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Aureobasidium: Characteristics of The Genus

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EJ van Nieuwenhuijzen, CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article is a revision of the previous edition article by T. Roukas, volume 1, pp 109–112, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

Characteristics of the Genus only in the center or partially in sectors (see Figure 1). Dark-
ening of cultures is due to the formation of chlamydospores,
which contain the pigment melanin.
Aureobasidium is a worldwide-distributed fungus mainly
present on diverse organic and inorganic outdoor materials,
such as phylloplanes, soil, wood, marble, and water. Examples
of isolation from extreme environments include the outer Aureobasidium can grow as budding yeast or as mycelia in dark
space, salterns, and a damaged nuclear reactor. Indoors, it can or hyaline appearance, depending on environmental condi-
be found in house dust and in wet environments like bathroom tions and (sub)species. On MEA the following microscopic
walls. In food factories, it sometimes can be isolated from characteristics can be seen in the officially described species:
painted surfaces. Aureobasidium has been isolated from a wide smooth hyaline thin-walled hyphae, maximum 13 mm wide.
range of foods but only rarely has been designated as a cause of The occurrence of hyaline hyphae converting to dark-brown
spoilage. For wine grapes, it is known that Aureobasidium is hyphae depends on the (sub)species varying from sometimes
dominant on healthy grape berries, but is overgrown by others, locally in older cultures to rather soon in all cultures. These
when the grape skin clearly is damaged. It is commonly isolated thick-walled hyphae may act as a chlamydospore chain or fall
from the surface of fresh fruits and vegetables – for example, apart into separate dark cells commonly called chlamydospores
apple, pear, blueberries, peaches, strawberries, cabbage, lettuce, or chlamydoconidia. Conidiogenous cells are undifferentiated,
and broccoli. Old records describe its presence in shrimp, grain, intercalary, or terminal on hyaline hyphae. Conidia produced
flour, oats, and nuts. Many years ago, it was found in some synchronously in dense groups from small denticles, and in
frozen foods and was involved in the black spot spoilage of most strains are formed percurrently from single butts on short
long-term-stored beef. Occasionally, it is found in raw milk, lateral branches. Hyaline conidia are one-celled, smooth,
cheese, and smoked beef. ellipsoidal, and variable in shape and size. Budding of hyaline
and dark-brown conidia frequently is noticed. Chlamydoco-
nidia are mostly 1-2-celled, being bigger than hyaline conidia.
Endoconidia occasionally have been seen.
The genus Aureobasidium belongs to Ascomycota, order Of the tropical isolates of A. pullulans, young colonies on
Dothideales, family Dothideaceae. Officially described species MEA showed polymorphic forms with blastospores, swollen
are Aureobasidium iranium and Aureobasidium pullulans, in which cells, and pseudohyphae, with older colonies showing hyphae
the last species is divided into the subspecies pullulans, mela- and chlamydospores.
nogenum, subglaciale, and namibae. Their taxonomy is based on
morphology and phylogenetic studies and represents only
a small geographic area compared with the global presence of
this fungus. For example, analysis of isolates from Thailand and Aureobasidium chlamydospores can survive low temperatures
Iceland resulted in 14 different phylogenetic clades. and reduced water activity present in frozen foods. For micro-
bial growth, the temperature has to rise above 4  C. Optimum
growth is 20–25  C and a maximum of 37  C is reported. The
Cultural Characteristics
fungus cannot grow in highly salted food but might survive the
Colonies on malt extract agar (MEA) at 25  C expand rapidly salinity because it is reported as halotolerant. It is an aerobic
attaining at least 20 mm diameter after 7 days and appear fungus, needing oxygen for growth. Chlamydospores were
smooth. The shine, slimy, or matt appearance depends on the found in outer space, which demonstrates that they can survive
(sub)species. The same applies to the border texture varying without oxygen. High doses of gamma irradiation are needed
from smooth to raveling. Aerial mycelium sometimes formed to sterilize Aureobasidium in food products. Assumptions are
scanty, thinly floccose. made that the melanin present in the chlamydospores are
Isolates are typically off-white to pale pink or black on solid responsible for the high tolerance against the gamma irradia-
media, whereas some tropical isolates have been described as tion and especially ultraviolet (UV) irradiation.
‘color variants’ with pigments of pink, brown, yellow, or
purple. The color of a single isolate can vary due to the type of
Industrial Application of Aureobasidium
solid media. Although colonies on MEA and potato dextrose
agar can show dark- or bright-colored pigmentation, colonies Aureobasidium pullulans is an industrially important microor-
on Dichloran Glycerol (DG18) are mostly white. ganism especially because of its capability to produce pullulan
On MEA, most strains start as pinkish white colony. They (poly-a-1,6-maltotriose). Pullulan is a commercially exploited
turn dark brown or black after some time varying from a day to biodegradable extracellular polysaccharide used in coatings
a few weeks. Colonies can turn dark along the whole colony, and wrappings potential and as a food ingredient. Also the

