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Clin Microbiology Infect - 2013 - Tacconelli - ESCMID Guidelines For The Management of The Infection Control Measures To

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ESCMID PUBLICATIONS 10.1111/1469-0691.


ESCMID guidelines for the management of the infection control

measures to reduce transmission of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative
bacteria in hospitalized patients

E. Tacconelli1, M. A. Cataldo2, S. J. Dancer3, G. De Angelis4, M. Falcone5, U. Frank6, G. Kahlmeter7, A. Pan8,9, N. Petrosillo2,

no10,11,12, N. Singh13, M. Venditti5, D. S. Yokoe14 and B. Cookson15
J. Rodrıguez-Ba~
1) Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine I, T€ubingen University Hospital, T€ubingen, Germany, 2) Clinical Department, National Institute for
Infectious Diseases “L. Spallanzani”, Rome, Italy, 3) Department of Microbiology, Hairmyres Hospital, East Kilbride, UK, 4) Infectious Diseases, Universita Cattolica
Sacro Cuore, 5) Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Policlinico Umberto I, “Sapienza” University, Rome, Italy, 6) Division of Infection Control and
Hospital Epidemiology, Department of Infectious Diseases, Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany, 7) Department of Clinical Microbiology, Central
Hospital, V€axj€o, Sweden, 8) Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Istituti Ospitalieri di Cremona, Cremona, 9) Infectious Risk Area, Health and Social Regional Agency of
Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, 10) Unidad Clınica de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologıa, Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, Seville, 11) Departmento de
Medicina, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain, 12) Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, 13) Department
of Pediatrics, Epidemiology and Global Health, Children’s National Medical Center, The George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA, 14) Infectious Diseases
Division, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA and 15) Medical Microbiology, Honorary Professor
in Medical Microbiology, Division of lnfection and lmmunity, University College London, London, UK


Healthcare-associated infections due to multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria (MDR-GNB) are a leading cause of morbidity and
mortality worldwide. These evidence-based guidelines have been produced after a systematic review of published studies on infection
prevention and control interventions aimed at reducing the transmission of MDR-GNB. The recommendations are stratified by type of
infection prevention and control intervention and species of MDR-GNB and are presented in the form of ‘basic’ practices, recommended
for all acute care facilities, and ‘additional special approaches’ to be considered when there is still clinical and/or epidemiological and/or
molecular evidence of ongoing transmission, despite the application of the basic measures. The level of evidence for and strength of each
recommendation, were defined according to the GRADE approach.

Keywords: Acinetobacter, Burkholderia, Enterobacteriaceae, extended-spectrum b-lactamase, guideline, infection control,

multidrug-resistant Gram-negative, outbreak, Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas

Clin Microbiol Infect 2014; 20 (Suppl. 1): 1–55

Corresponding author: E. Tacconelli, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine I, T€

ubingen University Hospital,
uller-Strabe 10, 72076 T€ubingen, Germany
These guidelines are endorsed by Societ a Italiana Malattie Infettive e Tropicali (SIMIT), Brazilian Association of
Professionals in Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology (ABIH), Sociedad Espa~ nola de Enfermedades
Infecciosas y Microbiologıa Clınica (SEIMC), Societa Italiana Multidisciplinare per la Prevenzione delle Infezioni nelle
Organizzazioni Sanitarie Italiana Malattie (SIMPIOS), Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists Delhi & NCR
Chapter (IAMM DC and NCR), and Colombian Association of Hospital Epidemiology (ACEH).

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2 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

Klebsiella oxytoca, 2% of E. coli, and 65% of A. baumannii

isolates met MDR-GNB criteria. Moreover, nearly one-fifth
of hospitals reporting central line-associated bloodstream
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are a leading cause of infections or catheter-associated urinary tract infections due
morbidity and mortality worldwide. Therapy is becoming ever to Klebsiella species noted the occurrence of carbape-
more difficult because of the increasing rate of antimicrobial nem-resistant Klebsiella isolates, reflecting the penetration of
resistance among common HAI pathogens. Over the last MDR-GNB into the microbiological milieu of many US
decade, multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria hospitals [1]. As in many other countries, the emergence of
(MDR-GNB), including MDR-Pseudomonas aeruginosa, carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae, and in partic-
MDR-Acinetobacter baumannii and Enterobacteriaceae produc- ular K. pneumoniae isolates containing the blakpc gene, has
ing extended-spectrum b-lactamases (ESBL) and carbapene- become a major healthcare epidemiology issue, with the
mases, have been implicated in severe HAIs and their ST258 multilocus sequence type strain accounting for
occurrence has increased steadily. approximately 70% of K. pneumoniae carbapenemase-produc-
In 2011, the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance ing isolates sent to the CDC [2]. Of even greater concern is
System network (EARS-Net), including 29 European countries, the rapid spread, both in the USA and in Europe, of
reported a general European-wide increase of antimicrobial Enterobacteriaceae harbouring the New Delhi metallo-b-lac-
resistance in the Gram-negative pathogens under surveillance tamase and the K. pneumoniae carbapenemase in hospitalized
(Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa; avail- patients [3].
able from: The infection prevention and control (IPC) measures that
tions/Forms/ECDC_DispForm.aspx?ID=998). The proportion have been applied in hospitals for MDR-GNB vary widely, both
of reported E. coli isolates resistant to third-generation within and between different countries [4]. A harmonized
cephalosporins (most of which were ESBL-producers) ranged approach, deriving from the application of evidence-based core
from 3% to 36% and had increased significantly over the last strategies and comprising specific strategies that related to
4 years in more than half of EARS-Net reporting countries. local characteristics and context, should result in a more
High proportions of antimicrobial-resistant P. aeruginosa have comparable situation. However, there is no consensus as to
been reported by many countries, especially in southern and the most effective IPC interventions or the best combination
eastern Europe, with 15.3% of isolates resistant to at least of interventions to reduce transmission of MDR-GNB in
three antimicrobial classes and 4.6% resistant to all five hospitalized patients. In particular, there is no consensus on
antimicrobial classes under surveillance. Trends of carbapenem species or types that are more likely to require control
resistance showed a significant increase between 2008 and measures, or on the role of screening to identify carriers.
2011 for five countries (Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Greece Previous guidelines have either not addressed, or have
and France). In 2011, 22.3% of all K. pneumoniae invasive provided only limited consideration to IPC implications of
isolates were resistant to at least three antimicrobial classes. MDR-GNB. The Health Care Infection Control Practices
Remarkably, a significant increase in resistance to carbapen- Advisory Committee (HICPAC)/CDC guidelines, published in
ems in K. pneumoniae from 8% to 15% was reported over 2006, provided only generic guidance for control of all
the period 2005–2010 (available from: http://www.ecdc.euro MDR-organisms [5]. Guidance documents for control of HAIs due to carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) were
px?ID=580). published in 2009 [6] and in 2012 by the CDC (available from:
In the USA, data reported to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) National Nosocomial Infec- and in 2011 by the European Centre for Disease Prevention
tion Surveillance System and the National Healthcare Safety and Control (ECDC) (available at
Network reflect an increase over the past decade in rates of publications/Publications/110913_Risk_assessment_resistant_
infections caused by some MDR-GNB, defined as resistance CPE.pdf). Although these publications focus on controlling
to one or more tested antimicrobials in three or more the spread of MDR-GNB strains, they do not provide an
antimicrobial classes [1]. Among Gram-negative organisms analysis of the strength of recommendations or grade of
associated with central line-associated bloodstream infec- evidence.
tions, catheter-associated urinary tract infections, ventila- We performed a systematic review of the articles published
tor-associated pneumonia and surgical site infections that on this topic to determine the effects of different IPC
were reported to the National Healthcare Safety Network interventions aimed at minimizing the spread of MDR-GNB
during 2009–2010, approximately 15% of K. pneumoniae or and to define the indications for application of IPC measures

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
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CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 3

for specific types of resistant strains in adult hospitalized TABLE 1. Definitions of epidemiological setting
patients. Our guidelines have been drawn up so as to be useful
Endemic Settings where there are constant
for a wide range of healthcare professionals, namely specialist
challenges from admissions of patients
physicians and other healthcare workers (infectious diseases,
colonized or infected with MDR-GNB
microbiology, surgery, intensive care), public health officers,
Epidemic Settings where there is an unusual or
infection control professionals, administrative personnel in
(outbreak) unexpected increase of cases of infections
hospitals, and epidemiologists.
due to MDR-GNB already isolated in the
hospital or an emergence of cases of
Methods infection due to a new MDR-GNB, with
or without molecular analysis of strains

Articles presenting data pertaining to the control of MDR-GNB, multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria.
the spread, in hospitalized patients, of MDR-P. aeruginosa,
A. baumannii and Enterobacteriaceae and organisms intrinsi-
cally resistant to broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents, such as TABLE 2. Quality of evidence and strength or recom-
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Burkholderia cepacia, were mendations according to the GRADE approach (avail-
identified through computerized literature searches using able from:
MEDLINE (National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD),
EMBASE and the Cochrane database and by reviewing the Quality of evidence
references of retrieved articles. For the development of the High We are very confident that the true effect
background section we also reviewed articles describing the lies close to that of the estimate of the
epidemiology of target bacteria. MDR organisms were defined effect
according to the ECDC/CDC definition [7] as those Moderate We are moderately confident in the effect
micro-organisms that were resistant to at least one agent in estimate: the true effect is likely to be close
three or more antimicrobial categories. Index search terms to the estimate of the effect, but there is a
included: ‘Pseudomonas’ or ‘Citrobacter’ or ‘Enterobacter’ or possibility that it is substantially different
‘Escherichia’ or ‘Klebsiella’ or ‘Morganella’ or ‘Proteus’ or Low Our confidence in the effect estimate is
‘Providencia’ or ‘Serratia’ or ‘Acinetobacter’ or ‘Enterobacteria- limited: the true effect may be substantially
ceae’ or ‘Stenotrophomonas maltophilia’ or ‘Burkholderia cepacia’ different from the estimate of the effect
and ‘drug resistance’ or ‘antibiotic resistance’ and ‘cross Very low We have very little confidence in the effect
infection’ or ‘infection control’ or ‘infection prevention’ or estimate: the true effect is likely to be
‘patient isolation’ or ‘cohorting’ or ‘gloves’ or ‘protective substantially different from the estimate of
clothing’ or ‘handwashing’ or ‘hand hygiene’ or ‘sanitizer’ or effect
‘cleanser’ or ‘disinfectant’ or ‘pre-emptive isolation’ or ‘anti- Strength of recommendations
sepsis’ or ‘disinfection’ or ‘sterilization’ or ‘environmental Strong Large differences between the desirable and
cleaning’ or ‘screening culture’ or ‘disease outbreaks’ or undesirable consequences.
‘antibiotic restriction or cycling’. The search was restricted to High confidence in the magnitude of
full articles published in English up to November 2011 and estimates of effect of the interventions on
including adult patients (>16 years of age). Articles reporting important outcomes
intervention(s) on paediatric population were excluded. No Conditional Small net benefit and low certainty for that
attempt was made to obtain information on unpublished benefit.
studies. As data from randomized clinical trials were expected Great variability in values and preferences, or
to be limited, we also reviewed non-randomized controlled uncertainty in values and preferences.
clinical trials, interrupted time-series, and before-and-after High cost of an intervention
studies that compared wards or hospitals applying two
different intervention policies to control the spread of
MDR-GNB. We also reviewed outbreak investigations and was defined as an unusual or unexpected increase of cases of
cohort studies. Single case reports were excluded. Papers infections due to MDR-GNB already isolated in the hospital or
were reviewed according to the epidemiological setting the emergence of cases of infection due to a new MDR-GNB,
(outbreak versus endemic, see Table 1). The term ‘outbreak’ with or without molecular analysis of strains. ‘Endemic’ was

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
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4 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

TABLE 3. Factors increasing or decreasing the level of studies’ quality according to the GRADE approach
(available from:
Initial quality of Decrease
Study design a body evidence quality Increase quality

Randomized trials High Risk of bias Large effect (RRR 50% or RR 2)

Inconsistency Very large effect (RRR 80% or RR 5)
Observational studies Low Indirectness Dose response
Imprecision All plausible residual confounding may be working
Publication bias to reduce the demonstrated effect or increase the
effect if no effect was observed

RRR, relative risk reduction; RR, relative risk.

applied to settings where there were constant challenges from

Mechanisms of Transmission
admissions of patients colonized or infected with MDR-GNB,
but with no major changes over time recognized as distinct
acquisition from a common source. The various types of IPC A review of the literature on mechanisms of transmission of
interventions used to prevent and control the spread of MDR-GNB was problematic for three main reasons: (i) the
MDR-GNB were grouped into five main categories: hand low number of studies; (ii) the low availability of high-quality
hygiene measures (HH); active screening cultures (ASC); studies; and (iii) the high heterogeneity of definitions, settings
contact precautions (CP); environmental cleaning (EC); and and pathogens. Patient-to-patient transmission was frequently
antimicrobial stewardship (ABS). thought to be the most important route of transmission
The quality of studies was classified as high, moderate, low whenever several patients shared clonally related isolates. This
or very low, whereas the strength of recommendations was is based on the hypothesis that colonized or infected patients
classified as strong or conditional according to the GRADE are the only reservoir for the microorganism. However,
methodology (available from: http://www.gradeworkinggroup. intermediate vectors for spread between patients, including
org). Tables 2 and 3 describe in detail the GRADE approach, contaminated hands of healthcare workers (HCWs), environ-
grades of evidence and determinants of quality. In case of ment, and visitors should also be taken into consideration for
disagreement among members, the quality of the paper the prevention and control of healthcare-associated
reporting outbreaks was further defined through the ORION MDR-GNB transmission.
checklist for outbreak reporting [8]. For the cumulative
evidence the authors agreed that an overall ‘moderate’ Extra-intestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli
classification required at least one intervention of ‘moderate’ Although an important cause of HAIs, E. coli is mainly a
quality and that the sum of ‘moderate’ research study(ies) plus community pathogen. As the constant influx of community
‘low’ research study(ies) needed to be ≥50% of the available isolates colonizing patients at hospital admission is highly
evidence. For the development of guidelines, the Standard and significant in the epidemiology of these organisms within
Practice Guidelines Committee recommendations were fol- hospitals, understanding the complex epidemiological behav-
lowed (available from: iour of E. coli in the community is key to adequate interpre-
Resources/). tation of studies addressing the epidemiology of E. coli in
The major limitation of grading the evidence for IPC hospitalized patients. This microorganism belongs to the
measures and MDR-GNB was related to the fact that almost normal bowel flora in humans, other mammals and birds.
all measures were included in different combinations in Strains have traditionally been classified as commensal
multifaceted approaches. When multiple interventions were (because they less frequently cause disease and mainly belong
introduced in different moments the authors analysed the to phylogenetic group A and B1), intestinal pathogenic (mainly
single intervention according to the related magnitude of the obligate pathogens) and extra-intestinal pathogenic (most
effect. In case of multiple interventions introduced at the same often of phylogenetic groups B2 and D). The latter are the
moment, the evidence and strength of recommendations were predominant strains in 20% of individuals and harbour the
derived from the cumulative evaluation of the efficacy of the typical virulence factors causing extra-intestinal infections
whole bundle where the specific IPC measure was included. when reaching the appropriate site from the bowel, which

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
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CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 5

serves as their primary reservoir [9]. Transmission of A few studies have tried to identify environmental reser-
extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli in the community is thought voirs, despite the fact that in some instances patients
to occur by person-to-person transmission, either through harbouring the clonally related isolates did not have overlap-
direct contact or by means of a faecal–oral route through or ping stays in the unit. In a study performed in Brazil, E. coli was
by contaminated food and/or water [10]. Several clonal found on the hands of only one out of 100 HCWs, whereas
groups of antibiotic-resistant extra-intestinal pathogenic other organisms were found much more frequently [25]. In a
E. coli, specifically, O15:H1-D-ST393, CGA-D-ST69, and study on Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients, Harris et al. [26]
O25b:H4-B2-ST131 are extensively distributed and mainly found 23 patients out of a total of more than 1800 admissions
associated with community outbreaks of urinary tract infec- to have acquired colonization with ESBL-producing E. coli
tions [10–15]. It is probable that the spread of these clonal during their ICU stay. In only three of these 23 patients the
groups within the hospitals had occurred much earlier, but isolates were identical by pulsed field gel electrophoresis to
went unnoticed in the absence of an epidemiological marker, those found in 74 other patients colonized upon admission
such as antibiotic resistance. Food was suspected as the main screening, suggesting that patient-to-patient transmission was
source for O15:H1-D-ST393 and CGA-D-ST69 [10] but the not an important cause of acquisition of ESBL-producing E. coli
main sources and mechanisms of transmission for O25b: in this ICU in a non-outbreak setting. Once again, environ-
H4-B2-ST131 are not yet clear. mental or food sources were not investigated.
The epidemiology of E. coli within healthcare facilities has not Recently, three studies have investigated the transmission
been extensively studied. Researchers have mainly focused on dynamics of ESBL-producing E. coli. Adler et al. [27] focused
MDR isolates. However, the reservoirs and mechanisms of their study in two geriatric rehabilitation wards in Israel. They
transmission have rarely been investigated. The results of found that 32 out of the 59 ‘new acquisitions’ (54%) were
molecular typing need to be interpreted with caution. The traced to another patient and this was particularly frequent for
finding of clonally related strains does not necessarily mean that two specific clones (ST131 producing CTX-M-27 and ST372
there was transmission within the healthcare institution, but producing SHV-5). Interestingly, the situation differed in a
rather may reflect the influx of a successful clone or clones from Swiss tertiary hospital, where ESBL-producing E. coli was
the community [16–19]. Community isolates belonging to such acquired only by 1.5% of hospital patients in contact with
clonal groups have shown a high degree of similarity in pulsed colonized/infected patients [28]. In addition, in another study
field gel electrophoresis dendrograms, even when isolated from the transmission of ESBL-producing E. coli was shown to be
patients from different areas [15]. Hence, findings from more frequent in households than in the hospital setting [29].
molecular typing of nosocomial isolates must be combined These results suggest that person-to-person transmissions of
with knowledge of community-circulating clones and the clinical some ESBL-producing E. coli occur, but are not common in
epidemiology (e.g. date of admission and when the first screen most hospital settings.
was positive) for meaningful interpretation. Such data may, of
course, also provide evidence of a constant influx of clonally Klebsiella species
diverse strains from the community. Without such detailed There have been several recent studies of the epidemiology of
epidemiological information, one might otherwise mistakenly K. pneumoniae as a nosocomial pathogen. This organism shows
consider such a situation to comprise a nosocomial outbreak. a clear trend to spread clonally within healthcare institutions
Finally, contaminated food products are known to be frequent and exhibits a particular ability to cause nosocomial outbreaks
vehicles for E. coli strains [20]. However, the significance of [30,31]. This may be a feature of some specific successful
alimentary transmission of antibiotic-resistant E. coli within clones and antibiotic resistance may provide an additional
hospitals has been poorly studied in developed countries. advantage in healthcare settings to such clones. Cross-trans-
In the 1960s and 1980s some nosocomial outbreaks of mission via HCWs’ hands seems to be important in the
pyelonephritis were indirectly associated with transmission nosocomial spread of K. pneumoniae strains [31]. Indeed there
from HCWs [21–23]. In 2001, Paterson et al. [24] reported a is extensive evidence for transmission via the hands of HCWs
clonal outbreak caused by ESBL-producing E. coli in a liver from colonized patients or environmental reservoirs to new
transplantation unit causing bacteraemia in two patients, with patients, in both epidemic and endemic situations [32–47].
seven others only colonized. The epidemic strain was not However, in a recent study, an outbreak caused by contam-
found either in the environment or on the hands of staff. CP inated food was described, indicating that transmission may
and intestinal decolonization of patients with norfloxacin, also occur via the food chain [48]. Additionally, transmission
active against the outbreak strain, was instituted and the from contaminated sinks has been recently shown for
outbreak was eradicated. ESBL-producing K. oxytoca [49].

