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Algae in Food and Feed

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Algae in food and feed

Article · January 2013


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5 authors, including:

Dajana Kovač Blagojević Jelica Simeunović

University of Novi Sad University of Novi Sad


Olivera Babić Aleksandra Č. Mišan

University of Novi Sad University of Novi Sad


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UDK 582.26:641.1
Review article


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Dajana J. Kovač , Jelica B. Simeunović , Olivera B. Babić , Aleksandra Č. Mišan ,
Ivan Lj. Milovanović
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology and Ecology,
Trg Dositeja Obradovica 2, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
University of Novi Sad, Institute of Food Technology, Bulevar cara Lazara 1, Novi Sad, Serbia

*Corresponding author:
Phone: +381 607137447
E-mail address:

ABSTRACT: Algae are primary producers which present a remarkable source of different nutrients.
While the high protein content of various species is one of the main reasons to consider them as an
unconventional source of proteins, oils from microalgae rich in some PUFAs seem particularly suitable
for children, pregnant women, vegetarians and patients with fish allergies. Since algae also represent
an important source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and natural colorants, the incorporation of the
whole biomass in food and feed could be used to provide the color, increment nutritional value, and
improve texture or resistance to oxidation. The incorporation of microalgae biomass in the traditional
food is a way to design attractive and healthy new products. Even when used in small amounts in
nutrition of different animals, algae have been credited with improving the immune system, the
increasing of weight, the number of eggs, reproductive performance, or reducing cholesterol levels,
indicating the possibility of new farming methods in order to improve the quality of meat and eggs.
Also, their importance in aquaculture is not surprising since they are natural food for these organisms.
Finally, the nature’s richest and most complete source of organic nutrition, becoming a health food
worldwide because of the high protein content and various bioactive compounds is microalga
Key words: algae, food, feed, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, colorants

Algae are by far the most abundant pri- group of organisms for the isolation of
mary producers, although some can be novel and biochemically active natural pro-
mixotrophic or heterotrophic. In biological ducts (Singh et al., 2005).
sense, the term algae implies more Algae are cultivated and used in nutrition
divisions of lower plants which contain worldwide. They are an important source
chlorophyll in cells and are typical in- of vitamins, minerals, proteins, polyunsa-
habitants of aquatic biotopes, although turated fatty acids, antioxidants, etc. (Pulz
they are quite widespread outside the and Gross, 2004; Svircev, 2005; Blazen-
aquatic environment (Blazencic, 2007), cic, 2007; Gouveia et al., 2008b). The
and on the basis of dimensions they are strong potential of microalgae stems from
divided into macroalgae (macroscopic the facts that they are not as well studied
algae) and microalgae (microscopic al- as agricultural crops, they can be culti-
gae). A special group of microalgae are vated in areas unsuitable for plants (with
blue green algae, also called cyanobac- less or no seasonality required), and in
teria because of their prokaryotic cell type, comparison with plants, some species
identified as one of the most promising have severalfold higher production. Since
Dajana J. Kovač et al., Algae in food and feed,
Food and Feed Research 40 (1), 21-31, 2013

