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Saint Gabriel The Confessor and Fool For Christ 1995

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Saint Gabriel the Confessor and Fool for Christ (+ 1995)

Archimandrite Gabriel, born Goderdzi Urgebadze, is one of the most

renowned Orthodox monks in Georgia. He was born to Vasili and
Barbara Urgebadze on 26 August 1929, in Tbilisi, Georgia. He was
baptized as an infant in Holy Martyr Barbara’s Church, in the Navtlughi
district by the former “Sister of Mercy” Tamar Begiashvili. The
communist regime was
furiously violent then;
religion was persecuted;
churches were destroyed
and closed; innocent people
were murdered and
deported. Goderdzi was
about two years old when
his father, Vasili Urgebadze,
was murdered in uncertain
circumstances. After that his
family members called him
Vasiko in honor of his

Vasiko was an extraordinary

boy; since his childhood he
had been endowed with
Divine Grace. He used to
build small churches from
pebbles and to light matches St. Gabriel the Confessor of Georgia (Feast Day - November 2)
in them. Barbara, his
mother (after the repose of
Fr. Gabriel his mother entered the Samtavro Convent as Nun Anna; she is buried next to
his son) was afraid someone would have seen her son’s actions, as it was not excluded
anyone could spy on their family for bringing up the son against the communist ideology.
In his youth Vasiko behaved strangely, he often stopped playing with his friends and
preferred to be alone and in silence. However, he still had an unusual entertainment; he
used to take a small stick in his hands and ran away. Chirping birds sat on it and followed
him all the way. This surprised everyone. Vasiko was a soft-hearted child. He did not
allow putting a trap for mice, but caught them in a cage alive and afterwards set them free
out of the yard. He entered school at the age of six. It was easy for him to study reading,
writing and arithmetic, and he gained much love for his kindness.

He was seven when he first heard the name of God which had a great impact on his mind
and had completely changed his ordinary life. He soon gathered money to buy a Gospel.
This was the beginning of his entirely new life. Since that day till his death Monk Gabriel
was filled with one thought and devotion – to live only for Christ. All the time he kept
reading his Gospel and expressed no interest in anything else; he spent little time for
lessons to spare more time on his Gospel. Before going to bed he entered his room and
prayed for a long time in the corner of the icons. A few days before his death Monk
Gabriel recalled that period of his childhood:

“I was sitting on the balcony, on the second floor, deep in thoughts, when some voice
inside me dictated to look up at the sky. I stood up, came to the edge of the balcony,
looked up and saw a big cross erected in the sky. I did not know then, but know now it was
my cross to bear for the love for God and my people."

Another memory refers to the same period of his childhood:

“When I slept, at night I suddenly awoke and saw a demon with a terrible face in front of
me. He was looking at me enraged. Thanks to God’s mercy I was not frightened, but got
tense. However, I did nothing to drive him out. I simply looked at him in surprise. He
roared at me – 'You are fighting against me, are you?!' And he struck me with the fist."

When Barbara entered the room she found her son without consciousness. But God had
saved the life of his chosen one.

Little Vasiko still got some benefit from that incident, which Monk Gabriel proves in one
of his memories: “On seeing the demon, my belief in Christ became stronger and I said –
if the demon exists, then God exists more. Furthermore, I appraised the beauty of human

God indeed endowed twelve year old Vasiko with divine power and revelations for his true
love and devotion.

Nun Pelagia, the former abess of Gurjaani Convent of the Virgin Mary, of the same age as
Monk Gabriel and his neighbor, remembers: “One summer day my uncle came home and
said loudly for everybody to hear: 'Glory to Christ, our Lord, it seems He preserves his
chosen ones on the earth.' On the question: 'What happened? What are you surprised
with?' He answered by telling the following astonishing story: 'I was walking home along
the old Saint Barbara road. When I approached the destroyed Church of Saint George, I
saw Goderdzi, Vasiko’s son, cleaning the church from the big boulders under the
scorching sun. Being engrossed in work he did not notice me for some time. I, too, seeing
this, said nothing, but when he saw me, he was glad and told me: "Come, Uncle Mukha
and, if you can, take this up”' – he pointed to a big boulder. My uncle was called Mukha
(oak) for his strength and wrestling abilities, his real name was George. Mukha continued:
'I tried hard, but failed to move the boulder. Vasiko then said “in the name of Christ!”, and
he took it up and put it with the other boulders gathered by him out of the church.' Our

family was religious, but due to the atheist regime the family members did not attend
church services and did not fast. However, my uncle started Christian life since that very

