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SQL Translation and Migration Guide

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Oracle® Database

SQL Translation and Migration Guide

Release 21c
December 2020
Oracle Database SQL Translation and Migration Guide, Release 21c


Copyright © 2011, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Primary Author: Apoorva Srinivas

Contributors: Tulika Das, Peter Castro, Christopher Jones, Shoaib Lari, Tom Laszewski, Aman Manglik,
Robert Pang, Rajendra Pingte, Jeff D. Smith, Andrei Souleimanian

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1 Introduction to Tools and Products that Support Migration

1.1 Oracle Database Features for Migration Support 1-1
1.1.1 SQL Translation Framework 1-1
1.1.2 Support for MySQL Applications 1-1 Restrictions on SQL Statement Translation 1-2
1.1.3 Support for Identity Columns 1-2 Creating Identity Columns 1-3
1.1.4 Implicit Statement Results 1-3 JDBC Support for Implicit Results 1-3 OCI Support for Implicit Results 1-4 ODBC Support for Implicit Results 1-5
1.1.5 Enhanced SQL to PL/SQL Bind Handling 1-6 Invoking a Subprogram with a Nested Table Parameter 1-7
1.1.6 Native SQL Support for Query Row Limits and Row Offsets 1-7 Limiting Bulk Selection 1-7
1.1.7 JDBC Driver Support for Application Migration 1-8
1.1.8 ODBC Driver Support for Application Migration 1-8
1.2 Other Oracle Products that Enable Migration 1-9
1.2.1 OEM Tuning and Performance Packs 1-9
1.2.2 Oracle GoldenGate 1-9
1.2.3 Oracle Database Gateways 1-9
1.2.4 Oracle SQL Developer 1-9
1.3 Migration Support for Other Database Vendors 1-10
1.3.1 Application Support in Third-Party Databases 1-10
1.3.2 Third-Party Database Version Support 1-10

2 SQL Translation Framework Overview
2.1 Architecture of SQL Translation Framework 2-2
2.2 How to Use SQL Translation Framework 2-2
2.3 When to Use SQL Translation Framework 2-3

3 SQL Translation Framework Configuration

3.1 Installing and Configuring SQL Translation Framework with Oracle SQL
Developer 3-1
3.1.1 Overview of Oracle SQL Developer Migration Support 3-1
3.1.2 Setting Up Oracle SQL Developer 3.2 for Windows 3-2 Setting Up Oracle SQL Developer 3.2 Startup 3-2 Starting Oracle SQL Developer 3-2
3.1.3 Creating a Connection to Oracle Database 3-3
3.1.4 Testing SQL Translation 3-4
3.1.5 Creating a Translation Profile and Installing SQL Translator 3-5 Installing SQL Translator 3-5 Creating a Translation Profile 3-8
3.1.6 Using the SQL Translator Profile 3-8
3.2 Installing and Configuring SQL Translation Framework from Command Line 3-10
3.2.1 Installing Oracle Sybase Translator 3-10
3.2.2 Setting up a SQL Translation Profile 3-10
3.2.3 Setting Up a Database Service to Use the SQL Translation Profile 3-11 Setting Up a Database Service in Oracle Real Application Clusters 3-11
3.2.4 Testing Sybase SQL Translation Using the SQL Translation Profile 3-12
3.3 Granting Necessary Permissions for Installing the SQL Translator 3-12

4 SQL Translation of JDBC and ODBC Applications

4.1 SQL Translation of JDBC Applications 4-1
4.1.1 SQL Translation Profile 4-1
4.1.2 Error Message Translation 4-1
4.1.3 Converting JDBC Standard Parameter Markers 4-2
4.1.4 Executing the Translated Oracle Dialect Query 4-2
4.1.5 Error Translation 4-3
4.1.6 Using JDBC Driver for SQL Translation 4-3
4.2 SQL Translation of ODBC Applications 4-4
4.2.1 SQL Translation profile 4-5
4.2.2 Error Message Translation 4-5
4.2.3 Translating Error Messages 4-5

5 Example: Application Migration Using SQL Translation Framework
5.1 Migrating a Sybase JDBC Application 5-1
5.1.1 Application Overview 5-1
5.1.2 Setting Up Migration 5-2
5.1.3 Capturing Migration 5-3
5.1.4 Setting Migration Preferences 5-6
5.1.5 Converting Migration 5-7
5.1.6 Generating a Migration 5-9 Creating a Target Oracle User 5-10
5.1.7 Moving the Data 5-10
5.2 Generating Migration Reports 5-11

6 MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle

6.1 Introduction to MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle 6-1
6.1.1 Connecting to MySQL 6-2
6.2 Installation and First Use of MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle 6-2
6.3 Overview of Migration with MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle 6-3
6.4 Using MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle 6-3
6.4.1 Relinking the Application with the liboramysql Driver 6-4
6.4.2 Connecting to Oracle Database 6-5
6.4.3 Supported Platforms 6-5
6.4.4 Error Handling 6-5
6.4.5 Globalization 6-5
6.4.6 Expected Differences 6-5

7 API Reference for Oracle MySQL Client Library Driver

7.1 Mapping Data Types 7-1
7.1.1 Mapping Oracle Data Types to MySQL Data Types 7-1

7.1.3 Data Type Conversions for MySQL External Data Types (LOB Data
Type Descriptors) 7-7
7.1.4 Data Type Conversions for Datetime and Interval Data Types 7-7
7.2 Error Handling 7-8
7.3 Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs 7-8
7.3.1 my_init() 7-10
7.3.2 mysql_affected_rows() 7-10
7.3.3 mysql_autocommit() 7-10
7.3.4 mysql_change_user() 7-11
7.3.5 mysql_character_set_name() 7-11
7.3.6 mysql_close() 7-11
7.3.7 mysql_commit() 7-11
7.3.8 mysql_connect() 7-11
7.3.9 mysql_create_db() 7-12
7.3.10 mysql_data_seek() 7-12
7.3.11 mysql_debug() 7-12
7.3.12 mysql_debug_info() 7-12
7.3.13 mysql_drop_db() 7-12
7.3.14 mysql_dump_debug_info() 7-12
7.3.15 mysql_eof() 7-13
7.3.16 mysql_errno() 7-13
7.3.17 mysql_error() 7-13
7.3.18 mysql_escape_string() 7-13
7.3.19 mysql_fetch_field() 7-13
7.3.20 mysql_fetch_field_direct() 7-14
7.3.21 mysql_fetch_fields() 7-14
7.3.22 mysql_fetch_lengths() 7-14
7.3.23 mysql_fetch_row() 7-14
7.3.24 mysql_field_count() 7-14
7.3.25 mysql_field_seek() 7-15
7.3.26 mysql_field_tell() 7-15
7.3.27 mysql_free_result() 7-15
7.3.28 mysql_get_character_set_info() 7-15
7.3.29 mysql_get_client_info() 7-15

7.3.30 mysql_get_client_version() 7-15
7.3.31 mysql_get_host_info() 7-16
7.3.32 mysql_get_proto_info() 7-16
7.3.33 mysql_get_server_info() 7-16
7.3.34 mysql_get_server_version() 7-16
7.3.35 mysql_get_ssl_cipher() 7-16
7.3.36 mysql_hex_string() 7-17
7.3.37 mysql_info() 7-17
7.3.38 mysql_init() 7-17
7.3.39 mysql_insert_id() 7-17
7.3.40 mysql_kill() 7-17
7.3.41 mysql_library_end() 7-17
7.3.42 mysql_library_init() 7-18
7.3.43 mysql_list_dbs() 7-18
7.3.44 mysql_list_fields() 7-19
7.3.45 mysql_list_processes() 7-19
7.3.46 mysql_list_tables() 7-19
7.3.47 mysql_more_results() 7-19
7.3.48 mysql_next_result() 7-19
7.3.49 mysql_num_fields() 7-19
7.3.50 mysql_num_rows() 7-20
7.3.51 mysql_options() 7-20
7.3.52 mysql_ping() 7-20
7.3.53 mysql_query() 7-20
7.3.54 mysql_read_query_result() 7-20
7.3.55 mysql_real_connect() 7-20
7.3.56 mysql_real_escape_string() 7-21
7.3.57 mysql_real_query() 7-21
7.3.58 mysql_refresh() 7-21
7.3.59 mysql_reload() 7-21
7.3.60 mysql_rollback() 7-21
7.3.61 mysql_row_seek() 7-22
7.3.62 mysql_row_tell() 7-22
7.3.63 mysql_select_db() 7-22
7.3.64 mysql_send_query() 7-22
7.3.65 mysql_server_end() 7-22
7.3.66 mysql_server_init() 7-23
7.3.67 mysql_set_character_set() 7-23
7.3.68 mysql_set_local_infile_default() 7-23
7.3.69 mysql_set_local_infile_handler() 7-23
7.3.70 mysql_set_server_option() 7-23

7.3.71 mysql_shutdown() 7-23
7.3.72 mysql_sqlstate() 7-24
7.3.73 mysql_ssl_set() 7-24
7.3.74 mysql_stat() 7-24
7.3.75 mysql_stmt_affected_rows() 7-24
7.3.76 mysql_stmt_attr_get() 7-24
7.3.77 mysql_stmt_attr_set() 7-25
7.3.78 mysql_stmt_bind_param() 7-25
7.3.79 mysql_stmt_bind_result() 7-25
7.3.80 mysql_stmt_close() 7-25
7.3.81 mysql_stmt_data_seek() 7-25
7.3.82 mysql_stmt_errno() 7-25
7.3.83 mysql_stmt_error() 7-25
7.3.84 mysql_stmt_execute() 7-26
7.3.85 mysql_stmt_fetch() 7-26
7.3.86 mysql_stmt_fetch_column() 7-26
7.3.87 mysql_stmt_field_count() 7-26
7.3.88 mysql_stmt_free_result() 7-26
7.3.89 mysql_stmt_init() 7-26
7.3.90 mysql_stmt_insert_id() 7-27
7.3.91 mysql_stmt_next_result() 7-27
7.3.92 mysql_stmt_num_rows() 7-27
7.3.93 mysql_stmt_param_count() 7-27
7.3.94 mysql_stmt_param_metadata() 7-27
7.3.95 mysql_stmt_prepare() 7-27
7.3.96 mysql_stmt_reset() 7-28
7.3.97 mysql_stmt_result_metadata() 7-28
7.3.98 mysql_stmt_row_seek() 7-28
7.3.99 mysql_stmt_row_tell() 7-28
7.3.100 mysql_stmt_send_long_data() 7-28
7.3.101 mysql_stmt_sqlstate() 7-28
7.3.102 mysql_stmt_store_result() 7-29
7.3.103 mysql_store_result() 7-29
7.3.104 mysql_thread_end() 7-29
7.3.105 mysql_thread_id() 7-29
7.3.106 mysql_thread_init() 7-29
7.3.107 mysql_thread_safe() 7-30
7.3.108 mysql_use_result() 7-30
7.3.109 mysql_warning_count() 7-30

8 API Reference for SQL Translation of JDBC Applications
8.1.1 Translation Properties 8-1 sqlTranslationProfile 8-1 sqlErrorTranslationFile 8-2
8.1.2 OracleTranslatingConnection Interface 8-2 SqlTranslationVersion 8-3 createStatement() 8-3 prepareCall() 8-7 prepareStatement() 8-9 getSQLTranslationVersions() 8-13
8.1.3 Error Translation Configuration File 8-13



List of Tables
1-1 Supported Applications in Databases 1-10
1-2 Supported Database Versions for Migration Using Oracle SQL Developer 1-10
7-1 Mapping Oracle Data Types to MySQL Data Types 7-1
7-2 Converting MySQL Program Variable Data Types to Oracle Column Data Types 7-2
7-3 Data Type Conversions for LOB Data Type Descriptors 7-7
7-4 Data Conversions for Datetime and Internal Data Type 7-7
8-1 Translation Properties 8-1
8-2 OracleTranslatingConnection Enumeration 8-2
8-3 OracleTranslatingConnection Methods 8-3

This guide describes the installation, configuration, and administration tasks for all
activities related to migrating applications developed for non-Oracle databases, such
as DB2, MySQL, Sybase, and legacy applications, to Oracle Database. This guide
also provides migration scenarios that users may implement in sequence.

This guide is for database administrators and application developers who are
interested in migrating from databases other than Oracle to an Oracle Database.

Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Database
documentation set:
• Oracle Database SQL Language Reference
• Oracle Database Administrator's Guide
• Oracle Database Development Guide
• Oracle Database Reference

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the
Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
if you are hearing impaired.

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.


Convention Meaning
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Introduction to Tools and Products that
Support Migration
Before migrating your application to Oracle Database, you must be aware of several
key points that are described in Oracle Database Concepts.
When discussing the migration of a database-centered enterprise, it is useful to keep
in mind that the actual migration of database schema and data is only a part of the
process. The migration of a core business solution often involves several databases
and applications that work together to deliver the product and services that drive the
revenue of an organization. For more information about preparing a migration plan,
see Oracle SQL Developer User's Guide.

1.1 Oracle Database Features for Migration Support

Oracle Database 12c introduced a large set of features that collectively enhance the
migration process of non-Oracle database applications to Oracle Database.

1.1.1 SQL Translation Framework

A key part of migrating non-Oracle databases to Oracle Database involves the
conversion of non-Oracle SQL statements to SQL statements that are acceptable
to Oracle Database. The conversion of the non-Oracle SQL statements of the
applications is a manual and tedious process. To minimize the effort, or to eliminate
the necessity for converting these statements, Oracle Database 12c introduced a
new feature called SQL Translation Framework. SQL Translation Framework receives
these SQL statements from client applications, and then translates them at run-time.
The SQL Translation Profile registers the SQL Translater inside the database so it
can handle the SQL translation for non-Oracle client application. If an error occurs
while a SQL statement is executed, then the SQL Translator can translate the Oracle
error code and the ANSI SQLSTATE into the vendor-specific values expected by the
application. The translated statements are then saved in the SQL Translation Profile,
to be examined and edited at the user’s discretion.
The advantages of SQL Translation Framework follow:
• The translation of SQL statements, Oracle error codes, and ANSI SQLSTATE is
• The translations are centralized and examinable.
• The user has the option to extract translations and insert them back into the

1.1.2 Support for MySQL Applications

Oracle Database driver for MySQL eases migration of applications initially developed
to work with MySQL database. This feature has two key benefits:

Chapter 1
Oracle Database Features for Migration Support

• It enables the enterprise to reuse the same application to use data stored in both
MySQL Database and Oracle Database
• It reduces the cost and complexity of migrating MySQL applications to Oracle
Oracle Database supports all MySQL functions in the client interface with the same
semantics. Restrictions on SQL Statement Translation

SQL Translation has the following limitations when translating SQL statements:
• SQL Translation ignores the following SQL constructs:
– The ENGINE specification for a table is not used; there is only one storage
engine, namely Oracle.
– The ENUM and SET types are used as VARCHAR2. These values are not
converted to their index value if they are retrieved in a numeric context.
• SQL Translation generates an error when attempting to handle the following SQL
constructs; the application must be recoded.
– Oracle does not support spatial datatypes, such as GEOMETRY, POINT,
Oracle does not support MySQL-specific NLS commands.
• The following SQL commands give Oracle-specific output or have Oracle-specific
– SHOW DATABASES shows only one database, namely oracle.
– SHOW ENGINES shows the Oracle engine only.
– CREATE PROCEDURE must follow Oracle PL/SQL specification in Oracle
Database 12c.
• The following data types have different behavior In Oracle Database than what is
expected in the native database:
– Columns of ENUM data types are created as VARCHAR2(4000). No validation is
performed for insertion.
– Columns of SET data types are created as VARCHAR2(64). No validation is
performed for insertion.
For further details, see MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle and API Reference for
Oracle MySQL Client Library Driver .

1.1.3 Support for Identity Columns

Oracle Database 12c implements ANSI-compliant IDENTITY columns. Migration from
database systems that use identity columns is simplified and can take advantage of
this new functionality.
This feature implements auto increment by enhancing DEFAULT or DEFAULT ON NULL
semantics for use by SEQUENCE.NEXTVAL and SYS_GUID, supports built-in functions and
implicit return of default values.

Chapter 1
Oracle Database Features for Migration Support Creating Identity Columns

Example 1-1 creates a table with an identity column, which is generated by default.
When explicit nulls are inserted into the identity column, the sequence generator
creates values by default. For further details, see Oracle Database SQL Language
Example 1-1 How to create an identity column
c2 VARCHAR2(10));
INSERT INTO t1(c2) VALUES (‘abc');
INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2) VALUES (null, ‘xyz');
SELECT c1, c2 FROM t1;

1.1.4 Implicit Statement Results

Starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Oracle implicitly returns to the
client application the results of SQL statements executed within a stored procedure,
bypassing the explicit use REF CURSORs. This feature eliminates the overhead of re-
writing the client-side code.
Implicit statement results enable the user to write a stored procedure, where
each intended query (the statement after the FOR keyword) is part of the OPEN
cursor variable. When code is migrated to Oracle Database from other vendors
environments, the PL/SQL layer adds the equivalent capability and enables SELECT
statements to pass the results to the client. The stored procedures can then return
the results directly to the client with the DBMS_SQL.RETURN_RESULT procedure. The
SQL*Plus FORMAT command and its variations may be invoked to customize the output.

