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Oxide Thermoelectrics The Role of Crystal Structur

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Oxide Thermoelectrics: The Role of Crystal Structure on Thermopower in

Strongly Correlated Spinels

Article · August 2012


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1 author:

Taylor D. Sparks
University of Utah


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Oxide Thermoelectrics: The Role of Crystal Structure on Thermopower
in Strongly Correlated Spinels

A dissertation presented


Taylor David Sparks


The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

in the subject of

Applied Physics

Harvard University

Cambridge, Massachusetts

May 2012
© 2012 – Taylor David Sparks

All rights reserved

Professor: Author:

David R. Clarke Taylor Sparks

Oxide Thermoelectrics: The Role of Crystal Structure on Thermopower in Strongly

Correlated Spinels


This dissertation reports on the synthesis, structural and thermal characterization

and electrical and thermal transport properties of a variety of strongly correlated spinels.

General structure property relationships for electrical and thermal transport are discussed.

However, the relationship between thermopower and features of the crystal structure such

as spin, crystal field, anti-site disorder, and structural distortions are explored in depth.

The experimental findings are reported in the context of improving existing oxide

thermoelectric materials, screening for new materials or using thermopower as a unique

characterization tool to determine the cation distribution in spinels.

The need for improved n-type oxide thermoelectric materials has led researchers

to consider mixed valence (+3/+4) manganese oxides. Contrary to previous findings we

report herein that the LiMn2O4 compound reaches the relatively large n-type

thermopower of -73 μV/K which is three times larger than the value observed in other

manganese oxides, -25 μV/K. The cause of this increase in thermopower is shown to be

the absence of a Jahn-Teller distortion on the Mn3+ ions in LiMn2O4. By avoiding this

structural distortion the orbital degeneracy is doubled and the Koshibae et al.‘s modified

Heikes formula predicts a thermopower of -79 μV/K in good agreement with the

experiment. Altering the Mn3+/4+ ratio via aliovalent doping did not affect the

thermopower and is a second evidence of universal charge transport first reported by

Kobayashi et al. The role of anti-site disorder was further examined in FexMn1-xNiCrO4

x=0, ½, ¾, 1 spinels but the effect on thermopower was inconclusive due to the presence

of impurity phases.

Next, the thermopower as a function of temperature in Co3O4 was investigated as

a means whereby the Wu and Mason‘s 30 year old model for using thermopower to

calculate cation distribution in spinels could be revisited. We report evidence that Wu and

Mason‘s original model using the standard Heikes formula and considering octahedral

sites alone leads to a stoichiometrically inconsistent result at high temperatures. Alternate

models are evaluated considering Koshibae et al.‘s modified Heikes formula and

accounting for tetrahedral site contributions. Furthermore, the effect of a possible spin

state transition is considered.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1. FUNDAMENTALS OF THERMOELECTRICITY ......................................................... 1

1.1 CONVERTING HEAT TO AND FROM ELECTRICITY ............................................................................... 2

1.2 THERMOELECTRIC OPERATION .......................................................................................................... 3

1.2.1 Power Generation Mode ......................................................................................................... 3

1.2.2 Refrigeration Mode ............................................................................................................... 11

1.3 THERMAL AND ELECTRICAL TRANSPORT ........................................................................................ 13

1.3.1 Efficiency and Coefficient of Performance ............................................................................ 15

1.4 THERMOELECTRIC FIGURE OF MERIT .............................................................................................. 17

CHAPTER 2. THERMOPOWER IN OXIDES ........................................................................................ 22

2.1 WHY OXIDES? ................................................................................................................................. 22

2.2 BAND CONDUCTORS ........................................................................................................................ 24

2.3 STRONGLY CORRELATED SYSTEMS ................................................................................................. 27

2.3.1 Thermopower Due to Spin and Orbital Degeneracy ............................................................. 30

2.3.2 Thermopower in NaCo2O4 and derivative structures ............................................................ 36

2.4 MODIFIED HEIKES FORMULA AS A SCREENING TOOL FOR NEW MATERIALS ................................... 39

2.4.1 Alternate Crystal Fields ........................................................................................................ 40

2.4.2 Selecting Transition Metal Ion Pairs ..................................................................................... 44


3.1 SYNTHESIS OF COMPOUNDS ............................................................................................................. 47

3.1.1 Solid-state synthesis............................................................................................................... 48

3.1.2 Coprecipitation method ......................................................................................................... 49

3.1.3 Combustion synthesis ............................................................................................................ 52

3.1.4 Current Assisted Pressure Activated Densification ............................................................... 53

3.2 STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION .................................................................................................. 55

3.2.1 X-Ray Powder Diffraction ..................................................................................................... 56

3.2.2 Neutron Diffraction ............................................................................................................... 64

3.2.3 Rietveld Refinement ............................................................................................................... 66

3.2.4 Raman Microspectroscopy .................................................................................................... 71

3.3 ELECTRICAL AND THERMAL TRANSPORT ........................................................................................ 75


SPINELS ...................................................................................................................................................... 81

4.1 STRUCTURAL DISTORTIONS AND THERMOPOWER ........................................................................... 82

4.1.1 Common Structural Distortions in Oxides............................................................................. 82

4.1.2 The Spinel Crystal Structure.................................................................................................. 84

4.1.3 Thermopower and Jahn-Teller Distorted Manganates.......................................................... 87

4.2 ENHANCED THERMOPOWER IN JAHN-TELLER DISTORTION FREE LIMN2O4 ...................................... 90

4.3 ANTI-SITE DISORDER IN LIXMG1-XMN2O4 AND MNXFE1-XNIYCR2-YO4 SPINELS ............................... 101

4.3.1 Universal Charge Transport ............................................................................................... 101

4.3.2 N to P-type Transition in Oxygen Deficient LiMn2O4.......................................................... 106

4.3.3 Substitutions on the Tetrahedral Site in Spinels .................................................................. 109


5.1 THERMOPOWER MEASUREMENT OF CATION DISTRIBUTION .......................................................... 119

5.1.1 Revisiting Thermopower Measurement of Cation Distributions ......................................... 121

5.1.2 Investigating High Temperature Anomaly in Co 3O4 ........................................................... 122

5.1.3 Effect of Inversion on Co3O4 structure ................................................................................ 133

5.2 ALTERNATE THERMOPOWER CATION DISTRIBUTION MODELS ...................................................... 136

5.2.1 Cation Distribution from Thermopower Measurements: Inversion Only ............................ 136

5.2.2 Cation Distribution from Thermopower Measurements: Inversion and Spin Unpairing .... 144

5.3 EVALUATING THERMOPOWER CATION DISTRIBUTION MODELS .................................................... 146

5.3.1 Bond Lengths Calculated from Ionic Radii ......................................................................... 146

5.4 FUTURE WORK AND CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................... 148

5.4.1 Magnetic Structure of Samples Quenched From High Temperatures ................................. 149

5.4.2 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 155

CHAPTER 6. THESIS SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK ......................................................................... 157

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 159

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Diagrams for thermoelectric devices in power generation and refrigeration
mode ............................................................................................................................ 4

Figure 1.2 Band diagrams for a thermoelectric device before and after the metal and
semiconducting regions are joined. ............................................................................. 5

Figure 1.3 Fermi-Dirac distributions corresponding to hot and cold sides of a metal ........ 7

Figure 1.4 Band diagrams for a thermoelectric power generation device in a thermal
gradient before and after steady-state equilibrium is reached..................................... 9

Figure 1.5 Band diagram for a thermoelectric cooler. ...................................................... 12

Figure 1.6 Thermoelectric power generation efficiency plotted against , heat source
temperature, for different figure of merit values....................................................... 18

Figure 1.7 Typical trends in thermoelectric properties and figure of merit as a function of
carrier concentration for different classes of materials. ............................................ 20

Figure 2.1 Thermopower plotted as a function of a temperature for polycrystalline and

single crystal NaCo2O4 samples................................................................................ 28

Figure 2.2 Thermopower calculated from Koshibae et al.‘s modified Heikes formula
plotted against carrier concentration. ........................................................................ 36

Figure 2.3 Crystal structure of NaCo2O4. ......................................................................... 37

Figure 2.4 Electronic degeneracy of Co3+ and Co4+ ions in an octahedral crystal field with
low, intermediate and high spin states. ..................................................................... 38

Figure 2.5 The spin blockade phenomenon. ..................................................................... 40

Figure 2.6 The crystal fields for a variety of different coordinations. .............................. 41

Figure 2.7 Low and high spin states for d3 and d4 ion combinations in a
tetrahedral/cubic/dodecahedral crystal field. ............................................................ 43

Figure 2.8 Crystal field for f shell orbitals in an octahedral crystal field. ........................ 44

Figure 3.1 Pourbaix diagram for iron. .............................................................................. 50

Figure 3.2 Custom built CADPro sintering chamber. ...................................................... 55

Figure 3.3 Illustration of X-ray diffraction from lattice planes in an ordered material. ... 58

Figure 3.4 Dispersion factors, and , for the element iron using Cr (left) and Cu
(right) radiation sources....................................................................................... 62

Figure 3.5 Schematic diagram of a synchrotron. .............................................................. 63

Figure 3.6 Photograph of a neutron diffractometer with a cryostat (D1B at Institut Laue
Langevin). ................................................................................................................. 65

Figure 3.7 Neutron diffractometer area detector results. .............................................. 6637

Figure 3.8 Example of a stick diagram to match measured peaks to candidate structures
on file. ....................................................................................................................... 67

Figure 3.9 Rayleigh and Raman (Stokes and anti-Stokes) scattering diagram. ................ 72

Figure 3.10 Thermopower and electrical conductivity measurement schematic. ............. 76

Figure 4.1 Examples of ideal and distorted perovskite structures. ................................... 83

Figure 4.2 Jahn-Teller distortion examples for d4 cations under axial compression and
elongation along the z-axis. ...................................................................................... 85

Figure 4.3 Undistorted and distorted LiMn2O4 crystal structures with A and B cation sites
labeled. ...................................................................................................................... 86

Figure 4.4 Spin and orbital degeneracy values for d3 and d4 cations................................ 88

Figure 4.5 Thermopower for a variety of mixed ion manganates compared to calculated
high temperature thermopower limits corresponding to distorted and undistorted
Mn3+ ions................................................................................................................... 89

Figure 4.6 X-Ray diffraction pattern and Rietveld refinement results for LiMn2O4 at 298
K with an inset showing the (440) reflection at different temperatures.Figure 2.6 .. 91

Figure 4.7 Fraction of the A (tetrahedral) and B (octahedral) sites in the LiMn2O4 spinel
occupied by Li and Mn ions plotted against temperature. ........................................ 94

Figure 4.8 Arrhenius plot of the electrical resistivity of LiMn2O4. .................................. 97

Figure 4.9 Thermopower versus temperature for LiMn2O4 from this work compared with
other Mn compounds. ............................................................................................... 99

Figure 4.10 Mean oxidation state of manganese ions and Li/Mn ratio for different Li-Mn-
O compounds. ......................................................................................................... 103

Figure 4.11 X-Ray diffraction Mg1-xLixMn2O4 x=0, 1/5, 2/5 samples. .......................... 104

Figure 4.12 Thermopower and electrical conductivity of Mg1-xLixMn2O4 x=0, 1/5, 2/5
compounds. ............................................................................................................. 106

Figure 4.13 In-situ high temperature X-Ray diffraction pattern, measured in argon, of
LiMn2O4 after CADPro. .......................................................................................... 107

Figure 4.14 Electrical conductivity and thermopower of LiMn2O4 pressed in a reducing
atmosphere. ............................................................................................................. 109

Figure 4.15 X-Ray diffraction of FexMn1-xNi2O4 x=0, ¼, ½, ¾, 1 compounds. ............ 111

Figure 4.16 X-Ray diffraction of FexMn1-xCr2O4 x=0, ¼, ½, ¾, 1 compounds. ............ 112

Figure 4.17 X-Ray diffraction of FexMn1-xNiCrO4 x=0, ¼, ½, ¾, 1 compounds. .......... 112

Figure 4.18 Electrical conductivity and thermopower of FexMn1-xNiCrO4 x=0, ½, ¾, 1

compounds. ............................................................................................................. 113

Figure 4.19 Thermal diffusivity of FexMn1-xNiCrO4 x=0, ½, ¾, 1 compounds. ............ 113

Figure 4.20 Synchrotron diffraction pattern of MnNiCrO4............................................. 114

Figure 4.21 Weight fraction of NiO impurity in FexMn1-xNiCrO4 x=0, ½, ¾, 1

compounds determined by quantitative phase analysis using synchrotron diffraction.
................................................................................................................................. 115

Figure 5.1 X-Ray diffraction for mixed phase Co3O4 and CoO samples obtained by
intermediate cooling rates, pure Co3O4 obtained by slow cooling rates and pure CoO
obtained by rapid quenching. .................................................................................. 123

Figure 5.2 Thermogravimetric analysis and differential thermal analysis of Co3O4

samples in air and Ar. ............................................................................................. 125

Figure 5.3 X-Ray diffraction of Co3O4 from room temperature up to 1273 K. .............. 126

Figure 5.4 Temperature dependence of the lattice parameter of Co3O4 and CoO
determined from in-situ X-ray diffraction. ............................................................. 127

Figure 5.5 Raman shift plotted as a function of temperature for Co3O4 samples.Figure 2.6
................................................................................................................................. 129

Figure 5.6 Arrhenius plot of electrical conductivity for Co3O4 showing three
characteristic regions each with a different activation energy. ............................... 131

Figure 5.7 Thermopower as a function of temperature of Co3O4 measured in helium and

air as well as of CoO measured in helium. ............................................................. 132

Figure 5.8 Fractional occupancy of Co3+ ions on the octahedral sublattice in Co3O4 as a
function of temperature calculated from the thermopower measurements of Co3O4 in
air according to different models described in detail in the text. ............................ 138

Figure 5.9 Thermopower plotted against fractional occupancy of Co3+ ions on the
octahedral sub-lattice according to examine stoichiometric consistency. .............. 140

Figure 5.10 Fractional occupancy of Co3+ ions on the octahedral sublattice in Co3O4 as a
function of temperature accounting for different cobalt ion spin states. ................ 145

Figure 5.11 Fractional occupancy of Co3+ ions on the octahedral sub-lattice in Co3O4 as a
function of temperature calculated from ionic radii and tetrahedral and octahedral
bond lengths. ........................................................................................................... 148

Figure 5.12 Neutron diffraction patterns for Co3O4 powder quenched from 1173 K
measured at 300 K and 1.5 K. ................................................................................. 151

Figure 5.13 Paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic structures of Co3O4. .......................... 152

Figure 5.14 Neutron diffraction patterns measured at 1.5 K for Co3O4 samples quenched
from various temperatures. ..................................................................................... 153

Figure 5.15 Ratio of peak intensity for magnetic (200) and nuclear reflections (220) and


I feel so incredibly grateful to the many people and institutions who made this

PhD possible. It‘s cliché, but I truly couldn‘t have done this alone. To start, I owe my

wife, Jodi, an enormous debt of gratitude. When I told her I had a dream to do a PhD and

that meant moving out of state she supported me completely and without complaint. Jodi

earned this every bit as much as I did. She went to bed alone while I worked on

homework, did the lion's share of the work around the house, lived in Shanghai for a

summer (!), cared for our son, Atticus, and even moved clear across the country. In doing

so she sacrificed her own education goals and aspirations to make mine a reality, and I‘ll

always be in her debt for that.

I‘m indebted to my parents for raising me with love, discipline, hard work and

humor. It was the example of my dad who, though a high school dropout originally, went

on to change his life, outlive a ―terminal‖ brain tumor for 25 years and graduate college

as a 40 year old in engineering that made me truly believe it when he told me I could do

anything I wanted in life. It was the daily efforts of my mom who raised us in happy,

though humble circumstances that taught me to work hard to accomplish goals.

Though Santa Barbara is as perfect a place as you could imagine to live and to do

materials research, the reason I selected UCSB for graduate school was to work with my

fantastic advisor, David Clarke. I knew right from the beginning that he was somebody

who I wanted to be like and who would help me achieve great things. I honestly didn‘t

even know what state Harvard University was located in, but when he told me he was

moving there, I knew I‘d come along. I can‘t overstate the significance of his mentorship

to me. He‘s invested in my future by helping me obtain unique international research

experiences and perspective as well as expanding my academic network. He has put

confidence in me time and again to come up with my own research ideas and carry them

out. I hope he knows how grateful I am for all this and for his patience in helping me

write (and rewrite) papers and for putting up with the occasional explosion in the


Some of the most gratifying experiences of my PhD were realized while working

with diverse individuals from all over the world. I express thanks to my coworkers

Aleksander Gurlo, Qu Zhixue, Wan Chunlei, Jérôme Chevalier, Laurent Gremillard,

Maged Bekheet and many, many others with whom I carried out experiments. The Clarke

group, too, over the years has been a great source of friendship, learning and I

acknowledge my good friends Bill, Xin, Sam, Andi, Yang, Jiangshui, Mor, Ashwin,

Michael, Mary, Jesse, Roger, John, Jenny, Liguo, Sebastien, and Matt and I will certainly

miss the Annual Clarke Group Holiday Table Tennis Invitational.

I‘m indebted to a number of institutions and professors that hosted me for

extended international research stays. Among these are Prof. Pan Wei at Tsinghua

University, China, Prof. Gu Hui at the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy

of Science, China, Dr. Laetitia Laversenne and Dr. Aleksander Gurlo at the Institut Laue-

Langevin, France and Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany respectively. There

are many things one simply can‘t learn but by having experienced them.

I‘ve been privileged to receive training from world class experts. Professors like

Ram Seshadri, Frans Spaepan, Shriram Ramanathan, Evelyn Hu, Nicola Spaldin, Omar

Saleh and others at UCSB and Harvard provided exceptional coursework that had an

actual impact on my research. I also recognize the enormous efforts of the International

Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) as well as other beamline scientists and neutron and

X-ray diffraction experts who taught me Rietveld refinement. This skill has been

incredibly useful and I owe Joel Reid, Jim Kaduk, Brent Melot, Laetitia Laversenne,

Emma Suarde, John Faber, Cyrus Crowder, Matt Suchomel, Scott Speakman, Eric

Toberer, and Yan Gao my gratitude for all the help, facilities and free advice they offered


Finally, I gratefully acknowledge the funding from the National Science

Foundation that made my PhD possible. In particular the World Materials Network

(NSF-WMN), International Research and Education in Engineering China program

(NSF-IREE) and the International Center for Materials Research (NSF-ICMR).


Boltzmann constant kB

Work function M

Electron affinity (n and p-type; subscripts n, p) 

Band gap (n and p-type; subscripts n, p) EG

Built in potential (n and p-type; subscripts n, p) VBI

Built in barrier (n and p-type; subscripts n, p) B

Fermi level of non-degenerate ionized dopants EF

Fermi level of intrinsic semiconductor Ei

Carrier concentration of intrinsic semiconductor ni

Temperature (hot and cold; subscripts H, C) T

Concentration of donor and acceptor ions ND , N A

Fermi-Dirac distribution as a function of energy and temperature f E , T 

Chemical potential 

Energy (Fermi; subscript F) E

Charge (positive or negative)   , 

Current density (n and p-type; subscripts n, p) j

Fundamental charge q

Carrier concentration (n and p-type). In Chapter 3 n is an integer. n, p

Carrier mobility (n and p-type; subscripts n, p) v

Diffusion coefficients (n and p-type; subscripts n, p) D

Distance x

Electric potential V

Seebeck coefficient or thermopower (n and p-type; subscripts n, p) S

Thermopower (octahedral and tetrahedral sites; subscripts O, T) S

Electric field 

Heat (in n and p-type materials; subscripts n, p) Q

Electric current or intensity of peak (Section 3.2 only) I

Peltier coefficient 

Time t

Thermal conductivity (in n and p-type materials; subscripts n, p) 

Area (cross-sectional) A

Electrical resistivity (n and p-type; subscripts n, p) 

Length (diffusion length; subscript D) L

Coefficient of performance (cooling efficiency) 

Power generation efficiency 

Thermoelectric figure of merit ZT

Lorenz constant L0

Transport coefficients (l=1,2; m=1,2) Llm , M lm

Flux densities (electric, thermal, particle energy; subscripts e, heat, 1, 2) j

Electrical conductivity (n and p-type; subscripts n, p) 

Electrical conductivity (octahedral and tetrahedral sites; subscripts O, T) 

Effective mass (electrons and holes; subscripts n, p) m

Carrier collision time (electrons and holes; subscripts n, p) 

Concentration of carrier in Heikes formula y

Electronic state degeneracy (sites i, j; subscripts i, j) g

Orbital and spin degeneracy g orbital , g spin

Number of particles N

Entropy (subscripts cold, hot) s

Transfer integral t

Creation and annihilation operators for electrons of spin cI* , cI

Superexchange interactions J

Volume of phase α V

Total spin 

Activation energy EA

Gas constant R

Interplanar spacing (hkl plane; subscript hkl) d

Incident angle of X-ray 

Wavelength 

Lattice parameters and unit cell angles a, b, c,  ,  , 

Atomic coordinates u, v, w

Dispersion factors f ', f "

Weight fraction of phase α W

Weighing factor of i-th component Wi

Rietveld refinement residual (weighted profile) Rwp

Density of phase α  D ,

Mass absorption coefficient  m*

Rietveld scaling factor of phase α (Section 3.2 only) S

Constant of reflection of i-th reflection in phase α (Section 3.2 only) Ci

Number of formula units in the unit cell Z

Molecular weight of phase α M

Scaling factors (Section 3.2 only) K, c

Planck‘s constant (Section 3.2.4 only) h

Electric potential V

Thermal diffusivity 

Heat capacity at constant pressure Cp

Porosity P

Ionic radius (subscript indicates site; A, B, O. Superscripts indicate ion) r

Tolerance factor t*

Reduced Planck‘s constant 

Three dimensional Fermi wave vector kF


I dedicate this dissertation to my father whose hard work and eternal optimism gave me

the self-confidence to reach for lofty goals; to my mother who sacrificed and worked,

often thanklessly, in helping me achieve my goals; and to my family who motivate me,

daily, to try and make the world a better place.

Chapter 1. Fundamentals of Thermoelectricity

Fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas have been the principal source

of energy fueling mankind‘s development since the Industrial Revolution. Because fossil

fuels are the result of anaerobic decomposition of dead organisms accumulating over

millions of years there is only a finite amount of fossil fuels available. With a finite

amount of fuel the rate of discovery of new deposits decreases with time while the rate of

consumption simultaneously increases due to population growth and changes in lifestyle.

