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The text discusses the setting of The Last Days of Atlantis and provides an overview of character creation steps for the OS5E system.

The character creation steps discussed include choosing a genesis, class, level, determining hit points and proficiency bonus, and determining ability scores.

A character's abilities (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma) determine much of what they can do through ability checks and providing modifiers. These are determined through ability scores.

Tell me your fable

A fable
A fable
A fable that will never end
And now, I dream
----Fable, Robert Miles

The great Egyptian age is but a

remnant of The Atlantian culture
The antediluvian kings colonized
the world
All the gods who play in the
mythological dramas In all
legends from all lands were from
fair Atlantis
-----Atlantis, Donovan

Thank You
While I came up with the idea for OS5E
almost as soon as 5th edition came out, and
my setting- The Last Days of Atlantis
started out further back than that. It was the
year + long OSE LDOA game that built the
setting with the help of the players
themselves. I want to thank Gary Allgeier,
Guts, Kroob, Savagecornholio, Cerebral
Rawkass and many of those that played for
only a little while, for their help.

Character Creation
Abilities and Skills
1. Choose a Genesis
Hit Points and Hit Dice
Proficiency Bonus Blooded
Determining Ability Scores Dwarf
Human  You start by rolling your hit die (You also
add your Constitution modifier, which you’ll
Kimono determine in step 3.)
Manikin Record your character’s hit points on your
Metamorph character sheet.
 Also record the type of Hit Die your
Sidhe character uses and the number of Hit Dice
you have.
2. Choose a Class Proficiency Bonus
Expert Your proficiency bonus applies to many of
Those who use stealth and underhandedness the numbers you’ll be recording on your
to get what they want. character sheet:
Spellcaster • Attack rolls using weapons you’re
Those born with the power over reality proficient with
through magic. • Attack rolls with powers you cast
• Ability checks using skills you’re
Warrior proficient in
Those skilled in the art of marital combat
• Ability checks using tools you’re
proficient with
Level • Saving throws you’re proficient in
 A character starts at 1st level and advances • Saving throw DCs for powers you cast
in level by adventuring and gaining (explained in each
experience points (XP). powercasting class)
 If you are joining an existing  Be sure to note proficiencies, as well as
campaign, your GM might decide to have your proficiency bonus, on your character
you begin at a higher level, on the sheet.
assumption that your character has already  Your proficiency bonus can’t be added to
survived a few harrowing adventures. a single die roll or other number more than
 Record your level on your character sheet. once.
If you’re starting at a higher level, record the  Occasionally, your proficiency bonus
additional elements your class gives you for might be modified (doubled or halved, for
your levels past 1st. example) before you apply it. If a
 Also record your experience points. A 1st- circumstance suggests that your proficiency
level character has 0 XP. bonus applies more than once to the same
 A higher-level character typically begins roll or that it should be multiplied more than
with the minimum amount of XP required to once, you nevertheless add it only once,
reach that level. multiply it only once, and halve it only once.
Hit Points and Hit Dice
 Your character’s hit points define how 3. Determine Ability Scores
tough your character is in combat and other Much of what your character does in the
dangerous situations. game depends on their six abilities:
 Your hit points are determined by your Hit Strength, Dexterity, Constitution,
Dice (short for Hit Point Dice). Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
 At 1st level, your character has 1 Hit Die, Roll four 6-sided dice and record the total of
and the die type is determined by your class. the highest three dice on a piece of scratch
paper. Do this five more times, so that you
have six numbers. If you want to save time Lawful Evil (LE) creatures methodically
or don’t like the idea of randomly take what they want, within the limits of a
determining ability scores, you can use the code of tradition, loyalty, or order.
following scores instead: Neutral Good
15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. Neutral (N) is the alignment of those who
Now take your six numbers and write each prefer to steer clear of moral questions and
number beside one of your character’s six don’t take sides, doing what seems best at
abilities to assign scores to Strength, the time.
Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence,
Neutral Evil (NE) is the alignment of
Wisdom, and Charisma.
those who do whatever they can get away
with, without compassion or qualms
Chaotic Good CG) creatures act as their
Score Modifier conscience directs, with little regard for
3 -3 what others expect.
4-5 -2 Chaotic Neutral(CN) creatures follow
6-8 -1 their whims, holding their personal freedom
9-12 0 above all else.
13-15 +1 Chaotic Evil CE) creatures act with
16-17 +2 arbitrary violence, spurred by their greed,
18-19 +3 hatred, or bloodlust.

4. Choose Alignment 5. Describe your Character

Alignment is your character’s moral It’s time to flesh your character out as a
compass that guides their decisions and person. Your character needs a name. Spend
ideas. Alignment is a combination of two a few minutes thinking
factors: one identifies morality (good, evil, about what he or she looks like and how
or neutral), and the other describes attitudes they behave in general terms.
toward society and order (lawful, chaotic, or Flesh out your character’s physical
neutral). Thus, nine distinct alignments appearance and personality traits.
define the possible combinations. Your character’s background describes
These brief summaries of the nine where they came from, their original
alignments describe the typical behavior of a occupation, and the character’s place in the
creature with that alignment. Individuals world. Your GM might be willing to work
might vary significantly from that typical with you to craft a background that’s a more
behavior, and few people are perfectly and precise fit for your character concept.
consistently faithful to the precepts of their Your Character’s Abilities
alignment. Take your character’s ability scores and race
Lawful Good (LG) creatures can be into account as you flesh out his or her
appearance and personality. A very strong
counted on to do the right thing as expected
character with low Intelligence might think
by society
and behave very differently from a very
Lawful Neutral LN) individuals act in smart character with low Strength.
accordance with law, tradition, or personal
6. Choose Equipment
You have 100 gold pieces (gp) to spend.
If you wish, you can also have one trinket at can be proficient in. A skill represents a
no cost ( specific aspect of an
Your Strength score limits the amount of ability score, and an individual’s proficiency
gear you can carry. Try not to purchase in a skill demonstrates a focus on that
equipment with a total weight (in pounds) aspect.
exceeding your Strength score times 15. Determining Ability Scores
Either roll 4d6, dropping the lowest or take
7. Come Together the array of 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8
Each character plays a role within a party, a Advantage and Disadvantage
group of adventurers A roll that uses either Advantage or
working together for a common purpose. Disadvantage calls for the player to roll two
Teamwork and cooperation greatly improve 20 sided dice (make certain you can tell
your party’s chances to survive the many them apart). Use the higher of the two rolls
perils in the world of Evermore. Talk to if you have advantage, and use the lower
your fellow players and your GM roll if you have disadvantage.
to decide whether your characters know one  If multiple situations affect a roll and each
another, how they met, and what sorts of one grants advantage or imposes
quests the group might undertake. disadvantage on it, you don’t roll more than
one additional d20. If two favorable
grant advantage, for example, you still roll
only one additional d20.
 If circumstances cause a roll to have both
advantage and disadvantage, you are
considered to have neither of them, and you
roll one d20. This is true even if multiple
circumstances impose disadvantage and only
one grants advantage or vice versa.
 In such a situation, you have neither
advantage nor disadvantage.