During the World War 2, poor people, who had no information from the frontline, used to
come to Vasiko to get some news about their relatives. Father Gabriel, who was only
twelve then, gave answers to all visitors and preached: “Go to the church, don’t abandon
Christ and don’t lose the salvation of your souls.” His words always came true and people
respected him much. Vasiko’s extraordinary abilities and apparent clairvoyance turned
people's hearts back to confidence in the Church. Little Vasiko didn’t accept praise and
honor from men and humiliated himself in a very strange manner – he put himself in the
garbage and repeated loudly: “Always remember Vasiko, that you are garbage and never
think highly of thyself.” The family members got angry with Vasiko for such behavior and
even punished him, but people avoided laughing at him and insulting him.

It is worth mentioning here another astonishing event in the early life of Monk Gabriel.
During Soviet purges and persecutions, people hid icons in the garrets or some other
hiding places. Many people became less faithful and did not pay proper respect to the holy
things. Little Vasiko used to come to such people and told them: “You have an icon in your
house (he pointed exactly to the place). You should either pay proper respect to it, or give
it to me. I’ll keep it. Later, if you want it back again, come to me and I’ll gladly return it to
you.” Some repented and kept the icons, others, who had no such intention, gave him
their icons. All were surprised with such behavior of the little boy. Vasiko cared for the
icons with special love. He finely and diligently beautified icons existing in his church and
in the cell in Samtavro Convent, astonishing everyone. These beautiful icons decorate
nearly all the walls and the ceiling, which has an unforgettable impression on pilgrims or

Little Vasiko’s idyllic life did not last long. His mother, Barbara, was an honest,
hardworking woman. She was beautiful in her youth and married early at the age of
fourteen. From the first marriage she had three children – Emma, Michael and Goderdzi-
Vasiko. Then, after the tragedy in the family, when her husband died, a 22-year-old young
woman turned out to be in a helpless situation. She had no one to assist her and had to
work hard to keep her family. From her second marriage she had a daughter – Juliet.
Monk Gabriel faced his first serious experience at the age of twelve. His mother, though
she was not irreligious, did not permit her son to lead a religious life. At first, when her
son expressed an unusual passion to the Christian faith, she was surprised. But when she
witnessed that faith in Vasiko’s life took deep and established form, she adamantly
demanded from her son to refuse his choice. “Don’t torture yourself! Live as ordinary
people live! Be religious, but not so that to want only the Gospel and religion!”

Many years later, when his mother and sisters visited Monk Gabriel, who was seriously ill
and died a year after, Barbara, tearful and crying, appealed to her son: “What was your
life, Gabriel, tortures and nothing else! You had no childhood. It could have been far
better to listen to me and to take good care of yourself, you were a man, weren’t you?!" On

seeing his crying mother with tears in her eyes, Gabriel was sorry, sorry for his mother,
because she still did not understand him, as she was a participant of her son’s hardship
and her tears were caused by a deep pain. After a short pause, Father Gabriel answered
her in a low warm voice: “I could not lead a different life.” Neither at the age of twelve
could he lead a different life. On hearing one more refusal from her son, Barbara angrily
threw the Gospel. Vasiko took it out quickly, put it to his chest and cried plaintively. This
was the last moment when Vasiko was forced to make a choice in his life. At midnight
Vasiko took his Gospel and abandoned his house.

