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DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q2 - W4-JLMT

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: JOSEPHINE LOUISE M. TAN Learning Area: MAPEH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: NOVEMBER 28 to DECEMBER 2, 2022 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of Holiday: Bonifacio Day Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
of shapes, space, colors, and shapes, space, colors, and the shapes, space, colors, and the shapes, space, colors, and the
the principles of emphasis, principles of emphasis, harmony principles of emphasis, harmony principles of emphasis,
harmony and contrast in and contrast in digital painting and contrast in digital painting and harmony and contrast in digital
digital painting and poster and poster design using new poster design using new painting and poster design
design using new technologies. technologies. using new technologies.

B. Performance Standard Applies concepts on the use of Applies concepts on the use of Applies concepts on the use of Applies concepts on the use of
software in creating digital software in creating digital software in creating digital software in creating digital
paintings and graphic designs. paintings and graphic design. paintings and graphic design. paintings and graphics design.

C. Learning Competencies Realizes that art processes, Creates a digital painting similar Creates a digital painting similar Realizes that art processes,
(write the LC Code) elements and principles still with the Masters’ (e.g., Van with the Masters’ (e.g., Van Gogh, elements and principles still
apply even with the use of Gogh, Amorsolo, etc.) in terms Amorsolo, etc.) in terms of style, apply even with the use of
technologies. of style, theme, etc. theme, etc. technologies
Appreciates the elements and
principles applied in digital

II. CONTENT Digital Painting Digital Painting Digital Painting Digital painting graphic Design


A. References
1. TG/CG pages p.49 p.49 Enjoying life Through Music,
Arts, Physical Education and
Health 6 by Marissa C. Pascual,
Irene Feliz S. Reyes, Ma. Elvira
M. Garcia. Mignon C. Artuz
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages The 21st Century MAPEH in MAPEH in Action pp.112-133 MAPEH in Action pp.112-133
4. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
B. Other Learning Materials Pictures,Laptop,any personal/ Pictures,Laptop,any personal/ Powerpoint, cellphones,
school computers school computers, powerpoint, computers, netbook
LCD Projector,

For the school/pupils without

gadgets. Paint, paint brush, oslo
paper,coupon bond and water
A. Reviewing previous What is digital painting? What is digital painting? Have you wondered just what
lesson and presenting (Painting with the power and ( is a type of digital art but it is not digital paintings are?
new lesson creative ability of computers) “computer-generated” art, in that
it does not involve the computer
automatically generating an image
from mathematical models
created by the artist. In digital
painting, the artist uses painting
techniques to create the image
Have you wondered just what directly on the computer)
digital paintings are?

B. Establishing a purpose Showing the art work of How do you prepare and go How do you prepare and go digital Showing the art work of
for the lesson Vincent Van Gogh and Tadao digital painting? painting? Vincent Van Gogh, Amorsolo
Cern. (see pp.114-) (see pp.114-) and Tadao Cern.
Vincent Willem van Gogh was
a Dutch Post-
Impressionist painter who is
among the most famous and
influential figures in the
history of Western art.

The Starry Night is an oil on

canvas by the Dutch post-
impressionist painter Vincent
van Gogh. Painted in June
1889, it depicts the view from
the east-facing window of his
asylum room at Saint-Rémy-
de-Provence, just before
sunrise, with the addition of
an idealized village.

Almond Blossoms is from a

group of several paintings
made in 1888 and 1890
by Vincent van
Gogh in Arles and Saint-Rémy, 
southern France of
blossoming almond trees.
Flowering trees were special
to van Gogh. They
represented awakening and
hope. He enjoyed them
aesthetically and found joy in
painting flowering trees.

C. Presenting Preparing for digital painting Preparing for digital painting Of Allow the puplis toobserve and
examples/instances of Of what use is a computer what use is a computer software describe the works of Vincent
the lesson software in making paintings in making paintings today? Van Gogh, Amorsolo and Tadao
today? (see pp.115-126) cern
(see pp.115-126) How do you assemble everything
How do you assemble to create a finished digital
everything to create a finished painting?
digital painting? Original File Submitted and
Formatted by DepEd Club Member
- visit for more

