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Miranda, Marlibeth 4as Cantilan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
CARAGA Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
Cantilan District
Isla General Integrated School



Teaching Date
Quarter & Week
Subject SCIENCE 4
A. Content Standards Understanding of the Sun as the main source of heat and light on Earth.
B. Performance Standards

A. Learning MELC:
Competencies/Objectives Describe the effects of the Sun to human activities ( S4ES-IVh-9 )
Write the LC code for each

Objectives: At the end of the session, learners should have :

Knowledge: Identified the beneficial and harmful effects of the Sun’s heat and light on
living things.
Skills: Demonstrated orally, other harmful effects of the Sun’s heat and light based on
their personal experiences.
Attitude: Expressed appreciation of the importance of Sun’s heat and light to human
beings and other living things.

Across Curriculum:
English 4 MELC
Use Simple Present Tense of Verbs in Sentences

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages MELC
2. Learner’s Material pages Learning Activity Sheets in Science 4, Quarter 4 Week 7
3. Textbook pages Science 4 for Daily Use pages 238 - 246
4. Additional Materials from CSE Curriculum Guide
Learning Resource (LR) portal

B. Other learning resources Power point presentation, laptop, LCD projector, strips

A. Preparatory Activities Prayer

Attendance Check
Indicator 4
(Establish safe & secure learning
Old and New Normal Classroom Norms
environments to enhance learning
through consistent implementation
of policies, guidelines and
Today, let us learn about the Effects of Sun’s Heat and Light Human Activities and other
living things.

Let the class read the objectives of the day.

At the end of the lesson, learners should have :

Knowledge: Identified the beneficial and harmful effects of the Sun’s heat and light on
living things
Skills: Tell orally, other harmful effects of the Sun’s heat and light based on their personal
Attitude: Expressed appreciation of the importance of Sun’s heat and light to human
beings and other living things.

B. Developmental Activities Have a the class a brief review on Light and Shadow using the link below. Each pupil will
be asked if the flashed statement is a FACT or BLUFF.
Indicator 2
(Display proficient use of
Mother Tongue, Filipino, and
English to facilitate teaching &
1. 2.


( )

Indicator 3
(Use effective verbal & non-
verbal classroom
communication strategies to
support learner understanding, 3
participation, engagement and
achievement) FACT BLUFF

C. Motivation CHECK IT!

Directions: Check the corresponding column if the statement shows ways of taking care of our body
Indicator 1 and other living things. ( Board Work )
(Apply knowledge of content
within & across curriculum
1. Girls wash their hands before entering their classes .
teaching areas)
 Across Curriculum:
English 4 MELC 2. My teacher uses an umbrella to protect her from the
Use simple present tense heat of the sun.
of verbs in sentences
3. Ana water the plants every morning.

4. We uses eyeglasses during sunny days to keep our

eyes safe from the heat of the sun.

5. The farmer plows the field regularly.

Indicator 5 ( Note: The teacher will ask the class why #’s 3 &4 are being
(Maintain learning environments italicized. Brief discussion on the use of simple tense of the
that promote fairness, respect verbs will follow. )
and care to encourage learning)

During the activity, the teacher will remind the class to be respectful to the ideas/opinions
of others and be sensitive to social & cultural differences.

D. Activity THINK-PAIR-SHARE Activity:

Indicator 4
(Establish safe & secure
learning environments to
enhance learning through
consistent implementation of
policies, guidelines &
NOTE: Before the start of the collaborative activity, remind the class to always observe
the New Normal classroom norms.

Read the text below. Then, answer the questions together with your seatmate. Share your
answers to the class.


Indicator 2 A lunar eclipse occurs whenever the moon passes through some portions of
(Display proficient use of
the earth’s shadow. This can only happen when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned,
Mother Tongue, Filipino, and
with Earth
English in the
to facilitate middle.
teaching &
During a Lunar eclipse, the moon turns dark. The Earth’s shadow falls on the
moon. When the moon moves through the Earth’s shadow or umbra, a total lunar
eclipse occurs. When the moon moves through the Earth’s penumbra, a partial lunar
eclipse occurs.

Indicator 3 Questions:
(Use effective verbal & non- 1. How does Lunar eclipse occurs? (pairs 1 & 2 )
verbal classroom 2. When do Lunar eclipse happen? (pairs 3 & 4 )
communication strategies to 3. What happens when Lunar eclipse occurs? (Grade 5 & 6)
support learner understanding,
participation, engagement and
4. What brightens the Earth and helps us see the things around us? (pairs 7 & 8 )
achievement) RUBRICS

TIMELINESS Output was Output was Output was
submitted on submitted 1-2 submitted 3 or
time. minutes late. more minutes
ACCURACY Answer is Answer is Incorrect
correct and correct but answer and
follows the there are some usage of
correct usage of incorrect usage grammar.
grammar. of grammar.

COOPERATION All the members 1-2 members of 3 or more

of the group the group did members of the
cooperated. not cooperate group did not

Note: During the activity, the teacher will use colored flags to indicate START, HURRY
E. Analysis
HOW DOES A LUNAR Take note of how the
ECLIPSE ideas are organized. Then, complete the organizer below.
A lunar eclipse occurs whenever the moon passes through some portions of
the earth’s shadow. This can only happen when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned,
with Earth in the middle.