they utilize sunlight energy more effici- sometimes even superior in comparison to
ently, their potential for the production of conventional plant proteins (Becker,
valuable compounds or biomass is widely 2007). For example, dried Spirulina bio-
recognized and they can be used to en- mass contains all the essential amino
hance the nutritional value of food and acids and about 68% of biomass present
feed. Microalgae combine properties ty- proteins, which is a threefold higher con-
pical of higher plants with biotechnological tent than in beef. Another microalga,
attributes proper to microbial cells. In other Chlorella, contains about 50 60% of pro-
words, they can reproduce very fast in the teins, whose quality is comparable to the
liquid medium with simple nutritional re- proteins of yeast, soy flour and milk
quirements (they do not require an organic powder (Blazencic, 2007). Milovanovic et
carbon source like fungi and bacteria) and al. (2012) investigated the protein content
accumulate some metabolites. However, in dry biomass of several cyanobacterial
of particular importance is the possibility to strains originating from Serbia, and the
increase production of biomass or desired results showed that all of them posses
compounds by manipulating the cultivation very high values, ranging from 42.8% to
conditions. For example, the lack of nitro- 76.5%.
gen compounds in the medium of micro-
Algae also have ahigh fibre content (Plaza
alga Chlorella can lead to lipid accumu-
et al., 2008). Polysaccharides like agar,
lation of 85% in biomass (Blazencic,
alginates and carrageenans are econo-
2007), or mixotrophic cultivation of micro-
mically the most important products from
alga Spirulina can increase productivity
algae, widely used in the food industry as
5.1 fold (Chen and Zhang, 1997). Consi- gelling or thickening agents in marmalade,
dering enormous biodiversity and deve-
ice creams, jellies, etc. Certain algal poly-
lopments in genetic engineering, microal-
saccharides are also of pharmacological
gae represent one of the most promising
importance, acting on the stimulation of
biological resource for new products and
the human immune system (Pulz and
applications (Pulz and Gross, 2004)
Gross, 2004), or possessing a potential
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ALGAE antiviral activity (Hemmingson et al.,
The chemical composition of different al-
gae is presented in Table 1 (Becker, 2007; Oil content in microalgae can exceed 80%
Chisti, 2007). The high protein content of by weight of dry biomass, while levels of
various microalgal species is one of the 20 50% are quite common (Chisti, 2007),
main reasons to consider them as an un- and owing to these levels, some micro-
conventional source of proteins, and as algae are considered to be one of the best
microalgae are capable of synthesizing all sources for biodiesel production. Solazy-
amino acids, they can also be a source of me (USA) produces microalgal oils for
the essential ones. Moreover, the average differrent applications, including human
quality of most examined algae is equal, nutrition.

Table 1.
Chemical composition of different algae (w/w)
Alga Proteins Carbohydrates Lipids
Aphanizomenon flos-aquae 62 23 3
Chlorella pyrenoidosa 57 26 2
Chlorella vulgaris 51–58 12–17 14–22
Porphyridium cruentum 28–39 40–57 9–14
Schizochytrium sp. - - 50–77
Arthrospira maxima 60–71 13–16 6–7
Source: Adapted from Becker (2007) and Chisti (2007)
Dajana J. Kovač et al., Algae in food and feed,
Food and Feed Research 40 (1), 21-31, 2013

