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In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of
reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three
parts and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as
possible within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices
are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. All of Torzana’s self-help e-books will be 105. ------ the underground parking lot, Stewart
offered at a ----- rate next month. Construction is also developing a new retail
(A) reduction facility in the city core.
(B) reducing (A) Moreover
(C) reduced (B) In addition
(D) reduces (C) Besides
(D) Then

102. The ----- of the review by the 106. For consideration of attending the
development committee will be available on conference, Mr.Wilander will select three
GNI Industries’Web site. candidates from within ------ own department.
(A) proposals (A) he
(B) survey (B) himself
(C) campaign (C) him
(D) results (D) his
103. Work Power magazine is a new trade ----- 107. Before the business development team
for human resource professionals. engages in talks with its counterpart, they will
(A) publication need to ------ the help of a real estate consultant.
(B) publishers (A) solicit
(C) publish (B) recommend
(D) is publishing (C) suggest
(D) resign

104. Candidates who have passed the written 108. Since entering the digital storage market,
test should proceed to the boardroom ------ FL Electronics has been in ------ competition
after their interview. with the leading providers of storage solutions
(A) presently in East Asia.
(B) immediately (A) directed
(C) frequently (B) directly
(D) recently (C) direction
(D) direct

109. Requests for extended leaves of 115. Museum members are invited to preview
absence should ------ at least two months prior the historic portraits before the ------ opening
to the first day of the requested period. of the exhibit on April 7.
(A) submit (A) constant
(B) submitting (B) official
(C) be submitted (C) competent
(D) has submitted (D) natural

110. Ms. Murata requests that this month's sales 116. Colleen Morrison worked for a large
totals be submitted ------ the end of the day. accounting firm for several years before starting
(A) within a business ------.
(B) if (A) independents
(C) that (B) independent
(D) by (C) independence
(D) independently

111. ------ to curb spending, executives of 117. ------ Mr. Graham checked the projector
Total Paper Products will fly in economy class in advance of his presentation, he would have
when traveling overseas. known about the flickering.
(A) As a result (A) Had
(B) As promised (B) Would
(C) In relation (C) Should
(D) In an effort (D) Will

118. A new musical production is holding

112. Club members are allowed to attend
auditions for ------ singers next Saturday at the
the Healthy Living seminar ------ no cost.
Grovetown Theater.
(A) at
(A) experience
(B) by
(B) to experience
(C) over
(C) experiences
(D) from
(D) experienced

119. The Southwell guide discusses the most

113. A midsize design -----, Gilwood
----- ways to train yourself to be a
Interiors specializes in residential spaces.
great salesperson.
(A) firm (A) effective
(B) program (B) reluctant
(C) piece
(C) concerned
(D) industry
(D) contained
114. Prospective buyers must submit an
application online by the end of the May 120. D & Y Beauty Corporation plans to add
deadline ------ their information can be at least one ------ overseas in the next year.
compiled successfully. (A) locations
(A) in order for (B) location
(B) unless (C) locates
(C) although (D) locating
(D) so that

121. Lapima Accounting Partners has ------ 126. Adults and children ------ will enjoy the
expenses by limiting international travel and activities at the Urban Forest Festival.
encouraging the use of Internet conferencing. (A) most
(A) examined (B) alike
(B) reduced (C) recently
(C) stated (D) very
(D) qualified
127. Edward's Plumbing has six company-
122. Ms. Rodriguez will speak about a banking owned vehicles, two of ------ are now in the
conference she ------ in Lisbon last month. repair shop.
(A) attends (A) whose
(B) attended (B) which
(C) will attend (C) either
(D) attend (D) other

123. ------ the success of his restaurant, 128. To participate in the Advantage Discount
chef Sook Yong wrote a best-selling program, ------ the registration form on our
cookbook. Web site.
(A) Because (A) reply
(B) When (B) inquire
(C) After (C) complete
(D) Already (D) apply

