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POM Project 22

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Assessment and grading criteria

Module Title: Principles of Marketing Module Code:

Assignment Format & Assignment 20%
Pecha Kucha Presentation
Maximum Word count Weighting:
Time: before 23:59 Coursework
Coursework Date: Thursday 8th December return Date Within 4 weeks
Submission: 2022, returned to
Method: Only online via LMS students:
Module leader Salman A Khan First marker CC
Module Board
Internal Moderator
Approved Module Board
External Examiner TBC
Date: date

Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:
 Analyse the role of strategic marketing planning, from data collection to
 Examine the process and techniques of marketing planning in a variety of
 Assess the limitations and adaptability of a range of planning tools and techniques,
including project management, budgeting and financial management to supporting
marketing planning activities
Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:
 . Explain the significance of the planning phase and recognise the value of marketing
planning for a range of organisations.
 Appraise and justify the marketing planning strategies and concepts used by various
types of organisation
 Apply project management tools and techniques in a planning situation
Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment
Performance will be assessed using HBS Grading Criteria and Mark scheme.
Guidance for improvement will be given in writing on the Assessment Feedback Form or on the StudyNet
Feedback Form within 4 weeks of submission.
For each day or part day up to five days after the published deadline, coursework relating to modules
submitted late will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or unless the numeric grade
reaches 40 for levels 4, 5 and 6. If a submission is more than 5 days after the published deadline, a grade of
Assessment and grading criteria

zero will be awarded.

Where the numeric grade awarded for the assessment is less than 40, no lateness penalty will be applied;

Detailed Brief for Individual/Group Assessment


Introductory information to students:
For assignments you are the marketing manager for a business of your choice and you have
been tasked with introducing a new product for that business to either an existing market or a
new market. Initially you undertake a market audit which you must present to your Managing
Below are instructions for the first part of your assessment.
Assignment 1
The development of a comprehensive macro and micro analysis of an existing company which will be
summarised in a marketing audit to be presented in a Pecha Kucha presentation.
In order to complete this first assignment, you will need to select one product/service or brand that
already exist in your home market and conduct secondary research in order to produce your marketing
Pecha Kucha is a format that uses 20 slides or images that are displayed for 20 seconds each. The
slides should transition automatically and the narration should be both informative and concise.
This format gives you scope to include lots of detail but to communicate it in a clear and attractive way
Submit your presentation on the Canvas assignment section.
Your marketing audit (power-point presentation) should include the following sections:

 Title of the presentation and author details

 Introduction
 Company background (brief) Identify and describe the vision and mission
statements of the organisation
 Internal environment analysis Using the strategic positioning tools PLC, BCG
matrix and perceptual mapping, identify the competitive advantage for the
organisation; product portfolio analysis using PLC and BCG matrix; financial and
Assessment and grading criteria

non-financial results; channels etc.

 External environment analysis Market analysis (e.g. trends, market size, forecast
etc.). Competitor analysis (identifying key competitors, their strengths and
weaknesses etc); Porter’s Five Forces analysis – to help you to analyse the
strengths and weaknesses of company’s position and how they can impact
company’s long term profitability, PESTEL analysis – to find out what forces of
changes are affecting the business environment. ·
 Customer analysis (using behavioural, demographic, geographic and lifestyle
segmentation to describe the customers)
 SWOT analysis: utilise SWOT analysis to summarise all the key information above.
 Critical issues (recommendations): Key issues that should be considered in the
setting of marketing objectives and strategies in the later stage (assignment 2).
 References: references are expected in text and in the reference section.

Specific Instructions:
Your Managing Director is well educated and has worked in the industry for over 30 years, and thus,
she will not require concepts and marketing terms to be defined. To do this will be wasting both your
time and hers.
You have limited time so you will need to be selective in terms of what to include in your presentation.
Think about what is the key message that you want to convey to your audience. The information that
you include in the presentation should support this message and communicate why this is important.
An effective presentation balances the content (information), the layout (how the information is
presented) and the delivery (speak clearly, confidently and in an engaging way).
Consider the use of pictures, figures, charts and tables to make the presentation more interesting,
informative and eye catching. For example, a table could be a good way of showing comparisons. Font
size: is important to make sure that your slides are readable. It is therefore very important that you resist
the temptation of using very small font in order to fit in a lot of information. As with any assessment it is
important that you select a suitable font, typically Arial or Times New Roman fonts are used in
You are required to do extensive research to find relevant information. A minimum of 10 credible
sources is expected, of which at least 5 should be academic. Any statement you make and any data
you use must be referenced. Please note: you can access the relevant industry reports
Assessment and grading criteria

Grading Criteria Marks Outstanding Excellent Very Good Satisfac Marginal Clear Little
Awarded 80% + 70% + good 50% + tory fail fail or no
60% + 40% + 30% + 20%+ merit
19% or
Presentation /15
Informative slides, well organised and delivered clearly

Harvard Referencing /10

A minimum of 10 relevant sources cited
Understanding of internal factors and the impact these factors would have /15
on the chosen product/service or brand

Understanding of external factors and the impact these factors would have /15
the chosen product/service or brand

Integration of research – connect the research with the commercial /15

practice of the business under review

Identification of target customer, segmentation, positioning /15

Identification of critical issues under review /15

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