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
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6 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

Other Enterobacteriaceae Nosocomial infections caused by Stenotrophomonas malto-

Enterobacter spp. and Serratia spp. (particularly Enterobacter philia are usually caused by sporadic strains, probably acquired
cloacae and Serratia marcescens) are important nosocomial from different environmental wet sources [51]. However, a
pathogens and outbreaks caused by these organisms have been few outbreaks of indistinguishable strains related to a
documented. Cross-transmission via transient contamination common environmental source or cross-transmission have
of HCWs’ hands has also been well documented in epidemic been reported [82–85]. Burkholderia cepacia may also cause
and endemic situations [50–65] and outbreaks of bacteraemia nosocomial outbreaks, typically associated with medical
involving both species have also been linked to contaminated products or environmental moist sources [51,82]
medical products [51]. Contamination both of dry surfaces and Cross-transmission has been documented between cystic
moist environments was particularly frequent when looked fibrosis patients [86,87] and may occur among non-cystic
for, suggesting that environmental contamination played a fibrosis patients [88].
central role in many outbreaks.
Nosocomial outbreaks caused by Salmonella spp. have also
The Role of Hand Hygiene to Prevent
been described. Although most of these were probably
Spread of MDR-GNB
food-borne-related, cross-transmission through the hands of
HCWs was also suspected to have occurred [66–69].
The role of HCWs’ hand contamination has been under
Non-fermentative GNB investigation since the 1960s [89]. Before performing hand
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is commonly associated with moist disinfection, up to 40% of nurses’ hands yielded coliform
environmental sources. Colonized patients may serve as bacteria, although rates depended on the type of unit sampled
reservoirs for epidemic strains. However, the epidemiology [33,90]. Another study showed that 17% of ICU staff carried
of this organism is complex, as sporadic and epidemic strains Klebsiella spp. on their hands and that these strains were
usually coexist, so that outbreaks may be difficult or impossible probably related to colonized or infected patients resident in the
to trace unless molecular methods are used [70,71]. The unit [91]. An epidemic MDR-Klebsiella spp. survived on fingertips
source and mechanism of transmission of different strains may better than susceptible strains and persisted longer than E. coli
vary. HCWs’ hands can be contaminated from patient or and P. aeruginosa [91]. Coliforms can be picked up on the hands
environmental sources [25,41,71–75]. Hence, patients may of nurses after touching patients’ washing materials and clothing,
acquire the organism from the environment, e.g. when using as well as after bed-making, toileting activities, handling bed linen
contaminated sinks, showers or respiratory equipment, or via and curtains, and even after administering medications to the
HCWs’ hands. Patient-to-patient transmission of epidemic patients [92]. Transfer of viable amounts of Klebsiella spp. to
clones of P. aeruginosa among patients with cystic fibrosis has nurses’ hands took place after simple ‘clean’ procedures, such as
been documented. Recent experimental and clinical data washing the patient and touching several parts of the body during
showed that patients with cystic fibrosis can generate droplet nursing activities (i.e. taking blood pressure, pulse and oral
nuclei in the respirable range and that infectious particles can temperature) [33]. Sampling patients’ hands on a specific ward
be cultured from room air minutes to hours after patients have demonstrated rates of coliform carriage similar to rates of
left [76]. Data from the USA showed that the rate of bacterial carriage for nurses on that ward [92]. Hand contamination
contamination of cystic fibrosis clinics with respiratory tract despite wearing gloves has been reported in 4.5% and 1% of
pathogens, including P. aeruginosa, was 13.6%; the air collected HCWs after caring for MDR-A. baumannii and MDR-P. aerugin-
within 3 feet (90 cm) of patients, their hands, and the osa colonized or infected patients, respectively [93].
environment was contaminated during 8.2%, 6.2% and 1% of The mechanism of microbe cross-transmission is summa-
visits, respectively [77,78]. rized in the World Health Organization (WHO) 2009 HH
The epidemiology of A. baumannii has been thoroughly guidelines ‘five moments’ (available from: http://whqlibdoc.
reviewed [79]. Acinetobacter baumannii may cause monoclonal (1) pres-
outbreaks, usually related to an environmental source, or as ence of microbes on patient skin and/or in patient’s environ-
complex, extensively polyclonal situations, in which epidemic and ment, (2) transfer of these organisms to HCWs’ hands, (3)
sporadic clones coexist [80,81]. Environmental contamination, microbe survival on HCWs’ hands, (4) incorrect hand
both of dry and moist areas, is key to the dissemination of cleansing by HCWs, and (5) cross-transmission to other
A. baumannii. Colonized patients may serve as effective reservoirs patients. The following section will focus on the different
and HCWs’ hands can serve as vehicles for transmission either ‘moments’ of cross-transmission of GNB according to the five-
from contaminated surfaces to patients or between patients. step-WHO sequence.

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
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CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 7

(1) Microbes on patient’s skin and environment. The number of have been isolated from the hands of individuals not
GNB on the skin is strikingly low if compared to the high involved in healthcare in proportions similar to those
level of GNB colonizing the gut. GNB counts in the reported for HCWs [101]. Acinetobacter spp. may be
intestine reach 109–1011 CFU/g of homogenized tissue, isolated from skin for long periods of time after inoculation
while they are virtually absent from large areas of skin [94]. [104], usually longer than other GNB. Fagernes and Lingas
GNB are isolated more frequently from axilla, perineum demonstrated that wearing jewellery, such as a single ring,
and toe webs, which represent humid and partially may triple the risk of Enterobacteriaceae hand carriage
occluded areas, where the skin bacterial count is highest [105]. Sampling was performed while HCWs were on duty
(106–107 CFU/cm2) [94,95]. Recent molecular data show and no evaluation of post-duty hand colonization was
that GNB can be found in abundance on some dry skin performed. Artificial fingernails became colonized with
sites, including parts of the hands [94]. GNB more frequently than natural nails and alcohol-based
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus is the GNB most frequently hand rubs were less effective in eliminating GNB from the
found on normal skin, colonizing up to 25% of individuals former than the latter [106]. Artificial fingernails have been
[96]; other GNB are identified less commonly as part of associated with HAIs, including outbreaks of bloodstream
the transient skin flora. Hospitalized patients, unlike infections due to Serratia marcescens in haemodialysis
healthy subjects, may have higher rates of skin colonization patients [107] and of ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae and
with Acinetobacter species and other GNB, especially in the P. aeruginosa invasive infections in neonatal ICUs, although
perineal area [97–100]. the associations were weak [108].
(2) Transfer of GNB to HCWs’ hands. Many studies over the (4) Incorrect hand cleansing by HCWs. In one study, if no or
last decades have reported that up to 100% of HCWs’ inadequate HH was performed during patient care, the level
hands can be contaminated by GNB, including Enterobac- of hand contamination increased progressively in a linear
teriaceae, P. aeruginosa, Acinetobacter spp. and other fashion over time, so favouring cross-transmission [102]. A
potential pathogens [33,101,102]. GNB counts on HCWs’ significant reduction in microbe counts has been reported by
hands may vary substantially and are related to the type of a limited number of studies evaluating hand washing and/or
contact with the patient or the patient’s immediate hand rubbing, although data regarding MDR-GNB are
environment. The risk of hand contamination has also scarce. Paul et al. observed a significant reduction in GNB
varied depending on the microbe. Morgan et al. evaluated counts when HH was performed both with soap and
about 200 opportunities of staff providing assistance to water and with alcohol hand-rubs soap [109]. Data show
patients colonized or infected with MDR-A. baumannii and that alcohol-based hand-rubs could reduce A. baumannii
MDR-P. aeruginosa. They observed hand contamination in counts by 98% from experimentally contaminated hands
4.5% of HCWs assisting patients with MDR-A. baumannii, [110].
compared with 0.7% of those caring for patients with (5) Cross-transmission to other patients. The prevalence of
MDR-P. aeruginosa. Risk factors for HCWs’ hand contam- possible cross-transmission of GNB among patients is
ination with MDR-A. baumannii were manipulation of difficult to evaluate. Studies in the ICU population applying
wound dressings, staying in the patients’ rooms for more conventional and molecular methods report percentages
than 5 min, and being a physician or nurse practitioner of cross-transmission ranging from 23% to 53% of patients’
[93]. Rodriguez-Ba~no et al. [81] observed rates of HCWs’ contacts [111,112]. Lingaas and Fagemes [113] developed
hand colonization by MDR-A. baumannii between 12% and a method to investigate the transfer of E. coli from the
20% in an ICU where this organism was endemic. hands of HCWs. The method involved standardized hand
A team from the University of Maryland investigated contact between the HCW and a recipient wearing sterile
the frequency of transfer of pathogens during the treat- gloves, followed by sampling of the bare hands of the
ment of ICU patients with MDR-A. baumannii and/or HCW and the gloved hands of the recipient by the glove
MDR-P. aeruginosa [103]. Contamination of HCWs’ gloves juice method. A smaller proportion of E. coli was recov-
and hands verified after glove removal but before hand ered from bare skin compared with gloves, suggesting
hygiene was observed in 29.3% and 4.2% of HCWs with reduced survival of bacteria as a result of contact with
MDR-A. baumannii, respectively, and in 17.4% and 3.5% natural skin [113].
with MDR-P. aeruginosa, respectively [103].
(3) Microbe survival on HCWs’ hands. GNB may survive on Clothing of HCWs can be contaminated by nosocomial
HCWs’ hands for periods lasting from a few minutes to pathogens and therefore be a source for cross-transmission of
several hours, depending on the species. Notably, GNB healthcare-associated pathogens [114–119]. Such attire is

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8 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

progressively contaminated by an HCWs’ own flora, which is The Role of Contact Precautions to Prevent
generally of low pathogenicity and constitutes about a third of Spread
the isolated germs. Flora from patients or the hospital
environment represents the remaining two-thirds of microor-
ganisms found on clothing [116,119]. The areas of attire with Basic infection control precautions (i.e. standard precautions)
the heaviest colonization are the zones most frequently need to be used, as a minimum, in the care of all patients and are
touched by hands, i.e. below the waist, and on the sleeves meant to reduce the risk of transmission of blood-borne and
and pockets [114,115,119]. In one paper, the level of bacterial other microorganisms from both recognized and unrecognized
contamination did not vary with the length of time a coat had sources. They include HH, and personal protective equipment
been in use, but it increased with the degree of usage by the guided by risk assessment and the extent of contact anticipated
individual doctor [115]. Performing procedures involving with blood and body fluids, or pathogens. In addition to standard
heavily contaminated body sites, such as dressing wounds, precautions, CP include: wearing a gown and gloves upon entry
may cause high levels of clothing contamination [119]. to a room of a patient/resident colonized or infected with
Protective clothing, particularly plastic aprons, have been epidemiologically targeted bacteria and using disposable sin-
associated with a significant reduction in clothing contamina- gle-use or patient/resident-dedicated non-critical care equip-
tion in high-risk settings such as burn units [116,120]. During ment (such as blood pressure cuffs and stethoscopes).
clinical activity other items worn, such as badges and lanyards, Once MDR-bacteria infection or carriage is detected in
may also become contaminated [121]. hospitalized patients, most international guidelines recom-
Contamination of gowns and gloves has been shown to be a mend the application of CP to these patients to prevent
frequent event during patient care [93,103]. In particular, gown hospital spread [5,6]. There are multiple ways of implementing
contamination with MDR-A. baumannii has been observed in such CP. For example, patients can be transferred to special
11–12% of HCWs when caring for colonized patients [93,103]. isolation wards or housed in nursing cohorts, i.e. in separate
In the same studies, MDR-P. aeruginosa contaminated HCWs rooms on general wards with designated nursing staff exclu-
gowns less frequently, i.e. 4–5% [93,103]. Since not all sively responsible for the cohort. Alternatively, colonized
healthcare systems supply uniforms processed in an industrial patients can be isolated in single or cohort rooms on general
laundry, staff may need to launder their uniforms at home. wards without designated personnel. Third, the application of
Wilson et al. [116] show that there is no substantial difference CP can be performed housing the patients in the same room
between home and industrial laundering concerning microbial with patients unaffected by MDR-GNB, but applying CP (e.g. as
residual contamination. defined above including the use of gloves and gowns or aprons
depending on the extent of carriage by the patient and the
procedures being performed by staff) when caring for the
Recommendations colonized or infected patient. Notably, in the ECDC systematic
review to define the effectiveness of IPC measures to decrease
Epidemic setting
the incidence of colonization or infection with CRE, the most
Strong recommendation: Implement HH education
effective approach included CP, screening for early detection
programmes to reduce the transmission of ESBL-
of CRE-colonized patients, and cohort nursing care for
producing Enterobacteriaceae. MDR-A. baumannii,
CRE-colonized patients (available from:
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (moderate level of evidence);
MDR-K. pneumoniae, MDR-P. aeruginosa and Burkholderia
tant_CPE.pdf). Suboptimal adherence to CP was linked to
cepacia (very low level of evidence)
limited impact on HAI outcomes.
Endemic setting The efficacy of CP can be optimized through an effective and
Strong recommendation: Implement hand hygiene (HH) consistent approach to screening cultures, not only to identify
education programmes to reduce the transmission of all carriers but also to monitor the success of any isolation or
extended-spectrum b-lactamase (ESBL)-producing infection prevention measure. An alert code for previously
Enterobacteriaceae, multidrug-resistant (MDR)- known positive patients followed by pre-emptive CP could help
Klebsiella pneumoniae, MDR-Pseudomonas aeruginosa, in reducing the spread of MDR-GNB. Evidence derives from
MDR-Acinetobacter baumannii (moderate level of successful interventions in the endemic setting on MDR-P. aeru-
evidence); Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Burkholderia ginosa [122] and during outbreaks by ESBL-producing Entero-
cepacia (very low level of evidence) bacteriaceae and MDR-K. pneumoniae [123–127]. Weekly
screening cultures in addition to those on admission and