129. The contract ------ states that the tenants

124. Russet Software announced in a press must renew their rental property agreement by
release that it is planning to expand ------ India. March 1.
(A) at (A) clear
(B) about (B) clearly
(C) into (C) clearer
(D) of (D) cleared

130. Unfortunately, replacing the copy machine

125. Mervin Financial Group offers low-interest will cost more than ------ had anticipated.
home mortgages to first-time ------. (A) we
(A) buys (B) us
(B) buyer (C) our
(C) bought (D) ours
(D) buyers


Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of
each text. Four answer choices for each question are given below the text. Select the best
answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Question 131-134 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Dominic Campion <>

From: Customer Service <>
Date: Friday, 2 November 9:49 P.M
Subject: Web site inquiry

Dear Mr. Campion: Thank you for your recent comment on our Web site about the instruction

manual for the BX2000

miniature camera. We agree with you ------ the instructions for uploading pictures to a mobile
phone are potentially confusing. ------. Our documentation team has ------ revised the section to
132. 133.
clarify the type of cable and sofware needed in order to transfer pictures from your camera. You

can find the ------ version of the manual in the Product Information section of our Web site, or we
can send you a print version in the mail if you prefer. Delivery usually takes 1 to 2 weeks.


Madoka Kanemitsu
Customer service representative
Takada Camera Company

131. 133.
(A) that (A) instead
(B) on (B) likewise
(C) what (C) therefore
(D) of (D) nevertheless

132. 134.
(A) The BX2000 camera is one of our top-selling (A) original
models. (B) updated
(B) Instruction manuals can be downloaded from (C) absolute
our Web site. (D) focused
(C) We received similar feedback from
other customers.
(D) We are always looking for talented staff to join
our team.

Question 135- 138 refer to the following press release.

Cecil Munrow, founder and president of Munrow’s, Liverpool’s largest retail clothier, announced

that he ------ £4,000 to the city’s new community center. The funds derive from the sale of tickets
to a party held last night at his company’s ------. Mr. Munrow will present a check to the center
tomorrow at its opening ceremony.

------ the past twenty years, Mr. Munrow has organized several fund-raising events for charitable
institutions and community services. ------ .

135. 137.
(A) will donate (A) Despite
(B) donated (B) Over
(C) might donate (C) Between
(D) donating (D) Beneath
136. 138.
(A) museum (A) The opening ceremony will begin at 10:00 A.M.
(B) hotel (B) The community center offers classes for adults and children.
(C) factory (C) Last night’s event was the most successful thus far.
(D) store (D) Mr. Munrow plans to open a new location in London
next year.

Question 139- 142 refer to the following letter.

4 February

Liya Lim
1228 Dunlop Street
Singapore 23885

Dear Ms. Lim,

To show appreciation for your continued patronage with the Good Day Cable Company, we

invite you to our annual Good Day at the Park event at Paya Park on 20 March. The evening

------ at 5:00 p.m. with a private reception at the Paya Clubhouse. While beverages and
appetizers are ------, listen to performances from local musicians. ------. Afterward, dessert will
140. 141.
follow in the form of an ice cream social. ------ the social, clients are also invited to participate in
a raffle and trivia games. Prizes will be awarded!

Kindly RSVP by 28 February. We hope to see you there!


Jet Khoo
President of Good Day Cable Company

139. 141.
(A) will have commenced (A) At 6:00 p.m., head to The Firepit for a barbecue dinner.
(B) will commence (B) The Clubhouse had to be reserved two months ago.
(C) commenced (C) Please make sure your account number is written on
(D) has commenced your check.
(D) Guests may pay for their tickets at the door.

140. 142.
(A) seated (A) During
(B) dined (B) Including
(C) served (C) Inside
(D) played (D) Meanwhile

Question 143-146 refer to the following announcement.