During a Lunar eclipse, the moon turns dark. The Earth’s shadow falls on the
moon. When the moon moves through the Earth’s shadow or umbra, a total lunar
Indicator 1
eclipse occurs.
(Apply When
knowledge of the moon moves through the Earth’s penumbra, a partial lunar
eclipse occurs.
content within & across
curriculum teaching areas

Indicator 2
(Display proficient use of
Mother Tongue, Filipino, and
English to facilitate teaching &

1. What is the paragraph about?
2. How does Lunar Eclipse Occurs?
Indicator 4
(Establish safe & secure
learning environments to
enhance learning through
consistent implementation of
policies, guidelines &

F. Abstraction The Sun is the main source of heat and light. It is made up of very hot gases. These
gases are so hot that they glow. The Sun’s surface is about 5000 degree Celsius and its
Indicator 2
(Display proficient use of temperature at the core is about 15000 degree Celsius. The Sun’s heat and light reaches the
Mother Tongue, Filipino, and Earth through radiation.
English to facilitate teaching & Almost all living things rely on the steady heat and light of the Sun. We receive
just the amount of heat from the Sun so living things survive. The sunlight brightens the
Earth and helps us see the things in our surroundings. Plants can undergo the process of
“food making” called photosynthesis with the aid of the sunlight. Aside form that, the
Sun’s heat warms the Earth and affect the changes in temperature of the Earth’s causing
the changes in weather conditions.

There are two effects of the Sun to all living things. One of the Beneficial effects,
which give advantage to both human and other living things, and the other one is the
Harmful effects, which on the other hand gives disadvantages to human activities.
Some of the Beneficial effects are the following:
 Plants can make their own food through the presence of sunlight in the
Indicator 3 photosynthetic process. Likewise, animals and humans need the Sun’s heat and
(Use effective verbal & non-
verbal classroom
light energy in order to survive.
communication strategies to  With the presence of sunlight, humans can do a lot of activities such as
support learner understanding, laundry/washing and drying of clothes, harvesting and drying of crops, fishing
participation, engagement and and drying of fish and recreational activities like outings/picnics which are
related to human activities during sunny days.
 Both the Farmers and fishermen use the sun’s heat in drying crops and fishes.

Harmful Effects of the Sun

 Excessive exposure to sunlight can burn or harm the skin. This is called
sunburn. Too much heat of the Sun can cause the withering of the plants and
eventually they die. Animals are badly affected when there is no food for them
and exposure to intense heat can cause them to become ill and eventually die.
 We should not look directly at the Sun because it can damage our eyes.
 The soil will become very dry and can crack causing the plants to die. Farming
is also not possible.

F. Application
ACTIVITY: Which is Which!
Directions: Identify if the statement is BENEFICIAL or HARMFUL Effects to Living
Things. Raise the if it is Beneficial, and if it is Harmful.
1. It was a Sunny Saturday. Unicha and Aliyah were playing outside their house
Indicator 1
(Apply knowledge of content under the heat of the sun.
within & across curriculum
teaching areas)
2. Kids enjoyed swimming at the beach. When Jillian saw them, she decided to join
with the kids. She then applied sunblock lotion all over her skin before dropping at
the water.
Indicator 2
(Display proficient use of
Mother Tongue, Filipino, and
3. Mama used to go to the market even noontime. She always uses her umbrella to
English to facilitate teaching &
protect her skin from damage.

4. Rico is a boy who enjoys to see bright objects. While he was outside of the road,
he saw and focus his eyes to the bright/glaring light of the street.
Indicator 3
(Use effective verbal & non-
verbal classroom
5. Grade 4 Class of Miranda went to a field trip. Being new to the place, the class
communication strategies to decided to walk instead of riding a jeepney. They enjoyed looking at the sun
support learner understanding, directly without any eyeglasses worn.
participation, engagement and
ASK: Do you have questions or confusion about our lessons? Show me a
Indicator 4 if you understand the lesson and a if you still have questions?
(Establish safe & secure
learning environments to
enhance learning through
ASK: What are your insights gained from the lesson by completing the line below: “I
consistent implementation of learned that Sun’s Heat and Light is important to all living things
policies, guidelines & because_______________________________________.
G. Evaluation Directions: Answer the questions below. Then, write the letter of the correct answer on the
answer sheet.

1. Playing under the heat of the Sun at noon time is not a good practice. Will you agree
on this?
a. yes, because its better to play outside than to play inside our house.
b. yes, because the heat of the sun can damage our skin and lead to skin disease.
c. no, because it is better to play during sunny day than rainy days.
d. no, because my mother wants me to play inside our house.

2. Wearing sunglasses on beaches while the Sun is too hot. Is this a good practice?
a. yes, because wearing sunglasses can attract other people.
b. yes, because exposing you eyes to the heat of the sun, without sun glasses, can make
our eyes damage.
c. no, because the heat of the sun cannot affect our eyes.
d. no, because sunglasses are expensive.

3. Soil will become very dry and can crack causing the plants to die. This is one of the
harmful effects of the Heat of the Sun. Is this statement correct?
a. yes, because the heat of the sun can cause damage to the plant.
b. yes, because being exposed to the sun is one of the beneficial effect not a harmful
c. No, because the heat of the sun has no effects to the soil.
d. no, because soil will just die even without the heat of the sun.

4.Animal, and humans need the Sun’s heat and light energy in order to survive. Is the
statement true?
a. Yes, because all living things need the presence of sunlight for survival.
b. Yes, because animals and humans only need heat and light to survive.
c. No, because living things can survive even without the heat and light coming from
the sun.
d. No, because sun’s heat and light has no importance at all.
5. Which of the definition below, best defines Sunburn?
a. A waste burnt due to fire.
b. A waste burnt due to the heat of the sun.
c. A burnt skin due to excessive exposure to sunlight.
d. A burnt skin due to excessive exposure to sun and the moon.

H. ASSIGNMENT Interview two of your neighbors on the importance of Sun’s Heat and Light in their
personal activities, and write down their responses on your notebook and be ready to share
it to the class next meeting.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the


B. No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation who scored
below 80%

Prepared by:

MT-1/ Participant

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