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Sri Chaitanya Educational Institutions: Kcet Grand Test-7

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Sri Chaitanya


Sec: ALL SENIORS(OUTGOING) Date: 15-06-2022
Time: 70 Mins KCET GRAND TEST-7 Max. Marks: 60M
Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:


1. This question paper contains 60 questions and each question will have one statement and
four distracters. (Four different options / choices).
2. During the subsequent 70 minutes:
Read each question carefully.
Choose the correct answer from out of the four available distracters (options / choices)
given under each question / statement.
Completely darken / shade the relevant circle with a blue or black ink ballpoint pen
against the question number on the OMR answer sheet.

3. Please note that even a minute unintended ink dot on the OMR answer sheet will also be
recognized and recorded by the scanner. Therefore, avoid multiple marking of any kind
on the OMR answer sheet.
4. Hand over the OMR answer sheet to the room invigilator as it is.
Sri Chaitanya
1. n  A  12, n  B   16, n C   21, n  A  B   5, n  A  C   8, n  B  C   12, n  A  B  C   3, then

nA  B  C =

1) 59 2) 31 3) 34 4) 27
2. R is a relation on N given by R = {(x,y)| 4x +3y=20} which of the following belongs to
1) (5,0) 2) (-4,12) 3) (2,4) 4) (3,4)
tan 80  tan10
tan 70
1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4)3
 cosA  cos B   sinA  sin B 
n n

4. If n is an odd integer then     =

 sin A  sin B   cos A  cos B 

 A  B   A  B   A  B 
1) 0 2) 2 cot n   3) 2 cot n   4) 2 tan n  
 2   2   2 

5 13  23  ...  k 3
5. 
k 1 1  3  5  ....  (2 k 1)

1) 22.5 2) 24.5 3) 28.5 4)32.5

6. If ( 3  i )100  299 ( a  ib) then a 2  b 2 =

1) 1 2) 4 3) 2 4) 2
7. If  and  are the roots of x 2  ax  b2  0, then  2   2 is equal to

1) a 2  2b 2 2) 2a 2  b 2 3) a 2  b 2 4) a 2  b 2
3  x  2 5  2  x
8. The solution of  is
5 3
1)  , 2  2)  , 2 3)  2,   4)  2,  
9. How many different words can be formed by jumbling the letters in the word
MISSISSIPPI in which no two S are adjacent?
1) 6  7 8 C 4 2) 6  8 7 C 4 3) 7 6 C4 8 C4 4) 8 6 C4 7 C4
C4   
47 52 j 
10. C3
j 1

1) 52 C4 2) 52 C3 3) 53 C4 4) 53 C3

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Sri Chaitanya
11. The number of terms in the expansion of ( x  y  z )10 is
1) 11 2) 33 3) 66 4)132
a n1  b n1
12. If the harmonic mean between a and b is , then n=
an  bn
1) 0 2) -1 3) 4)1
13. The area enclosed with in the curve |x|+|y|= 1 is
1) 2 2) 3) 1 4) 4
14. The circle x 2  y 2  8 x  4 y  4  0 touches
1) x-axis 2) y-axis
3) both axes 4) neither x-axis nor y-axis
15. The length of the latus rectum of 4x 2 + 9 y 2 + 8x + 36y + 4 = 0 is
8 4 1
1) 2) 3) 9 4)
3 3 2
16. If the distance between the points (3 ,4 -2) and (1 , 1, k) is 7 then k =
1) -4 or 8 2) 4 or -8 3) -4 or -8 4) 4 or 8
1  x 2  1 x  x 2
17. lim =
x 0 3x 1
1 1
1) log 9 2) 3) log 3 4)
log 9 log 3

18. If p is false, q is true then which of the following is false?

1)  ( p  q ) 2)  p 3)  p  q 4) p  q
19. Standard deviation of 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 is
1) 12 2) 11 3) 11.66 4) 3.4
20. The probability that a leap year have 53 Sundays is
1 2 5 6
1) 2) 3) 4)
7 7 7 7

21. The range of the function f  x  7 x Px 3 is

1) {1,2,3} 2) {1,2,3,4,5} 3) {1,2,3,4} 4) {1,3}

22. The domain of is
( x 1) ( x  5)

1) (1,5) 2) [1 , 5] 3) (,1)  (5, ) 4) (,1]  [5, )

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Sri Chaitanya
23. If * is defined on R* as a*b = then the identity element in the group  R* ,* is, where
R* is set of all positive really numbers.