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CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 9

discharge might optimize the CP, especially in high-risk settings of cohorting of colonized/infected patients in a dedicated ICU
and in case of long hospitalization [125,128,129]. and total cohorting of nursing care and partial (daily shift only)
No consensus exists on when CP may be discontinued. The cohorting of medical staff, the outbreak was controlled.
majority of the studies on CP applied this measure until two or According to the authors, cohorting was probably the most
three negative screening cultures taken a week apart were important contributing measure [123].
obtained. Rarely CP were maintained during the entire In a study by Lucet et al. patient cohorting was applied for
hospitalization period. surgical patients found to be ESBL-producing Enterobacteria-
The authors of these guidelines suggest discontinuing them ceae carriers, whereas in the other hospital units, CP alone
when three or more screening cultures for the target were used. Pre-emptive isolation precautions were also
MDR-organism are repeatedly negative over the course of a recommended for patients transferred to the ICUs at risk of
week or two in a patient who has not received antimicrobial being colonized. The IPC measures were ineffective during the
therapy for several weeks. first year. The main cause was probably the low compliance
There is no study focused on the use of surgical masks as a rate with CP, despite a high rate of hand washing adherence.
component of CP in the management of patients with respira- Critical evaluation of the implementation of CP in the ICU
tory colonization or infection due to MDR-GNB. A few papers prompted corrective measures for CP and the incidence of
reporting outbreaks due to MDR-A. baumannii added masks on acquired cases subsequently decreased [124]. This seems to
top of CP in the ICU settings with favourable results [129–131]. suggest that auditing adherence to CP is at least as important
an issue as their introduction per se.
CP in epidemic settings
Effectiveness of CP in controlling an outbreak due to
MDR-A. baumannii has been reported by Gbaguidi-Haor et al.
[132] The authors applied CP and patient cohorting for all Epidemic setting
patients colonized or infected with A. baumannii, whatever the Strong recommendation: Implement contact precautions
antibiotic susceptibility of the strain. Once new cases of (CP) for all patients colonized and/or infected with
colonization or infection due to MDR-A. baumannii were no extended-spectrum b-lactamase (ESBL)-producing
longer detected, the systematic implementation of isolation Enterobacteriaceae, multidrug-resistant (MDR)-
precautions and patient cohorting was stopped for a 2-year Klebsiella pneumoniae, MDR-Acinetobacter baumannii
period. A resurgence in the number of A. baumannii-colonized (moderate level of evidence); and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
or -infected patients led to reimplementation of CP, resulting (very low level of evidence)
in a consequent decrease in the incidence of patients with
Strong recommendation: Use alert code to identify
A. baumannii colonization or infection. The changes in the
promptly patients already known as colonized with
application of CP were also associated with a decrease in the
ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae and MDR-K.
number of patients with A. baumannii bacteraemia [132].
pneumoniae at hospital/ward admission and perform
Ineffectiveness of the implementation of CP and ASC in
screening and pre-emptive CP (moderate level of
epidemic setting has been reported. An outbreak of
MDR-A. baumannii was not controlled by setting up a
programme of screening for all patients in addition to Strong recommendation: Isolate colonized and infected
immediate isolation or cohorting of colonized patients. Ward patients in a single room to reduce the risk of acquisition of
closures were necessary to contain the spread of MDR-A. bau- ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae, MDR-K. pneumoniae
mannii [133]. A possible explanation was that the lack of (moderate level of evidence); MDR-A. baumannii and
pre-emptive isolation allowed cross-transmission among MDR-P. aeruginosa (low level of evidence)
patients. Environmental contamination and lack of proper Strong recommendation: Cohort staff to reduce the risk of
cleaning and disposal of contaminated equipment might have acquisition of MDR-K. pneumoniae (moderate level of
also played a pivotal role in outbreaks [134,135]. evidence)
The implementation of cohorting of patients and/or staff can
improve the effectiveness of a bundle approach to control an
outbreak due to MDR-GNB. Laurent et al. described the
failure of CP, isolation room and ASC in controlling an CP in endemic setting
outbreak of ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae. When the infec- Many interventions on MDR-GNB in endemic settings included
tion control measures were reinforced with the introduction CP [122,136,137] and many national and international guidance

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10 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

documents and expert opinion publications recommend the admission and/or during hospitalization in order to apply CP
systematic use of CP in the management of MDR-GNB in the and reduce person-to-person spread. This is based on the
endemic setting [5,6,138–140]. Rodriguez-Bano et al. [81] well-established fact that a significant reservoir of MDR-GNB
reported hospital-wide successful control of MDR-A. bauman- colonized patients in hospital will go undetected by relying on
nii through a bundle strategy that included CP along with ASC, results from clinical specimens submitted for routine diagnos-
HH, education, environmental and HCWs’ hand cultures, a tic testing [143–145].
strict environmental cleaning policy, and regular staff meetings Harris et al. [143] estimated that among patients admitted
with feedback of data. A significant correlation between to medical and surgical ICUs, the proportion of undetected
implementation of CP and number of patients colonized or ESBL-producing E. coli and Klebsiella spp. was 69%. Importantly,
infected with A. baumannii was reported in a large French among patients with both positive clinical and screening
hospital [132] and, on a smaller scale, CP and ASC were cultures, the latter were positive an average of 2.7 days
successfully applied in a surgical setting to control the earlier than the clinical cultures [143]. Maragakis et al. [144]
transmission of MDR-A. baumannii [141]. A significant reduc- reported an undetected ratio of MDR-A. baumannii of 50%
tion in endemic carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae (CRKP) among patients in ICU. A point prevalence study in three New
was observed by Kochar et al. [122] through a multifaceted York City ICUs revealed that 14 (39%) of 36 hospitalized
intervention including CP. In the same intervention, no patients had faecal colonization with CRKP. The majority
decrease was observed in the isolation rates of A. baumannii (86%) of these patients were not identified by routine clinical
and P. aeruginosa. In Germany, Vonberg et al. [142] reported cultures [145].
their successful experience in a stable endemic situation, The proportion of clinically evident cases among carriers
including many high-risk patients, applying CP and isolation may vary according to the virulence of the organism, the
room for all patients with MDR-GNB. These reports seem to susceptibility of the particular patient population studied, and
suggest that CP may have a significant role in reducing quality of IPC measures, e.g. adherence to bundles. Studies
MDR-GNB spread in the endemic setting, although CP was examining the relationship between colonization and infection
always included in a multifaceted approach and therefore its also depend on the sensitivity of the methods used to detect
specific effectiveness is difficult to define. colonization. For example, it has been shown that it may be
difficult to detect the carriage of A. baumannii by routine
Recommendations methods and that the best body site for screening has not been
well determined [136]. In contrast, although the site of
Endemic setting colonization for Enterobacteriaceae is better defined, various
Strong recommendation: Implement contact precautions screening methods may differ in their sensitivity in identifying
(CP) for all patients colonized with extended-spectrum specific resistant mechanisms or phenotypes.
b-lactamase (ESBL)-Enterobacteriaceae (with the The natural history of MDR-GNB colonization and
exception of Escherichia coli), multidrug-resistant (MDR)– subsequent infection has not been well described and might
Klebsiella pneumoniae, MDR-Acinetobacter baumannii, and differ depending on the organism, the host’s features, and
MDR-Pseudomonas aeruginosa (moderate level of other factors. Corbella et al. [146] evaluated faecal coloniza-
evidence) tion with MDR-A. baumannii in ICU patients and found that
clinical infections due to these strains occurred more
Strong recommendation: Use alert code to identify
frequently in patients with, than without, previous faecal
promptly patients already known as colonized with
colonization. Contrasting results have been reported during an
MDR-A. baumannii at hospital/ward admission and
outbreak investigation, where the majority of ICU patients
perform screening and pre-emptive CP (moderate level of
harbouring CRKP did not develop clinical disease during their
hospitalization [125].
A recent clinical epidemiological investigation quantified the
sensitivity of perianal/rectal surveillance cultures in detecting
MDR-GNB bacteria and identified factors associated with
The Role of Active Screening Cultures to
false-negative surveillance culture results [147]. In this study,
Prevent Spread
the sensitivity of perianal/rectal surveillance swabs for detect-
ing MDR-GNB colonization was 78%. The percentage was
Active screening culture allows the early identification of higher than that reported in other studies, which ranged from
patients with colonization due to MDR-GNB at hospital 42% to 69% when only colonization of the rectal site

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CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 11

with non-Acinetobacter MDR-GN species was considered In a study assessing the sensitivity of various anatomical
[148,149]. sites for detecting baseline colonization with MDR-GNB,
Since PCR-based approaches for screening of MDR-GNB are surveillance cultures from six different sites (groin, perirectal
still at an early stage, culture-based methodologies for screening area, finger webs, forehead, axillae, toe webs) were per-
are the most reliable option and remain the most favourable in formed. The groin was the most sensitive site with the highest
terms of capacity and costs. Techniques using conventional negative predictive value for detecting MDR-GNB coloniza-
bacterial culture methods on agar plates for screening individ- tion, including MDR-A. baumannii and ESBL-producing K. pneu-
uals for MDR-GNB are well-established. Adequate samples are moniae. The perirectal area had the second highest sensitivity
usually rectal swabs, urine or respiratory secretions. HICPAC/ overall and was the most sensitive anatomic site for detecting
CDC guidelines recommend taking ASC for MDR-GNB from ESBL-producing E. coli. Sampling of both perirectal and groin
areas of skin breakdown and draining wounds and, if a areas resulted in an increase of the overall sensitivity to 95%
respiratory tract reservoir is suspected, from endotracheal [151]. In another study, patients with recent clinical isolation
tube aspirates or sputum. The Association for Professionals in (≤10 days) of MDR-A. baumannii and those with remote
Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) guide for the clinical isolation (≥6 months), were compared to determine
control of MDR-A. baumannii suggests culturing multiple patient optimal surveillance sampling sites. Screening for carriage was
sites including the nose, throat, axilla, groin, rectum, open conducted from six sites: nostrils, pharynx, skin, rectum,
wounds and/or tracheal aspirates (available from http://www. wounds and endotracheal aspirates. Screening cultures yielded MDR-A. baumannii from 55% (12/22) of patients with recent
890b-f652d116ba56/file/apic-ab-guide.pdf). Inoculation of the clinical isolation, resulting in a sensitivity of 55% when six body
sample on non-selective media (Columbia Agar with 5% Sheep sites were sampled. Sensitivities of single sites ranged from
Blood; COS; BD, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA) should be used as 13.5% to 29%, indicating that the sensitivity of surveillance
growth and internal quality control. For ESBL detection, cultures is low, even when six different body sites were
inoculation on selective media (e.g. ESBL AgarchromIDTM Agar; sampled [152].
ESBL (bioMerieux, Marcy l’Etoile, France); Brilliance ESBL agar It is important to underline that the effects of ASC are
from Oxoid (Basingstoke, UK) and media containing 1 mg/L of related to the level of compliance to the intervention. As one
cefotaxime or 4 mg/L of ceftazidime) may be used. MacConkey would expect, use of audit cycles (sometimes termed process
agar supplemented with 1 mg/L of imipenem may be used for surveillance) to ensure that interventions are being performed
the detection of carbapenamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae. correctly predict the chances of success. Before implementing
The incubation period is a maximum of 48 h under aerobic ASC it is also important to clearly define which IPC
conditions at 36°C. Only samples with concomitant growth on interventions need to be applied in patients found to be
COS are considered ‘valid’ (note that this applies only to positive and in others while awaiting screening results. The
samples where growth of standard flora is expected, e.g. rectal introduction of the screening per se cannot be considered an
swabs). Specimens should be identified and tested for antimi- infection control measure. Careful planning should be elabo-
crobial susceptibility in a standardized way, e.g. according to the rated together with the hospital laboratory considering, among
European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing other factors, local turnaround time and cost-effectiveness.
(EUCAST). Automated techniques may facilitate microbial Specific plans should be defined in case of isolation of CRE.
identification (e.g. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry) and anti- When identifying a previously unrecognized CRE, a point preva-
microbial susceptibility testing (e.g. Vitek2, BD PhoenixTM, BD). lence survey in high-risk areas should be performed. If CRE are
The cost-effectiveness of these methods in different epidemi- detected from clinical cultures or from the point prevalence
ological setting needs to be further defined. survey, active surveillance testing of patients with epidemiological
The frequency of screening is another key point for the links to a patient with CRE infection should be conducted
implementation of ASC, but no consensus exists on the (available from:
optimal timing and interval. ASC should be continued weekly tions/110913_Risk_assessment_resistant_CPE.pdf).
until no cases of colonization or infection, suggesting ongoing Despite the increasing clinical relevance of MDR-GNB
cross-transmission, are identified [6]. A significant problem is colonization among hospitalized patients and beneficial previ-
also related to the lack of specific information related to the ous experiences with the control of MDR-Gram-positive
duration of colonization. Snyder et al. reported that the bacteria, the question as to whether and when ASC should be
median duration of MDR-GNB colonization was 144 days performed to identify MDR-GNB colonized patients is still
(range, 41–349 days) ranging from 121 days in Proteus spp. to hotly debated. As yet, no internationally agreed guidelines have
178 days in E. coli [150]. clearly defined how to organize and implement ASC for the

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12 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

detection of colonization with MDR-GNB at hospital admis- MDR-A. baumannii. ASC enabled earlier detection of coloni-
sion, although all advocate targeted screening of high-risk zation in 25% of these carriers, saving 1–6 days before the
patients in endemic or outbreak settings. detection from a clinical sample [156]. Ben-David et al.
In recent years hospitals in many countries have experi- described a hospital-wide outbreak of CRE that was controlled
enced increases in the rates of patients colonized by only after implementing an intervention that included the use
MDR-GNB at hospital admission. In a 6-year survey (1995– of rectal screening at admission and then weekly thereafter, in
2000) in a French surgical ICU, the rates of ESBL-producing addition to the measures taken in accordance with the national
Enterobacteriaceae colonization or infection were 0.4 new infection control programme [125]. Notably, 52% of patients
cases per 100 admissions [136]. A study investigating coloni- were identified by use of ASC initially and 39% of CPs were
zation with A. baumannii reported that 58% of ASC collected applied based on results of ASCs [125]. In an ICU department
from newly admitted patients in an ICU with an endemic in a hospital in Belgium in which routine screening (on the day
situation were positive for MDR-A. baumannii [153]. of admission and biweekly) and CP failed to prevent and
Observational studies have identified risk factors for interrupt an outbreak of ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae,
colonization due to MDR-GNB at hospital admission. These reinforced infection control measures, including daily screen-
include: recent antibiotic usage, residency or recent travel in a ing, controlled the outbreak without major disruption of
country with high incidence of MDR-GNB, hospitalization in a medical care [123].
healthcare facility where MDR-GNB are endemic, advanced
age, dialysis and residency in long-term care facilities or nursing Recommendations
homes ([154], 23rd European Congress of Clinical Microbiol-
ogy and Infectious Diseases, abstract eP 697). Epidemic setting
To try to clarify the impact of ASC in controlling the spread Strong recommendation: Implement a programme of active
of MDR-GNB within hospitalized patients, Harris et al. screening culture at hospital admission followed by
suggested two key variables to be determined locally: (i) contact precautions to reduce the spread of extended-
organism-specific proportion of antibiotic resistance attribut- spectrum b-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae,
able to antibiotic usage and (ii) organism-specific attributable multidrug-resistant (MDR)-Klebsiella pneumoniae,
fraction due to patient-to-patient transmission. Defining these MDR-Acinetobacter baumannii (moderate level of
parameters would imply that cost-effectiveness studies could evidence); and MDR-Pseudomonas aeruginosa (very low
be performed locally and used by hospital epidemiologists to level of evidence)
implement ASC accordingly [155]. However, as underlined by
the authors, at the moment no accurate estimates of these
parameters exist for any MDR-GNB in the non-outbreak
setting. Determining these two components becomes even ASC in endemic setting
more difficult where there is a community reservoir or A 3-year prospective, controlled, quasi-experimental study in
frequent inter-hospital transfers or re-admissions of colonized achieving the control of the spread of MDR-A. baumannii
patients requiring their thorough epidemiological tracking and infection and colonization was conducted in an endemic setting
molecular typing of strains and determination of antimicrobial and supported the utility of ASCs [157]. Following an increase
resistance elements. in the rate of MDR-A. baumannii infection and colonization in
ICUs and a coronary care unit, a multifaceted intervention
ASC in an epidemic setting lasting 24 months, was introduced. The bundle included: (i)
Several studies have provided examples of the efficacy of the implementation of enhanced CP; (ii) ASCs for MDR-A. bau-
ASC included in a multifaceted strategy in outbreak settings. mannii (comprising tracheal aspirates and rectal swabs, on
Enoch et al. [156] described the ineffectiveness of an approach admission and then weekly; (iii) cohorting patients with
that did not include identification of carriers with ASC in MDR-A. baumannii, and (iv) enhanced environmental cleaning.
controlling an outbreak of MDR-A. baumannii that occurred in Twenty-four months after the introduction of the multifaceted
2006 in a British teaching hospital. In a second phase, a partial strategy, the rate of colonization had decreased by 76%. As
ward closure with strict physical segregation of patients and several interventions were made simultaneously, it is impos-
barrier nursing along with the use of ASC (3 days a week) sible to establish which measure was the most effective [157].
were introduced and these measures were effective in A further verification of the efficacy of the use of ASCs in
containing the outbreak. In the participating ICU, almost 5% endemic settings was provided by Rodriguez-Bano et al. A
of screened patients were found to be colonized with multifaceted control programme to reduce MDR-A. baumannii

