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Analysis of Strategic Management and Its Impact in Aviation Industry With Special Reference To Oman Air, Sultanate of Oman

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#SINCE1990 International Journal of Management

Analysis of Strategic Management

and its Impact in Aviation Industry
with Special Reference to Oman Air,
Volume: 6 Sultanate of Oman
Issue: 4
Karthik Mohandoss
Month: April Quality Assurance Officer/Assistant Professor (AFS Department)
Oman College of Management & Technology, Oman

Year: 2019
Balamurugan Muthuraman
Assistant Professor (AFS Department),
ISSN: 2321-4643 Oman College of Management & Technology, Oman

Received: 16.03.2019 Abstract

The study mainly focuses on the aviation sector which is one of the fast-growing sectors
Accepted: 30.03.2019 thathighly contributes to the global economy. In the introductory section, the nature of industry
and its evolution are discussed in detail. Oman air is chosen for the study, the internal and
Published: 01.04.2019 external analyses are conducted with the aid of SWOT and PESTLE analysis. Through the
environmental analysis, Oman air can obtain a clear picture that is relevant to the industry. The
study provides crystal clear information relevant to the competitors in the market and meanwhile
Citation: the performances of the Oman air in the competitive environment are also analysed through this
Mohandoss, Karthik, and report. Based on the analysis corporate level as well as business level strategies are formulated
Balamurugan Muthuraman. by the organization that have been discussed in detail. In the following section recommendations
“Analysis of Strategic and conclusion have been postulated. Additionally the current challenges and the future trends in
Management and Its Impact the market environment are also touched up through the study.
in Aviation Industry with Keywords: Economy, SWOT, PESTEL, Aviation, Environmental analysis, competitive environment.
Special Reference to Oman
Air, Sultanate of Oman.” Introduction
Shanlax International Journal Today aviation sector plays a unique role in Oman in contributing to the
of Management, vol. 6, no. 4, growth of nation. According to the national business statement, more than
2019, pp. 24-32. 2.2 million tourists are expected to visit Oman in 2020. Oman government
take necessary measures to boost up the tourism numbers by expanding the
infrastructure in aviation industry (Douglas, 2014). More than 74% of the 10.5281/
tourist visits Oman are from Arabian Gulf countries. Tourists from Germany,
United Kingdom and Italy are also frequently visiting Oman. The revenue
from the tourism is expected to reach US $3.23 billion and it will be expected
to hike up to 7% year by year. Based on the report of BMI it is revealed that
more than 30 airlines obtain rights to land and fly in and out of Oman nations
This work is licensed (Anandh, 2010). As a stable country, both economically and politically Oman
under a Creative Commons attracts large number of tourist and enhances the investments in the tourist
Attribution-NonCommercial- sector. As per the public authority of civil aviation the companies interested to
NoDerivatives 4.0 establish low cost carrier are invited.
International License

International Journal of Management shanlax

Source: (Douglas, 2014)