1 1
1) 1 2) 2 3) 4)
2 3

24. sec 2 (Tan1 2)  cos ec 2 (Cot 1 3) 

1) 5 2) 10 3) 15 4) 20
 3  4 
25. If Sin1    Sin1    then a value of x is
 x  x 2

1) 3 2) 5 3) 7 4) 11
 cos  sin  
26. If A    then A n 
 sin  cos  

 cos n sin n   cos n  sin n  

1)   2) 
 sin n cos n 
 (1) sin 
n n
cos n  

 n cos  n sin  
3)   4) None
 n sin n n cos  

27. If A is a square matrix such that A2 = A , then ( I  A)3  7 A 

1) A 2) I  A 3) I 4) 3A
28. A is a square matrix satisfying the equation A2  4 A  5I  O . Then A1 
1 1 1
1) A  4 I 2) ( A  4I ) 3) ( A  4I ) 4) ( A  4I )
3 4 5
29. If the system of equations 3 x  2 y  z  0,  x 14 y  15 z  0, x  2 y  3 z  0 have non-zero
solution then  
1) 1 2) 3 3) 5 4) 0
1 a 1 1
30. If a, b and c are all different from zero and 1 1  b 1  0 , then the value of
1 1 1 c
1 1 1
  is
a b c
1)  1 2) abc 3) 4) a  b  c
 1  kx  1 kx
 , for 1  x  0
31. If f ( x)   x is continuous at x  0 , then k =
 2 x  3 x  2 , for 0  x  1

1) -4 2) -3 3) -2 4) -1
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Sri Chaitanya
1 dy
32. If y  x 2  , then 
1 dx
x2  2
x  ...

2 xy 2 2 xy 2x 2
1) 2) 3) 4)
y 2 1 y 2 1 y 1
y 1

f ( x)  3
33. If f (9)  9, f 1 (9)  4 , then lim 
x9 x 3

1) 9 2) 3 3) 4 4) 27
34. The maximum value of x x is
1) ee 2) ee 3) e1/ e 4) e1/ e
35. The tangent to the curve y  e2 x at the point (0,1) meets x -axis at
 1 
1) (0.1) 2)  , 0 3) (2, 0) 4) (0, 2)
 2 

36. f ( x)  x x has a stationary point at

1) x  e 2) x  3) x  1 4) x  e

 e (1  cot x  cot x ) dx 
x 2
1) e x cot x  c 2) e x cot x  c 3) e x cos ec x  c 4) e x cos ec x  c
sin 8 x  cox8 x
38.  dx 
1 2sin 2 x cos 2 x
1 1
1) sin 2 x  C 2)  sin 2 x  C
2 2
3) sin 2 x  C 4)  sin 2 x  C
39.   f ( x)  c  f ( x) 
 x 100 x  99
1) 2( x 100)1/ 2 2) 3( x 100)1/ 2

3) 2Tan1  x  99  4) 2Tan1  x 100 

 /2
a tan x  b cot x
40.  dx 
0 tan x  cot x
  
1)  ab 2) ab 3) ab 4) (a  b )
4 2 4

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Sri Chaitanya
 /2
41.  sin | x | dx 
 / 2

1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) 
 /2  2  sin x 
42.  log   dx 
 / 2  2  sin x 

 
1) log 2 2)  log 2 3)  log 2 4) 0
2 2
43. The area cut off by the parabola y 2  4 ax and its latus rectum is
8a 2 4a 2
1) 8a 2 2) 4a 2 3) 4)
3 3

44. The area bounded by the curve y  x x , x  axis and the ordinates x  1 and x  1 is
2 1 4
1) 0 2) 3) 4)
3 3 3

  dy 2 
5/ 3
45. The degree of the differential equation 5     7 is
 dx   dx 2
 
1) 3 2) 2 3) 1 4) 4
46. y  x2  has the solution
1) y  x 2  2 x  2  ce x 2) y  x  2 x 2  2  ce x
3) y  x  x 2  2  ce2 x 4) y 2  x  x 2  2  ce x
47. The solution of the differential equation ydx  ( x  x 2 y )dy  0
1)  c 2) log y  cx
1 1
3)  log y  c 4)   log y  c
xy xy

48. Consider the points A,B,C,D with position vectors

   
7i  4 j  7k , i  6 j  10k , i  3 j  4k ,5i  j  k respectively then ABCD is a

1) square 2) rhombus 3) rectangle 4)parallelogram

    
49. If a  5, b  6, a.b  24 then a  b 

1) 224 2) 18 3) 300 4) 254

50. If the vectors 2i – 3j + 4k , i +2j – k and xi – j + 2k are coplanar then x =
8 5
1) 2) 3) 0 4) 1
5 8
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Sri Chaitanya
 3 1 3  
51. The angle between the lines whose direction cosines are  , ,  and  3 , 1 ,  3  is
 4 4 2   
 4 4 2 

  
1)  2) 3) 4)
2 3 4
52. If A(3, 4,5), B (4, 6,3), C (1, 2, 4), D(1, 0,5) then the projection of AB on CD is
3 4 4
1) 0 2) 3) 4) 
4 3 3

