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Birhanu Mohammed & Fekadu 2022 (J)

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ISSN: 2637-7721

Journal of Plant Biology and Crop Research
Open Access | Review Article

Fatty Acid Composition and Correlation Analysis

of Linseed (Linum Usitatissimum L.) Genotypes
Birhanu Mengistu*; Mohammed Abu; Fekadu Amsalu
Holetta Agricultural Research Center, Holetta, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding Author(s): Birhanu Mengistu Aboye Abstract

Holetta Agricultural Research Center, 31, The experiment was carried out to evaluate the fatty acid
Holetta, Ethiopia. composition of 17 linseeds genotypes and determine the
magnitude of correlations of individual fatty acid, oil con-
Tel: +251-967-00-90-44; Email:
tent and seed yield. Linolenic followed by oleic acids were
the predominant fatty acid compositions in all genotypes;
ranged from 51.78 to 59.22 % and 15.4 to 23.59 % respec-
Received: Dec 01, 2021 tively. The Saturated Fatty Acid (SFA) varied from 7.97 for
genotype kassa-2 and 10.84 for CI 1652 X R12-D33C/SPS105.
Accepted: Jan 20, 2022
Whereas Unsaturated Fatty Acid (UFA) value ranges from
Published Online: Jan 24, 2022 88.14 to 90.42 for CI 1652 X R12-D33C/SPS105 and CI 1652
Journal: Journal of Plant Biology and Crop Research X CDC 1747/SPS2 respectively. The highest Oleic Desatura-
Publisher: MedDocs Publishers LLC tion Ratio (ODR) 0.82 and linoleic to Linolenic Desaturation
Ratio (LDR) 0.081 value was recorded by genotype Biltistar.
Online edition: Whereas the lowest ODR and LDR value was exhibited by
Copyright: © Mengistu B (2022). This genotype Jeldu (0.73) and Chilalo X R12-N27G/SPS1 (0.77).
Article is distributed under the terms of Creative The highest SFA/UFA ration was observed in genotype CI
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 1652 X R12-D33C/SPS105 (0.12), and Bekoji-14 (0.12). Sig-
nificant (P<0.01) positive correlations were observed be-
tween linolenic and yield (r=0.68); oleic and stearic (r=0.63)
acids. Negative and significant (p<0.01) correlation were
Keywords: Correlation; Fatty acid profile; Linseed; Saturated identified between linoleic (-0.52), linolenic (-0.91) and seed
fatty acid; Unsaturated fatty acid. yield (-0.49) affected by oleic acid adversely. Hence, plant
breeding deals with the management of genetic variability;
the presence of fatty acid variation and association of traits
in the investigated genotypes has a huge value to design
selection procedure and to identify superior genotypes. It
is, therefore, necessary to classify and utilize this variability
systematically for linseed quality improvement.

Cite this article: Mengistu B, Abu M, Amsalu F. Fatty Acid Composition and Correlation Analysis of Linseed
(Linum Usitatissimum L.) Genotypes. J Plant Biol Crop Res. 2022; 5(1): 1053.

