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The reading test evaluates reading comprehension over a variety of texts and lasts 75 minutes. It contains three parts and directions are given for each part. Test takers should aim to answer as many questions as possible within the allotted time.

The reading test evaluates reading comprehension over a variety of texts and lasts 75 minutes. It contains three parts and directions are given for each part. Test takers should aim to answer as many questions as possible within the allotted time.

The reading test contains three parts and directions are given for each part. Test takers have 75 minutes to complete the entire exam.


In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the latte
(A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Work Power magazine is a new trade 105. Ms. Rodriguez will speak about a
------- for human resource professionals. banking conference she--------in Lisbon last
(A) publication month.
(B) publishers (A) attends
(C) publish (B) attended
(D) is publishing (C) will attend
(D) attend

102. Ms. Murata requests that this month’s 106---------the success of his restaurant, chef
sales totals be submitted--------the end of the Sook Yong wrote a best-selling cookbook.
day. (A) Because
(A) within (B) When
(B) if (C) After
(C) that (D) Already
(D) by

103. A midsize design-----, Gilwood Interiors 107. The director of the Yeon Park Clinic will
specializes in residential spaces. deliver a speech-------tonight’s benefit dinner.
(A) firm (A) except
(B) program (B) before
(C) piece (C) as
(D) industry (D) onto

104. The board of directors thanked Juliana 108. The staff of the Meng Hotel will do -------
Thorne for-------efforts in organizing the they can to make your stay as enjoyable as
shareholder’s meeting. possible.
(A) her (A) some
(B) herself (B) whatever
(C) she (C) above
(D) hers (D) each
109. Hype Tech’s new database software has (C) expands
------- search capabilities to provide more (D) expand
relevant results.
(A) expansively 110. Russet Software announced in a press release that
(B) expanded it is planning to expand -------
India. 115. As--------a week has passed since the
(A) at goods were shipped, we should ask the shipper
(B) about for an update.
(C) into (A) partially
(D) of (B) immediately
(C) nearly
111. Lapima Accounting Partners ------- (D) thoroughly
expenses by limiting international travel and
encouraging the use of the Internet 116. A new musical production is holding
conferencing. auditions for--------singers next Saturday at
(A) examined the Grovetown Theater.
(B) reduced (A) experience
(C) stated (B) to experience
(D) qualified (C) experiences
(D) experienced
112. The Micaville Art Gallery features work
by artists--------offer an array of paintings, 117. Museum members are invited to preview
drawings, and sculptures. the historic portraits before the--------opening
(A) both of the exhibit on April 7.
(B) who (A) constant
(C) besides (B) official
(D) since (C) competent
(D) natural

118. Milton Flooring boasts an impressive -----

-- of carpets and rugs, in almost every color
and type of material.
(A) record
(B) solution
(C) selection
(D) preference

113. All of Molina Languages Institute’s ------ 119. The partnership was formed--------to help
have three or more years of experience and a both the Tilano Group and Estin Electronics
valid teaching credential. reach beyond their traditional markets.
(A) instructed (A) specifying
(B) instruction (B) specifically
(C) instructing (C) specific
(D) instructors (D) specify

114. Mervin Financial Group offers low- 120. Edward’s Plumbing has six
interest home mortgages to first-time-------. company-owned vehicles, two of--------are
(A) buys now in the repair shop.
(B) buyer (A) whose
(C) bought (B) which
(D) buyers (C) either
(D) other
121. The Southwell guide discusses the most 122. Visitors to Kamke Manufacturing must
------- ways to train yourself to be a great ------ a security pass from the receptionist at the main
salesperson. entrance.
(A) effective (A) catch up
(B) reluctant (B) take after
(C) concerned (C) pick up
(D) contained (D) call on
126. Adults and children--------will enjoy
the 127. Seeking new sources of income, many
activities at the Urban Forest Festival. regional orchards-------catering to tourists in
(A) most the last few years.
(B) alike (A) will begin
(C) recently (B) have begun
(D) very (C) will have begun
(D) to begin