53. The angle between the planes 2 x  y  z  5  0, x  y  2 z  7  0 is

   
1) 2) 3) 4)
6 4 3 2
54. If the plane x  2 y  kz  3  0 is perpendicular to the line whose direction ratios are 2,4,3
then k=
3 2 3 2
1) 2) 3) 4)
2 3 2 3
x  2 y 3 z 4 x 1 y  4 z  5
55. The lines   and   are coplanar if
1 1 k k 2 1
1) k  1 or 1 2) k  0 or  3 3) k  3 or  3 4) k  0 or 1
56. The reflection of the point (,  ,  ) in the xy -plane is
1) (,  ,0) 2) (0, 0,  ) 3) (,  ,  ) 4) (,  ,  )
x 9y
57. Which point maximize the objective function P   ?
4 20
1) (0, 0) 2) (0,150) 3) (90,150) 4) (160, 0)
1 1 1
58. The probabilities of solving a problem by three students A, B, C independently are , ,
3 4 5
. The probability that the problem will be solved is
1 36 48 57
1) 2) 3) 4)
60 60 60 60
59. Two events A and B will be independent if
1) P( A1  B1 )  [1 p ( A)][1  P( B )] 2) P ( A)  P ( B )  1
3) P( A)  P( B) 4) A and B are mutually exclusive
60. If the mean of a binomial distribution with 9 trials is 6 , then its variance is
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 2

Page 7
KCET GRAND TEST-7 PHYSICS Date: 15-06-2022

61. The value of electric potential at any point due to any electric dipole is
       
1) k . p  r 2) k . p  r 3) k . p.r 4) k . p.r
r2 r3 r2 r3
62. If K is dielectric constant and X is dielectric strength of a dielectric, then the
material suitable for use as a dielectric in a capacitor must have :
1) High K, Low X 2) High K, High X
3) Low K, Low X 4) Low K, High X
63. A charge q is placed at the centre of the open end of cylindrical vessel. The flux of
the electric field through the surface of the vessel is

1) zero 2) q 3) q 4) 2q
0 2 0 0
64. An infinite parallel thin plane sheet of a metal is charged to charge density 
columb per square metre in a medium of dielectric constant K. Intensity of electric
field near the metallic surface will be

1) E   2) E  K 3) E   4) E  K 
0 K 2 0 2 0 K 2 0
65. A wire of radius r has resistance R. If it is stretched to the wire of r/2 radius, then
the resistance becomes
1) 2R 2) 4 R 3) 16 R 4) zero
66. A potentiometer wire is 100 cm long and a constant potential difference is
maintained across it. Two cells are connected in series first to support one another
and then in opposite direction. The balance points are obtained at 50 cm and 10 cm
from the positive end of the wire in the two cases. The ratio of e.m.f.'s is
1) 5:1 2) 5:4 3) 3:4 4) 3:2
67. A proton is moving in a uniform magnetic field B in a circular path of radius a in a
direction perpendicular to z-axis along which field B exists. Calculate the angular
momentum, if the radius is a and charge on proton is e.
1) Be / a 2 2) eB 2 a 3) a 2 eB 4) aeB

Page 2
68. A galvanometer of resistance, G is shunted by a resistance S ohm. To keep the
main current in the circuit unchanged, the resistance to be put in series with the
galvanometer is
1) G2 2) SG 3) S 4) G
S  G S  G S G S G
69. If magnetic lines of force are drawn by keeping magnet vertical. then number of
neutral points will be
1) One 2) Two 3) Four 4) Five
70. What is the coefficient of mutual inductance when the magnetic flux changes by
2 x 10-2 Wb and change in current is 0.01 A

1) 2 henry 2) 3 henry 3) 1 henry 4) zero

71. If a coil of metal wire is kept stationary in a non-uniform magnetic field, then
1) An e.m.f. is induced in the coil
2) A current is induced in the coil
3) Neither e.m.f. nor current is induced
4) Both e.m.f. and current is induced
72. In an LCR series a.c. circuit, voltage across L, C, R is 10 V each.If the inductor is
short circuited, voltage across the capacitor would become

1) 10 V 2) 20 V 3) 20 2V 4) 10 V
2 2

73. A fully charged capacitor C with initial charge q0 is connected to a coil of self
inductance L at t = 0. The time at which the energy is stored equally between the
electric and the magnetic field is

1)  LC 2) 2 LC 3) LC 4)  LC
74. Electromagnetic waves consists of periodically oscillating electric and magnetic
1) in mutually perpendicular planes but vibrating with a phase difference of 
2) in mutually perpendicular planes but vibrating with a phase difference of  / 2
3) in randomly oriented planes but vibrating in phase
4) in mutually perpendicular planes but vibrating with same phase
Page 3
75. A microscope is focused on a mark on a piece of paper and then a glass slab of
thickness 3cm and refractive index 1.5 is placed on the marks. How much the
microscope be move to get the mark in focus again
1) 1cm downwards 2) 2cm upward
3) 1cm upward 4) 2cm downward
76. Two thin lenses of focal lengths f1and f2 are in contact and coaxial. The power of
combination is