D. Discussing new concepts Van Gogh is a great MAKE YOUR DIGITAL PAINTING Do It Yourself (DIY) What art processes are used by
and practicing new skills impressionist. 1Open Gimp(Open Source) for My Paint these artists in painting their
#1 tablet PC. 1. Open Gimp(Open Source) for artworks?
2.Using your digital pen, draw tablet PC. Are these processes be use
out your outlines. 2 .Using your digital pen, draw out /apply even with the use of
3.Then, use the paint bucket your outlines. technologies? Why?
tool to dump color into large 3. Then, use the paint bucket tool Allow the pupils to view a video
areas. to dump color into large areas. tutorial of GIMP’s Paint tools.
4.Create virtual brushstrokes. 4. Create virtual brushstrokes.
5.Work in layers. 5. Work in layers.
6.Usethe Artists’Brushes. 6. Use the Artists ’Brushes.
7.Print the completed painting. 7. Print the completed painting.
For those who do not have any
You make use of paint/watercolor
and paint brush to draw your
digital art painting.

E. Discussing new concepts Tadao is a digital painter. Activity Proper: Give some instructions to the
and practicing new skills pupils in creating a digital
#2 Pupils perform the given activity painting that shows
with the guidance of the teacher a. Geometric shape
(Hands On) b. Constrasting lines
Two colors
A decision to change from a
career in architecture to
photography in 2011 paved
the way for my path as an
artist. I've decided to move to
a more conceptual form of
artistic expression with my
newly created projects 'Black
Balloons', 'Chromatic
Aberrations', 'Adobe Acrobat'.

Solo exhibition featuring the
artist from Vilnius, Lithuania.
In 24 large-format photo-
graphs, Tadao Cern explores
the beach as a social location
where the uninhibited and
individual lifestyle transforms
into an arranged portrait full
of the bizarre.

F. Developing mastery (lead How were you able to tell the (THEY DO ) Study and discuss the outputs
to formative assessment difference? of the puplis
G. Finding practical ( WE DO ) Is digital art painting more
application of concepts convenient for you? Why?
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalization Which one do you like better? Put a check (/)for your What are the steps in making GIMP is a powerful and
and abstractions about understanding in Digital digital art painting? versatile siftware that can be
the lesson Painting. used to create a beautiful
Topi I I still Idon digital painting its various
cs have have t get features can create lines,
a som it shapes and colors that when
good e these elements are blended in a
unde ques pleasing way, it shows
rstan tions harmony.
ding Arts elements and principles
Brus still apply with the use of
h technologies.

I. Evaluating learning How do you create digital Direction:

painting? Put a check (/) before each
statement that describes your
attitudes and feelings during and
after doing the artwork.
___I can apply concepts on the
use of the software.
___2. I can utilize art skills using
new technologies(hardware and
___3.I can create a digital painting
similar with the Masters’(e.g., Van
Gogh, Amorsolo, Tadao, etc.)
___4.I can accept the remarks and
suggestions of others
___5.I can see me improving in
how I think and work in this
J. Additional activities for Define Digital Painting. Put a check (/) before each Finalize your work at home. Read Bring your gadgets on Monday.
application or statement that describes your more about digital art painting
remediation attitudes and feelings during and memorize the commands, etc
and after doing the artwork.
___I can apply concepts on the
use of the software.
___2. I can utilize art skills using
new technologies(hardware and
___3.I can can create a digital
painting similar WITH THE
Masters’(e.g., Van
Gogh,Amorsolo, etc.)
___4.I can accept the remarks
and suggestions of others
___5.I can see myself improving
in how I think and work in this


A. No. of learners who Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help
earned 80% in the your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
B. No. of learners who ___ of Learners who earned 80% above
acquired additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons ___ of Learners who require additional activities for remediation
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who ___Yes ___No
continue to require ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson
E. Which of my teaching ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I Strategies used that work well:
encountered which my ___ Group collaboration
principal can help me ___ Games
___ Answering preliminary activities/exercises
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ Poems/Stories
___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Lecture Method
___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s Cooperation in doing their tasks
G. What innovation or __ Unavailable Technology Equipment (AVR/LCD)
localized materials did I __ Additional Clerical works
used/discover which I
wish to share with other
H. Planned Innovations:
__ Localized Videos
__ Making big books from views of the locality
__ Recycling of plastics to be used as Instructional Materials
__ Instructional materials

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Noted by:


Teacher I Master Teacher 1 Principal III

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