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3 Interview Transcripts From Healing With Vibration 2 0

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from Healing with Vibration 2.0!

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Healing with Vibration 2.0! access the video interviews
of these talks below:

How to Use the Resonance of
Heart, Mind and Planet for Healing
from Rollin McCraty, PhD
Click here to watch this interview!

Intelligent Energy Medicine:

Tapping Into Your Knowing
from Silvia Binder, ND, PhD
Click here to watch this interview!

The Power of 8: Heal Yourself – Heal

The World from Lynne McTaggart
Click here to watch this interview!

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How to Use the Resonance

of Heart, Mind & Planet for
Rollin McCraty, PhD

Dr. Ewers: Welcome back to the Vibration Healing level. And the most important aspect of that is
Summit, everybody. I’m Dr. Keesha Ewers, and I’m the, well, I’m going to call it the vibrations since
so happy to bring you Dr. Rollin McCraty, who’s that’s the name of our summit because it literally
a director of research at the HeartMath Institute. is both physiologically and in our energetic
He’s a professor at Florida Atlantic University and systems our emotions.
a psychophysiologist whose interests include the And that might surprise people that I say that
physiology of emotion. because most people think, well, change your
One of his primary areas of focus is the thoughts, that changes everything and all this
mechanism by which emotions influence cognitive stuff.
processes, behavior, health, and the global Dr. Ewers: All about mindset.
interconnectivity between people and Earth’s
energetic systems. Dr. McCraty: Yeah. And well, there’s some truth
to that, but it’s really the emotions that run the
He’s been with HeartMath Institute since its show. Now that’s so easy to show here in the lab.
founding in 1991 by Doc Childre. His critical We’ve done this for 30 years.
research on heart rate variability and heart-
rhythm coherence has gained international I mean, we can have you wired up to all the
attention in the scientific community and is brain wavy stuff and your electrocardiogram and
helping to change long health perceptions about hormones and biochemicals, all the stuff, immune
the heart’s role in health, behavior, performance, markers, all the stuff we’ve done over the years.
and quality of life. Welcome to the summit, Dr. And stress you out and do cognitive tasks and
McCraty. make you subtract numbers in your head and all
that, and we see some changes, of course.
Dr. McCraty: Hi, Keesha. Great to be here. Thanks
for inviting me. But once you trigger an emotion, big changes
happen in our body, in our nervous system, in our
Dr. Ewers: Yeah. So the conversation that when hormonal system, et cetera. So it is really is the
we start talking about healing with vibrations, emotions that physiologically in our bodies run
what is it that you think of when you hear that? the show. In fact, we don’t have time to go into all
Dr. McCraty: Well, boy, I could go so many the what be got watch here.
ways with that question, but probably the most But when we are interacting with people or just
important thing is what I tend to call our energetic navigating life and through the world, it’s the
body, our energetic level. From my perspective,
emotional responses we have to interactions
that’s what runs the show even at the physical
and all the things we’re perceiving that actually

Healing with Vibration 2.0


happen first before thoughts occur. So emotions well, I tend to view it through an energy model
are very fast. And a lot of times, our thoughts because we are energy systems, and we really
are really trying to sort out and justify what we are. And so it’s really how are we managing
already felt. our energy? How are we expending the energy
Dr. Ewers: Making meaning about the feeling, that we have and how are we recovering it,
right? and how intelligent are we about those energy
Dr. McCraty: Labeling them and all this stuff. So
vibrationally, I would say getting a handle on our And this is where people can have a computer
emotional diet and being more self-empowered, read out at the end of the day on their energy
more able to really self-regulate our emotional expenditures, mental, emotional, physical. They’d
diet, the vibrations of our emotions, would be shocked to see how much energy we waste in
be probably the most important thing for the our emotional domain.
majority of people. And then once you start to realize that’s the
Dr. Ewers: Back in 5,000, 10,000 years ago, energy that my system could have been using for
there are a couple of different time periods for healing, regeneration, for growth, for navigating
Ayurvedic medicine, the sister science of yoga. In the world with more ease, more grace, and
India, they said autoimmune disease is undigested ease through my day to day life, then you start
emotions. So when you say a diet of emotions, I’m understanding how our vibrational world is really
curious about the term there. the key to not only our physical health but our
success in life, our enjoyment. I mean, anyway,
Dr. McCraty: Well, I just say our emotional diet, don’t get me too started here.
that’s kind of a play on.
Dr. Ewers: That’s what I’m trying to do is get
Dr. Ewers: I like it. Yeah. you started. I believe it was sometime in the
Dr. McCraty: Yeah. Well, because it’s really true. 1990s when I went through one of your very first
I mean, people that start getting on the path to training cohorts for certification in HeartMath.
better health and wellness and all that, I mean, And I think it was there that I learned this formula,
one of the first things is start reading labels on and maybe that’s not right. I’m trying to place it,
food packages and vitamins. And so what I’m but I think it was that for every five minutes you’re
suggesting here is if we spent a tenth of the emotionally upset, it takes your body eight hours
energy we put into that stuff on our emotions, we to recover.
would have probably a hundred times the payoff. Dr. McCraty: I know the study you’re talking
Dr. Ewers: Yeah. We have the watches everyone’s about. That was one our studies back in the 90s
wearing now to get data about their sleep and on immune function, looking at the first line
about how many steps they’re taking, and how of defense and immunity. And what that study
many calories they’re expending. And you’re showed-- God, it’s hard to remember. I haven’t
absolutely right. Just a small fraction and thought about that in a long time, that study,
percentage to what’s the feeling, what’s the Dr. Ewers: That formula made a big difference. It
emotion that’s being generated when I have this was sort of like sitting in a medical conference and
thought, or this thought came from this emotion. hearing that we have a hundred trillion microbes
What’s that? in our gut and thinking, oh my gosh, we’re not the
Dr. McCraty: And how’s that affecting the energy host. They are. They outnumber us by 10 to 1. It
systems in my body. I mean, you can think of-- was one of those moments where I went for every

Healing with Vibration 2.0


five minutes I’ve been upset, it’s taken my body to do, I’ll say, this is why you’re here because
eight hours. I am in solid debt to my body. Like they’ll cry because they say, do you know how
just thinking, oh my gosh, it was mind-blowing. much I have to do in a day? I cannot get one more
Dr. McCraty: Yeah. In that study, that was just thing in my day.
self recalled anger and frustration and anger in And it’s just like the irony of that. That’s our
that particular study you’re talking about for five culture. We’re so achievement-oriented,
minutes, and that had a depletion of our first productivity-oriented that that is king. And this
line of defense in the immune system. That was piece that we’re talking about right now just really
exactly right, eight hours significant. You saw the sometimes doesn’t even take a back seat. It’s not
big curve, and then it started coming back up and even in the car.
didn’t get back to baseline until about eight hours
Dr. McCraty: Right. Exactly. I might use that. I like
that. Yeah.
Dr. Ewers: Which brings us back to the Ayurvedic
Dr. Ewers: One of the things that, the words
axiom from 10,000 years ago, autoimmunity is
that, and forgive me if I’m wrong on this, but
undigested anger.
that I attribute to HeartMath and the research,
Dr. McCraty: Yeah. And even if it’s digested, it still like tons of research that you have really helped
has the same effect. Right. I mean, now you’re just bring out into the world for us, is this word called
to play off those words a little bit. I mean, most of coherence.
us know that when we get angry and upset, for a
And I would love to have you explain coherence
lot of people anyway, I would say is what I call the
because it’s a really nice way for people to
under-the-radar emotions because they’ve just
remember am I in coherence, or am I out of
become so familiar, oh, it’s just being human.
coherence? And just that check-in. Have I gained
So these are the things like those irritations. In five pounds from eating what I ate yesterday and
patients, it is a huge one. Just getting a handle on not running? Like, ask the other question too? Am
even recognizing impatience. And transforming I in coherence or out of coherence?
that could transform the vibrational lives of
so many people. Just that, but they’ve come
so familiar that we don’t even recognize them Dr. McCraty: Well, of course, we didn’t invent the
anymore. word coherence, but how we apply it, it is kind
of unique, I think, to the way we did it. So if you
Dr. Ewers: It’s my personality.
look up coherence, let’s just talk about what that
Dr. McCraty: Well, yeah. means a little bit. I think a lot of people have an
Dr. Ewers: It’s just how I am. Yeah. That’s what intuitive sense of it, but it kind of helps to pin it
people will say to me anyway, or I can can’t down a little bit.
meditate. I mean, how often have you heard that And it’s a big umbrella term in a way, but if you
before? look it up in the dictionary, first definition has
Dr. McCraty: Right. I don’t have time to learn this to do with the quality of someone’s speech, the
stuff for stress. I’m too stressed out to deal with it. sentences they’re writing. So hopefully, we’re
Right. putting our words together today in a way that
conveys a coherent meaning. And if we’d had a
Dr. Ewers: Exactly. And then when I have little bit too much to drink, partied last night, and
someone sitting across my desk that starts to cry I’m uttering nonsense, kind of common in our
when I give a very simple interventional practice

Healing with Vibration 2.0


language, well, God, they’re incoherent, right? whole other pathway, but that’s really what that
So it’s very similar actually in physics, and means. Now let me, if I may, just kind of--
coherence is a concept that every branch of Dr. Ewers: We’re going to put a pin in the
science it would be a major concept in. And so energetic heart. We will come back to it. Yeah.
coherence has to do typically with describing the
Dr. McCraty: Yeah. Okay. All right. Great. So
behavior of complex systems—all of the parts
I’ll try and give you an example. Maybe our
of a system working together in a harmonious
listeners to think back over the past few days,
way. That’s kind of what coherence means in a
week, whatever, has something come up where
coherent system, all of the sub-parts.
somebody might have asked you to do something,
Now embedded in that are a couple of important or you had the mind, thought I want so and so or
things. One is energy efficiency. So the system is I should do so and so. But you had a deeper inner
utilizing energy in the most efficient possible way. feeling or sense that that probably isn’t really the
So in an incoherent system, we’re wasting a lot of best thing to do, or it could be the opposite.
You might have had, I don’t know, said something
Now, another important concept embedded to someone that may be caused some hurt
within that term in science and physics is that the feelings or created a separation or something.
wholeness or the output of the system is greater And you had that deeper inner sense I really
than the sum of the parts. Just like we put a ought go to talk to them or call them and clean
sentence together, the meaning it conveys is way that up and clear that, so it doesn’t create that,
past the individual words. So I hope that makes but we don’t do it. You know what I’m talking
sense. So we use the term-- about?
Dr. Ewers: You’re very coherent. Dr. Ewers: I do.
Dr. McCraty: Thank you. So we can talk about Dr. McCraty: So that’s that separation or that
how coherent are the systems in our body, for lack of alignment between our deeper heart’s
example. Okay. And that’s a lot of what we spent intuition, our guidance, and the mind. And I’m
years measuring and defining and all of that. Now really suggesting here that that’s the biggest
we can take it to another level of what we call unrecognized source of stress of humanity. And
personal coherence. And so yes, when we’re in so personal coherence is really when we can bring
this optimal state that we call coherence, which those two systems into better deeper alignment.
is reflected in the rhythms of our heart—by the
Dr. Ewers: People seem to think that the-- in the
way, is one of the best ways to measure this. A
mountains in Peru, I learned this like they think
lot of the hormonal system, our immune system,
about like your mind, your brain is here, which
our nervous system, the communication between
they think of as the seed of the mind and then--
the heart and brain are all literally measurably
increasing their energetic coordination and Dr. McCraty: It is, yeah.
synchronization. So it’s a much more energy- Dr. Ewers: Right. And then the trunk of the tree
efficient system. comes here, and then there are roots in your
But there’s an, even more, deeper level that we’re heart. And that if you have a thought, they don’t
talking about when we say personal coherence, so say out of coherence, is not coherent with another
that it really has to do with the alignment between being or yourself. But they’ll say a thought that’s
our emotions, our mind emotions, and really unripe that brings sadness, suffering, guilt, pain,
the energetic heart. I know that can take us off a resentment, bitterness, fatigue.