1) f1  f 2 2) f1 3) f2 4) f1  f 2
f1 f 2 f2 f1 2
77. A wavefront is represented by the plane y = 3 - x. The propagation of wave takes
place at
1) 45° with x direction 2) 135° with x direction
3) 60° with x direction 4) cannot say
78. At two points P and Q on screen in Young's double slit experiment, waves from

slits S1 and S 2 have a path difference of 0 and  and respectively. The ratio of
intensities at P and Q will be
1) 3:2 2) 2:1 3) 2:3 4) 4:1
79. Specific charge is least for
1)  -particle 2) proton
3) positron 4) tritium
80. If K1 , K 2 and K3 are the respective kinetic energies of an electron, a proton and an
alpha particle, each having the same de-Broglie wavelength, then
1) K1  K 2  K 3 2) K3  K 2  K1
3) K1  K3  K2 4) K1  K 2  K3
81. The distance of closest approach of an a particle fired towards a nucleus with
momentum p is r. If the momentum of a particle is 2 p, the corresponding distance
of closest approach will be

1) r/2 2) 2r 3) r 4) r/8
82. The ratio of kinetic energy to the total energy of an electron in a Bohr orbit of the
hydrogen atom, is
1) 2:-1 2) 1:-1 3) 1:1 4) 1:2

Page 4
83. If an electron and positron annihilates, then energy released
1) 3.2 x 10-13 J 2) 1.6x10-13 J 3) 4.8 x 10-13 J 4) 6.4 x 10-13 J
84. 90% of the active nuclei present in a radioactive sample are found to remain
undecayed after 1 day. The percentage of undecayed nuclei left after two days will
1) 85% 2) 81% 3) 80% 4) 79%
85. In semiconductor at a room temperature
1) the valence band is partially empty and the conduction band is partially filled
2) the valence band is completely filled and the conduction band is partially filled
3) the valence band is completely filled
4) the conduction band is completely empty
86. The dimensions of mobility are
1)  M 1 L0T 2 A1  2)  M 1L0T 2 A1  3)  M 0 LT
1 2 1
A  4)  M 0 L1T 2 A1 
      
87. A particle is moving with a constant speed v in a circle. What is the magnitude of
the average velocity after half revolution ?
1) 2v 2) 2v /  3) v / 2 4) v / 2
88. A particle is projected at 60° to the horizontal with an energy E. The kinetic energy
and potential energy at the highest point are

1) (E/2, E/2) 2)  3E , E  3) (E, 0) 4)  E , 3E 

 4 4 4 4
89. An object at rest suddenly explodes into three parts with the mass ratio 2:1:1. The
parts of equal masses move at right angles to eachother with equal speeds ( v ). The
speed of the third part after explosion will be:
1) v / 2 2) 2v 3) v / 2 4) 2v
90. A car is negotiating a curved road of radius R. The road is banked at an angle  .

The coefficient of friction between the tyres of the car and the road is  s . The
maximum safe velocity on this road is

1)  s  tan  2)  s  tan 
gR 2 gR
1   s tan  1   s tan 

3) g  s  tan  4) g  s  tan 
R 1   s tan  R 2 1   s tan 

Page 5
91. A body of mass 4 kg moving with velocity 12 m/s collides with another body of
mass 6 kg at rest. If two bodies stick together after collision, then the loss of K.E.
after collision is
1) zero 2) 144 J 3) 172.8 J 4) 288 J
92. A square plate of side l has mass M. What is its moment of inertia about one of its
diagonals ?
2 2 2 2
1) Ml 2) Ml 3) Ml 4) Ml
6 12 3 4
93. If A is the areal velocity of a planet of mass M, its angular momentum is :
2 2
1) M/A 2) 2MA 3) A M 4) AM
94. In designing a beam for its use to support a load, the depression at centre is
proportional to (where, Y is Young's modulus)

1) Y 2 2) Y 3) 1 4) 1
Y Y2
95. A hole is made at the bottom of a tank filled with water (density  103 kg / m3 ). If the
total pressure at the bottom of the tank is three atmosphere (1 atmosphere

 105 N / m2 ) then the velocity of efflux is :

1) 400 m/s 2) 200 m/s 3) 600 m/s 4) 500 m/s
96. The rise of liquid in a capillary tube has a meniscus. If the angle of contact is 900 ,
the shape of meniscus is
1) concave 2) convex 3) flat 4) none of the above
97. Two rods of lengths L1 and L2 , are made of materials having coefficients of linear
expansion 1 and  2 respectively. If  L  L  is independent of temperature, which
1 2

of the following relations is correct?

1) L1L2  1 2) L1L2  1 2 3) L11  L2 2 4) none of these.

