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Primus Star Core Rulebook

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The document provides an overview of the Primus Star tabletop RPG setting and rulebook, including character creation, gameplay mechanics, enemies, equipment and additional rules.

The Core Rulebook is the essential guide to run Primus Star. It contains the rules for character creation and advancement as a player as well as running the game and creating encounters as a Game Master.

Players can explore derelict space stations and hostile compounds. They can also fight against organizations and criminal warlords while seeking fame and fortune.

Primus Star

Core Rulebook
1st Edition

By: Evil Pig Productions

Lead Designer/Author: Jonathan Tyler Moore

Lead Artist: Megan Stacy Sleigh

Lead Graphic Designer: Natalie Thompson

Special Thanks: Caleb “Kynes” Rodriguez, Valdemar Trey Martinez, Grace Scales,
Dylan Hunt, Herschel Allen Moore II, Kim Lori Moore, Lord Herschel Allen Moore III,
Charles Savage, Em, Zach “Brain-zilla” Hall, Amber Garcia, Mica, Austyn “Sunter”,
Brendon, Meghan “Mr. Waters” Waters, Ian Garza, Josiah, David, Jim Smith, Noah
Wehr, Hannah Hadidi
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 5

Chapter 2: Races 17

Chapter 3: Classes 25

Chapter 4: Feats 41

Chapter 5: Equipment 49

Chapter 6: Additional Rules 69

Chapter 7: Enemies 85
Primus Star is a table top RPG set in space. You can encounter zero gravity battles, dog fights, espionage,
hacking data bases, and just classic shoot outs. Pilot ships, explore worlds, mine for resources, talk your
way out of situations or shoot your way through them, invent, repair, create, and become the space fairing
hero or villain you desire. This core rulebook will show you how to create a character, run the game,
make a story, and play in the universe of Primus Star.
Let the table of contents guide you to the many sections of this book so that you do not get lost. The Rules
might be a good place to start if you will be running the game, but if you want to just jump right into the
universe of Primus Star, go ahead and start in Character Creation.
Thank you,
Evil Pig Productions
Game Basics
Suggested items - from the result. For example, a Action
As the player: 1d6+10 means you add the number Everything a character does is
• assortment of dice (d4, d6, to what you rolled. You may also classified as an action.
d8, d10, d12, d20) need to make a roll that says 1d2
• Player sheet (found in back or 1d3. These are made by a 1d4, Turn
of book or online) 1-2 being 1, and 3-4 being two, When a character uses all of their
• Miniature for the 1d2 case, and 5-6 being 3 allotted actions.
in the 1d3 case. Percentiles are a
As the Game Master: special case indicated by a “d100”. Round
• Notepad This roll is done when two d10s When all characters and enemies
• A story (pre-crafted or of different colors are rolled. One perform their turns is when
homemade) d10 is classified as the ones place, a round has finished. A round
• Creativity and the other as the tens place. classifies 5 seconds in the game
• Assortment of dice For example, if the tens place world.
• Something to hide your dice rolls a 3 and the ones place
notes and dice rolls a 10, the percentile rolled Alignment
• Erasable mat was a 30. A 100 is scored when This signifies your character’s most
• Miniatures both dice roll a 10. Some d10s are basic morals. There are the base
Playing the game. made with 10, 20, 30, and so on alignments of good, neutral, and
While playing Primus Star, the to make percentiles easier. Unless evil, but there are three subtypes
GM describes situations that are otherwise noted, if there is a known as lawful, true, and chaotic.
happening in the world and then fraction, always round up. These are abbreviated by using the
the players take turns explaining first letter in the word, such as LN
what their characters are
attempting to do in the situation.
Common Terms is lawful neutral and CE is chaotic
evil. If something is true, however,
The actions may or not pan out Stat it will just have the letter of the
depending on dice rolls. Some The character has 6 stats. Strength, alignment, such as G meaning true
characters are better at things Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, good and N meaning true neutral.
than others, giving them bonuses Wisdom, and Charisma are the
to his stats and skills for tackling 6 stats. These represent the most Armor Class (AC)
different situations. basic of talents. The higher the This score signifies how hard it
stat, the more raw potential. is to hit a character. As with other
How to read the dice? scores, higher is better.
• Strength - how hard you hit,
When a roll is required, this will
how much you carry.
be notified by a “d#”, where the BAB (Base Attack Bonus)
# will classify how many sides • Dexterity - flexibility and
accuracy Character accuracy.
the dice you should roll has. If
you need to roll multiple dice of • Constitution - Health, fight off Bonus
that kind, this will be shown as a disease
These are numerical values that
number before the “d”. For example, • Intelligence - Raw mental add to stats or skills. Bonuses
a 5d6 means you will need to roll power, repair or hack never stack if they are of the
five six-sided dice and add the • Wisdom - worldly knowledge, same type unless specified. Race
results together. Sometimes, there how skilled you are bonuses, however, will always
will be a + or - after the notation, • Charisma - social skills, beauty, stack with other bonuses.
meaning you will need to add or debate
subtract the number that follows

Class special occurrence, most commonly Non-Player Character (NPC)
The chosen profession of the instant success. A character that is controlled by
character. the GM.
Experience Points (XP)
Check These points accumulate over time, Penalty
A check is a d20 roll that signifies and as they reach or surpass Penalties are numerical values
an action that may or may not certain values, higher levels are subtracted from a check or stat.
be modified by another value. The attained. Penalties can also stack unless
most common types are attack specified.
rolls, skill checks, and saving
throws. A feat is a special property a Player Character (PC)
character has attained. A character controlled by the
Combat Maneuver player.
This is an action taken that does
not directly harm your opponent, These are special actions a Saving Throw
such as tripping, disarming, or character can take. They are gained When a character is subjected to
grappling. from classes. See Chapter 3 for a possibly dangerous situation,
more details. they may do a saving throw. There
Combat Maneuver Bonus (CMB) are three types of saving throws,
This is how well you can achieve
Game Master (GM) these are Fortitude, Willpower, and
combat maneuvers. This is added This is the person running the game. Reflex. These scores are calculated
to a d20 roll. To run the game, the game master by the sums of two stats. Fortitude
must create the challenges and is calculated with Strength
Combat Maneuver Defense (CMD) control the enemies. and Constitution. Willpower is
This is how well you can defend calculated with wisdom and
against combat maneuvers. This
Hit Points (HP)
charisma. Reflex is calculated with
score is not accompanied by a These points signify how much dexterity and intelligence.
d20 roll. damage a character can take before
being knocked out or dying. If 0 is Stacking
Character reached, the character is knocked Generally speaking, most bonuses
A character is an active participant out unless directly specified. Once of the same type do not stack.
in the world. Characters are the character reaches -1, they will Instead, only the highest bonus
creatures, NPCs, and players. begin bleeding out by 1 point each is applied. However, penalties do
turn. When their constitution score stack. Penalties and bonuses stack
Credits has been reached in the negatives, together, meaning that a penalty
In world money. the character dies. might negate or exceed the value
of the bonus. Though, sometimes
Damage Reduction (DR) Initiative
these rules are forfeit by situations
This signifies how much damage is This signifies how fast a character described by the GM or this book.
reduced. This number is subtracted is (their turn in the play order). It is
from the number calculated for calculated by Reflex. Squares
damage. This term refers to the spaces a
character can be on. Each square
Critical This signifies how much experience equals five feet by five feet.
Is achieved when a 20 is rolled a character has gained.
on a d20 roll and may invoke a

Skill Combining Skills Disguise (Trained)
How well a character can perform If two trained skills can do the Ability to act like someone else,
a specific action, i.e. piloting a ship, same thing, you can use your look like someone else, and sound
climbing, etc. Some skills can only knowledge of both to make the like someone else. When trying
be used if trained. Rolling a 20 is job easier. For example, to find out to disguise as an organic when
an instant success. 1-10 is the crit how a computers security system synthetic and vice versa, you take
fail chance. operates and you have knowledge a -20*Level.
software and craft software, you
Trained (Specialized) Skill. can use the sum of those skills History (Trained)
The number of trained skills is and a d20 instead of just one. Or Knowledge of the past.
equal to wisdom mod. Also if you disguise with craft tailor.
are trained in a skill you add your Insight
WIS mod to those skill ranks. Acrobatics Ability to understand situations.
Number of trained skills increases Represents your finesse. Used Used to detect a lie, see if
with WIS but you must find an in to jump, swing, and escape from something is good or bad, and to
game teacher for the specific skill. binds. comprehend.
Trained skills subtract WIS mod
from crit fail chance. Athletics Intimidate
Represents your endurance: Represents your hateful side:
Skill Rank. climbing, swimming, pushing. extort, black mail, scare.
After each level, attain ranks equal
to your intelligence modifier in Bluff Knowledge (Trained)
d4s. Allocate the sum into one or Represents how well you lie: Understand anything from robotics
more skills as skill ranks. conning, fabrication, forgery. to chemical compounds.

Ability Modifier. Charm Medic (Trained)

Each skill has an associated stat. Represents your friendliness: Knowledge on anatomy. Used to
This associated stats modifier is seduction, looking innocent, heal, stop bleeding, and perform
added into this portion of the skill. making new friends. surgery.

Stat Modifier Computer Perception

1-3 -4 Represents your ability to use Represents your alertness: listen,
4-6 -2 computers: hack, bypass, program. see, feel.
7-9 -1 Control (Trained) Perform (Trained)
10-11 0 Represents your ability to pilot Ability to entertain. Used to act,
12-13 1 vehicles. sing, dance, draw, or use any other
14-15 2 form of art.
16-17 3 Craft (Trained)
Knowledge of creation. Craft Repair (Trained)
18-19 4
anything from robotics to chemical Ability to work with mechanics.
20-21 5 Used to fix, sabotage, and upgrade
Skill Total. Diplomacy
This is the sum of the stat modifier Represents your peaceful Search
and skill rank. This numerical value side. Used to find terms, create Ability to find. Used to salvage/
would be added to a d20 roll for compromises, and gain equality. mine, look for info, and look for an
skill checks and challenges.


Ability to be unseen. Used to move
silently, hide, and perform actions
without detection. Also used to
lock pick.

Survival (Trained)
Attunement with nature. Used to
discern direction, make fires, and
to create or use primitive tools.

Example of Play
This section will go over a short session with a GM creating a story for four adventurers. The GM will be lead-
ing the adventurers through a session that will dock them on an abandoned Obduro colony station and will
land them in a trap. The GM will speak in bold text. Players are represented by a portrait.
Meet the Players O.D.I.S.? You were in the Armory Citali, you’re in the Comm. Room
last, right? now. Do you try to make the
Yes. I’m trying to upgrade connection?
Gaizling Mercenary
my Force Hammer with the Yes. I rolled a 15 and I have
Citali Tactical Grip. a +8 in my Knowledge
Deriban Engineer Right. Go ahead and make a roll Communication.
to finish the upgrade. Ok. So that’s a 23. You
successfully make a connection,
Ferdisian Scientist I got a critical! but all that greets you is the
O.D.I.S sound of static. No one is on the
Rezzer Soldier Natural 20. Nice. The upgrade fits other end.
perfectly in place and the benefits I head to the Cockpit to
So you are all on your Hawk are added to the weapon. As you inform Veronica.
known as Star Seeker. You have finish up, Imgar walks into the
been following a distress signal Ok. On the way, you run into
for a few days now and have Imgar and O.D.I.S.
come upon the source of it all. A What are you doing, robot? Hello. I have to inform the
space station floating aimlessly captain about the stations
out in this vast place. comm. channel.
What do you do? I will ignore that comment.
I am upgrading my I follow and ask what
Let’s hope they have food. weaponry. You should learn was wrong with the
to do the same. communication.

I shrug at Imgar and ask Why? I can just pay for I follow, too.
the Captain what the first someone to upgrade my
order of business is. things. Like the Deriban. They’re going at their top speed,
Crew, someone get on the so you’re dragging behind.
Speaking of Citali, I’m
Comm. Room computer and interested in what’s going
see if you can establish a Typical…
on in the Comm. Room.
Do you head there?
I guess I’ll go do it. No one was on the other
Yes. end,

I stop him. No. I think I That station is completely

should do it. I guess I’ll follow. abandoned. So no one
answered to a greeting?
I walk away and head Well… Technically I didn’t
toward O.D.I.S. say anything.

So you just turned on the You see a docking bay that I doubt this mission will
channel and heard static seems to be clear for landing. You be anything more than just
and thought no one was also notice this station is Obduro a simple salvage run, but
there? property, but it doesn’t look like we’ll definitely use that offer
it’s equipped for any sort of lab if we need it. I walk to the
Sounds like you’re slipping
research. blast doors.
on the communication,
Deriban. I nod at Imgar and follow.
I try to dock the ship… I got
Listen. No one was there. a 15 for control in total.
I’m sure of it. I run to the blast doors. I
That cuts it very close. You’re believe I should lead.
You make it to the Cockpit. barely able to dock the ship, but
everything works out. Go ahead.
Any news?
I’m going to go on the
station to look for supplies.
I head to the Comm. room.
Citali says that no one is
on the station but she didn’t This is an Obduro station
speak over the channel. of some sort, so it’s liable
to have some good salvage. I open the blast doors and
I’m certain no one is there. head into the station, my
You might need assistance Force Hammer ready.
if there are any hostiles. I
There seems to be a lot of will come along. I follow right behind with
doubt in that statement, but my Automatic Blaster
I think you are right. I’ll keep tabs on the ship. loaded and ready.
Well, if there is no one, let’s
I prepare my Phazer.
get out of here. I put my tactical helmet
on and switch the channel
But you were the one who You step in to the station and
to the Star Seekers main
wanted to go and check out quickly realize that red lights
frequency. Keep tabs on the
the signal. are lighting up the halls of the
Comm. room, Imgar.
station. Citali and Veronica, you
Yeah, because I thought
I put my tactical helmet on, notice a sudden lack of oxygen.
we might get some credits
too There’s still enough to breathe,
for the help, but there is no
but there is pain behind each
one, and if there’s no one, I turn my comm. link to the breath. Make a fortitude check.
there’s no credits, and if same frequency
there’s no credits, there’s no I got an 18 in total.
Alright. I’ll keep tabs on the
Well we aren’t going to let chatter. Just tell me if you I botched!
this trip just be a waste of need any help inside.
fuel. We’re going to go onto
the station and salvage
what we can. I make a
perception roll on the
station from the Cockpit. I
got a 22 in total.

Veronica, you’re able to After you get that power up You look around and notice there
withstand the pain, but Citali and running, look for their is some minor damage to the
doubles over in intense pain. Comm. Room Reactor. It is currently shut off.
You begin to pass out.
I found the location for it. The reactor looks to be in
I take Citali and turn her We will look into it to find bad shape. Turning it on
oxygen tank on. I rolled a the exact source of the might cause more trouble
reflex of 21. distress. unless we repair the
Citali, oxygen fills your lungs and And hopefully any damage.
the pain subsides. O.D.I.S. was able survivors. Citali?
to keep you from passing out.
Directions understood. I’ll
Thank you, O.D.I.S. lead. I have three masterwork
parts I bought for ship
Let’s stay quiet. You never
Let’s try to restore the repairs, but I can use it for
know what might be in
primary power. this.
here. I rolled a 20 stealth.
I agree. It looks like the One part should be able to take
I rolled a 17. care of the Reactor.
station is running on
auxiliary power. Maybe Alright. I got a 28.
there was an emergency. I 19
rolled a Perception of 18.
The Reactor is back in working
You look around in the dimly Ok. You walk towards the Reactor order.
lit hall of the station and notice and make it to the doors. They
a lack of bodies. This place I put my hand on the
seem to be jammed.
seems as if it’s been long since switch. Is everything ready?
Is there a console?
abandoned. Looking deeper down It looks good to me.
the hall, you notice a sign.
I focus on the sign. Alright. I pull the switch
I try to hack it to bypass
the security. I rolled a 26
It’s a guide sign. It reveals the The power returns to the station.
with the addition of my
location of Quarters, Recreation, Ventilation and lights come
knowledge of Security.
Communication, Storage, and the back online. Consoles that were
Reactor. You take a -5 because of the previously dark now light up.
console running on auxiliary
The Reactor is this way. power, but you’re still able Imgar. Everything is back
to get past that obstacle and on. We’re going to look into
open the door. the Comm. Room now.
I can speak to them, right?
I look into the room. I got Good news.
a 21.
You are connected to their channel
in the Comm. Room, so yes.

Imgar. You hear something at You don’t hear anything for a It got a 21, so you go first. It was
the blast doors of the ship. They few seconds, but then the engine surprised by you.
seem to have opened. doors open.
I warn everyone on the
Go look in the engines and
Are you guys coming back comm. channel first.
put your tactical helmet on.
on the ship for something?
Ok. Everyone hears your call to
No. We’re still in the I put it on. You’re going to arms.
Reactor. What’s wrong? stay here and keep look
out? I use my next action to
I think I have a visitor… Yes. shoot. My weapon shoots
I walk out of the Comm. twice. First shot got an
Room and ready my accuracy of 30.
Citali and O.D.I.S. You make it back
Assault Rifle. The sleepers shields get hit for…?
to the sign and get the directions.
Do you think we should Is everything ok? I got a 24 for damage from
head back to the ship?
the damage stack of my
Imgar? Do you need I believe the engine has weapon.
assistance? been compromised. The shields take quite a bit of
You only hear silence. Imgar has damage.
Imgar checking on it?
already left.
My second shot got a 28. It
I’ll head back to the ship. Yes. did 6 damage
You two go look into the
Comm. Room of the station. You took out the shield, but the
We’re looking into the rest of the damage wasn’t able to
Understood. I walk back
Comm. Room now. I begin get to the sleeper.
to the sign to see what
walking there. I stealth for 18.
direction to take.
I follow and rolled a 24. Alright. I use my last action
I follow.
to shoot again… I got a crit.
I did 126 damage.
Imgar, you make it to the engine
I go back to the ship as It has a DR of 6, so you did 120
and don’t see anything out of the
quickly as possible damage in total. That still hurt it
Imgar. You make it to the blast quite a bit.
doors and don’t see anything. I roll a perception of 26.
After a few seconds, Veronica Second shot got an
comes into view. You look around the room and accuracy of 34.
notice a sleeper. It notices you as That hits.
Veronica. I’m not seeing well and attacks. Roll initiative.
I got 40 damage.
I roll a Perception of 22. Of course. Sleepers. I got a

The sleeper is destroyed. You All 4 sleepers are completely C-Scum - Corporate agents
take all the experience from the destroyed as the blast doors Cyberware/Enhancers -
battle because you were the only close behind you, shielding you Cybernetic enhancements
one there. You get 2528 XP. from the explosion. Veronica, you Mind Virus - When cyber
see this, so you, Citali, and O.D.I.S. enhancements get rejected
Awesome! I level up. share the experience. That’s 3371 Husk - When someone loses their
XP for all of you. mind to cyber enhancements
Cred(s) - Credits
Imgar. I’m coming to the That’s amazing, but I’m sure
Cred Chip - Card containing credits
engine. more sleepers are inside.
VINtage - Having no VIN (Visual
I get in the cockpit and fly
Identification Number)
out of the docking area. I
I took care of the situation. Sec - Security personnel
got an 18 for control.
It was a sleeper. We need to Wavy - When a situation/person
get out of here. You get out of the docking area. is dire/suspicious
Straight - When a situation/
Understood. We’re coming I jump on the missile person is calm/normal
back now. I run to the ship. launcher as we fly off. Large - A number value in the
I follow quickly behind thousands
O.D.I.S. Black, Green, Blue, Gold, and
Purple Tech - Tiers of tech based
You make it back to the ship. You I aim for the Reactor of the on rarity (In order, illegal, normal,
also hear a few noises running station. high class private sector, military,
after you. and one of a kind custom made)
As you aim at the Reactor,
I’m gonna dread this. I look another ship comes into view. A Token - A favor
behind. Sleeper Silence. Tick - 5 seconds
Click - 30 seconds
It’s very easy to see. There are a Looks like we upset them. Chaser - An individual that
few sleepers running after you. performs odd jobs for the highest
I drop my only singularity
Let’s finish this fight. Void Runner/Rat - A chaser that
mine in the hall leading to
is well hidden and is usually a
the ship behind us.
Ok. You both get in and a very I’ll be jumping onto White Mouse - A chaser who
loud explosion sounds off their ship. I go to the works for corporations
behind you. Teleportation room. Cheese - Reward for a job
I critical! I’ll prepare the need for performed by a chaser
repairs. Broker - A contact for getting
Oh my god! That’s a powerful Coat - A contact for getting jobs
Alright. Let’s get started
mine. Maze - A job for a chaser
I did 348 damage. Pop - A situation getting out of
Ok, captains. Let’s roll for
Fizzle - A situation getting under

Leveling Guide Level Up Chart
1. Increase one stat score by Level Experience Feats Stat Increases
one point every even level.
1 0 1
2. Increase HP by rolling d4s
equal to your constitution 2 1000 2 1st
modifier and add CON score 3 3000
to the sum. 4 6000 3 2nd
3. Roll d4s equal to intelligence 5 10000
mod and use those as skill 6 15000 4 3rd
points to increase skill ranks,
7 25000
saving throws, or BAB (5
points for one BAB or AC 8 45000 5 4th
increase) for that level. 9 75000
4. Roll d1s (d4 where 1 and 2 10 115000 6 5th
= 0 while 3 and 4 = 1) equal 11 165000
to dexterity modifier. Allocate 12 225000 7 6th
these points into BAB or AC. .
13 295000
5. Gain class power/ability.
6. Gain a feat at first level, level 14 375000 8 7th
two, and every even level 15 465000
after. 16 565000 9 8th
7. Add new Ability Mod. To 17 700000
skills. 18 900000 10 9th
8. Add wisdom modifier to
19 1200000
trained skills and calculate
new Saving Throws. 20 1600000 11 10th
21 2100000
22 2700000 12 11th
Character Creation Guide 23 3500000
1. Select a race and class. 24 4500000 13 12th
2. Allocate 78 points into stats. 25 6500000
3. Add race and class points
26 9500000 14 13th
into stats. and put down Race
features 27 13500000
4. Add vital statistics. 28 18500000 15 14th
5. Add up HP by race. 29 24500000
6. Specialize in a number of 30 31500000 16 15th
skills or saving throws equal
to wisdom modifier. To level up, your character needs to gain experience by either completing
7. Leveling up steps: 3, 5, 6, 7 tasks, succeeding in charismatic situations, successfully pulling off
8. DEX mod is added to BAB a skill, defeating enemies, or anything else noteworthy. You can no
9. Roll for wealth and make longer get new Powers/Abilities past level 30 in 1 class, though you can
purchases still gain feats, stats, and skill increases past that point at each new
10. Add up AC milestone. To quicken the game speed, half the experience needed to
level up. To slow it down, double the experience needed.

Ferdisian Human Vatian Deriban Gaizling Rezzer

The races in Primus Star range mind when making your choice. Popular
from the adaptable Human to the Your race doesn’t restrict you to Speech Based Languages
extremely resilient Rezzer. Each race certain religions, alignments, and Ferdisian: Trei, Gavorh, Sonie
has a unique backstory and skills classes, although there will be Human: English, Spanish,
related to them specifically. The six suggestions listed for them. Mandarin
races found in this book are the Vatian: Drok, Phent, Jakan
The six races have wildly different
most common races in the Primus Deriban: Tsar, Chir, Gersh
abilities, societies, and personalities
Star universe. but are similar at their core. Choose
As your character becomes more Non-Speech Based Languages
the one you would enjoy playing Gaizling, Sign
powerful, you will be able to the most and have fun.
diversify their stats throughout a Other
multitude of different classes, skills, Speech Level
Speech Based Languages
and feats, but there is only ever one 1 Read & write basics
Rezzer, Sleeper, Elder, Ancient
race. Each race has certain qualities Fluent with Sign
that make them best suited for 2 Speak and understand basics Non-Speech Based Languages
certain roles. Keep each race’s Kirgling, Void
3 Fluent
advantages and disadvantages in
Early in history, they lived in Though they’ve since made colors are green, blue and teal.
tribal communities to survive the significant strides in science, the Their natural hair color is always
harsh environment of their world Ferdisians still honor tradition, and black.
Ziteria. By having to adapt to the mark their faces with their tribal Male names: Revrik, Lekron, Hroh
extreme dense jungles, swamps, insignia to show what family they de’Tier, and Fendrik de’Gavorh
and tundras the Ferdisians became belong to.
the magnificent specimens they Female Names: Tryviad, Valistar,
Ferdisians can be seen traveling Asril de’Dreemur, and Bestiel
are today. the universe to hone their de’Crevik
Recently, the Ferdisian found intelligence and research.
a new home underground. No Lifespan: 195 to 215 years
Appearance: The Ferdisian average
longer having to face the harsh height and weight is 6’5”, 175lbs
nature that lurked for them outside, for females and 7’, 225lbs for
the Ferdisian soon turned an eye males. The most common eye
to more intellectual pursuits. The
Ferdisian pride themselves on
their intelligence.
They are seen as the ones who
brought all the races together, and
as such, the Humans, Deriban, and
Vatians agree that they may in fact
be the true leaders in the universe.
In the eyes of the Gaizling,
Ferdisians are weak.

Racial Traits
Natural Armor: 3
Health: 10 + Con mod.
Size: Large
Focus: +2 Int score
Vision: Dark
Speed: 7
Cyber Enhancement Slots: 3
Preferred Classes: scientist,
engineer, or biotic classes.
Language: One Ferdisian language
+1 language for each point in int mod.
Religion: The Akunai or The Balance.
The Gaizling is a bug like race found by the other races of the ways.
who pride themselves on their galaxy. The Gaizling welcomed the Gaizling can be seen traveling
combat expertise. Through the intrusion as a test of their might, the universe to take on more
first half of their history, the starting a war. This war lasted for difficult challenges.
Gaizling built up a civilization a few years and has been labeled
Appearance: The Gaizling
based around enslaving weaker as one of the bloodiest in the
average height and weight is
communities and destroying history of the universe. Despite
3’2”, 180lbs for females and 4’5”,
those who disobeyed. For a long being outnumbered, the Gaizling
150lbs for males. They can have
time, this way of life persisted managed to get their opposing
orange, dark red, or blue eyes
until crueler ways of war were forces to the point where they
and their chitin is dark green,
discovered. With a single act of could not fight, however, they also
orange, or blue.
hatred, the entire world of Gaizar reached that point. At that time, the
was thrown into a wasteland. Gaizling made peace with every Male Names: Crik, Breal, &
The Gaizling rose from the rubble race of the galaxy seeing them as Imgar
and ashes of their world wide worthy fighters. With this action, Female Names: Xernea, Grenil,
civilization and divulged into the Gaizling were once again & Vera
separate groups. brought under a sort of unity. Lifespan: 30 to 40 years.
Their second half of history was The Gaizling still find themselves
spent roaming the wastes of stuck in their old ways from time
their old world and killing each to time, making the other races
other. To them, death and conflict view them as savages who don’t
was just an everyday activity. To belong with other mentally adept
keep their species from dying races. The Gaizling just see the rest
out they would take a mothers as too weak to understand their
litter of a few dozen Gaizling and
force them to survive deep in a
cavern by any way necessary,
even if that meant killing off their
siblings. After six months, the Racial Traits
survivors were brought out and Natural Armor: 5
were seen as true citizens Health: 15 + Con Mod
of the Gaizling.
Size: Small
They were last to be
Vision: Low-Light
Speed: 4
Cyber Enhancement Slots: 2
Movement: Jump & Fall squares equal to 5 + Dex mod
(will be at least 2).
Harden: +2 to Str & Con scores. -2 to Int score.
Preferred Classes: Soldier, Mercenary, or Biotic
Language: Non-verbal through pheromones,
chitterlings, and antennae communication.
Religion: Ishrael
The Deriban are a lizard-like race there is no cure, and is a slow and The Deriban can be found all
that prides themselves on their painful death. In an effort to buy throughout the galaxy. Many throw
technical know-how and stealth. their species some time to develop themselves into tough engineering
Early in history, they banded a cure, the Deriban have recently work utilizing their mechanical
together as a single tribe to battle enacted an old ritual traditionally expertise, while others stick to the
the environment of their swamp used in times of great crisis. This shadows for darker deeds. However
covered world Equila. With Equila ritual is known as the Love Festival, all try to forget the the very real
conquered, the Deriban set their and it is the duty of every Deriban threat to themselves and their race.
sights on the rest of the universe. to once a month travel back to Appearance: Average height and
To this end, they devoted time Equila and participate to combat the weight is 4’, 105lbs for females and
to creating space vessels and declining population. 4’3”, 115lbs for males. Their natural
mechanical wonders to explore the While most races across the eye color is solid black, while their
universe. Despite having advanced galaxy pity the Deriban for this scales range between brown, tan,
technological prowess, their tragedy, they still remain guarded or dark green.
architecture is distinctly organic around them. This is due to the
based. Male Names: Raiden’xzar, Ecktar,
Deriban having a history of being Vex, and Plasen’teroque
Recently a fatal disease has exceptional spies, assassins,
infested the Deriban genome, and even war technicians, whilst Female Names: Citali, Luvera, Erati,
and if left unchecked threatens others are among the greatest and Hilta
the extinction of their race. Little thieves in any races history. Even Lifespan: 60 to 70 years
is known of the Surago Tox, with their numbers declining, the
save that it only seems to Deriban have a reputation for being
affect the Deriban, dangerous.

Racial Traits
Natural Armor: 4
Health: 10 + Con Mod
Size: Small
Vision: Dark
Speed: 5
Cyber Enhancement Slots: 2
Fast Hands: +5 to dex score.
Surago Tox: Every level roll Fort save. If failed
permanently lose 50% HP rounded up. Save
equal to 5 x level.
Preferred Classes: Engineer, Rogue, or Biotic
Language: One Deriban language +1 language
for each point in int mod.
Religion: The Void or Nightfex
The Human is a race that prides did not take place the humans Humans are capable of inserting
themselves on their adaptability. created a government system that several devices into their body and
In the beginning, the human race would test people at the age of 15 not undergo any sort of rejection.
explored, performed conquest, and to make sure they were an asset Appearance: Average height &
grew. Their race could be described to civilization. If they did not pass weight is 5’10”, 135lbs for females
as determined, persistent, and they were to be executed. Every 2 and 6’, 175lbs for males. They have
brutal. years after the first test a person green, blue, and brown eyes while
During the year 2030, the humans would be re-evaluated. Once the having pale, tan, brown, or dark
found a way to increase their raw human race was discovered by skin. Their hair is naturally black,
power and potential and forced the other races of the universe, blonde, brown, or red.
a second evolution to take place. however, they stopped this practice
realizing that continuing with it Male names: Elijah, Drake, Edward,
Their species was split over the & William
idea and war erupted across the might cause division amongst
them. Female names: Nikki, Megan,
entire world. The world was divided
Humans explore, perform Amber, & Elizabeth
and each part of it wanted power.
In 2057 the consequences of war conquests, and grow in the Lifespan: 80 to 90 years
became apparent. The Earth had universe just as they did on Earth.
become a nuclear wasteland and The other races see the humans
the population was dwindling. as an annoyance, not
By 2083 humans set aside their capable of filling
differences and revitalized earth leadership roles on
with scientific discoveries. Now account of their
the only place where the nuclear poor decisions. Most
disaster is prominent is the old races look down on
west environment of Texas, New Humans but the
Mexico, and California. Ferdisian find
Deming intelligence a necessity them intriguing
to make sure another world war scientifically.

Racial Traits
Natural Armor: 1
Health: 12 + Con Mod
Size: Medium
Vision: Light
Speed: 6
Cyber Enhancement Slots: 6
Adaptable: +1 to any 2 stat score
Preferred Classes: Any
Language: One Human language +1
language for each point in int mod.
Religion: Any Human Religion
The Vatian are a frog-like race motto, “Your strongest enemy, is They can be seen traveling the
that pride themselves on their yourself.” universe to complete tasks set
corporate empire and security As time passed, the Vatian by a corporation they are a part
services. In the beginning, the abandoned their family empires of, completing security missions,
Vatian held vast empires across and rivalry and instead banded undergoing detective work, or just
their jungle based planet of together, creating a worldwide making a name for themselves
Legasius. These empires entered metropolis that still stands to and giving their family name
war after war, trying desperately this day. Their old world can now honor.
to crush their enemies whilst only be seen in civic parks set Appearance: Average height and
acquiring more land and wealth up around Legasius. Their culture weight is 4’10”, 110lbs for females
for their own families. Some was filled with entertainment and and 5’5”, 130lbs for males. They can
empires entered in trade deals corporate espionage. have yellow, gray, and dark blue
with other empires, buying land eyes while having tan, light gray,
The Vatian run the corporate part
and creating alliances with their or cream skin.
of the universe and are leaders in
charismatic nature. The Vatian have
the political field. The other races Male names: Daikan, Ren, Tero, &
a philosophy known as Shintzu,
view the Vatian as the most stable Neir
which is much like the human
minded of all the races, but the Female names: Haikana, Rei, Pai,
philosophy of Bushido. Vatians
Ferdisian view them as a bit too & Kira
love to use this popular Shintzu
simple in their ways of life.
Lifespan: 90 to 95 years

Racial Traits
Natural Armor: 2
Health: 10 + Con Mod
Size: Small
Vision: Low-Light
Speed: 5
Cyber Enhancement Slots: 3
Movement: Jump & Fall squares equal to 2 + Dex mod
(will be at least 2).
Philosophy: +2 to cha score
Preferred Classes: soldier, socialite, or biotic classes.
Language: One Vatian language +1 language for each
point in int mod.
Religion: Lo’Havar or The Balance
The Rezzer are a robotic AI race problems more efficiently. Not coming close to being more
that pride themselves on their long after creation, to become fully fearsome than the war with the
unity. Their history is short, having independent from their creators, Gaizling. The Sleepers are so
only been created by the Ferdisian the Rezzer created their own home advanced that they’ve harnessed
200 years ago. It was their race far from the Ferdisian. They created the power of dark matter and
that created the warp systems Pylon Station 001, a space station dark energy, an element seen
necessary to connect the six races home base that they set to orbit unobtainable by the Rezzers.
of the galaxy. Though the Ferdisian around the star Sidonis. The Rezzers now spend their time
get the credit for being the ones More recently, in an attempt to battling against their creations and
to try and bring everyone together, emulate their creators, the Rezzer developing new weapons to fight
no one will deny that without the became creators themselves. They them. They are very apologetic for
Rezzer warp systems it never created a robotic race of their own, their mistake but intend to make
would have happened. far superior than themselves. Their it their problem and their problem
The Rezzer are technical geniuses creations went rogue however, and alone.
that perform better in groups. They after dubbing themselves Sleepers, They at times tend to be too
are constantly updating their own launched a full scale war against kind, even though they try to find
programming and maintaining, all other races in the most moral route without
modifying, and tweaking their the galaxy that sacrificing logic. The Ferdisian
own bodies in order to perfect is quickly can also tend to be ashamed of
themselves and become stronger. the Rezzers, blaming themselves
The more Rezzer there are for creating the race that created
grouped together, the faster these their mortal foe. Vatians, Humans,
upgrades are made, as each Rezzer Deribans, and even the Gaizlings
mind comes together to solve all see them as great allies and
friends at times.
They can be seen traveling to
Racial Traits help companions or groups, as
well as to simply travel and grow,
Natural Armor: 5
becoming better and helping their
Health: 10 + Con Mod entire race.
Size: Medium Appearance: Average height and
Vision: Dark weight is 6’7”, 200lbs for the
Speed: 6 Rezzer. They are usually white, but
can come in any color and even
Cyber Enhancement Slots: 6 have designs featuring multiple
Upgrades: +2 to any one stat colors. Any kind of paint job can be
score applied to a Rezzer.
Preferred Classes: Any Names: O.D.I.S., Unit 5873-RD, and
Language: Rezzer +1 language for D-3 P.O.
each point in int mod. Lifespan: None, but must charge
Religion: The Void, The Balance, 4 hours a day. Not charging will
or The Ancients cause the Rezzer to undergo the
negatives discussed in General
Merchandise for food consumption.
A characters class defines your When multiclassing, the same is where you get your starting
characters ability’s and the role ability will stack. For example, if wealth, bonuses, & proficiencies.
they play in a group. There are you multiclass as a Biotic and Not being proficient means BAB
a total of 7 classes represented Soldier and get Shield 5 as a is halved with weapons and speed
in this chapter. Each of the main Biotic and Shield 3 as a Soldier, and DR is halved with armor.
classes: Biotic, Soldier, Engineer, using it will multiply shields by 5
Mercenary, Scientist, Socialite, and for 16 rounds for you or another. Class Ability Rules:
Rogue, have 2 sub classes that are This, however, makes it Shield • Advance up through the tiers
unlocked at level 20. Once level 8, meaning the cool down is 80 starting at 1.
20 is reached and a subclass is points. Actions must be spent • Must have line of sight if affects
chosen, your character cannot gain to initiate a cool down. This another enemy/ally.
an ability from their base class. recharges the ability points equal • Cool down time is 10*the
After level 30, no more abilities to your favored class’ recharge stat ability’s number of points.
can be received. modifier. Cool downs can begin • If the ability lists a stat vs stat
once an ability is done. In the case
2 types of multiclassing: then you roll and add your
of Shield 8, you can spend actions first stat to the roll and the
Class shifting - Choose multiple on the cool down for it after the
classes and level up your favored second stat is the stat your roll
16 rounds it is in use. As a Biotic/ has to beat on the enemy. For
class at level one. After level up, Soldier with a INT and WIS mod
choose a different class to level up example, a Reflex VS Willpower
of 5, your recharge per action ability will mean you add your
to level 2. Continue for all classes.
would be 10 points. characters Reflex score to a d20
All at once - Start the game by roll while the enemy add their
picking 2 or more classes & gain Favored Class
Willpower to their d20 roll. If
an ability from each class at every The first class you choose is your
your characters roll is higher,
level. The experience necessary to favored class. If doing the all at
the ability was a success.
level changes with this method. once multiclass method choose
a favored class when you make • All damage/round due to a
See equation below.
your character. Your favored class class ability goes past DR.
Normal level up experience * # of selected classes = New experience necessary
Biotic Use tech-like powers, creating effects in the physical world.
Ability Recharge: Int + Wis
Starting Wealth: 5d6*100 Proficient: • Light & Medium Armor
Stat Bonus: +1 Int & Wis • Side arms • Rifles • Melee
Cryo Ammo Revitalize
1 Make one clip of currently 1 Revive a creature to 1⁄4 health.
equipped ranged weapon cryo. Must have died in previous round.
Freeze enemy on 4th successful
2 Revived creature has 1⁄2 health.
hit past shields. Cannot freeze
Giant characters. Unfreeze after 3 Revived creature has 3⁄4 health.
1d4 rounds. Will VS Fort 4 Revived creature has full health.
2 Freeze on 3 successful hit.
3 Freeze on 2 successful hit.
1 Double your characters current
4 Freeze on 1st successful hit. shield for 2 rounds. If no shield
5 Freeze enemy & anything is present, +5 shielding.
adjacent to them. 2 +3 rounds
EMP Shot 3 +1 round
1 Make next shot an EMP. Shut
4 Triple shielding. If no shield is
down any synthetic for 3
present, +10 shielding.
rounds on successful shot.
5 Can triple shielding on yourself
Incendiary Ammo or an ally, +4 rounds
1 Make 1 clip of equipped Stun
ranged weapon incendiary, +3
damage/round Lasts 2 rounds. 1 Paralyze target for 2 rounds.
Blind Reflex Vs Fortitude
2 +2 damage, +1 round
1 Blind enemy for 1 round. Throw
Will VS Fort 3 +1 to damage
1 Throw an enemy, equal or
2 +2 rounds 4 +1 round
smaller size, 2 squares in any
3 +1 round 5 +4 damage, +1 round direction, tripping the target
Pull upon success. Reflex VS Will
4 +1 round
1 Launch enemy of equal or 2 +1d6 damage, +2 squares
5 +5 rounds
Concussive Shot
smaller size into air for 1 round, Vortex
knocking them prone.
1 Must use sniper rifle. Next Reflex VS Will 1 Creates a miniature black hole
bullet is a concussive shot. that envelopes the target. Does
2 +1 round 1d20*lvl damage. Reflex VS AC
+5 damage & pushes target
back 3 squares. 3 +1 round & allows for pulling 2 +1d20 damage.
characters one size larger.
2 +1 square to push 3 +5 damage.
Radioactive Ammo
3 +2 damage 4 +5 damage.
1 Make next clip of equipped
4 +1 damage, +1 square to push ranged weapon radioactive, +5 5 +1d20 damage.
5 +2 damage. damage and +5/turn for 5 rounds.