Because demand outpaces supply, the result is a peak in fossil fuel production, termed the

―Hubbert Peak.‖ 1 The decline in production leads inevitably to increased cost and market

instability. Furthermore, fossil fuels are most commonly combusted and have the

detriment of giving off pollutants such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen

oxides that can have serious environmental implications.

Due to the disadvantages of fossil fuels there is strong appeal for renewable

sources of energy such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, tidal, wave and biofuels.

In 1949 roughly 1/3 of all the domestically produced electricity came from renewable

sources.2 Since that time there has been a general decrease in the US reliance on

renewable sources of energy and most recently, in 2010, only 10.4% of electricity in the

United States was from a renewable source.3 The two largest contributors are

hydroelectric power (6%) and wind power (2.3%).4 Because energy demands continue to

increase it is critical to invest in developing technology for clean, sustainable and

renewable sources of energy. The purpose of this chapter is to explain the role that

thermoelectric devices could play in renewable energy as well as to describe their

operation and efficiency fundamentals.

1.1 Converting Heat to and from Electricity

Considering the enormous effort and cost required for providing energy in the

first place it is, perhaps, shocking to realize that ~58% 5 of all initial energy is given off

as waste heat. For example, in automobiles less than 20% of fuel energy is used for

propulsion because 30% is wasted as exhaust heat, 40% in radiator heat and 10% to

friction and alternator.6 Increasing efficiency in lighting, vehicles, industrial processes

etc. is essential, but greater benefit would be attained if even a small fraction of waste

heat could be recycled and converted back to useable electricity.

Thermoelectric electrical generators are devices than can harness waste heat, say,

from industrial processing, vehicle exhaust/radiator systems7 or solar concentrators,8

converting it directly to an electrical potential. These same devices can be operated in

reverse by applying an external voltage to direct a current through the material where the

Peltier effect creates a temperature gradient for solid-state refrigeration with no moving

parts or dangerous chemicals. These so-called thermoelectric or Peltier coolers are

technologically important and widely used as heat pumps and temperature controllers for

integrated circuits, laser diodes or in-seat cooling modules in vehicles.9 In contrast,

thermoelectric electrical generators are not yet as widely used but radioisotope

thermoelectric generators10,11 have found application in deep space probes and cardiac


1.2 Thermoelectric Operation

Thermoelectric devices consist fundamentally of metal semiconductor junctions.

The schematic of a simplified device is shown in Figure 1.1 in both power generation

mode (left) and refrigeration mode (right). In both modes there is a hot (red) and cold

(blue) side with a temperature gradient across the two thermoelectric elements. The two

elements differ in carrier type; one relies on holes (purple, p-type) and the other, free

electrons (green, n-type) for electrical conduction. A metal interconnect layer (orange)

connects the two legs and makes a circuit such that the legs are connected in series

electrically but in parallel with respect to the thermal current. The voltage across a single

thermoelectric couple, also called a thermopile, is normally low whereas the required

output voltage is large so actual devices consist of many pairs of thermoelectric couples

connected in series.

1.2.1 Power Generation Mode

Thermoelectric devices operating in power generation mode take advantage of the

thermal gradient that can be produced by waste heat to drive a current through the

thermoelectric couple and produce a potential available to drive an external load. To best

understand how this electrical current is created by a temperature gradient we can

examine the device shown in Figure 1.1 and observe that there are essentially five


Figure 1.1. Diagrams for thermoelectric devices in power generation mode (left) and
refrigeration mode (right). In both cases heat is carried from the top side to the bottom
side. An electrical current is obtained automatically in power generation mode but must
be powered by an external voltage in refrigeration mode.

Starting from the bottom left the electron must travel through a metal to a p-type

semiconductor to a metal to an n-type semiconductor and finally back to a metal. The

band diagrams, representations of electron energy as a function of spatial displacement

across a device, for these five regions are shown in Figure 1.2 before (a) and after (b) the

regions are placed in contact.

Let us consider first the case of thermal equilibrium throughout the device. In a

metal the work function, , is the work required to move an electron from the Fermi

level to vacuum. In a semiconductor the Fermi level lies in a region of energy between

the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band where no electronic

states exist called a band gap, . For simplicity in creating figures we select p and n-type

semiconductors with equal band gap and electron affinity and metals with the same work

function though this condition is not necessary in thermoelectric devices.

Figure 1.2. Band diagrams for a thermoelectric device before (a) and after (b) the
regions are joined (no temperature gradient). The work functions, vacuum level, electron
affinities, band gaps and built in (barrier) potentials are shown.

The Fermi level (shown as a dashed line in Figure 1.2) for an intrinsic or undoped

semiconductor would lie in the middle of the band gap. In doped semiconductors,

however, the Fermi level is closer to the valence band for p-type and closer to the

conduction band for n-type semiconductors. The Fermi levels, , for non-degenerate

ionized dopants are given by the following set of Equations

ND 1.1
E F  Ei  k BT ln where N D  N A , ni

NA 1.2
Ei  E F  k BT ln where N A  N D , ni

where and are the Fermi level and carrier concentration of the intrinsic

semiconductor, is the Boltzmann constant, is the absolute temperature and and

are the concentrations of donor and acceptor dopants respectively.

When the five regions in Figure 1.2 are brought into contact and equilibrium is

reached band bending at the junctions occurs such that the Fermi level is constant

throughout. Before we assess the effect of a temperature gradient in this complete device

it is helpful first to observe the effect of a temperature gradient in a metal as shown in

Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3. “Soft” and “hard” Fermi distributions corresponding to hot and cold sides
of a metal. Figure adapted from Föll.12

The Fermi-Dirac distribution describes the average number of electrons at

different energy levels and temperatures, , and is of the form

f E , T  
 E    / k BT
e 1

where is the energy of the particle and is the chemical potential. At low temperatures

a ―hard‖ distribution is obtained whereas at high temperatures a ―soft‖ distribution is

observed. A higher temperature distribution has a higher concentration of electrons above

the Fermi level. Therefore, a temperature gradient leads to a concentration gradient and

diffusion of electrons from the hot side to the cold side occurs for two reasons. First,

electrons move to lower energy states on the cold side and in doing so remove the

concentration gradient. Second, the electrons on the hot side have a larger momentum

than those on the cold side and therefore diffuse faster towards the cold side than cold

electrons diffuse away.12

In a thermoelectric device a temperature gradient across the semiconductor

regions also results in a concentration gradient. With increasing temperature the Fermi

level moves closer to the band edges (in agreement with Equations 1.1 and 1.2) because

carriers are thermally activated. This results in further distortions of the bands (see Figure

1.4) and diffusion of electrons and holes across the semiconductor from the hot side to

the cold side.

As higher energy electrons and holes diffuse towards the cold side they leave

behind their charged donors and acceptors respectively. This displacement of charged

carriers leads to the development of an electric field across the semiconductor causing

backflow of current. Eventually a steady-state equilibrium is reached between backflow

of current driven by the electric field and diffusion current driven by the concentration

gradient. The governing equations are derived from the Drift-Diffusion model.13 The

current density for electrons and holes respectively are as follows:

 dV dn 1.4
j n  qnvn  qDn
dx dx

 dV dp 1.5
j p  qpv p  qD p
dx dx

Figure 1.4. Band diagrams for a thermoelectric power generation device in a thermal
gradient before (a) and after (b) steady-state equilibrium is reached. Holes and electrons
in the valence and conduction bands are shown in white and black respectively. Negative
charges (ionized acceptors, displaced electrons) and positive charges (ionized donors,
displaced holes) are shown in blue and red respectively.

where is the fundamental charge, and are the electron and hole carrier

concentrations, and are mobilities of electrons and holes, and are diffusion

coefficients for electrons and holes respectively. The first term of Equations 1.4 and 1.5

represent the drift term, or how a charged particle moves due to an applied electric field,

and the second term represents diffusion or how a particle moves due to a concentration


The Drift-Diffusion model assumes a constant temperature throughout the device

which is obviously not the case in a thermoelectric device. However, if material

properties do not change with position then we can rewrite Equations 1.4 and 1.5 using

the temperature gradient instead of the concentration gradient and replacing the diffusion

coefficient with the Seebeck coefficient, , (also called thermopower)

 dV dT 1.6
j n  qn  qS n
dx dx

 dV dT 1.7
j p  qp  qS p
dx dx .

The Seebeck coefficient is the electric field, , or voltage differential across a temperature


 V 1.8
S 
T T .

The sign of the Seebeck coefficient is defined as positive if the electric field is in the

same direction as the temperature gradient such that the higher temperature end of a

material would have the lower potential.

Figure 1.4 clearly shows that as an electron travels from left to right through the

device heat must be absorbed from the middle metal region (hot side) and released at the

outer metal regions (cold side). This is consistent with the energy band diagram. For

example, an electron travels from the hot metal into the conduction band of the n-type

semiconductor at a higher energy level by absorbing energy. As electrons are transported

from the hot side to the cold side of the semiconductor they carry heat with them and

when they leave the conduction band to re-enter the metal they go from high energy to

low and must release heat to do so.

1.2.2 Refrigeration Mode

Having just explained in detail the operation of a thermoelectric device in power

generation mode it is a simple thing to describe the operation of a thermoelectric device

in refrigeration mode. These so called Peltier coolers rely on the Peltier effect defined as

the heat loss per unit time, as current, , travels through a junction between two

materials A and B, or

  A   B I

where and are the Peltier coefficients of the two materials. The Peltier coefficient

itself is related to the Seebeck coefficient by the relation

  ST . 1.10

The band diagram for a thermoelectric cooler, shown in Figure 1.5, is instructive

to see how the same device used for power generation can also be used for active cooling

when an external potential is applied across the device. From left to right, an electron

must release heat at the metal/p-type junction, absorb heat at the p-type/metal and

metal/n-type junctions, and finally release heat at the n-type/metal junction. The result is

that the outer metal regions act as heat sinks and active cooling is achieved in the central

metal region. This heat transfer makes sense physically because the p-type material

valance band is at a lower energy level than the metal and the n-type material conduction

band is at a higher energy level than the metal.

Figure 1.5. Band diagram for a thermoelectric cooler. An external potential across the
device directs a current through the material where carriers absorb heat from the central
metal region and release it on the outer regions to achieve active, solid-state cooling.
Figure redrawn from Tamer et al.14

1.3 Thermal and Electrical Transport

Consider a thermoelectric couple (refrigeration mode) such as the one shown in

Figure 1.1 with two thermoelectric elements (n and p-type) of length and cross-
sectional area . Following the treatment by others, the heat flow rate across the

respective elements is

dT 1.11
Qn   S n IT   n A

dT 1.12
Q p  S p IT   p A

where and are the thermal conductivities of the n and p-type materials. The first

term represents the heat transported by the electrical carriers themselves and the second

term represents the heat transported due to the temperature gradient. In the refrigeration

mode, contrary to power generation mode, the heat flow from electrical carriers is

opposite that of thermal conduction, hence the opposite sign. Additionally, due to Joule

heating there is actually heat being generated within the elements themselves at a rate per

unit length shown by the following

 d 2T I 2  n 1.13
n A 
dx 2 A

 d 2T I  p 1.14

 p A 
dx 2 A

where and are the electrical resistivities of the two elements. Applying the boundary

conditions that at and at for the cold and hot sides

respectively, solving the differential equations and substituting back into the original heat

flow rate Equations 1.11 and 1.12 we obtain the following

 n ATH  TC  I 2n L 1.15

Qn   S n ITC  
L 2A

 p ATH  TC  I 2 pL 1.16
Q p  S p ITC  
L 2A .

The total rate of heat transferred across the couple (the cooling power at the heat

sink) is the combination of the heat transferred across n and p-type elements. Summing

Equations 1.15 and 1.16 we obtain

   p A    p I 2 L 1.17
Q  SITC  TH  TC  
n n

L 2A

where . Recall that the legs are connected in parallel thermally but in series

electrically. Therefore the thermal resistance, , and the electrical resistance, , can be

written as

n A  p A 1.18
 

n L pL 1.19
 
A A .

Therefore, Equation 1.17 simplifies to

I 2 1.20
Q  SITC   TH  TC  
2 .

We can derive the power, , consumed in each leg in much the same way

I 2 n L 1.21
Pn   S n I TH  TC  

I 2 pL 1.22
Pp  S p I TH  TC  

and the total power for the thermoelectric couple is the sum

P  SI TH  TC   I 2  1.23

1.3.1 Efficiency and Coefficient of Performance

A crucial attribute of all thermoelectric materials is their efficiency in converting

between heat and electricity. A high cost, low efficiency thermoelectric device may not

be justified especially considering alternative, competing technologies18,19 such as the

Stirling engines which tend to be more efficient though bulkier and featuring moving

parts.20 The total device efficiency for a cooler, often called the coefficient of

performance, is simply the heat transported divided by the power supplied (Equations

1.20 and 1.23)

I 
2 1.24
SITC   TH  TC  
  2
P SI TH  TC   I 2  .

Heikes16 showed that by taking the derivative of Equation 1.24 with respect to current

and setting this to zero a current corresponding to maximum efficiency, , can be



 I 2 S TC  TH   4 I TC  TH   2S TC  TH 
 1.25
I 2 I 2 I  S TC  TH 

2    1 / 2S 2 TC  TH TC  TH  2 TC  TH  1.26

I max  
S  TC  TH  S TC  TH 

Finally, substituting back into Equation 1.24 we obtain

TH 1.27
1  ZTm 
 
P TH  TC 1  ZTm  1

where and we introduce the dimensionless figure of merit, ZT, to be

discussed in detail in the next section

S2 1.28
ZTm  Tm

or, more commonly

S 2 1.29
ZTm  Tm
e  L

where σ is the electrical conductivity and and are the electronic and lattice

contributions to thermal conductivity. Similarly, we can express the efficiency, , of

power generation by dividing the power extracted by the total heat energy absorbed to


P TH  TC 1  ZTm  1 1.30
 
1  ZTm  C .

1.4 Thermoelectric Figure of Merit

An interesting feature of the thermoelectric figure of merit is that it has no upper

limit such that as ZT approaches ∞ Equation 1.27 and 1.30 reduce to the Carnot

efficiency for a heat pump and power generator respectively. An illustration of this can

be seen in Figure 1.6 where the efficiency is plotted against , the heat source

temperature, for different ZT values as well as other energy sources such as geothermal,

solar, coal and nuclear using different thermodynamic engine cycles (Rankine, Stirling,

Brayton etc.).21,22 However, despite this potential for high efficiency the best ZT values,

even for state-of-the-art thermoelectric materials remain between 1 and 2.

Figure 1.6. Efficiency plotted against , heat source temperature, for different figure of
merit values. For comparison the efficiency of other energy sources and engine cycles
are included. Figure redrawn from Vining.20

Achieving increases in ZT are notoriously difficult as evidenced by the

remarkably slow improvement over the last 60 years since Goldsmid et al. initially

demonstrated thermoelectric refrigeration using Bi2Te3;23 an event that began the modern

era of thermoelectric materials research. The majority of thermoelectric devices still use

this material and ZT values have increased only slightly.

The reason for such low ZT values is because the three materials properties

involved, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and Seebeck coefficient are not

entirely independent from one another. This interdependence can be visualized in Figure

1.7 where representative curves for the properties are depicted against carrier

concentration from insulating to metallic. If, for instance, the carrier concentration is

increased to enhance electrical conductivity this will reduce the Seebeck coefficient and

increase the electrical contribution to thermal conductivity such that there may be no

overall improvement in ZT. Typically, the highest figure of merit values are not obtained

in insulators (large thermopower) or metals (large electrical conductivity), but rather in

semiconductors with carrier concentrations between 1018 and 1019 cm-3.24,25

For metals, the electrical and thermal conductivity are related through the

Wiedemann-Franz law

  2  kB 
2 1.31
L0  e   
T 3  q 

Figure 1.7. Typical trends in thermoelectric properties and figure of merit for different
classes of materials. The abscissa roughly corresponds to a carrier concentration range
from 1018-1021 cm-3. Figure redrawn from Snyder et al.25

where is the Lorenz constant equal to 2.44×10-8 W Ω K-2. Using this relation we can

rewrite Equation 1.29 as

  1.32
S 2
1 
ZT   
L0  1   L  .
 e
 

With the electrical conductivity essentially dictating the electronic contribution to thermal

conductivity this leaves only the possibility of reducing the lattice contribution or

increasing the Seebeck coefficient.

In an effort to maintain high electrical conductivity but reduce the lattice thermal

conductivity, or heat transferred via phonons, Slack proposed the ―Phonon Glass and

Electron Crystal‖ (PGEC) concecpt.26 Since the mid 90‘s virtually all the major progress

in ZT for thermoelectric materials has been due to reduction in lattice thermal

conductivity, rather than enhancing the electrical conductivity or thermopower. The

techniques for reducing thermal conductivity are extensive and the detailed methods are

beyond the scope of this dissertation. A few examples include using ―rattling‖ structures

such as clathrates27,28 or skutterudites, 29–32 structures with point defects, 33–38 anisotropic

and substructured crystals,39–45 mass or alloy scattering,34,38,46–50 nanoengineered

materials and superlattices26,51–65 and complex or disordered crystal structures such as

zintl and half-heusler compounds.27,28,66–69

Having laid the groundwork for understanding thermoelectric device operation,

applications, efficiency and potential we can now focus on a more detailed look at

thermopower in an unconventional class of thermoelectric materials; oxides.

Chapter 2. Thermopower in Oxides

Oxide materials play an indispensable role in a wide range of technological

applications including electronics, magnetic devices, sensors, fuel cells, refractories,

thermal barrier coatings, optical devices, biomaterials and many more. Nevertheless,

oxides were initially overlooked in the search for high ZT materials because, typically

insulators, they exhibit very low electrical conductivity and most also have a low average

atomic mass relative to many traditional thermoelectric materials and therefore a higher

atomic vibration frequency and thermal conductivity. In this chapter the potential

advantages for oxide thermoelectric materials will be highlighted and a case will be made

for their use in place of traditional semiconductor materials based on the large Seebeck

coefficient values that can be obtained. A survey of the relevant literature will be

presented and the fundamentals governing thermopower in band conducting and small-

polaron conducting oxides will be described.

2.1 Why Oxides?

By far the most commonly used thermoelectric material is Bi2Te3 alloyed with

either Sb or Se with an estimated production of 30 tonnes annually. The next largest in

production is PbTe at 2-4 tonnes annually. The reliance on these materials is troublesome

partly because of their toxicity (Sb, Se, Pb), which will limit some applications, but more

so because of the scarcity and cost of tellurium which at 1 ppb in the earth‘s crust is even

rarer than platinum (37 ppb). The USGS classifies tellurium as one of the nine rarest

metals70 and the DOE lists it as a critically scarce energy material.71 Tellurium is not

mined independently, but is an anodic byproduct of copper refining. Because of its

scarcity and increasing use in technology, such as CdTe solar panels, the cost of tellurium

has risen dramatically from 3.86$/lb in 2000 to over 150$/lb now.72 Many traditional

thermoelectric materials are also limited to operation at lower temperatures to avoid

sublimation, oxidation or decomposition. In comparison, oxide thermoelectrics generally

benefit from being non-toxic, relying on more abundant transition metals, having very

good high temperature stability and corrosion resistance and facile synthesis.

Moreover, many of the best thermoelectric materials, such as Zintl compounds

and clathrates, exhibit thermal conductivity nearing the theoretical minimum thermal

conductivity, . A phonon wavelength cannot be arbitrarily small because the wave

consists of displaced atoms and a wavelength shorter than the interatomic distance is not

physically meaningful. As a result, further reduction in and subsequent increase in ZT

are approaching their limit. Furthermore, the nanostructured features necessary for many

phonon scattering approaches are unstable at high temperature and prone to coarsening

which leads, in turn, to a reduction in ZT. Having minimized the denominator in

Equation 1.29, future approaches to increase ZT must include an increase in the

numerator, the power factor, .

2.2 Band Conductors

Degenerately doped semiconductors have metallic-like electrical resistivity and

the Seebeck coefficient is characteristically linear with respect to temperature. For oxides

fitting these criteria it is possible to apply the thermopower expression for a single band

metal. To do so we rely on the Mott formula73 relating thermopower to the energy partial

differential of the electrical conductivity evaluated at the Fermi energy. This expression

can be derived from the basic electrical and thermal current transport equations involving

an electric field and thermal gradient

je  L11  L12T 2.1

jheat  L21  L22T 2.2

We notice at once that these equations are simply generalized forms of Equations 1.6 and

1.7 that were derived in the last chapter. Thermopower is the ratio of the matrix elements

 L21 2.3


L11   2.4

 2 k B T 2  E  2.5
L21  T L12 
3q E E  EF

such that

 2 k B T  ln  E  2.6

3 q E E  EF .

The electrical conductivity of a single band metal with parabolic band approximation is

given by 74

2q 2 df E  2.7
 E    N E E dE
3m dE

where is the effective mass of the carrier, is the carrier scattering time, is the

Fermi-Dirac distribution (Equation 1.3) and is the density of states. Expressing

Equation 2.7 in terms of the density of states and carrier concentration, , we have 75

 2 k B 2T N E  2.8
3 q n E  EF .

The inverse dependence on carrier concentration alluded to in Figure 1.7 is now clear.

Similarly, expressing electrical conductivity in terms of carrier mobility, , concentration,

or , and charge, , we see the proportional dependence on carrier concentration

  nq n ,   pq p . 2.9

The carrier mobility itself depends on the effective mass of the carrier and the carrier

collision time (or time between scattering events) as

q n q p 2.10
n   
mn , mp .

Examining Equations 2.8 and 2.9 and acknowledging the inherent performance

trade-off with respect to carrier concentration, it becomes evident that an increase in

power factor ( ) for band conducting oxides must rely on one of three approaches:

increasing the density of states in the vicinity of the Fermi level, increasing the time

between collisions or minimizing the effective mass of the carrier.