August 1

Reese Carlton
8934 High Road
Easton, PA 29304

Dear Mr. Carlton:

I am writing to invite you ------ the ninth annual Video Game Developers Association (VGDA)
Conference. Since its founding, this ------ has brought together thousands of professionals in the
industry to share ideas and to brainstorm possibilities. Presentations and workshops on dozens of

exciting topics will be offered.

This year, the VGDA conference will be held at the Flamingo Hotel in Orlando, Florida.

Registration is now open at Book your room ------ September 30 to get a special
rate. Be sure to mention that you are attending the VGDA conference to get the discount. ------

Supati Jinnah

143. 145.
(A) attend (A) at
(B) attending (B) in
(C) to attend (C) until
(D) should attend (D) before

144. 146.
(A) concert (A) We look forward to your presentation.
(B) promotion (B) We hope you will be able to join us.
(C) event (C) Thank you for becoming a member.
(D) training (D) Your registration packet is in the mail.


Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions.
Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer

Question 147-148 refer to the following letter.

Dr. Beverly Carter - Licensed Optician

Address: 487 Dupont Drive, Albertville
Tel : 555-3997

Your eyes say it all! As a valued customer, would you recommend our services to someone
who has not yet visited our clinic?

We are taking on new patients. If one of your friends, family members, or colleagues presents
this business card on their first visit, YOU will receive one of the following:
• $20 store credit
• Designer eyeglass case



147. What is the purpose of this card? 148. What can be inferred about Mr. Green?
(A) To advertise a new range of eyeglasses. (A) He will receive money off his
(B) To promote the opening of a store. next in-store purchase.
(C) To attract new customers to a business. (B) He has not used Crystal Clear Optical's
(D) To request feedback from clientele. services before.
(C) He recommended Crystal Clear Optical
to Ms. Saporsky.
(D) He is eligible to claim a complimentary

Question 149-150 refer to the following text form.

From: Northern Province Electric Co.

Received: 2 August, 8:48 P.M.
Your July billing statement is now available.
The balance is due by 10 August.

Please log on to our secure Web site to view your statement and account details. There you
can also access your payment history, make a payment, and update your personal information
and password. For assistance, call 070 2555 6416

149. What is the purpose of the text message? 150. What is the recipient of the text message
(A) To provide notification about a bill asked to do?
(B) To give password information (A) Place an order
(C) To correct a billing error (B) Access an online account
(D) To announce a change in the electric rate (C) Create a username
(D) Update a credit card number

Question 151-152 refer to the following notice.

Attention All Manning & Murdoch Employees

The staff kitchen will be closed from August 15 to August 19. During this period, the kitchen will
be painted and a new dishwasher and refrigerator will be installed. Please do not enter the kitchen
during this time for any reason, including to make tea or coffee. A temporary beverage station will
be set up for your use in the office foyer. Thank you for your cooperation.

151. What is one purpose of the notice? 152. What will be available in the office
(A) The advertise the opening of a company foyer?
cafe (A) A catered lunch
(B) To ask employees to keep the kitchen (B) A sign-up sheet
clean (C) Snacks for purchase
(C) To notify employees about upcoming (D) Tea and coffee
(D) The announce that a building will be
closed temporarily

Question 153-154 refer to the following online chat discussion.

Cassia Cunha (10:22 A.M.]

Hi Thomas. Tomorrow our partners from Germany will be arriving, and I would
like it if someone could greet them in German. Would you take care of that?
Thomas Dolezych [10:24 A.M.]
Certainly, but they all spoke English to me when I went there last spring.
Cassia Cunha (10:25 A.M.)
Yes, they do speak English, but it would be a nice gesture to welcome them in their
own language.
Thomas Dolezych [10:26 A.M.]
No question about it. Just let me know if there is anything specific you'd like me
to communicate to them.
Cassia Cunha [10:27 A.M.]
Will do. Check your e-mail in an hour or so.

