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Understanding Righteousness by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome PDF Justification (Theology) Sarah

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Pastor  Christian Oyakhilome, D.Sc, D.D, Ph.D.



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“Your understanding
of righteousness is
 your greatest weapon
on earth”

– Pastor Chris
Oyakhilome, D.Sc, D.D, Ph.D.

Audio Tape 1
We are beginning a new series of teaching as I always say you can never actually finish on a subject on
the Word of God. There’s always so much to learn but at a given period there is so much that you can
take and then later on you learn on the same subject. From today I want to begin on sharing things from
the word of God learning how to turn hopeless situations around. Changing hopeless situations around.
Are there such things as hopeless situations? If there are hopeless situations is it actually possible to
change them? Is it at all possible to turn them around? Are there hopeless situations? I think there are.
From man’s stand point there are hopeless situations. Someone can be in a predicament in a place where
don’t know where to turn. Where you don’t know what to do. A confusing state of such that there is no
way out. We find ourselves in a position that the only thing we can do is to let go. We just allow
ourselves to keep floating and say whatever the outcome maybe it is ok. Because we don’t think there
is any way out. Could there be a change? Maybe it’s a home. Maybe a financial situation. Maybe a
health situation. Material physical or psychological anything. Something with your job, school,
university, children family. Could there possibly be a way out? You know someone said onetime I don’t
want my hopes to be raised please. Let me just know that there is no way. Don’t try to raise my hopes
because I feel very bad if you raise my hopes and things don’t work out right. Maybe for some people
that’s the way they think. Better not to raise my hopes if you raise my hopes and things don’t work out
I feel very bad. What if – what if – just for one moment there could really be a change. A positive
change. What if there could really be a miracle? Have you ever considered it? Just what if? People like
to ask What if it doesn’t work? The real question is What if it works?! Just what if it works? So whatever
the situation there may be could there possibly be a way out? A dependable way out. That’s what the
subject is all about. If there is what is our role in it? Is there anything I could do for the situation to
change in my family, my job, in my school, marriage anything. Is there something I could do? Someone
said I’ve done everything!! Sir you have only done all you knew. Is it possible that something you don’t
know but if you did know could just change everything? Is it possible for one moment? Something that
you don’t know? What if that, that thing you don’t know is the very thing that could change it? What if
that there is just one step closer and that one step is the step you don’t know nothing about? Do you
know in our lives a lot of times there is where we get! When you get to the end and there’s no way out
and there is just one more step that you haven’t taken and that one step is what you don’t know nothing
about. If you knew may be you would have done it. Sometime it’s that one step you think will not work
 – you’ve heard of it – you’ve thought about it but the only thing you thought about it was that it will
not work. Have you ever found yourself in that situation? You’ve tried everything else about something

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you’ve been trying to do and a thought came to you to do it this other way and you thought Oh no that
wouldn’t work. If this didn’t work and that didn’t work and the other one didn’t work – this wouldn’t
even work. And then you just somehow you’ve almost given up and you just say Welll.. it wouldn’t hurt
to try that last one. At least to satisfy myself that I didn’t leave nothing out. Then you just pushed that
button and it worked!! And you say My goodness I thought about it all the time. Why didn’t I do it?
Has that ever happened to you? Do you know in things about life that happens all the time!!! Happens
all the time! That’s why we want to study to find out – is there something I could do to effect a change?
There are scriptures that are suggestive that there could possibly be a miracle for you. There may just
 be a way out and I want us to look at those scriptures briefly. They are familiar scriptures thing you’ve
read all your life but they just seems to suggest that there could be a way out. I hope you read them
yourself and make up your own mind. May be a miracle is on the way for you. May be just may be
when you are through studying this we’ll be sure. Is it at all possible? May be just may be. May be it’s
you this time around – a miracle may be knocking at your door.

There is a woman by the name of Sarah and at old age she didn’t have a child. She was married to a
man who was now old also and the Bible says that it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.
The doctor said bye bye you are gone. You can’t have a child anymore. It’s too late. They gave up. One
day the old husband was sitting outside
of the tent door and 3 men were
 passing by and he ran after them and
said  Hey I know you are on a long
 journey. So why don’t you come and
eat and drink for a while.  And they
said Alright! He was talking to 2 angels
and the Lord. They turned in and sat
down and watch what happens here.

Genesis 18:9-16 And they said unto

him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he
 said, Behold, in the tent. (10) And
he said, I will certainly return unto
thee according to the time of life; and, lo,
Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him. (11)
 Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after
the manner of women. (12) Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old
 shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also? (13) And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore
did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old? (14) Is any thing too hard
 for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and
Sarah shall have a son. (15) Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And
he said, Nay; but thou didst laugh. (16) And the men rose up from thence, and looked toward
Sodom: and Abraham went with them to bring them on the way.

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I love God. He’s not like some people think He is. Sarah laughed. If that would be a man he would have
said Sarah!!! You think I can’t hear you? Fire on your head! Fire! Fire!!  But the Lord is wonderful.
He doesn’t even talk to her. He knows she’s behind the door and He knows that she’s laughing. And
then He says Abraham, why is your wife laughing? And Sarah freezes right behind the door. Is anything
too hard for the Lord?  Is there anything too hard for the Lord? I said you may just be now in the
 presence of a miracle. Hallelujah! Is there such a thing too hard for the Lord? The woman laughed.
Then Sarah denied saying I laughed not. And the Lord didn’t say  In my presence?!? Even while I’m
here you are telling lies? Watch what He says No you laughed . And didn’t keep on pressing Sarah No
no no.. I can’t be waiting.
Tell the truth. I want you to
understand the kind of God
we serve. He’s not like some
 people try to make Him look.
He’s not as mean as some
 people think. God is
wonderful. Some people tell
us  Are you trying to give
 people an excuse for
 sinning? Are you trying to
water down the message? It
is a fearful thing to fall into
the hands of the living God!!! 
We all fell into the hands of the living God and He didn’t burn us. He saved us. The Bible says Romans
3:23 For
all have sinned  and come short of the glory of God. John 3:17 – For God sent not His Son into the world
to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.  People who preach judgement
they don’t know the worth of a human soul. If they knew – everyday they would cry on their knees for
those they felt have gone off the way. You can only show that you know God by praying for them. If
you condemn then you don’t know Jesus. Look here Sarah denied because she was afraid. The Lord
didn’t say Now in the day of judgement you will remember these words. He didn’t. Peter denied Jesus
and after the resurrection Jesus sees Peter and Jesus doesn’t even remind him of what he did. Jesus
didn’t say Simon I’m back! I told you I’ll come back. He said Simon do you love me? Simon said Yes
 Lord I do. And Jesus didn’t say Ahhhhh… Not again. Once bitten twice shy Simon! Did He say that?
 No. What did He do? He gave Peter the responsibility. He doesn’t even remind him. The Lord didn’t
even say Simon I know what you did but I’ve forgiven you anyway. He didn’t even talk about it. Love
does not take record of wrongs. Some people have a diary. A woman can take a book and say  In 1956,
this was only 7 months after the wedding. I will never forget what he did to me. After the birth of my 3 rd  
 son in 1962.. What the husband did in ’56 and ’62 and ’65. Some men are the same too. They just don’t
say theirs. They keep it inside burning inside. You want to be like the Lord Jesus – you have to make
some real good changes. To be free. How wonderful is it to be free. Not holding things against people.
When you hold things against people you are bound. You are bound by those things which you hold
against people. You are in greater trouble that people who have offended you. Usually you are more
unhappy than they are. Such people haven’t known the Lord. He says is there anything too hard for the
Lord? Don’t you think by Sarah’s laughter that she’s saying  Don’t try to raise my hopes. 

