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Cordyceps Militaris Enhances Cell-Mediated Immunity in Healthy Korean Men

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J Med Food 00 (0) 2015, 1–9

# Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., and Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
DOI: 10.1089/jmf.2014.3350

Cordyceps militaris Enhances Cell-Mediated Immunity in Healthy Korean Men

Ho Joon Kang,1 Hyun Wook Baik,1 Sang Jung Kim,1 Seong Gyu Lee,2
Hong Yup Ahn,3 Ju Sang Park,1 Sang Jong Park,1 Eun Jeong Jang,1
Sang Woon Park,1 Jin Young Choi,1 Ji Hee Sung,1 and Seung Min Lee1
Departments of 1Internal Medicine and 2Laboratory Medicine, Bundang Jesaeng General
Hospital, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi, Korea.
Department of Statistics, Dongguk University Seoul, Seoul, Korea.

ABSTRACT Cordyceps militaris is a mushroom traditionally used for diverse pharmaceutical purposes in East Asia,
including China, and has been found to be effective for enhancing immunity through various types of animal testing. The aim
of this study is to determine the efficacy of C. militaris for enhancing cell-mediated immunity and its safety in healthy male
adults. Healthy male adults were divided into the experimental group (n = 39), given 1.5 g/day of ethanol treated C. militaris in
capsules, and the control group (n = 40), given the same number of identical placebo capsules filled with microcrystalline
cellulose and lactose for 4 weeks from February 13 to March 14, 2012; the natural killer (NK) cell activity, lymphocyte
proliferation index (PI), and T-helper cell 1 (Th1) cytokine cluster (interferon [IFN]-c, interleukin [IL]-12, IL-2, and tumor
necrosis factor [TNF]-a) were measured, along with stability test, at weeks 0, 2, and 4. The C. militaris group showed a
statistically significant greater increase in NK200 (P = .0010), lymphocyte PI (P £ .0001), IL-2 (P = .0096), and IFN-c
(P = .0126), compared with the basal level, than the placebo group. There was no statistically significant adverse reaction.
C. militaris enhanced the NK cell activity and lymphocyte proliferation and partially increased Th1 cytokine secretion.
Therefore, C. militaris is safe and effective for enhancing cell-mediated immunity of healthy male adults.

KEY WORDS:  cordycepin  Cordyceps militaris  immune response

INTRODUCTION While diverse types of animal testing have been con-

ducted on the contributions of C. militaris to immunity,

C ordyceps militaris, an edible mushroom of the as-

comycetes phylum, has been used for diverse pur-
poses, including enhancement of immunity, activation of
almost no testing has been conducted in human subjects.
The NK cell activity, cell proliferation, and the Th1 cytokine
cluster were used as assessment indexes to determine the
basal metabolism, recovery from fatigue, and improve- effectiveness of C. militaris to enhance immunity and to
ment of liver and renal functions, mainly in East Asian confirm its safety in healthy male adults.
regions, including Korea and China. Recently, its effec-
tiveness for enhancing immunity has received increasing MATERIALS AND METHODS
Kim et al. observed that C. militaris enhanced spleen cell Specifications
proliferation, natural killer (NK) cell activity, and secretion C. militaris. C. militaris used in this study was supplied
of T-helper cell 1 (Th1) cytokines, including interleukin by Mushteck (Hoengseong, Korea).
(IL)-2, IL-12, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a, and interferon
(IFN)-c, in an immunosuppressed mouse. However, they Preparation of C. militaris. Dried C. militaris was
reported that since it had no impact on T-helper cell 2 (Th2) crushed, extracted in 50% ethanol at room temperature and
cytokines, such as IL-4 and IL-10, C. militaris made at normal pressure for 3 days, filtered, concentrated, steril-
stronger contributions to enhancement of cell-mediated ized, and spray dried; and then encapsulated with 375 mg
immunity than to that of humoral immunity.8 C. militaris per capsule; placebo was manufactured with the
same size and number of capsules filled with microcrystal-
line cellulose and lactose.
Manuscript received 19 October 2014. Revision accepted 11 May 2015.
Bioactive components of C. militaris. The functional
Address correspondence to: Hyun Wook Baik, MD, Department of Internal Medicine,
Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi 463-774, Korea, E-mail:
ingredient of C. militaris is cordycepin. The content of cor- dycepin is *1.9 mg/g, acceptable within the range (80–120%).