153. What is indicated about Mr. 154. At 10:26 A.M, what does Mr.Dolezych
Dolezych? most likely mean when he writes, “No question
(A) He is Ms. Cunha’s supervisor. about it”?
(B) He is an experienced translator. (A) He feels comfortable speaking German.
(C) He regularly travels to other (B) He does not plan to ask the visitors any
countries. questions.
(D) He has already met the visiting (C) The visitors will appreciate a warm
partners. welcome.
(D) The visitors should understand Ms.
Cunha’s e-mail.

Question 155- 157 refer to the following advertisement.

The Consumer Electronics Association

invites you to the Consumer Electronics Exhibition In Las Vegas

On Friday, July 11
11:00 AM- 6:00 P.M.

Special Event:
P&J Corporation’s newest laptop
will be shown to the public for the first time.

The Rivera Hotel

199 Convention Center Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89109

Please contact Mark Neeson

at by July 1
if you are willing to attend.

You may also bring up to two guests. Visit our Web site at
for the list of participating corporations, event maps and etc.

155. What will take place on July 11? 157. What is NOT true about the exhibition?
(A) A board meeting (A) It allows admissions of guests.
(B) A celebration luncheon (B) Its Web site provides the event map.
(C) A product introduction (C) It is being held for the first time.
(D) A guest speaker presentation (D) It will take place at a hotel.

156. What will the customers do if they

can attend?
(A) Visit Web site
(B) Contact Mark Neeson
(C) Don’t need to confirm
(D) Go to the Rivera Hotel

Question 158-160 refer to the following advertisement.

Manchester Trader 29 May

Bright, clean, 300-square-metre flat for rent on the third floor of the historic Blythe House near the
centre of Manchester.

Available 1 July, £800 per month.

• Recently updated kitchen

• Reserved parking spot in front of the building

• One bathroom with a standing shower

• One bedroom, living room, kitchen, and separate dining area

• Cable television and wireless Internet service included in rent

• Cost of electricity shared among residents of the other three flats in the building

• No pets allowed

• Dining table and chairs stay with the apartment

One month’s rent plus two months’ security deposit due upon signing of the lease.

Contact owner and landlord Abigail Brown at 077 4300 6455 or at

158. What is indicated about Blythe House? 160. According to the advertisement, what
(A) It is occupied by more than one resident are renters required to do?
(B) It is located near public transportation (A) Sign a one-year contract
(C) It is immediately available for a (B) Pay some money before moving on
new tenant (C) Provide references from previous landlords
(D) It is suitable for residents with cats (D) Participate in an interview
and dogs

159. What is included in the rental fee?

(A) Electricity costs
(B) Security surveillance
(C) Internet service
(D) Cleaning services

Question 161-164 refer to the following e-mail.

Sent: January 15, 9:05:32 A.M.
Subject: Order #1673

Dear Ms. Alvarez:

We have received the inquiry dated January 14 about the status of your January 5 order. We
apologize for the delay in shipping the Clearvision television set. We expect to ship your
complete order by Fubruary 1.

We understand the inconvenience this has caused you. Normally we take a maximum of
senven days to ship online purchases. To show that we truly regret the time delay, we will not
charge you for shipping and handling. We will expedite delivery of your order and send it via
National Express. You should receive it no later than February 3.

If you have any further inquiries or comments, please don’t hesitate to e-mail the order
department, or you may call me directly at 1-777-789-0120.

Brian Kim
Assistant Sales Manager
Videotrunk Ltd.

161. When did the customer report a problem 163. Who is Mr. Kim’s employer?
with the order? (A) Clearvision
(A) January 14 (B) Videotrunk Ltd.
(B) January 15 (C) National Express
(C) February 1 (D) LP Enterprise
(D) February 3

162. What solution is being offered in the 164. How will the customer ask for more
e-mail message? information?
(A) The customer will receive a full refund. (A) In person
(B) The order will be received the next day. (B) Make a phone call
(C) The customer will be contacted by (C) Visit the Web site
telephone. (D) Mail a letter
(D) There will be a reduction in the total cost.

Questions 165-168 refer to the following text-message chain.

