Final Assignment T-S
Final Assignment T-S
Final Assignment T-S
Discourse Studies
State High School 3, as a form of basic education in the territory of the Unitary State of
the Republic of Indonesia. This junior high school has included English lessons in school
materials. This is because communication between nations requires English as an international
language, so in education in Indonesia the ability to speak English is one of the skills which must
be mastered by the learner from the beginning. In this case, English learning is directed at four
skills in The English language, including: listening, speaking, reading, and reading ability.
Writing. Currently for elementary schools, English lessons are still taught in one unified theme
and then directly taught these 4 skills, so as to know the mastery such skills can be seen as the
result of learners' learning in English lessons.
Brown (1994: 89) says learning is often considered a translation of the term
"instructional" is the process of interaction of learners with educators and learning resources in a
learning environment. Learning is described by Gagne and Briggs in Brown, as an effort by
people whose goal is to help people learn. Therefore, there are five assumptions that support
learning, namely (1) learning must be planned to facilitate student learning, (2) both short phases
and long-term phases are included in the learning design, (3) learning planning should not be
perfunctory and not merely provide a nurturing environment, (4) learning efforts must be
designed with a system design, and (5) learning must be developed based on knowledge of how
the person learns.
In another section, Uno (2007:54) states that learning can be interpreted as a process of
interaction between learning participants and teachers / instructors and or learning resources on a
learning environment to achieve certain learning goals. Here it can be seen that learning is a
process of interaction between students and environment so that it becomes a change in behavior
towards a good one. In the learning process, the main principle is the process of involvement of
all or a large part of the student's potential and its meaningfulness for himself and his life now
and in the future.
Furthermore, Gagne and Briggs in Brown (1994: 9-10) explained that there are several
characteristics of learning, namely (1) attracting attention so that students are ready to receive the
lesson, (2) informing the purpose of the lesson, (3) stimulating the emergence of memories of
previous teachings, (4) presentation of teaching materials and learning aids (5) providing
tutoring, (6) generating performance in learning, (7) providing feedback, (8) assess performance,
and (9) strengthen learning retention and transfer.
English in Indonesia is generally taught as a foreign language. The term 'foreign
language' in the field of language teaching is different from 'second language'. A foreign
language is a language that is not used as a means of communication in a particular country
where the language is taught. While the second language is a language that is not the main
language but is one of the commonly spoken languages in a country. While foreign languages are
usually taught as one of the subjects in schools with the aim of communicating basicly and
mastering 4 language skills (listening, reading, writing, speaking) in the language within certain
Meanwhile, Hapsari (2012) stated that English teaching in Indonesia for elementary
school students is based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 060 / U /
1993 dated February 25 regarding the possibility of English language programs as a subject of
local elementary school content, and can be started in grade 4 elementary schools (depdiknas).
This policy was taken because of the need to participate in the era of globalization. In its
development English, which was originally an elective local content subject, became a
compulsory local content subject in some regions. Furthermore, English lessons that initially
started in grade 4 of elementary school started in grades 1, 2 and 3.
Related to the focus of ethnographic research, Johnson (2000: 12-13) posits that "there
are two general focuses of ethnography study that particularly relevant to the field of second
language acquisition and teaching. These are educationally communication." That is,
ethnographic studies have two general focuses, ethnographic studies that are specifically relevant
to the field of language acquisition and learning (second), namely educational ethnography and
communication ethnography. Johnson (2000: 12-13) adds about the ethnographic definition of
education i.e. as the study of one or all educational processes, whether related to school or not.
He also defines ethnography as a school as the study of the educational process and the
educational environment, as well as the enculturative processes related to schooling and
schooling international, including aspects of the school related to the life of peer groups.
Creswell (2008: 473) explains that ethnography is a qualitative research procedure for
describing, analyzing and interpreting a group with regard to culture regarding patterns of action,
beliefs and language. The qualitative approach was chosen because ethnographic research can be
carried out by participation observation. Ethnographic research has the following characteristics:
(1) the data source is obtained from a natural setting , (2) the researcher is a key instrument , (3)
the report is very descriptive, (4) the analysis is inductive, (5) data verification is carried out
through triangulation, (6) participants are carried out in line with the researcher, (7) the sample is
purposive, (8) the research design is developing in the field.
The results of the research relevant to the problems discussed were carried out by Juanda
in 2010 conducting a study entitled: "Learning The Functional Literacy of Adults and Socio-
Cultural Factors (Ethnographic Research in South Sulawesi)" A Dissertation submitted to meet
as a requirement in obtaining a Doctorate degree. His research applies qualitative methods with
an ethnographic approach. This study groups several aspects, namely (1) cultural themes, (2)
socio-cultural factors in functional literacy learning, and (3) factors that influence the teaching
and learning process to run effectively. In relation to the groupings carried out, this research
focuses more on eradicating illiteracy through learning. For this reason, research related to
English learning with other focuses needs to be carried out.
