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Emotion Down-Regulation Diminishes Cognitive Control A Neurophysiological Investigation

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Emotion Regulation and the ERN 1

Emotion down-regulation diminishes cognitive control: A neurophysiological


Nicholas M. Hobson1 Blair Saunders1 Timour Al-Khindi2 Michael Inzlicht1

1. University of Toronto Department of Psychology

2. John Hopkins University School of Medicine

Please address correspondence to:

Nicholas M. Hobson
University of Toronto
Department of Psychology
1265 Military Trail
Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4, Canada
telephone: 416-208-4868
fax: 416-287-7642
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 2


Traditional models of cognitive control have explained performance monitoring as a ‘cold’

cognitive process, devoid of emotion. In contrast to this dominant view, a growing body of

clinical and experimental research indicates that cognitive control and its neural substrates, in

particular the error-related negativity (ERN), are moderated by affective and motivational

factors, reflecting the aversive experience of response conflict and errors. To add to this growing

line of research, here we use the classic emotion regulation paradigm – a manipulation that

promotes the cognitive reappraisal of emotion during task performance – to test the extent to

which affective variation in the ERN is subject to emotion reappraisal, and also to explore how

emotional regulation of the ERN might influence behavioral performance. In a within-subjects

design, forty-one university students completed three identical rounds of a go/no-go task while

electroencephalography was recorded. Reappraisal instructions were manipulated so that

participants either down-regulated or up-regulated emotional involvement, or completed the task

normally, without engaging any reappraisal strategy (control). Results showed attenuated ERN

amplitudes when participants down-regulated their emotional experience. In addition, a

mediation analysis revealed that the association between reappraisal style and attenuated ERN

was mediated by changes in reported emotion ratings. An indirect effects model also revealed

that down-regulation predicted sensitivity of error-monitoring processes (difference ERN),

which, in turn, predicted poorer task performance. Taken together, these results suggest that the

ERN appears to have a strong affective component that is associated with indices of cognitive

control and behavioral monitoring.

Keywords: Emotion Regulation; Self-control; Performance Monitoring; Error-Related Negativity

Emotion Regulation and the ERN 3

The efficient pursuit of our everyday goals depends critically upon our capacity to detect and

resolve spontaneously occurring challenges to performance. As part of guiding on-going

behavior, efficient performance monitoring predicts individual differences in adaptive life

outcomes across a variety of social, personality and affective domains, including academic

attainment (Hirsh & Inzlicht, 2010; Johns, Inzlicht, & Schmader, 2008), the restriction of racially

prejudiced behaviors (Payne, Shimizu, & Jacoby, 2005; Amodio et al., 2008), and the regulation

of negative emotions (Compton et al., 2008). While it has been shown that performance

monitoring is associated with a number of positive outcomes, the precise nature of these control

functions is currently disputed. In recent years, considerable debate has centered on the extent to

which affective processes drive evaluative and executive aspects of cognitive control (Botvinick,

2007; Inzlicht & Al-Khindi, 2012; Legault & Inzlicht, 2013). In the current study, we

demonstrate that conflict monitoring functions are not devoid of emotion, but that they also

possess inherent affective qualities. Through the use of the explicit emotion-regulation paradigm,

we offer evidence that affective experience is a component of conflict detection and performance

monitoring functions.

Performance Monitoring

Over the past two decades, considerable research has investigated the neural substrates of

cognitive control. One widely-studied electrophysiological correlate of performance monitoring

is an event-related potential (ERP) called the error-related negativity (ERN or Ne; Falkenstein,

Hohnsbien, & Hoormann, 1990; Gehring, Goss, Coles, Meyer, & Donchin, 1993). The ERN

reflects a negative deflection in response-locked electroencephalographic (EEG) activity which

demonstrates maximal amplitude at fronto-central electrode sites, 80-100 ms after error

Emotion Regulation and the ERN 4

commission. Converging evidence from ERP source localization techniques (Dehaene, Posner,

& Tucker, 1994; Gehring, Himle, & Nisenson, 2000; van Veen & Carter, 2002), functional

neuroimaging (Botvinick, Nystrom, Fissell, Carter & Cohen, 1999; van Veen & Carter, 2002),

and intracerebral EEG recordings (Pourtois et al., 2010) propose the Anterior Cingulate Cortex

(ACC) as the most likely neural generator of this early neurophysiological response to errors. As

the ERN is present in a variety of cognitive tasks (Riesel, Weinberg, Endrass, Meyer & Hajcak,

2013), across multiple stimulus presentation and response modalities (Endrass, Reuter, &

Kathmann, 2007; Falkenstein, Hoormann, Christ, & Hohnshbein, 2000; Holroyd, Dien, & Coles,

1998), the component is widely assumed to reflect the operation of a generic, multi-modal,

performance monitoring system.

Cognitive neuroscience approaches have traditionally led the theoretical framing of the

ERN. Importantly, these cognitive accounts view the ERN as a correlate of executive functions

responsible for the strategic regulation of cognition and performance. Botvinick, Braver, Barch,

Carter, and Cohen (2001) postulated that the ERN reflects conflict monitoring functions that

reside within the ACC. Under this framework, high response conflict occurs after errors due to

the transient co-activation of opposing response channels representing the committed error and

the task-appropriate, correct response (Gehring & Fencsik, 2001; Yeung, Botvinick, & Cohen,

2004). This conflict monitoring hypothesis further suggests that executive aspects of cognitive

control are up-regulated as a function of the conflict strength computed by the ACC. An

alternative model (Holroyd & Coles, 2002) proposes that the ERN reflects reinforcement

learning processes, driven by functional interactions between the ACC and the mesencephalic

dopamine system. According to this view, the ERN reflects a discrepancy between a desired or

expected outcome (i.e., a correct response) and the actual outcome (i.e., an error response).
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 5

Consequently, the ERN reflects an early neurocognitive indicator that ongoing events are

evaluated as ‘worse’ than expected (Holroyd & Coles, 2002; Stahl, 2010). In turn, these

reinforcement learning signals train the ACC to select the appropriate ‘motor controller’ to guide

future performance (Holroyd & Coles, 2002). Importantly, while the conflict monitoring and

reinforcement learning models provide divergent accounts of the precise computational basis of

the ERN (see Gehring, Liu, Orr & Carp, 2012 for a review), these cognitive models mutually

assume that the ERN reflects performance monitoring processes while failing to consider the

more central role of emotion.