Focus on Synthetics
Critical Power System Reboot Muscle Deterioration
1 +2*Level to next action of 1 End the effects of EMP for you 1 Target organic takes -2 str. for 2
target synthetic. or an ally after a successful rounds. Once/target.
2 +1 action. 1d20+Will roll, beating a 15*lvl, Will VS Fort
but take damage equal to every
3 +2 action. point over 17*lvl. 2 -3 str., +1 round
EMP Shot 2 17 becomes 20 in original effect. 3 Target organic is knocked prone
2 +2 rounds for 3 rounds.
3 15 becomes 10 in original effect.
Power Spike Pain Killer
System Shielding
1 Target synthetic makes 2 rolls 1 Target organic takes 1⁄2 damage
for their next action, taking the 1 Target cannot be affected by
EMP for the next 2 rounds. from all hits, Lasts 2 rounds.
highest roll.
2 +2 rounds 2 +2 rounds
2 Add an additional roll.
3 Add an additional roll. 3 +1 round 3 1⁄2 becomes 1⁄4 in original effect.

Symbiotic Plague
1 Have synthetics see you as 1 Target organic becomes sick,
a synthetic for 5 rounds. If a
synthetic, have organics see
Shaman taking 1d6*lvl damage/round.
Target must make a Fort Save to
you as an organic. Removes Focus on Organics
rid of the sickness. Once/target.
penalties to disguise when Hide Life Will VS Fortitude
trying to look like a synthetic
or an organic. 1 Appear dead for 5 rounds, 2 1d8*lvl damage/round.
+15 stealth against synthetics.
2 +2 rounds, +2 disguise 3 1d10*lvl damage/round.
3 +3 rounds, +3 disguise 2 +2 rounds
Radioactive Ammo
System Failure 3 +3 rounds
2 +5 damage
+10 stealth against organics
1 Causes targeted synthetic to
roll twice when making next
when prone & not moving. Zombification
action, causing them to take the Medi-bots 1 Target organic moves 1⁄2 speed,
lower roll. Can’t use more than & takes -2*lvl to rolls, Lasts 2
1 Heal 2*lvl damage/round
once against an enemy. rounds. Will VS Fortitude
Lasts 4 rounds.
Reflex VS Will
2 +2*lvl to heal 2 +2 rounds
2 Add an additional roll.
3 Add an additional roll. 3 +2*lvl to heal 3 -2 to rolls.

Charged Ammo
1 Makes 1 clip of ammo charged,
doing +5 damage to synthetics.
2 +3 damage to synthetics. Engineer
3 +2 damage to synthetics. Create gadgets & drones to fight.
4 Stun organics for 1 rounds. Ability Recharge: Int
5 +5 damage to synthetics. Starting Wealth: 2d6*100
Drone Stat Bonus: +2 Int
1 Create an attack drone. Proficient:
Damage = 1d8+Int. mod*lvl. • Melee
Accuracy = Int. mod. + 10*lvl
Health & AC = Int. score.*lvl • Side Arms
2 +3 damage. • Light Armor
3 +1d8 damage.
4 +1 damage.
5 +1 damage, +5 accuracy & AC.
Hack Expert
1 +2*Level to Computer skill when
hacking for 30 minutes. Once/day.
2 +2*Level to Computer skill
3 +2*Level to Computer skill
Handy Expert
Redundant Shielding
1 +2*Level to Repair skill for 30
minutes. Once/day. 1 +2*Level to shields for 2 rounds.

2 +2*Level to Repair skill 2 +2*Level to shields.

3 +2*Level to Repair skill 3 +4*Level to shields, +2 rounds

Reconfiguration Drone 4 +2*Level to shields.

1 Must have Drone 1. 5 +5*Level to shields. Volt System

Your Drone is able to hack Tech Sabotage 1 Revives you back to a 1⁄4 HP
synthetics & create temporary
allies for 2 rounds. 1 Allows you to make a device when knocked unconscious.
Computer VS Willpower blow up upon activation (10) Can only use once per day.
Switch targeting parameters on 2 Revives you back to 1⁄2 HP.
2 +2 rounds synthetics or security devices (15)
3 +2 rounds Stop vehicles from running (20) 3 Revives you back to 3⁄4 HP.
Effects last 2 minutes.
4 +2 rounds 4 Revives you back to full HP.
3 uses/day
5 +2 rounds Computer VS 10*Level, 15*Level, 5 2 uses/day
or 20*Level

Focus on Software
Programmer Tesla Drone Handy Expert
1 +2*Level to Computer skill when 1 Must have Drone 1. Upgrade your 4 +4*Level to Repair skill
programming for 30 minutes. Drone to a Tesla Drone, this will Nano-Shot
Can only use once/day. cause enemy shields to take 10
damage/round while adjacent. 1 Next shot is a Nano-Shot,
2 +2*Level to Computer skill causing target, if hit, to take 5
2 +5 to damage. damage/round for 3 rounds.
3 +2*Level to Computer skill
Shield 3 +5 to damage. 2 -2 from target AC upon hit.
1 Double your characters current Virus 3 +5 to damage/round, +2 rounds
shield for 2 rounds. If no shield 1 Next bullet will inject a Shield
is present, +5 to shielding virus into a synthetic upon
a successful hit. This virus 1 Double your characters current
2 +3 rounds to time shield for 2 rounds. If no shield
will cause 1d8+users Int mod
3 +1 round to time. damage/round. is present, +5 shielding.
Symbiotic 2 +5 damage. 2 +3 rounds.
1 Appear as a Synthetic/Organic 3 If hit turns enemy into ally 3 +1 round
for 5 rounds. Remove negatives (still damages them per round). Symbiotic
to disguise when trying to look Reflex VS Will
like a Synthetic/Organic. 1 Appear as a Synthetic/Organic
2 +2 rounds to time Mechanic for 5 rounds. Remove negatives
to disguise when trying to look
+2 disguise bonus. Focus on Hardware
like a Synthetic/Organic.
3 +3 rounds to time EMP Shot 2 +2 disguise, +2 rounds
+3 disguise bonus.
1 Make next shot an EMP. Shuts 3 +3 disguise, +3 rounds
System Failure down any synthetic for 3
1 Causes targeted synthetic to rounds on successful shot Tech Sabotage
roll their next action twice, 2 +2 rounds 2 Check becomes -
causing them to take the lower Computer VS 5*Level, 10*Level,
roll. Once/enemy. 3 Doubles damage to Shields. or 15*Level
Reflex VS Will Engineer Tesla Shield
2 Add an additional roll. 1 Doubles the Repair skill for 30 1 You will instantly cause enemy
3 Add an additional roll. minutes. Can only use once/ shields to take 10 damage/
day. round as long as they are
Tech Sabotage
2 Triples the Repair skill. adjacent to you for 5 rounds.
2 Check becomes -
3 Quadruples the Repair skill. 2 +5 to damage
Computer VS 5*Level, 10*Level,
or 15*Level 3 +5 to damage

Be the Bullet Inferno Grenade Shield
1 Must have sniper rifle equipped 1 Must have at least 1 grenade. 1 Double your characters current
& a clear shot. Next shot is a Upgrade grenade into an shield for 2 rounds. If no shield
gaurenteed hit. inferno grenade, causing is present, +5 shielding.
Blood Lust surrounding enemies to catch
2 +3 rounds
on fire for 2 damage for 2
1 +3*Level BAB rounds. Blast radius 1 3 +1 round
Lasts 2 rounds. Toughness
2 +2 damage, +1 to blast radius
2 +2*Level BAB 1 +3*Level AC, Lasts 2 rounds
3 +1 damage
+1 round
4 +1 round, +1 to blast radius 2 +1*Level AC
3 +2*Level BAB
+2 rounds 5 +5 damage, +1 to blast radius 3 +1*Level AC
4 +1*Level BAB Iron Strike Vengeance
5 +2*Level BAB 1 +3*Level unarmed damage 1 +5 damage against last enemy
Lasts 2 rounds to target you. Can only be
Flash Bang activated after being targeted
2 +2*Level damage
1 Must have at least 1 grenade. for an attack.
Upgrade a grenade into a flash 3 +3*Level damage
2 +2 damage.
bang, blinding enemies for 2 4 +2*Level damage, +2 rounds
rounds & causing them to take 3 +1 damage.
-2 to accuracy. Time stacks with 5 +5*Level damage War Cry
a flash bang grenade.
Blast radius 1 1 +1*Level to crew health &
damage. Lasts 2 rounds.
2 +1 radius
2 +1*Level to crew health &
3 +2 rounds damage
4 +1 radius 3 +1*Level to crew health &
5 +1 round damage, +1 round
+1 radius
Use rifles to combat your foes.
Ability Recharge: Str
Rifle Training: +1 BAB
when using a rifle
Starting Wealth:
Stat Bonus: +1 Con
• Rifles
• Heavy weapons
• Explosives
• Any armor

War Lord
Focus on heavy weapons
& explosives
Adrenaline Smite Good Judgment
1 +5*Level health & damage 1 Next explosive criticals if hits. 1 Ammo is not wasted on misses
Lasts 3 rounds. 2 +10 damage. Lasts 5 rounds.
2 +2*Level to health & damage. 3 Will kill/destroy a character at 2 +2 rounds
25% HP instantly if hits. 3 +3 rounds
3 +1*Level to health & damage.
Armed Explosive Toughness Silent
1 Doubles area of effect for next 4 +3 rounds
1 +2 Stealth
explosive used. Lasts 5 rounds.
2 +5 damage. Hit Man 2 +3 Stealth
3 +5 damage. Focus on rifles & stealth 3 +5 Stealth
Hell Fire Be the Bullet Steady
1 If next explosive misses, it still 2 +10 damage.
1 +2 BAB
does 1⁄4 total damage. Dome Inspector Lasts 3 rounds.
2 1⁄2 damage on a miss. 1 +2 accuracy, double damage 2 +2 BAB.
3 On a hit, will double damage. 2 +1 accuracy 3 +1 BAB
Iron Hide 3 +1 accuracy and blinds enemy, +2 rounds
causing them to take a -2*lvl
1 +5 DR, Lasts 2 rounds. Target
accuracy for 1 round.
2 +2 DR 1 Target 1 character. After hitting
EMP Shot
the target, you will gain +1 to
3 +3 DR, +1 round 1 Make next shot an EMP. Shuts accuracy. Each consecutive hit
Loose Cannon down any synthetic for 3 will add an extra point. Begin
rounds on successful shot. cool down when target dies.
1 Use 2 explosives in 1 action.
2 +2 rounds 2 +1 accuracy to each hit.
2 +1 explosive.
3 Doubles damage to Shields.
3 +2 explosives. 3 +1 accuracy to each hit.

Acid Round
1 Next clip is an acid round,
Attain knowledge to provide
causing 5 damage & negating
5 DR for 1 round on target if and invent upgrades to allys
successful. and equipment.
Disruptor Rounds Ability Recharge: Wis
1 Makes next clip disruptor ammo, Starting Wealth: 3d6*100
causing 3 damage to shields. Stat Bonus: +2 Int
2 +2 damage Proficient:
3 +1 damage • Melee weapons
4 +2 damage • Side arms
5 +2 damage Shield
Hack Expert 1 Double your characters current
shield for 2 rounds. If no shield
1 +2*Level to Computer skill when
is present, +5 shielding.
hacking for 30 minutes. Can
only use once/day. 2 +3 rounds
2 +2*Level to Computer skill 3 +1 round
3 +2*Level to Computer skill 4 Triple shielding of character. No
shielding gives a shield of 10.
Lockdown System
5 Can triple shielding on yourself
1 Lockdown synthetics for 2 or an ally, Lasts +4 rounds
rounds. Reflex VS Will
2 +1 round
1 Run speed + 1⁄4 speed for 1 round.
3 +1 round
2 Run speed + 1⁄2 speed.
4 +1 round
5 +1 round 3 Run speed x2, +1 round

Nano-Shot Volt System

1 Make next shot a Nano-Shot 1 Revives you back to a 1⁄4 HP when
if successful hit, target takes 5 you are knocked unconscious.
damage/round for 3 rounds. Once/day.

2 -2 AC from target hit. 2 Revives you back to 1⁄2 HP.

3 +5 damage/round, +2 rounds 3 Revives you back to 3⁄4 HP.

4 Additional -2 to AC 4 Revives you back to full HP.

5 +5 damage/round. 5 Can use twice/day.

Additional -1 from AC

Focus on biological studies
Acid Round Radioactive Ammo EMP Shot
2 +5 damage & negates +5 points 1 Make next clip radioactive, +5 1 If hit, next shot shuts down
from DR upon a successful hit. damage & +5 extra damage of any synthetic for 3 rounds,
radioactivity/turn for 5 rounds. 2 +2 rounds
3 Doubles damage to Shields.
1 +5 health & damage, 2 +5 damage
Lasts 3 rounds. System Reboot
3 +5 rounds
2 +2 health & damage. 1 End the effects of EMP instantly
Revitalize for you or a friend after a
3 +1 health & damage. 1 Revive an unconscious ally successful 1d20+Will roll, getting
Medi-bots back with 1⁄4 health. above a 15, but take damage
equal to every point over 17.
1 Heal 2*lvl damage/round for 4 2 Ally revives with 1⁄2 health.
2 17 becomes 20 in original effect.
rounds. 3 Ally revives with 3⁄4 health.
3 15 becomes 10 in original effect.
2 +2*lvl points.
Tesla Shield
3 +2*lvl points.
Focus on synthetic studies 1 You will instantly cause enemy
Plague shields to take 10 damage/
1 Target organic becomes sick,
Acid Round round as long as they are
taking 1d6 damage/round. 2 +5 damage & negates 5 points adjacent to you for 5 rounds.
Target must make a Fort Save to from DR upon a successful hit. 2 +5 damage.
get rid of the sickness. Once/ Charged Ammo
target.Will VS Fortitude 3 +5 damage.
1 1 clip of ammo becomes charged,
2 Plague does 1d8 damage/round. doing +5 damage to synthetics.
1 Next bullet will inject a
3 Plague does 1d10 damage/round. 2 +3 damage to synthetics.
virus into a synthetic upon
Pain Killer 3 +2 damage to synthetics. a successful hit. This virus
will cause 1d8+users Int mod
1 Target organic takes 1⁄2 damage
Critical Power damage/round.
Lasts 2 rounds. 1 +2*Level to target synthetic
2 +5 damage.
2 +2 rounds 3 Virus now turns enemy into ally
2 +1 to action.
3 Target takes 1⁄4 damage (still damages them per round).
3 +2 to action. Reflex VS Will

Call In Hack Expert Performer
1 Call in a mysterious assassin 1 +2*Level to Computer skill when 1 +2*Level to Perform for 30
causing 1d10*5 damage on hit. hacking for 30 minutes. minutes. Once/day.
Will VS AC Once/day. 2 +2*Level to Perform.
Confusion Shot 2 +2*Level to Computer skill. 3 +2*Level to Perform.
1 Must have a sniper rifle 3 +2*Level to Computer skill. Speech
equipped. Makes 1 bullet a
confusion shot, stunning the
target for 1 round. Does not Socialite 1 +3*Level to Diplomacy for 30
minutes. Once/day.
affect synthetics. Use your influence to encourage 2 +1*Level Diplomancy.
allies & bring doubt into your foe.
2 +1 round 3 +2*Level Diplomancy.
Ability Recharge: Cha
3 +1 round, +2 damage/round. 4 +1*Level Diplomancy.
Starting Wealth: 5d6*100
4 +1 round 5 +3*Level Diplomancy.
Stat Bonus: +2 Cha
5 +1 round, +1 damage/round. Spook
Dodge Proficient:
1 +3*Level to Intimidate for 30
• Melee weapons minutes. Once/day.
1 +2*Level AC., Lasts 5 rounds
• Side arms 2 +1*Level to Intimidate.
2 +1*Level AC.
3 +2*Level AC. 3 +2*Level to Intimidate.
Forked Tongue 4 +1*Level to Intimidate.
1 +2*Level to Bluff for 30 5 +3*Level to Intimidate.
minutes. Taunt
1 -2*Level enemy damage
2 +2*Level to Bluff. Lasts 2 rounds
3 +2*Level to Bluff. 2 -1*Level enemy damage
3 -1*Level enemy damage
4 -1*Level enemy damage, +1
5 -1*Level enemy damage
War Cry
1 +1*Level health & damage to
crew, Lasts 2 rounds
2 +1*Level health & damage
3 +1*Level health & damage
+1 round
4 +1*Level health & damage
5 +1*Level health & damage

Focus on buffing & debuffing
Call in Target Extortion
2 Causes 1d100*5 damage on hit. 1 Target 1 character. After hitting 1 Add Charisma score to damage,
the target, you will gain +1 to Lasts 2 rounds.
Harass BAB. Each consecutive hit will 2 +1 round
1 Pick a target. Subtract Charisma add an extra point. Begin cool
Mod.*lvl on select targets AC, down when target dies. 3 +2 rounds
Accuracy, Damage or skill. Lasts 2 Add an extra point with each hit. Hack Expert
1 round.
3 Add an extra point with each hit. 1 +2*Level to Computer skill when
2 +2 rounds hacking for 30 minutes.
Zeal Once/day.
3 +2 rounds
1 Pick a target. Add Charisma
Luck 2 +2*Level to Computer skill
Mod.*lvl on select targets AC,
1 Target rolls next action twice, Accuracy, Damage or skill. Lasts 3 +2*Level to Computer skill
taking the highest roll. 1 round. Merchant
2 Target rolls next action 3 times, 2 +2 rounds 1 Add Charisma mod*2 to price
taking the highest roll. 3 +2 rounds of an item sold to a shop or
character. Once/day.
3 Target rolls next action 4 times,
taking the highest roll. Information 2 Charisma modifier*5.
Broker 3 Charisma modifier*10
1 Target rolls next action twice, Focus on gaining intel &
taking the lowest roll. charismatic conflict. 1 +2*Level to Computer skill when
2 Target rolls next action 3 times, programming for 30 minutes.
taking the lowest roll. Barter Once/day.
1 Subtracts Charisma modifier*2 2 +2*Level to Computer skill.
3 Target rolls next action 4 times,
from price of an item for a 3 +2*Level to Computer skill.
taking the lowest roll.
shop or character. Once/day.
Steady Silent
2 Charisma modifier*5.
1 +2 Stealth, Lasts 5 rounds.
1 +2 BAB, Lasts 3 rounds. 3 Charisma modifier*10.
2 +3 Stealth.
2 +2 BAB. Call in
3 +5 Stealth.
3 +1 BAB, +2 rounds 2 Causes 1d100*5 damage on hit.

Adrenaline Disruptor Rounds Shield
1 +5*Level health & damage 1 Makes next clip disruptor ammo, 1 Double your characters current
Lasts 3 rounds. causing 3 damage to shields. shield for 2 rounds. If no shield
is present, +5 shielding.
2 +2*Level to health and damage. 2 +2 damage to shields.
2 +3 rounds
3 +1*Level to health and damage. 3 +1 damage to shields.
3 +1 round
4 +1*Level to health and damage. 4 +2 damage to shields.
5 +1*Level to health and damage, 5 +2 damage to shields.
Shredder Rounds
+1 action to your turn. Dome Inspector 1 Makes next clip shredder ammo,
-5 DR & Armor from target
Be the Bullet 1 +2 accuracy, double damage.
2 -1 DR and Armor.
1 Must have sniper rifle equipped 2 +1 accuracy
and a clear shot. Next shot is a 3 -1 DR and Armor.
gaurenteed hit. 3 +1 accuracy and blinds enemy
4 -1 DR and Armor.
if hit, causing them to take a
-2*lvl to accuracy for 1 round. 5 -2 DR and Armor.
4 +1 accuracy Strong Arm
5 Instant kill if hit. 1 +3 melee or unarmed damage
for next strike & knock enemy
prone for 1 round if successful.
2 +1 damage
3 +1 damage, +1 round
4 +1 damage
5 +4 damage
Soldier Supply Drop
A skilled fighter proficient 1 Gives 1 full clip of surplus
with everything they touch. ammo to any weapon that
uses a clip. Damage cannot
Ability Recharge: Con stack with this ammo & it
Starting Wealth: 3d6*100 cannot take ammo effects like
Shredder Ammo.
Stat Bonus: +2 Str
2 Add an additional clip
3 Add an additional clip
• All weapons
4 Add an additional clip
• All armor
5 Add an additional clip
1 +5 damage against last enemy
to target you. Can only be
activated after being targeted
for an attack.
2 +2 to damage.
3 +1 to damage.

Focus on side arms & rifles
Be the Bullet Target Momentum
2 +10 damage. 1 Target 1 character. After hitting 1 Can attack after a hit with a
EMP Shot the target, you will gain +1 to melee weapon or unarmed
accuracy. Each consecutive hit again up to 3 times. You must
1 Make next shot an EMP. Shuts will add an extra point. Begin hit to attack again.
down any synthetic for 3 cool down when target dies.
rounds on successful shot. 2 Can attack up to 5 times.
2 +2 rounds 2 Add an extra point with each hit. 3 +5 stackable damage with each
3 Doubles damage to Shields. successful hit.
3 Add an extra point with each hit.
Extended Clip Return to Sender
1 Eliminates need for reloading 1 If hit, damage the enemy that
Lasts 5 rounds. attacked you last with 1⁄2 the
2 +2 rounds Shock Trooper damage dealt to you from that
attack + regular damage.
3 +3 rounds Focus on heavy & melee weapons
Good Judgment 2 Full damage dealt
Armed Explosive
1 Ammo is not wasted on misses 3 Knocks enemy prone for 1
Lasts 5 rounds. 1 Doubles area of effect for next round. If miss, does 1⁄2 damage
explosive used. of last attack.
2 +2 rounds
2 +5 damage. Rush
3 +3 rounds
Radioactive Ammo 3 +5 damage. 1 When running toward an enemy
Hell Fire with this active & attacking with
1 Make next clip of equipped
a melee weapon or unarmed,
ranged weapon radioactive, +5 1 If next explosive misses, will damage is doubled.
damage & +5 extra damage of do 1⁄4 damage
radioactivity/turn for 5 rounds. 2 Will knock enemy prone.
2 1⁄2 damage on a miss.
2 +5 damage 3 Damage is tripled
3 On a hit, will double damage.
3 +5 rounds
Iron Hide Vengeance
1 +5 DR, Lasts 2 rounds. 4 +2 damage.
1 +2 BAB, Lasts 3 rounds.
2 +2 BAB. 2 +2 DR

3 +1 BAB, +2 rounds 3 +3 DR, +1 round

Adrenaline Hack Expert Silent
1 +5*Level health & damage 1 +2*Level to Computer skill when 1 +2 Stealth, Lasts 5 rounds.
Lasts 3 rounds. hacking for 30 minutes. 2 +3 Stealth.
2 +2*Level to health and damage. Once/day.
3 +5 Stealth.
3 +1*Level to health and damage. 2 +2*Level to Computer skill
4 +2 Stealth.
4 +1*Level to health and damage. 3 +2*Level to Computer skill
5 +3 Stealth.
5 +1*Level to health and damage, Quick Step
Still Target
+1 action to your turn. 1 Move +1 square for 2 rounds.
1 +1d6 damage when attacking a
Be the Bullet 2 +1 square. prone enemy this round.
1 Must have sniper rifle equipped
3 +1 square. 2 +1d6.
and a clear shot. Next shot is a
gaurenteed hit. 4 +1 square. 3 +2 rounds
Flash Bang 5 +1 square, +3 rounds Stun
1 Must have at least 1 grenade. Shield 1 Paralyze target for 2 rounds,
Upgrade a grenade into a flash 1 Double your characters current knocking them prone & causing
bang, blinding enemies for 2 shield for 2 rounds. If no shield 1d6 damage to synthetics.
rounds & causing them to take is present, +5 shielding. Reflex VS Fortitude
-2 to accuracy. Time stacks with
2 +3 rounds 2 +1 round
a flash bang grenade. Blast
radius 1 3 +1 round 3 +2 rounds
2 +1 to blast radius.
3 +2 rounds.
Forked Tongue
1 +2*Level to Bluff for 30 minutes.
2 +2*Level to Bluff.
3 +2*Level to Bluff.

Hack consoles and conceal
your exsistence.
Ability Recharge: Int
Starting Wealth: 3d6*100
Stat Bonus: +2 Dex
• Melee weapons
• Side arms
• Rifles
• Explosives
• Light armor

Focus on technology & espionage
Be the Bullet Tech Sabotage Be the Bullet
2 +10 damage. 1 Allows you to make a device 2 +10 damage.
Concussive Shot blow up upon activation (10)
Switch targeting parameters on
Dome Inspector
1 Must use sniper rifle. Next synthetics or security devices (15) 1 +2 accuracy, double damage.
bullet is a concussive shot. Stop vehicles from running (20)
+5 damage & pushes target Effects last 2 minutes. 2 +1 accuracy
back 3 squares. 3 uses/day 3 +1 accuracy and blinds enemy
2 +1 square to push Computer VS 10*Level, 15*Level, if hit, causing them to take a
or 20*Level -2*lvl to accuracy for 1 round.
3 +2 damage
Hide Life 2 Check becomes - EMP Shot
Computer VS 5*Level, 10*Level,
1 Appear dead for 5 rounds, or 15*Level 1 Make next shot an EMP. Shuts
+15 stealth against synthetics. down any synthetic for 3
2 +2 rounds. rounds on successful shot.
1 Next bullet will inject a
3 +3 rounds virus into a synthetic upon 2 +2 rounds
+10 stealth against organics a successful hit. This virus 3 Doubles damage to Shields.
when prone & not moving. will cause 1d8+users Int mod
Lockdown System damage/round. Nano-Shot
1 Lockdown synthetics for 2 2 +5 damage. 1 Make next shot a Nano-Shot
rounds. Reflex VS Willpower if successful hit, target takes 5
3 Virus now turns enemy into ally damage/round for 3 rounds.
2 +1 round (still damages them per round).
3 +1 round Reflex VS Will 2 -2 AC from target hit.
Programmer 3 +5 damage/round, +2 rounds
1 +2*Level to Computer skill when
programming for 30 minutes.
Assassin Sprint
Focus on stealth
Once/day. 1 Run speed + 1⁄4 speed for 1 round.
2 +2*Level to Computer skill. Acid Round 2 Run speed + 1⁄2 speed.
3 +2*Level to Computer skill. 1 Next clip is an acid round,
3 Run speed x2, +1 round
Stun causing 5 damage & negating
5 DR for 1 round on target if Still Target
4 +3 rounds & +1d6 damage to successful.
synthetics. 4 +1d6.
2 +5 damage & -5 DR

Exclusive Feats Prerequisite Description
A Way With Words Vatian, Socialite Add +2 to charisma score.
Chameleon Deriban, Rogue Able to turn invisible in the dark if you have full health.
Experimental Biotic Add a +1 to all stat scores.
Ferdisian Tech Ferdisian, Scientist/Engineer Gives ability to craft something in half the time needed.
Gaizling Training Gaizling, Soldier Makes your natural armor increase by two points.
Lizard Reflexes Deriban, Engineer Gives ability to repair something in 1/2 the amount of
Spiked Limbs Gaizling, Mercenary +5 points of damage to all melee and unarmed attacks.
The Will of Man Human Roll 1d4 after you die. If the 1d4 equals 3-4, you will
regain consciousness at 1 HP.
Un-Predictable Any race and class combination +2 to any stat score.
Practice that isn’t recommended
War Drums Vatian, Soldier Gives ability to heal your crew after an encounter with
1d20+your charisma modifier*lvl.
War Programs Rezzer, Soldier/Mercenary/Rogue Add +2 to strength or dexterity score.

We are One Rezzer, Engineer/Scientist/ Roll 1d4. If roll equals 3-4, you can turn one enemy
Socialite synthetic on your side until it is dead. Can only keep
one at a time. Can only use once against target. Target
returns to normal after user is unconscious.

During character creation you can strength score of 15 before getting your choice at first level. When
only choose one feat, but every that feat. Some might even ask for multiclassing, exclusive feats are
even level you attain another. other feats or multiple conditions. only tied to your favored class, not
Feats are passive bonuses your secondary. So if you are a Deriban
character has. To get a feat you Exclusive Feats Engineer Rogue, you only get the
need to meet the prerequisites. For These are given to you based off Lizard Reflexes feat.
example, a feat may ask for a STR your characters race and class
15, that means you need to have a in addition to another feat of
Class/Race Feats Prerequisite Description
1C3CR34M Rogue/Scientist/Engineer, +2 to Computer skill and instantly shut down synthetics
INT 30 for 1d4 rounds when you successfully sneak attack
against them.
Advanced Chasis Rezzer +2 natural armor and +2*lvl DR when no armor is worn.
Amphibian Lungs Deriban Double the amount of time you can hold your breath
Animal Senses Ferdisian/Deriban, WIS 18 Increases perception and search skill checks by 5 points.
Anger of a Dying Race Deriban Add +2 to Will.
Basic Upgrades Pack 1 Scientist/Engineer Can use/create moderate materials.
Basic Upgrades Pack 2 Scientist/Engineer, Basic Can use/create advanced materials.
Upgrades Pack 1
Basic Upgrades Pack 3 Scientist/Engineer, Can use/create masterwork materials.
Basic Upgrades Pack 2
Bond Brothers Rezzer, INT 20 If there are two of your kind in your crew, then you can
copy the other’s turn if they succeeded. (If the other hits,
you can hit. If they critical, you can critical.)
Breakthrough! Scientist, Can Invent new items that are not in the game at the
Basic Upgrades Pack 3, INT 25 GMs discretion.
Cut Throat Mercenary +5 to BAB for rifles.
Endless Sleep Rogue Instant critical when attacking sleeping, dazed, or prone
Fly Like a Butterfly Gaizling, DEX 18 Increase movement by two squares.
Gaizling Rage Gaizling, Fortitude 15 Turn invincible for two rounds as soon as you are
Gunner Soldier/Mercenary Add *5 damage to ship and vehicle weapons and *2 to
normal guns.
Military Training Soldier +4 to BAB.
Nerd Rage Scientist/Engineer When bloodied, add +2*lvl to BAB.
Painful Memories Gaizling/Human +2 to Will.
Poker Face Socialite +2 to bluff skill.
Ready, Aim, Fire Soldier/Mercenary/Rogue +2 to BAB.
Shaheenai’ Ral Rogue/Deriban, CHA 15 Gives you the ability to gather more information from
orphans, the homeless, and other such people. Gives a +5
to all charisma skills when doing this. Also, gives +5 to
disguise when in any civilized area.
Shock Protection Rezzer Melee damage caused to you causes half damage to
Silver Tongue Socialite, CHA 20 Gives ability to re-roll once if you fail any charisma skill
Sting Like a Bee Gaizling, STR 18 When you melee or unarmed attack a target, they will be
poisoned and take five damage per round for three rounds.
Squishie’s Bane Rezzer/Gaizling Add +2 to damage against enemies with flesh.
Tactical Lens Rezzer Add +1 to BAB.
The Rat Pack Rogue When there is another rogue in your crew, you get +5*lvl
to health if they also have this feat. Increase BAB by +2
even if there is no one else.
Tool Device Engineer Add +5 to repair skill.
Walking Tank Rezzer/Soldier/Mercenary, Can carry ship weapons as a heavy weapon and use it
STR 30 once per day.