You see there’s another woman in the Bible and she didn’t have a child and she was old and the husband
was old and the prophet was asking his servant What can we do for this woman? And the servant said
She’s rich and she’s got everything she wants. The prophet said Try and find out what we can do for
her. The servant came back and said Hey! She doesn’t have a child plus that the husband is old. When
the woman came back the prophet said Thus saith the Lord according to the time of life you are going
to have a son. And she said Don’t you lie!! Anyway she had a son. As the boy grew up he went out
with his father one day and came back and died. You know what she did? She didn’t cry! She just
Where is that prophet? She got the address and went after him. The prophet asked  How is it woman?
She said It’s well! Prophet asked How is with your husband? She said It’s well! Prophet asked How is
it with your son? She said It’s well. But come! The prophet went. Then she said Didn’t I tell you not to

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lie to me?! I was better off without a son now you give me a son and the boy dies. How am I better off
now? It’s better not to have than to have and lose it. You know I agree with her. You don’t know what
it is to lose it if you have never had it. The prophet said  Now I know what the matter is. Woman relax
 your boy will live again. Hallelujah! The boy lived. Sometimes it is more comfortable not to have your
hopes raised at all so you just stay in your comfort zone and nobody’s trying to stir your nest and telling
you that you can have a better job, telling your family could become something or anything like that.
 Leave me where I am. I’m alright. No. You are not alright. I want to tell you something about God. God
is looking for opportunities to bless you.

2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the

 LORD run to and fro throughout the
whole earth, to shew himself strong
in the behalf of them whose heart is
 perfect toward him.

Those whose hearts are after Him.

He’s looking for opportunities to bless
them. What is the opportunity? Every
human need is God’s opportunity to
 bless. When you look out for a human
need understand that God wants to
meet that need. The problem is the
invitation. He’s at your door when He knows you got a problem. Just to let you know that He loves you
and wants everything to go well with you.

Look at the man David. He’s from the family of Jesse. Jesse’s family wasn’t so well to do. They were
an average family but they had a good lineage that could have made them somewhat big but they were
average. The man’s an old man now and everybody in town knows among the old men Jesse really goes
for an old man. If you are a notable old
man in town and you have a boy 17
years old what does that suggest? You
 probably didn’t marry too early.
Because you have a son 17 years old
and it’s not that you have 20 children.
According to the Bible Jesse was
known to be an old man in town. Now
this young guy is taking care of his
father’s sheep and if there were many
sheep and it were a big business I trust
the eldest son would have been in
charge. The big ones have gone to
school and have joined the army. Now
this young man David is doing
this. A prophet of God
announces that from this family
God has decided there’s going
to be King in Israel. How would
you feel, you, tell me how you
would you feel if your brother,
if you heard tonight 9pm news
on NTA there was an
announcement that your brother
has just been appointed
secretary general of the United
 Nations? You already have

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your Visa!! I know what you are thinking. You are going with him in his very first trip and you are not
coming back! Imagine this Jesse’s family is not too buoyant and not too known except for the daddy’s
age and some prophet comes and says The next king of Israel is coming from this home. You know it
will change the status of the family overnight. Can God do such a thing? You may just be from a family
where the highest person the highest level attained so far from that family is someone who was able to
 pay for one room where he brought you and your siblings up and grew old until he went back to the
village. That’s the highest in that family. You struggled and borrowed money and you don’t even think
that you have a lot of chances for a good job even now you don’t have a job. So you are thinking maybe
is it possible that God might just raise you up? What about in a family where everything was alright.
You remember your daddy was super and you had everything and somewhere down the line he lost he
 job and couldn’t get a better one and you then grew up in another condition and now things are going
down and down and you are now like you’ve never had anything in your life. You know that you just
don’t have nothing. So hard to get food. But you know you have lived somewhere higher than that
 before. Things just went down when daddy lost his job. Every day the hopes have gone down. All the
friends are gone now. And you don’t even know what to pray about. Where do help come from? Is there
a way out? Is it possible? I’m looking at all this? Is it possible at all? Have you ever been distracted by
your needs.
Here you are you are worshipping God and you just love God and learning the word of God and the
gifts of the Spirit but every once in a while you get a distraction hey your finances are not going well
you don’t have a good job. Has that ever happened to you?

Let me read you something from the Bible. They may just let you know whether or not is it possible for
things to change. It’s a story about a woman Hannah by the name. Every year she went with her family
she was the second wife in the home and every year as they went for the yearly feast and met other
families. You know how some people are they talk about how their children are until you feel like you
 better give birth to children now or you die. They talk so much about their children their children their
children oh God. She was living in this condition and they were looking at her and was saying You dry
 stick. You couldn’t have nothing. No matter what the husband did she couldn’t feel anything. She just
said I don’t have nothing no matter what my husband gives to me. He couldn’t love me without children.
The husband tried and said Hey don’t worry you are more to me than anything in the world. And she
said I know you are not telling the truth. One day she broke down. Is there a way out? One day when
everyone was going home she stopped and sneaked out. Went straight to the temple. She fell on her
face before God. It matters you know God for yourself! This woman was fed up all the promises and
sufferings and she broke down there in the presence of God and began to pray. You know the story she
got what she wanted. What I want you to notice is the words that came out of her mouth when that
miracle happened.

1 Samuel 2:1-2  And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the LORD, mine horn is
exalted in the LORD: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation.
(2) There is none holy as the LORD: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like
our God. 

You remember that song? It was written by Hannah!

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1 Samuel 2:3-5 Talk no more so

exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy
come out of your mouth: for the
 LORD is a God of knowledge, and by
him actions are weighed. (4) The
bows of the mighty men are broken,
and they that stumbled are girded
with strength. (5) They that were full
have hired out themselves for bread;
and they that were hungry ceased: so
that the barren hath born seven; and
 she that hath many children is waxed


You know when God does something for you that

thing is more to you than the multitude of others
somebody has out of natural power. She says the
 barren has given birth to seven. As far as she’s
concerned this one child is seven for her. And the
one that has many children has become weak and
feeble. It’s great when you can shine because
God has been with you. Ok what made me bring
you here is the next verse.