Healing with Vibration 2.0


You then keep the fruit on that tree, which the heart. Energetic heart is a very-- I’m saying it’s real.
fruit is the thought. And then you drop down into It’s not some metaphor or some thing just like
your heart center, and you drop more nutrients the mind is real. But the energetic heart has real
from your heart to ripen the thought until it’s in structure. It’s just in another dimension of density,
a space of what they would say coherence. And probably the simplest way I could say it.
I love that because the imagery is exactly what
And the energetic heart is the bridge, probably the
you’re pointing to if I’m right about that. That
simplest word I could use, to our vibrational self,
you want to really get your heart and your mind
which is real also and exists in another dimension
to work together and not be so-- we’re so brain
in that we can’t put it under a microscope. You
dominant in our culture.
can’t put a thought under a microscope or an
Dr. McCraty: But look at what that’s led us to. All intuition or an emotion. I mean, we can look at
the separation and the polarization and what I physiological correlations, things that co-vary
know, and the strong biases and opinions. with those. So anyway, the energetic heart would
Dr. Ewers: But if you drop back into your heart, be that bridge to what different cultures have
and then we can start talking about energetic different words for it.
heart, what is the fruit on your tree? Is it ripe? Your higher self, your spirit. Some people might
Is it sweet? Is it compassionate? Is it loving? Is use the word God, whatever. But we here at
it open, you know? Or is it bitter? And so then HeartMath, we just call it your larger self to try
dropping back into your heart center to draw the and take spiritual or religious kind of connotations
nourishment from there, which brings you into out of this because I’m saying this is literally
coherence. how we are wired. And when we get into heart
Dr. McCraty: Yeah. And we can say nourishment, coherence, that opens that communication
which is certainly true. And we can also talk about pathway to the higher and to our energetic body
intelligence. itself that is operated in another domain or
dimension of intelligence.
Dr. Ewers: Yes. Heart intelligence.
And it’s actually what guides and gives rise to
Dr. McCraty: Heart intelligence. even what we look like and who we are. And so
Dr. Ewers: So what do you mean by energetic the philosophers and all of-- well, I’d say it this
heart? way. One of our past directors of our education
division here at HeartMath had three Ph.D.’s in
Dr. McCraty: Well, what I’m suggesting here is literature and retired from UCLA as a professor,
that we have the physical heart, and then just like and he’s still teaching now. And one of his
we have a brain, physical brain. So you can think passions was the study of world religions. And
of the energetic heart as the mind of the heart, what he was very clear on, which I didn’t quite
but it’s not. I shouldn’t use that term. I’m just know to the depth of this until he explained it to
trying to give an analogy. me. But by far, the most common characteristic
Dr. Ewers: I like you to use that term because or commonality across all religions is the idea that
actually, when you said the brain is the seat of the the heart isn’t just a pump. That it’s the gateway
mind, there are other ways of thinking about that. to high wisdom, to intuition, to courage, all the
Like the body has its own intelligence. different type things. So they’ve been--
Dr. McCraty: And that’s all true, and I would agree Dr. Ewers: The crucible where you and the divine
with that, but I’m really saying that we have the can meet and mix. Yeah. There are a lot of terms
physical heart, but then we have the energetic for that.

Healing with Vibration 2.0


Dr. McCraty: They’ve been right all along. They from the activity of the heart, the pre-alert, just to
may not practice that, but at least some of the these future events. So that was a lab paradigm to
older teachings. Now, some of our-- I’m going to actually show this in a way.
kind of guess where you might ask me to go next,
Keesha, I got those original studies published in
and I’m just going to go ahead and go there. So
peer-reviewed scientific journals. I was to talk
scientific evidence for this comes from a series
about the heart as the part-- I think close to my
of studies. We did this back also the late 90s, and
exact words were the heart appears to have
the early 2000s was on the electrophysiology, a
access to a field of information that operates
column of intuition.
outside the boundaries of time and space.
So one of the things we heard most from people Perfectly acceptable language for scientific
that practiced the things like you learn back then, journals at that time.
the HeartMath skill-sets, and started getting more
But to what am I really talking about? Well, I’m
coherent, self-regulating their emotions and all
really talking about the energetic heart there,
that was that their intuitions are on steroids. I
even though at that time, the 90s-- well, I’m a lot
mean, a radical shift. It is noticeable. It got their
more open about saying what I really know that to
attention. And second thing we usually say now
be now. So anyway, that was some of the scientific
synchronicities are occurring.
grounding of what we’re talking about.
Dr. Ewers: It’s so exciting that science can start
It’s a way of life now, which is really because showing what some of these other like you said,
of intuition from my perspective. Anyway, we paradigms of spiritual paths have been saying.
decided to see if we could actually research this Now, one of the things that Ayurvedic medicine
and going into all the gory details because that’s says is that you have your physical self, then you
all published and available on our website and our have energy body. Then you have your emotional
research library. But basically, through a series body, which tied to that physical body, and then
of studies which have all been independently through your electrical system, your energy.
confirmed and by the way now, is that the heart
And then you have a higher self, and then you
responds to future events before any other
have this access to what Carl Jung would call
physical system in the body.
the collective unconscious. They call it you’re in
And sends a measurably different neural signal to anandamaya kosha, bliss qi, where there’s just
the brain, and you get a brain response all before joy. And that if you’re toxic in that emotional layer,
the future event happens, research paradigm. then that impacts energetically how you are going
Then you get a body response where it becomes to be manifesting your genetics and how your
a conscious feeling if you’re paying attention. Like organs are working and all of that. So you’ll be
the gut feeling, the hair on the back of the neck. either coherent or out of coherence.
So the gut gets the credit, the gut feeling, but the
Dr. McCraty: Yeah. I’m very familiar with the
real sequence is heart, brain, body-conscious
model you’re talking about. I studied it back in
And then those studies also showed that when
Dr. Ewers: Well, where I’m going with it is that
we’re in a heart coherent state, this optimal state
energetic heart, how does that then work with
where everything gets in sync, that that channel
bumping up with everyone else’s energetic heart?
is significantly more opened up. And you see a
much greater modulation of the prefrontal cortex Dr. McCraty: Well, okay. So we all have our own

Healing with Vibration 2.0


energetic hearts. That’s our bridge to us, to our how we use them to carry information. So using
higher systems. It’s not some big one mesh of this almost exactly the same kind of techniques
things. It’s actually our undivided wholeness. We we would use to decode the information being
have both sides of this. Now I can answer that carried by the field that our cell phone puts out.
on a couple of levels. Let’s talk about down here
And by the way, it’s the magnetic component why
on Earth first in our physical bodies and the 3D
cell phones work indoors. Magnetic fields go right
reality that we live in.
through things. That’s why if you don’t believe me,
Whenever the hearts beats, we can put electrodes quit using your phone, indoors anyway.
on the body and measure the electrocardiogram.
So our bodies work the same way. The magnetic
So what you are literally measuring when we do
field is carrying information and using the same
that or brain waves is current flow. It’s electricity,
techniques we would use to decode your voice or
literally electricity, the flow of current.
whatever from a cell phone call or a radio station,
Now, whenever we have flow of current, this is whatever. We apply those to the field of the heart,
basic physics 101, any current flow produces a the magnetic field, and lo and behold, it was
magnetic field. Okay. So electric and magnetic surprisingly easy to do back then.
fields are two very different things. So the
This is, again, going back to the mid-90s,
electrodes you put on across your chest or on
somewhere in there. We were able to show that
your head, or wherever on the body, aren’t
the magnetic field of the heart is literally carrying,
measuring the magnetic component. They’re only
I’ll call them, information patterns that reflect our
measuring the current flow.
emotional state. So just by looking at the patterns
So to measure the magnetic aspect, we use a in the field, we can tell with about 75% accuracy
different device call a magnetometer. And so what somebody’s emotion is, even if they’re not
whatever time the heart beats, we literally radiate conscious of it. Does that make sense? So we are
a magnetic field out into the space around us. So broadcasting--
I’m not necessarily talking about an aura here.
Dr. Ewers: Our emotions.
This is something I can measure here in the lab
quite reliably. So every time us animals, whatever, Dr. McCraty: Our emotions. Now probably many
have a heartbeat, we are radiating this magnetic other things.
field. Dr. Ewers: Three feet out.
And with the sensitivity of today’s instruments, Dr. McCraty: Well, the three feet is the
if you keep backing it up, backing it up from the measurement. No, it goes way farther than three.
body, you lose detection of the signal about three
feet from the heart. A brain wave you lose that Dr. Ewers: Okay.
detection about an inch away from the head. So Dr. McCraty: That’s the sensitivity of the
clearly, the heart is the big player when we’re instrument.
talking energetics now here in the energetic fields.
Dr. Ewers: Oh, okay.
Now some of our earlier studies showed that.
Dr. McCraty: Magnetic fields is they fall off in
By the way, I’m an ex-communication engineer. I
magnitude with distance. So the next question
used to work with Motorola. So something I knew
then, and again, I’m going to go dig way back
of coming into my newer job 30-some years ago
here in our research path, was okay, well, that’s
as a psychophysiologist kind of helped because
neat. So what? Do our nervous systems like big
I understand a lot about magnetic fields and
antennas, would be kind of the way to think

Healing with Vibration 2.0


of this, that are receiving and decoding the Dr. Ewers: It muddies it up.
information in those fields?
Dr. McCraty: You’re right. So our energetic
And that was also surprisingly easy to do. So not information doesn’t match what’s being said, so it
only are we broadcasting, we are receiving, and creates this miscommunication.
biological systems, as it turns out, are exquisitely
Dr. Ewers: That’s so interesting. And then that
tuned into the fields that we generate. So to make
exchange, can that happen through Zoom?
a very long story-- Well, not that long. Long story
Because now we live so much of our lives in
short, not only are we broadcasting information,
conversations in this way.
but we’re also receiving it from others, and our
nervous systems are very tuned into that. Dr. McCraty: Certainly through the emotional
cues and things we do. Facial tones and voice
So it didn’t take long to be able to show that the
is a huge one—body language and so on. And
quality of the vibrations, and in this case, we’re
whether the local field energetics are the same
literally talking about vibrations, vibrational
degree may be because actually, this is very
information, is detected by others and can have
current research looking at non-- well, last couple
measurable effects on their physiology.
of years we’ve been really starting now to look
So long story short here, whenever we’re in into what we call social coherence and global
dialogue, certainly in proximity with someone, coherence. I know you want to talk about a little
there is a literal, measurable, energetic bit as well here.
communication that is going on between
Dr. Ewers: Social is the next step. So let’s go for
people or within groups that we are at least
it. We’re going from microcosm of the exchange
unconsciously—some people are more conscious
of the coherence and the information between
of it—able to detect and understand that
microbes and cells.
information. For most people, it’s unconscious,
but it’s still biasing, if you will, our perceptions of [30:00]
others and how we feel about them. Dr. McCraty: That’s our personal physiological
God, it was just a couple of weeks ago, I was coherence.
watching a conversation go on between two Dr. Ewers: Right. The systems in the body, the
people. You could tell they weren’t quite in sync immune system, your thoughts with the immune
and actually watch this happen where someone system. And if you’re out of coherence, this can
would say something, I forget exactly what they cause disease. So now we go into social.
were-- it didn’t matter what the words were.
And it was pretty clean. It was a very clean Dr. McCraty: So it’s social with how coherent are
communication of what they were saying. the relationships and the energetic exchanges
amongst the units that make up a team or a
And what the other person was hearing and family or a larger group. Okay. Same concept.
feeding back had nothing to do with what they Now just at another level of scale. And as I
were saying. They were picking up the information just explained, there’s a literal energetic field
in their field. And so it creates this big mess interaction that’s going on certainly in the same
in communication when we’re vibrating-- one room or house going on.
thing, maybe we just got a phone call with some
information that really is upset, and we’re having So we’ve been looking at the synchronization
another conversation about something else that occurs literally between the heart rhythms
entirely with someone else. of individuals, and it’s kind of an amazing
degree of synchronization that goes on far past