ALGAE AS A SOURCE OF 2005). Although it occurs naturally in

POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS breast milk it is absent from cow’s milk,
(PUFAs) and a number of health and nutrition orga-
nizations specifically recommended the
Among all PUFAs some of the ω-3 are of
inclusion of DHA in infant formula for pre-
particular interest, and the most important
term and full term infants (Spolaore et al.,
nutritionally are eicosapentaenoic acid
2006). Martek (USA) has developed and
(EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
patented two fermentable strains of micro-
Also, gamma linolenic acid (GLA) is an ω-
algae which produce oils rich in
6 PUFA, a very important precursor in the
synthesis of prostaglandins. Clinical trials DHA life'sDHA™. This oil comes from a
have shown that GLA helps in the source that has not been genetically mo-
treatment of diseases such as arthritis, dified, it is accepted by the FDA for use in
heart disease, obesity, alcoholism, de- U.S. infant formulas, and it is the only DHA
pression, schizophrenia, Parkinson's di- currently used in U.S. infant formulas.
sease, multiple sclerosis, zinc deficiency There are also many life'sDHA supple-
and some symptoms in elderly population ments, as well as many food products.
(Kerby and Stewart, 1987). Unsaturated Lonza (Switzerland) produces DHAid™,
fatty acids affect hyperlipidemia by lo- the vegetarian source of DHA, from na-
wering lipid levels (cholesterol and trigly- turally occurring microalgae. It is available
ceride), and thus reduce the risk of heart in different concentrations and for various
disease and atherosclerosis. In this res- applications. V-Pure is also an algal pro-
pect, EPA and GLA are extremely effect- duct, the vegetarian source of both EPA
tive (Richmond, 1986; Kerby and Stewart, and DHA in the capsule form, certified and
1987). approved by the vegetarian society. Micro-
algal oils seem to be a good solution parti-
Although EPA and DHA are typically ex- cularly for children, pregnant women, ve-
tracted from fatty fish, there are many getarians and patients with fish allergies.
problems of using this source: 1) mercury Gouveia et al. (2008a) incorporated bio-
and polychlorinated biphenyl levels are mass of Isochrysis galbana, microalga rich
often unacceptable for certain consumers
in the long chain ω3 PUFA
(especially children and pregnant women;
the developing nervous system of the fe- (LC PUFAs ω3), especially EPA and
DHA in biscuits. Biscuits presented
tus is very susceptible to even low levels
of these contaminants); 2) an unpleasant LC PUFAs ω3 levels (EPA+DPA+DHA)
odor; 3) they are not suitable for vege- of 100 mg/100g and 320 mg/100g, for 1%
tarians; 4) the problem of sustainability of and 3% microalgal biomass incorporation,
fish as a source (many species have been respectively, which reflect an important
fished almost to extinction and we are on source of PUFA-ω3 with moderate biscuit
course to eliminate the world’s supply) consumption. The thermal resistance of
(Spolaore et al., 2006; Cannon, 2009). On fatty acids should be due to their presence
the other hand, fish obtain their ω-3 from in an encapsulated form inside the micro-
the diet rich in algae, which are the initial alga. The incorporation of biomass re-
producers of PUFAs in the aquatic food sulted also in the enhancement of texture
chain. Since microalgae can reach much properties and the high stability of color
higher contents and productivities in com- and texture. Also, feeding hens with spe-
parison to other possible sources, PUFAs cial microalgae to produce ”OMEGA” eggs
of microalgal origin have a very promising has proved to be commercially profitable
biotechnological market for food and feed. (Pulz and Gross, 2004).
The infant formulae industry appears to be Milovanovic et al. (2011) investigated the
particularly suitable. DHA is an absolutely fatty acid composition of several cyano-
essential nutrient for the developing fetal bacterial strains originating from Serbia.
brain and also crucial for optimal retinal The results showed that 16 carbon and 18
function in infants (McCann and Ames, carbon chain fatty acids represent the
Dajana J. Kovač et al., Algae in food and feed,
Food and Feed Research 40 (1), 21-31, 2013