1 Samuel 2:7-8 The LORD maketh poor, and

maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up. (8)  He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth
up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne
of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he hath set the world upon them.

He doesn’t care how down in the valley you are. He raiseth up the poor out of the dust and lifteth up
the beggar from the dunghill to set them among the princes and make them inherit the glory. He can
 bring you out of obscurity. The pillars of the earth belong to the Lord and set the world upon them. If
He can do that He can do anything with your life. Years ago I read these things again and again to
myself. Take this scripture and say it to yourself.

 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them
among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory 

Let us go to the New Testament portion of the Bible. A man whose son had an evil spirit and it was an
epileptic spirit that will cast him into the fire and sometimes into the water. He’ll start foaming in his
mouth. He brought the child to Jesus and couldn’t find him and brought him to the disciples and they
tried to cast the spirit out and they couldn’t. Now Jesus came.

Mark 9:20-23  And they brought him unto him: and when he saw him, straightway the spirit tare
him; and he fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming. (21) And he asked his father, How long is
it ago since this came unto him? And he said, Of a child. (22) And ofttimes it hath cast him into
the fire, and into the waters, to destroy him: but if thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us,
and help us. (23) Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that

Does that include your case? Someone once said  Does God heal stomach pains? Or fever? Will God
heal you? You know why she had to ask that question? Because every time you look at the posters and
it says BRING THE BLIND – BRING THE DEAF – BRING THE LAME. So she thought if my case

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is not serious maybe God wouldn’t do anything. If it is not very serious God will tell you Go to the
doctor my friend. What do you think? No. There is no small matter. God loves us all. Our challenges
are unique to us as individuals and God responses to us as individuals. When God deals with you He
deals with you as though you are the only one on earth. He never compares you to another. Never. The
only reason God tells us about others is to let us know that if He did it for them He’ll do it for you.
Something else I found out in the Bible that even if it is never done to anybody else and you are the
first one to come up on the scene with that kind of unique problem, you will have a unique solution. It
was never heard that anybody wanted to cross the Red Sea but God did it one time first time for
somebody. Even if your case is so new, He’ll do it for you.

Luke 1:26-32  And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee,
named Nazareth, (27) To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of
 David; and the virgin's name was Mary. (28) And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou
that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. (29) And when
 she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this
 should be. (30) And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.
(31) And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name
 JESUS. (32) He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall
 give unto him the throne of his father David: 

The boy is not even born and the angel says The Lord God shall give him the throne of his father David. 
Have you come to believe in God this way? My Papa can do anything. With that consciousness you are
never in a hurry in life. You are not our hustling. Be relaxed. The Bible says that those who have entered
into His rest have ceased from their struggles. There is that confidence that goes in you by the power
of God’s Spirit that gives you that which you desire.  They just can’t but give it to you. You show up
and they just give it to you. Ahh it’s you pleasure doing business. The other guy comes and  Please
whatever you can do please. I’ve been out of job for 5 years! I don’t know what to do. Please.  Never
go in that direction. God doesn’t like it. If my Lord can’t give it to me nobody can give it to me. But
He can do anything. And if He wouldn’t give it to me, I don’t want it.

Luke 1:34-37 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? (35)
 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power
of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee
 shall be called the Son of God. (36) And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a
 son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. (37) For with God
nothing shall be impossible. 

Even the angel is bragging on the power of

God! Watch it! Look even your cousin right
now is 6 months pregnant – that’s the
woman they said was barren! Go check her
now. Me and God just got through with her.

That’s Gabriel talking. You have to brag on

the power of God. That devil says You are
not going to get it. And you say  Hey shut
up! Shut up! Shut up! Go check out David and find out how he
 got it. Check out Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

Mark 11:13-14 & 20-24  And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might
 find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs
was not yet. (14) And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever.
 And his disciples heard it. …… (20) And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree
dried up from the roots. (21) And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold,

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the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away. (22) And Jesus answering saith unto them,
 Have the faith of God. (23) For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain,
 Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe
that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. (24)
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them,
and ye shall have them. 

How would you feel if when you were coming to church on Sunday morning you saw me outside the
gate pointing at a tree and talking to it? Some of you would wonder what’s gone wrong! The disciples
were alarmed. Jesus spoke out loud. Not talking in his mind. He said Tree, nobody will eat from you
anymore. No more fruit. Disciples heard it and Jesus went his way. Next morning they saw the fig tree
dried up from the roots.
(23) For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and
be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which
he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever   he saith. (24) Therefore I say unto you,
What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. 
When do you believe that you received? When you see? No! When you pray. When you pray you
 believe that you received them. And you shall have them. Notice Jesus didn’t say What things soever
 ye desire believe that you receive them. That’s not what He said. What things soever ye desire, when
 ye pray , believe that ye receive them. 

Your future is in your hands. You better believe it. Trouble is if you don’t believe it - you wouldn’t do
anything about it. It’s not enough to believe that God is going to do something. You have to do
something. Someone said God works in mysterious ways – His wonders to perform. No! God doesn’t
work in mysterious ways. The Bible never says that. It’s the devil that works in mysterious ways. God’s
not mysterious to His children. He has given us an understanding to know the mysteries of the kingdom
of God. To be mysterious is to be strange. Not to be understood. Nobody knows what you are up to.
That’s just like the devil.

You don’t need to know what’s going to happen to you in future so that you can change things or get
ready for those things. Your future walks in you.

There are many people who think that one day God is going to do something about their case. It’s
wonderful to think like that because it helps them to escape responsibility. Now you can relax on your
recliner and put all responsibility on God. The Bible doesn’t say if Pastor Chris shall say unto this
mountain. Put your name there. Your life is in your hand. You can’t blame anybody now. No matter
how deep the valley is you can come out.

Some say Sometimes God takes us into trouble. Those things are not true. The Bible doesn’t say When
 I take you through the fire you shall not be burnt. He said When you go through the fire... 

God put me in that trouble to show the devil who He is. The devil already knows who God is. Don’t
you understand? Why is God using us as lab rats?

All the time. The Lord brought me here for a purpose!


You got fired from your job – for a purpose!

You failed your exams – for a purpose!

Your wife left you – for a purpose!

Your child died – for a purpose!

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Oh my God… What a purpose!

So God’s just playing games. He puts you here and gets the devil to run after you and traps the devil
again. Who do you think He really is? We explain many things and that’s the reason many don’t have
miracles because they have every answer for every purpose. It’s for a purpose you lost your job. 5 years
God is still working for that purpose.

It’s like I’m praying for that child this year   and the child doesn’t show up – that’s for a purpose! So
God is planning twins for the 2 years. I claim twins in Jesus’ name. One child for each year. And that
year goes by and Lord triplets in Jesus’ name. So now they are believing for 5 because it’s 5 years now.