In 1993 Hicks and Dresselhaus identified quantum confinement as a route by

which the density of states could be sharpened leading to an increase in Seebeck

coefficient.76 However, experiments have yet to show definitively that enhancement in

ZT in nanostructured materials is actually due to increased Seebeck coefficient, more

likely is that the nanostructuring (multiple quantum wells devices of Eu doped PbTe for

example) imposed interfaces that effectively scattered phonons, reducing .77–80

The strong ionic character of oxides resulting from the large difference in

electronegativity between cations and oxygen has meant low carrier mobility (short

scattering times, narrow bands, high effective mass) relative to traditional semiconductors

for degenerately doped semiconducting oxides.81 Taken together with the lower average

atomic mass (higher vibrational frequency and therefore thermal conductivity) of oxides

relative to traditional materials it is not surprising that the ZT values of even the best

band conducting oxide materials (Al,In,Ga)-doped ZnO,82–88 (La,Mo,Nb,Bi,Yb)-doped

CaMnO3,89–98 (Nb,La)-doped SrTiO3 perovskites,99–103 (Ge,Ni,Cu,Mg,Ca,Sn,Zn)-doped

82,104–108 40,109
In2O3, or La-doped Sr2Nb2O7 are still inferior to traditional thermoelectric


2.3 Strongly Correlated Systems

In 1997 Terasaki et al.42 found that NaCo2O4 crystals exhibited metallic electrical

conductivity (0.2 mΩ cm) and, shockingly, had the large value for thermopower of 100

μV/K. Of equal surprise was that the Seebeck coefficient didn‘t have the characteristic

linear temperature dependence, but rather, at high temperatures the thermopower

transitioned to roughly 200 μV/K (see Figure 2.1).110

Figure 2.1. Thermopower plotted as a function of a temperature for polycrystalline and
single crystal NaCo2O4 samples. Figure redrawn from Fujita et al.110

This large thermopower at high temperatures (~800K), taken with the metallic

electrical conductivity gave NaCo2O4 a ZT of ~1, a dramatic improvement over previous

oxide thermoelectrics and one that made oxides competitive with traditional

thermoelectric materials. The origin of this thermopower in a material with such a large

carrier density (~1022 cm-3) was at the time completely unknown. For example, the
original high temperature formula for thermopower proposed by Heikes in 1961 and

bearing his name is given by

kB  y  2.11
S ln   
q  1  y 

where is the carrier concentration and β is an electronic degeneracy parameter. This

expression was unable to adequately explain both the magnitude and temperature

dependence in NaCo2O4. As the next section will describe, in strongly correlated

materials, or ones where the charge carrier interactions must be included, the physics of

thermopower are significantly modified.

Eventually, in 2000 Koshibae et al.111–114 proposed a modified version of the

Heikes formula which accounted for the often overlooked spin and orbital contributions

to entropy and therefore thermopower. The modification also considered the large

exchange of entropy between the two ions involved in conduction on sites (I) and (II) and

therefore includes the ratio of electronic degeneracy, ⁄ , and is of the form

k B  g ( I ) y  2.12
S ln
q  g ( II ) 1  y  .

This modified formula not only explained the large magnitude of thermopower in

NaCo2O4, but also accounted for a low-spin (LS) to high-spin (HS) transition in spin state

(mitigated by increasing thermal energy) which provided the alteration in spin and orbital

degeneracy to explain the thermopower temperature dependence. The detailed derivation

of Koshibae et al.‘s modified Heikes formula will be detailed in Section 2.3.1 and its

application to NaCo2O4 will be laid out in Section 2.3.2.

Naturally, in the wake of measuring such remarkable thermoelectric properties in

NaCo2O4 many other strongly correlated oxide systems were examined. To date,

Koshibae et al.‘s modified Heikes formula has described the thermopower of many

compounds such as NaCo2O4115–120 and other structures116,121–130 containing edge-shared

CoO2 layers such as Ca2Co2O5, Ca3Co4O9 or members of the (Bi,Pb)-(Ca,Sr,Ba)-Co-O

system, cobalt perovskites La1-xSrxCoO3,131 layered rhodium oxides,132,133

orthochromites,134,135 manganese perovskites Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and double-perovskites

Ca(Mn3-yCuy)Mn4O12 and spinels LiMn2O4,137 Co3O4,138 iron based structures

SrFeOx,139 and RBaCo2O5+x (R=Gd, Nd).140

2.3.1 Thermopower Due to Spin and Orbital Degeneracy

Thermopower is frequently used as a means to determine the sign and

concentration of carriers in metals and semiconductors because thermopower is a

measurement of the entropy per carrier in a system. An oversimplification often occurs

where only the entropy from charge is considered ignoring the fact that the carriers also

have spin and orbital degrees of freedom. Including these components is key to Koshibae

et al.‘s modified Heikes formula for thermopower in strongly correlated systems.

Before we begin discussing the role of spin and orbital degeneracy we must

derive modified dynamical thermoelectric linear response expressions. The linear

response expressions shown in Equations 2.1 and 2.2 do not satisfy Onsager‘s reciprocity

relation, . Following Koshibae et al. 114 we consider an irreversible system with

a net generation of entropy and in addition to electric potential and temperature gradient

we include the chemical potential as particles move from the hot to the cold side. When

particles and energy is transferred from the hot to cold side of a thermoelectric

system the change in entropy on the cold and hot sides are given by

E  T  2.13
scold    N

E  T  T   q 2.14
shot    N.
T  T T  T

The rate of change of entropy is then

ds d scold  shot  d E   T  dn  q     2.15

   2      T   .
dt dt dt  T  dt  T T  T 

On the right hand side of Equation 2.15 we see the particle and energy current, dn/dt and

d(ΔE)/dt, multiplied by coefficients allowing us to express the driving forces for particle

and energy currents

q    q      2.16
  T    x    
T T  T   T x x  T 

T  1 2.17
  x   .
T 2
x  T 

With these generalized driving forces we are now able express the dynamical

thermoelectric response expressions

 q       1 2.18
j1  M 11      M 12  
 T x x  T  x  T 

 q       1 2.19
j2  M 12      M 22  
 T x x  T  x  T 

where and represent particle and energy flux densities. These expressions now

satisfy Onsager‘s reciprocity relation, . At steady state there are electric and

diffusive forces but there is also an interference between the heat and electric currents. 114

The expression for thermopower in steady state ( ) can be determined as the ratio of

the gradients of electro-chemical potential and the temperature

  1    1 M 12   T T 2.20
         S
 x q x   qT M 11 eT  x x


1 M 12  2.21
S  
qT M 11 qT .

The first term on the left hand side of Equation 2.21 has kinetic coefficients which

are experimentally determined. Fortunately, we will now show that these kinetic

coefficients are approximately constant at high temperatures meaning the first term

approaches zero. Using the Kubo formalism, an application of an external perturbation on

linear response, the Hamiltonian in the Hubbard model can be written as

 c     2.22
H t *
I c II  c II*  cI  J   s I s I 1 
I , II  I  

where ̅ is the transfer integral of an electron between neighboring sites, cI and c II are

creation and annihilation operators for electrons of spin at sites and

. is the antiferromagnetic superexchange interaction between neighboring spins. The

transport coefficients are defined as

 d Tre 
1 / k BT 2.23
M 1b   dt  H  N  / k BT
j1  t  i  jb
0 0

where N is the number of electrons, Tr is the trace, or summation over a complete set of

states, is the particle and thermal flux operators. At high temperatures

or then and can be considered constant Equation 2.21

reduces to

 2.24
qT .

If we apply the thermodynamic identity for chemical potential

  s  2.25
  
T  N  E ,V .

where is entropy and N is the number of particles we can rewrite Equation 2.24 as

1  s  2.26
S   
q  N  E ,V .

As entropy can be written as where is the electronic degeneracy, not

Gibbs free energy. Substituting this in Equation 2.26 we obtain

k B   ln g   2.27
S   
q  N  E ,V .

The degeneracy is calculated as follows. Each site has two orbitals that can either be

occupied or doubly occupied; these conditions will be labeled (I) and (II) respectively.

The total number of ways to arrange these two kinds of sites is given by 112

  g    N  L!L2! L  N !
g  g I 
2 L N
N L 2.28

where and are the degeneracies of sites (I) and (II) and is the number of

electrons in unit cells. Applying Stirlings approximation to Equation 2.28 we finally

can rewrite Equation 2.27 as

ln g I   ln g II    k B ln  y 
   
kB 2.29
q q 1  y 

where or, more simply

k B  g  I  y  2.30
S ln
q  g  II  1  y 

which is the same as Equation 2.12; Koshibae et al.‘s modified Heikes formula. Equation

2.30 demonstrates fraction of conducting sites, y/(1-y) plays an important role in both the

magnitude and the sign of a material‘s thermopower (see Figure 2.2). Equally important,

Figure 2.2. Thermopower calculated from Koshibae et al.’s modified Heikes formula
plotted against carrier concentration.

however, is the ratio of the electronic degeneracies for the ions involved in conduction. A

large ratio in degeneracy yields a large contribution to thermopower from spin and orbital


2.3.2 Thermopower in NaCo2O4 and derivative structures

The crystal structure of NaCo2O4 was identified in 1974 by Jansen and Hoppe.141

The compound crystallizes in the P63/mmc space group and consists of a naturally

divided unit cell with layers of edge shared CoO2 octahedra (CdI2 type, triangular lattice)

separated by filled or partially filled layers Na atoms (see Figure 2.3). The sodium atoms

donate their valence electron to the CoO2 layer explaining the large carrier density (~1022


Figure 2.3. Crystal structure of NaCo2O4. Yellow atoms are sodium, blue-red octahedral
are CoO6.

For the stoichiometric compound the average oxidation state of the Co ion is +3.5.

Since ions can‘t have half of an electron this really implies that there is equal numbers of

Co3+ and Co4+ or Co ions with 6 and 5 d shell electrons, respectively. Because of electron

shell overlap from the 2p orbitals of surrounding oxygen atoms (octahedral crystal field)

the 5 d shell orbitals for the cobalt ion split into two bands: a lower energy, triply

degenerate band ( , , and ) and a higher energy, doubly degenerate band

( and ). The different ways in which Co3+ and Co4+ can arrange their electrons

in these bands are shown in Figure 2.4 along with the electronic degeneracy calculated as

the product of spin and orbital degeneracy

g  g spin g orbital . 2.31


g spin  2  1 2.32

where is the total spin and is simply the number of configurations possible for

distributing spins between energy states.

Figure 2.4. Electronic degeneracy of Co3+ and Co4+ ions in an octahedral crystal field
with low, intermediate and high spin states. The total spin, number of configurations and
electronic degeneracy are calculated.

Consider electron hopping between cobalt ions in the low spin (LS) state. The

band of the Co3+ ion is completely filled but the Co4+ ion has an unfilled band and acts as

a hole donor. For a stoichiometric compound, [ ] [ ] , applying the

electronic degeneracies, and and substituting into Equation 2.30 the

calculated thermopower is

k B  1 0.5  2.33
S  ln    154 V / K
e  6 1  0.5 

which agrees fairly well with the low temperature experimental thermopower of 100

μV/K.42 Notably, as an electron hops from a Co3+ to a Co4+ the sites exchange a large

entropy and the electron current flows opposite the current of entropy. At high

temperatures magnetic measurements suggest a spin state transition in Co4+ ions from

low spin to high spin (HS).142,143 If both LS and HS states are available to Co4+ ions then

the total electronic degeneracy is and the calculated thermopower

would be

k B  1 0.5  2.34
S  ln    214 V / K
e  12 1  0.5 

in good agreement with the experimental thermopower at high temperatures (200 μV/K).

2.4 Modified Heikes Formula as a Screening Tool for New Materials

In the previous section we discussed the unusually large thermopower discovered

in NaCo2O4 and derived the governing equations for thermopower accounting for both

spin and orbital degeneracy in strongly correlated systems. A number of new oxides

related to NaCo2O4 have been identified with large ZT values, particularly single crystals,

but efficiencies are still too low in bulk, polycrystalline ceramics. Additionally, some

authors have suggested that a ‗spin blockade‘ phenomenon (shown in Figure 2.5) can

lead to systematically lower efficiencies in n-type materials relative to their p-type

counterparts.24 Spin blockade occurs when the transport of an electron would lower the

spin state to an energetically unfavorable transient state thus restricting electrical

current.144,145 Finally, a relatively small number of ion pairs, such as Co3+ and Co4+, have

been examined and almost all compounds have featured ions in octahedral crystal fields.

There exists an opportunity to establish a methodology using Koshibae et al.‘s modified

Heikes formula to screen for new high efficiency oxide materials looking, in particular,

towards new ion pairs and different crystal fields.

Figure 2.5. The spin blockade phenomenon. Redrawn from Hébert and Maignan.24

2.4.1 Alternate Crystal Fields

The majority of transition metals crystallize in structures where they are

octahedrally coordinated by anions. In fact, the (MO6) (M=cation) octahedral unit is a

fundamental building block for an enormous variety of compounds and structures.

Structures exist where these polyhedra are corner shared (perovskites), edge shared

(cordierite) and even face shared (sapphire).146 Nevertheless, many other coordinations

are possible depending on the size and bonding of the cation. Some examples include,

tetrahedral, rhombohedral, dodecahedral, cubic, trigonal bipyramidal, planar, pyramidal

etc. The crystal fields for a few of these alternative coordinations are determined by

ligand field theory and are shown in Figure 2.6.

In Section 2.3.1 we explained why it isn‘t sufficient for a material to have large

values for and , but rather, the ratio of must also be large in order to

achieve an enhancement in thermopower. However, not all crystal fields are equally

Figure 2.6. The crystal fields for a variety of different coordinations. From left to right
(a) distorted cubic, (b) cubic, (c) dodecahedral, (d) tetrahedral, (e) octahedral, (f)
trigonally distorted octahedral, (g) tetragonally distorted octahedral and (h) highly
distorted six-coordinate. Figure adapted from Burns.147

suited to yield large ratios in thermopower. The octahedral crystal field, for example,

benefits largely from the triply degenerate band. For a LS d6 ion the band is filled

and spin is zero yielding the lowest possible degeneracy value, 1, but if an electron is

either added or removed the total spin becomes ½ and the orbital degeneracy increases to

2 or 3 for the and bands respectively. This advantage is also present in tetrahedral,

cubic and dodecahedral crystal fields which can be thought of as the opposite of

octahedral field; the band is now the lower energy band and the band is higher. Note

that tetrahedral coordinations lack a center of symmetry so the subscript in the and

bands is removed in Point Group nomenclature.

Another distinction is that the crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE),

sometimes called 10dq, Δ, and defined as the energy distance between the bands is

different for tetrahedral, dodecahedral, cubic and octahedral crystal fields. In general the

CFSE increases in the same order . Electron occupancy is ultimately

the result of a competition between Hund‘s Rule coupling and CFSE. The implication is

that relative to the octahedral crystal field, less thermal energy is necessary to allow ions

to stabilize in intermediate or high spin states. This, too, could be advantageous for

tetrahedral, cubic or dodecahedrally coordinated ions. If multiple spin states are stabilized

then the degeneracies of each state would sum together and could potentially result in

very large total electronic degeneracies. This was the case for NaCo2O4 at very high

temperatures where both LS, ( ) , and HS, ( ) , Co4+ ions are stabilized

and the total degeneracy was effectively doubled, 12. One prospective combination of d

shell electrons in the tetrahedral/cubic/dodecahedral coordination is d3 (LS+HS) and d4

(LS) with a degeneracy ratio of 16/1 and a calculated thermopower of -240 μV/K (see

Figure 2.7). A complete list of candidate ion combinations and their degeneracy values,

calculated thermopower and possible crystal structures will be presented in the next


Figure 2.7. Low and high spin states for d3 and d4 ion combinations in a
tetrahedral/cubic/dodecahedral crystal field. Spin, configurations and degeneracy are
calculated. (for cubic and dodecahedral the nomenclature and are used.)

Another interesting possibility is exploring thermopower in the rare-earth

elements because the bonding electrons in the actinides and lanthanides are f shell rather

than d shell. The presence of two additional orbitals could potentially lead to

enhancement in electronic degeneracy ratios. The crystal field for f2 and f3 electrons in an

octahedral crystal field is shown in Figure 2.8. At first glance there appears to be a good

opportunity for large degeneracy ratio; LS 4f2 & LS, HS, or LS+HS 4f3 is 1/6, 1/12 or

1/18 respectively. However, due to shielding from 5s and 5p shells the 4f shell electrons

do not strongly overlap with the orbitals of surrounding ions and therefore the crystal

field effects are rather weak.

Figure 2.8. Crystal field for f shell orbitals in an octahedral crystal field. The 4f (LS)
and 4f (LS and HS) configurations are shown to demonstrate the large ratio in spin and
orbital degeneracy possible. The band is ( ), ( ), and ( ) orbitals,

the band is , , and orbtials, and the band is the orbital.

2.4.2 Selecting Transition Metal Ion Pairs

Identifying the electronic configurations such as 3d3 and 3d4 with potential for

large degeneracy ratios is only the first step in screening for new oxide thermoelectric

materials. Transition metal ions typically have multiple oxidation states and, therefore, a

number of different elements might be suitable for a given electronic configuration. To

achieve 3d3 and 3d4 configurations, for example, combinations of either Cr2+/3+ or Mn3+/4+

would be satisfactory.

To determine which ion pair combination is best suited to achieve an electronic

configuration in a specific stereochemistry, or coordination, it is helpful to examine the

ionic radii. Many experiments have been performed to accurately determine ionic radii in

different coordinations and oxidation states and extensive tables of values now exist.148–

If a radii value has not been reported for a given coordination and oxidation state it

may be an indicator that the arrangement is not thermodynamically favorable. Table 2.1

reports the ionic radii values for candidate ion pairs and we observe that ionic radii for

the ions in dodecahedral sites are not available (NA) indicating they are too small for this

site. In fact, only the largest fit in a cubic site. Rather than searching fruitlessly for a

structure where Mn3+/Mn4+ are in a cubic or dodecahedral coordination we can instead

search for a structure with tetrahedral sites.

Table 2.1. Ionic radii values (Angstroms) for ion pairs of a few select electronic
configurations. NA indicates that no values are available.

Electron configuration Ion Pair CN=4 CN=6 CN=8 CN=12

Cr2+ / Cr3+ NA/0.41 0.73/0.61 NA NA

LS + HS d3 & LS d4
g(I)/g(II) = 16/1
Cubic Tetrahedral or

Mn3+ / Mn4+ NA/0.39 0.58/0.53 NA NA


Mn2+ / Mn3+ 0.66/NA 0.67/0.58 0.96/NA NA

Cr2+ / Mn2+ NA/0.66 0.73/0.67 NA NA

LS d4 & LS + HS d5
g(I)/g(II) = 1/12
Mn3+ / Fe3+ NA/0.49 0.58/0.55 NA/0.78 NA

Fe3+ / Fe4+ 0.49/NA 0.55/0.58 0.78/NA NA

Co2+ / Co3+ 0.58/NA 0.65/0.53 0.9/NA NA

Octahedral or

LS d6 & LS+HS d7
Fe2+ / Co2+ 0.63/0.58 0.61/0.65 0.92/0.9 NA
g(I)/g(II) = 16/1

Co3+ / Ni3+ NA 0.53/0.56 NA NA

d0 & d 1
Ti3+ / Ti4+ NA/0.42 .67/0.61 NA/0.74 NA
g(I)/g(II) = 6/1

Table 2.2. Various ion pairs in different crystal fields with their electron degeneracy
ratio, predicted thermopower and possible crystal structures for candidate materials.

Calculated Possible crystal

Crystal Field d electron combination Ion pairs thermopower structure and
(μV/K) composition

Co2+ / Co3+
LS d 6 & LS+HS d 7 16/1 -240 (Si)[CoFe]O4
Fe2+ / Co2+
LS d 0 & LS d 1 Ti3+ / Ti4+ 6/1 -154

LS d 5 & LS+HS d 6 Fe3+ / Co3+ 1/12 214 (Fe,Co)2Si3O9

Cr2+ / Cr3+
d3 & d4 16/1 -240 (Mn)[Ni1-xCrx]2O4
Mn3+ / Mn4+
Cubic or
Fe3+ / Fe4+
Dodecahedral 4 5
d & d Mn2+ / Mn3+ 1/12 214 (Mn1-xFex)[NiCr]O4
Mn3+ / Fe3+

Once the appropriate ions have been selected a crystal structure hosting these ions

in the desired site can be identified. Table 2.2 lists candidate crystal structures likely to

benefit from enhanced thermopower using Koshibae et al‘s modified Heikes formula.

After describing synthesis and characterization in the next chapter we will

describe our experiments to further explore thermopower with respect to its structure,

crystal field and spin in strongly correlated spinels.

Chapter 3. Synthesis and Characterization: Tools
and Techniques

Previous chapters gave an overview of thermoelectrics describing their operation,

efficiency and materials guidelines and then went on to explain in detail the origin and

governing equations for thermopower in band conducting oxides as well as strongly

correlated systems. Finally, the effect of spin and orbital entropy on thermopower was

illustrated and a screening methodology was developed to identify oxide compounds that

could exhibit large thermopower. This chapter describes the synthesis routes and

characterization tools and techniques employed to investigate new oxide thermoelectric

materials. The methods used for materials synthesis, densification and characterization

are quite standard and many detailed texts describing them are available. Nevertheless, an

overview of the basic principles involved as well as the details regarding application of a

tool or technique to a specific oxide material system is useful.

3.1 Synthesis of Compounds

Let us begin with the synthesis of new materials. The materials science

community is continually developing new and innovative routes to synthesize materials

with improved or unique properties, specific end-shapes, or complex crystal structure and

nanostructured features. Oxide thermoelectrics fall in the inorganic materials and

ceramics category with diverse synthesis techniques ranging from wet chemistry

approaches to polymer derived ceramics to chemical or physical vapor deposition and

many more. We will begin with one of the simplest and most common routes to prepare

materials; the solid-state method.

3.1.1 Solid-state synthesis

Once a composition of interest has been identified one of the first methods used to

make a sample is the solid-state method because of its relative simplicity. If the incorrect

phase or impurities are obtained then more difficult approaches can be considered. The

basic principle is to mix stoichiometric amounts of the constituent oxides in powder form

for a given composition and then to heat the mixture and allow diffusion to achieve

intimate mixing. This so-called ―shake and bake‖ process relies on diffusion of elements

at the molecular level to form a homogenous compound.

For a given temperature the mass diffusion length, , can be approximated by

LD  4 Dt 3.1

where is time and is the material‘s diffusivity given by

 EA  3.2
 RT 
D  D0 e 

where the prefactor, , is the coefficient of diffusion, is an activation energy for

diffusion and R is the gas constant. The coefficient of diffusion is an experimentally

determined value that can range from 10-8 m2/s for small molecules moving interstitially

through a metal to 10-20 m2/s for large molecules in organic materials. Oxides have a

rather low melting point coefficient of diffusivity between 10-12-10-14 m2/s and a

moderately high normalized activation energy between 22-25 .153

Substituting these values into Equation 3.1 and 3.2 and assuming the mixture is held near

the melting point for a week we observe that typical mass diffusion lengths could be as

low as 5-25 nm!