Affective Modulation of the ERN and Control

In addition to preceding increased cognitive control, errors are aversive events (Hajcak &

Foti, 2008), which are associated with subjective experiences of distress (Spunt, Lieberman,

Cohen & Eisenberger, 2012). The aversive quality of errors is supported by multiple

psychophysiological phenomena triggered by error commission, such as increased skin

conductance (Hajcak, McDonald & Simons, 2003; O’Connell et al., 2007), potentiated startle

response (e.g., Hajcak & Foti, 2008; Riesel, Weinberg, Moran, & Hajcak, 2013), and contraction

of the corregator supercilii (frowning) muscle ( indstr m, attson- rn, ol ar & Olsson,

2013). Furthermore, intracranial local field potential recordings in humans reveal error-related

activity in the ACC, but also in deeper limbic structures commonly associated with a ective

processing, such as the amygdala ( r dil et al., 2002; Pourtois et al., 2010), suggesting that

error-monitoring involves the integration of both affective and cognitive information processing

(Pourtois et al., 2010). What’s more, both contemporary and historic perspectives o ACC

function have emphasised the sensitivity of this neural structure to both cognitive control and

negative affect/arousal (Ballantine, Cassidy, Flanagan, & Marino, 1967; Corkin & Hebben,
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 6

1981; Rainville, Duncan, Price, Carrier, & Bushnell, 1997; Shackman et al., 2011). A recent

neuroimaging meta-analysis indicates that largely overlapping portions of the ACC track the

seemingly heterogeneous processes related to negative affect, cognitive control, and pain

(Shackman et al., 2011). These findings, along with others that advocate for the integration of

emotion and cognition (e.g., Zelazo & Cunningham, 2007), provide further evidence that

affective properties play an important role in cognitive processes like performance monitoring

and behavioral control. Building off of the theoretical integration of emotion and cognition, these

studies indicate that error commission produces a psychophysiological profile consistent with a

negative affective event (see Gross, 1998; indstr m et al., 2013; Pourtois et al., 2010; Spunt et

al., 2012).

In further support of an affective conceptualization of the ERN, there is strong evidence

that the component is modulated by both state and trait emotional factors. First, larger ERNs

have been reported in anxious psychopathologies, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD,

Gehring, Himle, & Nisenson, 2000) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD, Weinberg, Olvet

& Hajcak, 2010; Weinberg, Klein & Hajcak, 2012), postulating that errors are particularly

threatening for such cohorts (Hajcak, 2012). Similarly, enhanced ERNs have also been observed

among non-patient groups, such as those high in anxious anticipation (Moser, Moran, &

Jendrusina, 2012); trait-anxiety (Aarts & Pourtois, 2010); trait negative affect (Luu, Collins, &

Tucker, 2000; Hajcak, McDonald, & Simons, 2003, 2004; Yasuda, Sato, Miyawaki, Kumano, &

Kuboki, 2004; Santesso, Bogdan, Birk, Goetz, Holmes, & Pizzagalli, 2012); neuroticism (Pailing

& Segalowitz, 2004; Eisenberger et al., 2005; Olvet & Hajcak, 2012); and obsessive-compulsive

personality symptoms (Hajcak & Simons, 2002), indicating that error-related threat sensitivity is

also a feature of sub-clinical samples. Second, state increases in the ERN have been observed in
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 7

task contexts where errors are punished (Potts, 2011; Riesel, Weinberg, Endrass, Kathmann, &

Hajcak, 2012); when performance is explicitly evaluated by an experimenter (Hajcak, Moser,

Yeung & Simons, 2005); when performance contexts include derogatory external eedbac

(Wiswede, nte & sseler, 200 a); or when negatively-valenced pictures are presented

between trials of a lan er tas (Wiswede, nte & sseler, 200 b). Not all studies, however,

find these effects. Larson et al. (2006), for example, found an increase in ERN amplitude when

pleasant pictures, but not negative ones, were superimposed between task trials; Clayson,

Clawson, & Larson (2012) found that, despite changes in emotion ratings, manipulating state

affect had little influence on ERN amplitude; and Larson et al. (2013) found that valence and

arousal did not differentiate ERN amplitude, although difference wave ERN (ERN minus CRN)

was related to arousal but not valence. In light of these findings, several authors have proposed

that the ERN tracks the affective or motivational significance of errors and is modulated by both

contextual and dispositional factors (Amodio, Master, Yee, & Taylor, 2008; Gehring &

Willoughby, 2002; Hajcak & Foti, 2008; Luu, Collins, & Tucker, 2000; Riesel et al., 2012).

Important for current concerns, however, the evidence of the affective and motivational variation

in ERN amplitude is still currently mixed and little is known about how exactly these emotion

properties relate to instrumental behaviors of cognitive control and performance monitoring (e.g.,

Shackman et al., 2011).

Thus, several questions remain, and accounting for the specific role of affective processes

in cognitive control is a significant challenge to on-going research. It is currently unclear, for

example, if emotion – in particular, negative affect – reflects an epiphenomenal experience of a

conflict detection process, or if affect itself plays a key role in the initiation of control (c.f.,

Yeung et al., 2004). An instrumental view o ‘on-tas ’ emotion has recently been iterated by
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 8

several authors. The affect alarm model proposes that the affective sting experienced during

conflict and errors act as a distress signal, warning that instrumental control is needed

(Bartholow et al., 2005; Inzlicht & Al-Khindi, 2012). Similarly, Botvinick (2007) proposed that

the ACC might conduct a cost-benefit analysis of on-going information processing, with conflict

registering as one potential cost, which is then met with the up-regulation of cognitive control.

What is also less known is the distinction between incidental and integral affect and the

differentiated effects they may have on the neurophysiological and behavioral correlates of

performance monitoring. The majority of studies looking at the link between emotion, ERN, and

cognitive control do so by manipulating an incidental discrete emotion, like when participants

undergo a negative or positive mood induction while viewing valenced images (e.g., Larson,

Gray, Clayson, Jones, & irwan, 201 ; Wiswede, nte & sseler, 200 b). However, the

effects of integral-based affect are less known. The negative emotion states that are integrally

related to the task itself naturally arise when dealing with conflict detection and error

commission, and, as research has shown, can often map onto feelings of anxiety (Inzlicht & Al-

Khindi, 2012) and frustration (Spunt et al., 2012). Given this important distinction, it stands to

reason that integral, on-task affect – separate from incidental, discrete emotion states – has a

unique effect on performance monitoring processes. Thus, the aim of the current study is to test

whether ERN amplitude and behavioral control can be altered when manipulating the appraisal

o people’s tas -related negative affective responses through emotion regulation.