123-----------Ms. Lacombe has been working, 128. The-------version of the budget proposal
overtime to meet the proposal submission must be submitted by Friday.
deadline. (A) total
(A) Late (B) many
(B) Later (C) final
(C) Latest (D) empty
(D) Lately

124. Customers who were surveyed found 129. Mr. Rinaldi supervised the construction
most of the nice color variations of Maibey of the new factory and-------operations when
purses very-------. it opens next June.
(A) attractive (A) oversaw
(B) attraction (B) overseeing
(C) attracted (C) will oversee
(D) attracts (D) had overseen

125. In about one year, Elger Township will 130. Additional details------the workshop will
complete the final--------of a ten-year drainage be sent to everyone who has expressed interest
improvement project. in attending.
(A) degree (A) regarding
(B) basis (B) across
(C) phase (C) in spite of
(D) impact (D) through

Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of
each text. Four answer choices for each question are given below the text. Select the best
answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Question 131-134 refer to the following invitation.

lson Associates’ third annual company picnic. The eventto take place

0 P.M to 4:30 P.M at Baker Fieldshould consider contributing an

ng the sports activities. This donation can be for croquet, badminton, lawn bowling, or a similar type of activity. In addition to games, y
noon. -------. Please notify a manager if you have any special dietary needs -------

e you. We look forward to seeing you on June 12!

131. 133.
(A) to schedule (A) Volunteers should report to the venue at
(B) was to be scheduled noon.
(C) has been scheduling (B) All the food will be supplied by Tambara
(D) is scheduled Caterers.
(C) Wilson Associates donates to charities
(D) Thanks for responding to the invitation
so quickly.

132. 134.
(A) Everyone (A) whenever
(B) Another (B) as much as
(C) Those (C) so that
(D) Other (D) however
Question 135- 138 refer to the following hospital discharge card.

for choosing Greenville Community Hospital for yourmedical needs. We strive

you with the best possible -------. It waspleasure to serve you.

eceive a survey in the mail. There are a number of questions to be rated on a 1-5 scale, from very poor to very good. This survey is very

any questions or comments, please contact the Director of Patient Relations at 555-0152.

135. 137.
(A) latter (A) our
(B) ahead (B) your
(C) early (C) their
(D) recent (D) his

136. 138.
(A) memory (A) We use the results to improve our
(B) care service.
(C) opinion (B) The hospital is the best in the region.
(D) opportunity (C) We have doctors with high
(D) New procedures are available at our
Question 139- 142 refer to the following memo.

To: From: Re: All

Fiona Norton, President Adelaide branch
2 May

ounce that because of increased demand for our services, Farley Norton Insurance will be opening the second branch in Adelaide on 1

We are looking to fill a number ofin Adelaide. The jobs section of our Web page,
will be updated when positions arise and are filled. Staff members

interested in relocatingHuman Resources Manager Geri Thompson-Howe. Those

approved for relocation will begin their roles in the new branch on 25 August.

We look forward to this newin our company’s future.

Thank you,


139. 141.
(A) Geri Thompson-Howe can answer (A) contacted
questions about moving costs. (B) had contacted
(B) Some of the positions include office (C) should contact
manager and assistant manager. (D) were to contact
(C) Web site administrator Ashton Lee
should be congratulated on a job well
(D) Louis Farley will be heading this new

140. 142.
(A) vacancies (A) client
(B) contracts (B) period
(C) proposals (C) service
(D) employees (D) employee
Question 143-146 refer to the following announcement.

onducting a survey to learn how it can better

ation gathered from the survey responses will

sitors can also pick up aof this form at the circulation desk on the first floor. Library patrons

survey. The Oakville Library is open Monday to Friday from 10.00 A.M. to 8.00 P.M. and Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 P.M to 5:00 P.

143. 145.
(A) met (A) The questions are the same as those
(B) meet used five years ago.
(C) meeting (B) Patrons of the library are welcome to
(D) meetings the event.
(C) Membership will be renewed after
five years.
(D) This plan covers programming,
services, and materials.

144. 146.
(A) its (A) placement
(B) his (B) showcase
(C) your (C) magazine
(D) theirs (D) copy

Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions.
Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer

Question 147-148 refer to the following advertisement.

