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A GIS-based Interpolation Technique To Predict Urban Ground Water Quality

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10 XII December 2022
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XII Dec 2022- Available at

A GIS-based Interpolation Technique to Predict

Urban Ground Water Quality
Siddhant Jain1, Dr. Prachi Singh2
M.Tech Student, Department of Civil Engineering, MITS Gwalior
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, MITS Gwalior

Abstract: The freshwater resources of our country include groundwater as a significant component. It is essential to supplying
the country's numerous user-sectors with the water they need. Without first evaluating the water quality, the natural resource
cannot be used and maintained in an optimum manner. Using ArcMap 9.3, a base map has been created after the data
gathering. In order to create thematic maps that demonstrate the distribution of different water quality criteria, after doing an
analysis, the water quality information is used as an attribute database. The water quality index has been calculated using a
number of variables, such as pH, turbidity, total hardness (TH), chloride, total dissolved solids (TDS), calcium, nitrate, iron, and
fluoride. A map of the Water Quality Index is also created. In order to better comprehend the current water quality situation in
the research region, the data are provided as maps. Analysis shows that the area's groundwater has to undergo field-specific
treatment before being used.
Keywords: Freshwater resource, water quality index, pH, turbidity, total hardness (TH), chloride, total dissolved solids (TDS),
calcium, nitrate, iron, and fluoride.
Human health, poverty alleviation, gender equality, food security, livelihood, environmental protection, as well as community
economic development and social development are all strongly correlated with water quality (IAH, 2008; UNESCO, 2015).
Globally, increasing levels of urbanization, industrialisation, and agricultural activity have a negative impact on the quality of both
surface and groundwater. Groundwater, a dependable source of fresh water, is under a lot of pressure to provide the growing water
requirements of the world's population, particularly in emerging nations like India. With an average annual groundwater
consumption of 230 km3, According to the World Bank, India uses groundwater more than any other country (2010). India is
dealing with a groundwater crisis in the twenty-first century as a result of its over exploitation (CGWB, 2017) and the rise of
pollution from both local and external sources (SoE, 2009). In contrast to surface water pollution, groundwater contamination is
concealed and difficult to detect. Once contaminated, groundwater may stay that way for many years or even a century owing to the
sluggish water movement and pollutants in the groundwater. Therefore, the creation of efficient management techniques for the
conservation and sustainable use of vital groundwater supplies is urgently needed. Due to the importance of improving management
and development of vital groundwater resources, it is crucial to have an adequate method or strategy for monitoring and analyzing
groundwater levels on a broad scale. The development of water quality indicators as a means of providing an all-encompassing
evaluation of the quality of both surface water and groundwater is yet another strategy to management that may be considered. The
Water Quality Indicators (WQI) is a simple mathematical instrument that, when applied to significant water quality measurements,
may provide an accurate picture of the overall water quality status in a given region (Abbasi and Abbasi, 2012). Simple to
understand and helpful in increasing public awareness of groundwater contamination, WQI-based maps. Additionally, these maps
assist in the enforcement of appropriate waste management regulations and in the restriction of groundwater discharge, all of which
may contribute to the efficient management of groundwater. Pollution prevention measures for groundwater protection schemes
(e.g., Saeedi et al., 2010; Vadiati et al., 2016). In the last several decades, the WQI approach was used by a significant number of
researchers all around the globe (e.g., Bolton et al., 1978; Babiker et al., 2007; Nasiri et al., 2007; Machiwal et al., 2011; Vicente et
al., 2011; Zhao et al., 2013; Jasmin and Mallikarjuna, 2014; Boateng et al., 2016; Selvaganapathi et al., 2017). Lumb et al. (2011)
gave a detailed evaluation of the evolution of the WQI throughout the years. They brought to light fundamental constraints that were
inherent in the index creation process and offered ideas for overcoming hurdles.
Fewer groundwater-related research were conducted in the past WQI investigations, which were often mostly surface water-focused.
It is significant to note that while biological characteristics (bacteria, algae, etc.) and physico-chemical structures (temperature,
turbidity, color, dissolved oxygen, pH, etc.) are important parameters for surface water quality testing, hydro-chemical properties
(large cations and anions) are important parameters for groundwater quality monitoring (Vadiati et al., 2016).

