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Science Grade5 Quarter1 Module5 Week5

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Learning Competencies (Essential Competencies)

Design a product out of local, recyclable solid and/or liquid materials in making useful products.

∙ Identify the 5Rs components: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover and Repair for
proper waste management.

Brief Introduction
Some human activities bring hazard to environment, especially waste materials. Most waste at home
are collected by garbage truck and disposed in Landfills. This piled up waste brings danger in the
environment especially land, air and water that causes Pollution. To minimize the waste in the
environment the environmentalist suggested the use of 5R`s.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Look at the picture carefully. Write HAZARD if the picture shows danger and
NO if not.

__________________ __________________


____________________ ____________________

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

There are five (5) ways in segregating waste. All serve as help to lessen waste in
the environment.

Reduce – lessen the amount of waste in the environment. Use less material that are disposable.
Think and buy product that could be beneficial to human and environment.
Example: Instead of using sachet, use bigger pack or bottle which you can
refill after.
Reuse – simply means to use it again or find a way to use the materials again.
Example: 1. Use an eco-bag when going to groceries or market instead of using plastic. 2.
Conduct garage sale to sell old stuff you are not using anymore. 3. Donate old stuff to help
people mostly in need it.
4. Use old clothes instead of buying new one.

Recycle – create new product from a material that serve its purpose already. The use of recycled
materials should be different from its old use, while minimizing waste in the environment and at home.
Another benefit of recycling we can conserve our natural resources. It can also prevent pollution by
reducing waste materials, we prevent habitat destruction of animals and other living things. You can use
also show your creativeness in recycling.
Here are some ways to recycle materials at home:
1. Buy rechargeable batteries not the one that you need to dispose after use. You save
environment you save money.
2. Buy materials that already recycles. Examples recycled notebooks,
papers, and others.
3. Make a recycling bin at home, and separate those waste that can be recycled.
4. Old clothes can turn into a shopping bag.
5. Old tires can turn into a swing hanging on trees, which can play by
kids, or can turn into a plants pot.
Repair – fixing or restoring broken materials for repurpose.
Example: Instead of throwing worn out clothes, sew it to use again.
Recover – it means taking of energy from waste materials which cannot be used
anymore. Most of the waste materials are segregated in a Materials Recovery Facilities
Example: Biodegradable waste can be put a compose pit to
serve as organic fertilizer.

Let’s Apply
A. Which is best way to do with the unwanted materials? Choose
in Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover or Repair.

_________1. Old Clothes ___________6. Cardboard

_________2. Plastic Spoon ___________7. Buy needed products only

_________3. Shaky old chair ___________8. Old news paper _________4. Tin

can ___________9. Old tires

_________5. Broken computer ___________10. Worn out shoes

Let’s Analyze
What are the techniques in minimizing waste products to avoid pollution in the
environment? Answer the following using 5R`s.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover or Repair.

1. Fix and restore materials for another 3. Buy product that you
broken materials. purpose. need only.
2. Use again the __________ __________

4. Taking back use product to produce energy or a new product. ____________

__________ 5. Use old materials to make a new one.


∙ Identify ways on how to reuse waste materials.
∙ Understand the importance of Reusing.
∙ Value the importance of Reusing.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Enumerate the 5R`s component and write its function.
1. _________ - _____________________________________________________
2. _________- _____________________________________________________
3. _________- _____________________________________________________
4. _________- _____________________________________________________
5. _________- _____________________________________________________

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

You have learned the 5R`s components and their function. In this lesson you will
understand more the function of Reusing. To reuse means to use again or find other ways to use a
material and the examples are as follows:
a. Use reusable containers when packing, storing food or drinks, and even when buying drinks.
b. Donate clothes and other useful materials to some organizations that conduct relief operations
during calamities.
c. Print or write on both sides of paper or use them as scratch papers.
d. Reuse boxes as organizer of toys and other materials.

