Safety & Health: DOCUMENT #: 4301-06-301
Safety & Health: DOCUMENT #: 4301-06-301
Safety & Health: DOCUMENT #: 4301-06-301
1 Purpose:
To establish a fire prevention permit procedure for working safely with welding, burning,
spark producing or open flame-producing equipment referred to in the following
document as “Hot Work”.
2 Scope:
This procedure applies to the PPG Lake Charles complex with the following exceptions:
2.1 Permanent designated shop locations.
2.2 Temporary fabricating areas may be treated as permanent designated shop
locations by means of a Deviation upon mutual agreement between the Operations
Supervisor, Field Engineering and the Safety Department.
2.3 Contractors will be trained on the procedure during orientation.
3 Responsibilities:
3.1 The welding, burning and open flame permit (WBOF) will be issued by the
Operations Supervisor familiar with the process unit or the equipment owner in
situations when the equipment to be worked on falls outside of an operating unit.
Permit is issued for equipment that is used in welding, burning or produces an
open flame. Requires testing with a combustible gas meter. In the event the
permit issuer is also the direct supervisor of the job requiring the permit, the
permit issuer will sign the permit as both the Equipment Owner/Supervisor and the
Maintenance Supervisor (for example, Shift Supervisor on backshift). A WBOF
will be issued for ignition sources that are used in Hydrogen areas and where
caustic vapors are release from tanks and vessels with cathodic protection.
3.2 Ignition source permits will be issued by the unit‟s Lead Operator or Operations
Supervisor familiar with the process unit.
3.3 The permit issuer will use the hot work permit as a guide to prepare the area for
3.4 All combustible materials should be removed from the area within 35 feet of the
hot work operation.. This may involve appropriate measures (sweeping, hosing
down, etc.) to assure combustibles will not be ignited. If easily ignitable
combustibles cannot be removed, the area and / or combustibles must be wetted
and/or covered with a fire blanket. Welding or cutting in flammable process units
requires watering sparks and slag.
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3.7 The employees working under the permit are responsible to follow the precautions
listed on the permit and ask questions to clarify any misunderstandings.
3.8 The paper copy of the permit will be kept in a prominent location in the control
room while the permit is active. In the event of a unit upset, the permit will serve
as a reference for work being performed in the unit. The field cardboard copy of
the permit will be issued to the craftsmen performing the work and will be placed
in the possession of the person performing the work, fire watch or the welding
3.9 The employees working under the permit are responsible for notifying their
supervisor, who will notify the control room at the completion of the job, if the
job needs to be revalidated, or at the expiration of the permit. They will return
the permit to their supervisor at the end of the job or expiration of the permit.
3.10 The field copy of the permit will be returned to the control room/equipment
owner by the supervisor when it is no longer needed, permit “Time” has expired
or upon completion of the job.
3.11 The issuing equipment owner/control room will keep the permits on file until
the job has been completed per the works managers retention letter. EDM
4.1 The permit issuer will verify, evaluate, and meter test the work to be conducted
with the person doing the work or his supervisor.
4.2 The issuer will survey the work location to verify that conditions meet acceptable
permit requirements. (See permit) No Hot Work will be performed in buildings
and operating units where the sprinkler system is impaired unless a backup
system has been installed by Shift Safety and /or our sprinkler maintenance
4.3 For WBOF, the issuer will test the work area for the presence of a flammable
atmosphere using an approved LEL / O2 instrument and visually examine the
area for combustible materials (oil, grease, diesel, etc.)
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The meter must be tested in a safe atmosphere for proper operation and
calibration prior to each use.
The issuer must be trained in the use of the LEL/O2 instrument used to test the
4.4 The issuer will complete the permit and review it with the requester. Paper copy
will be kept by the Owner/Control Room and the Cardboard copy will go to the
job. Reference 3.8
4.5 At the completion of the work, the owner/control room will be notified.
Notification will be accomplished by returning cardboard copy to the
Owner/Control Room. (Ref. 3.9 & 3.10) The Hot Work Permit shall be kept on
file (i.e. control room) until completion of the work. (Ref 3.11)
4.6 A Hot Work Permit should be issued only when all preparations are made and the
hot work is ready to commence. The issuer specifies the start time and expiration
time of the Permit.
4.7 Revalidation of the Permit is required following any break in continuity of the job
of 30 minutes or greater such as, time spent in shops on fabrication, lunch, unit
upsets, etc. Revalidation may be requested any time there is a question about the
ability to safely perform the hot work. Revalidation must be documented on the
permit in the Results/Time section of the field copy.
4.8 Hot Work Permits are generally written to coinside with the current operational
shift. The permit duration is 12 hours. It may be extended up to 2 hrs to
accommodate completion of a job provided that the same personnel are
involved. Permit may be issued on one shift and carry over to the second shift
provided the the same personnel are involved.
5 Special Cases:
6 General:
6.1 A Fire Watch is required in Derivatives and in other plant locations where WBOF
sparks or hot slag could precipitate a fire.