Diane Ulrich / 11 July, 10:25

Jake, has order #9829-2 been sent out yet? If not, the customer has asked us to add item #645A.
Jake Hollis / 11 July, 10:28
That’s a customized silver ring, right? The engravers usually require a minimum of 3 days to
add the customer’s personalized message.
Diane Ulrich / 11 July, 10:29
Can you get it any sooner? The customer needs it as soon as possible.

Jake Hollis / 11 July, 10:31

Let me check with someone from the engraving department.

Jake Hollis / 11 July, 10:33

Kim, can you do a rush job on a ring? It’s item #645A, for order #9829-2.

Kim O’Dell / 11 July, 10:34

How soon do you need it? Is tomorrow OK?

Diane Ulrich / 11 July, 10:35

Yes, that works. Thank you both for your help.

165. What type of products does the167. Why does Mr. Hollis contact Ms. O’Dell?
store sell? (A) To ask if some work can be completed faster
(A) Books than usual
(B) Jewelry (B) To find out when an order will be shipped
(C) Flowers (C) To find out when a meeting will be held
(D) Appliances (D) To alert her to an error in a previous message

166. What does the customer want to do? 168. At 10:35, what does Ms. Ulrich most likely mean
(A) Change an order when she writes, “that works”?
(B) Update a delivery address (A) She plans to interview someone for a job.
(C) Receive a refund (B) She is pleased that the equipment is functioning
(D) Choose a different shipping method properly.
(C) The customer will be satisfied if the item is
engraved tomorrow.
(D) Some new items will be chosen for a catalog
by the end of the day.

Questions 169-171 refer to the following flyer.

King Sports
Satisfies all your sporting needs

This year’s annual Sports Day is on: Friday, May 22

Up to 80% discount on all items!

We have refreshments, drawing contests, games, and more, so visit us with your family
and friends!

We have every sporting equipment and clothing you need here at King Sports. For all outdoor
activities such as tennis, hiking, fishing, and camping, there is nothing we don’t have. Come
and visit any of our 100 stores spread throughout all states!

You may print out a coupon from our Web site at Present it to our staff
on Sports Day, and you will receive discounts. Previously marked sake or clearance items are
not subject to discount. Please be reminded this coupon is valid for only one day!

169. What is being advertised? 171. How can customers get 80% savings
(A) A yearly promotional event on purchases?
(B) Sales on sporting goods online (A) By spending a certain amount of money
(C) A local sports competition (B) By bringing an advertising flyer
(D) Discount tickets for a family event (C) By joining a membership
(D) By using a coupon
170. What is indicated about King Sports?
(A) It sells tickets for a sporting event.
(B) It has many locations.
(C) It is a multinational company.
(D) It is the most popular sports agency.

Question 172-175 refer to the following notice.

Ideas to Save Money at the Office

v After finishing your work, make sure to turn off your computer.
v ---[1]---
v Use laptop rather than desktop computers as laptops are more energy efficient.
v Move desks near the window; natural light helps you save energy.
v Turn off all lights before leaving work.
v ---[2]---
v Rent equipment which is not used frequently.
v High-quality equipment may be more expensive, but they last longer.
v ---[3]---
v Regular maintenances ensure that your equipment lasts longer.
v Recycle computers and computer accessories as well as printers.
v Encourage employees to carpool.
v If you live close to work, consider riding a bicycle.

172. What is the main topic of the notice? 174. According to the notice, what is
(A) Transportation encouraged to do to save money on
(B) Alternative power source transportation?
(C) Equipment maintenance (A) Take a taxi
(D) Cost reduction (B) Use public transportation
(C) Ride a bicycle
(D) Walk to the office

173. What is suggested as a way to prolong 175. In which of the positions marked [1],
the life of equipment? [2], [3], and [4] does the following
(A) Using laptop computers more often sentence best belong?
(B) Having equipment serviced regularly “ Purchase new equipment with a long
(C) Turing a machine off after work warranty period to save money on repairs”
(D) Purchasing new equipment (A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

Question 176-180 refer to the following advertisement and form.