Participants group, so that subject was eliminated from the statistical

This study was conducted to determine the immune-
enhancing effects of C. militaris in healthy male adults who
Evaluation of immune enhancing effects
voluntarily agreed to participate in the study at Bundang
Jesaeng General Hospital from February 13 to March 14, Cell separation. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells
2012. The participants were healthy men aged 19–64 who (PBMCs) from participants were isolated by density gradi-
had abstained from drinking and smoking for 1 month and ent centrifugation with Ficoll-Paque PLUS solution (GE
had taken no nutritional supplements, such as vitamins or Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB, Uppsala, Sweden) and used
lactic acid bacteria agents for 2 weeks. Those with a body– for the determination of cytotoxicity.
mass index lower than 18 or higher than 25, who had an
uncontrolled systemic disease, such as rheumatoid arthri- Cell line. The K-562, an erythroleukemic cell line de-
tis, metabolic syndrome, autoimmune disease, or malig- veloped by Lozzio and Lozzio,9 was maintained in
nancy, infectious diseases, such as chronic hepatitis B or C RPMI1640 (Flow Laboratories Ltd., Rickmansworth, Uni-
or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), severe ted Kingdom) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum
renal failure or hepatic failure, history of hypersensitivity (Gibco, Paisley, United Kingdom), 3.0 mmol l-glutamine
to functional food, or were allergic to mushrooms, in- (Bio-Whittaker, Walkerswille, MD, USA), 100 mg/mL
cluding Cordyceps, were excluded from the experiment. In penicillin, and 100 mg/mL streptomycin at 37C. Ex-
addition, those thought to be unfit for the experiment, by ponentially growing cells in 35-mm petri dishes were used
the doctor, were also excluded. in our study and viability was determined by trypan blue dye
exclusion test.
Ethics consideration
The study was conducted under the approval of the in- Treatment of K-562 tumor cell line. K-562 cells were
stitutional review board of Bundang Jesaeng General Hos- preincubated in petri dishes in a culture medium for 24 h.
pital. The participants were given a full explanation of the Cells were then washed and 100 lL of K-562 cells at a
purpose of the experiment, the efficacy of the experimental concentration 5.0 · 105/mL of culture medium were trans-
product, and its adverse reactions and gave written consent ferred into a new 96-microtiter plate. The LDH release was
before starting the experiment. determined after 2, 4, and 6 h of culture of K-562 cells at
37C in a humid atmosphere containing 5% CO2.
Study design
LDH release cytotoxic assay. A modified LDH release
The aim of this single-center, randomized, double- assay was used to determine the PBMC cytotoxicity in the
blinded placebo-controlled clinical trial was to determine K-562 cell line.10 PBMC as effector cells (100 lL) at a
the effects of C. militaris on lymphocyte-mediated cyto- concentration of 1.0 · 107/mL, 5.0 · 106/mL, and 2.5 · 106/
toxicity and immunity. The NK cell activity related to innate mL of culture medium were mixed with 100 lL of K-562
immunity, lymphocyte proliferation related to adaptive cells at a concentration of 5.0 · 105/mL, resulting in three
immunity, and the Th1 cytokine cluster (IFN-c, IL-12, IL-2, effector-to-target (E:T) ratios of 200:1, 100:1, and 50:1,
and TNF-a) were measured to determine whether or not it respectively. Each E:T ratio was determined in triplicate.
was efficacious in enhancing immunity. The assay was performed in 96-microwell plates (Flow
The adverse effects of the administration were examined Laboratories Ltd.), which were incubated for 4 h at 37C in a
to determine its safety and the clinical indexes, including humid atmosphere with 5% CO2. The plates were then
systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, pulse rate, centrifuged for 5 min at 200 g. Supernatants from each well
body temperature, and diagnostic blood tests (white blood (100 lL) were transferred into flat-bottom 96-microwell
cell, hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelet, aspartate amino- plates and 100 lL of lactic acid dehydrogenase substrate
transferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, mixture was added. A microtiter plate reader (Behringer EL-
c-glutamyl transferase, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and 311) was used for the evaluation of changes in absorbance at
lactate dehydrogenase [LDH]), were used in the assessment. 492 – 630 nm. The percentage of cytotoxicity was calculated
An independent statistician unrelated to the clinical trial with correction for the LDH release from PBMC using the
used the Proc Plan procedure of SAS (Ver. 9.1; SAS In- formula as below:
stitute, Cary, NC, USA) to randomly assign the participants
before starting the trial. LDHexperimental  LDHeffector cells  LDHspontaneous
· 100
The C. militaris group was given 1.5 g/day of C. mili- LDHmaximal  LDHspontaneous
taris (two capsules per dose, twice per day) and the placebo
group was given the same size and number of placebo where LDHexperimental represents the LDH release activity
capsules for 4 weeks from day 0 to the closing day. Blood resulting from cocultures of effector and target cells,
sampling was performed thrice: before administration, af- LDHeffector cells represents the released LDH activity from
ter 2 weeks of administration, and after 4 weeks of ad- separately cultured effector cells, LDHspontaneous represents
ministration. One subject dropped out of the C. militaris the activity released from cultures of K-562 cells, and

