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1. for parking areas of pwd, a walkway between the 23. What is the minimum size of an elevator car – 1.

front ends of parked cars shall have a minimum x 1.40 m
clear width of – 1.20m 24. What is the minimum size of an elevator shaft? –
2. Vertical clearance of lavatories from the floor - .60 1.50 x 1.80 m
- .70m 25. Minimum Door opening for elevators for a single
3. What is the minimum size of pwd lift/elevator - .90 door? – 0.80 m
m 26. What is the minimum size of elevator door for the
4. What is the least dimension of a parking slot for the handicapped? – 0.80 m
disabled - 3.70M 27. What is the maximum distance of Elevators
5. Doors should be operable by a pressure or force not considering the handicapped? – 30m
more than? 4 kg 28. What is the minimum Doorway width under BP
6. What is the minimum width for a hallway – 1.20 344? – 0.80 m
7. Under BP 344. Walks should have ____ turn/ groove 29. Distance of parking for the disabled from building
in order to guide the blind? – 90 degrees entrance – 60m
8. The minimum width of the curb cut-out - .90m 30. What is the minimum width for parking slots of
9. Angle of turn of embossed tiles for the blind? 90 pwd? – 3.70m
degrees 31. Minimum entrance door opening? – 0.80m
10. The length of a ramp should not exceed. 6m 32. areas oom is preferably higher. and should not be
11. What is the minimum dimension of a pwd toilet less than? 2.40 m 2.10 m 2.00 m  x 2.70 m – 2.00
cubicle – 1.70M 33. What is the minimum doorway width under BP
12. What is the reference basis of measurement of 344? 0.80M
minimum hallway width intended for the inclusion 34. Doorknobs and other hardware should be located
of mobility of pwd between - .82 m. and 1.06 m above the floor
13. Handrails attached to walls should have a clearance 35. Min. clearance of a table/counter from floor
from the wall of no less than 50mm considering the handicapped – 74mm
14. Minimum turning space of a water closet stalls. 2.25 36. A mall dedicates 1000 parking slots. How many is
sq.m dedicated to pwd parking? 50
15. To be installed before hazardous areas such as 37. Handrails should be installed at both sides of ramps
sudden changes in floor levels and at the top and and stairs and at the outer edges of dropped curbs.
bottom of stairs, special care must be taken to Handrails at dropped curbs should not be installed
ensure the proper mounting or adhesion of tactile beyond the width of any crossing so as not to
strips so as not to cause accidents 0.30 m wide obstruct pedestrian flow. Which handrail height
tactile strip or 300 above steps or ramps is ideal?  0.90 m and 0.70 m x
16. What is the maximum distance of the building main 1 m  and 1.20 m 1 m and 0.90 m 0.90 m and 0.75 m
entrance to the elevator – 30M - 0.90 m and 0.70 m
17. What is central refuge – space for wheelchair when 38. A level area should be provided at the top and
passing through a road bottom of any ramp of not less than? 1.80m
18. The maximum height of water closets – 0.45 m 39. Any ramp with a rise greater than 0.2 m. and leads
19. Longer ramps whose gradients is 1 is to 12 shall be down towards an area where vehicular traffic is
provided with landings not less than – 1.50m possible, should have a railing across the full width
20. Under the accessibility code, what is the maximum of its lower end from the foot of the ramp of? NOT
height of handrail – 0.90 LESS THAN 1.8 METERS
21. What is the best way to provide for the convenience 40. Signs on walls and doors should be located at a
of both people in wheelchair and blind persons? - minimum height of? – 1.40M
Tactile surface/ blocks in the immediate vicinity of 41. Responsible for damages or accidents – architect in
crossings charge
22. What is the minimum dimension of an elevator 42. The validity of the PIC – 3 yrs
door width? – 0.80m
43. Not part of the competency descriptor of an indiv – 76. penal conviction provision of PD1096 –
applied in activities that are supervisory, complex imprisonment of not more than 2 yrs
and non-routine 77. area separation – enclosed attic space of
44. Three conditions – pass the ALE, roster, oATH combustible construction shall be divided into
45. Ph qualification framework – 8 horizontal area max of 250 sq.m. area, 750 sq.m. in
46. A proof that an individual is entitled to practice – area for attic with fire-extinguishing system.
PCR 78. Corridors and exterior exit balconies with dead ends
47. How can foreign educated – reciprocity are permitted when the dead end does not exceed
48. Under ra 9266, continuing pro – false 6 meters in length
49. Maria clara del valle – no 79. A term to change in use or occupancy of a building –
50. Muhammed akbad – yes conversion
51. WHAT SHOULD BE AffiXED bearing - seal and 80. What type of construction is for steel and concrete
signature construction with fire resistant material of 1 hour
52. Law protects – ra 8293 fire resisting rating – type 1
53. A plan is drawn – RLA 81. Which of the following are not exempted in the
54. A filipino studied architecture abroad – no payment of building permit fees – institutional
55. What constitutes pro bono - without a valid structure
56. Refers to the formal certification – qualification 82. Firewalls are permitted in r-1 residential zone - false
57. If a successful candidate – no 83. For circular stair that will be used as an exit the
58. What law holds – 386 minimum width of run will be not less than – 250
59. A group of newly architects – 75% mm
60. Ricardo Dalisay – no 84. Group E occupancies – Business and mercantile
61. Has the power to suspend – PR boards 85. The clearance of awning to curb line – not greater
62. Responsible for enforcing – PRC board of than – 300mm
architecture 86. for protection of pedestrians during construction or
63. To be qualified as having passed the licensure – 70% demolition the temporary walkway will be at least –
and 50% 1.20m
64. Annex f 87. in computing for parking slots, a fraction of 50%,
65. Civil code of the Philippines – RA 386 10% and above shall be considered as one car
66. Intellectual property code – RA8293 parking
67. Local Government Code of 1991 – RA 7160 88. the width of a stairway of the occupant load of
68. Government Procurement Reform Act – RA 9184 more than 50 shall not be less than 1.8m OR 0.90,
69. PRC Modernization Act – RA 8981 1.0
70. Architecture law of 2004 – RA 9266 89. work done on any damaged or deteriorated portion
71. Ceiling heights for habitable rooms without artificial of building – repair
ventilation from finish floor to ceiling is 2.70 or 2 90. the size of an average automobile car parking slot
72. A permanent roofed structure above the door for perpendicular or diagonal parking – 2.50 by 5.00
attached to and supported by the building and 91. Minimum Required Parking Slot, Parking Area and
projecting over a wall or sidewalk – canopies Loading Space Requirements for Clubhouses, beach
