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Articulo Mcroorganismos UCI 2019

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Ann Ig 2019; 31: 399-413 doi:10.7416/ai.2019.


Multimodal surveillance of healthcare associated in-

fections in an intensive care unit of a large teaching
G. Migliara1, C. Di Paolo1, D. Barbato1, V. Baccolini1, C. Salerno1, A. Nardi1,
F. Alessandri2, A. Giordano1, D. Tufi1, L. Marinelli1, A. Cottarelli1,
M. De Giusti1, C. Marzuillo1, C. De Vito1, G. Antonelli1, M. Venditti1,
G. Tellan2, M.V. Ranieri3, P. Villari1

Key words: Healthcare associated infections, intensive care unit, active surveillance,
environmental surveillance, behavioral surveillance, pathogen genotyping
Parole chiave: Infezioni correlate all’assistenza, terapia intensiva, sorveglianza attiva,
sorveglianza ambientale, sorveglianza comportamentale, genotipizzazione dei

Background. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), or nosocomial infections, represent a significant
burden in terms of mortality, morbidity, length of stay and costs for patients hospitalized in intensive care
units (ICUs). Surveillance systems are recommended by national and international institutions to gather
data on HAIs in order to develop and evaluate interventions that reduce the risk of HAIs.
Study Design. Here we describe the methodology and the results of the surveillance system implemented in the
ICU of the Policlinico Umberto I, a large teaching hospital in Rome, from April 2016 to October 2018.
Methods. The multimodal infection surveillance system integrates four different approaches: i) active sur-
veillance of inpatients; ii) environmental microbiological surveillance; iii) surveillance of isolated microor-
ganisms; and iv) behavioral surveillance of healthcare personnel. Data were collected on catheter-related
bloodstream infections, ventilation-associated pneumonia, catheter-associated urinary tract infections and
primary bloodstream infections that developed in patients after 48 h in the ICU. For environmental surveil-
lance 14 points were selected for sampling (i.e. bed edges, medication carts, PC keyboards, sink faucets).
The system of active surveillance of HAIs also included surveillance of microorganisms, consisting of the
molecular genotyping of bacterial isolates by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). From 1 November
2016, monitoring of compliance with guidelines for hand hygiene (HH) and proper glove or gown use by
healthcare personnel was included in the surveillance system. After the first six months (baseline phase), a
multimodal intervention to improve adherence to guidelines by healthcare personnel was conducted with
the ICU staff.
Results. Overall, 773 patients were included in the active surveillance. The overall incidence rate of
device-related HAIs was 14.1 (95% CI: 12.2-16.3) per 1000 patient-days. The monthly device-related
HAI incident rate showed a decreasing trend over time, with peaks of incidence becoming progressively

Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Policlinico Umberto I, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Policlinico di Sant’Orsola, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Bo-
logna, Italy
400 G. Migliara et al.

lower. The most common bacterial isolates were Klebsiella pneumoniae (20.7%), Acinetobacter baumannii
(17.2%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13.4%) and Staphylococcus aureus (5.4%). Acinetobacter baumannii
and Klebsiella pneumoniae showed the highest proportion of isolates with a multidrug-resistant profile. A
total of 819 environmental samples were collected, from which 305 bacterial isolates were retrieved. The
most frequent bacterial isolates were Acinetobacter baumannii (27.2%), Staphylococcus aureus (12.1%),
Enterococcus faecalis (11.1%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (5.2%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (4.7%). All
Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae environmental isolates
were at least multidrug-resistant. Genotyping showed a limited number of major PFGE patterns for both
clinical and environmental isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter baumannii. Behavioral
compliance rates significantly improved from baseline to post-intervention phase.
Conclusions. By integrating information gathered from active surveillance, environmental microbiological
surveillance, surveillance of bacterial isolates and behavioral surveillance of healthcare personnel, the
multimodal infection surveillance system returned a precise and detailed view of the infectious risk and
microbial ecology of the ICU.