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Introduction Material and methods
Oilseed crops are major sources of lipids for human nutrition Experimental materials
as well as for several industrial purposes. The most commonly
known oilseeds are groundnut, soybean, palm kernel, cotton- The experimental materials used in the study include 11 cul-
seed, olive, sunflower, rapeseed, sesame, linseed, safflower tivated varieties of linseed and 6 advanced lines derived from
seed, etc. Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) is one of the ancient crossing program. The seeds were collected from the plants
oilseeds originated from Mesopotamia cultivated since 5, 000 grown under rain feed conditions in the field of Holetta Agricul-
B.C. for oil, food and fiber [1]. It is a multi-purpose crop, and its tural Research Center.
importance is showed by the fact that every part of the plant Six seed oil quality traits, which comprises of the seed oil
has specific economic use [2]. content and the major fatty acid composition were examined.
Linseed oil is used in the manufacturing of paints and var- The seed oil was analyzed using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
nishes and other wood treatments, linoleum, soap, oil cloth, (NMR) for oil content and Near Infrared Reflectance Spectros-
printers’ ink, patent leather, putty and pharmaceuticals. The copy (NIRS) for fatty acids. For oil content measurement, 22 g of
drying property or the property of absorbing oxygen when ex- seed of each genotype was dried in an oven for 2½ hrs. at 78°C
posed in thin layers, which is caused by its high level of linole- and cooled for 30 minutes prior to examination. It was then,
nic acid, imparts it the property of drying and makes linseed measured following the procedure of Robbelen et al, [11]. The
oil valuable in the industry. Due to less oxidation stability, lin- fatty acid composition of the seed was determined using 3 g of
seed oils having higher linolenic content are not preferred to be seed from each genotype using Foss NIRS 5000 (Weltech Enter-
used as edible oil [3], with easily combustibility, use of them are prises, Inc, Maryland, USA) in the 1108-2492 ranges with an 8
increasing more and more as industrial purpose like biodiesel nm step. The spectrum of each sample was taken by scanning
fuels [4]. (Win Scan) version 1.5 international, L.L.C (Famatech. Corp, Vir-
ginia, USA). In addition, the seed yield was used for analysis in
However linseed oil is the richest abundant plant source of order to determine the variability of genotypes and correlation
linoleic (Omega-6) and linolenic (Omega-3) Polyunsaturated of seed yield with the fatty acid compositions and oil content.
Fatty Acids (PUFA), which are essential for humans since they
cannot be synthesized in the organism and must be ingested in Statistical data analysis
food but its oil is qualitatively different from the more common Fatty acid ratios
vegetable oils with high PUFA proportions [5]. High concentra-
tions of α~linolenic acid (C18:3) promote oxidation processes It is difficult to evaluate the potential of different phenotypes
which negatively affect the shelf life of oil and secondary prod- for plant breeders by comparing individual fatty acid values be-
ucts thereof [6]. cause they are intercorrelated and any breeding modification
will affect the whole system [12]. For this reason, two ratios
Linseed plays a part in functional foods from the point of were additionally used i.e, Oleic Desaturation Ratio (ODR) and
view of its nutrition and pharmaceutical value. Nutritious com- Linoleic Desaturation Ratio (LDR). The ODR and LDR are calcu-
ponents of linseed include oil, protein, lignin, resolvable fiber, lated following [13] and they estimate, within the desaturation
mineral and vitamins [7]. Alpha-linolenic acid (Omega-3) fatty pathway, the efficiency of the desaturation from Oleic to Lin-
acid increases the absorption of Long Chain-Polyunsaturated oleic (ODR) and from linoleic to Linolenic Acid (LDR) were cal-
Fatty Acids (LCPUFA) and have been associated with prevention culated as follows:
and treatment of heart disease, arthritis, inflammatory and au-
toimmune diseases, and cancer [8]. Epidemiologic studies have %C18:2+ %C18:3
shown that populations that consume high amounts of oils con- %C18:1+ %C18:2+ %C18:3
taining omega-3 fatty acids have lower rates of various types
of cancers, including lung, breast, prostate, and colon. Alpha- %C18:2+ %C18:3
linolenic was reported to be anti-hyper cholestrolemic and anti- ORD =
%C18:1+ %C18:2+ %C18:3
carcinogenic effects and is important for the normal growth and
development of brain and retinal tissues of infants [9,10]. The correlation between individual fatty acids, oil percent-
age, and seed yield were calculated using R software version
The studies on fatty acid composition of several germplasm
collections of crop plants have revealed wide variation, offering
possibilities of developing superior quality edible oils and spe- Result and discussion