98. The time period of a particle in simple harmonic motion is 8 seconds. At t = 0, it is
at the mean position. The ratio of the distances travelled by it in the first and
second seconds is

1) 1 2) 1 3) 1 4) 1
2 2  2 1  3

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99. A transverse wave of amplitude 0.5 m and wavelength 1 m and frequency 2 Hz is
propagating in a string in the negative x direction. The expression for this wave is
1) y(x, t) = 0.5 sin(2 x - 4 t) 2) y(x, t) = 0.5 cos(2 x+4 t)
3) y(x, t) = 0.5 sin( x-2 t) 4) y(x, t) = 0.5 cos(2 x-2 t)
100. The wavelength of a spectral line for a given element in light received from a
distant star is increased by 0.32%. Velocity of the star is
1) 9.6 x 105 m/s away from the earth
2) 9.6 x 105 m/s towards earth
3) 9.6 x 10 4 m/s receding from the earth
4) 9.6 x 10 4 m/s away from the earth
101. A passenger in an aeroplane shall :
1) never see a rainbow
2) may see a primary and a secondary rainbow as concentric circles
3) may see a primary and a secondary rainbow as concentric arcs
4) never see a secondary rainbow
102. Consider a ray of light incident from air onto a slab of glass (refractive index u) of
width d, at an angle  . The phase difference between the ray reflected by the top
surface of the glass and the bottom surface is :
1/2 1/2
1) 4d 1  1 sin 2     2) 4d 1  1 sin 2  
   2     2 
1/2 1/2
3) 4 d 1  1 sin 2     4) 4 d 1  1 sin 2    2

   2 
 2    2 
103. A particle is dropped from a height H. The de Broglie wavelength of the particle as
a function of height is proportional to :
1) H 2) H 1/2 3) H 0 4) H 1/2
104. The simple Bohr model cannot be directly applied to calculate the energy levels of
an atom with many electrons. This is because :
1) of the electrons not being subject to a central force
2) of the electrons colliding with each other
3) of screening effects
4) the force between the nucleus and an electron will no longer be given by
coulomb's law
Page 7
105. Heavy stable nuclei have more neutrons than protons. This is because of the fact
1) neutrons are heavier than protons
2) electrostatic forces between protons are repulsive
3) neutrons decay into protons through beta decay
4) nuclear forces between neutrons are weaker than that between protons
106. Hole is :
1) an antiparticle of electron
2) a vacancy created when an electron leaves a covalent bond
3) absence of free electrons
4) an artificially created particle
107. The output of an OR gate is connected to both the inputs of a NAND gate. The
combination will serve as a :
1) NOR gate 2) AND gate 3) OR gate 4) NOT gate
108. A male voice after modulation-transmission sounds like that of a female to the
receiver. The problem is due to:
1) poor selection of modulation index (selected 0< m< 1)
2) poor bandwidth selection of amplifiers
3) poor selection of carrier frequency
4) loss of energy in transmission
109. Two amplifiers are connected one after the other in series (cascaded). The first
amplifiers has a voltage gain of 10 and the second has a voltage gain of 20. If the
input signal is 0.01V, the output signal is
1) 0.1V 2) 0.3V 3) 1V 4) 2V
110. Which of the following measurements is most precise?
1) 5.00 mm 2)5.00 cm 3) 5.00 m 4) 5.00 km
111. The displacement of a particle is given by x= (t-2)2 , where x is in meteres and t in
seconds.The distance covered by the particle in first 4 seconds is.
1) 4m 2) 8m 3)12m 4)16m

Page 8
112. A body of mass 2 Kg travels according to the law x(t)=pt+ qt2 + rt3 ,where p=3m/s,
q=4m/s 2 and r=5 m/s 3 the force acting on the body at t= 2seconds is:
1)136 N 2)134N 3)158N 4)68N
113. A body of mass 0.5 Kg travels in a straight line With velocity v=a x3/2 ,Where a=5
m-1/2 s-1 .The work done by the net force during its displacement from x=0 to x=2
m is :
1)1.5 J 2)50 J 3)10 J 4)100 J
114. The net external torque on a system of particles about an axis is zero. Which of the
following is (are) compatible with it?
1) The forces may be acting on the axis of rotation.
2) The forces may be acting parallel to the axis of rotation.
3) The torque caused by some forces may be equal and opposite to that caused by
other forces.
4) All options are correct
115. To point charges are 3 m apart and their combined charge is 8C . The force of
repulsion between them is 0.012N the charges are
1) 4 C , 4C 2) 6 C , 2C 3) 5C ,3C 4) 7 C ,1C
116. The equivalent resistance of network of three resistors each 2 cannot be
1) 0.67 2) 2 3) 3 4) 6
117. Five cells each of e.m.f E and internal resistance ‘r’ send the same amount of
current through an external resistance R whether the cells are connected in parallel
or in series .then the ratio (R/r) is
1)2 2)½ 3)1/5` 4)1
118. Inside a cyclotron a moving charged particle will gain energy due to the
application of
1) Electric field 2) magnetic field
3) Both of then 4) none of them
119. An air core solenoid has 1000 turns and is one metre long. Its cross-sectional area
is 10 cm2. Its self-inductance is
1) 0.1256 mH 2) 12.56 mH 3)1.256 mH 4)125.6 m
120. If l1 and l2 be the size of the images respectively for the two positions of lens in the
displacement method, then the size of the object is given by

