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Number of Test Items per Questions

Chapter/ Unit No. Number of Application Number of Behavioral Domain (F)
and Topic Learning Outcomes Teaching of Class Time Items Placement of
(A) (B) Hours per Topic (E) Evaluation
(C) (D) Rem Und App Anl Crt Eva

At the end of the unit

Unit 1 – Preliminary Concepts students are expected to:
and Recent Trends
A. What is educational a. explain the basic
assessment? concepts and principles in
1. Basic principles educational assessment;
2. Types of assessment -
Assessment of, for, and as b. discuss on the role of
learning assessment in making
3. Users of educational instructional decisions to
assessment improve teaching and
learning; and
B. Common terminologies
1. Measurement c. reflect on, and
2. Testing - Standardized testing discuss the applications 26,27,28,29,30,
- High stakes testing and implications of 3 30% 15 5 5 5 31,32,33,34,35,
3. Evaluation assessment to teaching 36,37,38,39,40
4. Types and distinctions of tests and learning.

C. High Quality Assessment

1. Clear purpose
2. Clear and appropriate targets
3. Appropriate methods
4. Adequate sampling
5. Objectivity

D. Recent trends and focus

1. Accountability and fairness
2. Standards-based education
3. Outcome-based education
Unit 2 – Target Setting At the end of the unit,
students are expected to:
A. Standards-based
1. Constructive alignment a. develop assessment
2. K-12 assessment guidelines tools that are learner-
- Content standards appropriate and target-
- Performance standards matched; and
- Assessment types 16,17,18,19,20
b. improve assessment ,21,22,23,24,25
tools based on 41,42,43,44,45
B. Appropriate Targets assessment data. 46,47,48,49,50
1. Competencies, objectives,
outcomes 5 50% 20 10 10
2. Characteristics of objectives
3. Learning domains and
- Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom, et
al., 1964)
- Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
(Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001)
- Affective
- Psychomotor

Unit 3 – Designing and At the end of the unit,

Developing Assessments students are expected to:

A. Characteristics of a. interpret
Quality Assessment assessment results
accurately and utilize
B. Types of Teacher- them to help learners
made Tests improve their 1,2,3,4,5,6,
performance and 2 20% 15 8 2 5 7,8,9,10,
C. Learning Target and achievement; and 11,12,13,14,15
Assessment Method Match
1. Table of Specifications b. utilize
assessment results to
D. Assessment Tools make informed-decisions
Development to improve instruction.
1. Assessment development cycle
2. Test item formulation
3. Item analysis
4. Reliability
a. Measures of relationship
b. Index of determination
c. Inter-rater reliability
5. Validity
15 100 50

1. The learning target is measured by appropriate assessment methods.

A. Balance
B. Clarity/Appropriateness of learning target
C. Appropriateness of methods
D. Authenticity

Answer: C

2. Assessment will take place at all teaching stages.

A. Continuity
B. Balance
C. Authenticity
D. Communication

Answer: A

3. The learning target should be clearly stated.

A. Reliability and validity

B. Student engagement and motivation
C. Appropriateness of methods
D. Clarity/Appropriateness of learning target

Answer: D

4. Engagement speaks to the effort that the student is putting into the ____________.
A. Motivation
B. Assessment
C. Activity
D. None of the above.

Answer: B.

5. They want to understand the data and use it to meaningfully adjust their instruction and ________________.

A. Better support student learning

B. Good support teacher learning
C. Better support teacher learning
D. Good support for student learning

Answer: A.

6. It is requiring the students to write responses in their own handwriting supplying a recalled word/phrase.

A. Essay
B. Multiple choice
C. Completion
D. Matching

Answer: C
7. What are the two parts of a multiple-choice item:

A. Premises and responses

B. Premises and stem
C. Stem and alternatives
D. Alternatives and responses

Answer: C.

8. It is minimizing the use of all the above and none of the alternatives

A. Multiple-choice items
B. Alternate-choice Items
C. Matching
D. Completion

Answer: A

9. It permits them to formulate answers to questions in their own words.

A. Completion
B. Multiple-choice
C. Matching
D. Essay
Answer: D

10. Requires a short answer solution to a problem.

A. Brief
B. Extended
C. Restricted response essay
D. Essay

Answer: A

11. a neutral condition occurs when an equal number of knowledgeable students and non-knowledgeable students answered an item correctly.
A. Positive Discrimination
B. Zero Discrimination
C. Negative Discrimination
D. None of the above
Answer: B

12. A less understandable condition, more knowledgeable students than non-knowledgeable

students answered an item correctly.

A. Positive Discrimination
B. Zero Discrimination
C. Negative Discrimination
D. None of the above
Answer: A
13. A highly undesirable condition occurs when more non-knowledgeable students than the
knowledgeable students answered an item correctly.

A. Positive Discrimination
B. Zero Discrimination
C. Negative Discrimination
D. None of the above
Answer: C

14. The percentage of students who answered an item correctly.

A. Item difficulty
B. Index discrimination
C. Item analysis
D. All the above

Answer: A

15. a process that examines student responses to individual test items (Questions) to assess the quality of those items and the test as a whole.

A. Item difficulty
B. Index discrimination
C. All the above
D. Item analysis
Answer D.

16. An outcome-based approach to teaching in which the learning outcomes that are intended to achieve are defined before teaching takes place.

17. It is an ongoing process of identifying, gathering, organizing, and interpreting quantitative and qualitative information about what learners know and can do.

18. Ensures that students are able to express and concepts in written form.

19. Allows learners to show what they know and are able to do in diverse.

20. Measures students learning at the end of the quarter. These may be in the form of objectives tests, performance-based, or a combination of thereof.
21. Make sure to use clear and direct language. This makes it easier to communicate to the learner and let them know what exactly he/she should learn.

22. The basic is to determine if it is possible for the learners to meet, perform, or satisfy it.
23. Enough pre-existing knowledge, resources, and time are the pre requisites for all objectives
24. It must be relevant and not something they will never need at all.
25. The learning objectives needs to be something that the learner will use in a timely fashion.
26-30. Differentiate Assessment FOR, AS, OF.
31-35. Explain the Importance of Standard-Based Education.
Answer: A
36. Students are completely aware of what they are expected to know or to do.
a. Outcome- Based Education
b. Standard- Based Education
c. Constructive environment
Answer: B
37. It is a seemingly self-defining term that can vary considerably in breadth.
a. Constructive environment
b. Opportunity to learn
c. Evaluative thinking
Answer: B
38. It is one that respectfully encourages students to fully participate and disclose their knowledge and learning through assessment.
a.Constructive environment
b. Opportunity to learn
c. Evaluative thinking
Answer: A
39. This involves asking questions, identifying assumptions, seeking evidence and considering different explanations, or in brief, critically evaluating assessment practices.
a. Constructive environment
b. Opportunity to learn
c. Evaluative thinking
Answer: C
40. By adopting and following standards, and informing students of their goals, administrators can hold teachers and students accountable for classroom progress.
a. Outcome- Based Education
b. Standard- Based Education
c. Constructive environment
Answer: B
41-45. What are the 5 levels of Affective Domain (5pts)
46-50. Solo Taxonomy (5pts)

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