For information about the DBMS_SQL package, see Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages
and Types Reference. For information about how to use format output, SQL*Plus
User's Guide and Reference. JDBC Support for Implicit Results

Starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), JDBC applications provide
support for implicit results through the following new functions:
• getMoreResults
• getMoreResults(int)
• getResultSet
You can use these methods to retrieve and process the implicit results returned by
PL/SQL procedures or blocks, as demonstrated in Example 1-2.
For more information, see Oracle Database JDBC Developer's Guide Processing Implicit Results in JDBC

Example 1-2 Retrieving and Processing Implicit Results from PL/SQL Blocks
Suppose you have a procedure called foo:
create procedure foo as
c1 sys_refcursor;

Chapter 1
Oracle Database Features for Migration Support

c2 sys_refcursor;
open c1 for select * from hr.employees;
dbms_sql.return_result(c1); --return to client
-- open 1 more cursor
open c2 for select * from hr.departments;
dbms_sql.return_result (c2); --return to client

The following code demonstrates how to retrieve the implicit results returned by
PL/SQL procedures using the JDBC getMoreResults methods:
String sql = "begin foo; end;";
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcURL, user, password);
try {
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement ();
stmt.executeQuery (sql);

while (stmt.getMoreResults())
ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();
while (
/* get results */
} OCI Support for Implicit Results

Starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
provides support for implicit results through a new function, OCIStmtGetNextResult().
It is called iteratively by C applications to retrieve each implicit result from stored
procedures and anonymous blocks. Implicit results consume rows directly from a
stored procedure without going through a RefCursor.

See Also:
Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide Processing Implicit Results in OCI

Example 1-3 shows how to use the OCIStmtGetNextResult() function to retrieve
and process the implicit results returned by either a PL/SQL stored procedure or an
anonymous block:
Example 1-3 Using OCIStmtGetNextResult() to Process Implicit Results
OCIStmt *stmthp;
ub4 rsetcnt;
void *result;
ub4 rtype;
char *sql = "begin foo; end;";

Chapter 1
Oracle Database Features for Migration Support

OCIHandleAlloc((void *)envhp, (void **)&stmthp,

OCI_HTYPE_STMT, 0, (void **)0);

/* Prepare and execute the PL/SQL procedure. */

OCIStmtPrepare(stmthp, errhp, (oratext *)sql, strlen(sql),
OCIStmtExecute(svchp, stmthp, errhp, 1, 0,
(const OCISnapshot *)0,
(OCISnapshot *)0, OCI_DEFAULT);

/* Now check if any implicit results are available. */

OCIAttrGet((void *)stmthp, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, &rsetcnt, 0,

/* Loop and retrieve the implicit result-sets.

* ResultSets are returned in the same order as in the PL/SQL
* procedure/block.
while (OCIStmtGetNextResult(stmthp, errhp, &result, &rtype,
{ /* Check the type of implicit ResultSet, currently
* only supported type is OCI_RESULT_TYPE_SELECT
*/ if (rtype == OCI_RESULT_TYPE_SELECT)
{ OCIStmt *rsethp = (OCIStmt *)result;
/* Perform normal OCI actions to define and fetch rows. */
} else
printf("unknown result type %d\n", rtype);
/* The result set handle should not be freed by the user. */
} OCIHandleFree(stmthp, OCI_HTYPE_STMT); /* All implicit result-sets are
also freed. */ ODBC Support for Implicit Results

Starting with Oracle Database 12c, ODBC applications provide support for implicit
results through a new function, SQLMoreResults(). ODBC driver is enhanced to make
use of the following new OCI APIs that enhance the migration process:
• OCIStmtGetNextResult() function
ODBC support for implicit results enables the migration of Sybase and SQL Server
applications that use multiple result sets bundled in the stored procedures. Oracle
achieves this by sending the statements or procedures to the server, where the non-
Oracle SQL is translated to Oracle syntax. Processing Implicit Results in ODBC

Example 1-4 and Example 1-5 demonstrate how to retrieve implicit results in ODBC.
Example 1-4 Using ODBC to return implicit results with
create or replace procedure foo
c1 sys_refcursor;
c2 sys_refcursor;

Chapter 1
Oracle Database Features for Migration Support

open c1 for select employee_id, first_name from employees where

open c2 for select department_id, department_name from departments where
rownum <=2;

Example 1-5 Using ODBC to return implicit results with SQLMoreResults

SQLLEN enind,jind;
SQLCHAR empname[STR_LEN] = "";
//Allocate HENV, HDBC, HSTMT handles
rc = SQLPrepare(hstmt, "begin foo(); end;", SQL_NTS);
rc = SQLExecute(hstmt);
//Bind columns for the first SELECT query in the procedure foo( )
rc = SQLBindCol (hstmt, 1, SQL_C_ULONG, &eno, 0, &jind);
rc = SQLBindCol (hstmt, 2, SQL_C_CHAR, empname, sizeof (empname),

//so on for all the columns that needs to be fetched as per the SELECT
//query in the procedure.
//Fetch all results for first SELECT query
while ((rc = SQLFetch (hstmt)) != SQL_NO_DATA)
//do something
//Again check if there are any results available by calling
//SQLMoreResults. SQLMoreResults will return SQL_SUCCESS if any
//results are available else returns errors appropriately as explained
//in MSDN ODBC spec.
rc = SQLMoreResults ( hstmt );
if( rc == SQL_SUCCESS)
//If the columns for the second SELECT query are different the rebind
//the columns for the second SELECT SQL statement.
rc = SQLBindCol (hstmt, 1,…);
rc = SQLBindCol (hstmt, 2,…);

//Fetch the second result set
while ((rc = SQLFetch (hstmt)) != SQL_NO_DATA)
//do something
SQLDisconnect (hdbc);

SQLFreeConnect (hdbc);
SQLFreeEnv (henv);

1.1.5 Enhanced SQL to PL/SQL Bind Handling

In earlier releases of Oracle Database, a SQL expression could not invoke a PL/SQL
function that had a formal parameter or return type that was not a SQL data type.
Starting with Oracle Database 12c, a PL/SQL anonymous block, a SQL CALL
statement, or a SQL query can invoke a PL/SQL function that has parameters of the
following types:

Chapter 1
Oracle Database Features for Migration Support

• Boolean
• Record declared in a package specification
• Collection declared in a package specification
The SQL TABLE operator is also enhanced, so that you can query on PL/SQL
collections of locally scoped types as an argument to TABLE operator. Here, the
collections can be of nested table types, VARRAY, or PL/SQL index table that are
indexed by PLS_INTEGER.

This feature extends the flexibility of the TABLE operator, and enables easy migration of
non-Oracle stored procedure code to PL/SQL. Invoking a Subprogram with a Nested Table Parameter

Example 1-6 shows how to dynamically call a subprogram with a nested table formal
parameter. See Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference for more information
on this topic.
Example 1-6 Invoking a subprogram with a nested table formal parameter


PROCEDURE print_names (x names);

END pkg;
PROCEDURE print_names (x names) IS
END pkg;
fruits pkg.names;
dyn_stmt VARCHAR2(3000);
fruits := pkg.names('apple', 'banana', 'cherry');

dyn_stmt := 'BEGIN print_names(:x); END;';


1.1.6 Native SQL Support for Query Row Limits and Row Offsets
Starting with Oracle Database 12c, Oracle provides a row limiting clause that enables
native SQL support for query row limits and row offsets. If your application has queries
that limit the number of rows returned or offset the starting row of the results, this
feature significantly reduces SQL complexity for such queries. Limiting Bulk Selection

Example 1-7 shows how to limit bulk selection with the FETCH FIRST clause. See
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for more information on this topic.

Chapter 1
Oracle Database Features for Migration Support

Example 1-7 How to limit bulk selection

TYPE SalList IS TABLE OF employees.salary%TYPE;
sals SalList;
SELECT salary BULK COLLECT INTO sals FROM employees

SELECT salary BULK COLLECT INTO sals FROM employees

SAMPLE (10);

SELECT salary BULK COLLECT INTO sals FROM employees


1.1.7 JDBC Driver Support for Application Migration

Many applications that you want to migrate to Oracle Database from other databases
have Java applications that use JDBC to connect to the database. To facilitate SQL
translation, Oracle Database 12c introduced a new set of JDBC APIs that are specific
to SQL translation.

See Also:

• "SQL Translation of JDBC Applications"

• API Reference for SQL Translation of JDBC Applications
• Complete documentation of the oracle.jdbc package in Oracle
Database JDBC Java API Reference
jdbc-112010-090769.html for an updated list of JDBC drivers

1.1.8 ODBC Driver Support for Application Migration

ODBC driver supports the migration of third-party applications to Oracle Databases
by using the SQL Translation Framework. This enables non-Oracle database SQL
statements to run against Oracle Database. See "How to Use SQL Translation
Framework" before beginning to migrate third-party ODBC application to Oracle
To use this feature with an ODBC application, you must specify the service name,
which was created as part of SQL Translation Framework setup, as the ServerName=
entry in the .odbc.ini file.

If you require support for translation of Oracle errors (ORA errors) to your the
native database, once your application starts running against Oracle Database, then
you must enable the SQLTranslateErrors=T entry in the .odbc.ini file. See "SQL
Translation of ODBC Applications" for more information on this topic.

Chapter 1
Other Oracle Products that Enable Migration

1.2 Other Oracle Products that Enable Migration

Oracle recommends the use of several Oracle products as part of an overall migration

1.2.1 OEM Tuning and Performance Packs

For every type of migration, a few of the SQL statements used in the application must
change, and some indexes must be re-built. Oracle SQL Tuning and Performance
Packs provide guidance for the optimization step of the application migration.

1.2.2 Oracle GoldenGate

Oracle GoldenGate is a comprehensive software package for enabling the replication
of data in heterogeneous data environments. The product set enables high
availability solutions, real-time data integration, transactional change data capture,
data replication, transformations, and verification between operational and analytical
enterprise systems.
Oracle GoldenGate enables the exchange and manipulation of data at the transaction
level among multiple, heterogeneous platforms across the enterprise. Its modular
architecture provides the flexibility to extract and replicate selected data records,
transactional changes, and changes to DDL (data definition language) across a variety
of topologies.
When you migrate very large databases, the actual process of copying data from one
database to another is time-consuming. During this time, the enterprise must continue
delivering services using the old solution, which changes some of the data. These
run-time changes must be captured and propagated to Oracle Database. Oracle
GoldenGate captures these changes and enables side-by-side testing to ensure that
the new solution performs as planned.

1.2.3 Oracle Database Gateways

Oracle Database Gateways address the needs of disparate data access. In a
heterogeneously distributed environment, Gateways make it possible to integrate
with any number of non-Oracle systems from an Oracle application. They enable
integration with data stores such as IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server and Excel,
transaction managers like IBM CICS and message queuing systems like IBM
WebSphere MQ.
For more information about Oracle Database Gateways, see

1.2.4 Oracle SQL Developer

Oracle SQL Developer, as described in Oracle SQL Developer User's Guide, has a
large suite of features that enable migration, including the following features:
• Support for database migration, such as schema, data, and server-side objects,
from non-Oracle databases to Oracle Database (Migration Wizard)

Chapter 1
Migration Support for Other Database Vendors

• Support for application migration, including SQL statement pre-processing and

data type translation support (Application Migration Assistant)

1.3 Migration Support for Other Database Vendors

Oracle provides migration support for applications running on various databases.

1.3.1 Application Support in Third-Party Databases

Table 1-1 provides information about the applications supported in several third-
party databases. Note that while translation framework is available for DB2 LUW, a
translator for DB2 is not available.

Table 1-1 Supported Applications in Databases

Application SQL DB2 LUW DB2 Sybase Teradata Informix

Server AS400 ASE
Oracle SQL Developer Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Oracle Migration Workbench No No Yes No No Yes
SQL Translation Framework Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
(SQL Translation Profile)
SQL Translation Framework yes Partial No Yes No No
(SQL Translator)

1.3.2 Third-Party Database Version Support

Table 1-2 lists the supported database versions for migration using Oracle SQL
Developer; this is not a comprehensive list. SQL translation may not work properly
for every database.

Table 1-2 Supported Database Versions for Migration Using Oracle SQL

RDBMS Supported Versions

SQL Server 7.0, 2000, 2005,2008
Sybase Adaptive Server 12, 15
Access 97, 2000, 2002 and 2003
MySQL 3,4,5
DB2 AS400 V4R3, V4R5
DB2 LUW 8, 9
Teradata 12
Informix 7.3, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4

SQL Translation Framework Overview
Various client-side applications, designed to work with non-Oracle Databases, cannot
be used with Oracle Database without significant alterations. This is because SQL
dialect varies among vendors of database technologies and different vendors use
different syntaxes to express SQL queries and statements.
Starting with Oracle Database 12c, there is a new mechanism called SQL Translation
Framework. It translates the SQL statements of a client program from a foreign (non-
Oracle) SQL dialect into the SQL dialect used by the Oracle Database SQL compiler.
In addition to translating non-Oracle SQL statements, the SQL Translation Framework
may be used to substitute an Oracle SQL statement with another Oracle statement to
address a semantic or performance issue. In this way, you can address an application
issue without patching the client application.
The SQL translation framework consists of two basic components: SQL Translator,
and SQL Translation Profile.

The SQL Translator

The SQL Translator is a software component, provided by Oracle or third-party
vendors, which can be installed in Oracle Database. It translates the SQL statements
of a client program before they are processed by the Oracle Database SQL compiler. If
an error results from translated SQL statement execution, then Oracle Database SQL
compiler generates an Oracle error message.
The SQL Translator automatically translates non-Oracle SQL to Oracle SQL, thereby
enabling the existing client-side application code to run largely unchanged against
an Oracle Database. This reduces the cost of migration to Oracle Database storage
significantly. As a corollary, the translation feature may be used in other scenarios,
where it may be expedient to intervene between the original SQL statement submitted
by the client and its actual execution.

The SQL Translation Profile

The SQL Translation Profile is a database object that contains the set of captured
non-Oracle SQL statements, and their translations or translation errors. The SQL
Translation Profile is used to review, approve, and modify translations. A profile
is associated to a single translator. However, a translator can be used in one or
more SQL Translation Profiles. Typically, there is one SQL Translation Profile per
application, otherwise applications can share translated queries. You can export
profiles among various databases.
The following figure illustrates the run-time overview the SQL Translation Framework.

Chapter 2
Architecture of SQL Translation Framework

Figure 2-1 SQL Translation Framework at Runtime

SQL Translation

Oracle Database

Non-Oracle SQL
SQL Translator

Application Translation

2.1 Architecture of SQL Translation Framework

The key component of SQL Translation Framework is the SQL Translation Profile.
The profile is a collection of non-Oracle statements that are processed through the
translator. The application determines which profile to use when connecting to the
Oracle Database. The translator handles the actual translation work.
In most cases, the non-Oracle SQL statements and errors are translated by a SQL
Translator registered in the profile. The translator may be supplied by Oracle or by
a third-party vendor. If the translator does not have a translation for a particular SQL
statement or error, then you may register your own custom translation. You may also
wish to register your own custom translation to override the default translator and to
customize your translation results.

2.2 How to Use SQL Translation Framework

Perform the following steps to use SQL Translation Framework:
1. Install a SQL Translator, either from Oracle or a third-party vendor, in Oracle
2. Create a SQL Translation Profile and register the SQL Translator with the profile.
3. Create a Database service and specify the SQL Translation Profile as a service
attribute to which the application can connect.
Note that setting the SQL Translation Profile at the service level ensures that
everything running through that listener service is translated automatically.
The translator can also be activated at connection level by using the ALTER
SESSION statement or the LOGON triggers.
4. Link the application with an Oracle driver to connect the application to Oracle
Database. You must also change the connection settings to connect to the
Database service with the SQL Translation Profile.

Chapter 2
When to Use SQL Translation Framework

5. Test all functionality of the application against Oracle Database. As the application
runs, the SQL Translation Profile translates SQL statements of the application
from the third-party SQL dialect to semantically-equivalent Oracle syntax and
register them in the profile.
If the translator does not have a translation for a particular SQL statement or error,
then you may register your own translation to fill its place.
6. Verify the custom translations and edit them, if required. Alternatively, register new
ones to ensure that the application performs as intended, until testing is complete.
Oracle recommends establishing a test environment and rigorously testing the
application, ideally through a regression test suite.
7. Set up the server-side application objects and data in the production Oracle
Database for deployment to a production environment.
8. Create a database service with the profile set as a service attribute and change
the connection settings of the application, so that it connects to the database
service in the production database. The application is expected to run as tested.
Oracle recommends that the application be monitored to guard against the possibility
of errors due to unavailability of translation of any SQL statement. You must first
disable the automatic translation of new and unseen SQL statements in the profile;
when any such statement is encountered, it raises an error that is logged. In cases of
alerts for mis-translation, you must make adjustments to the profile.