Northwood’s Annual Clearance Sale!

July 24-30
Stock up on workplace essentials at fantastic prices!

WRINKLE-FREE DRESS SHIRTS. Made from a durable, wrinkle-free cotton-polyester

fabric and especially good for those long days at the office! Available in white, light blue,
charcoal, and taupe. Item #M913, $39.99

PREMIUM DRESS SHIRTS. These shirts are made from our finest quality Egyptian
cotton. Hand-stitched collar and cuffs. Available in white, cream, light blue, and lilac.
Item #MS756, $79.99

WOOL TROUSERS. These versatile trousers can be paired with a suit jacket and dress
shoes for the office, or with a casual shirt for a night at the movies. Our most popular item!
Available in light or dark gray. Item #MT744, $59.99

Shipping Information: Orders under $50 will be shipped at a flat rate of $5. Orders
between $50 and $150 will be shipped at a flat rate of $10. Shipping for orders over $150 is
free. These rates apply to items purchased during each of the annual clearance sale.


Name Gilles Routhier

Address 3899 Penn Street
City Jefferson City State MO
Phone 573-291-5966

Item # MT744 Size: 34 Quality: 1 Color: Dark Gray

If you have finished entering items to purchase, press submit to calculate the
total and shipping charges.


176. For whom is the advertisement 179. What is Mr.Routhier buying from
most likely intended? Northwood?
(A) People who regularly work in an office (A) A shirt
(B) People who are going away on vacation (B) A suit
(C) People who spend a lot of time outdoors (C) A pair of trousers
(D) People who are browsing in a shopping (D) A pair of shoes

177. What is indicated about Northwood? 180. How much will Mr.Routhier probably
(A) It is located in Jefferson City. have to pay for shipping?
(B) It offers clearance prices once a year. (A) $0
(C) It is closing on July 30. (B) $5
(D) All of its clothes are handmade. (C) $10
(D) $50
178. What information is NOT given in the
(A) The item number of each product
(B) The material each product is made of
(C) The colors available for each product
(D) The sizes available for each product

Question 181-185 refer to the following e-mails.

Date: March 2
Subject: Re: Advertising in the Carrolton Courier

Dear Mr. Mason,

Thank you for your interest in the Carrolton Courier. Advertising with us is a great way
to reach thousands of households in Carrolton and neighboring communities twice a
month. Listed below, please note our standard advertisement fees. In addition, we remind
advertisers of the following:

v The Carrolton Courier is printed entirely in black and white. Graphics

should be kept simple to ensure readability.
v We will not make any changes to images. Therefore, we ask that images
be proofread carefully before they are sent to us.
v Payment in full is required before advertisements can be published.


(three months) (six months)
Quarter page $600 $2,880 $5,760
Half page $1,100 $5,280 $10,560
Full page $2,100 $10,080 $20,160

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. We look forward to featuring
your business in our publication.

Kavita Ganjoo, Advertising Manager

Date: March 5
Subject: Re: Advertising in the Carrolton Courier
Attachment: carrolton_courier_graphic

Dear Ms. Ganjoo,

Please find attached my advertisement for the next six issues of the Carrolton Courier. I
would like to start out with a quarter-page size and will reevaluate before committing
to a larger size or a longer term. Please let me know the best way to submit payment.

Thank you,

Jerrold Mason

181. What is the purpose of the first e-mail? 184. How much will Mr. Mason likely be
(A) To explain the cost of ordering charged?
photographs (A) $600
(B) To describe improvements in newspaper (B) $2,880
circulation (C) $5,280
(C) To welcome a new subscriber to a (D) $10,560
(D) To provide information to a potential client

182. What does Ms. Ganjoo indicate? 185. In the second e-mail, the word "term"
(A) Images must be provided electronically. in paragraph 1, line 3, is closest in meaning
(B) Advertisers should review images before to?
submitting them. (A) duration
(C) Advertisements may require editing to meet (B) expression
size specifications. (C) acceptance
(D) Half-page advertisements are the most (D) condition

183. What does Mr. Mason suggest in the

second e-mail?
(A) He has just recently relocated to
the Carrolton area.
(B) He is planning the grand opening
of a new business.
(C) He may adjust the size of the advertisement
in the future.
(D) He will order more advertisements if he
receives a discount.

