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Water Cycle

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Water Cycle Reading and Writing

Students will practice English language arts skills by listening

to or reading a story about the water cycle and then writing
a similar tale.

Objectives: Students will respond to the story in ways that require:

• reading, listening, and writing for information and understanding;
• reading, listening, and writing for literary response and expression;
• understanding that the water is recycled by natural processes
including evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff;
• understanding that matter, including water, is made up of particles
whose properties determine its observable characteristics.

Grade level: Elementary (Grades 3-5)

Subject Areas: English Language Arts, Science

New York State Learning Standards:

English Language Arts Standards 1, 2
Mathematics, Science, & Technology Standard 4

• Read and listen to acquire facts and ideas from texts.
• Gather and organize information about environmental phenomena.
• Write to interpret, apply, and transmit information.
• Write for literary response and expression.

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Activity time: 15 minutes for reading; 30-45 minutes for writing

Materials: Each student should have:

… Sheets of lined paper
… Pencil or pen

Water Cycle Reading: Teacher’s Section – Page 1

Hudson River Estuary Program
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
The water cycle describes the continuous circulation of water from water bodies and
the land to the sky and back again. It is truly a cycle; there is no beginning or end.
Water can change states—become a gas, liquid, or solid—at various places in the cycle.

The water cycle is powered by solar energy and gravity. Water evaporates into the
atmosphere as water vapor. This gas then condenses into droplets that gravity pulls
down to earth as precipitation and downhill back to the oceans as runoff. Some
precipitation infiltrates the ground and becomes groundwater. It may stay there for
millions of years, or bubble up in springs, or be taken up by plants and released back to
the air through transpiration from their leaves. Water may also be frozen for
centuries in snowpacks or glaciers before melting and rejoining the cycle.

There is about as much water on earth today as there was in the time of the dinosaurs.
The water you drink today could have been in a waterhole used by dinosaurs, or frozen
in the great glaciers that covered the Hudson Valley 20,000 years ago.

1. Introduce the lesson by telling students they will take a journey with Walter the
water molecule. They will frolic in the ocean, float into the atmosphere, splash down
on tree tops, slip between the leaves on the forest floor, and rush over waterfalls.
2. Read the story aloud. Point out how Walter’s adventures relate to the water cycle.
Use attached diagram and water cycle vocabulary if appropriate to grade level.
3. Have students write their own stories about Walter’s further adventures in the
water cycle (see introduction to the assignment at the end of the reading). Specify
a length depending on the abilities of the students.

• Collect and review students’ stories or have the stories read aloud to the class.
• Have students identify the states of water that they encounter daily (liquid in
puddles; water vapor from your breath; ice in ice cubes).
• Ask students to identify water cycle processes that Walter experienced.

• Berger, Melvin and Gilda. Water, Water Everywhere. A Discovery Readers Book:
Ideals Children’s Books, Nashville: 2003. Appropriate for ages 5-9.
• Locker, Thomas. Water Dance. Voyager Books, NY: 2002. Appropriate for ages 4-8.
• McKinney, Barbara. A Drop Around the World. Dawn Publications, Nevada City,
California: 1998. Appropriate for ages 4-8.
• River of Words is an annual international poetry and art contest for K-12 students
on the theme of watersheds. Visit their website,, for more
information about the contest and an interdisciplinary watersheds curriculum guide.
• In the Hudson Valley, NYSDEC’s Stony Kill Farm Environmental Education Center
offers River of Words watershed poetry lessons for grades 3-12 as well as Project
WET teacher trainings. Email or call 845-831-8780.

Water Cycle Reading: Teacher’s Section – Page 2

Hudson River Estuary Program
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Vocabulary from Walter the Water Molecule Story:

brook: a small stream

creek: a stream of water usually smaller than a river

crest: a peak, highest part, or topmost edge

current: movement of water

drift: to move along without effort

erode: to wear away by or as if by the action of water, wind, or glacial ice

exhale: to breathe out

fin: a thin extension of a water-living animal’s body, used in guiding its


horizon: the line where the earth or sea seems to meet the sky

lull: to cause to sleep or rest

molecule: the smallest particle of a substance that has all the characteristics
of the substance

particle: a very small piece

river: a natural stream of water larger than a brook or creek

scales: small flat plates that form an outer covering on the body of some

seawater: water in the ocean that contains salt

spout: a hole that shoots liquid out with force

stream: a small body of running water

tides: the alternate rising and falling of the surface of the ocean

valley: an area of lowland between ranges of hills or mountains

whirlpool: water moving rapidly in a circle

Water Cycle Reading: Teacher’s Section – Page 3

Hudson River Estuary Program
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
The Water Cycle

In this illustration of the water cycle, precipitation falls to earth (1) and enters
streams flowing seaward as runoff (2) or infiltrates into the ground (3). Groundwater
feeds streams and lakes and is taken up by plants (4), from which it transpires into
the atmosphere as water vapor. Evaporation from the sea (5) and other surface
waters also supplies water vapor to the atmosphere. There, the vapor condenses to
form clouds (6) and eventually falls to earth again as precipitation.
Illustration from Stanne et al, The Hudson: An Illustrated Guide to the
Living River, used by permission of Hudson River Sloop Clearwater.

condense: to change from a gas to a liquid state of matter

evaporate: to change from a liquid to a gas

groundwater: water present in soil and rock underground

infiltrate: to enter [ground] by moving into spaces between particles

precipitation: water falling from the sky as rain, snow, hail, or sleet

runoff: water, from rain or melting snow, that flows over the ground

transpire: to give off vapor through the outer covering of a living thing

Water Cycle Reading: Teacher’s Section – Page 4

Hudson River Estuary Program
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Walter the Water Molecule
Take a Journey Through the Water Cycle

Rain clouds over the Catskill Mountains

Walter is having a blast, dancing on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean in

the bright sun. Waves bounce him against zillions of other water molecules
like himself, not to mention all the salt molecules in seawater. As he reaches
the crest of a wave, a gust of wind carries Walter and his buddies off in a
drop of spray. They shriek wildly as the drop whips through the air to land
“Plop!” back in the water.