73. What law holds the architect responsible for the houses and the like. ANS: 1/100 sqm.
building/structure he/she designed for a certain 92. eaves over required windows not side & rear
period of time – RA 386 property lines minimum over from the side and rear
74. What is the minimum dimesion of a pwd toilet – property lines ANS : 750mm
1.70 93. PD 1096 are enforced by within their respective
75. Firewalls in r-3 lots shall only be allowed for a jurisdiction. ANS: office of the building official
maximum two (2) storey structure but not at the 94. Areas within which only certain types of buildings
rear property line where the maximum allowed are permitted to be constructed based on their use
firewall height shall only be 3.20 meters or occupancy, type of construction. ANS :Fire zone
95. For 599-999 occupants how many exits are needed. 112. The width of a stair way if the occupant load of
ANS :3 more than 50 shall not be less than ____ m – 1.8m
96. A movable shelter supported from an exterior wall OR 0.90, 1.0
of a bldg w/c can be retracted, folded, collapsed 113. What type of construction is for wood and
against the face of a supporting bldg. ANS: Awning masonry construction with fire resistant materials
97. A term to change in use or occupancy of a building. of 1 hour fire resistive rating? Type 3
98. A term use in changes in materials, utilities, ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT? – 12 days
partitioning etc but doesn't increase the overall 115. Minimum aisle width if serving only one side –
area thereof ANS: Alteration 800 mm
99. Corridors and exterior exit balconies with dead ends 116. Air space requirements for school rooms will be
are permitted when the dead end does not exceed – 3.00 cu.m of air space per person
meters in length. ANS :6m 117. What is the minimum Doorway width under BP
100. the number of exits for Above 1st storey 10 344? – 0.80m
occupant exits ANS :2 118. Distance of Exits — w/o sprinkler — m from
101. Whenever the height of the curb is more than exterior exit door, w/ sprinkler will be 45, 60
200 millimeters, driveways may be constructed 119. Min height of mezzanine floor in meters. 1.80
across the entire width of the sidewalk, provided METERS
that the driveway shall be joined to the sidewalk by 120. Window openings for the room must have at
means of a ramp of rough finish have a slope of not least % of the floor area with a minimum
more than. ANS: 1/8 area of sq.m. 10, 1
102. a physical change made to increase its value
121. (R-1) An abutment of up to from
and improve its aesthetic quality. ANS: Renovation
established grade level may however be permitted
103. Minimum egress or exit doors required for
but solely for the purpose of supporting a carport
occupant not greater than 1000. - 3 roof; 3.20 METERS
104. Which of the following are not included in 122. Handrails in stairs will be MM. 750-850
Group D occupancy – convents mm
105. rowhouse building/structure of from one (1) 123. Areas within which only certain types of
storey up to three (3) storeys in height and with buildings are permitted to be constructed based on
each unit for separate use as single-family dwellings their use or occupancy, type of construction FIRE
106. new construction w/c increases the height or 124. the clearance of Awning to curb line — not
area of an existing bldg./structures. – ADDITION greater than mm 300 MM
PERO WALA KAY SIR HMP 125. The following are Allowed or Encouraged
107. Footings must be at least _______ m below Structures/ Developments Within the RROW
grade along national roads, may project not EXCEPT: ANY FORM OF SEMIPERMANENT/
>______mm beyond Property line. – 2.4, 300 PERMANENT OR SEMENCLOSED/ ENCLOSED
108. The distance between 2 landings in stairs will be COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE/ USE AND LIKE
a maximum of – 3.6 STRUCTURES/ USERS
109. Excavation made on public property - restored
immediately to its former conditions w/in _____ hrs 126. For a R-3 use or occupancy with a firewall on
two (2) sides, a firewall can be erected on a
– 48
maximum of of the total length of each side
110. sum of areas of openings must not exceed 50 %
property line; provided that all firewall construction
of sum of areas of walls shall not exceed of the total perimeter of the R-3
111. The building permit shall be null and void if the property,85%, 65%
construction has been abandoned for – MALI: 360 127. Firewalls in R-3 lots shall only be allowed for a
days, 30 days maximum two (2) storey structure but not at the
rear property line where the maximum allowed
firewall height shall only be measured vertically 146. How many set of plans and specification are
from established grade 3.20 METERS needed for applying building permit? 5
128. The width of the yard; SETBACK 147. What is the minimum size of a PWD
129. Private stairways that serve less than 10 lift/elevator 1:40x1:80
occupants will be a minimum of m 0.75 M 148. A senator cannot serve for more than three
130. Ceiling heights for habitable rooms with consecutive terms; but he may run for reelection
artificial ventilation from finish floor to ceiling 1st after a break or interval. – false
storey and onwards respectively (1st storey, 2nd 149. A proposed bill is referred to a house or
storey, 3rd storey onwards) in meters. 2.7, 2.4, 2.1 senate committee after of first reading
131. the number of exits for Above 1st storey with 150. a very high density residential use or
10 occupant exits. 2 EXITS occupancy, characterized mainly as a medium-
132. Walkway headroom is preferably higher. rise or high-rise condominium building/
and should not be less than? – 2.0m structure for exclusive use as multiple family
133. There are _____ steps in the passage of a dwelling. – r-5
bill. – 9 151.  a neighborhood or community level of
134. Public hearings are conducted; issues public commercial use or occupancy, characterized
notices and invites resource person from the public mainly as a low-rise building/structure for low
and private sectors, the academe and experts on
intensity commercial/trade, service and business
the proposed legislation are done by the committee
activities – C-1
after – First reading
152. The Legislative branch of the government is
135. The congress of the Philippines, which is
called congress
composed of two houses – senate and the house of
153. The size of room for human habitation must
136. Which was given by the Philippine Constitution
be at least an area of _____ sq.m. and ______M
the sole power to declare war and to authorize the minimum distance – 6,2
president – in case of national emergency or war – 154. It is considered as the basic law and
to issue executive orders embodying rules and backbone of the country. – constitutional
regulations intended to carry out the national 155. Laws shall take effect after ____ days
policy? The congress following the completion of their publication
137. A proposed bill is challenged thru series of either in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper
debate in the – 2ND REading of general circulation in the Philippines. – 15
138. a bill that was neither vetoed nor signed by the days
president after 30 days of its transmittal from the 156. Which are not a requirement for
congress can no longer ratified into law – false application of building permits? – BIR tax
139. The power of legislation is vested in receipt
____body. BICAMERAL 157. Minimum aisle width if serving only two
140. The PH Qualification framework has side – 1000
___Level of Competency Descriptors – 8 158. For Basic R-3, Firewall with a minimum of
141. what are three conditions must be met in two-hour fire-resistive rating constructed with a
order to practice architecture in PH? – pass the minimum height clearance of ___ above the
ALE, roster architects, pledge oath roof. – 400mm
142. Public hearings are conducted; issues public 159. The size of room for kitchen must be
notices and invites resource persons from the at least 1.5x2m
public and private sectors, the academe and 160. the total floor space within the perimeter of
experts on the proposed legislation are done by the permanent external building walls (inclusive
the Committee after____ of main and auxiliary buildings) such as office
143. The Legislative branch of the government is areas, residential areas, corridors, lobbies and
called – Congress mezzanine level/s. – GROSS FLOOR AREA
144. The maximum ramp gradient shall be ? 1:15 (GFA)
145. What kind of government do we have in the 161. The headroom clearance for stair will be
Philippines? – CONSTITUTIONAL 1.80
REPUBLIC 162.  Maximum height of lavatories should be ?
