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Computer Science Model Paper

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Model Paper

Q.1(A) Select Correct alternative and rewrite the following:

(a) The time required to move R/W head to the particular track is called _________.

(i) Latency time (ii) Seek time (iii) Waiting time (iv) Response time (1)

(b) Tree us a _______________collection of Nodes.

(i) Hierarchical (ii)Linear (iii) Relational (iv) Graphical (1)

(c)_____________operator cannot be overloaded.

(i) ++ (ii) + (iii) :: (iv) >> (1)

(d) Boarder attribute is used in ______________tag.

(i) <HTML> (ii) <P> (iii) <TABLE> (iv) <TITLE> (1)

Q.1(B) Answer any two of the following:

(a) Explain the following HTML tags with one example of each: (3)


(ii) <SUB>


(b) Explain any three data structure operations. (3)

( c) Explain three states of process in process management of operating system. (3)

Q.2(A) Answer any two of the following:

(a) Explain Virus Detection, Removal and Prevention. (3)

(b) What is Polymorphism ? Explain Compile Time and Run Time Polymorphism (3)

( c) State algorithm for inserting an element in an Array. (3)

Q.2(B) Answer any one of the following:

(a) What is Constructor and Destructor ? Explain each with the help of suitable example (4)

(b) What do you mean by Virtual Memory ? Explain any three terms used in Virtual (4)

Q.3(A) Answer any two of the following:

(a) Write difference between linear search and binary search. (3)

(b) Explain different types of inheritance with suitable diagram. (3)

(c) How linked list are represented in memory ? (3)

Q.3(B) Answer any one of the following:

(a) What is virus ? Write any three infecting methods of virus. (4)

(b) Define Binary tree. Draw a Tree diagram for following expression. (4)

Q.4(A) Answer any two of the following:

(a) Explain time sharing related to process management of operating system. (3)

(b) Explain how a member function is defined outside class with examples. (3)

(c) Write C++ declaration for the following. (3)

(i) Array of 10 integers.

(ii) Pointer to character variable

(iii) Object of the class

Q.4(A) Answer any one of the following:

(a) State various steps involved in the allocation of partition in case of fixed partition
memory management. (4)

(b) Explain the scope resolution operator and memory management operator in C++ with
example. (4)
Q.5(A) Answer any two of the following:

(a) Write a C++ program to find the smallest of four given integers using function min() that
returns the smallest of four given integers. The function prototype is as below

int min(int, int,int,int) (5)

(b) Write an object oriented program in C++ to read an integer number and find the sum of
digits of integer.[Hint: input 125 output 8 i.e 1+2+5=8] (5)

(c) Write the output of the following HTML code: (5)

<UL type=”circle”>
<Li> One
<Li> Three
<UL type=”square”>
<Li> Monday
<Li> Wednesday

Q.5(B) Answer any two of the following:

(a) Write a C++ program to accept and integer number and test whether it prime or not. (5)

(b) Write a program in C++ using OPP technique to compute circumference of circle. (5)

( c) Write the HTML code for following output: (5)

Country Played Won Lose

INDIA 30 27 03
PAKISTAN 30 03 27

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