Walter reaches the peak of another wave. “Hang on! Here we go again!”
But this time the water molecules don’t hang together. The warm sunlight
gives them a boost of energy, and each goes flying off like a balloon set
loose. Walter is now part of a wild party of molecules in the air—oxygen,
carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and other water molecules—rising higher and
higher into the atmosphere.

The winds take Walter to the west. Floating in the sky, Walter looks
down at a beach, where the waves he rode a while ago pound against the
sand. He is way up now, far above towns, ballfields, and roads. Looking ahead,
he can see a range of mountains approaching—the Catskills, overlooking a
broad river valley.

The winds carry Walter higher as they reach the Catskills. It is getting
colder now, and Walter and his buddies have lost some of the energy they
had earlier. He and a few others rest against a particle of dust floating

Walter the Water Molecule. Page 1

nearby. Other water molecules are doing the same thing nearby, forming
tiny drops of water around the dust particles. Looking down, Walter sees
that the crowd of tiny water drops around him is casting a shadow on the
treetops below. It has become a cloud.

More water molecules pile on to Walter’s drop, making it bigger and

heavier. The wind can’t keep it up anymore. The drop starts falling, faster
and faster. Walter waves to other molecules in the air as he zips past, his
raindrop racing other drops as they fall towards the ground. He reaches out
to tap the leaves of trees just before—splat!—his raindrop hits the ground
and splashes into smaller droplets.
Kaaterskill Falls
The droplets bounce and settle back down. Some
slip between the leaves on the forest floor and into
the soil beneath, off to explore underground.
Walter’s droplet combines with others running
downhill in tiny streams. These meet to form larger
brooks, sliding down the slopes into still bigger
creeks. As Walter’s creek flows over a large flat
rock, it starts to pick up speed. Suddenly Walter is
falling again, deafened by the roar of the creek
pouring into the pool at the base of a waterfall. A few
minutes later, he plunges over another cliff, the
second drop in the Kaaterskill Falls, 260 feet tall.

Rushing onward, Walter enters the Kaaterskill

Creek in the Kaaterskill Clove, a steep valley that the creek has eroded in
the mountainside. For Walter, it is as wild a time as he had on the ocean’s
waves. He rides rapids, spins in whirlpools, and nearly flies into the air again
from the foam under another waterfall. But soon the creek reaches flat land
at the foot of the Catskills and slows down. Walter relaxes, wondering what
lies ahead as the Kaaterskill Creek joins the Catskill Creek.

Lulled by the lazy current, Walter is about to take a nap when a large
dark shadow looms up before him. Next thing he knows, Walter is sucked
into the gaping mouth of a fish—a big carp. Before he has time to blink,
Walter is pushed past the carp’s red gills and back into the creek. Three
feet of golden scales and fins slip by as the great fish swims on.

Walter the Water Molecule. Page 2

The Catskill Creek takes Walter to the Hudson River, and he notices that
the Hudson behaves oddly for a river. Its current keeps reversing direction.
Twice each day it flows back towards the mountains. At the same time, the
river level rises and falls—rising as the current flows towards the
mountains, falling as it flows the other way. Walter realizes that this is the
motion of the tides—the same tides he felt out in the ocean. He also sees
fish that he remembers from the sea, like striped bass. “But where are all
the salt molecules?” he asks himself. “There are only a few here.”

It takes time to answer this question. Drifting south for six hours, then
north for the next six hours, Walter doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. But
as days pass, he notices that he always drifts further going south than he
does going north. Eventually, at a place where steep mountains crowd up
against the river, he starts to see more salt molecules. Their number
increases each day as he drifts further south towards the Atlantic Ocean.
Reaching a great city, with tall buildings lining the river’s shores, Walter
knows the ocean isn’t far away. He can’t believe that seahorses and flounder
are now swimming past him.

Sure enough, in a few more days land is far behind. The tall buildings
disappear over the horizon. Walter is back among ocean waves, sparkling in
the bright sun. He is just starting to wonder what his next adventure might
be when a huge shape appears under him. It’s bigger—much, much bigger—
than the carp in Catskill Creek. Just as Walter realizes he’s on top of a
whale, the great animal exhales. Its spout blasts him upwards, and he finds
himself floating in the air again. But this time, the wind is blowing him east,
heading out over the Atlantic. “Maybe I’ll make it to Europe,” Walter says to
himself, settling in for the ride.

Walter has had many adventures. You have heard only a few of them here. He has
been sucked up by tree roots and pulled high into the tips of tall trees. He’s
journeyed from reservoirs to kitchen sinks, and through thirsty fifth graders. He’s
been underground, flowing through tiny cracks in bedrock and then bubbling up in
springs. He’s been frozen in glacial ice for thousands of years (Brrr and Bor-ing!).

Your assignment is to write a story describing more of Walter’s adventures. You

may continue from where this story left off, or write a completely separate tale.

Walter the Water Molecule. Page 3

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