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Alfredo T. Ordinario, LPT, MAT

Master Teacher I, Researcher
Doctor of Education-Major in Educational Management (Student)
Nueva Vizcaya State University-Bambang Campus(Graduate School); 09679661358


The Department of Education faced a major shift in teaching and learning from its traditional face-to-face to
distance learning amidst this COVID-19 pandemic. Basic education learning continuity plan (BE-LCP) was a
solution to make education continue among students in the new normal. This study aimed in determining the
different challenges and implementation level of the basic education learning continuity plan (BE-LCP) as perceived
by the elementary teachers of Inaban ES. A descriptive-comparative study was conducted to determine the extent of
challenges and implementation of the BE-LCP among 32 teachers (male=15.62 vs female= 84.38). The findings
reported that extent of challenges encountered by the teachers in terms of the schools learning modality greatly had a
great concern and issue of the pupils and their parents. While teachers conduct delivery and retrieval revealed a
larger extent of concerns since not all pupils were reached out. Due to this the performance and delivery of
assessment was great issue towards school-based management operation. Hence, the implementation of the BE-
LCP and the extent of challenges encountered was significantly related at p<=0.006. This means that
implementation and extent of challenges encountered were significantly correlated in terms of school-based learning
modality, curriculum and instruction, and also stakeholders’ participation. For this reason, it further recommends to
continue implement the BE-LCP of the school and address the gaps, issues, concerns and come up with a sound
programs, activities and projects of the school.

Keywords: Education, Factors in learning continuity plan, implementation, monitoring and evaluation

In the Philippine education context, a country-wide school closure was implemented mid-March last year in
response to the continuing threats of the virus as schools are considered to be ground zero for COVID-19 virus
The Department of Education has introduced its Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP)
which states the different adoption of various learning delivery options such as blended learnings, distance learnings,
and home schooling and other modes of delivery which will be implemented depending on the local COVID Risk
Severity Classification and compliance with minimum health standards (DepEd Order No.12, s. 2020). One of the
considerations on the implementation of the BE-LCP is the integration of blended learning approach which include
pupils have no set schedule for studying and can access many resources as needed. The pupils have the option of
choosing their own learning level and style. The pupils learn and play their favorite games, offline and online and
also do clay motion storytelling, doing recount pupils knowledge on the subject. In like manner, the pupils are given
roles to act as leaders, mentors, or coaches which are a unique contribution of the new learning system to pupils who
are active in helping classmates and even team activities. The approach is often contingent on teachers’ knowledge
and willingness to implement new methods in times of critical situation in the new normal and also to the success of
the new learning system.

According to Magsambol(2020), there is a clear divide between those who can and cannot afford the
resources required to access the new education platform. With the DepEd's mantra of "no child left behind," the
general state of children in the public-school system sends a message of inequality. Learning, on the other hand,
cannot be terminated in order to drive the economy. As a result, education institutions have had to take more
stringent measures to ensure that they can continue to operate despite the looming threat. Kasrekar(2020) sees one of
the main issues as the conduct of classes despite the closure order. Because face-to-face classes are more likely to
spread disease, the most feasible solution is online teaching and modular learning. This new learning system
presents a challenge to both teachers and pupils because it introduces them to something new. In the midst of the
pandemic, this necessitates a ‘adopt quickly' response to the new normal in education and learning (Tanhueco-
Tumapon, 2020).

Pupils are empowered to become leaders, coaches, and mentors to fellow pupils as a result of the
implementation of the new learning system in education. Pupils participate positively in all activities and have
improved behavior toward learning. As an educational trend, the new learning system is connected to a variety of
fields of knowledge. Traditional and online learning have been frequently distinguished in the new educational
system. Technology quality, online tools, face-to-face support, and students' attitudes and self-regulation are
important predictors of learning outcomes, according to a study that looked at the relationship between traits, design
features, and learning outcomes.

