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Groundwater is the one of the most natural resource that supports human health and
ecological diversity (Waikar & Nilawar, 2014). Protecting it from contamination and carefully
managing its use will ensure its future as an important part of ecosystems and human activity.
The rate of groundwater flow is controlled by two properties of the rock: porosity and
permeability. The main sources of groundwater recharge are precipitation and flow and of
discharge include effluent seepage into the streams and lakes, springs, evaporation and pumping.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
It is estimated that approximately one third of the world’s population use groundwater for
drinking (Jose, Jayasree, Kumar, & Rajendran, 2012). Groundwater is the source for irrigation
and domestic purpose. In which 80% of the rural areas are use groundwater for domestic purpose
and 50% of the urban areas use the groundwater for domestic purpose. Due to more dependent
on usage of groundwater for domestic purpose and irrigation and for other sectors may results in
exploitation of groundwater resources (Shakak, 2015). Groundwater is dynamic and
replenishable resource. The exploitation and exploration of groundwater resources needs to
understanding geology, geomorphology of that area. The data and thematic maps such as satellite
images, soil data, geology data, drainage data and rainfall data, are helpful for mapping of
groundwater potential zones(Giri & Bharadwaj, 2012).
Remote sensing data combined with Geographical Information System (GIS) technique is very
efficient in identification of groundwater potential of any region. The study results that the
integration of thematic maps prepared from conventional and remote sensing techniques using
GIS gives more and accurate results (Jose et al., 2012). Groundwater is available when water
infiltrates below the earth surface and soil beneath the earth surface is porous (Sayeed, Hasan,
Hasnat, & Kumar, 2017). Groundwater table reduces when pumping rate is more than the rate of
usage. Hence, it can be concluded that areas of high withdrawal rates may lead to reduction of
groundwater zones. This may lead to reduced water level in wells, lakes and streams
(Senanayake, Dissanayake, Mayadunna, & Weerasekera, 2016).
Remote sensing is one of the major source for surface feature information of groundwater
such as land use, land forms and drainage density. These data can be easily input in GIS to
identify the groundwater zones (Oh, Kim, Choi, Park, & Lee, 2011). According to World Bank
report, India may be in water stress zone by 2025 and water scarce zone by 2050 [give
reference]. This is due to improper education in groundwater exploitation, improper maintenance
of water, failure of government schemes for rural areas may lead to groundwater and drinking
water problems in India. The advantage of GIS and remote sensing of spatial, spectral and
manipulation of earth surface and subsurface data cover with a short time having a great
groundwater potential for accessing, processing and monitoring the groundwater resources. The
conventional methods such as geophysical resistivity surveys, field based hydrogeological are
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
time consuming methods and very cost effective (Ahmed, 2016). Ground water is the subsurface
water which fills the pore space and geological formation under the water table. The water flows
through the aquifer towards the point of discharge that includes wells, oceans, lakes etc. In the
world scenario there may be 60% of groundwater in which there may be 0.6% of fresh water.
The use of remote sensing and GIS techniques increases for identifying groundwater zones gives
with accurate results. Many methods are available for mapping of potential zones such as
Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) (Vijith 2007;Madrucci et al. 2008; Dar et al. 2011),
Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) (Chowdhury et al. 2009; Pradhan 2009), and Index
Overlay Method (Muthikrishnan and Manjunatha 2008).
Remote sensing and GIS plays a vital role in developing of water and land resources
management. The advantage of using remote sensing is to develop information on spatial
technology which is useful for analysis and evaluation (A. Sciences, 2017).Remote Sensing is
the science of acquiring information about the earth surface without being contact with it. This is
done by sensing, recording, analyzing and applying the information. GIS is a collection of
computer hardware, software and geographic data for capturing, storing, analyzing, and
manipulating data for geographical information (Tiwari & Shukla, 2015). For getting the soil,
land use and land cover, geology, geomorphology, rainfall, drainage density data high resolution
satellite images are taken for mapping of groundwater zones (E. Sciences, 2013). National
Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) was first identify the remote sensing and GIS information for
mapping of groundwater potential zones. GIS technique is used to classify the results of remote
sensing, assign the appropriate weights to the related maps. These maps are used to identify the
groundwater flow, and recharge zones (Æ & Chang, 2009). Remote Sensing and GIS plays a
vital role in delineation of groundwater potential zones. From the satellite data we can identify
the water holding capacity for different geomorphological and structural units. From the land
use, slope and rainfall data we can identify the groundwater quality of the study area (Singh,
Kumar, & Chakarvarti, 2015). Remote Sensing and GIS technique has proved that it is time
saving process and low cost for obtaining slope, drainage density, geology, geomorphology maps
(Sharma, 2016).
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
There are several methods that can be used to explore groundwater but can be grouped into
two major categories:
1. Conventional methods
2. Advanced methods
The conventional methods used to prepare groundwater potential zones are mainly based on
Ground surveys:
Conventional methods of exploration may not be highly reliable due to assessment of diverse
factors which affects the presence of groundwater (Biswajeet&Saro et al. 2012). Similarly, GIS
is an efficient tool for calculating and storing large volumes of data, integrating spatial and non-
spatial information in a single system, offering a consistent framework for analyzing the spatial
variation, allowing manipulation of geographical information, and allowing connection between
entities based on geographical proximity (Pradhan 2010a, 2010b, 2011; Pradhan et al.