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 528
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XII Dec 2022- Available at

As a consequence, the many water quality parameters employed in groundwater quality assessments and data restrictions often
hinder the creation of the Groundwater Quality Index (GQI). Probably the first technique of determining the quality of drinking
water using a water quality indicator was created by Tiwari and Mishra in 1985. (Lumb et al., 2011; Vadiati et al., 2016). Numerous
studies on the growth of GQI in various regions of the globe were undertaken in acknowledgement of its practice (Lumb et al.,
2011). Several scholars have already evaluated groundwater quality and examined regional variability in groundwater quality
metrics using GIS-based GQI. Babiker et al(2007) .'s first proposal for the creation of a GIS-based GQI that uses a statistical
approach to generate the index based on WHO drinking water criteria was accepted. this approach extensively to assess groundwater
levels and their regional variety. Numerous research have been carried out to assess the acceptability of drinking water using GQI in
addition to analyzing its suitability using GQI. For instance, Stigter et al. (2006) employed GQI groundwater as a test method for
Portuguese agricultural districts, whereas Soltan (1999) assessed the quality of groundwater in sites in Egypt for GQI-based
irrigation efficiency. Using the lowest values of groundwater quality limitations, the Groundwater Quality Index (GQI) may be
easily calculated, and the results are simple to understand. However, a significant flaw in conventional WQIs (surface and
groundwater) is that they don't take into account the inputs and uncertainties included in environmental risk assessments (Silvert,
2000), particularly when water quality is the focus of the evaluation.
The Gwalior district in northern Madhya Pradesh, India, on the Indo-Gangetic Plain, with coordinates (latitude 26° 5'-26° 25' N and
longitude 78° 10'-78° 25' E), is the research area for this project effort (Figure 2.1). Old Gwalior is located in the north of the city,
Lashkar is located in the southwest, and Morar is located in the east. Extreme temperatures and unpredictable rainfall patterns
characterize the semi-arid environment that predominates in this area. Geologically, the Gwalior group of litho units, It is composed
of ferruginous shale with bands of chert-jasper and comprises the base erinaceous Par form. It is overlain by volcano-sedimentary
stages of the Morar formation, lie awkwardly over Bundelkhand and granite. Its administrative center is located in the ancient city
of Gwalior. The distance between it and Delhi and Bhopal is about identical. One of the major railway junctions, GUA is well-
served by air, land, and national highway No. 3, which connects it to the north-south corridor. A daily service from here is run by
Air India to Delhi and Mumbai. Additionally, the city has air service to Jabalpur and Bhopal thanks to new aircraft introductions by
the Madhya Pradesh government (Ventura). Additionally, it is in a prime location for both road and rail access to all areas of the
nation. Antari, Bilaua, Tekanpur, Dabra, and Bhitarwar are further cities and towns that are located in this district. These towns and
cities are situated either beside the main national highways or close to the railway lines. The 720-foot-high Tighara Water Reservoir
is situated there. It provides the residents of the GUA with a lifeline. From here, water is available virtually all year long. Its
administrative center is located in the ancient city of Gwalior. The distance between it and Delhi and Bhopal is about identical.
Railways, roads, and airplanes are all accessible from GUA, one of the major railway junctions, through national highway No. 3 and
the North-South corridor. From here, Air India offers daily flights to Delhi and Mumbai. Jabalpur and Bhopal are also linked to the
city through air thanks to new aircraft introductions by the Madhya Pradesh government (Ventura). Its position makes it easy to
travel by road and train to any area of the nation. Antari, Bilaua, Tekanpur, Debra, and Bhitarwar are more cities and towns that are
part of this district. These towns and cities are situated either beside the main national highways or close to the railway lines.
Numerous ancient sites, including the Gwalior Fort, Tansensamadhi, Surya Temple, Chhattries of Sindhia, Gurgermahal, Sas-
Bahumahal, and Jai Vilas Palace, are situated inside the GUA (702 ft).

Figure 1: Location map of the Study Area-Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XII Dec 2022- Available at


Groundwater is a vital source of freshwater both in urban and rural parts of the world. However, its careless water abstraction and
rapidly increasing pollution are posing a severe threat to the sustainability of the world's water supply. A more affordable way to
analyze groundwater quality and its variability on a larger scale is to use the Groundwater Quality Index (GQI)-based groundwater
quality evaluation. The quality of the ground water was evaluated in this research using a variety of water quality measures. Here is
a list of these parameters; 1) pH, 2) Electrical Conductivity, 3) HCO3, 4) Cl, 5) SO3, 6) NO3, 7) F, 8) SiO2, 9) Total Hardness (TH),
10) Calcium (Ca), 11) Mg, 12) Na.