Emotion Regulation and the ERN 9

Emotion Regulation

Pioneering theoretical advances from the psychoanalytical (Breuer & Freud, 1957; Freud,

1946) and stress/coping traditions (Lazarus, 1966) led to the empirical and formal investigation

of emotion regulation (Gross, 1998). A broad process model of emotion regulation distinguishes

between antecedent- and response-focused regulation strategies (Gross, 2002). Antecedent-

focused strategies occur before the emotional response, and most notably take the shape of

cognitive re-appraisal. In contrast, response-focused strategies happen after the emotional

response has unfolded, typically manifesting as suppression behaviors (Gross, 1998).

Importantly, the two responses have different affective trajectories and selective

psychophysiological experiences (Gross, 2002). The emotional reappraisal strategies, as

compared to suppression responses, attenuate adverse cognitive, affective, and physiological

consequences of emotional experience, and as such are generally viewed as the more adaptive

form of emotion regulation (Gross, 1998; Gross, 2002; Gross & Thomson, 2007; Ochsner &

Gross, 2005).

In light o cognitive reappraisal’s capacity to alter the emotional experience; and given the

association between emotion and the ERN, we wondered if cognitive reappraisal – the deliberate

up- and down-regulation o one’s emotions – can differentially influence ERN amplitude. If this

shows to be the case, it would provide further evidence for the influence of affective processes

on the ERN, and performance monitoring more generally. The current study borrows from a

recent neuroimaging study by Ichikawa et al. (2011) in which they found that emotion

reappraisal of error-specific negative affect led to the selective recruitment of mid-cingulate

brain regions, which, in turn, predicted subsequent errors during a cognitive control task. To our

knowledge, however, this is the only study to date which has looked the effect of reappraisal of
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 10

integral negative affect on cognitive control. The question remains of whether the specific

temporal dynamics of error-monitoring, as captured by EEG and the ERN component

specifically, are similarly influenced by the appraisal of task-related emotion processing. Thus,

the aim of the present study was to test the following related hypotheses: i) the ERN can be

modulated by conscious, emotion re-appraisal strategies, such that down-regulating one’s

emotions will lead to a dampened ERN amplitude while up-regulating one’s emotions will lead

to a heightened ERN amplitude, and ii) the ERN modulations impacted by reappraisal strategy

will subsequently impact behavioral correlates of cognitive control; that is, a dampened ERN

amplitude will be related to poorer cognitive control (i.e., more errors) while a heightened ERN

will be related to improved control. We hypothesised that performance monitoring possesses

certain affective qualities and that the ability to monitor effectively can be altered by the

increased or decreased experience of emotions. At present, no EEG study has directly

manipulated task-related negative affect through emotion reappraisal regulation strategies during

a cognitive control task. The goal for the current study, therefore, is to formally investigate the

link between integral negative affect and the neural and behavioral markers of performance



Participants and Procedures

Forty-eight introductory psychology students at the University of Toronto Scarborough

participated for course credit. We report how we determined our sample size, all data exclusions,

all manipulations, and all measures in the study. We decided, a priori, to terminate data

collection at the end of the term provided that we had upwards of 40 participants at that point (a

sample size that is not unlike previous studies with similar methodological and repeated
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 11

measures designs; e.g., Krompinger, Moser, & Simons, 2008). Seven participants were excluded

from all analyses due to computer/hardware malfunction (n = 5), too few errors (n = 1), or high

EEG artifact rates (>35% artifacts; n=1). This left us with a sample of 41 participants (29

females, 12 males; mean age = 19 years, SD = 1.64 years). Participants were told that the

purpose of the study was to investigate the role of emotion and personality on cognitive


Emotion Regulation Manipulations. Explicit emotion reappraisal strategies were

manipulated using a within-subjects design consisting of three conditions: down-regulation, up-

regulation, and a control. The order of condition was counterbalanced across participants.

Following traditional emotion regulation paradigm manipulations (e.g., Gross, 1998),

participants were given the ollowing instructions: “For the next part of the task, we ask that you

adopt a detached attitude as you complete the task. Think about the task in a cold, emotion-free,

analytical way. View the task from a third-person perspective. Try to remove and disengage

yourself from the task as much as possible.” In the up-regulation condition, the instructions were

as follows: “For the next part of the task, we ask that you adopt an involved attitude as you

complete the task. Immerse yourself in the task; really feel all the emotions going through you as

you complete the task. Think of the task as being personally very important to you, as being vital

for your self-identity.” Last, in the control condition, participants were asked to complete the task

as they normally would, without any further instructions. The instructions were a specific form

of reappraisal and differed from traditional positive/negative reappraisal that is often used in the

emotion regulation literature. Specifically, participants were asked to engage in emotional

detachment during down-regulation and personal emotional involvement during up-regulation

(see Gross, 1998). Furthermore, the context in which the reappraisal instructions were given
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 12

differs from previous studies where, for instance, participants are given specific instructions to

reappraise their emotions in direct response to a particular event like positive or negative

valenced images (Hajcak & Nieuwenhuis, 2006) or errors (Ichikawa et al., 2011). Contrasted

with these studies, the current reappraisal instructions did not explicitly mention the target of

reappraisal (i.e., commission of errors). Rather, participants were asked to reappraise any

emotions throughout the duration of the task. By using these non-specific reappraisal

instructions, our aim was to have participants down- and up-regulate their affective states as they

naturally arose during their performance, so that, in effect, any efforts of reappraisal were aimed

directly at the integral sources of task-related negative affect.

Go/No-Go Task. In all three conditions, participants completed an identical go/no-go

task. Participants were instructed to press a button i they saw a “go” stimulus (i.e., the letter )

and to re rain rom pushing the button i they saw a “no-go” stimulus (i.e., the letter W). On each

trial, a fixation cross was presented in the middle of the screen for 300-700 ms, followed by

either a “go” or “no-go” stimulus or 100 ms. Participants were given a maximum time of 500

ms to respond on each trial. Within each condition, participants completed four blocks, each

consisting o 40 “go” trials and 10 “no-go” trials. Trials were presented randomly within blocks.