The short diffusion length underscores the importance of aggressively mixing the

precursor powders to minimize the diffusion length and reduce the particle size. Powders

can be ground by hand in a mortar and pestle or they can be dispersed in ethanol and

milled in a ball, attrition or planetary mill with milling media such as zirconia or alumina.

If the powders are calcined and still aren‘t the correct phase or pure the powder can be

milled and the process repeated. For our experiments we used the solid-state method to

make the complex spinel materials FexMn1-xNi2-yCryO4 x=0, ¼, ½, ¾, 1 and y=0,1,2.

However, samples of sufficient purity were only obtained for y=1 composition.

3.1.2 Coprecipitation method

A way to bypass the problem of short diffusion length in material synthesis is to

rely on a wet chemistry technique such as precipitation, coprecipitation or reverse

coprecipitation. In this approach the ions are dissolved entirely into a solution and

intimate mixing is achieved. An important feature of all the different precipitation

techniques is that the ions are dissolved at a specific pH value, normally acidic. The

solution is then mixed dropwise to a buffer solution of the opposite pH such that the

dissolved ions are no longer thermodynamically stable and precipitate immediately into

the solid form leaving behind an aqueous solution of the acid or base. In order to assess

whether the desired ions should be dissolved in a basic or acidic solution a Pourbaix

diagram can be referenced such as the one shown in Figure 3.1 for iron. A Pourbaix

diagram shows the thermodynamically favorable state for an element or compound as a

function of pH and potential (oxidizing or reducing conditions). The precipitate is

normally an amorphous gel, oftentimes a hydroxide or nitrate that must be filtered,

washed several times in alcohol and deionized water before it is dried and calcined to

remove hydroxyl or nitrate groups. A benefit of the precipitate being amorphous is an

increased thermodynamic driving force for crystallization upon heat treating the sample.

Figure 3.1. Pourbaix diagram for iron. Figure used with permission from Früh.154

The majority of compounds are made by dissolving salts such as nitrate

precursors in water or water buffered with HNO3. The dissociation reaction is of the form

M NO3 y  xH 2Os   M y  aq   y NO3

 3.3
aq  .

Where is the oxidation state of metal and denotes an aqueous, or dissolved

species. Oxide precursors with the nominal formula can also be used if nitric

acid is used to help dissolve the ions via the elimination reaction (dehydration)

M z Oz*y / 2 s  2 z H  aq  M y aq   z H 2Ol  . 3.4

Commonly used bases include NaOH or NH3OH and the final precipitation reaction

could be of the form

M  aq   X  aq   2 H  aq   Na  aq   OH  aq   MX s   Na  aq   H 2 Ol  3.5

though amorphous hydroxides are more commonly formed. The nomenclature

coprecitation or reverse coprecipitation refers to whether the ions in solution are added to

the buffer solution dropwise or whether the buffer solution is added to the ion solution

dropwise. One downside to the technique is dealing with insoluble ions, using immiscible

liquid precursors or using multiple ions that precipitate at incompatible pH ranges as was

the case for our experiments. We attempted to synthesize the FexMn1-xNi2-yCryO4 x=0, ¼,

½, ¾, 1 and y=0,1,2 series via coprecipitation but we were unsuccessful because the

elements Fe, Mn, Ni and Cr only had a very narrow window of pH values (7.5 < δ < 8.8)

Table 3.3. Insolubility ranges at 0 volts in pH for Fe, Mn, Ni and Cr elements and

Fe Mn Ni Cr Coprecipitation range

<6 > 7.5 < 8.8 > 5 and < 11.5 7.5 < δ < 8.8

where solids of each element would precipitate (see Table 3.3). Despite repeated

attempts, after each coprecipitation was complete there still remained ions in solution

evidenced by the color in the solution.

3.1.3 Combustion synthesis

The final synthesis route that I‘ll describe in this work is combustion synthesis.

Combustion synthesis combines the relative simplicity of the solid-state method with the

intimate mixing achieved through coprecipitation routes. The idea is to start with

precursors that must decompose during a heat treatment and the remaining elements can

form the desired composition. Consider the combustion of lanthanum carbonate and

manganese oxalate to form LaMnO3

La2 CO3 3  2 MnC2 O4  2 LaMnO3  5 CO2 . 3.6

The combustion can involve solid condensed-state precursor materials (self-propagating

high-temperature synthesis, SHS), liquid precursos (solution combustion synthesis, SCS)

or even gas-phase synthesis. Typical starting materials for SHS are organometallic

compounds (carbonates, oxalates or acetates) and decomposition occurs over a medium

temperatures range. For solution combustion synthesis, however, metal salt (nitrate)

precursors mixed with urea or glycerine as a fuel source are more commonly used and

decomposition occurs at a lower temperature. The precursor materials are mixed in a

crucible and the entire crucible is then put in an oven and the temperature is slowly raised

first to evaporate any liquid and then to combust the materials. A regrettable consequence

of decomposition is the inherent gas byproducts which, for the case of nitrates in

particular, can be dangerous if not performed inside a fume hood. Whether NO2 or N2 is

formed depends on the ratio of NO3- to fuel; if sufficient fuel is present then N2 will form.

Combustion synthesis was invaluable as a synthesis route for all of the

experiments described in this work. In particular, for the FexMn1-xNi2-yCryO4 x=0, ¼, ½,

¾, 1 and y=0,1,2 series the solid-state and coprecipitation methods were unable to

produce dense, crystalline pure phase materials but solution combustion synthesis was

successful. Iron, nickel chromium and manganese nitrate solutions were mixed in a

beaker in appropriate quantitites with a small amount of glycerine and combusted in a

fume hood. We also employed combustion synthesis using solid precursors (lithium,

manganese and magnesium oxalates) to synthesize LiMn2O4 and LixMg1-xMn2O4


3.1.4 Current Assisted Pressure Activated Densification

Synthesis of pure phase, crystalline compounds in powder form facilitates many

structural characterization techniques such as powder diffraction or Raman microscopy.

However, it is often necessary to sinter, or densify the compound into a solid body in

order to measure thermoelectric properties. For example, thermal conductivity requires a

pellet shaped material (10mm diameter, 1-2mm thickness) and rectangular bars are

necessary for thermopower and electrical conductivity measurements (3-10mm length,

2mm width and thickness). There are a variety of methods whereby powders can be

consolidated and sintered into a dense body. The most simple and widely used approach

is to use a die to compact the powders uniaxially into a green, or unfired pellet and then

to sinter the pellet in air to remove the remaining porosity.

In pressureless sintering a reduction in free energy due to reducing surface area

and solid-gas interfaces acts as the driving force for sintering. The driving force can be

increased, however, when a pressure is applied to the compact during heating. One

specific variant of this process is the so-called spark plasma sintering (SPS) technique. In

fact, SPS is a misnomer as there is no spark and no plasma involved causing some to

refer to the technique as current assisted densification (CADPro). The ceramic powders

are compacted under a load into a die normally made of carbon though some higher

strength materials such as SiC are used occasionally. The powder is heated under vacuum

by applying a DC current across the plungers of the die. As the current passes through the

die, or, in the case of electrically conductivity powders, through the powder compact

itself there is Joule heating. Due to the large currents involved very fast heating rates up

to 1000 K/min can be achieved and the applied pressure can significantly lower the

temperatures required for densification. Faster heating rates paired with lower

temperatures makes CADPro an ideal process to retain microstructures because grain

growth is suppressed. Originally it was expected that a pulsed DC current would create a

Figure 3.2. Custom built SPS or CADPro sintering chamber. The chamber is located
within an Instron frame allowing a mechanical load and displacement to be applied and

strong electrical field diffusion effect but the actual role of such an effect is still

debated.157–159 For the LiMn2O4 and LixMg1-xMn2O4 materials we investigated

pressureless sintering was unable to produce sufficiently dense samples so CADPro was

employed on an instrument, developed by Andi Limarga, shown in Figure 3.2. Densities

>90% were routinely achieved.

3.2 Structural Characterization

In order to explore the structure-processing-property relationships fundamental to

materials science information must be obtained about the characteristic features of a

material. There are many structural characterization tools ranging from macrostructural to

meso and microstructural and even probes to examine materials on the atomic scale!

Brandon and Kaplan 160 point out that no single characterization technique is suitable for

examining a structure at all length scales, but rather a compilation of tools applied in

parallel is necessary. They argue that the techniques with the most widespread use are

optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy which rely on visible

light, X-ray radiation and high energy electron beams respectively to probe a material. In

this work we concern ourselves with the details of the crystal structure. Accordingly, we

rely most heavily on diffraction using X-ray radiation and neutrons, a probe of long range

order as it relates to the crystal structure. However, in a secondary role we examine short

range order using Raman microscopy. Lastly, we go beyond looking at structural features

to examine the response of a material to a thermal gradient and an electrical field; namely

electrical and thermal conductivity and thermopower. A discussion of the structure and

properties determined from these techniques will be described in the following sections.

3.2.1 X-Ray Powder Diffraction

Since the initial discovery of X-rays in 1895 and its first application to

crystallography in 1912 X-ray diffraction (XRD) has grown remarkably to become an

entire discipline with many techniques and capabilities. A more complete treatment of the
subject is found elsewhere Nevertheless, it is instructive to at least describe the

principle underlying the technique. XRD is an elastic scattering process whereby an

incident X-ray strikes a material, scatters and the diffracted beam intensity is measured as

a function of incident and diffraction angle. Modern X-ray powder diffractometers use X-

rays produced by colliding a beam of electrons with a metal such as copper, molybdenum

or cobalt and a portion of the energy released is given off as X-rays. The wavelength of

the X-ray depends on electron transitions of inner electron shells and for this reason X-

ray wavelength depends strongly on the anode metal used. The X-ray wavelength can be

further monochromated until a very pure wavelength of light is obtained.

When an incident X-ray beam strikes a material with long range order, such as a

crystal, there is scattering from the lattice planes (see Figure 3.3). If the incident and

diffracted beams are in phase then destructive interference is avoided and a strong signal

can be observed. Geometrically speaking, specular reflection from a crystal with an

interplanar spacing, , can lead to a path difference between the incident beam and the

beams reflected from two parallel planes. In order for these beams to be in phase the path

difference must be equal to an integer multiple of the X-ray wavelength; this is the basis

of the well known Bragg‘s Law

n  2d sin   . 3.7

where is the X-ray wavelength, is the incident angle and n is an integer (1,2,3…).

Figure 3.3. Illustration of X-ray diffraction from lattice planes in an ordered material.
The diagram illustrates the relation between incident angle and lattice plane
separation known as Bragg’s law. Figure used with permission.164

The crystal structure can be assessed by observing diffraction intensity as a

function of angle. In a crystal there are multiple planes of atoms that can cause

diffraction- these are known as Miller indices. The interplanar spacings are a function of

these Miller indices, or what planes are diffracting, and the lattice parameter of the

structure. Following Kaplan and Brandon, for a particular interplanar spacing

corresponding to the plane we can rewrite Equation 3.7 as

  2d hkl sin  . 3.8

where is generally written for any Bragg lattice as

 
 2 C11h 2  C 22 k 2  C33l 2  2C12 hk  2C 23 kl  C31lh .
d V

The volume, V, of the unit cell is defined as

V  abc 1  cos2   cos2   cos2   2 cos cos  cos . 3.10

with lattice parameters a, b and c and unit cell angles α, β and γ. The constants are

given by

 C11  b 2 c 2 sin 2   3.11

 
 C 22  c a sin 
2 2 2

 C33  a b sin 
2 2 2 
 
 C12  abc 2 cos cos   cos  
 
 C 23  a bccos  cos   cos 

 C  ab 2 ccos  cos  cos   

 31 

Substituting Equations 3.10 and 3.11 into Equation 3.9 gives the planar spacings. For

example, a cubic lattice where and the expression simplifies



h2  k 2  l 2  3.12
d2 a2 .

The intensity of a diffracted peak, , contains additional information about the

crystal and depends on a number of factors. Intensity has the general form

1  cos2 2 cos2 2   2 B sin 2   3.13

I  k F2     .

sin 2  cos 1  cos2 2 
PA exp
  

1  cos2 2 cos2 2
where k is a scaling factor, | | is the structure factor,
 
sin 2  cos 1  cos2 2
is the

Lorentz polarization factor determined by sampling geometry, is the multiplicity of the

  2 B sin 2  
reflecting plane, is the absorption correction and exp   is a temperature
  

factor. The complete details of these expressions are beyond the scope of this work, but it

is worth noting that the structure factor, | |, takes into account both the spatial

distribution of atoms in a structure as well as the atomic scattering factor, , which

dictates the individual scattering amplitudes for an atom. For a given reflection the

structure factor for atoms located at in a material is given by

Fhkl   f n exp2ihun  kv n  lwn  .
n 1

The atomic scattering factor has the form

   B sin 2   
  f 0 exp    f '    f ' '2
f 
   2
 

where and are anomalous dispersion factors. The atomic scattering factor is

proportional to the atomic number of an element because X-rays interact primarily with

the electron cloud which increases in size with atomic number. If multiple atoms with

sufficiently different atomic scattering factors at a given angle occupy the same

crystallographic site then the atomic occupancy can be determined.

X-ray diffractometers feature a number of optics to improve the resolution, purity

and intensity of the signal. For example, Soller slits and curved (Göbles) mirror ensure

the beam is parallel and collimated, divergence slits determine the area of sample to

illuminated by the X-ray beam and filters and monochromators remove undesired

impurity wavelengths such as and .

There are many different geometries and conditions for measuring XRD. For the

most part our samples were loose powders placed on a stationary holder made of a

polymer or a zero background holder (ZBH, silicon cut along a non-diffracting plane).

The instrument geometry most commonly employed was Bragg-Brentano theta-theta

scan where both the incident and diffracted beam angles were equal; i.e. the source and

detector both moved during the scan.

A copper anode in a Phillips PANalytical X‘Pert Pro diffractometers (Almelo, the

Netherlands) in continuous scanning mode at 45 kV and 40 mA with vertical theta-theta

geometry was used to produce Cu radiation for LiMn2O4 and LixMg1-xMn2O4

materials. However, compounds containing iron or cobalt such FexMn1-xNi2-yCryO4 x=0,

¼, ½, ¾, 1 and y=0,1,2. and Co3O4 required the use of a cobalt anode at 40 kV and 45

mA in order to minimize absorption and fluorescence and thereby reduce a large

background (see Figure 3.4). High quality scans were obtained by scanning from 20o to

100o with a step size of 0.017o and a rate of 1.4 s/step. Fixed divergence and scattering

slits of 0.5o, 0.02 radian Soller slits and filters and a germanium detector were used.

The height of the sample in the furnace was zeroed by splitting the beam and the tilt was

Figure 3.4. Dispersion factors, and , for the element iron using Cr (left) and Cu
(right) radiation sources. When copper radiation is used it is strongly absorbed and
fluoresced by iron. Images made using FPRIME software.165

corrected by rocking the sample. For high temperature data collection an Anton-Paar

HTK1200N furnace was employed to heat the samples. The temperature fluctuation

within the furnace was less than 1 K and the sample was heated slowly at 5 K/min and

allowed 30 minutes to equilibrate before each scan was performed. Measurements were

carried out in an air atmosphere with the exception of the reduced LiMn2O4 samples

which were measured in argon.

The X-ray diffraction experiments reported in this work relied on both basic

laboratory X-ray diffractometers as well as diffractometers using synchrotron radiation.

The technique is the same except that for the intensity and wavelength of the incident

radiation. Instead of relying on X-ray emissions from a metal as electrons transition

between different shells a synchrotron is a particle accelerator that uses bending magnets

Figure 3.5. Schematic diagram of a synchrotron. The outer ring is a particle accelerator
that has bending magnets (shown in red) used to change the direction of the electron
(radial acceleration) and emit electromagnetic radiation directed into tangentially
situated diffractometers. Image used with permission from EPSIM 3D/JF Santarelli.166

to radially accelerate charged particles causing them to emit electromagnetic radiation at

a specific wavelength. Synchrotron radiation is far more intense than laboratory

diffractometers meaning excellent signal to noise ratio for even small samples.

Laboratory X-ray diffractometers were used to study all of the samples in this work, but

for the samples in the FexMn1-xNi2-yCryO4 x=0, ¼, ½, ¾, 1 and y=0,1,2 series synchrotron

diffraction was also used in an attempt to determine cation distribution. Powders were

prepared in our lab and then sent to Argonne National Laboratory 11-BM beamline and

the diffraction data was then returned for us to perform Rietveld refinement analysis.

3.2.2 Neutron Diffraction

A neutron is a particle generated in a nuclear reactor or spallation source and it

interacts with a material in a fundamentally different way than electromagnetic radiation.

Because of this difference neutron diffraction, first performed in 1945,167 can extract

different information from a material while using essentially the same technique as X-ray

diffraction. In contrast to X-rays, which scatter primarily off the electron cloud, neutrons

interact directly with the nucleus of a material. This has several implications. First, the

penetration depth of neutrons in a material is much greater than X-rays and larger sample

sizes are typically required. Second, since nuclei don‘t have nearly the size range as

electron clouds the atomic number dependence of neutron diffraction is removed. The

atomic scattering factor for neutrons is more random and even isotopes of the same

element are typically different. Third, neutron diffraction intensity does not decrease with

scattering angle as it does in XRD allowing the observation of high angle peaks and very

precise atomic coordinate determination.

Perhaps the most celebrated and useful aspect of neutron diffraction is that

neutrons, having spin but no charge, are sensitive to magnetic moments and are therefore

capable of determining the magnetic structure of materials. When neutron diffraction is

measured for a magnetic material in a cryostat above and below its magnetic ordering

temperature additional peaks corresponding to diffraction from the magnetic structure are

observed. The magnetic moment in an atom derives from the electron cloud however, so

magnetic peaks decrease in intensity at high angle just as XRD peaks do. In our work the

magnetic moment for Co3O4 samples air quenched from different temperatures between

300-1173 K was measured by comparing neutron diffraction collected in a cryostat at 100

K and 1.5 K.

A neutron diffractometer and cryostat is shown in Figure 3.6. Because neutrons

interact less strongly with materials the diffracted signal is much weaker than XRD. This

weak signal means longer scans are necessary. One way to reduce the scan time is to use

an area detector, such as the one shown in Figure 3.6, to measure over a large diffraction

range at the same time. Area detectors can also often measure outside the plane of

diffraction increasing the signal intensity but with a slight reduction in resolution. An

example of this is shown in Figure 3.7 where the Laue cone is visible at low and high

angles and the tradeoff between intensity and resolution is shown.

Figure 3.6. Photograph of a neutron diffractometer with a cryostat (D1B at Institut Laue

Figure 3.7. Neutron diffractometer area detector results, (left) the entire pattern, high,
low and intermediate angles are shown for a measurement, (right) whole detector (blue)
and center region only (red) demonstrating tradeoff between resolution and intensity.

3.2.3 Rietveld Refinement

The majority of XRD users rely on the technique for phase identification of a

material only. A sample is measured and the 2 position and intensity of the observed

peaks are identified and then a search and match software such as Phillips X‘Pert

Highscore, MDI ―Jade‖, or DIFFRACplus is used to match the phase or phases present to

known patterns corresponding to compounds in a database. If the composition of the

sample is unknown and no chemical restrictions can be applied to the database then it can

be extremely difficult to correctly identify the phase using only a stick diagram (position

and intensity). Furthermore, if multiple phases or uncrystallized amorphous content are

present it is much more difficult to accurately determine the phases present and

impossible to ascertain the phase fractions. An example of this can be seen in Figure 3.8

Figure 3.8. Example of a stick diagram to match measured peaks (top pattern) to
candidate structures on file (bottom three patterns).

The Rietveld refinement technique described in this section and originally

formulated by Hugo Rietveld 168 in 1969 can not only verify that phase identification was

done correctly but also uncovers an enormous amount of additional information that X-

ray diffraction can tell a user about a material. The Rietveld method can be applied to

accurately determine lattice parameters, atomic positions, occupancy of atoms per site,

atomic displacement parameters (ADPs), phase fraction including amorphous material

content, preferred orientation, grain size and strain. Additionally the method can account

for sample and instrument errors such as displacement or shift, transparency, zero of the

goniometer and impurity wavelengths. The reason that Rietveld refinement can extract so

much additional information is because it relies on whole profile fitting, rather than

simply search and match based on a stick diagram. Just as there are many search and

match software packages available, there are many Rietveld refinement software

packages available but the most widely used are GSAS (General Structural Analysis

Software) 169,170 and Fullprof.171

The Rietveld refinement method fits a background to the collected diffractogram

data, calculates all the reflected planes, assigns each peak an intensity based on Equation

3.13 and a shape and then refines attributes of the crystal structure or sample/instrument

corrections using a least squares algorithm until the observed diffractogram best matches

a calculated diffractogram. The least squares algorithm minimizes the following function

 1 
2 3.16
M  Wi  I iobs  I icalc 
i  c 

where is a weighting factor (higher intensity values, such as peaks are weighted more

heavily than background values), is the intensity value at each point . The variable is

a scaling factor such that . The quality of the fit is given by the weighted


M 3.17
Rwp  .
 W I 
i i
obs 2

For a given Bragg lattice we can calculate which planes will have

reflections. To do so we solve for all , and values such that Equation 3.14 has a non-

zero result for atoms located at . Peak shapes can be Gaussian in nature as

neutron diffraction peaks are, or they can have a significant Lorentzian component. The

correct profile function, or peak shape, is the one that best fits the data. If the instrument

beam has a large amount of vertical divergence, then asymmetric peaks will be observed,

particularly at low diffraction angles. Fortunately, asymmetry can also be refined.

Quantitative phase analysis is one of the more useful outcomes of analyzing

powder diffraction data. Estimating the phase abundance in a multi-phase material is

challenging. The phase abundance can be determined by indirect methods such as the
Bogue method where the total chemical composition is determined and assuming a

chemical composition for each phase an estimation can be made. Phase fraction can also

be measured by direct methods relying on some property specific to each phase such as

magnetism, selective dissolution, density, image analysis and thermal analysis.