It was late autumn. He walked day and night and finally reached the city of Mtskheta.
First, he came to Samtavro Convent. Abbess Anusia (Kochlamazashvili) received him with
love, giving him shelter and food. But she could not leave him there as men were not
allowed to stay in the nunnery. She offered him to go to Svetitskhoveli (Living Pillar)
Monastery. Vasiko prayed heartily in front of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God of
Samtavro in asking for a cell and the right to live in the monastery. He spent three days in
Svetitskhoveli Monastery, but the governmental decree forbade giving shelter to the
under-aged for a long time. Next he went to Shio-Mghvime Monastery, where he was
given a shelter for three days and then accompanied to Zedazeni Monastery, where
several old-aged monks lived then. They loved young Vasiko so much that they arranged
for him a hiding place near the monastery and left him there for several weeks. Due to the
strict control from special law-enforcers the monks were forced to send this ardent
believer to the Bethany Monastery. They explained in detail how to get to the monastery
and gave him some food. In Bethany he was met by two monks living there – Fr. George
(later canonized as Saint George-John Mkheidze) and Fr. John (later canonized as Saint
John Maisuradze). The Bethany monks became Gabriel’s most beloved confessors. After
leaving Bethany, nothing is known about his exact whereabouts.

For some time Vasiko was sheltered by one kind woman named Margo who lived in Tbilisi
and earned her living through fortune-telling. Little Vasiko was sorry such a kind woman
was leading a wrong life and lived in sin. One day Margo got ill. Vasiko calmed her and
promised he would accept people coming to her. And, indeed, the people who came to the
fortune-teller were met by the pious child. He preached love to God and tried to assure
them in the need for Christian life. God endowed Vasiko with the faculty of prophesy and
he talked with visitors about their future dangers and committed sins, which they did not
remember at all. He taught them to go to a priest for confession and receive Holy
Communion. People were astonished with his behavior. Margo believed Vasiko,
suspended her fortune-telling activity and started a Christian life. This caused many
rumors to circulate in Tbilisi those years. Vasiko’s mother kept searching for her son all
this time and finally found his whereabouts: “Please, come back home and live as you
wish. I won’t impede your choice,” she told her son and was very glad to find him. Vasiko
then returned home. From that time Barbara was no longer strict to her son. However,
time and again she recommended him to lead an ordinary life and not to live only for

Vasiko at least once a month used to go to Bethany and assisted the aged monks there in
doing different work in the monastery. At the age of sixteen he went to Martkopi
Monastery for pilgrimage. During this journey he met an honored monk, Fr. Aitala, whom
Fr. Gabriel valued much and always remembered him with great respect and love in the
following years: “A great monk, gifted with clairvoyance.”

One more story should be mentioned here from Father Gabriel’s life of the same period:
once the communist government decided to upgrade a public park near the old Vera
cemetery where the Georgian young soldiers, killed in the war for the independence of
Georgia in 1921 were buried. The territory was cleaned with bulldozers. Vasiko took this
brutal act to heart, gathered the bones into the sacks at night and buried them again
secretly in a secure place.

In 1949 Vasiko was called for military service

in the Soviet Army. He served in the Batumi
border guard unit. Despite the strict regime,
he still managed to fast and even walked
secretly to Saint Nicholas Church and received
the Holy Mysteries. After his obligatory
military service passed, Vasiko returned to his
home. Soon he was called to the medical
hospital and was questioned there about his
childhood visions, when at the age of twelve he
saw the evil spirit. After a few days he got a
certificate; he was acknowledged mentally ill
and was forbidden to work at any post. He was
awarded pension for the disabled of the II
category, which was a gross legal violation,
because a patient of such a category was not
subject to conscription to the armed forces by
the Soviet legislation. All this was conducted
on the part of the Soviet security and
communist party ideology, in order for a person of such consciousness should not pose a
danger to the communist system. From that time on, Vasiko continued his spiritual life
with greater devotion.

In the backyard he built a small-sized dwelling for himself, where he lived and conducted
his spiritual activities in peace and quiet. He went to Sioni Cathedral for prayers and
sermons. Soon His Beatitude the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Melchizedek III
turned his attention to the young believer. With the blessing of Melchizedek III, Vasiko
started to work as a watchman in Sioni Cathedral, and later as a reader. In January 1955
he was consecrated as deacon, and on 23 February he took the monastic vow in Kutaisi
Motsameta Monastery and was called Gabriel according to his will. Three days after he
was ordained as hieromonk by Bishop Gabriel (Chachanidze) of Kutaisi-Gaenati Eparchy

at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral. From the day of taking a monastic vow, Monk Gabriel
worked hard with enormous love and full devotion to God and neighbor. With the
blessing of Melchizedek III, first he served in Sioni Cathedral and from 1960 in Bethany
Monastery with his beloved spiritual father Fr. George and priest-monk Vasili

