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NaZMuL HossaiN
Chapter—Four Roll No-1204023
Manpower Recruitment and Selection Mobile—01710787854/01919787855

Question No—1 Definition of recruitment

Normally recruitment is the process of discovering the potential candidates for the actual
and anticipated vacancies of an organization.
According to R. W. Griffin, “Recruitment is the process of attracting qualified persons to
apply for the jobs that are open.”
According to Bergmann and Taylor, “Recruitment is the process of locating, identifying and
attracting capable applicants.”

Question No—2 Importance of recruitment

1. The main objectives of recruitment are to attain or discover the qualified person for the
potential and actual vacancies.
2. Increase the pool of job candidate at minimum costs.
3. It helps to increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of
visibly unqualified job applicant.
4. It helps to reduce the probability that job applicant once recruited and selected will leave
the organization after a short period of time.
5. Increase the organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term.
6. It evaluates the effectiveness of various recruitment techniques and sources of all types of
job applicant.
7. It is important to achieve the organizational goal by appointing skilled manpower in an
8. It meets the organizational, legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its
These are the purposes and important of recruitment.

Question No—3 Factors affecting recruitment

Internal factors—
1. Wage and salary policy.
2. The age composition of existing working force.
3. Promotion and retirement policies.
4. Turnover rates.
5. The nature of operations involved the kind of personnel required.
6. The level and seasonality of operation in question.
7. Future expansion and reduction programs.
8. Recruiting policy of the organization.
9. Human resource planning strategy of the company.
10. Size of the organization and number of employees employed.
11. Cost involved in recruiting employees.
12. Growth and expansion plans of the organization.
External factors—
1. Supply and demand of specific skills in the labor market.
2. Company’s image perception of the job seekers about the company.
3. External cultural factors: women may not be recruited in contain jobs.
4. Economic factor: such as a loose and a tight labor market.
5. Political factor and legal factor.

Question No—4 Explain three types of internal sources of recruitment

1. Present employee: Promotion and transfer among the present employees can be a good
source of recruitment. When the vacant post filled by the existing employee then we can
treat present employee as an internal source of recruitment.
2. Employee referrals: This can be a good source of recruitment. Existing employee can
suggest for their families and friends by acquainting them with the advantages of a job with
the company.
3. Former employee: Former employees are also an important internal recruitment source.
Some retired person may be willing to come back to work. These types of person can be
appointed for the vacant post.
The above are the three types of internal sources of recruitment.

Question No—5 Discuss the methods of recruitment

Recruitment methods refer to the means by which an organization reaches to the potential
job seekers. Methods of recruitment are of three types. These are—
1. Direct method: In this method, the representatives of the organization are sent to the
potential c7andidates in the educational and training institutes. They establish contacts with
the candidates seeking jobs.
2. Indirect method: Indirect method includes advertisement in newspapers, on the radio,
television, in professional journals, technical magazines etc.
3. Third party method: This include the use of private agencies, management consultants,
professional bodies, recommendations, voluntary organizations, trade unions, data banks,
labor contractor etc. to establish contact with the job seekers.
Question No—6 Advantages and disadvantages of recruitment from internal
1. It improves the probability of a good selection.
2. It builds to good public relation.
3. To increase loyalty.
4. To increase morale of employees.
5. It is cheaper than going outside to recruit.
6. Doing no motivates current employees.
7. Advantage of job rotation.
8. Maximize job security for present employees.
9. Well-known.
10. It is less costly than external recruitment.
1. Narrow area of selection.
2. Nepotism and favoritism.
3. Lack of proper selection.
4. By force of union.
5. Probability of job vacancy.
6. Inefficient or unskilled employees may be recruit.
7. No change in mentality.
8. Creates barriers for the new comers.

Question No—7 Advantages and disadvantages of external recruitment

1. Recruiting skilled and suitable employees.
2. To increase organizational force.
3. Linking with knowledge and experience.
4. To increase efficiency.
5. Change to attitude.
6. Employment opportunities.
7. It helps in expansion.
1. Administrative complexity.
2. Costly and time waste.
3. Lack of proper selection.
4. Increasing training cost.
5. Adjustment problem.
6. To create organizational dispute.
Question No—8 Definition of selection
Normally selection is the process of choosing individuals with requisites, qualifications and
competence to fill the vacant post of an organization.
According to Robbins and Coulter, “Selection is the process of screening job applicants to
unsure that the most appropriate candidates are hired.”
At last we can say that, selection is the process of choosing from the candidates within the
organization or outside the organization take most suitable person for the current position or for
future position.

Question No—9 Discus the selection process

1. Preliminary interview: Selection process commence with the preliminary interview. Here
by the scrutiny of applications unqualified or over qualified applications are eliminated.
2. Selection test: The applicant who pass in preliminary interview are called for test.
3. Employment interview: The next step of selection process is employment interview. It is
the process design to obtain information from the applicant through oral responses for
selecting best candidates.
4. Performances and background check: Here all the information and document provided
by the applicant are checked out.
5. Section design: After passing all the previous steps selection design is made. Here
candidate is selected for the post.
6. Job offer: After the physical examination job is offered to the best candidate.
7. Contracts of employment: After the above process, the next process is contracts of
8. Evaluation of selection program: It is the last step of selection process. Here it is audited
that whether the selection process is performed effectively or not.