See Also:

• The new DBMS_SQL_TRANSLATOR PL/SQL package and updated DBMS_SQL

and DBMS_SERVICE PL/SQL packages in the Oracle Database PL/SQL
Packages and Types Reference.
• Updated GRANT and REVOKE statements and new system privileges in the
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
• Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
• Oracle Database Administrator's Guide

2.3 When to Use SQL Translation Framework

Use SQL Translation to migrate a client application that uses SQL statements with
vendor-proprietary SQL syntax.
Currently, SQL Translators are available only for Sybase and SQL Server, and there is
limited support for DB2.
SQL Translation Framework is designed for use with open API applications, such as
ODBC or JDBC, and applications that use SQL statements that may be translated into
semantically-equivalent Oracle syntax. These applications must relink to the Oracle
ODBC or JDBC driver and then execute through the translation service.
Following are the possible scenarios for the connection mechanism:

Chapter 2
When to Use SQL Translation Framework

• If the application uses ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB or .NET driver, or data provider
to connect to the database, then the driver or data provider for Oracle must be
• If the application uses MySQL client library to connect to MySQL, then the library
with Mysql Client Library Driver for Oracle must be replaced.
• No direct translator is available for DB2. For more information, refer to "Migration
Support for Other Database Vendors".
If the application uses IBM DRDA network protocol to connect to DB2, then the
database connection settings must be changed to connect to Oracle through
DRDA Application Server for Oracle.
• If the application uses a vendor-proprietary C client API (the case of Sybase), then
the API calls must be replaced with appropriate Oracle OCI APIs.

SQL Translation Framework Configuration
The SQL Translation Framework may be installed and configured using Oracle SQL
Developer, or from the command line interface. In either case, the user must have the
necessary permissions to install SQL Translator.

3.1 Installing and Configuring SQL Translation Framework

with Oracle SQL Developer
You can use the DBA Navigator in Oracle SQL Developer 3.2 to install and manage
the translator and translation profile.

3.1.1 Overview of Oracle SQL Developer Migration Support

The SQL Translation framework is installed as part of Oracle Database installation.
However, it must be configured to recognize the non-Oracle SQL dialect of the
application and you must install at least one translator to fully utilize the framework.
Before using the SQL Translation feature, you must migrate your data, schema, stored
procedures, triggers, and views. Oracle implements database schema migration and
data migration through Oracle SQL Developer functionality. Oracle SQL Developer
simplifies the process of migrating a non-Oracle database to an Oracle Database
through the use of Migration Wizard. The Migration wizard provides convenient and
comprehensive guidance through the phases involved in migrating a database.
Oracle SQL Developer captures information from the source non-Oracle database and
displays it in a captured model, which is a representation of the structure of the source
database. This representation is stored in a migration repository, which is a collection
of schema objects that Oracle SQL Developer uses to store migration information.
The information in the repository is used to generate the converted model, which is a
representation of the structure of the destination database as it will be implemented in
the Oracle database. You can then use the information in the captured model and the
converted model to compare database objects, identify conflicts with Oracle reserved
words, and manage the migration progress. When you are ready to migrate, generate
the Oracle schema objects, and then migrate the data.
This section describes how to perform the subsequent tasks that enable automatic
run-time migration. These examples use SQL Translator with a JDBC application that
runs against a Sybase database; they can be easily adapted for other client/database
configurations. Note that Oracle SQL Developer is shipped with an installed Sybase
See Oracle SQL Developer User's Guide for more information.

Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring SQL Translation Framework with Oracle SQL Developer

3.1.2 Setting Up Oracle SQL Developer 3.2 for Windows

Oracle SQL Developer 3.2 is shipped with Oracle Database 11g JDBC drivers and
there is no client for Windows in this release. If you are using a Windows system, then
you must enable Oracle SQL Developer 3.2 to use Oracle Database 12c JDBC driver,
so that all the features of the current release are enabled. Perform the following steps
to achieve this:
• Rename the sqldeveloper\jdbc\lib folder to sqldeveloper\jdbc\lib_11g.
• Create a new empty folder as sqldeveloper\jdbc\lib.
• Unzip Oracle Database 12c JDBC JAR files into the new sqldeveloper\jdbc\lib
See Oracle Database JDBC Developer's Guide for more information about Oracle
Database 12c JDBC files. Setting Up Oracle SQL Developer 3.2 Startup

Oracle SQL Developer automatically uses JDBC drivers found in any
ORACLE_HOME\client directory. To override this behavior and make Oracle SQL
Developer use JDBC drivers in the sqldeveloper\jdbc\lib directory, create a new
sqldeveloper.bat file in the sqldeveloper directory:
start sqldeveloper.exe Starting Oracle SQL Developer

Run the sqldeveloper.bat file to run Oracle SQL Developer.

To check the JDBC driver configuration:

1. Select About from Help menu.
2. Select Properties. It must display the configuration as shown in Figure 3-1:

Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring SQL Translation Framework with Oracle SQL Developer

Figure 3-1 Checking JDBC Configuration for Oracle SQL Developer

3.1.3 Creating a Connection to Oracle Database

Create a connection to the Database with the credentials as shown in Figure 3-2:

Figure 3-2 Creating an Oracle Database Connection

You can use the following command to check the database you are connected to and
the JDBC driver being used:
show jdbc

Setting Up Migration Preferences

You must set up the migration preferences in the following way:

Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring SQL Translation Framework with Oracle SQL Developer

1. Select Preferences from the Tools menu.

2. Select Generation Options from Migration option on the left panel, as shown in
Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3 Setting Up Migration Preferences in Oracle SQL Developer

3.1.4 Testing SQL Translation

Perform the following steps to determine whether Sybase SQL Translator is properly
installed or not:
1. Open Oracle SQL Developer.
2. From the Tools menu, select Migration, and then select Translation Scratch

3. In the Scratch Editor toolbar, select Sybase T_SQL To PL/SQL option, which is
the Sybase translator.

Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring SQL Translation Framework with Oracle SQL Developer

4. In the left panel of the Scratch Editor, enter the following query in Sybase SQL
select top 10 * from dual
5. Click the Translate icon.
The translated query text is displayed in the right panel of the editor.

3.1.5 Creating a Translation Profile and Installing SQL Translator

Oracle SQL Developer is installed with Oracle Database 12c. It loads Java classes
of the Sybase Translator, approximately 15 MB, into Oracle Database. Due to the
size and the number of Java classes loaded, Oracle recommends you to install the
translator locally, and not over a WAN.
If the translator is installed under a user profile that has a pre-existing migration
repository, the translator picks up the context of the database, such as name changes.
Therefore, you must create a new user with the following specifications:
• Access to storage in the SYSTEM and/or USER tablespace Installing SQL Translator

To install SQL Translator:
1. Log into the database using ADMIN privileges.
2. At the command line, enter the following commands.
GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE, CREATE VIEW TO TranslUser identified by TranslUser;
3. From the View menu, select DBA.

Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring SQL Translation Framework with Oracle SQL Developer

4. In the DBA Navigator, right-click Connections and select Add Connection.

5. In the Select Connection box, select the connection if you want to use an existing
connection. If you want to create a new connection, then add the information for
transluser discussed in step 2.

Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring SQL Translation Framework with Oracle SQL Developer

6. Click Connect.
7. In the DBA navigator, right-click the connection created in the preceding steps,
and select Install SQL Translator.

The Install SQL Translator dialog box opens.

You must have special permissions to install the SQL Translator and create a
SQL Translation Profile. You will be prompted to provide the SYS password, so
that these privileges can be granted. Refer to "Granting Necessary Permissions for
Installing the SQL Translator" for more information about these privileges.
8. Create a SQL Translation Profile, following steps described in "Creating a
Translation Profile ".
9. Verify that the user has sufficient privileges to run the translation profile.
You may have to login as SYS user to grant additional privileges.

10. Install SQL Translator.

Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring SQL Translation Framework with Oracle SQL Developer

11. To ensure that both the Profile and Translator are properly installed, verify whether
the appropriate package and Java class files are present or not in the Connections
pane. Creating a Translation Profile

To create a translation profile:
1. From the SQL Translator drop-down box, select Sybase or SQL Translator.
2. Check Create New Profile.
3. Enter SYBASE_PROFILE in Profile Name field.
4. In Profile Schema, select the name of the user created in section "Creating a
Translation Profile and Installing SQL Translator".
5. Click Apply.

3.1.6 Using the SQL Translator Profile

To test the SQL Translation Profile, use SQL Worksheet:
1. Right-click the SYBASE_PROFILE node.
2. Select Open SQL Worksheet with Profile.
3. Enter a T-SQL statement that you want to translate.

Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring SQL Translation Framework with Oracle SQL Developer

4. Click SYBASE_PROFILE and select the SQL Translation tab to inspect the profile and
view the translated statement.

An alternative way to view the profile SQL in a better way when you double-click
on it, the fingerprint and template open in a Translation Scratch Editor as shown in
the following images:

Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring SQL Translation Framework from Command Line

3.2 Installing and Configuring SQL Translation Framework

from Command Line
There are several processes that you must complete to successfully install and
configure the SQL Translation Framework from command line interface.

3.2.1 Installing Oracle Sybase Translator

To install Oracle Sybase Translator, Use Oracle SQL Developer as described in
"Installing and Configuring SQL Translation Framework with Oracle SQL Developer".

3.2.2 Setting up a SQL Translation Profile

Perform the following steps to set up a SQL Translation Profile through a command-
line interface:
1. Login as a system user.
> sqlplus system/<password>
2. Grant create privileges to the standard user.

Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring SQL Translation Framework from Command Line

This allows the standard user to create a SQL Translation Profile.

SQL> grant create sql translation profile to <user>;
3. Login as a standard user.
sqlplus <user>/<password>
4. Invoke the methods of DBMS_SQL_TRANSLATOR PL/SQL package to create and
configure the translation profile.
SQL> exec dbms_sql_translator.create_profile('sybase_profile')
SQL> exec dbms_sql_translator.set_attribute('sybase_profile',
5. Grant all privileges for the SQL Translation Profile to Oracle Sybase translation
SQL> grant all on sql translation profile sybase_profile to migration_repo;

3.2.3 Setting Up a Database Service to Use the SQL Translation

This section describes how to add a database service in a standard environment and
in an Oracle Real Application Clusters environment.

Setting Up a Database Service in a Standard Environment

To set up a database service in a standard environment:
1. Login as a DBA
2. Issue the following commands to use the DBMS_SERVICE PL/SQL package to create
and invoke the database service:
SQL> declare
params dbms_service.svc_parameter_array;
params('SQL_TRANSLATION_PROFILE') := 'user.sybase_profile';
dbms_service.create_service('sybase_service', 'network_name', params);
/ Setting Up a Database Service in Oracle Real Application Clusters

To set up a database service in Oracle Real Application Clusters:
1. Add the database service:
srvctl add service -db db_name -service sybase_service
-sql_translation_profile user.sybase_profile

2. Start the database service:

srvctl start service -db db_name -service sybase_service

Chapter 3
Granting Necessary Permissions for Installing the SQL Translator

3.2.4 Testing Sybase SQL Translation Using the SQL Translation

Perform the following steps to test the translation:
1. Login as a standard user:
sqlplus user/password
2. Specify the SQL Translation Profile at the SQL prompt:
SQL> alter session set sql_translation_profile = sybase_profile;
3. Force the database to treat SQL*Plus as a foreign SQL application:
SQL> alter session set events = '10601 trace name context forever, level 32';
4. Run a SQL query that uses Sybase SQL dialect. For example:
select top 3 * from emp;
5. The query returns the following results:
7369 SMITH CLERK 7902 17-DEC-80 800 20
7499 ALLEN SALESMAN 7698 20-FEB-81 1600 300 30
7521 WARD SALESMAN 7698 22-FEB-81 1250 500 30

3.3 Granting Necessary Permissions for Installing the SQL

This section discusses the privileges that you must have to install the SQL Translator.
The SYBASE_PROFILE created here has the following two users:

• MIGREP, where the translator is installed

• TARGET_USER, where the profile is installed
To grant privileges necessary for installing the SQL Translator:
1. Connect as SYS to grant the required privileges:
connect sys/oracle as sysdba
2. Allow MIGREP to create a view and have access to unlimited quota:
GRANT connect, resource, create view to MIGREP;
3. Allow TARGET_USER to create a view and have access to unlimited quota:
GRANT connect, resource, create view to TARGET_USER;
4. Allow MIGREP to load a SQL Translator:
'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'getClassLoader', '');

Chapter 3
Granting Necessary Permissions for Installing the SQL Translator

5. Allow TARGET_USER to create profiles:

6. Allow TARGET_USER to explicitly alter the session to use a profile:

This privilege is not granted in SQL Developer by default.

7. Allow the translator to make reference to the profile:
8. Allow the profile to make reference to the translator:

SQL Translation of JDBC and ODBC
Oracle provides SQL Translation mechanisms for use with JDBC and ODBC

4.1 SQL Translation of JDBC Applications

Consider the concepts necessary to understanding how to use SQL Translator with a
JDBC application.

4.1.1 SQL Translation Profile

A SQL Translation Profile is a database schema object that directs how SQL
statements in non-Oracle dialects are translated into Oracle SQL dialects. It also
directs how Oracle error codes and SQLSTATES are translated into the SQL dialect of
other vendors.
When you want to migrate a client application written for a non-Oracle SQL database
to Oracle, you can create a SQL Translation Profile and configure it to translate the
SQL statements and errors for the application. At runtime, the application sets the
profile for the connection in Oracle Database to translate its SQL statements and
errors. This profile is set using the oracle.jdbc.sqlTranslationProfile property.

When necessary, you can register custom translations of SQL statements and errors
with the SQL Translation Profile on the Server. When a SQL statement or error is
translated, then first, the custom translation is looked up and then, the translator is
invoked only if no match is found.
See "Architecture of SQL Translation Framework" and "Setting up a SQL Translation

4.1.2 Error Message Translation

You may prefer receiving error messages in the form of messages that used to be
thrown by the native database. You must then use the error message translation file,
which translates error messages when there is no valid connection to the database.
Once a connection to the database is established, the JDBC driver bypasses this file
completely and all errors are handled by the translator on the server. Similar to query
translation, you can also register custom error translations on the server.
The error message translation file is not written by a specific component. You must
provide the file for translation and specify the name of the file. You can also provide
the file path as the value of the corresponding connection property.
The error message translation file is in XML format; it contains a series of error
translations. Each error translation contains the following information:

Chapter 4
SQL Translation of JDBC Applications

Translation Error Type

ORA error number positive integer
Oracle error message String
Translated error code positive integer
Translated SQL State positive integer

4.1.3 Converting JDBC Standard Parameter Markers

Before submitting the SQL statements for translation., the JDBC driver internally
converts the JDBC standard parameter markers (?) into Oracle style parameter
markers of the format :b<n>.

Here, the naming format for the parameter markers is :b<n>, where n is an incremental
number to specify the position of the (?) marker in the JDBC PreparedStatement.

Consider the UPDATE employees SET salary = salary * ? WHERE employee_id = ?

PreparedStatement statement, where, the first parameter marker (?) will become :b1
and the second parameter marker (?) will become :b2.

After conversion, the driver sends the following query to the server for translation:
UPDATE employees SET salary = salary * :b1 WHERE employee_id = :b2

Note that any query that contains "?" as a parameter marker fails during the
connection translation phase if you change the value of the processEscapes property
to FALSE. For a successful translation, you must retain the default value of the
processEscapes property.

Converting parameter markers helps the driver to automatically reorder any parameter
changes that occurred at translation. At the time of conversion, any custom translation
that must be registered on the server should be registered from the Oracle style
parameter marker version; the server receives the statements. Note that, the custom
translation must have the same number of parameter markers in the Oracle style as in
the original query.
For more information about supported JDBC APIs, API Reference for SQL Translation
of JDBC Applications .

4.1.4 Executing the Translated Oracle Dialect Query

After the JDBC standard parameter markers are converted into Oracle style parameter
markers, the driver makes a round-trip to the server for translating the query into
Oracle dialect. Once the translated query is received by the server, any reordering in
the parameters in handled transparently by the driver, and the query is executed as a
normal query.
If a query cannot be translated due to the unavailability of translation, then the
server can either raise an error or return a NULL, based on the value of the
returns a NULL, then the original untranslated query is assumed to be the query
translated by the driver and executed.
The driver keeps the translation in the local caches to save the future round-trip.

Chapter 4
SQL Translation of JDBC Applications

Note that the JDBC driver can support the translation errors (when the query cannot
be translated due to the unavailability of translation) set by either value of the
must be set on the server before the connection is established. Because a change in
the value of this attribute in the middle of a session may result in inconsistent behavior,
Oracle recommends that you do not flip the value of this attribute during a session.
See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information
about the TRANSLATE_SQL procedure.

4.1.5 Error Translation

If any SQLException is thrown during the query execution, the driver transparently
makes a trip to the server and translates the exception from Oracle codes to the
original vendor-specific code. So, the resulting SQLException has both vendor-specific
code and SQLSTATE along with the Oracle-specific SQLException as the cause.

Similar to query translation, custom error translations can also be

registered on the server and given priority over standard translation. The
on custom error translation as on query translation.
Note that the errors are translated only after a connection to the server is established.
So, for errors that occur before the connection to the server is established, Error
Message Translation is used.