For each condition, participants’ average reaction time or go and no-go (i.e., errors of

commission) responses were measured; the number of errors of commission and the number of

errors of omission (i.e., failing to respond on a go trial) were also measured.

Self-reported emotional involvement. In order to measure participants’ luctuating

emotional experiences across the different types of reappraisal strategies, participants were asked

after each condition to rate on a 7-point Likert scale how involved they were, ranging from

“detached” to “involved”, and also how emotional they were, ranging rom “ ull o emotion” to
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 13

“emotionless.” The second rating chec s were scaled in the reverse in order to insure that

participants were paying close attention; they were reverse scored during analyses. A higher

score therefore indicated being more involved and emotional. The two checks had a low internal

consistency, Cronbach’s α = .572, therefore, independent analyses were conducted on each


Neurophysiological Recording

Continuous EEG was recorded during the go/no-go task using a stretch Lycra cap

embedded with 32 tin electrodes (Electro-Cap International, Eaton, OH). Recordings used

average ear and a forehead channels as reference and ground, respectively. The continuous EEG

was digitized using a sample rate of 512 Hz, and electrode impedances were maintained below 5

Ω during recording. O line, EEG was analyzed with Brain Vision Analyzer 2.0 (Brain

Products GmbH, Munich, Germany). EEG data was corrected for vertical electro-oculogram

artifacts (Gratton, Coles, & Donchin, 1983) and digitally filtered offline between 0.1 and 30 Hz

(FFT implemented, 24 dB, zero phase-shift Butterworth filter). The signal was corrected using a

200 ms baseline which commenced 200 ms before the response. An automatic procedure was

employed to detect and reject artifacts. The criteria applied were a voltage step of more than 25

µV between sample points, a voltage difference of 150 µV within 150 ms intervals, voltages

above 85 µV and below -85 µV, and a maximum voltage difference of less than 0.50 µV within

100 ms intervals. These intervals were rejected from individual channels in each trial. An epoch

was defined as 200 ms before and 800 ms after the response. Data for these epochs were

averaged within participants independently for correct and incorrect trials, and then grand-

averaged within the respective emotion regulation conditions. Error and correct-related brain

activity was defined as the mean amplitude between 0 ms and 100 ms post-response at the
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 14

frontocentral electrode, FCz. We opted to use a mean amplitude measure for the ERPs as such

measures provide more reliable ERP measurements than peak amplitudes (Luck, 2005). ERN

calculations were based on no fewer than five artifact-free error trials (Olvet & Hajcak, 2009).

In light of recent evidence pointing to the weak internal consistency of the Go/Nogo task in ERN

calculations (Meyer, Bress, & Proudfit, in press), it is important to note that the average total

number of error trials that were used in the ERN averaging were well above five (M = 16.6; SD

= 6.7).


Self-Reported Emotional Involvement: Manipulation Check

Analyses revealed that self-report levels of involvement and emotional feelings during

task performance reflected the changing reappraisal strategies (See Table 1). A 3-way repeated

measures ANOVA with rated level of task involvement as the dependent variable revealed a

significant main effect, F (2,40) = 47.04, p < .001,  p2 = .547, such that participants’ involvement

ratings differed for each reappraisal condition. Post-hoc pairwise comparisons revealed that

compared to the control round (M = 4.56, SD = 1.81), participants’ involvement ratings were

significantly less during the down-regulation round (M = 2.78, SD = 1.68), F (1,40) = 29.09, p <

.001,  p2 = .427; and significantly more during the up-regulation round (M = 5.85, SD = 1.46), F

(1,40) = 18.51, p < .001,  p2 = .322.

Similarly, a 3-way repeated measures ANOVA with rated emotional feelings as the

dependent variable revealed a significant main effect, F (2,40) = 23.96, p < .001,  p2 = .381, such

that participants’ emotional ratings di ered or each reappraisal condition. Post-hoc pairwise

comparisons revealed that compared to the control round (M = 3.60, SD = 1.6 ), participants’
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 15

emotion ratings were significantly less during the down-regulation round (M = 2.70, SD = 1.28),

F (1,40) = 10.06, p = .003,  p2 = .205 ; and significantly more during the up-regulation round

(M = 4.80, SD = 1.58), F (1,40) = 47.91, p < .001,  p2 = .551. Together, this suggests that

participants’ sel -reported emotion and level of involvement reflected our manipulation

instructions to down-regulate, up-regulate, or perform the task normally (i.e., control) across the


Go/no-go task performance

The behavioral data revealed that reappraisal strategies had no direct effects on

performance (see Table 1). The average percent correct for Go trials was 85.1% in the control

condition, 85.1% in the down-regulation condition, and 87.3% in the up-regulation condition.

The average percent correct for NoGo trials was 57.5% for the control, 58.4% for the down-

regulation, and 59.5% for the up-regulation. A 3 (reappraisal strategy: down-regulation vs. up-

regulation vs. control) X 2 (response: error vs. correct) repeated measures analysis of variance

(ANOVA) with reaction time (RT) as the dependent variable revealed a significant main effect

of response, F (2, 40) = 263.87, p < .001,  p2 = .867, such that RTs on error trials, regardless of

reappraisal condition, was significantly faster than RTs on correct trials. A 3 (reappraisal

strategy: down-regulation vs. up-regulation vs. control) X 2 (error type: omission vs.

commission) repeated measures ANOVA with error rate as the dependent variable revealed a

significant main effect of error type, F(1,40) = 83.12, p < .001,  p2 = .670, such that participants,

again regardless of reappraisal strategy, committed significantly more commission than omission

errors. No other main effects of interactions were significant (p > .10).

Emotion Regulation and the ERN 16


A 2 (response type: error vs. correct) X 3 (reappraisal condition: down-regulation vs. up-

regulation vs. control) repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of response

type, F(1, 40) = 103.11, p < 0.001,  p2 = .72, indicating that there is an increased negative going

ERP in response to errors (M = -4.89 V, SD = 5.20) versus correct responses (M = 2.76 V, SD

= 5.20; see Figure 1). Importantly, the main effect of response type was subsumed under a

significant interaction with reappraisal strategy, F (1, 40) = 5.034, p = 0.03,  p2 = .112.