Strength measures bodily power, athletic
training, and the extent to which you can
exert raw physical force.
 Attack Rolls and Damage
You add your Strength modifier to your

attack roll and your damage roll when
attacking with a melee weapon. You use
melee weapons to make melee attacks in

hand-to-hand combat, and some of them can
be thrown to make a ranged attack.
 Lifting and Carrying
Each ability covers a broad range of
capabilities, including skills that a character
Your Strength score determines the amount Depending on the armor you wear, you
of weight you can bear. The following terms might add some or all of your Dexterity
define what you can modifier to your Armor Class.
lift or carry.  Initiative
 Carrying Capacity. Your carrying At the beginning of every combat, you roll
capacity is your Strength score multiplied by initiative by making a Dexterity check.
15. This is the weight (in Initiative determines the order of creatures’
pounds) that you can carry, which is high turns in combat.
enough that most characters don’t usually Dexterity Skills
have to worry about it.
 Push, Drag, or Lift. You can push, drag, Acrobatics checks covers your attempt to
or lift a weight in pounds up to twice your stay on your feet in a tricky situation or
carrying capacity (or 30 times your Strength perform acrobatic stunts, including dives,
score). While pushing or dragging weight in rolls, somersaults, and flips.
excess of your carrying capacity, your speed
drops to 5 feet. Sleight of Hand
Whenever you attempt an act of legerdemain
 Size and Strength. Larger creatures can
or manual trickery, such as planting
bear more weight, whereas Tiny creatures
something on someone else or concealing an
can carry less. For each size category above
object on your person, make a Sleight of
Medium, double the creature’s carrying
Hand check.
capacity and the amount it can push, drag, or
The GM might also call for a Sleight of
lift. For a Tiny creature, halve these weights.
Hand check to determine whether you can
lift a coin purse off another person or slip
something out of another person’s pocket.
Strength Skills Make a Stealth check when you
Athletics attempt to conceal yourself from enemies,
Athletics checks covers difficult situations slink past guards, slip away without being
you encounter while climbing, jumping, or noticed, or sneak up on someone without
swimming. being seen or heard.

Dexterity Constitution
Dexterity measures agility, reflexes, and Constitution measures health, stamina, and
balance. vital force.
 Attack Rolls and Damage Constitution Checks
You add your Dexterity modifier to your
Constitution checks are uncommon, and no
attack roll and your damage roll when
skills apply to Constitution checks, because
attacking with a ranged weapon, such as a
the endurance this
sling or a longbow. You can also add your
ability represents is largely passive rather
Dexterity modifier to your attack roll and
than involving a specific effort on the part of
your damage roll when attacking with a
a character or monster.
melee weapon that has the finesse property,
A Constitution check can model your
such as a dagger or a rapier.
attempt to push beyond normal limits,
 Armor Class however.
The GM might call for a Constitution check traditions, the planes of existence, and the
when you try to accomplish tasks like the inhabitants of those planes.
• Hold your breath History
• March or labor for hours without rest History checks measures your ability to
• Go without sleep recall lore about historical events, legendary
• Survive without food or water people, ancient kingdoms, past disputes,
• Quaff an entire stein of ale in one go recent wars and lost civilizations.
 Hit Points When you look around for clues and
Your Constitution modifier contributes to make deductions based on those clues, you
your hit points. make an Investigation check.
Typically, you add your Constitution
modifier to each Hit Die you roll for your hit Nature
points. Nature checks measures your ability to
If your Constitution modifier changes, your recall lore about terrain, plants and animals,
hit point maximum changes as well, as the weather and natural cycles.
though you had the new Religion
modifier from 1st level. For example, if you Your Intelligence (Religion) check measures
raise your Constitution score when you your ability to recall lore about deities, rites
reach 4th level and your and prayers,
Constitution modifier increases from +1 to religious hierarchies, holy symbols and the
+2, you adjust your hit point maximum as practices of secret cults.
though the modifier had always been +2. So
you add 3 hit points for your first three
levels, and then roll your hit points for 4th
Wisdom reflects how attuned you are to the
level using your new modifier. Or if you’re world around you and represents
7th level and some effect lowers your perceptiveness and intuition. A Wisdom
Constitution score so as to reduce your check might reflect an effort to read body
Constitution modifier by 1, your hit point language, understand someone’s feelings,
maximum is notice things about the environment, or care
reduced by 7. for an injured person.
Wisdom Skills
Intelligence Animal Handling
Intelligence measures mental acuity, When there is any question whether
accuracy of recall, and the ability to reason. you can calm down a domesticated animal,
An Intelligence check comes into play when keep a mount from getting spooked, or intuit
you need to draw on logic, education, an animal’s intentions, the GM might call
memory, or deductive reasoning. for a Animal Handling check.
Intelligence Skills You also make a Animal Handling check to
Arcana control your mount when you attempt a
Arcana checks measures your ability to risky maneuver.
recall lore about powers, Psionics, magic & Insight
Psionic items, eldritch symbols, magical Insight checks decides whether
you can determine the true intentions of a certain kinds of Charisma checks.
creature, such Charisma Skills
as when searching out a lie or predicting
someone’s next move. Doing so involves
Deception checks determines whether you
gleaning clues from body language, speech
can convincingly hide the truth, either
habits, and changes in mannerisms.
verbally or through your actions. This
In most cases the GM rolls your insight
deception can encompass everything from
misleading others through ambiguity to
Lucid Dreaming telling outright lies. Typical
Lucid Dreaming rolls are made to know if situations include trying to fast-talk a guard,
you are in a dream and to what extent you con a merchant, earn money through
can change the dream. gambling, pass yourself
Medicine off in a disguise, dull someone’s suspicions
Medicine checks lets you try to stabilize a with false assurances, or maintain a straight
dying companion or diagnose an illness. face while telling a blatant lie.
Perception Deception scenes are to be played out and
Perception checks lets you spot, hear, or THEN the roll is made. The GM can
otherwise detect the presence of something. determine that role play only is needed.
It measures your general awareness of your Deception rolls cannot be made against
surroundings and the keenness of your other player characters unless out of game
senses. knowledge is involved.
In many cases the GM will secretly roll your
perception rolls depending on the situation.
Survival Intimidation
The DM might ask you to make a Survival When you attempt to influence someone
check to follow tracks, hunt wild game, through overt threats, hostile actions, and
guide your group through frozen wastelands, physical
identify signs that owlbears live nearby, violence, the DM might ask you to make an
predict the weather, or avoid Intimidation check.
quicksand and other natural hazard Intimidation scenes are to be played out and
THEN the roll is made. The GM can
Charisma determine that role play only is needed.
Charisma measures your ability to interact Intimidation rolls cannot be made against
effectively with others. It includes such other player characters.
factors as confidence Performance
and eloquence, and it can represent a Performance checks determines how well
charming or you can delight an audience with music,
commanding personality. dance, acting, storytelling, or some other
A Charisma check might arise when you try form of
to influence or entertain others, when you entertainment.
try to make an impression or tell a Persuasion
convincing lie, or when you are navigating a When you attempt to influence someone or a
tricky social situation. The Deception, group of people with tact, social graces, or
Intimidation, Performance, and Persuasion good nature, the GM might ask you to make
skills reflect aptitude in a Persuasion check. Typically, you use
persuasion when acting in good faith, to The participant with the higher check total
foster friendships, make cordial requests, or wins the contest. That character or monster
exhibit proper etiquette. Examples of either succeeds at the action or prevents the
persuading others include convincing a other one from succeeding.
chamberlain to let your party see the king, If the contest results in a tie, the situation
negotiating peace between remains the same as it was before the
warring tribes or inspiring a crowd of contest. Thus, one contestant might win the
townsfolk. contest by default.

Difficulty Challenge
This is the number a player has to roll
against to succeed on Saving Throws and
Skills Check. It is up to the GM to determine
what the DC is for any particular thing. DCs
are not standardized. For example climbing
a certain mountain might only be a DC 17
while another one a DC25.