Let’s Apply
Follow instruction given to answer question given.
1. Look around your house.
2. Write on a piece of paper the waste materials that you can reuse.
3. Think of a way how to reuse the waste materials.
4. Answer the question given.
A. What materials you found at home?
B. Select five materials you want to reuse. Write it in the blank provided.
C. How will you reuse the waste materials you selected at home?

Let’s Analyze
Here are pictures of some materials think of a way how you will reuse the following to help
lessen the waste produces at home and in the environments write it in the space provided.

1. 5.



∙ Identify and describe ways on how to recycle waste materials.
∙ Value the importance of recycling in helping to clean our environment.

Let’s Recall (Review)

You already learn how to reuse materials. Let us review on how to reuse the following
materials. Write a simple sentence on how you can reuse the following materials.

1. Glass Jar: ________________________________________________________

2. Plastic Bottles: ____________________________________________________
3. Old Tires: ________________________________________________________
4. Newspapers:
______________________________________________________ 5.
Empty boxes:

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

You already know what recycling is. In this lesson you will learn ways
how to recycle waste materials. 1.
There are two ways of recycling non- biodegradable materials it can be done
by Upcycling and Downcycling. Up cycling- is a way to make a higher
quality material from its original value. down cycling produces new product
with lesser quality. Recycling of non- biodegradable can be
done in two ways. Recycling biodegradable
Plastic bottles used as decorative pots
composting in backyard compose pits or indoor
materials can be done by
containers to produce Look inside your house. Find a material which you
compost. Use toilet papers, grass clippings, trash think can still be use. And answer the following. 1.
from garden plants can be recycled. A compost pit What material you found that you think still can be
can be made by digging a hole in the soil, in which
biodegradable wastes can be thrown inside the hole
and then covered with layers of soil. After the
materials decay in a period it can be use as soil
fertilizer in the garden. Recycling brings big change
in the environment, our surrounding
becomes clean and neat.
Bottle lids turn into a decorative flower

Let’s Apply

2. What is a way you think that you can recycle the material you found?
3. If you are given a chance to help your environment would you throw in the
garbage the material, you found? Yes or No? Why? Explain your answer.

Let’s Analyze
As you read the fact about recycling. Try to answer the following questions.
Check the box in TRUE if the statement tells correct and check the box of FALSE if the
statement tells wrong.
1. Recycling is important to every one of us.
2. Everyone should do recycling.

3. Down cycling mean recycling materials to a high
4. Composting is an example of recycling.
5. To recycle bottles, you should create a new
product out of the material.
6. Use both sides of paper in printing.
7. A tin can, can turn into a pencil holder through
8. Soft drinks bottle can use as flowerpots.
9. Throw all waste materials in the dumpsite.
10. D not segregate waste products.

∙ Recycle old magazines/newspapers/yellow paper/etc.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Arrange the rumbled letters to form a word.
1. BTTLO – ______________
2. MSAGZAIEN – ______________
3. PPEA – ______________
4. RYCEL – ______________
5. YLLOEW PEPRA – ______________

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

Recycling is one of the best solutions to solve the fast-rising problems of the world. Do you know that
to make a paper, people cut so many trees just to provide papers around the world? People who are
concerned of the environment specially the trees and forest worries that soon if
cutting of trees would not stop, we will no longer see green in our
environment. To avoid losing to much trees Recycling come up.
Do you know that we can recycle paper at home? Here are simples’ ways to
eliminate household waste at home like use paper printer, junk mails, and kind of
papers to make a unique one. Here are few simple steps to make your own recycled
papers at home.
Materials needed:
1. Wastepaper (never use glossy paper like magazines)
2. Water
3. Blender ( if available)
4. Old picture frame
5. Screen or mesh (secure firmly to the picture frame)
6. Cloth or sponge
7. 13” x 9” pan
8. Wildflower or vegetable seeds for decoration (optional)
1.First, affix the screen or mesh to an old picture frame using nails, staples, or glue to make a
paper mold.
2.Tear paper into small pieces and add to a blender with warm water. Blend the mixture until
the pulp is a smooth consistency.
3. Set the picture frame mold into a 13’’ x 9’’ pan, then pour the pulp into the pan. Make sure
the mold is well-covered, then pull the mold up. Seeds and wildflowers can be added at this
stage – cover the seeds with a little more pulp to embed fully in the paper.
4. Using a towel or sponge, press out the excess water and let the paper dry for a day or two.
The pulp can dry directly on the screen or flip the mold over and let it dry on another surface.
5. Optional: After use, place the paper on a loosened soil surface and cover with a thin layer of
soil. Sprinkle with water to keep the area damp, and watch your seeds take off.