Introduction nations. It is now recognized that factors

such as obsolete water supply systems, poor
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), hygienic conditions in the ward, individual
also known as nosocomial infections, susceptibility of patients, inappropriate and
represent a significant burden for hospitalized prolonged use of antibiotics and invasive
patients in terms of mortality, morbidity, length devices, and inadequate respect of guidelines
of stay and costs, particularly for patients in on hand hygiene (HH) and barrier devices by
intensive care units (ICUs) (1). According to healthcare personnel increase the incidence
the annual epidemiological report for 2016 of of HAIs (4-7).
the European Centre for Disease Prevention To attempt to limit HAIs, several
and Control (2), which analyzed a total of surveillance systems have been developed,
151,709 patients in 1494 ICUs (mostly mixed providing effective tools for the control of
population general intensive care unit) from these infections (8-10). These systems are
EU member states and the EEA, 8.4% of widely recommended by various national
patients hospitalized in an ICU for more and international institutions to gather
than two days were diagnosed with at least data on HAIs, in order to develop and
one ICU-acquired infection. Specifically, implement interventions that reduce the
6% had pneumonia (where 97% of cases risk of nosocomial infections (11, 12). Such
were ventilation-associated pneumonia; institutions emphasise the importance of
VAP), 4% had a bloodstream infection (BSI; establishing a systematic and continuous
44% of which were a catheter-related BSI; patient-based surveillance, using standardized
CRBSI) and 2% had a urinary tract infection criteria for HAI case definitions, and of
(99% of which were a catheter-associated integrating different monitoring strategies
urinary tract infection; CAUTI). Moreover, and professional input (5).
a substantial proportion of these HAIs are From April 2016, a multimodal
due to antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. surveillance system was implemented in
A recent study (3) pointed out that a third of the main ICU of the Policlinico Umberto
all deaths associated with antibiotic-resistant I, a large teaching hospital in Rome. This
bacteria in EU and EEA countries occur in paper aims to describe the methodology and
Italy, which has the highest prevalence of results of this surveillance system from its
antibiotic-resistant bacteria among these introduction until October 2018.
Multimodal surveillance of HAIs in ICU 401

Methods included in the active surveillance until their

discharge from the ICU. Blood infections
Setting related with central lines (catheter-related
The surveillance was conducted in the bloodstream infections; CRBSIs), pneumonia
medical/surgical ICU of the Umberto I associated with mechanical ventilation
Teaching Hospital, Sapienza University of (ventilation-associated pneumonia; VAP),
Rome, a 1200-bed public hospital. The ICU urinary tract infections associated with
is divided into five rooms of two beds each, bladder catheters (catheter-associated
one large seven-bed room and one room for urinary tract infections, CAUTIs) or primary
isolation. The ward staff consists of eight bloodstream infections (BSIs) occurred after
physicians, forty nurses and four healthcare 48 hours from admission were monitored.
assistants. Data were collected systematically
using a form with four sections: i) patient
Surveillance system demographic data and information on
The multimodal infection surveillance hospitalization (date of hospitalization, date
system integrates four different approaches: of admission to the ICU, admission diagnosis
i) active surveillance focused on inpatients; ii) in ICU, route of access, discharge date, status
environmental microbiological surveillance; of the patient at discharge); ii) information on
iii) surveillance focused on bacterial isolates; exposure to risk factors: the data collection
and iv) behavioral surveillance of healthcare form included information on the start date
personnel. The multidisciplinary team and end date and duration of the patient’s
involved in the intervention included exposure to urinary catheterization, central
public health physicians, anesthesiologists/ venous catheterization and mechanical
resuscitators, microbiologists, infectious ventilation. It also specified whether the
disease specialists and nurses, as well as device was present within the 48 h prior
members of the Health Directorate of the to the onset of infection; iii) data on
hospital. antibiotic therapy: the form collected
information on the drug(s) used, the daily
Active Surveillance Focused on Inpatients dose, the start date and end date and the
An operative protocol for the active total duration of antibiotic therapy for each
surveillance system was based on the drug used; iv) data on diagnosed HAIs and
National Healthcare Safety Network microbiological cultures performed: data
(NHSN) protocol of the Center for Disease on the site of infection were collected,
Control (CDC) (13), with reference to a including information on the date of onset
protocol of the European Center for Disease and microbiological confirmation (date of
Prevention and Control (ECDC) (14) – in collection, microorganisms identified and
particular as regards the diagnostic criteria relative resistance or sensitivity to the various
of bloodstream infections. The protocol antibiotics tested in the antibiogram).
aimed to provide standard diagnostic criteria Monthly and annual reports were produced
for the identification of cases of HAI; to for the Hospital Health Directorate containing
describe the methods for analyzing data the following elements: description of
resulting from the monitoring of HAIs; and the study population (number of patients
to provide instructions for drafting monthly admitted, characteristics of patients);
and annual reports to estimate infection description of the main characteristics of
incidence rates. the infections (microorganisms responsible
All patients hospitalized in the ICU for for infection and their antibiotic-resistance
at least two consecutive calendar days were profile); device-days per 100 patient-days;
402 G. Migliara et al.