Fresh Rose Cleaners

55 Richwood Street, Victoria BC V8W 2P5 250-294-1501

high-quality cleaning and alteration services at affordable prices for 15 years. Get 10% off on dry cleaning orders of 5 or more items, M

Dry Cleaning Shirts or blouses $4.25

Trousers, skirts, or dresses $5.75
Suits $12.00
Sweaters $6.00
Jackers or coats $7.25
Accessories $3.00
Tailoring Hemming, buttons, zippers, etc. Varies by complexity
Laundry Washing & folding $2.00 per kilogram
(Delivery available upon request)

147. According to the advertisement, how can a 148. What is the price for dry cleaning a
customer receive a discount? necktie?
(A) By having a certain number of items dry (A) $2.00
cleaned. (B) $3.00
(B) By dropping off an order on a Friday (C) $4.25
afternoon (D) $5.75
(C) By bringing in a coupon for laundry
(D) By requesting delivery with an order
Question 149-150 refer to the following online form.

Mattress Mavens
A Leader in Quality

Complete the information below to contact our customer service department. We will reply
to your inquiry within 24 hours, seven days a week.

First name: Rishi

Surname: Khan


Subject: Snooze Comfort – Style 458


I am interested in purchasing a king-size mattress, style number 4508. Your Web site
mentions that shipping charges are calculated based on the delivery destination. Could I
pick up the mattress myself in order to avoid this fee? I live about one hour away from
your warehouse, and I own a truck that can easily accommodate a large mattress. Thank

149. Why did Mr. Khan complete the form? 150. What does Mattress Mavens promise to
(A) To ask about a delivery policy (A) Reduce the shipping fee for small
(B) To complain about a mattress he mattresses
purchased (B) Respond to messages within one day
(C) To request a discounted price for a (C) Refer a truck-rental agency
mattress (D) Repair any mattress that is damaged in
(D) To find out a location of a factory transit
Question 151-152 refer to the following postcard.

May 4

Dr. Charles Somerville

1785 Taylor Street
Allentown, PA 18102
Mr. Steven Hines
This is a friendly reminder that your next 15 Greenwood Way
dental cleaning is scheduled for Friday, May Bethlehem, PA 18018
11, at 8:30 A.M. If you are unable to keep our
appointment, please call us by 3:00 P.M on
Wednesday, May 9, during regular office
hours. We can be reached from 8:00 A.M to
5:00 P.M, Monday through Saturday, at 555-
Please note, we will be closed on Monday, May
28 for the holiday.

151. When does Mr. Hines have an 152.According to the postcard, why would
appointment? Mr. Hines call the dental office?
(A) On May 4 (A) To confirm an appointment
(B) On May 9 (B) To cancel an appointment
(C) On May 11 (C) To make a payment
(D) On May 28 (D) To request information
Question 153-154 refer to the following online chat discussion.

Koji Higa [ 1:01 P.M.]

Hi, Sue. I’m on the train headed to my meetings in Newhurst
tomorrow, but I left the schedule on my desk. Can you help?

Sue Kalama [1:03 P.M.]


Koji Higa [ 1:04 P.M.].

Great. Let me know once you’ve found it.

Sue Kalama [1:08 P.M.]

Ok, I have it. What do you want me to do with it?

Koji Higa [1:09 P.M.]

Can you scan the schedule and attach it to an e-mail? I’ll print
it later from my hotel so I’ll have the meeting details for the
new authors who have signed contracts with us.

Sue Kalama [1:11 P.M.]

No problem.

Koji Higa [1:12 P.M.]


153. At 1:03 P.M, what does Ms. Kalama 154. For what type of business does
mean when she writes, “Absolutely”? Mr. Higa most likely work?
(A) She is happy that Mr. Higa contacted her. (A) A publishing company
(B) She is willing to assist Mr.Higa. (B) A hotel chain
(C) She is certain that Mr. Higa is correct. (C) A travel agency
(D) She is leaving her meeting now. (D) An office supply store
Question 155- 157 refer to the following information.