General Feats Prerequisite Description

Alert None Add +2 to Perception Skill
Anti-Social Can’t be a socialite Others take a -10 when trying to use a charisma skill
check against you while you take a -5 when trying to
perform a charisma check against someone else.
Body and Mind Level double number of times Increase a single stat by two points and gain an extra
feat taken. ex. level 2 (once), point to allocate each even level. Can get multiple times.
level 4 (twice), etc.
Boot Camp STR 18 Increase Athletics Skill by +5
Counter Reflex 10 If enemy misses, you are given a chance to attack. If you
hit and damage them equal to their AC or more, you end
their turn.
Computer Technician INT 20 Add +2 to Repair and Computer skills.
Doesn’t Play Well With Anti-Social, CHA 15 Eliminates negative effects of Anti-Social.
Double Jointed DEX 18 Increase Acrobatics skill by +5.
Educated INT 18, WIS 18 Adds +2 to all intelligence and wisdom skills.
Entertainer CHA 20 Add +2 to all Perform skill checks.
Expert WIS 15 Train a new skill.
Fast Metabolism None Add two to squares for speed.
First Class INT 20 Gain a feat every level.
Graduate None Level up again.
Growth Spurt None Add +2 to all strength skills.
Hidden DEX 18 Increase stealth skill by +5
I’m In INT 18 Add +2 to Computer skill.
Impressionable Mind Be considered a child or teen. Gain double experience.
Intense Training None Gain an extra skill point per level.
Intimidating Presence STR 18 Add strength modifier to your Intimidate skill as well as
your charisma.
Linguistics INT 15 Add a point to a new language.
Multi-Talented Multi-Class Gain an extra power/ability.
Perfect Mind, Perfect STR 30, DEX 30, CON 30, INT Gives ability to reroll any failed action once.
Body 30, WIS 30, CHA 30
Pilot Academy DEX 18 Add +5 to Control skill.
Quick Witted WIS 18 Add +2 to bluff skill.
Remember the Fallen INT 20 Add +2 to all History skill checks.
Scavenger WIS 18 Increase search skill by +5
Skilled INT 15, WIS 15 Add 1d4 to skill ranks each level. Can be stacked.
Smart Mouth INT 18 Add intelligence modifier to charisma skills.
Strong Back STR 20 Increase light, medium, and heavy weight limit by 50
Suave CHA 18 Add +2 to Charm skill.
Survivalist WIS 15 Add +2 to Medic and Survival skills.
Training STR 18, DEX 18 Adds +2 to all strength and dexterity skills.
Quick Draw None Add +2 to initiative.
Working Attitude None Add +2 to strength score.
Combat Feats Prerequisite Description
Always Armed STR 15 Makes unarmed strikes lethal, turning them into melee
weapons. Unarmed strikes now do 1d6 damage.
Ambidextrous DEX 15 Gives ability to dual wield small weapons (side arms
and small melee weapons) without any penalties.
Assault Heavy Weapon efficiency Add +2 to BAB for heavy weapons.
Barbarian Ambidextrous, STR 30 Gives ability to dual wield two handed melee weapons.
Big Boned Be more than 50 lbs heavier Add +2 to CMB.
than your races average weight
But My Aim is Getting DEX 12 Double dice for BAB increases.
Calculated Strike Martial Arts Add +2 to BAB for melee and unarmed attacks.
Deaths March DEX 25 On achieving a killing blow during your turn, you can
take another action.
Fatiguing Punch Calculated Strike Every successful lethal unarmed strike will add double
damage as non-lethal damage. This non-lethal damage
cannot take target HP below 1.
Good Stance Martial Arts Add +2 to CMD. Double DR when doing a melee or
unarmed attack on your last action.
Good Throw None Add +1 to BAB for grenades.
Heavy Armor Efficiency Medium Armor Efficiency Makes you proficient in heavy armor.
Heavy Weapons None Makes you proficient in heavy weapons and explosives.
Height Advantage Be more than one foot taller Add +2 to BAB.
than your races average height
Kinetic Strike Always Armed, STR 18, DEX 18 Add 1d8 damage to melee and unarmed attacks and
subtract 10% DR from enemies with melee and unarmed
attacks. Can be stacked 4 times.
Light Armor Efficiency None Makes you proficient in light armor.
Martial Arts DEX 18 Add CMB to BAB for melee and unarmed attacks.
Medium Armor Light Armor Efficiency Makes you proficient in medium armor.
Melee Weapon Training None Makes you proficient in melee weapons.
MVP STR 15, DEX 15 Add +2 to BAB for melee weapons and grenades. Add 2
squares to throw distance for grenades.
Perfect Fit Be in the range of 50 lbs from Add +1 to CMB and CMD.
your races average weight.
Perfect Height Be in the range of one foot Add +1 to BAB and natural armor.
from your races average height
Police Academy Side Arm efficiency Add +2 to BAB for side arms.
Power Gloves Always Armed Can use ammunition powers/abilities with unarmed or
melee attacks. One clip is considered two strikes, or one
attacking action.
Raging Comet STR 18 Jump down from higher ground to attack an enemy with a
melee weapon and cause an extra 1d8 damage upon a hit.
Resistance Fortitude 15 Add +2 to natural armor. Can be stacked.
Rifles Rifle efficiency Add +2 to BAB for rifles.
Side Arm Training None Makes you proficient in side arms.
Size Doesn’t Matter Weapon Finesse Be treated one size larger when using a weapon.
Slim Figure Be more than 50 lbs lighter Add +2 to CMD.
than your races average weight
Small Target Be more than one foot shorter Add +2 to natural armor.
than your races average height
Sneak Attack 1 None Add 1d6 to damage when target is flatfooted.
Sneak Attack 2 Level 5, Sneak Attack 1 Add 1d6 to damage when target is flatfooted.
Sneak Attack 3 Level 10, Sneak Attack 2 Add 1d6 to damage when target is flatfooted.
Sneak Attack 4 Level 15, Sneak Attack 3 Add 1d6 to damage when target is flatfooted.
Sneak Attack 5 Level 20, Sneak Attack 4 Add 1d6 to damage when target is flatfooted.
Sneak Attack 6 Level 25, Sneak Attack 5 Add 1d6 to damage when target is flatfooted.
Striking Fear STR 18, CHA 15 Intimidate an enemy you melee attack. If intimidate is
successful, they will become prone for one round.
Rifle Training None Makes you proficient in rifles.
The Chief Ambidextrous, STR 20, DEX 20 Can dual wield Rifles.
Throw Anything Always Armed, Good Throw Adds full BAB to accuracy and damage when throwing
an object that isn’t meant to be used as a throwing
Tough STR 18, DEX 15, CON 20 Add +2 to DR. Can be stacked.
Weapon Expertise DEX 18 Add +5 to BAB. Can be stacked.
Weapon Finesse DEX 15, STR 15 Add the Dexterity modifier to all damage rolls. Gain
double the points rolled for BAB each level.
S-Slashing, P-Piercing, B-Blunt, SING-Singularity All melee weapons add STR mod to damage.

One Handed Cost Small Medium Large Critical Range Weight Clip Type Ammo
Melee Weapons (Feet) Size
Combat Knife 10 1d2+BAB 1d4+BAB 1d6+BAB 1-2 *3 - .5 - P,, S -
Hand Drill 30 1d3+BAB 1d6+BAB 1d8+BAB *2 - 5 10 P Oil
Plasma Baton 50 1d4+BAB 1d6+BAB 1d8+BAB 1-3, 18-20 - 2 20 Energy EC+
Shock Baton1, 3 50 1d2+BAB 1d4+BAB 1d6+BAB 1-2, 19-20 - 2 20 Energy EC
Nebula Mace 45 1d4+BAB 1d6+BAB 1d8+BAB *2 - 10 - B -
Shredder 45 1d4+BAB 1d8+BAB 1d10+BAB 1-2 *3 60 3 5 S Oil
Small Arc Cutter 65 1d4+BAB 1d8+BAB 1d10+BAB 1-2 *3 - 5 10 S EC
Plasma Whip 75 1d4+BAB 1d8+BAB 1d10+BAB 1-3, 18-20 10 3 10 Energy EC+
Combat Knife Plasma Baton Nebula Mace
A basic military knife meant for A weapon popularized by A weapon inspired by human
tactical use. It was widely popular the Republic Security Service medieval design. This simple
through Human use, however, other Association, or the R.S.S.A. design has been updated with
races had their own renditions. The a kinetic power source that
Gaizlings had the vilest looking of Shock Baton superheats the blunt weapon.
the knives as the Deriban had the A weapon popularized by
most elegant. the Republic Security Service Shredder
Association, or the R.S.S.A. It was An axle based weapon with
Hand Drill first used by the Vatian security blades on a chain. When activated
A tool meant for mining, but some services. for attacking, the blades are spun
have found that it is an effective in a circular pattern as to shred
weapon. through almost anything, giving it
its name.
Small Arc Cutter Plasma Whip
A weapon based on the hatchet. A thin metal string like structure
This new design, however, has an protrudes from the handle of this
electrical current flowing through weapon. When activated, a plasma
two nodes that make the blade coating spreads in between the
portion of the weapon. It is mainly nodes of this metal string, creating
used for cutting large foliage, but a whip like weapon.
people have found other uses for
these tools.
Two Handed Cost Small Med Large Crit Weight Clip Type Ammo
Melee Weapons Size
Serration Blade 100 1d6+BAB 1d8+BAB 1d10+BAB 1-2 *3 12 20 S Oil
Force Hammer 375 1d10+BAB 1d12+BAB 2d8+BAB 1-3, 35 - B -
19-20 *4
Shock Staff1, 2, 3 150 1d2+BAB 1d4+BAB 1d6+BAB 1-3, 5 20 Energy EC
19-20 *3
Large Arc Cutter 175 1d8+BAB 1d10+BAB 1d12+BAB 1-2 *3 15 20 S EC

Condensed Light Sword 125 2d6+BAB 2d8+BAB 2d10+BAB 1-4, 4 40 Energy EC+
18-20 *3
God Blade 500 2d8+BAB 2d10+BAB 2d12 1-4, 30 15 Energy EC+
18-20 *3
Arc Spear 185 2d4+BAB 2d6+BAB 2d8+BAB 1-2, 10 20 Energy EC
19-20 *2
Serration Blade Large Arc Cutter
A sort of chain saw sword meant A weapon much like the small
for garden use, but it’s also very arc cutter, however, this one is
good for more lethal activities. designed after the larger axe.

Force Hammer Condensed Light Sword (C.L.S.)

A hammer with a large head The C.L.S. is widely seen as an
component, housing a synthetic elite weapon for military use.
singularity. When thrust However, the officers of the
downward, the singularities force Republic Military never actually
explodes outward and weight use it and only keep them around
becomes multiplied causing for show, but its plasma aided,
massive damage, but also creates extremely hot, condensed light,
a heavier weapon. cone of energy can be used to cut
through almost anything.
Shock Staff
A rendition of the shock baton, God Blade
attaching two together at the hilt A very large weapon that’s main
for faster attack patterns. Mostly point is it’s over the top blade
used by the Republic Military with the same design as the C.L.S.
Police, or R.M.P. with the plasma aided condensed
light flowing over the blade. This
Blaster only last mere seconds outside of
A weapon that utilizes a slightly the weapon’s chamber.
condensed light and lenses to
condense that light into a super
heated stream to burn through A weapon popular among those
targets. who like to keep close and
cause massive damage but also
Phaser keep away from any grappling
A weapon much like the blaster, maneuvers. Used primarily by
only this weapon leaves the light mercenaries.
particles more fluid to cause a
Assault Rifle
more painful shot, but lessens the
range. A simple weapon used for
suppressing attacks, firing in short
Splitter burst to keep recoil low. Used
A Gaizling weapon that utilizes primarily by soldiers.
a saw like bullet to cut through
Automatic Rifle
targets, causing an extremely
painful and fatal wound. A rifle much like the assault
rifle, however, this one fires at a
Splinter constant rate and is meant for
Another Gaizling weapon that heavier combat use.
utilizes metal spikes to pierce into
Sniper Rifle
targets to cause painful wounds
that can cause the target to slowly A weapon designed for long
bleed out. This weapon along with distance attacks. This weapon is
weapon is mostly used for total many others have proven that the used mainly for tactical use and
annihilation of a target. Gaizling are the most sadistic of to take out targets quickly and at a
all the races. distance.
Arc Spear
An elegant weapon popularized Automatic Blaster
by the Ferdisian. This spear A variation of the blaster that has
weapon has its head surging a rapid fire. This is the side arm of
with electricity. It was mostly choice for the republic military.
used by the Ferdisians in times of
wars in their past, but due to its Taser Gun
dependability, some still use it A popular choice of weaponry for
today. those who don’t wish to do any
real harm to a target. Used majorly SMG
High Powered Pistol by the R.S.S.A. (Sub Machine Gun)
A modern human pistol that A simple gun used to keep up
takes design patterns from the Nano Controller a constant rate of fire and to
1911 of human history. A reliable A weapon that powers a cloud of suppress targets. It is popular
weapon that is still used for its nano bots when activated that will among many denizens of the
dependability and style. deconstruct targets when it lands universe due to its dependability.
on them. However, the battery life
is short and these nano bots will

Side Arms Cost Damage Critical Range Weight Clip Type Ammo
(Feet) Size
High Powered Pistol 250 1d10+BAB 1-4, 19-20 *4 110 4 10 P Light
Blaster 325 2d6+BAB 1-3, 19-20 *3 150 3 10 Energy EC
Phazer 375 2d8+BAB 1-4, 18-20 *3 120 4 10 Energy EC+
Splitter 400 2d10+BAB 1-4, 19-20 *4 100 4 5 S Shards
Splinter 425 3d6+BAB 1-4, 18-20 *3 110 4 2 P Shards
Automatic Blaster 450 5d4+BAB 1-3, 19-20 *3 100 3 20 Energy EC
Taser Gun 1, 3 175 1d2+BAB *2 90 2 1 Energy EC
Nano Controller 575 2d12+BAB 1-2 *4 75 3 1 P, S EC+
Rifles Cost Damage Critical Range Weight Clip Type Ammo
(Feet) Size
Shotgun 475 2d6+BAB 1-4, 18-20 *3 15 6 10 P, B Shells
Assault Rifle 2
400 1d8+BAB 1-4, 19-20 *4 225 6 40 P Light
Automatic Rifle2 415 2d6+BAB 1-2, 19-20 *2 195 6 20 P Rifle
Sniper Rifle 500 1d12+BAB 1-6, 18-20 *5 850 6 2 P Rifle
SMG2 425 3d4+BAB *2 150 5 50 P Light
Plasma Rifle2 510 2d8+BAB 1-3, 19-20 *3 150 7 50 Energy EC+
Laser Rifle2 450 2d6+BAB 1-3, 19-20 *3 200 5 50 Energy EC
LSLR 525 2d6+BAB 1-6, 18-20 *5 900 5 5 Energy EC

Plasma Rifle Laser Rifle LSLR (Long Shot Laser Rifle)

A rifle that super heats the A clunky weapon that works much A variation of the laser rifle that
composition of the materials like the blaster. This gun was extends the effective range of the
inside and fires the plasma formed popularized through human use laser through a more precise and
through micro-fusion. This weapon during their late history. condensed light. Due to this, it is
is widely considered to be an elite used as a sniper rifle and is seen
weapon for military use. as a superior choice for tactical
use and lethality.

A human weapon meant for
sending explosive ordinance at
a target to deal massive damage.
This weapon proved to other races
that humans were more volatile
and lacked precision and skill.

Heavy Weapons Cost Damage Critical Range Weight Clip Type Ammo
(Feet) Size
RPG 750 4d10+BAB 1-7 *3 175 12 1 P, S Missile
Anti Matter Riffle 1400 3d20+BAB 1-9, 18-20 *3 125 10 2 SING EC+
Rail Gun 1150 4d12+BAB 1-8, 19-20 *3 250 18 5 Energy EC+
ESD 850 5d10+BAB 1-8 *4 30 15 20 - Canister
Grenade Launcher 625 - - 90 12 1 - Grenade

Anti Matter Rifle Frag Mine the Sleepers, other races found
A rifle with a large technical piece Utilizes the same design as it useful for also tearing apart
that stores and gathers anti matter the frag grenade, only the mine organics.
safely to be utilized against targets. activates when its sensor is
Because of the nature of its shots, tripped.
Singularity Mine
it lacks a longer effective range. The combination of the trip
Plasma Grenade sensor and the singularity
Rail Gun A grenade designed by the device was a tactical success
A weapon that utilizes a Ferdisian. It’s design is similar to against the Sleepers, however, the
miniaturized version of a ships the human frag grenade and still Sleepers quickly found a way to
gun, making it a very lethal proves useful today. cross engineer their design into
weapon. Due to its miniaturized weaponry and basic appliances,
parts, however, it makes this Plasma Mine making them the most feared and
weapon lacking the firepower of its A mine that utilizes the same intellectually superior races in the
larger counterpart. technology as the plasma grenade. universe.
The micro-fusion reactor built
ESD (Elemental Streaming Device) into the device creates a lethal Flash Bang Grenade
A weapon that looks and functions explosion A grenade that doesn’t focus on
much like the human flamethrower. pure damage, but rather causing
This gun uses canisters of EMP Grenade targets to lose a tactical advantage
chemicals to stream the contents A grenade that explodes in an they may have had. This weapon
out in a short range causing electrical surge. This weapon is proved to be indispensable for
different elemental damage. It is mainly focused on damaging humans when facing against the
seen as a fantastic weapon for its shields. Gaizling. (Dazes targets in radius
adaptability, however, its weight for 1 round and causes the radius
can get in the way of tactical use. EMP Mine to have the “Bright” quality for 1d4
The combination of the EMP rounds, successful reflex upon
Grenade Launcher and the trip mine makes this the miss negates effects).
A device created by humans to perfect tool for tactical strategy
send grenades a set distance against synthetics. of plasma. Canisters
rather than range of the grenade Canisters have 20 uses per each
being determined by the users Singularity Grenade canister.
throw. A weapon manufactured by the
Rezzers as a means to an end Napalm
Frag Grenade against the Sleepers. After months Causes 5d6 fire damage for first
A grenade that uses fragments to of it being used by the Rezzers hit and each round after for 1d4
pierce into adjacent targets bodies. for their war efforts against rounds.

Explosives Cost Damage Critical Radius Weight Type
Frag Grenade 5pc 175 2d10+BAB 1-5 *3 3 2 P, B
Frag Mine 10pc 250 2d10+BAB 1-5 *3 5 (trip/explosion) 2 P, B
Plasma Grenade 5pc 275 2d10+BAB 1-5 *3 3 3 Energy
Plasma Mine 10pc 350 5d8+BAB 1-5 *3 5 (trip/explosion) 3 Energy
EMP Grenade 5pc 225 2d8+BAB 1-5 *3 3 1 Energy
EMP Mine 10pc 275 2d8+BAB 1-5 *3 5 (trip/explosion) 1 Energy
Singularity Grenade 5pc 7500 5d20+BAB 1-6 *4 3 5 SING
Singularity Mine 10pc 8750 5d20+BAB 1-6 *4 4 (trip/explosion) 5 SING
Flash Bang Grenade 5pc 125 - 1-3 4 1 -

Ammo Cost Radius Weight/Bullet

Uranium (Squares)
Causes 3d8 radioactive damage
for first hit and 4d6 damage each Light(20) 15 - .05
round after for 1d6 rounds. Missile(1) 50 5 5

Cryo Rifle(20) 25 - .1
Causes 1d8 cold damage and EC(10) 20 - .05
freezes targets for 1d4 rounds
when it hits past shields. EC+(20) 50 - .05
Shells(10) 25 - .1
Dazes target for one round upon
Shards(10) 10 - .1
hit past shields.
Two attacks/action. Oil(10) 15 - .1
Non-lethal damage. Canisters - - 15
Cryo(1) 50 - -
Napalm(1) 50 - -
Uranium(1) 75 - -

Light Cost AC Weight Max STR/ Power Slots

Armor Dex DEX
Proto Suit 20 1 3 8 -1 50 1
Grey Suit 50 1 1 - - 75 1
EC Suit 100 2 2 - - 75 2
Beta Suit 175 3 10 9 -1 75 3
RZ Suit 200 3 2 - - 75 4

Medium Cost AC Weight Max STR/DEX Speed Power Slots
Armor Dex Penalty (Squares)
Ballistic Suit 175 3 5 9 -1 - 50 2
Security Suit 200 4 3 9 -1 - 75 3
E Suit 250 5 10 8 -2 - 75 4
Tactical Suit 325 4 8 - - - 100 5
MP Suit 375 6 15 8 -2 -1 75 4

Heavy Cost AC Weight Max STR/DEX Speed Power Slots

Armor Dex Penalty (Squares)
Recon 400 6 5 8 -2 - 100 3
Trooper 450 7 20 6 -3 -1 75 3
CQC 575 7 20 8 -2 -1 75 3
EOD Armor 625 8 30 5 -4 -2 100 2
Juggernaught 775 9 30 4 -4 -1 100 2

Weapon and Armor Condition

Weapon and armor condition is the HP of the item and can be restored through repairs. Weapon and armor
condition is calculated by the weight of the weapon or armor rounded up *100. If a weapon condition is
halved, its critical fail chance is doubled (a 1-4 becomes a 1-8). If an armor condition is halved, DR is halved.
Armor DR is calculated by the AC of the armor*Level.

Sheild Cost Shield Restoration/ Water Canteen 5 1
Amount Turn Wrist Watch 35 .25
Resin Industries 100 10 1 point Advanced Biogel 100 .5
Incarus Industries 200 15 1 point Basic Biogel 25 .5
Odin Industries 400 25 2 points
Casual Clothes 25 4
Obduro Laboratories 1250 30 5 points
Cheap Accessory 25 .1
Shields can be stacked up to your con score.
Cheap Alcohol 10 1

General Merchandise Cheap Drink 2 1

General merchandise are all the items that your character will and Cheap Food 5 1
might need for basic upkeep, hobbies, activities, and anything else that Drugs 30 1
might interest them. Items range from clothes to food to devices. All Expensive 75 .1
of these items can further lead to the understanding of your character Accessory

Item Cost Weight Expensive 100 1

Flash Light 5 1
Advanced Chip 125 .5 Generator 200 50
Expensive 100 5
Artist Tools 125 10 Grappling Hook 20 2 Clothes
Bandage 5 - Grooming 10 1 Expensive Drink 15 1
Supplies Expensive Food 15 1
Binoculars 50 1
Healing Kit 20 1
Blueprint 10 - H.A.N.D 325 1
Jet Pack 500 15
Breathing 50 .5 Maintenance Kit 150 1
Helmet, Simple Laboratory 150 25
Material Reader 100 5
Breathing 125 1
Moderate Biogel 50 .5
Helmet, Tactical Magnifying 15 .5
Scope Oxygen Tank 20 2
Cards 10 .5
Memory Storage 25 - Party Clothes 50 4
Chain (10 feet) 40 5
Pen/Pencil 1 .1
Climbers Tools 125 10 Perfume/ 5 .5
Pharmaceuticals 30 1
Communication 50 .25 Cologne/Soap
Device, Hand Resource 125 20
Radio Studio 150 25
Communication 75 .25
Ration 5 1
Device, Head Stationary (5) 1 .5
Robotics 150 15
Computer, Home 1250 12 Syringe 5 .1
Computer, Mo- 1325 5 Work Clothes 20 4
Rope, Nylon (50 35 5
bile Programs/ Cost Units
Cooking 125 15 Files
Sleeping Bag 15 3
Supplies Engineer’s Suite 300 500
Tablet 350 2
Craftsmen Tools 125 10 Entertainer’s 250 300
Tactical 25 2 Suite
Engineer 150 10

Game/ 250 300 Breathing Helmet, Tactical Computer, Mobile
Entertainment The same as a breathing helmet A laptop device limiting intensity
Hacker’s Suite 250 500 only with a built in communication of work for mobility. Stores 750
device and flash light. (Dark Units. (Needs to be charged for 2
Large Data Block - 100
becomes Low-Light and Low- hours once per day. -5 Computer.)
Medium Data - 25 Light becomes Light-4 squares
Block radius. Needs to be charged for 1 Cooking Supplies
Personal Suite 250 250 hour once per day.) A kit of supplies to give a +2*Level
when creating food or drinks.
Security 300 200 Chain
Software Craftsmen Tools
Capable of holding 5,000 lbs.
A set of tools to add a +2*Level
Advanced Biogel Cheap Alcohol when creating other items.
A gel that can heal Gives a DR of 1*Level the day it is
2d12+Medic wounds. drank. (Fortitude VS 1d20 + times Drugs
drank in day. Fail=Fatigued for 1d12 Adds a temporary +1 to two chosen
Advanced Chip stats and 5*Level HP and 1*Level
A chip used to add a AC when consumed for a day. Roll
day to the H.a.N.D. Cheap Drink fortitude VS 1d20+number of times
Gives a +1*Level to all rolls the day consumed in past, if your roll is
Artist Tools
it is drank. (Lasts for 10 days) under, you become addicted, taking
A set of tools to add a +2*Level to a -1 to all stats every day it is not
creating any traditional artwork. Cheap Food consumed.
Gives a +1*Level to all rolls the day
Bandage Engineer Supplies
it is eaten. (Lasts for 5 days)
A bandage used to refill the A kit of supplies to increase
healing kit. Climbers Tools Repair or certain crafting skills by
A set of tools to add a +2*Level +5*Level when active. Has 10 uses.
Basic Biogel
when climbing.
A gel that can heal 1d8+Medic Expensive Alcohol
wounds. Communication Device, Hand Gives a DR of 5*Level the day it is
A mobile communicating device. drank. (Fortitude VS 1d20 + times
(Needs to be charged once per drank in day. Fail=Fatigued for 1d12
A device to used to extend vision day.) hours)
by 150 feet.
Communication Device, Head Expensive Drink
A mobile communication device Gives a +5*Level to all rolls the day
A plan used to refill Engineering that fits in the ear. Let’s you it is drank. (Lasts for 4 days)
supplies by 1. understand any popular speech
based language. (Needs to be Expensive Food
Breathing Helmet, Simple
charged once per day.) Gives a +5*Level to all rolls the day
A helmet meant for breathing in
it is eaten. (Lasts for 2 days)
environments without the proper Computer, Home
livable conditions, such as space or A monitor and CPU tower for more Expensive Pharmaceuticals
in poisonous gas. Can be used for intense technical work. Stores Adds a temporary +2 to a chosen
one hour before supply runs out. 1,000 Units. (Needs to be charged stat when consumed for a day.
constantly.) Can heal addiction.

Flash Light an advanced chip to restore its Pharmaceuticals
Dark becomes LowLight and Low- processing. Adds a temporary +1 to a chosen
Light becomes Light-8 squares stat when consumed for a day.
forward. (Needs to be charged for 1
Healing Kit
hour once per day.) Can be used to Stabalize (See Ration
additional rules). Has five uses. A set amount of food to be eaten
Generator each day to supply the basic
Converts every 1 oil into 10 energy
Jet Pack amount of nutrition to the body.
fuel. Can hold 50 oil. A personal device used to fly.
Uses oil for fuel. Every
Good Alcohol 2 squares of movement
Gives a DR of 2*Level the day it is uses 1 oil.
drank. (Fortitude VS 1d20 + times
drank in day. Fail=Fatigued for 1d12
Laboratory Supplies
hours) A kit of supplies to
give a +5 when
Good Drink inventing. Has 5
Gives a +2*Level to all rolls the day uses.
it is drank. (Lasts for 6 weeks) Resource Collector
A device used to mine
Good Food Scope for resources on planet
Gives a +2*Level to all rolls the day A device used to surfaces. (Needs to be
it is eaten. (Lasts for 3 weeks) refill laboratory charged for 4 hours once
supplies. per day.)
Grappling Hook
A device that is supposed to be Maintenance Kit Robotics Supplies
hooked onto a rope or chain. Subtract 1 from crit fail chance of a A kit of supplies to give a +2 when
weapon for a day. Has five uses. creating robots. Has 5 uses.
Grooming Supplies
When used, adds a +2*Level to Material Reader Rope, nylon
charisma checks. Has five uses. A device used to analyze the A rope capable of holding 1,000
resources below a surface. (Needs lbs.
H.a.N.D. (Health and to be charged for 4 hours once per
Navigation Device) day.) Sleeping Bag
A device used to heal all ailments Use it to gain the well rested
and heal 1d10 HP after 1d2 Memory Storage Device bonus, giving +5 to all rolls for 3
rounds when active, An object for storing technological hours after waking.
understand and information. Stores 250 units.
communicate in any Mostly used to store data blocks, Syringe
popular language, simple pieces of information. Adds 2*level to fortitude roll
and gives a GPS against addiction when drugs are
of the planet. Is
Moderate Biogel used with this device.
only active A gel that can heal 2d8+Medic
for a day wounds.
Oxygen Tank
Refills breathing helmet’s capacity.

Tablet Obduro Labs Anima Robotics
A mobile device for very limited Largest corporation in the galaxy Ares Security
technical work. Stores 500 Units. and government of Earth (Human Initiative
(Needs to be charged for 1 hour owned)
once per day. -10 Computer)
AzTECH Resin Industries
Leader in mass produced
Tactical Containment Unit Hephaestus Ware weaponry (Gaizling owned)
A containment unit for holding NEO Life
items. Holds 25 lbs of equipment.
Alpha Line Software Lunar Gardens INC
Leader in mass produced food
Water Canteen Dangerous Design
(Ferdisian owned)
Holds enough water for one day Entertainment
(two drinks) of hydration at a time. Big Bang Burger
Needs to be refilled each day from Odin Industries Commander Crisp’s
a fresh source of water. Leader in military armor and gear
(Vatian owned)
Wrist Watch Stove Top Diner
Dead Eye Weaponry
A classic device with new age Dynasty Grill
technology to tell time relative to Aegis Security
the nearest star system. (Needs to Systems Frontier Mobile
be charged once per day.) Leader in telecommunications
Icarus Industries INC (Vatian owned)
Hacker’s Suite Leader in cyber ware
Solar NET
Adds a +5*Level to Computer skill enhancements (Deriban owned)
when hacking. Harlequin Productions

Entertainer’s Suite Horizon INC

Adds a +5*Level to perform when Leader in vehicle and ship
editing videos or music. production (Deriban owned)

Engineer’s Suite Traveler

Adds a +5*Level when inventing or Leader in commercial
repairing with computer aid. transportation (Vatian owned)

Personal Suite
Adds the use of browsers and
internet access, adding +5*Level to
any knowledge roll.

Security Software
Gives a +5 to protection against
hackers (can be stacked).

Vehicles have four main stats, Speed, Control, Hull, and Power. Speed states how fast the vehicle can travel
in 5 seconds. Control is how well the vehicle can be maneuvered. The number symbolizes how many points
count when rolling the 1d20+the control skill. The roll must equal half the control to properly drive it or perform
actions. The 1d20+control skill also acts as the AC of the vehicle while the number*3 is treated as the limit. The
Hull is the HP of the vehicle while the Power is its fuel capacity. Every movement or shot fired subtracts 1 from
the current power. DR equals the current Hull divided by 5.

Ground Cost Speed Control Guns Damage Crit Hull Power

Transport 850 10 35 1 1d4+BAB*5 1-3 *2 300 275
Strider 750 15 25 1 1d8+BAB*5 1-4 *3 75 125
Armor 1250 4 20 1 1d20+BAB*5 1-5 *4 575 250
Hyper-Cycle 675 16 30 - - - 50 125
Anti-Aircraft 1250 6 40 2 1d8+BAB*10 1-3 *2 275 300
Simple 500 10 40 - - -- 125 175

Transport Hyper-Cycle Shadow

A moderately large vehicle with A motorcycle with magnetized An aerial vehicle meant for stealth
two seats in the front and ten wheels to act frictionless when recon. Its sleek design makes it
seats in the back, where the moving, giving it superior speed aerodynamic, giving it a higher
majority of the vehicles size on the ground. However, this speed but lack of heavy weapons
comes from. It is a vehicle meant causes its hull to be low. It is and light material gives it lower
for a military transport to take considered to be a civilian ground damage and hull. It is suited
troops from one location to vehicle. Can only seat one person. for space flight. It can seat only
another. It can carry 1,500 lbs. It can carry 350 lbs. Considered one person. It can carry 300 lbs.
Considered giant in size. large in size. Considered huge in size.

Strider Anti-Aircraft Scout

A military issued hover cycle. Its A ground vehicle meant to destroy This aerial vehicle is meant to
singular gun is powerful, but its aircraft. Its weapons only do half travel into new locations and
extra weight and fuel capacity damage to other ground vehicles. explore before any ground troops
limits its speed slightly. It can also It can seat two people. It can carry are deployed. It is average across
only seat one person. It can carry 850 lbs. Considered huge in size. the board, but has a very easy
350 lbs. Considered large in size. piloting interface for ease of
Simple control. It can seat two people.
Armor A simple four or three wheeled It can carry 500 lbs. Considered
A hefty vehicle with several armor vehicle meant for civilian use. huge in size.
plates, causing its hull to be There are several types of
incredibly high. It is considered to these vehicles, but the only real Transport
be the slowest but most powerful differences between them are An aerial vehicle meant for
vehicle. Can seat three individuals. looks, and even those can be transporting people or cargo. A
It can carry 850 lbs. Considered considered similar. It can seat four people transport has one pilot seat
huge in size. individuals. It can carry 1,250 lbs. and eight seats in its loading area.
Considered huge in size. Cargo transports can hold two

Aerial Cost Speed Control Guns Damage Crit Hull Power
Shadow* 1250 18 20 1 1d8+BAB*5 1-4 *3 150 185
Scout* 1000 10 40 2 1d6+BAB*5 1-4 *3 200 175
Transport* 1000 12 30 1 1d6+BAB*5 1-3 *2 225 225
Figher* 1300 10 40 3 1d12+BAB*5 1-5 *4 250 200
Bomber 1500 8 50 2 1d4+BAB*5 1-3 *2 300 175
Bomb 1000 - - - 1d10+BAB*10 1-6 *5 - -
Simple 650 12 35 - - - 100 125

cargo containers and only seat the Simple Combat

one pilot. It can carry 1,500 lbs. A simple aerial vehicle meant for A weaponized mech meant for
Considered giant in size. civilian use. Much like the simple light combat missions. It is agile
ground vehicle, there are several and poses a significant threat.
Fighter types that are only really different It can carry 500 lbs. Considered
This aerial vehicle is meant for with looks, but are still considered huge in size.
destroying other aircraft. It is similar. It is suited for space flight.
suited for space flight. It can seat It can seat four individuals. It can Heavy
three people. It can carry 500 lbs. carry 1,250 lbs. Considered huge in A mech meant for heavy combat.
Considered huge in size. size. It is known as a “tank on legs”.
Its arms are replaced by two high
Bomber Worker powered energy cannons, making
An aerial vehicle meant to destroy A bipedal mech used for heavy it one of the most deadly things
things located on the ground. Its lifting. Its arms can be used for in the universe. However, due to its
massive size makes it the slowest heavy bludgeoning weapons, but it hardware, the heavy mech is also
aerial vehicle, but allows it to is not recommended for it. It can extremely expensive. It can carry
store ten bombs. It can seat four lift 1,000 lbs. Like all mechs, only 750 lbs. Considered giant in size.
individuals. It can carry 1,750 lbs. one can be seated. It can carry
Bombs weigh 100 lbs. Considered 1,325 lbs. Considered huge in size.
giant in size.

Mech Cost Speed Control Guns Damage Critical Hull Power

Worker 850 6 30 - 2d10+BAB 1-3 *2 200 225
Combat 1750 8 50 1 1d12+BAB*5 1-4 *3 350 300
Heavy 2000 6 45 2 1d20+BAB*5 1-4 *3 500 300

The ranges of all vehicle weapons are 150 squares. They all do Energy based damage.
The vehicle carry capacities are for common variations of those vehicles. Ferdisian made vehicles add 250 lbs
to the capacity. Rezzer adds 150 lbs.
*-Vehicle can be used in space.

There are three ship types, those being Combat, Recon, and Capital. A rule of thumb for selecting a ship is that
recon ships focus on speed, but lack firepower, while capital ships focus on firepower, but lack speed. Combat
ships are located in between recon and capital ships.
Ships have five stats to focus on. These are Power, Rooms, Speed, Control, Hull, and Guns. Power indicates
how long it can be used before needing to be refueled. Rooms are how many rooms can be designated on
the ship. Speed shows the number of spaces a ship can travel in 5 seconds.
Control is how well the ship can be maneuvered, much like vehicles. The number symbolizes how many
points count when rolling the 1d20+the control skill. The roll must equal half the control to properly drive it or
perform actions. The 1d20+control skill also acts as the AC of the vehicle while the number*3 is treated as the
limit. Co-Pilots can add their control when helping the pilot.
Hull acts as the health of the ship while Guns indicate the number of guns that can be placed on the ship. DR
equals current Hull divided by 5.