device-related HAI rates per 1000 patient- Environmental microbiological

days; VAP, CRBSI and CAUTI rates per surveillance
1000 device-days; primary BSI rates per A m i c r o b i o l o g i c a l s u r ve i l l a n c e
1000 patient-days; days of use of antibiotics system was designed and implemented to
per 100 patient-days (Table 1). These reports control the spread and persistence of alert
were sent to the ICU and were discussed with microorganisms in the ICU environment,
ICU personnel in monthly meetings. as a result of surface contamination related
The resistance profile of bacterial to procedures not being followed or not
isolates was evaluated according to the being performed correctly (i.e. HH and
criteria of Magiorakos et al. (15). Briefly, a sanitization guidelines). After an analysis
microorganism was considered “multidrug of the activities carried out in the ICU, 14
resistant” (MDR) if not susceptible to at points were selected for sampling (i.e. bed
least one antibiotic in at least three different edges, medication carts, PC keyboards
classes (for S. aureus, non-susceptibility to and mice, sink faucets, blood gas analyzer
oxacillin or cefoxitin alone identifies the touchscreen, mechanical ventilation system
microorganism as MDR); “extensively drug touchscreen), using as selection criteria
resistant” (XDR) if not susceptible to at least the proximity to patients, the frequency
one antibiotic in all but two or fewer classes of usage by healthcare personnel, the
tested; “pandrug resistant” (PDR) if not contamination risk and the risk of ineffective
susceptible to all antibiotics tested. sanitization. Environmental monitoring

Table 1 - Formulas used to calculate the risk factors for healthcare associated infections (HAIs) and the incidence of

Assessment of HAI risk factors

Percentage of days of use of device
per patient-day
Percentage of days of use of antibiotic classes
per patient-day