most significant constituents. Also, the dophora that had over 44% (Hasan and
content of the relatively rare GLA was the Chakrabarti, 2009). Some edible macro-
highest in the Spirulina strains, while in the algae contained higher amounts of both
Nostoc strains depended on the growth macrominerals (8.083–17,875 mg/100g;
medium used. According to WHO/FAO Na, K, Ca, Mg) and trace elements (5.1–
experts, the ratio of PUFA/SFA for a 15.2 mg/100 g; Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu) than those
“balanced diet“ is above 0.4, and in this reported for edible land plants, so that they
view all investigated strains showed a could be used as a food supplement to
favourable ratio, ranging from 1.65 to 3.71 help meet the recommended daily intake
(Milovanovic et al., 2012). of some essential minerals and trace
elements (Ruperez, 2002).
AND MINERALS However, according to Shields and Lu-
patsch (2012) algal biomass mainly offers
Algae represent a rich source of vitamins
a supplementary source rather than a
and minerals, which makes them parti-
complete replacement for manufactured
cularly suitable as nutritional supplements.
minerals or vitamins in animal feeds.
Some species of Chlorella genus contain
more vitamins than most cultivated plants ALGAE AS A SOURCE OF
(Blazencic, 2007). Also, Spirulina genus ANTIOXIDANTS
contains over tenfold more β-carotene
In algae, antioxidants belong to com-
than any other food, including carrots
pounds of the major interest (Plaza et al.,
(Mohammed et al., 2011) and more
2008). Microalgal biomass may be consi-
vitamin B12 compared to any fresh plant or
dered as a multi component antioxidant
animal food source. Compared to green
system, which is generally more effective
algae, spinach and liver, this genus
due to the interactions between different
represents the richest source of vitamin E,
antioxidant components (Gouveia et al.,
thiamine, cobalamine, biotin and inositol
(cited by Gantar and Svircev, 2008). Se- 2008b). The most powerful water soluble
veral microalgal species produce α-toco- antioxidants found in algae are polyphe-
pherol (α-T, the most biologically active nols, phycobiliproteins and vitamins (Plaza
form of vitamin E) in very high concen- et al., 2008). Being photosynthetic orga-
nisms, algae are exposed to light and high
trations. Rodriguez Zavala et al. (2010)
oxygen concentrations, and in cultures
found that the production of α-tocopherol
with high cell density in closed photobio-
in heterotrophically grown microalga Eu-
reactors, oxygen concentrations can be
glena gracilis after 120 hours reach
very high. Such conditions promote the
3.7±0.2 mg/g, which is in comparison to
accumulation of highly effective antioxi-
sunflower, soybean, olive and corn (some
dative scavenger complexes to protect
of the most common natural sources of
cells, and for example, the antioxidative
vitamin E) about 13, 18, 95 and 56 fold
potential of Spirulina platensis can in-
higher productivity, respectively. Also, if
the reported high biomass yields of the crease 2.3 fold during oxygen stress (Pulz
microalga Tetraselmis suecica can be and Gross, 2004). For functional food/nu-
reached, it could compete with E. gracilis traceuticals, the radical scavenging capa-
as a candidate for commercial α-T pro- city of microalgal products is of growing
duction (Carballo-Cardenas et al., 2003). interest, especially in the beverage market
In the six seaweeds (macroscopic marine segment (Pulz and Gross, 2004).
algae) species examined by Rodri-
guez Bernaldo de Quiros et al. (2004) the COLORANTS
amount of folate (as folic acid) ranged to
161.6 μg/100 g dry mass. Synthetic colors used in food industry are
mainly coal tar derivatives and although
Algae also have potential as mineral addi- they are banned in many countries be-
tives in the animal feed industry. The ash cause of health risks, these colors are
content of filamentous green algae ranged preferred due to the low yield of natural
from just under 12% to one sample of Cla- colors from plant sources (Mohammed et
Dajana J. Kovač et al., Algae in food and feed,
Food and Feed Research 40 (1), 21-31, 2013

