand On Eid al-Adha 2021, in July, Sebar

founded by Fenny Mustafa in 2005. Qurban was using ads management,
endorsement, and paid promotion
Being a pioneer of hijab and using national artist Laudya Chintya
Muslim clothing in Indonesia, which Bella and 46 buzzers.
has more than 160 stores spread On D day 1 transaction/per minute
throughout Indonesia, Zoya is one of because all the ad materials use LCB
the best Muslim clothing brands in faces.

Since its establishment in 2005, Zoya

has frequently recruited various Artists
to become their Brand Ambassadors.

Such as Fatin Shidqia Lubis, Dewi

Sandra, Laudya Cynthia Bella, and
Alyssa Soebandono.

• Tokopedia Salam declared there is

the increasement of the local Muslim • This campaign involved one artist,
product transactions through the Laudya Cynthia Bella and other 46
Tokopedia platform. Influencers

• Zoya is a brand that uses the • This campaign ran for two weeks
Tokopedia platform for online sales in total
and there is a significant increase in
sales. • Sales achieved more than five
thousands sacrificial animals
• Zoya’s hijab, mukena, prayer rug, (domba)
Along with the success of Zoya Fashion which is koko, and other Muslim fashion
engaged in Muslim Clothing. Feny continues to
innovate by developing into various subsidiaries. are among the products that • 1 transaction per minute
Such as Zoya Cosmetics, Zoya Jeans, and Zoya experienced the highest increase
Home which have their respective fields according in transactions in e-commerce • New customers acquisitions
to the brand name.
throughout 2020 compared to 2019.

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Wardah Beauty
Brand Ambassador:
Dewi Sandra, Inneke Koesherawati, Zaskia Sungkar, Natasha Rizky

According to the results of research

conducted by MARS in 2009,
• Wardah is present as the first although the level of consumer
player in the halal cosmetic industry. satisfaction with Sunsilk is high,
Through the positioning of halal loyalty to Sunsilk is very low. This
cosmetics, Wardah, who was born can be seen from the value of
from a home-scale company, has satisfaction and the gain index
become the market leader in the of the performance of personal
country’s halal cosmetic product products in the shampoo category.
Several marketing strategies in
• Wardah is also able to compete marketing Sunsilk advertise it
both at local and global levels and hugely, especially through television
is the option of Gen M in choosing media and use well-known stars as
cosmetic and skincare products. advertisement stars. This is done
in order to attract the interest of
potential consumers and build brand According to the data in table 1 and
awareness and preferences. table 2 sourced from nusaresearch.
com, since Laudya Chynthia Bella
become the brand ambassador,
Sunsilk got increased in purchase
intention for 2015 to 2016.
The Sunsilk Hijab refresh & anti- dandruff advertisement showing
watch?v=xpretEchAkM Laudya Cynthia Bella as brand
ambassador was still often appear GBG Indonesia, 2018 on television.

Impact after
using Brand

Impact after using Brand
watch?v=aGw4HwPRHsU Ambassador

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• As a coffee outlet with a global

network, Starbucks Indonesia has
many outlets and fans, including

• Starbucks Indonesia has explained

that since its establishment it has
used halal ingredients.
• Consumers are increasi
ngly critical of questioning the
halalness of the products they
• Starbucks has officially become
• As a sign of legality and formality the first premium-class coffee shop
for the convenience of consumers, that is halal-certified in Indonesia.
Starbucks applied for halal
certification to the Indonesian • Seasonal marketing during
Ulema Council (MUI) in 2014. Ramadan: Promo fast breaking
treat, Ramadan Stars, Ramadan
Cup, Ramadan Tumbler, Hampers,
Campaign #SayItWithSbux

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Generation Muslims are now leading

the way in every industry, from food,
pharmaceutical, health, cosmetic,
travel and tourism, and many more.
Muslims are global icons, movers,
shakers, and also pioneers of today.
The presence of Gen M is currently
attracting the attention of the world
marketers to bring the Islamic
perspectives into new strategies.

Currently, Gen M is crawling on

the global market and continues
to grow significantly as a strong
and specific market segment.
Along these lines, there is a great
opportunity for marketers/brands
to target Gen M in today’s digital
marketing era. Marketers/brands can
utilize creative campaign, influencer
marketing, Brand ambassadors,
KOLs who represent Muslims and
can target the Gen M group who
are tech-savvy, independent, and
believe that their identity includes
faith and modernity.

56 | Bara Imaji Bara Imaji | 57

Gen M | 2022 @baraimajiofficial

@baraimaji Bara Imaji

58 | Bara Imaji

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