Task Difficulty DC
Very easy 5
Easy 10
Medium 15
Hard 20
Very hard 25
Nearly impossible 30

Saving Throws and Skill Checks

Both Saving Throws and Skill Checks are
done in a similar way.
Saving Throws
Roll d20 +Ability Modifier vs. Difficulty
Challenge. The result must be higher than
the Difficulty Challenge.
Skill Checks
Roll d20+Ability Modifier+ Proficiency
Bonus vs. Difficulty Challenge. The result
must be higher than the Difficulty

Both participants in a contest make ability
checks appropriate to their efforts. They
apply all appropriate bonuses and penalties,
but instead of comparing the total to a DC,
they compare the totals of their two checks.
The term “RACE” is a general term that
references what the character is by its
birth/creation. It does not denote skin color.
The following list of races are those found in
the world of Evermore. Others may be
added by the Game Master.
Age can vary greatly among the races.
Dwarves can live for hundreds of years
while humans rarely reach a hundred.
All Races are medium in size.
The base walking speed of all races is 30’.
It is assumed that all races can read and
write the language common to its race. They
all are also able to read and write Common,
at least to a basic level. Some societies , like
barbarians might not be able to.
mountains, turning to stone if they saw the
light of day. This distance them even more
Blooded are the union of humans and a from their fae nature, so much so that the
supernatural being. The most common being Good Folk see them as the lowest of the Fae.
Changelings (Fae), Nephilim(Angels, Devils Recently the curse of the Goblin Queen was
and Demons) and Elemental Kin (Genies, lifted thanks to the Arch Mage Zoso.
Elementals Barons, Princes etc.). Dwarves, if they venture to the surface,
Most of them look human with only vestiges almost always travel in a pack for protection
of their supernatural ancestor. These can and keep to the task at hand. Once in a while
include anything from horns, strange eyes, an individual dwarf will set out on the
tails, Personal shadows moving on their own surface world to see what it holds.
and more. Like all Fae, dwarves hail from Alfheim and
Depending on the circumstance of their do not as a whole worship gods, though
birth, reaction to Blooded can be mixed. reverence for their ancestors is the norm.
Some are ridiculed or scorn by the society Low Light Vision
they are born into. While others are revered You retain the ability to distinguish color
or even worshiped, the society seeing the and detail in Dim Light. You don’t have
birth as divine. disadvantage in dim light.
Blooded are a mixed bag when it comes to Speed
worship, some are devout cultist while Base walking speed is 25 feet. Speed is not
others hate the gods and some take on the reduced by wearing heavy armor.
mantle themselves forming cults of Dwarven Resilience
personality. Dwarves have advantage on saving throws
Low Light Vision against poison, and they have resistance
You retain the ability to distinguish color against poison damage
and detail in Dim Light. You don’t have

disadvantage in dim light.
Begin with one cantrip of your choice from Far up in the highest point of the Spine of
the any spell list. Charisma is your Tiamat, there is a temple dedicated to the
spellcasting ability for it world serpent Jormungandr. Its sole
inhabitant is a creature that was once the
most beautiful of women, Medusa. She was
“blessed” by Jormungandr with a head of
snakes for hair. Being turned into this
immortal monster made Medusa a recluse,
never leaving the Temple. From time to
time, adventurers have ran across her, where
DWARF she “blesses” them. These gorgons (who can
be men or women) all must leave the temple
Though they are a far cry from the sidhe, since The Supreme Gorgon cannot stand the
dwarves are also fae. But while the sidhe are presence of those like her. Gorgons cannot
embodiments of nobility, the dwarves are of reproduce and the Curse can only be
the earth and work. Long ago the dwarves removed by a divine being. Only Humans
regal on their word to the Goblin Queen and can carry the curse.
she cursed them to live deep in the
Being the cursed being that they are, most Ability Score Increase
gorgons do not worship a higher power. Your ability scores each increase by 1.
Those that do tend to do so to find relief Boon
from their curse. Humans begin the game with a Boon.
Immortal Human Advantage
Gorgons have been cursed for eternity and Whenever you make an attack roll, an ability
so do not die from old age. They appear as check. or a saving throw, you can have
the age they were when cursed. advantage on the roll. You can use Human
Petrifying Gaze Advantage
As an action you can attempt to turn a Before you roll the die. You choose which
person into stone. of the d20s is used for the attack roll, ability
Choose a small or medium creature that you check, or saving throw.
can see and that can see you within 30’. That You regain your Human Advantage when
creature must make a Constitution Saving you finish a long rest.
The DC for this saving throw is 9+your Human Societies
charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. Albion: The Humans of Albion are
If it fails it is turned to stone, suffering from governed by the Church of Sol Invictus,
the Petrification Condition for one minute. giving them a mostly singular world view.
If the subject succeeds it is no longer Amazon: The Amazons are a society where
restrained. women hold complete control. In fact men
If a subject is physically broken while under are not allowed in the society, only being
this condition, they suffer similar used for breeding.
deformities when it reverts back to its Atlantean: Atlanteans have the highest
original state perhaps even killing it. societal concepts and are the most worldly
You can use this ability a number of times of societies.
per day equal to double your proficiency Hyperborean: The people of Hyperborea
bonus are a mixed lot of various barbarian tribes.
Snake Hair Nimbus: The Nimbus are humans that live
The hair of a gorgon is made of snakes, in grand cities in the clouds.
which are natural weapons . Northman: Barbarians of the upper
They deal 1d4 piercing damage and have the Northlands, the Northmen live a hard, brutal
finesse property and have a five foot reach. people shaped by their surroundings.
Pict: These people live in the Lowlands of
Kelta. They fight in the nude, painted in war
HUMAN paint to off throw their enemies.
Humans are renowned for the deep passions
that drive them through their short lives.
They have the potential to become great
leaders, forging alliances between other Hailing from the Dreamlands, the Kemono
races, but they are easily corrupted. are Dream Folk that have taken on life and
Humans are a paradox. They are the become a living race of beings. They are
youngest of races, having only come on the very numerous in The Kingdom of Jade but
scene about 500 years ago but stories that can be found the world over. Kemono are
are seen as myths tell that humans created one race, though many species of Kemono
exist. Most species get along, but many do Common Traits
not and in fact war with each other.  All Aquatic can breathe air or water in
No matter their species, all kemono share a their Anthropomorphic Form.
fun loving, prankster side at best, or a  All items carried while in their
thieving, conniving one at worst. Anthropomorphic and animal Forms stays
Kemono do not worship gods but hold the dry when completely submerged in water.
Animal Lords in reverence.
Kemono are mostly seen in the eyes of
Koi (Carp)
humans with acceptance, though humans are
well aware of their trickery. Tako (Octopus)
Low Light Vision
You retain the ability to distinguish color
and detail in Dim Light. You don’t have
disadvantage in dim light Avian
Two Forms Common Traits
Kemono have two forms, an animal form Avian Kemono cannot fly in their
and an anthropomorphic form. Anthropomorphic Form.
It takes one action to change form. Items
worn meld when changing to animal form Kenku (Raven)
and cannot be used. Changing form does not
heal hit points lost.
• The Animal Form
Hakuchō (Swan)
The preferred shape of Kemono since it
allows them to go about humanity Insect
unnoticed. When they die, Kemono revert to Common Traits
animal form if not already in it. In their Anthropomorphic Form Insect
The animal form is of an animal of a normal Kemono cannot fly, with the one exception
size of it’s type. of the Batafurai.
While in animal form the Kemono has all They are cold blooded in both forms.
physical stats of the animal except for
Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma and hit
points. Kemono can speak all languages Animal form
known in both forms. When in animal form Insect Kemono take
the form of a swarm of their animal species
and take on the qualities of a swarm.
• The Anthropomorphic Form Batafurai (Butterfly)
This form is more animal than human in Beings of Grace and beauty, Batafurai gain
look and shows the Kemono for what it is. the Persuasion Skill for free and get double
bonus on the proficiency. They are also the
only Kemono able to fly in anthropomorphic

Kemono Species form, though they can only carry no more

than 40lbs. As an insect kemono, Batafurai
animal form do not have a natural attack but
can obscure sight by flying around granting
Aquatic disadvantage on the attacks to anyone in the
Kumo (Spider) Foxes are the most cunning of all Kemono.
They gain one point of Wisdom at first
Kumo are creatures of Nightmare, and while level. For each level gained, The Kitsune’s
not all are loyal to Loth, most are. Kumo are humanoid form gains a new tail.
some of the most untrusted of the Kemono.
Beside their general traits of all insects. Ōkami (Wolf)
They also receive the following in either The Okami are pack animals and when in
form. charge and free to move around during a
Spider Climb. The spider can climb fight, all the Fighting companions of the
difficult surfaces, including upside down on Okami receive a +1 to hit. The Okami does
ceilings, without needing to make an ability not get this bonus himself.
Web Sense. While in contact with a web,
the Kumo knows the exact location of any
other creature in contact with the same web.
Web Walker. The Kumo ignores movement Hebi (Snake)
restrictions caused The Hebi are cold and detached.
by webbing. Their form is that of a snake of its type.