Healing with Vibration 2.0


what I would’ve ever thought possible. That’s Dr. Ewers: And you can think about like disease,
naturally going on. Now when we’re coherent, hypertension, migraines, like all of the physical
that can significantly increase, which directly somatic things that will happen when you have
then translates to better communication, more unhappiness, and you are incoherent in your
cooperation, collaboration within the group, the social relationships. And we can see that with the
team to get along better, basically. pandemic, too, right?
Kind of have more compassionate latitude for Yeah. So ending this layer, too, with the same
each other. And as we increase our personal thought that if we’re not in coherence, then it’s
vibration, that translates into a higher vibration going to show up. And one of the things about,
within the group or the team or okay. But where I well, as we move to global, I always think about us
really wanted to get to what the newest research as an autoimmune disease for the planet. We’re
is showing is that can occur non-locally. not in coherence with our planet either. And we
I’ve got a slide here just right now. I’ve been have all this-- ourselves as a result of messing up
showing it in another presentation with an our own nest.
amazing degree of synchronization. And this case, Dr. McCraty: So right now we have a lot of, you
it was between a husband and wife, 5,000 miles could think of it as social disease, which manifest
apart. So maybe it is happening. as separation. We can’t get along. We can’t rise
Dr. Ewers: In the 70s, we were doing that with above our own biases.
people in different rooms. Now we’re saying 5,000 Dr. Ewers: Strongly held opinions.
miles apart, which is amazing.
Dr. McCraty: Yeah. That a lot of times are based
Dr. McCraty: Yeah. So there has to be some type on past histories, hand-me-down histories,
of an energetic communication going on there and not even accurate. And even if they are, so
because one of the aspects of coherence for what? What’s more important? Getting along
harmony or synchronization or cooperative action with others, or I mean, I used to say-- I’ll give you
to occur, there has to be communication, some an example I think how prevalent this is that I’d
way. Some kind of signal. read this and I couldn’t for a lot of years couldn’t
Like you and I are talking. Now we can see each actually track down the real source of it.
other as an obvious. If we’re talking 5,000 miles But used to say that with 10% of the world’s
apart and we’re not connected by Zoom or phone, military budget, what we spend on war, that every
and you still see it going on, well, what’s that man, woman on Earth could be fed, housed, have
connection? So that’s kind of what moves us then clean water, and educated. I was wrong. I actually
into the global coherence space that I think you met the person. I became friends with her, who
might have wanted to talk about. actually did the real math on this, but actually,
Dr. Ewers: I do want to. Before we leave social, she’s been nominated for a couple of Nobel
though, I ended that if you’re not in coherence Prizes.
with your systems physiologically, that can lead And wrote the book, The Economics of Peace. I was
to disease. But so can, I know in my research with wrong because it’s far less than 10% of what we
female sexual desire, one of the things that will spend on war and bombs. And everybody could
sink libido in a woman fastest is dissatisfaction in be fed, housed, and educated. If we just did that,
her romantic relationship. that would eliminate most of the reason that we
Dr. McCraty: Sure. have all this stuff.

Healing with Vibration 2.0


Dr. Ewers: We have to come back to that very Dr. Ewers: You got it behind you.
simple statement. Would you rather be happy or
Dr. McCraty: Well, that’s a big one, but I used
have a little one I could hold up here, but this is
Dr. McCraty: Yeah. So anyway, where do you where a picture is worth a thousand words, but
want to go next? most people know what the geomagnetic field
Dr. Ewers: The global coherence. is or the geomagnetic of the Earth, the magnetic
field, the north, and south pole.
Dr. McCraty: Well, okay. We take the same
concepts of coherence. And we were not going to And so you can kind of think of that, even though
get to global coherence without social coherence, it’s not really this way, it’s a giant bar magnet
by the way. So in our work on the global in the center of the Earth like you stick on your
coherence, we have a project called the global refrigerators, a north pole and a south pole, a
coherence initiative, and we are actually also now pretty strong magnet. So those fields radiate out
in the process of becoming the new home for into space, many thousands of miles. And thank
what’s called the global consciousness project. God because that’s the magnetic field that shields
That’s all kind of be under one roof. I don’t know if Earth from the solar wind and a lot of the stuff
you’re familiar with that or not. that if it weren’t there, we would not exist.

But with the GCI of the Global Coherence Earth would turn into Mars very quickly without
Initiative, it’s ultimately the study of the energetic a magnetic field. So it’s what protects us from
or the vibrational connection between humanity the atmosphere being blown away, and all the
and the Earth’s energetic systems. So I know we water would disappear relatively quickly without
don’t have a lot of time left, but to make a long this. So if you think back to when you were in
story short, we’ve installed a network of time- science class, back in, I don’t know, grade school
synchronized ultrasensitive magnetometers or whatever, we got to do it, and you dump iron
around the Earth. filings on a glass plate. You stick your magnet
under it. And they all kind of dance around.
So we’ve got sites and places like Lithuania,
Northern Canada, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and We used to have a little fun doing that, of course.
New Zealand. I’m forgetting some here, but you And obviously, those iron filings lined up in a way
get the sense of globally distributed system of that showed you the shape of the magnetic field,
these magnetometers, some of the most sensitive whatever type magnet you had, whether it was
in the world designed specifically to measure the a ball or a bar or a horseshoe or whatever. But
vibrations in the earth fields, the magnetic fields more specifically, if you remember, the iron filings
of the Earth. line up in line. It wasn’t just kind of homogeneous
black blob. They’re very specific lines, and those
And I’m going to try and say this coherently. are called magnetic field lines.
There are two main earth scale magnetic rhythms
and vibrations that are very relevant for us, for So it’s letting us visualize and actually see these
our health, for even our mental and emotional things that way. Well, here’s the thing they didn’t
states. You think of it like, yes, we live in a sea of teach at least in my class this back then, but
magnetic fields. As it turns out, they are resonant. magnetic field lines are very similar to a guitar or
They resonantly couple with us. So, okay. So let’s any stringed instrument. You can actually pluck
take the first one. So if you think of the Earth, I them, and they vibrate. Right. So now imagine
used to have a little prop here, a little earth. Earth and these giant field lines, which are very
long and just like a guitar, the length of the

Healing with Vibration 2.0


string and the tension on it changes its resonant They bounce off of it. Okay. So this is why ham
frequency or what node it vibrates at. radio operators they send a radio signal up, and
Okay. So do you want to talk about vibrational it bounces off the ionosphere, and they talk to
medicine and healing? Right. Well, we live in a somebody on the other side of the world this
giant vibrating magnetic system. Now what’s way. So any magnetic wave that gets created in
plucking the strings of the magnetic field lines this cavity, if it literally fits the geometry, so that
of Earth is the solar wind rushing by. So Earth they become reinforcing waves. They amplify, and
is turning. So is the sun. And the solar wind is technically it’s called globally propagating standing
actually strong enough that it pushes in the waves.
field on the daytime side and stretches it out on This means they’re everywhere all the time. If
nighttime side. We didn’t learn that back in our they don’t fit the geometry, they quickly dissipate
sciences and stuff. and go away. So the frequency of the Schumann
So the field lines are vibrating. Now one of resonances, and there’s eight of them. A lot of
the primary resonant frequencies, and they’re people get this confused as well. Think there’s just
technically called field line resonances. It’s actually one. The first frequency is 7.83 Hertz. Now you
what they’re called is a frequency in frequency probably recognize that as one of our brainwave
language of 0.1 Hertz. Okay. That’s a rhythm frequencies in the low alpha region, or it’s really
of one cycle every 10 seconds in time domain right in that threshold between alpha and theta.
language. Why do we care? Well, as it turns out, Okay. But all eight Schumann resonances overlap
that is exactly the same frequency as the human with our brainwaves. Okay. So the two main
heart rhythm when we’re in a coherent state. vibrational systems of Earth are vibrating at the
[40:00] same frequency as our hearts and brains. Back to
science class again, most people either got to do
Okay. So pretty amazing, huh? Now, the second it, or everybody knows about this watching tuning
magnetic set of rhythms are completely different forks tune to the same frequency. When you tap
mechanism, and a lot of people mangle this one, the other kind of magically starts to vibrate
and get it confused is are called Schumann in unison with it if they’re are tuned to the same
resonances. frequency.
And Schumann resonances there is a lot of Because in the tuning forks, you have air
misunderstanding out there in social media in molecules just like mediating and that transfer
the last few years. But Schumann resonances are of energy and information between the tuning
magnetic waves that are traveling around the forks. It’s kind of like I’m doing now talking, and
surface of the Earth that are trapped in a cavity it’s vibrating a diaphragm in the microphone over
between the top of the surface of the Earth and here. And we translate that to electrical signals,
the bottom of what’s called the ionosphere. and off it goes. So it works exactly the same way
So if you think of the ionosphere, it is a big soap with magnetic fields, only you don’t need the air
bubble around the planet. It’s this highly ionized molecules.
layer of gas called plasma. And plasma have a lot That’s how any radio transmitter-receiver works,
of special properties. It’s actually called the fourth or cell phones, TVs, radios all work on the same
state of matter in physics. Now one of those principle. So if you think about how many of
properties is they’re like a mirror to magnetic those types of magnetic waves are around you
fields waves. right now or everybody listening to me, all the cell
phone calls and the TV stations and radio stations,

Healing with Vibration 2.0


it’s all here right now vibrating. solar influences and cosmic influences? We’re able
So how does my phone or, well, I’m old enough. to look at all of this.
We used to have to turn knobs on radios to tune And like again, a long story short, I think my
the stations. You might remember that. whole research team was shocked at some of the
Dr. Ewers: I do. surprises out of this data of how in sync we are,
our heart rhythms with the Earth’s rhythms.
Dr. McCraty: Yeah. So what you were doing, we
are used to it electronically now, but what you And the preliminary evidence is suggesting
were literally doing when you turned that knob when we’re really stressed out, a lot of those
is you were changing the resonant frequency of unmanaged emotions is what stress really is, that
the front end, what’s called, of that receiver. And takes us out of sync with the Earth. And more and
once it becomes resonant with the vibration here more studies are starting to show why it’s a very
in the air around us, you instantly transfer that good thing to be in sync with the Earth. We want
energy information and amplify it up in your radio to be coherent with our energetic environment,
station. basically. I could go on. I’m going to shut up.

Dr. Ewers: Is any of that interfering with these Dr. Ewers: Does this have anything to do with the
resonant frequencies that match our brain and morphogenetic field that-- was talking about?
heart? Dr. McCraty: Not necessarily.
Dr. McCraty: Not those so much. They’re Dr. Ewers: Because I was thinking about the plant
radically different frequency, but it’s exactly information that also--
the same principle though. That’s the point
Dr. McCraty: Not necessarily, but maybe
here. So the fields of the Earth are resonating
with us or our brains and hearts. So the same Dr. Ewers: Because also, when you said fourth
principle applies here. We have the basic, very state of matter, I was thinking about Dr. Gerald
easily understandable physics of how we can be Pollack’s fourth state of water too.
transferring energy and information between Dr. McCraty: I know Gerry quite well. Yeah.
the fields of the Earth and us, both radiating
them into the field and being affected by the Dr. Ewers: Yeah. So do I, and so that idea of we’re
information in the field. coming into these other dimensions that we never
learned in elementary school. Yeah. Which is
Okay. So, in fact, we’ve published a bunch of so exciting. So when we boil all this down, then,
stuff, published six studies alone last year on this. when we come back to our vibrations and healing
So people interested, you can come check out of vibrations, then what are three things from all
our website. There’s some huge surprises that of this that our listeners could take and just start
have come out of this work, where we’ve been doing?
monitoring people. There are what’s called heart
rate variability of their heart rhythms, beat to beat Dr. McCraty: Well, one, is I would recommend
change in heart rates for 24 hours a day, and one to build a consciousness of pause. So pause
study five months. throughout the day, as often as you can
remember to do it and do things to help remind
So longest recordings I think ever done in you, put alarms on your phone or your watch, if
probably history. Asking the question, how is our you have smartwatches or sticky notes, whatever
nervous system responding to these changes in to pause and just ask, simply ask yourself, what
the magnetic environment of the Earth, but also am I feeding the field?