Let’s Apply
Note: Ask the help of your parent to assist you. Look around your house. Sort out all the
wastepaper at home and make your own recycled paper. Please ask assistance of your parents. Do the
procedures mentioned above. Please see (Let’s Understand)
Attached in the box a picture of your finished product.

Let’s Analyze
A. Procedures to recycle a paper is mentioned. Write number from 1-5 to show the correct
order of the procedures.
_____1. Using a towel or sponge, press out the excess water and let the paper dry for a day
or two.
_____2. After use, place the paper on a loosened soil surface and cover with a thin
layer of soil.
_____3. Affix the screen or mesh to an old picture frame using nails, staples, or
glue to make a paper mold.
_____4. Set the picture frame mold into a 13’’ x 9’’ pan, then pour the pulp into the
_____5. Tear paper into small pieces and add to a blender with warm water
∙ Recycle plastic bottles/containers.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Answer the following question with TRUE or FALSE.
______1. Recycling do not help the environment to be clean.
______2. Paper can be recycled.
______3. In recycling you don’t need waste materials.
______4. Recycling can do at home.
______5. In recycling paper, we can use glossy paper.

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

We all know that another contributor of waste in the world is the product that
we use in everyday living. And one of this is plastic bottles. Millions of plastic bottles and
container are made every year, so the process of recycling has a huge duty to get rid of this waste.
One of the examples to recycle the plastic bottles is to make it into a pencil.
Here are materials that you needed.
1. 20 oz. Plastic bottle
2. Zipper
3. Decoration
4. Glue stick
5. Glue gun
1. Clean the bottle with soap and water. Let it dry.
2. Cut off the top of 20 oz. plastic bottle, and the bottom of another.
3. Hot glue the zipper pieces to both ends
4. Connect to create your own makeshift colored pencil case and decorate it according to your

There are lots of ways to recycle plastic bottles, it can also use as decoration at home,
flowerpot, chimes and other. Instead of throwing it in the dumpsite. Recycle it.

Let’s Apply
Draw the procedures in making a pencil case using recycled bottle.

Let’s Analyze
Check (/) the blank beside the number if it tells correct and (x) if not.
______1. No need to clean the bottle before recycling.
______2. Cut off the top and bottom of the plastic bottle as a procedure.
______3. Before doing the activity. Do not prepare the necessary materials.
______4. When using a hot glue do not ask your parent to assist you.
______5. The zipper will use to connect the top and bottom part of the bottle to make
pencil case.
______6. There are so many ways to recycle plastic bottles.
______7. Plastic bottles are not a contributor of waste in the environment.
______8. To make your work creative add decoration in it.
______9. You can make one craft works out of plastic bottles.
______10. Aside from it lessen the waste in the environment, another help why do need
to recycle plastic waste is that it also lessens chemicals use in making plastic bottles.