AI System Stats
Control - +10 *Pilot Level BAB - +10*Pilot Level
Combat Cost Rooms Speed Control Guns Hull Power
Harbinger 1250 4 6 50 3 350 500
Draconus 1750 6 8 50 4 400 750
Gorgon 1750 6 8 50 3 425 750
Vulture 1500 6 8 35 2 425 750
Hawk 2000 8 10 50 4 450 775
Ventri 1750 2 15 30 2 400 1750
Sting 1250 2 12 35 2 400 1250
Wasp 1500 4 10 35 3 425 1500
Bite 2000 6 10 40 4 425 1750
Sawtooth 2500 6 12 40 4 450 2000
RC-V2 2500 6 12 40 4 450 2000
RC-V3 2750 8 13 60 5 500 2750
Void Runner 3250 8 14 60 5 750 3250

Drone Cost Speed (Squares) Control Guns Hull Power

Combat 1000 6 50 1d12*5 750 750
Recon 1000 10 40 1d10*5 500 800
Mining 750 5 25 - 250 1000
Repair 750 8 40 Repair: +20 250 1000

Recon Cost Rooms Speed Control Guns Hull Power
Banshee 1250 2 10 50 2 350 500
Basilisk 1750 4 8 50 2 400 500
Omen 1750 3 10 35 3 400 750
Falcon 1875 4 10 50 2 400 500
Scythe 1250 2 10 35 3 375 375
RR-V2 2000 4 14 50 4 425 750
Reaper 1750 2 13 50 3 400 500
Angler 1950 4 14 50 3 425 650
Dragonfly 1500 2 16 35 4 425 300
Eldritch 2500 4 14 50 4 475 1000
Silence 3000 6 17 50 4 550 1250
Capital Cost Rooms Speed Control Guns Hull Power
Raven 40250 14 3 35 8 750 850
Crow 40000 12 4 30 8 750 775
Croc 40500 12 6 25 10 850 1000
Maelstrom 40750 14 4 25 12 875 1000
Hornet 40650 10 5 20 16 850 750
Wraith 40875 16 6 30 14 875 975
RCA-V3 40925 16 6 30 14 900 1000
RCA-V4 50750 20 6 35 18 950 1500
Nocturne 80750 24 8 35 20 1050 3000

Escape Cost Hull Speed Description

Resin 500 100 30 No steering.
Icarus 1000 150 40 Steering included at 20
Odin 1150 150 50 Steering included at 30
Obduro* 1750 200 75 Steering included at 30
control with a Shadow gun.

*- Refer to the aerial vehicle known as Shadow for weapon stats

Ship Guns Cost Power Consumption/ Crit Damage Range
Shot Fired (Squares)
Small Rail Gun 1500 5 1-3 *2 1d10+BAB*5 100
Medium Rail Gun 2500 10 1-4 *3 1d12+BAB*5 150
Large Rail Gun 3000 20 1-5, 19-20 2d8+BAB*5 175
Fusion Blaster 2000 5 1-3 *2 2d6+BAB*5 125
Mine Dispenser1, 6 2250 5 1-4, 19-20 1d12+BAB*5 15
Missile Launcher1, 2 2750 10 1-5 *4 1d20+BAB*5 50
Fusion Beam1, 2 2750 50 1-5, 18-20 1d100+BAB 375
Pulse Cannon4 1500 20 1-3 *2 1d8+BAB*5 225
50% chance to catch ship on fire, causing 1d10 damage/round until fixed
Needs 4 missiles for each ammo
50% chance to break open ship, causing 1d10*5 damage/round until fixed
50% chance to shut off target’s electronics for 1d4 rounds
Tracks enemy on map
Needs frag mine for each ammo

Rooms are for ships. There are several different kinds of rooms from ones that are just for living quarters to
those that can increase the stats of the ship itself.
The rooms will have a stat that dictates how much power is used when active/in use. Along with this, there
will be a description detailing what exactly the room does

Rooms Cost Power Description

AI System* 2000 10 Can automate 2 guns or take control of the ship.
Armory 1000 10 Place meant for weapon modification.
Chamber 500 5 Living quarters. Can hold up to 3 individuals.
Comm. Room 1250 10 Allows for communication with others.
Coolant 2000 5 Halves all other energy consumption.
Drone Bay 1750 20 Allows for drone storage and control. (2 drones).
Escape Pod 2000 10 Stores one escape pod allowing for a quick escape.
Gyro Chamber* 1500 10 Adds 10 to control.
Hyper Drive 2500 50 Gives ability to warp to known locations. Only uses power when activated.
Kitchen 750 10 Place meant for cooking. Supplies 5 water/day.
Lab 1250 25 Place for research and creation. +5 to all craft & repair.
Med Bay 1250 25 Can perform Other surgery at half price.
Reactor 2000 - Adds 100 power.
Shield Bay* 750 20 Adds 100 to temp. HP. Recharges 5 points/round.
Ship Dock 2500 20 Can store ships. This room takes up more than just one room. Number of
rooms needed depends on number of rooms of stored ship +1.
Stealth* 2000 50 When active, hides ship with a +50.
Storage 250 5 Allows for item storage. Stores 500 lbs.
Targeting* 1500 10 +10 to weapon accuracy.
Teleportation* 1750 25 Allows for teleportation to other ships and other locations.
War Room 1000 10 Allows to see map of planet and current location in the universe. Stores
known locations into ship’s computers.

* Considered a Combat Room. Takes power every round when active.

Service Cost Bar Storage
Sells cheap, good, and expensive A place that can store 1,000 lbs
Cheap Hotel 25 alcohol and drink, adding the price of equipment, three vehicles or a
Good Hotel 75 of these items to the base price recon or assault ship. If four are
of 25. purchased, a capital ship can be
Expensive Hotel 175
stored. The price is daily.
Cheap Restaurant 5 Local Taxi
Good Restaurant 15 Takes you to locations on a planet Fuel
Expensive Restaurant 25
or station. Price is for every An energy fuel for vehicles and
minute traveled. Uses Simple ships. The price is for every 10 fuel.
Bar 25 ground vehicle or simple aerial
Local Taxi 5 vehicle depending on distance and
Inter-Planetary Taxi 25 location.
Galactic Taxi 50 Inter-Planetary Taxi
Training 50 Takes you to locations in a solar
Cheap Tailor 50 system. Uses a Falcon ship with a
hyper drive.
Good Tailor 75
Expensive Tailor 150 Galactic Taxi
Cheap Repair 100 Takes you to locations in the
galaxy. Uses a Falcon ship with a
Good Repair 150
hyper drive.
Expensive Repair 200
Storage 100 Training
Trains a skill previously not trained
Fuel (10) 5
in if you have enough wisdom.
Hotel Tailor
A place where you can sleep. A person who can make clothes.
Cheap hotels give free cheap food Cheap tailors can make casual
and drink each day, good gives and work clothes, good tailors
free good food and drink each can make party clothes, cheap
day, and expensive gives free accessories, and good accessories,
expensive food and drink each and expensive tailors can make
day. Price is for each night. expensive clothes and accessories.
Restaurant Repair
A place to eat. Cheap restaurants A person who can repair
are fast food places and give cheap equipment. Cheap repair can repair
food and drink. Good restaurants up to 50%, good repair can repair
give good food and cheap up to 75%, and expensive repair
alcohol or good drink. Expensive can repair up to 100%. Prices are
restaurants give expensive food added to cost of parts
and good alcohol or expensive
drink. Adds the price of the items
to the base price.

Upgrades are attachments that can be applied to armor or weapons to enhance their capabilities. Armor
upgrades have a certain power usage amount behind it. All upgrades have a description to detail what it does
exactly. Power for armor is used every five seconds. To refill power in armor, refer to the energy fuel found
in General Merchandise. Armor can have upgrades equal to the number of slots it has. Side arms can have 4
upgrades, Rifles and Two Handed Melee Weapons can have 3, and Small Melee Weapons and Heavy Weapons
can have 2
Armor Upgrades Cost Power Usage Description
Coolant System 750 - Eliminates 5 points of power usage per upgrade.
Entropy Protection 875 20 Block 1⁄2 damage of singularity rounded up.
Kinetic Armor 750 10 Block 1⁄2 piercing or blunt damage.
Light Refractors 775 25 Gives a +20 to Stealth.
Long Drop Boots 500 20 Allows user to drop an extra 50 feet.
Power Cells 725 - Can store an extra 100 power.
Powered Exoskeleton 800 20 Gives a +5 to Strength.
Reflection Plates 750 15 Blocks 1⁄2 energy damage.
Solar Cells 725 - Produces a constant 10 power while in sun.
Tesla Armor 775 15 Has a 50% chance to destroy a bullet.
Melee Weapon Upgrades Cost Description
Aerodynamic 500 Gives a bonus attack.
Light Alloy 250 Eliminates 5 from weight but gives -2 to damage.
Sharpened 425 +1 to damage.
Weighted 250 +2 to damage but 5 to weight.
Gun Upgrades Cost Description
Cryo Chamber 500 Add 1d4 cold damage.
Laser Sight 250 +1 to accuracy.
Nuclear Chamber 500 Add 1d4 poison damage.
Short Barrel 250 +2 to damage but eliminates 5 ft from range.
Silencer 250 Allows user to stay hidden after shot without penalty.
Tactical Scope 250 Add 50ft to range.
Thermal Chamber 500 Add 1d4 fire damage.
Gun/Melee Weapon Upgrades Cost Description
Concealment 250 +5 to hiding weapon on person.
Extended Clip 250 Doubles clip size.
Smart System 975 Increases chance of critical.(20=19-20, 19-20=18-20, etc.)
Tactical Grip 250 +1 to accuracy.

Credits are the primary source of money in the world of Primus Star, and to see how much your
character starts with all depends the class you chose initially. For example, Soldiers have a wealth of
3d6*100. This would mean you would roll 3d6, sum the amount of the roll, and then multiply it by 100.
If you rolled all threes, that would mean your starting wealth would be 900 credits.
Don’t let the term “starting wealth” fool you. You will probably not enter the world with that exact
amount, in fact, you shouldn’t. The amount you start with should be spent on starting equipment.
Vital Statistics
In this section, you will learn about character’s movement and weight limits, along with the negative effects of
being over encumbered.
Race Speed Speed
Ferdisian 7 Squares the player is able to move. Each square constitutes 5 feet wide
on the map and 10 feet high. When running, speed is doubled, but this
Human 6 gives a -5 to accuracy for any attack performed in the next action. When
Rezzer 6 sprinting, the character’s speed is tripled; however, this has a chance to
Vatian 5 fatigue you. You must beat a Fortitude save of number of times sprinted
since a long rest*level or take a point of fatigue. Players can jump feet
Deriban 5
horizontally equal to their DEX modifier (double the length for running
Gaizling 4 start.) or half as much for a vertical leap. Swim and crawl speed is half
Weight Limit your normal movement and climb is a quarter.
Str Light Medium Heavy Weight Limit
Every 5 pounds over your Heavy load means you take an additional
1 5 10 20
-1 to your Strength & Dexterity modifiers. When 50 pounds over your
2 10 20 40 Heavy load, you cannot move.
3 15 30 60
Weight Statistics
4 20 40 80
Statistics Light Medium Heavy
5 25 50 100
STR + DEX 0 -2 -4
6 30 60 120
Movement 0 1/2 1/4
7 35 70 140
8 40 80 160 Fall Distance
Everyone can survive half a square drop (5 feet). Above that the player
9 45 90 180
must roll an Acrobatics check against a 10+every half square dropped. On
10 50 100 200 a failed check take damage equal to 1d6*every hallf square dropped. Fall-
11 60 120 240 ing for half squares equal to your fall distance *10 means instant death.
12 70 140 280 Throwing Rules
13 80 160 320 If an object has a set range, like the shredder, use the object range listed.
The object range on a gun is for the bullets, not throwing the gun. Use
14 90 180 360
the formula below to throw a gun. When you are throwing an object
15 100 200 400 without a listed distance thrown use the formula below.
Equiping and Un-Equiping Throwing distance = Dex mod + Str mod + level - 1/2 object weight
It takes certain amounts of (rounded up to nearest whole number).
actions to equip and unequip For example, let’s say you are level 1, you have a Strength modifier of 2 &
items. It takes one action to equip/ a Dexterity modifier of 2. Add up your modifiers & level (5 in this exam-
un-equip a one handed weapon/ ple). The object you want to throw is a combat knife, which weighs .5 lbs.
side arm, two actions for a two The weight would be rounded up to 1 lb. Subtract the weight from your
handed weapon/rifle, five actions previous total (5 - 1 = 4). You would be able to throw it 4 squares.
for a heavy weapon or light armor, Now lets look at a slightly heavy object. Keep the same stats from the
ten actions for medium armor, and previous example but you are throwing a 5 lb object. Divide the object
twenty actions for heavy armor. A weight in half and round up (3). Subtract the weight from previous total
weapon can also be dropped as (5 - 3 = 2). You can only throw the 5 lb object 2 squares away.
an action to un-equip it. Damage of thrown object = Str mod + 1/2 object weight

Wielding Rules
Dex mod + Str mod + level > 1/2 object weight
If your Dexterity modifier combined with your Strength modifier and level is a larger number than the object
weight divided by 2 then you can wield it.
Holding Breath
If you’re ever in need to hold your breath, you can hold it for minutes equal to your CON mod. After this, you
take 50% max health as damage if you don’t succeed in a Fort check equal to 10*the number of rounds after
you ran out of breath. If you are unconcious and you need to breath, you have one round before you die.
Ages affect base stats depending on how old or young you are, see Age Statistics chart.
Age Statistics Race Child Teen Adult Elder
Stats Child Teen Adult Elder Ferdisian 20 - 30 31 - 50 51 - 160 161^
STR -2 0 0 -2
Human 8 - 12 13 - 20 21 - 50 51^
DEX +4 +1 0 -2
Vatian 10 - 15 16 - 23 24 - 60 61^
CON 0 0 0 -1
Deriban 7 - 11 12 - 19 20 - 40 41^
INT -1 +1 0 +1
Gaizling 5-9 10 - 14 15 - 20 21^
WIS -2 0 0 +4
CHA -2 -1 0 0

Crafting & Repairs

Examples of Crafting Skills - Hardware, Software, Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Armor, Shields, Ships/
Vehicles, Ship Weapons, Cooking, Tailoring, Art, Writing, Chemist, Masonry, Carpentry, and Metal Working
Every 10 materials used in crafting used to craft it rolls a 45 during • Masterwork devices & advanced
an item is a day worth of crafting its 1d100 roll, thus destroying the parts - 500 credits.
unless specified, making every 1 5 Alloy that was being used.). No • Masterwork parts - 1000 credits.
material an hour’s worth. A roll matter how many times you fail For crafting items, half the price of
for crafting must be made each without going over the half mark, the item you want to craft making
day rounded up, beating the given you will still have to craft it for this the amount of resources
score of the object being crafted. the amount of days needed (Ex. needed in credits, and make its
Items will need certain crafting You are crafting something that success roll per day equal to the
skills. A craft skill of robotics is takes 6 days and you have crafted closest cost of the part or device
needed to craft robots. Ask your it for 3 days and failed once, this rounded up (EX. Crafting a Combat
GM if it makes sense. would mean you still need to craft Knife would use 5 credits (5 P or
If the craft skill is below the for 3 more days.). In other words, 1 A) in materials and would thus
minimum success score more failures don’t count as a day need the min. success roll of a
than half of the days needed to crafted. A Critical counts as 2 days simple device). (The GM can also
craft the object, 1d100 is rolled for worth of crafting. change this so that drinks require
each material used and any set of Sell/Buy Cost liquids and clothing requires cloth
materials that receives below a 50 • Simple devices - 25 credits or hide. This, however, is up to the
is lost (Ex. An item that takes six • Moderate devices & simple parts GM’s discretion. One way of doing
days to craft is met with failure - 75 credits. it is likening those resources to
4 times, causing the object not the resources already in play. Ex.
• Advanced devices & moderate
to be made. A set of materials Water is the same as Plastics.)
parts - 175 credits.

A rule of thumb for resource Robots Operation:
collecting is that the larger an item, Simple - 50% Religion &
the more resources you’ll collect. If Moderate - 75%
you’re mining from a small meteor, Advanced - 100% Alignments
you’ll probably find 1d100 Alloy and Masterwork - 150%
1d10 Isotope Collecting resources Devices can be seen as objects Religions in Primus Star play
from mining is the best way to go like noise makers or bows for a role in the game to help you
about it. Resource collection is up simple or alarm clocks or cross understand how your character
to your GM. bows for moderate. Parts can be might interact with the world.
Anyone can create simple items seen as simple tools to repair with. Sometimes, people can be
but Scientists and Engineers can Take 20 actions per part to religious zealots, other times, they
use the upgrade pack feats to complete. Repair formula: 1d20 might just have religion to fit in
create more advanced items. + (simple: +8, moderate: +18, with a certain crowd. No matter
When creating robots use your advanced +50, masterwork: +100) what, a characters belief can be a
stats as a base for their stats. + Repair. view into the characters thoughts.
When doing so the level of the The higher your level, the harder While you choose a religion, think
robot shown below dictates the it is to craft, but you get faster, about who your character is and
percentage of your stats used. For decreasing the time by one day to their personality.
ex. A strength of 30 on a simple a minimum of one hour. (First level
robot would give the robot a is base time, second level begins Lawful Good (LG)
strength of 15. to see a decrease.) The hero of the state. They solve
problems and perform good within
jurisdiction of laws or codes.
Device/Part/Robot Min. Resources Needed
Success Good (G)
Simple Device (SD) 10*Level 5 P, 2 A The true hero. They will perform
Moderate Device (MoD) 15*Level 10 P, 10 I, 5 A good with a sense of honor,
making sure that their opponents
Advanced Device (AD) 20*Level 15 P, 15 I, 10 A, 2 HA
are ready for a fight.
Masterwork Device (MD) 30*Level 30 P, 20 I, 15 A, 10 HA
Simple Part (SP) 10*Level 15 P, 10 A Chaotic Good (CG)
The dark hero. They will perform
Moderate Part (MoP) 15*Level 30 P, 15 A
good in any way possible.
Advanced Part (AP) 20*Level 50 P, 30 A, 10 G, 5 HA
Masterwork Part (MP) 25*Level 80 P, 60 A, 20 G, 10 HA
Lawful Neutral (LN)
The normal citizen. They follow
Simple Robot 10*Level 4 SP, 1 SD
the laws while not performing any
Moderate Robot 15*Level 5 SP, 1 MoP, 1 SD, 1 MD real good or evil.
Advanced Robot 20*Level 5 MoP, 1 AP, 2 MoD, 1 AD
Neutral (N)
Masterwork Robot 30*Level 5 AP, 1 MP, 2 AD, 1 MD
The bystander. They will watch as
P - Plastics (1 Costs 1 credit. Very Common.) good or evil is being performed
I - Isotope (1 Costs 2 credits. Common.) and will not act because they are
A - Alloy (1 Costs 5 credits. Slightly Common.) on neither side.
G - Gas (1 Costs 10 credits. Uncommon.)
HA - Hardened Alloy (1 costs 15 credits. Rare.)

Chaotic Neutral (CN)
The wild card. They will save your
life one day and steal from you the
next, but will never act out of turn.
Lawful Evil (LE) God of Destruction & Combat.
The corrupt politician. They will CN, formed by Gaizlings.
Social Hierarchy of the Universe.
enact their laws in a political
CG, formed by Vatians.
position and will focus on their
silver tongue.

Evil (E)
The power hungry. They want to
simply become more powerful
than all others.
The Balance
Balance of All Things.
Chaotic Evil (CE) The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
N, formed by Vatians.
The one who just wants to watch
LG, formed by Humans.
the world burn. They will cause
pain and suffering to see the
universe crumble.

Teachings of the Wise. The Ancients
LG, formed by Humans. Judge, Destroy, & Create.
CG, formed by Ferdisians &
The Void
rediscovered by Rezzers.
The Lack of Everything
N, Formed by all.

The Words of the Prophet.
LG, formed by Humans.

The Akunai
Keeper of the End Times.
Gods of Knowledge & Intelligence.
N, formed by Deribans.
LN, formed by Ferdisians

The Pantheon of Philosophy .
LG, formed by Humans.

Vehicles have 4 main stats, Speed, and others perhaps become consumption being an action,
Control, Hull, and Power. engineers to manage the damage meaning a fusion beam must cool
to the ship. down after a shot for 10 actions
Speed because a fusion beam has power
How fast the vehicle can travel in 5 Pilot the ship by manning the consumption equal to 50. 50
seconds. For example, a transport Cockpit and leading your crew. divided by 5 equals 10. Ship and
ground vehicle can travel 10 You dictate the speed, where the vehicle weapons are considered
squares, or 50ft in 5 seconds. power will flow to, and must relay heavy weapons.

Control information to others. Will you

increase the speed to make it
How well the vehicle can be Repair parts of the ship by going
harder to hit you but in turn make
maneuvered. When looking at the to damaged rooms. Health restored
it more difficult for your gunners
ship stats the control number is is equal to the same equation as
to cause any damage to enemy
the amount of point you have normal repairs, 1d20 + (simple:
vessels? Will you stop the flow of
to beat with a 1d20 + control +8, moderate: +18, advanced +50,
power to the Med Bay when some
skill roll. When the roll is higher masterwork: +100) + Repair.. If the
crew needs it just so that you have
than the listed number, the extra engineer is feeling confident that
more power to run or damage
points become forfeit & the they won’t get damaged outside,
enemies? As captain, you must
vehicle is operating at maximum they can also repair the Hull of the
answer these questions and more.
functionality. The roll must equal ship in the hostility of space.
Your reflex also dictates your
half or more to properly drive it or Every empty room uses 5 power
initiative on movement versus the
perform actions. If the roll is below per day while a room upgrade
other ship. This means if you roll
half, the vehicle will stall. The 1d20 adds onto this power usage.
higher than the other captain, you
+ control skill also acts as the AC Combat rooms such as stealth,
& your crew will be able to act first.
of the vehicle. At the beginning of shield, or targeting only take up
each round you reroll the control Gunners power when active and drain
value. A damaged Cockpit or Fire at enemy ships and decide power each round. Out of combat,
Engine takes away 50% Control. what to damage. A room, gun, combat rooms drain power as if
the engines, maybe the cock pit empty with a base of 5 power
Hull usage per day.
where the pilot is, or just damage
HP of the vehicle
the entirety of the ship by going Each ship has similar distances
Power for the Hull? The health of rooms between each room, gun, engines,
and guns are equal to the power and cockpit. The cockpit takes up
Vehicle fuel capacity. Every square
consumption of that specific the space of the 1st room slot
of movement during combat or
item*5. The health of the engines and holds the ship exit, while the
shot fired subtracts 1 from the
and cockpit are equal to half of engines take up the last. Being
current power. Also, for every 5
the Hull. Damaging a specific room, one room slot down or above will
squares of movement will add a
gun, or anything without hitting mean you must travel 10 squares
-1 to accuracy and every 10 speed
the Hull will not damage the Hull. to get to that room. Guns find their
during movement will add a +1 to
The only way to destroy a ship is place in between rooms after the
AC. Accuracy on/in a vehicle is still
by damaging the Hull. Destroying first room. Refer to the chart on the
determined by regular means, eg.
specific things is only for tactical next page. For size, ships take up
1d20 + BAB.
purposes. The number of times giant*the number of rooms/guns
Ship combat you can fire a ship weapon is (including cockpit and engine)
still dictated by actions, however, found on the ship squares.
Needs a crew. One person acts as
ship weapons must cool down
the role of the captain, piloting the
equal to every 5 points in power
ship, while others act as gunners,
Room/ Distance than just one type of skill. Such as feelings toward the talker. If the
Slot/Gun from crafting a ship. person talking continues to try at
later dates and continues to fail,
Cockpit (Sq) The player might still be listening the same person will continue to
in on people, but now they might
1-Cockpit - have to collect information. So drop their feelings.
2-Room 1 10 they use Perception to listen in,
Insight to think about their words, Attitude Progression
3-Gun 1 20 Two successful checks can
and then they might need to go to
4-Room 2 30 a locked structure, use Computer influence a character to feel more
to bypass security, and then use trusting or accepting while two
5-Gun 2 40
Search to find specific files. In unsuccessful checks will cause a
6-Room 3 50 order to get the information, they player to become more hostile.
7-Gun 3 60 need to succeed in at least 2 of the Attitude Check
challenges. This would make it a penalty
8-Room 4 70
simple challenge.
9-Engines 80 Hostile -10*Defender Level
Active Skills Hate -5*Defender Level
Are skills that directly challenge
Skill Challenges another PC or NPC’s skill and is
Dislike -2*Defender Level

not a set easy or hard difficulty. Ambivalent -1*Defender Level

& Checks • Stealth VS Perception Like 0
• Disguise VS Insight
Skill Check If a person drops in their feelings
• Bluff VS Insight toward the talker when they are
A single roll to reach an instant
objective. Such as dodging a • Charm VS Will or Insight Hostile, all of the talkers Charisma
crashing ship. • Diplomacy VS Diplomacy, checks will be ignored until
A character rolls a check with Will, or Insight the next day. Hostility doesn’t
1d20 + the respective skill. There • Intimidate VS Will have to mean that they attack
are different skill difficulties When a Charisma based ability you depending on the situation.
based on the number the player is used successfully against a Everyone starts by feeling
has to beat to succeed. There are character then the character will Ambivalent towards you in a
very easy, easy, medium, hard, feel better about the player. Two calm environment. If the opposite
and very hard skill checks. These successful checks will change a person is an unwilling party, that
challenges equal to be 5, 10, 15, characters attitude about another person will be hostile. For instance,
20, and 25 respectively. There are character. If the second person if you were to ask someone to
levels along with this that multiply equals or gets above the first do something they don’t want to
the base score for the skill check. persons roll, that means they do, they are hostile towards your
For example, a level 1 easy check succeed and can choose to suggestion. If they aren’t directly
equals 10 while a level 15 easy ignore the first person or turn the opposed to the suggestion, but it
check equals 150. To beat a skill situation against the first person, still isn’t in their best interest, they
check, you must roll a number becoming the attacker instead of would hate it. If the suggestion
that equals at least one above the the defender. If the first person would inconvenience them, they
score. is ignored, they cannot try the would dislike it. If they have no
same skill check for an hour, but care for it one way or the other,
Skill Challenges they can try another. If they fail they would be ambivalent. If they
Multiple rolls to accomplish an a second time, the person they like the idea of it, you would take
objective, possibly using more were talking to will drop in their no penalty.

In Primus Star, people can get life insurance, plastic surgery, install enhancements, get special looks through
robotic means, or even buy themselves a clone to retain some of their own experiences.
Hospitals are the place to go to change up life. However, these services could also be found in other
establishments that might not be condoned by the law. Always be careful of what knife your being placed under.

External Surgery Cost Description

Eye Color Change 250 Change eye color to anything.
Gender Change 750 Change gender.
Gene Splicing 1500 Change race. Only appearance and vital statistics.
Hair Change 25 Change hair style and/or color.
Piercing 25 A piercing to place jewelry in ears, tongues, etc.
Plastic Surgery 750 Change appearance.
Surgical Accessory 250 A genetic/robotic accessory like cat ears or tails.
Surgical Accessory Bonus +500 Add a bonus to a surgical accessory like a +1 to a stat or a special quality like
a +1 to natural armor with GM’s approval.
Tattoo 50 Add a tattoo, double for a large tattoo.
Internal Surgery Cost Description
Enhancement Removal 3750 Remove enhancement.
Enhancement Surgery +1500 Add an enhancement.
Gene Mapping 1750 Reallocate all stat points.
Gene Overhaul 1250 Choose new primary class, feats, and abilities.
Gene Splicing 1500 Change race. Only race bonuses.
Other Cost Description
Heal Light Wounds 200 Heal 10% of max health.
Heal Moderate Wounds 500 Heal 25% of max health.
Heal Serious Wounds 1000 Heal 50% of max health.
Heal Critical Wounds 2000 Heal 100% of max health.
Heal Fatal Wounds 5000 Revive someone. Must be dead under 24 hours.
Limb Restoration 1500 Restore a severed limb.

Health Insurance Plans
Last one year.
Type Cost Description
Copper 500 Hospitals will give a 10% discount on healing.
Silver 1000 Hospitals will give a 20% discount on healing.
Gold 2500 Hospitals will give a 50% discount on healing.
Platinum 3500 Hospitals will give a 50% discount on everything.
Ebony 5000 Hospitals will give a 75% discount on everything.

Clone Plans
Clones do not hold any personal effects unless purchased for clone &
placed in a tactical containment unit with the clone. Clones starts with
only casual clothes. Clones also only have memories of the player at
purchase unless otherwise specified.
Grade Cost Description
J 1000 Clone retains levels up to level 3.
I 2000 Clone retains levels up to level 6.
H 3000 Clone retains levels up to level 9.
G 4000 Clone retains levels up to level 12.
F 5000 Clone retains levels up to level 15.
E 6000 Clone retains levels up to level 18.
D 7000 Clone retains levels up to level 21.
C 8000 Clone retains levels up to level 24.
B 9000 Clone retains levels up to level 27.
A 10000 Clone retains levels up to level 30.
S 20000 Clone retains all memories and levels prior to death.

Character Enhancements
Enhancements give benefits, but each race has a specific threshold for accepting the addition of enhancements
listed in the race descriptions.
Attachment Locations
• Head - brain activity
• Arms - strength
• Torso - toughness
• Legs - speed & agility
Because of the limit to the number of enhancements one can have, it is important to choose them carefully.
Once they’re in, they’re difficult to take out. It takes a pricy surgery to get rid of enhancements. To install an
enhancement you both have to pay for the surgery and the enhancement itself.
Enhancements with the same name stack using only one enhancement slot but must be taken in order.
Enhancements are deactivated with an EMP unless specified.

Head Enhancement Cost Description

Chronos Chip 1500 Adds one Standard Action to turn.
Code Processor 500 Adds +5 to Computer
Comm. Link 750 Speak through comm. channel while silent.
Intelligence Chip 750 Adds +2 to Intelligence.
Nav Chip 500 Keep track of location on planet’s surface or in universe.
Optic Scope 500 Adds 50 to range for guns and throwing weapons.
Re-breather 1000 Gives ability to breathe in poisons and water.
Sensory Chip 750 Adds +5 to Perception.
Social Chip 2250 Adds +2 to Charisma and be fluent in every popular language.
Tactical Optics V I 1000 Adds +2 to accuracy.
Tactical Optics V II 1500 Gives ability to see Night Vision and Thermal Vision.
Tactical Optics V III 2250 Gives ability to see through 2 feet of wall.
Arm Enhancement Cost Description
Hydraulic Limbs 1500 Add 1d10 to melee/unarmed damage. (Can be stacked)
Lock Mechanism 750 Adds +1 to accuracy.
Metallic Plates 1500 Punch through 2 feet of wall.
Strength Enhancer 1000 Adds +2 to Strength.

Torso Enhancement Cost Description
Cloak System 2750 Adds +20 to stealth when active.(Once/hour for 1 min.)
Dermal Plating 2000 Adds +2 DR. (Can be stacked)
Dermal Weave 1500 Adds +2 to Constitution.
Health System 2500 1d4 healing per two rounds.
Heat Sink 2500 Hides heat signature when active.(Once/hour for 1 min.)
Hyper Metabolism 1000 Adds one Standard Action to turn.
Magnetic Stabilizer 2250 Eliminates negative effects from EMPs.
Reflex Enhancer 1000 Adds +2 to Dexterity.
Leg Enhancement Cost Description
Quicksilver Thrusters 1250 Gives ability to sprint twice normal sprint speed.
Shock Absorption 1500 Gives ability to drop an extra 50 feet.
Silent Thrusters 2000 Gives ability to sprint silently.
Sole Dampeners 1500 Gives ability to walk/run silently, adding +5 to Stealth.
Thrust Jump 1250 Adds +5 to Acrobatics.

Variant Rules
Variant rules are used if you don’t Lower/Simple Skills Cyber Rejection
like the base rules of the game Trained skills instantly gain ranks Anytime cyberware is installed, the
or if you wish to have a different equal to the characters wisdom player must roll a fortitude check
type of game feel. Here are a few mod, not gaining the Wisdom mod and get a score higher than the
variants that we’ve made. Don’t again at later levels, and the player price of the cyberware divided by
hesitate to make your own! earns skill ranks only on every 10 (100 if using the base bonuses
even level. Player is not able to put variant) rounded up.
Base Bonuses skill ranks into a skill and have it
There are no AC, BAB, or Save equal more than their current level. Enviromental Effects
increases due to leveling. BAB Enemies skills equal the score The normal game has no set rules
equals your DEX mod and AC is divided by their CR rounded up. for getting too hot or too cold, but
calculated as normal and no other Skill challenge ratings are: Very you can use this rule for some-
additions are made unless through Easy=1, Easy=2, Medium=3, Hard=4, thing along those lines. Getting
powers, upgrades, or feats. Any feat Very Hard=5 and only goes up to too hot will cause the player to
that increases BAB can increase AC level five instead of thirty and has drink double the amount of liquid
instead. Bonuses are not multiplied 10 added to the base. Any skill per day and getting too cold will
by level. Enemies BAB, AC, DR, and challenge in an adventure module cause the player to eat double the
Saves equal the score divided by should be divided by 5 for any- amount of food needed per day.
their CR rounded up (AC gets +10). thing 5 to 50, 10 for 51 to 150, 20 If they do not, the normal rules
All rolls that require the level to for 151 to 400, and 25 for 401 and for not eating/drinking will set in.
be multiplied to it are now only at above, adding a base of 10 as nor- With this, add new clothes known
base (eg. Remove level multiplier mal for this variant. Best if used as warm clothes and light weight
from roll calculation.) with Base Bonuses. clothes to combat the environment
or double the effects of the other.

Health Stabilization for hours equal to the attackers
When health reaches 0, the player The player stops bleeding out. Strength score or 1 hour. Reaching
is knocked unconscious. When Achieved in 2 ways: half or below HP causes you to
their health goes below 0, they will 1. A healing kit is used and a take a point of fatigue and roll
bleed out, taking -1 HP per round Medic check equal to total a CMB VS CMD. If your CMD is
until they are stabilized. If more damage taken is reached. below attackers CMB roll, you are
than a quarter of health is lost in Any points of a Medic check knocked out for 1 minute. Upon
one round, you must succeed a above damage taken are waking, you have a quarter HP.
Fortitude saving throw of 20*level transferred as HP.
or get knocked unconscious for 1
2. A Fortitude saving throw that The score attackers have to beat
minute. If your health reaches half equals or gets above 15*Level.
your Constitution mod (min of 1) to hit you. A roll equal to your AC
in negatives, then you die. You are Non-lethal Damage is blocked but your armor takes
bloodied at half health. If double the damage. Calculated by a base
If your health reaches your
max health damage is taken, you of 10 + Armor, Natural Armor, and
Constitution score in negatives,
cannot be revived by any means. Dexterity modifier.
then you are simply passed out

2 Other AC Types: accuracy unless they are flatfooted. Damage Resistance (DR)
1. Flat footed - Character’s AC Decreases damage taken to
without Dexterity. Examples Melee Damage at least 1 point of damage. For
are if knocked down or taken Calculated by the damage specified example, if you have a DR of 10
off gaurd. for the weapon + strength mod and get damaged for 8 points,
2. Touch - AC without armor. DR + BAB for melee attacks. Melee you will only take 1 damage. Also,
not included. damage penetrates shielding. if you have a DR of 10 and get
When someone moves away from damaged for 23, you will only take
Shields a target and the target has a melee 13 damage. Shields do not have
Calculated by the type of shield weapon, that target has a chance DR.
equipped. Once shields are to perform an opportunity attack,
depleted, they no longer regenerate which is an attack on the targets Vulnerabilities
until after the encounter. When turn. Opportunity attacks function Cause double damage.
shields are active, others just need like other melee attacks.
to roll an accuracy that equals or Resistances
gets above your Touch AC to hit.
Ranged Damage Reduces damage by 1/2.
Damage dealt to shielding can Damage is based on the weapon
only pass through if damage is + BAB. Damage stacks if the dice Immunities
double the shield amount (ie. If rolls max, letting the user roll Negates all damage.
shield is 30 and damage dealt again to add to the damage. For
is 60, the target will take 30 HP example, if you are using a High Ailments
damage. 59 would deal no damage Powered Pistol and roll a 10 for » Fatigued
past shield.) You can have a total the 1d10 damage, you get to roll a Take -2*Level to all d20
number of shields equal to your 1d10 again. If you roll a 10 again, rolls. This stacks with every
CON score. roll again. Just keep rolling until point. When sprinting, you
you don’t get a ten, adding up all must make a Fortitude save
Accuracy the damage that is stacking on top against the number of times
1d20 roll + bonuses to hit a target. of each other. you have sprinted in a day
A critical on an accuracy roll is *Level. If you roll below the
an automatic hit and the damage Singularity Damage number, you take one point
dice is multiplied by the amount Halves target DR. of fatigue for that day. When
defined on the weapon chart. getting fatigued through
Botches, a roll of 1 (min of 1) or Energy Damage non-lethal attacks, you get
higher depending on the critical Double damage to Synths. a point of fatigue for a day
column in the weapon chart, must either when a quarter of your
Piercing Damage health is depleted in a round
be confirmed. A confirmation roll is
a d20+the crit fail you rolled. A Damages armor & the target or when your health is half
roll that is equal to or above a 15 way depleted. Being fatigued
Blunt Damage
means that the botch was just a a number of times equal to
Choose to deal non-lethal your CON mod means you
miss but the player’s turn ends.
or lethal damage. pass out for a day.
A roll that is below a 15 causes
critical damage-BAB to the player Slashing Damage » Sickened
and weapon. Being trained in a 1/2 accuracy and skill rolls.
Double damage to organics.
weapon decreases crit fail chance » Dazed/Prone
by 1/10 levels. If a target you are Unarmed Attacks You become flatfooted and
trying to shoot is adjacent to skip turns until you are no
Deal 1d4 nonlethal damage + Str
you, you are given a -5*Level to longer dazed/prone.
mod + BAB & have a critical of *2.