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1 105

106 Aureobasidium

Figure 1 Aureobasidium pullulans. (a)–(b), (d)–(e): Colonies grown at 25  C for 7 days on MEA and DG18. (c)–(f): Colonies grown at 25  C for 14 days on
MEA. (g): Conidiogenous cells producing blastoconidia synchronously. (h): Hyphae. (i)–(j): Conidia. Scale bar ¼ 10 mm.
Aureobasidium 107

Table 1 Food additives and medical supplements produced by Aureobasidium

Product Strains Application

Pullulan Most strains isolated Coating and wrapping agent and as a food ingredient
b-Glucan A. Pullulans NP1221 Supplement to enhance immune system and lower blood pressure
Erythritol Aureobasidium sp. SN-124A An artificial sweetener used as food ingredient
Gluconic acid A. pullulans AHU 9190, DSM 7085 Flavoring and leavening agent, reducer of fat absorption
L-Malic acid A. pullulans FERM-P2760 Acidulant
Poly(b-L-malic acid) Most strains isolated Drug carrier
Fructoligosaccharides Strains producing fructosyl transferase Nondigestible sweeteners; they have applications in health foods

Table 2 Enzymes produced by Aureobasidium

Enzyme optimum (  C) pH optimum Food industry application

Alkaline protease 45, 48–52 9.0 Cleaves peptide bonds of proteins; detergent, food processing
Acidophilic endo-1,4-b-xylanase 50 2 Hydrolyses xylan, clarification of fruit pulp and juices,
production of wine
b-Xylosidase 80 3.5 Hydrolyses xylan, clarification of fruit pulp and juices,
production of wine
Glucoamylase 50–60 4–4.5, 5.75 Starch saccharification, detergent, bread and baking processing,
production of high-fructose syrup
a-Amylase 55 5.0 Starch saccharification, detergent, bread and baking processing,
production of high-fructose syrup
Lipase 35 8.5 Breaks down milk fat, flavoring cheeses, food processing
Endo-b-1,4-mannanase Not published Reduces viscosity of coffee extracts
a-Galactosidase Not published Reduces viscosity of coffee extracts
b-Galactosidase 45 6.8 Hydrolyses lactose in whey or milk
b-Mannosidase Not published Reducing viscosity of coffee extracts
Pectinase (unspecified) 12 3.5 Wine production
Protopectinase Not published 4.5 Maceration of fruit pulps and for clarification of juices and wines
Polygalacturonase 50–60 4.6–5.5 Maceration of fruit pulps and for clarification of juices and wines
Endopolygalacturonase 37 3.8 Maceration of fruit pulps and for clarification of juices and wines
Pectin lyase 40 5–7.5 Maceration of fruit pulps and for clarification of juices and wines
Pectin methylesterase Not published Maceration of fruit pulps and for clarification of juices and wines
b-fructofuranosidase I 50–55 5.5 Production of prebiotics, sweetener
Fructosyl transferase 65 4.4 Production of prebiotics, sweetener
b-Glucosidase 75 4 Removal of bitterness from citrus fruit juices,
wine production, diary processing
Endoglucanase 60 4.5 Food fermentation
Exoglucanase Not published 5.5 Preparation of dehydrated vegetables and food products
Xylitol dehydrogenase 25 10–10.5 Oxidizes xylitol to D-xylulose
Laccase 25–35 4.5–6.4 Bioremediation, beverage (wine, fruit juice and beer) processing,
ascorbic acid determination, sugar beet pectin gelation, baking
L-Fucose dehydrogenase 30 9.5 Converts L-fucose to L-fuconic acid
Phosphatase Not published
Polyamine oxidase Not published Biological inactivation of polyamines component
of clinical diagnostic assay kits
L-Rhamnose dehydrogenase Not published 9.0 Hydrolyses L-rhamnose
Sucrase 35 4.5 Hydrolyses sucrose