One of the pivotal roles of the business
organizations is to assess the business performance
of the firm compared with its competitors in the
business environment. It is essential that the company
have to gain profits and increase the possibility of Source: (Graham, 2014)
average returns in order to attract the shareholders
(Reidenbach, 2011). In this assignment more Challenges in Aviation Industry
discussion are made about the Oman air external Dip in oil prices
environment in terms of competitive analysis, The year 2016 is one of the tough years for
General environment, opportunities and threats, aviation sector in Oman due to the reel of low prices
industry environment. This report also covers the of the oil and it reflected in cutting down the cost
internal environment analysis that includes various of travel budgets. It has a high impact on airlines,
types of resources, core competencies, and different agents, and travel companies who had high growth
types of resources employed by Oman air. rate (Eric, 2012). As a result of these the overall
market is affected and strong dip in growth in the
Analysis of Aviation Industry and Oman Air areas of aviation sector and travel management
Aviation Industry – An Overview companies (Peter, 2009).
Aviation sector plays a core role in supporting
nation’s growth and currently airline industry Increasing Competitions
contribute 2.5% and it is expected to rise to 4% at Currently Oman air plans to increase the seating
the end of 2020. The prime markets concentrated by capacity by 40% in India. At the same time Oman
Oman aviation industries are European and Middle air face severe competitions in the blooming aviation
East countries and now it shifts to Asian countries. markets. The major rivals include Qatar airways,
Based on the reports from public authority for civil emirates and Etihad (Graham, 2014). Compared
aviation Oman plans to build new airports and to the competitors Oman air have small network
projects are undertaken in the three airports in Ras and it operates in 44 destinations internationally.
Al Hadd, Duqm and Sohar (Cravens, 2011). In the Additionally, the brand awareness is also extremely
global commerce, aviation acts as a cornerstone low compared to its rivals and that creates a
and indicates as a major driver in strengthening challenging environment to Oman air.
up the country’s economy. Air transport growth
is tremendously increased in Middle East nation Environmental Issues
and also in nearby expanding nations. According According to the report of (Cravens, 2011) it is
to statistics it is revealed that the passengers’ rate stated that the growing aviation industries lead to
will increase dramatically up to six billion in 2012 postulate environmental hurdles due to the massive
(Anandh, 2010). It is essential that the airline developments of airports. Research indicated that
industry have to cut down the cost to some extent to 19% of fuel wastage is occurred each year due to
remain resilient in competitive environment. operational inefficiencies and lack of infrastructure 25
#SINCE1990 International Journal of Management
in airports and it leads to 121 million tonnes of through online and the internet also facilitates
carbon dioxide emissions throughout the world in obtaining latest trends and updates related to
(Gross, 2011). changes in the air fare and packages (Anandh, 2010).
Oman air makes use of social media to keep the
PESTLE Analysis customers in contact and it also leads in building
PESTLEanalysis is used for environmental smooth relationships with the customers. Further the
scanning and is one of the key components in technologies assist the airlines to enunciate safety
strategic management (Jedrzej, 2015). It helps in measures and use the fuels efficiently.
understanding the environmental changes, business
position, market growth, resources and operations. Environmental Factors
Political factors At present customers has a high awareness in
In every sector political influence play major role protecting the environment (Stredwick, 2009). The
in shaping the business operations. In the case of airline industries contribute to 4% weather change
Oman air, any change in the political environment and it progressed to change up to 16% in upcoming
will directly affect the operations of the firm. The years. Thus customers today prefer eco-friendly
changes in the political environment will based upon airlines (Sadler, 2010). Oman air also operates with
the customers nature of travel habits (Moran, 2016). corporate social responsibility and it attracts large
Unstableness in the political environment cause number of customers.
chaos and confusion among the air travellers to make
travel to the Oman countries and it highly affect the Legal Factors
profitability of the organization (Gareth, 2010). To ensure safety and security in the airlines,
Oman government enact many rules and regulations.
Economic Factors It is essential to comply with the government rule
Instability in the economy leads to increasing and regulation by the airlines that travelled in to and
demand of low cost airlines (Kristin, 2013). The out the nation (Peter, 2009). To accompany with the
economic downturn in 2009 highly affects the standards the cost of the airline operations will be
airlines performance. Decrease in fuel prices increased. Obtaining operating licence in Oman is
increase the demand of low cost carrier in recent highly difficult and it becomes a great challenge to
years (David, 2012). At present most of the airline the airline industries.
industries suffered losses due to low price and at the
same time there is a huge opportunity to maximize SWOT Analysis
profits. Swot analysis assists the organization to adapt
with the changes and manage the weaknesses and
Social Factors threats prevailing in the external environment
Today people travel too many places during their (Reidenbach, 2011). Through the aid of opportunities
holidays and it becomes one of the emerging cultures the organization develops strategies for expansion
all over the world (Lamming, 2013). With the aid process.
of internet technologies growing income groups get
aware of new destinations and travel through low cost
airlines (Eric, 2012). At the same time it enhances
the affordability of the customers and it generates
new trends in the tourism sector (Kaufmann, 2012).