LDHmaximal represents the LDH activity released from K- RESULTS

562 cells after lysis by sonication, thrice per 15 sec at
Clinical characteristics of participants
35 kHz.
NK50, NK100, and NK200 were used to express the re- Clinical characteristics and ages of the participants were
leased LDH cytotoxicity in E:T ratios of 50:1, 100:1, and not statistically significant between groups (age 36.58 –
200:1, respectively. 12.08 years for the C. militaris group and 36.50 – 11.05
years for the placebo group). There was also no statistically
Percentage of LDH release from K-562 cells. The significant intergroup difference in the mean weight and
percentage of permeability of LDH release through the cell height of subjects (Table 1).
membrane of K-562 cells was calculated from the sponta-
neous LDH release (expressed as absorbance, A) and the NK cell activity
maximal LDH release (expressed as absorbance, A) using
the following formula: The NK cell activity was measured before administration
and after 4 weeks of administration to examine the variation
LDHspontaneous (A) in both groups.
%LDH ¼
LDHmaximal (A)
NK50. The mean NK50 (E:T ratio 50:1) increased by an
average of 3.97 – 9.65, from 14.06 – 5.80 before adminis-
Cytokine assay. Once informed consent was obtained,
tration to 18.03 – 6.85 after 4 weeks of administration in the
blood samples were collected from the C. militaris and pla-
C. militaris group and increased by an average of
cebo groups on day 0, 14, and 28. Serum was separated and
0.38 – 14.45, from 16.36 – 10.27 to 16.75 – 10.73 in the
the cytokine assay for IL-2, IL-12, TNF-a, and IFN-c was
placebo group. NK50 showed a statistically significant in-
performed using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
crease in the C. militaris group (P = .0071) and a statistically
with commercial assay kits (R&D Systems, Inc., Abingdon,
United Kingdom). The absorbance of each well was read at
492 nm. Cytokine concentrations in the samples were calcu-
lated using a standard curve generated from recombinant Table 1. General and Biochemical Characteristics
cytokines. Cytokine values were expressed as pg/mL.11 of Study Participants