I’m not so sure that every time that

husband prays that the wife is saying
Amen. 5 at once!! I’m sure she stopped
 praying with you after 2. She stopped
saying Amen.

You know what people are trying to

do? They are trying to blame God for
it. They are claiming from God what
God didn’t give them last year. It’s all
wrong. If it didn’t worked the way you
knew why don’t you try and find out
the way it works. You are too proud to
say I was wrong. There are too many
 people talking about faith who don’t even know what faith is. The word of God can be proved.  Prove
all things. Hold fast that which is good. You have to prove it. I dare tell people if I can’t prove it you
have the right not to believe. I was sent with credentials. I can’t say God sent me and can’t prove it.
Anybody can say that!!

I believe that the devil is a real person and God is a real God. When Bible talks about angels they are
real and when the Bible talks about miracles they can be proved. I believe that. Can’t be talking and
talking. When you say God heals the sick – ok there are many sick people prove it. Sometimes some
 people don’t like it but you know in your soul you know it. Inside you, you know it. Truth is actually
you like what I’m saying if only you could prove it. Why can’t you prove it? Because you are busy all
over the place busy playing busy shouting and busy singing songs you shouldn’t be singing and
watching films you shouldn’t watch and you have no time to talk to the Holy Spirit and let him teach
you. You are busy reading everything but the Bible and reading your mind into the Bible and trying to
make the Bible say what you want to say. So all you can come up with is excuses. Some Christians get
sick and they hide it. I’m not sick I’m tired. Where is brother Daniel? He is very tired! Why can’t he
 just come up straight? If I did get sick I would say I’m sick. But I’m not going to get sick – I’ve not
 been sick for many years and I will not be sick. Sure!

Did you know you really could change things? You say I believed and I tried. Stop for a moment. Is it
 possible that there is something you missed something that was so important. Why don’t you stop and
think again and study again through the Bible. We learn the word of God in different phases spiritually.
We learn it in our babyhood stage, then adolescent stage and our fatherhood stage. None of these is
limited to how long you’ve been in there. It’s how long you’ve been in the word. It’s not how long
you’ve been born again. How long have you been in the word studying and putting it into work and
growing thereby and in the process of time through the Holy Spirit you will learn a lot of things. No
man can really teach you but by the Holy Ghost. Dealing with issues of life we have to understand what
Jesus said is real.

(22) And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have the faith of God. (23) For verily I say unto you,
That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and
 shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass;
he shall have whatsoever he saith. (24) Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire,
when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. 

9 | P a g e 

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Have you come to the point in

your life that you can deal with
any particular issue? Have you
gained the confidence that no
matter what you face you can
change it? Nothing shakes you
anymore! You just know that
you can change it. That’s what
God wants from us. He doesn’t
want a victim. He wants us to be
in charge. Nothing can destroy
you except the ones you let.
What a place to be.

Matthew 17:14-18  And when they were come to the multitude, there came to him a certain man,
kneeling down to him, and saying, (15) Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatick, and sore
vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water. (16) And I brought him to thy
disciples, and they could not cure him. (17) Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and
 perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither
to me. (18) And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured
 from that very hour. 

 Next time you see someone

epileptic think about this. No
need to say he was born that
way. No! The Bible says Jesus
rebuked the devil and he
departed out of him and the
child was cured from that hour.
Epilepsy is caused by the devil.
I’d rather believe Jesus. No
matter what the books say. If
He rebuked the devil it can
happen today. That’s what you
ought to do. Put your hand on
that boy and say You devil of epilepsy come out in the name
of Jesus! 

Matthew 17:19-20 Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him
out? (20) And Jesus said unto them,  Because of your unbelief : for verily I say unto you, If ye
have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder
 place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. 

Tell them about unbelief? It’s not easy to accept. For Matthew, Andrew, Philip?

Why couldn’t you get it? Because of your unbelief! You may not like it. Stop making excuses for
yourself. A lot of times things are so spiritualised that the message loses its power because you have all
the answers. Be bold enough to go into the Bible and find out why it didn’t work so that the next time
you will have it. I’m not afraid to make a mistake. If I did make a mistake I’d go to it. I didn’t write it.
I will go back to the Bible and find out how it will work next time.

 If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder
 place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. 

I haven’t met someone yet who has not had an exciting life and hasn’t had this scripture in his life.
When you have this in your life your life will always be exciting. Nothing shall be impossible unto you!

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How then can your soul be cast down? When you have this you are ready for anything and you are
confident. Every day you are on top. You have the note of victory in your voice. Even when you have
one pair of trousers and one shirt. When you are ready to get out you press that thing you have the
whole world. You look like the whole world is yours. Nothing shall be impossible unto you. You are
not posing for anybody you just have confidence in your soul. Knowing who you are. Happy about you
that’s all. You don’t feel you are defeated or behind anybody. Behind who? When nothing shall be
impossible unto you.

A new policy comes you think someone is witch hunting you. Does it matter? You can change things.
They may say people like you don’t qualify. You say it doesn’t matter I just change the rules. Amen.
They say We only give promotions every 2 years. I just change the rules. Why? Psalms 75:6-7   For
 promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. (7) But God is the
 judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. 

Promotion comes from God. The very fact they say you can’t is the reason you should. Nothing shall
 be impossible to you. You think this is a joke?

I’ll tell you what to do. Tonight you just say Nothing shall be impossible unto me. Anything is possible! 
Then get into meditation of what you have to deal with first. Write it down in a book. Nothing shall be
impossible unto you and then face it. Anything is possible. It’s between you and the Word. Forget the
others around you. You live for God.

I can’t trust people to pray for me. I know there are people praying for me but I don’t know what they
are saying. Somebody may be saying O God straighten him up! Who knows? But I can trust me because
I know what I say when I say. I don’t rest on their prayers.

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“Concerning revelation:

If it is true, it’s not new;

I  it is new, it’s not true. ” 

–  Apostle  Dr.  Terry Mize 

Audio Tape 2
James 5:16-18 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (17) Elias was a man subject to
like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the
earth by the space of three years and six months. (18) And he prayed again, and the heaven gave
rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.

That doesn’t mean that I come to you and tell everything I’ve done wrong and you tell me everything
you’ve done wrong. Neither does it tell us to confess to the priest. It says to learn where our faults are
and say to the other  I’m sorry I made the mistake.  When we wrong each other. Unforgiveness and
refusal to own up your wrong which means therefore you perpetuate your wrong can keep you sick.
The prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available dynamic in its working. The prayer
of a righteous man. We are talking about changing hopeless situations around. Can we change them for
our good? Yes! The prayer of a righteous man can make that happen. The prayer of a righteous man
makes tremendous power available. But then it is the prayer not just of anybody but not of a
righteous man! 