Thus, by reviewing the implementation of the BE-LCP this study seeks to determine the challenges and
factors affecting the implementation of the learning continuity plan of schools in the elementary basic education of
the department. Furthermore, this study seeks to determine the opportunities and strength of the implementation of
the learning continuity towards inclusive post COVID-19 education plans.
Specifically the study seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the elementary teachers as to
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Years of service
d. Plantilla position
e. Number of trainings and seminar attended
f. Geographical location
2. What is the extent of challenges encountered by the respondents as to
a. Learning modality
b. Delivery modality
c. Distribution and retrieval
d. Assessment and monitoring
e. School operation and management
3. What is the level of implementation of the BELCP in the lens of elementary respondents?
4. What plan of action to be recommended to enhance the BELCP?

Research paradigm

Nature and Environment of BE-LCP
THE BE-LCP Domain 2: Curriculum MONITORING OF
Domain 1: Leadership BELCP
and Instruction
and Governance
Development of MANAG
Participation and linkages
STAKEHOLDERS instructional materials EMENT
of the school
SUPPORT Management of SLM, LAS
Domain 3: Management ANCEDomain 4: Accountability BE-LCP OR POST
PRACTICES IN of Resources Teachers support to COVID-
BE-LCP MOOE , LCP Fund, MSEF teaching, monitoring and 19
and other funding support assessment LEARNIN
Facilities and equipment School Head operation G
for BE-LCP and execution of the LCP CONTIN
IN BE-LCP Figure 1. Research paradigm of the study OPERATI
It can be gleaned from the figure above the conceptual paradigm on the implementation of learning
continuity plan. The input of the study will be based on the awareness level of the respondents towards the BE LCP
its ins and outs of the implementation of the BE-LCP. In addition, it also input the stakeholders support towards the
execution of the BE-LCP including their practices in the schools in terms of the core components and processes
involve in the process of implementing programs, activities and projects in context of the learning continuity plan.
The understanding of the nature and environment of the BE- LCP is focused on four domains namely the leadership
and governance. In this domain underlying the school operation and execution of the learning continuity plan
amidst participation of the school stakeholders and also community role . Domain 2 deals on the curriculum and
instruction. It underpins the different development and monitoring and management of LAS and SLM distributed to
schools. Checking and verifying the content if based on MELCs prescribed. While on domain 3 compose of
managing the resources. This include on the production and sorting of the learning materials, distribution to various
learning community center and also management of resources such as financial and physical and nonphysical
materials. Lastly domain 4 is accountability this may per take on the describing the roles and duties and functions of
teachers, school head and parents support and learners accountability on their learning and all other aspects of the
learning continuity plan. This study may result to the understanding of the different effective monitoring and
implementation of the BE-LCP. The effective practices that could be sustained and flaws that need to be nurtured
and enhance as well as understanding the different programs, activities and projects to be carried out for post
COVID-19 learning continuity operation plan.

Review of Related Literature

The Department of Education (DepEd) is addressing the challenges in basic education for the school year
2020-2021 through its Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) under DepEd Order No.012, s.2020, as
the country continues to grapple with various issues caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
The BE-LCP, in particular, has been developed with a legal framework that responds to the "new normal," while
also upholding the constitutional mandate to ensure that all people have access to high-quality education at all times
(DepEd, 2020).
In addition, the sudden shift on the teaching and learning modality causing burden and pressure to the
school owners. Of these requirements the LCP and health and safety protocols caused additional burden and with
strict compliance and immediate implementation. The end result of the private schools was come up with framework
necessary in the re-opening of the schools (Ancheta RF, Acheta HB, 2020).