Quantitative phase analysis using powder diffraction is another such direct method. Phase

fraction is determined by ―single peak‖ methods such as Reference Intensity Ratio (RIR)
or by whole pattern methods such as the SMZ method.174,175 More accurate and

precise results are obtained by the SMZ method because overlapping peaks are accounted

for. In Rietveld refinement the intensity of a reflection (or group of reflections), , can be

reduced to

W 3.18
I i  Ci
 D,  *

where is a constant for reflection(s), , in phase , is the weight fraction, is

the density and is the mass absorption coefficient. The intensity is proportional to the

Rietveld scale factor,

I i  S 3.19

and the constant is inversely proportional to the square of the unit cell volume

1 3.20
Ci  .
V  2

The density is given by

ZM  3.21
 D , 

where is the number of formula units in the unit cell and is the molecular mass of the

formula unit. Substituting Equations 3.19-3.21 back into Equation 3.18 and solving for

we obtain

S  ZMV   m* 3.22
W 

where K is a scaling factor necessary to put on an absolute basis. For multiple phases,

the relative weight fraction of n phases would be

S  ZMV  3.23
W  n
 S ZMV 
k 1
k k

Addition of a known amount of a standard allows the determination of absolute weight

fraction of each phase as well as quantitative determination of unknown or amorphous


3.2.4 Raman Microspectroscopy

A final structural characterization technique that we will cover is Raman

Microscopy. Unlike diffraction, Raman scattering of a light source with a material relies

on an inelastic process. Another contrast is the wavelength of light used. XRD of single

crystals can use white light, but as described in the previous section, powder XRD relies

on monochromated X-rays whereas Raman spectroscopy uses laser light in the visible,

near ultraviolet or near infrared range as an excitation source. As with diffraction, a more

exhaustive summary of the technique is described elsewhere.176–178 Let us begin this

section with a brief overview of the different ways light can interact with matter via


Light interacts with the electron cloud and bonds in a material. The majority of

light that is absorbed will cause a molecule to be elevated to a virtual energy level and

when the molecule returns to this state light is reemitted with the same energy. This type

of scattering is an elastic process because there is no change in energy and is known as

Rayleigh scattering. In some cases, however, there is an exchange of energy between the

light and the material (see Figure 3.9). If energy is absorbed by the material, as in Stokes

scattering, then the emitted light must have less energy than the absorbed light (red

shifted). Alternately, if energy is lost by the material, as in anti-Stokes scattering, then the

emitted light is more energetic than the absorbed light (blue shifted). Typically, the

Raman shift in energy, , is on the order of 200-4000 cm-1, the conventional unit of

measurement, and can be expressed as

 1 1  3.24
E     .
  absorbed emitted 

Figure 3.9. Rayleigh and Raman (Stokes and anti-Stokes) scattering. Rayleigh is eleastic
light scattering while Raman scattering is inelastic with a shift in energy between
absorbed and emitted light. Image used with permission.179

As can be seen in Figure 3.9, some molecules in a material will be in the ground

state to start with (Rayleigh and Stokes scattering) and some molecules will be in an

excited vibrational state (anti-Stokes scattering). For a given energy difference between

the excited vibrational state and the ground state, , we can rely on a Boltzmann

distribution to determine the number of molecules in the excited and ground states

and :

N excited g orbital , excited  Ev  3.25

 exp   
N ground g orbital, ground  k BT 

where and are the orbital degeneracies of the excited and

ground state bands. The implication of Equation 3.25 is that there is always a greater

number of molecules in the ground state than in the excited vibrational state. Therefore,

since scattering is related to the number of initial molecules in a state the intensity of

Stokes scattering spectra is always greater than anti-Stokes scattering spectra.

Materials have unique bonding and symmetry so the Raman scattering from the

vibrational modes are material specific and can be used to characterize materials. As

demonstrated in Sections 3.2.1-3.2.3, the crystal and microstructural relationship to

diffraction techniques is very well understood insomuch that calculated patterns can even

be fitted to observed patterns with very good agreement. Vast databases of indexed

patterns exist for a hundreds of thousands of inorganic and organic compounds including

measurements done at non-ambient temperatures and pressures. On the other hand,

Raman spectroscopic characterization of materials is not yet as developed. Despite

efforts, such as the RRUFF project,180 to develop Raman spectra databases similar to

those available for diffraction data the majority of Raman spectroscopy users rely on the

technique to compare samples of different compositions, heat treatments etc. relative to

one another.

Despite its shortcomings, Raman spectroscopy still features many advantages,

especially when paired with optical microscopy. Raman microspectroscopy features good

resolution (<1 μm), very fast data collection and little or no sample preparation. In

addition, Raman scattering is also a probe of a material on a fundamentally different

length scale than diffraction. Vibrational modes observed by Raman spectroscopy are

more indicative of short range order in a crystal than long range.

In our experiments we relied on in-situ Raman microspectroscopy using a

confocal LabRAM ARAMIS Raman Microscope (HORIBA Scientific) using 515 nm

laser beam (Kimmon Electric US, Ltd. IK Series He-Cd LASER Englewood, USA) to

observe a high temperature structural anomaly in spinel Co3O4. Spectra at elevated

temperatures in air were obtained using a Linkam thermal stage (Scientific Instruments

Ltd., Waterford Surrey, England). Spectra were taken from room temperature (298 K) up

to a temperature of 1223 K and vice versa during the heating and cooling ramp (10

K/min), respectively. Spectral treatment, such as baseline adjustment, smoothing and

normalization, was performed using GRAMS software package (Galactic Industries

Corporation Salem, USA).

3.3 Electrical and Thermal Transport

Following the synthesis of materials and their subsequent structural

characterization the final experimental step is measurement of properties. As described in

Chapter 1, for thermoelectric materials, the relevant properties are thermopower,

electrical and thermal conductivity. Although the emphasis of this work is to highlight the

relationships between crystal structure and thermopower specifically, measurements of

electrical and thermal conductivity add a degree of context and insight. We discuss the

experimental methods for these measurements now.

Electrical conductivity and thermopower are normally measured simultaneously

as a function of temperature for thermoelectrics. The diagram for measurement is shown

in Figure 3.10. A bar-shaped sample with dimensions (8-20)×2×2 mm3 is machined to

have coplanar faces and placed between the top and bottom electrodes of the

measurement system. Thermocouple probes are carefully set into contact with the face of

the sample and the distance is measured via camera calibrated to the sample width.

The entire fixture is enclosed in a furnace and for samples vulnerable to oxidation the

chamber can be evacuated and backfilled with an inert gas, such as helium. The furnace

is brought to temperature and allowed to equilibrate.

Thermopower is measured by heating the bottom electrode with an embedded

wire mesh. A temperature difference, , of normally 5, 10, or 20 K is established across

the sample and the potential difference, , is measured for a temperature

Figure 3.10. Thermopower and electrical conductivity measurement schematic.
Operation described in text.

difference, . The ratio of these two measurements is the thermopower (Equation

1.8). The same fixture can be used to measure electrical conductivity. If a constant

current source, , is directed through the sample and the voltage drop is measured across

the thermocouples then we can measure the resistance of the sample between the

thermocouples using Ohm‘s law

V  V2  V1  IR 3.26

where , the sample resistance, is given by

L d1 3.27
R 

recalling that ρ is the resistivity, is the distance between thermocouple probes and is

the cross-sectional area. Electrical conductivity is, of course, the inverse of electrical


Thermal conductivity is a much more difficult property to measure accurately.

Steady-state heat flux methods such as comparative method,181 guarded heat flow

method,182 hot wire method 183

or hot strip method 184
can be used to determine thermal

conductivity directly based on the following heat flux expression

Q T 3.28
  .
t A x

Devices using these methods are the thermal analog to the electrical conductivity

measurement technique just described. These direct measurement techniques have

infamously large uncertainty (>20%) in values though because accurately measuring the

temperature gradient and heat flow rate is difficult. Especially challenging is how to

account for radiative losses at elevated temperatures. An approach used much more

frequently is to measure the thermal diffusivity, , which is related to the thermal

conductivity by the standard relation

   D Cp 3.29

where is the heat capacity at constant pressure and is the sample density. Specific

heat can be easily measured but for our experiments we used the Kopp-Neumann law

given by

N 3.30
C   CiWi
i 1

where is the total specific heat, and is the specific heat and weight fraction of the

-th component of an alloy containing components. Calculating the specific heat from

tabulated values 185 has been shown to be accurate to within 5%. 40

Thermal diffusivity is measured by the laser flash method.186,181 A pellet shaped

sample is heated by a laser pulse on one side and the temperature is measured by an

infrared sensor on the back side of the pellet. The infrared sensor voltage is proportional

to the temperature and is plotted as a function of time. Because the sample is machined

coplanar with diameter much larger than thickness (typically 10mm diameter, 1 mm

thickness) approximately adiabatic boundary conditions exist and the heat flow is roughly

one-dimensional. Following Thambynyagam‘s derivation187 the one-dimensional thermal

diffusion equation is

T  x, t   2 T  x, t  3.31
  T 
t t 2 .

The general solution is of the form

 c  3.32
T  x, t   exp  ct    A sin
x  B cos x
 a a 

and assuming adiabatic boundary conditions for a coplanar sample with no heat flux at

the surfaces this expression can be written as the series

 nx   n 2 2 at  3.33
T  x, t    Bn cos  exp   
n 0  L   L2  .

For a finite pulse of very short duration the change in heat measured at the back face is

 
 n 2 2 at  3.34
T  x  L, t   T 1  2  1 exp   

 n 1  L2  .

where is the change in temperature at the back face after infinite time. Thus

expression can be rearranged to solve for diffusivity with the following approximation

ln 1 / 4 L2 T  3.35
  .
 2 t1/ 2 T 

where is an important parameter defined as the time required for the temperature to

increase halfway from the equilibrium temperature to . A number of models can be

applied to calculate from the temperature time profile such as Clark and Taylor 188 or

Cape and Lehman.189

To minimize radiative transport through the sample it is common practice to coat

both faces with a thin metallic layer (~1μm of gold) using an Effacoater sputtering

system (Ernst F. Fullman Inc, Clifton Park, NY). An additional coating of colloidal

graphite is applied to ensure good absorption and emissivity. The density of the samples

was calculated by the Archimedes method with deionized water as an immersion

medium. A final correction to thermal conductivity was applied for compounds retaining

some residual porosity using the Maxwell equation 190

1 P 3.36
  0 .
1  P

where is the thermal conductivity of the sample porosity, is the thermal conductivity

of the nonporous material, is the porosity and is a geometrical factor equal to ½ for

closed spherical shaped porosity.


Chapter 4. Effect of Structural Distortion and

Anti-site Disorder in Spinels

The previous chapters laid out much of the necessary groundwork for

understanding the experiments I performed. As we described the fundamentals of

thermoelectricity, thermopower, oxide synthesis, phase characterization and property

measurement a recurring theme was that the crystal structure, materials processing,

characterization and properties are inseparably related. Thermal conductivity is reduced

through anti-site disorder, rattling ions and nano-engineered structures. Carrier

concentration has a dramatic effect on electrical conductivity. The intensity, shape and

position of diffracted X-ray reflections provide information regarding elemental

composition, crystal structure, texturing, thermal displacement, grain size and more. The

study of these relationships and many others is the fundamental basis of materials science

as a discipline.

In this chapter we are now able to look in detail at experiments designed

specifically to probe the role of crystal structure on thermopower in oxide

thermoelectrics. Essentially, we are looking most closely at how changes in composition,

structure and disorder will alter the electronic degeneracy ratio and carrier concentration

parameters in the Heikes formula for strongly correlated systems. The effect of Jahn-

Teller structural distortions will be examined in manganate oxides including spinel

LiMn2O4 and the effect of anti-site disorder will be examined in LixMg1-xMn2O4 spinels

and the FexMn1-xNi2-yCryO4 x=0, ¼, ½, ¾, 1 and y=0,1,2 series of spinels.

4.1 Structural Distortions and Thermopower

4.1.1 Common Structural Distortions in Oxides

Structural distortions are quite common in oxides. Take perovskites, one of the

most common oxides, for example. Perovskites have the nominal structure ABO3 and the

ideal structure is cubic (Pm ̅ m) with A site cations surrounded by 12 anions occupying

the cube corners, B site cations surrounded by 6 anions located at the cube center and

oxygen atoms centered on the cube faces. Modeling the ions as space filling hard spheres

with radii , and the ideal structure requires geometrically that the A-O distance

(cube corner to center of cube face, √ ) to be equal to the B-O distance

(center of cube face to center of cube, ). The tolerance factor describes the

deviation from the ideal structure by comparing these distances and is given by the

following expression

rA  rO 4.1
t*  .
2 rB  rO 

For the ideal perovskite structure and this tolerance factor can be used to predict

crystal structure of ABO3 compounds.191 For tolerance factor values near 1, i.e.

, a cubic structure is formed. For larger values a hexagonal

symmetry is favored and for smaller values orthorhombic Pnma crystal

structures will form. Finally, values will result in hexagonal ilmenite type


These changes in symmetry can be accomplished through relatively small

distortions in the crystal structure. This can be seen in compounds with smaller and

larger values leading to tilting of the BO6 octahedra in order to fill space. For

orthorhombic structures the tilting is about the b and c axes and for rhombohedral

structures the tilting is about each axis. This tilting leads to a reduction in coordination

number for A, B or both ions (see Figure 4.1). In addition to tilting, cations can also be

displaced to distort the structure.

Figure 4.1. Examples of ideal and distorted perovskite structures. (left) cubic SrTiO3,
(center) rhombohedral LaAlO3 and (right) orthorhombic CaTiO3. Structures all shown
projected along the b-axis to demonstrate octahedral tilting. Unit cell outline in black.

Another common structural distortion in oxides is a Jahn-Teller distortion. For a

number of electronic configurations, most strongly in HS d4 and d9 and LS d7 and d9 in an

octahedral coordination, the overall energy of a system can be lowered by removing the

orbital degeneracy of the bands.192 Figure 4.2 shows this energy lowering for Jahn-Teller

distortions featuring octahedral HS d4 cations. The lifting of the orbital degeneracy is

accomplished through the contraction of some bonds to ligands and simultaneous

elongation of others. Elongation of bonds leads to greater overlap of electron clouds

between cation and bonded oxygen anion and therefore higher energy of the orbital. By

convention the axis of elongation is labeled z-axis. The spatial displacement of ions

caused by the Jahn-Teller distortion reduces the symmetry of an ideal cubic perovskites

to a tetragonal crystal structure. Jahn-Teller distortions in tetragonal/cubic/dodecahedral

coordinations are less common because the CFSE for these coordinations is smaller and

therefore the energy stabilization benefit of lifting orbital degeneracy is reduced.

4.1.2 The Spinel Crystal Structure

The spinel structure differs from the perovskite structure but it, too, can exhibit

symmetry lowering structural distortions such as tilting, cation displacement and Jahn-

Teller distortions. Spinels have the nominal formula unit AB2O4 where the A site, 8(a), -

43m, is tetrahedrally coordinated and the B site, 16(d), . ̅ m, is octahedrally coordinated.

Figure 4.2. Jahn-Teller distortion examples for d4 cations under axial compression and
elongation along the z-axis.

The anion sublattice is a close-packed cubic structure and cations partially fill the

octahedral and tetrahedral interstices. In terms of polyhedra, the structure contains

perpendicular layers of crisscrossed edge-shared BO6 polyhedra interconnected through

AO4 tetrahedra. The undistorted cubic (Fd ̅ m) and Jahn-Teller distorted tetragonal

(I41/amd) spinel structures are shown in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3. Undistorted (left) and distorted (right) LiMn2O4 crystal structures with A and
B cation sites labeled. Green, purple and red atoms correspond to lithium, manganese
and oxygen respectively.

Before going on, it is necessary to define inversion, a term used frequently with

spinels. A large number of compounds crystallize in the spinel structure. There are 2,3

spinels where the cations have +2 or +3 oxidation states; examples include MgAl2O4,

CuFe2O4, Fe3O4, Mn3O4, Co3O4 and many others. There are also 4,2 spinels where

cations have +4 and +2 oxidation states; examples include TiMg2O4 and SiMg2O4. The

distribution of the different cations is tied intimately to materials properties. A normal

spinel has the A site completely occupied by cations of lower oxidation state as in Co3O4.

Alternately, an inverse, or inverted spinel has no cations of lower oxidation state on the A

site as in Fe3O4. Gorshkov et al. observe that synthetical spinels synthesized at high

temperatures are frequently inverted but naturally occurring spinels are normal.193 The

nomenclature ―partial inversion‖ or ―disordered spinel‖ describes a situation with anti-

site disorder where the lower oxidation state cations partially occupy both A and B sites

as in (Fe2+1-xFe3+x)A[Fe2+xFe3+2-x]BO4. Throughout the remainder of this dissertation the

terms ―A site‖ and ―tetrahedral site‖ or the subscript T are all used interchangeably to

denote the 8(a) cation site in Fd ̅ m space group. Similarly, the terms ―B site‖ and

―octahedral site‖ or the subscript O denote the 16(d) cation site.

Distortions in crystals are strongly related to many properties including electrical

conductivity, thermal conductivity, dielectric constant and colossal magnetoresistance.

Too small ions can rattle on a site to scatter phonons. Cations shifted off site will also

mean a charge is displaced and a dipole will result. We now discuss how a Jahn-Teller

distortion affects thermopower in manganate oxides.

4.1.3 Thermopower and Jahn-Teller Distorted Manganates

In Section 2.4 we described how the modified Heikes formula can be used as a

screening tool for identifying new oxide thermoelectric materials. The search for n-type

materials in particular led researchers to consider strongly correlated compounds with

Mn3+/Mn4+ ion combinations.136 Assuming the ions take a HS undistorted state the

electronic degeneracy ratio in Equation 2.30 is 10/4 and with equal concentrations of

Mn3+/Mn4+ ions the thermopower is given by

k B  10 0.5  4.2
S  ln    79 V / K .
q  4 1  0.5 

Figure 4.4. Spin and orbital degeneracy values for d3 and d4 cations. Jahn-Teller
distortions in Mn3+ ions reduce the orbital degeneracy by a factor of 2.

If, however, the Mn3+ ions are stabilized by a Jahn-Teller distortion then the electronic

degeneracy is reduced to 5/4 (see Figure 4.4) and the thermopower is reduced to

k B  5 0.5  4.3
S  ln    19 V / K .
q  4 1  0.5 

Koshibae et al. predicted that due to the strong likelihood of Mn3+ forming

Jahn-Teller distortions a small n-type thermopower of -19 μV/K is expected in

compounds containing Mn3+/Mn4+ ions. Experiments performed by Kobayashi et al. and

Massarotti et al. seem to confirm this.136,194 The thermopower for the mixed ion

(Mn3+/Mn4+) manganates CaMn3-xCuxMn4O12 x=0, ¼, ½, ¾, 1, Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and

LiMn2O4 were measured up to 1000 K (see Figure 4.5). Despite the different composition

and crystal structures of these compounds (double-perovskite, perovskites, spinel,

respectively) each tended to approach the high temperature thermopower limit of -25

μV/K in close agreement with the Jahn-Teller distorted limit for thermopower. Notably,

though none of the compounds reached the undistorted limit (-79 μV/K), at very high

temperatures (> 950 K) the thermopower of the compounds increased to -32 μV/K and

seemed to approach the undistorted limit perhaps indicating that enough thermal energy

was available to recover the orbital degeneracy by overcoming the Jahn-Teller


Figure 4.5. Thermopower for a variety of mixed ion manganates. The high temperature
theoretical thermopower limit is shown for Jahn-Teller distorted compounds, -ln(5/4),
and undistorted compounds, -ln(10/4). The compounds agree with the distorted limit until
very high temperatures when the orbital degeneracy recovers. Redrawn from Kobayashi
et al.136

Further examination of the thermopower results reported by Massarotti et al. led
us to detect an inconsistency; LiMn2O4 is a spinel and previous studies demonstrate

clearly that a Jahn-Teller distorted tetragonal phase is only observed below 280 K, yet the

high temperature thermopower in Figure 4.5 corresponds to the distorted limit. This

apparent discrepancy motivated us to re-examine this compound and clarify the role of

Jahn-Teller distortions, using high temperature X-ray diffraction, between the crystal

structure of LiMn2O4 and thermopower measurements.

4.2 Enhanced Thermopower in Jahn-Teller distortion free LiMn2O4

Powders of LiMn2O4 were prepared by combustion synthesis and dense samples

were characterized by high temperature X-ray diffraction to ensure a cubic (undistorted)

structure at high temperatures.

Phase composition and structural refinement.

The results of the in-situ heating X-ray diffraction confirmed that in the air-

sintered samples the major phase is an undistorted, cubic spinel-type LiMn2O4 (Fd ̅ m,

a=8.2514 Å, Z=8). At room temperature, there was only 1.5 wt% of the tetragonal phase

(I41/amd, a=5.82 Å, c=8.315 Å, Z=4) and no appreciable amount at elevated temperatures

(Table 4.4, Figure 4.6). The finding of a cubic spinel complements the work of Yamada

et al. who showed that full transition to the tetragonal phase (I41/amd) only occurs below

280 K.195

Figure 4.6. X-Ray diffraction pattern and Rietveld refinement results for LiMn2O4 at 298
K. The weighted residual, Rwp, for the refinement was 3.46% and the fraction of the
undistorted spinel LiMn2O4 phase (Fd ̅ m) was 98.5 wt% with only 1.5 wt% tetragonal
(I41/amd) LiMn2O4 phase. The inset shows the XRD pattern of the (440) reflection for the
Fd ̅ m phase for different temperatures. The lattice parameter increases with temperature
evidenced by the peak shifting to smaller 2θ values. Also, the 298 K peak is considerably
wider than the others because the lower symmetry tetragonal phase includes
convolutions of two closely-spaced additional reflections; (224) at 63.5o and (440) at

The Rietveld refinement of room temperature XRD data is presented in Figure 4.6

with an inset showing elevated temperature data. (Table 4.4 has detailed results for all

temperatures) With increasing temperature the XRD patterns visibly changed (see inset

inFigure 4.6) in two ways: (1) the peaks shifted to smaller 2θ values as thermal expansion

Table 4.4. Structure refinement details for LiMn2O4 measured in air as a function of
temperature (standard deviations in shift shown beneath in parenthesis)

T, K a (Fd ̅ m), Å u* %Li A site, y %Mn B site Rwp% wt% I41/amd

298 (first) 8.25138(7) 0.26195 (20) 94.7 (6) 97.3 (3) 3.46 1.5

773 8.29354(8) 0.26275 (20) 89.1 (7) 94.6 (3) 3.21 -

873 8.30474(8) 0.26271 (20) 87.3 (7) 93.7 (4) 3.21 -

973 8.31846(8) 0.26333 (20) 83.4 (7) 91.7 (4) 3.05 -

1073 8.33191(7) 0.26263 (20) 84.4 (7) 92.2 (3) 3.22 -

1123 8.34952(7) 0.26168 (20) 83.7 (6) 91.9 (3) 3.27 -

298 (last) 8.25209(7) 0.26177 (20) 95.2 (7) 97.6 (3) 3.22 -

* oxygen fractional coordinate, origin at inversion center ( ̅ m) at octahedral vacancy

(-1/8, -1/8, -1/8)

caused the unit cell volume to increase and (2) the peak widths decreased and the

distinction between Cu and increased. The peak widths are greatest at room

temperature because of the presence of the tetragonal phase. The convolutions for

additional peaks from the lower symmetry I41/amd phase produce wider peaks. Al-

though the weight fraction of the tetragonal phase refined to zero for all non-ambient

temperatures, the width of the peaks at high temperatures do seem to very slightly, yet

systematically decrease indicating that perhaps there is a very small amount of tetragonal

phase remaining that is not being accounted for in the Rietveld refinement.