The question then again is are you righteous? If you were righteous you could pray a prayer that will
work. Why do we need someone to pray for us? Because we believe that that one’s prayer will be
effective. Sometimes we do not have confidence in our own prayer.

I read to them the author of the commentary on this Bible. He is my dear theological friend and I like
to introduce to you my professor doctor theologian and what he believes about the subject of healing.
See this is one of my best Bibles. I’ve a lot of them and this is among the best. What am I saying? Even
among the best you have to really be careful! It’s got a lot of beautiful nice stuff in here but even then
he says some things which make me want to spit. You will feel the same in a moment. He is making
his commentary on the subject of healing here on James 5:14-16

James 5:14-16  Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray
over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: (15) And the prayer of faith shall save
the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
(16) Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The
effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

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I want you to observe what the Bible does not say. The Bible says in verse 15

1.  The prayer of faith – shall save the sick.

2.  The Lord – shall raise him up.

The Bible doesn’t say the Lord shall save the sick and the prayer of faith shall raise him up. The Bible
says the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up. Which means it’s not the
Lord that shall save the sick but the prayer of faith shall raise him up. Otherwise he would have said
the Lord shall save the sick and raise him up. There is a great difference my friend.

Before I get there I’d like to read the man’s commentary on this subject on healing. I said its one of the
 best. You see anybody can study the Bible make notes on the Bible, go to any college or any school
and get the hermeneutics and homiletics and come out of school and quote scripture and analyse them
and still don’t know them. You have to have revelation. Revelation is given to a man without a material
medium. Listen to my friend. My friend after all I love his commentary I just don’t like this kind. Listen!
I’m reading from his commentary

“When a Christian is sick he should confess his known sins and God may heal him.”  

Somebody is wondering what’s wrong with that? Nothing! Just listen to this. I’m touched by this man.

“Although God does not always choose to heal He sometimes does.”

I mean.. How can anybody go to Bible School and come out with this stuff? But that’s what they
taught him and that’s what he’s trying to teach us. Do you know that a lot of Christians believe this?
This man is a Christian I read his commentary. He’s a wonderful Christian. He is. I’m taking him up
here. See he is not here so nobody is going to write me a letter. I don’t criticize nobody. You can
know if I had his book and he has gone through all these and written all these chances are he must be
quite elderly too if he’s not gone to heaven. Because this commentary has been here a long time. So
he should know better than I but that’s man’s way of thinking. God doesn’t think that way. It is by
revelation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Listen to this now.

“When a Christian is sick he should confess his known sins and God may heal him. Although God does
not always choose to heal He sometimes does. The prayer of faith discerns God’s will and perseveres
until it is accomplished. God’s will however is not to heal in every case and true faith can discern and
accept that.”

In other words if you are

expecting a miracle you are
doing the wrong thing. True
faith ought to be able to know
whether God is willing to heal
and he may not want to heal. If
God wants to heal you He’ll
heal and if not He won’t but
have faith and stay still. You
can’t push God.

How dare you!

That’s coming from the holy

 book. Is there any wonder why
 people read the Bible and study the commentary and come back unbelieving? That thing is right there.
You don’t have to go to the book store. You get a Bible and you have this stuff thrown in there and it’s
as though it is Bible. This is a commentary by a man who hasn’t studied the subject. I don’t mind that
he believes it and I feel sorry for him but I’m not happy that he put it in the book. Now he’s going to
make a lot of people believe the same thing. What’s his problem? He does not understand the Gospel
of Jesus Christ. Many people don’t. They say the Gospel according to St. Matthew and they think

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everything that Matthew just wrote is what it is. That gives you the Gospel if you find it. What is the
Gospel? The Gospel is the good news of Christ’s salvation. What is it? How can be this Gospel to tell
us that God sometimes chooses to heal and sometimes doesn’t and if you have true faith you can accept

I love R.W Schambach. One day a lady came to him and said  I want you to pray for me. I’m sick. I
believe God put it on me to make me humble. So the preacher laid hands on her and said  Father give
her more of it to make her more humble. She said No you don’t!! God wants you to be more humble.
Humility is a virtue and God wants you to have it. He’s trying to get a point across to her. God doesn’t
use the devil’s tools.

 Acts 10:38 Jesus went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil ; for God
was with him.
All that Jesus healed were oppressed of the devil. Ohh no this is not the devil this is simple malaria and
do you mean to tell me when a mosquito bit me the devil actually bit me?  

 No sir! No devil came to you. I want to tell you something. The mosquito was never made to transmit
that germ. So why does it do it? Now you are asking the right question.

I said the man has a problem with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He doesn’t know it. When we pray to God
to heal us – God does heal because God is an eternal being and God actually does work in the now and
He works through the Holy Spirit, through His word and through us. Truly speaking in the legality of
it God does not heal because God has already healed. So He does not heal. In the Gospel of Jesus Christ
God is not giving you what you are asking for because He has already given it to you before you knew
to ask for it.

When you pray for a job God is not giving you a job. When you pray for a house God is not giving you
a house. When you pray for the good things in life God is not giving them to you. Now when you pray
and you receive it – then we go Oh Thank you Father! God has done it. He has done it. See we are
looking at it from the wrong side. From the wrong perspective. Because He didn’t has done it – because
He already actually had done it a long time ago. But you didn’t know and when you prayed you opened
up your faith and by your faith you received to you what God had already made available to you through
Jesus Christ 2000 years ago.  1 Corinthians 3:21 - For all things are yours; You have to understand
the Gospel of Jesus Christ is real.

The man Jesus came and

 Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the
chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
That was prophetic Isaiah looking to the cross. Jesus hadn’t come yet and Isaiah was looking at it and
says  Isaiah 53:3-4 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with
 grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. (4)
Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten
of God, and afflicted. 

Then Jesus came and on the cross and He is dying and while He is being wounded and the word that
the prophet said is now coming to pass. Finally the man dies and is credited to my account. So it is as
though I died on the cross. The Bible shows us that the disciples couldn’t understand this. They were
looking but couldn’t understand. Then He was buried and was raised from the dead. Peter was looking
at all this. Several years later he wrote to the churches.

1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to
 sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
He looked back on the cross. You know some people say every time you take the Holy Communion
Jesus is dying again for you. When they eat the bread they think it’s the very flesh of Jesus and the
very blood of Jesus. Brothers and sisters in Christ, the Bible does not say so. Jesus doesn’t die again

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for you. Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus,
who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 
 Now if Jesus dies every time when you take the Holy Communion, Jesus is trying to bring you out of
condemnation again and again.  Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with
God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 
 Now if Jesus dies every time when you take the Holy Communion, then you have to be justified by
faith again. To be justified again mean that the last justification has been nullified.  Hebrews 9:28 So
Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear
the second time without sin unto salvation. 
 Now here Christ was once offered does not mean like once upon a time. It means Christ was once and
for all offered to bear the sins of many;

The guy who said sometimes God heals and

sometimes He doesn’t. That man does not
understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Now what
does he not understand about the Gospel? That
Jesus came and died? No that’s not the problem.
He does not understand the
subject of righteousness. That is the big
word of the Gospel that most people don’t
understand. That’s what they need to understand.