Question No—10 Define employment test. Discuss its classification

Employment test: Job seekers who pass the screening the preliminary interview are called
employment test.
Classification of test—
1. Ability test: Ability test assist in determining how well an individual perform tasks related
to the job.
2. Attitude test: An attitude test determines person’s potential to learn in a given area.
3. Personality test: Personality test are even to measure a prospective employee’s motivation
to function in a particular working environment.
4. Interest test: Interest test are used to measure an individual activity preference.
5. Graphology test: Graphology test is designed to analysis the hand writing of an individual.
6. Medical test: Medical test reveals the physical fitness of a candidate with the development
of technology.
7. Polygraph tests: Polygraph tests are design to ensure accuracy of the information given in
the application.
8. Drug test: Drug tests help to measure the presence of illegal or performance affecting
9. Choosing test: Test must be chosen based on the criteria of reliability, validity, objectivity
and standardization.

Question No—11 What is employment interview? Types of interview.

Employment interview: Employment interview is the process designed to obtain
information from the applicant through oral responses for selecting best candidates.
Types of interview—
Normally interview is the conversation between candidate and interviewer conducted to
select the best candidate from the applicant. Thus types of interview are as follows—
1. Structured interview: Structured interview is that interview where the interviewer ask a
present standard questions.
2. Unstructured interview: Unstructured interview is that where there is no present standard
3. Mixed interview: This interview system is the combination of both structured and
unstructured interview. Thus the interviewer can ask question from both way.
4. Behavioral interview: Behavioral interview focuses on a problem or hypothetical situation
where applicant is asked to solve it or ask what he will do in the given circumstances.
5. Stressful interview: When the job is much stress then this interview is taken. Here it is
justified that how much time the applicant will respond to the pressure.
6. Depth interview: Here interviewee has the more opportunity to say more. It is not formal
but asking the question deeply. Questions are analytical or descriptive.

Question No—12 Discuss various steps or stages of recruitment

These are five inter related stages in recruitment process. These are described below—
1. Recruitment planning: The first stage in the recruitment process is planning. Planning
involves the translation of likely job vacancies and information about the nature of these
jobs into a set of objectives or targets that specify the number and types of applicants to be
2. Strategy development: Once it is known how many and what types of recruits are or buy
employees, technological sophistication of recruitment and selection devices, geographic
distribution of labor markets, comprising job seekers, sources of recruitment and
sequencing the activities in the recruitment process.
3. Searching: When the recruitment plan and strategy are worked out then search process can
begin. Searching involves two steps source activation and selling.
4. Screening: Screening of application can be regarded as an integral part of the recruitment
process. The purpose of screening is to remove those applicants who are visibly unqualified
for the job from the recruitment process.
5. Evaluation and control: Evaluation and is necessary as considerable costs are incurred in
recruitment process. Statistical information on the costs of advertisement, time taken for
the process, suitability of the candidates for consideration in selection process should be
gathered and evaluated.
The above are the basic steps or stages of the recruitment process.

Question No—13 Sources of recruitment

There are two sources of recruitment. One is external and the other is internal source. They
are discussed in below—
1. Internal sources: It seeks applicants from those who are currently employed. Internal
source includes the following things—
a. Job positing programs: Promotion and transfer from among the present employees can
be a good source. Job posting means notifying vacant position.
b. Employee referrals: Employees can develop good prospect for their families and
friends by acquainting them with the advantages of a job with the company, furnishing
cards of introduction and even encouraging them to apply. Some organization offer
finders fees in the form of monetary incentive for a successful referral.
c. Former employee: Some retired persons may be willing to come back to work on a
basis or may recommended someone who would be internal sources.
2. External source: External sources includes the following items—
a. Employment exchange: Employment exchange Act 1959 applies to all industrial
establishment having 25 workers or more each. The Act requires all industrial
establishment to notify the vacancies.
b. Advertisement: This is the popular method. Want ads describe the job and benefits,
identify the employer and tell those who are interested and how to apply.
c. Trade associations: Many associations provide placement service for their members
consist of compiling job seekers lists and providing access to members during regional
or national conventions.
d. Educational institutions: Educational institutions arrange trade fair which helps for
searching employee and recruit them.
e. Consultants: ABC consultants, Human Resource Consultants, Head Hunters etc. are
some agencies retained by the organization for recruiting and selecting managerial and
executive personal.
f. Radio and Television: Radio and television can be used to reach certain types of job
applicants such as skilled workers.
g. Fields trips: Field trips also helps in recruiting skilled employees of the organization.
h. Casual application: Contractors are cased to recruit casual workers. This employee’s
names are not entered in the company records.
i. Competitors: Competitors are also a good source of recruitment. No objection
certificate is required in this case.
j. E-recruiting: Electronic recruiting is also known as online recruiting. Employers can
electronically screen candidates, conduct background cheek over interest, interview via
video conferencing and manage the entire process with web-based software.

