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Board CS1 2020

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2020 III11 1100 V-234 L (E)


Time: 3 Hours 4 Pages Max. Marks : 50

nstructions () All questions are compulsory

2) Figure to the right indicate full mark.
(3) Use of any type of calculator not allowed
(4) Drawa neat diagram wherever necessary.

. (A) Select correct option from the following and rewrite sentences

(a) LINUX is _ type of software.

() Public
(ii) Free

ii) Shareware
(iv) Licenced

(b) is collection of fields. 1

(i) File
(i) Record

(ii) Array
(iv) Queue
(c) operator cannot be overloaded.


(i) +

(iv) >>

(d) tag is used to create a row in table. 1
6) <td>

(i) <th>
(ii) <tr>
(iv) <t
(B) Answer any two of the following:
(a) Explain any three features of Windows-98 Operating System. 3

(b) Explain Bubble sort algorithm with suitable example.

(c Explain general structure of HTML Page. 3
2. (A) Answer any two of the following
(a) Explain friend function in C++ with example.
(b) Explain linked representation of Binary Tree in memory with suitable
(c) Explain memory map of single user operating system.
(B) Answer any one of the following
(a) Define Operating System. In which categories operating system
provide it's services ? 4

(6) What is Constructor and Destructor ? Explain each with the help of
suitable example.
3. (A) Answer any two of the following

(a) Explain Internal and External fragmentation in memory management

of operating system. 3
(b) List any six data structure operations. 3
(c) Define following terms in C++ file handling
) ifstream
(i) ofstream
(iii) fstream
(B) Answer any one of the following

(a) What is a Virus ? Write any three infecting methods of Virus. 4

(b) Define Binary Tree. Draw a Tree diagram for following expression 4
Y [(a -b c) -
+ (a + b - c)}/,

V-2.34 IContd.
4. (A) Answer any two of the following

(a) Explain time sharing related to process management of operating

system. 3

(b) Explain how a member function is defined outside class with examples. 3

Wrie C++ decleration for the following : 3

i) Array of 10 integers
(i) Pointer to character variable
(i) Object of the class test

(B) Answer any one of the following:

Define Linked List. Draw and explain labeled diagram of linked list
with 5 nodes.
(b)What is Polymorphism ? Explain how it is achieved by A

() Compile time

(ii) Run timne

5. (A) Solve any two of the following

(a) Write a C++ program to accept 10 integers in an array and tind

its sum and average. 5

(b Write a C++ function to find surface area of a sphere.

(Hint Surface area of sphere = A = 4tr)

(c) Write code in HTML for following table 5

Subject Paper-I Paper-II

Computer Theory 50 50

Sciecne Practial 50 50

HSC Exam Scheme.


5. Answer any two of the following

(a) Write a C++ program to accept a sentence of 80 characters and count number
of words in a sentence.

(b) Write a class based C++ program to accept two integers and find it's GC.D.
(Greatest Common Divisor) 5

V-2341 3 P.T.O.
(c) Write the exact output of the following HTML Code with font specification: 5

<TABLE border =
"3" Cellspacing="10">
TH Colspan = *3"> STREAM </TH>
<TD>< A href = "Science.html>
<TD> <A href =

<TD> <A href = "Arts.html">

ARTS </A> <TD>


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