A. Water Quality Index

A well-liked instrument for assessing the quality of surface water is the water quality indicator (WQI) model. It makes use of
aggregation methods to reduce the vast amount of data on water quality to a single value or index. Based on the problem of local
water quality, the WQI model has been used globally to approximate water quality (surface water and groundwater). It has gained
popularity since its creation in the 1960s as a result of its small size and simplicity of use. The overall organization of WQI models
is shown in and demonstrates that the majority of WQIs consist of four key phases, namely:
1) Parameter decision for the water quality monitoring: At least one water quality parameter is chosen.
2) Parameter intensities are transformed to unit-less sub-indices during the creation of the parameter sub-indices.
3) Weight values for the parameters are allocated based on their importance to the evaluation.
4) When computing the water quality index using an aggregation function, the various parameter sub-indices are combined using
the weightings to produce a single overall index. Based on the total index score, a rating system is often employed to categorize
or classify the water quality.

Figure 2: WQI Model Structure

Table 1 Data for Ground Water Quality Parameters

Parameter Average Min Value Max Value Standard Deviation
pH 7.460556 7.1 7.9 0.245104
EC 864.1667 234 2105 428.6934
CO2 0 0 0 0
HCO3 314.1111 91 563 128.2809
Cl 81 12 462 104.8775
SO4 25.61111 9 90 18.84032
NO3 28.16667 8 102 22.09139
F 0.698333 0.18 1.4 0.359481
PO4 0 0 0 #DIV/0!
SIO2 31.72222 22 42 5.929047
TH 270.3333 79 723 138.1423
Ca 75.5 20 216 45.21355
Mg 19.5 5 43 12.07452
Na 69.83333 16 185 47.25183
K 2.616667 0.8 15.6 3.432243

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XII Dec 2022- Available at

Table 2. WQI and their range

WQI Range
0-25 Excellent
26-50 Good
51-75 Poor
76-100 Very Poor
>100 Unfit for consumption

For the purpose of gathering, organizing, analyzing, and presenting all types of geographically related information for a city, GIS
combines hardware, software, and data. A city may view, query, and comprehend data in many different ways thanks to GIS
technology. GIS-based maps, reports, and charts make it extremely simple to spot linkages, patterns, and trends. GIS assists in
finding solutions to issues and queries. Data about a city is readily understood and shared when displayed in the context of
geography. Any city's enterprise information system structure may include GIS technology. With geography serving as a unifying
factor across all of these different data sources, GIS offers the unique capacity to a) integrate data from many sources; b) graphically
present this data; and c) assist in deciphering patterns and correlations between these data pieces. This would make it much easier to
make informed decisions when transforming current cities into smart cities or when creating brand-new smart cities from scratch.
GIS may play a crucial role in facilitating government interaction where individuals can voice complaints, provide feedback on the
state of municipal infrastructure, and comprehend the remedial measures adopted by the city authorities, in addition to helping cities
become more efficient and "green". Additionally, residents have access to municipal master plans and are encouraged to voice their
opinions on the development plans. The planning, developing, carrying out, and administration of many activities of a smart city are
all covered in this white paper. The principles have been shown with a few instances, however there are other options.

C. Methodology for Spatial Interpolation

A number of interpolation methods, including as IDW, Kriging, and splines, are incorporated right into GIS (Colin, 2004). Mainly,
these methods are used in investigations of air pollution (Jha et al., 2011; Wong et al. 2004). Therefore, the most appropriate
approach is chosen from the ones listed below depending on the availability of data and the precision with which the concentration
of the unknown points can be predicted.

D. Inverse Distance Weighing Method

The Inverse Distance Weighing technique gives more importance to nearby points than far-off ones when determining the values of
unsampled locations. In order to operate, IDW requires a densely packed network of evenly spaced observations. The evaluation of
weighted moving average is performed here.
The weights are determined by a linear function of the distance between the point sets and the sampled points. For this technique,
the beginning point is determined by the size of the region being interpolated. Unknown cell values are determined by averaging the
values of sampled points in neighbouring cells. When the related to surface variability that has to be examined is sufficiently big and
the point collection is sufficiently dense to capture this variation, IDW is used. It estimates grid numbers using a linear main
constraint of a set of data and is a function of two variables: the distance between sampling sites and the place at which the
interpolation must be done. (Gunnink and Burrough, 1996). When interpolating pollutant concentrations, data points closer to the
interpolation point will be given more weight.
According to the formula, weight decreases as the square of the distance travelled.