cialized industrial oils. Ethiopia is considered as the secondary
center of origin for linseed and it has been growing by Ethiopian Oil content
farmers for many years under wide range of environmental con- The oil content ranged from 35.2 to 38.6 %, and 37.08 % was
ditions. Hence, considerable variation in fatty acid composition, the average value of the studied materials (Table 1). Genotype
oil content and seed yield will be expected in Ethiopian linseed CI-1652 showed the highest value in the study (Table 2). Worku
germplasms. It is, therefore, commanding to study the fatty acid et al, 2015[14] evaluated 198 Ethiopian linseed accessions, and
compositions of the Ethiopian linseed germplasm to identify 30.5 % up to 43.57 % oil content variation was reported. Abebe
genotypes for improvement of varieties with superior quality et al, [15] also conducted a multi-location trial on 20 linseed
of edible and industrial oil. The present investigation was car- genotypes for three consecutive years and reported 36.5 to 39.1
ried out to evaluate fatty acid composition of Ethiopian linseeds % with 38.3 % mean value which is a little bit higher value than
germplasm, correlate the value of individual fatty acid with oil the present study. Such variation may be observed by genotypic
content, and seed yield. Furthermore, the relative efficiency of potential and environmental conditions of the genotypes [16].
the desaturation pathways were estimated based on the fatty Although the genotypes showed narrow range of variation, the
acid ratios. result placed the evaluated genotypes from low to medium po-
Journal of Plant Biology and Crop Research 2
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sition compared to international varieties, which is agreement cesses from palmitic to linolenic fatty acids during their biosyn-
with the above reports. thesis (i.e. palmitic to stearic to oleic to linoleic to linolenic), as
reported by several scholars[18-20].
Table 1: Mean and range of oil content, fatty acid compositions
and seed yield of 17 Linseed genotypes. Furthermore, the saturated fatty acid varied from 7.97 for
genotype kassa-2 and 10.84 for genotype CI 1652 X R12-D33C/
Fatty acids Mean Minimum Maximum Std, Dev SPS105. Whereas unsaturated fatty acid value ranges from
Palmitic 5.45 3.96 5.97 0.49 88.14 to 90.42 for genotypes CI 1652 X R12-D33C/SPS105 and
Stearic 4.52 3.39 5.22 0.49
CI 1652 X CDC 1747/SPS2 respectively. Based on the result un-
saturated fatty acids are the dominant composition in the stud-
Oleic 19.93 15.74 23.59 1.96 ied genotypes. The finding was in agreement with earlier re-
Linoleic 14.22 13.35 16.93 0.90 ports [21]. Whereas, the highest SFA/UFA ration was observed
Linolenic 55.06 51.78 59.22 1.87 in genotype CI 1652 X R12-D33C/SPS105 (0.12), and cultivated
variety Bekoji-14 (0.12). Hence plant breeding deals with the
Oil % 37.08 35.20 38.60 0.90
management of genetic variability; the presence of fatty acid
yield 646.03 12.59 1708.40 785.44 variation in the investigated genotypes has a huge value to de-
sign selection procedure and to identify superior genotypes. It
Fatty acid profile
is, therefore, necessary to classify and utilize this variability sys-
The fatty acid compositions and their range of variation in tematically for quality improvement of linseed.
different genotypes are shown in Table 1 and 2. Five major fatty
When we compared the present results with earlier reports
acids were identified and quantified. Linolenic followed by oleic
some variations for fatty acids were observed, which can be at-
acids were found to be the predominant fatty acids composi-
tributed by several factors, such as growth conditions, genetic
tions in all germplasm investigated in the present study. Similar
factors, geographical variations and analytical procedures [22].
results were obtained in the previous reports on linseed germ-
plasm [17]. The long-chain Linolenic (Poly unsaturated fatty acid) cannot
be readily synthesized by the human body and are mostly ob-
The percentage of Palmitic acid ranges from 3.96 to 5.97 %
tained through the diet. For proper health nutritionist suggest to
with a mean value of 5.45 %. Stearic acid varied between 3.39
incorporate linolenic acid in a day-to-day human diet. However,
to 5.22 % with a mean value of 4.52 %. Oleic acid ranges from
the ratio of linolenic to linoleic is a determinant factor for health.
15.74 to 23.59 % with average mean value of 19.93. Based on
The availability of linolenic acid will be improved by an increase
the investigation linoleic and linolenic acid ranges from 13.35
in linolenic to linoleic acid proportion, the ratio is the deter-
to 16.93 % and 51.78 to 59.22 % with mean value of 14.22 and
minant factor [23]. Therefore, during linseed variety improve-
55.06 respectively. The accumulation of large amount of linole-
ment developing varieties with suitable fatty acid composition
nic acid is a unique feature of linseed, which is the final product
is important, which has been achieved in many oilseed crops.
of three desaturation steps or caused by the desaturating pro-