163. What type of construction is for wood 183. 100 sqm - In no case shall an area
construction with fire resistant materials of 1 allocated for parks and playgrounds be less than
hour fire resistive rating? TYPE 2 ______
164. For Pedestrian Protection Railings in street 184. 1% - Community Facilities percentage
side of the sidewalk must be at least m in height allocation for 150 and below DU/hectare
–1 185. 1.5% - Community Facilities percentage
165. Branch of government who carries out the law – allocation for 151-225 DU/hectare
EXECUTIVE 186. 2% - Community Facilities percentage
166. Branch of government who interprets the law –
allocation for 225 and above DU/hectare
187. 10m - In cases where the major road
167. Branch of government who makes the law –
LEGISLATIVE will serve as interconnecting road, it shall have
168. A system of rules creted and enforced through a minimum ROW of _______
social or governmental institutions to regulate 188. 6.5m - Minor roads shall maintain a
behavior. – LAW uniform width of ROW of _____ wide
169. A proposed legislation under consideration by a 189. 3m, 5m - Subdivision projects abutting a
legislature – BILL main public road must provide sufficient
170. Mara Clara del Valle is a licensed interior setbacks with a minimum dimension of _____ in
designer. She took master’s degree in depth and _____ in length at both sides of the
Architecture in UP Diliman. Can she take the subdivision entrance
ALE? NO 190. 10m - Contiguous projects or projects
171. Which was given by the Philippine to be developed by phases shall be provided
Constitution the sole power to declare war and with interconnecting roads with a minimum
to authorize the president. – CONGRESS ROW of ______.
172. A secondary bldg. located w/in the same 191. 2m - Alley shall have a width of ______
premises the use of incidental to that main bldg.
intended to break a block and to serve both
173. The building permit shall be null and void if pedestrian and for emergency purposes, both
the construction does not commence after the ends connecting to streets
period of ___. 12 MONTHS 192. 3m - Pathwalk shall have a width of
174. The size of bathrooms or toilets must be at _____ intended only to provide pedestrian
least an area of _____ sq.m. and ______M access to property for socialized housing
minimum distance. 1.2, 0.9 projects
175.  a written authorization granted by the BO to 193. 60m - Maximum length of pathwalk for
an applicant allowing the applicant to proceed
socialized housing projects
w/ the construction
176.  In PD1096 what "installation of components 194. 1.3m - Planting Strip width for
of a building/structure" means? Erection Economic & Socialized Housing with 15m ROW
177. 3.5% - PP percentage allocation for 150 195. 1.2m - Sidewalk width for Economic &
and below DU/hectare Socialized Housing with 15m ROW
178. 4% - PP percentage allocation for 151- 196. 0.8m - Planting Strip width for
160 DU/hectare Economic & Socialized Housing with 12m ROW
179. 5% - PP percentage allocation for 161- 197. 1.2m - Sidewalk width for Economic &
175 DU/hectare Socialized Housing with 12m ROW
180. 6% - PP percentage allocation for 176- 198. 0.8m - Planting Strip width for
200 DU/hectare Economic & Socialized Housing with 10m ROW
181. 7% - PP percentage allocation for 201- 199. 1.2m - Sidewalk width for Economic &
225 DU/hectare Socialized Housing with 10m ROW
182. 9% - PP percentage allocation for 225 200.
and above DU/hectare 201. 0.4m - Planting Strip width for
Economic & Socialized Housing with 8m ROW
202. 0.6m - Sidewalk width for Economic & 224. 20, 100m - For rowhouses, there shall
Socialized Housing with 8m ROW be a maximum of _____ units per block or
203. 0.5m - Sidewalk width for Economic & cluster but in no case shall this be more than
Socialized Housing with 6.5m ROW 100m in length.
204. 50mm - Minimum thickness of asphalt 225. 400m - Maximum block length
road pavement for economic and socialized 226. 250m, 2m - Block length exceeding
housing ______ shall already be provided with _____
205. 150mm - Minimum thickness of alley approximately at midlength
concrete road pavement for economic and 227.
socialized housing 228. 22sqm - Minimum Floor Area for Single-
206. 20m - Distance between offset Family dwelling, Economic Housing
intersections should not be less than ______ 229. 18sqm - Minimum floor area for Single-
from corner to corner Family dwelling, Socialized Housing
207. 6m - Radius of curb from road to 230. complete house - The minimum level of
subdivision completion for economic housing shall be
208. 4.5m - Radius of curb for housing cul- ______________ based on the submitted
de-sac, t, or branch specifications.
209. 1.5-9% - Crown of the roads shall have a 231. shell house - For socialized housing
slope of not less than _______ project, the minimum level of completion shall
210. 72sqm - Minimum Lot Area for Single be __________ with doors and windows to
Detached Economic Housing enclose the unit
211. 64sqm - Minimum Lot Area for Single 232. 1.5m - Minimum front setback for
Detached Socialized Housing economic & socialized housing
212. 54sqm - Minimum Lot Area for 233. 1.5m - Minimum side setback for
Duplex/Single Attached Economic Housing economic & socialized housing
213. 48sqm - Minimum Lot Area for 234. 2m - Minimum rear setback for
Duplex/Single Attached Socialized Housing economic & socialized housing
214. 235. 300m - Communal well of other
215. 36sqm - Minimum Lot Area for supplemental water source may not be closer
Rowhouses, Economic Housing than _______ from each other
216. 28sqm - Minimum Lot Area for 236. 150 - Minimum quantity requirement
Rowhouses, Socialized Housing for independent water supply system within the
217. 40% - Price of saleable lots intended for subdivision shall be _____ liters per capita per
single detached units shall not exceed ______ day.
of the maximum selling price of the house and 237. 25m - Ground reservoir shall be
lot package. protected from pollution by providing buffer of
218. 8m - Minimum Lot Frontage for SD at least _______ from sources of
Regular Lot, Economic & Socialized Housing pollution/contamination.
219. 4m - Minimum Lot Frontage for SD 238. 20% - The elevated reservoir or water
Irregular Lot, Economic & Socialized Housing tank capacity must be _____ average daily
220. 3m - Minimum Lot Frontage for SD demand plus fire reserve.