4.1.6 Using JDBC Driver for SQL Translation

Example 4-1 demonstrates how to use a JDBC driver for SQL translation. You must
first grant the CREATE SQL TRANSLATION PROFILE privilege to HR as follows:
conn system/manager;
grant create sql translation profile to HR;

Now, connect to the database as HR and execute the following SQL statements:
drop table sample_tab;
create table sample_tab (c1 number, c2 varchar2(100));
insert into sample_tab values (1, 'A');
insert into sample_tab values (1, 'A');
insert into sample_tab values (1, 'A');
exec dbms_sql_translator.drop_profile('FOO');
exec dbms_sql_translator.create_profile('FOO');
exec dbms_sql_translator.register_sql_translation('FOO','select row of select
c1, c2 from sample_tab
where c1=:b1 and c2=:b2','select c1, c2 from sample_tab where c1=:b1 and

Now, you can run the following program that translates SQL statements that use JDBC
standard parameter markers.
Example 4-1 Translating Non-Oracle SQL Statements to Oracle SQL Dialect
Using JDBC Driver
public class SQLTransPstmt
static String url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:5521:jvx1";

Chapter 4
SQL Translation of ODBC Applications

static String user="HR", pwd="hr";

static String PROFILE = "FOO";
static String primitiveSql = "select row of select c1, c2 from sample_tab
where c1=? and c2=?";

// Note that this query contains JDBC style parameter markers

// But the preceding custom translation registered in SQL is using Oracle style

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception

OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();

Properties props = new Properties();

props.put("user", user);
props.put("password", pwd);

// The Following connection property makes the connection translating

Connection conn = ods.getConnection();
System.out.println("connection for SQL translation: "+conn);

// Any statements created using a translating connection are
// automatically translating. If you want to get a non-translating
// statement out of a translating connection please have a look at
// the oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection Interface.
// Refer to "OracleTranslatingConnection Interface"
// for more information
PreparedStatement trStmt = conn.prepareStatement(primitiveSql);
trStmt.setInt(1, 1);
trStmt.setString(2, "A");
System.out.println("executeQuery for: "+primitiveSql);
ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery();
while (
System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2));

}catch (Exception e) {


4.2 SQL Translation of ODBC Applications

Consider the concepts necessary to understanding how to use SQL Translator with an
ODBC application.

Chapter 4
SQL Translation of ODBC Applications

4.2.1 SQL Translation profile

For ODBC applications, the SQL Translation Profile is set at the service level. So, you
do not require to set it in the .odbc.ini file.

4.2.2 Error Message Translation

You may prefer receiving error messages in the form of messages that used to be
thrown by the native database. In such cases, when the application is set to run on
Oracle Database, you must set the SQLTranslateErrors=T entry in the .odbc.ini file
to translate the ORA errors to their native form.

4.2.3 Translating Error Messages

Example 4-2 demonstrates how to use the ODBC driver in SQL translation. The SQL
statement used in the example uses Sybase TOP N syntax.

Note that you must set the ServerName= entry in the .odbc.ini file with the Database
service name created in "How to Use SQL Translation Framework" section. Also,
set the 'SQLTranslateErros=T entry in the .odbc.ini file, if you require translation of
Oracle errors to native database errors.
Example 4-2 Translating Non-Oracle SQL to Oracle SQL Dialect Using ODBC
int main()
HENV m_henv; /* environment handle */
HDBC m_hdbc; /* connection handle */
HSTMT m_hstmt; /* statement handle */
int retCode; /* return code */
char dbdsn[100]; /* Initialize with the DSN name of connection */
const char szUID[10];/*Initialize with appropriate Username of DB */
const char szPWD[10]; /* Initialize with appropriate Password */

char query1[100]="select top 3 col1 from babel_tab3 order by col1";

SQLLEN paramInd = SQL_NTS;

//Allocate HENV, HDBC, HSTMT handles

retCode = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &m_henv);
if (retCode != SQL_SUCCESS && retCode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
printf ("SQLAllocHandle failed \n");
printSQLError (1, m_henv);

retCode = SQLSetEnvAttr (m_henv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void *) SQL_OV_ODBC3,

if (retCode != SQL_SUCCESS && retCode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
printf ("SQLSetEnvAttr failed\n");
printSQLError (1, m_henv);

retCode = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_DBC, m_henv, &m_hdbc);

if (retCode != SQL_SUCCESS && retCode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)

Chapter 4
SQL Translation of ODBC Applications

printf ("SQLAllocHandle failed\n");
printSQLError (2, m_hdbc);

retCode = SQLConnect (m_hdbc, (SQLCHAR *) dbdsn,SQL_NTS,

if (retCode != SQL_SUCCESS && retCode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
printf ("SQLConnect failed to connect\n");
printSQLError (2, m_hdbc);

retCode = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hdbc, &m_hstmt);

if (retCode != SQL_SUCCESS && retCode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
printf ("SQLAllocHandle with SQL_HANDLE_STMT failed\n");
printSQLError (3, m_hstmt);

/* Prepare and Execute the Sybase Top-N syntax SQL statements */

retCode = SQLPrepare (m_hstmt, (SQLCHAR *) query1, SQL_NTS);

if (retCode != SQL_SUCCESS && retCode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
printf ("SQLPrepare failed\n");
printSQLError (3, m_hstmt);

if (retCode != SQL_SUCCESS && retCode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
printf ("SQLExecute-failed\n");
printSQLError (3, m_hstmt);

while (retCode = SQLFetch(m_hstmt)!=SQL_NO_DATA)

retCode=SQLGetData(m_hstmt,1,SQL_C_ULONG, &no, 0, &paramInd);
if (retCode != SQL_SUCCESS && retCode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
printf ("SQLFetch failed\n");
printSQLError (3, m_hstmt);
printf("Value is %d\n",no);

retCode = SQLCloseCursor (m_hstmt);

if (retCode != SQL_SUCCESS && retCode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
printf ("SQLCloseCursor failed\n");

printf ("cleanup()\n");
retCode = SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hstmt);
if (retCode != SQL_SUCCESS && retCode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
printf ("SQLFreeHandle failed\n");
printSQLError (3, m_hstmt);

retCode = SQLDisconnect (m_hdbc);

Chapter 4
SQL Translation of ODBC Applications

if (retCode != SQL_SUCCESS && retCode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)

printf ("SQLDisconnect failed\n");
printSQLError (2, m_hdbc);

retCode = SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_DBC, m_hdbc);

if (retCode != SQL_SUCCESS && retCode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
printf ("SQLFreeHandle failed\n");
printSQLError (2, m_hdbc);

retCode = SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_ENV, m_henv);

if (retCode != SQL_SUCCESS && retCode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
printf ("SQLFreeHandle failed\n");
printSQLError (1, m_henv);

Example: Application Migration Using SQL
Translation Framework
Consider an example of migrating a Sybase JDBC Application, and the information
contained in the migration reports: how it may be used to tune the migration for optimal

5.1 Migrating a Sybase JDBC Application

Figure 5-1 illustrates how an application that is coded to query a Sybase database
may use SQL Translation Framework to query information stored in Oracle Database

Figure 5-1 Sybase Application Running Against Oracle Database

Sybase SQL
Translation Profile

Custom Error-Code App Tables

Custom SQL Auto and
Translations Translator Stored

Sybase Sybase SQL
App Translation Profile

Custom Error-Code

5.1.1 Application Overview

The Sybase database used in this example has three tables and five procedures and
includes the following features:
• IDENTITY columns
• INSERT statements into tables with IDENTITY columns
• VARCHAR columns with size greater than 4000 characters
• Multiple implicit result sets returned from procedures
A Java application connects to this Sybase database using JDBC.

Chapter 5
Migrating a Sybase JDBC Application

5.1.2 Setting Up Migration

The migration process has four phases - Capture, Convert, Generate, and Data Move.
It is best practice to complete each phase of the migration process, review any issues
on the Summary page, and then continue to the next phase. The Migration Wizard
enables you to complete each step in turn and then return back to the wizard to
complete further steps. To do this, after completing each phase, select the Proceed to
Summary Page check box and click Next.
Perform the following steps to set up migration:
1. Download the JDBC driver JTDS 1.2.
2. Add JTDS as a third-party JDBC driver as follows:
a. Select Preferences from the Tools menu.
b. Select Third Party JDBC Driver from the Database option on the right panel,
as shown in Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2 Setting JTDS JDBC Driver

3. Click Add Entry.

The Select Path Entry box is displayed.
4. Select the jtds-1.2.jar file and click Select.
5. Click OK.
6. Connect to the Oracle Database where you want to migrate the information.
7. Verify that the connection is using Oracle Database 12c JDBC drivers, with the
following command:
show jdbc
8. Create a new user migrep in Oracle database, for the migration repository, with the
following command:

Chapter 5
Migrating a Sybase JDBC Application

9. Connect to the database as the migrep user and associate the migration
repository with the user, as shown in Figure 5-3.

Figure 5-3 Associating a User with Migration Repository

10. Create a connection to the Sybase database, in this example, simpledemo12c, as

shown in Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-4 Creating a Connection to the Sybase Database

5.1.3 Capturing Migration

Perform the following steps to capture migration:
1. Right-click on the simpledemo12c Sybase database and select the Migrate to
Oracle option, as shown in Figure 5-5.

Chapter 5
Migrating a Sybase JDBC Application

Figure 5-5 Starting Capture Phase of Migration Process

This opens the Migration Wizard, as shown in Figure 5-6.

Click Next.

Figure 5-6 Migration Wizard Introduction Screen

2. Choose the Migration Repository, as shown in Figure 5-7.

Click Next.

Chapter 5
Migrating a Sybase JDBC Application

Figure 5-7 Choosing the Migration Repository

3. Enter a project name and specify an output directory to place files, as shown in
Figure 5-8.
Click Next.

Figure 5-8 Specifying Project Name and Output Directory

4. Select the database connection and the mode, as shown in Figure 5-9.
Click Next.

Chapter 5
Migrating a Sybase JDBC Application

Figure 5-9 Selecting the Database Connection and Mode

5. Select the database, in this case, simpledemo12c, by moving it from Available

Databases to Selected Databases, as shown in Figure 5-10.
Click Proceed to Summary Page to review the Capture phase before moving to
the next phase of the migration process.
Click Next.

Figure 5-10 Selecting the Database to be Migrated

The capture phase saves a snapshot of the selected database at this point of time.
Only the object definitions are captured, not the actual table data. This captured
snapshot can be viewed in the Migration Projects navigator.
Note that the snapshot is not a connection to the database, and it only enables you to
browse through the information saved in the Migration Repository.

5.1.4 Setting Migration Preferences

Before starting the conversion phase, you must set the migration preferences. Perform
the following steps to achieve this:
1. From the Tools menu, select Preferences, then Migration, and then Translators.
Select the Generate Compound Triggers option.

Chapter 5
Migrating a Sybase JDBC Application

Figure 5-11 Setting Migration Preferences

2. From the Tools menu, select Preferences, then Migration, and then Generation
Options. Select the Use all Oracle Database 12c features in Migration option.

Figure 5-12 Setting Migration Preferences

5.1.5 Converting Migration

Perform the following steps to start convert phase of the migration process:
1. Right-click the Capture Model node and choose Convert, as shown in
Figure 5-13.

Chapter 5
Migrating a Sybase JDBC Application

Figure 5-13 Starting Convert Phase of Migration Process

The Migration Wizard is opened at the Convert phase, as shown in Figure 5-14.

Figure 5-14 Converting the Migrated Data

2. Select Proceed to Summary Page and click Next.

3. Click Finish.
During the convert phase, object names are resolved to valid Oracle names. Data
types are converted to Oracle Database types and T-SQL defined objects like stored
procedures, views, and so on are converted to Oracle PL/SQL. A converted model
is created that can be browsed in the Migration Projects navigator. The converted
procedures can be reviewed in the converted model.

Chapter 5
Migrating a Sybase JDBC Application

Note that the converted model is not an actual Oracle database, but a prototype of an
Oracle Database. The information is still stored only in the Migration Repository tables.

5.1.6 Generating a Migration

The migration generation phase creates the objects in the target Oracle Database. A
script is created and it is run against a selected Oracle connection in the following two
• In offline mode, the script is opened in a SQL Worksheet and you have to select
the connection and run it manually.
• In online mode, you must provide the target connection in the wizard and the
wizard runs the script automatically.
The following steps demonstrate how to perform the generate phase of the migration
process in offline mode:

1. Right-click on Converted Database Objects in the Migration Projects panel and

select Generate Target.
2. Select offline as the database mode in the Migration Wizard, as shown in
Figure 5-15.
Click Next.

Figure 5-15 Selecting the Database Mode

3. Choose a connection in the target Oracle Database, as shown in Figure 5-16.

Chapter 5
Migrating a Sybase JDBC Application

Figure 5-16 Creating Oracle Database Connection for Target User


The database objects are not created under the connection selected in this step.
However, this connection must have enough privileges to create other users and
objects. Creating a Target Oracle User

Create a connection to the newly created user (described in step 3), as shown
in Figure 5-17. At this point, the Sybase database objects are migrated to Oracle
Database, but the data is not migrated till now.

Figure 5-17 Targeting an Oracle User

5.1.7 Moving the Data

Perform the following steps to move the data to Oracle Database:
1. Right-click the Converted Database Objects node and select Move Data, as
shown in Figure 5-18.
Click Next.

Chapter 5
Generating Migration Reports

Figure 5-18 Moving the Data from Sybase Database to Oracle Database

2. Select online as the data move mode in the Move Data screen.
You can select offline as the data move mode if the migration process involves
large amount of data.
3. Click Next. The Summary screen appears.
4. Click Finish.
You can browse the database objects to verify the data is moved to Oracle

See Also:
Oracle SQL Developer User's Guide

5.2 Generating Migration Reports

Oracle SQL Developer provides a number of reports on the migration process to help
identify tasks and issues to resolve. Click or double-click on the migrated project in the
Migration Projects navigator. A report will appear on the right panel with a number of
tabs and children reports, as shown in Figure 5-19.

Chapter 5
Generating Migration Reports

Figure 5-19 Generating Migration Reports

The Analysis report provides information about the size of the migrated database like
the number of objects, line sizes, and so on, as shown in Figure 5-20.

Figure 5-20 Migration Analysis Report

The Target Status report provides information about the status of the migrated objects
in the Target database. First, select a target connection with enough privileges to view
the status of other schema objects and then select refresh. Objects that are present
in the converted model, but are missing from the target Oracle Database, are listed as
missing. These objects can be either valid or invalid.

Chapter 5
Generating Migration Reports

Figure 5-21 Target Status Report

The Data Quality tab provides information about the number of rows in the target
Oracle Database compared with the source database. Perform the following steps to
compare the databases:
1. Select a converted model, a source connection, and a target connection.
2. Click Analyse.
3. Click Refresh.
This performs a count(*) function on each table in the source and the target
database. So, it is advisable not to perform this operation on production data.

MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle
Consider the specifics of MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle Database, and its use
in migrating applications from MySQL to Oracle.
The MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle is deprecated in Oracle Database 20c.

See Also:
API Reference for Oracle MySQL Client Library Driver for more information
about MySQL programmatic support

6.1 Introduction to MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle

MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle Database 12c, liboramysql, is a drop-in
replacement for MySQL Commercial Connector/C 6.0 client library. The liboramysql
driver implements a similar API, enabling C-based applications and tools developed
for MySQL to connect to Oracle Database. The driver may be used to migrate
applications from MySQL to Oracle Database with minimal changes to the application
The liboramysql driver uses Oracle Call Interface (OCI) to connect to Oracle

Figure 6-1 MySQL Application Code Using liboramysql Driver to Connect to


Application Application
using using


MySQL DB Oracle DB

The C code snippet in Example 6-1 demonstrates how to connect to MySQL and
how to insert a row into a table. After updating the connection credentials, this code

Chapter 6
Installation and First Use of MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle

can run unchanged against Oracle Database when the executable is linked using the
liboramysql library, instead of the libmysqlclient library.

Although the database schema and data must be migrated to Oracle separately, and
although the liboramysql library does not translate SQL statements, considerable
amount of effort is conserved when migrating to Oracle Database because no changes
have to be made to the application code.
Custom C applications can use the liboramysql library to easily migrate to Oracle
Additionally, you can migrate applications using programming languages that abstract
the use of the libmysqlclient library and provide MySQL extensions or adapters.
These languages include PHP, Perl, Python, and Ruby. Although native Oracle
adapters already exist for many programming languages implemented in C, migrating
an application to a native Oracle adapter often requires extensive application code

6.1.1 Connecting to MySQL

Example 6-1 Connecting to MySQL and Inserting a New Row
c = mysql_init(NULL);
mysql_real_connect(c, "myhost", "myun", "mypw", "mydb", 0, NULL, 0);
mysql_query(c, "insert into mytable values (1,2)");

6.2 Installation and First Use of MySQL Client Library Driver

for Oracle
The MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle is provided as a file in the shared library for Linux and as the oramysql.dll dynamic link
library (DLL) for Windows. The driver is also packaged as part of the Oracle
Instant Client Basic and Basic Lite packages for download from OTN. See and http://

The driver must be installed in the same directory as the Oracle Client Shared Library,
that is, for Linux and oci.dll for Windows. Typically, you must set
the operating system environment variable (LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux or PATH on
Windows) to include this installation directory.
For ORACLE_HOME installations, the driver library is installed in the $ORACLE_HOME/lib
directory for Linux and the %ORACLE_HOME%\bin directory for Windows. For Instant
Client ZIP files, the library is in the instantclient_12_1 directory. For Instant
Client RPM installations, the library is in the /usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client/lib
or /usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64/lib directory on 32-bit and 64-bit Linux
platforms, respectively.