Assessment of HAI incidence

Device-related HAI (drHAI) rate

Ventilation-associated pneumonia (VAP) rate

Catheter-associated urinary tract infections

(CAUTI) rate

Catheter-related bloodstream infection

(CRBSI) rate

Primary bloodstream infection (BSI) rate

Multimodal surveillance of HAIs in ICU 403

was carried out during the usual activities according to the 2009 WHO Hand Hygiene
of the unit twice a month using sterile Technical Reference Manual (22). The
swabs, after the sanitization interventions, tool investigated four possible types of
in compliance with ISO 18593: 2004 (16). interaction between healthcare personnel
All samples were analyzed according and patients (i.e. touching a patient, device
to standardized culture methods for the manipulation, touching patient surroundings,
determination of alert microorganisms. and invasive procedure or body fluid
Monthly reports were produced for the exposure), all of which had HH indications
Hospital Health Directorate containing both before and afterwards. Moreover, the
the following elements: description of the observers recorded glove use during each
main characteristics of the microorganisms; interaction and, for invasive procedure or
their antibiotic-resistance profile; the exact body fluid exposure, also gown use. As a
localization of the sampling site. These result, a total of thirteen recommendations
reports were also sent to the ICU and were were investigated; eight concerned HH
discussed with the ICU personnel in monthly indications, four concerned glove use and
meetings. one concerned gown use. Compliance with
HH was calculated as the proportion of the
Surveillance focused on bacterial isolates number of performed actions to the number
The system of active surveillance of HAIs of opportunities. Glove use was deemed
also included microorganism surveillance, appropriate during device manipulation and
where molecular typing of clinical and invasive procedure or body fluid exposure,
environmental bacterial isolates was while for touching patient surroundings
performed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and touching a patient, glove non-use was
(PFGE). The preparation of chromosomal considered appropriate. Gown use during
DNA, restriction digestion and PFGE an invasive procedure was evaluated as
were performed as previously described appropriate. After the first six months
(17-20). Interpretation of chromosomal (baseline phase), a multimodal intervention
DNA restriction patterns was based on to improve the adherence of healthcare
the criteria of Tenover et al. (21). Briefly, personnel to the guidelines was conducted
strains showing more than three fragment with the ICU staff. It was based on education
variations were assumed to represent major and training of all healthcare personnel
PFGE patterns, while one to three fragment coupled with performance feedback, as
differences were considered to represent described elsewhere (23). For the following
PFGE pattern subtypes. 12 months (post-intervention phase), the five
observers continued to collect data to monitor
Behavioral surveillance of healthcare healthcare personnel behaviour and assess
personnel the impact over time of the intervention.
In October 2016, three nurses and two Observations were grouped into trimesters
physicians were trained to perform direct for the analysis (two at baseline, four during
observations of compliance with HH and post-intervention phase).
proper glove or gown use during their daily
care activities in the ICU. The training Statistical analysis
focused on the purposes of observation and Counts and proportions of device-
the principles of HH and glove use. From related HAI, primitive BSI, clinical and
1st November 2016 to 30th April 2018, environmental bacterial strains and their
the five observers gathered data using an resistance profiles and PFGE patterns,
anonymous observation form developed antibiotics and observation for HH compliance
404 G. Migliara et al.

and gloves and gowns use were calculated. were hospitalized for medical reasons,
Rates for device-related HAI and primary 29% following a traumatic event and 18%
BSI, as well as proportions of devices and following surgery. The median length of
antibiotics use per 100 patient-days, were stay at the ICU was 10 days (interquartile
calculated as reported in table 1. range 5-22).
Overall, 379 HAIs occurred during the
study period, of which 166 were primary
Results BSIs (43.8%) and 213 were device-related
(56.2%). Regarding the latter, there were
Active surveillance focused on inpatients 73 VAPs (19.3%), 85 CAUTIs (22.4%)
Overall, 773 patients hospitalized in the and 55 CRBSIs (14.5%). Concerning the
ICU were included in the active surveillance exposure to risk factors, the proportion of
regime. The mean age was 58.3±18.7 years device-days to patient-days was 66% for
and 66.4% of the patients were male. A invasive ventilation, 99.9% for urinary
total of 388 patients (50.2%) accessed the catheterization and 95.2% for central venous
ICU through the Emergency Department, catheterization.
258 (33.4%) were transferred from other The monthly device-related HAI incident
wards of the same hospital, 73 (9.4%) from rate showed a decreasing trend over time, with
other hospitals and 47 (6.1%) were admitted peaks of incidence becoming progressively
directly to the ICU from the community. lower, ranging from 26.9 device-related
Fifty-two percent of the ICU patients HAIs per 1000 days in October 2016 to 4.9

Figure 1 - Device-related healthcare-associated infection (HAI) rates per 1000 patient-days in the Intensive Care Unit
of Umberto I Teaching Hospital of Sapienza University of Rome.
Multimodal surveillance of HAIs in ICU 405

in September 2018 (Figure 1). Overall, in without CRBSI (Figure 2B). The overall
the period of interest the incidence rate of CRBSI incidence rate was 4.3 (95% CI: 3.3-
device-related HAIs was 16.1 (95% CI: 14.0- 5.6) per 1000 central venous catheterization-
18.4) per 1000 patient-days. In more detail, days. CAUTIs showed a reduction in the
the monthly incidence rate of VAPs showed a last seven months of surveillance (Figure
slight decrease after a peak of 21.1 per 1000 2C). The overall CAUTI incidence rate
ventilation-days reached in March 2017 was 6.7 (95%CI: 5.4-8.3) per 1000 urinary
(Figure 2A). The overall VAP incidence catheterization-days. Primary BSIs showed
rate was 8.3 (95% CI: 6.5-10.5) per 1000 a more stable trend over time with few
ventilation-days. The CRBSI rate did not peaks (Figure 2D). The overall primary BSI
showed a recognizable monthly trend, with incidence rate was 12.5 (95% CI: 10.9-14.2)
incident peaks alternating with months per 1000 patient-days (Figure 2D).