Tortle (Tortoise)
The Tortle are the most ancient of Kemono.
Maruhanabachi Unlike other kemono, The Tortle have a
(Bumble Bee) natural armor class of 15 but cannot were
The Maruhanabachi are industrious and do other armor other than shields. This armor
not suffer from exhaustion when doing does not interfere with spellcasting if the
mundane, mindless work. Tortle has a spellcasting class. Also they do
not have Animal Reflexes.

Araiguma (Raccoon)
Only the Kenku match the Araiguma in
thievery, the main difference being that
racoons tend to be solitary while the Kenku
work in groups.
Bubasti, Tabaxi (Cat)
Two types exist, The Tabaxi, which include
most types of cats, and the Bubasti, long,
elegant, and strange looking black cats that
hail from Atlantis. The Bubasti looks like
black sphinx cats. They claim to be
descendants of the cat goddess Bast and do
not hold the Cat Lord with reverence.
Kitsune (Fox)
Sentry's Rest
When you take a long rest, you must spend
at least six hours in an inactive, motionless

MANIKIN state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you

appear inert, but it doesn't render you
Manikins are living constructs. They can be unconscious, and you can see and hear as
anything from a scarecrow that awakened by normal.
having magical powder sprinkled on it, to a Specialized Design
china doll that magically came to life You gain one skill proficiency and one tool
because a little girl wished it so, to a robot proficiency of your choice.
created by the True Atlanteans. There are

even stories of manikins creating others of
their own kind.
Manikins reflect their creator’s own The Metamorphs are a race that came about
personalities and needs. The average player when the True Atlanteans and humans
manikin character has broken away from its mated centuries ago. They appear as bone
creator or has no idea who created it and white beings with faces that appear narrow
now roams the world to find purpose. and dropping, their noses are just slits in the
Manikins can reflect either sex or none or face and the eyes are large and all black. The
both, again depending on the reason for their mouths are small.
creation. While Manikins can be some of the
Alien Blood
most trusted of companions, they do have a
Metamorphs can access the strange
cold and detached outlook at times
machinery that work only for the True
especially when it comes to comparing
Atlanteans. Knowing how to use said
themselves to humans, who they find
machinery is another thing entirely.
Humans have a wide variety of views Shapechanger
toward manikins, from seeing them as little A metamorph can alter their form to exactly
more than servants to those that have taken mimic another person. This requires a touch
the time to know and understand them. attack.
Some are even revered as gods.
The maximum manikin lifespan remains a
Effects of Successful Shape-Stealing
mystery. They are immune to magical aging
Duration: The metamorph can stay
indefinitely in the form and only changes if
Constructed Resilience they will it.
You were created to have remarkable Stats: The metamorph retains their own
fortitude, represented by the following intelligence, hit points, saving throws, and
benefits: attack probabilities.
• You have advantage on saving throws Capabilities: Physical capabilities of the
against being poisoned, and you have new form (e.g. strength, physical attack
resistance to poison damage. forms, modes of movement) are acquired.
• You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe. Only humanoid forms are taken.
• You are immune to disease.
• You don't need to sleep, and magic can't
put you to sleep.
Non-physical special abilities (e.g. The sidhe are highly magical beings and can
immunities, breath weapons, spell casting) use magical items of an Arcane origin.
are not acquired.
Clothing and gear: Items visibly worn or
carried by the victim are copied. Copied
items do not possess any magical properties
of the original and vanish if dropped.

With their unearthly grace and fine features,
sidhe appear hauntingly beautiful to humans
and members of many other races. They are
slightly shorter than humans on average,
ranging from well under 5 feet tall to just
over 6 feet. They are more slender than
humans, weighing only 100 to 145 pounds.
Males and females are about the same
height, and males are only marginally
heavier than females.
Sidhe coloration encompasses the normal
human range and also includes skin in
shades of copper,
bronze, and almost bluish-white, hair is full
bodied and luminous, and eyes like pools of
liquid gold or silver. Sidhe have no facial
and little body hair. They favor elegant
clothing in bright colors, and they enjoy
simple yet lovely jewelry,
Low Light Vision
You retain the ability to distinguish color
and detail in Dim Light. You don’t have
disadvantage in dim light.
Fae Sight
Sidhe can use the Perception Skill to find
passages to Alfheim or Fairie, gaining
double proficiency when they do so.
Sidhe are the living embodiment of nobility
and as fae, are Immortal
and so do not die from old age. They mature
as humans do but stop aging at what in
human terms would be mid-twenties.
Use Magic Item
These are the things that belonging to the
class gives the player.
As your character goes on adventures and
overcomes challenges, he or she gains
experience, represented by experience
points. A character who reaches a specified
experience point total advances in
capability. This advancement is called
gaining a level.

Level Experience Proficiency

Points Bonus
1 0 +1
2 2,500 +1
3 5,000 +1
4 10,000 +1
5 20,000 +2
6 40,000 +2

7 80,000 +2
8 150,000 +2
9 300,000 +3
10 450,000 +3
Armor 11 600,000 +3
This is the armor that the class is proficient 12 750,000 +3
in. If you wear armor that you are not 13 900,000 +4
proficient in, you gain disadvantage on 14 1,050,000 +4
Stealth rolls. 15 1,200,000 +4
Boon 16 1,350,000 +4
When you gain a boon, you can do ONE of 17 1,500,000 +5
the following. Note that at first level 18 1,650,000 +5
Humans cannot take the same type of boon 19 1,800,000 +5
twice. 20 1,950,000 +5
Ability Score Increase
You can increase one ability score of your Skills
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability This is the list of skills the class can choose
scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you from at first level. The player gets to pick
can't increase an ability score above 19 four. To gain any others, they must use a
using this feature. boon later on, which must come from this
New Proficiency list. The Expert can pick ANY five skills at
Gain Proficiency in one weapon, one set of first level and gain any skill when using a
tools or one skill. boon.
New Language Tool
Learn one language (that you can speak,
read and write in).
This is a list of tools the class is proficient Choose two of the expert's skill
in. proficiencies. The expert's proficiency bonus
Weapons is doubled for any
The number of weapons the class is ability check it makes that uses any of the
proficient in. chosen proficiencies.

2nd-level Expert feature
THE EXPERT The expert's agility or quick thinking allows
it to act speedily. On its turn in combat, it
Level Features
can take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide
1 Expertise
action as a bonus action.
2 Cunning Action
3 Helpful
4 Boon
3rd-level Expert feature
5 -
The expert is adept at giving well-timed
6 Coordinated Strike
assistance; the expert can take the Help
7 Evasion
action as a bonus action.
8 Boon
9 -
10 Boon
6th-level Expert feature
11 Inspiring Help (1d6)
The expert is adept at fighting in concert
12 Boon
with a companion. When the expert uses its
13 -
Helpful feature to aid an ally in attacking a
14 Reliable Talent
creature, that target can be up to 30 feet
15 Expertise
away from the expert, and the
16 Boon
expert can deal an extra 2d6 damage to it
17 -
the next time the expert hits it with an
18 Sharp Mind
attack roll before the end of the current turn.
19 Boon
The extra damage is the same type of
20 Inspiring Help (2d6)
damage dealt by the attack.
Leather Armor, No shields
7th-level Expert feature
Any Three
Because of extraordinary good luck, the
expert is skilled at avoiding danger. When
Any Five Skills
the expert is subjected to an effect that
allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw
Any two tool sets
to take only half damage, it instead takes no
damage if it succeeds on the saving throw,
and only half damage if it failed. The expert
1st-level Expert feature
doesn't benefit from this feature while
11th-level Expert feature
When the expert takes the Help action, the
creature who receives the help also gains a
ld6 bonus to
the d20 roll. If that roll is an attack roll, the
creature can forgo adding the bonus to it,
and then if the
attack hits, the creature can add the bonus to
the attack's damage roll against one target.
At 20th level, the bonus increases to 2d6.