Table 2: Fatty acid compositions, oil content, seed yield and their range of variation in 17 Linseed genotypes.

Treatments Palmitic Stearic Oleic Linoleic Linolenic Oil % Seed yield ORD LDR % of SFA % of UFA Ratio of SFA/UFA
CDC 1747 X CI 1652/SPS8 5.66 3.85 18.53 15.40 55.95 36.93 1671.70 0.79 0.78 9.51 89.88 0.11
CI 1652 X CDC 1747/SPS2 5.64 4.26 19.60 14.73 56.09 38.08 1708.40 0.78 0.79 9.90 90.42 0.11
Chilalo X R12-N27G/SPS1 5.35 3.39 15.74 16.93 56.90 37.13 1597.60 0.82 0.77 8.74 89.57 0.10
CI 1652 X R12-D33C/SPS105 5.96 4.88 19.65 14.04 54.46 36.50 1306.90 0.78 0.80 10.84 88.15 0.12
CI 1652 X R12-N27G/SPS5 5.21 4.35 21.66 14.94 52.66 37.20 1233.00 0.76 0.78 9.57 89.25 0.11
R12-100 X CI 1525/SPS1 5.83 4.30 19.70 14.13 56.23 37.96 1599.90 0.78 0.80 10.12 90.06 0.11
Bekoji-14 5.69 4.95 21.01 13.68 54.17 37.5 1705.80 0.76 0.80 10.64 88.87 0.12
kassa-2 3.96 4.00 22.44 14.48 52.18 37.45 1259.0 0.75 0.78 7.97 89.10 0.09
Berene 5.74 4.77 19.50 13.47 56.34 37.00 1617.0 0.78 0.81 10.51 89.31 0.12
Tole 5.86 4.62 19.01 13.79 56.28 36.00 1690.0 0.79 0.80 10.48 89.09 0.12
CI-1525 5.47 5.02 20.68 13.61 54.14 38.5 1430.0 0.77 0.80 10.48 88.43 0.12
CI-1652 5.29 4.51 20.24 14.23 54.98 38.6 1360.0 0.77 0.79 9.79 89.45 0.11
Chilalo 5.70 4.81 20.06 13.89 54.86 35.2 16.70 0.77 0.80 10.51 88.82 0.12
Belay-96 5.16 5.12 21.46 13.35 53.97 36.3 16.80 0.76 0.80 10.27 88.78 0.12
Jeldu 5.10 5.22 23.59 13.44 51.78 37.00 15.40 0.73 0.79 10.32 88.81 0.12
Biltistar 5.06 4.13 16.20 13.97 59.22 37.00 19.00 0.82 0.81 9.19 89.39 0.10
Kulumsa-1 5.97 4.67 19.71 13.70 55.82 36.10 17.80 0.78 0.80 10.65 89.23 0.12
Mean 5.45 4.52 19.93 14.22 55.06 37.08 1573.5 0.78 0.79 9.97 89.21 0.11
SD 0.49 0.49 1.96 0.90 1.87 0.90 191.25 0.02 0.01 0.79 0.56 0.01
SD: Standard Deviation; % of SFA: Percent of Saturated Fatty Acid; % of UFA: Percent of Unsaturated Fatty Acid.