Analyses of simple main effects for correct response type revealed that CRN amplitude

in the up-regulation condition (M = 3.37, SD = 2.54) was significantly larger (i.e., more positive)

than the CRN amplitude in both the control condition (M = 2.80 V, SD = 2.61), F (1, 40) =

4.73, p = 0.04,  p2 = .106, and the down-regulation condition (M = 2.14 V, SD = 2.47), F (1,

40) = 12.77, p < .01,  p2 = .242. The difference between down-regulation and control was

marginally significant, F (1, 40) = 3.27, p = .08,  p2 = .076. Analyses of simple main effects for

error response type revealed that ERN amplitude in the down-regulation reappraisal condition

(M = -3.22 V, SD = 4.61) was significantly smaller (i.e., less negative) than the ERN amplitude

in the control condition (M = -4.67 V, SD = 5.38), F (1, 40) = 4.213, p = 0.04,  p2 = .095.

However, there was not a difference between the up-regulation ERN (M = -4.15 V, SD = 5.54)

and the control ERN, F (1, 40) = 0.517, p = 0.476,  p2 = 0.013; nor was the difference between

the down- and up-regulation ERN significant, F (1, 40) = 1.917, p = 0.174,  p2 = .046.

Analyses using the difference wave approach were also conducted in order to avoid

issues of interpretability of raw ERP components (Luck, 2005). A repeated measures ANOVA

with the difference wave scores (Error Amplitude minus Correct Amplitude, ΔE N) as the
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 17

dependent variable revealed a significant main effect of strategy, F (2, 40) = 5.034, p = 0.02,  p2

= .130, suggesting a difference in ΔE N across reappraisal strategies (see panel D in Figure 1).

Mirroring our findings from the traditional ERP analyses, pairwise comparisons revealed that the

ΔE N in the down-regulation condition (M = -5.47 V, SD = 4.56) was significantly less

negative than that observed in both the control condition (M = -7.54 V, SD = 5.45), F (1,40) =

5.96, p = .019,  p2 = .130; and up-regulation condition (M = 7.53 V, SD = 5.46), F (1,40) =

8.34, p = .006,  p2 = .173. However, no significant difference was found between the control and

up-regulation conditions, F (1,40) < 1, p = .942, ),  p2 = .000.

These results provide partial support for our hypotheses: We found that in response to

errors, the down-regulation strategy led to a dampened ERN; however, the up-regulation strategy

did not lead to an increased ERN amplitude. This suggests that emotion regulation reappraisal

strategies affect ERN amplitude, but only when participants selectively down-regulated their

emotions during task performance.

Mediating the effect of reappraisal condition on error-monitoring

To test the relationship between condition (down-regulation, up-regulation, and control)

and error monitoring activity (i.e., ΔE N, E N, and C N) as mediated by participants’ emotion

and involvement ratings, we used a multicategorical mediation model (Preacher & Hayes, 2008;

in press). We used bootstrap analysis with 5,000 samples to obtain parameter estimates for the

specific indirect effects. Table 2 presents the 95% bias-corrected confidence intervals for the

indirect effects of emotion ratings and involvement ratings on the relationship between condition

and ΔE N. A confidence interval that does not contain zero indicates a statistically significant

indirect effect, and, consequently, mediation (Preacher & Hayes, 2008). The confidence intervals

for specific indirect effects indicate that emotion ratings mediated the relationship between both
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 18

down-regulation and up-regulation reappraisal and ΔE N; involvement ratings did not act as a

significant mediator in either case (see Figure 2). Furthermore, the effects were not significant

when ERN and CRN were included in the model. When included alone, neither error- nor

correct-related performance monitoring processing was predictive of the effects; only difference-

wave activity, ΔE N, was affected by mediation. This aligns well with ERP research practices

which argue that difference-waves can be helpful in isolating and drawing inferences from

waveform components as they have lower signal-to-noise ratio than those of the original ERP

waveforms (Luck, 2005). Taken together then, the emotion and involvement ratings, though

similar in how they were affected by condition manipulation, seem to be tapping into different

constructs. Indeed, the mediation analyses show that emotion and involvement ratings

differentially predict modulations in error-monitoring processes. In support of our hypotheses,

this shows that emotion or affect in particular – rather than involvement or engagement – is what

is driving the observed modulations in error-monitoring and ERN amplitude.

Indirect effects of emotion reappraisal and performance monitoring on cognitive control

To test our second hypothesis, that reappraisal-based modulations in ERN amplitude

affect cognitive performance, we conducted multiple indirect effects tests. We tested the models

to see whether there would be an effect of emotion experience, as a function of reappraisal, on

cognitive control through error-monitoring processes (i.e., E N, C N, and ΔE N; Preacher &

Hayes, 2004). The two main models that we tested differed only in terms of their initial predictor

variable; the first including the categorical variable of reappraisal condition (i.e., down-

regulation, up-regulation, and control) and the second, as a more direct test, including the

continuous variable of emotion/involvement ratings. Before proceeding, it is important to

highlight the distinction between the statistical terms mediated effect and indirect effect
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 19

(Holmbeck, 1997). In a mediation effect, the assumption is that the total effect X on Y be

significant initially; there is no such requirement in the testing of an indirect effect. For the

present analyses therefore, an indirect effects test was justified despite the absence of an initial

total effect of reappraisal condition/emotion ratings on error rates (Preacher & Hayes, 2004;

Hayes, 2009). For contrasting views on the requirement that the total effect be significant, see

Collins, Graham, and Flaherty (1998) and Shrout and Bolger (2002).

For the first model (reappraisal condition as our predictor variable) we used an indirect

effects test for a multicategorical independent variable (in this case, the reappraisal strategy:

down-regulation, up-regulation, and control; Preacher & Hayes, 2008; 2013). Similar to the

mediation analysis above, the significance of the relative indirect effects was tested using

bootstrap analysis with 5,000 samples to obtain parameter estimates. A confidence interval that

does not include zero indicates a statistically significant indirect effect (Preacher & Hayes, 2008;

see Table 3). We fit the data to our model separately for the intervening variables, ERN, CRN,

and ΔE N. The results show non-significant indirect effects for condition on task performance

through ERN (Down-regulation: [-0.24, 1.86]; Up-regulation: [-0.94, 1.41]), as well as through

CRN (Down-regulation: [-1.09, 0.09]; Up-regulation: [-0.12, 1.05]). The third test of our model,

however, revealed a significant indirect effect when including ΔE N in the model: The down-

regulation condition, specifically, was positively related to ΔE N, which, in turn, was positively

related to the number of errors during task performance (0.05, 2.09). The indirect effect for up-

regulation was not significant (-1.10, 0.91). Figure 3 illustrates the results of our analyses.