In 1962, after the death of Father John, Father

George and priest-monk Vasili (Pirtskhalava),
the government closed the Bethany Monastery.
Monk Gabriel returned to Tbilisi and in the
backyard of his house built single-handedly a
seven-cupola church there. In 1962-1965 Monk
Gabriel served in the Trinity Cathedral of All
Saints, and had a small parish gathered around

It is quite difficult for the contemporary

generation to imagine an unusual spiritual
ability of a young monk, who adopted
unprecedented and astonishing steps during the
terrible communist regime. He burned an
enormous portrait of Lenin in front of the
Council of Ministers during the 1st of May
demonstration of 1965. He preached boldly to
the horror-stricken people: “Glory is not needed
to this dead man, but glory to Christ, who subdued death and blessed us with eternal life.”
The enraged crowd threw stones at him mercilessly. Alarm of the first category (highest in
the Soviet Union) was declared in the city and only the interference of the famously
vicious 8th regiment saved the life of Monk Gabriel. Half-alive and seriously damaged,
Monk Gabriel, having 17 fractures on his skull and other parts of the body was taken to
the isolator of the security department hospital. He was sentenced to death and an
investigation examined the case only formally. But the authorities of the communist
regime had a special interest in this case – they demanded from Monk Gabriel to confess
the alleged conspiracy from the Georgian Orthodox Church, and in return promised to
save his life from the death sentence. Despite long-time tortures, Monk Gabriel was firm.
On the contrary, at the interrogatory he once more called Lenin a beast, and as a result
was severely beaten. This unbelievable and sensational news was spread through the
European and US mass media. Such development was reflected on the Kremlin policy and
instead of a death sentence Monk Gabriel was taken to the asylum as a mentally ill person.
The Soviet government planned to keep him in the psycho-neurological hospital forever.
But God had preserved the life of His chosen one not for such a fate. It is interesting to
read an excerpt from the medical conclusion:

Georgian SSR Tbilisi Healthcare City Psycho-Neurological Hospital 19/1 – 1966, Tbilisi, 1,
Electroni Str.


Patient: Vasili Urgebadze, born in 1929, 6 class education. Address: 11, Tetritskaro Str.

The patient is stationed in the city psycho-neurological hospital on 18.VIII.1965, and is

brought from the prison for forced treatment. Diagnosis: psychopathic person, inclined to
schizophrenia-like psychosis blanks. He was discharged from the hospital on 19/11/65.
According to anamnesis he had a vision of a ghostly evil spirit with horns on the head at the
age of 12... The patient proves that everything bad that is taking place in the world is due to
Evil. From the age of 12 he started to go to churches, prayed, bought icons, and studied
church literature... He ate nothing on Wednesdays and Fridays. Grown-ups and soldiers
laughed at his nonsense: “On Wednesday Judas sold Christ for thirty silver coins, and on
Friday the Jewish priests crucified him”; he was totally hallucinating. It was clear from the
case that at the 1 May 1965 demonstration, he burnt a big portrait of Lenin, hanging on the
building of the Council of Ministers. After interrogatory he said he did this because the
picture of the Crucifixion of Christ should hang there and that it was not possible to idolize
an earthly man – the doubt appeared in regard to his psychic health, due to which he was
sent to court-psychopathic expertise. The examination showed the patient’s orientation is
disoriented in place, in time, and in environment. He talks to himself in a low voice: he
believes in the existence of heavenly beings, God and angels, etc. While talking, the main
axis of a psychopath is always turned to that everything depends on God’s Will, etc. He is
isolated from the other mental patients in the department. When someone talks to him, he
surely mentions God, angels, and icons, etc. He is unable to criticize his condition. He was
treated with the aminazinophrazia and syptomicine therapy, after which he passed

Act of stationary #42 1965

Chairman of the commission: candidate of medicine, chief physician T. Abramishvili,

Members: J. Shalamberidze and physician Kropov.

He was discharged from the hospital on 19 Jan. 1965 and was taken home by his mother.

Physician: Lezhava 19 Jan. 1966.