al., 2011). Since the world trend for colo- antioxidant benefits of β carotene, vitamin
rants is to substitute artificial for natural C, vitamin E and many xanthophylls. This
ones and extraction from plants requires carotenoid is used in aquaculture as a pig-
greater amount of biomass, algae present mentation source, as well as in nutraceu-
a good alternative. Besides chlorophylls, ticals and food and feed industries.
other types of pigments can be found in Although the natural form cannot compete
algae, such as carotenoids and phyco- commercially with the synthetic one, it is
biliproteins. preferred for few particular applications,
In Brazil, chlorophyll used as a natural co- and microalga Haematococcus pluvialis
lorant is obtained from spinach with the represents a rich source cultivated on the
content of approximately 0.06 mg/g, whe- large scale (Svircev, 2005; Spolaore et al.,
reas the Spirulina sp. biomass contains 2006). Fraunhofer IGB (Germany) is con-
1.15 mg/g (Danesi et al., 2002). Using centrating its activities on two markets in
KNO3 and NH4Cl as a source of nitrogen the food supplement sector, including
in media, Rodrigues et al. (2010) obtained natural astaxanthin derived from this mi-
croalga ( Phyco-
high quality Spirulina biomass with the
biliproteins are a group of pigments with
chlorophyll content of 21.85 mg/g. On the
the commercial value found only in algae,
other hand, according to Danesi et al.
but not in all divisions of algae. Although
(2002), the incorporation of the whole
they are used as natural dyes, there are
Spirulina sp. biomass in food is particularly
interesting because it will provide green also evidences of many health promoting
color and also increment the nutritional properties. Phycocyanin is one of the most
value. Some algae are a rich source of promising commercial substances in Spi-
carotenoids, used as natural food colo- rulina, which is produced in Japan as a
rants, an additive for feed, vitamin sup- natural food colorant marketed under the
plements and health food products. For name Lina-blue. It is used in Japan and
pigmentation purposes of broilers and/or China in food products like chewing gums,
egg yolks carotenoids must be contained candies, dairy products, jellies, soft drinks,
in the diet, and according to Gouveia et al. etc (Gouveia et al., 2008b). It was shown
(1996) the effect of these pigments from that phycocyanin posseses an antioxidant,
Chlorella vulgaris biomass upon the pig- anti inflammatory, neuroprotective and
mentation of egg yolk was comparable hepatoprotective activity, but also appears
with the commercially synthetic pigments to be a potential chemotherapeutic, as well
used. The most important carotenoid is β- as a hypocholesterolemic agent (cited by
carotene because it is the most active as Gantar and Svircev, 2008). Simeunovic et
provitamin A, and it is used as a colorant, al. (2012) investigated the production of
a provitamin, an additive to multivitamin phycobiliproteins in cyanobacterial strains
preparations and a health food product originating from Serbia, and the results
under the antioxidant claim. The natural showed that some tested strains represent
form of this pigment has a stronger effect an excellent source of one or more
than the synthetic one, from which it is phycobiliproteins. Since the content and
several fold easily absorbed by the body. composition of phycobiliproteins depend
Although the richest known food source of on environmental factors, Simeunovic et
this carotenoid is Spirulina, the most im- al. (2013) examined the impact of some of
portant microalga for natural production on them. The results suggested that in tested
the large scale is Dunaliella salina with an terrestrial, N2 fixing Nostoc and Anabaena
accumulation up to 16%/dry weight (Del strains nitrogen availability affected com-
Campo et al., 2007). Products derived position of phycobiliproteins. Also, the re-
from D. salina are β carotene extracts, sults showed significantly lower pigment
Dunaliella powder for human use, for feed concentrations in strains exposed to dry
use (Spolaore et al., 2006), and prepa- and dark conditions.
rations as a complete source of carotenoid Microalgal pigments, as well as the whole
nutrition. There are increasing evidences biomass can be used to color food and
suggesting that astaxanthin surpasses the feed, and also to improve textural para-
Dajana J. Kovač et al., Algae in food and feed,
Food and Feed Research 40 (1), 21-31, 2013