Technological Factors
Technology is strongly rooted in airline industry
(Milliken, 2014). Particularly, through the aid of
internet technologies the customers’ book air tickets Source: (Simon, 2010)

International Journal of Management shanlax

Porters’ Five Forces Threat of Substitutes

Bargaining Power of Buyers The risk level of the substitutes is medium in
The buyers can be classified in to two different airline industry. Substitutes of airline are other mode
buyers. Individual flyers are flyers, who purchase of transportation like car, train, bus, ship and so on.
tickets for the purpose of business or for personal use. Compared to air fare the transportation cost in any
Individual buyers are located diversified and peoples other mode will be high (Eric, 2012). Time taken to
are mostly located in developed nations (James, reach the destination and convenience are also high
2015). The second group act as a liaison for buyers in airplane.
such as travel agencies, online portals and they are
regarded as second group of buyers. Generally, there Identification of Possible Scenarios
will be low switching costs because of the nature of Business Strategies
travel and the time (Peter, 2009). Usually the buyers Corporate strategy – Oman Air
require information related to safety and time of Corporate social responsibility
fight. As a whole the bargaining power of buyer in Oman air is a flagship carrier of sultanate of
Oman air is extremely low. Oman. Oman air has the high responsibility to root the
cultural values and Omani identity in the international
Bargaining Power of Suppliers environment. In the past decades government of
Suppliers of Oman air will be the manufacturers Oman highly support for the development of Oman
of aircrafts. Usually the inputs are standardized air to build strong reputation and brand image in
in all organizations and there will be a variation the international markets. Oman air support the
in amenities. Further some manufactures work on Oman culture through sponsoring various events
to incorporate eco-friendly plans. Oman air have like Salalah festivals, football team of Oman, Oman
long contract with the suppliers and there will be cycling race in order to raise the awareness about
an absence of switching costs. To manufacture one Oman culture as well as to increase the Oman brand
plane, the amount of cost required will be more than image. Oman air also supports for the development
200 million dollars (Reidenbach, 2011). Thus the of community. Further the industry plans to use bio
rate of suppliers in airplane industry is usually low. fuel instead of fuels which cause high pollution in air
(Moran, 2016). Oman air awarded for its corporate
Threat of New Entrants social responsibility in the aviation business awards.
The airplane industry involves high cost and there
will be a no threat of new entrants. More over there
should be a strong customer base to gain profits. The
existing companies take measures to retain customer
base by lowering prices and it affects the new entrants
(David, 2012). Moreover the flying experience and
plane is essential for any industry to jump in to the
market. Thus there will be absence of new entrants in
airline industry. Source: (Peter, 2009)

Rivalry among Existing Players Competitive Edge

At present the airline industry is in mature phase Oman air adopted AMOS system to neglect
and thus there is a stagnant situation seems in the legacy system. Through the implementation of
industry. Competitors remain same in the industry AMOS system the Oman air obtain bench mark
for long period (Reidenbach, 2011). with MRO software and it facilitates in retaining
and sustaining in the competitive market. As a result
of this Oman air improve its operational efficiency,
reduce cost and the implementation of software 27
#SINCE1990 International Journal of Management
also results in managing logistics, engineering and attention and it will ultimately be enhancing the
maintenance requirements. Oman air also plans to brand awareness. In the current scenario, Oman
extend their services in London market in daily basis air employed both market penetration and product
and it also facilitates in building strong brand image development strategies. Moreover it is essential
in London. to take concerns about the environment and act
with corporate social responsibility (Moran, 2016).
Further the incorporation of bio fuel aircrafts will
increase the number of customers towards Oman air
due to the increasing awareness of air pollution.

Business strategy
Competitive edge
Expansion strategy
Oman air highly invests in technologies, staff,
new destination, narrow body aircraft and wide body
aircraft. The company plans to expand their fleet
size to 50 by the end of 2018 and it also plans to
expand its fleet size to 80 at the end of 2020. In past
Source: (Eric, 2012) year Oman air opened new destinations to Jakarta,
Duqm, Sohar and manila and currently plans to
Customer Oriented Policies expand its operations in Dhaka, Goa and Singapore.
Oman air provides various benefits to the Omani Additionally the frequencies on new routes are also
customers and low income people. The fare is increased by Oman air.
applicable to travel to any destinations of Oman air
operations and the tickets can be booked through the Innovations
Oman air websites. Moreover Oman air provides Oman air also incorporate innovations and new
discount facilities to the people of Oman with special services in order to enrich the customers experience
needs and the tickets can be used for the purpose in Oman air. Recently Oman air introduces economy
of education programmes or medical assistance. It class seats and business class seats and also it offers
creates a positive impact among the customers of in-flight entertainment services which enhance the
Oman air. satisfaction level of customers.