Such a negative conclusion of the Soviet doctors proves Fr. Gabriel's love for God. It is
surprising that the Soviet officials wrote as a medical conclusion Father Gabriel’s
description of the God-pleasing virtuous life, which was sufficient for the communist
party officials to free him and discharge him for the mental hospital. When God’s Will
intervenes in human affairs many amazing things do happen!

Father Gabriel was released within seven
months after his imprisonment. Famous
Georgian academician A. Zurabashvili largely
contributed to his release. After three decades,
when Monk Gabriel served in Samtavro
Convent, Hieromonk Gerasim, a member of
the brotherhood of America’s largest Orthodox
monastery of St Herman of Alaska, visited him.
Later he published the book in the USA -
“Christ’s Confessor in Present-Day Georgia”.
The book ends with the following words: “Fr.
Gabriel blessed us and we departed, having
witnessed the triumph of the New Testament
Church in our own day.”

Despite the fact that the priesthood of monk

Gabriel was left untouched, he was suspended
from priestly ministry. That was why he
attended church sermons together with the
parish and received Holy Communion as a
secular man. He was called to the security department quite often, and came back home
beaten mercilessly. Once he was beaten too badly and was unable to walk independently.
Soviet security officers then called to his family members and informed them about the
address where they left the monk.

From that time Father Gabriel decided to completely change his lifestyle, which was too
painful for him. Now he was determined to pretend as being mentally ill and to outwardly
refuse his usual way of life. Instead of being in silence, he loudly preached in the streets. If
till now he completely refused to drink wine, now he drank among people and pretended
to be drunk. To pretend being foolish is an unusual feat which requires a spiritual
strength and divine mind. “Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the
weakness of God is stronger than men" (I Cor. 1:25).

The modesty of Monk Gabriel was astonishing. His elder sister Mrs. Emma recalls:

"We failed to understand him. He had a refined soul from his childhood. After he was
consecrated as priest, people respected him much. When monk Gabriel used to come
home, he went into his church and often cried plaintively. Once the door of his church was
open and when I heard him crying I worried, and on entering the church I asked him:
'Vasiko, brother, why are you crying? Is anything wrong with you?' H responded: 'Sister,
Christ was born in a manger; but people respect me and kiss me on the hand.'"

Despite Father Gabriel’s unusual modesty, numerous secular and church figures behaved
with utter respect and reverence towards him, due to his astonishing graciousness – love,

kindness, wisdom, prophesy, knowledge of the
secret thoughts of men, and strong possession of
time, space, and matter. Four years passed since
Monk Gabriel left prison and the asylum. The
communist authorities could not stand his
courageous activities and religiousness. It was
decided to destroy his church, which was an
expression of the inner struggle of the blood-
thirsty communist regime towards Fr. Gabriel.
However, he restored his church three times.
Eventually, the head of the Soviet police
department and then the secretary of the district
party committee came to him secretly to express
pardon personally. Father Gabriel restored the
church and the chapel in a short period of time,
but not in its initial form. Instead of seven cupolas
he put one and big cupola. At present this
wonderful church is preserved in the same
condition. In 1971 with the blessing of Cathalicos-
Patriarch of All Georgia Ephrem II and
Metropolitan Ilia (now Cathalicos-Patriarch of Georgia, who then headed the Seminary)
he was installed as priest of Samtavro Convent and Seminary. He was given an Old Tower
for his permanent ownership. Father Gabriel sometimes said with true joy: “At the mercy
of our Savior and our Lady and by the blessing of two patriarchs I have been given this

From 1972 to 1990 Fr. Gabriel performed a remarkable feat of pilgrimage to the churches
and monasteries destroyed or deserted under the pressure of the communist regime. If
the way was long and far-off, had a hard geographical location or involved some danger,
Father Gabriel always went alone. Otherwise he was always accompanied by several
believers, who assisted him in some way. Father Gabriel used to say: “Always believe that
our labor is not in vain. Though many churches and monasteries are destroyed today or
closed, the holy Angel sent by God sees and listens to our diligence and supplication, and
brings our prayers to God with joy and makes Him aware of it. We find it difficult to do all
these things now. We go in snow and slush, covered with plastic foil we have to deliver
sermons, but the time will come and these churches and monasteries will be rebuilt and
services will be restored” (this seemed really impossible then).