Healing with Vibration 2.0


Am I feeding my personal field environment, Dr. Ewers: Yeah. I love that.

which, as I’m suggesting, couples to the larger
Dr. McCraty: Yeah. Number two, you ask for
earth field environment? What are the frequencies
three things. If you find yourself maybe feeding
I’m feeding it? Am I feeding it impatience,
the field with some frequencies that maybe aren’t
frustration, overwhelm, those information? Or
as ideal or healthy, just start to make a shift. Jump
am I feeding the field with more compassion,
into a new state. And one of the easiest ways to
compassionate latitude, care, kindness? So what
start that process is what we call heart-focused
I’m really saying and what a boatload of science is
breathing. And it’s where you focus your attention
now suggesting is what we feed the field matters.
literally in the center of your chest, the area of the
Dr. Ewers: This reminds me so much of JFK, ask heart.
not what you can do for your country, but rather
Imagine your breath is flowing in and out of the
what you can-- So it’s not what your country can
chest, the heart center of the chest area—breath
do for you, but what you can do for your country
in a little slower and deeper than you normally
is a lot of times people are wondering what the
would. Our natural resonant frequency is a
field’s feeding them. So I love this switcheroo of,
rhythm. It’s a ten-second rhythm. That’s 0.1 Hertz
okay, what am I feeding the field?
rhythm. A lot of our research is all over the world
Dr. McCraty: Right. Because it matters. now. Breathe at six rests per minute. That’s all
Dr. Ewers: It does. Yeah. based on some of our original studies. But that,
breathing at our natural resonant frequency helps
Dr. McCraty: If enough of us start feeding the change the rhythms of the heart, which sends a
field with more heart coherent frequencies, very different message to the brain, which then
especially if we do it together as a collective, that interprets, helps us calm down and shift our
starts amplifying the coherent signal into the emotional state. That’s one of the first steps to
environment that helps others, that helps lift taking responsibility and be more in charge of our
others into their next level of being in sync and at emotional diet. And then number three, activate
a higher level of consciousness. more feelings of kindness, appreciation, genuine
Dr. Ewers: The rising tide lifts all boats. care, and connection and radiate that into the
Dr. McCraty: Yeah. Exactly. Then if you find that
you’re maybe not feeding the field with as much [50:00]
kindness, compassion, and just by the way, it Dr. Ewers: I love that. Buddhist Tonglen practice.
doesn’t just matter that we come together maybe Yeah. You can find inside of whatever your
once a month or we go to a meditation retreat, spiritual tradition, there’ll be some practice that
and we do regular events and GCI to help feed you can drop into. That’s really beautiful. Thank
the field more love and compassion. And that’s you so much, Dr. McCraty. I really appreciate you
wonderful when we do that, but we’re connected taking the time to share this wisdom with us.
to the field 24/7. It all counts, in other words.
Okay. Dr. McCraty: My pleasure, and I hope it’s useful
for at least some listeners out there. And maybe
Dr. Ewers: Not being lazy and sloppy with your some heart-focused breathing, they can try that
own emotional diet. next time they start feeling stressed or anxious or
Dr. McCraty: Yeah. Another way of saying the fearful, and that it’ll be of some benefit.
same thing is let’s all strive to become more self- Dr. Ewers: All right, everybody. Until next time, be
responsible for our energetic environment. well.

Healing with Vibration 2.0


Intelligent Energy
Medicine: Tapping into
Your Knowing
Silvia Binder, ND, PhD

Lloyd: Welcome, welcome. My name is Lloyd Lloyd: So let me just ask you what got you into
Burrell. Today at the Healing With Vibration this field? I know you have an extraordinary
Summit, I’m thrilled to have as my guest, story. Can you share that with us?
Silvia Binder. Silvia is a naturopathic doctor, [00:01:47]
founder of the Binder Institute for Personalized
Medicine in Southern Germany and the CEO of
Ondamed in New York, Germany and Nigeria. Silvia: I’d be so happy. Thank you for the
Silvia was born in Germany and is a graduate of question. It actually was about almost 20 years
the College of Naturopathy in London and has agothat this device Ondamed, sitting right next
a PhD in Naturopathy from the Open University to me, came into my life at a time when my
for Complementary and Alternative Medicine familyneeded it most. I didn’t know it existed. I
in Sri Lanka. Silvia works with physicians and didn’t know anything about energy medicine. It
chronically ill patients from around the world wasalmost like my middle child, he pulled me
and offers unique healing retreatsin select to it. Often that is the case for many of us, that
locations. She is a faculty member of the a shocking experience, a devastating situation
American Academy for Anti-Ageing Medicine, can actually lead us on the path of where we
guest writer for FAIM in the USA and consultant actually wanted to be on unconsciously. So
to the Ministry of Health in Nigeria. She lectures my son Randy, he was two years old when
and teaches specialized courses on interpretive we discovered that he had congenital
energetic medicine globally. Silvia is the author heart disease. It was transposition so they
of the book Ondamed: A Story of Love, Healing & did a fabulous surgery at Children’s Hospital in
Medical Revolution. Silvia, welcome. Boston. They reversed [inaudible 02:52]. that
was a fantasticintervention. They also added a
Silvia: Thank you for the introduction. Thank
you for letting me be here with you and all the
people watching. But when it came, three years later to a
chronicissue our allopathic medicine model
Lloyd: Thank you so much for being here. is just not working so well. He actually had
Delighted to have you on from Germany. My a one-centimeter thrombus on the heart
onlyguest from Germany, up to this point valve. He was given Coumadin, a blood-
anyway. thinning medication. He was on the blood-
thinning medication at only five years old.
This is a terrible medication for children or
Silvia: Oh, really? Wow. I feel honored.

Healing with Vibration 2.0


anyone. Components of this medication are just keep him under observation and see how
also usedas rat poison. So they wanted to thin he does.” So we did Coumadin and Ondamed.
the blood. It did not work. Almost three months Three months later, the clot was only a third of
into it,they were saying, “Okay, we will have thesize. He was out of danger and it was no
to do open heart surgery again to remove this more that problem. It was that time I looked
thrombus.” It was just one and a half weeks into natural ways of helping one’s health for
before, they will check his coagulation my own family. It really caught me by surprise
status again by drawing his blood, that this at howpassionate I became. But you know,
device and the inventor found me through saving your son’s life or possibly at least from
someone I had worked with in the past. He another heart surgery, that does something
came to New York and lived in New York. He to you. I found myself a pediatric cardiologist
brought the device and he gave a little crash who would work with me and would say, “It’s
course. As he left, I didn’t really know what okay. I agree with you to stop Coumadin. But
to do with this device but it kept on talking give him baby aspirin.” But I never did. The
to me, “Use me. Use me.” There’s such things physician never asked me because he knew I
as energies everywhere. Communication can was not going to give him baby aspirin. I just
be heard and felt from many things even if changed the whole family’s nutritional intake.
we think they’renot alive. So I was nervous They were all very strictfor six months. And I did
to use this device on my son because he the ongoing Ondamed treatment. He’s 23 years
has a pacemaker. The devices uses pulsed old now and he hasn’t been on Ondamed
electromagnetic fields. But because this inner because he’s in New Jersey and I live now in
voice wouldn’t stop, I just took the machine and Africa. I bounce back to Germany and other
took my son away to the medical center and we countries around the world. So he has been
saw a pediatric cardiologist who looked at the symptom-free. His cardiovascular functions
echocardiogram. We had a Medtronic engineer are beautiful. He’s healed all the way and he
there looking atthe pacemaker functions while I is doing really well. That is my story and it
was running Ondamed frequencies into him. got me into studying naturopathic medicine.

Everyone gave me the green light. There was I already had adegree in business. I have always
no interference with his heart function or his been an entrepreneur. It was very interesting.
pacemaker. They said to go ahead and try it. It was in the semiconductor field and the music
So I did. Three sessions, 15 minutes each, and industry. And then I came into this industry, the
on that Monday morning he had his [inaudible healing fields. So if you look at the body, we are
05:27] taken again which would be the deciding like semiconductors. Every cell is like a piece of
factor if Children’s Hospital Boston would crystal. The music and vibration, everything in
move forward with the surgery. But for the the universe is frequency vibration and energy.
very first time in three months, itshowed So that’s my story that has brought me to travel
that his coagulation was at 2.7, which is at the world and share everything that I have
therapeutic levels. All I added was physics, learned.
was the pulsed electromagnetic field
device, Ondamed. So it was very clear that Lloyd: Yes, it’s a beautiful story and a happy
something happened with his blood quality. ending. We like happy endings. Listening to your
So the physician said, “Okay, you’re the mom. story, it seemed to be your inner voice. It
You can continue doing this with him and let’s must’ve been frightening as a parent. I think

Healing with Vibration 2.0


there’s a particular bond between their mother [00:11:36]

and their children. It was through listening to
this inner voice that you knew what to do, what Silvia: The thing is differentiating the innate
decision to make. wisdom from intellectual wisdom. There are
[00:08:56] two very different systems within us. Our
intellectual brain is one thing. That’s limited.
Silvia: Yes, that inner voice is within all of But then, our innate intellect, our innate
us. But we often ignore it because we are wisdom, that can spin back to probably a
afraid of it. We don’t understand it. We don’t lifelong of [inaudible 12:05] and as I call it,
know what to do with it. Even if we would tapping into the now, the knowing. There’s
embrace it, how do we develop it? This is great books out there. 15 years ago, nobody
where mindfulness comes in, standing still, talked about this. But we already have intuitive
letting silence speak to you and growing that music. Intuition is a word used in so many
skill. I’ve had an advantage because at the age fields, so it’s not a strange word anymore. It’s
of 15, I was [inaudible 09:30] five times after a not esoteric anymore. So I think that humanity
motorcycle accident. I grew up in Vienna, Austria. has risen its consciousness levels. People like
I was born in Germany but grew up in Vienna Eckhart Tolle, they call him one of the top US
where I had my prime education. So when I philosophers of our time. He’s very, let’s say,
came back after seven weeks of hospitalization conventional from the world where I come
back then, incubation was very dangerous and from. But he’s providing a nice bridge from
would not last longer than three days before a scientific world to our world. Sam Harris
they would become toxic for a patient. But I was talks about mindfulness, about free will. He’s a
incubated for 21 days. That was a miracle in neurologist, I think. I cannot remember. But he’s
the medical field. And I do remember the cave a known scientist his path spins and he doesn’t
of light. And when came back, it was like my even understand - that’s what happens to us.
soul had grown. My soul went through a reset. We don’t know how we got there. But here we
I was a lost teenager, like most teenagers at 15. are. It’s like life pulls us into a direction, like,
But when I came back, from anormal student, I “What am I doing in Africa? I have noidea but I’m
became top of my class, I was very focused. I knew here.” Now with everything that is happening, it’s
at 21, I wanted to move toan English-speaking almost like I’m supposed to behere to help with
country which I did, by myself. I moved to New certain procedures and scenarios.
York. So I have been developing that skill more Lloyd: Yes. So let’s talk about Ondamed, if we can.
and more. Some people call it gut feeling, or
This is what you discovered through your
whatever you want tocall it. It’s intuition, truly.
journey with your son, particularly. You came
Lloyd: Yes. If we could all only listen more to our across this approach. Can you explain what it is
intuition, I think it’s really, really powerful. and why it’s important?
It’s the greatest source of intelligence. We’re [00:14:11]
all trying to be super smart and learn things,
remember things. It seems as though that is Silvia: The Ondamed is actually an intelligent
where the true intelligence and guidance is. We approach that personalizes what the
don’t really have to think about it. It’s just how patient needs and where the patients
do we connect to it and learn how to trust it, need treatment the mot. So it combines a
that’s the difficult part. diagnostic perspective with a treatment