According to Pe and Sumaong (2020) in their study about the implementation of the modular distance
learning as an urgent response to ensure continuity of education argued that Philippines is in the process of adapting
to the new normal form of education and so continuous innovations of educators and active involvement of the
stakeholders are the driving force towards the success of modular distance learning.
Teachers need socio-emotional support to face the extra pressure being put on them to deliver learning in a
time of crisis. They also need the tools to adequately communicate health risks and preventive measures to children,
without burdening them with anxiety. They are all not ready with the situation that they are facing, which opens the
issue of the quality of our education. To improve the quality of education, administrator’s needs to provide
appropriate trainings and support that will greatly help the teachers in providing quality instruction (Aro AM., Saban
RA., Villamor RJ., Encina S and Balmores B., 2021).

This paper attempted to describe the difficulties in remote learning of university students in the context of
the Philippines amid the COVID-19 crisis. Based on the results, twelve themes were revealed: unstable internet
connectivity; inadequate learning resources; electric power interruptions; vague learning contents; overloaded lesson
activities; limited teacher scaffolds; poor peer communication; conflict with home responsibilities; poor learning
environment; financial related problems; physical health compromises; and mental health struggles. This result
provides contextual pieces of evidence on the multifaceted challenges that confront students in a developing country
amid the current global crisis. Lastly, parents need to be practically involved in arranging the learning time and
space of their children. They should likewise provide all the needed support so that students will eventually survive
in this remote education amid the crisis (Rotas E., Cahapay M., 2020)

In the context of the related studies of this study, the following research studies evolved in the different
areas of concern or thematic descriptions. One of which was the modular distance learning modality which
discussed about the various learning delivery modalities across foreign and local studies. Furthermore, the study
also includes the implementation and pre-planning activities conducted both the higher education institution and also
the department of education towards the level of implementation of the learning continuity plan. In addition, to the
captured and identified studies, it also focused on determining the challenges, issues, problems with regards to the
different challenges amidst the learning delivery, teachers challenges towards pandemic, parents assisted concerns
and problems in the distance learning. These are some of the issues and underpinning factors that had been
identified which all grounded in the implementation of the BE LCP implementation.

Research Design

In this study explore the challenges and implementation of the Basic Learning Continuity plan using the
quantitative research design. It uses the descriptive approach in determining the extent of challenges encountered as
well as the implementation of the learning continuity plan.

Research Method

In this study it will use the survey questionnaire that will be given to the respondents with regards to their
challenges encountered in the implementation of the BE LCP. Aside from, a document scanning will be conducted
to determine the best practices, gaps and issues arising in the implementation of BE-LCP. After which a gathering
of the survey questionnaire will be done after a week from the respondents. Analysis will be done through SPSS
and MS Excel using 0.05 p-values.


The respondents of the study will be captured from two schools in District 1 of Dupax Del Norte. Out of
this target population of this study, the researcher will purposively captured 30 teachers and 2 school head as
respondent of the study.
Research Instrument

In this study the researcher implore a researcher-made questionnaire exploring the various challenges and
degree of implementation of the BE-LCP. The questionnaire will be subdivided into 4 components. First part deals
with the profile of the respondents and second part deals on the different challenges encountered along
implementation of BE-LCP. The tool showed a cronsbach alpha of 0.723 with a content validity will be validated
by school head and supervisor who provide technical assistance in the school.

Statistical Tool

In this study it will use average mean, standard deviation among the challenges and implementation using
the qualitative description

Results and Discussion

The results of the study reported on the different effective implementation of the BE-LCP and its
challenges encountered were captured on the constant monitoring and evaluation of the learning continuity plan.
The respondents profile was shown that the mean age of the respondents was 39.47 among the teacher. While
mostly of them were female with an average of 84.37 compared with male respondents of 15.63. In addition, the
teacher’s year of service is 10.84 average years with the department having the plantilla position as Teacher III with
an average number of trainings attended to 5.10 respectively.