Interior Lot, Economic & Socialized Housing 239. 300mm - Minimum drainage pipe for
221. 6m - Minimum Lot Frontage for underground drainage system
Duplex/SA, Economic & Socialized Housing 240. 2m - Minimum horizontal dimension of
222. 4m - Minimum Lot Frontage for courts and yards shall not be less than ______
Rowhouse, Economic Housing 241. 1.2m - All inner courts shall be
223. 3.5m - Minimum Lot Frontage for connected to a street or yard, either by a
Rowhouse, Socialized Housing passageway with a minimum width of ______
or by a door through a room or rooms
242. 1.5m - Court width may be reduced to 261. 0.60m - Minimum clear width of
not less than _______ in cluster living units such bathroom doors
as quadruplexes, rowhouses and the like 262. 10% - Rooms for habitable use shall be
243. 2m - The separation walls or fences of provided with windows with a total free area of
courts shall not be higher than _______ openings equal to at least ______ of the floor
244. 3m - Irregularly shaped lots may be area of the room
exempted from having a minimum width of 2m, 263. 1/20 - Bathrooms shall be provided with
provided that no side shall be less than window/s with an area not less than _____ of
_______. its floor area.
245. 50% - Open space requirement for 264. 2m - Required windows may open into
residential interior lot a roofed porch where the porch has a ceiling
246. 25% - Open space requirement for all height of not less than _____
other interior lot except residential 265. 0.60m - Minimum clear width of
247. 20% - Open space requirement for stairways
residential inside lot 266. 0.25m - Maximum riser height of
248. 15% - Open space requirement for all interior stairs
other inside lot except residential 267. 0.20m - Minimum tread width of
249. 10% - Open space requirement for interior stairs
residential corner and/or through lots 268. 2m - Minimum headroom clearance of
250. 15% - Open space requirement for all stairs
other corner and/or through lots except 269. 3.6m - Maximum height between stair
residential landings
251. 5% - Open space requirement for 270. 4 - Stairways with less than ____ risers
residential lots bounded on 3 or more sides by need not have handrails
public open spaces such as streets, easement of 271. 0.80m, 1.20m - Handrails and guards on
seashores, rivers, esteros, etc stairs shall not be less than _____ or more than
252. 1 hour - Minimum fire resistive rating of _____ above the upper surface of the tread.
firewalls 272. 38mm Minimum clearance of handrails
253. 2m - Where ceilings are not provided, a from wall which they are fastened
minimum headroom clearance of ______ shall 273. 300mm, 150mm Winding and circular
be provided stairways may be used if the required width of
254. 1.80m, 50% - Mezzanine floors shall run is provided at a point not more than _____
have a clear ceiling height of not less than from the side of the stairway where the treads
______ above and below it, provided that it are narrower but in no case shall any width of
shall not cover ______ of the floor area below it run be less than _____ at any point
255. 1 - A minimum of ____ entrance/exit 274. 5mm - Maximum variation in the height
shall be provided where the number of of risers and the width of treads in winding and
occupants is not more than 10 circular stairways
256. 2 - A minimum of _____ entrances/exits 275. 1.80m - Ladders may be allowed
shall be provided where the number of provided that the maximum distance between
occupants is greater than 10. landings shall be _______.
257. 2m - Minimum clear height of doors 276.
258. 1.8m - Minimum clear height of 277. 1, 1 - There shall be provided at least
bathroom and mezzanine doors ____ light outlet and ____ convenience outlet
259. 0.80m - Minimum clear width of main per activity area
door 278. 150mm, 6inches - The firewall shall be
260. 0.70m - Minimum clear width of of masonry construction, at least _____ or
service/bedroom doors _____ thick and
279. 0.30m - Firewalls shall extended extend 292. 6 - Provisions of elevators shall be
vertically from the lowers portion of the wall required for buildings ____ storeys and beyond
adjoining the living units up to a minimum 293. 25 - The use of indigenous materials for
height of _______ above the highest point of site development and construction shall be
the roof attached to it. encouraged, as long as these are in conformity
280. 0.30m - Firewalls shall extend with the requirements and ensures a building
horizontally up to a minimum distance of life span of at least ____ years
______ beyond the outermost edge of the 294. 2 - In any dwelling of more than 2
abutting living units rooms, every room used for sleeping, living or
281. 25% - The floor area authorized for non- dining purpose shall have at least ___ means of
residential use, whether in the principal egress
dwelling structure or in any accessory building, 295. 1 - Every sleeping room shall have at
shall not exceed _____ of the total residential least ___ outside window
area. 296. 90cm -No exit access from sleeping
282. 4m, 1.50m - The minimum distance rooms to outside shall be less than ____ wide to
between 2 buildings in which the taller outside shall be less than ____ wide
buildings does not exceed 2 storeys shall be 297. 60cm - No interior door providing
_____; the minimum horizontal clearance means of exit shall be less than ______ wide
between the two roof eaves shall be _____ 298. Above Php 450,000 to Php 1,700,00 -
283. 6m, 2m - The minimum distance Price ceiling for Economic Housing
between two buildings wherein the taller 299. Php 450,000 and below - Price ceiling
building has 3 or 4 storeys, shall be ______; and for Socialized Housing, Horizontal Development
the minimum horizontal clearance between the 300. Php 400,000 and below - Price ceiling
two roof eaves shall be ______ for Socialized Housing, Vertical Development
284. 10m, 6m - The minimum distance 301. a very high density residential use or
between buildings with more than 4 storeys occupancy, characterized mainly as a medium-
shall be _____; the minimum horizontal rise or high- rise condominium building/
clearance shall be ______. structure for exclusive use as multiple family
285. 2m, 1m - In cases when two sides of the dwelling. R-5
buildings facing each other are blank walls, the 302. For a R-3 use or occupancy with a
minimum distance between buildings shall be firewall on two (2) sides, a firewall can be
_____; and the horizontal clearance between erected on a maximum of of the total length of
roof eaves shall be ____. each side property line, provided that all
286. 1:8 - Parking requirement for multi- firewall construction shall not exceed of the
family dwellings and condominiums total perimeter of the R-3 property. 85%
287. 2.5x5 - Parking slot size for 303. Minimum percentage of open space by
perpendicular or diagonal parking occupancy type of Interior Lot for all classes of
288. 2.15x6 - Parking slot size for parallel institutional without firewall.
parking 304. Uncovered Driveways, Access Roads
289. 100m - Off-site parking may be allowed and Parking Spaces may be considered part of
provided that designated parking area is part of the provided that they are open and
the project and that it shall not be ______ away unobstructed from the ground upward as in
from the condominium project. courts and yards. open space
290. 18sqm - Minimum floor area for 305. Group E Occupancies. Business and
condominium projects Mercantile
291. 15m - Automatic fire alarm suppression 306. Maximum R-2 Medium Density Housing
system should be provided for structures more (multiple family dwelling units within one
than ______ in height. building/ structure with a BHL of. 15m
307. Minimum Required Parking Slot, 322. Minimum lot area of duplex/single
Parking Area for Restaurants, fast-food centers, attached for medium cost. 60 sq m.
bars and beerhouses (C). 1/30 sqm 323. Minimum lot area of row house for
308. may be partly paved/hardscaped open market. 50 sq m.