Healing with Vibration 2.0


option. It has five different applicators that tunes. So the [inaudible 17:12] this applicator
canbe used. The brilliance is that we’re as we’re scanning the body to find where are
listening. We’re not just communicating. We the greatest dysfunctions such as inflammation,
are [inaudible 14:45] the radio pulse. When we infectious processes, scar tissue, and then more
introduce the patient to frequencies ranging profoundly if you want to work this way, being
between 0.1Hz to 32,000Hz, the intensity is so that type of therapist or humanbeing, emotional
weak that it can never even harm a pacemaker’s unresolved trauma or shock experience that are
outputfunction. It cannot create muscle spasm. still residing somewhere in the energetics, in the
So it works within our own communication fluids, in the cells. As you are staying on those
pathways. That’s how the body communicates. areas, where you’re isolating the most important
That’s how the neurological system works. areas, we know that white blood cell counts are
That’s how the nervous system works. So that’s up, we know that inflamed cytokines are up, we
important. know that CRP levels are up, they’re all levels of
indications that inflammation is happening in the
As we’re introducing those frequencies in a patient.
gentle, almost whispering way to the body,
we’re waiting for the patient’s autonomic But where is the inflammation? Even if we
nervous system to react to the stimulation. know, what do we do about it locally? Here
It’s almost like putting them on a lie is the answer; non-invasive, electromagnetic
detector. They say, “Oh, my hips hurt and fields.So the realm of quantum physics. We’re
my knees hurt,” but that might not be the talking to the atoms within our cells. So when
beginning of their health decaying story. you do that, we are able to, much faster
It only had happened 35 years after an help the body’s own repair and regeneration
accident, after an injury, after an unresolved abilities. We’re not treating itself. What is
issue which back then was a fresh shock happening inside the body, electromagnetic
or trauma, emotionally. So as we’re trying fields penetrate without having had skin
through frequencies and programs, there are contact, you’re not feeling anything, there’s
four different modules that give us different nothermal, no heat approach, it goes all the
information such as which organs or organ way through because that’s what our bodies
systems are not working as effectively. In 174 are made of. We’re electromagnetic beings.
programs under Module 2, maybe there’s hip- Where the applicator is placed, let’s say the
joint pain, there’s [inaudible 16:27], there’s thyroid shows up and we decide that’s where
emotional issues even like birth trauma. That we want to put it because thyroid levels are up
would mean that the patient had an even more or down,then what happens during treatment
traumatic experience birthing into this world, is that immune cells are being attracted into the
like being droppedafter birth of having the area. Often, inflammation goes into self mode.
umbilical cord wrapped around them. So just [inaudible 19:30] barricaded inflammations that
amazing that we have seven chakras built produce ongoing toxicity throughout the body
in, we have Solfeggio built in which is the which may cause you pain in the knee. But the
Gregorian chantings of the six tones that problem is not the knee. The problem is higher
again, are used by tuning forks or the singing up. So we’re making it known to immune cells,
bowls. That’s frequencyvibration so we can the infection and inflammations so that they
automate that and put that into Ondamed can do what they know to do. We’re attracting
at 528Hz which is one of those chanting electrons into the areas that need repair.

Healing with Vibration 2.0


We are attracting blood flow or stimulation efficacy. The differentiation of Ondamed, I

of lymph flow, which means if there’s too want to make it very clear, is that this is an
much blood flow, the body will regulate it. intelligent approach. Yes, you can lay on a
That’s allabout the body’s own innate wisdom mat and you put your arms through a coil.
of regulation. So this is just brilliant. We’re not That’s all good. There’s no problem with
treatingdisease. It’s not necessary. What are that, unless you do it all the time because
names? Names are just to help us create a story your body’s exposed to the same frequencies
in our head. But wouldn’t it be so much better over and over and over again. That’s not a
to not have a story in our head because every healthy thing. It’s like listening to the same
patient is different? It’s better to not come with song over and over again.You get irritated and
expectations. you don’thear it anymore.. So we are able to
Lloyd: Yes. fine-tune over four modules so it’s almost like
four machines in one of what frequencies,
[00:20:46] where on the body and localizes the treatment,
and it gives us a diagnostic information about
Silvia: Let your autonomic nervous system the patient, physiologically, mentally and
direct us to what frequencies are most healing emotionally.
andwhere in the body is the healing most Lloyd: Yes. So it’s not just PEMF, pulsed
needed first. What’s the first domino? Not the electromagnetic frequencies. It’s this intelligent
sixth domino, that doesn’t interest me. What approach and this is what differentiates it from
I also want to talk about is this very time- other PEMF devices which are out there. So I
relevantModule 3, which deals with microbial really love how you’ve explained that by the way,
and viral, parasitic, fungal frequencies. It’s and this link between energy and matter, our
amazing how we’ve been helping our COVID-19 bodies. It’s usually energy as a gateway, as a
patients. But it’s not that we’re treatingwith principal healing force, healing at the energetic
a COVID-19 frequency. We’re just finding the level. And then, that’s feeding down to the
frequency which the body respondswithout physical level. I’d like to ask you, one thing you
giving it a name, and stimulating with that talk about in your work is the planetary system.
particular frequency. I saw this pretty diagram on your website of
Lloyd: Which is different for each patient, for these different healing approaches, all kind
each person, is it not? of stuff, epigenetics, trauma, about 30 or so
[00:21:37] things. So what is that? How does that work?
Silvia: That’s correct. Of course it is. We need to
[inaudible] assessment of the patient. We’vegot Silvia: I call it Silvia’s planetary system. It’s all
to turn 180 degrees and say it’s the patient’s the planets that I lean on and that is growing
story that needs to be unraveled in chronic as I learn more. When I’m in Africa, I learned
disease. Of course if it’s an acute injury, more about plants and that is just wonderful.
that’s easy. We know where the injuries So these herbal treatments can be so powerful
are. We know the applicators and to place and has been used for thousands of years. So
where the injuries are. There are thousands Silvia’s planetary system includes all these
of studies, over 500,000 studies on pulsed different modalities that I use that are
electromagnetic fields with significant leaned on Ondamed being my number two

Healing with Vibration 2.0


treatment option. It’s always part of what I feel they are comfortable, they feel at home.
do. But number one, at the top of the circle That’s really what they’re looking for when
is intuition. they come and see us practitioners. They
Lloyd: Of course. You’ve got me thinking there, don’t want to be a number. They don’t want
to just be a patient on a sheet of paper or in
like, “Where is she taking me?” someone’s iPhone or laptop. They actually
want to be touched, they want to be listened
[00:25:02] to. So very quicklywe can help people, even
with fibromyalgia, with stage 4 cancer, it
Silvia: Very good. Yes, because it is the heart doesn’t matter what you call the disease.
piece to me understanding the patients from a Once you are able to get them back into a
different perspective. When I start stimulating state of hope, respectfulness, forgiveness,
patients’ electromagnetics and memories love, etc., I’m working with a whole other
that are kept in cellular level fluids and individual. I’m working with somebody who
whatever, people suddenly have a vision, a wants to take charge because I’m not the one
memory. They just remember something. owning it. They need to be made very much
“Oh, you’re responding to a birth trauma- aware that they own their health. I’m only
related program. Is there anything that here to guide them along. So intuition is very
comes up?” At first, they say “I don’t know. important.
Strange question.” So as I’m treating them
Lloyd: Yes. It seems as though you’re guiding
and thousands of practitioners are doing
the same thing around the globe, within them in what you’re doing. So you have all these
minutes, it seems like a memory is being protocols and these wonderful devices like
released in a very gentle way. We try to Ondamed which as you say, is number two.
access that information through hypnosis. Number one is intuition. Having such strong
intuition, you’re getting into that place where
A psychiatrist may have other means, or a you’re allowing yourself to be guided and you’re
psychologist. But here, I don’t have to work so kind of inviting the person that you’re treating,
hard.Asking the questions can be sabotage, thepatient, so to speak, or the person you’re
almost, to myself as a therapist and to the helping. You’re inviting them to be guided too.
patient because it’s not in the brain memory. Is that fair to say?
It’s in the innate memory. So we’re getting very, [00:28:59]
very quickly tounresolved emotional issues. So
with intuition, maybe I see something, maybe Silvia: That is correct. They’re coming on a
I hear something, maybe I smell something. I journey with me. What do I need to? Many
have some sort of a sensation and I have learned people, many physicians around the world ask,
to understand that this is not for me to keep. It’s “What do I need to do to develop this?” The
okay to make a fool out of myself. It’s not going intuitionpart without Ondamed, I’ll only have my
to hurt me. I must send to the patient what I’m own vibration. That’s good but I need something
seeing, what I’m experiencing. I’m not saying, totap in. So Ondamed helps me to tap into
“This is what it is.” You have to come with the memory of individuals. So what needs
love, compassion, benevolence and just say, to happen is to be fearless. Many people,
“I see this little girl that’s is going through they think, “Oh no, the patient is expecting
something.” The patient, while being something from me now.” But as a matter
stimulated, not being frightened - if they of fact, you’re the one expecting something

Healing with Vibration 2.0


from yourself. So you’re putting yourself simple. Bring that in and if gall bladder shows
under pressure which makes things tensed. up a couple of times,I’m going to look closer
You need to be open and say, “It will come when at that, which the patient may not know they
it will come.” If it doesn’t come, it doesn’t come. have any gall bladder issues but I’m going to be
And then you start working. The vibrations are able to unravel that. Another one close to my
important. Then the communication is helping heart is anthroposophy. Anthroposophical
with your patients. And then of course, others, medicine is Rudolf Steiner’s work. It’s a
we go back to the planetary system. I also believe spiritually enhanced medical science. How
in applying a little bit of homeopathy, even if beautiful. I can only encourage anyone, if
that is HRT, just a whisper of hormones. I believe you are a layperson, if you’re into medicine,
in manipulating joints and the spine because if scientist, whatever you are, look into the
that is out of order, I can’t repair the muscles to original scriptures. I had an advantage. I was
hold that manipulation, like a dorn therapy or studying it with the original German book
what’s called in Germany, craniosacral work or which Steiner wrote and it’s very complicated
osteopathic work and advanced chiropractic German. But it’s a very different soul behind
that is not applying much pressure. So that has theGerman language compared to now when
tohappen in addition is there are abnormalities you translate it to English. You know what I’m
going on in the joints and in the spine. I can’t do talking about.
that with Ondamed. Lloyd: I don’t speak any German, but I speak
French and understand the translating between
Another important element is the biological one language and another is very, very hard and
dentistry. If people don’tremove their there’s always loss of meaning. It depends on
amalgams or their root canals, I’m going to the quality of the translation but it’s never 100%
be going in circles. I can’t help them detox. communicating that message of the original
That’s one of the things that happens with language, the original writing. Everything’s got
Ondamed, it’s detoxification. But if they don’t energy and you’re giving it a different energy.
remove their mercury, every time they bite, Yes?
it’s going to release into the body. So they
have to be honest about what we’re doing [00:33:58]
and other specialists. I don’t have to have
all the answers, but I have to have part of the Silvia: So true, and the work [inaudible 34:02], I
answers and I need to be okay withthat. Often want to remind physicians to stay humble. You
in our field, these wonderful alternative medical don’t have to know it all or pretend you know.
professionals, they think they haveto know it all. Socrates says that, “I know that I don’t know
They isolate rather than connect. So how can you now, but many don’t even know that.” But in
create a world with more naturopathic thinking English, it’s like six words. It’s so not coming
if we isolate? That makes no sense. So that’s an across.
important one. Also ofcourse, TCM, traditional Lloyd: That’s good. I like that. “I know what I
Chinese medicine. I don’t do acupuncture. But don’t know, but many don’t even know that.”
as you can see in theback on the wall here, That’s so true. So there is a huge part of
whenever I scan the body, I may find something humility in this work that you’re doing. This
on top of the ear, underthe skull on the right side, is something I’m sure you’ve seen in brilliant
that might be skin, but it could also be the gall people like yourself - I’m allowed to say that.
bladder meridian. Sobring that wisdom. It’s so You’re not. You can, obviously. But it’s brilliant

