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University of Dhaka: Strategic Marketing of LUX

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University of Dhaka

Assignment on

Strategic Marketing of LUX

Course Title: Strategic Marketing

Course Code: OSL E114

Prepared for:
Major Reza Ul Karim
Analyst (security, business, politics)
Public Speaker

Prepared by:
1. Naimatul Jannat Mouly-91804018
2. Md. Al-amin-91908053
3. Rehnuma Tarannum-91907050

Department of
Organization Strategy &
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka
Executive Summary
Lux is a super brand that has celebrated beauty across the world since 1925. Unilever is a
multinational consumer product manufacturing giant operating in over a hundred countries all
around the globe. Lux has been the largest selling personal wash brand in Bangladesh. Unilever
Bangladesh is the Bangladesh chapter of Unilever, where the company holds 60.75% share
whereas the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh holds 39.25% share.

Unilever’s one of the most popular brands is LUX. They segment LUX.’s market according to
geographical locations. It further differentiates these segments into Socio Economic Cluster (SEC)
which takes into account the criteria of education and profession which ultimately measures the
financial ability of consumers. The company targets sub-urban upper-middle and middle-class
people who are the second-highest population of the segment of the country. The brand LUX has
a strong positioning in the mind of the target customers. LUX positioned itself as a brand of stars.

Tactical marketing tools, 4P’s, are extensively used by the company to market LUX. Besides, the
segment, target, and position the beauty soap market very efficiently. The product is available in
two different fragrances in three different sizes. They also have a perfumed bar and body wash.
The beauty soap industry has a few major producers of which Unilever holds a market share of
slightly less than 50%. Other competing brands like Tibbet, Aromatic, and Keya have started to
have a strong consumer base, but LUX.’s product features distribution and promotional activities
have created high brand loyalty for which it is still the market leader. LUX has some market
failures but LUX was able to overcome this and lead the beauty soap market of Bangladesh.

Table of Contents

1. Objective of this report ................................................................................................... 04

2. Methodology of this report ............................................................................................. 04

3. Our Limitations............................................................................................................... 04

4. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 05

5. Unilever at a Glance........................................................................................................ 05

6. LUX in Bangladesh ......................................................................................................... 05

7. Products and Price Of LUX ......................................................................................... 06

8. Market Segmentation ..................................................................................................... 07

9. Targeting .......................................................................................................................... 08

10. Positioning ....................................................................................................................... 11

11. Using the Tactical Marketing Tools .............................................................................. 12

12. Product ............................................................................................................................. 12

13. Price .................................................................................................................................. 12

14. Place ................................................................................................................................. 11

15. Promotion ........................................................................................................................ 11

16. Market Share ................................................................................................................... 12

17. Field visit .......................................................................................................................... 13

18. Reasons behind the failure and success of the brand LUX…………………………..14

19. Our Findings and Recommendation ............................................................................. 14

20. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 14

21. References ........................................................................................................................ 15

Objective of the Report

This report is an outcome of an analysis of marketing strategies used by Unilever Bangladesh Ltd.
The main purpose of the report is to find what strategies the company uses to segment, target, and
positioning. The report further analyzes the position of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. in the toiletry
industry in comparison to its competitors. We tried to find the process of using market
segmentation, target marketing, positioning, product, pricing, promotional and distribution
strategies, and competitive analysis. We also tried to find the success and failure of LUX.

Methodology of the Report

For accessibility and availability of information, we have chosen to work on the strategies of
Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. As the company operates in the market with a huge number of products
in different industries, we have decided to focus on one of their worldwide successful brands,
LUX. Most of the information used in this report is from primary sources and some information
from secondary sources. We have collected data from field visits. In addition, information was
also collected from websites like Unilever Bangladesh, LUX Bangladesh. We have collected data
from social media also.