Placebo C. militaris
Cell proliferation by MTT assay. PBMCs were purified group (n = 40) group (n = 40) P value
from heparinized venous blood. Blood samples were col- Age (years) 36.50 – 11.05 36.58 – 12.08 .8463
lected just before the experiment. Cells were suspended in Height (cm) 173.51 – 5.82 174.15 – 7.30 .6649
RPMI 1640 (Gibco, Grand Island, NY, USA) supplemented Weight (kg) 69.74 – 9.02 69.75 – 7.97 .9969
with 10% fetal bovine serum, 100 U/mL penicillin, and 100 Vital signs
lg/mL streptomycin. PBMCs (5 · 106 cells/mL) were see- Body temperature (C) 36.15 – 0.50 36.30 – 0.37 .0689
ded into 24-well plates for 2 days at 37C in an atmosphere SBP (mmHg) 124.15 – 5.78 124.55 – 6.68 .3877
DBP (mmHg) 77.98 – 6.81 76.90 – 6.39 .2345
of 5% CO2 in air; 100 lL aliquots of each cell suspension Pulse rate (beat/min) 73.85 – 8.09 74.03 – 7.53 .4603
was added to the wells of sterile flat-bottom 96-well culture
Laboratory findings
plates. Concanavalin A (Sigma–Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, White Blood Cell 5.77 – 1.52 6.00 – 1.24 .2309
USA) was added to the culture medium at the concentra- (·103/mm3)
tion of 10 lg/mL. Cell proliferation was assessed using Hemoglobin (g/dL) 15.17 – 0.99 14.92 – 0.96 .1302
a colorimetric MTT (3-[4, 5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2, 5- Hematocrit (%) 42.32 – 8.33 45.30 – 19.20 .1855
Platelet (·103/mm3) 223.56 – 55.42 221.20 – 36.33 .4114
diphenyltetrazolium bromide) proliferation kit (ATCC, Aspartate aminotransferase 23.92 – 6.74 23.80 – 9.40 .4745
Manassas, VA, USA). Four hours before the end of the as- (IU/L)
say, 10 lL of 5 mg/mL MTT was added to each well. The Alanine aminotransferase 23.94 – 12.10 23.80 – 13.90 .4809
reaction was ended by the addition of 100 lL of di- (IU/L)
methylsulfoxide to induce the dissolution of formazan Alkaline phosphatase 216.73 – 61.45 212.53 – 57.00 .3761
crystals. The optical density (OD) of the developed color c-Glutamyl transferase 32.35 – 27.32 29.85 – 22.58 .3284
was read on a microplate reader (Molecular Devices, Sun- (IU/L)
nyvale, CA, USA) at 570 nm. The results of the lymphocyte Blood urea nitrogen 13.83 – 3.59 13.88 – 3.41 .4734
proliferation assay are presented as the proliferation index (mg/dL)
(PI) [PI = 100 · (ODstimulated culture - ODnegative control culture)/ Creatinine (mg/dL) 1.16 – 0.11 1.12 – 0.14 .1177
Lactate dehydrogenase 368.65 – 55.45 436.63 – 478.55 .1888
ODnegative control culture].12–14 (IU/L)

Statistical analysis All data are expressed as mean – SD or number (percentage) of participants.
There was no significant difference in baseline characteristics between two groups.
Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA, Mann–Whitney test, and the P values by t-test.
Student’s t-test were used for analysis of data. P £ .05 was C. militaris, Cordyceps militaris; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP,
considered statistically significant. diastolic blood pressure.