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people that just get totally taken over by their way we usually were. I’m not saying we
ego and they think only they know and what must stop. Not at all. But jokingly, I call it
they says go. What everybody else says is lesser BC, which is not before Christ but before
valued. Ithink that’s a problem in these medical Corona. This is the time to watch a lot of
circles and we need to remember that nobody good inspirational videos. Don’t keep on
knows everything. At the end of it all, even if only watching other types of videos. Don’t
you are a brilliant, brilliant doctor or person, let fear creep in. So read. It’s okay to hold
brilliant people like Tesla, Einstein, you name a book and to mark it up. It’s fun. You can
it, brilliant minds, there’s things that they didn’t read this, there’s an energy that comes to
know and things they got wrong. you when you go through a book like Eckhart
[00:35:27] Tolle’s The Power of Now. There are beautiful
books out there. As I mentioned Sam Harris’s
Silvia: That’s so true. And it’s okay because work, he has great podcasts. Or maybe your
we’re humans and we don’t know. That is a webinar. What can they do to become healthy
very good attitude to come from. I do want human beings when lockdown is over? So that
to add one more which is one of the most is number one. We want to surround ourselves
important planets on my planetary chart; with educational information that will make us a
nutrition. If people are not educated on what better version of ourselves.
not to eat and how food affects our biology, Lloyd: The mindfulness thing, let’s say
again, we’re going in circles. So they have to somebody’s listening, “I’ve got to be more
have that education and respect for what
mindful,” but
they put into their mouth and when.
how do we become more mindful?
Lloyd: Hippocrates, yes? Of course. So
nutrition’s really important. We shouldn’t have [00:39:05]
to detox if we’ve got the nutrition right, should
we? But obviously in today’s world, for most Silvia: Go to the balcony. Already going to the
people, obviously it’s very, very difficult, living balcony is a mindfulness, saying, “I have not
a modern life. Even if you live in a place where been outside today. Let me at least capture
you can eat locally, grow natural and organic 15 minutes of Sun because it’s healing to my
and seasonal food, there’s still some pollution body. It helps me possibly to stimulate my liver
in there from different treatments and what’s to create vitamin D. Let me be mindful and
in the air, and even neighboring treatments. If stop whatI’m doing and let me go out. Now I’m
your farm is organic but the neighboring farm standing outside. Let me not look toward what
is not, then there’s pollution out there. I really I regularly look at. Let me look up at the sky.
love your approach. I want to ask you, and I’m Let me appreciate what I’m seeing.” Conscious
asking this to all my speakers, what are your breathing,if you can do that, that balances
three top tips to bring vibrational healing into the parasympathetic nervous system. That’s
our lives? What can you share about this? not complicated. Conscious breathing are
two big words but they’re not really difficult
[00:37:18] to do.You just breathe in deeper and always
through the nose. Breathe in through the
Silvia: Yes. So I would say become mindful. nose and breathe out through the nose. So
Go within. This time especially allows that’s perfect temperature. You can Google
that because most of us have stopped the

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that information of why breathing through nonsense of adding calcium and magnesium
the nose is essential to your oxygen uptake. is not needed. It’s not what your body wants.
Oxygen is essential to your health. So when But now that I’ve just spoken, magnesium
you’re standing on the balcony. Enjoy what you [inaudible 43:26] magnesium is one of the
see. See the humor. See the green for what most essential minerals to take because it’s
it is. See the rocks. See the mountains. See involved in over 230 enzymatic processes in
the birds fly8ing. Listen to them. That’s being the body. You need good magnesium and
mindful of yourself, your experience of being a you need to do your study and homework on
human inthis world of nature. That’s how simple that. But what I’m saying is drink water.
mindfulness can be.
Lloyd: That’s number one. So number two? One of the greatest fruits on the planet to
make us more alkaline is squeezing lemon
into the water, and then shave the skin after
[00:40:56] washing it. The vitamins are sitting in the skin.
Fasting, even intermittent fasting, drink
Silvia: Number two, now is a good time to your coffee in the morning with no milk and
eat less. If I cannot get my hands on sugar added. And then wait until maybe
wholesome food - I’m a vegetarian but 12 until you have your first wholesome
that doesn’t mean you have to become a meal. And then, eat for eight hours, not eat
vegetarian. Find out for yourself. But what I continuously. Don’t mistake my information.
love, I don’t want to necessarily eat. That’s my In those eight hours, you can eat. Once
perspective, especially when it comes to cute the eight hours are done, sixteen hours
little animals and big animals. But eat less. you’re fasting, you’re letting your organs
I don’t have to have combination of foods. rest. When they rest, they can repair and
Whatever I have at home - raw beet salad, regenerate. That’s what you want. You wanna
little piecesof raw beets, carrots shaved reuse and that’s one way to do it. We can talk
into a bowl, feta cheese, onions, a touch of forever on nutrition but those are some very
olive oil and a touch of apple cider vinegar, good pointers.
and that can be my meal for the day. So it’s
really wholesome, it’s fresh and it’s natural. Number three is ground yourself. I have my
I am of course in Africa where I really have Ondamed which is wonderful. When I treat
access to very fresh [inaudible 42:20] food and myself, I’m also putting my vibration back in
I’m very thankful for that. The taste is amazing. place. I can be the best vibrationally which
So drink lots of water but non-chlorinated makes me think clearer, makes my lymph
and non-fluoridated water. The best filters - and immune system work so much better
and peopletalk for years on that topic. So I and faster. I am balanced, I am sharp and I can
recommend from what I know - and it’s very be more intuitive. If you don’t have access
limited, what I know about water filtering to find yourself your practitioner and if you
system - based on literature I’ve read, reverse can’t do that every day, of course, go outside
osmosisis very simple. You just put it on and ground. On rocks, on grass, whatever
the tap and let the water run, and you have foundation it is, just not asphalt because
fresh water and it’s good to drink. Water’s that separates you from the electrons
not supplying you with minerals. Water is coming from MotherEarth. We have studies
not supposed to do that. Water is here to that show inflammation can be reduced
flush the system and to hydrate. All this

Healing with Vibration 2.0


just by grounding five minutes a day. Those Lloyd: Fantastic. Silvia Binder, thank you
of you who are Lyme patients, you don’t have so much for being part of the Healing With
to stand in the grass andbe afraid that a tick is Vibration Summit, for sharing your work. Your
going to come and bite you. I work a lot with approach, I think that’s what’s really interesting.
Lyme patients. The fear levels that comes into The tool, Ondamed, there’s practitioners all
their minds - just have a rock and stand on the over the world from what I gather. You do
rock, or stand on the pedestal and [inaudible remote Skype consultations also. That’s what I
46:21]. And of course, if I may add more, love noticed on your website. So thank you so much
and be happy and laugh. Laughter and love, for being here today.
those are two great medicines that are available
to us. Silvia: Thank you so much, Lloyd I appreciate all
that you’re doing and your team is doing. We’re
Lloyd: They are. That’s what we’re both doing, all in this together and I’m so thankful for you
isn’t it? Keep laughing and loving. I noticed this too and to be part of this journey of yours.Thank
at this interview, laughing anyway. We’ve all got you.
to love more and keep laughing. I love what
you’re sharing. Where can people learn more Lloyd: Thank you. And thank you listener and
about what you do? viewer, for being here today. My name is Lloyd
Burell from, thank you
Silvia: They can come to any of the work sites. so much. Until next time, bye-bye.
I’m at the website That’s
one. Then we have www.binder-institute.
de. That’s another side. And then there’s the
Ondamed site with so many videos on it, “Onda” is Latin for wave
and “med” is medicine. That is our website.
So people can reach out. I get all the emails.
So I’m filtering everything that’s coming in.
Why? Because I want to keep my thumb on the
puzzles of what is going on with people, our
patients, positions, whatever it is.

Healing with Vibration 2.0


The Power of 8: Heal

Yourself - Heal the World
Lynne McTaggart

Lloyd: Welcome, welcome. My name is Lloyd selling rings and trying to put bad guys into
Burrell. Today at the Healing With Vibration jail. I then started writing about health.
Summit, I’m thrilled to have as my guest, Essentially, after I got ill myself with what
Lynne McTaggart. Lynne is one of the central would be considered a faulty microbiome
voicesin the new conscious movement. She now - back then nobody knew what it was
is the award-winning author of seven books, - after going through the whole of medicine
including worldwide best-sellers, The Field, The from conventional to the outer rim of
Intention Experiment, The Bond, and her latest alternatives, I finally found a nutritional
book, The Power of Eight. She’s also the architect pioneer, a doctor in the UKwho was
of The Intention Experiment, a worldwide, experimenting at the time with what he
global laboratory,testing the power of thought said was microbiome problems. It was not
to change the world, and also serves as the called that at that time. So I worked with
editorial director of What Doctors Don’t Tell You, him for a year at getting better and I was
one of the world’s most highly praised health so astonished at the use of nutrition and
publications. Lynne McTaggart, welcome. functional medicine. This was back in the
‘80s. I was so amazed by his methodology or
Lynne: Hi, Lloyd. Nice to be with you. working with the patients as kind of partners
that I gotreally boring on this subject, talking
Lloyd: It’s really great to have you on. As I said about it. So my husband finally said, “Don’t tell
just before we start broadcasting, I am a huge me. Tell the world.” So we started what was
fan. I really love your work. I’m subscribed to then a newsletter called What Doctors Don’t Tell
your newsletter and I love what you do. So I You. Now, in the course of that, I kept coming
know quite a bit about you but our listeners across good medical studies. We studied the
and readers don’t. so could you just share scientific literature in What Doctors Don’t Tell
your story a little bit? I mentioned What You and our new venture, Get Well, which is an
Doctors Don’t Tell You. What put you on this exhibition, and courses for alternate medicine.
course? How did this all start? When we look at medical literature, in the
course of that I kept comingacross very good
Lynne: Well, you know, it sort of started by studies of spiritual healing. I kept thinking to
accident, Lloyd. I am an investigative reporter myself, “Wait a minute, if somebody can send
bybackground. When I was first starting a thought to someone and make them feel
out as a journalist, I was busting baby- better, that in itself undermines everything we