Our Limitations

We were failed to describe the international background of lux. We only focused on the strategy
within the country Bangladesh. While working we have to face a huge problem of statistical data
limitation. We can’t find any accurate statistics of the marketing strategy-related data of LUX in


Lux is the biggest beauty brand in Bangladesh, has retained its leadership through strong
differentiation and consistently sharp positioning on beauty & stardom, No soap brand could claim
to be more aspirational for the Bangladeshi consumers than Lux - ' the beauty soap of super stars'.
Lux, with its promise to turn ordinary girls into stars, launched a reality TV show "Lux Channel i
Super Star", which has been running successfully since 2005. In 2009, the show received the award
for the "Best Integrated Marketing Campaign" in Bangladesh. LUX has been ranked the best toilet
soap brand in 2014. LUX successfully implemented all the marketing strategies in the market of

Unilever at a Glance

Unilever is one of the world’s largest and leading multinational companies. Unilever commenced
its business activities on a larger scale by setting up its first factory in the Netherlands, in the year
1872. Operating in Bangladesh for over the last four decades the company is trying to significantly
contribute towards the augmentation of the standard of living by bringing world-class high-quality
products to the doorstep of their customers. The usage of Unilever products by over 90% of the
people in Bangladesh stands testimony to their successful operation. They produce household care,
fabric cleaning, skin cleansing, skincare, oral care, hair care, personal grooming, and tea-based
beverage products under worldwide famous brand names Wheel, LUX, Lifebuoy, Glow & Lovely,
Pond’s, Close Up, Sunsilk, Lipton, Lipton Taaza, Pepsodent, All Clear, Vim, Surf Excel, and

LUX in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, the first bar of Lux was made in 1964 in its Chittagong Kalurghat Factory and all
the beautiful faces of Bangladesh media have been proudly associated with Lux since then.
Popularly known as 'the beauty soap of super stars', Lux has been a favorite with generations of
users for the experience of sensuous, luxurious bathing. Lux, since its launch, has been the pioneer
in developing the market and shaping consumer behavior. Continuously, without failure, Lux has
introduced a range of soaps in different colors, shapes, nourishing ingredients, and fragrances.
However, each of the soaps consistently delighted the consumers with the same benefit of beautiful
skin and aspiration to look and feel beautiful.
Over 50 glorious years of operation in Bangladesh, it has succeeded to attract women every day.
Still, now LUX is the highest-selling beauty soap brand in Bangladesh. LUX has been ranked the
best toilet soap brand in Bangladesh. Unilever has a 60.75% share and Bangladesh Government
has a 39.25% share. Lux is the largest skin cleansing brand in the country with a value share of
41% in 2009. Lux in Bangladesh has the highest market share in Unilever world. More than Nine
in every Ten Bangladeshi consumers enjoy the luxurious bathing pleasure of Lux during a year.
This strong association with consumers has led to Lux becoming one of the most trusted &
respected brands in the country.

Products and Price Of LUX

LUX falls under the category of toiletry product as a beauty soap. With its world class research &
development at Unilever, Lux always offers the best of the product in skin cleansing, setting the
benchmark for the market and is complemented by the endorsement of beauty icons of each
generation. Bangladesh toilet soap segment is divided into three major segments - popular health,
popular beauty and premium. Lux operates in the popular beauty segment which is the largest
segment with stiff competition from local beauty soaps.

LUX has launched four kinds of soap.

1. LUX mini soap

2. Beauty Soap
3. Perfumed Bar
4. LUX Body Wash
LUX mini soap has only one variant named lux soft glow. Lux beauty soap currently has two main
variants: LUX soft glow and LUX velvet glow. They have launched a series of Perfumed Bar Soap
which was claimed to have 8 hours long lasting fragrance- Charming Magnolia, Hypnotic Rose,
Iconic Iris. LUX has a premium product- LUX body wash available in two variant-Magical Spell,
White Impress.
Price is reasonable of LUX products more or less.
LUX mini soap, LUX Soft Glow, 35 gm, 10 Taka
Beauty Soap
75gm: 3o BDT
100gm: 38 BDT
150gm: 55 BDT