(converted into a courtyard) to serve as a 324. Minimum lot area of row house for
carport but only for a basic R-2 or basic R-3 or medium cost. 8 m.
R-4 (individual lot) use or occupancy. Front yard 325. Under PD 957, Corner lot minimum
309. Minimum percentage of open space by frontage 12m
occupancy type of Interior Lot R1. 40% 326. Under PD 957, Regular lot minimum
310. Maximum High Density Housing frontage 10m
(multiple Family dwelling units within one 327. Under PD 957, the minimum area of
building/ structure with a BHL of. R-3 "open space" in a residential subdivision with
311. Firewalls in R-3 lots shall only be an area of 1 hectare and above for adequate
allowed for a maximum two (2) storey structure roads, alleys, sidewalks and for parks or
but not at the rear property line where the recreational is? 30%
maximum allowed firewall height shall only be 328. A building, or group of buildings, used
measured vertically from established grade. for office, businesses, professional services, and
3.20m other commercial enterprise organized, owned
312. Minimum Setbacks for Residential and maintained as a condominium. Commercial
Buildings/Structures - Basic R3. Front 3.0m Side condo.
0,0m Rear 0.0m. 329. It means a part of the condominium
313. For Basic R-3, Firewall with a minimum project intended for any type of independent
of two-hour fire-resistive rating constructed use or ownership, including one or more floors
with a minimum height clearance of above the (or part or parts of floors) in a building or
roof. 300 mm buildings and such accessories as may be
314. Minimum Required Parking Slot, appended thereto. Condominium unit
Parking Area for Private colleges and 330. otherwise known as “Subdivision and
universities (GI). 1/3 Condominium Buyer’s Protective Decree”. The
315. abutments on two sides and rear primary purpose of this decree is to protect the
property lines may be allowed provided the buyers of condominium projects and
following requirements are first complied with. subdivision developments against
Basic R-3 misrepresentations and fraudulent activities of
316. In Pd957, What is the min. Area for developers, sellers and operators. PD 957
human habitation. 6sqm 331. In PD957, What is the floor area for
317. An Off site parking is OK if located 100 condominiums in family occupancy of open
m away or less from residential condo. True market? 36sqm
318. Community facilities as non-saleable 332. In Pd957, What is the minimum lot
areas of the housing development. True frontage for open market both in economic and
319. It shall refer to an area reserved socialized? 8m
exclusively for parks, playgrounds, recreational 333. 72 sq m - Minimum lot area of single
uses, schools, roads, places of worship, detached for economic housing
hospitals, health centers, barangay centers, and 334. 64 sq m - Minimum lot area of single
other similar facilities and amenities. Open detached for socialized housing
space 335. 54 sq m - Minimum lot area of
320. What does PD957 covers? Medium cost duplex/single attached for economic housing
housing and Open Market housing 336. 48 sq m - Minimum lot area of
321. Minimum lot area of duplex/single duplex/single attached for socialized housing
attached for open market. 80 sq m. 337. 36 sq m - Minimum lot area of row
houses for economic housing
338. 28 sq m - Minimum lot area of row 363. 18 sq m - Minimum floor area for single
houses for socialized housing occupancy units
339. 120 sq m - Minimum lot area of single 364. 36 sq m - The minimum floor area of
detached for open market family condominium units for open market
340. 100 sq m - Minimum lot area of single 365. 22 sq m - The minimum floor area of
detached for medium cost family condominium units for medium cost
341. 96 sq m - Minimum lot area of 366. 12 sq m - A net floor area of square
duplex/single attached for open market meters may be allowed provided that these are
342. 80 sq m - Minimum lot area of intended for students/employees/workers and
duplex/single attached for medium cost that the condominium project is within highly
343. 60 sq m - Minimum lot area of row urbanized areas
house for open market 367. 50% - Open space requirement for
344. Interior lot
345. 50 sq m - Minimum lot area of row 368. 20% - Open space requirement for
house for medium cost Inside lot
346. 8 m - Under BP 220, Corner lot 369. 10% - Open space requirement for
minimum frontage Corner and/or Through lot
347. 8 m - Under BP 220, Regular lot 370. 5% - Open space requirement for lots
minimum frontage bounded on 3 or more sides
348. 4 m - Under BP 220, Irregular lot 371. Easements - Subdivision projects shall
minimum frontage observe and conform to the provisions of water
349. 3 m - Under BP 220, Interior lot code on water bodies, NPC on transmission
minimum frontage lines, PHIVOLCS on identified fault traces, other
350. 6 m - Under BP 220, Duplex/Single public utility companies, and for projects
attached lot frontage abutting national roads
351. 4 m - Under BP 220, Economic row 372. Existing roads - an access within the
house minimum lot frontage project site which shall be made part of the
352. 3.5 m - Under BP 220, Socialized row subdivision plan, shall be improved
house minimum lot frontage 373. Roads - shall conform to sound
353. 12 m - Under PD 957, Corner lot engineering practices
minimum frontage 374. Streets - should conform to the
354. 10 m - Under PD 957, Regular lot contours of the land as far as practicable and
minimum frontage shall be laid out at right angles to minimize
355. 6 m - Under PD 957, Irregular lot critical intersections
minimum frontage 375. future connection - a mandatory
356. 3 m - Under PD 957, Interior lot provision where a proposed project adjoins
minimum frontage undeveloped property
357. 8 m - Under PD 957, Duplex/single 376. Developer - shall bear the cost of
attached minimum lot frontage installation of street names/signs coincident
358. 4 m - Under PD 957, Row house with the construction of streets
minimum lot frontage 377. 70% - Maximum saleable area
359. 42 sq m - Minimum floor area for open 378. 30% - Minimum non-saleable area
market housing 379. Parks and Playgrounds -Shall be
360. 30 sq m - Minimum floor area for mandatory for projects 1 hectare or more and
medium cost housing shall be deemed non-buildable area
361. 22 sq m - Minimum floor area for 380. 100 sq m - Minimum area allocated for
single-family dwelling for economic housing parks and playgrounds
362. 18 sq m - Minimum floor area for 381. 3.5% - Allocation for parks/playground
single-family dwelling for socialized housing with a density of 20 and below
382. 4% - Allocation for parks/playground emergency purposes; shall not be used as
with a density of 21-25 access to property
383. 5% - Allocation for parks/playground 400. 2 m - Minimum width of alley
with a density of 26-35 401. 12 m - Major road right-of-way for open
384. 6% - Allocation for parks/playground market above 2.5-5 hectares
with a density of 36-50 402. 10 m - Collector road right-of-way for
385. 7% - Allocation for parks/playground open market above 2.5-5 hectares
with a density of 51-65 403. 10 m - Major road right-of-way for
386. 9% - Allocation for parks/playground medium cost above 2.5-5 hectares
with a density of above 65 404. 12 m - Major road right-of-way for
387. Neighborhood Multipurpose Center - A medium cost above 5-10 hectares
mandatory provision of area for a non-saleable 405. 10 m - Collector road right-of-way for
community facility for open market and medium cost above 5-10 hectares
medium housing projects with area of 1 hectare 406. 15m - Major road right-of-way for open
