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10th Study Guidefinal

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Scholastic year: 2022 / 2023 Study Guide Semester: The First

Teacher’s Note* Dear students, this guide will highlight the
grammar rules and vocabulary for the final exam material, but you
still have to refer to your books (Student Book and Workbook) and do
all the required exercises.
A. Grammar:
You have five grammar rules for the final material:
1- Past Simple and Past Continuous.
2 -Past Habits.
3- Past Perfect Simple and Continuous.
4- Future Forms (will, be going to, present simple, and present
5- Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple, and Future Perfect

1- Past Simple and Past Continuous:

Past Simple Past Continuous
1-Finished actions and situations 1-To talk about activities in progress at
in the past. a specific moment in the past
E.g. I studied online last year. e.g. At 6 o’clock in the morning, I was
preparing myself to school

2- To talk about an activity in

progress (past continuous) when
2-Say that one thing happened another activity interrupted it (past
after another. simple).
E.g. She opened the window, E.g. I was doing my homework
switched on the lights, and did when my mom called me for
her homework. lunch.

3- Describe a scene in a story. 3

4- Two actions happened at the same time in
the past.
E.g. While I was preparing lunch, my kids
were studying

Past Simple
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
We passed the exam last year. We didn’t pass the exam Did they pass the exam?
Past Continuous
She was studying yesterday at 2 o’clock She wasn’t studying yesterday at 2Was she studying yesterday at
o’clock 2 o’clock?

Exercise 1:
1-We……….to the cinema yesterday. (go)
3e rev.b 2-I………….my homework for the whole evening yesterday. ( do).
3-Emily……..the piano at 4 pm yesterday. (play)
4-When John ……. home, his little brother was watching TV. ( come)
5-While I ……….(walk) in the street, another man was walking near to

2- Past Habits:
We can talk about our past habits using three tenses: (Past simple, would,
used to).
A- Used to / would: They can be used to give the meaning of a past habit
that stopped.
-I used to be a lazy student. – I would work 8 hours at night.
B- Don’t use wouldn’t, but use didn’t use to.
-Don’t use would before state verbs (for example: be, have, think, and
believe ….. verbs related to thoughts and opinions.
C- When the action happened once, use past simple.
He reached the highest level in the competition.
-Use past simple when you have a period of time in the sentence.
My friend lived here for 12 years.

Exercise 2:
1. We __________ go for a walk every morning when we were little.
A. used to B. would C. both A and B

2. Dad ___________ be a good student.

A. was B. used to C. would be

3. I _______________ ice cream when I was a baby.

A. Wouldn’t B. didn’t use to like C. Both A and B

4. My sister and I ____________ to the cinema on Saturdays and have an Ice- cream
A. used to gone B. would go C. did go

5. Before I moved to Paris, I _________________ in Scotland for 5 years

A. lived B. would live C. used to live

3- Past Perfect Simple and Continuous:

We use the Past Perfect Simple to: We use the Past Perfect Simple to:

To say that a past action happened before any It is also used to talk about past actions that
other past action. happened before other past actions, but the
I crossed the street after the car had stopped. ( focus here is on the actions' duration of time
The car stopped first then I crossed the street) (all+time, for+time).
I was happy because I had been playing all day


Past Perfect Simple

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
We had studied hard before I hadn't done my homework Had you washed the dishes?
we passed the exam.
Past Continuous
I had been waiting for an hour when the I hadn't been waiting for an hour Had you been sleeping all
bus came. when the bus came. night?

Exercise 3:

1. Sara was Sally's best friend. She (know) her all her life.

2. The children were wet because they (play) football in the rain.

3. We were very delighted because we (not / work) for hours.

4. The passengers were cross because the airline (lose) everyone's


4- Future Forms (will, be going to, present simple, and present


We can talk about the future using four tenses:

1- Will/ Won't( will +v(inf) 2- (Is/are/am) going to + V (inf)
1- To make general predictions for the 1-To talk about plans and intentions in
future. These predictions are based on the future.
our thoughts, opinions, and I am going to go to Turkey on the
E.g. I think we will live on the moon in
the future.
I hope we won't be late for the bus.
2- When the speaker decides something 2- To talk about predictions based on
at the moment of speaking, and for evidence.
promises and offers. The sun is up already, it is going to be
hot today.
- I will be a better person.
- I will help you with your homework.

3- We use it to talk about future facts.

- Next Sunday will be my birthday. ------

3- Present Continuous 4- Present Simple

S+ is/are+ V (ing) S+ V/ or V(s)
- To talk about future plans and 1- We use it with time expressions
arrangements that HAVE TO BE (When, until , as soon as, after,
CONFIRMED. before).
2- When the action is part of a
E.g. Next month I'm leaving this timetable or routine.
country. I prepared my tickets. (we E.g. When I finish school, I am going
should have information in the to go on a long journey.
sentence to tell me that my plan is E.g. Tomorrow my plane leaves at 2
confirmed like the sentence in red). o'clock.

Exercise 4:

1. We to Madrid on Monday. I have already packed my bags. (go)

2. Mark’s mother believes that he famous. (be)

3. Look at those clouds! It soon. (rain)

4. I hope you after the party. (stay)
5. Rachel thinks you what she means soon. (understand)
6. As soon as all the students , we will start the exam. (arrive)

5- Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple, and Future Perfect

1- Future Continuous ( will/won't+be+v(ing)): we use it to talk about
unfinished activities in progress in the future.
E.g. Tomorrow night I will be sleeping deeply.
E.g. This time next year she will be taking English courses.

2- Future Perfect Simple ( will + have + V P.P): We use it to talk

about activities that will be finished in a certain time in the future.
(Keyword: By+ time)
E.g. By tomorrow, I will have finished my exams.
3- Future Perfect Simple (will + have +been+ V ing): We use it to
talk about how long an activity has been in progress before a
particular moment in the future.
(Keyword: By +time…..for+time)
E.g. By morning, I will have been studying math for 4 hours.

B. Vocabulary
*Dear students, you are required to memorize some words meanings from
the included texts. These words are in the following table:
Unit 2: Climbing Not Cooking
Dull Boring
Indigenous Original residents
Peaks The top of a mountain
Summit The highest point of a mountain
Pool To share something with others
Gear Equipment for an activity
Unit 3: Driving- The Future
Source The place something comes from
Car Braking The process in which the car stops
The norm The common thing
Handle Manage
Take their eyes off Look away
Misleading To guide
To take to the sky To begin flying
Cruising Slow travel or movement around
the area.
Unit 3: The Edge of Tourism
(See Exercise 3 Page 23/ Workbook)

Answer Key for the study guide:

Exercise 1: 1- went 2- was doing 3- was playing
4- came 5- was walking
Exercise 2: 1- C 2- B 3- B 4- B 5-A
Exercise 3: 1- Had known 2- had played 3- hadn't been working
4- had lost
Exercise 4: 1- going to 2- will be 3- is going to rain
4- will stay 5- will understand 6- arrive

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