The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) is calculated to be 93-120 ppm/K

over the range 298-1123 K based on the increase in the lattice parameter for the LiMn2O4

Fd ̅ m phase. The compound also demonstrated slight anti-site disorder upon heating, that

is to say, a fraction of Li+ ions occupied the octahedral B 16(d) site instead of the

tetrahedral A 8(a) site and Mn ions did the opposite (see Figure 4.7). At room

temperature only 2.5% of the B site ions were Li+ but by 1123 K the percentage had

increased to 8.1%. The anti-site disorder can likely be ascribed to strain minimization as

the larger Li+ ions (ionic radius 73/90 pm for tetrahedral and octahedral coordination)

respectively increase their coordination from 4 to 6. The smaller manganese ions (ionic

radius 64/78.5 and 53/67 pm for high spin Mn3+ and Mn4+ in tetrahedral and octahedral

coordination, respectively) decrease coordination. The ionic radius for Mn3+ in

tetrahedral coordination is not available in the literature but was calculated from the

average bond length in spinels 196 taking the radius of O2-

as 124 pm

The anti-site disorder of LiMn2O4 structure with increasing temperature has not

been reported previously. However, the structure of LiMn2O4 is very sensitive to cooling/

heating conditions and can undergo complex phase transformation and cation

rearrangement since the lithium, manganese and oxygen stoichiometry are freely

adjustable and the mean Mn oxidation state is not fixed.197

At the time of writing we do not have any independent experimental data

confirming the occupancies of tetrahedral and octahedral sites by Mn3+ and Mn4+ ions.

Figure 4.7. Fraction of the A (tetrahedral) and B (octahedral) sites in the LiMn2O4 spinel
occupied by Li and Mn ions plotted against temperature. The lines represent linear best
fits (R2 = 0.971). Anti-site disorder on the B site is observed to increase linearly over the
temperature range.

Instead, we estimated possible occupancies by comparing experimental (u=0.26195 /

0.26168 at 298 K and 1073 K, respectively) and calculated oxygen fractional coordinate

(u) for LiMn2O4 employing different distortion models, i.e. occupancies of A-sites by (i)

equal amount of Mn3+ and Mn4+ cations in [Li1-i+Mni/23+Mni/24+]A[Lii+Mn1-i/23+Mn1-

4+ B
i/2 ] O4 (u=0.26223 / 0.26133), (ii) only by Mn3+ cations in [Li1-i+Mni3+]A[Lii+Mn1-
i Mn14+]BO4 and (u=0.26240 / 0.26183), (iii) only by Mn4+ cations in [Li1-

i Mni4+]A[Lii+Mn13+Mn1-i4+]BO4 (u=0.26207 / 0.26084) and (iv) that in undistorted

[Li+]A[Mn3+Mn4+]BO4 spinel (u=0.26269). The oxygen fractional coordinate, u, was

calculated according to Equations 4.4-4.7 using the experimentally determined

fractional occupancy ,i, of Li+ on A sites (i=0.01y, see Table 4.4):

   r B  
 4.4
 
u  0.25  0.375  0.3876   ,
 
  r  A  
 
 

r M   0.33 r  A  0.67 r B  , 4.5

 
r  A  i Li A rtetr Li   1  i Li A  rtetr Mn 3 / 4 , 4.6

r B   0.5i Li B roct Li   1  i Li B  roct Mn 3 / 4 .  4.7

As the distortion of the spinel structure is small, the comparison between

experimental and calculated structural parameters given above does not provide

unambiguous evidence for preferential site occupancies. Our assessment is that the

fraction of octahedral Mn4+ lies in the range between 0.46 and 0.54 at 1073 K. However,

as we have found that the lattice parameter of the cubic LiMn2O4 increases with

temperature, we can exclude the possibility of an increase in mean oxidation state of

manganese (for this, an opposite effect will be observed ). According to TGA data,199

at T > 1053 K LiMn2O4 loses oxygen becoming nonstoichiometric. This is not the case

for our study. Since we also did not observe the decomposition of LiMn2O4, which

typically happens at T > 1113 K (XRD) upon heating in air,199 we can exclude the

formation of delithiated and manganese deficient spinels.

Summarizing, our in-situ heating XRD characterization has unambiguously

demonstrated that: (i) single-phase undistorted normal LiMn2O4 spinel is stable over a

broad temperature range (298-1123 K) and, (ii) the inversion of spinel structure is less

than 8% even at the highest temperature studied (1123 K). Therefore, as LiMn2O4 is free

of a Jahn-Teller distortion it provides a model to ascertain the contribution of the electron

degeneracy term to the thermopower of Mn3+/Mn4+ in the LiMn2O4 compound.

Electrical conductivity

The temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity is consistent with

previous measurements on LiMn2O4. For example, Figure 4.8 shows the electrical

resistivity approaching a minimum value of 9 mΩ cm. This is comparable to the high

temperature Ioffe-Regel limit of 2 mΩ cm where the carrier mean free path is nearly

equal to the lattice constant given by

3 2  4.8
q 2 aˆk F2

where is the reduced Planck‘s constant, ̂ is the Mn-O-Mn distance (estimated to be 0.4

nm) and is the three dimensional Fermi wave vector.136 The activation energy, , for

small polaron conduction was calculated to be 0.36±0.01 eV by plotting against

1/T and setting the slope equal to – (see inset to Figure 4.8). This value agrees
well with the 0.4 eV reported experimentally for small-polaron conduction in

LiMn2O4 but contrasts with a recent computational study using density functional theory

(DFT).201 In that study, the activation energy was found to be 0.34 eV

Figure 4.8. Arrhenius plot of the electrical resistivity. The high temperature value of the
LiMn2O4 series approaches (dashed line) 9 mΩ cm, close to the Ioffe-Regel limit (solid
line) of 2 mΩ cm for a mean free electron path of 2.9 Å. The inset is an Arrhenius plot
confirming small-polaron conduction with an activation energy of 0.36±0.01 eV.

when a Jahn-Teller distortion was associated with the high-spin Mn3+ ions. Interestingly,

in the case where there was no Jahn-Teller distortion, the activation energy was

significantly lower, 0.062 eV.

Seebeck Coefficient

In contradiction to an earlier thermopower report for LiMn2O4 the

thermopower measured in this work reaches a high temperature value of -73 μV/K.

Interestingly, this value is more than 3 times larger than previously reported in small-

polaron conducting manganates (see Figure 4.9). It is, however, fully consistent with the

high temperature limit of the modified Heikes formula (see Equation 2.30 and Figure 4.4)

for small-polaron conduction between undistorted octahedrally coordinated Mn3+ and

Mn4+ ions.

In the following paragraphs we address the effect of anti-site disorder on

thermopower. Koshibae et al. shows that when multiple ion pairs are present (which

differ either in oxidation state or coordination environment, for example, Mn3+ /Mn4+ on

tetrahedral and octahedral sites) the total thermopower should simply be the weighted

fraction of each pair‘s contribution:

 kB 
  g i ,c y c  c  g j ,c y d  d 
, 4.9
S ln     
cd ln
 g 1 y
q   g i ,c 1  y c
   j ,c d  

Figure 4.9. Thermopower versus temperature for LiMn2O4 from this work compared with
other Mn compounds as reported by Kobayashi et al. 136 The dashed lines at -19 and -79
μV/K represent the predictions based on the high temperature limit of the Heikes formula
for Mn3+ /Mn4+ ions in equal concentration with and without a Jahn-Teller distortion
( = 5/4 or 10/4). The measured values reach -73 μV/K in good agreement with
the Heikes formula for an undistorted structure.

Here and are fractions of each ion pair, is the electron degeneracy of the ion

pairs (i,j) on sites (c,d) and is the fraction of Mn4+ on each site. Considering

contributions only from Mn3+ /Mn4+ pairs and assuming their equal distribution between

tetrahedral and octahedral sites ( ), we obtain for 1073 K

 kB   15   10  4.10
S 0.06 ln    0.94 ln   ,
q   12   4 

Evaluation of this expansion indicates only a slight reduction in thermopower from -79 to

-75 μV/K due to anti-site disorder.

Summarizing, LiMn2O4 samples with the cubic (Fd ̅ m) spinel structure exhibit a

large n-type high temperature thermopower of -73 μV/K. This large thermopower is

larger relative to other mixed valence Mn3+ /Mn4+ compounds studied previously. The

increase in thermopower can be understood as due to an absence of a Jahn-Teller

distortion in cubic LiMn2O4 as verified by high temperature in-situ XRD. Relative to the

structure with a Jahn-Teller distortion, the orbital degeneracy is doubled. As a result, the

electron degeneracy ratio for the two ions involved in small-polaron

conduction, Mn3+ & Mn4+, is increased from 5/4 (Jahn-Teller distorted) to 10/4 (Jahn-

Teller distortion free). Our experimentally observed high temperature thermopower of -

73 μV/K is consistent with the prediction of the thermopower from the modified Heikes

formula (-79 μV/K) using this latter value of the electron degeneracy.

4.3 Anti-site Disorder in LixMg1-xMn2O4 and MnxFe1-xNiyCr2-yO4
In the remainder of this chapter we examine the effect of anti-site disorder on

thermopower in other strongly correlated spinels. The LixMg1-xMn2O4, series of

compounds provide an excellent segue and to compare Jahn-Teller distortions and anti-

site disorder. Then we discuss anti-site disorder in FexMn1-xNi2-yCryO4 x=0, ¼, ½, ¾, 1

and y=0,1,2 spinels addressing specifically the contribution from tetrahedral sites to

thermopower in spinels. We will return to this subject in greater detail in the following

chapter (Chapter 5) on thermopower as a structural characterization tool.

4.3.1 Universal Charge Transport

In Section 2.3.1 we derived the modified Heikes formula and observed that the

thermopower depends strongly on the carrier concentration. This can be seen clearly in

Figure 2.2. When the majority of oxide thermoelectric materials are doped with aliovalent

ions such that the oxidation state of the conducting ions is altered the carrier

concentration and thermopower are changed as well.24,136,139,140 For example, the oxygen

nonstoichiometry of RBaCo2O5+x (R=Gd, Nd) compounds is altered by quenching

samples from different temperatures. As oxygen vacancies are introduced charge

neutrality is accomplished by altering the mean oxidation state of the Co ions. When the

carrier concentration is quantified by titration and the measured thermopower is

compared to that predicted by the modified Heikes formula good agreement is


An unusual deviation in the modified Heikes formula is observed for mixed

valence oxide manganates.136 In what the authors termed universal charge transport, the

thermopower of CaMn3-xCuxMn4O12 x=0, ¼, ½, ¾, 1 compounds was inexplicably found

to be independent of the carrier concentration. Despite the average oxidation state of Mn

ions shifting from +3.25 to +3.5 the thermopower of all the compounds approached the

same high temperature limit, -25 μV/K, corresponding to an average oxidation state of

+3.5, or equal concentrations of Mn3+ and Mn4+.

In order to examine the feasibility of universal charge transport further we

selected candidate oxides with different Mn3+ /Mn4+ ratios. To do so we turned to the

closely related field of mixed valence oxides as cathode materials for lithium ion

batteries. In that body of work, a number of lithium manganese spinels have been

identified with variations of the mean oxidation state of manganese. As shown in Figure

4.10, a number of lithium manganese spinels with different mean oxidation states of

manganese and /or site occupancies are possible.197,202 In this work, we also show that it

is possible to produce variations, and even a change in the sign of thermopower, by

altering the mean oxidation state of manganese, and therefore the fraction of Mn4+ ions.

In order to alter the Mn3+ /Mn4+ ratio in lithium manganese spinels several

strategies can be employed including: (i) doping with aliovalent ions to substitute for Li+

on tetrahedral sites, (ii) synthesis of cation-mixed [Li]A[Liz+Mn3+Mn1-z4+]BO4 and

delithiated [Li1-z]A[Mn1-z3+Mn1+z4+]BO4 spinels, and, finally, (iii) post-synthesis

Figure 4.10. Mean oxidation state of manganese ions and Li/Mn ratio for different Li-
Mn-O compounds. Figure modified from Julien et al.202

processing and measurements of LiMn2O4 in oxygen-deficient atmospheres. The first

strategies, (i) will be considered now, and the final strategy (iii) will be described in the

next section (4.3.2).

Single phase, dense samples of Mg1-xLixMn2O4 x=0, 1/5, 2/5 were obtained by

combustion of oxalates and CADPro sintering. The X-ray diffraction patterns are

presented in Figure 4.11. The scans were not optimized for high resolution (fast

collection times, large slits) but the peaks seem to correspond well with the cubic

structure and only the x=2/5 sample has significant peak broadening. Curiously, the peaks

shift to larger 2θ values indicative of a lattice parameter decrease with Li content in

contradiction to expectations based on the change ionic radii for Li+ and Mg2+ ( =0.59

Å, =0.57 Å, =0.76 Å, =0.66 Å). However, this observation could be

explained by a small shift displacement in the sample height during diffraction (higher

quality patterns are needed before Rietveld refinement can determine the shift


Figure 4.11. X-Ray diffraction Mg1-xLixMn2O4 x=0, 1/5, 2/5 samples. The x=2/5 sample
has significantly broader peaks which could be due to a secondary phase.

An Arrhenius plot (see Figure 4.12) of the conductivity shows little change in the

slope for different Mg1-xLixMn2O4 samples so the activation energy is not changed

significantly. The x=1/5 and x=2/5 samples have comparable electrical conductivity

compared to undoped LiMn2O4, but the the x=0 sample, MgMn2O4 is lower.

In all three Mg doped samples, there is a reduced oxidation state for the

manganese cation relative to LiMn2O4. Reducing the oxidation state means the fraction of

Mn4+ is reduced which, in turn, should lead to positive thermopower values (>300 μV/K

for x=0, 110 μV/K for x=1/5 and 40 μV/K for x=2/5). However, as seen in Figure 4.12,

the thermopower of the x=0 and x=2/5 compounds reach -20 to -25 μV/K at high

temperatures in very good agreement with the distorted limit observed for other

manganese oxides whereas the x=1/5 compound reached -70 μV/K in good agreement

with the undistorted limit. It isn‘t clear why the x=1/5 compound reaches the undistorted

limit while the other two correspond to a distorted limit. High resolution optimized X-ray

diffraction is still needed, particularly at high angles, to probe for evidence of tetragonal

Jahn-Teller distortion in the x=0 and x=2/5 compounds. Nevertheless, these intriguing

results are a second evidence of the universal charge transport phenomenon first observed

by Kobayashi et al. whereby the thermopower seems to be invariant to the carrier


Figure 4.12. Thermopower (left) and electrical conductivity (right) of Mg1-xLixMn2O4
x=0, 1/5, 2/5 compounds. The thermopower of the compounds approached either the
Jahn-Teller distorted or undistorted limits despite the variation in Mn3+/Mn4+ ratio due
to doping. The activation energy is similar for all compounds, including undoped,
stoichiometric LiMn2O4.

4.3.2 N to P-type Transition in Oxygen Deficient LiMn2O4

In contrast to samples sintered in air, LiMn2O4 specimens densified under vacuum

(CADPro) crystallized in the tetragonal structure exhibiting a Jahn-Teller distortion.

Rietveld refinement of in-situ high temperature XRD performed in argon indicates a three

phase mixture of LiMn2O4 (I41/amd, a=5.653Å, c=9.329Å, Z=4), LiMnO2 (Pmnm,

a=2.823Å, b=5.749Å, c=4.575Å, Z=2) and Mn3O4 (Hausmannite, I41/amd, a=5.755Å,

c=9.462Å, Z=4). From room temperature up to 950 K the majority phase (60-70 wt%) is

the tetragonally distorted LiMn2O4 but this phase decomposes to a mixture of Mn3O4 (60-

40 wt%) and LiMnO2 at temperatures above 950 K (see Figure 4.13). Upon cooling back

Figure 4.13. In-situ high temperature X-Ray diffraction pattern, measured in argon, of
LiMn2O4 after CADPro. The sample is a mixture of spinel, Mn3O4 and LiMnO2 below 973
K, at high temperatures the spinel phase decomposes entirely leaving only Mn3O4 and

to room temperature the only phase present is, again, the undistorted cubic spinel

LiMn2O4 (Fd ̅ m, a=8.251, Z=8).

The decomposition of LiMn2O4 into Mn3O4 and LiMnO2 is accompanied by a

dramatic n-type to p-type shift in thermopower of approximately 400 μV/K (see Figure

4.14). Above 950 K the thermopower of this specimen (measured in He) approaches

large positive values of about 400-500 μV/K agreeing well with thermopower measured

for pure Mn3O4 in air. The origin of large positive thermopower in tetragonal Mn3O4 (i.e.

(Mn2+)A[Mn23+]BO4) is still under debate.203,204 Taking into account the

disproportionation at high temperatures to (Mn2+)A[Mnx2+Mn2-2x3+Mnx4+]BO4 and

assuming that the tetrahedral concentrations of Mn3+ /Mn4+ are negligible, we obtain from

Equation 2.30 the Mn4+ fraction as being <0.01. Upon cooling, the sample transformed

completely to cubic LiMn2O4. The shift in thermopower between points 1 and 4 in Figure

4.14 is attributed to the removal of the Jahn-Teller distortion after heating the reduced

material above 950 K. When the chamber is vented with air and the same sample is

remeasured the thermopower reaches the high temperature value of -79 μV/K.

Summarizing, there is a reversible transition from large negative (-79 μV/K) to

large positive (400-500 μV/K) thermopower upon the phase transformation

LiMn2O4↔Mn3O4. Although this cannot be independently confirmed, the observation

provides strong evidence for the influence of mean oxidation state of manganese on

thermoelectric properties in spinels.

Figure 4.14. Electrical conductivity (left) and thermopower (right) of LiMn2O4 pressed in
a reducing atmosphere. The sample was measured in He first (circles) and upon cooling
the chamber was filled with air and the thermopower was re-measured (squares). The
numbers 1-4 are points at which quantitative X-ray phase analysis was performed to
determine weight fraction of phases. At points 1 and 2 the phase fraction is a majority
(60-70 wt%) LiMn2O4 (I41/amd) with Mn3O4 and LiMnO2 impurities. At point 3 the
LiMn2O4 has decomposed entirely to 60 wt% Mn3O4 and 40 wt% LiMnO2. The
thermopower of Mn3O4 (diamonds) is shown for comparison. Upon cooling to point 4 the
sample converts entirely to cubic spinel LiMn2O4.

4.3.3 Substitutions on the Tetrahedral Site in Spinels

In order to calculate the thermopower in spinels, typically only contributions from

the octahedral sites are considered, ignoring possible contributions from tetrahedral sites.

Whether or not this is a valid assumption that is appropriate for all spinels is a central

question that will be discussed in the next chapter. In this final section of Chapter 4,

however, we describe our initial attempt to observe a change in thermopower due only to

anti-site disorder on the tetrahedral site in FexMn1-xNi2-yCryO4 x=0, ¼, ½, ¾, 1 and

y=0,1,2 series.

The B site cations, Ni2+ and Cr3+, were selected as ions to occupy the octahedral

site since having 3 and 8 d-shell electrons, respectively, they would either half fill the

band or fill the band and half fill the band. These electronic configurations are

expected to be very stable and should, therefore, minimize inversion of the spinel

structure allowing us to independently control the A site anti-site disorder. The

experimental hypothesis is that ions on tetrahedral sites may contribute to thermopower.

Therefore, if the Ni and Cr ions remain on the B site but the A site is altered from pure

Fe3+ to pure Mn3+ any change in thermopower can be attributed to tetrahedral


The compounds designed to have only Ni or only Cr on the B site (y=0 and y=2)

resulted in mixed phase materials with (Cr,Fe)2O3 or NiO impurities (see Figure 4.15 and

Figure 4.16).

Figure 4.15. X-Ray diffraction of FexMn1-xNi2O4 x=0, ¼, ½, ¾, 1 compounds. NiO
impurities are observed in all compounds.

The FexMn1-xNiCrO4 x=0, ¼, ½, ¾, 1 compounds appeared by laboratory XRD to be pure

phase spinel (see Figure 4.17). Samples featuring A site disorder (x=½, ¾) had reduced

electrical conductivity and thermal diffusivity measurements relative to the pure end

member samples (x=0, 1) (see Figure 4.18 and Figure 4.19)

Figure 4.16. X-Ray diffraction of FexMn1-xCr2O4 x=0, ¼, ½, ¾, 1 compounds. (Cr,Fe)2O3
impurities are observed in all compounds but x=1.

Figure 4.17. X-Ray diffraction of FexMn1-xNiCrO4 x=0, ¼, ½, ¾, 1 compounds.

Figure 4.18. Electrical conductivity (left) and thermopower (right) of FexMn1-xNiCrO4
x=0, ½, ¾, 1 compounds.

Figure 4.19. Thermal diffusivity of FexMn1-xNiCrO4 x=0, ½, ¾, 1 compounds.

The reflections from FexMn1-xNiCrO4 x=0, ½, ¾, 1 spinels and NiO impurities

overlap strongly so to ensure that pure phase spinels were obtained synchrotron

diffraction was measured for the series. The results of the synchrotron diffraction, shown

in Figure 4.20, demonstrate that the samples, while being a majority spinel phase, contain

significant amounts of NiO and unreacted Ni impurities. The fraction of NiO impurities

decreases linearly from ~22% to ~10% across the series with increasing iron content (see

Figure 4.21). An unfortunate consequence of the impurities is that the composition of the

Figure 4.20. Synchrotron diffraction pattern of MnNiCrO4. The compound is a majority

(88.9%) spinel but has significant NiO and unreacted Ni impurities. These impurities
suggest the stoichiometry of the spinel has been altered.