» Blinded Reflex saving throw. The person » Reflex
Take -2*Level to AC & -5*Level who gains the highest initiative Used for initiative or when
to accuracy and perception. or criticals goes first, while the trying to dodge the blast
Can no longer read (Except second highest goes second, third radius of an explosive that
Braille) goes third and so on. If initiative didn’t make a direct hit. This
» Flanked of two or more players tie, they Reflex save is successful if
When there are two attackers can either decide who goes before you roll above the accuracy
adjacent to the defender, the who or roll a d6 until one gets a of the shot. If the accuracy
defender becomes flatfooted. higher number than the other. was higher than your Reflex
roll or a critical, you take full
Combat Maneuvers Rounds damage. If the accuracy was
Focus on Combat Maneuver Bonus Are 5 seconds. In a round a person lower than your Reflex roll,
(CMB), and go against Combat can do standard actions equal to you take half damage.
Maneuver Defense (CMD). CMB is their Dex Mod. A Standard Action » Will
calculated with Str Mod + Reflex equals 2 Quick Actions, and a Quick Used to speed up the
+ bonuses. CMD is calculated with Action equals 2 Swift Actions. passage of ailments that
a base of 10 + Str Mod + Reflex was inflicted by Combat
+ bonuses. In order to achieve a
Standard Action Maneuvers. To end an ailment
maneuver, you must make a roll The amount of standard actions prematurely inflicted in this
of 1d20 + your CMB. If it equals you have are equal to your Dex way, you must make a Will
or gets above the targets CMD, Mod, with a min of 1. A Standard Save and have it equal or
then you are successful. If you Action is used when reloading a get above 10 + the CMB of
roll below their CMD, then you fail gun, moving, or attacking. the character that inflicted it
your attempt. Combat Maneuvers Some guns take longer to reload: unless it was caused by a
can be used to pick up, hold, pull Side Arms & One Handed Melee power.
back, knock down/prone, daze, Weapons takes 1 Standard Action.
sicken, or blind. When performing Rifles & Two Handed Melee Dual Wielding
maneuvers and succeeding, your Weapons take 2 Standard Actions. Means that the character can make
str mod signifies how long an Heavy Weapons take 3 Standard 2 attacks per Standard Action,
effect lasts. Holding someone or Actions. however, the second attack only
knocking them down could cause functions at half accuracy as a
them to not be able to perform a Quick Action negative effect unless specified.
Standard Action and make them A Quick Action is used when you Can be used with small melee
Flatfooted. The same could be said drink something, crouch, or hide. weapons or side arms as long
for picking them up, too, though as the sum of the weight of the
the amount they weigh will factor Swift Action 2 objects equals the proficiency
into this as you might not be able A Swift Action is used when equation found in Vital Statistics.
to lift them. Pulling someone back you say two words in character, BAB is always added to unarmed
could be used to stop targets from make hand motions, or pick up attack rolls. Unarmed attacks are
running away, but the amount something. counted as dual wielding but the
they weigh plays a factor in this second attack never takes the
as well. To throw someone, refer Saving Throws accuracy negative.
to the rules on throwing in the » Fortitude
Vital Statistics section. Used to stabilize from Stealth in Combat
bleeding out and combat When sneaking, if you shoot a
Initiative fatigue. gun, you must half your next
The play order. Calculated by a Stealth roll. Target is flat footed

when you are flanking, stealthed, Food devestated, The Collective Nations
or when they are knocked prone/ You must eat one ration or three were made to protect the people
dazed. meals per day if you are organic. the Republic couldn’t.
If you do not, then you will be
Creature Sizes:
Diminutive (a quarter square): +3 AC
fatigued and sickened the next day
and take -10 max health every day
Tiny (half a square): +2 AC
after (minimum of 1) until you eat. The Crimson Company
Small (one square): +1 AC
You must also drink twice a day Founded by Imgar, a general
Medium (one square): +0 AC
and sleep for 8 hours or suffer the of Gaizar during the War of
Large (one square): -1 AC
same effects. Refrigeration doubles Blood and Fire. He started the
Huge (4 squares): -2 AC
time before perishables are organization to try and continue
Giant (9 squares): -3 AC
destroyed. Not eating (or Charging the war between Gaizlings and
Gargantuan (16 squares): -4 AC
in the case of Rezzers) will result the other races. Now they are a
Focused Defense in death after 1 week. Not drinking bloodthirsty group seeking out
will result in death after 3 days. fortune and power.
Evey action used to Focus Defense
Charging anything, including
adds +2*Level to AC till next turn.
Rezzers, takes 5 fuel per hour. The Galactic Guard
Focused Attack The main military and security of
Charging The Republic. They recieve their
Evey action used to Focus Attack One EC equals one hour of charge
adds +2*Level to BAB till next turn. main income from company
investments. Obduro owns the
Overwatch Governments most stock in the military force
and runs a private military out of
Must have gun equipped and take
a full round action. Can shoot at a The Republic them.
moving target during their turn in The Republic was formed after the
your line of sight & range with a Deriban were found. Wars between Aegis Security Intel
-1*Level accuracy. Deriban tribes made it apparent A private security service that acts
that a galactic government was as a mercenary type group. They
Cover needed to keep the peace. are focused on the protection of
Grants a bonus +2*Level, 3*Level, corporations.
or 4*Level AC depending on the The Syndicate
nature of the cover (light, medium, After the war between the Regime of the Pure Blood
or heavy) and a +1*Level, 2*Level, Gaizlings and the other races were A group that views humans as
or 3*Level DR respectively. started, known as The War of the highest life form and all other
Burning Blood, the Syndicate was races as mere tools to further their
Disengage created and professed being a free goals. They are known to have
You can use an action to move a space for science, culture, and art some ties with The Syndicate.
square and avoid any oppurtunity to better the people as opposed
attacks from melee attackers.. to The Republic and their strict Ares Security
laws. It soon became an opposing Much like Aegis Security, this
Explosives government to the Republic that organization acts as a private
A sneak roll of 20*Level or higher crusaded against them. security service, only they focus
will allow the player to get close more on private class security for
to, or slip past, mines. Mines can The Collective Nations citizens.
be disabled through a successful Soon after the Sleepers broke
knowledge (explosives) roll. past the Rezzer’s main defenses
and many outer colonies were

CHAPTER 7: Enemies
For all enemies, they have a CR, and two are at CR 4. This would medium challenge is when CR’s
otherwise known as a Challenge make the CR for the party of these are equal or almost equal to the
Rating. The CR is a placeholder enemies 4.9. This would mean the APL. A difficult challenge is when
signifying what difficulty the task would be difficult to handle the CR is in the range one above
enemies should pose to the for our previous party, but there the APL. A very difficult challenge
characters. Characters should would still be hope of defeating would be a CR in between one
handle the average party’s level the odds. and 2.5 above the APL. Here is a
CR worth of difficulty. The average chart depicting challenges based
party is up to four players. For Difficulty CR on an APL of 4. For an APL of
example, you have four players, Very Easy 3 or lower 4, they should never really go
one is at level 2, one is at level Easy 3 against a CR above 6.
3, and two are at level four. This If the party has less than 4
Medium 4
would make the average party people, then subtract .5 from the
level 3.25. That would mean that a Difficult 5 APL for every person missing.
CR of 3.25 would be a difficult, but Very Difficult 5 or higher Add .5 for every extra person in
manageable encounter for them. the party above 4. Round up to .5
If there is more than one enemy With CR, there are ways to find a in the case of a two or one man
in an encounter, which would difficulty setting for your players. party at level 1. Also add this sum
be normal, then you would take If you want to throw a very to APL.
the highest of the enemies CR easy challenge at them, throw For Ship or vehicle combat, add .5
+ the other enemies CR ith the something with a CR lower than CR based on how many guns the
decimal moved to the left once one below their APL (average Ship or Vehicle has loaded and
and use that as the CR instead. For party level). An easy challenge is .1 CR for every 20 points in Hull
example, if you have four enemies, when a CR is in the rounded up.
one is at CR 2, one is at CR 3, range of one below their APL. A The number to the side of the
name with the two letters “XP” for skill points. 3d4 averaged is synth has one action and seven
next to it signifies how much 6. They are level 5. Six times five HP. Battalions have no shields..
experience is earned when it is equals 30. The enemy has 30 skill Battalions are meant to be used
defeated. Experience is divided points to allocate.) for more interesting encounters for
evenly with the party and is Enemies train in skills equal to lower level players.
rounded up. WIS mod like characters. Trained
The number to the side of the skills gain WIS mod times CR
name with the two letters “XP” rounded down to nearest whole
next to it signifies how much number points.
experience is earned when it is For every .25 CR, enemy gains a
defeated. Experience is divided +5 to HP. HP is calculated by (CON
evenly with the party and is Score*CR rounded up)+Averaged
rounded up. CON dice+Bonus.
All enemies have a crit fail chance
For every 1 CR, enemy gains a +1 to
of 1-3.
Natural Armor up to a max of +5
Anything with “Synth” in the title
Natural Armor.
of the enemy or has “considered
BAB = Averaged DEX dice (if it is a
a Synth” in the ecology of it, is
CR 5 enemy with a dex mod of 1,
subject to Synth effects.
that means the enemy has 5 dex
die or 5d1.. This averaged would
Enemy Creation be 2.5, or 2. points) * CR (must be
All enemies start with 78 points rounded down to nearest whole
to allocate into stats. They add number) + DEX mod
another point to allocate equal to
Experience is calculated by (All
their CR rounded down.
Stat scores such as STR, DEX, etc.
Enemies have 1 Power/Ability + HP + DR + BAB + AC + 5*number
and 1 Feat. They gain 1 Power/ of feats/abilities + Skills)*4
Ability and 1 Feat equal to their CR
Enemy Weapon and Armor
rounded down. Feat doesn’t have
condition both equal 5*CR rounded
to exist but should be balanced
for CR.
Enemy Power/Ability recharge
Enemies have 500 credits to start
equals the modifier for their
and 250 credits for every .5 CR
highest stat.
(.1-.4 has 500 credits and .5-.9
Ship experience is calculated by
has 750 credits). Enemies are
hull+power+speed+control added
considered to have infinite ammo
to the experince of the crew.
and so do not have to buy ammo.
You can create a battalion by
For every 1 CR, an enemy can put
dividing the enemy health and
a +1 in any score (DR, Shield, AC,
actions rounded down amongst
BAB, etc.) but this score cannot be
a group of the same enemy. This
a stat such as STR or WIS.
only gives experience as if you
CR equals enemy level. All rolls
were only fighting one and there
for leveling up should be averaged
can only be as many enemies
and multiplied by level instead
equal to the actions. For instance, a
of rolled (An enemy has a INT
Faulty Synth can be in a battallion
mod of 3, so they would roll 3d4
of 4, meaning each faulty
CR .5 CR 1
Faulty Synth (584 XP) Synth (612 XP) Synth Merc (672 XP)
A synth that seems to have A basic Obduro robotic lifeform with a A machine repaired from
lost all understanding. set program. constant battles.
Size: Medium Weight: 130 Size: Medium Weight: 150 Size: Medium Weight: 155
Ecology: Found in groups (2-10) or Ecology: Found in groups (2-10) or Ecology: Found in groups (2-10)
alone. Cannot be reasoned with. alone. Communicates in all popular or alone. Will most likely have
speech based languages and sign. mercenaries accompany them.
Speed STR 14 Communicates in all popular speech
Speed STR 11 based languages and sign.
5 18
DEX 6 18
BAB DEX Speed STR 11
9 CON 12 5 18
12 DEX
12 BAB
16 12 10
16 WIS INT 12
DR CHA 14 10
+4 22 WIS
2 Fort +1
1 Fort DR CHA 12
Shield Ref +5
Shield Ref +5
15 6 Fort +3
Will +0 25
Will +2 Shield +5
7 Ref
5 15
28 CMB Will +1
CMD 17 35
15 HP
Touch: 14 Flatfooted: 12 42
Touch: 14 Flatfooted: 10 15
Recharge: 1 Actions: 4
Recharge: 2 Actions: 4
Offense Offense Touch: 14 Flatfooted: 16
Range: 100 Range: 200 Recharge: 1 Actions: 4
Critical: 19-20*3 Critical: 19-20*3 Offense
Dam: 5d4 Energy Dam: 2d6/2d6 Energy Range: 110
Self Destruct: Has choice to explode, Self Destruct: Has choice to explode, Critical: 18-20*3
dealing 2d8 damage with a blast dealing 2d8 damage with a blast Dam: 3d6, Piercing
radius of 3. radius of 3. Self Destruct: Has choice to explode,
Feats: Weapon Expertise Feats: Advanced Chassis dealing 2d8 damage with a blast
Skills: Skills: radius of 3.
» Perception +3 » Perception +3 Feats: Weapon Expertise
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison » Insight +2 Skills:
Vulnerable: Cold, Fire Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison » Perception +2
Drops: Automatic Blaster, EC Suit, 1d20 Resistant: Piercing Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison
EC, 1d10 Plastics, & 1d6 Isotope Vulnerable: Cold Resistant: Piercing, Slashing
Drops: Laser Rifle, 1d20 EC, 150 Drops: Splinter, MP Suit, 1d20 Shards,
Credits, 1d10 Plastics, 1d10 Isotope, & 1d10 Plastics, 1d10 Isotope, & 1d6 Alloy
1d6 Alloy

CR 1.5
Synth Guard (640 XP) Holo Guard (644 XP) Protect Drone MK I (664 XP)
“Dead or alive you’re coming with me” A security hologram. Part of the Mark I series, this drone,
Size: Medium Weight: 150 Size: Medium Weight: N/A was made for security.
Ecology: Found in groups (2-6) or Ecology: Found in groups of two Size: Small Weight: 115
alone. Communicates in all popular or alone. Considered a Synth. Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or
languages. Communicates in all popular alone. Considered a Synth. Cannot be
languages. reasoned with.
Speed STR 10
Speed 10 Speed STR 10
6 14 STR
6 22 DEX 20
14 DEX
4 10 CON 10
14 CON
INT 10 9
12 INT 16
13 WIS 13
14 23 WIS 18
12 (small +1) CHA 10
4 Fort DR
+0 Fort +0
Shield +4
5 Fort
Ref 2
Shield +7 Ref +7
15 +3 Ref
Will 25
HP +2 Will +2
4 Will 25
38 7 CMB 7
CMD 30
17 CMD 17
CMD 40
Touch: 12 Flatfooted: 14
Recharge: 1 Actions: 2 Touch: 16 Flatfooted: 16 Touch: 15 Flatfooted: 10
Offense Recharge: 2 Actions: 6 Recharge: 2 Actions: 5
Range: Melee Offense Offence
Critical: 19-20*3 Range: Melee Range: 225
Dam: 1d4+1, Energy, Non-Lethal, Critical: 19-20*3 Critical: 19-20*3
Daze on hit Dam: 1d4/1d4, Energy, Non- Dam: 1d8/1d8, Piercing
Feats: Alert Leathal, Daze on hit Fly: This enemy can fly freely equal to
Class Abilities: Shield 1 Holo: All attacks are touch based, its movement speed,
Skills: Glitch: Can teleport movement speed Targeting System: Enemy adds a +1 to
without using an action twice every BAB for each consecutive hit against
» Perception +4
round, avoids Overwatch. a single target.
» Insight +5
Skills: Skills:
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison
» Insight +4 » Perception +8
Resistant: Piercing, Slashing
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
Drops: Shock Baton with
Resistant: Piercing, Slashing Radioactive
Sharpened(1), Security Suit, 1d20 EC,
125 Credits, 1d10 Plastics, 1d10 Isotope, Vulnerable: Energy Resistant: Piercing, Slashing
& 1d6 Alloy Drops: Shock Baton with Vulnerable: Cold
Sharpened(1), Security Suit, 1d20 EC, Drops: 2d20 Light, 1d10 Plastics, 1d10
125 Credits, 1d10 Plastics, 1d10 Isotope, Isotope, & 1d6 Alloy
& 1d6 Alloy

CR 2
Crimson Company Merc Human (880 XP) Deriban (960 XP)
A mercenary group Size: Medium Weight: 160 Size: Small Weight: 130
known for their ruthlessness.
Speed STR 12 Speed STR 10
Ecology: Found in groups (2-15).
Communicates in own racial language 6 18 5 22
and sign. BAB BAB
CON 12 CON 12
Gaizling (904 XP) 10 11
Size: Small Weight: 120 INT 14 INT 14
Speed 12 WIS 12 WIS 12
STR 19 25
4 DR CHA 12 (Small +1) CHA 10
DEX 20
BAB +2 DR +1
CON 14 2 Fort Fort
15 Shield 8
14 Ref +6 Ref +8
INT Shield
AC 25
10 Will +2 Will +1
22 WIS HP 25
(small +1) 10 CMB 7 CMB 8
DR +5 CMD 17 68 CMD 18
Ref +7 Touch: 14 Flatfooted: 13 Touch: 16 Flatfooted: 14
+0 Recharge: 2 Actions: 4 Recharge: 2 Actions: 6
Offense Offense
CMB 8 Range: 900 Range: 10, Melee
76 CMD 18 Critical: 18-20*5 Critical: 18-20*2
Dam: 2d6, Energy, Silenced Dam: 1d4+3 Energy
Touch: 15 Flatfooted: 14 Feats: Gunner, Hidden Feats: Animal Senses, Hidden
Recharge: 1 Actions: 5 Class Abilites: Blood Lust 2 Class Abilites: Blood Lust 1, Drone 1
Offense Skills: Skills:
Range: 150 » Perception +6 » Perception +11
Critical: 19-20*3 » Insight +3 » Search +11
Dam: 2d8*2/2d8*2 Energy » Stealth +12 » Stealth +6
Offense 2: Frag Grenades (10) Drops: LSLR with Silencer, Plasma Drops: Plasma Whip with
Range: 7 squares. Baton, Grey Suit, 2d20 EC, 2d20 EC+, & Sharpened(1) and Weighted(1), Tactical
Feats: Gunner, Cut Throat 25 Credits Suit, 2d20 EC+, & 25 Credits
Class Abilites: Blood Lust 2
» Perception +3
» Insight +2
Drops: Plasma Rifle, Tactical Suit,
2d20 EC+, & 115 Credits

Vatian (876 XP) Synth Infantry (940 XP) Pirate Soldier (872 XP)
Size: Small Weight: 135 A machine ready for war. “Pirates only care about one thing,
Size: Medium Weight: 150 and it probably isn’t your life.”
Speed STR 14 Ecology: Found in groups (2- Size: Medium Weight: 155
5 15). Communicates in all popular Ecology: Found in groups (2-6)
DEX 14
languages. or alone. Communicates in two
BAB languages, including their own racial
CON 10
Speed STR 10 language, and sign.
INT 14 5
Speed STR 10
20 CON 12 6
13 DEX 18
(Small +1) CHA 16
Fort +2
WIS 12 10
8 25 INT 16
Ref +4 AC
Shield DR CHA 12
WIS 12
Will +5 20
25 16 Fort +3
CMB 5 Shield
HP Ref +7
8 Fort +0
60 CMD 15 25
Will +2
Shield Ref +7
Touch: 12 Flatfooted: 14 CMB 7 25
68 Will +7
Recharge: 2 Actions: 2
Offense CMB 7
Range: Melee 17
Touch: 14 Flatfooted: 17 CMD
Critical: 18-20*3 Recharge: 2 Actions: 4
Dam: 2d6+2/2d6+2 Energy Offense Touch: 13 Flatfooted: 14
Feats: But My Aim Is Getting Better, Range: 225 Recharge: 2 Actions: 4
Working Attitude Offensive
Critical: 19-20*4
Class Abilites: Blood Lust 1, War Cry 1 Range: 100
Dam: 1d8*2/1d8*2, Piercing
Skills: Critical: 19-20*4
Feats: Gunner, Military Training
» Perception +10 Dam: 2d10*2, Slashing
Class Abilites: Adrenaline 2
» Insight +3 Feats: Pilot Academy, Gunner
» Intimidate +10 Class Abilites: Blood Lust 1, Shield 1
» Perception +13
Drops: CLS with Aerodynamic(1), Skills:
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison
Tactical Suit, 2d20 EC+, & 150 Credits
Resistant: Piercing, Slashing » Perception +5
Drops: Assault Rifle with Laser » Control +15
Sight(1), Trooper Armor, 2d20 Light, Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison
2d8 Plastics, 1d12 Isotope, & 1d10 Alloy Resistant: Piercing, Slashing
Drops: Splitter with Tactical Grip(1),
Tactical Suit, 2d20 Shards, 125 Credits

CR 2.5
Crimson Company Merc Human (980 XP) Deriban (1000 XP)
Lieutenant Size: Medium Weight: 160 Size: Small Weight: 130
This battle worn mercenary seems
Speed STR 10 Speed STR 10
like they’ve been through a lot on
account of all the scars. 5 16 5 22
Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or BAB BAB
alone. Found with a group of Crimson CON 10 CON 10
Company Mercs. Communicates in all 10 14
INT 16 INT 14
popular languages. AC AC
WIS 14 WIS 14
Gaizling (1008 XP) 23 25
DR CHA 14 (Small +1) CHA 10
Size: Small Weight: 155
+1 DR +0
Speed 10
17 Fort Fort
STR 15
Shield Ref +6 Ref +8
2 18
DEX 25 Shield
BAB Will +4 Will +2
CON 12 25
7 CMB 6 CMB 6
INT 14 70 HP
AC 16 16
14 CMD 70 CMD
24 WIS
(small +1) 12 Touch: 13 Flatfooted: 17 Touch: 16 Flatfooted: 17
CHA Recharge: 2 Actions: 4 Recharge: 2 Actions: 6
DR +2
Fort Offense Offense
16 Range: 10 Range: 120
Ref +6
Shield Critical: 18-20*3 Critical: 18-20*3
Will +3
15 Dam: 2d6+2*2, Piercing, Blunt Dam: 2d8*2, Energy, Silenced
CMB 6 Feats: Gunner, But My Aim Is Getting Offense 2
Better Range: 10, Melee
78 CMD 16
Class Abilites: Blood Lust 2 Critical: 18- 20*2
Touch: 14 Flatfooted: 18 Skills: Dam: 1d4, Energy
Recharge: 1 Actions: 3 » Perception +8 Feats: Gunner, Sneak Attack 1
Offense » Control +17 (-2) Class Abilites: Blood Lust 1, Drone 1
Range: 145 Drops: Shotgun with Short Barrel(1), Skills:
Critical: 19-20*3 CQC Armor, 2d20 Shells, 50 Credits » Perception +10
Dam: 2d8+2*2/2d8+2*2, Energy » Repair +6 (Has 10 Mod. Parts)
Feats: Pilot Academy, Gunner » Stealth +10 (-2)
Class Abilites: War Cry 2 Drops: Phazer with Silencer, Plasma
Skills: Whip, CQC Armor, 2d20 EC+, 75 Credits
» Perception +9
» Control +18 (-4)
Drops: Plasma Rifle with Short
Barrel(1), EOD Armor, 2d20 EC+, 165

Vatian (952 XP) Speed STR 10 Speed STR 10
Size: Small Weight: 135 6 5
DEX 18 DEX 20
Speed STR 10 BAB BAB
CON 10 CON 10
5 20 12/10 10
CON 10
WIS 14 WIS 16
10 20 26
INT 14
WIS 14
22 8 Fort +0 15 Fort +0
(Small +1) CHA 12 Shield Ref +7 Shield Ref +10
DR +0
Fort 25
Will +9 25
Will +11
Ref +7 HP HP
+3 70 70
Will CMD 18 CMD 17
HP Touch: 14 Flatfooted: 14 Touch: 15 Flatfooted: 17
70 CMD 17 Recharge: 2 Actions: 4 Recharge: 2 Actions: 5
Offense (BAB 12) Offense
Touch: 15 Flatfooted: 14 Range: 150 Range: 100
Recharge: 2 Actions: 5 Critical: *2 Critical: 19-20*3
Offense Dam: 3d4*2/3d4*2, Piercing Dam: 5d4, Energy
Range: 900 Offense 2 (BAB 10) Anti-Social: Others take a -10 when
Critical: 18-20*5 Range: 60, Melee trying to use a charisma skill check
Dam: 2d6*2, Energy, Silenced Critical: *3 against you while you take a -5 when
Offense Dam: 1d8 trying to perform a charisma check
Range: Melee against someone else.
Feats: Pilot Academy, Gunner
Critical: 19-20*2 Counter: If enemy misses, you are
Class Abilites: Blood Lust 2
Dam: 2d6*2, Energy, Non-lethal, given a chance to attack. If you hit
Skills: and damage them equal to their AC
Daze on hit
» Perception +12 or more, you end their turn.
Feats: Gunner, Hidden
» Control +13 Class Abilites: Adrenaline 2
Class Abilites: Blood Lust 2
Drops: SMG with Laser Sight(1) and Skills:
Skills: Tactical Grip(1), Shredder, Tactical Suit, » Perception +12
» Perception +10 2d20 Light, 1d20 Oil, 55 Credits
» Insight +9
» Stealth +18
Drops: LSLR with Silencer(1), Shock
Syndicate Synth (968xp) Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison
Baton, Tactical Suit, 2d20 EC, 200 Credits A synth painted in dark tones said Resistant: Piercing, Slashing
to be created by the mysterious Drops: Automatic Blaster with Laser
Pirate Lieutenant (940xp) Syndicate organization. Sight(1), Trooper Armor, 2d20 EC, 200
A pirate with as many Size: Medium Weight: 150 Credits, 2d8 Plastics, 1d12 Isotope,
stories as tricks. Ecology: Found in groups (2- & 1d10 Alloy
Size: Medium Weight: 165 15). Communicates in all popular
Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or languages.
alone. Mostly found with a group of
Pirate Soldiers. Communicates in two
languages, including their own racial
language, and sign.

Synth Assault Unit (1,056 Synth Espionage Indoctrinated (920 XP)
XP) Unit (1,008 XP) A grey husk of a being lumbers
A synth designed for A synth designed with toward you, its skin cold and eyes
heavy combat use. a stealth protocol. dead. The Sleepers have gotten to
them before they could find safety
Size: Medium Weight: 150 Size: Medium Weight: 150
Size: Medium Weight: 200
Ecology: Found in groups (2-6) or Ecology: Found in groups
alone. Communicates in all popular (2-4) or alone. Communicates Ecology: Found in groups (2-15) or
in all popular languages. alone. Considered a Synth. Cannot be
Speed STR 10 reasoned with.
5 18
DEX Speed STR 12
Speed 20
18 6
CON DEX 20 7 20
WIS 12 INT 14 11
25 AC INT 16
10 AC
DR CHA 21 WIS 16
21 WIS
19 Fort +4 DR CHA 10
Shield Ref +10 8 Fort +1
8 Fort +4
15 +1 Shield
Will Ref +10 Shield +8
HP Ref
10 None
CMB Will +3 30 +14
102 HP Will
70 CMB 12
17 66
Touch: 14 Flatfooted: 19 CMD 22
Recharge: 1 Actions: 4
Touch: 15 Flatfooted: 14 Touch: 15 Flatfooted: 14
Recharge: N/A Actions: 5 Recharge: 5 Actions: 5
Range: 10
Offense Offense
Critical: 18-20 *3
Range: Melee Range: Melee
Dam: 2d6+2*2, Piercing, Blunt
Critical: 18-20 *2 Critical: *2
Counter: If enemy misses, you are
given a chance to attack. If you hit Dam: 2d6+2, Energy Dam: 1d6+5/1d6+5 Blunt
and damage them equal to their AC Feats: Hidden, Working Attitude Control: Can perform a touch attack.
or more, you end their turn. Class Abilites: Silent 1, Shield 1 If successful, can roll Will VS Will.
Feats: Gunner Skills: If this is successful, gives ability
Class Abilites: Shredder Rounds 1, » Perception +14 to take control of target for 1d4
Adrenaline 1 » Insight +9 rounds
Skills: » Stealth +16 Feats: Animal Senses, Working
» Perception +7 Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, Attitude, Always Armed
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, Piercing Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, EMP
Piercing Resistant: Slashing Resistant: Piercing
Resistant: Slashing Drops: Arc Spear with Smart Skills:
Vulnerable: Energy System(1) and Tactical Grip(1), Tactical
» Perception +13
Drops: Shotgun with Short Barrel(1), Suit, 2d20 EC, 15 Credits, 2d8 Plastics,
1d12 Isotope, 1d10 Alloy, » Search +7
Juggernaught, 2d20 Shells, 50 Credits,
2d8 Plastics, 1d12 Isotope, 1d10 Alloy, & 1d6 Gas Drops: Tactical Suit, 175 Credits, 1d10
Plastics, 1d8 Alloy, & 1d6 Gas
& 1d6 Gas

CR 3
Crimson Company Merc Pirate Captain (1,388 XP) Syndicate Guard (1,172 XP)
Juggernaught (1,104 XP) This individual has a strange, A well trained guard protecting the
charming quality. They also have a secrets of the Syndicate
A hulking mass rushes toward you,
deadly presence, however. Size: Medium Weight: 150
intending to decimate you
Size: Medium Weight: 170 Ecology: Found in groups (2-10).
Size: Small Weight: 155
Ecology: Found in groups of two or Most likely protecting Syndicate
Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or
alone. Mostly found with a group of property. Communicates in all
alone. Found in groups of Crimson
Pirate Soldiers. Communicates in all popular languages.
Company Mercs, most of the time
popular languages.
with a Lieutenant or protecting a Speed 10
Captain. Communicates in STR
Speed STR 10
all popular languages. 5 20
6 18
Speed 22 DEX BAB
3 CON 11 12
DEX 18 15 INT 14
12 AC
11 INT
25 WIS 14
10 WIS 18
INT 10 21 CHA 10
WIS 12 20 Fort +1
13 Fort +0
(Small +1) CHA 10 Shield Ref +7
DR Shield Ref +5
+6 25
Fort 25
Will +12
27 Will +8 HP
Ref +4 CMB 7
Shield HP
CMB 5 105
Will +1 93 CMD 17
15 15
HP CMB Touch: 15 Flatfooted: 16
19 Touch: 14 Flatfooted: 14 Recharge: 2 Actions: 5
93 CMD
Recharge: 2 Actions: 4 Offense
Touch: 14 Flatfooted: 19 Offense Range: 200
Recharge: 1 Actions: 4 Range: 145 Critical: 19-20 *3
Offense Critical: 19-20 *3 Dam: 2d6*2/2d6*2, Energy, +1d4
Range: 175 Dam: 2d8+2/2d8+2, Energy , Poison ,
Critical: *3 Feats: Pilot Academy, Quick Witted, Anti-Social: Others take a -10 when
Dam: 4d10+4*2, Blunt, Missiles Expert trying to use a charisma skill check
Offense 2 Class Abilites: Blood Lust 2, War Cry 1 against you while you take a -5 when
Skills: trying to perform a charisma check
Range: 175
against someone else.
Critical: 18-20 *3 » Perception +16
Feats: Alert, Gunner
Dam: 2d6+10, Energy , » Control +21
Class Abilites: Adrenaline 2, Disruptor
Feats: Working Attitude, Weapon » Bluff +17
Rounds 1
Finesse, Gunner » Charm +17
Class Abilites: Blood Lust 2, War Cry 1 » Stealth +16
» Perception +10
Skills: » Insight +7
» Insight +10
» Perception +4 Drops: Plasma Rifle with Laser
Drops: Laser Rifle with Thermal
Class Abilites: Blood Lust 2, War Cry 1 Sight(1), Tactical Grip(1), and Short
Chamber(1) and Laser Sight(1), MP
Drops: RPG, CLS, 3d20 Misiles, 3d20 Barrel(1), Tactical Suit, 3d20 EC+,
Suit, 3d20 EC, & 25 Credits
EC+ Juggernaught, & 150 Credits & 15 Credits

Size: Medium Weight: 150
Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or
DR Fort +5 alone. Considered a Synth. Cannot be
13 reasoned with.
Ref +15
Shield Speed 14
Will -3 STR
None 8
15 DEX 16
25 CON 16
102 CMD 9
INT 14
Touch: 29 Flatfooted: 13 WIS 12
Recharge: N/A Actions: 9
Range: Melee 12 Fort +5
Critical: *2 Shield Ref +5
Dam: 2d6+13/2d6+13,
None +8
Slashing, +8d4 Poison Will
Parasite: When HP
successfully grappling 126
a target with CMB, inject a CMD 18
parasitic organism down the
targets throat, dealing 2d8 damage Touch: 23 Flatfooted: 10
per round and making the character Recharge: N/A Actions: 3
Lurker (1,264 XP) sickened for 1d4 hours. A roll of 20 Offense
Medic with a Med Kit will stop the
An animal that drools at the mouth. Range: Melee
effects of the parasite. Only works on
Its eight eyes pierce through the Critical: *2
organic targets. Can only use once per
darkness it stalks in. A parasitic Dam: 1d6+1d10+5/1d6+1d10+5,
organism rests within its body,
Consume: If someone is killed with Blunt
waiting to be ejected into an organic,
to kill for its master. the Lurker’s parasite, the Lurker can Fragmented: Can shut down Synths
consume the corpse to restore 2d8+5 in a 3 square radius from itself for
Size: Small Weight: 105
HP and the use of its Parasite special. 1d4 rounds on a successful Will VS
Ecology: Found in groups (2-3) or Will check. Can only use once per day.
alone. Mostly found on the Deriban Claws: Unarmed attacks are lethal
and cause 2d6 damage. Relay: Can teleport double its speed
home world, marking its origin there.
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Animal as one standard action once per
Cannot be reasoned with.
Senses, Hidden round, causing over watch to be
Speed 18 ineffective.
STR Skills:
» Perception +9 Feats: Always Armed, Body and Mind,
6 28
DEX Working Attitude, Weapon Finesse
BAB » Search +6
CON 12 Skills:
» Stealth +15
20 » Perception +10
12 Vulnerable: Cold
INT Immune: Sickness, Fatique, Poison,
WIS 12 Shell (1,148 XP) Radioactive, Piercing
An organic that has lost their mind Resistant: Slashing
(Small +1) CHA 1
due to enhancement. It seems as if its Drops: 3d10 Plastics, 3d10 Isotope, &
angered, or maybe confused? 3d6 Alloy