Chapter 6
Overview of Migration with MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle

6.3 Overview of Migration with MySQL Client Library Driver

for Oracle
Migrating a C-based MySQL application to Oracle Database involves the following
1. Confirm that the application runs against MySQL Database.
This ensures that the migration process starts at a known baseline of functionality.
2. Replace the libmysqlclient library with the liboramysql library.
The application must be relinked to use the liboramysql library instead of the
libmysqlclient library.
3. Migrate the application schema to Oracle Database.
The schema must be migrated to use Oracle DDL and types. Oracle SQL
Developer assists in this process.
See Oracle SQL Developer User's Guide for further details.
4. Review all SQL statements used by the application.
If necessary, change the SQL statements of the application to use Oracle
syntax, or implement a SQL Translator to automatically perform the conversion
at application run time. Rewrite any logic that depends on MySQL features that are
not supported by Oracle Database.
See SQL Translation of JDBC and ODBC Applications .
5. Update the connection string of the application to connect to Oracle
Use Oracle Easy Connect syntax or a tnsnames.ora connect identifier in the host
parameter of the connection call.
6. Test the application with Oracle Database.
Verify the application against Oracle Database.

6.4 Using MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle

The liboramysql API is compatible with MySQL Commercial Connector/C 6.0.
MySQL Driver for Oracle Database, liboramysql, translates MySQL API calls to Oracle
Call Interface (OCI) calls, and between Oracle and MySQL data types.
Existing MySQL-based applications may be relinked to use the liboramysql driver,
making Oracle Database the new data source. Note that the liboramysql driver
supports connections only to Oracle Database. Simultaneous connections to both
MySQL Database and Oracle Database in the same application are not possible.
See API Reference for Oracle MySQL Client Library Driver for details on data type
mapping and API compatibility. Additional information may also be found in Oracle
SQL Developer User's Guide.
The liboramysql driver does not translate SQL statements. You must rewrite the
statements that are not valid for Oracle Database. You can do this directly in the

Chapter 6
Using MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle

application, or by using a SQL Translator. The application schema and data must also
be migrated separately. Oracle SQL Developer automates this process.
Whenever cross-version OCI connectivity exists for older versions of Oracle Database,
you can use the liboramysql driver to connect to these older versions.

6.4.1 Relinking the Application with the liboramysql Driver

The fundamental step of using the liboramysql library is to relink the
application to use the new library. The liboramysql library is compatible with the library from MySQL Commercial Connector/C 6.0.2 package, so
you must build and verify version-sensitive applications with MySQL Commercial
Connector/C 6.0.2 before migrating to Oracle Database.
The installation scripts of public software compiled from source code typically expect
MySQL components to follow a predefined system directory structure. You can use the script in the demo directory of Instant Client SDK to achieve this.

Depending on the application, you can use one or more of the following ways to relink
the application with the liboramysql library:

• Build directly with the liboramysql library.

You can update your build scripts to use the liboramysql library and build custom
applications directly with this Oracle library.
• Use the liboramysql library to emulate a MySQL Commercial Connector/C
The library in the Instant Client SDK shows how a directory
structure emulating a MySQL Commercial Connector/C installation can be
created. You may build applications using this emulated directory.
• Use the LD_PRELOAD environment variable.
Preconfigured programs may be able to use the LD_PRELOAD environment variable
to link with the liboramysql library. However, changing the value of this
environment variable may not work if the program uses the dlopen() method.
• Duplicate the liboramysql library.
Perform the following steps to rename the liboramysql library to the MySQL client
library name used by the application:
1. Use the ldd command to identify the MySQL library with which the application
is linked:
$ ldd yourprogram
... => /usr/lib/
2. Create the following symbolic link as the Oracle software owner user:
$ ln -s $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ $ORACLE_HOME/lib/
3. Add $ORACLE_HOME/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable for any
application that formerly used the libmysqlclient library:

Chapter 6
Using MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle

• Replace the system MySQL client library.

Rename the target system MySQL client library and link the new library in its
place. Because this option affects every application on the system that uses
MySQL, and should be done only if absolutely necessary.
# mv /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/
# ln -s $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ /usr/lib64/
If MySQL applications are not rebuilt from the source code, then you must first
link the applications against the library from MySQL Commercial
Connector/C 6.0.2 package. This ensures binary compatibility with the data structures
in the liboramysql library.

6.4.2 Connecting to Oracle Database

To connect to Oracle Database with the liboramysql library, use Oracle Easy Connect
syntax or a tnsnames.ora connect identifier in the host parameter of the connection
mysql_real_connect(c, "localhost/pdborcl", "myun", "mypw", NULL, 0, NULL, 0);

6.4.3 Supported Platforms

MySQL Client Library Driver for Oracle is available on platforms that support the
Oracle Instant Client.
See the list of supported platforms on the Oracle Support Certification site: https://

6.4.4 Error Handling

All errors generated by OCI client code or the Oracle server are passed to the
application when either the mysql_errno() method or the mysql_error() method is
invoked after an error.

6.4.5 Globalization
The date format expected by the application may be set using NLS_DATE_FORMAT
environment variable of Oracle Database, or changed with the equivalent ALTER
SESSION command after connecting. The NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment variable is
only used if NLS_LANG is also set in the environment.

6.4.6 Expected Differences

Some APIs in the liboramysql library necessarily return different results because of
the underlying differences between MySQL Database and Oracle Database. Existing
applications that use these APIs may require logic changes. For details of these
differences, see API Reference for Oracle MySQL Client Library Driver .

API Reference for Oracle MySQL Client
Library Driver
Consider the APIs that support migration from MySQL, the mapping of data types,
support for specific MySQL APIs within Oracle, and error handling for migrated
For documentation of MySQL C APIs, refer to MySQL 5.5 documentation.

7.1 Mapping Data Types

Oracle database types are described in the Internal Data Types section of Oracle Call
Interface Programmer's Guide.
MySQL data types are fully described in MySQL documentation.
MySQL C APIs use MYSQL_TYPE_symbols to process data to and from MySQL
database. These type symbols are mapped to MySQL data types in the server.
For instance, MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING is mapped to VARCHAR in the server.

7.1.1 Mapping Oracle Data Types to MySQL Data Types

This table shows the value of the type field in MYSQL_FIELD parameter returned from
mysql_fetch_field_* calls. The Oracle database type is mapped to a MySQL C API
data type.
For example: A VARCHAR2 column is represented by MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING.

It is recommended that users use this table when migrating MySQL applications to
Oracle. The MySQL Client Library driver for Oracle will perform Data type conversions
between MySQL and Oracle.

Table 7-1 Mapping Oracle Data Types to MySQL Data Types

Oracle Data Type Maps to MySQL Data Type


Chapter 7
Mapping Data Types

Table 7-1 (Cont.) Mapping Oracle Data Types to MySQL Data Types

Oracle Data Type Maps to MySQL Data Type

User-defined type (object type, VARRAY, Nested Not supported
REF Not supported

7.1.2 Data Type Conversions for MySQL Program Variable Data Types
The calls to mysql_stmt_bind_param() and mysql_stmt_bind_result() may be used to
convert between C program variables and database column values. Similarly, OCI
provides rich conversion support from server data types to many client data types.
Input conversions from a C program value to a database column value are handled by
invoking mysql_stmt_bind_param(). Output to a C program value is handled through a
call to mysql_stmt_bind_result().
Table 7-2 summarizes viable conversions between MySQL program variable data
types and Oracle column data types. The possible values in the table are:
• I: input conversion is supported
• O: output conversion is supported
• I/O: both input and output conversion is supported
• -: conversion is not supported.
Be sure to read the corresponding notes for each data type before finalizing
conversion choices.

Table 7-2 Converting MySQL Program Variable Data Types to Oracle Column Data Types

Variable Data Types RAW

Chapter 7
Mapping Data Types

Table 7-2 (Cont.) Converting MySQL Program Variable Data Types to Oracle Column Data Types

Variable Data Types RAW
MYSQL_TYPE_NEW O O O - - - - - -
• CHAR and VARCHAR2: Conversion is valid for input or output. On input, column value
is stored in hexadecimal format.
• LONG: Conversion is valid for input or output. On input, column value is stored in
hexadecimal format.
• RAW: Conversion is valid for input or output.
• LONG RAW: Conversion is valid for input or output.
• Conversion is not supported for NUMBER, ROWID, UROWID, and DATE.

Chapter 7
Mapping Data Types MYSQL_TYPE_DATE
• CHAR and VARCHAR2: Conversion is valid for input or output. For input, host string
must be in Oracle DATE character format. For output, column value is returned in
Oracle DATE format.
• DATE: Conversion is valid for input or output.
• LONG: Conversion valid for input to database column value.
• Conversion not supported for NUMBER, ROWID, UROWID, RAW, and LONG RAW. MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME
• CHAR and VARCHAR2: Conversion is valid for input or output. For input, host string
must be in Oracle DATE character format. For output, column value is returned in
Oracle DATE format.
• DATE: Conversion is valid for input or output.
• LONG: Conversion valid for input to database column value.
• Conversion not supported for NUMBER, ROWID, UROWID, RAW, and LONG RAW. MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE
• CHAR and VARCHAR2: Conversion is valid for input or output. For output, column
value must represent a valid number.
• NUMBER: Conversion is valid for input or output.
• LONG: Conversion valid for input to database column value.
• Conversion not supported for ROWID, UROWID, DATE, RAW, and LONG RAW. MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT
• CHAR and VARCHAR2: Conversion is valid for input or output. For output, column
value must represent a valid number.
• NUMBER: Conversion is valid for input or output.
• LONG: Conversion valid for input to database column value.
• Conversion not supported for ROWID, UROWID, DATE, RAW, and LONG RAW. MYSQL_TYPE_LONG
• CHAR and VARCHAR2: Conversion is valid for input or output. For output, column
value must represent a valid number.
• NUMBER: Conversion is valid for input or output.
• LONG: Conversion valid for input to database column value.
• Conversion not supported for ROWID, UROWID, DATE, RAW, and LONG RAW.

Chapter 7
• CHAR, VARCHAR2, LONG, RAW, and LONG RAW: Conversion is valid for output.
• Conversion is not supported for NUMBER, ROWID, UROWID, and DATE. MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG
• CHAR and VARCHAR2: Conversion is valid for input or output. For output, column
value must represent a valid number.
• NUMBER: Conversion is valid for input or output.
• LONG: Conversion valid for input to database column value.
• Conversion not supported for ROWID, UROWID, DATE, RAW, and LONG RAW. MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB
• CHAR, VARCHAR2, LONG, RAW, and LONG RAW: Conversion is valid for output.
• Conversion is not supported for NUMBER, ROWID, UROWID, and DATE. MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL
• CHAR and VARCHAR2: Conversion is valid for output. Column value must represent a
valid number.
• NUMBER: Conversion is valid for output to C program value.
• Conversion is not supported for LONG, ROWID, UROWID, DATE, RAW, and LONG RAW. MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT
• CHAR and VARCHAR2: Conversion is valid for input or output. For output, column
value must represent a valid number.
• NUMBER: Conversion is valid for input or output.
• LONG: Conversion valid for input to database column value.
• Conversion not supported for ROWID, UROWID, DATE, RAW, and LONG RAW. MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
• CHAR and VARCHAR2: Conversion is valid for input or output.
• NUMBER: Conversion is valid for input or output. For input, the host string must
represent a valid number.
• LONG: Conversion valid for input or output.
• ROWID: Conversion is valid for input or output. For input, the host string must be in
Oracle ROWID format. For output, column value is returned in Oracle ROWID format.
• UROWID: Conversion is valid for input or output. For input, the host string must be
in Oracle UROWID format. For output, column value is returned in Oracle UROWID

Chapter 7
Mapping Data Types

• DATE: Conversion is valid for input or output. For input, host string must be in
Oracle DATE character format. For output, column value is returned in Oracle DATE
• RAW: Conversion is valid for input or output. For input, host string must be in
hexadecimal format.
• LONG RAW: Conversion is valid for input or output. For input, host string must be in
hexadecimal format. MYSQL_TYPE_TIME
• CHAR and VARCHAR2: Conversion is valid for input or output. For input, host string
must be in Oracle DATE character format. For output, column value is returned in
Oracle DATE format.
• DATE: Conversion is valid for input or output.
• LONG: Conversion valid for input to database column value.
• Conversion not supported for NUMBER, ROWID, UROWID, RAW, and LONG RAW. MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP
• CHAR and VARCHAR2: Conversion is valid for input or output. For input, host string
must be in Oracle DATE character format. For output, column value is returned in
Oracle DATE format.
• DATE: Conversion is valid for input or output.
• LONG: Conversion valid for input to database column value.
• Conversion not supported for NUMBER, ROWID, UROWID, RAW, and LONG RAW. MYSQL_TYPE_TINY
• CHAR and VARCHAR2: Conversion is valid for input or output. For output, column
value must represent a valid number.
• NUMBER: Conversion is valid for input or output.
• LONG: Conversion valid for input to database column value.
• Conversion not supported for ROWID, UROWID, DATE, RAW, and LONG RAW. MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB
• CHAR, VARCHAR2, LONG, RAW, and LONG RAW: Conversion is valid for output.
• Conversion is not supported for NUMBER, ROWID, UROWID, and DATE. MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING
• CHAR and VARCHAR2: Conversion is valid for output to C program value.
• NUMBER: Conversion is valid for output to C program value.
• LONG: Conversion is valid for output to C program value.

Chapter 7
Mapping Data Types

• ROWID: Conversion is valid for output to C program value. On output, column value
is returned in Oracle ROWID format.
• UROWID: Conversion is valid for output to C program value. On output, column
value is returned in Oracle UROWID format.
• DATE: Conversion is valid for output to C program value. On output, column value
is returned in Oracle DATE format.
• RAW: Conversion is valid for output to C program value.
• LONG RAW: Conversion is valid for output to C program value.

7.1.3 Data Type Conversions for MySQL External Data Types (LOB
Data Type Descriptors)
The external data types Table 7-3 may be converted to the specified Oracle internal
data types.

Table 7-3 Data Type Conversions for LOB Data Type Descriptors



7.1.4 Data Type Conversions for Datetime and Interval Data Types
When working with a DATETIME or INTERVAL columns, it is possible to use one of the
character data types to define a host variable used in a FETCH or INSERT operation
The driver automatically converts between the character data type and DATETIME or
INTERVAL data type.

Table 7-4 lists external data types that may be converted to the specified internal
Oracle data types.

Table 7-4 Data Conversions for Datetime and Internal Data Type



Chapter 7
Error Handling

Table 7-4 (Cont.) Data Conversions for Datetime and Internal Data Type



7.2 Error Handling

All errors generated by OCI or Oracle server pass to the application when methods
mysql_errno() or mysql_error() are invoked after an error. The application receives
an Oracle-specific error. Oracle error messages are more specific then MySQL error
codes, and are therefore more pertinent to resolving the error condition.
The errors that are generated by the driver itself are in an error range reserved for the
MySQL driver in the OCI error space.
The mysql_sqlstate() call attempts to map the error to the appropriate SQLSTATE
whenever possible. In most cases, it returns HY000, which corresponds to the general
error state.
Possible SQLSTATE values are:

• 00000 success
• HY000 all other errors
However, this also means that client applications that expect more specific SQLSTATE
errors must be partially re-written.

7.3 Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

Oracle MySQL driver implements the APIs listed in MySQL C API documentation.
Please note the following:
• Some MySQL functions have changed behavior, typically due to not having an
equivalent behavior in Oracle; the description notes the changed behavior.
• Some MySQL functions are not supported; the description marks them
accordingly. The driver returns an error for these functions, and prompts the
application to work around the unsupported functionality.
Supported MySQL APIs are grouped functionally here, and here are links to more
extensive information. However, we do not provide full documentation of function
behavior and parameters, leaving it to the original MySQL C API documentation.

Client Library Initialization and Termination

The following interfaces support client library initialization and termination:
mysql_library_end(), mysql_library_init(), mysql_server_end(), and mysql_server_init().

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

Connection Management
The following interfaces support connection management:
my_init(), mysql_change_user(), mysql_close(), mysql_connect(),
mysql_get_character_set_info(), mysql_get_ssl_cipher(), mysql_init(), mysql_options(),
mysql_ping(), mysql_real_connect(), mysql_select_db(), mysql_set_character_set(),

Error Reporting
The following interfaces support error reporting: mysql_errno(), mysql_error(),

Statement Construction and Execution

The following interfaces support statement construction and execution:
mysql_affected_rows(), mysql_escape_string(), mysql_hex_string(), mysql_kill(),
mysql_query(), mysql_real_escape_string(), mysql_real_query(), and mysql_reload().