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CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 13

transmission included measures to improve adherence to HH, adequately and this may underestimate its importance.
CP and ASC at hospital admission and weekly, implementation Although environmental screening has been performed to
of environmental cleaning, and regular staff meetings. The control outbreaks, its role remains contentious and the
bundle resulted in a sustained decrease in the rate of methodology has not been standardized [160]. Unexpected
colonization and infection and of bacteraemia due to environmental reservoirs can sometimes be identified, sug-
MDR-A. baumannii [81]. gesting that environmental screening should be considered,
In contrast, Barbolla et al. reported that the introduction of especially when control is not accomplished using basic IPC
ASC did not decrease cross-transmission of carbapenem-resis- practices [134].
tant A. baumannii (CRAB) in endemic setting. In this study It is widely believed that coliforms and Pseudomonas cannot
oropharyngeal, axillary and rectal swabs were collected from survive for long periods of time in dry healthcare environ-
all newly admitted ICU patients at admission and then weekly. ments and so do not pose as much of a threat as their more
CPs were applied in colonized and infected patients with no robust Gram-positive counterparts [161], although there are
effect on the rate of MDR-GNB colonization [153]. studies suggesting that the survival of coliforms and P. aeru-
The results of interventions are also related to the type of ginosa on dry surfaces might be longer than previously thought
microorganism. A retrospective study, with pre- and post-in- [162]. Acinetobacter baumannii can be recovered from the
terventional phases, was carried out by Kochar et al. [122]. In hospital environment with ease, including inanimate hand-
the first period, CP for MDR-GNB-colonized or -infected touch sites near the patient [163]. Seeding clinical and
patients and ASC for CRAB at admission and weekly were environmental strains onto Formica surfaces demonstrated
introduced. In the second phase, ASC included the identifica- survival of between 1 and 2 weeks, although some strains are
tion of CRKP and CR-P. aeruginosa (CRPA). Interestingly, the known to survive for much longer [164]. While Acinetobacter is
number of patients with CRAB or CRPA did not significantly known to survive in surface dust for months, organisms such
differ in the two study periods, whereas there was a marked as E. coli, Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp. and Serratia spp., have
decrease in the number of patients with CRKP during the not generally demonstrated resilience to desiccation. How-
second period. Possible explanations for the lack of effect of ever, recent reports suggest that GNB may actually display
ASC for P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii are either that these greater survival properties than Gram-positive organisms
bacteria frequently colonize the respiratory tract, which was [162]. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp. and Pseudomonas spp. have
not included in their screening strategy, or that the patients all been shown to survive for more than a year under certain
were not efficient reservoirs for those microorganisms [122]. conditions, Serratia marcescens for up to 2 months and
Acinetobacter spp. for up to 5 months [162]. Pseudomonas can
After evaluation of the evidence the authors of these survive on a dry floor for 5 weeks but little is known about
guidelines agreed that the implementation of ASC should be Burkholderia and Stenotrophomonas persistence in the health-
suggested only as an additional measure and not included in the care environment other than a predilection for biofilm lining
basic measures to control the spread of MDR-GNB in the sink traps and other plumbing components. In contrast, MRSA
endemic setting. has been shown to survive for a year in hospital dust, the
spores of C. difficile for 5 months and vancomycin-resistant
enterococci for 4 months [162,165]. Environmental screening
The Role of the Environmental Cleaning to
has recovered GNB from a variety of hospital surfaces. GNB
Prevent Spread
have also been identified on general surfaces such as floors,
shelves and ledges; curtains, linen, towels and clothes;
Surface level cleanliness in healthcare environments has been mattresses and beds; furniture; computers, telephones and
shown to be important for controlling HAIs caused by all items of clinical equipment [161,166–169]. Some pathogens,
Gram-positive microorganisms such as methicillin-resistant notably Pseudomonas spp., can survive well in damp places such
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant as sinks, showers and baths. Dust-loving A. baumannii settles
enterococci and Clostridium difficile [158]. Studies that demon- on rarely cleaned and/or inaccessible surfaces such as shelves,
strate the impact of cleaning alone for controlling GNB highly-placed equipment and computer keyboards; whereas
microorganisms other than Acinetobacter spp., however, are coliforms such as Klebsiella and Serratia favour buckets, bowls,
lacking, although environmental cleaning is often mentioned as mops and liquids over dry surfaces [161,170].
part of an overall infection control package in response to an A recent study examined a range of sites near patients
outbreak [158,159]. In many poorly controlled endemic known to be usually colonised by GNB [168]. Of nearly 2000
situations, the healthcare environment has never been studied sites sampled, only about 5% demonstrated the presence of

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14 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

isolates indistinguishable to those from the patient whose ate cleaning. Auditing surfaces and equipment on a ward can
environment was sampled [168]. Organisms identified included establish what is handled, how often it is handled and who has
Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, E. coli, Enterobacter, cleaning responsibility. The results of these audits provide
Acinetobacter, Serratia and Klebsiella spp. Sites more likely to basic information for manipulation of cleaning schedules,
host GNB included linen, gowns and nightwear; bedside tables, although cleaning responsibilities and resources for any extra
bed rails and chairs; floors and door handles; infusion pumps cleaning hours require robust managerial support. There are
and respirators; and bathroom sites such as urinals, shower alternative methods of environmental assessment, notably
fittings, sinks and toilet seats. cleaning inspections; education; monitoring and feedback, all of
Another study used standardized sampling methodology for which encourage enhanced performance by housekeepers.
ten hand-touch and general sites in different wards of a Placing invisible fluorescent markers at key sites for later
teaching hospital and confirmed that 5% of environmental sites inspection and feedback for domestic staff has also been shown
were positive for GNB [171]. Coliforms, Pseudomonas spp. and to improve overall cleaning compliance, along with reduction
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia were more often recovered from of key hospital pathogens. Use of ATP monitoring demon-
‘wet’ sites such as sinks and baths, although there was a strates pronounced effect on cleaners when they received
difference between the recovery rate of coliforms and concomitant educational guidance. Direct observation and
pseudomonads from sinks on different wards. Very few supervision of staff as they clean also demonstrates reductions
coliforms were isolated from ICU sinks, as opposed to sinks of important hospital pathogens on high-risk surfaces [158].
on medical wards, and pseudomonads were isolated more Organisms from water outlets have the potential to
frequently from ICU sinks than those on the medical wards. colonize and infect patients despite the lack of evidence for
The authors attributed this to the frequent dispensing of specific transmission pathways. Outbreaks of P. aeruginosa and
disinfectants into the ICU sinks by staff engaged in hand Stenotrophomonas maltophilia have been traced to tap filters and
disinfection, particularly products containing chlorhexidine and aerators, sink traps and drains, usually hosting adherent
alcohol. All environmental GNB recovered from the ICU biofilms [174]. Sinks form a reservoir for many different
environment were significantly more resistant to antibiotics GNB [170,174–181]. Biofilms also build up in sink traps
than those from the medical wards. The study concluded that underneath the outlet. This complex living deposit on internal
antibiotic consumption is associated with resistance profiles of plumbing surfaces hosts and protects a multitude of water-lov-
organisms on floors and other surfaces within a defined local ing organisms, some of which pose a threat to nearby
environment such as a hospital ward [171]. debilitated patients. In addition, bacteria within biofilms may
Previous room occupancy by a GNB-colonized or GNB-in- display greater capacity for antimicrobial resistance and can
fected patient has been shown to be a risk for acquisition of tolerate chlorine and other disinfectants [182]. Biofilm-forming
GNB [135]. There are several different methods for assessing K. pneumoniae strains are also more likely to produce ESBLs
both the efficacy of cleaning and the extent of environmental [183].
contamination in the hospital environment. Although more It is not known to what extent sink usage for HH, etc.
evidence for cleaning in control of HAI including MDR-GNB is encourages sink contamination or aerosolization from back-
still needed, it is generally agreed that maintaining a clean splash, but investigation of pathogens from sinks, surrounding
environment provides a fundamental basis for all hygienic surfaces and patient isolates have demonstrated indistinguish-
measures in preventing infection [158]. GNB can survive on able strains [170,174,175]. Disinfection using chlorinated
hospital surfaces and studies have demonstrated strains that products, without disruption of biofilm, only offers limited
are indistinguishable from both environmental reservoirs and control; a comprehensive cleaning initiative is required to
patients [172]. Given the potential role of cleaning in the physically remove the biofilm lining the surfaces of affected
control of MDR-GNB, therefore, methods for assessing plumbing components [174,184]. These are often difficult to
cleanliness are needed, both for scientific studies and to access and require close collaboration between personnel with
reassure staff and patients. Such methods can be defined within hospital engineering and construction expertise.
two main categories: process evaluation, where the cleaning Detergent-based cleaning might remove microbes, but will
process is monitored by visual inspection or with a fluorescent not necessarily kill them [10]. Disinfectants are more effective
gel marker; and outcome evaluation, where cleanliness is at killing pathogens than detergents but some hospital
evaluated with the use of ATP bioluminescence systems or pathogens can resist the bactericidal effect of particular agents
microbial cultures [173]. due to a number of resistance mechanisms [185,186]. Potential
Either fluorescent markers or kits for measuring organic cross-resistance between biocides and antimicrobial agents
soil have confirmed that many high-risk sites escape appropri- should also be considered. No one single process will remove

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CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 15

all relevant microbial soil from the hospital, despite innovative yielded the epidemic strain. This study also demonstrated a
products containing both detergent and disinfectant products. significant association between the amount of environmental
There is substantial uncertainty regarding the impact of use of contamination and patient colonization. The conclusion was
specific disinfectants in the hospital environment, because that high standards of cleaning play an integral role in
laboratory testing does not necessarily predict what actually controlling outbreaks of Acinetobacter in the ICU.
happens on hospital surfaces. Physical removal may be as Acinetobacter can also be a persistent problem for burn
effective as using disinfectants for controlling environmental patients [212]. Following an increase in Acinetobacter infection
microbes. MDR-Serratia marcescens can survive in chlorhexi- rates among paediatric burns patients, an environmental
dine and Stenotrophomonas spp. have been linked with deion- screening programme recovered the organism from various
ized water used for diluting ‘Savlon’TM concentrates containing surfaces in the patients’ rooms including the plastic covers
chlorhexidine (1–5%) and cetrimide (15%) [186]. Spray clean- shielding the bedside computer keyboards. IPC measures that
ing fluids can also become contaminated with GNB, including included donning of gloves before using computers and
Enterobacter cloacae, Acinetobacter, Klebsiella and Pseudomonas thorough disinfection of these plastic covers effectively
spp. [187,188]. Eight out of ten samples from alcohol-contain- terminated the outbreak [212].
ing cleaning fluids in daily hospital use were contaminated with Although environmental cleaning interventions have been
various GNB (mainly Pseudomonas spp.) [188]. Failure to clean performed mainly to control outbreaks due to MDR-A. bau-
the spray containers properly on a daily basis meant that mannii—albeit with controversial results—the literature also
domestic staff were effectively spraying the hospital floors with includes reports of outbreaks of coliforms, pseudomonads
a culture of Pseudomonas spp. Cleaning equipment may also and Stenotrophomonas spp. traced to discrete pieces of
become contaminated with hospital pathogens and disperse equipment, environmental sites or possibly specific cleaning
these into the hospital environment [161,189,190]. practice failures [151,161]. Identification and eradication of
Innovative forms of cleaning and decontamination methods the reservoir appeared to terminate the various outbreaks
for the healthcare environment are constantly appearing [158]. caused by a wide range of MDR-GNB [170,174–
These have an impact on all environmental pathogens, 181,189,213,214]. The interventions have been many and
including spore-forming bacilli, but robust evidence supporting some involved the introduction or changing of a cleaning
their use for the control of MDR-GNB is lacking. There are regimen or complete removal of one or more suspected
novel disinfectants such as electrolysed water, and automated items of equipment.
systems dispelling steam, hydrogen peroxide, ozone and
different types of UV light. Studies to evaluate the impact of Recommendations
antimicrobial surfaces, such as steel, copper, silver and
nano-silver particles combined with light-activated titanium Epidemic setting
dioxide have demonstrated equivocal results on environmental Strong recommendation: Monitor cleaning performance to
contamination [191–196]. However, traditional cleaning meth- ensure consistent environmental cleaning (EC). Vacate
ods should not be relaxed or abandoned even if new cleaning units for intensive cleaning. Implement regular EC
systems are introduced as problems have occurred with some procedures and, when available, dedicate non-critical
of the methods mentioned [191,197–208]. medical items for use on individual patients colonized or
infected with extended-spectrum b-lactamase
EC in epidemic setting Enterobacteriaceae and multidrug-resistant-Acinetobacter
The best evidence for cleaning is found in the studies on the baumannii (moderate level of evidence)
prevention or control of outbreaks of Acinetobacter spp. [209–
211]. One study provided a strong indication for the role of
cleaning during an outbreak caused by MDR-A. baumannii
involving more than 30 patients in two ICUs [209]. ICU EC in endemic setting
environmental contamination was recognized as an important There is little evidence for the role of cleaning for controlling
reservoir for this epidemic strain. The outbreak ceased only MDR-GNB in situations other than those of outbreaks
after the ICUs were closed for complete cleaning and [215,216]. Staff working in an 11-bed ICU received an educa-
disinfection. Another study examined the levels of environ- tional intervention to improve HH and EC [217]. This resulted in
mental contamination with A. baumannii in a neurosurgical ICU a decrease in the number of patients colonized with ESBL-En-
during a prolonged outbreak [163]. As with MRSA and terobacteriaceae from 70% during a 3-month pre-intervention
C. difficile, there were many near-patient hand-touch sites that period to 40% during a post-intervention period. This study was

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16 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

uncontrolled, however, comprised two interventions, and it is separate points in a 10-year time period at the Minneapolis
possible that the initial high proportion of colonized patients Veterans Affairs Medical Center [224]. A retrospective review
actually represented an underlying outbreak [217]. of this 10-year period revealed a significant decline in the rate
Interventions including EC and removal of potentially of gentamicin resistance among GNB following each substitu-
contaminated equipment as components of a bundle of IPC tion.
practices were performed in endemic settings for MDR-A. bau- More recently, Ntagiopoulos et al. investigated the influ-
mannii [212,214], ESBL-producing GNB [213] and ence of an antibiotic policy programme based on the
MDR-K. pneumoniae [179] but with different results. Following restriction of the empirical use of fluoroquinolones and
the identification of a CRKP in a district general hospital in the ceftazidime on the susceptibilities of GNB in a general ICU in
UK, cleaning of the ward using a chlorine-based agent was Greece. After a 24-month period of protocol application,
carried out and patient-related items were cleaned at least consumption of both restricted antibiotics and antibiotics in
once a day by nursing staff [218]. Enhanced cleaning was only general were reduced by 92% and 55%, respectively. Suscep-
part of the overall infection control package, however, along tibilities to ciprofloxacin of the three predominant infec-
with the use of a urinary catheter care bundle; patient note tion-causing GNB increased significantly. No differences were
tagging; HH emphasis; and CP for patient cases. observed in overall mortality and type of infections between
colonizing and infecting strains [225].
Recommendations In another study from Turkey, a nationwide antibiotic
restriction programme was evaluated for its effect on antibi-
Endemic setting otic consumption, antimicrobial resistance and costs. The data
Strong recommendation: Implement regular environmental obtained from four university hospitals, and one referral
cleaning (EC) procedures and, when available, dedicate tertiary-care educational state hospital were included in the
non-critical medical items for use on individual patients analysis. Antimicrobial resistance profiles of 14 233 selected
colonized or infected with multidrug-resistant- microorganisms causing bacteraemia and antibiotic consump-
Acinetobacter baumannii (moderate level of evidence) tion were analysed, retrospectively. A negative correlation was
observed between ceftriaxone consumption and the preva-
lence of ceftriaxone-resistant E. coli and Klebsiella spp. The
decreased usage of carbapenems was correlated with
The Role of Antimicrobial Stewardship to
decreased CRPA and CRAB [226].
Prevent Spread
Interesting studies on the impact of an ABS programme on
antimicrobial resistance were those performed to reduce the
Numerous papers have demonstrated that previous morbidity of C. difficile diarrhoea. In a study by Malani et al.
antimicrobial drug exposure is a strong risk factor for [227] in which there was a review of 510 antimicrobial orders,
colonization and infection due to drug-resistant bacteria implementation of an ABS programme was associated with a
[219–222]. Fluoroquinolones and third-generation cephalo- 50% reduction in the likelihood of developing C. difficile
sporins have often been implicated in promoting the spread of infection, and with a 25.4% drop in defined daily doses of
MDR-bacteria [220–222], although, the direct association the target antimicrobials. There is also increasing evidence to
between antibiotic therapy and the acquisition of antibi- suggest that appropriate antibiotic use can decrease the
otic-resistant bacteria is still unclear. The studies are often incidence of MDR-GNB [228,229], even though data are
confounded by scarce data on antibiotic usage and differ controversial [230].
according to microorganism, dosage, drug combinations, There are different approaches to the control and limiting of
timing of exposure and setting. A recent Cochrane systematic antibiotics consumption in hospitalized patients. Antibiotic
review showed that interventions to reduce excessive restriction, i.e. the requirement for approval of the antibiotic
antibiotic prescribing to hospital inpatients can reduce from an infectious diseases specialist might be one of the most
antimicrobial resistance or hospital-acquired infections and effective control methods [231,232]. A variety of such use-jus-
interventions to increase effective prescribing can improve tification approaches have been designed to improve antibiotic
clinical outcome [223]. use. These have included telephone approval from an infectious
One of the earlier illustrations of the efficacy of antibiotic diseases specialist, automatic stop orders, and antibiotic order
intervention is the work by Gerding et al. who, to address high forms that require justification for the prescribed drug after
rates of gentamicin resistance among GNB, substituted dispensing from the pharmacy. At the Indiana University Medical
amikacin for gentamicin in the hospital formulary at two Center a prior approval programme resulted in decreased