14th-level Expert feature
The expert has refined its skills to an
exceptional degree. Whenever the expert
makes an ability check that includes its
whole proficiency bonus, it can treat a d20
roll of 9 or lower as a 10.

18th-level Expert feature
The expert gains proficiency in one of the
following saving throws of your choice:
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.

Level Features
1 Spellcasting /Archetype
3 -
4 Boon
5 Archetype Feature
6 Potent Cantrips
7 Craft Common Magic Items
8 Boon
9 Archetype Feature The spellcaster begins with three spells at
10 Boon first level and gains one spell each level of
11 Craft Uncommon Magic Items spellcaster they gain of a level they can cast
12 Boon or lower.
13 Archetype Feature Each of the spells in the Spells Known
14 Empowered Spells column must be of a level for which the
15 Craft Rare Magic Items spellcaster has spell slots, as shown on the
16 Boon table. For instance, when the spellcaster
17 Archetype Feature reaches 5th level in this class, it can learn
18 Craft Very Rare Magic Items one new spell of Cantrip, 1st or 2nd level.
19 Boon Additionally, when the spellcaster gains a
20 Craft Legendary Items level in this class, you can choose one of the
ARMOR spells it knows
No Armor, No shields from this class and replace it with another
WEAPONS spell from its spell list. The new spell must
Any two be a cantrip or of a level for which the
SKILLS spellcaster has spell slots.
Choose Four of the following: Spellcasting Ability
Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Choose the Spellcaster's role: Mage, Healer,
Lucid Dreaming, Medicine, Performance, or Prodigy. This choice deter
Persuasion, and Religion mines the spell list and spellcasting ability
TOOLS used by the spellcaster, as shown on the
None Spellcasting table.
Role Ability
Mage Intelligence
Healer Wisdom
Prodigy Charisma
The spellcaster uses its spellcasting ability
whenever a spell refers to that ability. In
1st-level Spellcaster feature
addition, it uses its spellcasting ability
The spellcaster gains the ability to cast
modifier when setting the saving throw DC
for a spell it casts and when making an
Spell Slots
attack roll with one.
The Spellcaster table shows how many spell
Spell save DC = 8 + spellcaster’s
slots the spellcaster has to cast its
proficiency bonus + spellcasting ability
Spellcaster spells of 1st level and higher. To
cast one of these spells, the spellcaster must
Spell attack modifier = spellcasters
expend a slot of the spell's level. The
proficiency bonus + spellcasting ability
spellcaster regains all expended spell slots
when it finishes a long rest.
Ritual Casting
Spells Known
If a spell has Ritual in its description, the
The spellcaster knows
spellcaster can cast it as such.
Level Number of Cantrips known
Spellcasting Focus
1 st
4 cantrips The spellcaster can use a focus for its spells
4th 5 cantrips depending on the choice you made on the
10 th
6 cantrips Spellcasting table. A Mage can use an
arcane focus, a Priest can use a holy symbol,
and a Prodigy can use an arcane focus or a
musical instrument.

Spellcaster Archetype
1st level Spellcaster Feature
Choose one of the following Spellcaster
Archetypes and gain a feature at levels 1, 5,
Dream Sovereign
Spellcaster Archetype
Clerics are the will workers of the Gods on
Role: Healer
Weapon: Deities favored weapon
Potent Cantrips
Alignment: At least one step from deity’s
6th-level Spellcaster feature
The spellcaster can add its spellcasting
Skills: Insight, Performance, Persuasion,
ability modifier to the damage it deals with
any cantrip.
Cleric Features
1st level: Religion Expertise
Craft Magic Item
The Cleric gains Expertise in the Religion
7th level Spellcaster Feature
The spellcaster is able to create magical
5th level: Turn Undead
items of Common status.
As an action, you present your holy symbol
At 10th level they are able to create
and speak a prayer censuring the undead.
Uncommon magic items.
Each undead that can see or hear you within
At 13th level Rare magic items.
30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving
At 17th level Very Rare magic items and at
throw. If the creature fails its saving throw,
20th level Legendary magic items.
it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any
Empowered Spells
A turned creature must spend its turns trying
14th-level Spellcaster feature
to move as far away from you as it can, and
Choose one school of magic. Whenever the
it can't willingly move to a space within 30
spellcaster casts a spell of that school by
feet of you. It also can't take reactions. For
expending a spell slot, the spellcaster can
its action, it can use only the Dash action or
add its spellcasting ability modifier to the
try to escape from an effect that prevents it
spell's damage roll or healing roll, if any.
from moving. If there's nowhere to move,
the creature can use the Dodge action.
9th level: Destroy Undead
when an undead fails its saving throw
against your Turn Undead feature, the
creature is instantly destroyed if its
challenge rating is at or below a certain
threshold, as shown in the Destroy Undead The Sovereign creates a permanent
table. Dreamscape in the Realm of Dream
17 Dream Fortress
The Sovereign establishes a Fortress inside
5th 1/2 or lower his Dreamscape.
8th 1 or lower
11th 2 or lower
Spellcaster Archetype
14th 3 or lower
This is the classic spellcaster in robes. It’s
17th 4 or lower
the class that Zoso belongs to.
13th level: Divine Intervention
Role: Mage
You can call upon your deity for help. The
Skills: Arcana, History Insight and
form of help the god gives is up to the Game
Master. Roll percentile dice. The character
Level Feature
has 1 percent chance per level of the god
helping out. 1 Tome of Knowledge
you have a spellbook within which
If your deity intervenes, you can't use this you inscribe deep arcane knowledge.
feature again for 7 days. Otherwise, you can The book begins inscribed with two
use it again after you finish a long rest. 1st-level spells of your choice that
17th level: have the ritual tag from the wizard
spell list. Spells copied into this
Automatic Divine Intervention
spellbook don’t count against the
Your call for intervention succeeds number of spells you know.
automatically, no roll required. With your spellbook in hand, you
can cast the chosen spells as rituals.
You can’t cast the spells except as
DREAM SOVEREIGN rituals unless you’ve learned them by
Spellcaster Archetype some other means. You can also cast
Dream Sovereigns are those that have any sorcerer spell you know as a ritual
transcended and live in both the realm of if it has the ritual tag.
On your adventures, you can add
dreams and the Waken. other ritual spells to your spellbook.
Role: Prodigy When you find such a spell, you can
Skills: Arcana, Lucid Dreaming, Insight and add it to the book if the spell’s level is
Investigation equal to or less than half your sorcerer
Level Feature level (rounded up), if it is on the
wizard spell list, and if you can spare
1 level: Lucid Dreaming Expertise
the time to transcribe the spell. For
The Sovereign gains expertise in the Lucid each level of the spell, the
Dreaming skill. transcription process takes 2 hours
5th level: Dream Travel and costs 50 gp for the rare inks
needed to inscribe it.
You gain the Spell Dream Travel for free. It
does not count against your total number of 5
spells known. 9
Once you use this feature you must wait till
you finish a Long Rest before you can use it 13
again. 17
9th level: Dream Companion
The Sovereign gains a Dream Folk as a
companion. Arcane Recovery
13 Dreamscape
At 1st level, once per day when you finish a 14
short rest, you can regain one expended spell 15 Extra Attack (2)
slot of 1st level, or, at 2nd level, regain a 16 Boon
number of expended sorcery points up to 17 -
half your sorcerer level, rounded up. 18 Indomitable (2 uses)
19 Boon
20 Second Wind (2 uses)
Arcane Spell Power ARMOR
When you reach 14th level, you have Any Armor, shields
become expert in the wizardly arts. When WEAPONS
you roll damage for a spell you cast, you can Any
treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2. SKILLS
Choose four of the following:
Metamagic Mastery Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics,
At 18th level, your deep understanding of Intimidation, Nature, Perception, and
magic allows you to alter some spells more Survival.
fluidly than other sorcerers. Choose a 1st- TOOLS
level and a 2nd-level sorcerer spell that you None
know. When you cast these spells, you can
apply a metamagic option to them without MARTIAL ROLE
expending any sorcery points. By spending 1st-level Warrior feature
8 hours in study, you can exchange one or Each warrior focuses on offense or defense
both of the spells you chose for different in their training. Choose one of the
spells of the same levels. following options:
Attacker. The expert gains a +2 bonus to all
attack rolls.
Defender. The expert can use its reaction to
impose disadvantage on the attack roll of a
creature within 5 feet of it whose target isn't
the expert , provided the expert can see the