Greengage Conference Center

Located just 40 minutes from the Charlotte Airport, Greengage Conference Center is the
perfect place to hold your next corporate event. Situated among beautiful rolling hills and
woodlands, our center provides a private, serene retreat. We offer conference facilities and
meeting rooms that are equipped with everything you need for multimedia presenatations. We
also offer a full equipped business center with a complete suite of office productivity software,
complimentary wireless Internet access, two restaurants, and a banquet hall.

Call 704-555-0175 to speak to our professional event associates, who are prepared to help you
with every phase of event planning.

155. What is indicated about Greengage 157. How can someone speak with the
Conference Center? professional event associates?
(A) It has recently been renovated.
(B) It is located in a scenic setting. (A) Send an email
(C) It is used mainly by local companies. (B) Contact through a phone call
(D) It offers shuttle service to the airport. (C) Visit the website
(D) Go to the office

156. What is NOT mentioned as being available

at Greengage Conference Center?
(A) Free Internet access
(B) Presentation software
(C) Dining facilities
(D) On-site hotel rooms
Question 158-160 refer to the following guest pass.

Present this pass to receive one complimentary visit to

Blue River Fitness Center

 Valid for first-time visitors only.
 Guests must be at least 18 years of age or accompanied by an adult.
 Guests must attend an information session with a staff member to
receive a tour of the facility and learn about membership options.
 Valid during limited hours only:
Tuesday to Thursday 10.00A.M- 5.00 P.M, Saturday 10:00 A.M- 3:00 P.M.

Blue River has long been Detroit’s premier fitness center, helping members of
all ages and interests to improve their health. Whether you are a novice
looking to begin a fitness routine or a fitness expert seeking new challenges,
Blue River will help you attain your goals.

158. What must a visitor do in order to use the

160. What is suggested about the Blue River
guest pass?
Fitness Center?
(A) Present identification (A) It does not allow guests under 18 years
(B) Take a fitness test old.
(C) Meet with a representative
(B) It serves members at all skill levels.
(D) Complete a survey
(C) It recently opened a new location.
(D) It sells fitness equipment and clothing.

159. When can the pass be used?

(A) On Monday
(B) On Wednesday
(C) On Friday
(D) On Sunday
Question 161-164 refer to the following article.

K-Star Tournament to Begin

Andrew Cresson, owner of computer game Rewards for winning the computer game
company K-Star, announced today that his tournament include free products and free
firm will be sponsoring a video game plane tickets to cities like Tokyo, Seoul, and
tournament as part of a series of promotional Jakarta. In addition, the first-prize winner in
activities for its latest product line. ---[1]---. each category will win the opportunity to help
designers create a new video game. ---[3]---.
To be held in Hong Kong on May 5, the event
will introduce a wide selection of new games Interested individuals may register to
for contestants to play, including simulated participate by filling out an online application,
reality games, sports games, and cartoon visiting a retail outlet where K-Star products
character games. The top four contestants in are sold, or contacting K-Star's automated
each round will compete in finals shown live phone service. ---[4]---. Audience tickets,
on a large screen. Robert Ko, a sales however, may be purchased on-site on the day
representative at K-Star, observed: "This may of the event.
be the most anticipated product launch of the
decade." ---[2]---. Reporter: David Ma, Beijing, April 5

161. What is the purpose of holding the 163. Where will the tournament take place?
(A) In Seoul
(A) To recruit members for a club (B) In Beijing
(B) To attract new employees (C) In Tokyo
(C) To promote a product line (D) In Hong Kong
(D) To entertain business executives

162. Who will be competing in the tournament? 164. In which of the position marked [1], [2], [3]
and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
(A) Professional athletes
(B) Animated filmmakers “Players must register in advance of the
(C) Computer game players tournament.”
(D) Software designers (A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]
Questions 165-168 refer to the following text-message chain.

Alicia Gonzalez (2:17 P.M.)

Hi, everyone. My shift at the restaurant starts at 4:00, but my car has a flat tire and I need to take
it to the repair shop. Is anyone able to work for me? I can switch shifts with you for a different
Jason Krauss (2:20 P.M.)
I could work for you, but I can't get to the restaurant until 4:30. I'm still in Abbington City for a
medical appointment. If you can call Mr. Maki and tell him I'll be in a little late, I'd be happy
to take the shift.
Lily Chow (2:35 P.M.)
Sorry, Alicia. I have tickets for a basketball game tonight. I hope you're able to find someone to
take your shift, though.