Perfumed Bar, 125gm:50 BDT

LUX Body Wash
220 ml: 200 BDT
500ml: 660 BDT

Market Segmentation
Market segmentation is dividing huge complex markets into smaller segments that can be reached
more efficiently the reason behind dividing the market into small segments is that buyers differ in
their wants, resources, location, buying attitudes, and buying practices.
As we know that lux is a global brand. Lux is satisfying the needs of people all around the world
lux is not only targeting one or two countries its targeting people all around the globe so reaching
each and every market efficiently is not that easy so lux has also divided the market in small
segments. The market is segmented in geographically, demographically, psychographic, and
behavioral variables.
Geographic segmentation
Lux is geographically expanding itself. Day by day lux being a brand of unilever is targeting India,
Thailand south Africa, Pakistan, china, brazil, Canada, north America, western Europe, Srilanka,
Bangladesh, the middle east. Lux has successfully targeted or expanded geographically in almost
every country lux was started many years ago and up till now lux is just expanding in a positive
way more than 50 years have passed but still the work of lux is not finished yet lux is making its
mark day by day. Lux wants to satisfy its consumer everywhere they want their product to be in
every departmental store of every country in almost all the cities of that country. Lux is the market
leader of India, Thai land, Brazil, South Africa. Geographic segmentation for any brand is quite
important because without expanding geographically the brand will never be able to satisfy the
needs of people fully so dividing the marketing into small segments area wise, country, region etc.
is compulsory or else the brand won’t be that famous or people will not be awarded of that
particular brand. Lux has intelligently expanded all around the world as well as Bangladesh.

Demographic segmentation
Demographic segmentation is dividing the market according to age, gender, occupation, education,
religion, income etc. basically demographic segmentation is the next level. Demographic factors
are the most popular bases for segmenting customers groups. Demographically lux has targeted
people all around the world of almost all ages because lux has a vast range of beauty soaps, age
miracle, whitening soaps, cleansing, and many more so lux is targeting everyone. People of almost
all ages plus lux is so affordable so women of any occupation (income) can easily buy lux.

Psychographic segmentation is dividing the market according to social class, life style and
personality. Lux as mentioned above has targeted almost all the classes because of its affordable
price. Target customers of LUX believes the quality of LUX products. They have a trust and
positive thought back in their mind about the LUX products. Over all lux is for everyone and most
of the woman believes in the statement “beauty beings with lux”. Lux is always reliable and

The buying behavior is further affected by psychological factors such as motivation, perception,
learning, and beliefs and attitudes. Lux basically focus on inter-market segmentation. LUX
observes the consumers who have similar needs and buying behavior even though they are located
in different areas. Lux is trying to satisfy the needs of buyers who have similar needs and similar
buying behavior.

After segmentation the next step is that the company decides how many segments it will target. A
research carried out by Unilever Bangladesh reveals that urban rich people are more likely to buy
imported and expensive products. Moreover, rural poor people tend to buy cheap products even
without evaluating its quality. However urban and sub urban upper-middle and middle-class
people tend to buy affordable and quality products.
LUX is not a highly expensive but an affordable product. That is why the company targets urban
and sub urban upper-middle and middle-class people who are the second highest population of
segment of the country. From the segmentation of customer according to SEC they target category
A, B and C, because they are assumed to be financially well-off and can afford to buy LUX.

Socio Economic Cluster

Income High Upper Middle Mid Level Lower Middle Low
Income Level Income Income Income Income
Education High Level Educated Educated Educated Very
of Slightly Less Slightly Less Slightly Less Low
Education than Cluster A than Cluster B than Cluster C Level of