Figure 2 - Specific device-related healthcare-associated infection (HAI) rates and primary bloodstream infection rates
in the Intensive Care Unit of Umberto I Teaching Hospital of Sapienza University of Rome: A) Ventilation-associated
pneumonia (VAP) rate per 1000 ventilation-days; B) Catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) rate per 1000
central venous catheterization-days; C) Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) rate per 1000 urinary
catheterization-days; D) Primary bloodstream infection rate per 1000 patient-days.
406 G. Migliara et al.

Figure 3 - Days of use of antibiotic classes over 100 patient-days, expressed as a percentage, in the Intensive Care
Unit of Umberto I Teaching Hospital of Sapienza University of Rome.

Figure 4 - Resistance profiles of clinical and environmental isolates for Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus in the Intensive Care Unit of Umberto I Teaching
Hospital of Sapienza University of Rome.
Legend: NA, non-assessable; N-MDR, non-multidrug resistant; MDR, multidrug resistant; MR, methicillin-resistant;
XDR, extensively drug resistant; PDR, pandrug resistant. * clinical isolates; § environmental isolates.
Multimodal surveillance of HAIs in ICU 407

The most frequently prescribed classes XDR, and 13.1% PDR). All Acinetobacter
of antibiotics were polymyxins (36.0% baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
of patient-days), carbapenems (31.0% Klebsiella pneumoniae environmental
of patient-days), penicillins (28.0%), isolates were at least MDR (Figure 4),
antifungals (22.0%), extended-spectrum whereas 59.4% of Staphylococcus aureus
cephalosporins (15.0%), glycopeptides isolates were methicillin-resistant and 26.5%
(13.0%), glycylcyclines (12.0%) and of E. faecalis isolates where glycopeptide-
aminoglycosides (10.0%) (Figure 3). resistant.
Overall, 477 pathogens were responsible The sampling points in the ward most
for 380 HAIs that occurred during the likely to yield bacterial isolates were bed
study period. The most common bacterial edges (91 positive samples), medication
pathogens were Klebsiella pneumoniae carts (62 positive samples) and mechanical
(20.7%), Acinetobacter baumannii (17.2%), ventilation system touchscreens (59 positive
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13.4%) and samples). Fewer positive samples were
Staphylococcus aureus (5.4%) (Figure found on the remaining surfaces sampled:
4). Concerning the resistance profile, PC keyboard and mouse (43 positive
Acinetobacter baumannii and Klebsiella samples); sink faucets (30 positive samples);
pneumoniae showed the highest proportion blood gas analyser touchscreen (20 positive
of isolates with a MDR or more severe samples).
profile (100% of Acinetobacter baumannii
and 94.0% of Klebsiella pneumoniae Surveillance of Bacterial Isolates
isolates), whereas Pseudomonas aeruginosa A total of 218 clinical and 67
showed a more mixed profile, with 52.9% environmental isolates of Acinetobacter
of the isolates not MDR. More than 50% baumannii and Klebsiella pneumoniae from
of Staphylococcus aureus isolates were the ICU were typed by macrorestriction
methycillin-resistant (MRSA) (Figure analysis of chromosomal DNA and PFGE.
4). Overall, 230 out of the 477 pathogens Genotyping of the 159 clinical isolates
responsible for HAIs (48.2%) were at least of Acinetobacter baumannii showed six
MDR (specifically, 15.1% MDR, 25.6% major PFGE patterns: PFGE pattern B was
XDR and 7.5% PDR). found in 107 isolates (67.3%), followed
by PFGE pattern A (21 isolates, 13.2%),
Environmental microbiological PFGE pattern C (20 isolates, 12.6%),
surveillance PFGE pattern E (five isolates, 3.1%), PFGE
During the study period, a total of 60 pattern F (four isolates, 2.5%) and PFGE
environmental microbiological monitoring pattern D (two isolates, 1.2%). For the
campaigns were performed and 819 samples environmental isolates, three major PFGE
were collected, which yielded 305 bacterial patterns were identified: PFGE pattern
isolates. Acinetobacter baumannii was the B (17 isolates, 47.2%), PFGE pattern A
most frequently isolated bacterial species (14 isolates, 38.9%) and PFGE pattern
(27.2%), followed by Staphylococcus C (five isolates, 13.9%). PFGE patterns
aureus (12.1%), Enterococcus faecalis D, E and F were found in clinical but not
(11.1%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (5.2%) and in environmental isolates. Genotyping
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (4.7%) (Figure of the 56 clinical isolates of Klebsiella
4). Environmental isolates showed a more pneumoniae revealed 14 major PFGE
resistant profile than clinical isolates, since patterns: PFGE pattern A was retrieved in 37
213 out of 305 isolates (69.8%) were at least isolates (66.1%), followed by PFGE pattern
MDR (specifically, 38.3% MDR, 18.4% B (four isolates, 7.1%), and PFGE patterns
408 G. Migliara et al.