Result Set Processing

The following interfaces support result set processing: mysql_data_seek(),
mysql_eof(), mysql_fetch_field(), mysql_fetch_field_direct(), mysql_fetch_fields(),
mysql_fetch_lengths(), mysql_fetch_row(), mysql_field_count(), mysql_field_seek(),
mysql_field_tell(), mysql_free_result(), mysql_insert_id(), mysql_list_dbs(),
mysql_list_fields(), mysql_list_processes(), mysql_list_tables(), mysql_more_results(),
mysql_next_result(), mysql_num_fields(), mysql_num_rows(), mysql_row_seek(),
mysql_row_tell(), mysql_store_result(), and mysql_use_result().

Prepared Statements
The following interfaces support statement preparation: mysql_stmt_affected_rows(),
mysql_stmt_attr_get(), mysql_stmt_attr_set(), mysql_stmt_bind_param(),
mysql_stmt_bind_result(), mysql_stmt_close(), mysql_stmt_data_seek(),
mysql_stmt_errno(), mysql_stmt_error(), mysql_stmt_execute(), mysql_stmt_fetch(),
mysql_stmt_fetch_column(), mysql_stmt_field_count(), mysql_stmt_free_result(),
mysql_stmt_init(), mysql_stmt_insert_id(), mysql_stmt_next_result(),
mysql_stmt_num_rows(), mysql_stmt_param_count(), mysql_stmt_param_metadata(),
mysql_stmt_prepare(), mysql_stmt_reset(), mysql_stmt_result_metadata(),
mysql_stmt_row_seek(), mysql_stmt_row_tell(), mysql_stmt_send_long_data(),
mysql_stmt_sqlstate(), and mysql_stmt_store_result().

Transaction Control
The following interfaces support transaction control: mysql_autocommit(),
mysql_commit(), and mysql_rollback().

Information Routines
The following interfaces support information routines: mysql_character_set_name(),
mysql_get_client_info(), mysql_get_client_version(), mysql_get_host_info(),
mysql_get_proto_info(), mysql_get_server_info(), mysql_get_server_version(),
mysql_info(), mysql_stat(), mysql_thread_id(), and mysql_warning_count().

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

Administrative Routines
The following interfaces support administrative routines:
mysql_refresh(), mysql_set_server_option(), mysql_set_local_infile_default(),
mysql_set_local_infile_handler(), and mysql_shutdown().

Miscellaneous Routines
The following interfaces support all remaining routines:
mysql_create_db(), mysql_debug(), mysql_debug_info(), mysql_drop_db(),
mysql_dump_debug_info(), mysql_read_query_result(), mysql_send_query(),
mysql_thread_end(), mysql_thread_init(), and mysql_thread_safe().

7.3.1 my_init()
This function is a no-op function. It is called by my_init macro in my_sys.h file. All
initializations are done by the mysql_library_init().

Return Value

7.3.2 mysql_affected_rows()
Returns the number of rows processed for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements
For UPDATE statements, note that the semantics of MySQL do not report rows where
the new value is the same as the old value. In contrast, Oracle reports that rows are
affected, even if the new value is the same as the old value. This function implements
Oracle semantics. Therefore, existing applications that rely on this call may have to
make programmatic changes.
For SELECT statement, the return is (my_ulonglong) -1.

Return Value
A number of rows that were processed by DML statement; >0. 0 indicates no updates
were made by the statement. -1 indicates that the statement was a query (SELECT), or
an error.

7.3.3 mysql_autocommit()
Sets auto commit mode to ON or OFF.

Return Value
0, if the auto commit mode is changed successfully. Non-zero if an error occurred in
the process.

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

7.3.4 mysql_change_user()
Changes the user, including user name, password, and database on the same or
different host. In Oracle Database 12c, change of the database is not supported, so
the value entered for the db parameter is ignored.

A call to mysql_change_user() rolls back any active transactions, ends the current
session, and then re-establishes a new connection based on information stored in the
host parameter.

Existing applications must make necessary application logic changes to implement this
behavior in Oracle Database 12c.

Return Value
0 if connection can be reestablished with the original host for the supplied user name
and password. Non-zero if an error occurred.

7.3.5 mysql_character_set_name()
Not supported in Oracle Database 12c. Applications that rely on results of this call
must change their application logic.

Return Value
Empty string.

7.3.6 mysql_close()
Closes the connection and frees all associated data structures.

Return Value

7.3.7 mysql_commit()
Commits the transaction currently associated with the service context.
A mysql_commit() call supports the default mode in Oracle Database 12c. It therefore
ignores the completion type system variable.

Existing applications that use this API to perform MySQL-specific completion type
operations must change their application logic.

Return Value
0 if successful, non-zero otherwise.

7.3.8 mysql_connect()
Deprecated; use mysql_real_connect().

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

Return Value
Initialized MYSQL structure. NULL if an error occurred.

7.3.9 mysql_create_db()
Not supported in Oracle Database 12c. Applications that rely on results of this call
must change their application logic.

Return Value
0 if successful; non-zero if an invalid MYSQL structure is passed in.

7.3.10 mysql_data_seek()
Seeks to a row in a result set based on the value specified in the offset parameter.
Offset value, being a row number, can range from 0 to mysql_num_rows(result) -1.

Return Value

7.3.11 mysql_debug()
Not supported in Oracle Database 12c. Applications that rely on results of this call
must change their application logic.

7.3.12 mysql_debug_info()
Not supported in Oracle Database 12c. Applications that rely on results of this call
must change their application logic.

Return Value
0 if successful; non-zero if invalid MYSQL structure.

7.3.13 mysql_drop_db()
Not supported in Oracle Database 12c. Applications that rely on results of this call
must change their application logic.

Return Value
0 if successful; non-zero if invalid MYSQL structure.

7.3.14 mysql_dump_debug_info()
Not supported in Oracle Database 12c. Applications that rely on results of this call
must change their application logic.

Return Value
0 if successful; non-zero if an invalid MYSQL structure is passed in.

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

7.3.15 mysql_eof()
DEPRECATED. Use mysql_errno() or mysql_error() instead.
Determines if the last row of a result set has been read.

Return Value
1 if fetched the last row; otherwise 0.

7.3.16 mysql_errno()
Returns Oracle error number of the last error on the connection or the global context.
If the previous call did not have an established connection, pass in NULL; this returns
the last error number on global context.

Return Value
Last error number on the MYSQL connection, or the last error number on the global

7.3.17 mysql_error()
Returns Oracle error messages for the last error on the connection or the global
If the previous call did not have an established connection, pass in NULL; this returns
the last error message on global context.

Return Value
Last error message on the MYSQL connection, or the last error message on the global

7.3.18 mysql_escape_string()
Encodes the string in the source (from parameter), places it in the destination (to
parameter), and appends a terminating NULL.

Supports encoding of only one character, '\' using the current character set in the
See mysql_real_escape_string().

Return Value
The length of the value placed into to, excluding the terminating NULL.

7.3.19 mysql_fetch_field()
Returns the definition of one column of a result set as a MYSQL_FIELD structure.

Only the following attributes of the MYSQL_FIELD structure are supported: flag, name,
name_length, org_name, org_name_length, type, and max_length.

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

• The flag attribute supports only the following values: NOT_NULL_FLAG, NUM_FLAG,
• The attribute org_name is set to have the same value as name attribute.
• The attribute org_name_length is set to have the same value as name_length

Return value
The MYSQL_FIELD structure for the current column. NULL if no columns are left.

7.3.20 mysql_fetch_field_direct()
Retrieves the column's field definition for a specified field number as a MYSQL_FIELD

Return Value
Field definition for the specific field. NULL if an error occurred, or if field number
fieldnr is not in range.

7.3.21 mysql_fetch_fields()
Returns an array of all MYSQL_FIELD structures for a result set. Each MYSQL_FIELD
structure gives the field definition for one column of the result set.

Return Value
NULL if an error occurred.

7.3.22 mysql_fetch_lengths()
Returns an array of lengths of the column on the current row.

Return Value
An array of unsigned long integers that represent the size of each column. NULL if an
error occurred.

7.3.23 mysql_fetch_row()
Retrieves the next row of a result set.

Return Value
A MYSQL_ROW structure for the next row. NULL if there are no more rows to retrieve
or if an error occurred.

7.3.24 mysql_field_count()
Returns the number of columns in the result set for the recent query on the

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

Return Value
Number of fields in the result set within the MYSQL structure.; 0 if an error occurred.

7.3.25 mysql_field_seek()
Sets the field cursor to the specified offset.

Return Value
The offset to the field set

7.3.26 mysql_field_tell()
Returns the position of the field; used for the current field.

Return Value
Offset of the current field

7.3.27 mysql_free_result()
Frees the memory allocated for the result set.

Return Value

7.3.28 mysql_get_character_set_info()
Not supported in Oracle Database 12c. Applications that rely on results of this call
must change their application logic.

Return Value

7.3.29 mysql_get_client_info()
Returns MySQL version number defined by MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION macro in
mysql_version.h header file, in string format. The macro definition is used in the
mysql_version.h file that builds oramysql library; it is not the mysql_version.h file
used by the application.

Return Value
A character string that represents MySQL client library version.

7.3.30 mysql_get_client_version()
Returns current MySQL version, as defined by MYSQL_VEERSION_ID macro in the
mysql_version.h header file. The macro definition is used in the mysql_version.h

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

file that builds oramysql library; it is not the mysql_version.h file used by the

Return Value
An unsigned long integer for MySQL version stored in the MYSQL_VERSION_ID macro.
The macro definition is used in the mysql_version.h file that builds oramysql library;
it is not the mysql_version.h file used by the application.

7.3.31 mysql_get_host_info()
Returns the host name used to connect to the database.

Return Value
A character string of host name. NULL in case of an error.

7.3.32 mysql_get_proto_info()
This is a no-op under Oracle environment. Applications that rely on results of this call
must change their application logic.

Return Value

7.3.33 mysql_get_server_info()
Returns the Oracle server version in text string format, such as "".
Applications that rely on results of this call must change their application logic.

Return Value
A character string that represents Oracle Server Number. NULL if an error occurred.

7.3.34 mysql_get_server_version()
Returns Oracle Database version number, such as 120100. This is in integer XXYYZZ
format, where XX represents the major version, YY represents the minor version, and
ZZ represents the version within the release level.

Return Value
Oracle Database version number. 0 if an error occurred.

7.3.35 mysql_get_ssl_cipher()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

7.3.36 mysql_hex_string()
Encodes string specified by from parameter to hexadecimal format. Each character is
encoded as two hexadecimal digits. The result is placed in the to parameter, with a
terminal NULL byte.

The to buffer should have a minimum size equal to length*2+1 bytes.

Return Value
Length of the value placed into to parameter, excluding the terminating NULL character.

7.3.37 mysql_info()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value

7.3.38 mysql_init()
Allocates a MYSQL structure if NULL is passed. Otherwise, this call initializes the passed
in MYSQL structure.

Return Value
Initialized MYSQL structure. NULL if MYSQL structure cannot be allocated or initialized.

7.3.39 mysql_insert_id()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value

7.3.40 mysql_kill()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value
0, and non-zero if an invalid MYSQL structure is passed in.

7.3.41 mysql_library_end()
Terminates oramysql library.

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

Return Value

7.3.42 mysql_library_init()
Initializes oramysql library.

Return Value
0 if successful, non-zero in case of a failure to initialize MySQL library.

7.3.43 mysql_list_dbs()
Returns a list of database names that match the wild parameter on the server.
To use this API, the DBA creates the oramysql_dbs_view view, and grants privileges to

For Oracle Database 12c

For Oracle Database 12c, view oramysql_dbs_view is based on the V$DATABASE and
V$PDBS system objects.

When connecting to Oracle Database 12c and subsequent versions, use the following
SQL script to create the view oramysql_dbs_view in Oracle Database 12c:
create view oramysql_dbs_view(name) as select from v$pdbs left
union select from v$database right;
create public synonym oramysql_dbs_view for oramysql_dbs_view;
grant select on oramysql_dbs_view to public;

If oramysql_dbs_view view does not exist when an application calls the

mysql_list_dbs() function, the information is retrieved from the V$ PDBS and
V$ DATABASE tables. However, this generates errors if the user does not have
privileges to access these tables.

For Oracle Databases prior to Oracle Database 12c

Use the following SQL script to create the view oramysql_dbs_view in the Oracle
create view oramysql_dbs_view(name) as select name form v$database;
create public synonym oramysql_dbs_view for oramysql_dbs_view;
grant select on oramysql_dbs_view to public;

If the view does not exist, the wild parameter is ignored, and the call executes the
following SQL statement:

Return Value
NULL if an error occurs, a MYSQL_RES result set if successful.

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

7.3.44 mysql_list_fields()
Returns the column names that match the wild parameter for a specified table.

Return Value
NULL if an error occurred, a MySql result set if successful.

7.3.45 mysql_list_processes()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value

7.3.46 mysql_list_tables()
This is a no-op function. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value

7.3.47 mysql_more_results()
Verifies if more results are available from the currently executing statement.

Return Value
TRUE if more results exist; FALSE if no more result sets exist.

7.3.48 mysql_next_result()
Gets the next result set.

Returns Value
0 if successful and there are more results; -1 if successful and there are no more
results; >0 if an error occurred.

7.3.49 mysql_num_fields()
Returns the number of columns in a result set.

Return Value
An unsigned integer that represents the number of columns in the result set; returns 0
if not successful.

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

7.3.50 mysql_num_rows()
Returns the number of rows in the result set.

Return Value
The number of rows in the result set; otherwise 0.

7.3.51 mysql_options()
This is a no-op function. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value
0 if successful, non-zero if an invalid MYSQL structure is passed in.

7.3.52 mysql_ping()
If the server cannot be accessed, returns an error with connection failure details.

Return Value
0 if success, non-zero if error occurred.

7.3.53 mysql_query()
Executes the SQL statement pointed to by the null-terminated string.

Return Value
0 if successful, non-zero if an error occurred.

7.3.54 mysql_read_query_result()
This is a no-op function; query results from mysql_send_query() are available when
that call completes.

Return Value

7.3.55 mysql_real_connect()
The db parameter is not used in Oracle Database 12c. Existing applications using this
parameter to connect to a db must supply the connection identifier or service name in
the host parameter. The connection string has the following format:

For instance, the host parameter would appear as:,

when connecting to host with SID orcl3.

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

The parameters db, port, unix_socket, and client_flag are not in use. When the
user must specify the port, it has to be in the syntax method used for host parameter.

Return Value
MYSQL structure initialized if successful. NULL in case initialization does not work.

7.3.56 mysql_real_escape_string()
Encodes the string in the source (from parameter) and the result is placed in the
destination (to parameter) and a terminating null byte is appended.

Note that only single-quote characters are escaped. Each single-quote is escaped
using Oracle semantics. The to buffer should have a minimum size of length*2+1
bytes. Each single quote in the original string is replaced by two consecutive single
See mysql_escape_string().

Return Value
The length of the value placed into to buffer, excluding the terminating NULL. 0

7.3.57 mysql_real_query()
This function executes the query string.

Return Value
0 if successful, non-zero in case of an error.

7.3.58 mysql_refresh()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value
0 if successful. Non-zero if an invalid MySQL structure was passed in.

7.3.59 mysql_reload()
Reloads the grant tables. This function is deprecated, and has not been implemented.
Use mysql_query() instead. Applications that rely on results of this call must change
their application logic.

7.3.60 mysql_rollback()
Rolls back the current transaction defined as the set of statements executed after the
last mysql_commit() or mysql_real_connect() call. If the application is running under
object mode, the modified or updated objects in the object cache for this transaction
are also rolled back.

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

A mysql_rollback() call supports the default mode in Oracle Database 12c. It

therefore ignores the completion type system variable.

Existing applications that use this API to perform MySQL-specific completion type
operations must change their application logic.

Return Value
Error if an attempt is made to roll back a global transaction that is not currently active.

7.3.61 mysql_row_seek()
Sets to a particular row and returns offset of previous row.

Return Value
Offset of previous row in MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET structure.

7.3.62 mysql_row_tell()
Gives the current row position in the result set.

Return Value
Offset of current row in MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET structure. NULL if an error occurred.

7.3.63 mysql_select_db()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value

7.3.64 mysql_send_query()
Sends a query. This function is not asynchronous in oramysql library. Instead, the call
blocks until the query is executed.

Return Value
0 if successful, non-zero if an error occurred.

7.3.65 mysql_server_end()
Terminates and cleans up oramysql library.

Return Value

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

7.3.66 mysql_server_init()
Initializes the oramysql client library before any connections are created. The function
mysql_library_init() macro is defined to be mysql_server_init() in mysql.h
header file. This call is not thread-safe. Only one thread is expected to call it.

Return Value
0 if successful, non-zero if an error occurred.

7.3.67 mysql_set_character_set()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value

7.3.68 mysql_set_local_infile_default()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value

7.3.69 mysql_set_local_infile_handler()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value

7.3.70 mysql_set_server_option()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value

7.3.71 mysql_shutdown()
Helps shutdown an Oracle Database instance. Before using the mysql_shutdown API,
the C program must connect to server with SYSDBA or SYSOPER session.