Alicia Gonzalez (2:37 P.M.)

I'm not sure it's OK to start the shift late. He made it very clear at our last staff meeting that
all shifts must be covered for the exact same hours.

Jason Krauss (2:38 P.M.)

I wish I could help. Can you call Mr. Maki and see if anyone already working can stay longer?

Michael Whitmore (2:40 P.M.)

I'm on a break at work now. I'm supposed to leave at 3:30 but can stay an extra hour until Jason
arrives. That way the shift is still covered.

Jason Krauss (2:42 P.M.)

That works for me. Do you think Mr. Maki will let us do that, Alicia?

Alicia Gonzalez (2:50 P.M.)

I just called. Mr. Maki's fine with it. I really appreciate everyone's help!

Jason Krauss (3:15 P.M.)

You're welcome. I'll see you soon, Michael.

165. Where most likely do the writers work? 167. At 2:50 P.M, what does Ms. Gonzalez
mean when she writes, “Mr. Maki’s fine with
(A) At a restaurant it”?
(B) At a sporting goods store (A) He will work her shift for her.
(C) At a medical center (B) He can drive her to an appointment.
(D) At an auto repair shop (C) He has approved a schedule change.
(D) He has to pay a penalty.

166. What most likely is true about all the 168. Who will leave work today later than
writers? originally planned?
(A) They are meeting for dinner tonight. (A) Ms. Gonzalez
(B) They have the same manager. (B) Ms. Krauss
(C) They drive to work together. (C) Ms. Chow
(D) They like to attend sporting events. (D) Mr. Whitmore
Questions 169-171 refer to the following email.

From: Arup Chandra < >

Date: 12 January
Subject: Information

Dear Mr. Chandra:

The Indian Academy of Geological Sciences (IAGS) wants its members to be among the
first to know about our academy-sponsored online lecture series. The IAGS has
partnered with some of the country's top scholars and business leaders to give online
lectures on topics relevant to our field. The lectures will take place every other month
and will last approximately two hours. After each lecture, attendees can participate in a
30-minute interactive question-and-answer session.

If you would like to take part in this exciting new opportunity to expand your knowledge
and gain valuable industry insights, visit our Web site at There you
will find the dates, times, and topics for this year's six lectures. You will also find
registration and payment instructions, as well as information on the technological
requirements for participation.

Please note that we are seeking a lecturer for 14 December. If you are interested, please
contact the series coordinator Vasu Kumar at

169. Why did Mr. Chandra receive the e-mail? 171. What is NOT mentioned as something
that can be found on the IAGS Web site?
(A) He is applying to study geology.
(B) He is scheduled to give a lecture. (A) The dates and times of the lectures
(C) He is a member of IAGS. (B) A list of lecture topics
(D) He is organizing a lecture series. (C) Registration information
(D) Profiles of the lecturers

170. What is indicated about the lectures?

(A) They take place every month.

(B) They are focused on a specific profession.
(C) They are free of charge.
(D) They will take place at IAGS
Question 172-175 refer to the following letter

Highbrook Library
42 Doring Street
Norwich, CT 06360

April 23
Mr. Jack Vogel
Ellicott Office Supplies
181 Foss Street Norwich, CT 06360

Dear Mr. Vogel:

On behalf of the Highbrook Library, I would like to offer my sincere thanks

for your generous gifts. The three computers you donated from your store,
along with the extra paper and ink, have helped us to better serve our users.
[1] . We now have five computers and they are almost always in use. In
our last conversation you had asked how the library staff would control use.
We have decided to allow library members to use a computer for free for two
hours. Nonmembers pay $2 for one hour of use. We also ask all patrons to
book a computer in advance because of the high demand. [2] .