C, D and M (two isolates each). The other Discussion

ten major patterns were observed in single
isolates. For environmental isolates, only Surveillance is defined as “the ongoing,
two major PFGE patterns were identified: systematic collection, analysis, and
PFGE pattern A, seen in 24 isolates (96%) interpretation of health data essential to the
and PFGE pattern O, observed in a single planning, implementation, and evaluation
isolate. of public health practice, closely integrated
with the timely dissemination of these data
Behavioral Surveillance of Healthcare to those who need to know” (24). In the
Personnel context of a high-risk setting for HAIs, such
Over a 18-month study period, a total of as ICUs, implementation of a surveillance
12,853 observations were collected, with a system plays a pivotal role in the control
mean of 2142 observations per trimester; of of such infections and in the evaluation of
these, 7908 observations related to HH, 3956 interventions aimed at reducing the HAI
observations concerned glove use and 989 risk (8, 25, 26). Although the mechanisms
observations referred to gown use. The overall through which surveillance reduces the HAI
compliance rates improved from 41.9% (first risk are still unclear (27), providing feedback
trimester) to 62.1% (third trimester) and to healthcare personnel on the surveillance
this result was sustained in the following data may help to modify their behavior in
trimesters. In particular, compliance with ways that reduce the incidence of HAIs
HH guidelines increased from 32.4% (first (9). Moreover, a patient-based surveillance,
trimester) to 60.4% (third trimester), while providing risk-adjusted incidence rates (14),
compliance with proper glove or gown use allows comparisons between institutions and
was higher both at baseline (first trimester: the collection of data that can identify risk
56.8%) and during the post-intervention factors and critical areas of intervention (28).
phase (third trimester: 64.6%). Apart from the CRBSI rate, which is higher
The results of the behavioral surveillance in our ICU, our results on HAI incidence
of healthcare personnel, during which four rates are in line with those of other ICUs in
types of interaction with patients were Italy, which have been analyzed as part of the
investigated (i.e. touching a patient, device SITIN Project (the Italian program of HAI
manipulation, touching patient surroundings surveillance in ICUs). According to the 2015
and invasive procedure or body fluid SITIN Report, the considerable variability
exposure) are described in detail elsewhere among Italian ICUs in the incidence of HAIs
(23). Briefly, however, we found that each is likely to be due to differences in patient
compliance rate significantly improved from characteristics and in the case mix index
baseline to post-intervention phase, and (CMI) of each ICU (29). Probably for similar
that, throughout the study period, the four reasons, Italian ICUs show rather higher
HH indications after approaching patients incidence rates than reported by American
registered higher compliance rates than hospitals participating in the National
the four indications before approaching Healthcare Safety Network in the US (30).
patients. Overall, we have witnessed a slight decrease
Finally, the compliance rates of nursing over time in the risk- adjusted device-related
staff were always higher than the compliance HAIs rates. Although this decrease was less
rates of physicians, both for HH observations than expected, it was sustained mainly by a
and proper glove or gown use, and both reduction in the incidence of VAPs, which
at baseline and during post-intervention are often associated with a worse outcome
phase. for patients (31).
Multimodal surveillance of HAIs in ICU 409