meters. It is showed that phycocyanin sig- content (cited by Singh et al., 2005), and
nifycantly improved emulsions rheological C phycocyanin (cited by Gantar and
properties, which increased linearly with Svircev, 2008). In a group of rats fed with
the phycocyanin concentration (Batista et the mixture of several algae, serum total
al., 2006). On the other side, due to the cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, free chole-
antioxidant properties of natural pigments, sterol, and triacylglycerol levels were signi-
it is also possible to improve the resi- ficantly reduced to 49.7%, 48.1%, 49.0%
stance to oil oxidation, which is particularly and 74.8%, respectively, of those of the
advantageous in high fat products like control, which was associated with poly-
emulsions (Gouveia et al., 2008b). The in- saccharides (Amano et al., 2005). Studies
corporation of microalgal biomass in emul- with chicken fed with microalga Porphy-
sions by Gouveia et al. (2006) resulted in ridium sp. biomass at 10% diet incur-
a wide range of appealing colors from poration lowered the serum cholesterol
green to orange and pink, and also enhan- levels by 28%, while egg yolk tended to
ced resistance to oxidation. The authors have reduced cholesterol levels by 10%
also compared the effects of Haemato- and increased the linoleic acid and ara-
coccus pluvialis and Chlorella vulgaris chidonic acid level by 29% and 24%,
biomass, and assumed that a higher oxi- respectively. In addition, the color of egg
dation stability in presence of H. pluvialis yolk became darker as a result of the
could be due to astaxanthin as a domi- higher carotenoid levels (2.4 fold higher for
nant carotenoid. chicken fed with 5% supplement) (Gin-
ALGAE AS A COMPONENT OF zberg et al., 2000). There are also
FUNCTIONAL FOOD investigations of Spirulina prebiotic effects
which led to at least a 10 fold increase in
In developed countries, the diet is highly the growth rate of the lactobacilli com-
caloric and in combination with the modern pared with the control (Pulz and Gross,
style of life leads to health problems, such 2004).
as obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, etc.
Microalgal biomass was predominately
Therefore, there is a need for food pro-
utilized in the health food market. How-
ducts that can promote health by enriching
ever, since the incorporation of ingredients
the diet with vitamins, minerals, PUFAs,
with the natural origin and functional pro-
etc., and according to consumers using
perties in the traditional food is a way to
the natural forms of ingredients instead of
design attractive and healthy new pro-
the synthetical ones has become very
ducts, there are numerous combinations of
microalgae or mixtures with other foods all
Algae represent a remarkable, but a poorly over the world.
explored natural source of compounds ALGAE IN HUMAN NUTRITION
with biological activity. The most important
substance in Chlorella seems to be beta- During past decades, the increase in the
1,3-glucan, which is an active immune- world’s population led to a search for a
stimulator, a free-radical scavenger and a new alternative food, and algal biomass
reducer of blood lipids (Spolaore et al., appeared at that time as a promising
2006). The cyanobacterial role as an anti- source. In 1978, a study was carried out
bacterial, antiviral, antitumor and food with a malnourished infant receiving a diet
additive have been well established enriched with algae. The authors conclu-
(Singh et al., 2005) and the most pro- ded that the significant improvement in the
mising aspect of microalgal biotechnology state of the health was attributed not only
is a successful drug discovery (Spolaore to algal proteins but also to therapeutic
et al., 2006). The role of antioxidants factors (cited by Gouveia et al., 2008b).
found in algae is already mentioned above In coastal areas of all continents, sea-
in the text, but there are also studies on weeds are used in human and animal nu-
the hypocholesterolemic effect which is trition, so that they are widely cultivated
attributed to different compounds, such as algal crops. Species such as Porphyra sp.,
the activity of lipoprotein lipase, chlorophyll Chondrus crispus, Himanthalia elongata
Dajana J. Kovač et al., Algae in food and feed,
Food and Feed Research 40 (1), 21-31, 2013

and Undaria pinnatifida are very inte- culture, the aquarium and poultry indus-
resting to consumers and the food industry tries (Hasan and Chakrabarti, 2009).
due to their low content in calories and The species of the genus Chlorella are
high content in vitamins, minerals and known as traditional food in the Orient.
dietetic fibre (Plaza et al., 2008). On the This genus is used in the healthy food
other hand, microalgal biomass is usually market, as well as for feed and aqua-
available in a form of powder, tablets, culture. In addition, Spirulina has various
capsules, liquids and, also, it can be incur- possible health promoting effects, while
porated into different food products. How- Chlorella is important as a health pro-
ever, the consumption of microalgal bio- moting factor concerning many kinds of di-
mass is restricted to very few taxa and the sorders (Gouveia et al., 2008b).
most important in human nutrition are Spi-
Since the cellulosic cell wall possesses a
rulina and Chlorella genera.
serious problem in digesting/utilizing the
Spirulina is the richest and the most com- algal biomass, several authors demon-
plete source of organic nutrition in nature, strated an important role of its processing
becoming health food worldwide because (Becker, 2007). The lack of polysac-
of the high protein content and various charides present in the eukaryotic algae
bioactive compounds. It has been used as cell wall in the cell wall of cyanobacteria
food by local populations in Mexico and makes their biomass more easily diges-
Africa since ancient times, and currently it tible and therefore more acceptable for
is used as a human nutritional supple- human consumption (Richmond and
ment, as well as feed supplement in aqua- Preiss, 1980).