From 1987 Father Gabriel chose a very small shed for his dwelling place in the so-called
Kaklovani (a small alley of walnut trees in the Samtavro yard,). This little shed was used
by the monastery as hen-house previously. Later it was left without any function. He
rarely left the monastery, only for three days or a week and then again came back to his
abode. Such a manner of life was an expression of his humbleness and asceticism
simultaneously: it is quite difficult for a man to humiliate himself to such an extent; in
addition, to live in such a tiny space, where you cannot even straighten yourself properly
and withstand frosts in winter without any heating, especially if the walls have 2-3
centimeter gaps – it’s a true monastic asceticism. Monk Gabriel lived mostly in the little
shed. He stayed in his cell in the old tower too rarely. Once, a holy Angel appeared before
him and revealed to him about the part of Svetitskhoveli (Living pillar) and pointed
exactly to the place, where this holy relic was hidden. Monk Gabriel and the nuns took
this holy relic with reverence and put it in the Samtavro Transfiguration Church, where it
is preserved till today. In 1990 Monk Gabriel went to Shio-Mghvime Monastery, as he
intended to live a solitary life as hermit. There he had a revelation by God to return to
Samtavro Convent and serve people there. From that time on, till his death, Monk Gabriel
lived in the old tower. He admitted pilgrims as a confessor and served neighbors with
selfless devotion to his duties. During October-November 1991, the political situation in
Georgia became tense, but only Monk Gabriel felt the danger of future misfortunes. He
used to say: “Blood on Rustaveli Avenue! Blood! Blood of Georgians.” When on Rustaveli
Avenue there began gun fighting and a Georgian fired at another Georgian, Monk Gabriel
rang the bells in Samtavro and lamented. He strengthened his fasting and refused to take
food at all. It is difficult to describe how arduously he lamented and cried and earnestly
entreated to God and our Lady to save Georgia.

Monk Gabriel made no discrimination in people. He shared in the joys and sorrows of all
the people who came to him. How many of them were saved from being fallen into the
abyss of spiritual darkness. With his ability of prophesy he put them on the path of truth.

Monk Gabriel almost completely concealed his
power of miracle-working. Anyway, in extreme
cases, such as when the basis of Christian belief
– the doctrine of the one-essence of the Trinity
was confronted - he expressed the ability of
miracle-working endowed onto him by God to
prove the divine truth. Once, he was visited by a
Georgian, a follower of Hinduism, who used to
go to India and stayed there for a long time and
had his spiritual teacher there. Father Gabriel
took bread, made the sign of the cross over it in
the name of Holy Trinity, and the bread
miraculously burst into flame, water and wheat.
“Look at it and see: the same is with the Holy
Trinity in three hypostases, the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit.” Then Fr. Gabriel made the
sign of the cross again and water, wheat and fire
turned into bread. “As this bread is whole and
cannot be divided, the same is with the Holy
Trinity, one-essence and indivisible.”

Once, the abbot of the Xeropotamou Monastery from Mount Athos, Archimandrite
Joseph and his monks, arrived in Georgia. They visited Samtavro and took blessings from
Fr. Gabriel. But the elder reprimanded Father Joseph: “How did you dare and say
defiantly to the Virgin that 'she has abandoned Georgia'. We are under the prayers and
mercy of the Holy Virgin, but you don’t see this and disapprove.” On hearing this, Father
Joseph got horrified and asked forgiveness. Father Gabriel hugged the Greek guest with
love and invited him to the table. It became known that before coming to Samtavro, the
Greek fathers visited Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. The tense political and economic situation
in Georgia, accompanied by the spiritual hardship of the nation, recently liberated from
the atheist regime, was the reason that the respected Archimandrite expressing regret for
Georgia and thought to himself: “Virgin Mary, you have abandoned Georgia!”