J= ∑
And = (1)

Where Zj is the significance of intensity at the jth prediction point.

Wi is the weight of the noted ith point.
dji is the gap between the ith point and the jth point.
P is the power, and n is the overall number of nearby locations with known values.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 531
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XII Dec 2022- Available at


Data has been extracted from the Ground water yearbook 2019 published by Central of ground water board, Ministry of Jal shakti
Government of India. Using the ARCGIS software, Spatial Interpolation technique-IDW method has been used for assessing ground
water quality of the Gwalior region and generating the geo spatial maps of the area.

Figure 3: Spatial Interpolation for pH using IDW method

Figure IV: Spatial Interpolation for SiO2using IDW method

Figure 5: Spatial Interpolation for SO4 using IDW method

Figure 6: Spatial Interpolation for TH using IDW method

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 532
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XII Dec 2022- Available at

Figure7: Spatial Interpolation for Ca using IDW method

Figure 8 : Spatial Interpolation for Cl using IDW method

Figure 9 : Spatial Interpolation for EC using IDW method

Figure 9: Spatial Interpolation for F using IDW method

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 533
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XII Dec 2022- Available at

Figure 10: Spatial Interpolation for HCO3 using IDW method

Figure 11: Spatial Interpolation for K using IDW method

Figure 12: Spatial Interpolation for Mg using IDW method

Figure 13 : Spatial Interpolation for Na using IDW method

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 534
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XII Dec 2022- Available at

Figure 14: Spatial Interpolation for NO3 using IDW method

The water quality index was conceived as a means of investigating the interconnected impact that various water quality indicators
have on the drinking standard. The water quality index is a numerical figure that is computed as a means of condensing the large
amount of data on water quality into a single value. The water quality index is a measurement that determines how many different
water quality parameters have contributed to the overall water quality in a given location.
Each of the 12 parameters (pH, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl, NO3, F, EC, TH, SiO2, HCO3, and SO4) has been given a weight (wi) in the
first stage based on how significant it is to the overall quality of the water for drinking. (Table 5.2).

Table 3: WQI calculation

Parameter BIS Standard (Sn) 1/Sn SUM(1/Sn) K=1/(1/Sn)
pH 8.5 0.117647 1.274869 0.784394318
CL 250 0.004 1.274869 0.784394318
SO4 200 0.005 1.274869 0.784394318
NO3 45 0.022222 1.274869 0.784394318
F 1 1 1.274869 0.784394318
SIO2 1000 0.001 1.274869 0.784394318
TH 200 0.005 1.274869 0.784394318
Ca 200 0.005 1.274869 0.784394318
Mg 100 0.01 1.274869 0.784394318
Na 200 0.005 1.274869 0.784394318
K 10 0.1 1.274869 0.784394318

1) Step 1
The following expression is used in the second stage to determine the relative weight (Wi):
Wi = wi / 1 n i wi   Where, Wi = The relative weight
Wi = The importance of each variable
and n = parameters.

2) Step 2
QPh = (VpH-7)/(8.5-7)*100

In the third step, a quality rating scale, or qi, is assigned to each parameter. This is done by dividing the parameter's concentration
for each sample by the standard associated with that concentration, applying the specifications provided by the Bureau of Indian
Standards, and then multiplying the resulting number by 100.
qi = (Ci/Si) *100

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XII Dec 2022- Available at

Table IV: The relative and actual weights of the various chemical parameters
wi=k/Sn Ideal Value Mean Value (Vn) Vn/Sn 100(Vn/Sn)
0.09228168 7 7.460555556 0.307037 30.7037
0.00313758 0 81 0.324 32.4
0.00392197 0 25.61111111 0.128056 12.80556
0.01743098 0 28.16666667 0.625926 62.59259
0.78439432 0 0.698333333 0.698333 69.83333
0.00078439 0 31.72222222 0.031722 3.172222
0.00392197 0 270.3333333 1.351667 135.1667
0.00392197 0 75.5 0.3775 37.75
0.00784394 0 19.5 0.195 19.5
0.00392197 0 69.83333333 0.349167 34.91667
0.07843943 0 2.616666667 0.261667 26.16667