We read in James 5 that the effectual and fervent

 prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous
 power available. If you have been praying and
your prayers are not effective the chances are you
do not understand the subject of righteousness. How is a babe qualified in the scripture?

 Hebrews 5:9-13 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them
that obey him; (10) Called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec. (11) Of whom
we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. (12) For when
 for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first
 principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong
meat. (13) For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a

Why does he use the word unskilful? It’s the same word used to refer to someone who is using the
sword skilfully. Everyone who uses milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness. The word of
righteousness or the doctrine of righteousness is the sword of the spirit. That man can’t apply the word
of God. He can’t use it in the crisis of life because he is a babe. He can’t fight the battles of faith because
he uses milk.

 Hebrews 5:14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of
use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

Reason of spiritual exercise have their spiritual senses exercised to discern both good and evil. That
means by living in the word by acting on the word and by doing the word they have their spiritual senses
exercised. There more you exercise your muscles the tougher they are. Strong and tough. Spiritual
sensed are that way too. The more you exercise the tougher they are. More sensitive they become.

1 Corinthians 3:1-3 And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal,
even as unto babes in Christ. (2) I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were
not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. (3) For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is
among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?

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I’ve been to some places and I’ve felt like Paul talking to the Corinthians. I just couldn’t talk. You
start experiencing real lonesomeness because they can’t communicate at your level. I had to give them
 baby food. A lot of Christians they need baby food. But you can’t stay there.

There are three levels. The natural man – one who is not born again. Then there is the babe – he is born
again but a lot of times he also acts like the natural man because he walks in his senses. Then there is
the spiritual man – the spiritual man the Bible says he understands. Like John in his first epistle divides
the child of God into 3 groups. Babies – I write to you little children who have known the father in 1
John 2:13. They know God as their heavenly father. Then he says young men – because you are strong
in 1 John 2:14. They say we are going to have this in Jesus’ name they are strong. Then he says to the
fathers of the church in 1John 2:13 you have known the father. This time it’s experiential knowledge.
They have a lot of faith and a lot of patience in them. Growing in Christ. You don’t become a father
overnight or by your longevity.

Natural man (Not

born again) 
Men  Babe in Christ 
Born again
Spiritual man in

Paul’s classification 1 Corinthians 3

Natural man (Not

Little Children 
born again) 
Born again
Young men 


John’s classification 1 John 2

When you become spiritual you don’t walk like men.

How do you know whether somebody is spiritual or carnal? It matters on the doctrine of righteousness.
The difference is not whether you’ve been here a long time. The difference is whether you understand
the doctrine of righteousness. This man with all the commentary I’m telling you is a babe. He may not
like to hear it. I’m not talking about definition of righteousness. I’m talking about the subject of
righteousness. Every day we are living according to our understanding of the doctrine of righteousness.

Your faith can never go beyond your understanding of righteousness.

You don’t grow in righteousness. When you are born again you are as righteous as Jesus is righteous.
Righteousness is a gift. He became sin who knew no sin so that we might become the righteousness of

You see a babe can have anything happen. Elijah was called a righteous man. Elijah commands fire to
come out of heaven and fire comes from heaven and lights up the sacrifice burns up. He slaughters all
the false prophets 450 of them who were in that Jezebels table. Right now he is God’s man and
everybody knows that Elijah’s God is God. And then after that great victory someone comes and

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whispers Elijah, Jezebel is mad now. She was not in town when you killed all her prophets. She says
 she’s going to make you like one of them. What does Elijah do? He flees. And he gets somewhere and
starts crying. Oh God what is this? Jezebel has killed all your prophets and I’m the only one left. She
wants to kill me too. What am I going to do?  That’s a man who God answered his prayer before all
Israel a moment ago. He runs away just for hearing Mrs. Ahab Jezebel by name is coming after him.
He says to God Oh God take my life. It is better for me to die! Then go back to Jezebel. She’ll help you
answer that prayer! He wasn’t honest. If he really wanted to die he would have gone to her.

I’m showing you the kind of man that God uses here as an example of a righteous man.

There is nothing that offends God as much as unbelief.

Unbelief spits in His face. The first set of people that go to hell in Revelation 21:8 are No.1 the fearful
 No.2 the unbelieving before the adulterers, murderers, idolaters and liars. The chief qualified for hell is
the fearful followed by the unbelieving. Who has committed the highest sin? Elijah! He’s afraid of a
woman and he’s unbelieving too.

So what is righteousness? God’s definition of righteousness.

 Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ
our Lord.
Does it say one of the gifts of God is eternal life? It says the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus
Christ our Lord. God is going to give you anything – this is it. This will encapsulate all of the gifts
combined. It means you have got everything else.

 Romans 5:17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive 
abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.) Does
it say they who are given? Or they who receive? It’s one thing to be given and another to take it. It’s
not the giving side that has the problem it is the receiving side. If you receive or you don’t receive is
the question. Giving God gives to everybody. They who receive abundance of grace and of the gift –
the – the gift. The gift righteousness.

Romans 6:23 – the gift of God is eternal life.

Romans 5:17 – the gift of righteousness

Therefore the gift of righteousness is the free gift of God which is eternal life.

Righteousness = Eternal Life.

Eternal life does not mean living on on on everlasting life. Everlasting forever this year the next year
and the next year and the next 100 and the next millennia and so on and on and on. Even though the
guy is not fine. He’s just living. That’s not what he’s saying. Righteousness is eternal life.

Righteousness is the nature of God. It is that life of God that qualifies Him to be who He is. That life
and the nature of God that gives a man the ability to stand in the presence of God, in the class of God
without a sense of guilt, inferiority or condemnation. Whatever God does is right. We don’t know what
is right or wrong until God says it because He is the standard for rightness. You cannot improve on
 perfect because He is perfect.

English could not give us a better word than eternal life. It’s called Zoe. It’s the God kind of life. You
have the plant life, animal life, and celestial life for angels and there is the kind of life that God has and
God is. God is life. That thing that makes Him God is called Zoe. That life is life with righteousness.
That life cannot and doesn’t know defeat. That life cannot fail or go under the pressure. When it bears
upon a thing it comes in as God.