Similar to the earlier mediation analysis, these findings suggest that the composite ERP

difference wave form is a stronger model predictor and, thus, a more suitable metric to use

(Luck, 2005). The results from these analyses show that down-regulation predicted a dampened
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 20

ΔE N, which, in turn, led to reduced accuracy on the go/no-go. Down-regulating emotion in a

test of cognitive control, in other words, predicted worse cognitive control, albeit indirectly and

through diminished performance monitoring, as assessed by ΔE N. Similar to the above

findings there was no such effect for up-regulation.

In the second model we collapsed across condition assignment to test the indirect effect

of emotion and involvement ratings on task performance through error-monitoring using

multilevel structural equation modeling (Preacher, Zyphur, Zhang, 2010). We tested separate

models using emotion/involvement ratings and ERN, CRN, and ΔE N as our X and M

predictors, respectively. Contrary to our hypotheses, all of the models tested were not significant.

These findings are expected, however, given the null effects of the up-regulation condition in our

original repeated measures analyses. Taken together, the indirect effects tests reveal that emotion

reappraisal, specifically the down-regulation strategy, affects cognitive control on a go/no-go

task but does so indirectly through dampening amplitude of ΔE N. Although we find no such

indirect effect for emotion/involvement ratings – when collapsing across reappraisal condition –

the significant condition effect is partial evidence in support of the hypothesis that integral

negative affect, as manipulated by reappraisal during task performance, is related to both the

neural and behavioral indices of cognitive control.


The current study is one of the first to demonstrate that antecedent-focused emotion

reappraisal strategies influence neurophysiological and behavioral indices of error-related

cognitive control. By asking participants to engage in emotional reappraisal strategies, our study

investigated how top-down cognitive processes of reappraisal color online emotional responding
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 21

during a cognitive control task. This manipulation allowed us to focus in on interactions between

affective processing and performance monitoring. Interestingly, when participants performed an

inhibitory control task with a detached, non-emotional mindset (down-regulation), performance

monitoring processes differentiated less between error and correct trials (reduced ERN and

ΔE N), relative to control or up-regulation instructions. Furthermore, self-reported emotionality

(but not subjective involvement) mediated the relationship between reappraisal condition and

ΔE N. Importantly, these indings provide novel support or emerging a ective accounts of the

ERN (Inzlicht & Al-Khindi, 2012). Most importantly, we also found evidence supporting a link

between affect, monitoring, and behavioral control (no-go error rate); that is, reappraisal

condition impacted inhibitory control (error-rates) indirectly through neural performance

monitoring (ΔE N).

In light of our present findings, it is important to consider why instructions to down-

regulate emotional involvement during task performance would selectively impact upon early (<

100 ms) error-related brain activity. We suggest that by deliberately approaching the go/no-go

task in a detached, non-emotional manner, participants achieved a relatively sustained state of

reduced affective reactivity. And, as erroneous actions are rapidly evaluated as negative events

(Aarts et al., 2012; Aarts et al., 2013; Hajcak & Foti, 2008; indstr m et al., 2013; Pourtois et

al., 2010), this diminished emotional responding likely dampened neural monitoring mechanisms

to the transient distress associated with erroneous actions. Specifically, the data from our study

suggests that the ERN is not only a neural indicator of cognitive processing; but also has

properties of emotion that can be modulated by the same regulatory strategies known to

influence negative emotional experience in other contexts (e.g., Gross, 2002). Interestingly, this

finding complements recent reports that manipulations which reduce negative arousal during
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 22

performance, such as acute alcohol administration (Bartholow, Henry, Lust, Saults, & Wood,

2012) or the misattribution of arousal (Inzlicht & Al-Khindi, 2012), also attenuate the ERN.

By not explicitly accounting for emotion-cognition interactions, extant cognitive

neuroscience models of control (e.g., Botvinick et al., 2001; Holroyd & Coles, 2002) are unable

to fully explain the observed associations between emotion regulation, brain, and behavior.

Specifically, our findings stress the role of emotional experience in behavioral regulation: when

participants down-regulated their emotions – removing the full range of possible experienced

emotions – they reported feeling less emotion reactivity and performance monitoring was less

efficient (reduced ERN), which, in turn, was associated with poorer task performance. This

pattern of results is best accounted for by recent proposals that the aversive experience of

response-conflict or errors alerts individuals to challenges, and, in turn, this distress energizes

cognitive control efforts to avoid future negative outcomes (Botvinick, 2007; Inzlicht & Legault,

2012; Schmeichel & Inzlicht, 2013). Consequently, when the emotional pang of error

commission is reduced during emotion down-regulation, the saliency o this “a ective alarm”

signal (Inzlicht & Legault, in press) is diminished, making the individual less likely to engage

corrective control processes (Inzlicht & Al-Khindi, 2012; Bartholow et al., 2012). While we

stress the importance of affect for control, we are also mindful of the inherent difficulty in

partitioning psychological phenomena, at either a conceptual or neural level, into strictly

“cognitive” or “a ective” processes (e.g., Et in et al., 2011; ray, 2004; Shac man et al., 2011).

We do not wish to create a alse dichotomy between a purely “a ective” or “cognitive” theory o

the ERN and executive control. Instead, we hope that the current study adds to the growing line

of evidence to suggest that emotional and cognitive processes are highly integrated, with
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 23

affective experience playing a central role in cognitive control and the strategic regulation of

motivated behavior (Gray, 2004).