Question 186-190 refer to the following brochure, e-mail, and policy statement.


Stellar Auto Rental offers four classes of vehicle rentals at each of our worldwide locations to
accommodate your travel needs.
Class Description Daily rate
Economy 2-door ultracompact car for 2 passengers $45
Standard 4 door compact car for 4 passengers $55
Premium 4-door midsize car for 5 passengers $70
Oversize 4-door light-duty truck for 4 passengers or van $120
for up to 12 passengers

Date: 18 September
Re: Car rental

Dear Stellar Auto Rental:

Last month, I booked a compact car to drive from Sofia, Bulgaria, to Istanbul, Turkey, on
August 27. Shortly thereafter, I learned that four colleagues would need to travel with me, so I
called Stellar Auto Rental to change the reservation. A customer service representative told me,
though, that a car to accommodate five adults was not available. Although I could have rented a
van, I didn't want to drive such a large vehicle. Therefore, I canceled the reservation. Yesterday,
however, I received my credit card statement and noticed that I have been charged $50 by Stellar
Auto Rental. Why am I being charged this amount?

Lucinda Martinez


Rental Terms and Conditions

• Only the driver(s) listed on the rental agreement may drive the vehicle.

Required Documents:
• You must present a valid driver's license and proof of insurance when picking up
the vehicle.
• You must also present the credit card you used to prepay for your rental vehicle.

• Payment must be made in full when the vehicle is reserved. Additional fees may
be charged at the end of the rental term for length of distance driven, fuel costs,
late return, and/or damages to the vehicle. Please review your rental agreement
for complete m details.

Cancellation of Agreement:
• Cancellations made prior to the scheduled pickup date will result in a refund of
the full prepaid amount, less a $50 administration fee.
• Cancellations made on the day of scheduled pickup will result in a refund of the
full prepaid amount, less a $100 administration fee.

186. What vehicle was Ms. Martinez189. What is probably true about Ms. Martinez?
unable to reserve? (A) She does not have a valid driver's license.
(A) An economy vehicle (B) She did not need to travel to Istanbul.
(B) A standard vehicle (C) She canceled her reservation before August 27.
(C) A premium vehicle (D) She wanted a colleague to drive the rental
(D) An oversize vehicle vehicle.

187. What is the purpose of the e-mail?190. What is indicated about Stellar Auto Rental?
(A) To stop a payment (A) It provides local maps at no additional cost,
(B) To question a charge (B) It charges $100 per week for auto insurance.
(C) To cancel a reservation (C) It has a membership program for frequent
(D) To complain about a service customers.
(D) It requires payment upon reservation of a
188. In the e-mail, the word "Shortly" in
paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning
(A) soon
(B) still
(C) rudely
(D) concisely

Question 191-195 refer to the following memo, form and email.

To: Managerial Staff

From: Janice Litman
Date: October 10

Dear supervisors:

This notice is to make sure you are all aware that your performance reviews are due on
October 12. All supervisors are supposed to assess the work of the interns in their
departments by filling out an evaluation form. These evaluations will be used to determine
whether or not we hire each of these temporary workers in a full-time capacity. Please be
sure to return these forms to my office on the fourth floor before the close of business on the

Please remember also that these evaluations are not confidential, and will be shared with each
of the employees that you are evaluating. I hope that your feedback will be both fair and

Thank you,
Janice Litman
Personnel Director

Malinsky and Associates

Temporary Employee Performance Evaluation
Employee: James Dreher Date: October 4
Position: Promotions intern Department: Marketing
Evaluated by: Georgia Hawker

Area of Evaluation Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

Attendance X
Attitude/ Motivation X
Initiative X
Efficiency X
Punctuality X
Teamwork X
Now that his internship period has ended successfully, I believe Mr. Dreher should be hired full
time. He was likeable and a good fit for our department. However, because of his inexperience, he
takes too long to complete projects. In the future, he should be more aware of how he spends his
time while completing a task.