insignificant increase in the placebo group (P = .4337) after Th1 cytokine cluster
the 4-week administration and there was no statistically
The Th1-originated mediator cluster (TNF-a, IL-12,
significant intergroup difference in the NK50 variation
IFN-c, and IL-2) and cell proliferation were examined for
(P = .990, Fig. 1).
measurements of the adaptive immune functions in the
participants and their variation after 4 weeks of C. militaris
NK100. The mean NK100 (E:T ratio 100:1) increased (or placebo) administration was estimated.
by an average of 4.30 – 13.82, from 19.45 – 9.75 before
administration to 23.75 – 10.72 after 4 weeks of adminis- IFN-g. IFN-c increased by 616.03 – 1650.85 pg/mL,
tration in the C. militaris group (P = .0299) and increased by from 816.33 – 636.0 pg/mL to 1432.37 – 1304.86 pg/mL in
an average of 1.87 – 10.85, from 17.09 – 8.42 to 18.96 – 6.82 the C. militaris group (P = .0126), but decreased by
in the placebo group (P = .1406). There was no statistically 12.82 – 1318.67 pg/mL, from 1064.14 – 823.10 pg/mL to
significant intergroup difference in the NK100 variation 1051.32 – 1062.16 pg/mL in the placebo group. Significant
(P = .1941, Fig. 1). intergroup differences in IFN-c variation were also found
after 4 weeks of administration (P = .0324, Fig. 2).
NK200. The mean NK200 (E:T ratio 200:1) increased
by an average of 10.69 – 20.04, from 23.09 – 10.35 before IL-12. IL-12 increased by 0.97 – 4.42 pg/mL, from
administration to 33.78 – 16.23 after 4 weeks of adminis- 28.08 – 3.58 pg/mL before administration to 29.05 – 3.53 pg/
tration in the C. militaris group (P = .0010) and increased by mL after 4 weeks of administration in the C. militaris group
an average of 0.76 – 12.78, from 23.99 – 10.40 to 24.75 – and increased by 1.61 – 7.08 pg/mL, from 28.44 – 4.63 pg/
8.71 in the placebo group (P = .3547). Significant intergroup mL to 30.05 – 4.77 pg/mL in the placebo group. There was
differences in the NK200 variation were found after 4 weeks no significant intergroup difference in the IL-12 variation
of administration (P = .0055, Fig. 1). (P = .3160, Fig. 2).

FIG. 1. All data are expressed as mean – SD or number (percentage) of participants. (A) Effector to target ratio 50:1 by LDH cytotoxic assay.
(B) Effector to target ratio 100:1 by LDH cytotoxic assay. (C) Effector to target ratio 200:1 by LDH cytotoxic assay. *NK50, NK100 activity
showed a statistically significant increase compared with the baseline after 4 weeks of C. militaris administration. The NK200 activity showed a
statistically significant increase after 2 and 4 weeks of C. militaris administration (P value < .05). There was no significant increase in the placebo
group. {Statistically significant intergroup differences in the NK200 variation were found after 2 and 4 weeks of C. militaris administration
compared to the placebo group (P value < .05). C. militaris, Cordyceps militaris; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; NK cell, natural killer cell.

Adverse effect
No case of serious adverse effects related to the admin-
istration was reported during the study. In addition, no
clinically significant difference was found in clinical in-
dexes, including vital signs and other diagnostic blood tests,
between before and after administration (Table 2).