Figure 4.21. Weight fraction of NiO impurity in FexMn1-xNiCrO4 x=0, ½, ¾, 1
compounds determined by quantitative phase analysis using synchrotron diffraction. With
increasing iron content the NiO fraction decreases. The line is a linear best fit.

spinel phase is no longer known. For example, if the original cation ratio for MnNiCrO4is

[ ] [ ] [ ] but some of the Ni is used up to form NiO and Ni then the ratio for

the spinel has been altered [ ] [ ] [ ] and a nickel deficient spinel is obtained.

As a result of the impurities, deviation from spinel composition and unknown cation

distribution we can draw no firm conclusions in this section regarding the role of

tetrahedral site contribution to thermopower in spinels.

Summarizing, in this chapter the thermopower of LiMn2O4, Mg-doped LiMn2O4

and FexMn1-xNiCrO4 spinels was investigated and correlations to structural distortions,

crystal field and anti-site disorder were assessed. An argument was presented that larger

thermopower can be obtained if Jahn-Teller distortions in manganese oxides are avoided.

Another evidence of universal charge transport was observed in Mg-doped LiMn2O4

samples. Regardless of the mean oxidation state of manganese ions the thermopower of

the samples corresponded to an equal fraction of Mn3+ and Mn4+ with a Jahn-Teller

distortion (MgMn2O4, Mg0.6Li0.4Mn2O4) or without (Mg0.8Li0.2Mn2O4). Finally, FexMn1-

xNiCrO4 spinels were synthesized to probe whether or not anti-site disorder on the

tetrahedral site would alter thermopower. However, due to the formation of significant

NiO and Ni impurities, the chemical composition and cation distribution of the remaining

spinel phase was not known. As a result, we cannot come to any firm conclusions yet

regarding tetrahedral site contribution to thermopower in spinels.


Chapter 5. Thermopower as a Structural

Characterization tool

In Chapter 4 the effect of structural distortions and anti-site disorder on

thermopower was described. A useful application of the crystal structure thermopower

relationship is to use thermopower as in in-situ measurement technique for determing

cation distribution. This quantity, along with the spin state of the ions, is critical in

determining many optical, electrical and magnetic properties in a material and results

from energetic considerations of ionic size, charge of the cations and crystal field

stabilization energy. Though it is an important quantity, it is also notoriously difficult to

measure experimentally. For example, X-ray diffraction patterns can be refined to

determine site occupancy for atoms, but atomic scattering factors for elements with a

small difference in atomic number are very similar and greater contrast is needed.

Neutron diffraction doesn‘t involve the electron cloud so scattering lengths are more

random, but certain pairs of atom will still have too little contrast for differentiation.

Still more complicated are compounds featuring only different oxidation states of

the same element. For instance, the iron (II, III) and cobalt (II, III) oxides, Fe3O4 and

Co3O4 are amongst the most studied group of the 2,3 spinel-type oxides. Despite similar

compositions and elements, they form completely different structures in terms of cation

distribution. Ideally, at low temperature Co3O4 possesses a normal spinel-type structure

(Co2+)A[Co3+]B2O4 with Co2+ (S=3/2) and low-spin (LS) Co3+ (S=0) cations on the

tetrahedral A and octahedral B sites, respectively. On the other hand, Fe3O4, is an inverse

spinel (Fe3+)A[Fe2+Fe3+]BO4 with Fe3+ and Fe2+/Fe3+ cations on the tetrahedral A and

octahedral B sites, respectively. In practice, however, the cation distribution over the

tetrahedral and octahedral sites strongly depends on the specimen history, including

synthesis conditions, calcination/annealing temperature and heating and cooling rates. In

addition, the degree of cation inter-mixing between the tetrahedral and octahedral sites

increases with increasing temperature, making the correlation between the oxide structure

and properties, particularly thermopower, highly dependent on the experimental


The difficulty in directly measuring the cation distribution in spinels has led some

to calculate the distribution using thermodynamic models. In this approach

thermochemical and phase equilibrium data such as phase transformation temperatures,

enthalpies of formations etc. are collected for pure elements and then Gibbs energy

expressions based on entropic, magnetic or other interactions are best fit to the

thermochemical data. Using these expressions the phase diagram, structure, heat capacity

and composition of binary, tertiary and even more complex compounds can be calculated.

Chen et al.,205 for example, use such a thermodynamic assessment to estimate the cation

distribution for the difficult to measure compound Co3O4 described in the previous

paragraph. Chen et al. did not consider the possibility that the octahedral Co3+ ions

transitioned from a LS to a HS state. This assumption may not be valid and will be

important when comparing thermodynamically calculated cation distributions to

thermopower measured cation distributions later in the chapter.

In this chapter I will describe how thermopower is used as a structural

characterization tool to determine cation distribution. The original model, proposed by

Wu and Mason206 will be analyzed and alternate models will be proposed and evaluated

using Co3O4 as a case study. Thermopower analysis will be complimented by X-ray and

neutron diffraction, Raman scattering and TGA/DTA techniques. At the end of this

chapter I will briefly describe future work and a few other possible characterization


5.1 Thermopower Measurement of Cation Distribution

Wu and Mason were the first to use thermopower measurements to determine

the cation distribution in spinels. The basic principle is that, for small-polaron

conductors, the thermopower depends on the fraction of conducting sites as described in

Section 2.3. This is quantified by the Heikes formula

kB  y  5.1
S ln   .
q  1  y 

When this approach was first introduced in 1981 the real innovation was recognizing that

one oxidation state in particular acts as a dopant, donating or accepting an electron, fixing

it, therefore, to the fraction of conducting sites in the Heikes formula. In their seminal

paper on the subject, Wu and Mason used thermopower measurements of magnetite,

Fe3O4, to argue that the structure goes from inverse at low temperatures to a disordered

spinel at high temperatures.

The Wu and Mason model makes two important assumptions. The first was that

the thermopower and electrical conductivity of the spinel oxides originates solely from

the ions occupying the octahedral B site. The second assumption was that the orbital

degeneracy term is unity, as a result of a Jahn-Teller distortion and the subsequent

formation of a Kramers doublet, leaving only a spin degeneracy term.207 However,

subsequently, several authors have reported they were unable to explain their

experimental results on other oxides using these assumptions. In fact, instead of

calculating the degeneracy term, β, outright, it has commonly been used as a variable,

fitting parameter, ranging between 1 and 2. Non-integer values have been justified by

ignoring the vibrational entropy term associated with ions surrounding the polaron site.207

One report 209 even showed that the value would have to change from β=1 at low carrier

concentrations to β=2 at high concentrations to fit their data.

As I described in Section 2.3, Koshibae et al. proposed a modified version of the

Heikes formula in 2000 for strongly-correlated systems accounting for thermopower

arising from spin and orbital degeneracy as well as the degeneracy ratio between

conducting sites.111 Despite the success of Koshibae et al‘s modified Heikes formula

there remain two outstanding issues regarding thermopower measurements of cation

distribution in spinels: (i) incorporating the ratio of spin and orbital degeneracy terms for

each ion, and (ii) accounting for the thermopower contributions from ions on both

tetrahedral A and octahedral B sites in the spinel structure, ie in the mixed spinels.

5.1.1 Revisiting Thermopower Measurement of Cation Distributions

To address these issues, we have investigated the temperature dependence of the

thermopower of Co3O4 and calculated the cation distributions at different temperatures by

applying four different variations of the model to examine the role of tetrahedral vs

octahedral site contributions, electron degeneracy terms and change in spin states. The

results of these calculations will be compared with cation distributions calculated from
equilibrium free energy thermodynamic arguments by Chen et al as well as from a

bond length and ionic radius argument.

Cobalt oxide, Co3O4, is a particularly suitable compound for evaluating the

veracity of the different models because the cation distribution in Co3O4 is strongly

dependent on temperature. Furthermore, as will be discussed in detail in the next section,

heat capacity and lattice parameter measurements suggest there is a high temperature

structural anomaly. A consensus has not yet been reached as to whether this high

temperature behavior is due to anti-site disorder (inversion), a possible spin-state

transition (1000-1200 K ) or some combination of both. Because of the incipient
decomposition of Co3O4 to rock-salt type CoO (1165-1270 K ) we have applied a

variety of characterization techniques as a function of temperature to monitor the phase

and structure evolution from room temperature up to almost 1200 K and these results will

be presented in the next section prior to analyzing thermopower models for cation


5.1.2 Investigating High Temperature Anomaly in Co3O4

According to the calculated binary Co-O phase diagrams, Co3O4

decomposes at elevated temperatures to first CoO and then to Co. The region of Co3O4

stability depends strongly on oxygen partial pressure as well as the size of Co3O4

crystallites and their surface hydroxylation, shifting to higher temperatures with

decreasing crystallite size and increasing oxygen partial pressure. Bulk Co3O4

decomposes to CoO at 1242 and 909 K at p(O2)=1 and 10-6 bar, respectively. 213,214 There

are two studies that report significantly lower temperatures. Results of an in-situ heating
Infrared Emission Spectroscopy have indicated the disorder of the spinel structure

begins at 873K and its conversion to the rock-salt CoO occurs at 923 K. There is also a

high temperature X-ray diffraction study that reports that the transformation of Co3O4 to

a disordered spinel occurs at 1150 K. 216

Our initial attempts to produce dense sample of Co3O4 by sintering resulted in a

mixture of spinel Co3O4 and rock-salt CoO. To find the optimum conditions to produce

phase-pure Co3O4, we varied the sintering conditions and different heating and cooling

rates. We found that dense samples of phase-pure spinel Co3O4 could be reproducibly

prepared by sintering at 1148 K and then slowly cooling at 1K/min. CoO was produced

if, instead of cooling slowly, the samples were quenched from 1148 K. These results are

Figure 5.1. X-Ray diffraction for mixed phase Co3O4 and CoO samples obtained by
intermediate cooling rates (a), pure Co3O4 obtained by slow cooling rates (b) and pure
CoO obtained by rapid quenching (c). The poor signal-to-noise ratio for CoO is due to
fluorescence from using Cu Kα radiation.

summarized in Figure 5.1 (a)- mixture Co3O4 and CoO after 1373 K sintering, (b)-

Co3O4, (c)- CoO.

Additional information concerning the phase stability of spinel Co3O4 was

obtained by thermal analysis, high temperature XRD and Raman microscopy. The

thermal analysis data indicates that Co3O4 decomposition in air starts at about 1165 K and

is completed at about 1270 K (see Figure 5.2). The observed weight loss of 6.42%

corresponds well to the theoretical weight loss of 6.64% for the decomposition:

Co3O4  3CoO  1 O2 5.2


In an argon atmosphere, the Co3O4 decomposition starts at a lower temperature, i.e. at

about 1084 K, and is completed by about 1200 K with the same weight loss. Upon slow

cooling, the increase in the specimen weight is observed at T < 990 K, which could be

explained through the incomplete oxidation of CoO to Co3O4 by some oxygen residuals.

The results of the XRD characterization agree very well with the results of the

thermal analysis. According to analysis of the X-ray diffraction patterns, the spinel Co3O4

remains phase-pure from room temperature up to 1163 K upon heating in air (Figure 5.3).

A non-linear increase of the lattice parameter (Table 5, Figure 5.4) above 900 K was
observed in agreement with reports by others who attributed this phenomenon to the

onset of a change in spin state that will be described later.

0 heating
A) cooling 0.20

Weight loss % 0.15

DTA [%/°C]

in air

400 600 800 1000 1200

T [K]

B) 0

Weight loss %

DTA [%/°C]

in Ar

400 600 800 1000 1200

T [K]

Figure 5.2. Thermogravimetric analysis and differential thermal analysis of Co3O4

samples in air and Ar. The sample transforms to CoO at 1165 K in air and 1084 K in Ar.
In both cases the oxygen weight loss corresponds very closely with the predicted amount
and, unexpectedly, the sample in Ar gained back a portion of the weight suggesting the
chamber retained some residual oxygen.

Figure 5.3. X-Ray diffraction of Co3O4 from room temperature up to 1273 K. The sample
converts entirely to CoO between the scan at 1163 K and 1273 K.

Figure 5.4. Temperature dependence of the lattice parameter of Co3O4 (left-hand side y
axis) and CoO (right-hand side y axis) determined from in-situ XRD. The scale of both y-
axes are the same, but whereas the CoO lattice parameter increases linearly through all
temperatures the Co3O4 lattice parameter rapidly increased above 900 K.

At 1273 K Co3O4 had completely decomposed to the rock-salt structured CoO

(see Figure 5.3). This decomposition was reversible: upon cooling in air the CoO

oxidized back to phase-pure spinel Co3O4. The results of the quantitative Rietveld

analysis results for phase fraction, lattice parameter and oxygen fractional parameter, u,

are recorded in Table 5. Specimens quenched to retain the rock-salt CoO phase remain

Table 5. Structure refinement details for Co3O4 as a function of temperature (standard
deviations in shift shown beneath in parenthesis)

Temp K Wt% Co3O4 Wt% CoO a Co3O4 u Co3O4 a CoO Rwp

298 100 - 8.0821 (2) 0.2349 (1) - 2.95%

800 100 - 8.1146 (3) 0.2351 (1) - 2.53%

875 100 - 8.1210 (2) 0.2353 (1) - 2.56%

950 100 - 8.1292 (2) 0.2354 (1) - 2.55%

1025 100 - 8.1415 (3) 0.2357 (1) - 2.71%

1100 100 - 8.1646 (2) 0.2359 (1) - 2.53%

1140 100 - 8.1855 (3) 0.2365 (1) - 2.50%

1163 100 - 8.1999 (3) 0.2368 (1) - 2.46%

1273 - 100 - - 4.3207 3.79%

298 100 - 8.0818 (3) 0.2348 (1) - 2.88%

stable in air on heating from room temperature until 950-1188 K, when they are oxidized

to Co3O4, and then above 1188 K Co3O4 again decomposes reversibly to 100 wt% CoO.

The results of the Raman spectroscopy (Figure 5.5) are also consistent with the

high-temperature XRD phase determination providing additional information about the

microstructure of the specimens. The Co3O4 exhibit four Raman active modes: A1g (689

cm-1), F2g (619 and 521 cm-1) and Eg (481 cm-1).217 The high frequency A1g mode is due

to vibrational mode of octahedral cations, whereas Eg and F2g modes are determined by

both tetrahedral and octahedral cations. With increasing temperature on heating from


A) 2000
Co3O4 1000
1600 250.0
Tempearture [ C]

1400 80.00


1200 CoO 25.00

1000 dis-Co3O4


600 Co3O4

200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Raman shift [cm ]
1173 K
1073 K

973 K

873 K

773 K

673 K

573 K
473 K
373 K
298 K

200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Raman shift [cm ]

Figure 5.5. Raman shift plotted as a function of temperature for Co3O4 samples. The five
peaks resulting from the spinel modes disappear above 800 K before transformation to
CoO rock-salt which has no Raman active modes.

room temperature, the Co3O4 bands shifts towards lower energies and broaden, consistent

with thermal expansion. Above about 850 K the peaks undergo significant broadening

indicating structural disordering since cobalt ions in different oxidation/spin states

possess a different Raman response due to a difference in length and covalency of Co-O

bonds. The spinel structure transforms above 1100-1200 K, decomposing to rock-salt

CoO, a NaCl type crystal having no first-order Raman active modes. Despite this, several

reports 218–220 observe peaks at 475, 515, 555, 600 and 680 cm-1 yet, in our study, even at

the highest temperatures these peaks are not observed. These processes are reversible (in

air) and the temperature range of hysteresis is the same as observed by X-ray diffraction.

Electrical conductivity measurements as a function of temperature (Figure 5.6)

reveal three characteristic conductivity regimes with an activation energy of 0.35±.08 eV

(418-540 K), 0.15±.05 eV (540-890 K) and 2.28±.06 eV (890-1188 K). These are

attributed to the ionization, extrinsic and intrinsic conduction regimes, respectively, in

reasonable agreement with the reported hopping energy value 0.17 eV and optical

absorption transition (O2-→Co2+) of 2.14 eV.221 We believe it is significant that the

temperature ranges corresponding to different conduction mechanisms are in good

agreement to the thermopower temperature regimes as well as structural changes

monitored by Raman spectroscopy. The measurements of the conductivity in the CoO

phase give an activation energy of 0.47±.02 eV.

Figure 5.6. Arrhenius plot of electrical conductivity for Co3O4 showing three
characteristic regions each with a different activation energy. Above 1188 K Co3O4
decomposes to CoO, a band conductor.

The Seebeck coefficient of Co3O4 as a function of temperature (measured in air

and helium) is shown in Figure 5.7 together with that of CoO (measured in helium only).

A key feature of the graph is that the spinel Co3O4 samples measured in air and helium

both have a maximum in thermopower of ~600 μV/K around 850 K. Above this

temperature, the thermopower decreases almost linearly with increasing temperature until

it abruptly increases with a slope of ~250 μV/K in air and ~400 μV/K in helium. The

region of approximately linear decrease correlates to inversion of the spinel structure as

will be discussed in the next section. The discontinuity in thermopower (1188 K in air

Figure 5.7. Thermopower as a function of temperature of Co3O4 measured in helium

(squares) and air (circles) as well as of CoO measured in helium (triangles). Heating
(unfilled) and cooling (filled) of the samples is indicated. For Co3O4, a relative maximum
of ~600 μV/K is observed near 850 K before the thermopower decreases linearly with
temperature until transformation to CoO. This decrease is attributed to inversion of the
spinel structure. In the range 900-1100 K the CoO sample likely begins to transform to
Co3O4 due to residual oxygen in the chamber or by partial reduction to Co metal during
the thermopower measurement before returning to the CoO phase at high temperatures.

and 1150 K in He) is attributed to the decomposition of the spinel Co3O4 to rock-salt CoO

as indicated by both high-temperature XRD and Raman observations reported earlier.

In Co3O4 with the normal spinel-type structure, positive thermopower at low

temperature suggests hole hopping conduction dominates and at high temperature a

decreasing thermopower indicates that electron hopping (with much higher mobility)

contributes to the conductivity.222

5.1.3 Effect of Inversion on Co3O4 structure

At low temperatures the octahedral sites in Co3O4 are occupied almost entirely by

Co3+ ions, consistent with the normal spinel structure. Neutron diffraction 223
magnetic susceptibility measurements suggest that the d 6 electrons from Co3+ pair up
to completely fill the octahedral t2g triplet whereas the d electrons from Co2+ on the

tetrahedral site leave 3 unpaired electrons on t2g orbitals that account for the observed

magnetic moment of 3.25 μB.

These structural findings have been attributed to two main effects. The first is a

disordering of the spinel structure leading to a partial occupation of tetrahedral sites by

Co3+ and octahedral sites by Co2+. The consequence of this being that electron exchange

(hopping) can occur between octahedral Co2+ and Co3+ ions, resulting in increased

conductivity in this temperature region. Effectively, this is equivalent to an electron

transfer from Co2+ to Co3+ (hopping) which is also involved in the explanation of

transport properties (electrical conductivity and thermopower):

CoA2+ (eg4t2g3) + CoB3+ (LS, t2g6eg0) ↔ CoA3+ (LS, eg4t2g2) + CoB2+ (LS, t2g6eg1) 5.3

The effective change of the lattice parameter due to the reaction in Equation 5.3 is not

obvious and required detailed calculation which will be performed below. The question

arises also about the spin state of Co2+/Co3+ on tetrahedral and octahedral sites.

The second effect that could, in part, explain our structural findings is an unpairing of the

electron spins of the octahedral Co3+ ions: 225

CoB3+ (LS, t2g6eg0, S=0) → CoB3+ (HS, t2g4eg2, S=2) 5.4

with possible formation of an intermediate state, IS- CoB3+, with t2g5eg1, S=1.221

The HS and IS CoB3+ ions have a larger ionic radius compared to that of LS

CoB3+. The result is an increase in the lattice parameter as well as in the thermal

expansion coefficients if LS CoB3+ transition to IS or HS states. The influence on

thermopower and electrical conductivity require detailed analysis which will be described

below. Due to the partially filled eg level, the IS state is Jahn-Teller active, creating

distortions of (CoO6) octahedral (see Figure 4.2), associated with lattice distortion and

broadening of Raman bands. 221

As the result of simultaneous lattice disordering and spin unpairing, it is likely

that the tetrahedral sites will be occupied by both Co2+ (eg4t2g3) and Co3+ (eg4t2g2) cations,

whereas the octahedral sites will be occupied by LS Co2+ (LS, t2g6eg1), and Co3+ (d 6) in

different spin states. Furthermore, as disordering begins at the lower temperatures, it is

most probable that the spin state changes from LS (t2g6eg0), to HS (t2g4eg2) at the highest

temperature (Table 6). Consequently, several possible charge transfer (hopping)

processes need to be considered in the calculation of cation distributions from the

thermopower measurements. This will be discussed in the next section.

Table 6. Possible occupation of tetrahedral and octahedral sites in spinel-type Co3O4 at

elevated temperatures due to the inversion (anti-site disorder) and spin unpairing
(LSHS) processes and the corresponding electronic degeneracies (g= gspin gorbital).

5.2 Alternate Thermopower Cation Distribution Models

As discussed above, we aim to explain the behavior of the Co3O4 thermopower at

elevated temperatures through the distribution of Co2+/Co3+ cations in different spin states

over the tetrahedral and octahedral sites in the spinel-type Co3O4.

Initially, we ignore possible spin unpairing transition and argue through

thermopower measurements made on Co3O4 sample measured in air (circles, Figure 5.7)

that Co3O4 changes from a normal spinel below 850 K to a disordered spinel, CoO3 

=0.64, (complete disorder would be 2/3 ≈ 0.67) at the highest temperature before the

onset of the spinel to rock-salt transformation. The gradual inversion of the structure is

accompanied by transferring an electron from the B to the A site. The result is that on the
6 7
octahedral site there is a mixture of low spin d and d electrons with the Co2+ ion

behaving as an electron donor because of its unpaired electron occupying the eg orbital

(see Table 6). The results from these calculations will be compared to the predicted

cation distribution in Co3O4 based on a thermodynamic assessment of the Co-O system

as well as the distribution based on cation radius and bond length described in detail


5.2.1 Cation Distribution from Thermopower Measurements: Inversion Only

In discussing the relationship between thermopower measurements and the cation

distribution, we consider three cases of increasing sophistication:

(i) The original model proposed by Wu and Mason,206 in which only hopping

between the ions on the B sites occurs and β is arbitrarily selected to be 2,

(ii) again, B site contributions only but including Koshibae et al.‘s treatment with

both orbital and spin degeneracy ratio for Co2+ and Co3+,

(iii)contributions to the thermopower from ions on both A and B sites calculated

using Koshibae et al.‘s expression.

