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Beduya Worksheet

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Beduya, Graciella V.

11- STEM 101

Earth Science
Worksheet of Different Types of Energy Resources

Energy Source Always Available Advantage Disadvantages When/Where is

Source the source worth

solar Yes because the It does not emit Solar panels are Areas where it is
Philippines is a tropical greenhouse gasses in expensive and always a sunny
country in which the sun processing electrical cannot be reused day. For example,
lights directly. energy and reduces after the designated Tarlac, Cavite, and
electricity bills. date as it is Ilocos.
disposable. It can
also cause pollution
because of panels
that will be thrown
away after using.

wind Yes because there are It is a clean and Turbines are noisy Windy places,
mountains here in the renewable source of and not a reliable such as mountains.
Philippines that have energy. A good source source of energy.
intensifying winds. And it of electricity in rural
has also been proven that areas.
we use wind energy as a
source of electricity since
we have windmills in
different parts of the

wave/tidal Our country is surrounded It does not emit Construction of it is Oceans and seas
by seas and oceans. carbon footprints, is a expensive and can with strong wave
Therefore I can say that renewable source and damage sea corals, currents. The
the tidal wave energy can reduce the etc. southern part of
source is always available. roughness of seas. the Philippines is
the best example,
especially when
there are

biomass The source of biomass It reduces waste and It emits carbon Rural areas and
energy is abundant here in its sources are plenty footprints as remote provinces
the Philippines, such as in nature. biomass is burnt in during harvest
animals and agricultural processing electrical time.
waste. energy.

geothermal Its source is not always It is a reliable source It is hard to find Areas near to
available but since there of energy and does locations where to sleeping volcanoes
are volcanoes here in our not damage our build them and is
country, we can use planet. expensive to
geothermal as a source of maintain as well as
electricity. its construction.

hydropower No. However, there are It is an example of Dams are expensive Wide places, such
various dams that can be green energy as it to build and can as Davao,
found in the Philippines, does not cause cause flooding when Pangasinan, and
which can be a good pollution when neglected and Laguna. When the
source of hydroelectric processing electrical experienced current in dams is
energy. energy. unexpected events. strong it is worth
exploiting the
source, especially
when it is raining.

Nuclear The source of nuclear It does not emit It is expensive to To places where
power plant power plant energy is not greenhouse gasses maintain and needs there are no
always available here in and can reduce to store the people living
the Philippines, as storing electricity bills. Also radioactive nearby or to areas
and getting radioactive eco-friendly. byproducts safely as that are not in the
byproducts and chemicals it can cause fault line, so it
is risky and has environmental risks would not
environmental hazards. when neglected. The endanger humans
location is also a and animals as
problem in well as the
constructing nuclear environment.
power plants.

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