In addition, your monetary donation has allowed us to extend our hours. The
library is now open until 8:00 P.M., Monday-Thursday, which has led to a
growth in membership by permitting more people to visit when their workday
is over. [3] . We have even had several book clubs form that meet in the
evenings. Perhaps you would like to join one? [4] .

Next year we will be investigating the possibility of adding a small café on the
first floor near the community meeting room. We hope you will consider
contributing to this project as well, if it seems promising. You will receive
more information in the future about it.

Thank you again for your generous support of the Highbrook Library!


Annabeth Hendley
Director, Highbrook Library

172. Why is Ms. Hendley writing to Mr. Vogel? 174. What is indicated about the computers at
Highbrook Library?
(A) To invite him to become an honorary library (A) They are for library members only.
member Alternative power source (B) They need to be updated.
(B) To request advice about computer (C) They are free for members to use.
installation (D) They can not be reserved.
(C) To ask him to purchase new books for the
(D) To express appreciation for his donations

173. What is suggested about the Highbrook 175. In which of the positions marked [1],
Library? [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence
best belong?
(A) It is going to close for renovation. “This policy also helps students who want to
(B) It has increased the hours it is open. use library resources after school”
(C) It will be hosting a fund-raising event.
(D) It is considering adding a meeting room. (A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]
Question 176-180 refer to the following letter and information from a Web page.

Front Force Designs

10 Townsend Lane
Dublin 2

29 May

Dear Business Owner,

er’s Department Store. Front Force Designs is a full-service design studio dedicated to giving local shops a competitive edge with origin

To see examples of our designs and read what our customers are saying, visit our Web site at
If you would like to schedule a free consultation, I can be reached at +353 1 555 0188. Sincerely,
Eabha Madigan

Eabha Madigan, M.F.A Owner, Front Force Designs

Customer Comments Home Place order Directions Contact us

“With all the pedestrian traffic on Squire Street, my shop, Fairest Isle Gifts, must have beautiful
window displays. When I saw what the team from Front Force Designs created for Bassett
Music Company, the neighbouring store. I knew I had to hire Ms. Madigan and her staff. They
have created my window decorations for five years now, and I have also hired them to create
displays inside the store. I can’t tell you how pleased I am with their artistry; their work is
better than any other design firm I used previously.” -Marty Donohue, Owner, Fairest Isle

176. What is the purpose of the letter? 179. What is indicated about Front Force
(A) To explain a design process Designs?
(B) To recruit new clients (A) It is a new company.
(C) To list the costs of a service (B) It is owned by three people.
(D) To offer a discount to as customer (C) It does work for retail stores.
(D) It offers free samples.

177. Who is Ms. Madigan? (B) A website designer

(A) A store manager (C) A musician
(D) A decorator 180. What is implied about Fairest Isle Gifts?
(A) It is closed due to construction on Squire
(B) It received a good review from customers.
(C) It has been in business for ten years.
(D) It is located in Dublin.

178. In the letter, the word “edge” in

paragraph 1, line 5, is closest in meaning to
(A) advantage
(B) border
(C) force
(D) quality
Question 181-185 refer to the following emails.


Date: March 2
Subject: Re: Advertising in the Carrolton Courier

Dear Mr. Mason,

Thank you for your interest in the Carrolton Courier. Advertising with us is a great way to
reach thousands of households in Carrolton and neighboring communities twice a month.
Listed below, please note our standard advertisement fees. In addition, we remind
advertisers of the following:
 The Carrolton Courier is printed entirely in black and white. Graphics should be
kept simple to ensure readability.
 We will not make any changes to images. Therefore, we ask that images be
proofed carefully before they are sent to us.
 Payment in full is required before advertisements can be published.


(three months) ( six months)
Quarter page $600 $2,880 $5,760
Haft Page $1,100 $5,280 $10,560
Full page $2,100 $10,080 $20,160

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. We look forward to featuring
your business in our publication.