Table 2.
Major microalgae commercialized for human nutrition
Alga production Applications and products
3000 China, India, Human and animal nutrition,
USA, cosmetics
Spirulina (Arthrospira) Myanmar, (phycobiliproteins, powders,
Japan extracts, tablets, beverages,
chips, pasta, liquid extract)

2000 Taiwan, Human nutrition, aquaculture,

Chlorella sp. Germany, cosmetics
Japan (tablets, powders, nectar,

1200 Australia, Human nutrition, cosmetics

Dunaliella salina Israel, USA, (ß-carotene, powders)

Aphanizomenon flos- 500 USA Human nutrition

aquae (capsules, crystals, powder)

300 USA, India, Aquaculture, astaxanthin

Haematococcus pluvialis

Crypthecodinium cohnii 240t DHA oil USA DHA oil

Shizochytrium sp. 10t DHA oil USA DHA oil

Source: Adapted from Spolaore et al. (2006) and Gouveia et al. (2008b)
Dajana J. Kovač et al., Algae in food and feed,
Food and Feed Research 40 (1), 21-31, 2013

Prior to commercialization, algal material use in animal feeding (Becker, 2007). In

must be analyzed for the presence of toxic poultry, algae can be used as a partial
compounds. Recommendations have replacement for conventional proteins with
been published by different international the incorporation of 5 10% (Spolaore et
organizations and additional national re- al., 2006). Also, according to Gouveia et
gulations often exist. They concern nucleic al. (2008b), they may serve as almost the
acids, toxins and heavy metal compo- sole protein source in laying hens, and in
nents (Spolaore et al., 2006). Food safety several countries, they are officially ap-
regulations for human consumption are proved as chicken feed. In pigs ration, Yap
the main constraint for the biotechno- et al. assumed the incorporation of even
logical exploitation of microalgal resour- 33%, without negative symptoms (Gouveia
ces. In Table 2 (Spolaore et al., 2006; et al., 2008b). However, it should be
Gouveia et al., 2008b) there are listed ma- expected that the most suitable for feeding
jor microalgae commercialized for human with algae are ruminants, because they
nutrition. are able to digest even an unprocessed
algal cell wall (Gouveia et al., 2008b). Pet
Food companies have started serious
food market is also very promising (Pulz
activities to market functional foods with
and Gross, 2004). Research results in-
microalgae and cyanobacteria, such as
dicate the possibility of new farming
pasta, bread, caces, salad sauces, ice
methods in order to improve the quality of
cream, pudding, yogurt and other milk
meat and eggs, and it may also be
products, and soft drinks (Pulz and Gross,
considered in order to lower the chole-
2004; Svircev, 2005). Particularly cost-
sterol level in blood and egg yolks. Large
efficient is beer production based on the
world’s chicken and rabbit farms have
spirulina biomass, marketed under the
excellent results using microalgae in the
name "Spirulina beer" and "Anti age beer"
diet of these animals, so that their use in
(Svircev, 2005).
many animal farms is increasing world-
wide (Svircev, 2005). According to Adar-
ALGAE IN ANIMAL NUTRITION me Vega et al. (2012) several companies
Numerous nutritional experiments clearly have shifted their focus from algal bio-
indicate the high nutritional value of micro- diesel production to high value products
algae in the diet of pigs, cows, sheep, such as ω 3 and protein rich biomass as
chicken and other domestic animals, as animal feed (e.g. Aurora Algae, MBD,
well as many aquatic organisms (in aqua- Cellana).
culture) (Svircev, 2005). In most studies to Microalgae are a source of food and a
date, algae are not considered as an es- dietary supplement in the commercial
sential feed source due to the need of cultivation of aquatic organisms. Their im-
large amounts of biomass, but even when portance in aquaculture is not surprising
used in small amounts, algae have been considering the fact that they are natural
credited with improving the immune sys- food for these organisms. Using some
tem, lipid metabolism, gut function, stress species of microalgae in the diet of fish fry
resistance (cited by Shields and Lu- lowers their price to 50%, and in order to
patsch, 2012), as well as increasing of obtain a higher nutritional value of microal-
appetite, weight, number of eggs, repro- gal biomass, it is often used a combination
ductive performance or reducing chole- of two or more species (Svircev, 2005).
sterol levels (Svircev, 2005). A large num- Genus Spirulina is widely used as a feed
ber of nutritional and toxicological eva- additive in the Japanese fish farming in-
luations demonstrated the suitability of al- dustry, with inclusion levels 0.5 2.5%
gae biomass as a valuable feed supple- (Hasan and Chakrabarti, 2009). Sturgeon
ment or a substitute for conventional pro-
fed with Spirulina based feed even out-
tein sources (soybean meal, fish meal,
performed those receiving fish meal ba-
etc.). The target domestic animal is poul-
sed diets (Palmegiano et al., 2005).
try, mainly because the incorporation of
algae into poultry rations offers the most Recently, attention has been drawn to the
promising prospect for their commercial microalgae Isochrysis galbana and Diacro-
Dajana J. Kovač et al., Algae in food and feed,
Food and Feed Research 40 (1), 21-31, 2013