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CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 17

enterococcal and GNB bacteraemia as well as fewer infections the most common clinically isolated GNB. The authors
due to Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and MRSA [233]. reported a significant improvement in susceptibility of
Kollef et al. [234] studied the effects of a scheduled change P. aeruginosa to imipenem (18% per year) and gentamicin
in empiric antibiotic coverage of suspected GNB infection (12% per year) compared with the pre-intervention trend.
from ceftazidime to ciprofloxacin in 680 patients who had Significant changes in the rates of gentamicin and ciproflox-
undergone cardiac surgery during two 6-month periods. The acin susceptibility were also observed in the inducible
study revealed a significant reduction of 42% in the incidence Enterobacteriaceae group, although these were less clinically
of ventilator-associated pneumonia, presumably as the result significant [243].
of a significant reduction in pneumonia caused by MDR-GNB. One of the major issues when planning an intervention to
Additionally Kollef et al. were able to demonstrate improved reduce inappropriate usage of antibiotics within healthcare
antibiotic susceptibility profiles for Gram-negative isolates facilities is that clinical studies have often been limited by
(49% resistant before intervention versus 20% after) but did selection biases, small sample sizes, limitation to single
not demonstrate a difference in crude mortality (5% versus institutions, inadequate pre-observation and post-observation
8%) or mortality attributed to ventilator-associated pneumonia datum points, and failure to deal with confounders. As pointed
caused by MDR-GNB [234]. out by McGowan and Tenover, studies that demonstrate
Antibiotic cycling or rotating (i.e. the scheduled alternation improved susceptibilities following a reduction in antibiotic use
of various classes of antibiotics) has been described as an should be confirmed through multicentre prospective trials
important strategy for decreasing resistance. The goal of that adjust for common confounding factors, especially
antibiotic cycling or rotation is a sustainable decline or heightened IPC efforts and biases [244].
stabilization in antimicrobial resistance through successive, The aforementioned strategies can be incorporated into
prospective alterations in antibiotic selection pressures that comprehensive programmes, designed to optimize antimicro-
prevent the selection of specific resistance traits and hence, bial therapy, to improve patient outcomes, ensure cost-effec-
organisms. Indeed, cycling of antibiotics in high-risk units can tive therapy and reduce the adverse effects associated with
successfully modify resistance patterns and the concept of antimicrobial use, including antimicrobial resistance. However,
cycling is theoretically compelling [235,236]. Its usefulness, a few studies included in their outcomes the evaluation of the
however, may be limited because of concerns about practical impact of an ABS programme on the resistance rate levels.
applicability and the durability of resistance genes [237,238]. When ABS is implemented in response to the emergence of
Important unresolved issues include determining the superi- resistance in a facility, in a multifaceted intervention, it is
ority of site-specific versus organism-specific rotation strat- difficult to determine exactly what resulted in the decrease in
egies, optimal duration of rotation periods, types of the emergence of resistance.
antibiotics used and in what order, and analysis of the
transmissibility of resistance elements in the various clones ABS in epidemic setting
on the units. Additional issues relate to whether rotation A broad programme of restriction of selected antibiotics was
could be effective also in units with low rates of resistance implemented at a large urban teaching hospital in Houston,
and if it is possible to measure the ‘optimal density of Texas, USA after an outbreak of a highly resistant A. bau-
antibiotic use’ (i.e. number of doses/patient admissions or mannii [245]. Prior authorization from the Infectious Disease
days) that could be used to guide formulation of rotation Service was required before orders for amikacin, ceftazidime,
strategies [239]. ciprofloxacin and ticarcillin/clavulanate were filled by the
The implementation of antibiotic guidelines or protocols pharmacy. Ceftriaxone use was not restricted and its use
has been shown to be a formal means of achieving the goals increased. As a result of the restriction programme, suscep-
of appropriate antibiotic use, limiting unnecessary antibiotic tibility rates to all b-lactam and quinolone antibiotics
use and, as a result, improving antibiotic susceptibility increased, with the greatest improvements seen in the areas
profiles [240]. Computer software has the potential to of highest use. It is not clear why ceftriaxone susceptibility
assist in the appropriate choice of antibiotics. Although improved despite its increased use. A computerized pro-
computerized decision-support systems are not available at gramme to restrict third-generation cephalosporin use was
many institutions, they should be considered as a paradigm introduced for a period of 9 months in a 750-bed university
for the design of other computer-based interventions hospital in Korea where a sudden hospital-wide increase of
[241,242]. In an Australian ICU the impact of the imple- ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae was detected. This system
mentation of a computerized antibiotic decision support was automatically stopped the prescription of these antibiotics if
assessed over a 7-year period on the resistance patterns of an infectious disease specialist did not approve the prescrip-

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18 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

tion. Third-generation cephalosporin use decreased signifi- with a decrease in the rate of cephalosporin-resistant
cantly whereas use of carbapenems and b-lactam/b-lactamase Klebsiella species by 44% [249,250] and a 69% increase in
inhibitors increased from pre-intervention to intervention imipenem resistance among P. aeruginosa. Under these
periods. The proportion of ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae circumstances, an open formulary could have prevented the
isolates increased significantly from 8.1% in the pre-interven- dominant use of a single class of antibiotics and the
tion period to 32.0% of intervention, and then decreased emergence of resistance to that class, a phenomenon dubbed
again to 20.6% during a further 9 months of post-interven- ‘squeezing the resistance balloon’ by Burke [251]. Rahal et al.
tion. Interestingly, no significant increase in the proportion of concluded that antibiotic formulary restriction may positively
imipenem and piperacillin-tazobactam resistance among affect antimicrobial susceptibility patterns, but alone it may
P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii was observed. The most also decrease the heterogeneity of antibiotic use and,
important limitation of the study was the lack of consistency consequently, enhance resistance. The investigators, there-
in assessing the cause–effect relationship between antibiotic fore, postulated later that ‘the resistance balloon can and
restriction and resistance proportions due to the statistical should be squeezed at multiple sites’ [252].
model (before–after study instead of interrupted time series)
and lack of adjustment for confounders [246].

Recommendations Endemic setting

Strong recommendation: Implement an antimicrobial
Epidemic setting
stewardship programme to reduce the spread of
Strong recommendation: Implement an antimicrobial extended-spectrum b-lactamase-producing Enterobac-
stewardship programme. Plan interventions of restriction teriaceae (moderate level of evidence)
of antibiotic usage to reduce the spread of extended-
spectrum b-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae
(moderate level of evidence)
The Role of Decolonization and Topical
Chlorhexidine to Reduce Spread
ABS in endemic setting
Lautenbach et al. [247], in a study performed at two hospitals Decolonization regimens have been extensively studied in
within the University of Pennsylvania Health System, patients colonized with MRSA while only a few clinical trials
observed that the association between previous quinolone focused on ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae [24,136,253–
use and fluoroquinolone-resistant E. coli colonization varied 255]. Recently the first randomized, placebo-controlled
significantly by study year, suggesting that the clinical clinical trial has been conducted in Switzerland to evaluate
epidemiology of resistant organisms may have changed over the efficacy of a systematic ESBL-producing Enterobacteria-
time. No substantive changes were reported in the antimi- ceae eradication strategy including colistin sulphate (50 mg
crobial formulary or IPC protocols in the two study hospitals four times daily) and neomycin sulphate (250 mg four times
during the investigation. A 5-year quasi-experimental study daily) for 10 days plus nitrofurantoin (100 mg three times
was conducted in two hospitals to examine variations across daily) for 5 days. Among 54 patients included in the primary
hospitals in the response to antimicrobial interventions (i.e. analysis, there was no statistically significant difference
restriction of ceftazidime and ceftriaxone) designed to curb between the groups with regard to the detection of
the spread of ESBL-producing E. coli and K. pneumoniae. After ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae by rectal swab 28+7 days
the interventions, the prevalence of ESBL-producing bacteria after the end of treatment. The regimen temporarily
decreased by different degrees in the two centres. The effect suppressed ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae carriage, but
of antimicrobial formulary interventions seemed to vary had no long-term effect.
substantially across institutions, perhaps as a result of Saidel-Odes et al. performed a randomized placebo-con-
differences in patient populations. The results suggest vari- trolled trial using oral gentamicin and polymyxin E gel (0.5 g
ability in the epidemiological profiles of ESBL-positive isolates four times daily) plus oral solutions of gentamicin (80 mg four
at different hospitals [247]. A time-series analysis showed a times daily) and polymyxin E (1 9 106 units four times daily)
temporal relationship between antimicrobial use and resis- for 7 days to eradicate CRKP oropharyngeal and gastrointes-
tance [248]. Restriction of cephalosporins was associated tinal carriage. The percentages of rectal cultures that were

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CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 19

negative for CRKP were significantly reduced at 2 weeks

The Role of Infrastructure and Education to
(16.1% in the placebo arm versus 61.1% in the decolonization
Reduce the Spread
arm; OR = 0.13; 95% CI, 0.02–0.74) while the reduction at
week 6 (33.3% versus 58.5%) was not significant [256].
Available evidence does not enable the authors of these A few papers included improvement of infrastructure in a
guidelines to provide recommendations on the usage of multifaceted approach to reduce the spread of MDR-GNB.
decolonization protocols to limit the spread of MDR-GNB The most interesting example was reported from Israel
among hospitalized patients. Further studies are needed to where the authors controlled a national outbreak of
define the microbiological target, patient populations, and risk MDR-K. pneumoniae with a multifaceted approach including
of development of resistance. contact isolation measures and placement of patients carrying
Chlorhexidine gluconate is an antiseptic agent with broad CRE in self-contained nursing units staffed by dedicated
antimicrobial activity. Daily bathing of patients with nurses, and isolation of known carriers at subsequent
chlorhexidine has been used to decrease the burden of hospitalization. Importantly, mandatory reporting to public
VRE on patients’ skin, HCWs’ hands and environmental health authorities of every CRE patient and mandatory
surfaces, and observational studies have demonstrated isolation of those hospitalized were introduced. Furthermore,
decreased risks for MRSA acquisition associated with routine compliance with isolation measures was monitored through-
cleansing of ICU patients with chlorhexidine [257]. Two out the country by a central authority. Finally a Task Force
recently published cluster-randomized studies assessed the on Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control was
impact of strategies involving daily cleansing of ICU patients created that reported directly to the Ministry of Health
with 2% chlorhexidine gluconate-impregnated bathing cloths Deputy Director-General. The task force was invested with
[258,259]. Although both studies demonstrated a significant the statutory authority to intervene as necessary to contain
reduction in ICU-associated bloodstream infection rates the outbreak [127]. Although limited evidence was available
associated with universal chlorhexidine cleansing, Climo et al. for such a generalization, the authors conclude that admin-
did not find a statistically significant impact on bloodstream istrative support, including economic and human resources,
infections due to GNB and Huang et al. did not specifically was essential to prevent and control MDR-GNB at a global
assess Gram-negative bloodstream infection risk [258,259]. level.
Although chlorhexidine bathing has also been used as a Public health resources should support the initiation of IPC
strategy to prevent acquisition of MDR-GNB in both the interventions within hospitals. An IPC infrastructure should
endemic and outbreak settings, the few studies that have include environmental personnel, such as estates, domestic
evaluated the impact of chlorhexidine bathing on MDR-GNB and janitorial representatives. National health programmes
have been single-centre, observational studies, and often should include a specific economic plan to support hospitals
include other simultaneously implemented interventions with high-endemic MDR-GNB, providing resources for ade-
aimed at preventing MDR-GNB transmission. One study quate staffing and training. The local application of IPC
assessed the impact of daily bathing of patients admitted to a measures should be supported by management of the health-
trauma centre’s ICU with 2% chlorhexidine gluco- care facility by providing administrative and financial resources
nate-impregnated bathing cloths, and found a non-statistically (World Health Organization. Available at
significant decrease in risk for colonization with A. baumannii csr/resources/publications/WHO_HSE_EPR_2009_1/en/).
[260]. Daily bathing with 2% chlorhexidine has also been Education becomes even more important as a key core
used as one component of successful bundled interventions component to help reduce the transmission of MDR-GNB in
used to control outbreaks of CRKP in long-term acute care endemic or epidemic settings. There have been many inter-
hospitals and ICUs [261,262]. ventions to reinforce HCWs’ knowledge of the importance of
Reduced susceptibility to chlorhexidine has been reported IPC in outbreak settings. These have included educational
among GNB [263], so sustained use of topical chlorhexidine as programmes ranging from local-unit to hospital-wide training
a strategy to limit transmission of MDR-GNB should ideally be and from a few modules to daily staff meetings. Regular
accompanied by surveillance for the emergence of chlorhex- education meetings held every 2–4 weeks with physicians,
idine resistance over time. nurses, physical therapists and students working in affected
Available evidence does not enable the authors to derive areas were part of an effective bundle used to control endemic
strong recommendations for the wide application of chlorh- A. baumannii in one study [81]. Diverse groups of practitioners
exidine in hospitalized patients colonized or infected with and professionals, i.e. doctors, nurses, respiratory technicians,
MDR-GNB. pharmacists and environmental service personnel need to be

ª2013 The Authors

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20 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

educated on core components of infection prevention and the differentiated into: ‘basic’ practices recommended for all
pivotal role that these play in preventing transmission of acute-care facilities, and ‘additional special approaches’ to be
MDR-GNB. In a study conducted in a mixed ICU of an considered when there is still clinical and/or epidemiological
American 300-bed tertiary-care hospital, meetings were held and/or molecular evidence of ongoing transmission regard-
with the infection control and nursing staff to encourage strict less of the application of these basic measures. Hospitals
adherence to the ICP measures, including rectal surveillance should consider adopting one or more of these additional
cultures, extensive EC and cohorting patients and staff. The measures according to the local epidemiology and patients’
combined intervention was effective in reducing the incidence comorbidities.
of endemic CRKP [122]. During an outbreak of ESBL-produc- The evidence on basic practices was extracted from
ing K. pneumoniae, every day meetings between the ICU and literature that had mainly reported the control of hospital
infection control teams were held to reinforce infarction spread of MDR-GNB in ‘endemic’ situations, whereas the
control measures previously failing to control the epidemic. evidence for the additional measures was mainly taken from
This intervention included in a multifaceted approach con- ‘outbreak’ control reports. Recommendations are presented
trolled the outbreak in 50 days [123]. according to endemic and epidemic situations (see Table 1
Inter-professional education should facilitate learning new for definitions), as literature differed in strategies shown to
practices together in a team setting, increasing likelihood of be effective, according to the situation and are also
uptake of the new practice behaviours, and greater under- presented, where possible, by MDR-GNB type. When the
standing of team member roles. In particular, evidence- evidence was derived from studies not providing results by
based interventions, combined with adaptive strategies and type of microorganism, the level of evidence and recom-
behaviour change management processes, could help the mendations are provided referring to MDR-GNB. The level
healthcare team to produce state-of-the-art infection preven- of evidence (very low/low/moderate/strong) and strength of
tion practices. recommendation (conditional/strong) are defined according
to the GRADE approach (available from: http://www.grade-
Recommendations Where the level of evidence and
recommendations are not provided it means that no
Epidemic setting scientific evidence was available.
Strong recommendation: Conduct educational Tables 2 and 3 illustrate the GRADE approach and specific
programmes to ensure that healthcare workers definitions for determinants of quality and evidence that were
understand why extended-spectrum b-lactamase- applied to extract the final recommendation. The cumulative
Enterobacteriaceae are important epidemiologically, why level of the evidence stratified by microorganisms and type of
prevention of spread is critical for control, and which intervention is shown in Tables 4–9.
measures for preventing spread have proven to be
effective (moderate level of evidence)
Endemic setting The authors would like to point out that the revision of
Strong recommendation: Conduct educational evidence clearly shows ‘grey’ areas where studies with
programmes to ensure that healthcare workers appropriate design are urgently needed: CP for high-risk
understand why multidrug-resistant-Acinetobacter patients (i.e. haematological or ICU patients) colonized or
baumannii is important epidemiologically, why prevention infected with ESBL-producing E. coli, cohorting of patients
of spread is critical for control, and which measures for and staff, and ABS programme. The authors also underline
preventing spread have proven to be effective (moderate that since the current review was not able to produce
level of evidence) specific indications stratified by patients’ risk, because of
the lack of evidence, the application of these guidelines to
high-risk patients, e.g. ICU patients, burn patients, or
haematological patients, should be carefully locally evalu-
ated according to ecology and patients’ comorbidities.

Recommendations are presented according to epidemio-

logical setting (endemic versus epidemic situations) and

ª2013 The Authors

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CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 21

TABLE 4. Quality of studies by intervention. Basic measures to reduce the spread of multidrug-resistant
(MDR)-Klebsiella pneumoniae and extended-spectrum b-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae in
hospitalized adult patients: recommended for all acute-care facilities in endemic setting
Microorganism MDR-K. pneumoniae ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae

Quality of studies [ref.] Overall Quality of studies [ref.]