Kavita Ganjoo, Advertising Manager

To: From: Date: Subject:

Attachment: March 5
Re: Advertising in the Carrolton Courier carrolton_courier_graphic

Carrolton Courier. I would like to start out with a quarter-page size and will reevaluate before committing to a larger size or a longer te

181. What is the purpose of the first e-mail? client

(A) To explain the cost of ordering
(B) To describe improvements in newspaper
(C) To welcome a new subscriber to a
(D) To provide information to a potential
184. How much will Mr. ) $600 (B)
Mason likely be charged? $2,880
( (C) $5,280
A (D) $10,560

182. What does Ms. Ganjoo indicate? 185. In the second e-mail, the word "term" in
paragraph 1, line 3, is closest in meaning to
(A) Images must be provided electronically. (A) duration
(B) Advertisers should review images before (B) expression
submitting them. (C) acceptance
(C) Advertisements may require editing to meet (D) condition
size specifications.
(D) Half-page advertisements are the most

183. What does Mr. Mason suggest in the

second e-mail?

(A) He has just recently relocated to the

Carrolton area.
(B) He is planning the grand opening of a new
(C) He may adjust the size of the advertisement
in the future.
(D) He will order more advertisements if he
receives a discount.
Question 186-190 refer to the following brochure and e-mails.


Located just outside of Nassau, the capital city of The Bahamas, Elvinna’s is the ideal venue for
your reception, banquet, or business meeting. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, it is
surrounded by lush gardens featuring a variety of beautiful sculptures.

The Alameda Room seats between 100 and 250 people comfortably, and our largest space, the
Bougainvillea Room, is perfect for up to 300 guests. For business meetings, the Tamarind Room
can accommodate up to 50 guests, while the Waterfall Room, slightly larger, seats up to 80
people. Our two business meeting spaces are outfitted with the latest technology to support
productive and efficient meetings.

Our elegant restaurant, the Candlewood Tree, offers an ample menu that takes into account
many dietary restrictions and preferences. Plan ahead to join us on July 10 when we offer
a special Independence Day dinner menu!

To book an event, visit First-time reservations for select days receive a 15 percent
discount. For further information call 242-555-0135.

To: Tanika
Nichols From: Brian
Darville Date: 18
Subject: Anniversary planning

Hello, Tanika,

I visited Elvinna’s and looked at the space that you suggested might be right for our company’s
anniversary celebration. Their catering menu would suit the various preferences of our expected
guests, now numbering over 250. Currently, the room is available on two Saturdays, 15 July and
5 August; it is also available on Wednesday, 23 August. Note that this last date would qualify
for a nice discount.

Let me know if I have your approval to book this room. We need to make a decision quickly
before other parties reserve those dates. I'll be in touch soon about rescheduling the awards
ceremony in May.

To: Brian Darville
From: Tanika
Nichols Date: 18
Subject: Anniversary planning

Hello, Brian,

Thank you for the information about Elvinna’s. Let’s take advantage of that discount date
they are offering. It may help us stay within our budget. Please contact them to make the

Tanika Nichols, Senior Vice President

Nassau Telecommunications

186. What does the brochure mention about 189. Why is Mr. Darville concerned?
Elvinna's? (A) Not enough people have responded to an
(A) It is able to host groups of various invitation.
types. (B) He thinks that a different venue might cost
(B) It is conveniently located in downtown less.
Nassau. (C) A venue that he likes might be reserved by
(C) It has hired a new chef for its another group.
restaurant. (D) He has not been able to secure entertainment.
(D) It plans to renovate a business center.

187. What does Mr. Darville indicate about 190. When will Nassau Telecommunications’
the plan for his company’s celebration? celebration most likely take place?
(A) It should feature a simple menu. (A) On July 10
(B) It will need to be rescheduled. (B) On July 15
(C) It will include an awards ceremony. (C) On August 5
(D) It is a decision he cannot make alone. (D) On August 23

188. Where will the company’s anniversary

celebration most likely be held?
(A) In the Alameda Room
(B) In the Bougainvillea Room
(C) In the Tamarind Room
(D) In the Waterfall Room
Question 191-195 refer to the following email, ticket, schedule.