In further relation to the behavioral correlates of control, and consistent with previous

research (e.g., Inzlicht & Gutsell, 2007), our findings suggest that the ERN predicts particular

performance outcomes (i.e., overall accuracy). Although widely hypothesized (e.g., Botvinick et

al., 2001; Holroyd & Coles, 2002; Yeung et al., 2004), such a direct relationship between

increased ERN amplitude and improved cognitive performance is not always found (Weinberg et

al., 2012). In light of these mixed results, Weinberg et al. (2012) recently hypothesised that

improved task performance may constitute but one potential adaptive consequence of

performance monitoring. Alternatively, the uncertain threat associated with error commission

might also trigger the mobilization of defensive responses, particularly for groups that

experience errors as being particularly concerning (see also Hajcak, 2012; Proudfit, Inzlicht, &

Mennin, 2013). Consequently, the coupling between ERN amplitude and task performance is

potentially moderated by a number state or trait factors. Given that the relationship between the

ERN and control has been shown to be moderated by variables such as intrinsic motivation

(Bartholow et al., 2012; Legault, Al-Khindi, & Inzlicht, 2012) and the correct attribution of

negative affect (Inzlicht & Al-Khindi, 2012), it may be interesting to see whether differences in

trait emotion regulation – that is, people’s natural disposition to employ one strategy over

another – will also act as one such moderator (e.g., Drabant, McRae, Manuck, Hariri, & Gross,


Our findings may also have implications for clinical research. As reviewed previously,

increased ERN amplitudes have been consistently observed in several affective

psychopathologies, often without concomitant changes in behavioral performance between

Emotion Regulation and the ERN 24

clinical participants and healthy controls (Holmes & Pizzagalli, 2008; Olvet & Hajcak, 2008;

Weinberg et al., 2012). Furthermore, while substantial variation in ERN amplitude appears to be

stable and trait-like among groups with internalizing psychopathologies (Olvet & Hajcak, 2008;

Weinberg et al., 2012; Proudfit, Inzlicht, & Mennin, 2013), state-related changes in error-

monitoring have been reported for anxious (Riesel et al., 2012) and neurotic (Olvet & Hajcak,

2012) individuals. Therefore, investigating the relationship between emotion regulation and

performance monitoring in clinical groups would provide an interesting avenue for future

research and clinical application. More specifically, these psychopathologies are associated with

poor emotional response systems, in addition to the inefficient use of adaptive emotion

regulation strategies (Davidson, 2000; Mather et al., 2004), with interventions such as cognitive-

behavioral therapy aiming to encourage the framing of more realistic cognitive appraisals (for a

review see Butler, Chapman, Formen, & Beck, 2006). And so, ongoing research should continue

to explore whether increased ERN amplitudes in anxious pathologies are immutable (i.e.,

resistant to conscious cognitive regulation) or if reappraisal strategies are capable of attenuating

these heightened neurophysiological error-monitoring processes. Importantly, as hyperactive

performance monitoring is commonly observed in anxiety without behavioral dysfunction

(Hajcak, 2012; Weinberg et al., 2012), one might predict that any possible ERN reductions

resulting from reappraisal in such groups could occur without producing detrimental effects for

behavioral performance. Of course, more research is needed in order to understand the exact

association between heightened error-monitoring/affective reactivity and the ERN.

Limitations and future directions

Emotion Regulation and the ERN 25

It is important to consider the current findings within the broader framework of the

process model of emotion regulation and to address their limitations (c.f., Gross, 1998). First, in

contrast to the effects of down-regulation, up-regulation of emotion had no observable effects on

neural or behavioral markers of cognitive control. Given the proposed relationship between

affect and performance monitoring, it is important to consider why focusing on emotional

experience did not increase ERN amplitude. One possibility is that there exists an upper limit to

how much negative emotion individuals experience during a non-valenced, cognitive control

task. Thus, failure to find an effect of up-regulation on the ERN may be due to an upward

boundary condition or ceiling effect. In line with our results, other studies have also failed to find

neural effects of up-regulation strategies (Krompinger, Moser, & Simons, 2008; Moser et al.,

2006), despite an increase in people’s sel -reported emotion ratings (Ochsner et al., 2004).

Another possibility could be due to our methodological design and the fact that the up-regulation

reappraisal condition did not specifically instruct participants to increase only negative affect

during task performance. In other words participants may have been equally as likely to amplify

their positive affect in response to effective task performance as they would have been to

increase their negative affect in response poorer task performance (i.e., error commission); thus

reducing the overall likelihood of the up-regulation manipulation influencing ERN amplitude.

Future studies will benefit from using clean experimental manipulations in order to tease apart

the up-regulation of positive and negative emotions during task performance.

Furthermore, as multiple forms of emotion reappraisal have been identified in the literature

(e.g., Gross, 1998; Gross & Thompson, 2007), it is unclear which specific strategies were

employed during up- and down-regulation in the present study. Importantly, while we welcome

future research that aims to more precisely determine the influence of distinct reappraisal
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 26

strategies on performance monitoring, careful consideration of our regulation instructions can

shed further light on the present findings. Specifically, as our down-regulation instructions

emphasised performing the task with a detached, non-emotional mindset, it is possible that

participants engaged down-regulation strategies involving a degree of mental distraction. At first

glance, it might be argued that such disengagement provides an alternative, non-emotional

explanation of our results. In effect, by deliberately removing focus from the task, participants

may have employed less performance monitoring (i.e., ERN) through general attentional

disengagement, rather than through the explicit reappraisal of emotional experience. Countering

these concerns, however, it should first be noted that mental distraction and emotion regulation

are not mutually exclusive concepts. More specifically, distraction – as a unique form of emotion

regulation - has been found to activate similar neural circuitry as reappraisal and to also lead to

decreased reports of negative affect (e.g., Kanske et al., 2011). In further support of the central

role of emotion regulation in our ERN results, the mediation analysis (see Figure 2) indicated

that self-reported affective experience (but not subjective involvement/engagement) mediated the

relationship between reappraisal condition and ΔE N. Critically, these indings suggest that

down-regulation attenuated performance monitoring by dampening ‘hot’ information processing

rather than attentional disengagement more generally. Yet given the possibility of these

alternative explanations, future research will benefit from exploring the different forms of

reappraisal strategies and their differential effects on neuro-affective markers like the ERN. The

current study, for instance, concentrated on antecedent focused reappraisal strategies, and so it

may be interesting to see if response-related emotion regulation, such as suppression, also

impacts performance monitoring in a similar manner. Such findings would provide additional
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 27

support for our hypothesis that error-related affective experience is modulated by other emotion-

based processes.