This study aims to gain an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of: (1) how the
English language learning process is, (2) approaches and methods of English learning, (3) the
role of teachers as sources and learning aids in English learning at SMP Negeri 3 Tual.
The process of learning English at SMPN 3 Tual, begins with motivating students by
singing together which is carried out by the teacher with his students together. The core activity
is a learning process and experience in the classroom, and with the final activity carried out to
reflect on the activities that have been carried out by students.
Early learning activities can be seen and it can be seen from the observations on the video
that in the early stages of learning, students greet the teacher then the teacher responds to
students, after that a prayer is held, and the last one checks the attendance of students. At the
beginning of learning begins by reviewing the previous material and giving some questions to
test students' memory of the previous material carried out by the teacher. Activities like this are
carried out to foster students' motivation to study harder so that they are able to communicate in
English well. However, this activity is not always carried out by the teacher at the beginning of
each lesson, there are times when the teacher motivates students by giving advice to students.
The core learning activity is the actual implementation of learning, where teachers and students
interact in learning experiences that are carried out inside and outside the classroom. This stage
begins by informing students about the topic and learning objectives to be achieved. Then
discuss the subject matter classically, discuss the subject in groups, and ask students to provide
solutions to the subject individually. This is done to determine the extent to which students
understand the subject being studied. In the learning process, an evaluation is carried out at the
same time, because the assessment of learning English is carried out not only at the end of the
learning process, but also during the learning process, which is called an authentic assessment.
The final learning activity is an activity to reflect and evaluate the knowledge of students
about the subject matter that has just been taught as a whole. This activity is in the form of
feedback from students, this can be seen when students perform and respond to learning with
concrete actions such as, being able to answer questions and speak in English and show results
works in the form of writings or essays in English. Data on this procedure can be found in each
learning activity that is in each attachment to the observation of class activities.
The teaching method used or practiced by the teacher is the SAS method, namely
Structural Analysis and Synthetic. In SAS, learners are trained to know vocabulary with the help
of pictures and hear from the pronunciation from the teacher (structural processes). The word is
then analyzed into syllables, letters / according to its pronunciation (analytical process). The final
step is to recombine the letters into syllables, syllables into words, and words into sentences
(synthetic processes).
Based on analyzing, using the SAS method the teacher did not encounter any difficulties
in transferring material to students. When this happens, the learner will feel interested in
expressing what he has in mind in English (the target) because they are motivated and not bound
by grammatical rules. Usually, in this activity, there will be a direct compulsion to students to
know some words that have not been mastered by students, of course this is very burdensome
because of the many types or patterns of sentences that must be memorized. This is because there
is a fear of making sentence errors or correct speech according to the recommended sentence
pattern. But the fact that happens, precisely the learner is able to express sentences in English
automatically or naturally.
The results that I analyze showed that English learning with the SAS method at SMPN 3
Tual, was carried out by applying contextual strategies using the SAS method for low-grade
students, namely Structural Analysis and Synthetics. In SAS, learners are trained to know
vocabulary with the help of pictures and hear from the pronunciation from the teacher (structural
processes). The word is then analyzed into syllables, letters according to their pronunciation
(analytical process). The final step is to recombine the letters into syllables, syllables into words,
and words into sentences (synthetic processes).
Learning strategies emphasize the involvement of learners to relate the learning material
learned and relate it to real-life situations so as to encourage learners to be able to apply it in
their daily lives or environments. The role of teachers at SMPN 3 Tual in English learning is as a
learning designer or resource, motivator, facilitator, guide, model, director, evaluator and partner
(learning partner) of students. Contextual learning helps teachers relate the subject matter to the
real-world situation of the learner, and motivates the learner to make connections between the
knowledge gained and its application in their lives as family, community, and work members.
In the modern learning view, students and teachers are the subject of learning. In this case
the learner is no longer considered the object of learning and the teacher is no longer considered
a source of information, but both collaborate in the process of teaching and learning interaction
in the classroom to achieve the goals set. Learning for learners, the process of perfecting existing
schemes (assimilation) or the process of forming new schemes (accommodations). Thus, in the
learning process, students as the central point of learning, are more active in finding and solving
learning problems, and the teacher's task is to help the difficulties of students who have
encountered obstacles, and difficulties in understanding and solving problems.
From the description above, it can be concluded that the process of learning English at
SMPN 3 Tual involves the role of teachers and learners. Teachers are able to create a good
learning atmosphere so that it has a positive impact on the student's learning process and finally
the learning outcomes are maximized. The teacher also acts as a director of activities both
individually and in groups. Students will always feel safe and cared for because the teacher is
always among the students even though they study independently. As an assessment of the
progress of student learning achievement, it has an impact on the sense of respect for students
and this will motivate students to continue to compete and be responsible for their learning
process. Teachers as facilitators and resource persons on new materials for students will produce
a sense of facilitation and accept the different needs of each individual student.