Very of Very Overall quality
Intervention Moderate Low low evidence Moderate Low low of evidence

Hand hygiene 2 [122,265] – – Moderate 2 [137,266] 1 [267] – Moderate

Education 1 [122] – – Moderate 1 [266] 1 [267] – Moderate
Contact 2 [122,265] – – Moderate 3 [136,137,266] 1 [267] – Moderate
Isolation room 1 [265] – – Moderate 1 [137] 1 [267] – Moderate
Environmental 2 [122,265] – – Moderate 1 [137] – – Moderate
Antimicrobial 1 [268] 1 [269] – Moderate 4 [136,268,270,271] 2 [267,272] 1 [273] Moderate

TABLE 5. Quality of studies by intervention. Basic measures to reduce the spread of multidrug-resistant (MDR)-Aci-
netobacter baumannii and MDR-Pseudomonas aeruginosa in hospitalized adult patients: recommended for all acute-care
facilities in endemic setting
Microorganism MDR-A. baumannii MDR-P. aeruginosa

Quality of studies Overall Quality of studies Overall

quality quality
Very of Very of
Intervention Moderate Low low evidence Moderate Low low evidence

Hand hygiene 4 [81,122,153,157] 1 [274] – Moderate 2 [122,275] 1 [274] – Moderate

Education 4 [81,122,153,157] 1 [274] – Moderate 1 [122] 1 [274] – Moderate
Contact precautions 4 [81,122,153,157] – – Moderate 1 [122] – – Moderate
Isolation room 1 [81] – – Moderate – – – Insufficient
Environmental 4 [81,122,153,157] – – Moderate 1 [122] – – Moderate
Antimicrobial 1 [268] 2 [269,272] – Moderate 2 [268,275] 2 [269,272] – Moderate

TABLE 6. Quality of studies by intervention. Basic measures to reduce the spread of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
and Burkholderia cepacia in hospitalized adult patients: recommended for all acute-care facilities in endemic setting
Microorganism S. maltophilia B. cepacia

Quality of studies Quality of studies

Overall quality Overall quality
Intervention Moderate Low Very low of evidence Moderate Low Very low of evidence

Hand hygiene – – – Insufficient – – – Insufficient

Education – – – Insufficient – – – Insufficient
Contact precautions – – – Insufficient – – – Insufficient
Isolation room – – – Insufficient – – – Insufficient
Environmental cleaning – – – Insufficient – – – Insufficient
Antimicrobial stewardship – 1 [272] – Low – – – Insufficient

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55

ª2013 The Authors

TABLE 7. Quality of studies by intervention. Basic and additional measures to reduce the spread of multidrug-resistant (MDR)-Klebsiella pneumoniae and
extended-spectrum b-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae in hospitalized adult patients: recommended for all acute-care facilities in
epidemic setting
Microorganism MDR-K. pneumoniae ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae

Quality of studies Quality of studies Overall

Overall quality qualityof
Intervention Moderate Low Very low of evidence Moderate Low Very low evidence

Hand hygiene – – 3 [276–278] Very low 3 [123,124,279] 5 [48,280–283] 3 [62,217,284] Moderate

Education 1 [126] 2 [285,286] 2 [277,278] Moderate 3 [123,124,279] 5 [48,128,281,282,288] 1 [217] Moderate
Active surveillance cultures 2 [125,126] 2 [286,287] 2 [277,278] Moderate 2 [123,124] 5 [48,128,264,280,281] 1 [217] Moderate
Healthcare workers screening – – – Insufficient – 2 [128,280] 1 [62] Low
Contact precautions 3 [125–127] 3 [285–287] 3 [276–278] Moderate 3 [123,124,279] 6 [48,128,264,281–283] 3 [62,217,284] Moderate
Isolation room 2 [126,127] 3 [285–287] 1 [278] Moderate 3 [123,124,279] 4 [128,280,281,283] 2 [62,284] Moderate
Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014

Pre-emptive CP/alert code 3 [125–127] – 1 [278] Moderate 2 [123,124] 2 [280,281] – Moderate

Cohort patients 2 [126,127] 1 [285] 2 [277,278] Moderate 1 [123] 5 [48,128,281–283] – Moderate
Cohort staff 2 [126,127] 2 [285,287] 2 [277,278] Moderate 1 [123] 1 [128] – Moderate
Environmental cleaning 1 [126] 1 [285] 1 [278] Moderate 2 [123,279] 6 [48,128,264,280,281,283] 2 [217,284] Moderate

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
Environmental screening – 1 [285] – Low 1 [279] 3 [48,264,280] 1 [62] Moderate
Antimicrobial stewardship – – 3 [276–278] Very low 2 [123,246] 3 [281,282,288] 1 [284] Moderate
CP, contact precautions.

14690691, 2014, s1, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [23/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

TABLE 8. Quality of studies by intervention. Basic and additional measures to reduce the spread of multidrug-resistant (MDR)-Acinetobacter baumannii
and MDR-Pseudomonas aeruginosa in hospitalized adult patients: recommended for all acute-care facilities in epidemic setting
Microorganism MDR-A. baumannii MDR-P. aeruginosa
Quality of studies Overall Quality of studies Overall
quality of quality of
Intervention Moderate Low Very low evidence Moderate Low Very low evidence

Hand hygiene 1 [289] 9 [129,131,134, 10 [130,295–303] Moderate – 2 [304,305] 3 [306–308] Very low
Education 2 [289,309] 7 [129,131,134, 4 [297,299,302,310] Moderate – – 2 [306,307] Very low
Active surveillance 1 [309] 6 [129,131,156, 2 [141,298] Moderate – – 2 [306,308] Very low
cultures 292,294,311]
Healthcare workers – 5 [129,131,214, 6 [297–299,301, Very low – – – Insufficient
screening 290,294] 302,310]
Contact precautions 2 [289,309] 11 [129,131,134,1 12 [130,141,295–303, Moderate – 2 [304,305] 3 [307,312,313] Very low
Tacconelli et al.

56,214,290–294,311] 310]
Isolation room – 9 [129,131,156, 7 [141,296–301] Low 1 [314] – 4 [306,307,312,313] Low
Pre-emptive CP/alert – – – Insufficient – – 1 [313] Very low
Cohort patients – 5 [156,290,292–294] 6 [130,141,299, Low – – 1 [307] Very low
Cohort staff – 5 [156,290–292,294] 4 [130,141,301,303] Low – – 1 [306] Very low
Environmental 1 [289] 11 [129,131,134,156, 10 [130,295, Moderate 1 [314] 2 [304,305] 2 [306,307] Moderate
cleaning 214,290–294,311] 297–303,310]
Environmental 2 [289,309] 10 [129,131,134,156, 10 [141,295–299, Moderate 1 [314] 2 [304,305] 4 [306,307,312,313] Low
screening 214,290–292,294,311] 301–303,310]
Antimicrobial 1 [289] 2 [214,290] 3 [130,141,297] Moderate – – 3 [306,308,312] Very low
CP, contact precautions.
Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
ª2013 The Authors

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24 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

TABLE 9. Quality of studies by intervention. Basic and additional measures to reduce the spread of Stenotroph-
omonas maltophilia and Burkholderia cepacia in hospitalized adult patients: recommended for all acute-care
facilities in epidemic setting
Microorganism S. maltophilia B. cepacia
Quality of studies Overall Quality of studies
quality Overall
Very of quality of
Intervention Moderate Low low evidence Moderate Low Very low evidence

Hand hygiene 1 [315] – – Moderate – 1 [316] 2 [317,318] Very low

Education 1 [315] – – Moderate – 1 [88] 1 [318] Very low
Active surveillance cultures – – – Insufficient – – 1 [319] Very low
Healthcare workers – – – Insufficient – – – Insufficient
Contact precautions 1 [315] – – Moderate – 2 [88,320] 1 [317] Low
Isolation room – – – Insufficient – – – Insufficient
Pre-emptive CP/alert code – – – Insufficient – – – Insufficient
Cohort patients – – – Insufficient – 1 [316] – Low
Cohort staff – – – Insufficient – – – Insufficient
Environmental cleaning 1 [315] – – Moderate – 1 [320] 4 [317–319,321] Very low
Environmental screening 1 [315] – – Moderate – 3 [88,316,320] 4 [317–319,321] Very low
Antimicrobial stewardship – – – Insufficient – – – Insufficient

CP, contact precautions.

Basic recommendations in endemic situation: ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae

Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Hand hygiene Moderate Strong Implement HH education programmes to reduce the

(HH) transmission of ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae. HCWs
should be encouraged to perform HH with an
alcohol-based hand rub before and after all patient
contacts. Soap and water hand washing is required
when hands are visibly soiled, e.g. with body fluids or
excretions. Monitoring of HH compliance and feedback
to HCWs should be performed to achieve greater
compliance. Detailed indications on how to monitor
and improve HH compliance are provided by the WHO
guidelines (level of recommendation ranked as IA–IB)
(available from:
9789241597906/en/). The use of artificial nails should
be prohibited.

Contact Moderate Strong Implement CP for all colonized patient encounters, in all
precautions hospital settings, so as to reduce the risk of acquisition.
(CP) (with the HCWs caring for patients colonized or infected with
exception of ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae should wear gloves and
Escherichia coli)1 gowns before entering the room and should remove

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
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CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 25

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

these promptly after care and then perform HH. There

should be audit of adherence to CP to ensure that
interventions are being correctly performed to increase
the chances of success. There is no evidence available
to provide recommendation on when to discontinue
CP and for, or against the implementation of droplet
precautions when entering the room of patients
receiving CP.

Alert code Moderate Conditional Use alert code to identify promptly patients already
(previous known as colonized at, hospital/ward admission and
positive) and perform screening and pre-emptive CP. Implement
pre- emptive CP pre-emptive CP for patients admitted from ICU or
(with the other wards with cases of ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae
exception of already detected.
E. coli)1

Isolation room Moderate Conditional Isolate colonized and infected patients in a single room
(with the to reduce the risk of acquisition of ESBL+
exception of Enterobacteriaceae. The implementation of isolation
E. coli)1 room should include monitoring for possible
deleterious effects, such as clinical complications due to
the reduction in contacts with doctors and nurses,
decreases in the quality of life, and possible
psychological adverse effects.

Education Moderate Conditional Conduct educational programmes to ensure that HCWs

understand why ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae are
important epidemiologically, why prevention of spread
is critical for control, and which measures for
preventing spread have proven to be effective. Ensure
regular multidisciplinary meetings to implement
interventions, to review adherence audit and to report
local data and feedback to all HCWs and other relevant

Environmental Moderate Conditional Implement regular EC procedures, which include

cleaning (EC) detergents or disinfectants, depending on local practice
in order to reduce the transmission rate. Ensure
cleaning of patient care equipment and the
environment. When available, dedicate non-critical
medical items for use on individual patients colonized
or infected with ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae. Shared
equipment should be disinfected between use on
different patients.

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
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26 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Antimicrobial Moderate Strong Implement an ABS programme. Consider interventions

stewardship that limit the use of specific antimicrobial agents based
(ABS) on the patients’ comorbidities.

Infection NA There is no evidence available to provide

prevention and recommendations for, or against, the intervention.
control (IPC) However, the authors suggest provision of
infrastructure administrative support, including economic and human
resources, to prevent and control
ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae transmission within the
healthcare facility. Use public health resources to
support the initiation of IPC interventions within
hospitals. An IPC infrastructure should include
environmental personnel, such as estates, domestic and
janitorial representatives.

ESBL, extended-spectrum b-lactamase; HCW, healthcare worker; MDR, multidrug-resistant; NA, not available. 1In high-risk
areas such as intensive-care units (ICU), burn units and haematological units there is no evidence in favour or against the
implementation of CP in patients colonized or infected with ESBL-producing Escherichia coli.

Basic recommendations in endemic situation: MDR-Klebsiella pneumoniae

Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Hand hygiene Moderate Strong Implement HH education programmes to reduce the

(HH) transmission of MDR-K. pneumoniae. HCWs should be
encouraged to perform HH with an alcohol-based hand
rub before and after all patient contacts. Soap and
water hand washing is required when hands are visibly
soiled, e.g. with body fluids or excretions. Monitoring of
HH compliance and feedback to HCWs should be
performed to achieve greater compliance. Detailed
indications on how to monitor and improve HH
compliance are provided by the WHO guidelines (level
of recommendation ranked as IA-IB) (available from:
en/). The use of artificial nails should be prohibited.

Contact Moderate Strong Implement CP for all colonized patient encounters, in all
precautions hospital settings, so as to reduce the risk of acquisition.
(CP) HCWs caring for patients colonized or infected with
MDR-K. pneumoniae should wear gloves and gowns
before entering the room and should remove these
promptly after care and then perform HH. There
should be audit of adherence to CP to ensure that
interventions are being correctly performed to increase
the chances of success. There is no evidence available

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
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CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 27

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

to provide recommendation on when to discontinue

CP and for, or against, the implementation of droplet
precautions when entering the room of patients
receiving CP.

Alert code Moderate Conditional Use alert code to identify promptly patients already
(previous known as colonized at hospital/ward admission and
positive) and perform screening and pre-emptive CP.
pre-emptive CP

Isolation room Moderate Strong Isolate colonized and infected patients in a single room to
reduce the risk of acquisition of MDR-K. pneumoniae.
The implementation of isolation room should include
monitoring for possible deleterious effects, such as
clinical complications due to the reduction in contacts
with doctors and nurses, decreases in the quality of life,
and possible psychological adverse effects.

Education Moderate Conditional Conduct educational programmes to ensure that HCWs

understand why MDR-K. pneumoniae is important
epidemiologically, why prevention of spread is critical
for control, and which measures for preventing spread
have proven to be effective. Ensure regular
multidisciplinary meetings to implement interventions,
to review adherence audit, to report local data and
feedback to all HCWs and other relevant staff.

Environmental Moderate Conditional Implement regular EC procedures, which include

cleaning (EC) detergents or disinfectants, depending on local practice
to reduce the transmission rate. Ensure cleaning of
patient care equipment and the environment. When
available, dedicate non-critical medical items for use on
individual patients colonized or infected with
MDR-K. pneumoniae. Shared equipment should be
disinfected between use on different patients.

Antimicrobial Moderate Conditional Implement an ABS programme. Consider interventions

stewardship that limit the use of specific antimicrobial agents based
(ABS) on patients’ case-mix.

Infection NA There is no evidence available to provide recommenda-

prevention and tions for, or against, the intervention. However, the
control (IPC) authors suggest provision of administrative support,
infrastructure including economic and human resources, to prevent
and control MDR-K. pneumoniae transmission within
the healthcare facility. Use public health resources to
support the initiation of IPC interventions within
hospitals. An IPC infrastructure should include

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
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28 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

environmental personnel, such as estates, domestic and

janitorial representatives.

HCW, healthcare worker; MDR, multidrug-resistant; NA, not available.

Basic recommendations in endemic situation: MDR-Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Hand hygiene Moderate Strong Implement HH education programmes to reduce the

(HH) transmission of MDR-P. aeruginosa. HCWs should be
encouraged to perform HH with an alcohol-based hand
rub before and after all patient contacts. Soap and
water hand washing is required when hands are visibly
soiled, e.g. with body fluids or excretions. Monitoring of
HH compliance and feedback to HCWs should be
performed to achieve greater compliance. Detailed
indications on how to monitor and improve HH
compliance are provided by the WHO guidelines (level
of recommendation ranked as IA-IB) (available from:
en/). The use of artificial nails should be prohibited.

Contact Moderate Strong Implement CP for all colonized patient encounters, in all
precautions hospital settings, so as to reduce the risk of acquisition.
(CP) HCWs caring for patients colonized or infected with
MDR-P. aeruginosa should wear gloves and gowns
before entering the room and should remove these,
promptly after care and then perform HH. There
should be audit of adherence to CP to ensure that
interventions are being correctly performed to increase
the chances of success. There is no evidence available
to provide recommendations on when to discontinue
CP and for, or against, the implementation of droplet
precautions when entering the room of patients
receiving CP.

Alert code NA There is no evidence available to provide recommenda-

(previous tions for, or against, the intervention.
positive) and
pre-emptive CP

Isolation room NA Conditional Regardless of the availability of evidence specifically

related to P. aeruginosa, the authors of these guidelines
believed that there was sufficient evidence for the value
of an isolation room as demonstrated for other
microorganisms, including other MDR microorganisms,

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
14690691, 2014, s1, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [23/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 29

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

to also recommend this approach here until studies

show otherwise.

Education Moderate Conditional Conduct educational programmes to ensure that HCWs

understand why P. aeruginosa is important epidemio-
logically, why prevention of spread is critical for
control, and which measures for preventing spread
have proven to be effective. Ensure regular
multidisciplinary meetings to implement interventions,
to review adherence audit, to report local data and
feedback to all HCWs and other relevant staff.

Environmental Moderate Conditional Implement regular EC procedures, which include

cleaning (EC) detergents or disinfectants, depending on local practice
to reduce the transmission rate. Ensure cleaning of
patient care equipment and the environment. When
available, dedicate non-critical medical items for use on
individual patients colonized or infected with
MDR-P. aeruginosa. Shared equipment should be
disinfected between use on different patients.

Antimicrobial Moderate Conditional Implement an ABS programme. Consider interventions

stewardship that limit the use of specific antimicrobial agents based
(ABS) on patients’ case-mix.

Infection NA There is no evidence available to provide recommen-

prevention and dations for, or against, the intervention. However, the
control (IPC) authors suggest provision of administrative support,
infrastructure including economic and human resources, to prevent
and control MDR-P. aeruginosa transmission within the
healthcare facility. Use public health resources to
support the initiation of IPC interventions within
hospitals. An IPC infrastructure should include
environmental personnel such as estates, domestic and
janitorial representatives.

HCW, healthcare worker; MDR, multidrug-resistant; NA, not available.

Basic recommendations in endemic situation: MDR-Acinetobacter baumannii

Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Hand hygiene Moderate Strong Implement HH education programmes to reduce the

(HH) transmission of MDR-A. baumannii. HCWs should be
encouraged to perform HH with an alcohol-based hand
rub before and after all patient contacts. Soap and
water hand washing is required when hands are visibly
soiled, e.g. with body fluids or excretions. Monitoring of

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
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30 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

HH compliance and feedback to HCWs should be

performed to achieve greater compliance. Detailed
indications on how to monitor and improve HH
compliance are provided by the WHO guidelines (level
of recommendation ranked as IA-IB) (available from:
en/). The use of artificial nails should be prohibited.

Contact Moderate Strong Implement CP for all colonized patient encounters, in all
precautions hospital settings, so as to reduce the risk of acquisition.
(CP) HCWs caring for patients colonized or infected with
MDR-A. baumannii should wear gloves and gowns
before entering the room and should remove these
promptly after care and then perform HH. There
should be audit of adherence to CP to ensure that
interventions are being correctly performed to increase
the chances of success. There is no evidence available
to provide recommendations on when to discontinue
CP and for, or against, the implementation of the usage
of droplet precautions when entering the room of
patients receiving CP.

Alert code Moderate Strong Use alert code to identify promptly patients already
(previous known as colonized at hospital/ward admission and
positive) and perform screening and pre-emptive CP.
pre-emptive CP
Isolation room Moderate Strong Isolate colonized and infected patients in a single room to
reduce the risk of acquisition of MDR-A. baumannii. The
implementation of isolation room should include
monitoring for possible deleterious effects such as
clinical complications due to the reduction in contacts
with doctors and nurses, decreases in the quality of life,
and possible psychological adverse effects.