C. militaris is a medical mushroom traditionally used
mainly in East Asia. Numerous studies and reports have
described the effect of Cordyceps, including enhancement
of immunity, activation of basal metabolism, and improve-
ment of liver and renal functions.1–7
Cordyceps contains various chemical constituents that
exert biological activities; of these, nucleotides and nucle-
otide derivatives, such as cordycepin, cordycepic acid, and
guanosine, are some of the most important pharmacologi-
cally active compounds.15 Animal testing has demonstrated
that C. militaris has an anticancer effect, preventing growth
of sarcoma on the basis of the increased splenic NK cell and
T-cell count and the increased IL-2 generation of spleen
cells.16 In particular, cordycepin has anticancer effects when
it is inserted in cancer cell DNA and RNA in place of ad-
enine and has suppressed activation of reverse transcriptase
to prevent HIV infection.5 Antioxidative and anti-
inflammatory activities of C. militaris include removal of
FIG. 1. (Continued). free radicals, prevention of nitric oxide (NO) generation,
and manifestation of inducible NO synthase.17–20
The best-known pharmaceutical activity of Cordyceps is
IL-2. IL-2 increased by 217.30 – 554.82 pg/mL, from to enhance immunity. While this has been demonstrated in
492.85 – 488.62 pg/mL before administration to 710.15 – animal tests, almost no testing has been conducted in human
284.62 pg/mL after administration in the C. militaris group subjects. This study attempted to determine its effectiveness
(P = .0096), but decreased by 38.16 – 603.60 pg/mL, from for enhancing immunity in healthy male adults. The existing
590.00 – 465.40 pg/mL to 551.85 – 323.76 pg/mL in the animal testing found that C. militaris enhanced the NK cell
placebo group. Statistically significant intergroup differ- activity and increased secretion of Th1 cytokines to increase
ences in the IL-2 variation were found after 4 weeks of spleen cell proliferation in an immunosuppressed mouse.8 In
administration (P = .0270, Fig. 2). other words, C. militaris was found to be more effective in
enhancing cell-mediated immunity rather than humoral
immunity in mice. In this study, the NK cell activity, the
TNF-a. TNF-a increased by 245.03 – 947.46 pg/mL,
Th1 cytokine cluster, and cell proliferation were used as
from 755.47 – 794.96 pg/mL to 1000.50 – 423.84 pg/mL in
indexes in people.
the C. militaris group and increased by 127.83 – 612.23 pg/
Xu et al. observed that intraperitoneal injection of Cor-
mL, from 700.39 – 438.72 pg/mL to 828.22 – 518.37 pg/mL
dyceps resulted in an enhanced NK activity and decreased
in the placebo group. Although TNF-a showed an increase
colony formation of B16 melanoma in mice.21 Liu et al.
in both groups after 4 weeks of administration, there was no
found that administration of Cordyceps led to a dose-
significant intergroup difference in the TNF-a variation
dependent enhancement of NK cell activity in healthy per-
(P = .2586, Fig. 2).
sons and leukemia patients.22 Likewise, this study confirmed
that the administration of C. militaris resulted in enhanced
Lymphocyte proliferation
NK cell activity. The prior study included six subjects and
The mean cell proliferation increased by 0.65 – 0.50, from an animal model. However, our study included 80 subjects
0.3 – 0.23 before administration to 0.96 – 0.42 after 4 weeks and human subjects.
of administration in the C. militaris group (P < .0001) and Kim et al. also observed that while Th1 cytokines, in-
increased by 0.47 – 0.47, from 0.33 – 0.17 to 0.80 – 0.40 cluding IL-2, IL-12, IFN-c, and TNF-a, showed a remarkable
in the placebo group (P < .0001). Statistically significant increase, IL-4 and IL-10 did not, in an immunosuppressed
intergroup differences in the cell proliferation variation mouse.8 Gao et al. found that Cordyceps adjusted the balance
were found after 4 weeks of administration (P = .0482, of Th1/Th2 cytokines and, in particular, increased immune
Fig. 2). responses of Th1 cytokines in condyloma acuminatum

patients: increased IL-2 and decreased IL-10 were observed and their sizes are very small. Therefore, collection of suf-
in the Cordyceps-administered group.23 This study used the ficient quantities for extensive use as a drug remedy is
Th1 cytokine cluster alone as an assessment index and prohibitive. Solid culture of mushrooms requires a long
confirmed that Cordyceps administration increased some period of time for completion of a fruiting body, thus, many
Th1 cytokines, including IL-2 and IFN-c, as in the above- attempts have been made to obtain useful and potent cellular
mentioned clinical studies. However, using mouse spleno- or extracellular substances from a brown rice culture for use
cytes, Jeong et al. found that Cordyceps enhanced both in formulation of nutraceuticals and functional foods. Use of
cellular and humoral immunity: in the Cordyceps adminis- brown rice culture has potential advantages of higher my-
tered group, IL-12 increased by 2.9 times and IL-4 and IL-10 celial production in a compact space and shorter time with
in the Th2 cytokine cluster increased by 1.9 times and 1.8 less chance of contamination. We used this method to obtain
times, respectively.24 Therefore, conduct of additional stud- a large amount of raw material of Cordyceps, and clinical
ies of the Th2 cytokines responses is needed. tests were performed.
There was a finding that the administration of Cordyceps This study was conducted only in healthy male adults to
above a certain threshold or higher concentrations increased minimize the effects of women’s sexual hormonal changes
lymphocyte proliferation and CD marker expression in a on immunity. Veenstra et al. reported that a pregnant wo-
mouse25; this study also confirmed that the administration of man had activated monocytes and granulocytes and the ratio
Cordyceps resulted in increased lymphocyte proliferation in of Th1 to Th2 cytokine production in lymphocyte was
a human model. lower.26 Ansar et al. also suggested sexual dimorphism:
No serious adverse reactions to Cordyceps administra- women are more resistant to infection and have relatively
tion have been reported. While one study reported that it stronger immune responses than men. As a result, women
could cause dry mouth, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, have a higher prevalence of autoimmune diseases and ex-
or dizziness in some patients,15 this study found no such pression of immune-based diseases, such as multiple scle-
adverse events. rosis, asthma, or systemic lupus erythematosis, affected by
The fruit bodies of wild C. militaris are expensive due to the reproductive status.27 That is, women become more
host specificity and rarity in nature; they grow extremely vulnerable to disease during specific periods in the men-
slow in nature, their growth is restricted to specific areas, strual cycle or during pregnancy and such vulnerability