CR 3.5
Abomination (1,296 XP) Asteroid (1,784 XP)
A creature, or experiment, that seems Rocks found in space.
to have been created by some other Size: Large Weight: 595
alien race that history has forgotten.
They vaguely seem human, with grey, Speed STR 30
hairless skin and large, black eyes.
6 30
Size: Medium Weight: 135 DEX
Ecology: Found in groups (2-5) or BAB
CON 22
alone. Cannot be reasoned with. 50
Speed 20 AC
26 WIS
6(+2) 30
DEX (Large -1) N/A
15 Fort +16
INT 1 86
AC Ref +10
WIS 16 Shield
35 Will N/A
1 None
10 Fort +17
172 CMD 30
Shield Ref +15
30 -1 Touch: 20 Flatfooted: 10
HP Recharge: N/A Actions: 10
CMB 11
136 Offense
CMD 21 Range: N/A
Touch: 30 Flatfooted: 12 Critical: 19-20*4
Recharge: 5 Actions: 10 Dam: 1d8*10 Blunt
Offense (AC 35 - Psychic +2, +5 at Rock Solid: Half of max HP is added
Half HP) to DR.
Range: Melee Feats: Weapon Expertise x5
Critical: *2
Dam: 1d6+5/1d6+5, Blunt , Huge Asteroid (2,072 XP)
Psychic: Gains a +2 accuracy and AC. Rocks found in space.
This bonus increases to +5 at half Size: Huge Weight: 1595
Speed STR 22
Counter: If enemy misses, you are
given a chance to attack. If you hit 8 30
and damage them equal to their AC BAB
or more, you end their turn. CON 30
Feats: Alert, Working Attitude, Fast 50
Metabolism, Always Armed AC
Skills: WIS N/A
» Perception +14 (Huge -2) N/A
Immune: Sickness, Poison, DR
Radioactive Fort +16
Vulnerable: Fire, Cold 110
Ref +10
Drops: RZ Suit, & 3d20 Isotope
Shield N/A Sleeper Protector (1,636 XP) Resistant: Slashing
A piece of sleeper tech meant solely Drops: Phazer*2 with Short Barrel(1),
None 16
CMB for protecting the advanced race. 3d20 EC+, 200 Credits, 1d20 Plastics,
HP Strangely, the sleepers treat them as 1d12 Isotope, 1d10 Alloy,
CMD 26
220 pets & 1d6 Gas
Size: Small Weight: 115 Synth Captain (1,248 XP)
Touch: 20 Flatfooted: 10
Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or A heavily combat hardened Synth
Recharge: N/A Actions: 10
alone. Most likely protecting Sleeper meant for the leadership role.
Offense property or roaming abandoned/
Range: N/A Size: Medium Weight: 155
destroyed sleeper ships. Considered a
Critical: 19-20*4 Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or alone.
Synth. Communicates in Sleeper.
Most likely leading a troop of Synths.
Dam: 1d8*6 Blunt
Speed STR 10 Communicates in all popular languages.
Rock Solid: Half of max HP is added
to DR. 6(+2) 24
DEX Speed STR 10
Feats: Weapon Expertise x5 BAB
CON 28 6 18
Gargantuan Asteroid (2,072 INT 20 BAB
XP) 1 12
29 WIS INT 14
Rocks found in space. AC
Size: Gargantuan Weight: 200595 (Small +1) CHA 4 16
24 WIS
DR +9
Speed STR 30 Fort DR CHA 12
14 13
DEX 22 Ref +12 +5
13 Fort
BAB -6
CON 30
Will Shield Ref +6
INT N/A CMB 3 30 +9
AC HP Will
13 HP
22 WIS N/A 208 CMD CMB 6
(Garg -4) CHA N/A Touch: 17 Flatfooted: 16 16
DR Recharge: 2 Actions: 7
Fort +16 Touch: 17 Flatfooted: 24
110 Recharge: 5 Actions: 4
Ref +10 Range: 115
Shield Critical: 18-20 *3 Offense
Will N/A Range: 150
None Dam: 2d8+2/2d8+2, Energy ,
CMB 16 Counter: If enemy misses, you are Critical: 19-20 *3
given a chance to attack. If you hit Dam: 2d8*2/2d8*2, Energy
220 CMD 26
and damage them equal to their AC Offense 2
Touch: 16 Flatfooted: 10 or more, you end their turn. Range: Melee
Recharge: N/A Actions: 6 Feats: Alert, Body and Mind, Fast Critical: 18-20 *3
Offense Metabolism, Ambidextrous Dam: 2d8, Energy ,
Range: N/A Classes Abilities: Sheild 1 Feats: Gunner, Pilot Academy, Military
Critical: 19-20*4 Skills: Training
Dam: 1d8*10 Blunt » Perception +26 Class Abilites: War Cry 3
Rock Solid: Half of max HP is added » Insight -2
to DR. Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
Feats: Weapon Expertise x5 Piercing, Radioactive

Skills: AC 14
» Perception +12 32
CHA 10
» Insight +12
» Control +25 Fort +4
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue,
Ref +13
Poison, Piercing, EMP Shield
Resistant: Slashing 25 Will +7
Drops: Plasma Rifle, CLS,
3d20 EC+, 40 Credits,
2d8 Plastics, 152 CMD 23
1d12 Isotope,
& 1d10
Touch: 25 Flatfooted: 13
Recharge: 2 Actions: 10
Range: 150
Critical: 19-20 *3
Dam: 2d8*2/2d8*2 Energy
Offense 2: Plasma Grendes (10)
Feats: Hidden, Gunner, Body and Mind
Class Abilites: Dome Inspector 4
» Perception +20
» Stealth +15
» Insight +12
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
Radioactive, Piercing, EMP
CR 4 Resistant: Slashing, Energy damage
is halved for the first five hits of an
Sleeper (1,624 XP) energy weapon.
You feel a silent chill wash over Drops: Plasma Rifle, RZ Suit with
you as you gaze at this killing Reflection Plates(1), 4d20 EC+, 1d20
machine. Plastics, 90 Credits, 1d12 Isotope, 1d10
Size: Medium Weight: 155 Alloy, & 1d6 Gas.
Ecology: Found in groups
(2-15). Considered a
Syndicate Assassin (1,420 XP)
“If you see the secrets of the
Synth. Communicates
Syndicate, you won’t see it for long.”
in Sleeper and Rezzer.
Size: Medium Weight: 150
Speed STR 10 Ecology: Found in groups of 2 or
alone. Communicates in all popular
7 30
DEX languages.
CON 14
INT 16

Speed STR 10 Syndicate Biotic (1,648 XP) Syndicate Soldier (1,444
6 20
A being shrouded in a dark aura. XP)
DEX Size: Medium Weight: 150 A silent soldier with a soul piercing
BAB 10
CON Ecology: Found in groups (2-6) or stare.
13 alone. Communicates in all popular Size: Medium Weight: 155
INT 14
AC languages. Ecology: Found in groups (2-15) or
WIS 16 alone. Communicates in all popular
23 Speed STR 12
CHA 12 6 Speed STR 14
6 20
20 Fort +5 BAB
10 DEX
Shield Ref +7 14 CON 12
INT 20 14/13
30 AC 16
Will +10
18 INT
CMB 7 WIS 12
DR CHA 10 29
CMD 17 DR CHA 10
16 Fort +11
Touch: 15 Flatfooted: 14 24 Fort +3
Shield Ref +39
Recharge: 5 Actions: 5 25 Shield Ref +8
Will +38
Offense 30
HP Will +1
Range: 900 CMB 40
120 HP
Critical: 18-20 *5 CMB 9
CMD 50 136
Dam: 2d6*2, Energy 19
Touch: 12 Flatfooted: 14 CMD
Offense 2
Range: Melee Recharge: 2 Actions: 2 Touch: 15 Flatfooted: 16
Critical: 19-20 *2 Offense Recharge: 5 Actions: 5
Dam: 1d4+2, Energy, Non-lethal, Range: 75 Offense (BAB 14)
Daze on hit Critical: 19-20 *4 Range: 150
Anti-Social: Others take a -10 when Dam: 2d12, Piercing, Slashing Critical: 19-20 *3
trying to use a charisma skill check Offense 2 Dam: 2d8*2, Energy
against you while you take a -5 when Range: Melee Offense 2 (BAB 13)
trying to perform a charisma check Critical: 19-20 *2
against someone else. Range: Melee
Dam: 1d4+1, Energy, Non-lethal, Critical: 19-20 *2
Feats: Hidden, Gunner, Sneak Attack 1 Daze on hit
Class Abilites: Adrenaline 2, Be the Dam: 1d4+2, Energy, Non-lethal,
Feats: Smart Mouth, Working Attitude, Daze on hit
Bullet 1, Shield 1 Painful Memories, Quick Witted
Skills: Anti-Social: Others take a -10 when
Class Abilites: Vortex 2, Blind 1, Pull 1 trying to use a charisma skill check
» Perception +20 Skills: against you while you take a -5 when
» Insight +15 » Perception +46 trying to perform a charisma check
» Stealth +22 » Insight +36 against someone else.
Drops: LSLR, Shock Baton with » Diplomacy +9 Counter: If enemy misses, you are
Weighted(1), Tactical Suit, 4d20 EC+, given a chance to attack. If you hit
4d20 EC, & 100 Credits » Bluff +9
and damage them equal to their AC
» Intimidate +9
or more, you end their turn.
» Charm +9
Feats: Working Attitude, Gunner
Drops: Nano Controller with Smart
Class Abilites: Shredder Rounds 2,
System(1), Tactical Suit, 4d20 EC+, &
Adrenaline 2
175 Credits
Skills: Skills: Skills:
» Perception +20 » Perception +13 » Perception +21
» Insight +14 Drops: Shotgun, Juggernaught, & 4d20 Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
Drops: Plasma Rifle with Laser Shells Radioactive, Piercing
Sight(1), Shock Baton, Recon Armor, Resistant: Slashing
4d20 EC, 4d20 EC+, & 40 Credits
Protect Drone MK II (1,436 XP)
Syndicate Assault (1,552 XP) A finer tuned model of the Protect Crimson Company Merc
Drone with better offensive Captain (1,680 XP)
A tortured soldier trained to withstand capabilities.
terrible conditions. A psychotic mercenary clenches their
Size: Small Weight: 115 fist around their weapon. They appear
Size: Medium Weight: 160
Ecology: Found in groups (2-8) or to enjoy killing.
Ecology: Found in groups (2-6) or alone. Considered a Synth. Cannot be
alone. Communicates in all popular Size: Small Weight: 155
reasoned with. Ecology: Found in groups of 2 or
alone. Found with groups of Crimson
Speed STR 10
Speed STR 14 Company Mercs, usually heavily
8 22 guarded. Communicates in all popular
5(+2) 18 DEX
DEX BAB languages.
CON 16 Speed 16
12 INT
DEX 18
WIS 12
WIS 12 28 BAB
31 CON 12
(Small +1) CHA 10 19
DR CHA 10 14
DR +2
+5 Fort AC
36 Fort 17 WIS 16
Ref +7 32
Shield Ref +5 (small +1)
Shield CHA 14
30 Will +1
Will +1 30 DR +4
HP 7
7 HP CMB 36
CMB Ref +6
168 17
17 152 CMD Shield
CMD Will +5
Touch: 18 Flatfooted: 16 25
Touch: 14 Flatfooted: 19 Recharge: 5 Actions: 5 CMB 6
Recharge: 5 Actions: 4 Offense
136 CMD 16
Offense Range: 195
Range: 15 Touch: 19 Flatfooted: 19
Critical: 19-20 *3
Critical: 18-20 *3 Recharge: 2 Actions: 4
Dam: 2d6+2/2d6+2 Energy
Dam: 2d6 Piercing, Blunt Offense
Fly: This enemy can fly freely equal to
Anti-Social: Others take a -10 when its movement speed. Range: 140
trying to use a charisma skill check Targeting System MK 2: Enemy adds Critical: *3
against you while you take a -5 when a +2 to BAB for each consecutive hit Dam: 2d10+4, Piercing, Blunt
trying to perform a charisma check against a single target. Offense 2
against someone else. Quick Draw: Add +2 to Initiative Range: Melee
Feats: Fast Metabolism, Gunner, Feats: Weapon Expertise Critical: *3
Weapon Expertise
Class Abilites: Disruptor Rounds 2, Dam: 1d6+7, Slashing
Class Abilites: Adrenaline 1, Shield 2 Offense 3: Flash Bang Grenade(10)
Vengeance 1, Shield 2
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Body and
Mind, Working Attitude, Pilot Academy

CR 4.5
Class Abilites: Blood Lust 1, War Cry 3 Brute (1,560 XP) Speed STR 30
Skills: A creature of experimentation.
7 18
» Perception +20 Whatever race did this seems to have DEX
» Insight +20 disappeared, and that’s probably a BAB
CON 13
good thing 22
» Control +27
Size: Large Weight: 285 INT 12
Drops: Grenade Launcher with AC
Tactical Scope(1), Serration Ecology: Found in groups (2-3) or 8
alone. Cannot be reasoned 40 WIS
Blade, Juggernaught,
4d20 Frag Grenades, with. (Large -1) CHA 1
4d20 Oil, & 100 CR DR +11
Ref +5
Will -5
CMB 15
150 CMD 27

Touch: 27 Flatfooted: 19
Recharge: 5 Actions: 4
Range: Melee
Critical: *2
Dam: 1d6+2d8+18/1d6+2d8+18,
Bite: Must grapple target. Deal
1d12+15 damage and heal that
Feats: Animal Senses, Always
Armed, Martial Arts, Weapon
Finesse, Kinetic Strike x2, Good
» Perception +12
» Search +4
Immune: Sickness, Poison,
Vulnerable: Fire, Cold
Drops: Juggernaught, & 4d20

Turret MK I (1,600 XP) Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, bleeding effects prematurely, but the
A turret mass produced by Obduro for Radioactive, Piercing player will still be in the grasp of the
security initiatives. Resistant: Slashing enemy unless the enemy fails on the
Vulnerable: Fire, Blunt CMB check next round or the player
Size: Tiny Weight: 115
succeeds during their turn.
Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or Drops: 4d20 EC, 2d20 Plastics, 1d12
Isotope, 1d10 Alloy, & 1d6 Gas Claws: Unarmed attacks are lethal
alone. Considered a Synth. Cannot be
and cause 2d6 damage.
reasoned with.
Feats: Alert, Hidden, Calculated Strike,
Speed STR 10 CR 5 But My Aim is Getting Better, Good
Stance, Weapon Finesse, Martial Arts
N/A DEX 30
BAB CON 15 Sleeper Void Walker » Perception +20
36 10
(1,856 XP) » Insight +15
INT A blue light pierces throughout this » Stealth +14
WIS 16 mechanical being as it brandishes its Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
40 long, metal claws Radioactive, Piercing
(Tiny +2) CHA 1
Size: Large Weight: 165 Resistant: Slashing, Blunt, Cold
DR Fort +14 Ecology: Found in groups (2-4). Drops: Juggernaught, 2d12 Plastics, 2d8
Considered a Synth. Communicates in Isotope, 2d6 Alloy, 1d10 Gas, & 1d4
4 Ref +10 Sleeper, Rezzer, and Sign. Hardened Alloy
Shield -1
Will Sleeper Guardian (1,720 XP)
30 Speed STR 16
CMB N/A You can’t help but notice a feeling
HP 6 18 that you ’re being watched...
166 CMD BAB Size: Medium Weight: 155
CON 11
Ecology: Found in groups (2-6). Meant
Touch: 10 Flatfooted: 34 42
INT 14 for a first and last line of defense
Recharge: 5 Actions: 10 AC for the Sleepers. Considered a Synth.
Offense WIS 14 Communicates in Sleeper, Rezzer,
Range: 200 (Large -1) 10 & Sign.
Critical: 18-20*3 DR Speed STR 10
Fort +3
Dam: 2d6*2/2d6*2, Energy 7
45 DEX 20
Stationary Target: Touch is switched Ref +6
with Flatfooted and Reflex is Shield BAB
CON 11
Will +12
switched with Fortitude and target 30 19
cannot be moved. INT 16
Counter: If enemy misses, you are WIS 16
given a chance to attack. If you hit 155 CMD 21 23
and damage them equal to their AC DR CHA 10
or more, you end their turn. Touch: 26 Flatfooted: 19
Recharge: 5 Actions: 4 15 Fort +0
Feats: Alert, Gunner, But My Aim
is Getting Better, Advanced Chasis, Offense Shield Ref +15
Shock Protection, Deaths March Range: Melee 25
Will +9
Skills: Critical: 19-20*2
» Perception +17 Dam: 2d6+7/2d6+7, Slashing CMB 15
Razor: A successful grapple will 155
» Insight +15 25
deal double damage on target and CMD
cause 1d6 bleed for 1d10 rounds. A
fortitude check of 18 can stop the

Touch: 15 Flatfooted: 13 Speed STR 10 Sleeper Turret (2,212 XP)
Recharge: 2 Actions: 5 A piece of machinery is attached to
6 18
Offense DEX the structure. A blinking light seeks
Range: 900 BAB out its next target
CON 12
Critical: 17-20 *5 25 Size: Tiny Weight: 115
INT 15
Dam: 2d6, Energy AC Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or
18 alone. Most likely stationed to protect
Offense 2 29 WIS
Sleeper property. Considered a Synth.
Range: Melee 10
DR CHA Cannot be reasoned with.
Critical: 18-20 *3
Dam: 2d8, Energy 30 Fort +1 1
Speed STR
Endless Sleep: Instant critical when Shield Ref +10 N/A DEX 30
attacking sleeping, dazed, or prone
30 +4
targets. Will BAB
CON 19
Sneak Attack 1-2: Add 2d6 to damage HP
CMB 10 70
when hidden. INT 20
20 AC
Feats: Hidden, Intense Training CMD WIS 12
Class Abilites: Be the Bullet 1, Stun 1, Touch: 18 Flatfooted: 16 43
Still Target 1, Adrenaline 2 (Tiny +2) CHA 1
Recharge: 5 Actions: 4
Skills: DR +0
Offense Fort
» Perception +30 Range: 145 23
Ref +15
» Insight +20 Critical: 19-20 *3 Shield
» Stealth +35 Dam: 2d8+2*2/2d8+2*2, Energy Will -3
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, Offense 2 N/A
Radioactive, Piercing HP CMB
Range: Melee
Resistant: Slashing, Blunt, Cold 235 CMD N/A
Critical: 19-20 *3
Drops: LSLR with Smart System(1), Dam: 1d4+2/1d4+2, Energy, Non-
Silencer(1), and Laser Sight(1), CLS Touch: 35 Flatfooted: 13
with Tactical Grip(1), RZ Suit, 3d20 EC, Recharge: 5 Actions: 10
Feats: Pilot Academy, Quick Witted,
2d20 EC+, 2d12 Plastics, 2d8 Isotope, Offense
Gunner, But My Aim is Getting Better,
2d6 Alloy, 1d10 Gas, & 1d4 Hardened Range: 150
Alloy Skilled
Class Abilites: Adrenaline 3, Shredder Critical: 18-20 *3
Syndicate Lieutenant Rounds 2 Dam: 2d8*2/2d8*2, Energy
(2,076 XP) Skills: Counter: If enemy misses, you are
An individual that holds pieces of the » Perception +30 given a chance to attack. If you hit
secret. Their eyes are dark, dead with and damage them equal to their AC or
» Insight +25
the knowledge they hold. more, you end their turn.
» Control +35
Size: Medium Weight: 155 Shock Protection: Melee damage
» Diplomacy +24 caused to you causes half damage to
Ecology: Found in groups (2-6) or
alone. Most likely with a group of » Intimidate +10 attacker.
Syndicate Soldiers. Communicates in » Charm +4 Deaths March: On achieving a killing
all popular languages. » Bluff +4 blow during your turn, you can take
Drops: Plasma Rifle with Short another action.
Barrel(1), Shock Staff with Feats: But My Aim is Getting Better,
Weighted(1), Recon, 3d20 EC+, 2d20 Gunner, Weapon Expertise x5
EC, & 155 Credits Skills:
» Perception +56

Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, Class Abilites: Adrenaline 4, Shredder Shock Wave: Melee attack causes
Radioactive, Piercing Rounds 1, Dome Inspector 1 a blast radius of 4, causing half
Resistant: Slashing Skills: damage to anyone in that radius.
A Reflex check of 20 will cause no
Vulnerable: Fire » Perception +71
damage to be taken.
Drops: 5d20 EC+, 2d12 Plastics, 1d20 » Insight +35
Demolisher: Unarmed attacks cause
Isotope, 1d12 Alloy, 1d10 Gas, & 1d6 » Diplomacy +35 2d8 damage.
Hardened Alloy » Intimidate +8 Shock Protection: Melee damage
» Charm +8 caused to you causes half damage to
CR 6 » Bluff +8 attacker.
Drops: Plasma Rifle with Smart Feats: Working Attitude, Body and
System(1) and Short Barrel(1), Recon, Mind x3, Martial Arts, Tough x3,
Syndicate Captain (2,332 XP) 6d20 EC+, & 115 Credits Weapon Finesse
An individual completely shrouded
by the mystery of the Syndicate. His Sleeper Crusher (2,368 XP) Skills:
silence is indicative of the secrets he A Sleeper with large arm like » Perception +26
holds. appendages and highly powerful » Insight +14
Size: Medium Weight: 155 hydraulics. Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or Size: Huge Weight: 1250 Radioactive, Piercing
alone. Most likely with a group of Ecology: Found in groups (2-4). Resistant: Slashing
Syndicate Soldiers. Communicates in Considered a Synth. Drops: 2d12 Plastics, 2d8 Isotope,
all popular languages. 2d6 Alloy, 1d10 Gas, & 1d4 Hardened
Speed STR 24
10 Alloy
Speed STR 10 18
DEX Titan MK I (2,684 XP)
CON 20 A Huge synthetic that seems to be an
BAB 10
CON 41
auto version of a simplified combat
30 INT mech.
AC WIS 14 Size: Huge Weight: 1275
18 29
24 WIS (Huge -2) 10
Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or
CHA alone. Considered a Synth. Cannot be
Fort +12 reasoned with.
40 Fort +10 24
Ref +6 Speed STR 20
Shield Ref +15 Shield
Will +2 10 20
30 30 DEX
Will +30 BAB
HP CMB 13 CON 21
CMB 15 57
180 300 CMD 23 INT 20
Touch: 14 Flatfooted: 19 WIS 16
Touch: 13 Flatfooted: 16 Recharge: 5 Actions: 4 (Huge -2) CHA 1
Recharge: 5 Actions: 4 Offense DR +28
Offense Range: Melee Fort
Range: 145 21
Critical: *2 Ref +10
Critical: 18-20 *3 Dam: Shield
Dam: 2d8+2/2d8+2, Energy Will +18
2d8+13/2d8+13/2d8+13/2d8+13, 30
Feats: Pilot Academy, Quick Witted, Blunt CMB 15
Smart Mouth, Skilled x2, But My Aim
is Getting Better 306 CMD 25

Touch: 30 Flatfooted: 20 AC 12 Protect Drone MK
Recharge: 5 Actions: 5
58 III (2,528 XP)
Offense CHA 1 A finer tuned model of the Protect
(Tiny +2)
Range: 195 +17 Drone with advanced systems
DR Fort installed
Critical: 19-20 *3
29 Ref +10 Size: Small Weight: 115
Dam: 2d6+7*2/2d6+5*2/2d6+7*2/
2d6+5*2, Energy -3 Ecology: Found in groups (2-8) or
Shield Will
Counter: If enemy misses, you are alone. Considered a Synth. Cannot be
25 N/A
given a chance to attack. If you hit CMB reasoned with.
HP Speed 20
and damage them equal to their AC or CMD N/A STR
more, you end their turn. 378 6
DEX 20
Bond Brothers: If there are two of
your kind in your crew, then you BAB
Touch: 13 CON 16
can copy the other’s turn if they Flatfooted: 40 52
succeeded. (If the other hits, you can INT 16
Recharge: 2 Actions: 11 AC
hit. If they critical, you can critical.) 12
Offense 51 WIS
Feats: Hardened Chassis, Working
Attitude, Body and Mind x3, But My Range: 150 (Small +1) CHA 1
Aim is Getting Better, Gunner, Weapon Critical: 19-20 *3 DR
Fort +8
Finesse, The Chief, Ambidextrous Dam: 2d8*2/2d8*2, Energy
Skills: Stationary Target: Touch is switched Ref +8
» Perception +80 with Flatfooted and Reflex is Shield
switched with Fortitude and target Will -3
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, 30
cannot be moved. 13
Radioactive, Piercing HP CMB
Resistant: Slashing Shock Protection: Melee damage
caused to you causes half damage to 294 CMD 23
Drops: 6d20 EC, 3d12 Plastics, 2d20
Isotope, 1d20 Alloy, 1d12 Gas, 1d10 attacker.
Touch: 40 Flatfooted: 16
Hardened Alloy, & 350 Credits Deaths March: On achieving a killing
blow during your turn, you can take Recharge: 5 Actions: 5
CR 7 another action. Offense
Range: 200
Quick Draw: Add +2 to Initiative
Feats: But My Aim is Getting Better, Critical: 19-20 *3
Turret MK II (3,048 XP) Gunner, Resistance x5, Body and Dam: 2d6+5*2/2d6+5*2/2d6+5*2/
A turret with a faster processing chip. Mind x3 2d6+5*2, Energy
Size: Tiny Weight: 115 Skills: Counter: If enemy misses, you are
Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or » Perception +80 given a chance to attack. If you hit
alone. Considered a Synth. Cannot be Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, and damage them equal to their AC or
reasoned with. Radioactive, Piercing more, you end their turn.
Resistant: Slashing Shock Protection: Melee damage
Speed STR 12 Vulnerable: Fire caused to you causes half damage to
N/A 30 Drops: 7d20 EC+, 2d12 Plastics, 1d20
DEX Feats: Ambidextrous, Gunner, The
BAB Isotope, 1d20 Alloy, 2d8 Gas, & 1d8
CON 22 Hardened Alloy Chief, Weapon Finesse, But My Aim is
50 Getting Better
INT 20 Class Abilites: Disruptor Rounds 4,
Shield 3

CR 8
Skills: Parasite: If successful in a CMB check, Sleeper Commander
» Perception +50 target takes full damage and Mind (3,076 XP)
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, Pig can critical. If the creature just A Sleeper with a hardened will and
Radioactive, Piercing attacks target normally, target takes highly advanced systems.
Resistant: Slashing half damage and the Mind Pig cannot
Size: Medium Weight: 155
Drops: 7d20 EC, 1d20 Plastics, 2d8 Ecology: Found in groups (2-4).
Isotope, 1d12 Alloy, & 1d10 Gas Mind Control: If target is unconscious,
Meant to lead Sleepers into battle.
the creature can take control of the
Mostly found with 2-5 groups of any
Mind Pig (2,436 XP) target with half of the targets HP +
kind of Sleeper unit. Considered a
A creature with no eyes, ears, or any the creatures current HP. All damage
Synth. Communicates in all popular
such senses developed by the Kirg and attacks are then tied to the
languages and Sleeper.
Empire barbarians. Turning against targets own stats. When the target
them, it also has no masters and and creature reach 0 HP, they both die Speed STR 10
now attacks everything with a deadly with no hope of resurrection for the
6 18
silence in darkness. target. Target must be organic. DEX
Size: Diminutive Weight: 25 Quick Draw: Add +2 to Initiative BAB
CON 12
Ecology: Found in groups (2-10). Feats: Hidden, Body and Mind x3, 29
Cannot be reasoned with. Fast Metabolism, Skilled x4, Weapon INT 20
Finesse 16
Speed STR 24 45 WIS
2(+2) 30 DR CHA 10
DEX » Perception +70
BAB » Stealth +81 72 Fort +1
50 Immune: Cold, Radioactive, Sickness,
Shield Ref +12
INT 26 Blunt
AC Vulnerable: Fire 30
15 Will +45
(Dim +3) 1 CMB 9
CHA 272
DR +3 CMD 19
Ref +40
Will +45
CMB 47
154 CMD 57

Touch: 50 Flatfooted: 13
Recharge: N/A Actions: 11
Range: Melee
Critical: 19-20 *2
Dam: 2d10+20/2d10+20,
Slashing, Piercing
Soul Rip: Melee attack causes 2d10

CR 9
Touch: 25 Flatfooted: 19 Turret MK III (3,396 XP) Feats: Alert, Gunner, Ambidextrous,
Recharge: 5 Actions: 4 An Obduro turret with advanced But My Aim is Getting Better, Weapon
Offense systems installed for calibrated Expertise x9
Range: 150 targeting parameters Skills:
Critical: 19-20 *3 Size: Tiny Weight: 115 » Perception +110
Dam: 2d8+6*2/2d8+6*2, Energy Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
Offense 2 (BAB 28) alone. Considered a Synth. Cannot be Radioactive, Piercing
reasoned with. Resistant: Slashing
Range: Melee
Critical: 18-20 *3 Speed STR 1 Drops: 9d20 EC+, 3d20 Plastics, 2d20
Isotope, 1d20 Alloy, 2d8 Gas, & 1d12
Dam: 2d8+6, Energy N/A 30
DEX Hardened Alloy
Offense 3: Plasma Grenades (10) BAB
CON 15
Counter: If enemy misses, you are
given a chance to attack. If you hit
CR 10
and damage them equal to their AC or AC
more, you end their turn. WIS 18
88 Titan MK II (4,180 XP)
Feats: Pilot Academy, Smart Mouth, (Tiny +2) 1
CHA A great bipedal weapon of destruction,
Skilled x3, Weapon Finesse, Gunner slightly larger than its MK I variant
DR +52
Class Abilites: War Cry 3, Adrenaline Fort Size: Huge Weight: 2300
5 38
Ref +34 Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or
Skills: Shield alone. Considered a Synth. Cannot be
» Perception +50 Will +36
30 reasoned with.
» Insight +45 CMB N/A
» Control +50 Speed STR 20
351 CMD N/A
» Diplomacy +5 10
DEX 30
» Intimidate +25 Touch: 13 Flatfooted: 80 BAB
» Charm +5 CON 21
Recharge: 10 Actions: 10
» Bluff +5 24
Offense INT
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, AC
Range: 165 12
Radioactive, Piercing Critical: 18-20 *3 75 WIS
Resistant: Slashing, Blunt, Cold Dam: 2d8+2*2/2d8+2*2, Energy, (Huge -2) CHA 1
Drops: Plasma Rifle with Laser 2d4 Fire DR
Sight(1), Tactical Grip(1), and Short Fort +20
Stationary Target: Touch is switched 60
Barrel(1), CLS with Tactical Grip(1) & +17
Weighted(1), Juggernaught, 8d20 EC+,
with Flatfooted and Reflex is Ref
switched with Fortitude and target Shield
3d12 Plastics, 2d10 Isotope, 2d8 Alloy, Will +13
cannot be moved. 30
1d12 Gas, & 1d6 Hardened Alloy
Counter: If enemy misses, you are CMB 22
given a chance to attack. If you hit
510 CMD 42
and damage them equal to their AC or
more, you end their turn.
Touch: 63 Flatfooted: 13
Shock Protection: Melee damage
Recharge: 5 Actions: 10
caused to you causes half damage to
attacker. Offense
Deaths March: On achieving a killing Range: 200
blow during your turn, you can take Critical: 18-20 *3
another action. Dam: 2d8+10*2/2d8+10*2/2d8+10
Quick Draw: Add +2 to Initiative *2/2d8+10*2, Energy

CR 11
Counter: If enemy misses, you are Shield -2 Synth Sentry (3,688 XP)
given a chance to attack. If you hit Will
A stealth oriented piece of robotics
and damage them equal to their AC or 25 47
CMB that shares same design features as
more, you end their turn. HP the Titan.
CMD 59
Shock Protection: Melee damage Size: Large Weight: 500
caused to you causes half damage to
Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or
Touch: 48 Flatfooted: 19 alone. Considered a Synth. Cannot be
Deaths March: On achieving a killing reasoned with.
blow during your turn, you can take Recharge: 2 Actions: 4
another action. Offense (BAB 50) Speed STR 10
Bond Brothers: If there are two of Range: 375 7
DEX 30
your kind in your crew, then you Critical: 18-20 *2
can copy the other’s turn if they Dam: 1d100+4*5, Ship Weapon, CON 10
succeeded. (If the other hits, you can Energy 70
INT 20
hit. If they critical, you can critical.) Offense 2 (BAB 97) AC
Feats: Ambidextrous, Gunner, Body Range: Melee WIS 18
and Mind x5, Weapon Finesse, The Critical: 18-20 *3 (Large -1) CHA 1
Chief, Resistance x2, Tough x5
Dam: 2d20+3d8+16/2d20+3d8+16, DR
Skills: Energy Fort +44
» Perception +125 Charge: Can recharge ship weapon by 45
Ref +59
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, spending 10 HP. Shield
Radioactive, Piercing Bond Brothers: If there are two of Will +17
Resistant: Slashing your kind in your crew, then you 15
Drops: 1d20*10 EC+, 5d12 Plastics, 3d20 can copy the other’s turn if they HP CMB
Isotope, 2d20 Alloy, 1d20 Gas, & 1d12 succeeded. (If the other hits, you can 330 CMD 25
Hardened Alloy hit. If they critical, you can critical.)
Shock Protection: Melee damage Touch: 70 Flatfooted: 13
Crimson Company Titan caused to you causes half damage to Recharge: 5 Actions: 10
(4,480 XP) attacker. Offense
This intimidating colossus is seen as Kinetic Strike x3: Add 3d8 damage Range: 250
an idol symbolizing the ruthlessness to melee and unarmed attacks and
of the Crimson Company. Critical: 18-20 *3
subtract 30% DR from enemies with Dam: 4d12, Energy, Silenced
Size: Huge Weight: 2275 melee and unarmed attacks.
Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or Offense 2
Feats: Body and Mind x5,
alone. Considered a Synth. Cannot be Range: 10, Melee
Ambidextrous, Barbarian, Gunner,
reasoned with. Martial Arts, Walking Tank, Weapon Critical: 16-20 *2
Finesse, Always Armed, But My Aim Dam: 1d10, Energy
Speed STR 30 Counter: If enemy misses, you are
is Getting Better, Good Stance
9 18 Skills: given a chance to attack. If you hit
» Perception +72 and damage them equal to their AC or
CON 27 more, you end their turn.
50/97 Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
16 Shock Protection: Melee damage
INT Radioactive, Piercing
caused to you causes half damage to
14 Resistant: Slashing, Blunt
62 WIS attacker.
Vulnerable: Cold
(Huge -2) Deaths March: On achieving a killing
CHA 1 Drops: 1d20*10 EC+, 3d12 Plastics, 2d20 blow during your turn, you can take
DR +18 Isotope, 1d20 Alloy, 1d12 Gas, & 1d10 another action.
Fort Hardened Alloy
53 Sneak Attack 1-3: Add 3d6 to damage
Ref +37
when hidden.