2010a,b,c). Jha et al. (2007) categorized six major areas of remote sensing and GIS applications
in groundwater hydrology: (1) exploration and assessment of groundwater resources, (2)
selection of artificial recharge sites, (3) GIS-based subsurface flow and pollution modelling, (4)
groundwater pollution hazard assessment and protection planning, (5) estimation of natural
recharge distribution, and (6) hydrogeological data analysis and process monitoring.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Analytical hierarchical process analysis different datasets into a pairwise matrix which is used to
calculate geometric mean and normalized weight of parameters (Chowdhury et al. 2010).
Geometric mean
The geometric mean is calculated from different parameters based on defined score (0.5-
1 scale). The geometric mean is derived from the total score weight divided by the total number
of parameters (Rhoad et al. 1991).
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Normalized weight
In this method firstly the spatial data base has been developed using Survey of India topo
sheet on a 1:50000 scale and IRS P6 LISS IV MX satellite data. Various thematic maps such as
drainage density, contour and stream length are prepared by using GIS and remote sensing. Then
the DEM data is used to obtain slope, aspect, contour and flow accumulation map. The image
processing of satellite data is used for geo referencing and geometric correction. The attribute
data from the collected data are used to create buffer for agriculture and settlement area. The
DEM data may be used to prepare the land use/cover classification map and lineament map.
Therefore all the thematic maps are used to analyze in overlay and weights are assigned for each
thematic layer and ranks are assigned to evaluate the groundwater potential zone (Waikar &
Nilawar, 2014). For identifying ground water potential zones for an area following equation is
In this method a spatial data base with groundwater factors and designed and applied. All
the data such as topography, soil map, land use, geology and lineament map are taken from
different government of Malaysia with different GIS data type with different scales. The input
layers are used in GIS software are in vector format. The DEM data is used to calculate aspect
map, slope map and contour map. These contour lines are in the scale of 1:25000 topo sheets
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
with spatial resolution of 20m. The lineament map is prepared from ArcGIS spatial analysis.
Finally all these factors such as lineament map, slope map, geology map and land use map are
converted into raster grid form with 20*20m cells. The ground water data such as well number,
topography, depth are collected from web data base systems. Finally the weights are assigned for
each thematic maps and evaluate the ranks for mapping of potential zones(Manap et al., 2014).
The potential zones for groundwater recharge were explored by analyzing the different
parameters such as geology, geomorphology, slope, land use and land cover, lineament density,
drainage density, Transmissivity of Aquifer, soil permeability and rainfall through integrated
AHP method and geospatial technology. Factors influencing ground water are:
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Here the water is alkaline in nature and which is suitable and useful for irrigation and drinking
facilities. The water in that area is saline due to unhygienic conditions (Nagaraju, Arveti
Sreedhar et al, 2016). Geology is the important for occurrence of groundwater. The area is
normally formed with igneous rocks. The rocks available in that area with ground water quality
are Limestone and Dolomite with very high water quality, Migmatities and Granodiorite with
high groundwater quality, Amphibolotic with moderate water quality, Chamundi granite with
less water quality and pink gray granite with very less groundwater quality (Ramu, Mahalingam
et al, 2014). Geology consists of both porosity and permeability in aquifer rocks. The geology
map has been created by digitizing the geological map of scale 1: 00000. The rocks available in
that area are quaternary alluvial rock, diorite rock, diorite gabbro rock. Due to the hardness and
low fractures the movement of ground water is difficult in diorite and diorite gabbro rocks.
Therefore it may be result in poor groundwater potential(Rahmati, Nazari Samani, Mahdavi,
Pourghasemi, & Zeinivand, 2015).
Geomorphology is the study of earth structures and landforms. It is mainly depend on
geological formation (Waikar & Nilawar, 2014). The map shows five geomorphological features
in order to know about the water resources areas. (1) Denudational hills: most the of area is
covered with forest and slope is moderate with moderate flow. The entire area is fully covered
with few fractures with drainage pattern which may results in moderate to good recharge of
groundwater. (2) Pediment: Here the area is covered with cultivate land. The slope is very steep.
Drainage pattern is Dendritic and having well to very good recharge of groundwater prospect.
(3) Undulating upland: the slope is very steep with moderate runoff and having poor
groundwater recharge. (4) Pediment Inselberg complex: the area is full of barren land with poor
drainage pattern. The barren land is of sandy soil with poor slope may results in erosion. The
ground water prospect is also poor. (5) Peneplain: the area is of flat rocks with uneven land. The
drainage pattern is sub parallel to sub dendritic with poor groundwater prospect (Giri &
Bharadwaj, 2012). The geomorphological features of the area has been identified from satellite
images and used as the inputs of geomorphological map. The geomorphological features of the
area is classified into five categories. (1) Denudational hill: These are characterized by high
surface runoff and high topography. (2) Denudational hills with moderate slope. (3) Dykes. (4)
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Water bodies: water bodies are lakes, ponds, streams can act as recharging zones. (5) flood plains
(Manap, Sulaiman, Ramli, Pradhan, & Surip, 2013).