Ansoff Matrix Competitive Pricing

Market Penetration Rather than to compete in the international
Compared to enter in to the already existing market Oman air stand alone and expresses the
market, the cost incurred for entering in to the new Oman culture, hospitality and identity. Regardless as
market is extremely high (Lamming, 2013). But in a gulf carrier and employ various business models
the case of Oman air it is essential to expand its size Oman air highly focuses on customer satisfaction
in order to enhance the profitability of the firm. level and offer good experience to the passengers.
Competitive pricing structure is followed in Oman
Product Development air and it can be assessed through travel agents, call
In the airline industry it is essential to distinguish centre and Oman air websites. Moreover Oman air is
the services from other competitors (Gardner, one of the first airplane introducing Wi-Fi services
2010). Further by incorporating technological and mobile connectivity to its customers. Door
advancements and innovations Oman air develop to door limousine services are provided by Oman
strategies to offer distinct services and products air to premium customers’. In addition lounge to
to its customers in order to attract the customers aircraft limousine services are provided to first class
customers of Oman air.
International Journal of Management shanlax

Partnerships Evaluation of Strategy and Recommendations

Oman air entered in to the new market through Evaluation of Identified Corporate Strategy
maintaining a right balance in code share agreements. Market Penetration
With the aid of code shares Oman air maintains The customers from developing countries
high quality and meets high standards in delivering prefer air transports in recent years (Kevin, 2013).
products and services while the customers buy tickets It is essential to develop the existing products and
from the organization. It is highly essential for Oman offer high quality service to Oman air customers.
air to develop brand image and global presence in It is remarkably noticed that the Oman air is one of
international market environment. Along with the the first organization who offer Wi-Fi service and
Qatar airways, royal Jordanian, Malaysian airlines, mobile phone connectivity to their customers and
emirates airlines, Sri Lanka airlines and Ethiopian it increase the brand image of the company. Based
airlines, the Oman air form a code share agreement on the evaluation it is noted that the decrease in
operated in particular routes. fuel prices have a great impact on pricing policies.
Moreover, Oman air offer services with low range
Point to Point Model and it creates a strong customer base in Oman
Oman air incorporate point to point model and the air. In the technological driven environment it is
main aim of Oman air is to link as many as people essential to incorporate new products and services
and increase the number of visitors to Oman. As a to customers. In the airline industry the difference is
result of these, there will be an increase in growth highly negligible in terms of airplanes. The structure
rate of visitors to Oman (James, 2015). Particularly and module is similar with one flight to other
expansion of Oman air in Muscat increase the (Graham, 2014). Thus, it is essential to produce new
visitors two fold times. A balanced commitment of services such as internet facility, mobile networks,
Oman air in improving the countries welfare as well accessibility to nets, in-flight catering, and seating
as expansion maximize the hub traffic and its quite capacity (Douglas, 2014).
challenging environment for Oman air. Oman air has to develop its upcoming airplanes
with corporate social responsibility. Through the in
Resources and Capabilities of the Firm depth analysis it is noted that the airplane industry
Oman air vision is to become a best airline contribute 5% of air pollution and highly amounted
industry and the main objective of the firm is to to carbon di - oxide emission. To resolve the issue
provide a safety environment to its customers Oman air has to manufacturer or develops their
and make the company as a first choice among products eco-friendly. Increasing demand in the gulf
the customers. In the ten year plan of Oman air, it and Asian countries increases the opportunity of
is revealed that the company tries to increase the Oman air to enter in to the new market.
profits thereby reducing the cost of air fare and cater
the organizational growth. Oman air currently holds Product Development Benefits
about 45 aircrafts and two more aircrafts will be Market Advantage
delivered in next year. Oman air is one of the first companies who
Recently, Oman air strengthens its services by introduce mobile connectivity networks and Wi-Fi
expanding to international destinations that includes services to its customers. It develops a brand image
Singapore, Goa, Dhaka, Jakarta and manila. It among the customers and the customers make frequent
indicates the international presence and improves visits to Oman nation (Eric, 2012). Additionally the