and above market above 15-30 hectares
388. Developer - He may provide additional 407. 12 m - Collector road right-of-way for
areas for community facilities in excess of the open market above 15-30 hectares
mandatory requirement which shall be deemed 408. 10 m - Minor road right-of-way for open
saleable market above 15-30 hectares
389. Convenience/retail center, Elementary, 409. 15 m - Major road right-of-way for
Tricycle terminal - Community facilities with medium cost above 30 hectares
1500-1999 saleable lots/dwelling units 410. 12 m - Collector road right-of-way for
390. High School - A community facility with medium cost above 30 hectares
2000-2499 saleable lots/dwelling units 411. 10 M - Minor road right-of-way for
391. 10 m - Minimum width of major road medium cost above 30 hectares
when used as main access road and/or as future 412. 8 m - Minimum right-of-way for minor
connection roads
392. Major road - a street or road linking the 413. 6 m and 60 m - Minimum width of
site and serves as the main traffic artery within service road, both ends connecting to a minor
the project site and shall traverse the longer road, shall be allowed for blocks not exceeding
axis of the property for how many meters
393. Collector road - a street or road that 414. Interconnecting road - A designated
services pedestrian/vehicular traffic from minor right-of-way to the nearest public road for
roads leading to major roads interior subdivision project
394. Minor road - a road which main 415. 3 m and 5 m - Subdivision abutting a
function is to provide direct access to lots and main public road with minimum setbacks of __
other activity centers in depth and __ in length at both sides of the
395. Motor courts - shall have a right of way subdivision entrance for loading/unloading
not less than 6 m with the provision for passengers
sufficient space for vehicular turn around in the 416. Asphalt or concrete - pavement of all
form of a cul-de-sac, loop, branch or T roads for open market and medium cost
396. 60 m - Maximum length of motor courts 417. Asphalt - Road pavement having a
inclusive of terminal minimum thickness of 50 mm
397. Service roads - roads which provide for 418. Concrete - Road pavement having a
the distribution of traffic among individual lots minimum thickness of 150 mm and a minimum
and activity centers compressive strength of 20.7 MPa
398. 419. 17.2 MPa - Minimum compressive
399. Alley - a walkway which shall be used to strength of sidewalk
break a block and to serve pedestrians and for 420. 6 m - Curb radius at road intersections
421. 1.5% - Minimum slope of crown of the 443. 250 m - Block length exceeding in
road right-of-way meters shall already be provided with a 2 meter
422. 7% to 9% -Minimum slope of curbs and alley at mid-length
gutters 444. 42 sq m - Minimum floor area for open
423. Grades and vertical curbs - shall market housing
conform to the design requirements of the 445. 30 sq m - Minimum floor area for
DPWH medium cost housing
424. Lot layout - Preservation of site assets 446. Complete house - Minimum level of
and proper siting orientation of lots; blending completion for all types of dwelling units based
with existing and proposed development in the on the submitted specifications for open market
vicinity and medium cost
425. 120 sq m - Minimum lot area of single 447. 300 mm - Firewall extensions above
detached for open market roof and outermost building edges (mm) for
426. 100 sq m - Minimum lot area of single row house
detached for medium cost 448. NBC - Minimum setback of dwelling
427. 96 sq m - Minimum lot area of units both for open market and medium cost
duplex/single attached for open market housing projects shall conform with
428. 80 sq m - Minimum lot area of 449. 150 liters - The average daily demand
duplex/single attached for medium cost per capita per day for household connection
429. 60 sq m - Minimum lot area of row 450. 20% - Water tank capacity for average
house for open market daily demand plus fire reserve
430. 50 sq m - Minimum lot area of row 451. MWSS and LWUA - Conformity with the
house for medium cost standards of pipes for water supply system
431. 40% - Price of saleable lots intended for 452. Users - shall be proportionately
single-detached units shall not exceed of shouldered by of the electrical bills for
percentage of the maximum selling price of streetlights thereof prior to issuance of
house and lot packages Certificate of Completion (COC) and turn over of
432. Saleable lots - Lots shall be designed open space to LGU
such that they are not bisected by political 453.
boundaries, water courses, drainage ways and 454. Septic Tanks - where community sewer
utility lines system is not available, sewage shall be
433. Frontage - the side of a lot which abuts disposed and treated in
a street 455. Drainage system - must conform to the
434. 12 m - Corner lot minimum frontage natural drainage pattern of the subdivision site,
under PD 957 and shall drain into appropriate water bodies,
435. 10 m - Regular lot minimum frontage public drainage system or natural outfalls
436. 6 m - Irregular lot minimum frontage 456. Underground drainage system - A
437. 3 m - Interior lot minimum frontage system shall be properly engineered and
438. 8 m - Duplex/single attached minimum environmentally sound and shall be provided
lot frontage with adequate reinforced concrete pipes (RCP),
439. 4 m - Row house minimum lot frontage catch basins, manholes, inlets and cross drain
440. 20 units - Maximum units per block or for efficient maintenance
cluster for row houses 457. 30 cm - Minimum drainage pipes
441. 100 m - Maximum block or cluster diameter for underground drainage system in
length of row house cm
442. 400 m - Maximum block length of a 458. Refuse collection and disposal system -
subdivision A sanitary and efficient system whether
independently or in conjunction with the
municipality/city garbage collection and project and provided further that the required
disposal services distance shall be in accordance with the NBCP
459. Residential - Residential condominium 473. 200 m - Off-site parking shall not be
projects shall preferably be located in areas located away from commercial condominium
zoned as or appropriate for project or within the commercial subdivision
460. NBC - conformity with the code of the 474. 8 m, 6 m, 2 m - Minimum roads or right-
minimum building requirements, lot occupancy, of-way for condominiums, with a carriageway
open spaces, parking and other requirements of, and the remaining meters shall be
for condominium projects developed as sidewalk/planting strip
461. Open spaces - shall include courts, 475. Pathwalks - shall be provided for
yards, setbacks, light wells, uncovered pedestrian circulation
driveways, access roads, parking spaces, buffer 476. 1.2 m - Minimum width of pathwalks
strips, parks and playgrounds for condominium project
462. Open space - shall also be allocated for 477. Public street or alley - Direct vehicular
basic utilities and community facilities or access to the property
common areas 478. asphalt or concrete - All roads for both
463. Building Orientation - shall take into residential and commercial projects shall be
account proper ventilation, sunlight, and land paved with
characteristics 479. Service Area - are held in common, they
464. 5 m - No development shall be allowed shall have suitable outdoor locations, fenced or
within the mandatory easement on fault traces screened and kept away from living rooms,
as may be identified by PHIVOLCS entrance or front yards
465. 10 or more condominium units - 480.