Email Message

Andrea Williams >To:

Samuel Penfold .From:

2 August Date:

Re: Cardiology conference Subject:

Dear Dr. Williams,

Unfortunately, I will not be able to travel there with you because I am seeing patients until 3 P.M on 5 August. I will have to miss the fir

her one evening? Evrim Turgut was telling me about your research together into diagnostic imaging technologies, and I would love the

Let me know when you will be free. All best,

Samuel Penfold, MD

NTS RAIL Reservation 4JK5 4RN5 4XW8

Class Adult Passenger


From Train Number Return Trip


To Price

Date Seat Number Fare


Printed on 1 August
Train Schedule--- NTS Rail Lancaster to Manchester

Train Number Departure Time Duration Arrival time Price

EX111 7:00 A.M 55 min 7:55 A.M ₤20.00
RN902 8:30 A.M 1 h 01 min 9:31 A.M ₤20.00
EX224 10:15 A.M 1h 15 min 11:30 A.M ₤18.00
RN516 12:30 P.M 1 h 25 min 1:55 P.M ₤18.00
EX670 2:00 P.M 1 h 35 min 3: 35 P.M ₤18.00
RN823 4:45 P.M 1 h 05 min 5: 50 P.M ₤20.00

e at more than 24 hours before your trip entitles you to a 10 percent discount off the above-listed fares. Full-price tickets are available

191. Who most likely is Evrim Turgut? 194. What is suggested about Dr. Williams?
(A) A medical doctor (A) She works in Manchester.
(B) An office manager (B) She travels by train on a regular basis.
(C) A conference organizer (C) She bought her ticket at a reduced price.
(D) A customer service representative (D) She made her reservation at the Lancaster
train station.

192. What does the ticket indicate about 195. According to the schedule, what is true
Dr. Williams’ trip? about the train trips?
(A) She will be travelling in first class. (A) They last the same length of time.
(B) She will be changing trains during her trip. (B) They are cheaper in the morning.
(C) She will be using the same ticket for her (C) They will end at the same destination.
return trip. (D) They must be purchased in person.
(D) She will be able to choose where to sit.

193. Based on his availability, what train will

Dr. Penfold most likely take?
(A) EX111
(B) EX224
(C) RN516
(D) RN823

Question 196-200 refer to the following emails and order form.

To:Imogen Chambers s> From: Reginald Lee l> Re:Office supplies order
Date:March 20 Dear Ms. Chambers,
We have a standing order filled by Champion Office Supply, with automatic delivery to us on the first day of each mo
Furthermore, we would like to add item WB918 to the order only this month, as we have recently hired new attorne

We continue to be pleased with the quality of your merchandise, especially the recycled stationery products with ou

Thank you.

Reginald Lee, Office Manager Cooper and Colson Law

Order for: Cooper and Colson Law Delivery date: April 1

Contact: Reginald Lee

Item Description Item Number Quantity Price Per Unit Itemized Total
Printed letterhead LH228 10 Reams 54.00 540.00
Whiteboard pens WP263 10 Packages of 4 4.99 49.90
Cytronics ink CP576 8 42.00 336.00
toner cartridge
Witeglow Magnetic WB918 4 79.99 319.96
Whiteboard (50’’x 35’’)
Champion Office Supply TAX: 74.75
TOTAL: $1320.61
Dear Mr. Lee,
We would be happy to accommodate your requests as outlined on your order form. Unfortunately, however, we are
They are considered the best on the market. They are typically $85 each, but I am willing to provide four at the same
Kind regards, Imogen Chambers

196. What is the purpose of the first e-mail? 199. What item number identifies a
(A) To amend a regular order replacement for a regularly ordered product?
(B) To report a delivery error (A) LH228
(C) To make a complaint about a product (B) WP263
(D) To confirm a delivery date (C) CP576
(D) WB918

197. In this e-mail, what is indicated about 200. How much will the law firm pay for
Cooper and Colson Law? each Stellar brand whiteboard?
(A) It has just installed a new photocopier.
(B) It is currently expanding. (A) $49.90
(C) It is in the process of relocating. (B) $54.00
(D) It has just hired a new office manager. (C) $79.99
(D) $85.00

198. What product is Mr. Lee particularly

pleased with?
(A) Paper with company letterhead
(B) Whiteboard pens
(C) The Witeglow magnetic whiteboard
(D) The Crytronics ink toner cartridge

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