1) l1l2 2) l1 x l2 3) 4)
Sri Chaitanya

121. Which one of the following is the lightest?

1) 0.2 mole of hydrogen gas
2) 6.023  1022 molecules of nitrogen
3) 0.1 g of silver
4) 0.1 mole of oxygen gas
122. The energy required to break one mole of Cl  Cl bonds in C12 is 242 kJ mol 1. The
longest wavelength of light capable of breaking a single Cl  Cl bond is
1) 594nm 2) 640nm 3) 700nm 4) 494nm
123. Number of grams of oxygen in 32.2 g Na2 SO4 .10H 2O is
1) 20.8 2) 2.24 3)22.4 4) 2.08
124. The correct set of four quantum number for the valence electrons of rubidium atom (Z =
37) is :
1 1 1 1
1) 5, 0, 0,  2) 5, 1, 0,  3) 5, 1, 1,  4) 5, 0, 1, 
2 2 2 2
125. The radii of F , F  , O and O 2 are in the order
1) O 2  F   F  O 2) F   O 2  F  O
3) O 2  O  F   F 4) O 2  F   O  F
126. Consider the following statement :
(i) Atomic radii decreases across a row of the periodic table when we move from left to
(ii) Atomic radii increases down the column as we move from top to bottom
(iii) Although the order of elements is based on atomic numbers, vertical families share
similar chemical properities, Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
1)(i) and (ii) 2) (i) and (iii) 3) (ii) and (iii) 4) (i), (ii) and (iii)
127. In PO43 ion the formal charge on the oxygen atom of P – O bond is
1) +1 2) -1 3) -0.75 4) +0.75
128. N 2 and O2 are converted into monocations, N 2 and O2 respectively. Which of the
following statement is wrong?
1) In N 2 , N  N bond weakens 2) In O2 , the O  O bond order increases
3) In O2 , paramagnetism decreases 4) N 2 becomes diamagnetic

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129. At constant volume and temperature conditions, the rate of diffusion DA and DB of gases
A and B having densities  A and  B are related by the expression.
1/2 1/2
     
1) DA   DB A  2) DA   DB B 
  B    A 
1/2 1/2
   
3) DA  DB  A  4) DA  DB  B 
 B   A 

130. If Z is a compressibility factor, van der walls equation at low pressure can be written as:
RT a
1) Z  1  2) Z  1 
Pb Pb
3) Z  1  4) Z  1 
131. From the following bond energies : H – H bond energy : 431.37 kJ mol 1
C = C bond energy : 606.10 kJ mol 1 C – C bond energy : 336.49 kJ mol 1
C – H bond energy : 410.50 kJ mol 1 Enthalpy for the reaction,

C = C + H- H H-C - C - H

Will be
1) 243.6 kJ mol 1 2) 120.0 kJ mol 1
3) 553.0 kJ mol 1 4) 1523.6 kJ mol 1
132. The  S   of the following substance are : CH 4  g 186.2 JK 1mol 1

O2  g  205.2 JK 1mol 1 CO2  g  213.6 JK 1mol 1

H 2O  g  69.9.JK 1mol 1 The entropy changes   S   for the reaction

CH 4  g   2O2  g   CO2  g   2 H 2O 1 is :

1) 312.5 JK 1mol 1 2) 242.8 JK 1mol 1

3) 108.1JK 1mol 1 4) 37.6 JK 1mol 1
133. The degree of dissociation of PCl5   obeying the equilibrium PCl5  PCl3  Cl2 is

related to the equilibrium pressure by

1 1 1
1)   2)   3)   4)   P
P4 P P2

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134. Oxidation state of sulphur in anions SO32  , S 2O42  and S2 O62 increases in the order :
1) S 2O62  S2O42  SO32 2) SO32  S2O42  S2 O62
3) S 2O42  SO32   S 2 O62  4) S 2O42  S 2O62   SO32 
135. Which statement is wrong?
1) Ordinary hydrogen is an equilibrium mixture of ortho and para hydrogen
2) In ortho hydrogen spin of two nuclei is in same direction
3) Ortho and para forms do not resemble in their chemical properties
4) In para hydrogen spin of two nuclei is in opposite direction.
136. Which is not correctly matched?
1) Basic strength Cs2O  Rb2O  K 2O  Na2O  Li2O of oxides
2) Stability of Na2 O2  K 2O2  Rb2O2  CaO2 peroxides

3) Stability of bicarbonates LiHCO3  NaHCO3  KHCO3  RbHCO3  CsHCO3

4) Melting point NaF  NaCl  NaBr  Nal
1) 1 and 4 2) 1 and 3 3) 1 and 2 4) 2 and 3
137. Aluminium is extracted from alumina  Al2O3  by electrolysis of a molten mixture of :
1) Al2O3  HF  NaAlF4 2) Al2O3  CaF2  NaAlF4
3) Al2O3  Na3 AlF6  CaF2 4) Al2O3  KF  Na3 AlF6
138. Orthoboric acid when heated to red hot gives
1) metaboric acid 2) pyroboric acid
3) boron and water 4) boric anhydride
139. Which one of the following orders is correct regarding the -I effect of the substituents ?
1)  NR2  OR   F 2)  NR2  OR   F
3)  NR2  OR   F 4)  NR2  OR   F
140. Which of the following organic compounds has same hybridization as its combustion
product  CO2  ?
1) Ethane 2) Ethyne 3) Ethene 4) Ethanol
141. The treatment of CH 3 MgX with CH 3C  C  H produces
1) CH 3  CH  CH 2 2) CH 3C  C  CH 3