Parks/playground (exclusive of easements, 481. Water tank - Shall be provided if the
access roads, driveways, parking space) shall be height of the building requires pressure in
required for excess of that in the main water line
466. 482. 0.06 MPa - Tanks shall also be required
467. 800 m - when the condominium is part if the peak drawn should reduce the pressure
of a subdivision project or a park/playground on the highest usable floor to less than the
not more than in meters away and in reaching minimum pressure required for satisfactory
it, the pedestrian will not be unduly exposed to operation of fixtures, particularly with flush
hazard valves
468. 800 m - Maximum distance from a 483. Architect/engineer - Who shall
publicly accessible park/playground/other determine the requirement for elevators
recreational facilities where a condominium including the number of cars, capacity, safety
may not be required of such facilities features and standards, elevator type, speed
469. 50 sq m - Minimum area for a single and location in relation to the over all design of
park/playground for condominium projects the building
470. 3 sq m - An increment for 484. National Industry Standards - The
park/playground for every additional family components of the mechanical equipment are
dwelling type in excess of 10 units of in in accordance with the National Building
condominium projects Code of the Philippines, Accessibility Law, __
471. Parks and playgrounds - shall be and other pertinent laws
properly landscaped to accommodate both 485. 18 sq m - Minimum floor area for single
active and passive activities occupancy units
472. Off-site parking - May be allowed in 486. 12 sq m - A net floor area of square
addition to the on-site parking provided that meters may be allowed provided that these are
the designated parking area is part of the intended for students/employees/workers and
that the condominium project is within highly 503. Condominium - A building or group of
urbanized areas buildings, in which units are owned individually,
487. 36 sq m - The minimum floor area of and the structure, common areas and facilities
family condominium units for open market are owned by the owners on a proportional
488. 22 sq m - The minimum floor area of undivided basis
family condominium units for medium cost 504. Condominium - A building in which each
489. 3 years - Subdivision development individual unit is held in separate private
permit validity from the date of issue if no ownership and all floor space, facilities and
physical development is introduced outdoor areas used in common by all tenants
490. Owner or developer - Shall cause the are owned, administered and maintained by a
necessary surveys of the project and prepare corporation created pursuant to the provisions
the survey returns with technical description of the appropriate statute
and computations 505. Commercial condominium - a building,
491. Single Detached - a dwelling unit or group of buildings, used for office,
completely surrounded by yards businesses, professional services and other
492. Single Attached - a dwelling unit with commercial enterprise organized, owned and
one side attached to a firewall maintained as a condominium
493. Duplex -a dwelling unit containing 2 506. Common areas - means the entire
separate living units each of which is separated project excepting all units separately granted,
from another by a firewall held or reserved
494. Rowhouse - dwelling units containing 3 507. Community Facilities - facilities or
or more living units that abut each other and structures intended to serve common needs
are separated from each other by a firewall and for the benefit of the community
495. Firewall - any wall which subdivides a 508. Condominium unit - means part of the
building so as to resist the spread of fire condominium project intended for any type of
496. Lot - portion of a subdivision or any independent use or ownership
parcel of land intended as a unit for transfer or 509. According to PD 957 for Subdivision
ownership for building development Project, the saleable area should be at a
497. Corner lot - a lot situated at the maximum of _____% of the gross area. 70%
intersection of two or more streets 510. Facilities or structures intended to serve
498. Regular lot - a lot fronting on one street common needs and for the benefit of the
and the remaining sides bounded by lot lines community such as schools, places of worship,
499. Interior lot - a lot located at the inner hospitals. Community facilities
portion of a block with a minimum of 3 m wide 511. What is the size for planting strips of
access Road width in 12 meters (Open Market
500. Zoning Ordinance - Housing projects Housing)? 1.30m
should be in conformity with the laws and 512. A parcel of land bounded on the
regulations of the city/municipality where there sides by the streets. Occupied by or
they are located, thus, shall be in suitable sites intended for buildings. Block
for housing 513. What are non-saleable areas? I,II,IV
501. Open market and Medium cost - refers 514. Fire alerting suppression system is
to housing projects where prices of house and required for structures more than 15 meters in
lot packages are within suggested price ranges height. False
as determined through HUDCC resolution 515. What are the Community facilities? Non
502. Block - a parcel of land bounded on the saleables
sides by streets or alleys or pathways or other 516. What is the minimum units for a Row
natural or man-made features, and occupied by House? 20
or intended for buildings 517. In Pd957, What is the required block
length? 250MM OR LESS
518. What are the Basic Needs of Human 535. The number of rowhouses shall not
Settlement? ABDE exceed 20 units per block/ cluster – TRUE
536. The number of rowhouses shall not
exceed 20 units per block/ cluster but in no case
Movement & Circulation shall this be beyond _____ in length – 100M
537. The minimum lot area of Economic
Value Management Single Detached – 72M
Storm Drainage 538. The minimum lot area of Economic
Duplex/ Single Attached – 54SQM
Solid & Liquid Waste disposal 539. The minimum lot frontage of Economic
519. What is PD whatare subdivision and & Socialized Single Detached Regular Lot. – 8M
Condominium Buyer's Protective Decree 540. The minimum lot frontage of Economic
520. Minimum Lot Area of a Medium Cost & Socialized Single Detached Irregular Lot. – 4M
Single Detached. - 541. The minimum lot frontage of Economic
521. 100 sqm & Socialized Duplex/ Single Attached Lot. – 6M
522. Minimum Lot Area of a Open Market 542. Width of Planting Strip when RROW is
Single Detached – 120SQM 15m – 1.3M
523. Minimum Lot Area of a Open Market 543. Width of Planting Strip when RROW is
Rowhouse – 60SQM 6.5m – OPTIONAL
524. For Open Market and Medium Cost 544. Width of Planting Strip when RROW is
Subdivision projectd with an area of 1 ha. or 12m – 0.8M
more. (Saleable Area: Non-Saleable Area) – 545. Width of Sidewalk when RROW is 8m –
70:30 0.6M
525. Based on PD957, Minimum Lot 546. Width of Sidewalk when RROW is 15m –
Frontage for Rowhouses – 4M 1.2M
526. Based on PD957, Minimum Lot 547. Width of Sidewalk when RROW is 12m –