The high prevalence of MDR bacterial a lack of compliance among healthcare

strains in both clinical and environmental personnel remains a relevant issue (45-46).
samples, particularly of Acinetobacter To improve compliance, the WHO has
baumannii and Klebsiella pneumoniae elaborated evidence-based guidelines for
strains, together with the limited spectrum the implementation of correct HH, with
of major PFGE patterns observed in the monitoring of the behavior of healthcare
genomes of these pathogens, is likely to be personnel deemed essential (22). In our
due to the high selective pressure carried ICU, we used direct observation of the
out by the extensive use of antibiotics such performance of healthcare personnel, using
as carbapenems, polymyxins and broad incognito workers, as recommended by
spectrum cephalosporins, with a subsequent the WHO (4). Though the intervention to
selection of resistant clones (32-35). The improve adherence of healthcare personnel
possibility of cross-contamination from to HH guidelines doubled the rate of
environmental surfaces to susceptible compliance, the achievement of only a
patients has been demonstrated by observing suboptimal level of compliance is probably
a clonal relationship between environmental the main reason for the persistent, albeit
and clinical bacterial isolates using PFGE diminishing, trend of HAIs in the ICU after
(36, 37). Although the role of environmental the intervention.
contamination in the transmission of The multimodal surveillance protocol
HAIs is still uncertain, it is now widely described in this article focused on the
recognized that MDR organisms associated epidemiologic triad host - etiological
with HAIs can survive for weeks on agent - environment and was enriched by
environmental surfaces commonly touched information obtained from the analysis
by healthcare personnel or patients (38-43). of the behavior of healthcare personnel.
In our experience, the most contaminated The methodology described was founded
surfaces were the bed edges, the medication on multidisciplinarity and the integration
carts and the PC keyboards and mice. The of the skills and knowledge of different
occurrence of common PFGE patterns in professionals was essential to the project.
clinical and environmental strains seems to The surveillance system was supported
indicate cross-contamination between the by appropriate technological-instrumental
patients and the environment. Moreover, apparatus and quality laboratory methods
these findings strongly confirm the power that comply with mandatory regulations.
of including molecular typing techniques in This multimodal surveillance protocol seem
HAI surveillance systems (44). applicable concretely in a multiplicity of to
Several studies point out that improved many other welfare contexts, making the
cleaning or disinfection of environmental whole model exportable.
surfaces can reduce transmission of hospital
pathogens. Contaminated surfaces can
spread microorganisms to susceptible Conclusions
patients directly. Moreover, when healthcare
personnel come into contact with such B y i n t eg r a t i n g t h e i n f o r m a t i o n
contaminated surfaces, in the absence of gathered from the active surveillance
appropriate HH, they can contribute to the regime, environmental microbiological
transmission of pathogens. Indeed, HH is surveillance, surveillance of bacterial
considered the primary measure necessary isolates and behavioral surveillance of
for reducing HAIs (4, 6). Despite this, and healthcare personnel, our model returned
the relative simplicity of HH procedures, a precise and detailed view of the risk of
410 G. Migliara et al.