polysaccharide b-glucan produced by Aureobasidium is transferases. Consequently, it has become an important

commercially available. It is identified as an effective substance organism in applied microbiology. In Table 2, the different
to improve animal health condition. Other metabolites enzymes are listed together with the corresponding optimum
produced by A. pullulans that are used as medical supplement reaction conditions and a description of the possible applica-
or additives in food are presented in Table 1. tion in the food industry. Of the multiple studied Aureobasi-
Different strains of A. pullulans isolated from different dium enzymes, a general description has been made:
environment can produce many important enzymes, such as Proteases in general have been shown to have many
amylase, protease, lipase, cellulose, xylanase, mannose, and applications; however, studies on the production and
108 Aureobasidium

characterization of proteases derived from Aureobasidium are generally have an application potential due to high nutritive
rather new. Marine-derived strains as well as a terrestrial- values, there is doubt on the replacement of conventional
derived strain, secrete extracellular proteases. protein sources because of the slower digestibility and uncer-
Aureobasidium pullulans has shown to be a xylan-degrading tainty on possible allergic reactions.
fungus. The enzymatic degradation of xylan to xylose requires Aureobasidium as a natural living system can be used in
the catalysis of both endoxylanase and b-xylosidase. Xylanases various applications. It is commercially developed as a micro-
have applications in paper, fermentation, and food industries, bial pest control agent protecting the blossom of pome fruit
as well as in waste treatment. against the plant pathogen Erwinia amylovora. The mode of
Amylases have applications in bread and baking industry, action against E. amylovora is explained by an increased resis-
starch liquefaction and saccharification, textile desizing, paper tance of host plants toward the fire-blight pathogen by
industry, detergent industry, and food and pharmaceutical competition for nutrients and space. Another high-potential
industries. Amylases hydrolyze starch molecule into glucose, application is the use of Aureobasidium as a black biofilm pro-
maltose, and dextrin. They can be classified into a-amylase, b- tecting wood against wood rot or UV degradation. Wood that is
amylase, and glucoamylase. Aureobasidium pullulans is known to treated with linseed oil can naturally form a completely
produce a-amylase a glucoamylase. covered black film on the wood surface during outside exhi-
A few studies exist on the extracellular lipases produced by bition of the treated wood. Studies revealed that chlamydo-
Aureobasidium isolates from marine environment. Lipases spores are responsible for the black color of the film.
catalyze a wide range of reactions, including hydrolysis of Aureobasidium is mentioned in reports to be an indicator of
lipids, interesterification, alcoholysis, acidolysis, esterification, environmental perturbations generated by chemicals or other
and aminolysis. They are the enzyme of choice for potential biological organisms on leaf surfaces.
applications in the food, detergent, pharmaceutical, leather,
textile, cosmetic, and paper industries.
In the 1990s, different strains were found to produce Method of Detection
mannanases. Mannanases are useful in many fields, including
the coffee industry. Mannan is distributed widely in nature as Aureobasidium can be isolated from food by homogenization of
part of the hemicelluloses (polyoses) fraction in plant cell solid food in peptone water or swapping the surface of the food
walls. One strain A. pullulans was mentioned to produce all with sterile cotton wool and shaking it in water. After plating
enzymes required for complete degradation of galactomannan and several days of incubating on MEA, pure subcultures can be
and galactoglucomannan: endo-b-1,4-mannanase is secreted made. Identification of the pure cultures can be done by the
into the culture fluid, b-mannosidase is strictly intracellular, classical method of morphology analysis or by molecular
and a-galactosidase and b-glucosidase are found both extra- methods.
cellular and intracellular. The morphology of Aureobasidium can be used as a diag-
Aureobasidium also produces pectinases. These enzymes are nostic feature. The synchronous conidia production from
widely used for fruit pulping and for the clarification of juices young expanding hyphae distinguishes Aureobasidium from
and wines. Protopectinases, polygalacturonases, pectin lyase, other related genera. This conidiation is also known in
and pectin esterases are among the studied enzymes produced sporodochial Kabatiella species; its micromorphology on
by Aureobasidium. plate is very similar to that of A. pullulans. The additional
The enzymes b-fructofuranosidases and fructosyltransferase percurrent condition of Aureobasidium is identical to that in
produced by A. pullulans have been used to produce fructo- the anamorph genus Hormonema, which makes identification
oligosaccharides (FOS). These FOS are a class of prebiotics, sometimes difficult. Although no commercial products
used as food material. Its taste is close to that of conventional presently are available for specific detection of Aureobasidium,
sweeteners such as sucrose. molecular methods like polymerase chain reaction and DNA
Cellulases are enzymes that degrade crystalline cellulose to sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) loci
glucose. Cellulases have diverse applications also in the food are well suited for a more secure identification. Phylogenetic
industry. Three types of cellulases, endoglucanases, cellobio- analysis of the ITS region is useful to distinguish Aureobasi-
hydrolases, and b-glucosidases, are considered to be needed to dium isolates on species level.
degrade cellulose to glucose. It has been observed that most of
the cultures of A. pullulans usually have failed to show any
cellulolytic activity. Mostly strains that produce b-glucosidase Importance of Aureobasidium as Spoiler
were found. Some isolates of A. pullulans of tropical for Food Industry
origin produced CMCase (endoglucanase) and a-cellulase
(exoglucanase). In the 1980s A. pullulans was determined to be one of the
Laccase production from A. pullulans was studied in the causative molds for the black spot spoilage of frozen meat
1970s but up-to-date reports are also available. Laccases are transported long distances by sea. Colonies produced by
well known as a component of fungal enzyme systems of lignin A. pullulans mainly were located in the subsurface of the meat
degradation. Potentially, they can be used in several areas, such tissue, with the hyphae spreading along the intercellular
as textile, paper, and food industries. junctions, possibly in response to the arid conditions at the
Aureobasidium is mentioned repeatedly as producer of single frozen meat surface. During the past decades, temperature
cell proteins that are used as protein supplement in human control was better controlled during shipping and distribution
foods or animal feeds. Although dried cells of microorganism and black spot spoilage seems no longer to be an issue.
Aureobasidium 109