The SEC divides the population into five segments starting from A to E, where A categorizes the
highly educated and high-income earners holders, and sequentially in descending order E
categorizes the opposite.
But today’s scenario is a bit different. The previous research is perfectly good but nowadays Lux
is targeting the rural people and the corporate world as well. The company claims that LUX is the
highest-selling beauty soap in Bangladesh. Moreover, some survey reports also reveal the same
result. Though LUX is the highest-selling beauty soap in Bangladesh, it does not go for traditional
targeting. Moreover, as a beauty soap LUX does not even segment its market according to gender.
LUX has launched different products according to its target market.
For example The 10 taka mini-pack of Lux. It is clear for the people who cannot afford to buy
family-size soap or don’t need to. This 10 taka soap can be found in the small shops, tong shops
and mostly in village shops. So that the low-income category people can buy the mini soap from
there. Lux also market this 10-taka soap with sachet packaging techniques and hang them inform
of the customers so that the lower-middle-class customers and the low-income customers don’t
feel shy to buy one for their use. We can easily find the 10 taka soap in local Bangla restaurants,
local cheap hotel rooms, boarding, residential madrassah, mess, hostel, and many places like this.
The sales of 10 taka soap is increasing day by day.
This mini 10 taka pack of Lux is also a perfect example of a successful targeting strategy for a
Demographically Segmented group. Mostly the target market group is affected by the
Demographic Segmentation. Income is a big fact here.
Beauty Soap
LUX Beauty Soap is the main product of the brand. It targets a huge segment of customers. LUX
beauty soap targets 16-35 aged women as a strategy. Lux believes that every woman can make
herself beautiful by using LUX. Though in people's minds Lux is a beauty soap, people of all
gender use this. Lux only target female customers through their marketing and advertisement. The
main process is reference marketing using the most popular female models to target the users. Only
one advertisement of Lux used Shahrukh Khan as a male main model to target male users as well.
But nowadays LUX has become a family soap and daily used toilet soap.
Perfumed Bar
Perfumed Bar is a very fragrant bathing Soap a nice combination of beauty, fragrance, cleanness, and
freshness. It is infused with premium perfume oils capturing notes of exotic flowers and precious
ingredients. It targets women who want unforgettable beauty. It is a very feminine beauty soap. As it brings
a long-lasting perfume so it targets young beauty-loving women who are glamour enthusiasts.
LUX Body Wash
LUX body Wash is a liquid soap with a fragrance of Black Orchids and Juniper Oil. It has a rich, long-
lasting perfume of Black Orchid in every drop of body wash for up to 8 hours long-lasting fragrance. The
fragrance is composed by the World's Best Perfume Experts. The body wash is not harsh on the skin and it
makes a huge foamy experience while using. LUX body wash is very soft and soothing. It targets the

customers of the urban areas. LUX body wash doesn’t available in general departmental stores. It can be
found in super-shops and big departmental stores in big cities or urban areas.

The success of targeting all the customers is, from the very beginning till today Lux is affordable, can be
found everywhere, people of almost all age, gender and income people can buy Lux soap.

Lux is positioned as a nice beauty soap having a vast variety. LUX has successfully positioned
itself in the minds of consumers. Lux promotes all the products in a very nice and decent manner
when people see those advertisements then they are more attracted towards the brand and the image
of the lux brand in their minds is improved. Unilever Bangladesh Ltd obtained a good position in
the buyers’ minds through better product attributes, price, and quality, offering the product in a
different way than the competitors do. The company offers improved quality of products in the
industry at an affordable price with high branding, which ultimately helps to position the product
in the buyers’ minds as the best quality beauty soap.

Lux positioned itself as a Beauty Soap of Stars!

Lux campaigns have owned millions of hearts over the decades. Popularly known as the beauty
soap of film stars, Lux has been an intimate partner of the brightest stars on the silver screen for
decades. An ode to their beauty, an announcer of their stardom, advertising campaigns on Lux
have featured film stars across the nation, promising their beauty to ordinary women. In
Bangladesh, almost all of the beautiful faces in media from different generations have been
associated with Lux over the years. To name a few are Doyel, Champa, Suborna Mustafa, Shabnur,
Mousumi, Nipa, Shakila Zafar, Bipasha Hayat, Afsana Mimi, Shomi Kaiser, Mou, Kushum
Shikder and Aupi Karim. BD popular actress Shabnam was a Model of Lux before the liberation

Lux was always changing with the times. Whether it be in terms of the product or terms of
promotions, the brand kept the consumers excited. Lux was initially a premium brand. Lux was
being projected as an aspirational brand and the endorsements by stars further reinforced the
positioning. LUX positioned it in the customers' minds as a symbol of Beauty and Glamour. It
gives a strong message of beauty to the women customer's mind. Another strong positioning tool
of LUX is its enchanting fragrance. LUX has been working with the world’s best perfumers to
create fine fragrances into their soaps. It makes the daily shower into an indulgent one that will
make one feel special every day.

This positioning created a strong customer loyalty for LUX, for which it is the market leader in
the industry. Consumers trust LUX about its packaging, fragrances, and product designing.

Using the Tactical Marketing Tools

We know, the 4Ps of marketing are a model for enhancing the components of the marketing mix.
It defines how an organization takes a new product or service into the market. It helps to define
marketing options in terms of price, product, promotion, and place. Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. uses
tactical marketing tools for marketing LUX in Bangladesh. LUX has different prices of soaps
according to different sizes. They have a dedicated distribution channel in the country. LUX has
its warehouses all around the country. LUX’s promotional activities are always positively engaged


LUX is an internationally renowned beauty soap brand of Unilever. Though manufactured in

Bangladesh for the local market by Unilever Bangladesh Ltd, as an international brand, it
maintains an international quality for the product. The formula given by Research and
Development departments in foreign countries, LUX is produced in Bangladesh from imported
raw materials like sodium soap, glycerol, and different extracts according to flavors, coming from
Unilever plants situated abroad. LUX has been working with the world’s best perfumers to create
fine fragrances into their soaps.