Level Features SECOND WIND

1 Martial Role 2nd-level Warrior feature
2 Second Wind (1use) The expert can use a bonus action on its
3 Improved Critical turn to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + its
4 Boon level in this class. Once it uses this feature,
5 - it must finish a short or long rest before it
6 Extra Attack (1) can use it again. The expert can use this
7 Battle Readiness feature twice between rests starting at 20th
8 Boon level.
9 -
11 Indomitable (1 use) 3rd-level Warrior feature
12 Boon The expert 's attack rolls score a critical hit
13 - on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.
6th-level Warrior feature
The expert can attack twice, instead of
once, whenever it takes the Attack action on
its turn.
The number of attacks increases to three
when the expert reaches 15th level. If the
expert has the Multiattack action, it can use
Extra Attack or Multiattack on a turn, not

7th-level Warrior feature
Warrior Archetype
The expert has advantage on initiative rolls.
Warriors on the outside of civilization
that live by brute might.
Skills: Animal Handling, Athletics,
Intimidation, Nature, and Survival
Level Feature
10th-level Warrior feature
The expert 's Armor Class increases by 1. 1 Unarmored Defense
While you are not wearing any armor,
your Armor Class equals 10 + your
INDOMITABLE Dexterity modifier + your
11th-level Warrior feature Constitution modifier. You can use a
The expert can reroll a saving throw that it shield and still gain this benefit.
fails, but it must use the new roll. When it
uses this feature, it can't use the feature 5 Fast Movement
Starting at 5th level, your speed
again until it finishes a long rest.
increases by 10 feet while you aren’t
The expert can use this feature twice wearing heavy armor.
between long rests starting at 18th level. 9 Reckless Attack
You can throw aside all concern for
defense to attack with fierce
desperation. When you make your
first attack on your turn, you can
decide to attack recklessly. Doing so
gives you advantage on melee weapon
attack rolls using Strength during this
turn, but attack rolls against you have
advantage until your next turn.
13 Danger Sense
You gain an uncanny sense of when
things nearby aren't as they should be,
giving you an edge when you dodge
away from danger. You have
advantage on Dexterity saving throws
against effects that you can see, such
as traps and spells. To gain this
benefit, you can’t be blinded,
deafened, or incapacitated.
17 Intimidating Presence The quintessential Fighter Hero.
You can use your action to frighten Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation
someone with your menacing and Perception
presence. When you do so, choose one
creature that you can see within 30 Level Feature
feet of you. If the creature can see or 1 Unarmored Defense
hear you, it must succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 5 Fast Movement
+ your proficiency bonus + your
Charisma modifier) or be frightened 9 Reckless Attack
of you until the end of your next turn.
On subsequent turns, you can use your
action to extend the duration of this 13 Danger Sense
effect on the frightened creature until
the end of your next turn. This effect 17 Intimidating Presence
ends if the creature ends its turn out of
line of sight or more than 60 feet away
from you.
If the creature succeeds on its saving KNIGHT
throw, you can't use this feature on Warrior Archetype
that creature again for 24 hours.
The quintessential Fighter Hero.
Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation
and Perception
Level Feature
1 Unarmored Defense

5 Fast Movement

9 Reckless Attack

13 Danger Sense

17 Intimidating Presence

Warrior Archetype
and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of
hempen rope strapped to the side of it.
Priest's Pack (19 gp). Includes a backpack, a
blanket, 10 candles, a tinderbox, an alms
box, 2 blocks of incense, a censer,