Question No—15 Key elements for successful predicators

There are three basic elements for successful predicators. They are as follows—
1. Reliability: Reliability refers to the standardization of the procedure of administering and
scoring the test results.
2. Validity: It is the test which helps predict whether a person will be successful in a given
job. It can be helpful in differentiating between prospective employees who will be able to
perform the job well and like who will not.
3. Cut-score: Cut-score is the difference between the predetermined score and actual score.
When predetermined score is below then the actual score then it is called cut-score.
These are the key elements of successful predicators.

Question No—16 Factors affecting the interview

The factors that are influencing the interview are as follows—
1. Time
2. Decision making in advance
3. External influence
4. Importance of adverse information
5. Knowledge relating to subject matter.
6. Pattern of interview.
7. Indicator of comparison.
8. Visible characteristics.
9. Experience
10. Too much learned.

Question No—17 Common problems of interview

There are various interview problems. They are—
1. Interviews do not have a complete job description needed for successful job. In addition,
the interviewer does not know the conditions under which the job is performed.
2. Interviews may make snap judgments early in the interview. Consequently, they block out
further potentially useful information.
3. Interviews permit one trait or job related attribute to influence their evaluation of remaining
qualities of an applicant.
4. Interviews have a tendency to be swayed by negative information about the applicants.
5. Information from interviews is not integrated or discussed in a systematic manner.
6. Interviews judgment regarding an applicant is often affected by the list of available
7. Interviews judgments are affected by the pressure to favor a candidate or fill the position,
hence they lower the standards.
8. There is a problem of different cues used by interviews.
9. Sex, race and attitudes similar to those of the interviews may lead to favorable evaluations.
These are the common problems of interviews.

Question No—18 Steps to overcome the interview problem

To avoid the interview problem, the following steps may be followed—
1. Plan the interview.
2. Establish an easy and informal relationship.
3. Encourage the candidate to work.
4. Cover the ground as planned.
5. Probe where necessary.
6. Analyze career and interests to reveal strengths, weaknesses, patterns of behavior.

Extra Question—
Question No—1 Define reliability and validity. What are the three types of
Reliability: Reliability refers to standardization of the procedure of administrating and
scoring the test results has consistency or not then the same reason are frequent test and then show
the tool for the reliability.
Validity: Validity is a test that helps predict job performance of only in come bent. It is valid
only when the result of one person can show the differentiate with the other person. If the
difference is more that is more consistent and valid.
There are three types of validity. These are—
1. Content validity: Content validity is the degree to which the content of test or question
about job task as a sample, represents the situation on a job.
2. Construct validity: Construct validity is the degree to which a test measures a particulars
test related to successful performance of the job.
3. Criterion related validity: Criterion related validity is the degree to which particulars
selection device accurately predicts the job level of performance or important elements of
work behavior.
Question No—2 Distinguish between selection and recruitment
1. Definition: Selection is the process of choosing the individual from available applicants
who can successfully perform a job. On the other hand, recruitment is the process of
attracting qualified persons to apply for the jobs that are open.
2. Purpose: The purpose of selection is to choose the right candidates but the purpose of
recruitment is to create a talent pool of candidates.
3. Process: Selection is a negative process that involves rejection of unsuitable candidate but
recruitment is a positive process that encourage more and more to apply.
4. Concerned: It is concerned with selecting the most suitable candidates through various
interview but recruitment is concerned with tapping the sources of human resource.
5. Required: Selection process is required for new appointment, promotion, training and
transfer but recruitment is required for only filling the actual or anticipated post.
6. Source: There is no specific source for selection but there are two sources for recruitment.
7. Process: Selection is a complicated process but recruitment is a simple process.
8. Method: Selection is an expensive method but recruitment is economical method.
9. Time required: In selection more time is required but in recruitment less time is required.

Question No—3 What do you mean by application blank?

Normally, application blank is the commonest device for getting information from a
prospective candidate. Almost all organizations require job seekers to fill up an applicant. This
service as a personnel record of the candidate bearing personal history profile, detailed personal
activities, skills and accomplishments.
Accordingly, the following data is generally called on from the applicant through
application blank.

Question No—4 “Selection is the process of measurement, decision making and evaluation’—
Before explaining that statement we have to know what is measurement, decision making and
Normally measurement means ensuring that the selection device is reliable and valid.
On the other hand, decision making refers to the decision regarding a person or applicant who will be
selected for the post i.e. decide a person for the post.
Evaluation means making sure that hiring decision will increase the efficiency, productivity and
profitability of an organization.
The definition of selection is the process of finding out the best candidate from the applied candidate
for the vacant post.
From the above discussion we can say that selection process includes these three steps. So selection is
the process of measurement, decision making and evaluation.

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