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NOTE - If sparks are not completely contained on the working level of a multi-level
process unit, supervision must evaluate the need for additional fire watch personnel
on the lower levels.
6.1.1 Fire watch must be familiar with the unit and procedures for sounding an
alarm in the event of a fire.
6.1.2 Fire watch shall have fire-extinguishing equipment readily available and be
trained in its use.
6.1.3 Fire watch shall continue for at least 30 minutes after the completion of
cutting or welding operations to detect and extinguish smoldering fires.
NOTE - If the area can be wetted and cooled with water to remove the radiant
heat from the affected area, the 30 minute recheck can be waived. The
Maintenance Foreman or Construction Supervisor will make this
6.1.4 Owners of areas that are not occupied 24/7 or monitored by guard
tours or other means, the need for a documented “walk through” of the
area 3 - 4 hours after the hot work is completed should be evaluated
based on the type and/or scope of the work.
6.3 If a fire extinguisher is not required in the immediate work area, the location of the
nearest accessible extinguisher shall be identified prior to the start of the job.
6.4 When performing hot work near sewer openings anywhere in the complex they
must be evaluated for flammable atmospheres and covered and sealed when
necessary. All sewer openings and trenches in Derivatives near “Hot Work” shall
be covered and sealed.
6.5 A meter reading of 0.0% LEL will be obtained to issue a permit. On a special
exception basis a meter reading between 0.0% and 9.9% LEL, can be approved by
the Operations Team Leader. On back shifts and weekends this will be a joint
approval by the Shift Superintendent and the Shift Safety Supervisor on duty. In
no case will a permit be issued when meter readings of 10% LEL or greater are
NOTE - A false reading can exist due to the presence of an inert gas like nitrogen or
argon. A sufficient amount of oxygen must be present to give an accurate LEL
reading. In most meters this is 16% oxygen. See manufacturers instructions.
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6.6 Welding on, near, or above a cable tray containing plastic instrument tubing and/or
exposed electrical wiring requires the exposed area to be adequately covered with
fire blankets to prevent damage to the lines.
6.7 When performing cutting or welding overhead, the area below shall be barricaded
or a watch posted to alert personnel.
6.8 Isolating and clearing must be performed when welding or burning on process lines
or vessels that may contain (or have contained) a flammable or explosive material
(including well water). Installation of isolating blinds is the preferred method of
control. Removal of spool pieces or other similar procedures which provide
equivalent protection, is acceptable.
6.9 All valves controlling flows to and from the work shall be closed and locked with
bleed valves open and locked.
7.1 Tools and equipment outside the definition of welding and burning equipment have
the potential of being an ignition source. Spark producing tools and equipment
will require an ignition source permit in the following locations:
7.1.5 Any location in the complex where ignition source devices are used on
process vessels, lines, sewers, pumps or other equipment potentially
containing a flammable or explosive liquid or gas (including well water
7.1.6 Any complex location having the possibility of an explosion or fire due to
such conditions as a release from a safety relief device, a sewer containing
foreign materials due to a process upset, or from any other abnormal
7.2 All portable electrical equipment used must meet the electrical classification of the
area where the work is being conducted. The equipment must have a current
inspection and/or GFCI protection and be in good working condition.
7.3 Welding machines, air compressors, generators, heat lamps etc. must be turned off
when unattended (i.e. lunch, breaks, Plant evacuations, etc.).
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7.4 Oxygen and acetylene bottles and the associated hoses must be placed in a location
where they will not be exposed to hot slag or sparks.
7.5 Oxygen and fuel gas bottles are to be turned off and bled down when not in service
or when unattended. The hoses will be removed from confined spaces or
disconnected from regulators when unattended.
7.6 Appropriate PPE must be worn for the hot work activity being done.
7.7 Oxygen gas must be protected from oil, grease and fuel. Cylinders, hoses,
regulators, and torches must be clean and oil-free.
7.8 Cell phones, radios, and other electronic devices must be intrinsically safe to be
used anywhere in Derivatives Production or their associated storage or shipping
areas. That means that they must meet electrical classification Class 1, Division 1,
Group C or better to be used in those areas.
8.1 Welding and Burning Permits are not required in designated shop areas, except for
process-contaminated equipment as provided in the section “Special Cases” of this
These designated shop areas are listed below. Changes in this listing can be made
when an Area Supervisor or Maintenance Foreman of the affected area makes
requests to the Manager of Safety for specific additions or deletions:
Per/Tri Shop
WTU Shop
EDC Shop
Tri-Ethane II Shop
Construction Fabrication Shop (Northwest of Derivatives Carpenter Shop)
8.1.4 SILICA
Silica Maintenance Shop
Silica Products (Northwest Corner of Dryer Building)
Silica Products (Northeast Corner of Furnace Building)
Silica #2 Furnace, Dissolver Area Ground Floor
8.1.5 Plant Sandblast yards are not exempt and will require a hot work permit for
welding and burning in these areas.
Related Documents: 4301-06-309 Hot Work Permit Retention Approval by Works Manager
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