Frontage of a Duplex/Single Attached – 8M 1.2M
527. (PD957) For 20 & below ha., What is the 548. (BP220) Minimum ceiling height for
percentage of gross area allocated for parks and habitable rooms shall be – 2.00M
playground – 3.5% 549. What are the Parameters in Design
528. PD957) In no case shall be an area Standards? - 2345
allocated for parks and playground be less than Design Schemes
200 sqm – FALSE
529. Based on PD957, Minimum Floor Area Protection of safety of public welfare
of a Open Market Housing – 42SQM Basic needs
530. (PD957/BP220) Maximum length of a
block shall be 400 meters, blocks exceeding 250 Affordability Level
meters shall be provided with a/an – ALLEY
531. A street or road linking the site and
serves as the main traffic artery. – MAJOR ROAD 550. What is the minimum floor area
532. Have a right-of-way of not less than 6 required for a medium cost family
meters in width with provision for sufficient condominium according to PD 957? – 22SQM
space for vehicular turn - Motor Court 551. Minimum floor area of a single-
533. a 2 meter wide walkway which to serve occupancy condominium for medium cost
pedestrains and for emergency purposes – housing – 18SQM
ALLEY 552. Open market residential housing under
534. Subdivision projects abutting main PD 957 minimum lot frontage? – 12M
public road must provide 3m front setback and
5m side setback – TRUE
553. In an open market housing under PD is introduced into the system thru fire service
957, an elevator is needed if the condominium connections when needed. – DRY STANDPIPE
has storeys of? – 5 STOREYS 569. A mechanical device consisting of
554. In a residential open market housing linkages and horizontal bars across a door,
under PD 957 easement or setback in the rear is which when pushed from the inside will cause
– 2M the door to open and facilitates exit from the
555. Minimum RROW as per PD 957? – 8M building, structure or facility. – PANIC
556. Allowable are for parks and HARDWARE
playgrounds for 10 condo units under PD 957? – 570. A system of vertical pipes in a building
557. Based on RA 9514, how many exits are to which fire hoses can be attached on each
required if the occupant load is 50 or less? – 2 floor, including a system by which water is
558. Under RA 9514, the minimum made available to the outlets as needed. –
headroom clearance shall not be less than nor STAND PIPE SYSTEM
any projection from the ceiling be less than; - 571. High Rise Building, buildings, structure
2M or facility in which distance between the floor
559. A wall designed to prevent the spread of the topmost storey and the ground level is
of fire,having a fire resistance rating of not less _______ meters or more. – 15M
than 4 hours with sufficient structural stability 572. R.A. 9514 is also known as – FIRE CODE
to remain standing even if construction of OF THE PHILIPPINES OF 2008
either side collapses under fire condition. – FIRE 573. A building unsafe in case of fire because
WALL it will burn easily or because it lacks adequate
560. Any building or structure where fifty exits or fire escapes. – FIRE TRAP
(50) or more people congregate, gather, or 574. Fires involving flammable liquids and
assemble for any purpose. – PUBLIC ASSEMBLY gases – CLASS B
BUILDING 575. When a door is required to be equipped
561. A passageway from one building to with panic hardware by some other provisions
another, or through or around a wall in of this Rule, the panic hardware shall cause the
approximately the same floor level. – door latch to release when a force of not more
HORIZONTAL EXIT than ____ is applied to the releasing device in
562. As per FCP, a street, alley or other the direction of exit travel. – 7KGF NOT SURE
similar parcel of land open to the outside air, 576. Minimum Required Parking Slot,
deeded to the public, shall have a clear width Parking Area and Loading Space Requirements
and height of at least; - 3M for Units located in office, commercial or mixed-
563. Minimum tread for a fire escape stair use condominium buildings/ structures Unit
for small buildings. – 15.25CM with a gross floor area of more than 70.00 sq.
564. Occupant load for assembly area of meters - 1/70 SQ.M
concentrated use without fixed seats such as an 577. Setbacks for Commercial*, Industrial,
auditorium, place of worship, dance floor, and Institutional and Recreational Buildings - 30.00
lodge room. – 0.65SQM & above meters - FRONT 8.0M, SIDE 5.0M,
565. FCP: stairs minimum clear width. – REAR 5.0M
915MM 578. Setbacks for Commercial*, Industrial,
566. Maximum distance of space from a Institutional and Recreational Buildings - 25.00
dead end, according to FCP – 6M to 29.00 meters - FRONT 6.0M, SIDE 3.0M,
567. The maximum number of persons that REAR 3.0M
may be allowed to occupy a particular building 579. A carport shall not be considered part
or space – OCCUPANT LOAD of the ____________________particularly if it is
568. A type of standpipe system in which the entirely roofed or roofed with overhangs. In
pipes are normally not filled with water. Water such a case, it must be counted as an integral
component of the Allowable Maximum Building
Footprint (AMBF). TOTAL OPEN SPACE WITHIN 596. An integrated system of underground
LOT (TOSL) or overhead piping connected to a source of
580. Minimum Setbacks for Residential extinguishing agent or medium which when
Buildings/Structures - R1 - FRONT 4.5M, SIDDE actuated by its automatic detecting device
2.0M, REAR 2.0M suppresses fire within the area protected even
581. Bp220, Distance for provision for street without hum - AUTOMATIC FIRE SUPPRESSION
lighting per pole - 50M SYSTEM
582. MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE FOR SINGLE 597. An act establishing a Comprehensive
DETACHED CORNER LOT FOR ECONOMIC Fire Code of the Philippines, otherwise known
HOUSING – 4M as the Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008. RA
PROVIDED FOR HOUSING PROJECTS AND WILL 598. A continuous and unobstructed route
BE MANDATORY FOR HOW MUCH IN HECTARE - of exit from one point in a building to a public
584. Bp220, Maximum rise in stairs - 599. FCP: stairs minimum clear width.
250MM 900MM
585. Bp220: At least ____ millimeters of
firewall is required whenever a dwelling abuts a
property line. - 150MM
587. Minimum setback for dwelling unit
both economic and socialized housing at the
sides - 1.50
589. allowable area for parks and
playgrounds for 10 condo units under PD 957.
50 sqm
590. What is the subdivision's price ceiling
for open market housing under PD 957? php
591. Minimum lot area for residential open
market housing under PD 957 is? 120 sqm
592. What is the minimum stair tread
required for new stairs in RA 9514? 280m
593. All private and public buildings,
facilities and structures to be constructed,
altered or modified, which by reason of their
use, size and height are required to install any
or combination of the following: ALL OF THE
594. FCP: Door minimum and maximum
clear openings for means of egress.710 MM
AND 1220MM
595. The width of any means of egress shall
not be less than ___ as per FCP. 915MM

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