They who receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life. How else can they
live but reign? Because they have in them the life of God. They can stand in the presence of the

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adversary without fear. They can stand in the presence of the almighty God without fear. It’s a gift. You
can’t work for it. The day you proclaimed Him Lord over your life you were transferred from the
domain of darkness and catapulted to the kingdom of God’s dear son. Those who live in the Kingdom
of God’s dear son can live there by virtue of Zoe which is the life and nature of God. That thing that
makes him right. The only way you can please God is to have that life. You can’t get it some other way!
People say I’m working on it. I want to please God first and come. If you could you wouldn’t need him.
This is the kind of life that gives you the confidence the faith to pray and expect and answer from
heaven. When you say I command the sickness to go! Or command a demon to go? How could you say
that with the spirit of dominion? The Bible says He has made us Kings and priests unto God and His

That’s the reason a man like Smith Wigglesworth can have the devil come into his room, pulls him off
of his leg and he wakes up sees that it’s the devil and says Nothing? Is that you? And goes back to sleep
and he’s not scared. That’s how Peter said to the man Silver and gold have I none. Such as I have give
 I thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. That’s how Paul could tell a man Stand
up on thy feet  and doesn’t pray. The man leaps and walks.

Effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available dynamic in its working.
You can blow anything up just by praying. See what righteousness is? When you don’t understand the
subject of righteousness your faith is weakened. Oh Father you said in your word… You are trying to
take Him to task.

Those who use milk are unskilful in the doctrine of righteousness. What is milk?

 Brother, God is going to make a way where there is no way! Amen.

 He divided the Red Sea! He will divide it for you! Amen.

The Lord shall turn your darkness to light!


That’s milk. It’s time you start looking for

the strong meat.

When you understand righteousness you

are not saying The devil is after me! You
are saying Where is that devil?  That’s
what happens. You no longer accept let
sleeping dogs lie. That devil is not
sleeping. If there is no trouble you make
one. That’s what happens to you when you
understand righteousness.

They that receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. Grace is in abundance. Paul writing
to Timothy said 2 Timothy 2:1  Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.  In other words take
advantage of the grace. People are looking what not to do? Just to be ok.

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They which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life. Reign in this
life not in heaven. We are not reigning in
heaven at all. There are no subjects to reign
over in heaven. We will go to heaven but we
are not going to reign. We will go there for
the marriage supper of the lamb and we are
going to be rewarded and crowned. Then we
come down with those crowns back to the
earth for another millennium 1000 years of
 peace. An angel from heaven will get a hold
of that devil and put him in the bottomless
 pit and he will be descending for 1000 years.
After the 1000 years he will be brought back
out again. Someone said Why again oh?  I
can tell you that another day. So we will
reign in that 1000 years and we will reign again in
the new heaven and the new earth. There will be a new earth. This one will be burnt up with the works
on it. Gone forever. That’s another subject

“Christianity is the
only form of worship in
which the object
worshipped dwells
within the worshipper”
– T.L. Osborn

Audio Tape 3
Understanding righteousness is so important because we read in the Bible about a man who was given
to us as a reference of a righteous man.

 James 5:13-18 Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms. (14)
 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him,
anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: (15) And the prayer of faith shall save the sick,
and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. (16)
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual
 fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (17) Elias was a man subject to like passions as
we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space
of three years and six months. (18) And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth
brought forth her fruit.

Did you notice the Bible didn’t say when you are afflicted? Or when someone is sick among you? The
Bible says if any among you afflicted. So to be afflicted or to be sick is not expected. He doesn’t expect
us to be afflicted or to be sick. But it is possible for someone to be afflicted or to be sick.

19 | P a g e 

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People read their minds and their feelings into the Bible. They read their own experiences into the Bible.
 All my life I’ve known people who were sick. I have even known pastors that were sick. That is not the
Bible. The Bible is not
something you have
experienced in your own home
or among your friends. The
Bible is the word of God. You
should not teach for doctrine
the experiences of men.

Here the elders of the church

don’t mean people who are
grey headed. It means people
who have come of age. What if
the elders get sick? Sure
enough that one is not an elder.
The elders don’t get
Understand this. It is wrong for

a Christian to be sick or to be living in sin or to be poor. I know you only agree with the middle one. It
is possible for a Christian to be tempted. As long as he has not fallen into it he has not sinned. In the
same manner it is possible for a Christian to have a symptom of some sickness. As long as he has not
given into it he is not sick. To be sick is a confession of inability. When you say I am sick that is when
you’ve fallen into it. Just as you fight against a temptation you should fight against that symptom
without giving up. You may not see money in your bank account. Until you confess that you don’t have
or you are poor you are not poor. Do you understand? Just as you fight other temptations you should
fight poverty.

I was reading an article yesterday where an archbishop said he has problems believing in the
resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s difficult to know what to make of that. An archbishop?! He has come
to a point in his life he has problems believing in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The very foundation
of Christianity. Without the resurrection there is no Christianity. A lot of people who say they are
Christians don’t believe in the resurrection. If you don’t believe in the resurrection in the Jesus Christ
you are not a Christian. You cannot be a Christian without believing in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Romans 10:9-10 if you confess with your mouth the Lordship of Jesus believing in your heart that God
raised Him from the dead you are saved. How can you confess the lordship of someone over your life
who is not alive? I think the archbishop should be disrobed. What do you think? But you know it really
doesn’t matter. He’s still not born again. They may call him an archbishop but inside him he is not born
again. He is still in the world. Knowing the theology of the Bible has nothing to do with eternal life.

Sickness is not something natural. It is

not a part of our lives. We don’t have
to be sick. We should not be sick but
God’s people sometimes do get sick.
So what do you do? They have to learn
how not to be sick anymore. As you
 journey on learning the word of God
understanding more of the word of
God you get to know how not to be
sick. Otherwise why did Jesus die?
Why did He do all these for? People
have never asked that question.

(15) And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; 

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The Lord already saved the sick long long time ago. He saved the sick when He saved the whole world
through Jesus Christ when He died for us.

Have you heard somebody say  I’m trying to get my healing. If you are trying to get your healing you
 just played into the devils territory. Because you are not going to get it. You cannot get it. Raise your
right hand up. Are you sure that’s your right hand? Does that belong to you? Are you trying to get your
right hand? If you have it you don’t have to try to get it. The word of God has to be lived. It has to be
 practiced. You have to put it to work. If the Bible says you were healed then you were healed. So don’t
try to get it.

When you don’t accept your fault and you walk in resentment it can keep you in sickness. Every child
of God should walk in forgiveness. Christianity is not that way.

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Here is where we got to righteousness. We want our prayer lives to be working. We want to make sure
that when we pray our prayer is effective. I don’t want men just talking and not knowing that someone
is listening to me out there. I want to pray and be heard and answered. There are lot of people who pray
and don’t expect answers. Prayer is a part of their religion. So they say:  I haven’t said my prayers yet. 
So they go and say their prayers.

Our Father, which art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth
as is is is in heaven… 

As is is is in heaven!! They don’t even know what it is!!

Or they go

 Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women. And blessed the fruit of
thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God.. 