CH3 C CCH3
3) 4) CH 4

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142. Doping of AgCl crystals with CdCl2 results in
1) Frenkel defect 2) Schottky defect
3) Substitutional cation vacancy 4) Formation of F – centres
143. The pyknometric density of sodium chloride crystal is 2.165 103 kg m 3 while its X – ray
density is 2.178 103 kg m3 . The fraction of unoccupied sites in sodium chloride crystal is
1) 5.96 103 2) 5.96 10 4 3) 5.96 102 4) 5.96 101
144. The vapour pressure of a solution of the liquids A  p  80 mm Hg and x A  0.4  and

B  p   120 mm Hg and xB  0.6  is found to be 100 mm Hg. It shows that the solution

1) positive deviation from ideal behavior
2) negative deviation from ideal behavior
3) ideal behavior
4) positive deviation for lower conc. and negative for higher conc.
145. We have three aqueous solutions of NaCl labelled as ' A ' , ' B ' and ' C ' with
concentrations 0.1 M, 0.01 M and 0.001, respectively. The value of van’t Hoff factor for
these solutions will be in the order _____
1) iA  iB  iC 2) iA  iB  iC 3) iA  iB  iC 4) iA  iB  iC
146. If  denotes reduction potential, then which is true?
1) E  cell  right  left 2) E  cell  left  right

3) E  cell  left  right 4) E cell   left  right  .

147. An electrolytic cell contains a solution of Ag 2 SO4 and has platinum electrodes. A current
is passed until 1.6 gm of O2 has been liberated at anode. The amount of silver deposited
at cathode would be
1) 107.88gm 2) 1.6gm 3) 0.8gm 4) 21.60gm
148. The rate expression for the reaction A  g   B  g   C  g  is rate  kC A2CB1/2 . What changes

in the initial concentrations of A and B will cause the rate of reaction to increase by a
factor of eight ?
1) CA  2; CB  2 2) CA  2; CB  4 3) CA 1; CB  4 4) CA  4; CB 1

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149. Select the rate law that corresponds to data shown for the following reaction
A  B  products.

Exp.  A  B Initial rate

1 0.012 0.035 0.1
2 0.024 0.070 0.8
3 0.024 0.035 0.1
4 0.012 0.070 0.8
3 4 3 2 2
1) rate  k  B  2) rate  k  B  3)rate  k  A B  4)  k  A  B 
150. The rate constants k1 and k2 for two different reactions are 1016. e 2000/T and 1015.
e 1000/T , respectively. The temperature at which k1  k2 is :

2000 1000
1) 1000K 2) K 3) 2000K 4) K
2.303 2.303
151. The cause of Brownian movement is
1) Heat changes in liquid state
2) Convectional currents
3) The impact of molecules of the dispersion medium on the colloidal particles.
4) Attractive forces between the colloidal particles and molecules of dispersion medium.
152. Which of the following will show Tyndall effect?
1) Aqueous solution of soap below critical micelle concentration.
2) Aqueous solution of soap above critical micelle concentration.
3) Aqueous solution of sodium chloride.
4) Aqueous solution of sugar.
153. Which of the following reactions is an example for calcination process?
1) 2 Ag  2HCl   O   2 AgCl  H 2O 2) 2Zn  O2  2ZnO

3) 2ZnS  3O2  2ZnO  2 SO2 4) MgCO3  MgO  CO2

154. A coupled reaction is takes place as follow- A  B  C  D, G    xkj

D  E  F, G    ykj For the spontaneity of reaction A  B  E  C  F , which of the

following is correct ?
1) 2x  y 2) x  y 3) x  y 4) x   y   T S

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155. In a cyclotrimetaphosphoric acid molecule, how many single and double bonds are
present ?
1) 3 double bonds; 9 single bonds 2) 6 double bonds; 6 single bonds
3) 3 double bonds; 12 single bonds 4) Zero double bonds; 12 single bonds
156. Caro’s acid is
1) H 2 SO3 2) H 3 S 2O5 3) H 2 SO5 4) H 2 S 2O8
157. Oxidation of thiosulphate by iodine gives
1) Tetrathionate ion 2) sulphide ion
3) sulphate ion 4) sulphite ion
158.  n  1 d 10 ns 2 is the general electronic configuration of

1) Fe, Co, Ni 2) Cu , Ag , Au 3) Zn, Cd , Hg 4) Se, Y , La

159. An explosion take place when conc. H 2 SO4 is added to KMnO4 . Which of the following
is formed?
1) Mn2O7 2) MnO2 3) MnSO4 4) M 2O3
160. Four successive members of the first series of the transition metals are listed below. For
which one of them the standard potential  EM 2
/M  value has a positive sign?
1) Co  Z  27  2) Ni  Z  28 3) Cu  Z  29  4) Fe  Z  26 