the brand awareness throughout the nation. The code in-flight services, seating arrangements, high quality
share agreements increase the customers’ choice service to premium and first class customers added
and it depicts the commitment of Oman air towards advantage to Oman air. Oman air offer discounts to
quality. The significant growth in the industry leads Omani people and they are allowed to fly throughout
to accelerated investment in landing slots and new all destinations of Oman air. Additionally the special
aircraft. care individuals in Oman obtain offers from the 29
#SINCE1990 International Journal of Management
Oman air like medical facilities and educational Cost Leadership Strategy
facilities. The product development further enhances Oman air actively involved in expansion strategy
the operational efficiency, cost reduction and and it expected to raise its fleet size to 50 at the
recognition in the market. near future. Usually airplane industry requires high
investment to expand its operations thus Oman air
Novelty entered to international market through partnerships.
By introducing eye catchy products will increase With the aid of code share agreement Oman air can
the attention of the customers towards Oman air. able to expand their operations throughout the globe.
Oman air develops services to satisfy the need of Oman air strictly follows rules and regulations of
customers. Mainly the products are designed to suit the government to enter in and out of the country.
all segments of people in the country (Douglas, 2014). In a highly competitive environment it is essential
Particularly Oman air concentrate in developing to attract customers through innovative products and
low cost career and it will definitely retain the services.
customers and extend new customer base towards Oman air highly concentrates in lowering cost
Oman air. Updating the company information will to gain competitive advantage in the market. Oman
allow customers to obtain new information related air also cut down their cost for the Omani customers
to the new products and services offered by Oman who belong to low income group and it indicates that
air. Penetration in to new market will enhance the Oman air tries to cover all segment of people. This
customer base and brand awareness in other nations. strategy will facilitate in enhancing organizational
performance. Further the partnership and postulation
Consumer Segments of core share agreements enrich the organizational
Today customers are highly aware about functions of Oman air.
protecting the environment (Gardner, 2010). Thus
they extend support to the international carriers Recommendations
who obey laws and operate with corporate social Gaining Competitive Advantage
responsibility. Through the analysis it is revealed In recent years, there is a great reel in the oil
that the Oman air conduct its operations by obeying prices and it affects the performance of the airline
laws and regulations. Oman air also incorporates industries throughout the world. Oman industries
new technologies to ensure safety and security to have to take initiatives to employ green strategy
its customers. Customers also search organizations and launch effective programs to avoid the damages
that provide air fares economically. The air fare occurred through airline industry to environment.
system of Oman air encourages customers to acquire Setting up competitive prices will affect the brand
services from Oman air. The rates of profits are image of the company and it is essential to set up
also considerable increased in Oman air through fair pricing system in Oman oil. To gain competitive
the effective policies. Easy accessibility of online advantage in the market Oman air has to integrate
websites assists customers to book through online communication strategy to reach the customers
websites (David, 2012). Through the implementation efficiently. It is essential that Oman air have to target
of market penetration strategies Oman air will the customer segments after conducting in depth
increase the customers segments and in turn build a analysis. From the study it is revealed that the old age
strong brand value among the customers. customer group like to make travel through airlines
The above factors suggest that market penetration due to convenience and reduced time to reach the
strategy is one of the best strategies to cater quality destination. It is essential to target old groups with
service to the customers and it will benefit the attractive packages and it will lead to maximize the
organizations exclusively. market share of the organization.
Evaluation of identified business strategy

International Journal of Management shanlax

Social Media Marketing References

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Author Details
Dr.Karthik Mohandoss, Quality Assurance Officer / Assistant Professor (AFS Department), Oman College of
Management & Technology, Masqaţ, Oman, Email ID:

Dr.Balamurugan Muthuraman, Assistant Professor (AFS Department),Oman College of Management &

Technology. Masqaţ, Oman.


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