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АCKNOWLEDGEMENTS terol level and modified fatty acid composition
in egg yolk. Journal of Applied Phycology, 12
This paper is a result of the research (3-5), 325-330.
within the project TR 31029, financed by 14. Gouveia, L., Veloso, V., Reis, A., Fernandes, H.
the Ministry of Education, Science and L., Empis, J., Novais, J. M. (1996). Chlorella
vulgaris used to colour egg yolk. Journal of the
Technological Development, Republic of Science of Food and Agriculture, 70, 167–172.
Serbia. 15. Gouveia, L., Raymundo, A., Batista, A. P.,
Sousa, I., Empis, J. (2006). Chlorella vulgaris
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Дајана Ј. Ковач* , Јелица Б. Симеуновић , Оливера Б. Бабић , Александра Ч. Мишан ,
Иван Љ. Миловановић
Универзитет у Новом Саду, Природно-математички факултет, Департман за биологију и
екологију, Трг Доситеја Обрадовића 2, 21000 Нови Сад, Србија
Универзитет у Новом Саду, Научни институт за прехрамбене технологије, Булевар цара
Лазара 1, Нови Сад, Србија
Сажетак: Алге су далеко најзаступљенији примарни продуценти и представљају
изванредан извор различитих нутритивно вредних једињења. Док је висок садржај протеина код
разних врста, један од главних разлога због којих се сматрају неконвенционалним извором
протеина, уља која се добијају из микроалги са високим садржајем одређених ПУФА би могла
бити посебно погодна у исхрани деце, трудница, вегетаријанаца и пацијената алергичних на
рибу. Алге такође представљају богат извор витамина, минерала, антиоксиданата и природних
колораната, тако да се инкорпорацијом целокупне биомасе у храну поред бојења може
повећати хранљива вредност, али и побољшати текстура или отпорност на оксидацију.
Инкорпорација биомасе микроалги у традиционалну храну је начин да се дизајнирају
атрактивни и здрави нови производи. У исхрани различитих животиња, чак и када се користе у
малим количинама, алгама је приписано јачање имуног система, повећање тежине, броја јаја,
репродуктивних својстава, снижење нивоа холестерола, итд., што указује на могућност нових
метода узгајања у циљу побољшања квалитета производа животињског порекла. Њихов значај
у аквакултури је такође познат с обзиром на то да су природна храна ових организама. Коначно,
најбогатији и најпотпунији природни извор органске исхране кojи постајe све популарнији широм
света због високог садржаја протеина и разних биоактивних једињења је управо микроалга
Кључне речи: алге, храна, протеини, липиди, витамини, минерали, антиоксиданси

Received: 9 April 2013

Accepted: 30 May 2013

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