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DC Question Bank

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(Formerly College of Engineering & Technology, Bhubaneswar)


2 Marks Questions
1) Distinguish natural and flat top sampling.

2) How would you show your understanding of the components required for signal reconstruction?
3) Illustrate the difference between uniform and non-uniform quantization.

4) A signal is sampled at Nyquist rate of 8 KHz and is quantized using 8 bit uniform quantizer.
Assuming SNR for a sinusoidal signal, calculate the bit rate, SNR and BW.

5) A certain low pass bandlimited signal x(t) is sampled and the spectrum of the sampled version has
the first guard band from 1500Hz to 1900Hz.How will you determine the sampling frequency and the
maximum frequency of the signal?

6) Outline the input-output characteristic of a compressor and expander.

7) Point out the μ-law of compression.

8) Express the Quantization noise of a PCM system.

9) Outline the concept of TDM.

10) What is the slope overload error? how it can be minimized?

11) Why do we need equalization in base band pulse transmission?

12) Explain scrambling with the help of Scrambler and Descrambler circuit.

13) What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of “Delta Modulation”?

14) What is meant by adaptive delta modulation?

15) What are the two limitations of delta modulation?

16) What is intersymbol interference in baseband binary PAM systems?

17) How is eye pattern obtained?

18) For the binary data 0110100, draw Manchester coded signal.

19) What is the major advantage of coherent PSK over coherent ASK?

20) What is meant by DPSK?

5 Marks Questions
1) Explain non-coherent detection of ASK with required block diagram.
2) Explain the concept of M-ary communication with suitable examples.

3) Discuss in brief about Non-coherent detection of binary FSK.

4) Describe the carrier recovery and symbol synchronization in M-ary PSK receiver

5) Discuss about error free communication over a noisy channel.

6) Explain QPSK with waveforms, constellation diagram and mathematical representation.

7) Explain delta modulation and demodulation technique.

8) State and explain sampling theorem for band limited signals in detail. Also explain aliasing.

9) Write a short note on PCM and explain the role of compander in PCM.

10) Derive the expression for SNR of PCM signal.

11) Explain the following line codes for 110101101

i) Unipolar RZ & NRZ ii) Polar RZ & NRZ iii) Bipolar RZ

12) A Television signal having a bandwidth of 4.2 MHz is transmitted using binary PCM
system. Given that the number of quantization levels is 512. Determine
i). Codeword length ii). Transmission Bandwidth iii). Final Bit rate iv). Output SNR

13) How will you differentiate binary PSK and MPSK, explain with block diagrams.

14) Sketch with a neat diagram of M-array PSK transmitter and receiver.

15) Explain MSK with waveforms for the bit sequence of 11000111.

16) Derive the expression for the MSK output wave with a neat diagram of MSK transmitter and

17) Derive and plot the power spectra of NRZ Unipolar format signals.

18) Derive and plot the power spectra of NRZ Bipolar format signals.

19) Explain the following line codes for 11000110

i) Unipolar RZ & Manchester ii) Polar NRZ & Manchester iii) Bipolar Manchester

20) Derive and plot the power spectra of Manchester Polar format signals.

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