Endless Sleep: Instant critical when Touch: 15 Flatfooted: 14 Syndicate Titan (4,312 XP)
attacking sleeping, dazed, or prone Recharge: 5 Actions: 5 A Titan developed by the mysterious
targets. Offense gr oup known as the Syndicate. It can
Feats: Hidden, But My Aim is Getting Range: 200 be found defending well kept secrets
Better, Heavy Weapons Training, of the group
Critical: 19-20 *3
Weapon Expertise Size: Huge Weight: 2375
Dam: 2d6+5/2d6+5, Energy
Class Abilities: Silent 2, Stun 3, Still Ecology: Found in groups (2-4)
Target 3, Shield 3 Offense 2
or alone. Mostly found in highly
Skills: Range: Melee
protected Syndicate properties with
» Perception +100 Critical: 19-20 *4 groups of other Syndicate units.
» Stealth +100 Dam: 2d8+7, Blunt Considered a Synth. Cannot be
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, Armor Mods: Blocks half Energy reasoned with.
Radioactive, Piercing damage rounded up. Has a 50%
chance to destroy a projectile or Speed STR 20
Resistant: Slashing
cause 1d6 damage to melee weapon 8
Drops: 2d20*10 EC+, 3d12 Plastics, DEX 20
or target.
2d20 Isotope, 1d20 Alloy, 1d20 Gas, & BAB
Body.exe: The body of this enemy CON 19
1d12 Hardened Alloy
acts as if a Mobile Computer. 70
INT 18
Counter: If enemy misses, you are AC
CR 12 given a chance to attack. If you hit
83 WIS 12
and damage them equal to their AC or
(Huge -2) CHA 1
Kirgling Fighter (5,380 XP) more, you end their turn.
A grunt in the barbarian group known Feats: I’m In, Pilot Academy, Smart DR +9
as the Kirg empire. Mouth, Body and Mind x6, Weapon 70
Finesse Ref +11
Size: Large Weight: 1255 Shield
Ecology: Found in groups (2-10 Class Abilities: Disruptor Rounds 5, +40
Shredder Rounds 5, Shield 2 30
or alone. Considered a Synth.
Communicates in Kirgling. Skills: CMB 14
» Charm +100 24
564 CMD
Speed STR 16 » Insight +65
7 » Control +70
DEX 20 Touch: 70 Flatfooted: 18
» Intimidate +90
BAB Recharge: 5 Actions: 5
CON 18 » Computer +67
55 Offense
20 » Diplomacy +10
INT Range: 140
AC » Charm +10
20 Critical: 18-20 *3
26 WIS » Bluff +10
Dam: 2d8+9/2d8+9, Energy
(Large -1) CHA 20 Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
Offense 2
DR Radioactive
Fort +17 Range: Melee
Resistant: Piercing, Slashing
56 Critical: 18-20 *3
Ref +10 Vulnerable: Cold
Shield Dam: 2d20+14, Energy
Drops: Laser Rifle, Force Hammer,
Will +65 Self Destruct: Has choice to explode,
30 3d20*10 EC, 3d12 Plastics, 2d20
13 Isotope, 1d20 Alloy, 1d20 Gas, & 1d12 dealing 1d100*5 damage with a blast
HP CMB radius of 5.
Hardened Alloy
552 CMD 23 Feats: Tough x10, Weapon Finesse, But

My Aim is Getting Better Touch: 59 Flatfooted: 19 flame is damaging them. Target will
Class Abilities: Shield 5, Vortex 5, Recharge: 5 Actions: 4 undergo a change, turning them into
EMP Shot 1, Pull 1 Offense a Void Demon at half health after
Skills: 1d2 hours. They will turn into a Void
Range: 50, Melee
Demon with full health after one day.
» Perception +81 Critical: *2
Anti-Socia/Doesn’t Play Well With
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, Dam: 2d6+1d10+16/2d6+1d10+16, Othersl: Others take a -10 when
Radioactive, Piercing Singularity trying to use a charisma skill check
Resistant: Slashing Razor: A successful grapple will against you.
Drops: 3d20 EC+*10, 5d12 Plastics, deal double damage on target and Endless Sleep: Instant critical when
3d20 Isotope, 2d20 Alloy, 1d20 Gas, & cause 3d6 bleed for 1d10 rounds. A attacking sleeping, dazed, or prone
1d12 Hardened Alloy fortitude check of 25 can stop the targets.
bleeding effects prematurely, but the
Striking Fear: Intimidate an enemy
player will still be in the grasp of the
you melee attack. If intimidate is
CR 13 enemy unless the enemy fails on the
successful, they will become prone
CMB check next round or the player
for one round.
succeeds during their turn.
Void Demon (6,224 XP) Counter: If enemy misses, you are
Aura of Fear: If target fails against
This strange being seems to be one given a chance to attack. If you hit
with the void. Its horns and strange an Intimidate check made by the
and damage them equal to their AC or
wings bear resemblance to human enemy, target will drop held weapon
more, you end their turn.
demons of myth. A chilling purple and run at top speed away from the
enemy for 1d4 rounds or until enemy Feats: Quick Witted, Smart Mouth,
flame surrounds this being. Body and Mind x6, Fast Metabolism,
is defeated. Target cannot make any
Size: Large Weight: 165 Intimidating Presence, Martial Arts,
other actions during this. Enemy can
Ecology: Found in groups (2-10). only use this once per day against a Good Stance, Weapon Finesse
Considered a Synth. Communicates target. Skills:
in Void. » Perception +98
Flight: Allows enemy to fly at half
speed per action vertically, or double » Insight +98
Speed STR 30
normal speed horizontally. » Intimidate +175
7 18 Shadow Claws: Unarmed attacks
DEX » Stealth +95
BAB are lethal and cause 2d6 singularity » Control +95
CON 11 damage. Unarmed attack has the
71 » Computer +95
18 range of 50 feet.
INT » Charm +13
Void: If target is within 20 squares
WIS 24 away from the Void Demon, target » Diplomacy +13
moves at half speed when trying to » Bluff +13
(Large -1) CHA 15
move away and the enemy can pull Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
DR +11 the target to them without expending Radioactive, Piercing, EMP
58 an action within this radius. Target Resistant: Slashing, Blunt, Cold, Fire
Ref +50 becomes adjacent instantly if pulled.
Shield Drops: 2d12 Plastics, 2d8 Isotope,
Will +100 Last Flame: When killed, anyone 2d6 Alloy, 1d10 Gas, & 1d4 Hardened
40 within a 2 square blast radius takes Alloy
HP CMB 60 2d10+20 damage per round for 1d4
72 rounds from a choking, cold, purple
403 CMD flame. If target is killed while the

Titan MK III (5,064 XP) Bond Brothers: If there are two of
A higly advanced Titan made by your kind in your crew, then you
Obduro Laboratories meant for the can copy the other’s turn if they
war effort against the Sleepers. succeeded. (If the other hits, you can
Some Rezzers have even uploaded hit. If they critical, you can critical.)
themselves in these hulking suits Feats: Ambidextrous, Gunner Body
Size: Huge Weight: 2375 and Mind x6, Weapon Finesse, The
Chief, Resistance x2, Tough x10
Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or
alone. Considered a Synth. Cannot be Skills:
reasoned with. » Perception +100
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
Speed STR 30 Radioactive, Piercing
10 30 Resistant: Slashing,
DEX Blunt
CON 21 Drops: 4d20*10,
80 5d12 Plastics, 3d20
INT 20
AC Isotope, 2d20
WIS 14 Alloy, 1d20
92 Gas, & 1d12
(Huge -2) CHA 1 Hardened
DR Alloy
Fort +55
Ref +21
Will +24
CMB 25
663 CMD 35

Touch: 80 Flatfooted: 13
Recharge: 5 Actions: 6
Range: 145
Critical: 17-20 *3
Dam: 2d8+12*2/2d8+12*2/2d8+12*2
/2d8+12*2, Energy
Counter: If enemy misses, you are
given a chance to attack. If you hit
CR 14
and damage them equal to their AC or
more, you end their turn. Anglurk Heavy (7,392 XP)
Shock Protection: Melee damage A heavy unit that
caused to you causes half damage to belongs to the Kirg
attacker. Empire. They are slaves to the
Deaths March: On achieving a killing barbarian group.
blow during your turn, you can take Size: Huge Weight: 2255
another action. Ecology: Found in groups (2-5) or
alone. Mostly found with a group of
Kirgling Fighters Considered a Synth.
Communicates in Kirgling.

Speed 20 Skills: Offense 2 (BAB 100)
» Perception +100 Range: Melee
5 20
DEX » Insight +75 Critical: *2
BAB » Control +75 Dam: 1d6+13+1d10+4d8/
CON 30
80 » Computer +125 1d6+13+1d10+4d8, Blunt
INT 20
AC Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, Brooding Death: After this enemy is
WIS 20 Radioactive, Piercing killed, 1d10 Mind Pigs are spawned
Resistant: Slashing from its corpse instantly.
(Huge -2) CHA 10
Vulnerable: Cold Fatiguing Punch: Every successful
DR +80 lethal unarmed strike will add double
Fort Drops: 5d20*10 Shells, 5d20*10
64 Missiles, 5d20*10 Plasma Grenades, damage as non-lethal damage. This
Ref +10 non-lethal damage cannot take target
Shield 3d12 Plastics, 2d20 Isotope, 1d20
+75 Alloy, 1d20 Gas, & 1d12 Hardened Alloy HP below 1.
Power Gloves: Can use ammunition
CMB 15 Pig Fighter (4,132 XP) powers/abilities with unarmed or
What used to be a Kirgling Fighter has melee attacks. One clip is considered
980 CMD 25 been turned into a tainted being with two strikes, or one attacking action.
strange fleshy tendrils growing out of
Touch: 88 Flatfooted: 14 Kinetic Strike 4: Add 4d8 damage
holes in the flesh of the creature and
to melee and unarmed attacks and
Recharge: 5 Actions: 5 over the mechanized suit much like a
subtract 40% DR from enemies with
Offense vine, pulsating and filled with veins.
melee and unarmed attacks.
Range: 15 Size: Large Weight: 1255
Counter: If enemy misses, you are
Critical: 18-20 *3 Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or given a chance to attack. If you hit
Dam: 2d6+5*2, Piercing, Blunt alone. Cannot be reasoned with. and damage them equal to their AC or
Offense 2 Speed 16 more, you end their turn.
Range: 175 Feats: Fast Metabolism, Always
8 30
Critical: *3 DEX Armed, Martial Arts, Calculated Strike,
BAB Gunner, Weapon Finesse
Dam: 4d10+5*2/4d10+5*2, Blunt, CON 11
Missile 83/100 Class Abilites: Disrupter Rounds 5,
INT 20 Shredder Rounds 5, Shield 3, Strong
Offense 3 AC
Arm 1
Range: 90 WIS 14
98 Skills:
Critical: *3 (Large -1) 1
CHA » Perception +100
Dam: 5d8+5, Plasma Grenades,
DR +53 Immune: Cold, Radioactive, Sickness,
Energy Fort Blunt, Piercing
Armor: Blocks 1⁄2 damage of energy 69
Ref +15 Resistant: Slashing
rounded up. Shield
+46 Vulnerable: Fire
Body.exe: The body of this enemy
acts as if a Mobile Computer. Drops: 5d20*10, 3d12 Plastics, 2d20
CMB 18 Isotope, 1d20 Alloy, 1d20 Gas, & 1d12
Feats: Body and Mind x7, Heavy HP
Hardened Alloy
Attack, Weapon Finesse, Tough, But 434 CMD 28
My Aim is Getting Better, Gunner
Class Abilites: Shredder Rouns 5, Touch: 90 Flatfooted: 13
Blood Lust 5, Shield 3, Disruptor Recharge: 5 Actions: 11
Rounds 1 Offense (BAB 83)
Range: 150
Critical: 19-20 *3
Dam: 2d8+10*2/2d8+10*2, Energy

CR 15
Void Heretic (7,316 XP) only use this once per day against a » Stealth +109
This creature has a demonic visage, target. Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
floating slightly above the ground and Flight: Allows enemy to fly at half Radioactive, Piercing
appears to have biotic capabilities. speed per action vertically, or double Resistant: Slashing, Blunt, Cold, Fire
Size: Large Weight: 165 normal speed horizontally. Drops: 2d12 Plastics, 2d8 Isotope,
Ecology: Found in groups (2-10). Last Flame: When killed, anyone 2d6 Alloy, 1d10 Gas, & 1d4 Hardened
Considered a Synth. Communicates within a 2 squares blast radius takes Alloy
in Void. 2d10+20 damage per round for 1d4
rounds from a choking, cold, purple Pirate King (8,004 XP)
Speed STR 26 flame. If target is killed while the Their prestiage is known throughout
11 18 flame is damaging them. Target will
DEX undergo a change, turning them into
the galaxy, with written stories and
BAB songs.
CON 12 a Void Demon at half health after
124 Size: Medium Weight: 170
1d2 hours. They will turn into a Void
INT 20 Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or
AC Demon with full health after one day.
alone. Mostly found with a group of
WIS 24 Shadow Claws: Unarmed attacks
88 Pirate Soldiers. Communicates in all
are lethal and cause 2d6 singularity
(Large -1) CHA 10 popular languages.
damage. Unarmed attack has the
DR +29 range of 50 feet.
Fort Speed STR 20
68 Void: If target is within 20 squares
Ref +113 away from the Void Demon, target 6 30
Shield DEX
+27 moves at half speed when trying to BAB
Will move away and the enemy can pull CON 12
120 the target to them without expending 91
an action within this radius. Target AC
510 CMD 132 becomes adjacent instantly if pulled. 24
98 WIS
Touch: 74 Flatfooted: 19 Endless Sleep: Instant critical when
Recharge: 5 Actions: 5 attacking sleeping, dazed, or prone
Offense targets. 50 Fort +16
Range: 50 Striking Fear: Intimidate an enemy
Shield Ref +15
you melee attack. If intimidate is
Critical: 19-20 *2 30
successful, they will become prone +14
Dam: 2d6+14/2d6+14/2d6+14, Will
for one round. HP
Singularity CMB 20
Counter: If enemy misses, you are
Razor: A successful grapple will 510
given a chance to attack. If you hit 30
deal double damage on target and and damage them equal to their AC or
cause 3d6 bleed for 1d10 rounds. A more, you end their turn. Touch: 90 Flatfooted: 13
fortitude check of 25 can stop the Recharge: 5 Actions: 10
Feats: Body and Mind, Fast
bleeding effects prematurely, but the
Metabloism, Intimidating Presence, Offense
player will still be in the grasp of the
Martial Arts Good Stance, Weapon Range: 195
enemy unless the enemy fails on the
Finesse Critical: 19-20 *3
CMB check next round or the player
succeeds during their turn. Class Abilites: Shield 5, Throw 5, Pull Dam: 2d8+12/2d8+12, Energy,
5 Silenced
Auraa of Fear: If target fails against
an Intimidate check made by the Skills: Offense 2
enemy, target will drop held weapon » Perception +167 Range: Melee
and run at top speed away from the » Insight +112 Critical: 17-20 *3
enemy for 1d4 rounds or until enemy » Intimidate +172 Dam: 2d8+15/2d8+15/2d8+15,
is defeated. Target cannot make any » Computer +110 Energy
other actions during this. Enemy can » Control +109 Offense 3: Plasma Grenades (15)

Endless Sleep: Instant critical when Speed 20 Feats: Body and Mind x7,
attacking sleeping, dazed, or prone
STR Ambidextrous, The Chief, Weapon
7 30
targets. DEX Finesse, Gunner, Always Armed,
Sneak Attack 1-2: Add 2d6 to damage BAB Hidden, Tough x5
CON 23
when hidden. 100 Skills:
Counter: If enemy misses, you are INT 24 » Perception +100
given a chance to attack. If you hit » Stealth +140
WIS 14
and damage them equal to their AC or 85 Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
more, you end their turn. (Large -1) CHA 11 Radioactive, Piercing, EMP
Feats: Body and Mind x7, Pilot DR
Fort +53 Resistant: Slashing, Blunt
Academy, Quick Witted, Smart Mouth,
70 Vulnerable: Cold
Counter, Endless Sleep, Sneak Attack +17
Ref Drops: 6d20*10 EC+, 3d12 Plastics,
1-2, Weapon Finesse Shield
Will +2 2d20 Isotope, 1d20 Alloy, 1d20 Gas, &
Class Abilites: Shield 3, Stun 3, Still 45 1d12 Hardened Alloy
Target 3, Adrenaline 5, Forked Tongue 1 22
» Perception +115 Touch: 80 Flatfooted: 13
CR 16
» Insight +120 Recharge: 5 Actions: 10
» Control +120 Offense Heavy Pig (6,304 XP)
» Stealth +120 Range: 200 What used to be an Anglurk Heavy
» Diplomacy +120 Critical: 19-20 *3 has been turned into a tainted
being with strange fleshy tendrils
» Charm +170 Dam: 2d8+12*2/2d8+12*2/2d8+12*2 growing out of holes in the flesh
» Bluff +200 /2d8+12*2, Energy, Silenced of the creature. You can still hear
» Intimidate +15 Offense 2 the screams of the creature like a
Drops: Plasma Rifle with Silencer(1), Range: Melee phantom who has been tied to a
Short Barrel(1), and Tactical Scope(1), Critical: *2 husk.
CLS with Aerodynamic(2) and Smart Dam: 1d6+4d8+15, Blunt Size: Huge Weight: 2255
System(1), RZ Suit, 6d20*10 EC+, 115 Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or
Offense 3: Plasma Grenades (15)
Credits alone. Cannot be reasoned with.
Cloak: When active, adds a +20 to
Crimson Company Sentry stealth. Lasts for 5 rounds and can be Speed STR 12
(6,368 XP) used after 10 rounds when used.
The pinnacle of Crimson Company Self Destruct: Has choice to explode, DEX 18
mechanics. A stolen machine put dealing 1d100*5 damage with a blast BAB
CON 30
under the welders and radius of 5. 82
minds of ruthless savages thinking of Sneak Attack 1-4: Add 4d6 to damage INT 18
only one thing. Killing. when hidden. 14
Size: Large Weight: 1255 88 WIS
Counter: If enemy misses, you are
Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or given a chance to attack. If you hit (Huge -2) CHA 2
alone. Considered a Synth. Cannot be and damage them equal to their AC or DR
Fort +36
reasoned with. more, you end their turn.
Kinetic Strike 4: Add 4d8 damage Ref +38
to melee and unarmed attacks and Shield
subtract 40% DR from enemies with Will +30
melee and unarmed attacks. 39
Shock Protection: Melee damage
caused to you causes half damage to 950 CMD 49

Touch: 64 Flatfooted: 19 Speed 30 hit and damage them equal to their
STR AC or more, you end their turn.
Recharge: 5 Actions: 4
6 30
Offense DEX Feats: Body and Mind x3, Weapon
Range: 175 BAB Finesse, Fast Metabolism, Resistance
115 x21
Critical: 19-20 *3
INT 30 Skills:
Dam: 4d10+4*2/4d10+4*2, Blunt, AC
Missile 14 » Perception +234
125 WIS
Offense 2 Immune: Radioactive, Sickness
(Small +1) CHA 10
Range: Melee
Critical: 16-20 *3
Fort +38 CR 17
Dam: 2d20+4/2d20+4, Energy 74
Ref +120
Brooding Death: After this enemy is Shield Sleeper Sentry (6,600 XP)
killed, 1d20 Mind Pigs are spawned Will +22 A Sleeper unit meant for stealth
from its corpse instantly. operations. It is mainly used for
CMB 130
Feats: Heavy Attack, Weapon Finesse, HP attacking forward operating bases
Tough x11, But My Aim is Getting 352 CMD 140 made by opposing forces against
Better, Gunner them.
Class Abilites: Disruptor Rounds 5, Touch: 75 Flatfooted: 13 Size: Large Weight: 1255
Shredder Rounds 5, Shield 1, Blood Recharge: 5 Actions: 10 Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or
Lust 5 Offense alone. Considered a Synth. Cannot be
Skills: Range: 2 reasoned with.
» Perception +107 Critical: *2 Speed STR 20
Immune: Cold, Radioactive, Sickness, Dam: 5d6+10, Energy, Non-lethal 10
Blunt, Piercing DEX 20
Static Shock: If target rolls a
Resistant: Slashing BAB
successful CMB, target takes 5d6 CON 10
Vulnerable: Fire lethal damage. Regular attack causes 95
5d6 non-lethal damage. INT 30
Drops: 7d20*10 EC+, 7d20*10 Missiles, AC
3d12 Plastics, 2d20 Isotope, 1d20 Electric Air: Attacks effect everyone in WIS 16
Alloy, 1d20 Gas, & 1d12 Hardened Alloy a 2 square blast radius. 107
(Large -1) CHA 1
Disruptor Shocks:
Experiment X (4,704 XP) Attack does double damage DR
Fort +5
A creature with no functioning to shields and synthetics. 77
senses developed by the Kirg Ref +15
Damage is lethal to Synthetics. Shield
Empire barbarians.
Fatal Saver: Can choose to revive or Will +109
Size: Small Weight: 75 35
kill an unconscious target instantly 20
Ecology: Found HP CMB
when in attacking range. Reviving
in groups (2-10). 30
brings target back to half of their 510 CMD
Cannot be
reasoned with. Touch: 95 Flatfooted: 17
Protection Melee
Shock Protection:
Recharge: 2 Actions: 8
damage caused to you
causes half damage to
Range: 150
Critical: 18-20 *3
Counter: If enemy
Dam: 2d8+5/2d8+5, Energy,
misses, you are Silenced
given a chance to
attack. If you

CR 18
Offense 2 Void Devil (7,340 XP) enemy, target will drop held weapon
Range: Melee This creature has a demonic visage and run at top speed away from the
Critical: *2 much like the Void Demon. This being enemy for 1d4 rounds or until enemy
has extremely large horns and has is defeated. Target cannot make any
Dam: 1d6+10+4d8, Blunt
wings that fill you with dread as other actions during this. Enemy can
Offense 3: Flash Bang Grenades only use this once per day against a
(20) darkness descends upon you.
Cloak: When active, adds a +20 to Size: Huge Weight: 1065
Flight: Allows enemy to fly at half
stealth. Lasts for 5 rounds and can be Ecology: Found in groups (2-10).
speed per action vertically, or double
used after 10 rounds when used. Considered a Synth. Communicates
normal speed horizontally.
Body.exe: The body of this enemy in Void.
Last Flame: When killed, anyone
acts as if a Mobile Computer. within a 2 squares blast radius takes
Speed STR 30
Sneak Attack 1-4: Add 4d6 to damage 5d10+20 damage per round for 1d4
12 30
when hidden. DEX rounds from a choking, cold, purple
Counter: If enemy misses, you are BAB flame. If target is killed while the
CON 12
given a chance to attack. If you hit 142 flame is damaging them. Target will
and damage them equal to their AC or INT 24 undergo a change, turning them into
more, you end their turn. AC a Void Demon at half health after
WIS 20
Kinetic Strike 4: Add 4d8 damage 153 1d2 hours. They will turn into a Void
to melee and unarmed attacks and (Huge -2) 10 Demon with full health after one day.
subtract 40% DR from enemies with Shadow Claws: Unarmed attacks
DR +11
melee and unarmed attacks. Fort are lethal and cause 2d6 singularity
Shock Protection: Melee damage 80 damage. Unarmed attack has the
Ref +67
caused to you causes half damage to Shield range of 50 feet.
attacker. Will +145 Void: If target is within 20 squares
1C3CR34M: Add +2 to Computer skill away from the Void Devil, target
CMB 77
and instantly shut down synthetics HP moves at half speed when trying to
for 1d4 rounds when you successfully 612 CMD 89 move away and the enemy can pull
sneak attack against them. the target to them without expending
Feats: Hidden, I’m In, Computer an action within this radius. Target
Touch: 145 Flatfooted: 13
Technician, Working Attitude, becomes adjacent instantly if pulled.
Recharge: 5 Actions: 8
Fast Metabolism, Quick Draw, Endless Sleep: Instant critical when
Offense attacking sleeping, dazed, or prone
Always Armed, Weapon Finesse,
Ambidextrous, The Chief, But My Aim Range: Melee, 50 targets.
is Getting Better, Intense Training x10 Critical: *2 Striking Fear: Intimidate an enemy
Skills: Dam: 2d6+20, Singularity you melee attack. If intimidate is
» Perception +154 Special: Heals for 1d10+CON score successful, they will become prone
» Stealth +161 (-2) damage every round. for one round.
» Repair +163 Razor: A successful grapple will Counter: If enemy misses, you are
deal double damage on target and given a chance to attack. If you hit
» Computer +116
cause 3d6 bleed for 1d20 rounds. A and damage them equal to their AC or
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, more, you end their turn.
fortitude check of 25 can stop the
Radioactive, Piercing, EMP bleeding effects prematurely, but the Feats: Body and Mind x5, Intimidating
Resistant: Slashing player will still be in the grasp of the Presence, Martial Arts, Good Stance,
Drops: 8d20*10 EC+, 4d12 Plastics, enemy unless the enemy fails on the Weapon Finesse
2d20 Isotope, 1d20 Alloy, 1d20 Gas, & CMB check next round or the player Class Abilites: Strong Arm 5,
1d12 Hardened Alloy succeeds during their turn. Adrenaline 5, Shield 3, Vengeance 3,
Auraa of Fear: If target fails against Dome Inspector 2
an Intimidate check made by the

Skills: Offense 2 Speed 30
» Perception +147 Range: Melee
8 30
» Insight +95 Critical: 17-20 *3 DEX
» Intimidate +200 Dam: 2d8+10/2d8+10, Energy BAB
CON 16
» Stealth +100 Feats: Pilot Academy, Smart Mouth, 110
Body and Mind x9, Weapon Finesse, INT 30
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, AC
Gunner 18
Radioactive, Piercing, EMP
119 WIS
Resistant: Slashing, Blunt, Cold, Fire Class Abilites: War Cry 3, Shredder
Rounds 5, Disruptor Rounds 5, DR CHA 10
Drops: 2d20 Plastics, 2d10 Isotope,
Adrenaline 5 +13
2d8 Alloy, 1d20 Gas, & 1d8 Hardened 75 Fort
Alloy Skills:
Shield Ref +20
» Perception +290
Sleeper General (12,824 XP) 30
» Insight +190 Will +140
A sleeper who has committed
planetary genocide and turned » Intimidate +181 HP
CMB 30
thousands of organics into » Stealth +190 798
indoctrinated servants. » Control +280 CMD 40
Size: Medium Weight: 155 » Repair +200
Touch: 110 Flatfooted: 13
Ecology: Found in groups (2-4). » Computer +350
Recharge: 5 Actions: 10
Mostly found with a group of any » Bluff +11
kind of Sleeper unit. Considered a Offense
» Charm +11
Synth. Communicates in all popular Range: 150
» Diplomacy +11
languages and Sleeper. Critical: 16-20 *3
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
Dam: 2d8+20/2d8+20 Energy
Speed STR 10 Radioactive, Piercing, EMP
Offense 2
Resistant: Slashing, Blunt
7 DEX 30 Range: Melee
Drops: Plasma Rifle with Smart
BAB 20 System(2), CLS with Smart System(1) Critical: *2
105 and Aerodynamic(1), RZ Suit, 9d20*10 Dam: 1d6+3d8+30, Blunt
INT 30 EC+, 3d12 Plastics, 2d10 Isotope, 2d8 Kinetic Strike x3: Add 3d8 damage
AC Alloy, 1d20 Gas, & 1d10 Hardened
30 to melee and unarmed attacks and
113 WIS Alloy subtract 30% DR from enemies with
DR CHA 12 melee and unarmed attacks.
Deaths March: On achieving a killing
62 Fort +185 CR 19 blow during your turn, you can take
Shield Ref +210 another action.
40 Syndicate Zealot (7,968 XP) Power Gloves: Can use ammunition
Will +191
powers/abilities with unarmed or
HP A Syndicate soldier who appears to
CMB 210 melee attacks. One clip is considered
have religious markings on their flesh.
900 two strikes, or one attacking action.
220 Seeing this strange individual makes
CMD you think that they have joined in a Counter: If enemy misses, you are
Touch: 105 Flatfooted: 13 forbidden ritual of some sort with given a chance to attack. If you hit
otherworldly forces. and damage them equal to their AC
Recharge: 5 Actions: 10
or more, you end their turn.
Offense Size: Medium Weight: 155
Feats: Body and Mind x9, Always
Range: 150 Ecology: Found in groups of 2 or
Armed, Eldritch Power, Weapon
Critical: 17-20 *3 alone. Most likely with a group of
Finesse, Fast Metabolism
Syndicate Soldiers. Communicates in
Dam: 2d8+10*2/2d8+10*2, Energy Class Abilities: Adrenaline 5,
all Ancient languages.
Shredder Rounds 5, Dome Inspector
3, War Cry 3, EMP Shot 3

Skills: only use this once per day against a Speed 30
» Perception +200
11 18
» Insight +180 Reach: Enemy can perform CMB DEX
» Stealth +186 checks within its attack range. Melee BAB
CON 30
attack range is 50 feet. 100/124
Drops: Plasma Rifle with Smart
System(3), RZ Suit, 1d100*10 EC+, 5, & Crush: A target who fails against INT 30
a CMB roll can be crushed by the AC
115 Credits 20
enemy, causing double damage. 102 WIS
Tainted Effigy (9,312 XP) (Huge -2) 10
A horrific being of immense power.
Entropy: A target that is killed will be CHA
sucked into a void where they cannot DR
A darkness shrouds this creature. be recovered. Anyone 4 squares near Fort +120
Tentacles emerge from the shadows, the corpse will take 1d100*4 damage. 123
Ref +14
covered in sharpened teeth and
Eldritch Power: Add Intelligence Shield
glaring eyes +105
modifier to damage. 50
Size:Huge Weight: 1450
Counter: If enemy misses, you are 24
Ecology: Found in groups (2-6) or HP CMB
given a chance to attack. If you hit
alone. Cannot be reasoned with. and damage them equal to their AC 1400 CMD 34
Speed STR 30 or more, you end their turn.
Kinetic Strike x4: Add 4d8 damage Touch: 88 Flatfooted: 19
10 30
DEX to melee and unarmed attacks and Recharge: 5 Actions: 4
BAB subtract 30% DR from enemies with Offense (BAB 100)
CON 30
172 melee and unarmed attacks. Range: 250
INT 30 Striking Fear: Intimidate an enemy
AC Critical: 17-20 *3
12 you melee attack. If intimidate is Dam: 4d12+4*2, Energy
186 WIS successful, they will become prone Offense 2 (BAB 124)
(Huge -2) CHA 2 for one round.
Range: Melee
DR Feats: Body and Mind x9, Always
Fort +120 Critical: 17-20 *3
Armed, Martial Arts, Good Stance,
116 Dam: 2d20+3d8+14, Energy
Ref +120 Weapon Finesse, Tough x15
Shield Skills: Counter: If enemy misses, you are
Will -3 given a chance to attack. If you hit
40 » Perception +200
and damage them equal to their AC
CMB 130 Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
HP or more, you end their turn.
142 Radioactive, Acid, Singularity
1330 CMD Kinetic Strike x3: Add 3d8 damage
to melee and unarmed attacks and
Touch: 178 Flatfooted: 13
Recharge: 10 Actions: 10
CR 20 subtract 30% DR from enemies with
melee and unarmed attacks.
Offense Feats: Body and Mind x10, Gunner,
Range: 50, Melee Sleeper Titan (11,208 XP) Weapon Finesse, Martial Arts, But
Critical: 19-20 *2 This Sleeper weapon is mainly meant My Aim is Getting Better, Weapon
Dam: 1d6+4d8+1d10+30/1d6+4d8+ to destroy large targets. Individuals Expertise 2, Tough x20
1d10+30/1d6+4d8+1d10+30/1d6+4 who fight the Sleepers know that if Skills:
d8+1d10+30, Singularity you see one of these coming to help » Perception +505
Auraa of Fear: If target fails against Sleeper units, they’re scared.
» Repair +105
an Intimidate check made by the Size: Huge Weight: 3375
» Computer +105
enemy, target will drop held weapon Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
and run at top speed away from the alone. Mostly found with groups of
Radioactive, Piercing, EMP
enemy for 1d4 rounds or until enemy other Sleeper units. Considered a
Synth. Cannot be reasoned with. Resistant: Slashing, Blunt
is defeated. Target cannot make any
other actions during this. Enemy can

Drops: 1d20*20 EC+, 5d20 Plastics, Counter: If enemy misses, you are Speed 20
3d20 Isotope, 2d20 Alloy, 1d20 Gas, & given a chance to attack. If you hit
8 30
1d12 Hardened Alloy and damage them equal to their AC DEX
or more, you end their turn. BAB
CON 22
CR 21 Gaizling Rage: Turn invincible for two
rounds as soon as you are bloodied.
Feats: Pilot Academy, Quick Witted, AC
WIS 20
Crimson Company Warlord Working Attitude, But My Aim is 133
(9,540 XP) Getting Better, Gunner, MVP, Weapon CHA 20
A mercenary praised by the Crimson Finesse, Size Doesn’t Matter, Body
and Mind, Tough x10 68 Fort +11
Company for their legendary acts of
ruthless power. Class Abilites: Blood Lust 5, Shield +120
Toughness 4, War Cry 3, Iron Hide 3,
Size: Small Weight: 155 50
Loose Cannon 3, Armed Explosive 3 Will +110
Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or
Skills: HP
alone. Found with a group of Crimson CMB 125
Company Mercs. Communicates in all » Perception +188 1276
popular languages. » Insight +88 CMD 135
» Control +104(-4) Touch: 125 Flatfooted: 13
Speed STR 30
» Intimidate +5 Recharge: 5 Actions: 11
3 20
DEX » Diplomacy +5 Offense 1
BAB » Charm +5 Range: 900
CON 24
115/117 » Bluff +5 Critical: 15-20 *5
INT 20
AC Drops: Plasma Rifle with Laser Dam: 2d6+10, Energy
18 Sight(1), Short Barrel(1), and
127 WIS Offense 2
Tactical Grip(1), God Blade with
(Small +1) 12 Range: Melee
CHA Aerodynamic(1) and Tactical Grip(1),
EOD Armor, & 2d20*20 EC+ Critical: 17-20 *3
DR +101
Fort Dam: 2d8+15/2d8+15/2d8+15,
189 Energy
Ref +10
Shield CR 22 Sneak Attack 1-5: Add 5d6 to damage
Will +105 when hidden.
20 Syndicate General Counter: If enemy misses, you are
(11,476 XP) given a chance to attack. If you hit
1218 CMD 30 and damage them equal to their AC or
A soldier no one has ever heard
of because everyone who has more, you end their turn.
Touch: 114 Flatfooted: 18 Deaths March: On achieving a killing
encountered them could not live to
Recharge: 5 Actions: 7 tell the tale blow during your turn, you can take
Offense (BAB 115) Size: Medium Weight: 155 another action.
Range: 150 Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or Feats: Pilot Academy, Quick Witted,
Critical: 19-20 *3 alone. Most likely with a group of Smart Mouth, Body and Mind x10,
Dam: 2d8+7*2/2d8+7*2, Energy Syndicate Soldiers. Communicates in Fast Metabolism, Weapon Finesse
Offense 2 (BAB 117) all popular and ancient languages. Class Abilites: Adrenaline 5, Shredder
Rounds 5, Dome Inspector 5, Shield
Range: Melee
2, Target 3, Be the Bullet 2
Critical: 18-20 *3
Dam: 2d10+10/2d10+10, Energy
Offense 3: Plasma Grenades (30)

CR 24
Skills: Touch: 120 Flatfooted: 13 Kirgling Emperor (16,388 XP)
» Perception +255 Recharge: 5 Actions: 10 A leader of the barbarian group. He
» Insights +115 Offense is large and highly intelligent, using
» Control +125 Range: 150 mind based weaponry.
» Stealth +200 Critical: 17-20 *3 Size: Giant Weight: 100450
» Diplomancy +150 Dam: 2d8+10*2/2d8+10*2/2d8+10 Ecology: Found in groups of 2 or
» Intimidate +20 *2/2d8+10*2, Energy, Silenced alone. Mostly found with groups of
Body.exe: The body of this enemy Kirgling Fighters or Anglurk Heavies.
» Charm +20
acts as if a Mobile Computer. Considered a Synth. Communicates in
» Bluff +20 Kirgling
Drops: LSLR with Smart System(3), Sneak Attack 1-5: Add 5d6 to damage
CLS with Aerodynamic(2) and Smart when hidden. Speed STR 20
System(1), RZ Suit, 3d20*20 EC+, & Counter: If enemy misses, you are 14
given a chance to attack. If you hit DEX 30
2,000 Credits
and damage them equal to their AC or BAB
CON 30
more, you end their turn. 250/453
INT 30
CR 23 Deaths March: On achieving a killing
blow during your turn, you can take
WIS 24
another action. 258
Sleeper Lord (11,772 XP) Shock Protection: Melee damage (Giant -3) CHA 16
A leader of the Sleepers. They take caused to you causes half damage to DR
orders directly from the main Sleeper Fort +100
program 100
Feats: Body and Mind x11, Ref +198
Size: Huge Weight: 2375 Ambidextrous, The Chief, Gunner, Shield
Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or Will +190
Pilot Academy, Weapon Finesse, 50
alone. Mostly found with groups of Resistance x10, Tough x11 203
other Sleeper units. Considered a HP CMB
Synth. Communicates in Sleeper. 1632 CMD 213
» Perception +200
Speed STR 20 » Insight +120 Touch: 250 Flatfooted: 13
10 » Control +200 Recharge: 5 Actions: 10
DEX 30
» Stealth +200 Offense (BAB 250)
CON 25 » Computer +105 Range: 250
140 Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
30 Critical: 17-20 *3
AC Radioactive, Piercing, EMP Dam: 4d12+10, Energy
WIS 20 Resistant: Slashing, Blunt
151 Offense 2 (BAB 250)
(Huge -2) CHA 21 Drops: 4d20*20 EC+, 3d20 Plastics, Range: 125
3d12 Isotope, 2d20 Alloy, 1d20 Gas, & Critical: 16-20 *3
DR +112
Fort 1d12 Hardened Alloy
Dam: 3d20+10, Singularity
Ref +80 Offense 3 (BAB 453)
+110 Range: 50, Melee
Critical: *2
CMB 85 Dam: 2d10+4d8+15/2d10+4d8+15/
95 2d10+4d8+15/2d10+4d8+15, Blunt
1337 CMD
Advanced Body.exe: The body of this
enemy acts as if a Computer.