vestments, 2 days of rations, and a
Scholar's Pack (40 gp).) Includes a
Equipment packs backpack, a book of lore, a bottle of ink, an
ink pen, 10 sheets of parchment, a little bag
The starting equipment you get from your
of sand, and a small knife.
class includes a collection of useful Ammunition
adventuring gear, put together in a pack. The Item Cost Weight
contents of these packs are listed here. If Arrows (20) 1 gp 1 lb.
you are buying your starting equipment, you Blowgun 1 gp 1 lb.
can purchase a pack for the price shown, needles (50)
Crossbow 1 gp 1 1/2 lb.
which might be cheaper than buying the
bolts (20)
items individually. Sling bullets 4 cp 1 1/2 lb.
Burglar's Pack (16 gp) (20)
Includes a backpack, a bag of 10 feet of Arcane Focus
string, a bell, 5 candles, a crowbar, a Item Cost Weight
hammer, 10 pitons, a hooded lantern, 2 Crystal 10 gp 1 lb.
Orb 20 gp 3 lb.
flasks of oil, 5 days rations, a tinderbox, and Rod 10 gp 2 lb.
a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of Staff 5 gp 4 lb.
hempen rope strapped to the side of it. Wand 10 gp 1 lb.
Diplomat's Pack (39 gp)
Includes a chest, 2 cases for maps and General Equipment
scrolls, a set of fine clothes, a bottle of ink, Item Cost Weight
Abacus 2 gp 2 lb.
an ink pen, a lamp, 2 flasks of oil, 5 sheets Acid (vial) 25 gp 1 lb.
of paper, a vial of perfume, sealing wax, and Alchemist's 50 gp 1 lb.
soap. fire (flask)
Dungeoneer's Pack (12 gp) Antitoxin 50 gp -
Includes a backpack, a crowbar, a hammer, (vial)
Backpack 2 gp 5 lb.
10 pitons, 10 torches, a tinderbox, 10 days 2 lb.
of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also Barrel 2 gp 70 lb.
has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the Basket 4 sp 2 lb.
side of it. Bedroll 1 gp 7 lb.
Entertainer's Pack (40 gp) Bell 1 gp -
Blanket 5 sp 3 lb.
Includes a backpack, a bedroll, 2 costumes,
Block and 1 gp 5 lb.
5 candles, 5 days of rations, a waterskin, and tackle
a disguise kit. Book 25 gp 5 lb.
Bottle, glass 2 gp 2 lb.
Bucket 5 cp 2 lb.
Explorer's Pack (10 gp) Caltrops (bag 1 gp 2 lb.
of 20)
Includes a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a Candle 1 cp -
tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, Case, crossbow 1 gp 1 lb.
Case, map or 1 gp 1 lb. Pole (10-foot) 5 cp 7 lb.
scroll Pot, iron 2 gp 10 lb.
Chain (10 feet) 5 gp 10 lb. Potion of 50 gp 1/2 lb.
Chalk (1 piece) 1 cp - healing
Chest 5 gp 25 lb. Pouch 5 sp 1 lb.
Climber's kit 25 gp 12 lb. Quiver 1 gp 1 lb.
Clothes, 5 sp 3 lb. Ram, portable 4 gp 35 lb.
common Rations (1 day) 5 sp 2 lb.
Clothes, 5 gp 4 lb. Robes 1 gp 4 lb.
costume Rope, hempen 1 gp 10 lb.
Clothes, fine 15 gp 6 lb. (50 feet)
Clothes, 2 gp 4 lb. Rope, silk (50 10 gp 5 lb.
traveler's feet)
Component 25 gp 2 lb. Sack 1 cp 1/2 lb.
pouch Scale, 5 gp 3 lb.
Crowbar 2 gp 5 lb. merchant's
Fishing tackle 1 gp 4 lb. Sealing wax 5 sp -
Flask or 2 cp 1 lb. Shovel 2 gp 5 lb.
tankard Signal whistle 5 cp -
Grappling 2 gp 4 lb. Signet ring 5 gp -
hook Soap 2 cp -
Hammer 1 gp 3 lb. Spellbook 50 gp 3 lb.
Hammer, 2 gp 10 lb. Spikes, iron 1 gp 5 lb.
sledge (10)
Healer's kit 5 gp 3 lb. Spyglass 1,000 gp 1 lb.
Holy water 25 gp 1 lb. Tent, two- 2 gp 20 lb.
(flask) person
Hourglass 25 gp 1 lb. Tinderbox 5 sp 1 lb.
Hunting trap 5 gp 25 lb. Torch 1 cp 1 lb.
Ink (1 ounce 10 gp - Vial 1 gp -
bottle) Waterskin 2 sp 5 lb. (full)
Ink pen 2 cp - Whetstone 1 cp 1 lb.
Jug or pitcher 2 cp 4 lb.
Ladder (10 1 sp 25 lb. Acid. As an action, you can splash the
Lamp 5 sp 1 lb. contents of this vial onto a creature within 5
Lantern, 10 gp 2 lb. feet of you or throw the vial up to 20 feet,
bullseye shattering it on impact. In either case, make
Lantern, 5 gp 2 lb. a ranged attack against a creature or object,
hooded treating the acid as an improvised weapon.
Lock 10 gp 1 lb.
Magnifying 100 gp - On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage.
glass Alchemist's Fire. This sticky, adhesive fluid
Manacles 2 gp 6 lb. ignites when exposed to air. As an action,
Mess kit 2 sp 1 lb. you can throw this flask up to 20 feet,
Mirror, steel 5 gp 1/2 lb. shattering it on impact. Make a ranged
Oil (flask) 1 sp 1 lb.
Paper (one 2 sp -
attack against a creature or object, treating
sheet) the alchemist's fire as an improvised
Parchment 1 sp - weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire
(one sheet) damage at the start of each of its turns. A
Perfume (vial) 5 gp - creature can end this damage by using its
Pick, miner's 2 gp 10 lb.
Piton 5 cp 1/4 lb.
action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to
Poison, basic 100 gp - extinguish the flames.
Antitoxin. A creature that drinks this vial of harness. You can use the climber's kit as an
liquid gains advantage on saving throws action to anchor yourself; when you do, you
against poison for 1 hour. It confers no can't fall more than 25 feet from the point
benefit to undead or constructs. where you anchored yourself, and you can't
Arcane Focus. An arcane focus is a special climb more than 25 feet away from that
item--an orb, a crystal, a rod, a specially point without undoing the anchor.
constructed staff, a wand-like length of Component Pouch. A component pouch is a
wood, or some similar item--designed to small, watertight leather belt pouch that has
channel the power of arcane spells. A compartments to hold all the material
sorcerer, warlock, or wizard can use such an components and other special items you
item as a spellcasting focus. need to cast your spells, except for those
Block and Tackle. A set of pulleys with a components that have a specific cost (as
cable threaded through them and a hook to indicated in a spell's description).
attach to objects, a block and tackle allows Crowbar. Using a crowbar grants advantage
you to hoist up to four times the weight you to Strength checks where the crowbar's
can normally lift. leverage can be applied.
Book. A book might contain poetry, Druidic Focus. A druidic focus might be a
historical accounts, information pertaining sprig of mistletoe or holly, a wand or scepter
to a particular field of lore, diagrams and made of yew or another special wood, a staff
notes on gnomish contraptions, or just about drawn whole out of a living tree, or a totem
anything else that can be represented using object incorporating feathers, fur, bones, and
text or pictures. A book of spells is a teeth from sacred animals. A druid can use
spellbook (described later in this section). such an object as a spellcasting focus.
Caltrops. As an action, you can spread a bag Fishing Tackle. This kit includes a wooden
of caltrops to cover a square area that is 5 rod, silken line, corkwood bobbers, steel
feet on a side. Any creature that enters the hooks, lead sinkers, velvet lures, and narrow
area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity netting.
saving throw or stop moving this turn and Healer's Kit. This kit is a leather pouch
take 1 piercing damage. Taking this damage containing bandages, salves, and splints. The
reduces the creature's walking speed by 10 kit has ten uses. As an action, you can
feet until the creature regains at least 1 hit expend one use of the kit to stabilize a
point. A creature moving through the area at creature that has 0 hit points, without
half speed doesn't need to make the save. needing to make a Wisdom (Medicine)
Candle. For 1 hour, a candle sheds bright check.
light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an Holy Symbol. A holy symbol is a
additional 5 feet. representation of a god or pantheon. It might
Case, Crossbow Bolt. This wooden case can be an amulet depicting a symbol
hold up to twenty crossbow bolts. representing a deity, the same symbol
Case, Map or Scroll. This cylindrical leather carefully engraved or inlaid as an emblem
case can hold up to ten rolled-up sheets of on a shield, or a tiny box holding a fragment
paper or five rolled-up sheets of parchment. of a sacred relic. A cleric or paladin can use
Chain. A chain has 10 hit points. It can be a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus. To
burst with a successful DC 20 Strength use the symbol in this way, the caster must
check. hold it in hand, wear it visibly, or bear it on
Climber's Kit. A climber's kit includes a shield.
special pitons, boot tips, gloves, and a
Holy Water. As an action, you can splash thieves' tools can pick this lock with a
the contents of this flask onto a creature successful DC 15 Dexterity check. Your
within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, GM may decide that better locks are
shattering it on impact. In either case, make available for higher prices.
a ranged attack against a target creature, Magnifying Glass. This lens allows a closer
treating the holy water as an improvised look at small objects. It is also useful as a
weapon. If the target is a fiend or undead, it substitute for flint and steel when starting
takes 2d6 radiant damage. fires. Lighting a fire with a magnifying glass
A cleric or paladin may create holy water by requires light as bright as sunlight to focus,
performing a special ritual. The ritual takes tinder to ignite, and about 5 minutes for the
1 hour to perform, uses 25 gp worth of fire to ignite. A magnifying glass grants
powdered silver, and requires the caster to advantage on any ability check made to
expend a 1st-level spell slot. appraise or inspect an item that is small or
Hunting Trap. When you use your action to highly detailed.
set it, this trap forms a saw-toothed steel Manacles. These metal restraints can bind a
ring that snaps shut when a creature steps on Small or Medium creature. Escaping the
a pressure plate in the center. The trap is manacles requires a successful DC 20
affixed by a heavy chain to an immobile Dexterity check. Breaking them requires a
object, such as a tree or a spike driven into successful DC 20 Strength check. Each set
the ground. A creature that steps on the plate of manacles comes with one key. Without
must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving the key, a creature proficient with thieves'
throw or take 1d4 piercing damage and stop tools can pick the manacles' lock with a
moving. Thereafter, until the creature breaks successful DC 15 Dexterity check. Manacles
free of the trap, its movement is limited by have 15 hit points.
the length of the chain (typically 3 feet Mess Kit. This tin box contains a cup and
long). A creature can use its action to make simple cutlery. The box clamps together,
a DC 13 Strength check, freeing itself or and one side can be used as a cooking pan
another creature within its reach on a and the other as a plate or shallow bowl.
success. Each failed check deals 1 piercing Oil. Oil usually comes in a clay flask that
damage to the trapped creature. holds 1 pint. As an action, you can splash
Lamp. A lamp casts bright light in a 15-foot the oil in this flask onto a creature within 5
radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet,
feet. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours on a flask shattering it on impact. Make a ranged
(1 pint) of oil. attack against a target creature or object,
Lantern, Bullseye. A bullseye lantern casts treating the oil as an improvised weapon. On
bright light in a 60-foot cone and dim light a hit, the target is covered in oil. If the target
for an additional 60 feet. Once lit, it burns takes any fire damage before the oil dries
for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil. (after 1 minute), the target takes an
Lantern, Hooded. A hooded lantern casts additional 5 fire damage from the burning
bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light oil. You can also pour a flask of oil on the
for an additional 30 feet. Once lit, it burns ground to cover a 5-foot-square area,
for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil. As an provided that the surface is level. If lit, the
action, you can lower the hood, reducing the oil burns for 2 rounds and deals 5 fire
light to dim light in a 5-foot radius. damage to any creature that enters the area
Lock. A key is provided with the lock. or ends its turn in the area. A creature can
Without the key, a creature proficient with take this damage only once per turn.
Poison, Basic. You can use the poison in this action. Lighting any other fire takes 1
vial to coat one slashing or piercing weapon minute.
or up to three pieces of ammunition. Torch. A torch burns for 1 hour, providing
Applying the poison takes an action. A bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light
creature hit by the poisoned weapon or for an additional 20 feet. If you make a
ammunition must make a DC 10 melee attack with a burning torch and hit, it
Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 deals 1 fire damage.
poison damage. Once applied, the poison
retains potency for 1 minute before drying.
Pouch. A cloth or leather pouch can hold up
to 20 sling bullets or 50 blowgun needles,
among other things. A compartmentalized
pouch for holding spell components is called
a component pouch (described earlier in this
Quiver. A quiver can hold up to 20 arrows.
Ram, Portable. You can use a portable ram
to break down doors. When doing so, you
gain a +4 bonus on the Strength check. One
other character can help you use the ram,
giving you advantage on this check.
Rations. Rations consist of dry foods
suitable for extended travel, including jerky,
dried fruit, hardtack, and nuts.
Rope. Rope, whether made of hemp or silk,
has 2 hit points and can be burst with a DC
17 Strength check.
Scale, Merchant's. A scale includes a small
balance, pans, and a suitable assortment of
weights up to 2 pounds. With it, you can
measure the exact weight of small objects,
such as raw precious metals or trade goods,
to help determine their worth.
Spellbook. Essential for wizards, a
spellbook is a leather-bound tome with 100
blank vellum pages suitable for recording
Weapon Damage Cost Weight
Spyglass. Objects viewed through a spyglass
are magnified to twice their size. Battleaxe 1d8 S 10 gp 4 lb.
Tent. A simple and portable canvas shelter, Club 1d4 B 1 sp 2 lb.
a tent sleeps two. Crossbow, hand 75 gp 3 lb.
Tinderbox. This small container holds flint, 1d6 P
fire steel, and tinder (usually dry cloth Dagger 1d4 P 2 gp 1 lb.
soaked in light oil) used to kindle a fire. Handaxe 5 gp 2 lb.
1d6 S
Using it to light a torch--or anything else
with abundant, exposed fuel--takes an Javelin 1d6 P 5 sp 2 lb.
Mace 1d6 B 5 gp 4 lb. Mace -
Quarterstaff 1d6 B 2 sp 4 lb. Quarterstaff Versatile (1d8)
Sickle 1d4 S 1 gp 2 lb. Sickle Light
Spear 1 gp 3 lb. Spear Thrown (range 20/60), Versatile (1d8)
1d6 P
Shortbow 25 gp 2 lb. Shortbow Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed
1d6 P
Sling 1 sp - Sling Ammunition (range 30/120)
1d4 B
Flail 10 gp 2 lb. Flail -
1d8 B
Greataxe 30 gp 7 lb. Greataxe Heavy, two-handed
1d12 S
Greatsword 50 gp 6 lb. Greatsword Heavy, two-handed
2d6 S
Lance 10 gp 6 lb. Lance Reach, special
1d12 P
Longsword 15 gp 3 lb. Longsword Versatile (1d10)
1d8 S
Morningstar -
Morningstar 1d8 P 15 gp 4 lb.
Rapier Finesse
Rapier 1d8 P 25 gp 2 lb.
Scimitar Finesse, light
Scimitar 1d6 S 25 gp 3 lb.
Shortsword Finesse, light
Shortsword 1d6 P 10 gp 2 lb.
Trident Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)
Trident 1d6 P 5 gp 4 lb.
Warhammer Versatile (1d10)
Warhammer 1d8 B 15 gp 2 lb.
Whip Finesse, reach
Whip 1d4 S 2 gp 3 lb.
Longbow Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy,
Longbow 1d8 P 50 gp 2 lb. two-handed
Net Special, thrown (range 5/15
Net - 1 gp 3 lb.
B/Blunt P/Piercing S/Slashing