To: Georgia Hawker <>

From: James Dreher < >
Date: October 15
Subject: My employee evaluation

Dear Ms. Hawker,

The personnel director gave me a copy of my employee evaluation today. I was very happy
that overall you are content with my performance in the company so far. However, it's
unfortunate that there is an aspect of my work that you are not pleased with. I am eager to
improve myself whenever possible, so I'd like to schedule a meeting with you to hear your
advice on how I can improve my weakest area.

Please let me know when you are available to meet.

James Dreher

191. What was the purpose of the memo?194. What does Mr. Dreher ask Ms. Hawker to
(A) To explain an updated procedure do?
(B) To announce a rescheduled meeting (A) Train him for interactions with customers
(C) To remind employees of a deadline (B) Advise him on his time-management skills
(D) To introduce a new supervisor (C) Provide him with his overall evaluation
(D) Suggest further ideas for upcoming projects

192. Who most likely is Ms. Hawker? 195. In the e-mail, the word "content" in
(A) A promotions intern paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning to
(B) The personnel director (A) material
(C) The marketing manager (B) comforted
(D) A design associate (C) substantial
(D) satisfied
193. What is true about James Dreher?
(A) He occasionally arrives late.
(B) He is a highly motivated intern.
(C) He works well independently.
(D) He is frequently absent from work.

Question 196-200 refer to the following article and review.

New This Week

After months of editing and several postponed release dates due to production delays the
documentary series The Hidden Side of Architecture finally hits television screens this week.
The four-part program directed by Michael Moussa and Tina Erskine looks at little-known
facts behind the world's most iconic buildings. Fans of actor and Comedian Wesley Fleming
will be happy to hear that he is the host for the series. The program was produced by Leif
Bergen and will appear on the Knowledge Now channel on the dates below.


1. "Against All Odds" April 3
The first part takes us to Ancient Egypt, where builders managed to solve formidable
engineering problems.
2. "Building Without Modern Technology" April 10
How, without modern tools and technology, did medieval builders in Europe construct the
great cathedrals that dominated cityscapes for nearly a thousand years?
3. "Modern Cities" April 17
In this episode, we admire the beauty of modern urban structures, and we learn some
gripping stories behind their planning and construction.
4. "Road Ahead" April 24
The last part looks at ideas still in the making: new designs of ever-taller skyscrapers, bio-
inspired buildings with smaller footprints, and other marvels that will one day grace our


Drena Kraakevik

After the first episode of The Hidden Side of Architecture, I can only say that I can't wait to see
the remaining three parts! Fleming does a tremendous job narrating the story; he's informative
yet funny. Don't miss the free downloadable booklet accompanying the series on Knowledge
Now's Web site. It's a must-have if you want to learn more about the building featured on the

196. What is indicated about the 199. When did Ms.Kraakevik most
making of the program? likely watch the program?
(A) It was very expensive. (A) On April 3
(B) It took longer than planned. (B) On April 10
(C) It was financed by several sponsors. (C) On April 17
(D) It involved a large team of producers. (D) On April 24

197. Who appears in the program? 200. What does Ms.Kraakevik recommend
(A) Mr.Moussa doing?
(B) Ms.Erskine (A) Purchasing movies that feature
(C) Mr.Fleming a participating actor
(D) Mr.Bergen (B) Visiting the buildings shown in the
(C) Obtaining additional materials online
(D) Watching other programs by the
same director
198. What episode focuses on urban planning?
(A) Episode 1
(B) Episode 2
(C) Episode 3
(D) Episode 4


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