The parameters mysql_shutdown_level and mysql_enum_shutdown_level are ignored.

Internally, the OCIDBShutdown() call is executed in the OCI_DEFAULT mode.

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

Return Value
0 if successful. Non-zero if an error occurred.

7.3.72 mysql_sqlstate()
Returns SQLSTATE string which is not null-terminated. There are many SQLSTATE codes
in MySQL which are not in use.

Return Value
SQLSTATE code: 00000 - Success, or HY000 - All other errors.

7.3.73 mysql_ssl_set()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value
0 if successful. Non-zero if an invalid MYSQL structure was passed.

7.3.74 mysql_stat()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value
A string of 4 blanks (" ") if successful. NULL if an invalid MYSQL structure was passed.

7.3.75 mysql_stmt_affected_rows()
This function returns the number of rows affected by the execution on the prepared

Return Value
Number of rows affected by the DML operation if successful. (my_ulonglong)-1 if an
error occurred, or a SELECT statement was executed.

7.3.76 mysql_stmt_attr_get()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

7.3.77 mysql_stmt_attr_set()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value

7.3.78 mysql_stmt_bind_param()
This function binds all the parameters in the prepared statement.

Return Value
0 if parameters are bound successfully. Non-zero if an error occurred.

7.3.79 mysql_stmt_bind_result()
Binds program variables for all SELECT list columns of a prepared statement.

Return Value
0 if successful. Non-zero if an error occurred.

7.3.80 mysql_stmt_close()
Closes a MYSQL_STMT object.

Return Value

7.3.81 mysql_stmt_data_seek()
This function seeks to get data for a particular row.

Return Value

7.3.82 mysql_stmt_errno()
Returns error number for the last error that occurred on the MYSQL_STMT object.

Return Value

7.3.83 mysql_stmt_error()
This function returns error message for the last error that occurred on the MYSQL_STMT

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

Return Value
A const *char error message.

7.3.84 mysql_stmt_execute()
This function executes the prepared statement.

Return Value
0 if the statement executed successfully; non-zero if an error occurred.

7.3.85 mysql_stmt_fetch()
This function fetches one row in program variables bound by the
mysql_stmt_bind_result call.

Return Value
0 if one row is successfully fetched. MYSQL_NO_DATA if no more rows/data exists.
MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED if data truncation occurred. 1 if an error occurred.

7.3.86 mysql_stmt_fetch_column()
This function fetches one column from the current result set row.

Return Value
0 if the value was fetched successfully. Non-zero if an error occurred.

7.3.87 mysql_stmt_field_count()
Fetches the number of fields in the MYSQL_STMT object.

Return Value
0 if an error occurred; otherwise, the number of fields in the result set associated with
the MYSQL_STMT object.

7.3.88 mysql_stmt_free_result()
Frees the result set associated with the MYSQL_STMT object.

Return Value

7.3.89 mysql_stmt_init()
Creates a new MYSQL_STMT object from the MYSQL connection object.

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

Return Value
MYSQL_STMT object if successful. NULL if an error occurred.

7.3.90 mysql_stmt_insert_id()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value

7.3.91 mysql_stmt_next_result()
This function is not implemented. Applications that rely on results of this call must
change their application logic.

Return Value

7.3.92 mysql_stmt_num_rows()
Returns the number of rows in a stored result set. In case of a non-stored (unbuffered
result set), it returns the total number of rows fetched so far.

Return Value
0 if an error occurred in fetching the number of rows.

7.3.93 mysql_stmt_param_count()
Returns the number of bind parameters in the prepared statement.

Return Value
0 if an error occurred in returning the number of bind parameters.

7.3.94 mysql_stmt_param_metadata()
This function is cast to MySql result set (MYSQL_RES *) NULL

Return Value

7.3.95 mysql_stmt_prepare()
Prepares a statement in the MYSQL_STMT for execution.

Return Value
0 if successful, non-zero if an error occurred.

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

7.3.96 mysql_stmt_reset()
Resets the prepared statement in the MYSQL_STMT.

Return Value

7.3.97 mysql_stmt_result_metadata()
Returns the metadata for the result of a SELECT statement that is executed through a
MYSQL_STMT object.

Return Value
A result set that describes the metadata of the prepared SELECT statement. NULL if an
error occurred.

7.3.98 mysql_stmt_row_seek()
Seeks to a row position and returns the offset of the previous row.

Return Value
An offset of the previous row in MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET structure.

7.3.99 mysql_stmt_row_tell()
Gives the current row position in the result set.

Return Value
Current row position. NULL if an error occurred.

7.3.100 mysql_stmt_send_long_data()
Sends parameter data to the server in parts.
The function mysql_stmt_bind_param() must be called first, then
mysql_stmt_send_long_data(), followed by mysql_stmt_execute().

The function can be called multiple times to send parts of a character or binary data
value for a column.

Return Value
0 if the data is sent to the server successfully, non-zero if an error occurred.

7.3.101 mysql_stmt_sqlstate()
Returns SQLSTATE string for the recent prepared statement. There are many SQLSTATE
codes in MySQL that are not used.

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

Return Value
SQLSTATE codes: "00000" - Success, or "HY0000" - All other errors.

7.3.102 mysql_stmt_store_result()
Stores the result set from the last query.
If the last query was a SELECT, a result set is returned. If the last statement was a
non-SELECT or error, a NULL result set is returned.

Return Value
A valid result set if successful, NULL if an error occurred, or a non-SELECT statement.

7.3.103 mysql_store_result()
Stores the result set from the last query.
If the last query was SELECT, returns a result set.

If the last statement was a non-SELECT or an error, a NULL result set is returned.

Return Value
A valid result set if successful; otherwise, NULL for errors or non-SELECT statements.

7.3.104 mysql_thread_end()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value

7.3.105 mysql_thread_id()
Returns Oracle session identifier (SID) for the connection. This is obtained internally
by executing the following SQL statement:

Applications that rely on results of this call must change their application logic.

Return Value
Oracle session identifier (SID). 0 if an error occurs.

7.3.106 mysql_thread_init()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Chapter 7
Available Oracle Support for MySQL APIs

Return Value

7.3.107 mysql_thread_safe()
The oramysql library is thread-safe, so this function always returns TRUE.

Return Value

7.3.108 mysql_use_result()
Initiates a result set retrieval.

Return Value
NULL if an error occurred, a valid result set if successful.

7.3.109 mysql_warning_count()
This is a no-op API. Applications that rely on results of this call must change their
application logic.

Return Value
0 if successful, non-zero if an error occurred.

API Reference for SQL Translation of
JDBC Applications
Consider the APIs that are part of the oracle.jdbc package, specifically the
elements of oracle.jdbc that assist in SQL translation. To successfully migrate JDBC
applications, it is important to understand the translation properties, interfaces, and the
error translation mechanisms.

See Also:

• Complete documentation of the oracle.jdbc package in Oracle

Database JDBC Java API Reference

8.1.1 Translation Properties

The translation properties are listed in Table 8-1

Table 8-1 Translation Properties

Property Description
sqlTranslationProfile Specifies the name of the transaction profile
sqlErrorTranslationFile Specifies the path of the SQL error translation file sqlTranslationProfile
The property oracle.jdbc.sqlTranslationProfile specifies the name of the
transaction profile.



The value of the constant is oracle.jdbc.sqlTranslationProfile. This is also the

property name.

Property Value
The value is a string. There is no default value.

Chapter 8
OracleTranslatingConnection Interface

The property sqlTranslationProfile can be set as either a system property or a
connection property. The property is required to use SQL translation. If this property is
set then all statements created by the connection have SQL translation enabled unless
otherwise specified. sqlErrorTranslationFile
The property oracle.jdbc.sqlErrorTranslationFile specifies the path of the SQL
error translation file.



Property Value
The value is a path name. It has no default value.

An error in establishing a connection results in a SQLException but without a valid
connection. However the SQL error translation file path is available either as a system
property or connection property and will be used to translate the error.

This file is used only for translating errors which occur when connection establishment
fails. Once the connection is established this file is bypassed and is not considered
even if it contains the translation details for any error which occurs after the connection
is established. The property sqlErrorTranslationFile can be either a system
property or a connection property. The content of this file is used to translate Oracle
SQLExceptions into foreign SQLExceptions when there is no valid connection.

8.1.2 OracleTranslatingConnection Interface

This interface is only implemented by a Connection object that supports SQL
Translation. The main purpose of this interface is to get non-translating statements
(including preparedStatement and CallableStatement) from a translating connection.

The public interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection defines the factory

methods for creating translating and non-translating Statement objects.

The OracleTranslatingConnection enumerations are listed in Table 8-2:

Table 8-2 OracleTranslatingConnection Enumeration

Name Description
SqlTranslationVersion Provides the Keys to the map

Chapter 8
OracleTranslatingConnection Interface

The OracleTranslatingConnection methods are listed in Table 8-3:

Table 8-3 OracleTranslatingConnection Methods

Name Description
createStatement() Creates a Statement object with option to translate or not
translate SQL.
prepareCall() Creates a CallableStatement object with option to translate
or not translate SQL.
prepareStatement() Creates a PreparedStatement object with option to translate
or not translate SQL.
getSQLTranslationVersions() Returns a map of all the translation versions of the query during
SQL Translation. SqlTranslationVersion
The SqlTranslationVersion enumerated values specify the keys to the
getSQLTranslationVersions() method.

public enum SqlTranslationVersion {

The following table lists all the SqlTranslationVersion enumeration values with a
description of each enumerated value.

Member Name Description

ORIGINAL_SQL Specifies the original vendor specific sql
Specifies that JDBC parameter markers ('?') is replaced with
Oracle style parameter markers (':b<n>'). Hence consecutive '?'s
will be converted to :b1, :b2, :b3 and so on. This change is
required to take care of any changes in the order of parameters
during translation. This version is sent to the server for translation.
Hence any custom translations on the server must be registered
from this version and not the ORIGINAL_SQL version.
Specifies the translated query returned from the server
TRANSLATED createStatement()
This group of methods create a Statement object, and specify whether the statement
supports SQL translation. If the value of parameter translating is TRUE, then the
returning statement supports translation and is identical to the corresponding version
in the java.sql.Connection interface without the translating argument. If the value is
FALSE, then the returning statement does not support translation.

Chapter 8
OracleTranslatingConnection Interface

Syntax Description
Creates a Statement object with option to
public Statement createStatement(
boolean translating) translate or not translate SQL.
throws SQLException;

Creates a Statement object with the given

public Statement createStatement(
int resultSetType, int type and concurrency with option to translate
resultSetConcurrency, boolean or not translate SQL.
throws SQLException;

Creates a Statement object with the given

public Statement createStatement(
int resultSetType, type, concurrency, and holdability with option
int resultSetConcurrency, to translate or not translate SQL.
int resultSetHoldability,
boolean translating)
throws SQLException;


Parameter Description
Specifies the int value representing the result set type.

Specifies the int value representing the result set concurrency

resultSetHoldabilit Specifies the int value representing the result set holdability type.
Specifies whether or not the statement supports translation.

Return Value
The createStatement() method returns a Statement object.

The createStatement() method throws SQLException.

Import the following packages before running the example:
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;

import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;

Run the following SQL statements:

Chapter 8
OracleTranslatingConnection Interface

conn system/manager;
grant create sql translation profile to HR;

conn username/pwd;
drop table sample_tab;
create table sample_tab (c1 number, c2 varchar2(100));
insert into sample_tab values (1, 'A');
insert into sample_tab values (2, 'B');
exec dbms_sql_translator.drop_profile('FOO');
exec dbms_sql_translator.create_profile('FOO');
exec dbms_sql_translator.register_sql_translation('FOO','select row of (c1, c2)
from sample_tab','select c1, c2 from sample_tab');

Example 8-1 Using the createStatement() method

public class SQLTransStmt
static String url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:5521:orcl";
static String user="username", pwd="pwd";
static String PROFILE = "FOO";
static String primitiveSql = "select row of (c1, c2) from sample_tab";

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception

OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();

Properties props = new Properties();

props.put("user", user);
props.put("password", pwd);
Connection conn = ods.getConnection();
System.out.println("connection for SQL translation: "+conn);

OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn;
Statement trStmt = trConn.createStatement(true);
System.out.println("executeQuery for: "+primitiveSql);
ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery(primitiveSql);
while (
System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2));
}catch (Exception e) {

OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn;
Statement trStmt = trConn.createStatement(false);
System.out.println("executeQuery for: "+primitiveSql);
ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery(primitiveSql);
while (
System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2));

Chapter 8
OracleTranslatingConnection Interface

}catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("expected Exception: "+e.getMessage());

OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn;
System.out.println("Call: oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.
Statement trStmt = trConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,
ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE, true);
System.out.println("executeQuery for: "+primitiveSql);
ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery(primitiveSql);
while (
System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2));
System.out.println("move resultset back to 2nd row...");
while (
System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2));
}catch (Exception e) {

OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn;
Statement trStmt = trConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,
System.out.println("executeQuery for: "+primitiveSql);
ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery(primitiveSql);
System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2));
trRs.updateString(2, "Hello");
System.out.println("accept the update and list all of the rows again...");
while (
System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2));
}catch (Exception e) {


Chapter 8
OracleTranslatingConnection Interface prepareCall()
This group of methods create a CallableStatement object, and specify whether the
statement supports SQL translation. If the value of parameter translating is TRUE,
then the returning statement supports translation. If the value is FALSE, then the
returning statement does not support translation.

Syntax Description
Creates a CallableStatement object with
public CallableStatement prepareCall(
String sql, option to translate or not translate SQL
boolean translating)
throws SQLException;

Creates a CallableStatement object with

public CallableStatement prepareCall(
String sql, the given type and concurrency with option
int resultSetType, to translate or not translate SQL
int resultSetConcurrency,
boolean translating)
throws SQLException;

Creates a CallableStatement object with

public CallableStatement prepareCall(
String sql, the given type, concurrency, and holdability
int resultSetType, with option to translate or not translate SQL
int resultSetConcurrency,
int resultSetHoldability,
boolean translating)
throws SQLException;


Parameter Description
sql Specifies the String SQL statement value to be sent to the
database; may contain one or more parameters
Specifies the int value representing the result set type

Specifies the int value representing the result set concurrency

resultSetHoldability Specifies the int value representing the result set holdability type
Specifies whether or not the statement supports translation

Return Value
The prepareCall() method returns a CallableStatement object.

The prepareCall() method throws SQLException.

Chapter 8
OracleTranslatingConnection Interface

Import the following packages before running the example:
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;

import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;

Run the following SQL statements:

conn system/manager;
grant create sql translation profile to HR;

conn username/pwd;

create or replace procedure sample_proc (p_num number, p_vchar in out varchar2)

p_vchar := 'p_num'||p_num||', p_vchar'||p_vchar;

exec dbms_sql_translator.drop_profile('FOO');
exec dbms_sql_translator.create_profile('FOO');
exec dbms_sql_translator.register_sql_translation('FOO', 'exec
sample_proc(:b1, :b2)', '{call sample_proc(:b1, :b2)}');

Example 8-2 Using the prepareCall() method

public class SQLTransCstmt
static String url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:5521:orcl";
static String user="username", pwd="pwd";
static String PROFILE = "FOO";
static String primitiveSql = "exec sample_proc(:b1, :b2)";

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception

OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();

Properties props = new Properties();

props.put("user", user);
props.put("password", pwd);
Connection conn = ods.getConnection();
System.out.println("connection for SQL translation: "+conn);

OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn;
"Call: oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.prepareCall(sql, true)");
CallableStatement trStmt = trConn.prepareCall(primitiveSql, true);
trStmt.setInt("b1", 1);
trStmt.setString("b2", "A");
trStmt.registerOutParameter("b2", Types.VARCHAR);

Chapter 8
OracleTranslatingConnection Interface

System.out.println("execute for: "+primitiveSql);

System.out.println("out param: "+trStmt.getString("b2"));

}catch (Exception e) {

OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn;
"Call: oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.prepareCall(sql, false)");
CallableStatement trStmt = trConn.prepareCall(primitiveSql, false);
trStmt.setInt(1, 1);
trStmt.setString(2, "A");
System.out.println("execute for: "+primitiveSql);
ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery();
while (
System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2));

}catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("expected Exception: "+e.getMessage());

} prepareStatement()
This group of methods create a PreparedStatement object, and specify whether the
statement supports SQL translation. If the value of parameter translating is TRUE,
then the returning statement supports translation. If the value is FALSE, then the
returning statement does not support translation.

Syntax Description
Creates a PreparedStatement object
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(
String sql, with option to translate or not translate
boolean translating) SQL
throws SQLException;

Creates a PreparedStatement object

public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(
String sql, with the given type and concurrency
int resultSetType, with option to translate or not translate
int resultSetConcur, SQL
boolean translating)
throws SQLException;

Chapter 8
OracleTranslatingConnection Interface

Syntax Description
Creates a PreparedStatement object
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(
String sql, with the given type, concurrency, and
int resultSetType, holdability with option to translate or not
int resultSetConcur, translate SQL
int resultSetHold,
boolean translating)
throws SQLException;

Parameter Description
sql Specifies the String SQL statement value to be sent to the
database; may contain one or more parameters
Specifies the int value representing the result set type

Specifies the int value representing the result set concurrency

resultSetHold Specifies the int value representing the result set holdability type
Specifies whether or not the statement supports translation

Return Value
The prepareStatement() method returns a PreparedStatement object.