Healing with Vibration 2.0


think about how the world works.” So I wanted run 33 ofthem today. I didn’t think it was
to find out how that could be. Ifigured there going to work but they really worked. 29 of
must be such a thing as human energy fields. those 33 have shown measurable, positive,
So I thought I’d talk to some frontierscientists. mostly significant effects, from making
They would tell me and I’d write it up, and seeds grow faster to lowering violence in
that would be that. Well, that wasn’t what that war-torn areas.
was. I went to speak to some of these frontier
physicists, working in consciousness research Lloyd: Yes. Reading your books, the impression
and I realized that they were all on the verge that I get - particularly reading The Power of
of a completely new science, a completely Eight - is that you’re a big skeptic. You were
new view of the world. Each of them, through very skeptical about all this. I wouldn’t say you
their experimental evidence, have discovered were almost wanting it not to work. But you
a piece of what compounded into this didn’t have the intention to make this work.
completely new science that was overturning You just wanted to know, it seemed. You were
the science that has ruled our lives and by as much trying to disprove as trying to prove
which we operate and have operated for it. Is that fair to say?
centuries. So they don’t communicate in
plain English. Scientists talk in Math. And Lynne: Well, you know, you have to think of
they also don’t like to venture beyond their the mind of our journalist. Our mind is “what
usual experimental patch. So I realized with is.” The best journalists don’t want to will it
some alarm that I was going to have to piece to a certain direction, but just want to find
this together and decode it into English. out what’s the truth here. So that’s very
So I did and that book The Field. Now, there much how I view the world. It’s, “Okay, let’s
was a lot of unfinished business in The Field, find out the truth, without fear or favor.”
which was the whole idea that thoughts are an Also, there isn’t a whole lot of woo-woo about
actualsomething with the capacity to change me. As I say, I come from a background of
physical matter. being a hard-nosed journalist. So while I
have trespassed into this area - and this
So the journalist in me was rather skeptical is now my passion and my area - I have
about all of this and a lot of the popular that sense of skeptical investigation. An
stuff coming out about manifestation open-minded skepticism, I should say,
and “I believe, I receive” type of stuff. So which is the way you have to approach
I thought, “Okay, how far can we really everything as a journalist. You have to
take this?” We’re talking about subtle question the authority. That’s our job
effects. We’re talking about healing the as the fourth estate. It’s to question the
world, curingcancer with our thoughts. So I establishment and make sure that you get
thought I’d put it t the ultimate test. I know at the truth. It’s an old style of journalism. A
a lot of scientists in consciousness research lot of journalists these days have a set opinion
and I also had lots of readers. The Field was about something or have a political bias. They
in 30 languages by that time. So I thought want the story to fit their bias. Well, back in
what if I just put them together? I’ll have mytime when I was first learning to be a
the biggest global laboratory in the world. journalist, that was an absolute no-no. People
That’s what we’ve done since 2007. I’ve didn’t dothat. If you were a good journalist,

Healing with Vibration 2.0


you needed to write the truth, no matter what. eight.” That truly is how it started. It was just
So that’s always been important to me. I didn’t an accident. We put people in these groups
know whether or not lots of people thinking of eight or so. We ask them to send healing
the same thought at the same time - which intentions to someone with a health
is what we do with intention experiments - challenge. We followed the same protocols
scattered aroundthe globe, connected only as we did with the big experiments that
by an internet site, was going to work. That I’ve developed called Powering Up, which
was a big stretch, further than a lot of the was kind of a distillation of all the practices
experimental evidence had gone. I wasn’t at of many disciplines and some of the
all certain it was going to work. Ithought, “Let’s science in what would be the ways to do
give it a good try and see.” intention. It was a mix of traditional and
indigenous practice in many disciplines,
Lloyd: Yes. On one level, it’s incredibly simple and also modern-day science. So we told
and on another level, it’s incredibly complex them to do that. We had them do it. They
when we look at the science behind it, which came back the next day, I assumed it was
is the quantum science. People that are going to be a gentle, feel-good effect like
interested in that can delve into that if they getting a back massage or a facial. But
want. You talk about this in The Field. But you that’s not what happened. When people
don’t have tounderstand the science at all. came back and reported one by one on
It’s all really very simple and we’re going to what they’d experienced, they said things
talk about this, whatwe have to do later on in like, “I had cataracts and I’m 82% better.”
the interview. So it went from The Field to The “I had a terribleknee. I had bad arthritis in
Intention Experiment. Then it went from that my knee and I was limping, and I’m walking
to what is now The Power of Eight. That’s to say normally today.” “I have IBS and my gut is
working with a smallgroup of people. What normal.” “I have depression and it’s lifted.”
gave you the idea to do that? On and on and on that went. So we were
kind of shocked but we thought, “This is a
Lynne: Well, that also happened by accident. placebo effect. This isn’t real. This is a placebo
Back in 2008, we had run a number of effect,” until it kept happening over and over
theseintention experiments and they were and over again,even with non-believers. It was
successful. I was as surprised as anybody. happening to the people who were doing the
But I wanted to see what would happen if sending too. They were getting better too. So I
we scaled this down? What if we did it in a started to realize after many, many hundreds
workshop setting? But I wasn’t really sure of these that I mightbe on to something. But it
how to do that. So I was kicking around the took me a good 10 years to get up the courage
ideawith my husband who’s the other editor to publish this bookbecause I kept saying to
and owner of What Doctors Don’t Tell You. myself, being a journalist, I need to know why.
I’m talking about it with him one night and I I need to have more evidence, more hard
said, “I don’t know, Brian. Maybe I’ll put people proof. I need to figure out what is the secret
in groups ofeight or so and have them send sauce here.”
intention to someone with a health challenge.”
He’s such a good headline writer. He turned Lloyd: Of course. The whole thing driving
to me and said, “Yes, I love it! The power of you here is the truth and you want to share

Healing with Vibration 2.0


the truth. You want to understand what’s and starts talkingto everybody. Everybody
happening. I guess you get to a point where saw her in a wheelchair, completely
even if you can’tunderstand exactly [inaudible paralyzed. It was mind-blowing. There
12:42], then heck, people have to know about wasn’t a dry eye in the audience. She was a
this and we have to share this with the world real person. I also talked to her afterward and
because this is really powerful. It can really said, “What happened?” She said, “It’s like my
change the world. wheelchair was falling through the floor. It was
the weirdest experience.” we’ve had many,
Lynne: Yes. And I realized that somehow I had many, many of these things. It’s given me a
been selected, strangely enough, as a kind of sense of greater responsibility. As I say, I have
gatekeeper here. I hadn’t sought this out and to be a powerful gatekeeperhere. A lot of
suddenly, I had been witnessing miracles and people can say, “Wow, this is a fantastic
was somehow an instigator of these. I knew money-making operation. This is a way to
this was really strange. I’m not a healer. I get rich quick.” I have to protect it. We’ve
never pretended to be. I’m a journalist. I’m a discovered something new about the power of
writer. Why is this happening? Again, that was small group intention that can heal not only the
a driving force to find the truth. But I also felt recipient but also the sender.
the weight of responsibility because people
were gettinghealed. I’ve seen thousands of Lloyd: And that is a key thing. There’s a power
people over these years now get healed in of eight and we’re sending all these healing
small and large groups. If I speak somewhere energies to one person. We want that person
and we have an audience of 600 or 700, I’ll to recover from whatever it is, cancer, arthritis,
put them into groups and have them do 10 Alzheimer’s, you name it. But it’s actually for all
minutes. That’s all we do, 10-minute group those eight people involved, there’s a healing
intention. I’ll have them work with therandom effect on them. That was and unexpected
people sitting next to them. We’ve had things thing. That was the more amazing thing. It’s
like this - last summer, I was speaking at a the icing on the cake.
conference in London. There were about
700 people in the room and one of the Lynne: It is. That was the extraordinary thing
groups had selected a woman who was that I started witnessing with the intention
paralyzed from the neck down. Maya was experiments, but also with the power of
a young woman and a dancer and had eight. With the intention experiments back
suddenly got this weird idiopathic paralysis. in 2008, Idecided to survey the participants
So shewas there in her wheelchair and her just to see how it was for them and were they
group intended for her. Afterward, I ask, experiencinganything. Was anything going on
“Anybody experienced anything want to in their lives? Mainly, I just wanted to know if
raise your hand and tell everybody about their internetsystems were working because
it?” We had people stand up who was due we had too many people coming on at the
to have surgery on their knees do deep same time in the beginning. So I just surveyed
squats and canceled their surgery. It’s them and basically said, “how was that for
amazing. Maya raises her hand. She says, you?” I got back thousands of responses,
“Okay, I want to tell you what happened.” shockingly saying things like, “I thought I was
She gets up. She stands up and turns around part of a higher network.I felt electricity up

Healing with Vibration 2.0


and down my arms. I felt goosebumps. I was you do these intention experiments, it just
crying inconsolably,” etc. Somebody said they works just about every time. Out of 33, all but
felt like they were in the tractor beam of Star 4 with technical issues have shown a positive,
Trek. This heavy energy that was so intense mostly significant effect. You startthinking
also stopped the moment the intention was you’re on to something. The other thing that
over. I felt it myself. I had to stay away from was weird about that healing experiment
the computer. Now, remember this, these are was that we had an extraordinary number
people in the same room. There are people of people participating. The participants who
sitting in front of their own computer, just as wrote in afterward, “I’m walking normally
I am right now, dotted around the world and again. My skin has really improved. My back
only connected by my internet site. pain is gone. My stomach problems are gone,”
and on and on and on. “My migraines have
So it wasn’t just that that was weird. It was disappeared.” we had thousands, not just a
that we were creating some sort of psychic few, but thousands of people getting healed.
internet connection together. It wasn’t just
that we were focusing on some effect and So I started realizing as thishappened over
demonstrating that we can make seeds and over again, that we were witnessing a
grow faster, that we can purify water, that kind of mirror effect. Somehow, that active
we can lower violence, all of those things participation heals the healers. That active
were measured with achievement signs time altruism is healing the healers. Of course,
after time. But what was also strange and we saw it also in the power of eight groups.
extraordinary and untoward was that You didn’t have to be the recipient to get
the participants were reporting that their healed. We had so many instances of
lives were changing. After, for instance, people who were doing the sending and
participating in a peace experiment, their their lives completely changed. We had
lives became more peaceful. They wrote an ex-Vietnam vet, Wes Chapman, who
things like this, “I’m getting along better participated in one intention experiment
with my boss and co-workers. I’ve made up where he was a sender to a woman who
with my estranged partner. My son who had stage 4 cancer. He was going to put
hasn’t spoken to me in 20 years suddenly himself forward because he suffered from
calls me up,” and most particularly, just depression but he thought, “No, do it for
almost half wrote, “I’m more in love with her because she’s more in need than I am.”
everybodyand anybody I come in contact Wes had a terrible life. He was studying
with. Essentially, I’m hugging strangers. to be a biochemistry doctor when he was
So I’m thinking to myself, what is going on drafted in the last year of the war where
here? There’s some sort of weird mirror there were no more college deferments. So
effect. That became evident too when we he had to go to the front line of Vietnam
did a healing experiment with some who had and it was so traumatic for him that he
post-traumatic stress disorder. He got better, came backdeeply depressed, dropped
never sought treatment again, went traveling out of college, and his life just went into
after that, and met the love of his life. His life a terrible downward spiral to the point
so improved. Maybe we did that. Maybe it was where when I met him, he was having a
just coincidence. But you know, again, when hard enough time just getting up in the