FIG. 2. (Continued).

FIG. 2. Levels of plasma cytokines and lymphocyte proliferation in

participants after 2 and 4-week administration of C. militaris
(mean – SD) (A) IFN-r (B) IL-12 (C) IL-2 (D) TNF-a (E) cell pro-
liferation *P value between groups (at the beginning and at the end of
the study) **P value between groups (at the beginning and at the end
of the study) {Inter-group differences after 4 weeks of C. militaris
administration (P value <0.05) {Inter-group differences after 2 and 4
weeks of C. militaris administration (P value <0.05).

Table 2. Changes in Vital Signs and Laboratory lowered naturally. Since C. militaris was found to be ef-
Tests of Two Groups fective for enhancing immunity in an immunosuppressed
mouse, conduct of a clinical trial is necessary to deter-
Placebo C. militaris
group (n = 40) group (n = 39) P value mine its validity and safety in immunocompromised
Vital signs difference
Body temperature (C) 0.11 – 0.62 -0.09 – 0.58 .0679
Despite other limitations, including the relatively short
SBP (mmHg) -2.41 – 6.51 -2.15 – 6.13 .4292 period of research and exclusion of women, it is expected
DBP (mmHg) -1.95 – 7.55 -2.41 – 7.91 .3964 that C. militaris extract can be used effectively and safely to
Pulse rate (beat/min) -3.46 – 7.08 -2.46 – 7.98 .2800 enhance immunity since no clinically significant adverse
Laboratory tests difference effects were found during the experiment.
White blood cell 0.01 – 1.03 0.04 – 1.64 .4672
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 3.53 – 21.48 0.22 – 0.59 .1709 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Hematocrit (%) 2.55 – 8.10 8.21 – 59.14 .2788
Platelet (·103/mm3) -2.26 – 46.78 0.18 – 21.75 .3843 This work was supported by a grant from the BioGreen 21
Aspartate aminotransferase 8.37 – 49.24 -0.44 – 6.03 .1373 Program (No. PJ009508), Rural Development Administra-
(IU/L) tion, Republic of Korea.
Alanine aminotransferase 10.86 – 67.28 -0.90 – 7.72 .1426
Alkaline phosphatase (IU/L) 6.54 – 34.00 5.10 – 28.18 .4198 AUTHOR DISCLOSURE STATEMENT
c-Glutamyl transferase -4.28 – 10.87 -3.08 – 9.35 .3006
No competing financial interests exist.
Blood urea nitrogen (mg/dL) 1.09 – 4.33 0.15 – 3.52 .1477
Creatinine (mg/dL) -0.01 – 0.09 -0.01 – 0.08 .4945
Lactate dehydrogenase 33.67 – 78.89 -29.06 – 501.91 .2227 REFERENCES
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