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LAE Chemistry Y12 Summer Assessment Paper 2 - Modules 124 Final

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A Level Chemistry

Paper 2: OCR Modules 1, 2 & 4


Date: Tuesday 23rd May 2017 - Morning

Time Allowed: 1 hour 30 minutes
You must have:
• the Data Sheet for Chemistry A
You may use:
• a scientific or graphical calculator

• Use black ink. You may use an HB pencil for graphs and diagrams.
• Complete the boxes above with your Centre number and candidate number.
• Answer all the questions.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
• Additional paper may be used if required but you must clearly show your
candidate number, Centre number and question number(s).

• The total mark for this paper is 70
• The marks for each question are shown in brackets [ ].
• This document consists of 21 pages.
Section A

You should spend a maximum of 15 minutes on this section. Circle the letter next to the correct answer.

Answer all the questions.

(1) How many electrons are used to form the -bonds in a molecule of ethene?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 8
D. 10

(2) What is the correct description of this compound?

A. An alicyclic aldehyde
B. An aromatic aldehyde
C. An alicyclic ketone
D. An aromatic ketone

(3) Which of the following pairs are cis-trans isomers?

A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 4
C. 2 and 3
D. 3 and 4

(4) While carrying out a titration, a student recorded the following data.

Trial Experiment
1 2 3
Final volume / cm3 24.30 47.95 71.80 24.75

Initial volume / cm3 0.90 24.30 47.95 0.80

Titre / cm3 23.40 23.60 23.85 23.95

The student then calculates the mean titre.

What is the correct value for the mean titre, in cm3?

A. 23.90
B. 23.80
C. 23.70
D. 23.60

(5) Propanal, CH3CH2CHO, and propanone, CH3COCH3 are carbonyl compounds.

When these two compounds are compared using physical methods of analysis, which of the
following statements is not correct?


Which are the correct names for both SO2 and Na2SO4?

(7) What is the percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3?
[Molar masses / gmol-1: N = 14.0; H = 1.0; O = 16.0]

A. 14.0%
B. 17.5%
C. 28.0%
D. 35.0%

(8) This diagram represents a square planar structure

Which of these species has this square planar shape?

A. SF4
B. NH4+
C. XeF4
D. AlH4-


Which of the alcohols are classified as primary?

A. alcohol P only
B. alcohols P and R only
C. alcohols P, R and S only
D. alcohol P, Q, R and S

(10) How many moles of oxygen are required for complete combustion of exactly one mole of
pentan-1-ol, C5H12O?

A. 7.0
B. 7.5
C. 8.0
D. 8.5

Turn over for Section B

Section B

Answer all the questions

(11) Compound A is an unsaturated hydrocarbon used as the starting material for the production of
compound A

some organic compounds.

(a) What is the name of compound A?


(b) What is the molecular formula of compound A?


(c) The flowchart shows three addition reactions of compound A.

(i) In the boxes below, show the structures of the organic products formed in the reactions.



compound A


mixture of isomers

(ii) What are the essential conditions for the reaction of compound A with H2O?


(iii) Using curly arrows, outline the mechanism for the reaction of compound A with Br2.


(12) Some airbags in cars contain sodium azide (NaN3). Sodium azide is an ionic compound, formed
from Na+ ions and azide ions. The azide ion has the formula N3-

(a) Sodium azide is made by reacting dinitrogen monoxide gas with sodium amide (NaNH2) as
shown by the equation.

2NaNH2 + N2O NaN3 + NaOH + NH3

Calculate the mass of sodium amide needed to obtain 550 g of sodium azide, assuming there is a
95.0% yield of sodium azide.

Give your answer to an appropriate number of significant figures.













(b) If a car is involved in a serious collision, the sodium azide decomposes to form sodium and
nitrogen as shown in the equation.

2NaN3(s) 2Na(s) + 3N2(g)

The nitrogen produced then inflates the airbag to a volume of 7.50 x 10-2 m3 at a pressure of
150 kPa and temperature of 35oC.

Calculate the minimum amount of NaN3, in moles, that must decompose.













Question 12 continues on the next page

(c)* Sodium azide can be manufactured from sodium hydroxide and ammonia. The reaction is very
sensitive to the concentration of sodium hydroxide.

The sodium hydroxide required for this reaction is usually prepared as a standard solution. A
standard solution is a solution of a precise concentration - as used in laboratory titrations.
A chemist needs to prepare 250cm3 of a standard solution of sodium hydroxide, NaOH, with a
concentration of 1.50 moldm-3. He has access to solid sodium hydroxide and ordinary laboratory

Describe the procedure he should follow to prepare the standard solution. Include a calculation in
your answer.













(d) The azide ion, N3- , can be represented as N N N -

One of these bonds is a dative bond.

On the following diagram, draw an arrowhead on one of the bonds to represent the
direction of donation of the lone pair in the dative bond.


(e) Which is the correct formula for magnesium azide?


(13) This question is about several unsaturated hydrocarbons.

(a) The mass spectrum of an alkene is shown below

Relative abundance

(i) The empirical formula of the alkene is CH2.

Use the empirical formula and the mass spectrum to confirm the molecular
formula as C7H14.





……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]

(ii) Further analysis showed the alkene was hept-3-ene.

Suggest possible structures for the species responsible for the labelled peaks I
and II in the mass spectrum of hept-3-ene

peak I peak II


(b) Hept-3-ene shows E/Z isomerism.

i. Draw the skeletal formulae of E-hept-3-ene and Z-hept-3-ene.

E-hept-3-ene Z-hept-3-ene


ii. State and explain the features of a hept-3-ene molecule that lead to E and Z





………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]

(c) A section of polymer that can be made from an unsaturated hydrocarbon B is shown

i. Add brackets to the section of polymer to show one repeat unit. [1]

ii. Draw the structure of hydrocarbon B.


(d) The polymer has a relative molecular mass of 70,000.

Calculate the number of monomer molecules required to make one molecule of the

number of monomer molecules = ………………………………………………………….[1]

Turn over for Question 14

(14) This question is about propan-2-ol.

(a) Why is propan-2-ol classified as a secondary alcohol?



(b) The shape around the oxygen atom in propan-2-ol is non-linear.

Predict the C-O-H bond angle and explain this shape.

bond angle ………………………………………………….







(c) Propan-2-ol is soluble in water.

Explain why propan-2-ol is soluble in water
Include a labelled diagram to support your answer
Include relevant dipoles and lone pairs.




(d) Propan-2-ol can be oxidised by heating with an oxidising agent.

A student plans to carry out this oxidation using the apparatus shown in the diagram.


(ii) Successful oxidation of propan-2-ol will produce propanone.

propan-2-ol propanone
The boiling points of propan-2-ol and propanone are shown in the table.

Propan-2-ol Propanone

Boiling point / oC 82.6 56.0

Explain why propan-2-ol has a higher boiling point than propanone.





………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..… [2]









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