Counter: If enemy misses, you are Speed 30 Counter: If enemy misses, you are
given a chance to attack. If you hit
STR given a chance to attack. If you hit
12 30
and damage them equal to their AC DEX and damage them equal to their AC
or more, you end their turn. BAB or more, you end their turn.
CON 10
Kinetic Strike x4: Add 4d8 damage 240 Kinetic Strike x4: Add 4d8 damage
to melee and unarmed attacks and INT 30 to melee and unarmed attacks and
subtract 30% DR from enemies with AC subtract 30% DR from enemies with
melee and unarmed attacks. WIS 24 melee and unarmed attacks.
Striking Fear: Intimidate an enemy (Huge -2) CHA 26 Striking Fear: Intimidate an enemy
you melee attack. If intimidate is you melee attack. If intimidate is
DR +178
successful, they will become prone Fort successful, they will become prone
for one round. 122 for one round.
Ref +170
Tentacle: Unarmed attacks are lethal Shield Deaths March: On achieving a killing
and cause 2d10 damage and have a Will +343 blow during your turn, you can take
reach of 50. A successful CMB will another action.
CMB 180
cause double damage. HP Feats: Body and Mind x12, Martial
Feats: Body and Mind x12, 720 CMD 192 Arts, Good Stance, Weapon Finesse,
Intimidating Presence, Weapon Skilled x12, Resistance x8
Finesse, Martial Arts, But My Aim is Touch: 220 Flatfooted: 13 Skills:
Getting Better Recharge: 5 Actions: 11 » Perception +400
Class Abilites: Disruptor Rounds 5, Offense » Insight +300
Shredder Rounds 5, Shield 3, Blood Range: 50, Melee » Intimidate +440
Lust 5, Volt System 5, Shield 1
Critical: 19-20 *2 » Diplomacy +276
Dam: 3d10+4d8+38/3d10+4d8+ » Stealth +278
» Perception +275 38/3d10+4d8+38/3d10+4d8+38, Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
» Insight +175 Blunt
Radioactive, Acid, Any Singularity
» Control +178 Auraa of Fear: If target fails against
» Computer +258 an Intimidate check made by the
» Repair +178 enemy, target will drop held weapon CR 25
» Intimidate +200 and run at top speed away from the
enemy for 1d4 rounds or until enemy
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
is defeated. Target cannot make any Rock Fish (11,704 XP)
Radioactive, Piercing, EMP other actions during this. Enemy can A Huge an imal with rock - like bone
Resistant: Slashing only use this once per day against a plates covering its body. This beast
Drops: 5d20*20 EC+, 1d100*10 Plastics, target. appeared after the destruction of
1d100*5 Isotope, 5d20 Alloy, 3d20 Reach: Enemy can perform CMB Gaizling civilization and is feared by
Gas, and 2d12 Hardened Alloy the universe for its natural power. The
checks within its attack range.
Gaizling view it as a respected beast
Crush: A target who fails against and some even worship them as the
Elder One (13,660 XP) a CMB roll can be crushed by the pets of Ishrael
A horrific being of immense power. enemy, causing double damage.
Size: Huge Weight: 875-4575
These beings stay in the void, and Eldritch Power: Add Intelligence
even the Sleepers fear them. Ecology: Found in groups (2-4) or
modifier to damage.
alone. Mostly found on the Gaizling
Size: Huge Weight: 1450 Tentacle: Unarmed attacks are lethal homeworld. Cannot be reasoned with.
Ecology: Found in groups (2-6) or and cause 2d10 damage and have a
alone. Communicates in Elder. reach of 50. A successful CMB will
cause double damage.
Dark Words: Add Charisma modifier
to damage.

Speed 30 Digger: Can lay hidden underground Skills:
STR and come up to attack. While » Perception +201
14 30
DEX underground, it is impossible to Immune: Energy, Fire
BAB damage the enemy. Enemy can also
CON 30 Resistant: Blunt, Piercing, Slashing
decide where they will surface. If they
22 surface where targets are located,
AC targets must roll a Reflex save of 20
WIS 12 or take an instant hit and become
flat footed for 1d4 rounds. Digging
(Huge -2) CHA 10
underground and surfacing both take
Mutant (20,156 XP)
DR 4 actions to complete. The warped image of organics created
Fort +116
by the Syndicate. Too bad they
182 The Strength of Ishrael: Unarmed
Ref +100 couldn’t also control them.
damage is lethal and causes 5d10
Shield Size: Large Weight: 280
+1 damage.
Will Ecology: Found in groups of 2 or
Counter: If enemy misses, you are
CMB 110 given a chance to attack. If you hit alone. Communicates in English.
122 and damage them equal to their AC Speed STR 30
1750 CMD or more, you end their turn.
8 18
Touch: 190 Flatfooted: 13 Kinetic Strike x4: Add 4d8 damage DEX
to melee and unarmed attacks and BAB
Recharge: N/A Actions: 12 CON 30
subtract 30% DR from enemies with 282
melee and unarmed attacks. INT 16
Range: Melee AC
Ishrael’s Rage: Turn invincible for 30
Critical: 18-20 *2 three rounds as soon as you are 261 WIS
Dam: 5d10+4d8+20/5d10+4d8+20 bloodied. (Large -1) 8
Feats: Body and Mind x3, Weapon DR
Devourer: Can completely devour a Fort +280
Finesse, Martial Arts, Good Stance,
target with a successful CMB, dealing 264
Quick Draw, Fast Metabolism, Ref +267
double damage to the target while Resistance x3, Tough x30 Shield
they are within its mouth and killing Will +269
them instantly when the target is 30
knocked unconscious. An CMB 277
attack of 50 or more 289
1820 CMD
damage against the
enemy will cause
it to spit out
the target in

CR 27
Touch: 211 Flatfooted: 19 Elder Guide (17,436 XP) Crush: A target who fails against
Recharge: 5 Actions: 4 A horrific creature that seems to be a CMB roll can be crushed by the
Offense interested in the life of the universe enemy, causing double damage.
Range: Melee around it. There are even stories Entropy: A target that is killed will be
of these strange creatures actually sucked into a void where they cannot
Critical: 17-20 *3
teaching others about the secrets. be recovered. Anyone 4 squares near
Dam: 2d12+2d10+4d8+16/2d12+2d1 the corpse will take 1d100*4 damage.
Some even believe the Syndicate are
0+4d8+16/ 2d12+2d10+4d8+16/2d1
actually allied with these beings. Shadow Tentacle: Unarmed attacks
2+2d10+4d8+16 Energy
Size: Huge Weight: 1450 are lethal and cause 2d10 singularity
Counter: If enemy misses, you are damage and have a reach of 50. A
given a chance to attack. If you hit Ecology: Found in groups of 2 or
alone. Communicates in Elder and all successful CMB will cause double
and damage them equal to their AC damage.
or more, you end their turn. Ancient languages.
Dark Words: Add Charisma modifier
Kinetic Strike x4: Add 4d8 damage Speed STR 30 to damage.
to melee and unarmed attacks and 12
DEX 30 Healing Sceams: For every person
subtract 30% DR from enemies with
BAB that becomes intimidated of the
melee and unarmed attacks. 28
CON enemy, the enemy heals 10 points
Feats: Body and Mind, But My Aim 300 every round as long as they stay
is Getting Better, Ambidextrous, INT 30
AC intimidated.
Barbarian, Martial Arts, Good Stance, 20
Weapon Finesse, Tough x15 305 WIS Counter: If enemy misses, you are
(Huge -2) given a chance to attack. If you hit
Class Abilites: Blood Lust 5, CHA 30
and damage them equal to their AC
Toughness 3, War Cry 3, Adrenaline 5, DR or more, you end their turn.
Fort +219
Strong Arm 5, Momentum 3, Rush 2
138 Kinetic Strike x4: Add 4d8 damage
Skills: Ref +290
to melee and unarmed attacks and
» Perception +331 Shield
Will +285 subtract 30% DR from enemies with
» Insight +270 50 melee and unarmed attacks.
» Intimidate +359 CMB 290 Striking Fear: Intimidate an enemy
» Athletics +270(-4) 300 you melee attack. If intimidate is
1782 CMD successful, they will become prone
» Medic +263
» Survival +263 Touch: 290 Flatfooted: 13 for one round.
» Stealth +264(-4) Recharge: 5 Actions: 10 Deaths March: On achieving a killing
blow during your turn, you can take
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, Offense
another action.
Radioactive, Acid Range: Melee
Sneak Attack 1-6: Add 6d6 to damage
Drops: 2 God Blades with Smart Critical: 18-20 *2 when hidden.
System(1), Aerodynamic(1), and Dam: 5d10+4d8+46/5d10+4d8+
Weighted(1), Juggernaught, 7d20*20 Feats: Body and Mind x13, Eldritch
46/5d10+4d8+46/5d10+4d8+46, Power, Martial Arts, Weapon Finesse,
EC+ Singularity Skilled x4, Tough x15
Auraa of Fear: If target fails against Skills:
an Intimidate check made by the
» Perception +580
enemy, target will drop held weapon
and run at top speed away from the » Insight +280
enemy for 1d4 rounds or until enemy » Intimidate =536
is defeated. Target cannot make any Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
other actions during this. Enemy can Radioactive, Acid, Any Singularity
only use this once per day against a
Reach: Enemy can perform CMB
checks within its attack range.

CR 28 CR 29
Elder Horror (16,168 XP) Crush: A target who fails against Mutant Master (17,780 XP)
A horrific being of immense power. a CMB roll can be crushed by the A mutant that has retained intelligence
A darkness shrouds this creature. enemy, causing double damage.
Size: Large Weight: 300
Tentacles emerge from the shadows, Entropy: A target that is killed will be
Ecology: Found in groups of 2 or
covered in sharpened teeth and sucked into a void where they cannot
alone. Communicates in English.
glaring eyes. be recovered. Anyone 4 squares near
Size: Huge Weight: 1750 the corpse will take 1d100*4 damage. Speed STR 30
Ecology: Found in groups of 2 or Shadow Tentacle 2: Unarmed attacks 9 20
are lethal and cause 3d10 singularity DEX
alone. Communicates in Elder and all BAB
Ancient languages. damage and have a reach of 75. A CON 30
successful CMB will cause double 217
Speed STR 30 damage. INT 18
12 30 Eldritch Power: Add Intelligence WIS 24
DEX modifier to damage. 230
BAB (Large -1) 16
CON 30 Dark Words: Add Charisma modifier CHA
240 to damage. DR
INT 30 Fort +223
AC Healing Screams: For every person 255
WIS 20 that becomes intimidated of the Ref +109
108 Shield
(Huge -2) enemy, the enemy heals 10 points +120
CHA 30
every round as long as they stay 50
DR 119
Fort +80 intimidated.
174 Counter: If enemy misses, you are
Ref +20 2030 CMD 131
Shield given a chance to attack. If you hit
+155 and damage them equal to their AC Touch: 217 Flatfooted: 18
30 Will
or more, you end their turn. Recharge: 10 Actions: 8
HP CMB 30 Kinetic Strike x4: Add 4d8 damage Offense
40 to melee and unarmed attacks and
1960 CMD subtract 30% DR from enemies with
Range: Melee
Critical: 18-20 *3
Touch: 100 Flatfooted: 13 melee and unarmed attacks.
Dam: 2d12+3d10+4d8+16/2d12+3d1
Recharge: 5 Actions: 10 Striking Fear: Intimidate an enemy
you melee attack. If intimidate is
Offense +3d10+4d8+16, Energy
successful, they will become prone
Range: 75, Melee for one round. Counter: If enemy misses, you are
Critical: 19-20 *2 Deaths March: On achieving a killing given a chance to attack. If you hit
Dam: 4d10+4d8+44/4d10+4d8+4 blow during your turn, you can take and damage them equal to their AC
4/4d10+4d8+44/4d10+4d8+44/4 another action. or more, you end their turn.
d10+4d8+44, Singularity Sneak Attack 1-6: Add 6d6 to damage Kinetic Strike x4: Add 4d8 damage
Auraa of Fear: If target fails against when hidden. to melee and unarmed attacks and
an Intimidate check made by the subtract 30% DR from enemies with
Feats: Body and Mind x13, Martial
enemy, target will drop held weapon melee and unarmed attacks.
Arts, Intimidating Presence, Smart
and run at top speed away from the Mouth, Weapon Finesse, Skilled x4, Striking Fear: Intimidate an enemy
enemy for 1d4 rounds or until enemy Tough x15 you melee attack. If intimidate is
is defeated. Target cannot make any successful, they will become prone
other actions during this. Enemy can for one round.
only use this once per day against a » Perception +345
Deaths March: On achieving a killing
target. » Insight +145 blow during your turn, you can take
Reach: Enemy can perform CMB » Intimidate +470 another action.
checks within its attack range. » Stealth +150
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
Radioactive, Acid, Any Singularity

Raging Comet: Jump down from Speed 20 Skills:
higher ground to attack an enemy
» Perception +355
N/A 30
with a melee weapon and cause an DEX » Insight +255
extra 1d8 damage upon a hit. BAB
CON 30 » Computer +250
Feats: Body and Mind, Quick Witted, 310 » Repair +160
Smart Mouth , Intimidating Presence, INT 30
AC Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
Fast Metabolism, Ambidextrous,
WIS 20 Radioactive, Piercing, EMP
Barbarian, But My Aim is Getting 328
Better, Martial Arts, Good Stance, Resistant: Slashing, Blunt, Any
(Garg -4) CHA 20
Weapon Finesse, Tough x10 Singularity
DR +150 Drops: 2d20*30 EC+, 5d20*10 Plastics,
Class Abilites: Adrenaline 5, Fort
Vengeance 3, Shield 3, Strong Arm 194 5d12*10 Isotope,
Ref +115 3d20*10 Alloy, 2d20*10 Gas,
5, Momentum 3, Rush 3, Iron Hide 3, Shield
Return to Sender 3, Dome Inspector 1 Will +260 & 2d20*5 Hardened Alloy
CMB 120
» Perception +210 HP
» Insight +210 2100 CMD 130
» Intimidate +238 Touch: 13 Flatfooted: 320
» Athletics +213 Recharge: 10 Actions: 10
» Medic +207 Offense
» Survival +207 Range: 375
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison, Critical: 18-20 *2
Radioactive, Acid
Dam: 1d100+10*5/
Drops: 2 God Blades with Smart 1d100+10*5 Energy
System(1), Aerodynamic(1), and
Advanced Body.exe: The body of this
Weighted(1), EOD Armor, & 1d20*30
enemy acts as if a Computer.
Reactor: Can recharge ship weapon
by using EC+ equal to power
CR 30 consumption.
Nano-Repair: Can self-repair as an
action using a simple part.
Sleeper God (17,608 XP) Counter: If enemy misses, you are
A monument to the Sleeper ’ s power given a chance to attack. If you hit
looms before you. Electricity surging and damage them equal to their AC or
from its humanoid body, the only more, you end their turn.
emotion you feel is awe as it raises
Deaths March: On achieving a killing
its arm and energy billows in its
blow during your turn, you can take
hand, ready to surge toward you in
another action.
a destructive di splay of absolute
power Shock Protection: Melee damage
caused to you causes half damage to
Size: Gargantuan Weight: 202375
Ecology: Found alone. Mostly found
Feats: Body and Mind x10, Stationary
with groups of other Sleeper units.
Target, Quick Draw, Ambidextrous,
Considered a Synth. Communicates in
Gunner, Walking Tank, Weapon
Finesse, But My Aim is Getting Better,
Skilled x2, Tough x35

CR 32.5
Void Dragon (16,900 XP) Feats: Hidden, Martial Arts, Shock
This Sleeper invention was meant Protection, Tough x15, Good Stance,
to take care of highly volatile space Counter, Body and Mind x9
warfare, however, it has gone rogue Class Abilites: Shield 5, Adrenaline
and seems to have joined with the 5, Stun 4, Still Target 3, Hide Life 3,
strange and mysterious Void Demons. Vengeance 3, Dodge 3, War Cry 5,
Size: Giant Weight: 101250 Volt System 1
Ecology: Found alone or in a group of Skills:
two with a group of void demons. » Perception +315
» Stealth +325
Speed STR 30 » Insight +200
Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
14 30
DEX Radioactive, Acid, Any Singularity
BAB Drops: 5d20*10 Plastics, 5d12*10
CON 30
277 Isotope, 3d20*10 Alloy, 2d20*10 Gas,
INT 30 & 2d20*5 Hardened Alloy
WIS 20
(Giant -3) CHA 20
DR +250
Ref +225
Will +200
CMB 235
2250 CMD 247

Touch: 212 Flatfooted: 13

Recharge: 20 Actions: 11
Range: 50, Melee
Critical: 17-20 *2
Dam: 2d12+1d10+10/2d12+1d10+10/
2d12+1d10+10 Singularity
Dark Matter Scales: Has resistance
to all damage types it doesn’t have
immunities to already.
Anti-Matter Ray: Spending two
actions, the Void Dragon can breathe
a ray of anti-matter that causes
2d100 singularity damage to everyone
in a 30-square line. CMB VS Reflex. A
successful Reflex save halves damage.
Shadow Talons: Unarmed attacks
are lethal and cause 2d12 singularity
damage. Unarmed attack has the
range of 50 feet.

CR 35
The Elder Father (27,556 XP) sucked into a void where they cannot
“Some say the universe was born by be recovered. Anyone 4 squares near
a dark god that lives amongst us... the corpse will take 1d100*10 damage.
Others hope it isn’t true.” Elder Sign: Heal other Elder creatures
Size: Colossal Weight: 775580 for 1d20*50.
Ecology: Found alone. Communicates Elder Sigil: Spawn an Elder Horror
in Elder and all Ancient languages. once per day.
Eldritch Power: Add Intelligence
Speed STR 30 modifier to damage.
Void Tentacle: Unarmed attacks are
20 DEX 30
lethal and cause 5d10 singularity
BAB CON 30 damage and have a reach of 100. A
410 successful CMB will cause double
INT 30 damage.
AC Dark Words: Add Charisma modifier
WIS 30
378 to damage.
(Col -5) CHA 30 Healing Screams: For every person
+400 that becomes intimidated of the
DR Fort enemy, the enemy heals 50 points
181 Ref +390 every round as long as they stay
Shield intimidated.
Will +600
60 Feats: Body and Mind x16, Perfect
CMB 400 Mind Perfect Body, Striking Fear,
HP Weapon Finesse, Counter, Martial Arts,
CMD 410 Kinetic Strike x4, Tough
Class Abilites: Volt System 5, Shield
Touch: 370 Flatfooted: 13
5, Lockdown System 5, Plague 3,
Recharge: 10 Actions: 10 Spook 5, War Cry 5, Taunt 5, Return to
Offense Sender 2
Range: 100, Melee Skills:
Critical: 19-20 *2 » Perception +500
Dam: 7d10+4d8+44/7d10+4d8+ » Insight +360
44/7d10+4d8+44/7d10+4d8+44 » Intimidate +640
» Stealth +360
Auraa of Fear: If target fails against
» Diplomacy +360
an Intimidate check made by the
enemy, target will drop held weapon » Bluff +360
and run at top speed away from the » Charm +360
enemy for 1d6 rounds or until enemy Immune: Sickness, Fatigue, Poison,
is defeated. Target cannot make any Radioactive, Acid, Any Singularity,
other actions during this. Enemy can Fire, Cold
only use this once per day against a
Reach: Enemy can perform CMB
checks within its attack range.
Crush: A target who fails against
a CMB roll can be crushed by the
enemy, causing double damage.
Entropy: A target that is killed will be


CR +4.2 CR +4.3 CR +3.4

Pirate Speedster (776 XP) Pirate Killer (2,506 XP) Crimson Recon (795 XP)
Dragonfly Sawtooth Scythe

Hull 425 Speed 16 450 16

Hull Speed Hull 375 Speed 10
Power 300 Control 35 2000 40
Power Control Power 375 Control 35
Rooms: Rooms:
1. Cockpit
1. Cockpit 1. Cockpit
2. Chamber
2. Chamber 2. Chamber
3. Gun: Small Rail Gun - 5 power
Dam: 1d10*5 3. Gun: Medium Rail Gun - 10 power 3. Gun: Small Rail Gun - 5 power
Crit: *2 Dam: 1d12*5 Dam: 1d10*5
Range: 100 Crit: *3 Crit: *2
Range: 150 Range: 100
4. Chamber
4. Chamber 4. Targeting: 10 power/round
5. Gun: Small Rail Gun - 5 power
Dam: 1d10*5 5. Gun: Medium Rail Gun - 10 power 5. Gun: Small Rail Gun - 5 power
Crit: *2 Dam: 1d12*5 Dam: 1d10*5
Range: 100 Crit: *3 Crit: *2
Range: 150 Range: 100
6. Gun: Small Rail Gun - 5 power
Dam: 1d10*5 6. Kitchen 6. Gun: Medium Rail Gun - 10 power
Crit: *2 7. Gun: Pulse Cannon - 20 power Dam: 1d12*5
Range: 100 Dam: 1d8*5 Crit: *3
Crit: *2 Range: 150
7. Gun: Small Rail Gun - 5 power
Dam: 1d10*5 Range: 225 7. Engine
Crit: *2 8. Targeting: 10 power/round
Range: 100 9. Teleportation
8. Engine 10. Engine

CR +4.3 CR +3.3 CR +4.8
Crimson Bruiser (2,502 XP) Crimson Destroyer (906 XP) Syndicate Cloaker (1,867 XP)
Sawtooth Harbinger Eldritch

Hull 450 Speed 12 Hull 350 Speed 6 Hull 550 Speed 17

Power 2000 Control 40 Power 500 Control 50 Power 1250 Control 50

Rooms: Rooms: Rooms:

1. Cockpit 1. Cockpit 1. Cockpit
2. Chamber 2. Chamber 2. Chamber
3. Gun: Medium Rail Gun - 10 power 3. Gun: Small Rail Gun - 5 power 3. Gun: Medium Rail Gun - 10 power
Dam: 1d12*5 Dam: 1d10*5 Dam: 1d12*5
Crit: *3 Crit: *2 Crit: *3
Range: 150 Range: 100 Range: 150
4. Chamber 4. Chamber 4. Teleportation
5. Gun: Medium Rail Gun - 10 power 5. Gun: Small Rail Gun - 5 power 5. Gun: Medium Rail Gun - 10 power
Dam: 1d12*5 Dam: 1d10*5 Dam: 1d12*5
Crit: *3 Crit: *2 Crit: *3
Range: 150 Range: 100 Range: 150
6. Chamber 6. Chamber 6. Coolant
7. Gun: Medium Rail Gun - 10 power 7. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power 7. Gun: Missile Launcher - 5 power
Dam: 1d12*5 Dam: 2d8*5 Dam: 1d20*5 (5 shots)
Crit: *3 Crit: 19-20*3 Crit: *3
Range: 150 Range: 175 Range: 50
8. Kitchen 8. Teleportation 8. Stealth: 10 power/round
9. Gun: Pulse Cannon - 20 power 9. Engine 9. Gun: Missile Launcher - 5 power
Dam: 1d8*5 Dam: 1d20*5 (5 shots)
Crit: *2 Crit: *3
Range: 225 Range: 50
10. Teleportation 10. Engine
11. Shield Bay: 20 power/round
12. Engine

CR +5 CR +4.8 CR +6.3
Syndicate Gladiator (3,323 Sleeper Silence (1,867 XP) Sleeper Void Runner (4,174
XP) Silence XP)

Hull 500 Speed 13 Hull 550 Speed 17 Hull 750 Speed 14

Power 2750 Control 60 Power 1250 Control 50 Power 3350 Control 60

Rooms: Rooms: Rooms:

1. Cockpit 1. Cockpit 1. Cockpit
2. Chamber 2. Teleportation 2. Teleportation
3. Gun: Medium Rail Gun - 10 power 3. Gun: Pulse Cannon - 20 power 3. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power
Dam: 1d12*5 Dam: 1d8*5 Dam: 2d8*5
Crit: *3 Crit: *2 Crit: 19-20*3
Range: 150 Range: 225 Range: 175
4. Chamber 4. Targeting: 5 power/round 4. Targeting: 5 power/round
5. Gun: Medium Rail Gun - 10 power 5. Gun: Medium Rail Gun - 10 power 5. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power
Dam: 1d12*5 Dam: 1d12*5 Dam: 2d8*5
Crit: *3 Crit: *3 Crit: 19-20*3
Range: 150 Range: 150 Range: 175
6. Chamber 6. Gyro Chamber 6. Shield Bay: 10 power/round
7. Gun: Medium Rail Gun - 10 power 7. Gun: Fusion Repeater - 5 power 7. Gun: Pulse Cannon - 20 power
Dam: 1d12*5 Dam: 3d4*5 Dam: 1d8*5
Crit: *3 Crit: *2 Crit: *2
Range: 150 Range: 125 Range: 225
8. Chamber 8. Stealth: 25 power/round 8. Gyro Chamber
9. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power 9. Gun: Fusion Beam - 25 power 9. Gun: Fusion Beam - 25 power
Dam: 2d8*5 Dam: 1d100 Dam: 1d100
Crit: 19-20*3 Crit: 18-20*2 Crit: 18-20*2
Range: 175 Range: 375 Range: 375
10. Teleportation 10. Shield Bay - 10 power/round 10. Stealth: 25 power/round
11. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power 11. Coolant 11. Gun: Fusion Beam - 25 power
Dam: 2d8*5 12. Engine Dam: 1d100
Crit: 19-20*3 Crit: 18-20*2
Range: 175 Range: 375
12. Targeting: 5 power/round 12. Drone Bay
13. Shielf Bay: 10 power/round 13. Reactor
14. Coolant 14. Coolant
15. Engine 15. Engine

17. Gun: Missile Launcher - 5 power Range: 375
CR +13.3 Dam: 1d20*5 (5 shots) 36. Escape Pod
Crit: *3 37. Gun: Fusion Beam - 25 power
Syndicate Temple (2,691 XP) Range: 50 Dam: 1d100
RCA-V4 18. Chamber Crit: 18-20*2
19. Gun: Missile Launcher - 5 power Range: 375
Hull 950 Speed 6 Dam: 1d20*5 (5 shots) 38. Reactor
Crit: *3 39. Coolant
Power 1700 Control 35 Range: 50
40. Engine
20. Teleportation
21. Gun: Fusion Repeater - 5 power
1. Cockpit Dam: 3d4*5
2. Chamber Crit: *2
3. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power Range: 125
Dam: 2d8*5 22. War Room
Crit: 19-20*3 23. Gun: Fusion Repeater - 5 power
Range: 175 Dam: 3d4*5
4. Chamber Crit: *2
5. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power Range: 125
Dam: 2d8*5 24. Shield Bay: 10 power/round
Crit: 19-20*3 25. Gun: Fusion Repeater - 5 power
Range: 175 Dam: 3d4*5
6. Chamber Crit: *2
7. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power Range: 125
Dam: 2d8*5 26. Targeting: 5 power/round
Crit: 19-20*3 27. Gun: Fusion Repeater - 5 power
Range: 175 Dam: 3d4*5
8. Chamber Crit: *2
9. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power Range: 125
Dam: 2d8*5 28. AI System: 5 power/round
Crit: 19-20*3 29. Gun: Fusion Repeater - 5 power
Range: 175 Dam: 3d4*5
10. Chamber Crit: *2
11. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power Range: 125
Dam: 2d8*5 30. Reactor
Crit: 19-20*3 31. Gun: Fusion Repeater - 5 power
Range: 175 Dam: 3d4*5
12. Chamber Crit: *2
13. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power Range: 125
Dam: 2d8*5 32. Shield Bay: 10 power/round
Crit: 19-20*3 33. Gun: Pulse Cannon - 20 power
Range: 175 Dam: 1d8*5
14. Chamber Crit: *2
15. Gun: Missile Launcher - 5 power Range: 225
Dam: 1d20*5 (5 shots) 34. Escape Pod
Crit: *3 35. Gun: Fusion Beam - 25 power
Range: 50 Dam: 1d100
16. Chamber Crit: 18-20*2

17. Gun: Tracker: 3 power Range: 375
CR +15.3 Dam: N/A 36. AI System: 5 power/round
Crit: N/A 37. Gun: Fusion Beam - 25 power
Sleeper Dark Star (4,393 Range: 200 Dam: 1d100
XP) 18. Shield Bay: 10 power/round Crit: 18-20*2
Noctum 19. Gun: Fusion Repeater - 5 power Range: 375
1050 8 Dam: 3d4*5 38. AI System: 5 power/round
Hull Speed Crit: *2 39. Gun: Fusion Beam - 25 power
Power 3300 Control 35 Range: 125 Dam: 1d100
20. Targeting: 5 power/round Crit: 18-20*2
Rooms: 21. Gun: Fusion Repeater - 5 power Range: 375
1. Cockpit Dam: 3d4*5 40. Shield Bay: 10 power/round
2. Teleportation Crit: *2 41. Gun: Fusion Beam - 25 power
3. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power Range: 125 Dam: 1d100
Dam: 2d8*5 22. Gyro Chamber: 5 power/round Crit: 18-20*2
Crit: 19-20*3 23. Gun: Fusion Repeater - 5 power Range: 375
Range: 175 Dam: 3d4*5 42. Reactor
4. Stealth: 25 power/round Crit: *2 43. Reactor
5. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power Range: 125
44. Reactor
Dam: 2d8*5 24. Targeting: 5 power/round
45. Coolant
Crit: 19-20*3 25. Gun: Fusion Repeater - 5 power
Range: 175 46. Engine
Dam: 3d4*5
6. Shield Bay: 10 power/round Crit: *2
7. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power
Dam: 2d8*5
Range: 125
26. Shield Bay: 10 power/round
Enemy Index
Crit: 19-20*3 CR .5: Page 87
27. Gun: Fusion Repeater - 5 power
Range: 175 Dam: 3d4*5 Faulty Synth
8. Targeting: 5 power/round Crit: *2 CR 1: Page 87-88
9. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power Range: 125
Dam: 2d8*5 28. Teleportation Synth
Crit: 19-20*3 29. Gun: Fusion Repeater - 5 power Synth Merc
Range: 175 Dam: 3d4*5 Synth Guard
10. Gyro Chamber: 5 power/round Crit: *2 Holo Guard
11. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power Range: 125 CR 1.5: Page 88
Dam: 2d8*5 30. Targeting: 5 power/round
Protect Drone MK I
Crit: 19-20*3 31. Gun: Pulse Cannon - 20 power
Range: 175 Dam: 1d8*5 CR 2: Page 89-90
12. War Room Crit: *2 Crimson Company Merc
13. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power Range: 225 Synth Infantry
Dam: 2d8*5 32. AI System: 5 power/round Pirate Soldier
Crit: 19-20*3 33. Gun: Fusion Beam - 25 power
Range: 175 CR 2.5: Page 91-93
Dam: 1d100
14. Gyro Chamber: 5 power/round Crit: 18-20*2 Crimson Company Merc
15. Gun: Large Rail Gun - 20 power Range: 375 Lieutenant
Dam: 2d8*5 34. AI System: 5 power/round Pirate Lieutenant
Crit: 19-20*3 35. Gun: Fusion Beam - 25 power Syndicate Synth
Range: 175 Dam: 1d100 Synth Assault Unit
16. Targeting: 5 power/round Crit: 18-20*2 Synth Espionage Unit
CR 3: Page 94-95 Turret MK III CR 24: Page 121-122
Crimson Company Merc CR 10: Page 107-108 Kirgling Emperor
Juggernaught Titan MK II Elder One
Pirate Captain Crimson Company Titan CR 25: Page 122-123
Syndicate Guard
CR 11: Page 108-109 Rock Fish
Shell Synth Sentry CR 26: Page 123-124
CR 3.5: Page 95-98 CR 12: Page 109-110 Mutant
Abomination Kirgling Fighter CR 27: Page 124
Asteroid Syndicate Titan Elder Guide
Huge Asteroid CR 13: Page 110-112 CR 28: Page 125
Gargantuan Asteroid
Void Demon Elder Horror
Sleeper Protector
Titan MK III
Synth Captain CR 29: Page 125-126
CR 14: Page 112-113
CR 4: Page 98-101 Mutant Master
Anglurk Heavy
Syndicate Assassin CR 30: Page 126
Pig Fighter
Syndicate Biotic
CR 15: Page 114-115 Sleeper God
Syndicate Soldier
Syndicate Assault Void Heretic CR 32.5: Page 129
Sleeper Pirate King Void Dragon
Protect Drone MK II Crimson Company Sentry CR 35: Page 130
Crimson Company Merc
CR 16: Page 115-116 The Elder Father
Heavy Pig
CR 4.5: Page 101-102 Experiment X Ships
Brute CR 17: Page 116-117 Pirate Speedster: Page 132
Turret MK I Pirate Killer: Page 132
Sleeper Sentry
Crimson Recon: Page 132
CR 5: Page 102-104
CR 18: Page 117-118 Crimson Bruiser: Page 133
Sleeper Void Walker Crimson Destroyer: Page 133
Void Devil
Sleeper Guardian Syndicate Cloaker: Page 133
Sleeper General
Syndicate Lieutenant Syndicate Gladiator: Page 134
Sleeper Turret CR 19: Page 118-119
Sleeper Silence: Page 134
CR 6: Page 104-105 Syndicate Zealot Sleeper Voidrunner: Page 134
Tainted Effigy Syndicate Temple: Page 135
Syndicate Captain
Sleeper Crusher CR 20: Page 119-120 Sleeper Dark Star: Page 136
Titan MK I Sleeper Titan
CR 7: Page 105-106 CR 21: Page 120
Turret MK II Crimson Company Warlord
Protect Drone MK III CR 22: Page 120-121
Mind Pig
Syndicate General
CR 8: Page 106-107
CR 23: Page 121
Sleeper Commander
Sleeper Lord
CR 9: Page 107

Character Name Class

Player Name Sub

Ability Ability Temp Temp
Score Mod. Adust Mod. Race Age Sex Vision
Speed Alignment
CON Apperance Religion
INT BAB Enhancements
Recharge Shields

Fortitude = + + + HP
Total Str. Mod Con. Mod Misc. Mod Temp. Mod
Armor Condition DR
Reflex = + + + Languages
Total Dex. Mod Int. Mod Misc. Mod Temp. Mod

Will = + + +
Total Wis. Mod Cha. Mod Misc. Mod Temp. Mod

CMB = + + AC = 10 + + + + +
Total Reflex Str. Mod Misc. Mod Total Armor Dex. Mod Natural Size Mod Misc. Mod

CMD = 10 + + + Flatfooted Touch

Total Reflex Str. Mod Misc. Mod 10 + Armor 10 + Dex. Mod

Ability Misc.
Condition Ammo Weapon Skills Total Rank
Damage Mod. Mod.
& Damage
Acrobatics = Dex + +
Athletics = Str + +
Upgrades Critical + +
Misc. Bluff = Cha
Modifiers Charm = Cha + +
Computer = Int + +
Ammo. Clip Range
Control* = Dex + +
Craft* = Wis + +
Condition Ammo Weapon Craft* = Wis + +
& Damage Craft* = Wis + +
Type Diplomacy = Cha + +
Upgrades Critical Disguise* = Cha + +
Misc. + +
History* = Int
History* = Int + +
Ammo. Clip Range History* = Int + +
Insight = Wis + +
= + +
Condition Ammo Weapon Intimidate Cha
Damage Knowledge* = Int + +
& Damage
Type Knowledge* = Int + +
Knowledge* = Int + +
Upgrades Critical
Misc. Medic* = Int + +
Modifiers Perception = Wis + +
Ammo. Clip Range Perform* = Cha + +
Perform* = Cha + +
Perform* = Cha + +
Craft Repair* = Int + +
History Search = Wis + +
Knowledge Stealth = Dex + +
Perform Survival* = Int + +
AC DR Power
Max Dex Penalty
Max Condition Slots

Gear Amount Weight

Ability Recharge Score

Powers & Abilities



Credits Total Weight
Isotope Light Load
Gas Medium Load
Hardened Alloy
Heavy Load

The Core Rulebook is the essential guide to run Primus Star. It contains the rules
for character creation and advancement as a player as well as running the game
and creating encounters as a Game Master.

Use this book to run the game and to craft new characters and worlds to explore.
Primus Star immerses you in a sci-fi world of your design. Explore derelict space
stations and hostile compounds. Fight against organizations and criminal warlords
while seeking fame and fortune. Gain experience as you travel through space with
your crew.

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