On bidding farewell, the excited fathers suggested to Monk Gabriel to go to Mount Athos,
but he refused and answered: “I am here, on my Athos. I won’t exchange my Georgia for
Athos.” In the same period, Monk Gabriel was visited by priest-monk Gerasim, who
arrived from the USA to Georgia specifically with this aim. Father Gerasim served in the
monastery founded in Platina, California by the renowned American hieromonk Seraphim
Rose. After returning to his country, Father Gerasim and the Platina brotherhood
dedicated to Father Gabriel an article in the American Orthodox journal – The Orthodox

In the final years of his life Fr. Gabriel got seriously ill with edema. In addition to that he
broke his leg and since that time till his death, Monk Gabriel lay in his bed for a year and a
half and was unable to walk. Only in very rare occasions, enduring sharp pains, he asked
for assistance to get up and sit in front of his cell. “Your life is my life. If you don’t sacrifice
yourself for your people, nothing will come out,” he used to say. The mercy of his
hospitality cannot be forgotten. Before breaking his leg, he treated everyone with the
meals prepared by him personally. But when he was unable to cook, he asked Mother
Paraskeva or someone else to cook meals and with great love treated those who came to
him. He was in permanent effort to bring everyone closer to God. His words filled with
divine grace and power warmly penetrated into everyone’s heart. His prayer was always
accompanied by abundant tears and therefore no one could be indifferent towards this.

Within years Father Gabriel taught mostly about God and love for neighbor, repentance,
humility and kindness. In the last year of his life he suddenly changed his preaching and
taught about the End Times. “You will see the Antichrist, you will be persecuted and you
should flee to the mountains. Don’t be afraid! As the Israelites lacked nothing in the
desert, when they left the slavery of the pharaoh and Egypt, the same with you, God will
take care of you, who will go to the mountains for freedom in Christ, to run away from an
Egypt of this world, and the slavery of pharaoh – the Antichrist. You should know this will
take you to the Promised Land – Paradise - and will brighten you like the sun.” In his last
days Monk Gabriel preached only love and taught to all his visitors with tears in his eyes:
“Remember, God is love. Do as much kindness as you can to save yourself by this
kindness. Be modest, as God bestows mercy upon His humble servants. Repent of your
sins and don’t wait for tomorrow, as it is the trap of the devil. Love each other, as loveless
man cannot inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.”

One day before his death Monk Gabriel said: “The time has come for my departure.” Then
he caressed the icon of Our Savior, hanging over his head with his right hand, kept silence
for some time and said: “I have followed you, Christ, from my twelve years of age. I am

ready, take me!” All that night, till 4 o’clock, he spent in awful pains, then started
breathing loudly and called: “Mother, mother; Sister, sister!” All came from the nunnery,
his family members, secular people, a doctor and priests. Father Gabriel stared at the icon
of Saint Nicholas of Myra with love. Archbishop Daniel read the prayers for the dying. At
the end Father Gabriel smiled and passed away in peace. It was November 2, 1995.
According to his last will Monk Gabriel was buried in the yard of Samtavro Convent
wrapped in sackcloth according to an old monastic tradition. During the burial his body
was encircled with the people who loved him. No one wished to drop earth on him and
scattered the earth beside the grave. Then the earth moved itself as if covering him, put
him to the bosom and finally his body was fully covered with ground. According to his will
the following words were written on his grave:


Numerous miraculous healings are performed at the grave of Monk Gabriel. There are
several books published in Georgia as well as in other countries about the teachings, life
and works of Archimandrite Gabriel.


Apolytikion in the Fourth Tone

As the Master Christ hid His divinity,
clothing it in humanity, and, unseen by us,
brought into being His ineffable glory,
likewise didst thou hide thy glory by means
of foolishness, and by the wonder of thy
confession wast shown forth as a shepherd
of souls; O venerable Father Gabriel,
entreat Christ God to have mercy on our

Kontakion in the Fourth Tone

Immeasurable is the mercy of God, by
Whose goodness we behold His creation
divinized, O venerable father, thou didst
confirm in thyself the image of thy Creator,
and exalted thy being to the likeness of God,
therefore we glorify thee O Father Gabriel,
for thou art worthy of all praise, thou wast
on earth a trumpet of righteousness, a preacher of love and dove of purity, and thine all-
wondrous humility hast opened to the world a treasury of wisdom, and now in heaven art
thou, the advocate of God’s mercy and our salvation.


We bless thee, O venerable father Gabriel, and we honor thy holy memory, thou instructor
of monks and converser with angels.


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