Case (i). According to Wu and Mason‘s model, the thermopower for small-

polaron octahedral hopping mechanism, S O , is give by Equation 5.1 where y is the

concentration CoO3 . Combining the spin degeneracy, 2S+1, and orbital degeneracy, 2,

the degeneracy term of this electron donor should have the value of β = 2*(2*1/2+1) = 4.

However, as will be explained in discussing case (ii), a value of β=4 produces

inconsistent results for the cation distribution. If we treat β as a fitting parameter, as some

previous authors have done, and select its value arbitrarily to be 2, then there is closer

agreement to Chen et al.‘s calculations, as shown in Figure 5.8. Such an assignment

would be reasonable if there were a Jahn-Teller distortion of the B site since the orbital

degeneracy of the eg levels would be lifted and the resulting degeneracy would, in fact, be

2. However, there is no evidence of such a Jahn-Teller distortion either in our own XRD

results or in the literature so the β=2 assignment appears to have no physical basis. It is

also appropriate to mention that the distribution determined by Chen et al. using free

energy arguments assumes equilibrium conditions but our samples might not have been

able to reach perfect equilibrium at every temperature for thermopower measurements.

Therefore, the low temperature deviation could be the result of kinetically limited anti-

site disorder. At higher temperatures the thermopower determined distribution and the

thermodynamically calculated distribution are in closer agreement, including the point of


Figure 5.8. Fractional occupancy of Co3+ ions on the octahedral sublattice in Co3O4 as a
function of temperature calculated from the thermopower measurements of Co3O4 in air
according to case (i) (squares), case (ii) (circles) and case (iii) (diamonds) described in
detail in the text. The solid line is the distribution calculated thermodynamically from
free energies according to the procedure given by Chen et al.205 Good agreement with
Chen et al.’s prediction was found for case (iii), proposed in this work with no variable
parameters. Case (i) also had good agreement, but only when an unphysical value of 2
was selected for β.

Case (ii). Following Koshibae et al.‘s treatment, the spin and orbital degeneracy

of both octahedral Co2+ and Co3+ ions are needed to calculate the thermopower. The Co2+

ion degeneracy is the same as in case (i), 4. The Co3+ d 6 electrons are low spin and fully

occupy the t2g orbital so the degeneracy is 1*(2*0+1)=1 and the degeneracy term β is 4/1.

The thermopower expression is the same as Equation 5.1. This distribution result is not

stoichiometrically consistent though because it requires more Co2+ ions on the octahedral

site than are initially present in the formula unit; the CoO2  fraction cannot be larger than

½ without introducing oxygen vacancies. A nearly stoichiometric composition with

minimal oxygen vacancies is a good approximation for Co3O4 because the Seebeck

coefficient and electrical conductivity in Co3O4 do not depend on oxygen partial pressure
( PO ).
Furthermore, thermal analysis data do not show any weight loss below ~ 1100

K in Ar and the oxygen loss at the CoO transformation agrees very well with the

assumption of a stoichiometric composition.

At the highest temperature measured, before decomposition to the rock-salt CoO

occurs, the fraction of CoO2  calculated from thermopower according to case (ii) was

already slightly greater than ½ (see Figure 5.9) and it‘s possible, even likely, that the

decomposition from Co3O4 to CoO occurs before inversion in Co3O4 is complete.

Interestingly, Mocala et al., using heat capacity measurements at different oxygen partial

pressures, demonstrated an ability to shift the spinel to rock-salt transformation

temperature.211 They found that in air the transformation took place at 1180 K whereas at

1 bar of oxygen it had increased to 1240 K. Furthermore, Mocala et al. calculates that in

Figure 5.9. Thermopower plotted against fractional occupancy of Co3+ ions on the
octahedral sub-lattice according to cases (i), (ii) and (iii) described in detail in the text.
The vertical dotted line represents the minimum possible value for CoO3 in Co3O4. As
thermopower decreases due to inversion both cases (i) and (ii) approach the limit of
Co =0, in violation of stoichiometry in the spinel structure, but case (iii) remains


20 bars of oxygen, the transformation would increase up to 1350 K. Because our values

of the thermopower decreased linearly with increasing temperature up until the abrupt

transformation to rock-salt CoO, we consider it highly probable that the thermopower

would continue to decrease further if larger oxygen pressures can suppress the

transformation. Then, both case (i) and case (ii), based on the thermopower contribution

from the B site only using Wu et al.‘s and Koshibae et al.‘s models, respectively, would

be stoichiometrically inconsistent. This finding, shown in Figure 5.9, is perhaps the most

significant in the entire chapter because it provides evidence that Wu et al.‘s original

model requires review for Co3O4 and possibly other spinels.

Case (iii). In this third case, we consider the thermopower contributions from both

A and B sites in the spinels using Koshibae et al.‘s thermopower expression. An earlier
analysis by Dieckmann et al. also considered octahedral, tetrahedral and octahedral-

tetrahedral small-polaron hopping in magnetite, but did so using Heikes‘ original

thermopower expression with Wu et al‘s β=2.

As described in case (i), inversion creates electron donors on the octahedral site.

Interestingly, as suggested by Koumoto and Yanagida, 222 it is also possible that inversion

simultaneously hole dopes the tetrahedral site. Tetrahedral Co2+ ions are high spin with 3

unpaired electrons in the t2g triplet, but tetrahedral Co3+ ions have only 2 unpaired

electrons in the t2g triplet. The contribution to thermopower from multiple, parallel

conduction mechanisms, octahedral and tetrahedral hopping, is calculated according to a

weighted fraction of the electrical conductivity of each mechanism as follows 226

 O S O   T ST 5.5
S total 
 total

where  O ,  T , S O and S T , are the contributions to electrical conductivity and

thermopower from octahedral and tetrahedral hopping, respectively.

To proceed we need to evaluate the electrical conductivity on each sub-lattice. Let

us take Fe3O4 (magnetite) case. The results of Mössbauer spectroscopy of Fe3O4 at low

temperatures have been attributed to electron hopping along the octahedral sub-lattice.227

A later detailed analysis by Dieckmann et al. 226 separated octahedral sub-lattice hopping

contributions to electrical conductivity from other mechanisms and found that octahedral

hopping dominated conduction, but significant tetrahedral or octahedral-tetrahedral

conduction exists at high temperatures. We attempted a similar analysis for Co 3O4 , but is

not straight forward because Co3O4, unlike Fe3O4, which is a half-metal, is a large band-

gap semiconductor and the onset of thermally activated carriers masks the contribution of

tetrahedral and octahedral-tetrahedral hopping mechanisms at high temperatures.

Furthermore, analysis at higher temperatures is not possible because of the intervention

of the decomposition of Co3O4 to CoO.

Nevertheless, consider, for the sake of qualitative argument that at high

temperatures significant conduction occurs via the hole-doped tetrahedral sub-lattice in

addition to the electron doped octahedral sub-lattice. If we assume that conduction is

proportional to the site fraction such that 1/3 of the conduction occurs via tetrahedral

conduction and 2/3 via octahedral conduction, then we can use Equation 5.5 to express

the total thermopower as:

S total  2 S O  1 S T 5.6
3 3

The thermopower due to conduction on the octahedral sites would be the same as in case

(ii) and the thermopower due to the tetrahedral sites would depend on the degeneracies of

high spin Co2+ and Co3+ in tetrahedral coordination, 4 and 10 respectively. Because the

carriers are now holes, instead of electrons, the sign is also changed to give

kB  4 y  5.7
ST   ln  
q  10 1  y 

with x now being CoT3 . 
When we calculate the cation distribution for case (iii) we can make two

observations. The first is that it agrees with Chen et al.‘s at least as well as case (i) which

relied on an arbitrary β parameter. The second is that, even if the thermopower were to

continue to decrease with temperature, as we predict it will for samples measured in high

oxygen pressures, the inversion would remain stoichiometrically consistent because

Co  would approach the high temperature limit of 0.5, in agreement with Chen et al.‘s

prediction of the site occupancies. To illustrate this important point, consider Figure 5.9

where we have plotted thermopower against CoO3  based on each of the three cases

considered here. The lowest value for thermopower measured in air on our samples was

109 μV/K and the lowest permissible thermopower values according to Koshibae et al‘s

and Wu and Mason‘s models are 119 and 60 μV/K, respectively. In contrast to both of

these we see that in our model the CoO2  fraction approaches the physically sensible

limit of 0.5 even for very low thermopower values.

5.2.2 Cation Distribution from Thermopower Measurements: Inversion and Spin


Finally, we discuss what the change in spin state could play in determining the

thermopower of Co3O4. A key feature of Koshibae‘s model is that it successfully

accounts for the change in spin state from low-spin (LS) to high spin (HS) of Co4+ ions in
NaCo2O4 with increasing temperature There has been extensive debate regarding the

spin-state of Co3+ in Co3O4 at high temperatures. Chen et al. argue that measurements as

diverse as lattice parameter,212,216,228 EMF of oxygen potential,212,229 and heat capacity 211

all indicate a high temperature anomaly at 1120 K, just before Co3O4 transforms to CoO.

The general consensus is that a second-order transition from LS-HS in Co3+ ions takes

place at this temperature. However, the effect this would have on cation distribution is

still debated. Kale, for example, suggests an inverse spinel,212 Liu and Prewitt favor a

disordered spinel and Mocala et al. suggests a normal spinel with only 5-10% disorder.216

A change in spin-state alters the spin and orbital degeneracy and would, therefore,

affect the thermopower analysis of case (ii) and (iii) in equation 2. For example, the

octahedral Co3+ degeneracy term increases from 1 to 15 with a LS→HS transition. The

cation distribution calculated according to case (ii) and (iii) assuming different spin-states

for octahedral cobalt cations is shown in Figure 5.10. We note that when a Co3+ LS→HS

transition is assumed, a stoichiometrically consistent cation distribution is obtained for

Figure 5.10. Fractional occupancy of Co3+ ions on the octahedral sublattice in Co3O4 as
a function of temperature accounting for different cobalt ion spin states in case (ii) (a)
and case (iii) (b). In case (iii) a fixed high spin state for Co2+ and Co3+ ions on the
tetrahedral site was assumed.

case (ii). For case (iii) a stoichiometrically consistent cation distribution is found

regardless of the spin state of Co3+, but the scenario closest to Chen et al‘s prediction is if

Co3+ ions remain low spin.

Figure 5.10 also shows that neither case (ii) nor case (iii) can account for the

thermopower produced by a spin state transition alone; both cases show that a minimum

of ~20% anti-site disorder on the B site must be present. Mocala et al. showed the

anomaly in heat capacity, reportedly due to Co3+ LS→HS, begins at 1000 K and

continues until decomposition. Figure 5.7 shows that thermopower decreases at an almost

continuous rate from 900 K until transformation to CoO with no abrupt change that could

be attributed to a high temperature change in spin state. For these reasons, we cannot

conclude definitively that a change in spin state occurs; it remains possible that the

thermopower results solely from inversion of the Co3O4 structure, or by a combination of

inversion and change in spin state.

5.3 Evaluating Thermopower Cation Distribution Models

Considerable clarification would be gained from in-situ measurements of the

magnetic susceptibility and determination of the magnetic structure over the temperatures

850-1200 K. Unfortunately, such measurements have not yet been performed for Co3O4

though magnetic moment measurements using a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM)

are underway. In their absence, other than Chen et al.‘s prediction of the ion distributions,

which is limited to the assumption that no change in spin state occurs, there are very few

remaining methods whereby we can compare and assess the three cases described here. In

this section we describe one method to evaluate the thermopower cation distribution

models. X-ray diffraction is measured independently from thermopower. This allows us

to examine the bond lengths measured by XRD as a function of temperature and

determine what combination of Co2+ and Co3+ ionic radii could account for the observed

bond lengths.

5.3.1 Bond Lengths Calculated from Ionic Radii

The fraction of Co3+ on the octahedral site, CoO3 , was calculated using the bond

lengths of tetrahedral and octahedral ions 216 ( and ) as well as the coefficient of
thermal expansion reported previously for Co3O4 up to high temperatures. The ionic
radii for Co2+, Co3+ and O2- were used at room temperature and the coefficient of

thermal expansion for Co3O4 was applied for non-ambient calculations. The distribution

as a function of temperature (Figure 5.11) is calculated as follows

 rTCo 2 (T )  rAO (T )  r O 2 (T )  5.8

 
 Co 2 
 Co 3 
Co 
3  rT (T ) rT (T ) 
O (T ) AO bond
 1


 rOCo 2 (T )  rB O (T )  r O 2 (T )  5.9
Co 3
O 
(T ) B O bond  
 r Co 2 
(T )  r Co 3
(T )

 O O 

where rTCo,O2 and rTCo,O3 are the ionic radii for Co2+ or Co3+ in tetrahedral or octahedral

coordination respectively (HS rTCo 2 , LS rOCo 2 , HS rTCo 3 , LS rOCo 3 ), rAO and rBO are

the tetrahedral and octahedral bond lengths respectively 216

and r O 2 is the ionic radius

for O2-. Both sets of data show the same trend in approximate agreement with the cation

distribution calculated in cases (i), (ii) and (iii); i.e. little or no inversion at lower

temperatures and the onset of inversion above ~1000 K. At 1200 K the octahedral bond

length data suggests complete inversion while the tetrahedral bond length data indicates a

random distribution of cations ( CoO3 =62%). However, due to the large variation in

bond lengths, we are unable to use the bond length data and the analysis of the ionic radii

to assess the accuracy of the thermopower cation distributions.

Figure 5.11. Fractional occupancy of Co3+ ions on the octahedral sub-lattice in Co3O4
as a function of temperature calculated from ionic radii and tetrahedral (brown squares
with circles) and octahedral (squares with triangles) bond lengths. The cation
distribution calculated from thermopower measurements according to cases (i), (ii) and
(iii) are shown for comparison. The low precision in the bond length data is due to
variation in the bond lengths determined by the Rietveld refinement of high temperature
X-ray diffraction data.

5.4 Future Work and Conclusions

In addition the inconclusive bond lengths analysis of cation distribution there are

a few other techniques and measurements that could offer insight to cation distribution

and the high temperature anomaly in Co3O4. Measuring the magnetic moment via

vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM) could be performed in-situ at high temperatures

or on rapidly quenched samples from a range of high temperatures in hopes that the high

temperature electronic and crystal structure would be preserved. The electron binding

energies of Co2+ and Co3+ ions in octahedral and tetrahedral sites are not the same so X-

ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) could be used to measure the kinetic energy and

number of electrons from a material being irradiated by X-rays. The spectra could ideally

be deconvoluted and fractional occupancy of Co2+ and Co3+ ions on octahedral and

tetrahedral sites could be calculated. Synchrotron techniques such as extended X-ray

absorption fine structure (EXAFS) or X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) could

also potentially be performed in-situ on samples. An especially promising technique is to

rapidly quench samples and then to perform neutron diffraction and examine the

magnetic structure. The preliminary results from this last method will be described in turn

in the paragraphs that follow.

5.4.1 Magnetic Structure of Samples Quenched From High Temperatures

Refining the magnetic structure from neutron diffraction data provides a very

clear measure of the magnetic moment on each site in Co3O4. The magnetic moment, in

turn, is tied to the occupancy of Co2+ and Co3+ ions on a site. For example, Co2+ on a

tetrahedral site has 3 unpaired electrons but introducing a high spin Co3+ ion on the

tetrahedral site increases the magnetic moment because it has 4 unpaired electrons. As a

result, determining the magnetic structure of Co3O4 as the structure undergoes inversion

could be used to quantify the cation distribution. However, the temperatures where

inversion of the structure occurs are very high (800-1200 K) and Co3O4 transitions to an

ordered antiferromagnetic state at very low temperatures (Néel temperature is 40 K).

Above the Néel temperature, cobalt oxide is paramagnetic and no magnetic structure

reflections are observed; thus, the magnetic structure can only be determined below 40 K.

Our approach to this problem was to heat a series of Co3O4 powders to various

temperatures (298 K, 773 K, 823 K, 873 K, 923 K, 973 K, 1023 K, 1073 K, 1123 K and

1173 K). The samples were then rapidly quenched in hopes that the high temperature

electronic and crystal structure would be preserved and the magnetic structure of the

quenched samples could be investigated. Neutron diffraction patterns measured for a

sample above (300 K) and below (1.5 K) its magnetic ordering temperature are shown in

Figure 5.12 to exhibit the additional scattering from the magnetic structure.

The increase in peak intensity below the Néel temperature is not uniform for all

reflections because the magnetic structure and the crystal structure belong to different

space groups (F-43m and Fd3m symmetry respectively, see Figure 5.13). For example,

the (200) and (420) peaks are principally magnetic reflections, (220) and (224) are

principally nuclear reflections and the remainder have contributions from both. Normal

spinel Co3O4 has no magnetic moment on the octahedral B site because Co3+ is low spin

and has no unpaired electrons. The magnetic structure arises only from the unpaired

electrons on the tetrahedral A site.

Figure 5.12. Neutron diffraction patterns for Co3O4 powder quenched from 1173 K
measured at 300 K and 1.5 K. Nuclear, magnetic and combined reflections are indicated.

Figure 5.13. (left) Paramagnetic structure of Co3O4. Though both A and B sites have
cobalt ions, for clarity, the B site octahedra are shown in blue and A site tetrahedra are
shown in teal. (right) Antiferromagnetic structure of Co3O4. B site octahedra are omitted
because they contain no magnetic moment. Red and blue arrows indicate up and down

Refinement of the magnetic structure for these neutron diffraction patterns is not

yet complete. Nevertheless, when the patterns of samples quenched from all temperatures

are compared, as in Figure 5.14, there are two important observations. First, the patterns

from samples quenched at high temperatures have sharper peaks and, second, the ratio of

intensity of magnetic to nuclear reflections is changing as a function of temperature. The

former can be understood by the powders coarsening at elevated temperatures. The latter

observation could be evidence of inversion and is quantified in Figure 5.15 where the

Figure 5.14. Neutron diffraction patterns measured at 1.5 K for Co3O4 samples quenched
from various temperatures.

ratio of the magnetic (200) reflection to the nuclear (220) and (224) reflections is plotted

as a function of quenching temperature.

As was portrayed in Table 6, inversion of Co3O4 introduces high spin Co3+ ions

featuring four unpaired electrons on the tetrahedral site. This extra unpaired electron

relative to high spin Co2+ ions normally on the site should increase the magnetic moment

and, therefore, the magnetic scattering. While anti-site disorder qualitatively describes the

Figure 5.15. Ratio of peak intensity for magnetic (200) and nuclear reflections (220) and
(224). The ratios increase as a function of temperature possibly indicating that the
magnetic moment on the A site is increasing with temperature.

trend in Figure 5.15, inversion would also require that Co2+ ions with unpaired electrons

occupy the octahedral site which should result in a magnetic moment on the B site. The

effect of a small B site magnetic moment on the low temperature neutron diffraction

patterns will be considered in detail when the Rietveld refinement of the magnetic

structure is complete.

Clearly there remain ample opportunities for further research in both the high

temperature structure of Co3O4 as well as in the intriguing prospect of using thermopower

as a measure of cation distribution in materials.

5.4.2 Conclusions

In this chapter the electrical and thermoelectric properties as well as X-ray

diffraction and Raman scattering of Co3O4 spinel are reported from room temperature up

to 1273 K. The electrical conductivity was consistent with other large band gap

semiconductors with EG=2.28 eV and EA=0.15 eV for a small-polaron conduction

mechanism. The thermopower reaches a maximum value (~600μV/K) around 850 K and

above this temperature it decreased almost linearly with temperature to 109 μV/K at

which the structure transformed to CoO rock-salt. The temperature of this transformation

decreased slightly (~ 40 K) when measured in helium, rather than air.

The thermopower correlates to partial inversion of the Co3O4 structure, but the

cation distribution cannot be explained in a quantifiable and consistent way unless a

change in spin state is considered using either Wu and Mason‘s original model case (i),

or one based on Koshibae et al.‘s modified thermopower expression, case (ii). When

thermopower contributions from both electron-doped octahedral sites as well as hole-

doped tetrahedral sites are included, taking into account both spin and orbital degeneracy

as well as the ratio of these degeneracies, case (iii), a stoichiometrically consistent cation

distribution is observed with or without a change in spin state. This case agrees well with

Chen et al.‘s cation distribution calculated from free energies as well as the distribution

calculated from bond lengths and ionic radii. Neutron diffraction of Co3O4 powders

quenched from elevated temperatures indicate that the magnetic moment on the A site is

increasing with quenching temperature suggesting increased anti-site disorder at elevated

temperature. In agreement with previous studies, the spinel lattice parameter is unusually

large at values above 900 K. While this has been attributed to a change in spin-state of

the Co3+ ions by other authors, the thermopower results in the current work show no

definitive evidence of such a change in spin state.


Chapter 6. Thesis Summary and Outlook

The Seebeck coefficient is a direct probe of the carrier type and entropy per

carrier and, as such, is a truly fundamental measurement in materials. For strongly

correlated systems in particular, the strong coupling between charge, orbital, spin and

lattice degrees of freedom means that thermopower is intimately related to the crystal

structure in a way that neither electrical or thermal conductivity alone would be. The

objective of this dissertation was not only to highlight these structure-thermopower

relationships, but also to apply them towards developing better oxide thermoelectric

materials and as a characterization tool to improve our understanding of materials.

In the context of thermoelectric power generation and refrigeration one important

accomplishment resulting from our experiments was identifying that Mn oxides need not

be limited to the small thermopower value of -20 μV/K at high temperatures. By

understanding the effect of Jahn-Teller distortions on the electronic degeneracy a Mn

oxide, LiMn2O4, was identified that had thermopower values over 3 times greater than

other small-polaron conducting Mn oxides. Though the electrical resistivity of LiMn2O4

is still prohibitively large for practical thermoelectric application this study represents an

advance in developing n-type oxide thermoelectric materials to compliment their better

performing p-type counterparts. There is outstanding potential to use thermopower as a

probe of crystal structure in materials and to apply the modified Heikes formula as a

screening tool to find new oxide thermoelectric materials as well.

For over 30 years thermopower has been used as a valuable tool to characterize

cation distribution in spinels. We have revisited using thermopower to calculate the

cation distribution in spinels by examining the temperature dependant thermopower and

high temperature structural anomaly of Co3O4. The experiments offer evidence that Wu

et al.‘s model could be altered to include Koshibae et al.‘s modified Heikes formula and

to account for octahedral and tetrahedral contributions to thermopower. However, as I

have demonstrated in this thesis, the complex structural and magnetic transitions (anti-

site disorder, spin unpairing etc) possible in spinels make use of thermopower to

precisely determine cation distribution unlikely.

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