Finally, it may be suggested that cognitive demands induced by reappraisal also influenced

the observed data pattern. More specifically, cognitive load was perhaps increased when

participants deliberately altered their emotional experience, resulting in reduced cognitive

capacity during the regulation conditions, relative to control. Importantly, as interactions

between cognitive capacity and the ERN have recently been subjected to increased consideration

(c.f., Moser et al., 2013), it is important to assess the possible influence of attentional load on the

present results. In order for a capacity explanation to adequately account for the current findings,

there would need to be asymmetrical effects between reappraisal styles, given the null effect in

the up-regulation condition. Current theory, however, does not align with this interpretation. The

production-monitoring hypothesis (Kalisch et al., 2005; Kalisch et al., 2006), for example,

suggests that the prefrontal areas that generate and maintain positive working memory contents

during down-regulation are also needed to actively maintain negative working memory contents

during up-regulation. According to this theory then, if attentional load were the likely operating

mechanism, we would expect to see similar attenuations in ERN amplitude in both down-

regulation and up-regulation. In short, the asymmetrical effects of attentional load on ERN

amplitude deviate from previous theory, and therefore, provide a less compelling explanation of

the present findings. Nevertheless, more research is needed in order to explicitly test how

changes in cognitive capacity modulate ERN amplitude and whether such factors are impacted

by emotion processing and regulation strategies.

Emotion Regulation and the ERN 28


The influence of the cognitive down-regulation of emotion on neurophysiological and

behavioral correlates of cognitive control, as observed in the current study, demonstrates the

importance of affect in performance monitoring processes. These findings cannot be accounted

for by the principle cognitive neuroscience models of cognitive control, which do not explicitly

address the role of affect in cognitive performance. Using emotion regulation strategies as a way

to manipulate levels of emotional involvement and intensity, we were able to show that certain

fluctuations in affective experiences can modulate the ERN, which, in turn, predicts changes in

cognitive performance. It is our hope that these findings will contribute to a more complete

account of performance monitoring – an account which appreciates the central role of emotion in

executive functioning.
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 29


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Emotion Regulation and the ERN 43

Figure and Table Captions

Figure 1. Upper Panels: Response-locked waveform amplitude at FCz following correct and incorrect

responses on the go/no-go task for the (A) down-regulation reappraisal, (B) control no-reappraisal, (C)

up-regulation reappraisal (D), and the difference wave for each. Lower panels: Spline maps depict the

scalp distribution o the ΔE N (mean activity 0-100 ms) for the (A) down-regulation, (B) control, and (C)

up-regulation conditions.

Figure 2. A multicategorical mediation model of emotion ratings as a mediator of the relation between

reappraisal condition (down- and up-regulate) and difference-wave ERN. Unstandardized regression

coefficients (and the associated standard errors) from a bootstrap procedure are provided along the paths.

Darker outlines indicate significant indirect effects and, consequently, mediation (*p < .05; **p < .01).

Figure 3. An indirect effects model showing the indirect effect of condition assignment (reappraisal

strategy) on cognitive control (i.e., number of errors) through difference waveform (ΔERN).

Unstandardized regression coefficients (and the associated standard errors) from a bootstrap procedure are

provided along the paths (*p < .05; **p < .01).

Table 1. Means across rows with different subscripts differ significantly at p < .05 (two tailed).

Table 2. * p < .05.

Table 3. p < . 05.

Emotion Regulation and the ERN 44

Figure 1.
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 45

Figure 2.

Emotion atings

b = 1.20** b = 60. ✝
SE = 0. 7 SE = 4.

c ’ = -4.88
Up- egulation SE = 116.

b = -0. 0**
c ’ = 204.10✝ ΔE N
SE = 0. 7 b = 1. 0**
SE = 0. 71 SE = 116.

Down- egulation
b = 52. 2
SE = 1.77
b = -1.77**
SE = 0. 71
Involvement atings
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 46

Figure 3.


b = -16.16 b = 0.00 *
SE = 64.25 SE = 0.001
c ’ = -0.21
SE = 0.802
Up- egulation
b = 20 .78**
SE = 64.25

c ’ = -0.
Down- egulation 2
SE = 0.84
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 47

Table 1.

Means (SD) for Manipulation Checks (Reported Involvement and Emotional Feeling), Cognitive
Performance on the Go/No-Go Task, and Electroencephalography (EEG) Measures

Dependent variable Down-regulation Up-regulation Control

Level of Involvement 2.78a (1.68) 5.85b (1.46) 4.56c (1.81)

Emotional Feeling 2.70a (1.28) 4.80b (1.58) 3.60c (1.63)

Omission error rate (%) 14.95a (12.10) 12.75a (11.11) 14.99a (12.13)
Commission error rate (%) 41.61a (17.02) 40.53a (17.62) 42.50a (16.67)
Total number of commission errors 16.8a (6.60) 16.2a (7.04) 17a (6.68)
Overall accuracy rate (%) 79.7a (13.05) 81.7a (12.41) 79.5a (13.05)
Reaction time correct 206.20a (41.34) 201.89a (37.35) 203.56a (40.11)
Reaction time error 148.94a (23.49) 147.08a (23.91) 148.14a (31.77)

Error-related negativity (ERN) -3.23a (4.61) -4.15b (5.55) -4.68b (5.39)

Correct-related negativity (CRN) 2.14a (2.47) 3.37b (2.54) 2.80a (2.61)
ΔE N (ERN-CRN) -5.34a (4.48) -7.53b (5.46) -7.47b (5.45)
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 48

Table 2.

Results of the Multicategorical Mediation Analysis: Emotion Ratings as a Mediator of the

Effects of Down-regulation and Up-regulation Reappraisal on ΔE N

95% bias-corrected
Indirect effects through emotion ratings SE b confidence interval

Up-regulation condition 52.73 [-190.91, -1.36]*

Down-regulation condition 39.75 [3.64, 147.01]*

95% bias-corrected
Indirect effects through involvement ratings SE b confidence interval

Up-regulation condition 47.30 [-215.19, 3.17]

Down-regulation condition 62.21 [-1.08, 166.66]
Emotion Regulation and the ERN 49

Table 3.

esults o the Indirect E ects Test with a ulticategorical Independent Variable o

Condition: The Indirect E ect o eappraisal Condition on Cognitive Control through

0% bias-corrected
elative indirect e ect through ΔE N SE b
con idence interval

Up-regulation condition 0.502 [-1.0 , 0. 1]

Down-regulation condition 0.504 [0.05, 2.0 ]*

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