Journal of Plant Biology and Crop Research 3

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Association of individual fatty acids excellent outcome. This inverse relationship between oleic and
linolenic acids found in this study was also reported by Wakjira,
Pearson correlation et al, [20]. The descending order of oleic, linoleic and linolenic
The average data for bilateral relationships between seed acids synthesis maybe the reason for the result.
yield, oil content and fatty acid composition of linseed geno- Figure 3: Correlation coefficients between seed yield, oil con-
types investigated were subjected to correlation analysis (Table tent and major fatty acids of Ethiopian linseed genotypes.
3). The results revealed that significant (P<0.01) positive corre-
lations were observed between linolenic and yield (r=0.68); ole- Variable Palmitic Stearic Oleic Linoleic Linolenic Oil Content Yield
ic acid had also a significant (P<0.01) positive effect on stearic Palmitic 1
acids (r=0.63). The positive value of one variable indicates the Stearic 0.25ns 1
value of one variable increase linearly with increase in another
variable. Therefore, this indicates that these characters could Oleic -0.32ns 0.63** 1
be considered as usefully for linseed improvement through se- Linoleic -0.13ns -0.88** -0.52* 1
lection or hybridization. Linolenic 0.41ns -0.44ns -0.91** 0.22ns 1
On the other hand, negative and significant (p<0.01) correla- Oil Content -0.24ns -0.18ns 0.09ns 0.15ns -0.07ns 1
tion between characters were observed, hence linoleic (-0.52), Yield 0.39ns -0.02ns -0.49* -0.14ns 0.68** -0.34ns 1
linolenic (-0.91) and seed yield (-0.49) affected oleic acid ad-
*: Significant at 5 per cent level; **: Significant at 1: per cent
versely. These indicate as the value of oleic acid increase the
level; ns: non-significant.
value of linoleic, linolenic and seed yield decrease and vis verse.
Strong and negatively significant association was also found be- Conclusion and recommendations
tween linoleic and stearic acids (-0.88) at 0.01 level of signifi- The aim of this study is to determine the variation and as-
cance. sociation of fatty-acid compositions, oil content and seed yield
Correlation test measures the strength and direction of lin- of linseed genotypes. The present study revealed significantly
ear correlation. It has no unit of measurement but the value useful variability in oil content, seed yield and fatty acid pro-
can be any number between -1 and 1. The positive sign shows file, indicating the possibility of improving genotypes for these
positive correlation whereas, negative sign indicates negative characteristics in the current breeding program. Moreover, high
correlation. Based on the present finding oil content negatively correlation coefficients between studied fatty acid (linolenic
correlated with seed yield. and linoleic, linoleic and stearic acid) were found. The report
finds out the availability of highest amount of linolenic acid in
Besides the direction of the association of characters, several all genotypes which favors their importance for industrial ap-
approaches have been suggested to translate the strength of plication. However, it is doubtful that the quality requirement
correlation coefficient into descriptors like “weak,” “moderate,” for cooking oil can be obtained from the current available geno-
or “strong” relationship. Even though cutoff points are incon- types. Therefore, it is worthwhile if Ethiopian linseed breeding
sistence for scientific interpretations researchers suggest 0 to program will practice either modern breeding techniques like
0.1 no correlation, 0.10 to 0.39 weak correlation, 0.4 to 0.69 as gene editing, mutation, genetic engineering, etc. or introducing
moderate correlation, 0.7 to 0.89 strong correlation and 0.9 to gene pool from other countries.
1 very strong correlation [24-26]. Based on these cutoff points’
linolenic and linoleic, linoleic and stearic have a very strong cor- Acknowledgments
relation. Similar results have been previously reported by other Authors are very thankful to Holetta Agricultural Research
authors for strong correlation of linolenic and linoleic fatty acid Center high and midland oilseeds program and Food and nutri-
[27]. However weak correlation was reported by Batta et al, [18] tion research technicians and researchers for their tremendous
and Green [19]. The genetic make of the genotypes, environ- effort to accomplish this work.
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