Education Moderate Strong Conduct educational programmes to ensure that HCWs

understand why MDR-A. baumannii is important
epidemiologically, why prevention of spread is critical
for control, and which measures for preventing spread
have proven to be effective. Ensure regular
multidisciplinary meetings to implement interventions,
to review adherence audit and to report local data and
feedback to all HCWs and other relevant staff.

Environmental Moderate Strong Implement regular EC procedures, which include

cleaning (EC) detergents or disinfectants, depending on local practice
to reduce the transmission rate. Ensure cleaning of
patient care equipment and the environment. When
available, dedicate non-critical medical items for use on

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
14690691, 2014, s1, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [23/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 31

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

individual patients colonized or infected with

MDR-A. baumannii. Shared equipment should be
disinfected between use on different patients.

Antimicrobial Moderate Conditional Implement an ABS programme. Consider interventions

stewardship that limit the use of specific antimicrobial agents based
(ABS) on patients’ case-mix.

Infection NA There is no evidence available to provide

prevention and recommendations for or against the intervention.
control (IPC) However, the authors suggest provision of
infrastructure administrative support, including economic and human
resources, to prevent and control MDR-A. baumannii
transmission within the healthcare facility. Use public
health resources to support the initiation of IPC
interventions within hospitals. An IPC infrastructure
should include environmental personnel, such as
estates, domestic and janitorial representatives.

HCW, healthcare worker; MDR, multidrug-resistant; NA, not available.

Basic recommendations in endemic situation: Burkholderia cepacia

There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or against, any intervention. However, regardless of the
availability of evidence specifically related to B. cepacia, the authors of these guidelines believed that there was sufficient
evidence for the value of effective HH as demonstrated for other microorganisms, including other MDR microorganisms, to
also recommend this approach here until studies show otherwise.

Basic recommendations in endemic situation: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Hand hygiene (HH) Insufficient Strong Regardless of the availability of evidence specifically related to
S. maltophilia, the authors of these guidelines believed that there
was sufficient evidence for the value of effective HH as
demonstrated for other microorganisms, including other MDR
microorganisms, to also recommend this approach here until
studies show otherwise. Implement HH education programmes
to reduce the transmission of S. maltophilia. HCWs should be
encouraged to perform HH with an alcohol-based hand rub
before and after all patient contacts. Soap and water hand
washing is required when hands are visibly soiled, e.g. with body
fluids or excretions. Monitoring of HH compliance and feedback
to HCWs should be performed to achieve greater compliance.
Detailed indications on how to monitor and improve HH
compliance are provided by the WHO guidelines (level of
recommendation ranked as IA-IB) (available from: http://www.

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
14690691, 2014, s1, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [23/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
32 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note The use of

artificial nails should be prohibited.

Contact precautions (CP) NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for,

or against, the intervention.

Isolation room NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for,

or against, the intervention.

Alert code (previous NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for,

positive) and or against, the intervention.
pre-emptive CP

Education NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for,

or against, the intervention.

Environmental cleaning NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for,

(EC) or against, the intervention.

Antimicrobial stewardship Low Conditional Implement an ABS programme. Consider interventions that limit
(ABS) the use of specific antimicrobial agents based on patients’

Infection prevention and NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for,

control (IPC) or against, the intervention. However, the authors suggest
infrastructure provision of administrative support, including economic and
human resources, to prevent and control S. maltophilia
transmission within the healthcare facility. Use public health
resources to support the initiation and support for IPC
interventions within hospitals. An IPC infrastructure should
include environmental personnel, such as estates, domestic and
janitorial representatives.

NA, not available.

Basic and additional specific approaches in outbreak situation: ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae

Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Hand hygiene (HH) Moderate Strong Implement HH education programmes to reduce the transmission
of ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae. HCWs should be encouraged to
perform HH with an alcohol-based hand rub before and after all
patient contacts. Soap and water hand washing is required when
hands are visibly soiled, e.g. with body fluids or excretions.
Monitoring of HH compliance and feedback to HCWs should be
performed to achieve greater compliance. Detailed indications on
how to monitor and improve HH compliance are provided by the
WHO guidelines (level of recommendation ranked as IA-IB)
(available from:
9789241597906/en/). The use of artificial nails should be

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
14690691, 2014, s1, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [23/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 33

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Active screening cultures Moderate Strong Implement a programme of ASC at hospital admission followed by
(ASC) CP to reduce the rate of colonization with ESBL+Enterobacteria-
ceae. Screening cultures should use stool samples or swab
samples from the rectum or perirectal area as well as samples
from the inguinal area and manipulated sites, e.g. catheters and
areas of broken skin such as wounds. The frequency of screening
cultures should be based on the local prevalence of the
microorganism, patient colonization risk, and the case mix of the
unit. Consider performing ASC at the time of hospital admission
for high-risk patients or for all patients in high-risk units such as
cancer or ICU wards, according to local incidence or prevalence
data. Admission, discharge and weekly patient screening might
also be considered to provide feedback to HCWs and to assess
the effectiveness of interventions. Periodic (e.g. weekly) ASC
might be performed for patients remaining in the hospital at high
risk for carriage of MDR-GNB because of ward type (ICU),
prolonged antibiotic(s) therapy, underlying disease, long duration
of stay, presence of devices and surgery. Before transferring
patients with ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae to other healthcare
facilities (acute and non-acute care) ensure communication of
ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae status.

Contact precautions (CP) Moderate Strong Implement CP for all colonized patient encounters, in all hospital
settings, so as to reduce the risk of acquisition. HCWs caring for
patients colonized or infected with ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae
should wear gloves and gowns before entering the room and
should remove these promptly after care and then perform HH.
There should be audit of adherence to CP to ensure that
interventions are being correctly performed to increase the
chances of success. Evidence for when to discontinue CP, in
patients colonized with ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae, is
heterogeneous and derives from two interventions implementing
CP during all hospitalization or until two negative cultures are
obtained. There is no evidence available to provide
recommendations for, or against, the implementation of droplet
precautions to enter the room of patients in CP.

Alert code (previous Moderate Strong Use alert code to identify promptly patients already known as
positive) and pre-emptive colonized at hospital/ward admission and perform screening and
CP pre-emptive CP. Implement pre-emptive CP for patients
admitted from ICU or wards with cases of
ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae already detected.

Cohort patients Moderate Conditional Cohort patients with the same ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae in
designated areas.

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
14690691, 2014, s1, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [23/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
34 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Cohort staff Moderate Conditional Cohort staff to reduce the risk of acquisition of

Isolation room Moderate Strong Isolate colonized and infected patients in a single room to reduce
the risk of acquisition. The implementation of isolation room
should include monitoring for possible deleterious adverse
effects such as clinical complications due to the reduction in
contacts with doctors and nurses, decreases in the quality of life,
and possible psychological adverse effects.

Education Moderate Strong Conduct educational programmes to ensure that HCWs

understand why ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae are important
epidemiologically, why prevention of spread is critical for control,
and which measures for preventing spread have proven to be
effective. Ensure regular multidisciplinary meetings to implement
interventions, to review adherence audit, to report local data and
feedback to all HCWs and other relevant staff.

Environmental cleaning Moderate Strong Monitor cleaning performance to ensure consistent EC. Vacate
(EC) units for intensive cleaning. Review use of disinfectant agents,
methods and meticulousness of cleaning, dilutions and contact
time of the hospital cleaning procedures. Implement EC
procedures with audit and feedback to reduce transmission of
ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae. Specify in protocols which items are
to be disinfected, which disinfectant to use, and how often items
need to be disinfected. Dedicate the use of non-critical
patient-care equipment to a single patient or cohort of patients
infected or colonized with ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae. Specific
protocols for the disinfection of endoscopes and respiratory
equipment should be implemented locally. Consider closure
of the ward or the unit to new admissions in order also to
facilitate cleaning until there is evidence of control of

Environmental screening Moderate Conditional Perform environmental sampling from surfaces (mattresses, beds,
bedside tables, tables, chairs, armchairs, washbasins, window sills)
that had been in contact with patients colonized or infected by

Antimicrobial stewardship Moderate Strong Plan interventions of restriction of antibiotic usage to reduce the
(ABS) spread of ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae.

Healthcare-workers Low Conditional Screen HCWs for ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae if they are

(HCWs) screening epidemiologically linked to a cluster of cases.

Chlorhexidine gluconate NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

for patient bathing against, the intervention.

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
14690691, 2014, s1, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [23/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 35

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Infection prevention and Moderate Conditional Provide administrative support, including economic and human
control (IPC) resources, to prevent and control ESBL+Enterobacteriaceae
infrastructure outbreak transmission.

ESBL, extended-spectrum b-lactamase; HCW, healthcare worker; MDR, multidrug-resistant; NA, not available.

Basic and additional specific approaches in outbreak situation: MDR-Klebsiella pneumoniae

Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Hand hygiene (HH) Very low Strong Regardless of the availability of very low level of evidence
specifically related to K. pneumoniae, the authors of these
guidelines believed that there was sufficient evidence for the
value of effective HH as demonstrated for other microorganisms,
including other MDR microorganisms, to also recommend this
approach here until studies show otherwise.

Implement HH education programmes to reduce the

transmission of MDR-K. pneumoniae. HCWs should be
encouraged to perform HH with an alcohol-based hand rub
before and after all patient contacts. Soap and water hand
washing is required when hands are visibly soiled, e.g. with body
fluids or excretions. Monitoring of HH compliance and feedback
to HCWs should be performed to achieve greater compliance.
Detailed indications on how to monitor and improve HH
compliance are provided by the WHO guidelines (level of
recommendation ranked as IA-IB) (available from: http://www. The use of
artificial nails should be prohibited.

Active screening cultures Moderate Strong Implement a programme of ASC at hospital admission followed by
(ASC) CP to reduce the rate of colonization with MDR-K. pneumoniae.
Screening cultures should use stool samples or swab samples
from the rectum or perirectal area as well as samples from the
inguinal area and manipulated sites, e.g. catheters and areas of
broken skin such as wounds. The frequency of screening cultures
should be based on the local prevalence of the microorganism,
patient colonization risk, and the case mix of the unit. Consider
performing ASC at the time of hospital admission for high-risk
patients or for all patients in high-risk units such as cancer or ICU
wards, according to local incidence or prevalence data.
Admission, discharge and weekly patient screening might also be
considered to provide feedback to HCWs and to assess the
effectiveness of interventions. Periodic (e.g.weekly) ASC might be
performed for patients remaining in the hospital at high risk for
carriage of MDR-GNB because of ward type (ICU), prolonged
antibiotic(s) therapy, underlying disease, long duration of stay,
presence of devices and surgery. Before transferring patients with

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
14690691, 2014, s1, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [23/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
36 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

MDR-K. pneumoniae to other healthcare facilities (acute and

non-acute care) ensure communication of MDR-K. pneumoniae
Contact precautions (CP) Moderate Strong Implement CP for all colonized patient encounters, in all hospital
settings, so as to reduce the risk of acquisition. HCWs caring for
patients colonized or infected with MDR-K. pneumoniae should
wear gloves and gowns before entering the room and should
remove these promptly after care and then perform HH. There
should be audit of adherence to CP to ensure that interventions
are being correctly performed to increase the chances of success.
Evidence of when to discontinue CP is available only from one
intervention where CP were maintained for the entire duration
of hospitalization. There is no evidence available to provide
recommendations for, or against, the usage of droplet
precautions to enter the room of patients in CP.

Alert code (previous Moderate Strong Use alert code to identify promptly patients already known as
positive) and pre-emptive colonized at hospital/ward admission and perform screening and
CP pre-emptive CP.

Cohort patients Moderate Conditional Cohort patients with the same MDR-K. pneumoniae in designated

Cohort staff Moderate Strong Cohort staff to reduce the risk of acquisition of MDR-K.
Isolation room Moderate Strong Isolate colonized and infected patients in a single room to reduce
the risk of acquisition. The implementation of isolation room
should include monitoring for possible adverse effects such as
clinical complications due to the reduction of contacts with
doctors and nurses, decreases in the quality of life, and possible
psychological adverse effects.
Education Moderate Conditional Conduct educational programmes to ensure that HCWs
understand why MDR-K. pneumoniae is important
epidemiologically, why prevention of spread is critical for control,
and which measures for preventing spread have proven to be
effective. Ensure regular multidisciplinary meetings to implement
interventions, to review adherence audit, to report local data and
feedback to all HCWs and other relevant staff.
Environmental cleaning Moderate Conditional Monitor cleaning performance to ensure consistent EC. Vacate units
(EC) for intensive cleaning. Review use of disinfectant agents, methods
and meticulousness of cleaning, dilutions, and contact time of the
hospital cleaning procedures. Implement EC procedures with audit
and feedback to reduce transmission of MDR-K. pneumoniae.
Specify in protocols which items are to be disinfected, which
disinfectant to use, and how often items need to be disinfected.
Dedicate the use of non-critical patient-care equipment to a single

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
14690691, 2014, s1, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [23/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 37

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

patient or cohort of patients infected or colonized with

MDR-K. pneumoniae. Specific protocols for the disinfection of
endoscopes and respiratory equipment should be implemented
locally. Consider closure of the ward or the unit to new admissions
in order also to facilitate cleaning until there is evidence of control
of transmission.

Environmental screening Low Conditional Perform environmental sampling and UV light surveillance of
surfaces (mattresses, beds, bedside tables, tables, chairs,
armchairs, washbasins, window sills) that have been in contact
with patients colonized or infected by MDR-K. pneumoniae.

Antimicrobial stewardship Very low Conditional Plan interventions of restriction of antibiotic usage to reduce the
(ABS) spread of MDR-K. pneumoniae.

Healthcare-workers NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

(HCWs) screening against, the intervention.

Chlorhexidine gluconate Low Conditional Bathing patients with chlorhexidine soap or chlorhexidine-
for patient bathing impregnated cloths may be useful as a part of a multifaceted
approach to reduce transmission of MDR-K. pneumoniae.

Infection prevention and Moderate Conditional Provide administrative support, including economic and human
control (IPC) resources, to prevent and control MDR-K. pneumoniae outbreak
infrastructure transmission.

HCW, healthcare worker; MDR, multidrug-resistant; NA: not available.

Basic and additional specific approaches in outbreak situation: MDR-Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Hand hygiene (HH) Very low Strong Regardless of the availability of a very low level of evidence
specifically related to P. aeruginosa, the authors of these
guidelines believed that there was sufficient evidence for the
value of effective HH as demonstrated for other microorganisms,
including other MDR microorganisms, to also recommend this
approach here until studies show otherwise.

Implement HH education programmes to reduce the

transmission of P. aeruginosa. HCWs should be encouraged to
perform HH with an alcohol-based hand rub before and after all
patient contacts. Soap and water hand washing is required when
hands are visibly soiled, e.g. with body fluids or excretions.
Monitoring of HH compliance and feedback to HCWs should be
performed to achieve greater compliance. Detailed indications on
how to monitor and improve HH compliance are provided by the
WHO guidelines (level of recommendation ranked as IA-IB)
(available from:
9789241597906/en/). The use of artificial nails should be

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
14690691, 2014, s1, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [23/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
38 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Active screening cultures Very low Strong Implement a programme of ASC at hospital admission followed by
(ASC) CP to reduce the rate of colonization with MDR-P. aeruginosa.
Regardless of the availability of a very low level of evidence
specifically related to P. aeruginosa, the authors of these
guidelines believed that there was sufficient evidence for the
value of effective ASC as demonstrated for other
microorganisms, including other MDR microorganisms, to also
recommend this approach here until studies show otherwise.

Screening cultures should use stool samples or swab samples

from the rectum or perirectal area as well as samples from the
inguinal area and manipulated sites, e.g. catheters and areas of
broken skin such as wounds. The frequency of screening cultures
should be based on the local prevalence of the microorganism,
patient colonization risk, and the case mix of the unit. Consider
performing ASC at the time of hospital admission for high-risk
patients or for all patients in high-risk units such as cancer or
ICU wards, according to local incidence or prevalence data.
Admission, discharge and weekly patient screening might also be
considered to provide feedback to HCWs and to assess the
effectiveness of interventions. Periodic (e.g. weekly) ASC might
be performed for patients remaining in the hospital at high risk
for carriage of MDR-P. aeruginosa because of ward type (ICU),
prolonged antibiotic(s) therapy, underlying disease, long duration
of stay, presence of devices and surgery. Before transferring
patients with MDR-P. aeruginosa to other healthcare facilities
(acute and non-acute care) ensure communication of
MDR-P. aeruginosa status.

Contact precautions (CP) Very low Strong Implement CP for all colonized patient encounters, in all hospital
settings, so as to reduce the risk of acquisition. HCWs caring for
patients colonized or infected with MDR-P. aeruginosa should
wear gloves and gowns before entering the room and should
remove these promptly after care and then perform HH. There
should be audit of adherence to CP to ensure that interventions
are being correctly performed to increase the chances of success.
Regardless of the availability of a very low level of evidence
specifically related to P. aeruginosa, the authors of these
guidelines believed that there was sufficient evidence for the
value of CP as demonstrated for other microorganisms, including
other MDR microorganisms, to also recommend this approach
here until studies show otherwise. There is no evidence available
to provide recommendations on when to discontinue CP and for,
or against, the implementation of the usage of droplet
precautions to enter the room of patients in CP.

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
14690691, 2014, s1, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [23/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 39

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Alert code (previous Very low Conditional Use alert code to identify promptly patients already known as
positive) and pre-emptive colonized at hospital/ward admission and perform screening and
CP pre-emptive CP.