Weapon Properties
 Each time you attack with the weapon, you
expend one piece of ammunition.
Weapon Properties
 Drawing the ammunition from a quiver,
Battleaxe Versatile (1d10) case, or other container is part of the attack
Club Light (you need a free hand to load a one-handed
A (range 30/120), LT,LO  At the end of the battle, you can recover
Dagger F, Light /Thrown (range 20/60) half your expended ammunition by taking a
minute to search the battlefield.
Light/ thrown (range 20/60)
 If you use a weapon that has the
Javelin Thrown (range 30/120) ammunition property to make a melee
attack, you treat the weapon as an
improvised weapon (see "Improvised This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when
Weapons" later in the section). you attack with it, as well as when
 A sling must be loaded to deal any damage determining your reach for opportunity
when used in this way. attacks with it.
Finesse Special. A weapon with the special property
 When making an attack with a finesse has unusual rules governing its use,
weapon, you use your choice of your explained in the weapon's description (see
Strength or Dexterity modifier for the attack "Special Weapons" later in this section).
and damage rolls. Thrown
 You must use the same modifier for both If a weapon has the thrown property, you
rolls. can throw the weapon to make a ranged
attack. If the weapon is a melee weapon, you
use the same ability modifier for that attack
Heavy roll and damage roll that you would use for
 Small creatures have disadvantage on a melee attack with the weapon. For
attack rolls with heavy weapons. example, if you throw a handaxe, you use
 A heavy weapon's size and bulk make it your Strength, but if you throw a dagger,
too large for a Small creature to use you can use either your Strength or your
effectively. Dexterity, since the dagger has the finesse
Light property.
 A light weapon is small and easy to Two-Handed
handle, making it ideal for use when fighting This weapon requires two hands when you
with two weapons. attack with it.
Loading  This weapon can be used with one or two
Because of the time required to load this hands.
weapon, you can fire only one piece of  A damage value in parentheses appears
ammunition from it when you use an action, with the property--the damage when the
bonus action, or reaction to fire it, regardless weapon is used with two hands to make a
of the number of attacks you can normally melee attack.
make. Improvised Weapons
Range Often, an improvised weapon is similar to an
 A weapon that can be used to make a actual weapon and can be treated as such.
ranged attack has a range in parentheses For example, a table leg is akin to a club. At
after the ammunition or thrown property. the GM's option, a character proficient with
 The range lists two numbers. The first is a weapon can use a similar object as if it
the weapon's normal range in feet, and the were that weapon and use his or her
second indicates the weapon's long range. proficiency bonus. An object that bears no
 When attacking a target beyond normal resemblance to a weapon deals 1d4 damage
range, you have disadvantage on the attack (the GM assigns a damage type appropriate
roll. to the object). If a character uses a ranged
 You can't attack a target beyond the weapon to make a melee attack or throws a
weapon's long range. melee weapon that does not have the thrown
Reach property, it also deals 1d4 damage. An
improvised thrown weapon has a normal
range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet.
Silvered Weapons
 You can silver a single weapon or ten
pieces of ammunition for 100 gp.
 This cost represents not only the price of
the silver, but the time and expertise needed
to add silver to the weapon without making
it less effective.
Special Weapons
 You have disadvantage when you use a
lance to attack a target within 5 feet of you.
 Also, a lance requires two hands to wield
when you aren't mounted.
 A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is
restrained until it is freed.
 A net has no effect on creatures that are
formless, or creatures that are Huge or
 A creature can use its action to make a DC
15 Strength check, freeing itself or another
creature within its reach on a success.
 Dealing 10 slashing damage to the net
(AC 10) also frees the creature without
harming it, ending the effect and destroying
the net.
 When you use an action, bonus action, or
reaction to attack with a net, you can make
only one attack regardless of the number of
attacks you can normally make.


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