Table 1. Level of implementation of the learning continuity plan

Indicators Mean SD Qualitative Description

Learning delivery modality 3.26 0.10 Implemented
Assessment monitoring 3.14 0.06 Implemented
Curriculum Implementation 3.18 0.24 Implemented
Stakeholders participation 3.12 0.03 Implemented
School-based operation and management 3.25 0.12 Implemented
Overall Mean 3.19 0.24 Implemented
Legend: 4- Fully implemented; 3- Implemented;2-Partially implemented; 1-Not implemented

It can be gleaned from the table above that table that the overall mean on the implementation of the
learning continuity plan obtained a mean= 3.19 which was implemented across the different areas of the learning
continuity plan. It implies that there was an implementation of the different identified key areas such learning
delivery modality of the school that is printed modular as well as the giving of assessment every learning
competency was evident. While every end of the quarter the implementation of the curriculum was obtained based
on the learning competencies delivered as well as the mean percentage grade obtained by the leaners every end of
the quarter. In addition the stakeholders participation was well seen in all the program, activities and projects
identified in the learning continuity plan obtaining an overall school-based operation and management in the new
normal. Hence, the learning continuity plan in the schools was implemented in line with the identified annual
improvement plan of the schools.

Table 2. Extend of challenges on the implementation of learning continuity plan

Indicators Mean SD Qualitative Description

Learning modality 4.13 0.11 Large extent
Delivery modality 4.04 0.14 Large extent
Distribution and retrieval of modules 4.02 0.16 Large extent
Assessment monitoring and conduct 4.00 0.21 Large extent
School-based operation and management 3.97 0.24 Large extent
Overall Mean 4.03 0.16 Large extent
Legend: 5-Very large extent; 4- Large extent; 3- Neutral; 2- Little extent; 1- Very little extent

The extent of challenges as perceived by the teachers showed an overall mean of 4.03. It means that the
challenges obtained caused large extent on the implementation of the learning continuity plan. It was evident
because of the following indicators or factors such as learning modality the presence of synchronous and
asynchronous approach showed a limited number of learners participating in the synchronous. While in terms of
delivery modality two-third of the sample respondents were into printed modular as delivery modality since most of
the geographic location of the learner were in the upland. In terms of distribution and retrieval of modules showed
large extent since the school established different learning centers for the distribution and retrieval. Moreover, on
the assessment and monitoring conducted greatly extended on the late submission of the anecdotal record and
submission of their summative test. Lastly, the school-based operation and management was greatly affected on the
limited resources provided in the MOOE and also the limited number of partners or lack financial resource to
implement different programs, activities and projects.

Table 3. Significant correlation of implemented learning continuity plan and extent of challenges obtained.

Indicator Mean df t-critical p<value Remarks

Extend of 4.03 60 2.814 0.006* Significant
Implementation 3.19
Legend * p<0.05

The above table showed the implementation of the BE-LCP and the extent of challenges encountered was
significantly related at p<=0.006. This means that implementation and extent of challenges encountered were
significantly correlated in terms of school-based learning modality, curriculum and instruction, and also
stakeholders’ participation. It implies that the level of implementation of the learning continuity plan as to the
programs, activities and projects showed a great extent of the challenges and underpinning factors relative to the
implementation of the learning continuity plan by the teachers, school heads and the stakeholders.

Conclusion and Recommendation

The extent and implementation of the basic education learning continuity plan on the lens of the elementary
teacher showed that there was an effect on the perceived factors and challenges identified in the implementation of
the learning continuity plan. Moreover, the identified challenges reported must be given with immediate action to
improve the implementation of the learning continuity plan. It further recommended that the identified challenges in
the implementation must be address immediately so may not affect the implementation of the programs, activities
and projects in the new normal. Furthermore, strengthen the school participation to the community to established
linkages and obtained resources in the execution of the different programs, activities and projects.

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This paper is indebtedness to the respondents of the study, the teachers, students, school head, school
governing council and general parent-teachers association for their invaluable participation in the development of
this paper. To my adviser for his untiring and unending guidance and continuous critiquing of this paper. Above all,
to Almighty God for the blessings and guidance for the completion of this paper.

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