Healing with Vibration 2.0


morning and making himself breakfast. all the major science in my book, The Intention
It got to that place of, “What’s the use?”He Experiment. That book was about the science
participates in this thing, goes to bed that of intention, but also an invitation to take part
night, and the next day, he wakes up and he in these experiments. For the power of eight,
has this extraordinary feeling of heightened first of all, we have all the science of the 33
senses. The grass is greener than it’s ever experiments in the book. I talked about all of
been, the flower smelled better, that kind of them. We worked in prestigious scientists in
thing. He had a sudden desire to speak to many different universities because we didn’t
other people. He was quite introverted before. want to be accused of bias. So we worked
The next night he goes to bed, he has this with the University of California, University of
extraordinarily lucid dream, as though he is Arizona, Penn State University, Princeton, and
meeting his 19-year-old self back on his college even with a Russian and German scientist.
campus. They don’t actually communicate
but it’s kind of feeling of communication. The So we had different experiments, all
19-year-old self says to this 65-year-old man, demonstrating different effects. But onthe
“There’s still time.” After that, it was like power of eight groups, not only do I have the
Scrooge waking up on Christmas morning. testimonials and full names of people enlisted
Remember, where he is so bountiful and he in my book who’ve had these experiences and
is a totally new person? their descriptions of what happened to them
andhow it was changed. It’s all mostly their
That was Wes. Suddenly, he was out saying real names unless they specifically requested
hi to everybody. He suddenly wants to do to have apseudonym. I also did a brain wave
90-minute power walks. He’s taking up research on why power of eight groups can
new subjects. He’s writing again. Life has be so powerful. I was lucky enough to work
purpose and meaning and involvement for with Life University, one of the largest
him. Now, he’s doing the power of eight chiropractic universities in the world and
groups at his local church. So that’s the kind one of the most prestigious. They put a
of thing that we witnessed again and again, just team of neuroscientists at my disposal.
with the senders. We set up seven power of eight groups
and hooked up one of the senders in each
Lloyd: Yes. I’m sure everybody watching and group to an EEG machine to measure their
listening is dying to know how to do this. brainwaves. While we all assumed we
So before I ask that question of how to do were going to see brainwave signatures
this immensely powerful and tremendously similar to meditation, they weren’t at
healing practice, I want to ask you about the all. They were almost identical to the
science. I’ve read several of your books and I’m brain wave signatures similar to what Dr.
on board. You’re a skeptic and a lot of people Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist who
are skeptical. To answer the skeptics, what had worked at the time at the University
science can you share behind this? of Pennsylvania, studying Buddhist
monks during ecstatic prayers and Sufi
Lynne: First of all, there’s an enormous body masters during chanting. Our brain wave
of science about the fact that thoughts are signatures were almost identical. What
thingsthat affect other things. I wrote about they demonstrated was a lowering of parts

Healing with Vibration 2.0


of the brain that makes us feel separate, just purely intending for someone else, their
for instance, the parietal lobe which sit lives began to heal in every regard. So once
about here. They help us navigate through I started seeing that, I looked at the science
space and tellus what’s me and what’s not me. of altruism. Honest to God, altruism is like
They were turned way down, and so were the a bulletproof vest. People who do things
parts of the brain like the right frontal lobe for other people no matter how small live
which is where worry, doubt, negativity, they longer, happier, healthier lives. You see this
were all dialed way down.These were people in the science over and over again. People who
in a state of essentially ecstatic oneness. One are ill with the same illness as someone else,
of the things that I’ve looked at is the evidence if they help a fellow sufferer, they get better.
for people who’ve had a mystical experience People who just volunteer are more likely to
and how that changes them, andoftentimes be happy. It’s almost by half, they’re twice
how that brings about healing. Our people as happy as other people. You see that with
have registered pretty much all of the people who are helping in every regard. As I
experiences that people have when they say, it protects them against certain illnesses.
have one of those amazing, epiphany-type, One of my favorite studies was a study of
mystical experiences. Abraham Maslow prayer where a psychologist who was also
called them peak experiences where you a priest wanted to see if it would work for
have amassive physical experience. You mental illnesses. So he got 400 volunteers
have an overwhelming sense of oneness. of people diagnosed with depression, put
You have a blinding epiphany of meaning. them into two groups. One group was given
prayer and the other group was trained to
Suddenly, life makes sense to you and send the prayer. Afterward, you measured
you want to change something in your them both on psychological parameters
life drastically because you now have the and we foundthat the receivers did really
key. It’s like having a secret key to the well. They were improved, but nowhere
Universe. Also, you feel a rejuvenation. near as improved asthe people who had
Something in your life is going to change done the praying. They were off the charts.
because you have a completely new So it’s just one of many,many studies
attitude to it. That is essentially some of demonstrating how powerful intending is,
the major aspects of a peak experience. Our how powerful getting off of yourself really
people routinely experience all of those in is.
intentional experiments or in the power of
eight groups. They describe all of those things. Lloyd: Getting off of yourself, yes. The science
So I think oneness is one of the big things. is clearly there and it seems like the ultimate
You get out of yourself and you experience proof of the saying where the more you give,
what is reality. Reality is not this separate the more you get. So it’s certainly a good
carapace. Reality is a state of subatomic incentive for everybody to do this. Don’t even
oneness, essentially. So we feel our reality. So consider it. Do it. The question is how do we
I think that’s one thing. But another part of do it? Normally, I’ll be asking you for your top
the science that’s so important is this altruism. three tips for healing with vibration but what
I did a study on altruism. I started realizing I’d really like to know is how do we do this
that people got off of themselves and started power of eight? How can we do this power of

Healing with Vibration 2.0


eight? I knowyou’ve got a protocol. group. Probably to begin with, start with
peoplein the group to get used to it. And
Lynne: Sure. I do have a protocol and it’s hard then you all imagine you’re holding hands.
for me to share everything in just the little You take some deep breaths together.
timewe have. I can give you a couple of top You formulate the intention statement in
tips, however. One of my biggest top tips for your mind. And then you bring it down to
intendingis to be specific. People are told all your heart. This isn’t a mind exercise. This
the time, “No, no. Let the Universe help is a heart exercise. You send it out with
you. Let the Universe decide. Just be open your five senses, imagining that person is
to it.” That isn’t what has worked with our healthy and well in everyway with your
intention experiments. I have found the five senses. The recipient just opens up
more specific we are, the better it works. their heart to receive. We started out doing
So tell the Universe what you want. When intention experiments, the very first one, in
you leave it up to the Universe, that’s a little bit 2007. Dr. Gary Schwartz and I - he wasfrom
more like prayer, “Thy will be done. Whatever the University of Arizona - decided that our
you decide, God. I am just the vessel.” Well, protocol would only be 10 minutes of holding
intention isslightly different because it’s this intention because we felt some of the
much more like a very specific request people in our audience - we did in front of an
to the Universe. Tell the Universe what audience of 600 in London - might never had
you want, when you want it, and how meditated before. Holding the thought for 10
you want it. The power of eight groups, I minutes might be their maximum attention
have the full protocol in my book, The Power span. Also, it worked and we did more and
of Eight. But just the basic overview, a power more experiments doing this same protocol
of eight group is just this; you get together and they all worked. This body of work is
with seven other friends. It doesn’t have tobe built on creating evidence and showing what
exactly eight. So you know, I just stumbled on works and carrying on with that. So you just
this whole protocol and I found 6, works, 5, have to hold it for 10 minutes. And then
works, 12 works, but 8 is a lovely, Goldilocks let go, and talk to each other about what
number. So get your friends together and happened. But during those 10 minutes,
youcan do this virtually. It doesn’t have to allow yourself to visualize that person
be in person. It works as well virtually so being healthy and well, and use your five
it’s a great thing to do in lockdown or any senses. Again, the recipient, just open up
situation where you’re isolated. You get your heart to receive and allow your mind
on Zoom or Skype and you ask everyone to have visualizations too. Then you just
to nominate somebody with a health compare notes. That’s the bare bones of it.
challenge or have the person nominate There’s much, much more to it. But that’s
themselves. You all formulate a statement essentially it. Again, it takes alot more to
together. become a real master of intention. Those are
courses that I teach, one of which is a whole
Lloyd: That can be somebody in the group or out year-long master class. But that’s just the very
of the group with the health challenge, yes? rudimentaries of it.

Lynne: It can be in the group or out of the Lloyd: So anybody can do it, as I see. At the

Healing with Vibration 2.0


same time, there is something of a learning individuals is amazing. Healing the world is
curve because as you say, you do give master even more amazing. It seems like the sky is the
classes on this. So it is a skill. It is something limit as to what we can do in terms of healing.
we can learn and get better at, yes? You mentioned some things like purifying
water and seeds and reducing violence in
Lynne: Yes, I think some people are very countries in conflicts which I’ve seen because
talented healers. But basically, everybody has I’m following your newsletter. But I’m just
thispower. This isn’t something just for the wondering if we can use it to get rich quick or
gifted psychic. I’ve seen people who have to find a new partner or something like that.
never,ever done anything like this before
who were skeptical walking into a talk of Lynne: I would discourage anybody from
mine and come out healed. I had a woman using this to get rich quick. On my master
with terrible back pain, who got dragged class,people attend not just for physical
to a talk of mine and got healed. She didn’t healing, but to heal various areas of their lives.
believe a word of it, but got healed. So yes, So I routinely tell people, keep a record of
everybody can do this. It’s a power we all what’s going on, not only with your health,
possess, an innate power. That’s the amazing but also you can intend for finances,
part of it. It’s a gift that we’ve been given. The for a change of career, or a betterment
one common thing I would say to people is of career, being able to havemore time
don’t squander this. This isan amazing human for hobbies, to be able to reconnect
capacity that has been dormant in so many with our children, even to essentially
of us and can come alive. As you said, yes, reboot your life’s purpose. So people use
it is a learned technique. People invariably it for everything. One of the things I’m
aren’t specific. People invariably haveto experimenting with - and I did one amazing
learn to get off of themselves and trust that, experiment about a year and a half ago - I had
invariably have to trust the whole process, theopportunity to use special technology to
have to learn to visualize. It’s a very connect with 10 different locations. We had
focused mind state. It’s something very cameras in eight different Arab cities filled
different from meditation, which is more of with Muslims. The ninth camera was in an
a letting go process. So there are some skills audience filled with Israeli Jews. I was using
and there’salso a lot of understanding as to a technology where I could beam through
why it would work. That’s part of a course and to all of them and talk to me and talk to
I teach manycourses on all of this. each other. So we were connected to these
nine different auditoriums. We did an
Lloyd: It is truly amazing. One of the most intention to lower violence in Jerusalem,
amazing things is you don’t even have to which was experiencing a lot of violence at
believe it. I’m just repeating that because the time. What was extraordinary to me, even
that is what blows me as well. Most of the more extraordinary than the figures afterward
stuff I’ve done, if you don’t believe it, it seems which did demonstrate some lowering of
to sabotage the process. So we’re running violence, what was more interesting was
out of time, but I just want to ask you - I’m what happened in the audiences. When I
sure you’ve been asked this question before asked them to start talking about what
- can we use this for other things? Healing theirexperiences were, the Arabs started

Healing with Vibration 2.0


saying things like to the Jews, “Your God Summit. Thanks so much for your work. I’m
is my God,” and the Jews were saying, “We really blown away by this. I’m excited by it. I
love you, brothers and sisters.” Everybody think it’s got so much potential and I’m really
was crying. Everybody was sending love happy to help share the word on this. The
back and forth. The same happened when more peoplecan do this, the better. I honestly
I got Arabsand Americans together to do an believe it’s a really, really powerful healing
intention experiment for the 10 anniversary
with vibration protocol. So thank you so much.
of 9/11. Again, we focused on problems in
Afghanistan. It demonstrated a lowering of Lynne: Thank you, Lloyd. It’s been a pleasure.
violence. But that wasn’t the interesting part And thank you, listeners and viewers, for
of the story. The interesting part of the story attending today. If you’ve enjoyed this
was that both sides were connecting via my talk, please share it with your friends and
social media pages and chat pages, sending family. My name is Lloyd Burrell from www.
love to each other and forgivingeach other Till next time, thank you so
for 9/11. So for me, this is a really powerful much. Takecare, bye-bye.
mechanism to overcome some of the
extraordinary polarizations that we’re seeing
now in different societies. It’s one of the things
Ireally want to do. I’m working on trying to put
together a big intention experiment that will
bring together different sides, Republicans and
Democrats for instance, and see what happens.
Everything I’ve seen in all of these experiments
and power of eight groups is that it’s not only
a fast track to miraculous, it’s a fast-track to
healing entire societies.

Lloyd: Yes, solutions for world peace. Listen,

it’s been fascinating talking with you. Where
can we learn more about what you do?

Lynne: Thank you so much, Lloyd. www. is my website and I’m so
excited to tell you to please check it out, aside
from a podcast which is taking a temporary
pause through lockdown. We’ll be back
shortly. But also, I’ll be back with my own TV
channel. Soplease come and watch and find
out more about me and all the courses that we

Lloyd: Yes, wonderful. Thanks so much,

Lynne, for attending the Healing with Vibration

Healing with Vibration 2.0

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