I’m not making fun of them. But that’s ignorance gone on rampage! That’s not prayer. Jesus said to
 pray to the Father in His name. You don’t even pray to Jesus. People don’t listen to themselves when
they pray. They talk too fast. How can you pray to Jesus in the name of Jesus? O Lord Jesus.. in Jesus’
name.  He didn’t hear himself. He’s just talking. He’s used to talking. Making prayers. The more
religious he feels inside the more he feels like he’s doing great. Study the Bible and understand prayer.

The effectual and fervent prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available dynamic in its
working. Power to do the impossible. Aren’t
you glad that you were not left helpless? Jesus
said I will not leave you helpless and He didn’t.
It’s the prayer of a righteous man.

There are people who want prayers from

anybody and everybody. Doesn’t matter pray to
 your god – everybody can call on his god . 
Whatever name you call him pray.  Some say
There are different sources to that god but there
is one god. This medium or the other doesn’t
matter we all go there. That is not true. You
ought to know that. How do you know? Because
I believe the Bible. Why do you believe the
Bible? Because the Holy Spirit bears witness
with my spirit. It is way down deep in me. I can prove it. Jesus Christ was raised from the dead to be
 proved that He is the Son of God.

 Romans 1:3-4 Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David
according to the flesh; (4) And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit
of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:

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He was proved to be the Son of God with power through the resurrection. No one like Him. If you
 believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God then there are no other ways to the Father. It is not possible
to believe in Jesus Christ and believe there is also other ways to God. Because that very Jesus you
 believe in said that there is no other way.  John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth,
and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 
 Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven
 given among men, whereby we must be saved. 

Ok let’s go back. So the The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

So if I were a righteous man my prayers would work all the time. God hears righteous men.

17) Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are,

Subject to like passions? Meaning Elijah was like anyone of us.

and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three
 years and six months. (18) And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought
 forth her fruit.

He’s giving Elijah as an example of a righteous man. But look at Elijah. I told you the other day how
Elijah ran from a woman. He was afraid like anybody else. That is God’s prophet. Then Elijah said O
God kill me and let me die. See he wasn’t very honest. If he wanted to die he should have gone to
Jezebel. That’s the man called righteous. He ran away from Jezebel and told God a lie. He didn’t stop
there. He was also self-righteous. He had an holier than thou attitude. He said O God all your prophets
have bowed their knees to Baal and I’m the only one left.  In other words I’m the only righteous man
around. The Lord said I have for me 7,000 men who have not bowed to Baal.  So where was Elijah and
how come he didn’t know that there were 7,000 people who have not bowed? I had a guy come to me
one day and he said to me  I heard about your programme and it was wonderful. I was surprised that
these things are going around here and I didn’t know. God needed to obtain permission from him to do
signs and wonders through me. Think about it. That’s the way folks are. If it is not happening among
them it’s not real. Watch those miracle workers. They are fake. Why? Because it’s not happening among
them. So it has to be fake. Because if it were real God will tell them because He revealeth His secret to
His servants the prophets!

Look at Elijah now. God says Elijah is a righteous man? Look at this Elijah

1.  He’s afraid of a woman and is running away.

2.  He’s not telling the truth.
3.  He is self-righteous.

He is overqualified to be thrown into the lake of fire. How can God call this man a righteous man?

Let me tell you what your idea of a righteous man is. Ok? If you were righteous, I believe you always
 be living on the mountain. In the presence of the Lord. I believe you will fast night and day. If you are
a righteous man I believe if you walk on the street your feet will not touch the ground. Come on now?
I believe you can’t look around. I believe you can’t call people by name.

People don’t understand God’s definition of righteousness. What is the Bible definition of
righteousness? Stop reading our mind into the Bible!

Righteousness is not the same thing as sinlessness.

22 | P a g e 

I found out those who preach against sin are the ones who commit the biggest sins. Jesus didn’t send us
to preach against anything. He sent us to preach the Gospel. Tell the people about the Good News of
Christ Salvation. If it is not Good News then it is not Gospel. If you are not preaching the Good News
you are not from Jesus Christ and you have another boss.

Somebody said to me You are trying to make it sweet. You are watering down the message! It’s not a
message it’s called the Gospel. It’s got to be good. A young lady came to me onetime and said  I have
questions!!  I said What’s the matter?  She said  Is it correct for Christian women to be putting on
trousers?  I said What’s wrong with it?  She said  According to the book of Doo-tu-ronomy… a man
 should not… She was quoting scriptures. Then I looked at her because she wasn’t being proud. She just
didn’t know. I took the time and explained everything to her. By the time I was through I asked her  Is
it right for Christian women to wear trousers? She said There’s nothing wrong with it. I asked Would
 you like to wear? She said Hmm hmm.. 

There is no Christian fashion. There is no such thing as Christian fashion. God never anointed any
Christian tailor. I mean the anointing of the Holy Ghost is not for tailoring. Do you understand? The
fashion guys they know what to do. This is not what they used to wear some 100 years ago. They know
what to do. They just get rid of all these things you are wearing and put shorts. Everywhere shorts. By
the time you see the president of the United States of America coming on shorts, the first reaction is
What is all this? Until you want to buy something and you can’t find anything but shorts everywhere
and there are so many people wearing and nobody is saying Heyyyy. What are you going to do? You’ll
wear it before long. What it teaches us is moderation. In other words don’t be so far behind that people
will say Whooo are you still wearing this? And don’t be so ahead that they say  AAAHHH!! We just
need to get covered cool. We don’t have to set the pace of the fashion industry.

Righteousness is not defined in the Bible as sinlessness.

Righteousness means right standing. Meaning you can stand in the presence of the one before whom
you have that right standing without a sense of guilt, inferiority or condemnation. It means you are
accepted the way you are in the presence of the one before whom you have right standing. That’s the
definition of righteousness. That definition comes because of what brings it.

The Bible says Romans 3:9 What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before
 proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin;(++ Psalm 14:3=Psalm 53:3)  People
like to see such scriptures just to prove that they are not so far behind because nobody is ahead anyway.
Why can’t you see everybody over on the other side?

God Almighty is the righteous God. If He is not righteous He cannot be God. He is got to be righteous
to be God. He shouldn’t have the ability to do wrong. Wrong or error cannot be found in Him. One who
can tell that God made a mistake must know better than God and therefore that one who knows better
than God is qualified to be God. By the time he is declared to be God it must mean He is faultless He
cannot do wrong or to find wrong or error in Him. It is His nature to be right. He cannot not be right.  
Anything He does is right. He is the reference point of defining what is right. It is not possible for
anyone to be righteous. Nobody could be righteous because nobody could come into that class with
God. It is not possible for anyone to be righteous.

In the Old Testament He gave them laws. By those laws they found out that they were so far behind
and how sinful they were. They realised that there was no way out. The more they knew the law the
more they found out their mistakes. Then God provided a way for their sins to be covered by the
sacrifice of bulls and goats to cover their sins. Until another year.

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