Cohort patients Very low Conditional Cohort patients with the same MDR-P. aeruginosa in designated areas.
Cohort staff Very low Conditional Cohort staff to reduce the risk of acquisition of MDR-P. aeruginosa.

Isolation room Low Strong Isolate colonized and infected patients in a single room to reduce
the risk of acquisition. The implementation of isolation room
should include monitoring for possible adverse effects such as
clinical complications due to the reduction in contacts with
doctors and nurses, decreases in the quality of life, and possible
psychological adverse effects.

Education Very low Conditional Conduct educational programmes to ensure that HCWs
understand why MDR-P. aeruginosa is important
epidemiologically, why prevention of spread is critical for control,
and which measures for preventing spread have proven to be
effective. Ensure regular multidisciplinary meetings to implement
interventions, to review adherence audit, to report local data and
feedback to all HCWs and other relevant staff.

Environmental cleaning Moderate Conditional Monitor cleaning performance to ensure consistent EC. Vacate
(EC) units for intensive cleaning. Review use of disinfectant agents,
methods and meticulousness of cleaning, dilutions and contact
time of the hospital cleaning procedures. Implement EC
procedures with audit and feedback to reduce transmission of
MDR-P. aeruginosa. Specify in protocols which items are to be
disinfected, which disinfectant to use, and how often items need
to be disinfected. Dedicate the use of non-critical patient-care
equipment to a single patient or cohort of patients infected or
colonized with MDR-P. aeruginosa. Specific protocols for the
disinfection of endoscopes and respiratory equipment should be
implemented locally. Consider closure of the ward or the unit to
new admissions in order also to facilitate cleaning until there is
evidence of control of transmission.

Environmental screening Low Conditional Perform environmental samples from surfaces (mattresses, beds,
bedside tables, tables, chairs, armchairs, washbasins, window sills)
that have been in contact with patients colonized or infected by
MDR-P. aeruginosa.
Antimicrobial stewardship Very low Conditional Plan interventions of restriction of antibiotic usage to reduce the
(ABS) spread of MDR-P. aeruginosa.

Healthcare-workers NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

(HCWs) screening against, the intervention.

Chlorhexidine gluconate NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

for patient bathing against, the intervention.

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
14690691, 2014, s1, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [23/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
40 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Infection prevention and NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

control (IPC) against, the intervention. However, authors suggest provision of
infrastructure administrative support, including economic and human resources,
to prevent and control MDR-P. aeruginosa outbreak transmission.

HCW, healthcare worker; MDR, multidrug-resistant; NA: not available.

Basic and additional specific approaches in outbreak situation: MDR-Acinetobacter baumannii

Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Hand hygiene (HH) Moderate Strong Implement HH education programmes to reduce the transmission
of MDR-A. baumannii. HCWs should be encouraged to perform
HH withan alcohol-based hand rub before and after all patient
contacts. Soap and water hand washing is required when hands
are visibly soiled, e.g. with body fluids or excretions. Monitoring
of HH compliance and feedback to HCWs should be performed
to achieve greater compliance. Detailed indications on how to
monitor and improve HH compliance are provided by the WHO
guidelines (level of recommendation ranked as IA-IB) (available
The use of artificial nails should be prohibited.

Active screening cultures Moderate Strong Implement a programme of ASC at hospital admission followed by
(ASC) CP to reduce the rate of colonization with MDR-A. baumannii.
Screening cultures should use stool samples or swab samples
from the rectum or perirectal area as well as samples from the
inguinal area and manipulated sites, e.g. catheters and areas of
broken skin such as wounds. The frequency of screening cultures
should be based on the local prevalence of the microorganism,
patient colonization risk, and the case mix of the unit. Consider
performing ASC at the time of hospital admission for high-risk
patients or for all patients in high-risk units such as cancer or ICU
wards, according to local incidence or prevalence data.
Admission, discharge and weekly patient screening might also be
considered to provide feedback to HCWs and to assess the
effectiveness of interventions. Periodic (e.g. weekly) ASC might
be performed for patients remaining in the hospital at high risk
for carriage of MDR-A. baumannii because of ward type (ICU),
prolonged antibiotic(s) therapy, underlying disease, long duration
of stay, presence of devices and surgery. Before transferring
patients with MDR-A. baumannii to other healthcare facilities
(acute and non-acute care) ensure communication of
MDR-A. baumannii status.

Contact precautions (CP) Moderate Strong Implement CP for all colonized patient encounters, in all hospital
settings, so as to reduce the risk of acquisition. HCWs caring for

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
14690691, 2014, s1, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [23/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 41

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

patients colonized or infected with MDR-A. baumannii should

wear gloves and gowns before entering the room and should
remove these promptly after care and then perform HH. There
should be audit of adherence to CP to ensure that interventions
are being correctly performed to increase the chances of success.
Evidence of when to discontinue CP is very heterogeneous
(ranging from keeping CP throughout the hospitalization, to
discontinuing it after two or three negative cultures) and does
not allow provision of any specific recommendation. Consider
using droplet precautions to enter the room of colonized or
infected patients in ICU settings and for all aereosol-producing
procedures (low level of evidence; conditional recommendation).

Alert code (previous NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

positive) and pre-emptive against, the intervention.

Cohort patients Very low Conditional Cohort patients with the same MDR-A. baumannii in designated

Cohort staff Low Conditional Cohort staff to reduce the risk of acquisition of MDR-A. baumannii.

Isolation room Low Strong Isolate colonized and infected patients in a single room to reduce
the risk of acquisition. The implementation of isolation room
should include monitoring for possible adverse effects such as
clinical complications due to the reduction in contacts with
doctors and nurses, decreases of the quality of life, and possible
psychological adverse effects.

Education Moderate Conditional Conduct educational programmes to ensure that HCWs

understand why MDR-A. baumannii is important
epidemiologically, why prevention of spread is critical for control,
and which measures for preventing spread have proven to be
effective. Ensure regular multidisciplinary meetings to implement
interventions, to review adherence audit and to report local data
and feedback to all HCWs and other relevant staff.

Environmental cleaning Moderate Strong Monitor cleaning performance to ensure consistent EC. Vacate
(EC) units for intensive cleaning. Review use of disinfectant agents,
methods and meticulousness of cleaning, dilutions and contact
time of the hospital cleaning procedures. Implement EC
procedures with audit and feedback to reduce transmission of
MDR-A. baumannii. Specify in protocols which items are to be
disinfected, which disinfectant to use, and how often items need
to be disinfected. Dedicate the use of non-critical patient-care
equipment to a single patient or cohort of patients infected or
colonized with MDR-A. baumannii. Specific protocols for the
disinfection of endoscopes and respiratory equipment should be
implemented locally. Consider closure of the ward or the unit to

ª2013 The Authors

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42 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

new admissions in order also to facilitate cleaning until there is

evidence of control of transmission.

Environmental screening Moderate Conditional Perform environmental sampling from surfaces (mattresses, beds,
bedside tables, tables, chairs, armchairs, washbasins, window sills)
that have been in contact with patients colonized or infected by
MDR-A. baumannii.

Antimicrobial stewardship Moderate Conditional Plan interventions of restriction of antibiotic usage to reduce the
(ABS) spread of MDR-A. baumannii.

Healthcare-workers Very low Conditional Screen HCWs for MDR-A. baumannii if they are epidemiologically
(HCWs) screening linked to a cluster of cases.

Chlorhexidine gluconate NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

for patient bathing against, the intervention.

Infection prevention and Very low Conditional Provide administrative support, including economic and human
control (IPC) resources, to prevent and control MDR-A. baumannii outbreak
infrastructure transmission.

Basic and additional specific approaches in outbreak situation: Burkholderia cepacia

Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Hand hygiene (HH) Very Strong Regardless of the availability of very low level of evidence specifically
low related to B. cepacia, the authors of these guidelines believed that
there was sufficient evidence for the value of effective HH as
demonstrated for other microorganisms, including other MDR
microorganisms, to also recommend this approach here until
studies show otherwise.

Implement HH education programmes to reduce the transmission

of B. cepacia. HCWs should be encouraged to perform HH with
an alcohol-based hand rub before and after all patient contacts.
Soap and water hand washing is required when hands are visibly
soiled, e.g. with body fluids or excretions. Monitoring of HH
compliance and feedback to HCWs should be performed to
achieve greater compliance. Detailed indications on how to
monitor and improve HH compliance are provided by the WHO
guidelines (level of recommendation ranked as IA-IB) (available
The use of artificial nails should be prohibited.

Active screening cultures Very Conditional Implement a programme of ASC at hospital admission followed by
(ASC) low CP to reduce the rate of colonization with B. cepacia. Screening
cultures should use stool samples or swab samples from the
rectum or perirectal area as well as samples from the inguinal area
and manipulated sites, e.g. catheters and areas of broken skin such

ª2013 The Authors

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CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 43

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

as wounds. The frequency of screening cultures should be based

on the local prevalence of the microorganism, patient colonization
risk, and the case mix of the unit. Consider performing ASC at the
time of hospital admission for high-risk patients or for all patients
in high-risk units such as cancer or ICU wards, according to local
incidence or prevalence data. Admission, discharge and weekly
patient screening might also be considered to provide feedback to
HCWs and to assess the effectiveness of interventions. Periodic
(e.g. weekly) ASC might be performed for patients remaining in
the hospital at high risk for carriage of MDR-GNB because of
ward type (ICU), prolonged antibiotic(s) therapy, underlying
disease, long duration of stay, presence of devices and surgery.
Before transferring patients with B. cepacia to other healthcare
facilities (acute and non-acute care) ensure communication of
B. cepacia status.

Contact precautions (CP) Low Conditional Implement CP for all colonized patient encounters, in all hospital
settings, so as to reduce the risk of acquisition. HCWs caring for
patients colonized or infected with B. cepacia should wear gloves
and gowns before entering the room and should remove these
promptly after care and then perform HH. There should be audit
of adherence to CP to ensure that interventions are being
correctly performed to increase the chances of success. There is
no evidence available to provide recommendations on when to
discontinue CP and for, or against, the implementation of the
usage of droplet precautions to enter the room of patients in CP.

Alert code (previous NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

positive) and pre-emptive against, the intervention.

Cohort patients Low Conditional Cohort patients with B. cepacia in designated areas.

Cohort staff NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

against, the intervention.

Isolation room NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

against, the intervention.

Education Very Conditional Conduct educational programmes to ensure that HCWs

low understand why B. cepacia is important epidemiologically, why
prevention of spread is critical for control, and which measures
for preventing spread have proven to be effective. Ensure regular
multidisciplinary meetings to implement interventions, to review
adherence audit, to report local data and feedback to all HCWs
and other relevant staff.

Environmental cleaning Very Conditional Monitor cleaning performance to ensure consistent EC. Vacate
(EC) low units for intensive cleaning. Review use of disinfectant agents,
methods and meticulousness of cleaning, dilutions and contact

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
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44 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

time of the hospital cleaning procedures. Implement EC

procedures with audit and feedback to reduce transmission of
B. cepacia. Specify in protocols which items are to be disinfected,
which disinfectant to use, and how often items need to be
disinfected. Dedicate the use of non-critical patient-care
equipment to a single patient or cohort of patients infected or
colonized with B. cepacia. Specific protocols for the disinfection of
endoscopes and respiratory equipment should be implemented
locally. Consider closure of the ward or the unit to new
admissions in order also to facilitate cleaning until there is
evidence of control of transmission.

Environmental screening Very Conditional Perform environmental sampling from surfaces (mattresses, beds,
low bedside tables, tables, chairs, armchairs, washbasins, window sills)
that have been in contact with patients colonized or infected by
B. cepacia.

Antimicrobial stewardship NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

(ABS) against, the intervention.

Healthcare-workers NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

(HCWs) screening against, the intervention.

Chlorhexidine gluconate NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

for patient bathing against, the intervention.

Infection prevention and NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for,

control (IPC) or against, the intervention. However, authors suggest provision
infrastructure of administrative support, including economic and human
resources, to prevent and control B. cepacia outbreak

Basic and additional specific approaches in outbreak situation: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Hand hygiene (HH) Moderate Strong Implement HH education programmes to reduce the transmission
of S. maltophilia. HCWs should be encouraged to perform HH
with an alcohol-based hand rub before and after all patient
contacts. Soap and water hand washing is required when hands
are visibly soiled, e.g. with body fluids or excretions. Monitoring
of HH compliance and feedback to HCWs should be performed
to achieve greater compliance. Detailed indications on how to
monitor and improve HH compliance are provided by the WHO
guidelines (level of recommendation ranked as IA-IB) (available
The use of artificial nails should be prohibited.

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
14690691, 2014, s1, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [23/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 45

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Active screening cultures NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

(ASC) against, the intervention.

Contact precautions (CP) Moderate Conditional Implement CP for all colonized patient encounters, in all hospital
settings, so as to reduce the risk of acquisition. HCWs caring for
patients colonized or infected with S. maltophilia should wear
gloves and gowns before entering the room and should remove
these promptly after care and then perform HH. There should be
audit of adherence to CP to ensure that interventions are being
correctly performed to increase the chances of success. There is
no evidence available to provide recommendations on when to
discontinue CP and for, or against, the implementation of the
usage of droplet precautions to enter the room of patients in CP.

Alert code (previous NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

positive) and pre-emptive against, the intervention.

Cohort patients NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

against, the intervention.

Cohort staff NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

against, the intervention.

Isolation room NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

against, the intervention.

Education Moderate Conditional Conduct educational programmes to ensure that HCWs

understand why S. maltophilia is important epidemiologically, why
prevention of spread is critical for control, and which measures
for preventing spread have proven to be effective. Ensure regular
multidisciplinary meetings to implement interventions, to review
adherence audit, to report local data and feedback to all HCWs
and other relevant staff.

Environmental cleaning Moderate Conditional Monitor cleaning performance to ensure consistent EC. Vacate
(EC) units for intensive cleaning. Review use of disinfectant agents,
methods and meticulousness of cleaning, dilutions and contact
time of the hospital cleaning procedures. Implement EC
procedures with audit and feedback to reduce transmission of
S. malthopilia. Specify in protocols which items are to be
disinfected, which disinfectant to use, and how often items need
to be disinfected. Dedicate the use of non-critical patient-care
equipment to a single patient or cohort of patients infected or
colonized with S. maltophilia. Specific protocols for the
disinfection of endoscopes and respiratory equipment should be
implemented locally. Consider closure of the ward or the unit to
new admissions in order also to facilitate cleaning until there is
evidence of control of transmission.

ª2013 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2013 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 20 (Suppl. 1), 1–55
14690691, 2014, s1, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [23/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
46 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 20 Supplement 1, January 2014 CMI

1 (Continued)
Intervention Evidence Recommendation Note

Environmental screening Moderate Conditional Perform environmental sampling from surfaces (mattresses, beds,
bedside tables, tables, chairs, armchairs, washbasins, window sills)
that have been in contact with patients colonized or infected by
S. maltophilia.

Antimicrobial stewardship NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

(ABS) against, the intervention.

Healthcare-workers NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

(HCWs) screening against, the intervention.

Chlorhexidine gluconate NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

for patient bathing against, the intervention.

Infection prevention and NA There is no evidence available to provide recommendations for, or

control (IPC) against, the intervention. However, the authors suggest provision
infrastructure of administrative support, including economic and human
resources, to prevent and control S. maltophilia outbreak

HCW, healthcare worker; MDR, multidrug-resistant; NA: not available.

Universita Cattolica, Rome, Italy, the German Center for

Approaches in Case of Transmission Control
Infectious Research (DZIF), Durata, Waters, Novartis, Pfizer
and the European Commission under the Life Science Health
Priority of the 7th Framework Program. BC has received
If control of transmission is not achieved by following the financial support for research activities from the English
recommended measures, ward closure should be considered Department of Health, Healthcare Infection Society, European
and additional epidemiological investigations should be per- Centre for Disease Control, Ecolab, CareFusion, Sanofi Pasteur
formed, including searches for unusual environmental reser- and Novartis and the European Commission under the Life
voirs which have epidemiological links to cases or may be using Science Health Priority of the 7th Framework Program. SD has
atypical transmission mechanisms. received lecture fees from Pfizer and conference funding from
Janssen-Cilag, Novartis; MF has received lecture fees from
Pfizer, Novartis, MSD, and Astellas Pharma. AP has received
financial support for research activities from the European
Commission under the Life Science Health Priority of the 7th
The authors express their great gratitude to the Guideline Framework Program, Becton & Dickinson, Pfizer and speaker
Committee of the Society of Hospital Epidemiology of America or advisory board fees from Jannssen and Pfizer. NP has
(SHEA) for their thoughtful comments and constructive review received fees as a speaker for Novartis, MSD, Carefusion,
of the recommendations. The expert panel wishes to express Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and as a member of the scientific
its gratitude to Prof. Yehuda Carmeli, Tel Aviv Medical Center, board for Pfizer, MSD, Carefusion. JRB received funding for
Israel for his helpful advice and to Dr Nico Mutters for his research from Spanish Network for Research in Infectious
attentive assistance in editing the manuscript. Diseases (REIPI), Instituto de Salud Carlos III co-financed by the
European Development Regional Fund “A way to achieve
Europe” ERDF, Spanish Network for the Research in Infectious
Transparency Declaration
Diseases, Consejerıa de Innovación, Junta de Andalucı́a, and
Novartis. JRB has been a consultant for Sanofi Pasteur, Roche,
ET has received financial support for research activities from Merck and Astellas, Pfizer, and Merck. MAC, GDA, UF, GK, NS,
the Italian Department of Culture, University and Research, MV, DSY declare no conflicts of interest.

ª2013 The Authors

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CMI Tacconelli et al. Guidelines to reduce the hospital spread of MDR-GNB 47

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