Usage Notes
When the "?" placeholder is used with the prepareStatement() method, the driver
internally changes the "?" to Oracle-style parameters because the server side
translator can only work with Oracle-style markers. This is necessary to distinguish
the bind variables. If not, any change in the order of the bind variables will be
indistinguishable. The replaced oracle style markers follow the format :b<n> where
<n> is an incremental number. For example, exec sample_proc(?,?) becomes exec

To further exemplify, consider a scenario of a vendor format where the vendor query
selecting top three rows is SELECT * FROM employees WHERE first_name=? AND
employee_id=? TOP 3. The query has to be converted to oracle dialect. In this case
the following translation is to be registered on the server:
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE first_name=:b1 AND employee_id=:b2 TOP 3

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE first_name=:b1 AND employee_id=:b2 AND ROWNUM <= 3

See SqlTranslationVersion and "SQL Translation of JDBC Applications" for more


Chapter 8
OracleTranslatingConnection Interface

The prepareStatement() method throws SQLException.

Import the following packages before running the example:
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;

import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;

Run the following SQL statements:

conn system/manager;
grant create sql translation profile to USER;

conn username/pwd;
drop table sample_tab;
create table sample_tab (c1 number, c2 varchar2(100));
insert into sample_tab values (1, 'A');
insert into sample_tab values (1, 'A');
insert into sample_tab values (1, 'A');
exec dbms_sql_translator.drop_profile('FOO');
exec dbms_sql_translator.create_profile('FOO');
exec dbms_sql_translator.register_sql_translation('FOO','select row of select
c1, c2 from sample_tab
where c1=:b1 and c2=:b2','select c1, c2 from sample_tab where c1=:b1 and

Example 8-3 Using the prepareStatement() method

public class SQLTransPstmt
static String url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:5521:orcl";
static String user="username", pwd="pwd";
static String PROFILE = "FOO";
static String primitiveSql = "select row of select c1, c2 from sample_tab
where c1=:b1 and c2=:b2";

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception

OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();

Properties props = new Properties();

props.put("user", user);
props.put("password", pwd);
Connection conn = ods.getConnection();
System.out.println("connection for SQL translation: "+conn);

OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn;

Chapter 8
OracleTranslatingConnection Interface

oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.prepareStatement(sql, true)");
PreparedStatement trStmt = trConn.prepareStatement(primitiveSql, true);
trStmt.setInt(1, 1);
trStmt.setString(2, "A");
System.out.println("executeQuery for: "+primitiveSql);
ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery();
while (
System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2));
}catch (Exception e) {

OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn;
oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.prepareStatement(sql, false)");
PreparedStatement trStmt = trConn.prepareStatement(primitiveSql, false);
trStmt.setInt(1, 1);
trStmt.setString(2, "A");
System.out.println("executeQuery for: "+primitiveSql);
ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery();
while (
System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2));

}catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("expected Exception: "+e.getMessage());

OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn;
PreparedStatement trStmt = trConn.prepareStatement(
primitiveSql, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,
ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, true);
trStmt.setInt(1, 1);
trStmt.setString(2, "A");
System.out.println("executeQuery for: "+primitiveSql);
ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery();
while (
System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2));

System.out.println("trRs.beforeFirst and show resultSet again...");

while (
System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2));
}catch (Exception e) {


Chapter 8
Error Translation Configuration File getSQLTranslationVersions()
Returns a map of all the translation versions of the query during SQL Translation. In
case of an exception, and if suppressExceptions is true, then the translated version in
the map is NULL.

public Map<SqlTranslationVersion, String> getSqlTranslationVersions(
String sql,
boolean suppressExceptions)
throws SQL Exception;

Return Value
Map with all translation versions of a query. See SqlTranslationVersion enum for more
details about returning versions.

This method throws SQLException if there is a problem in query translation, provided
suppressExceptions is false.

8.1.3 Error Translation Configuration File

An XML configuration file (path) is provided as a value of the
oracle.jdbc.sqlErrorTranslationFile property. This file contains the translations
information for errors. These errors occur when a connection to the server cannot be
established and thus translation cannot happen on the server. Error messages are of
the type that define the state of the database that prevents the connection from being
The structure of the configuration XML file is defined in the DTD as follows:
<!DOCTYPE LocalTranslationProfile[

<!ELEMENT LocalTranslationProfile (Exception+)>

<!ELEMENT Exception (ORAError, ErrorCode, SQLState )>
<!ELEMENT ErrorCode (#PCDATA)>

• ORAError is an int value and specifies the error code for the oracle error.
• ErrorCode is an int value and specifies the vendor error code, that is, the
translated code.
• SQLState is a String value and specifies the vendor SQL state.


A real-time, proprietary tool used to enable access to data stored in one database from
another database. Adapters are commonly used to translate SQL, map data types,
and facilitate the integration of SQL statements, triggers, and stored procedures.

custom SQL translation

A scenario in which users can register their customer-specific translations of SQL
statements with the SQL Translation Profile. During the translation of non-Oracle
statements, the profile looks up the custom translations first. Then, if no match is
found, it invokes the SQL Translator.

data integration
The exchange of data between different databases, either asynchronously in real-time
transactions or synchronously as batch processes.

data integration framework

A set of tools and processes used to enable data exchanges between different
databases. Traditional frameworks include many nightly processes such as large batch
extractions and feeds, and bulk loading of data. Newer frameworks can include small
daily processes and feeds occurring in near real time.

database schema migration

The process of identifying and converting tables, columns, and other objects in a
non-Oracle schema to conform to the naming, size, and other conventions required by
Oracle Database.

error translation
A scenario in which users can register vendor-specific translations of error codes and
messages with the SQL Translation Profile. During SQL execution, client applications
rely on vendor-specific error codes and messages. When errors occur, the translated


error codes and messages are returned instead of the Oracle error codes and

The process of modifying a non-Oracle application, including all of its components
(such as architecture, data, SQL code, and client) to use the Oracle RDBMS rather
than a proprietary database management system.

migration repository
A data store in Oracle Database that Oracle SQL Developer uses to manage the
metadata for the source and target schema models during a migration. Multiple
migration repositories can be used to migrate from several databases to Oracle
Database at the same time.

Oracle Database Gateways

A set of Oracle products that support data integration with non-Oracle systems
synchronously using consistent APIs.

Oracle GoldenGate
An Oracle product that supports modular, transaction-level data integration between
diverse data sources that are stored in SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, Oracle, and other

Oracle SQL*Loader
A fast, flexible, and free Oracle utility that supports loading data from flat files into
Oracle Database. It supports several data formats and many different encodings. It
also supports parallel data loading.

Oracle SQL Developer Migration Wizard

An Oracle tool that enables the migration of a third-party database to an Oracle
database in batch mode. Migration includes data, schemas, objects, triggers, and
stored procedures.

SQL dialect
A variation or extension of SQL implemented by a database vendor. When
migrating client applications from third-party databases to Oracle, all non-Oracle SQL
statements must be translated into Oracle SQL. Because these non-Oracle SQL
statements are embedded within the source code of client applications, locating and
translating them is a time-consuming, manual task. This release enhances the Oracle


database to accept non-Oracle SQL statements from external vendors, and translate
them automatically at run time before execution.

SQL Translation Profile

A database schema object that directs how non-Oracle SQL statements are translated
into Oracle SQL dialects. This schema also contains translations of error codes,
SQLSTATEs, and error messages to be returned when errors occur during the SQL

When migrating a client application with non-Oracle SQL statements to Oracle,

the user creates a SQL Translation Profile and configures it to translate the SQL
statements and errors for the application. At run time, the application sets the
translation profile in the Oracle database to translate its SQL statements and errors.

SQL Translator
The SQL Translator is a software component, provided by Oracle or third-party
vendors, which can be installed in Oracle Database. It translates the SQL statements
of a client program before they are processed by the Oracle Database SQL compiler. If
an error results from translated SQL statement execution, then Oracle Database SQL
compiler generates an Oracle error message.

A status parameter defined by the ANSI SQL standard. It is a 5-character string that
indicates the status of a SQL operation. Some of these values are:

• 00XXX: Unqualified Successful Completion

• 01XXX: Warning

• 02XXX: No Data

• 07XXX: Dynamic SQL Error

• 08XXX: Connection Exception

• 09XXX: Triggered Action Exception

administrative routines APIs, 7-8 JDBC API, 8-1
ATTR_RAISE_TRANSLATION_ERROR, 4-2 configuration file, 8-13
SQLErrorTranslation.xml, 8-13
C createStatement(), 8-3
client library initialization and termination APIs, getSQLTranslationVersions(), 8-13
7-8 prepareCall(), 8-7
connection management APIs, 7-8 prepareStatement(), 8-9
createStatement(), 8-3 OracleTranslatingConnection interface, 8-2
creating identity columns, 1-3 translation properties, 8-1
sqlErrorTranslationFile, 8-2
sqlTranslationProfile, 8-1
D JDBC driver support for application migration, 1-8
data types,mapping, 7-1 JDBC support for implicit results, 1-3
datetime and interval data types, 7-7
E liboramysql driver, 6-1
enhanced SQL to PL/SQL bind handling, 1-6 liboramysql library
error handling, 7-8 connecting, 6-2
error reporting APIs, 7-8 connecting to Oracle Database, 6-5
error handling, 6-5
expected differences, 6-5
F globalization, 6-5
migration overview, 6-3
features supporting migration, 1-1
supported platforms, 6-5
usage, 6-3
getSQLTranslationVersions(), 8-13 M
mapping data types, 7-1
I Oracle MySQL client library driver, 7-1
mapping Oracle data types to MySQL data types,
identity columns, 1-2 7-1
implicit statement results, 1-3 methods
information routines APIs, 7-8 createStatement(), 8-3
interface getSQLTranslationVersions(), 8-13
OracleTranslatingConnection, 8-2 prepareCall(), 8-7
prepareStatement(), 8-9
Migrating a Sybase JDBC application, 5-1
capturing migration, 5-3
converting migration, 5-6, 5-7
generating migration, 5-9


Migrating a Sybase JDBC application (continued) mysql_more_results(), 7-19

moving the data, 5-10 mysql_next_result(), 7-19
setting up migration, 5-2 mysql_num_fields(), 7-19
migration support for other database vendors, mysql_num_rows(), 7-20
1-10 mysql_options(), 7-20
miscellaneous APIs, 7-8 mysql_ping(), 7-20
my_init(), 7-10 mysql_query(), 7-20
MySQL APIs, 7-8 mysql_read_query_result(), 7-20
MySQL client library driver mysql_real_connect(), 7-20
installation, 6-2 mysql_real_escape_string(), 7-21
mysql_affected_rows(), 7-10 mysql_real_query(), 7-21
mysql_autocommit(), 7-10 mysql_refresh(), 7-21
mysql_change_user(), 7-11 mysql_reload(), 7-21
mysql_character_set_name(), 7-11 mysql_rollback(), 7-21
mysql_close(), 7-11 mysql_row_seek(), 7-22
mysql_commit(), 7-11 mysql_row_tell(), 7-22
mysql_connect(), 7-11 mysql_select_db(), 7-22
mysql_create_db(), 7-12 mysql_send_query(), 7-22
mysql_data_seek(), 7-12 mysql_server_end(), 7-22
mysql_debug_info(), 7-12 mysql_server_init(), 7-23
mysql_debug(), 7-12 mysql_set_character_set(), 7-23
mysql_drop_db(), 7-12 mysql_set_local_infile_default(), 7-23
mysql_dump_debug_info(), 7-12 mysql_set_local_infile_handler(), 7-23
mysql_eof(), 7-13 mysql_set_server_option(), 7-23
mysql_errno(), 7-13 mysql_shutdown(), 7-23
mysql_error(), 7-13 mysql_sqlstate(), 7-24
mysql_escape_string(), 7-13 mysql_ssl_set(), 7-24
mysql_fetch_field_direct(), 7-14 mysql_stat(), 7-24
mysql_fetch_field(), 7-13 mysql_stmt_affected_rows(), 7-24
mysql_fetch_fields(), 7-14 mysql_stmt_attr_get(), 7-24
mysql_fetch_lengths(), 7-14 mysql_stmt_attr_set(), 7-25
mysql_fetch_row(), 7-14 mysql_stmt_bind_param(), 7-25
mysql_field_count(), 7-14 mysql_stmt_bind_result(), 7-25
mysql_field_seek(), 7-15 mysql_stmt_close(), 7-25
mysql_field_tell(), 7-15 mysql_stmt_data_seek(), 7-25
mysql_free_result(), 7-15 mysql_stmt_errno(), 7-25
mysql_get_character_set_info(), 7-15 mysql_stmt_error(), 7-25
mysql_get_client_info(), 7-15 mysql_stmt_execute(), 7-26
mysql_get_client_version(), 7-15 mysql_stmt_fetch_column(), 7-26
mysql_get_host_info(), 7-16 mysql_stmt_fetch(), 7-26
mysql_get_proto_info(), 7-16 mysql_stmt_field_count(), 7-26
mysql_get_server_info(), 7-16 mysql_stmt_free_result(), 7-26
mysql_get_server_version(), 7-16 mysql_stmt_init(), 7-26
mysql_get_ssl_cipher(), 7-16 mysql_stmt_insert_id(), 7-27
mysql_hex_string(), 7-17 mysql_stmt_next_result(), 7-27
mysql_info(), 7-17 mysql_stmt_num_rows(), 7-27
mysql_init(), 7-17 mysql_stmt_param_count(), 7-27
mysql_insert_id(), 7-17 mysql_stmt_param_metadata(), 7-27
mysql_kill(), 7-17 mysql_stmt_prepare(), 7-27
mysql_library_end(), 7-17 mysql_stmt_reset(), 7-28
mysql_library_init(), 7-18 mysql_stmt_result_metadata(), 7-28
mysql_list_dbs(), 7-18 mysql_stmt_row_seek(), 7-28
mysql_list_fields(), 7-19 mysql_stmt_row_tell(), 7-28
mysql_list_processes(), 7-19 mysql_stmt_send_long_data(), 7-28
mysql_list_tables(), 7-19 mysql_stmt_sqlstate(), 7-28


mysql_stmt_store_result(), 7-29 OracleTranslatingConnection interface (continued)

mysql_store_result(), 7-29
mysql_thread_end(), 7-29
mysql_thread_id(), 7-29
mysql_thread_init(), 7-29 permissions for installing the SQL translator, 3-12
mysql_thread_safe(), 7-30 prepareCall(), 8-7
MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB data type, 7-3 prepared statements APIs, 7-8
MYSQL_TYPE_DATE data type, 7-4 prepareStatement(), 8-9
MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME data type, 7-4 products supporting migration, 1-9
MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE data type, 7-4
MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT data type, 7-4
MYSQL_TYPE_LONG data type, 7-4 R
MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB data type, 7-5 result set processing APIs, 7-8
MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG data type, 7-5
MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT data type, 7-5
SQL translation framework, 1-1
MYSQL_TYPE_STRING data type, 7-5
architecture, 2-2
MYSQL_TYPE_TIME data type, 7-6
configuration, 3-1, 3-10
installation, 3-1, 3-10
MYSQL_TYPE_TINY data type, 7-6
SQL translation profile, 2-1
MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB data type, 7-6
SQL translator, 2-1
MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING data type, 7-6
use, 2-2
mysql_use_result(), 7-30
when to use, 2-3
mysql_warning_count(), 7-30
SQL translation of JDBC aplications, 4-1
SQL translation of JDBC applications, 4-1
N error message translation, 4-1
error translation, 4-3
native SQL support for query row limits and row execution of translated Oracle dialect query,
offsets, 1-7 4-2
parameter marker conversion, 4-2
O SQL translation profile, 4-1
SQL translation of ODBC applications, 4-1, 4-4
OCI support for implicit results, 1-4 error message translation, 4-5
ODBC driver support for application migration, SQL translation profile, 4-5
1-8 SQL translation profile
ODBC support for implicit results, 1-5 set up, 3-10
OEM tuning and performance packs, 1-9 SQLErrorTranslation.xml, 8-13
Oracle Database Gateways, 1-9 sqlErrorTranslationFile, 8-2
Oracle GoldenGate, 1-9 sqlTranslationProfile, 8-1
Oracle MySQL client library driver, 7-1 SqlTranslationVersion enumerated values, 8-3
Oracle SQL developer statement construction and execution APIs, 7-8
migration support, 3-1
set up, 3-2
Oracle SQL Developer, 1-9 T
OracleTranslatingConnection interface, 8-2 transaction control APIs, 7-8
createStatement() method, 8-3 translation properties
getSQLTranslationVersions() method, 8-13 sqlErrorTranslationFile, 8-2
prepareCall() method, 8-7 sqlTranslationProfile, 8-1
prepareStatement() method, 8-9


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