LUX provides the best pricing with the quality it provides, and the major reason behind it is that
there are many competitors in the market and a slight change in the price comes up with a huge
risk of creating a price war among the rivals which would result to low profits or the consumer
shift towards other products. It is almost equal to its competitor. This is due to some constraints in
the beauty soap industry. Beauty soap is a product with a vulnerable demand in Bangladesh. A
price change has a high risk of creating a price war among the rivals which will eventually cause
a loss of profit. Its prices are almost equal to its competitor.


Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. has a huge distribution channel for LUX all over the country as its sales reach
more than 10 million pieces a year. The company has six huge warehouses, one in each division of
Bangladesh, where the product goes after they are manufactured at Kalurghat factory. The company does
not use its fleet of transport for distributing its product. However, it has outsourced its distribution process
to various third-party distributors, exclusively dedicated to Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. These distributors
then supply the product all over Bangladesh to a huge number of retailers. Even though LUX targets the
urban and sub-urban middle and upper-middle-class people they are distributing their products all over
Bangladesh because of a recent increase in demand for its product to all segments of the population.


Unilever Bangladesh undertakes huge promotional activities to promote LUX which has topped
the beauty soap industry of Bangladesh. It spends almost 20% to 25% of its Net Proceeds from
Sales of LUX for promotional activities for LUX. Its certain annual promotional campaigns like
LUX Channel i Superstar and LUX Channel i Annual Cinema Awards have made the product a

part of the glamour world. They do not only promote LUX in Bangladesh for the beauty-conscious
females, but it also promotes the brand for males and the company proved that, by including world-
famous male celebrity Shahrukh Khan for their advertising campaign. Unilever Bangladesh Ltd
spends a huge amount of money promoting LUX through TV commercials, newspaper
advertisements, and billboards. Moreover, it also undertakes small promotional campaigns at
different schools, colleges, universities, and recreational parks with winners of its Zonal Beauty

Market Share
The beauty soap industry in Bangladesh consists of only seven major producers. Unilever
Bangladesh Ltd is operating in the industry with its world-famous brand LUX. Out of these giant
companies Unilever Bangladesh Ltd is the market leader with a share of around 43%.

This table shows a detailed description of the major competitors in the market, their operating
brand, estimated annual sales revenue, and market share.

Other companies in the industry are not as big as Unilever Bangladesh Ltd but they are posing
threat to the company by a tendency of a gradual increase in their market share. Kohinoor
Chemicals which is operating with the brand name Tibet is an extremely famous brand to the rural
segment of the population and possesses a significant share in that segment which is the largest
population group in Bangladesh. Moreover, Keya Cosmetics Ltd operating with the brand name
Keya and Marks & Allys Ltd operating with the brand name Aromatic are also uprising brands to
both the rural and sub-urban segment of the population. Unilever Bangladesh Ltd is leading the
market. The other competitors are very competitive among themselves but they cannot put an
intense competition with Unilever Bangladesh Ltd, as they have market share much less than
Unilever Bangladesh Ltd.

Field visit
Through different secondary data and desk research, we have come to know about the
segmentation, branding, and positioning of the product LUX. And analyzing those data we have
had a proper understanding of the fact behind the success of LUX as the premium beauty soap that
remained the top-selling brand for such a long period in the Bangladeshi beauty soap market. We
verified the information that we gathered about Lux through several field studies. The areas were
selected from different parts of our country- Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, and Rangpur. We went
to these areas and visited different departmental stores and groceries. We interviewed the
customers and sellers and studied and checked stores and accounts randomly to gather information.
Thus, we have been able to understand the customer’s buying habits more closely.

We learned a few things that we couldn’t have learned by any other means unless we had field
visits. We noticed that the general tendency of the customers is to search for a medium-range soap.
And many a customer likes the item of LUX that contains flowery flavor and fragrance. The
customers did not show much interest in the LUX Perfumed Bar soaps which were sold fifty taka
a piece in the retail market. The ten taka item of the LUX brand is gaining further market every
day. And the 150-gram LUX what is biggest in volume among LUX products is losing market
share. Because people love to purchase imported products or a different brand of face wash as they
opt for costly items.