3) Step 3


Table 5 WQI value calculation for the region

BIS 1/Sn SUM(1/Sn) K=1/(1/Sn) wi =k/Sn Ideal Mean Value Vn/Sn 100(Vn/Sn) Wn.Qn
Standard Value (Vn)
8.5 0.117647 1.274869 0.784394318 0.09228168 7 7.460555556 0.307037 30.7037 2.833389
250 0.004 1.274869 0.784394318 0.00313758 0 81 0.324 32.4 0.101658
200 0.005 1.274869 0.784394318 0.00392197 0 25.61111111 0.128056 12.80556 0.050223
45 0.022222 1.274869 0.784394318 0.01743098 0 28.16666667 0.625926 62.59259 1.091051
1 1 1.274869 0.784394318 0.78439432 0 0.698333333 0.698333 69.83333 54.77687
1000 0.001 1.274869 0.784394318 0.00078439 0 31.72222222 0.031722 3.172222 0.002488
200 0.005 1.274869 0.784394318 0.00392197 0 270.3333333 1.351667 135.1667 0.53012
200 0.005 1.274869 0.784394318 0.00392197 0 75.5 0.3775 37.75 0.148054
100 0.01 1.274869 0.784394318 0.00784394 0 19.5 0.195 19.5 0.152957
200 0.005 1.274869 0.784394318 0.00392197 0 69.83333333 0.349167 34.91667 0.136942
10 0.1 1.274869 0.784394318 0.07843943 0 2.616666667 0.261667 26.16667 2.052498
- 1.0000002 7 612.4422222 4.65007 465.007 61.8763
The water quality index calculated for the period exhibited poor quality for the Gwalior region.

The goal of the current research was to assess and describe the groundwater quality in the study region, typically for drinking
purposes. To show the change in the spatial pattern of the groundwater quality in the research region, a GIS-based water quality
index approach has been used. When compared to IS 10500 norms, the water quality index derived for the aforementioned time
showed a higher proportion of poor quality. This had suggested excessive rock salt extraction, dissolving, and concentration, as well
as human activities such industrial effluent discharge, excessive fertilizer and pesticide usage in agriculture, and incorrect residential
waste disposal into possible river systems and water streams. It is advised to develop appropriate artificial recharge structures in
places where natural recharge is inadequate in order to increase the groundwater potential on both a qualitative and quantitative
level. It has been found that level of total hardness, calcium (Ca) and chloride ion is beyond the permissible limit near Mohna area.
Fluoride ion is also above the level of standard near Masoorpur and Kariywati area. Magnesium level is also increased in nearby
places of kariyawati in Gwalior region.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XII Dec 2022- Available at

It has also been found that sodium level in the water is above the permissible limit of drinking water in nearby places of Tekarpur of
Gwalior region. From the above interpolated graphs, it is recommended that places where pollutant levels are not within the
permissible limit, shall be recommended for fresh water supply by other alternative sources. Supply of alternative source of water in
these regions of Gwalior can avoid the upcoming disaster of diseases in Gwalior city. Mitigation measures and water treatment
facility for the supply of clean drinking water shall be taken for these recommended areas.

Table 6: Result for water quality parameter and its comparison with IS 10500 standards (Drinking water standards)
Sr. No. Parameter Actual Result (Range for Gwalior IS 10500 :2012 (Standards)/ BIS
region) standard
1. pH 7.1-7.89 6.5-8.5
2. SiO2 22.00-41.99 1000
3. SO4 9.005-89.97 200
4. TH-Total Hardness 79.06-722.0 200
5. Ca 20.02-215.95 75
6. Cl 12.01-461.85 250
7. EC 234.19-2104.50 -
8. F 0.18-1.399 1.0
9. HCO3 91.07-562.98 -
10. K 0.009-15.59 10
11. Mg 5.02-42.99 30
12. Na 16.01-184.99 200
13. NO3 8.01-101.99 45

The created groundwater quality index map in this research is simple to understand and transmit information about water quality to
the beneficiaries and local management, making it feasible for groundwater to be used and managed properly. The approach used in
this study's methodology is readily transferable to different fields for the enhancement and design of effective groundwater usage
and management policies to ensure appropriate utilization and avoid groundwater quality deprivation. Therefore, it is evident from
this research that the GIS and the water quality index approach are promising instruments for managing and mapping hydro
chemical characteristics, assessing the water quality, and appropriately recommending remedial actions.

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