The occurrence of Aureobasidium on other frozen products no Symptoms vary with the portal of entry and condition of the
longer is reported. host. Health test that were done with A. pullulans strains
Assumptions are made that A. pullulans can cause rotting of selected as preharvest fungicide showed no toxicity, infection,
healthy fruits and vegetables because of its ability to produce or pathogenicity to rats. No health hazards have been reported
pectinolytic enzymes. Pectin is a part of the cell wall of fruits associated with the presence of Aureobasidium on food.
and might be degraded by Aureobasidium. The production of
pectinolytic enzymes is no guarantee for spoilage because See also: Spoilage of Meat; Mycotoxins: Classification.
pectin will be broken down during natural ripening of the
fruits. Furthermore, A. pullulans is isolated from a wide range of
fruits and vegetables, but only rarely is designated as a cause of
spoilage. Further Reading
To control fungi on vegetables and fruits, modified atmo-
sphere can have positive effects, such as increasing the lag phase Deshpande, M.S., Rale, V.B., Lynch, J.M., 1992. Aureobasidium pullulans in applied
of fungal growth, repressing mycelial growth, and decreasing microbiology: a status report. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 14, 514–527.
Gaur, R., Singh, R., Gupta, M., Gaur, M.K., 2010. Aureobasidium pullulans, an
spore development. Increasing the carbon dioxide content or economically important polymorphic yeast with special reference to pullulan.
decreasing the oxygen content of the atmosphere has been African Journal of Biotechnology 9, 7989–7997.
reported to be fungistatic on A. pullulans. Gill, C.O., Lowry, P.D., Di Menna, M.E., 1981. A note on the identities of organisms
causing black spot spoilage of meat. Journal of Applied Microbiology 51,
Manitchotpisit, P., Skory, D., Peterson, S.W., et al., 2011. Poly(b-L-malic acid)
Health Impact of Aureobasidium in Food production by diverse phylogenetic clades of Aureobasidium pullulans. Journal of
Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 39, 125–132.
Human mycotoxins are not known to be produced by Pitt, J.I., Hocking, A.D., 2009. Fungi and Food Spoilage, third ed. Springer, Dordrecht,
Aureobasidium. A few clinical records exist on the presence of A. Heidelberg, London, New York.
Samson, R.A., Houbraken, J., Thrane, U., Frisvad, J.C., Andersen, B., 2010. Food and
pullulans in immunocompromised or traumatically injured Indoor Fungi, first ed. CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht.
patients causing divergent mycosis, such as phaeohyphomy- Zalar, P., Gostincar, C., De Hoog, C.S., 2008. Redefinition of Aureobasidium pullulans
cosis, keratomycosis, or pulmonary mycoses. and its varieties. Studies in Mycology 61, 21–38.

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