Through field studies, we also knew that Lux producer Unilever Bangladesh made a huge
campaign for the item Lux Perfumed Bar. They sold it at a discount price to the retail sellers so
that the item gains popularity. Unfortunately, customers did not accept Lux Perfumed Bar products
with that much enthusiasm. Many shopkeepers failed to sell these items keeping month after month
their stores loaded. Since the expiry date for those products approached, the retailers returned
Perfumed Bars to the producer. Unilever closed Perfumed Bar items and with some time ahead
they stopped further production of those.

Through field studies, we have learned such important facts. We also learned that the position Lux
had in the mind of the customers for a long period has decreased in quite a big margin now. People
don’t feel the kind of attraction that they used to feel earlier for Lux Beauty Soaps. LUX’s major
market share evolved from a beauty or luxury soap to a Daily or Family brand soap.

Every generation develops its ideas about cosmetics and toiletries and each generation follows a
buying habit that is in some way different from the earlier. The way the customers used to esteem
LUX as a beauty product fifty years back has undergone a fair amount of change. Our field studies
showed us clearly that during this period the producer of LUX has shifted their attention from one
set of customers to another. Once upon a time, they used to target upper-class customers. Now,
they have changed their target to the middle class and lower middle class or even to the poor
customers. Through our study, we can say conclusively that the LUX brand has lost the image of
premier beauty soap and gained a level of everyday family soap. It still has the top position in
market share of sell but that is not the contribution of a luxury item. If Lux wants to regain its

position as the premier Luxury Brand soap, it has to come up with research-based new products,
innovative ideas, and fitting campaigns.

Reasons behind the failure and success of the brand LUX

We have found a failure of lux while we are visiting the market. They have launched a series of
Perfumed Bar Soap which was claimed to have 8 hours long-lasting fragrance. The result was
based on a consumer test which conducted by LUX. But customers didn’t accept these soaps. We
have found that customers didn’t like the new series of the perfumed bar. That’s why many of the
shopkeepers were not able to sell the products. They had to return the maximum of the soaps to
the company. Every generation develops its ideas about cosmetics and toiletries and each
generation follows a buying habit that is in some way different from the earlier. The way the
customers used to esteem Lux as a beauty product fifty years back has undergone a fair amount of
change. Our field studies showed us clearly that during this period the producer of Lux has shifted
their attention from one set of customers to another. Once upon a time, they used to target upper-
class customers. Now, they have changed their target to the middle class and lower middle class
or even to the poor customers. Through our study, we can say conclusively that the Lux brand has
lost the image of premier beauty soap and gained a level of everyday family soap. It’s all about
the change of target customer. Changing the target is the main reason behind the success and failure
of the brand.

Our Findings and Recommendation

LUX still is the best and big toilet soap in Bangladesh. But the target customers are changed and
changing day by day. Once LUX was just a Luxury but nowadays it has become ordinary toilet
soap for the middle class and lower-middle-class people. In the era of eCommerce, people are
interested to buy imported soap or skincare products rather than LUX. Unilever Bangladesh Ltd
should expand its target market also towards the rural people. LUX has the top position in market
share of sell but that is not the contribution of a luxury item of LUX. If Lux wants to regain its
position as the premier Luxury Brand soap, it has to come up with research-based new products,
innovative ideas, and fitting campaigns.

The beauty soap industry of Bangladesh consists of a few producers in the industry. Unilever
Bangladesh is providing LUX. at a price that is affordable to most of the people in the country.
Beauty soap is an uprising product in Bangladesh as a greater portion of the population, both male
and female, are now getting more beauty conscious. As a multinational company Unilever
Bangladesh with the proper marketing strategy such as segmentation, targeting, positioning, and
with heavy promotional activities, has been able to penetrate the market. Its distribution process is
highly efficient. Its promotional activities, like the beauty contest, have been a milestone in
attracting a huge number of customers. Overall, with its marketing activities, LUX has been a
successful brand. But in the long run, LUX needs to improve its product and marketing strategy
significantly to keep the top position in the beauty soap market in Bangladesh.


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