4.4 SOIL
Soil is most important factor that determines the infiltration capacity of the region. The
different types of soils available in that area are silt clay loamy, clay loamy, loamy sand, loamy
fine sand, coarse sandy loam. Silt clay loam covers 74% of the area and sandy clay loam cover
1.34% and coarse granule loam covers 6.28% of the area. The results are in loamy sand
permeability is very high, silt clay loam permeability is medium to moderate. In clay loam
permeability is poor, in sandy clay loam permeability is moderate to high. In coarse granule loam
it is high and rapid flow. In coarse sandy loam permeability is medium (Kaliraj, Chandrasekar, &
Magesh, 2014) . The soil is taken from the National Institute of Agriculture Science and
Technology with a scale of 1: 25000. The different features available in the soil map are forest,
grass land, silt, sandy loam, clay silty loam, gravel silt loam (Oh et al., 2011).
Land use map tells the information about soil moisture, infiltration, groundwater and
surface water. Landsat 8 images are taken for classification of land use map. Then the converted
reflectance values obtained for red is band 4 and for near infrared is band 5. These band values
are used for Normalized different vegetation index (NDVI). The values obtained from NDVI
measurement are ranges from -1 to +1 and for vegetation the value is between 0.1 and 0.6. If the
value is more than 0.4 it indicates as dense vegetation. If the value is less than 0.15 then there is
no vegetation i.e, barren land. If the value is 0 then it may be water bodies, wet areas. The
Normalized different vegetation index is calculated by using formula
Therefore vegetation and agricultural land have cracks and loosen the soil and increases the
infiltration rate in the soil (Ahmed, 2016). Land use and land cover map is the main factor for
controlling the groundwater recharge process. In general land use means the land which is used
for agriculture, mining purposes. Land cover means removing the upper layer of the soil and
used for construction like buildings, lakes etc (Prabhu & Venkateswaran, 2015). The different
features available in soil map are crop land, barren land, hill, medium dense forest, and dense
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
forest. The dense forest mainly covers the plantation and these types of lands are not suitable for
groundwater recharge due to heavy rainfall. Firstly the barren land, crop land are prioritized for
recharge of ground water due to less availability of groundwater and surface water for domestic
and irrigation purpose (Kaliraj et al., 2014). The land use map was created from the satellite
imaginary with different field verifications (Srivastava and Battacharya 2006). The
characteristics of the surface materials and land use pattern control the infiltration and runoff
(Dinesh Kumar et al. 2007).
Rainfall is main source for recharging the groundwater and also for all hydrological
process. The annual rainfall data is taken from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) for
annual rainfall measurements from rain gauge stations in the study region. The rainfall map has
be categorized into four categories of rainfall zones each of 250mm interval. The zone which
gives low rainfall may results in not useful for groundwater zones (Manap et al., 2013). Rainfall
is the source of recharging groundwater (Musa et al. 2000). The monthly rainfall data is collected
from different rain gauge stations for period of 15 years from Iranian Meteorological
organization. From the rainfall map the results were concluded that the annual rainfall in
elevation regions is more when compared to low elevation (Rahmati et al., 2015). Rainfall is the
major source of groundwater availability. If the rainfall is more than groundwater is available, if
rainfall is less than groundwater will be less. Rainfall may be varies from one region to another
region. From that the annual rainfall data is taken from the rain gauge stations for past 33years
and interpolation method has been used to find amount of rainfall has been appeared in the study
area. Then zones are classified with equal intervals and weights are assigned to each zone (Ramu
& Vinay, 2014).
Groundwater is normally taken from unconfined and semi confined aquifers to confines
aquifers. The tube wells and dug wells are used to drawn the groundwater for usage of domestic
purpose, irrigation purpose. Sometimes the water drawn from dug wells requires cleaning. The
depth of water table data has been prepared from field work. As noted that the water table is at
depth of 5m from the ground level and 35m from the unconfined aquifer. This may results that
water table is deeper from the ground level and the movement of the groundwater is through
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
west to east direction (Study, Bata, & District, n.d.). Aquifers are the unconsolidated layer of the
geological area. Aquifer transmissivity is the groundwater discharge of unit area with unit time
(Kaliraj et al., 2014).
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
This review has shown that remote sensing and GIS is useful to identify the Groundwater
potential zones in many ways. Several methodologies are used to mapping of potential zones.
Some methods are very easy and gives accurate results. Some of the methods requires more data
and time consuming process. Each technique having their advantages and their disadvantages in
doing process. Satellite images are useful for mapping of groundwater potential zones using
different parameters like geology, geomorphology, drainage density, soil, rainfall data,
transmissivity of aquifer and land use & land cover. The discussion on each parameters are also
given for mapping of potential zones.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue