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REFORESTA (2021) 12: 13-19 Vemić

The first report of Ochrospora ariae and Septoria

sorbi on whitebeam (Sorbus aria) seedlings in

Aleksandar Vemić
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia


Symptoms of disease were recorded on leaves of whitebeam (Sorbus aria (L.) Crantz)
Citation: seedlings in one stand in Montenegro. Analysis showed fungi Ochrospora ariae
Vemić A (2021) The first report of (Fuckel) Ramsb. and Septoria sorbi Lasch were present on infected trees. Species
Ochrospora ariae and Septoria Seporia sorbi was associated with necrotic reddish and brown spots while species
sorbi on whitebeam (Sorbus aria) Ochrospora ariae was associated with necrotic reddish spots and yellow pustule of
seedlings in Montenegro.
Reforesta 12:13-19.
uredinia on leaves. Species were recorded both separately and simultaneously on
DOI: leaves. This is the first record of Ochrospora ariae and Seporia sorbi on whitebeam (Sorbus aria) in Montenegro. Results will contribute to better knowledge of diseases
R.12.03.95 and better protection of whitebeam (Sorbus aria) in early stages of growth in this part
of its areal.

Sorbus aria; Ochrospora ariae; Septoria sorbi; leaves

Editor: Abdenour Kheloufi
1. In trod u ct ion 13
Received: 2021-08-31
Accepted: 2021-12-16 2. Mat er ial an d m eth od 14
Published: 2021-12-30 2. 1 Stu d y ar ea 14
2. 2 Lab or ato ry m eth od s 14
3. Res u lts 14
3. 1 Sy mp to ms of d is eas e 14
3. 2 Id en ti fi ed fu n gi 15
4 Dis cu s s ion 17
5 Con clu s ion 18
6 Re f er en c es 18

1 Introduction
Investigation of pathogens and hosts in different environments serve as basis
for prediction and limitation of plant diseases (Agrios 2005; Scholthof 2007). It is
widely accepted that fungi cause most of the forest diseases (Karadžić 2010; Edmonds
Copyright: © 2021 Vemić et al. 2011). However, distribution of forest pathogens is significantly dependant from
Aleksandar. This work is licensed
their interactions including competition and host variability (Kearney and Porter
under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International Public 2009). Genus Sorbus contains about 90 trees species of trees and shrubs in northern
License. hemisphere (Cvjetićanin et al. 2016). All species in domestic forests were insufficiently
studied in term of forest diseases. In especial interest is species whitebeam (Sorbus

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aria (L.) Crantz) as species rarely distributed in this part of its areal (Cvjetićanin et al.
To manage forest diseases one of the major tasks is to understand
epidemiology (Edmonds 2013). During the monitoring of health condition of different
trees species in Montenegro, symptoms of leaves decline on whitebeam (Sorbus aria)
seedlings were frequently noticed in locality Bukovica. Aim of this research was to
identify fungi associated with these symptoms in order to form appropriate protection
strategies of this species rarely distributed in this part of its areal.

2 Material and method

2.1 Study area
Leaves from symptomatic whitebeam (Sorbus aria) seedlings were sampled in
July and August 2021 in locality Bukovica (43°01ʹ11ʹʹN, 19°08ʹ39ʹʹE; Figure 1). Seedlings
were 3-10 years old.

Figure 1. Location of observed fungi: A-B beginning of monitoring.

2.2 Laboratory methods

Observation of fungal fruit bodies and spores was performed with microscope
Am Scope B120 C E1 under 400 x enlargements. Preparation of samples for
microscopic procedure was according to Muntanola-Cvetković (1990). In cases of
absence of fruit bodies, occurrence was stimulated in moisture chambers.
Identification was performed using descriptions of microstructures from authors Ellis
and Ellis (1985) and Cummings and Hiratsuka (2003).

3 Results
3.1 Symptoms of disease
Reddish and brown round spots were recorded on whitebeam (Sorbus aria)
leaves (Figure 2). Necrotic spots didn’t cause premature shedding of leaves in year of
monitoring (Figure 2).

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Figure 2. Symptoms of leaf necrosis on whitebeam (Sorbus aria) leaves A-B necrotic lesions caused by pathogenic fungi.

3.2 Identified fungi

Fungi Ochrospora ariae (Fuckel) Ramsb. and Septoria sorbi Lasch were
determined on infected leaves (Figure 2). Both species of fungi caused leaf necrosis
with characteristics spots (Figure 2). Spots of Ochrospora ariae and Septoria sorbi
occurred on the same trees in within the trees on separate and the same leaves
(Figure 3). Ochrospora ariae was more abundant based on visual evaluation of
Spots caused by Ochrospora ariae were characterized with round spots
reddish in color when young and turning brown when old (Figure 3 A). A characteristic
for these spots is the presence of yellow uredinia mostly on lower side of leaves
(Figure 3 B). In the case of older spots uredo pustule could be gone or become darker
in color before degradation (Figure 3 A-B).
Fungus Ochrospora ariae formed characteristics uredospores during this stage
of rust development (Figure 4). Spores were characteristics for this species, echinulate
with obscure pores (Figure 4).
Spots caused by Septoria sorbi resembled those caused by Ochrospora ariae
(Figure 5).

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Figure 3. Ochrospora ariae leaf rust: A – reddish and brown spots on upper surface of leaves, B – uredinia (yellow
pustules) on lower side of leaves.

Figure 4. Uredospores of Ochrospora ariae.

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Figure 5. Septoria sorbi: A – development of necroses. B – typical spots with fruit bodies forming on necroses.

However, instead of formation of uredinia in some stage of disease, black

pycnidia were formed on symptomatic spots but in most cases due to period of
observation pycnidia were not present on attached leaves and their production was
artificially stimulated.

4 Discussion
Before this research there wasn’t detail study about fungi on whitebeam
(Sorbus aria) leaves. This is the first report of fungi Ochrospora ariae and Septoria sorbi
on whitebeam (Sorbus aria) leaves in Montenegro. Results will have practical
importance in eradication of diseases of whitebeam (Sorbus aria) and probably other
species in this genus in this part of their areal.
Foliar diseases of broad-leaved trees have significant importance due to
establishment of forest plantations in the world for productive purposes and their
negative impact also includes limitations of trees cultivation, decreasing of ornamental
value and reduction of yield (Kowalski 2013). This type of disease is caused specific
group of organisms including mostly necrothrophs and rarely biotrophs (Kowalski
2013). In this research, both types of parasites were present on whitebeam (Sorbus
aria) leaves.
Fungus Ochrospora ariae is primarly associated with mountain ash (Sorbus
aucuparia L.) especially in northern part of its areal (Gjaerum 1974) and it reduces
flower production and rhizome length (García-Guzmán and Wennström 2001). Due to
presence of mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia L.) in investigated locality it is expected
that fungus could infect it if adequate protective measures were not applied.
Observation from previous monitoring in this area is that Ochrospora ariae was not
present on mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia L.) and species Gymnosorangium
cornutum Arthur ex F. Kern was present instead. Due to presence of both fungi on
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different Sorbus species on small locality it is interesting in future to examine their

relationship including possible interactions and competitions.
Fugus Septoria sorbi belongs to genus familiar by causing leaf spots on many
species of trees and shrubs. Taxonomic situation of this species is partly complicated
as sexual stage belongs to genera Sphaeria (Sphaeriella) and Micosphaerella (Braun
2019). Because symptomatic spots on leaves were not accurate diagnostic sign for
these two species, presence and type of fruit bodies should be considered before final
diagnosis during further monitoring. Also, because fungus was present on the same
trees as species Ochrospora ariae further investigation of their interaction is needed
to fully understand the decline of whitebeam (Sorbus aria) trees.
This study was focused on fungi colonizing whitebeam (Sorbus aria) leaves.
Other studies should be focused on fungi colonizing different organs including fruits of
whitebeam (Sorbus aria). These fungi are from especially importance in understanding
regeneration and production of seedlings for reforestation. For example, study
involved service tree (Sorbus domestica L.) showed 22 fungal species in fruits with high
myxotoxin potential of Penicilium, Aspergillus and Fusarium species (Labuda et al.
Diseases of rowen trees (Sorbus spp.) still are not completely studied. Now it is
well known that cancer and dieback of Sorbus spp. is strongly associated with fungus
Cytospora rubescens (MacBrayne 1981). Also, experiences from investigation of fungi
on service tree showed 13 species in leaves, without presence of species from this
study (Kačániová and Fikselová 2007). This implicates especially need in studding
different fungal diseases on different species in this genus in order to understand risk
of disease spread between different hosts.

5 Conclusion
Based on obtained results main conclusion were:
- Fungi Ochrospora ariae and Septoria ariae were recorded on whitebeam
(Sorbus aria) for the first time in Montenegro.
- Symptoms of brown spots were similar between fungi Ochrospora ariae and
Septoria ariae. Small differences were in development of leaf spots whereby spots
caused by Ochrospora ariae were at first reddish and slowly became brown in color.
Spots caused by Septoria ariae were more constantly brown. Occurrence of fruit
bodies was the most accurate indicator for determination. Ochrospora ariae formed
uredinia while Septoria ariae produced pycnidi.
- Fungi occurred on the same trees and within the same tree sometimes on
the same leaves. Premature shedding of leaves was not recorded in year on
monitoring although it is possible to occur in following years.
- Results will contribute to better knowledge of fungal diseases of whitebeam
(Sorbus aria) in this part of its areal and better protection strategies. Collection and
burning of fallen leaves in autumn is recommended in order to control diseases.

6 References
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Braun U (2019) Taxonomy and nomenclature of Sphaeria aucupariae (Mycosphaerella aucupariae,
Venturia aucupariae) – a story of confusion and misinterpretation. Schlechtendalia 36: 61-69.
Cummins GB, Hiratsuka Y (2003) Illustrated Genera of Rust Fungi, APS Press, Minnesota.

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