161. Which of the following are inner orbital complex ( i.e., involving d 2 sp 3 hybridization)
and is paramagnetic in nature?
3 3 3
1)  Mn  CN 6  ,  Fe  CN 6  , Co  C2O4 3 
3 3 3
2)  MnCl6  ,  FeF6  , CoF6 
3)  Mn  CN 6  ,  Fe(CN )6 3 ,
3 3 3
4)  MnCl6  ,  Fe(CN )6  , Co  C2 O4 3 
162. A solution containing 2.675g of CoCl3 . 6 NH 3 ( molar mass  267.5g mol 1 ) is passed
through a cation exchanger. The chloride ions obtained in solution were treated with
excess of AgNO3 to give 4.78 g of AgCl ( molar mass  143.5 g mol 1 ). The formula of the
complex is
1) Co  NH 3 6  Cl3 2) CoCl  NH 3  4  Cl

3) CoCl3  NH 3 3  4) CoCl  NH 3 5  Cl2

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163. The octahedral complex of a metal ion M 3 with four mono dentate ligands
L1 , L2 , L3 , and L4 absorb wavelengths in the region of red, green, yellow and blue,
respectively. The increasing order of ligand strength of the four ligands is :
1) L4  L3  L2  L1 2) L1  L3  L2  L4
3) L3  L2  L4  L1 4) L1  L2  L4  L3
164. Which of the following species is not expected to be a ligand?
1) NO 2) NH 4
3) NH 2CH 2CH 2 NH 2 4) Both (a) and (b)
165. The starting substance for the preparation of iodoform is any one of the following,
1) CH 3CH  OH  CH 3 2) CH 3CH 2OH
3) HCH 2OH 4) CH 3COCH 3
166. An organic compound A  C4 H 9Cl  on reaction with Na / diethyl ether gives a
hydrocarbon which on mono chlorination gives only one chloro derivative, then A is
1) tert - -butyl chloride 2) sec – butyl chloride
3) isobutyl chloride 4) n – butyl chloride
167. HBr reacts with CH 2  CH  OCH 3 under anhydrous conditions at room temperature to
1) BrCH 2  CH 2  OCH 3 2) H 3C  CHBr  OCH 3
3) CH 3CHO and CH 3 Br 4) BrCH 2CHO and CH 3OH
HNO Phenol
168. o  Xylene   X 
 Y . The product Y is
2 4

1) Phthalic acid 2) Isophthalic acid

3) Phenolphthalein 4) o – Hydroxysulphonic acid
169. Williamson synthesis of ether is an example of :
1) Nucleophilic addition 2) Electrophilic addition
3) Electrophilic substitution 4) Nucleophilic substitution
170. C6 H 5CH  CHCHO   C6 H 5CH  CHCH 2OH . In the above sequence X can be :

1) H 2 / Ni 2) NaBH 4 3) K 2Cr2O7 / H  4) Both (1) and (2)

171. Which of the following cannot reduce Fehling solution?
1) Formic acid 2) Acetic acid
3) Formaldehyde 4) Acetaldehyde
172. Consider the following sequence of reactions :
Compound  A 
Re duction
  B  2
 CH 3CH 2OH The compound  A is

1) CH 3CH 2CN 2) CH 3 NO2 3) CH 3 NC 4) CH 3CN

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173. All three amines 1 , 2 ,3 react with
1) H 2O 2) R  X 3) HCl 4)  CH 3CO 2 O

1) 1,2 2) 4 only 3) 1, 2, 4 4) 1, 2, 3
174. Which of the following reactions will not give a primary amine?
Br / KOH LiAlH
1) CH 3CONH 2  2
 2) CH 3CN  4

3) CH 3 NC  4
 4) CH 3CONH 2  

175. The change in the optical rotation ( with time) of freshly prepared solution is known as
1) Specific rotation 2) Inversion
3) Rotatory motion 4) Mutarotation
176. Amino acids generally exist in the form of Zwitter ions.This means they contain
1) basic - NH 2 group and acidic - COOH group

2) the basic - NH 3 group and acidic - COO  group

3) basic - NH 2 and acidic - H  group

4) basic - COO  group and acidic - NH 3 group

177. The half life period for catalytic decomposition of AB3 at 50 mm Hg is 4hrs and at 100
mm Hg it is 2 hrs. The order of reaction is
1) 1 2) 3 3) 2 4) 0
n m
178. The rate law for a reaction between the substance A and B is given by Rate   A  B 
on doubling the concentration of A and halving the concentration of B, the ratio of the
new rate to the earlier rate of the reaction will be as
1) (m+n) 2) (n-m) 3) 2 n m 4)  n m
179. The major organic compound formed by the reaction of 1, 1, 1 – trichloroethane with
silver powder is :
1) Acetylene 2) Ethene 3) 2 – Butyne 4) 2 – Butene
180. Heating mixture of sodium benzoate and soda – lime gives
1) benzene 2) methane
3) sodium phenoxide 4) calcium benzoate

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