Let’s Try (Evaluation)

Read the sentence carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer in
the line before each number.
______1. What is the best way to get rid of trash are?
I. Reduce, Reuse, Recreate
II. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

III. Reduce, Reuse, Refuel
IV. Reduce, Repair, Recover
A. I and II B. II and III C. I and IV D. II and IV ______2. The best way to avoid throwing
biodegradable waste in the landfills is what? A. Composting B. Reduce C. Recover D.
______3. Which of the following sentence are example of Reusing? I.
Use eco-bags when going to groceries
II. Donate clothes
III. Fix broken materials
IV. Buy new materials
A. I and II B. II and III C. I and IV D. II and IV _____4. What do we
mean by Recover?
A. Fix broken materials.
B. Taking energy from materials that cannot be used anymore.
C. Make a decorative object from waste.
D. Lessen the use of unnecessary materials.
_____5. Which 5R`s describe this sentence? Cutting old towel into small square rugs. A.
Reuse B. Reduce C. Recover D. Repair
_____6. What is the best way to do with tin can?
A. Buried in the ground.
B. Recycle it into a pencil holder.
C. Throw in landfills.
D. Give it to your neighbor.
_____7. What is the function of Materials Recovery Facilities?
A. Recover waste materials and turn it into energy.
B. Making a new product.
C. Cleaning the environment
D. Helping the government.
_____8. Which practice shows reuse of materials?
A. Making rag from an old shirt.
B. Cleaning materials
C. Packaging the materials
D. Burning garbage
_____9. What is the beneficial effect of using 5R`s in the environment? I.
Environment becomes clean.
II. Garbage in the landfills increases.
III. Lessen the pollution
IV. Garbage disposal increases.
A. I and II B. II and III C. III and IV D. I and III _____10. Which of the
statement is FALSE?
A. 5R`s helps lessen the amount of waste thrown in the landfills.
B. 5R`s makes the environment a clean and healthy place to live in.
C. 5R`s makes the environment untidy and dangerous.
D. 5R`s lessen the pollution in the environment.
_____11. Which of the following describe Reducing?
A. Converting waste materials into a new product.
B. Minimize purchase of throw-away products.
C. Make use of the materials again.
D. Donate materials not needed anymore.

_____12. Why do we need to use eco bag when going to groceries? A. To

avoid using plastic bags.
B. To make your life easier.
C. To go back home early.
D. To carry all things going home.

_____13. Instead of throwing away used papers. What is the best way to get rid of it? A. Sell
it to junk shop.
B. Make a paper ornament out of it.
C. Make a paper mache form it.
D. All mentioned are useful.

_____14. Which 5R`s technique is best way to do with this

materials? A. Reuse B. Reduce C. Recover

D. Repair

_____15. Which of the statement is TRUE about waste materials?

A. Human is safe from diseases from pile of garbage.
B. Water will still be potable despite of pollution.
C. Segregating waste materials will lessen the amount of garbage in the
D. Garbage will help soil fertilization.

Let’s Create
Goal: Make a poster promoting 5R`s.
Role: Artist
Audience: People in the environment
Situation: In a clean whole white Carolina with 1x 1inch border.
Make a poster promoting the use of 5R`s technique in segregating waste
materials. Product Performance: Poster Making
1. Get a whole white cartolina.
2. Design your poster layout following the goal of the poster.
3. Choose your graphics.
4. Use craypas or oils pastel in your poster.
5. Include text in your poster (title).

SCORE: _________ Making a Poster: Poster Rubrics
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Title Title can be read and poster are Title can be read but not Title is too small and does
is quite clearly labeled. describes the content well not describe the content
creative Title can be read and well.
describes content well The poster is
Attractiveness The poster is acceptably The poster is
exceptionally The poster is attractive in attractive though it may be distractingly messy or
attractive in terms of design, layout, and a bit messy. poorly designed.
terms of design, neatness.
layout, and
neatness. Almost all items important Several items
Labels All items important in the poster are clearly important in the poster are Labels are very small to
in the labeled. clearly labeled. view

Graphics Originality creativity in graphics used on the creation. No graphics are made
Several of the their creation. poster reflect The graphics is made by students.
graphics used on the Some of the creativity in their by students but in the
poster reflect idea of others.


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