nosocomial infection and of the microbial iii) sorveglianza focalizzata sui microrganismi isolati e,
ecology in the ICU at the Policlinico iv) sorveglianza comportamentale del personale sanitario.
Sono state considerate ICA le batteriemie correlate a
Umberto I Teaching Hospital. However, catetere (CRBSI), le polmoniti associata a ventilazione
the results obtained in terms of reduction (VAP), le infezioni del tratto urinario associate a catetere
of HAIs suggest that greater efforts should (CAUTI) e le batteriemie primitive che si sono verificate
be made in the implementation of targeted dopo 48 ore dall’ammissione. Per la sorveglianza ambien-
interventions, such as the application of tale sono stati selezionati 14 punti per il campionamento
bundles for the reduction of the risk infection (bordi del letto, carrelli per farmaci, tastiere per PC,
rubinetti dei lavandini). Il sistema di sorveglianza attiva
due to the use of invasive devices, together
delle ICA ha incluso inoltre una sorveglianza focalizzata
with ongoing educational interventions sui microrganismi, basata sulla genotipizzazione moleco-
for healthcare personnel, in parallel with lare degli isolati batterici attraverso l’elettroforesi su gel
continuous surveillance. a campo pulsato (PFGE). Dal 1° novembre 2016 è stato
integrato nel sistema di sorveglianza il monitoraggio del
rispetto delle linee guida sull’igiene delle mani (HH) e
Declarations dell’uso corretto di guanti e camici da parte del personale
sanitario. Dopo i primi sei mesi, è stato condotto con il
Competing interests. The authors declare that they have personale dell’UTI un intervento multimodale volto a
no competing interests. migliorare l’aderenza alle linee guida.
Funding. No funding was received for this study. Risultati. Complessivamente, 773 pazienti sono stati
inclusi nella sorveglianza attiva. Il tasso di incidenza
Acknowledgments. We wish to thank all those resident totale delle ICA correlate a dispositivi è stato di 14,1 (IC
physicians in Public Health of the Sapienza University 95%: 12,2-16,3) per 1000 giorni di degenza. L’incidenza
of Rome whose daily work makes it possible to carry out mensile delle ICA correlate a dispositivi ha mostrato
active surveillance of HAI: Aurora Angelozzi; Fulvio Ca- un andamento decrescente nel tempo, con picchi di in-
stellani; Sara Cianfanelli; Valeria D’Egidio; Pasquale de cidenza progressivamente inferiori a quelli precedenti.
Soccio; Claudia Isonne; Lorenza Lia; Annamaria Mele; Gli isolati batterici più comuni sono stati Klebsiella
Grazia Pia Prencipe; Livia Maria Salvatori. pneumoniae (20,7%), Acinetobacter baumannii (17,2%),
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13,4%) e Staphiylococcus
aureus (5,4%). Acinetobacter baumannii e Klebsiella
Riassunto pneumoniae hanno mostrato la più alta percentuale di
isolati con un profilo multiresistente. Sono stati raccolti
Sorveglianza Multimodale delle Infezioni Correlate un totale di 819 campioni ambientali, con il recupero di
all’Assistenza in una Unità di Terapia Intensiva di 305 isolati batterici. Gli isolati batterici più frequenti
un Grande Policlinico sono stati Acinetobacter baumannii (27,2%), Staphiylo-
coccus aureus (12,1%), Enterococcus faecalis (11,1%),
Introduzione. Le infezioni correlate all’assistenza Klebsiella pneumoniae (5,2%) e Pseudomonas aerugi-
sanitaria (ICA) rappresentano una problematica signi- nosa (4,7%). Tutti gli isolati ambientali di Acinetobac-
ficativa in termini di mortalità, morbilità, durata del ter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Klebsiella
soggiorno e costi per i pazienti ospedalizzati nelle unità pneumoniae erano multiresistenti. La genotipizzazione
di terapia intensiva (UTI). I sistemi di sorveglianza sono ha mostrato un numero limitato di pattern PGFE per
raccomandati da istituzioni nazionali e internazionali al Klebsiella pneumoniae e Acinetobacter baumannii sia
fine di raccogliere dati sulle ICA che possano permettere negli isolati clinici che in quelli ambientali. Il tasso di
di elaborare e valutare interventi volti alla riduzione del aderenza alle linee guida sul lavaggio delle mani e l’uti-
rischio di ICA. lizzo di guanti e camici è migliorato significativamente
Disegno dello studio. In questo articolo descriviamo tra pre- e post-intervento.
la metodologia e i risultati del sistema di sorveglianza Conclusioni. Attraverso l’integrazione delle infor-
implementato nella UTI del Policlinico Umberto I, un mazioni raccolte dalla sorveglianza attiva, dalla sorve-
grande ospedale universitario di Roma, da aprile 2016 glianza microbiologica ambientale, dalla sorveglianza
a ottobre 2018. focalizzata sugli isolati batterici e dalla sorveglianza
Metodi. Il sistema multimodale di sorveglianza delle comportamentale del personale sanitario, l’applicazione
infezioni è consistito nell’integrazione di quattro diversi di questo modello restituisce una visione precisa e det-
approcci: i) sorveglianza attiva incentrata sui pazienti tagliata del rischio infettivo e dell’ecologia microbica
ricoverati; ii) sorveglianza microbiologica ambientale; all’interno dell’UTI.
Multimodal surveillance of HAIs in ICU 411

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Corresponding author: Giuseppe Migliara, MD, Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Sapienza
University of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy

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